Police Advisory Commission Agenda 10-19-2011AGENDA MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, October 19, 2011 7 p.m. Academy Room Monticello Community Center Call to Order. 2. Approval of minutes of July 20, 2011 Police Advisory Commission meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Wright County Sheriff's Office updates / Q &A session. 5. Consideration of adopting a Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission. 6. Consideration of reappointing Police Advisory Commission members with expiring terms. 7. Update on speed trailer decal commemorating Dick Slais. Update on 2012 Law Enforcement budget. Discussion of added items. 10. Schedule next meeting (proposed for Wednesday, January 18, 2012 @ 7 PM). 11. Adjourn. V/Q MINUTES MONTICELLO POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION ! Wednesday, July 20, 2011- 7 p.m., Academy Room Members Present: Brad Fyle, Jason Roubinek, Charles Fradella, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: Leila McCarty Ex- Officio Representatives: Bruce Westby, City Engineer Sheriff Joe Hagerty, Wright County Sheriff's Office Captain Dan Anselment, Wright County Sheriff's Office Sergeant Dave Anderson, Wright County Sheriff's Office Others Present: None 1) 2) 3) Call to Order Brad Fyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Approval of minutes of April 20, 2011 regular Police Advisory Commission meeting BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE APRIL 20, 2011 REGULAR POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY JASON ROUBINEK. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Consideration of adding items to the agenda a) Active shooter scenario 4) Wright County Sheriff's Office updates/ O &A session Representatives from the Wright County Sheriffs Office updated the Commission on recent crime statistics, trends and other law enforcement issues affecting the City, and responded to questions and /or concerns. There has been a 4% decrease in amount of incidents countywide over the past four years. There have been more calls for service and less overall crime in 2011. There have been many calls recently dealing with theft from unlocked vehicles. These incidents have been scattered throughout the city and are also occurring throughout the county. Items typically stolen include electronic devices and cash. Sergeant Anderson is working with City staff to provide articles on the City's web site and Newsletter warning people of such thefts. Pizza Ranch had 18 tires slashed on the delivery vehicles in their lot after hours. 5) Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 7/20/11 Deputies are stepping up patrols enforcing curfew and are asking for residents help in preventing and reporting crimes. Mediation service has also been extremely busy throughout the county as Sheriff's Deputies work to assist with neighborhood disputes. There are no significant speeding issues to report at this time. There are expected to be potential traffic issues related to road construction. In Fiscal Year 2011, the City had budgeted $1,119 „$ fir law enforcement services provided by Wright County Sheriff s Office, wbig based on 18,980 hours, or 52 hours per day, at a rate of $59.00 per hour. The „v,'=` en eq tract for law enforcement service ends December 31, 2011. The draft 2012/2013 Law Enforeement;Contract proposes a biAget, of $1,134,055 in 2012, and $1,148,290 in 2013. The dram FQntract proposes retaimiag e 52 hours per day and increasing the rate by seventy- fivc,cents per year. The WriXCounty Board established the proposed hourly rates of $59.75 £or 201.2 and $60.50 for'013. The increase in proposed hourly s, is,half that of the 1 i fbrease approved in 2010 -2011. Sheriff Hagerty noted that the 90.75 cost, the cost of gasoline for the fleet, which is by gas logs. Otl boats lgo to pay 1 'adn prosecution ,W d ,O,# ef el allowed them to ++lower thefnr'ates. This "W'. was also noted Sheriff's OfFiG hate for 2012 Eie of contract BRIAN HOURS FOR CHARLES FI residents their er year is primarily needed to offset laringly as possible as documented staff, of#lce supplies and lo(ankicipated in 2012 which on union negotiations though. It less than $96 per resident per year for law asic service, which is one of the lowest number of contract hours will be cities in Wright County are not reducing their i TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY COUNCIL VT LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICE CONTRACT T 52 HOURS PER DAY. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 6) Continuation of consideration of commemorating Dick Slais The Commission had, in the months since Dick Slais passed, considered various options for honoring him for his ten years of service to the City as a member of the Police Advisory Commission. After much discussion, it was decided most appropriate to affix a commemorative decal on the speed trailer that Dick had promoted using throughout the community. Captain Dan Anselment noted that Dick's family supports this option. 7) Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 7/20/11 CHARLES FRADELLA MOVED TO COMMEMORATE DICK SLAIS BY AFFIXING A DECAL WITH HIS NAME AND DATES OF SERVICE TO THE POLICE ADVISORY COMMISSION ON THE CITY'S SPEED TRAILER. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY BRAD FYLE. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Consideration of changing the name of the Police Advisory Commission There was general agreement that it would be appropriate to change the name of the Police Advisory Commission as the City does not have an actual Police force but rather contracts for law enforcement services through the Wdg t County Sheriff's Office. Changing the name of the Commission would require hat the ordinance which established the Police Advisory Commission by f'vt'se}Flapd re- adopted by the City Council. It would likely cost between $200,,,and V00 to ptillish notice of the revised ordinance in the newspaper. t The Commissioners agreed to take no further action on this item'i Gl is time due to the cost of making a change to the ordinance 8) Update on Police Adviso Leila McCarty had been f Police Advisory Commiss recommended t}ldt tli Sit BRIAN STOW', „F MOVE STATEMENT FOR THE MEEK jN.. MOTION W � � i 9) 6,cussion of adtlttA item t� a) A4,Qyp shooter scelldt; An activdshooter soei t of a mission statement for the to Attend this meeting it is being j, „at the next meeting in October. .'(jPMENT OF A MISSION 7 COMMISSION UNTIL THE NEXT JASON ROUBINEK. MOTION will be conducted on October 8th at the Monticello Middle School Tho"'purposiffif this simulation is to provide an opportunity for various emergency p6r,40 101,to practice community response to this type of an incident. Participants include the Wright County Sheriff's Office, the Fire Department, Allina from Buffalo, Gold Cross from St. Cloud, New River Medical Center and additional scene security. 10) Schedule next meeting The next regular Police Advisory Commission meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, October 19, 2011 @ 7 PM. The meeting will be held at the Fire Hall and will include a Police Advisory Commission Minutes: 7/20/11 tour of the Fire Hall and a viewing of the Wright County Sheriffs Office command post vehicle. 11) Adjournment CHARLES FRADELLA MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:45 P.M. MOTION WAS SECONDED BY JASON ROUBINEK. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. Recorder: Kerry T. Burri _ Approved: October 19, 2011 Attest: Bruce Westby, City Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10/19/11 4. Wright County Sheriff's Office updates / Q &A session. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff's Office will update the Police Advisory Commission on recent crime statistics, trends and other law enforcement issues affecting the City of Monticello, and will respond to questions and/or concerns from the Police Advisory Commission and others in attendance. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10/19/11 5. Consideration of adopting a Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As has been discussed previously, Mission Statements are beneficial in helping others understand the purpose, goals, values or missions of companies, departments, groups, or in our case, the Monticello Police Advisory Commission, Mission Statements also provide an insight as to how groups plan on achieving their goals. On October 20, 2010, Leila McCarty led the Police Advisory Commission through the first 4 steps of a 5 step process for developing a Mission Statement. The first four steps included: • Step 1: Identifying Our Customers • Step 2: Identifying Shared Purpose and Values • Step 3: Ranking by Consensus • Step 4: Purpose /Values into Action Statements (Partner Exercise) On January 19, 2011, Leila McCarty attempted to lead the group through step 5, which involves refining the draft Mission Statements into a final Mission Statement. However, with Brian Stumpf being absent the group was hesitant to adopt a Mission Statement so it was decided to complete step 5 and adopt the Mission Statement at the April 201h meeting when all of the Commissioners would hopefully be present. On April 20, 2011, Jason Roubinek was not able to attend so it was again decided to table this item until the July 20t1i meeting of the Police Advisory Commission so all members would have a chance for input before adopting the Mission Statement. On July 201h Leila McCarty was not able to attend so based on previous decisions by the Commission it was again decided to table the item until the October 19t1i meeting. The following is a summary of the steps and actions previously completed by the Police Advisory Commission in developing a Mission Statement. Step 1: Identifying Our Customers The Commission listed residents, business owners (and their customers), employees, citizens, commuters, travelers, visitors, family and friends, pets, the City Council, and law enforcement representatives as customers. Step 2: Identifying Shared Purpose and Values The Commission identified six shared purposes and seven shared values as noted below. These were determined in a brainstorming session and ranked in the next step. Shared Purpose: 1. Impact quality of life 2. Offer guidance to City Council 3. Liaison between public, law enforcement & City Council 4. Educate City Council on law enforcement issues 5. Guide /advise law enforcement as to what community needs 6. Go between public and law enforcement & City Council Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10/19/11 Values: 1. Integrity 2. Respect 3. Honesty 4. Objectivity 5. Professionalism 6. Impartial 7. Contribute to safe community /families The Commission also used terms such as family focus, fair, accountable, and dedicated to describe shared values. Step 3: Ranking by Consensus There was a great deal of discussion about customers among the Commission members. The rankings changed as the discussion progressed and new ideas were presented. The final rankings are as noted in Step 2. Step 4: Purpose/Values into Action Statements (Partner Exercise) During this step, the Commission partnered into teams of two to develop action statements. Roubinek/Anderson: Objectively impacting quality of life of the Monticello community by working as a liaison between the City Council, law enforcement and the community. Stumpf /Fyle: Strive to provide our community with impartial to ensure a good quality of life. Fradella /Anselment: The purpose of the Police Advisory Commission is to impact the quality of life by fairly and objectively offering guidance to law enforcement and the community. Each of the Commission members was then asked to refine the three action statements above into one draft mission statement, and to bring that statement back to the group for review and discussion. If all of the voting members are in attendance tonight, Commissioner McCarty will be asked to lead the group through step 5, which will be to refine the draft Mission Statements into one final Mission Statement which will then be adopted. However, if one of more of the voting members is absent tonight the voting members in attendance will be asked to decide whether to table this itein until the next meeting when all the voting members will hopefully be able to attend, or simply complete the Mission Statement and adopt it without all voting members being present. As such, everyone is requested to bring their draft mission statement to tonight's meeting. If the Cornnission adopts a Mission Statement tonight it will be published on the Police Advisory Commission web page, similar to what several other Commissions and Committees have previously done. Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10 /19 /11 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt the following Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission: 2. Motion to table adoption of a Mission Statement for the Police Advisory Commission until the next meeting. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10/19/11 6. Consideration of reappointing Police Advisory Commission members with expiring terms. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council will be considering the ratification of all Commission and Committee appointees during their first regular City Council meeting in 2012. As such, all Commission and Committee members with terms expiring in 2011 are asked to make their intentions known before then as to whether they would like to be reappointed for another tenn, or whether they intend to resign their position at the end of their term. In the event they plan on resigning, City staff will begin the process of soliciting new candidates to fill all vacated seats. The current term of Chuck Fradella expires on December 31, 2011. Commissioner Fradella is therefore asked to snake his intention known as to whether he would like to be reappointed to another 3 -year term, or whether he wishes to resign his position on the Police Advisory Commission. Based on Commissioner Fradella's response, the Police Advisory Commission should recommend to the City Council whether the Council should reappoint Commissioner Fradella to a 3 -year term, which is covered under motion #1 below, or accept his resignation per motion #2. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to City Council recommending the reappointment of Commissioner Chuck Fradella to the Monticello Police Advisory Commission, with a new term expiration date of December 31, 2014. 2. Motion to City Council recommending the acceptance of the resignation of Commissioner Chuck Fradella, effective January 1, 2012. C. SUPPORTING DATA: None Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10/19/11 Update on speed trailer decal commemorating Dick Slais. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On July 20, 2011, the Police Advisory Commission unanimously approved the purchase of a decal with Dick Slais' name and years of service to the Police Advisory Commission on it, which would then be affixed to the City's speed trailer since Dick was so passionate about purchasing and utilizing the speed trailer to raise public awareness of speeding. Captain Dan Anselment subsequently had the decal printed, and the decal was then affixed to the speed trailer several weeks ago. A picture of the speed trailer with the decal in place will be shared with the group at the meeting. B. SUPPORTING DATA: ROMS, Police Advisory Commission Agenda: 10/19/11 8. Update on 2012 Law Enforcement budget. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On September 12d' the City Council approved a preliminary property tax levy for 2012 in the amount of $7,850,000 which represents a 2.25% increase over the 2011 levy. Due to various operating expense increases and continued reductions in state program funding, the City will actually need to cut our budget. However, this will not affect the law enforcement services budget for 2012 as the 2012/2013 Law Enforcement Contract with the Wright County Sheriff s Office was adopted by the City Council on July 25t1i, thereby committing the City to a budget of $1,137,162 for law enforcement services in 2012. B. SUPPORTING DATA: None