FiberNet Advisory Board Minutes 01-05-2010FIBERNET MONTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD Voting Members: Non - voting Members: Guest: Tuesday, January 5, 2010 6:00 p.m. Wayne Nehrenz, Jon Morphew, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Roxanne Bakula Jeff O'Neill, Don Patten Vicki Leerhoff, Candice Mayberry, Harry Kline, Peter Schultz 1. Call to Order Honorable Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 6:08 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the December 2, 2009 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by G Posusta and seconded by R Bakkula to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion was carried. 3. Updates to Agenda Business Customer Service - The need for a Sales Account Manager was discussed. It was recommended this person be trained by Meta Switch and perhaps have Meta Switch be a hands on reference for the Sales Account Manager and join this person with training individual businesses. Letter to Megan - It was agreed V Leerhoff would write and have reviewed by D Patten and J O'Neill. Video Monitors at the Headend - D Patten presented the need for video monitors for the Headend Building (HE). The estimated cost would be $2051.90. A motion was made by G Posusta and seconded by W Nehrenz to purchase monitors as presented. Motion was passed. 4. Marketing Update - • Decals for Vehicles - C Mayberry presented designs for decals for FiberNet Monticello (FNM) vehicles. Discussion was held to carry the swooshes to the pickup boxes on the trucks. The designs were clean and appreciated by the Board. A motion was made by R Bakkula to go with design as presented on the Transits and to add the swooshes to the pickups to carry to the box, seconded by W Nehrenz. Motion passed. • Channel 12 Commercial - The progress of a commercial /documentary is being shot this week throughout the City of Monticello, highlighting the many attributes of Monticello was shared by H Kline of HBC. Several key people who were instrumental in the progress of FNM from conception to present are being interviewed. • Gift Cards - A gift card was created and presented by C Mayberry. It was suggested they be added to the commercial for Channel 12. FNM Logo — C Mayberry presented a cleaner, less expensive logo to produce with only 2 colors. The existing logo will continue to be used as an option. Website — C Mayberry shared the advantages of moving FNM's website to its own server. This would be cost effective in the long run and would allow FNM to update at will. A 60 day notice is needed to give to our current website host, ICBits. A motion was made by R Bakkula, seconded by W Nehrenz to give notice Feb. 1, 2010 to ICBits and to move forward with building a website on our own server. Opposed -C Herbst, G Posusta, J Morphew. Approved -R Bakkula, W Nehrenz. Motion did not carry. Further discussion was held as to the cost associated with creating our site on FNM's server, as well as the limitations with hiring a web host. After discussion, G Posusta rescinded his Na vote to a Ya vote, motion passed. 5. Community Involvement — D Patten requested a listing of volunteer organizations each Advisory Board member is involved with to be listed on FNM's website. D Patten shared the current progress of FNM donations to the Food Shelf. A tour of the Monticello Food Shelf is scheduled. A meeting with Cub to help with these donations is scheduled. Discussion was held as a possibility to sponsor High School students helping Senior citizens with computer knowledge. D Patten agreed to contact the 2 Senior facilities in Monticello. J O'Neill agreed to speak with the High School to visit the idea of using students from the Computer classes. R Baklcula agreed to check into refurbished Dell computers which FNM could furnish to the Senior Facilities. 6. Si a e — G Posusta shared the inforniation he received from Scenic Signs. Before they can proceed to provide a lighted sign on the top of the current sign base, they will need to know what the base and foundation are made of Discussion was held as to the age of the current signage base and the lack of information to its material. A motion to create a sign for the current pylon, to put FNM as top billing with cost to be reviewed and not to exceed previous quote, design based on what is being put on the trucks, was made by R Bakkula, seconded by W Nehrenz. Motion passed. NCTC Update — D Patten shared there has been no update from the NCTC. The timeline for turn up of video service at FNM suggests we need to move in another direction. D Patten shared his desire to move forward with the change of ownership of the HE to Hiawatha Broadband Communications (HBC) while visiting other venues. A motion was made to move forward with pursuing the transfer of ownership of the HE to HBC by J Morphew, seconded by W Nehrenz. Motion passed. 8. Surveillance — D Patten reported 3 bids were received for the security surveillance for the HE building. The company selected presented a bid of $9176.73. It would record when there is motion. A motion to purchase was made by G Posusta, seconded by R Bakkula. Motion passed. "FiberNet Parkway" — D Patten shared the desire of FNM to rename the street access to the HE to FiberNet Parkway. Discussion was held that there may be restrictions as to what it can be called, i.e., FiberNet Way or FiberNet Circle. J O'Neill agreed to investigate further what it can be named. A motion was made to pursue this change by R Bakkula, seconded by J Morphew. Motion passed. 10. Business Office Report — V Leerhoff presented the current Business Office activity numbers. They included; 172 phone calls and 33 walk -ins. 72 internet installations to residents and to 5 business sites have completed. 11. FNM Expenditures — D Patten shared the current FiberNet Monticello expenditures. A motion was made by W Nehrenz, seconded by R Bakula, to recommend to the City of Monticello Council to approve payment of the presented expenditures as documented. Motion carried. 12. Adjournment A motion was made by J Morphew, seconded by R Bakkula to adjourn the meeting, motion passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:19. Respectfully Submitted, Vicki Leerhoff