BCOL Advisory Council Agenda Packet 02-04-2011Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting BERTRAM C H A I N O F Friday, February 4th 2011 LAKES 3' ry REGIONAL PARK 8:00 AM 1) Approval of January Minutes 2) Consideration of adding items to and approving agenda 3) MYSA Update and Next Steps (JO) 4) Planning & Negotiations with YMCA (MM /GS /Others) a. Day Camp Operations: Type of activities fit mission of park & public use b. Review Appraisal c. Concepts for use agreement if Parcel #7 is successfully purchased in 2011 5) Funding & Grants (MM) a. Treasurer's Report b. Grant Process Update c. Public Hearing Schedule 6) Family Fun Day Planning Update (KB) 7) Developing Work Plan for 2011 (AS) 8) Adjourn