BCOL Advisory Council Agenda Packet 06-05-2015BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL AGENDA: March 6, 2015 BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK �h ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA BERTRAM C H A I N 0 � FRIDAY, JUNE 5, 2015 C H A N LAKES 8:00 A.M. REGIONAL PARK NORTH ENTERANCE OF BERTRAM PARK 9842 Briarwood Ave. NE, Monticello 1. Call to Order 2. Consideration of Approving Minutes From May 1, 2015 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda 4. Tree Replacement /Restitution YMCA (Marc) 5. Review Request For Special Use (Marc) 6. Athletic Field RFP (Angela) 7. Water Control Structure on First Lake (Marc) 8. Friends of Bertram Update (Jim and Martyn) 9. Discussion of Added Items 10. Walking Tour For Members 11. Schedule Next Meeting — August 7, 2015 and take action to cancel July 3, 2015. 12. Adjourn MINUTES BERTRAM CHAIN OF LAKES REGIONAL PARK ADVISORY COUNCIL Friday, May 1, 8:00 a.m. Bridge Room, Monticello Community Center Advisory Council Members Present: Martyn Dibben, Kim Hewson - Garber, Tom Jahnke, Jim Lindberg, Larry Nolan, Wes Olson, Pat Sawatzke, Glen Posusta, Brian Sumpf, Sandra Theros Members Absent: Mark Daleiden, Jim Hayes, Scott Peterson Staff Present: Kitty Baltos, Beth Green, Stacey Marquardt, Jeff O'Neill, Tom Pawelk, Angela Schumann 1. Call to Order. Martyn Dibben called the meeting to order at 8:03 a.m. and declared a quorum present. 2. Consideration of approving minutes from April 10, 2015 meeting. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BCOL ADVISORY COUNCIL MEETING ON APRIL 10, 2015. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 3. Consideration of adding to and approving the agenda. LARRY NOLAN MOVED TO APPROVE THE AGENDA AS WRITTEN. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 4. Tree Replacement Discussion with Subcontractor. Angela Schumann said that Marc Mattice and Graham Sones have communicated with Fehn Company regarding the four trees that were lost and they are working with their sub - contractor Tree Top on how to remediate for those lost trees. Schumann noted that the fourth tree would have been lost due to extensive root damage so it will be three trees to remediate. They will come back to the BCOL Advisory when that remediation is determined. 5. Joint Powers Agreement. Angela Schumann distributed a revised draft agreement for the group to review and said that both City and County staff reviewed the agreement yesterday. Schumann said that the attorneys, the League and the County Insurance Trust are working through some of the language in the agreement under the Liability section to clarify a few things. Schumann noted a couple items were added to the agreement including an Operating Memorandum between the City and County which includes guiding principles for handling maintenance operations and defines the relationship between the two ownership entities. Another item was added for Mediation and Dispute Resolution to allow for the parties to agree to mediation before commencement of litigation or termination of the agreement. BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: May 1, 2015 Pat Sawatzke brought up a concern in regard to Items #2 and #20 about a request to terminate versus both parties must mutually agree to terminate. Schumann noted that Item #2 allows for one party to provide a request to withdraw whereas Item #20 indicates both parties must mutually agree to the termination. Schumann said that she will talk with the attorneys about the appropriate language for those two sections for clarification. In summary, Items #2, #18, and #20 are subject to review and refinement by the attorneys. TOM JAHNKE MOVED TO ACCEPT THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT WITH THE CHANGES AND CLARIFICATIONS AS PRESENTED TO BE BROUGHT TO THE COUNTY BOARD AND THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. 6. Athletic Field RFP. Angela Schumann said that the RFQ and RFP for the Athletic Complex is posted and the deadline for submittal is May 15th. The City has met with interested contractors for a question and answer session. Schumann distributed the notes from the Q & A session and noted that six firms attended the session. All firms that are thinking about proposing had an opportunity to come in and have their questions answered. The Steering Committee will be reviewing the proposals on May 18th The goal is to come out of that meeting with three to five companies to interview. There is a schedule included with the RFP document which is posted on the City's website. Schumann stated that she can email out the schedule to anyone who is interested in reviewing it. 7. Bertram Lake, Water Level. Stacy Marquardt said that Marc Mattice had noted that the authorized run out elevation at the water control structure on Bertram Lake was established years ago by the DNR at 933.55 but after taking elevation readings this spring the water levels on Bertram were lower than the authorized run out. Mattice said that the City Parks Department donated some old timbers which the County Parks installed as stop logs on April 17th. Since that time the water levels have increased. It was clarified that Bertram Lake levels are checked due to the beaver dam while the other lakes within the park are not checked as they are natural flow lakes. 8. Summer /Fall Work Plan. Stacy Marquardt indicated the County work plan provided by Marc Mattice for the summer at Bertram including: • Installing directional signs. • Working on single track trails with MORC. • Working with the Rotary on installing the natural themed playground. • Making improvements to the amphitheater to allow for a rentable facility by 2016. • Completing the walking trail from the new parking area to the beach. • Working on the trail from the old farmhouse area to the beach. • Extending the park road to the beach area, sub cutting, filling, grading and Class 5. 2 BCOL Regional Park Advisory Council Meeting Minutes: May 1, 2015 Landscaping the area by the Long Lake fishing pier, similar to the area on Bertram which was completed last year. Landscaping the picnic area on the east side of the beach. Marquardt said that Mattice has indicated that they are overshooting on what they are trying to achieve this summer. 9. Friends of Bertram Update. Jim Lindberg said the annual cleanup at the park will be held on Saturday, May 2, from 9am -12pm. Volunteers are asked to meet at the south parking lot off of 90th Street. Areas needing cleanup have been determined. Lindberg said the Rotary is planning a morning celebration for the playground on June 27th. There will be a small ribbon cutting ceremony and coffee and rolls will be served. Lindberg noted that when all the money comes in there will be about $27,000 for this project which will cover all the costs for the first phase installation. Lindberg said that they are looking into having a large boulder etched and separate stones with donor names to fit in with the natural theme rather than a large traditional type of sign at the playground. Lindberg said that he has contacted an attorney to seek information about filing as a non - profit and whether that would be worth it or not for the Friends. 10. Discussion of added items. None. 11. Schedule Next Meeting — June 5, 2015. The next meeting is scheduled for June 5, 2015 at Sam and will be held at the north side of the park at the old Camp Manitou entrance off of Briarwood Avenue. 19. Adiourn. SANDRA THEROS MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:01 A.M. MOTION SECONDED BY LARRY NOLAN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 10 -0. Recorder: 6�3eth &rem Administrative Assistant Approval Date: Attest: Martyn Dibben, BCOLAC Chairman 3