FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 09-07-2010MINUTES FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD September 7, 2010 Present: Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Wayne Mayer, Jon Morphew, Jeff O'Neill (non- voting), Don Patten (non- voting) Absent: none Guests: Brent Stauffer, FNM; Mr /Mrs James Vanderlinden 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6 p.m. by Chair Clint Herbst at the FiberNet Business Office. 2. Additions to the Agenda There were no additions to the agenda. 3. Approval of Meeting Minutes — July 6, 2010 JON MORPHEW MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES FROM JULY 6, 2010 AS WRITTEN. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. 4. Consideration of amending restoration policies by requiring sealcoating of asphalt driveways when marred by installation process. (James Vanderlinden present to discuss concerns) Jeff O'Neill summarized the issue resulting in the request submitted by Mr /Mrs James Vanderlinden for repair /restoration of their driveway. He explained the process that is currently used to restore driveways that are dug up in the process of working on utilities (including fiber). Wayne Mayer questioned why utilities are located under a driveway. Brent Stauffer explained that sometimes utilities are taken to the house by running utilities under the driveway which may create an adverse situation when new utilities are run through the right- of-way. Wayne feels that utility companies should be sharing the cost of repairs or restoration when a driveway has to be dug up. Wayne also suggested that homeowners should be notified in advance when digging is going to occur in a driveway. Glen Posusta asked how often this situation occurs and Brent Stauffer noted that there have not been many in driveways and each one of these cases should be documented. Glen remarked that he went and looked at the driveway involved and didn't feel that it was that bad. Within time, the core bores will fade and not stand out. Glen noted his concern over restoring all driveways especially concrete ones. Mrs. Vanderlinden was asked how she viewed the situation after it occurred. She said that their driveway was the only one that they could find that had the holes drilled. She understands that the drilling had to occur, and was mostly dissatisfied with the follow up. 1 I FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — September 7, 2010 Wayne Mayer asked Don Patten to bring a list of driveways with core borings to the next meeting and, if possible, which utilities are being viewed when the potholing is done. Mrs. Vanderlinden also noted that they were not happy with the location of the utility boxes. They were originally told that it would be a flat box located close to the property line. In actuality, the box was not situated where they anticipated. Clint Herbst stated that he would like to see the City take care of restoring the driveway for the Vanderlindens, especially if it was promised to take care of them. Jon Morphew agrees that, if a promise was made, the City should stand by it. However, he is concerned about other homeowners and future liability of the City. Glen Posusta disagrees with sealcoating or further restoration. By next year, the core fix will have faded. He feels that the City has done enough; with sealcoating, they will be providing more than required for restoration. Brent Stauffer noted that the City has not provided sod or sealcoating for any client in the 2 years since the construction started. Wayne Mayer stated that "the customer is always right" and the City should be providing superior customer service. Jon Morphew emphasized the need for educating the public properly and, if this property is restored, define specifically what the City provides for repair and /or restoration. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO PURCHASE 10 GALLONS OF SEALCOAT (UP TO 15 GALLONS AS NEEDED TO COVER DRIVEWAY) AND VANDERLINDENS WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR LABOR AND SUPPLIES TO APPLY THE SEALCOAT. JON MORPHEW SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4- 0. FiberNet staff will take care of purchasing and delivering the sealcoat mix. JON MORPHEW MOVED TO ESTABLISH PROCEDURE TO PROVIDE WRITTEN NOTICE TO AFFECTED PROPERTY OWNERS OF THE WORK TO BE DONE AND RESTORATION PROCESS WHEN DRIVEWAYS MUST BE POTHOLED. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 4 -0. There was further discussion regarding the process for improved customer relations in regards to notification of homeowners. (Jon Morphew left at this point to attend another meeting.) 5. Update on Advisory Board membership Jeff O'Neill explained that Chuck Fradella, who was recently appointed to the Monticello Police Advisory Commission, is now interested in serving on the FiberNet Advisory Board. Jeff O'Neill was directed to talk to Mr. Fradella and suggest that he stay on the Police Commission for now. 6. Discuss goals relative to development of local origination programming capabilities and identify next steps or a process for accomplishing the goal 2 1 FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — September 7, 2010 Some of the possible discussion questions include: • Is it time to begin development of an organization and studio site? Discuss development of a subcommittee to look at options further. Subcommittee would include and not be limited to: 1. Determine goals and scope of local programming effort. 2. Identify resources, strategies and a plan or accomplishing goals. a. Internal staff— in -house utilizing Prairie Conference Center b. Use of Sherburne Wright Cable Commission (SWCC) resources • Identify potential composition of the Committee 3. School /Chamber /City /County /Sports Organizations /Churches /Other Jeff O'Neill explained that there are several options that could be investigated for local origination such as utilizing services with Sherburne Wright Cable Commission or setting up a studio with FiberNet for our own programming. Don Patten reported on research that he did on setting up a facility for FiberNet. Don Patten noted that HBC strives to break even on their local origination; they generate commercial advertising to offset the costs. Glen Posusta asked if this might be a little premature to develop our own studio. Clint Herbst thought it might be good to keep in mind that Public Works could possibly remodel the upstairs at the Prairie Center for a studio. Glen Posusta suggested that we consider making some requests of the Sherburne Wright Cable Commission — perhaps taping the Homecoming football game. Consensus of the Board is to request Homecoming parade and game to be taped and televised. Cathy Shuman will work with Kitty Baltos on making the request to SWCC. Jeff asked if the Board would be interested in forming a subcommittee to discuss local programming. Wayne Mayer volunteered to be on the committee; other suggestions were school staff or student, Chamber, and SWCC Production Manager, Mark Davis. 7. Update on City/HBC - Format and Analysis of Financial Data for reporting purposes Karri Thorsten from the Finance Department has been working with Bob Bartz, from HBC on organizing reporting methods and should be ready to put in place in 4`h quarter. (Note: Bartz is no longer with HBC; new person is in place.) 8. Construction Update Don Patten provided maps to the Board showing the status of construction in various LCP zones. 9. Update on Customer and "Take Rate" status. (Review customer feedback trends) Don Patten reported that 1325 residents are being billed; 52 commercial businesses have signed up and 51 waiting are waiting for service; 17 MDUs (apartments) are signed up to date. 3 FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes— September 7, 2010 Clint Herbst asked how many drops are waiting to be done. Don reported that 440 are in the queue (have signed form) and about 138 have signed up for drops that did not do it the first time around when MP Nexlevel was boring in their area. 10. Review Business Customer account development and progress Don Patten noted that, even without the delay due to lawsuit, the business plan called for 37 businesses at this point and we are already ahead of that count. Don reported that FiberNet's offering to replace Centrex phone service will be called FACHS. This is a managed phone system for multiple lines such as the City currently uses. 11. Discuss potential of working with School District to find technology mentors to help Senior Citizens better utilize technology Jeff O'Neill noted that the City would eventually like to coordinate a program between the School District and the Senior Center to provide technology mentors. Clint Herbst suggested that we start by setting up a session with the Senior Center where students can come in and demonstrate some features for the seniors. Don Patten mentioned that he and Brett DesMarais are working with Mississippi Shores to coordinate services for their tenants. Some of the seniors that live there will be acting as mentors for other residents. They plan to do the same thing at St Ben's Center. Jeff O'Neill will contact Jim Johnson again to talk about providing students to help with a session at the Senior Center. 12. Review of September 2nd Legislative Visit (15 representatives from Senate and House Committees, which seek to improve broadband penetration in the State of MN) (This item was skipped as all members were present at the site visit.) 13. Update on Governor's Task Force on Ultra -Fast Broadband Jeff O'Neill mentioned that he had applied to be on the task force but did not get selected. Mike Reardon from St Paul will be the government representative on the committee. Jeff will remain active with MALTA, which is the state organization that is spearheading the broadband task force efforts. 14. Lawsuit update — Deposition Schedule Depositions have been delayed temporarily. Clint Herbst noted that he has now been added to the deposition list. Jeff O'Neill expressed concern about the accumulating attorney fees and will check the status at this time on the current lawsuit. 4 1 FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — September 7, 2010 15. Review efforts to assure adherence to FCC standards in the Monticello Market Jeff O'Neill related a couple of situations that are of concern to the City: service change requests and phone directory listings. Don Patten to follow up on these concerns with Terri Firestein from CCG. 16. Update of HBC project with the City of Redwing and discuss potential implications for extending service to neighborhoods adjoining Monticello The City of Redwing will be getting their broadband service through HBC, as a private enterprise. This may be a model to look at in the future for areas outside of the city. 17. Discuss changing Meeting Date (Tuesday after the 1st City Council meeting of the month) CLINT HERBST MOVED TO CHANGE THE REGULAR MEETING DATE OF THE FIBERNET ADVISORY BOARD TO THE TUESDAY IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE FIRST COUNCIL MEETING OF THE MONTH, EFFECTIVE IN NOVEMBER, WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. 18. Other: On -call Technician Policy Don Patten handed out the current policy that is being used by FiberNet technicians for on -call services and explained what they would like to incorporate in the policy. At this time, call backs are generally being accrued as comp time and technicians are allowed to take time off when available. Don Patten is proposing to provide minimal compensation for the time that a person is on call. They would not get paid additional time unless they actually got called out. Glen Posusta suggested that there be no compensation for being on call; however, the employee that is on call would be able to take a work vehicle home for responding to calls. Wayne Mayer recommended that the policy include utilizing an orange cone to protect the vehicle when they take vehicles home. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO RECOMMEND ADOPTION OF THE FIBERNET TECHNICIAN ON -CALL POLICY WITH THE ALLOWANCE FOR TECHNICIANS TO TAKE A WORK VEHICLE HOME WHILE ON CALL AS LONG AS THEY RESIDE WITHIN 10 MILES OF THE CITY; SAID POLICY TO BE REVIEWED AFTER A SIX MONTH TRIAL PERIOD. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. The policy will be reviewed by the HR Director and presented to City Council at their meeting on September 13`x'. 5 FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — September 7, 2010 19. Adjourn GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:21 P.M. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED 3 -0. Recorder: Catherine M. Shuman Approved: Attest: Cxt- �� Jeff0g,4011, City Administrator B FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes — September 7, 2010