FiberNet Advisory Board Agenda Packet 10-06-2009AGENDA FIBERNET MONNTICELLO ADVISORY BOARD Tuesday, October 6, 2009 6:00 p.m, Voting Members: Wayne Nehrenz, Roxanne Bakula, Jon Morphew, Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta Non - voting Members: Jeff O'Neill, Don Patten 1. Call to Order— Mayor Clint Herbst 2. Approval of Minutes— September 22, 2009 3. Updates to Agenda 4. Schedule of Services 5. Ramping Up for Installations 6. Business Office 7. Time &; Dates of Meetings 8. Adjournment FiberNet Advisory Board City of Monticello Minutes of September 22, 2009 Present: Clint Herbst, Glen Posusta, Roxanne Bakula Non - voting: Don Patten Guests: Vicki Leerhoff 1. Call to Order Honorable Herbst called the meeting to order at 7:43 p.m. 2. Approval of Minutes Minutes for the September 08, 2009 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by R Bakula and seconded by G Posusta to approve the minutes as written. Motion was carried. 3. Updates to Agenda Additions /changes to Agenda; Calix Training - Discussion was held to send D Patten, General Manager of FiberNet Monticello and Matt Henning, Installation Technician Leader, to Calix training, September 24 -28. Motion was made to send them by G Posusta, seconded by R Bakula. Motion carried. Mielke properties — Mr. Mielke requested the return of his proposal packet. It was returned. 4. Schedule of Services - D Patten gave an update. Data will be available in the Headend by Oct. 1. We will receive the bank of telephone numbers next week. Dial tone for internal use is set up for the beginning of Oct. The Video switch contract will be awarded by Wed., September 30, 2009. D Patten reported the dish farm for the Headend will be framed and poured the week of September 28, 2009. 5. Non - Disclosure Agreement — Discussion was held as to the need for this Board to sign a Non - disclosure Agreement. Motion was made to table this item, by R Bakula, seconded by G Posusta. Motion carried. 6. Business Office— D Patten shared the foresight that FNM will be in need of more space by January 1, 2010. Condition of the building was discussed. Certain trees will be moved to a park to give a better view of tenant signage. It was discussed to perhaps replace a tree with bushes between Caribou and the Prairie West building. Calendar of Events — FNM will host a booth at the Monticello Business Expo on Sunday, October 4, 2009. The Ribbon Cutting Ceremony will be on Tuesday, October 27, 2009. B. Update on Wayne M — D Patten reported W Meyer graciously stepped off the Advisory Board as a non - voting member and intends to apply for its next opening. 9. Motion made by R Baklua and seconded by G Posusta to adjourn meeting, motion carried. - Meeting adjourned at 9:22 pm. Respectfully submitted, Vicki Leerhoff