IEDC Minutes 12-06-2016MINUTES INDUSTRY AL & IECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ( IEEDC) Tuesday, December 6th 2016 — 7:00 a.m. Boom Island Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Steve Johnson, Joni Pawelk, Wayne Elam, Dick Van Allen, Jim Johnson, Darek Vetsch, Don Tomann, Mari Lou McCormic, Andrew Tapper, Pete Gardner Absent: Luke Dahlheimer, 011ie Koropchak - White, Don Roberts, Jason Kisner Liaisons: Brian Stumpf, Jeff O'Neill, Angela Schumann, Jim Thares, Jacob Thunander, Marcy Anderson, Dave Tombers 1. Call to Order Steve Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Approve Minutes: a. November 1, 2016 DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 1, 2016 IEDC MEETING. PETE GARDNER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 10, 0. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda None. 4. Consideration of a report — update regarding possible housing studv status Jim Thares said the EDA would consider at its December 14th meeting the possibility of conducting a housing study. The housing study would include information about rental and senior housing needs. Thares stated there may be grant money to help fund the project. Joni Pawelk asked what the timeline of the project would be. Thares stated the project would be finished within 90 to 120 days. 5. Consideration of a report - Amending Bylaws to allow electronic vote casting (to be provided at meeting) Steve Johnson stated the IEDC bylaws does not allow the board to participate in electronic voting for short meetings such as the Industry of the Year event. Brian Stumpf asked how much staff time would be required and if other City boards would also need to amend their bylaws. Jeff O'Neill mentioned familiarity with communities conducting meetings through telepresence communications, but not for official business. The IEDC tabled action for staff to complete more research Brian Stumpf asked the need of having both a City Council member and the Mayor present at all IEDC meetings. Joni Pawelk requested that the mayor be present at the IEDC meetings and in his absence a city council representative would attend. JONI PAWELK MOVED TO AMEND SECTION IV OF THE MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE (IEDC) ORGANIZATION AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES PER DISCUSSION. MOTION SECONDED BY PETE GARDNER. MOTION CARRIED 10, 0. Jeff O'Neill stated that Council member Lloyd Hilgart was not required to be at the meetings, but an amendment was appropriate. 6. Consideration of a report - Adopting 2017 Goals /Action Statement Worksheet (to be provided at meeting) Steve Johnson stated the Action Statement Worksheet was an informational document and would be adopted at the January, 2017 IEDC meeting. Johnson recommended the IEDC to review the document and bring forward any changes or additions at the next meeting. 7. Reports: (Verbal Reports) a. Economic Development Deport Jim Thares provided the Economic Development Report to the IEDC and gave the following updates: • Mills Fleet Farm continues to make progress on their facilities. The perimeter walls are completed around the retail store and are almost completed for the gas station. Structural steel is arriving this week and will be installed. • Monticello High School continues construction for athletic improvements. The stadium has the columns in place and concrete has been poured for the bleachers. The concessions and team building has their footing and foundation in place. • Eastview Family Center footings are completed. • Sherburne State Bank has the exterior wall frames established. The curb and gutter is set and the first layer of black top has been poured. • Walmart is 50 percent completed with their training center renovations. • Target is completing renovations to the Starbucks coffee shop. • IRET will open their last remaining wing in January, 2017. • Ecijz/Vgping Store will be opening up in the Krutzig strip mall along Highway 25. • Residential housing development continues in the City. • The EDA will be considering the sale of property for 349 West Broadway to April Studer. A public hearing is scheduled for December 14'. Studer currently owns a chiropractic business in the City and would be relocating to this site and completing renovations. Soil borings as a part of the Limited Site Investigation (LSI) for Block 34 began. Thares mentioned that there are a couple industrial development prospects. The City is still in the running for the location of a large, 700 employee industrial business. Monticello is one of thirty possible locations. He also said a DEED led, precision machining firm is looking to locate in an existing 50,000 square foot building. Thares said there were no buildings that large to accommodate this business in Monticello, but provided different options. Thares has continued to work with Groebner, Inc. on selecting a relocation site within the City. Thares also presented a PowerPoint showing the progress of the Dahlheimer expansion project and the residential development at 413 West 0' Street. b. Planning Commission Agenda — Report Jim Thares stated the Planning Commission was meeting at 6 P.M. The agenda consisted of three public hearings: 1) Daniel and Christine Stevens Variance 2) Moon Motorsports Expansion 3) B -3/B -4 Zoning Amendment c. City Council Brian Stumpf provided an update regarding the City Council. Highway 25 and 7' Street bids has been postponed to Thursday. St. Henry's Catholic Church will be meeting with the City to finalize an agreement. This agreement will be subject to the approval of the City Council. Stumpf also added that a portion of the bridge would be eligible for federal funding. d. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Marcy Anderson provided an update regarding the Monticello Chamber of Commerce and Industry. She mentioned that the annual banquet was successful and had 180 people present. Ausco Design & Marketing was awarded the Business of the Year and Mari Lou McCormick was recognized as Ambassador of the Year. Anderson reminded the IEDC that the Bowlerama event is postponed until February. 8. Consideration of an update regarding 2016 City Construction Proiects (Verbal Report) Jim Thares stated all street projects for 2016 are completed. The Highway 25 and 7 "' Street project will be occurring next spring. Jeff O'Neill also added an open house is scheduled for the possible 950' Street expansion. 9. Other — Consideration of Downtown Small Area Study Process /Update Jim Thares stated the EDA held a special meeting on November 2901 to interview consulting firms that submitted proposals for the Small Area Study of the downtown. The EDA would be selected the finalist during a special meeting on December 10 Joni Pawelk asked if public input would be solicited. Thares confirmed there would be multiple opportunities to provide input such as pop -up events, surveys, and focus groups. 10. Adiournment DAREK VETSCH MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 7:55 P.M. ANDREW TAPPER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED, 10 -0. Recorder: Jacob Thunanderp Approved: January 3, 2016 Attest: Jim hares, Economic Development Director