BCOL Advisory Council Minutes 08-01-2014MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, August 1, 2014 8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Council Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Jim Hayes, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Pat Sawatzke, Sandra Theros, Lyle Trunnell Advisory Council Members Absent: Mark Daleiden, Clint Herbst, Scott Peterson, Glen Posusta Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Jeff O'Neill, Marc Mattice, Stacy Marquardt, Angela Schumann Others Present: Tim Hennagir, Monticello Times, Michelle Hertwig, Monticello Rotary 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:05 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from June 6, 2014 meeting. WES OLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON JUNE 6, 2014. MOTION SECONDED BY JIM LINDBERG. MOTION CARFRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. A. YMCA Caretaker Request. SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA WITH THE ADDITIONAL ITEM AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 9 -0. 4. Review /Updates to the Athletic Field Complex Planning (Angela). Angela Schumann noted that as the City /County have continued to acquire land and are moving towards a majority share of ownership of the park it will now be import to start thinking about planning and capital improvements at the park. The City /County now owns the 40.17 acres for the future athletic complex. Angela noted that it has been eight years since the original athletic complex design was planned and after many internal discussions, it is apparent that it will be necessary to reaffirm the needs for those facilities and re- engage the Athletic Subcommittee to make sure that this plan is still accurate. Angela said that Graham did a great job on the preliminary plan and worked well with the subcommittee; however, before the City moves forward into a huge design it is important that we utilize the expertise that is out there and put it together in a way that is best for the community. Once we have that in place we will move into BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: Aug 1, 2014 the feasibility study and determine where the municipal utilities might come in in the future. Lastly, the financial feasibility will need to be determined and what makes sense from a capital improvement standpoint. A City Council workshop is being planned to present two ideas; one to do an RFQ where consultants are requested and they'll provide references and prove their qualifications. The second idea is to use the City in -house engineer (WSB) as their portfolio is very impressive. Angela said that to comply with the grant the area needs minimal improvements with a public access within three years. Jeff O'Neill said that the City may have to look into alternative financing methods to complete the plan. 5. Monticello Rotary - Natural Playground Discussions (Kitty/Marc). Kitty Baltos said that the president of the Monticello Rotary approached her about the Rotary implementing a natural playground at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park to replace the old play structure that is being taken out at the beach. The Friends of Bertram voted unanimously at their board meeting on June 18, 2014, to assist financially with the project and assigned a subcommittee to the project. The natural playground idea came to Kitty when she was on the rotary tour in Australia. The Rotary 60th Anniversary this year and they started talking about projects and Kitty mentioned Bertram. They have met with Marc Mattice and Tom Pawelk and want to get some costs so that they can bring to the board for approval and get started on grants. Research has shown that natural play contributes to the overall physical, cognitive, and emotional development of children, helps them score higher on tests for concentration and self - discipline, helps them experience more diverse place, advanced motor fitness, and become healthier. Natural playgrounds offer financial benefits, as well. They are less expensive than equipment and aren't replaced when safety regulations change. Natural playgrounds are a part of the greening movement that reduces costly environmental impacts while improving wildlife habitats and beautifying surroundings, and because they use indigenous plants and local materials, they have a very low carbon footprint! The concept includes utilizing the natural terrain, trees, plants and rocks to incorporate into play structures. The playground still needs to be ADA accessible and Tom and Marc will be working on that. Jim Lindberg said that he is looking into the history for possible names for the play area. Jim said he has a friend who is an artist so he is in discussions with him on creating a wood carving of a gnome at the playground and incorporating George Bertram's face into the gnome. The goal is to try and get the natural playground in place by next summer. 6. Outdoor Recreation Grant Update (Angela). Angela Schumann said that in June the acquisition of the 40.17 acres closed. This is for the portion of the City Athletic Complex. Angela said that the Outdoor Recreation Fund offers $350,000 to grant statewide with a maximum grant award of $100,000 each. The City submitted two applications, one was for 10.62 acres which was the strip north of the 40.17 acres and the other was for 20 acres of the complex. The grant was approved for the 10.62 acres for the maximum amount of $100,000. The match for the grant is 50150. Angela said the City is hoping 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: Aug 1, 2014 to partner with the County to do Phase 7 and Phase 8 together. The value of the land is $250,500 based on the 2011 appraisal, so the total match funds for the acquisition is approximately $82,750 /each for the City and County. Angela noted that the City Council has voted to approve the match and they are now awaiting approval from the Wright County Board for their match approval. 7. Legacy Grant Submittal for 2015 (Marc) Marc Mattice said that he is looking for approval to prepare and submit applications for Legacy Grant Funding for Phase 9 which is the remaining portion of Parcel 4 of the park. Grant applications are due at the end of September. Marc said there is $3M available for all of greater MN this funding year. Marc is planning to submit two applications, one for $1M and another for $2M and will propose a 10% match. Marc noted that the Greater MN Parks & Trails Commission will take over granting projects next year. WES OLSON MOVED TO AUTHORIZE MARC MATTICE TO PREPARE AND SUBMIT APPLICATIONS FOR LEGACY GRANT FUNDING FOR PHASE 9 OF THE BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES LAND REGIONAL PARK LAND ACQUISITION. MOTION SECONDED BY TOM JAHNKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 8 -0. 8. Friends update (Marten and Jim L.) As stated previously, the Friends have developed a subcommittee for the planning process for the natural playground in coordination with the Monticello Rotary and the Wright County and Monticello Parks Departments. At the last Friends of Bertram board meeting on June 18, 2014, the Friends voted to authorize a First Annual Friends of Bertram Photo Contest. The contest will be open for entries from August 1St through September 30th. Entries must be submitted online through the link provided on the Friends of Bertram website. Cash prizes will be given for 1St through 3rd place in each of the five categories, with one overall best in show winner also receiving a cash prize. All contest rules, release forms and entry forms can be found on the website, www.friendsofbertramlakes.org. The Friends will also be volunteering at the Blazin' thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run on September 13th. The run starts at 9 a.m., and participants will enter from the YMCA Camp Manitou entrance on Briarwood Avenue; this is a change from last year. The next board meeting is scheduled for October 17, 2014. Jim Lindberg noted that with the park acquisition nearing completion, it will be important to determine the roles for the groups involved with Bertram as there are four groups; the City, the County, the BCOL Advisory Council and the Friends of Bertram. Jim said he wants to get a clearer picture of what the role of the Friends group should now be and what is the responsibility as far as doing things, contributing, 3 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: Aug 1, 2014 promoting, coming up with ideas, etc. They will continue to research other Friends groups and how they work. 9. Programming Update (Kitty) /Marc) Kitty Baltos said that they have been very successful with events at the park this summer. The stand -up paddle boarding classes have been a hit and all classes are full through the end of the summer. Clear Waters Outfitting is providing the instruction, boards, paddles and life jackets. They added yoga stand -up paddle boarding and so far all the classes have filled. MinnAqua program from the DNR offered a fishing clinic in July which was very successful and the kids caught a lot of fish. The August clinic was canceled due to low turnout; however, next summer Kitty said they are going to look at offering the program on a weekday evening to generate greater participation. For the fall they will be gearing up for the Blazin' thru Bertram Phillip LaVallee Memorial Run which will take place on September 13th at 9 a.m. A change from last year is that they will be entering the park at the YMCA Camp Manitou entrance off of Briarwood Avenue as there is more parking available and the parking was an issue last year at the south trailhead. Kitty said she is finalizing the sponsors and they have many returning sponsors from last year. Dave Wik is designing the trail run and walk courses. Runners will receive free logo t- shirts. Last year there were 252 runners and they are hoping to do just as well or better this year. Discussed moving the date but decided to keep it in the fall when tics and the flies are less of a problem so it's more comfortable for runners. Kitty said she is still looking for volunteers for the event. Kitty said they are always looking for new programming ideas at the park and one of the ideas being discussed is hosting a triathlon. They are also considering a lake swimming seminar taught by one of the MCC life guards. Kitty said that she welcomes any ideas anyone may have. Marc Mattice said that the Minnesota Orienteering Club (MNOC) put on an Adventure Race on July 12th. The race started at Lake Maria State Park and the course continued by bicycle to the Bertram Lakes Singletrack and then completed back at Lake Maria. Marc said the event brought in over 100 people statewide and was promoted on the State Parks activities page. 10. YMCA Grading Plan Review Comments (Marc). Marc Mattice said that Soil & Water, Planning & Zoning and Marc sat down with the YMCA to review their grading plan and they have completed all their surveys. The YMCA has addressed all concerns at the staff level are meeting with grading contractors so will be starting soon. M BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: Aug 1, 2014 11. Park Access Road and Beach Grading (Marc). Marc Mattice said that the Wright County Parks Department will be working with the Highway Department this fall to put in the access road and parking on the north end of the park. Last Friday they started doing cross sectioning at the beach, and they have the center line staked on the road. They are hoping to start the grading in October. Marc said that he and Tom Jahnke will be doing hazard tree assessments on the beach as well. 12. Electrical Assessment Needs (Wes /Tom /Marc) Wes Olson and Marc Mattice will be meeting with Wright Hennepin Electric to discuss the electrical needs for the park and plan for the electrical service for the entire park. Marc invited the YMCA to the meeting to give some input on the service they think they will need. They will take into consideration the needs at the future Athletic Complex to make sure they have it all in place so they don't have to dig up the infrastructure in the future. 13. Discussion of added items A. YMCA Caretaker: Marc Mattice said that two of the YMCA Wranglers live in the house at the park over the winter. They have requested to keep their horses at the horse barn over the winter. Marc said that if approved, one requirement should include each of them having liability insurance on their horses in case of an accident or if the horses get out on the road, etc. The consensus of the Council is to make it clear that they cannot ride their horses on the trails or throughout the park after camp is closed at the end of the summer. Their horses should remain at the barn and in the pasture on the southeast side of the park, with riding in the outdoor arena or in that pasture only. WES OLSON MOVED TO ALLOW THE WRANGLERS TO KEEP THEIR HORSES AT THE PARK IN THE HORSE BARN AND SOUTHEAST PASTURE OVER THE WINTER PROVIDED THE WRANGLERS PROVIDE A LIABILITY INSURANCE CERTIFICATE TO THE COUNTY AND THAT THE COUNTY ATTORNEY CONFIRMS THAT THE CITY AND COUNTY ARE NOT LIABLE FOR THE HORSES. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 5 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: Aug 1, 2014 1.4. Cancel September Meeting of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Advisory Council, and set next meeting date for October 3, 2014. Marc Mattice asked to cancel the September meeting due to a scheduling conflict. SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO CANCEL THE SEPTEMBER BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING AND APPROVE THE NEXT REGULAR MEETING ON OCTOBER 3, 2014. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 8 -0. 15. Adjourn Meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m Recorder: teeth &raw Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Attest: October 3, 2014 no