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City Council Agenda Packet 10-24-2016
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 24, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CLOSED CITY COUNCIL MEETING 5:45 p.m. Academy Room, MCC Purpose of the meeting is to discuss an offer for the purchase of City -owned property located at 90th Street and Chelsea Road, PID #155185001011 Mayor: Brian Stumpf Council Members: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from October 10, 2016 C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda D. Citizen Comments E. Public Service Announcements • Halloween Events (Downtown Trick -or -Treat & MCC Kiddie Parade) • Fall Leaf Pick Up • Election Info (Absentee Saturday, Polling Place, Walking Track Closed) • Veterans Day Hours (City Hall Closed, DMV Open All Day) F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • MCC Advisory Board Meeting • Personnel Committee G. Department Updates • City Administrator (O'Neill) • Update from Arvig/Mark Birkholz • Wright County Sheriff Quarterly Report • Update on Flood Plain 2. Consent Agenda A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary charitable gambling permit for fundraising activity to be conducted by the American Legion Riders Post 560 on December 10, 2016 at the Monticello Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street E. Consideration of renewing of a pawn broker license for2017 for David Corbin Helm dba Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at 1219 South Highway 25 F. Consideration of approving a change to Personnel Policy prohibiting the use of vacation, sick or paid time off (PTO) during last two weeks of employment G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -077 accepting donations from the Wag and Walk Festival in the amount of $1,397.91 H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -079 awarding the sale of General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A, in the original aggregate amount of $4,900,000; fixing their form and specifications; directing their execution and delivery; and providing for their payment I. Consideration of approving an updated policy for utility billing winter averaging for residential sewer consumption Consideration of approving a policy for utility billing zero consumption residential water meters K. Consideration of authorizing a contract with Commercial Realty Solutions (CRS) for broker /listing services for four City -owned commercial real estate parcels L. Consideration of a request for Conditional Use Permits for cross parking and cross access and Financial Institution with Drive - through, Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for Warnert Retail Second Addition for a Financial Institution in a B -3, Highway Business District. Applicant: Sherburne State Bank M. Consideration of a License Agreement with Sell Real Estate Holdings, LLC/West Metro Buick GMC for directional signage N. Consideration of a request for a PUD Adjustment for Mills Fleet Farm O. Consideration adopting Resolution 2016 -079 authorizing preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2017 Street Improvement Project P. Consideration of approving the annual Snow Plow and Ice Removal Policy for 2016 -2017 Snow Season Q. Consideration of approving Resolution 2016 -083 declaring the official intent of the City of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City for the 2017 Street Improvement Project and the improvements at the intersection of 7th Street and State Highway 25 R. Consideration of authorizing a payment of $27,055 to Coalition of Utility Cities for City share of CUC membership dues 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings A. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -075 approving a vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail B. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -080 approving an assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous account to be certified to the County Auditor for 2017 payable tax year C. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -081 approving an assessment roll for delinquent utility billing accounts to be certified to the County Auditor for 2017 payable tax year D. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -082 approving an assessment roll to be certified for 2017 payable tax year for 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project 15CO01 4. Regular Agenda 5. Added Items 6. Adjournment REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 10, 2016 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Brian Stumpf, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tom Perrault, and Glen Posusta Absent: None 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Brian Stumpf called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. with a quorum present. The pledge of allegiance was recited. B. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the Special Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2016. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. • Regular Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2016 Tom Perrault moved approval of the Regular Meeting Minutes from September 26, 2016 as amended. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of Adding Items to the Agenda • None. D. Citizen Comments • None. E. Public Service Announcements • Rachel Leonard, Communications Coordinator, updated the City Council and the public on the following public announcements: - Grand Opening of Monti View Park will take place on October 15, 2016. A new public arts sculpture will be revealed. In addition, people will be able to test a sample of the new bike course. - A City Council Candidate Forum will take place on October 17, 2016. City Council Minutes — October 10, 2016 Page 1 1 6 - The Senior Center Breakfast will be held on October 23, 2016. - The City will be conducting a clean -up of Riverside Cemetery. As provided in the cemetery rules, all items need to be removed before clean up begins or they will be removed. Public Works will hold the items for 30 days. • Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, announced that WSI was this year's Industry of the Year winner. F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC — Brian Stumpf noted that there was a presentation given by the Minnesota Jobs and Training program. • Planning Commission — Charlotte Gabler provided a brief update. The Planning Commission welcomed their new member. • BCOL — Brian Stumpf reviewed the following items: the four season rental chalet; the remaining BCOL land purchases; the north parking area schedule; athletic field; Athletic Complex Master Plan; and the National Guard Innovative Readiness Training Program Grant. • Highway 25 Coalition — Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, gave a brief update and noted that the City of Becker joined the Coalition. G. Department Updates • City Administrator Jeff O'Neill provided an update on the following items: 1. Fleet Farm is progressing. 2. Xcel Energy is replacing street lights and Monticello is scheduled for 2018. 3. FiberNet has a new website. Arvig will be presenting to the City Council at the next City Council meeting. 4. The Sheriff's Quarterly message will be held at the October 24, 2016 meeting. 5. Options will be presented in the future in regard to the study of a Full -time Fire Chief. 6. Changes to the Great River Regional Library contract. 2. Consent Agenda Tom Perrault moved approval excluding H, I, K, L, and O. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Recommendation: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,603,671.15. B. Consideration of approving new hires /departures. Recommendation: Approved the hires for the MCC and the departures for Parks and MCC. City Council Minutes — October 10, 2016 Page 2 1 6 C. Consideration of approving the sale /disposal of surplus city property. Recommendation: Approved the surplus property list as presented. D. Consideration of appointing addition election judges to serve for the 2016 General Election. Recommendation: Approved the appointment of additional election judges. E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -070 reauthorizing membership in the 4M Fund. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016 -070 reauthorizing membership in the 4M Fund. F. Consideration to approve policy for utility billing late fee forgiveness. Recommendation: Approved the Utility Late Fee Forgiveness Policy. G. Consideration to approve policy for utility billing refunds. Recommendation: Approved the Utility Billing Refunds Policy. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -071 to accept a contribution of $10,000 from Monticello Lions Club towards the new open air shelter at Ellison Park. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. I. Consideration of approving an agreement between the City of Monticello and DirtWirx for development and maintenance of a single -track mountain bike challenge course at Monti View Park. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. Consideration of approving the purchase of a Parks Department Toro 4100D for $62,961.22 through the Central Equipment Fund. Recommendation: Approved the purchase of a 2016 Toro Groundsmaster 4100D for $52,961.22 through the Central Equipment Fund. K. Consideration of approving an increase in warming house hours for the 2016- 2017 winter skating season. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. L. Consideration of accepting quotes and authorization to enter into a contract for installation of block foundation for open air shelter at Ellison Park. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -072 authorizing application for the MnDOT Stand -Alone Noise Barrier Program. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016 -072 authorizing the application for the 2017 MnDOT Stand Alone Noise Barrier Program. City Council Minutes — October 10, 2016 Page 3 1 6 N. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -073 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for the 7th Street Retaining Wall Improvements, City Project No. 15C003. Recommendation: Approved Resolution 2016 -073 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment to Sunram Construction, Inc. for the 711 Street Retaining Wall Improvements, City Project No. 15C003. O. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -074 approving a modification to Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF 1 -35, Masters Fifth Avenue Redevelopment Project. Recommendation: ITEM WAS REMOVED FROM THE CONSENT AGENDA. P. Consideration of approving a Subordination Agreement for Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) 2nd Mortgage Deferred Loan — Kelli K. and James R. Martin, 8771 Fairhill Lane, Monticello, MN to Connexus Credit Union. Recommendation: Approved a Subordination Agreement for the Kelli K. and James R. Martin, 8771 Fairhill Lane, NSP Deferred Loan. 2A. Consideration of items removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion. H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -071 to accept a contribution of $10, 000 from the Monticello Lions Club towards the new open air shelter at Ellison Park. Brian Stumpf removed the item to recognize the Lions Club for their donation. Brian Stumpf moved to adopt Resolution 2016 -071 accepting the donation of $10,000 from the Monticello Lions and their previous $2,000 donation toward West Bridge Park be transferred to Ellison Park. Charlotte Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against because he doesn't think there is a need for a second shelter and it is overcrowding the park. I. Consideration of approving an agreement between the City of Monticello and Dirt Wim for development and maintenance of a single -track mountain bike challenge course at Montiview Park. Lloyd Hilgart removed the item to recognize Sue Seeger, the artist of the sculpture that is going to be revealed. Tom Perrault expressed his concern that the final design of the course is not known. Tom Pawelk, Parks Superintendent, responded that he will work with DirtWirx on the final design. Lloyd Hilgart moved approval of an agreement between the City of Monticello and DirtWirx for development and maintenance of a single track mountain bike challenge course at Montiview Park. Glen Posusta seconded City Council Minutes — October 10, 2016 Page 4 1 6 the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against for the reason listed above. K. Consideration of approving an increase in warming house hours for the 2016- 2017 winter skating season. Tom Perrault removed the item and questioned the type of work that the employees contribute. Tom Pawelk responded to the question. He also noted that individuals can apply with Public Works. Charlotte Gabler moved approval of increasing the warming house hours for skating rinks at 4' Street Park and West Bridge Park as outlined. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. L. Consideration of accepting quotes and authorization to enter into a contract for installation of block foundation for open air shelter at Ellison Park. Brian Stumpf removed the item to display the type of the block that is going to be used. Charlotte Gabler moved to accept the quotes received for block work and to enter into a contract with T & T Construction and Masonry of Pease, Minnesota, based upon their low quote of $14,856. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against. O. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -074 approving a modification to Tax Increment Financing Plan for TIF 1 -35, Masters Fifth Avenue Redevelopment Project. Brian Stumpf removed the item from the Consent Agenda because he does not support the use of TIF for residential development. Discussion ensued in regard to the decision made by the EDA in support. Charlotte Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2016 -074 approving a modification of the TIF Plan for TIF District 1 -35 wherein language is added identifying the project as a commercial, mixed use or residential development of 11,000 square feet. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Brian Stumpf voted against for reason listed above. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of approving a purchase agreement for Phase XI of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including funding of approximately $510,000 for purchase, and to approve corresponding required fund transfer from Capital Projects Fund to the Park & Pathway Fund for 2016 City Council Minutes — October 10, 2016 Page 5 1 6 Angela Schumann gave a brief presentation and noted that the Wright County Board will receive the purchase agreement for consideration on October 11 and, if approved, the closing is anticipated prior to year -end 2016. The City Council praised staff for their efforts on this project. Brian Stumpf moved to approve the purchase agreement for Phase XI of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park, including funding of approximately $510,000 for purchase, and to approve corresponding required fund transfer from Capital Projects Fund to the Park & Pathway Fund for 2016. Glen Posusta seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against. B. Consideration of approving a purchase agreement and funding of approximatelX $10,500 for approximately three acres of Bertram Lake Shoreland for inclusion in the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and to approve corresponding required fund transfer from Capital Projects Fund to the Park & Pathway Fund for 2016. Angela Schumann gave a brief review of the item and noted that the City Council previously approved the funding for the acquisition of the parcel in June 2016. This it to approve the purchase agreement associated with the acquisition. The property lies on the west shore of Bertram Lake. Glen Posusta moved approval of the purchase agreement and funding of approximately $10,500 for approximately three acres of Bertram Lake Shoreland for inclusion in the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park and to approve corresponding required fund transfer from Capital Projects Fund to the Park & Pathway Fund for 2016. Lloyd Hilgart seconded the motion. Motion carried 4 -1; Tom Perrault voted against. By consensus the meeting was adjourned at 7:23 p.m. A "'% Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes — October 10, 2016 Page 6 1 6 FiberNet Monthly Revenue Detail Quarter 3 Revenue Type July August September Phone 24,686.12 23,676.78 24,631.25 Video 46,184.84 44,859.31 45,181.30 Internet 56,144.09 56,403.31 57,719.63 Install 2,113.55 2,150.95 4,459.75 Other 9,662.96 11,060.00 12,412.50 Total True Revenue 138,791.56 138,150.35 144,404.43 Taxes 9,468.45 9,262.35 9,522.27 PEG Access Fee 543.20 540.96 530.44 Total Monthly Billing 148,803.21 147,953.66 154,457.14 Notes: Phone revenue: Includes Long distance toll & USF revenue Install revenue: Includes both install and reconnection fee Other revenue: Equipment rental, late fee, Miscellaneous, promotional /multi service discounts, write offs, and refunds Residential & Business Subscribers Service Ian Feb Mar Apr May un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Phone Only 32 31 31 31 27 27 28 29 26 25 Internet Only 664 678 693 700 704 707 717 723 755 765 Television Only 74 72 72 70 71 71 73 71 69 72 Phone &Internet 164 163 161 158 162 164 156 155 153 152 Phone & Television 44 43 43 43 42 42 42 42 40 40 Internet & Television 318 309 298 292 287 285 280 281 282 281 Triple Play 278 277 271 268 265 260 254 252 255 254 Total Subscribers 1574 1573 1569 1562 1558 1556 1550 1553 1580 1589 0 0 Total Phone 518 514 506 500 496 493 480 478 474 471 0 0 Total Internet 1424 1427 1423 1418 1418 1416 1407 1411 1445 1452 0 0 Total Television 714 701 684 673 665 658 649 646 646 647 0 0 Business Subscribers Jan Service Jan Feb Mar Apr May un ul Aug Se Oct Nov Dec Phone Only 10 10 10 10 8 9 10 10 8 8 Internet Only 627 Internet Only 37 38 39 41 31 31 31 30 29 31 Television Only 73 Television Only 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 Phone &Internet 94 Phone &Internet 70 70 66 64 68 69 66 66 67 65 Phone & Television 43 Phone & Television 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Internet & Television 315 Internet & Television 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 1 4 Triple Play 263 Triple Play 15 14 14 14 15 15 15 14 15 15 Total Subscribers 1437 Total Subscribers 137 137 135 135 128 130 129 127 126 126 0 0 Total Phone 96 95 92 90 92 94 92 91 91 89 0 0 Total Internet 125 125 122 122 118 119 116 114 115 115 0 0 Total Television 20 19 20 20 21 1 21 1 22 1 21 22 22 1 0 1 0 Residential Subscribers Service Jan Feb Mar Apr May un Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Phone Only 22 21 21 21 19 18 18 19 18 17 Internet Only 627 640 654 659 673 676 686 693 726 734 Television Only 73 71 71 69 70 70 71 69 67 70 Phone &Internet 94 93 95 94 94 95 90 89 86 87 Phone & Television 43 1 42 41 41 41 1 41 41 41 39 1 39 Internet & Television 315 306 295 289 283 281 276 277 278 277 Triple Play 263 263 257 254 238 240 239 Total Subscribers 1437 1436 1434 1427 1426 1454 1463 0 0 Total Phone 422 419 414 410 M6271 387 383 382 0 0 .Total Internet 1299 1302 1301 1296 1297 1330 1337 0 0 Total Television 694 682 664 653 625 624 625 0 0 Entity: From: Subject: Netting Period: Revenues Subscriber Total Revenues. FiberNet Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Monthly Netting Statement 07101/2016 - 07/31/2016 3illings 148,803.21 148,803.21 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 08/01/2016 - 08/31/2016 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 138,691.31 Total Revenues: 138,691.31 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 09/01/2016 - 09/30/2016 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 143,285.02 Total Revenues: 143,285.02 Expenses Expenses: Expenses: Subscriber Fee (70,965.94) Subscriber fee (70,758.36) Subscriber Fee (71,059.04) Management Fee (12,500.00) Management Fee (12,500.00) Management Fee (12,500.00) Fixed Fee (77,756.39) Fixed Fee (77,756.39) Fixed Fee (77,756.39) Total Expenses: (161,222.33) Total Expenses: (161,014.75) Total Expenses: (161,315.43) Net Income $ (12,419.12) Net Income $ (22,323.44) Net Income $(18,030.41) Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: 3rd Quarter 2016 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billings 430,779.54 Total Revenues: 430,779.54 Expenses: Subscriber Fee (212,783.34) Management Fee (37,500.00) Fixed Fee (233,269.17) Total Expenses: (483,552.51) Net Income $ (52,772.97) Capital Expense Report; Budget versus Spend for second half of 2016: Second Half of 2016 UN- Budgeted: IRET Total CAPEX - Q3 DETAIL: July Border5tate 1,611.20 Calix 15,174.67 Precision Optical 2,020.95 18,806.82 19,205.07 53,773.18 Description Fiber E7 -2 Card and GPON SFP - IRET SFP - IRET Budget Spend Variance HeadEnd - Analog 29,500 - 29,500.00 Equip for Arvig HE, Add'I Chan 40,000 - 40,000.00 Drops 1,790 9,538.50 (7,748.50) CPE Equipment 3,710 25,029.61 (21,319.61) Total 75,000 34,568.11 40,431.89 UN- Budgeted: IRET Total CAPEX - Q3 DETAIL: July Border5tate 1,611.20 Calix 15,174.67 Precision Optical 2,020.95 18,806.82 19,205.07 53,773.18 Description Fiber E7 -2 Card and GPON SFP - IRET SFP - IRET August Border State 1,240.23 Power Supply Calix 23,789.38 854g& 844g, power supply -75 total LEEB 2,993.25 Drops Graybar 398.25 Patch Panel, Cabling 28,421.11 September LEEB 6,545.25 Drops 6,545.25 Marketing Efforts - 3rd Quarter: 1) Launched new FiberNet website on 10/13/16 2) Edited all literature and gave it the new logo /updated as needed. 3) Created Business Internet flyer for the sales blitz 4) Ordered specialty items 5) Updated artwork and messaging on the TV's /LED boards in Monticello 6) Mailed out a refer -a- friend offer to all res and bus customers (included welcome message and new FiberNet logo) 7) Created and inserting into the City of Monticello invoices in October. 8) Posting and managing FiberNet's social media 9) Created packets for tenants /IRET Project 10) Printed flyers for the Teachers /schools welcoming them back Mon ticello City Law Enforcement Review AUGUST 1ST ---OCTOBER 1ST 2016 Monticello Activity..... August 1St to October 1St 2016 2015 Activity 1754 Calls For Service assigned in Monticello > 1 140 cases assigned to patrol Property Crimes: 4 Burglaries 15 Damage to Property 36 General Thefts 16 Theft from vehicle 26 Gas Drive -Off ► 13 Shoplifting Q 15 Drug Complaints 28 Juvenile Complaints P. 51 Motor Vehicle crashes (3 of those involved injuries) ► 3 Assault Complaint ► 35 Domestic Disturbance Complaints ► 340 Traffic Stops ► 135 Citations issued ► 32 individuals booked into jail 2016 Activity 1936 Calls for Service assigned in Monticello 1 141 cases assigned to patrol Property Crimes: 6 Burglaries 23 Damage to Property 35 General Thefts 8 Theft from vehicle 36 Gas Drive -Off 6 Shoplifting ► 17 Drug Complaints ► 21 Juvenile Complaints ► 55 Motor Vehicle crashes (3 involved injuries) ► 3 Assault Complaint ► 45 Domestic Disturbance Complaints 366 Traffic Stops 131 total citations issued 33 individuals arrested /booked in jail Law Enforcement Activity broken down by Sheriff's Division....... 2016 year to date: Patrol 4990 Patrol Cases Criminal Investigations 135 cases assigned; 15 remain active 23 different types of crimes Fraud cases most common followed by Theft complaints Major Crimes Investigation Unit 31 cases assigned ► 12 different type of crimes ► Death Investigations, Stolen Vehicles, Motor Vehicle Crashes and Burglaries are the most common Law Enforcement Activity broken down by Sheriff's Division (Cont.) School Resource Officers ► 89 Cases Assigned ► Theft, Social Media, Harassment ► Mental Health issues continue to be common problem in the schools o Special Investigations Unit 23 Cases Investigated Majority are Drug Crimes Summary August - September... oo,� Criminal Investigations Division (Active Cases) Publisher's Clearinghouse Fraud Scheme Several victims throughout Monticello Money has been traced to Jamaica 1 local person being charged for their involvement Several Home Burglaries on the Northeast Side of Town Stolen Vehicles Cloned Credit Cards and Counterfeit $100.00 and $20.00 bills Death Investigations Summary August - September (Cont.) Special Investigations Unit September 1 It - Felony arrest after observing a hand to hand transaction in a gas station parking lot, seized 40 RX pills 2nd _ Controlled buy / bust - seized DMT(synthetic drug), crack cocaine, marijuana and RX pills 9th- Controlled buy / bust - Felony arrest for 3rd degree sale of Meth 30th- Search Warrant on 7th St. W. 2 felony arrests - seized 3 pounds of marijuana and 7 ounces of marijuana wax (largest wax seizure in WC history) Continued October 5th- Felony warrant arrest at a hotel 13th- Controlled buy / bust - 2nd degree sale of Meth and warrant arrest 17th- Seizure of 1 pound of marijuana - charges pending 19th - Controlled buy / bust - %4 pound of marijuana, seized a vehicle and cash Led to a Search Warrant in Sherburne County where several stolen firearms were recovered IA Trak Since 2004 the Wright County Sheriff's Office has been using IA -Trak ► Documentation of All Internal Affairs Investigations ► Citizen Complaints ► All Use of Force Incidents E Pursuit reviews o K -9 Apprehensions 0 Batons, mace and Tasers *IVA LM 10, QUESTIONS? t2 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work required B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $603,626.65. 2. Motion to approve the registers with changes directed by Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 or #2, per direction of Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Bill registers and Purchase Card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 10/13/2016 - 3:13PM Batch: 00201.10.2016 - 201.10.2016 US BAnk Invoice No Description Vendor: 2439 DEPT OF EMPLOYMENT & ECON DEVELO 7975675 Quarter 3 Unemployment Benefits 7975675 Quarter 3 Unemployment Benefits Check Total: Vendor: 3241 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP 10/1/2016 October 2016 Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 1 249.00 10/15/2016 10145201- 414200 30.45 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 414200 279.45 Check Sequence: 2 1,754.67 10/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 217066 Vendor: 2811 Check Total: 1,754.67 Check Sequence: 4 Vendor: 1593 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH 0.66 10/15/2016 Check Sequence: 3 September September Sales Tax - General 78.22 10/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 208100 September September Sales Tax - General -0.22 10/15/2016 101 - 41940- 443990 September September Sales Tax - MCC 4,938.65 10/15/2016 226 - 00000 - 208100 September September Sales Tax - MCC 0.35 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 443990 September September Sales Tax - Water Fund 129.57 10/15/2016 601 - 00000 - 208100 September September Sales Tax - Water Fund 0.43 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 443990 September September Sales Tax - Cemetery Fund 2.25 10/15/2016 651- 00000 - 208100 September September Sales Tax - Cemetery Fund -0.25 10/15/2016 651- 49010 - 443990 September September Sales Tax -Hi -Way Liquor 41,242.71 10/15/2016 609 - 00000 - 208100 September September Sales Tax -Hi -Way Liquor 0.29 10/15/2016 609 - 00000 - 362900 Check Total: 46,392.00 Vendor: 2811 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM Check Sequence: 4 10/6/2016 Fastenal - (4) 3/8 -16x2 SHCS 0.66 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422110 10/6/2016 Grady's - level line 3" 3.49 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's -(4) electric tape 3.96 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422701 10/6/2016 Grady's -10 oz. compound rub - MCC pool 4.49 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's -10 oz. compound rub MCC pool 4.49 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - sparkplug - MCC pool 4.49 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - 12 oz. WD40- MCC pool 5.49 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - 16C001- PRELIM- BCOL- adapter plu; 5.79 10/15/2016 229 - 45202- 453011 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 Grady's -(2) Hvy Duty Scrubber - MCC pool 6.98 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Monti Napa- (2) filters - Shop stock 8.12 10/15/2016 101 - 43127- 422120 10/6/2016 Grady's -5 oz. Polish Mag & Aluminum - MCC 1 8.49 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - (3) key blank; (3) washers; hex cap; rbi 9.10 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422300 10/6/2016 Grady's - Duct Tape -20yds 9.49 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's -Core City - Ndale -2" Galv. Street ElboN 9.99 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422700 10/6/2016 Walmart - (2) Rust stain - MCC pool 10.62 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Home Depot- (3) 801b. concrete mix 11.70 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422600 10/6/2016 Runnings - Socket Plug set 12.99 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Runnings - 14" chain- Picco Micro Mini 15.95 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 10/6/2016 Monti Napa - Carb Kit- Mech. Rodder 16.65 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422100 10/6/2016 Mac Tools - 6 pc. Hook & Pick Set 23.09 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 10/6/2016 Runnings - (3) 16 oz. Seafoam Motor Tuneup 23.97 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421300 10/6/2016 Monti Napa- Trailer W(570); (2) paint marker 25.67 10/15/2016 101 - 43120- 421510 10/6/2016 Royal Tire - trailer tire 32.79 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422200 10/6/2016 Cub- (50) limes; (10) lemons 34.90 10/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 10/6/2016 Marties - 16C001- IMPLEM -- 8' Straw Mat - PM 36.00 10/15/2016 229 - 45202- 453011 10/6/2016 Grady's -10 lb. Iron Out Rst Rmvr; 2 gal Garden 47.98 10/15/2016 601- 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - valve ball - Core City - Northdale 54.99 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422700 10/6/2016 Fastenal - (400) foam ear plugs 74.20 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 420650 10/6/2016 Runnings - 50' Pressure washer hose- MCC 79.99 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Runnings - boots -Todd Barnes 90.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43120- 420650 10/6/2016 Sherwin Williams - Miracle Bud Esyflw; (5) tap( 91.21 10/15/2016 101 - 45203 - 421990 10/6/2016 Home Depot- (15) asst. Grade Stales; Push butto 96.90 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422400 10/6/2016 Pioneer Manufacturing- (2) 12cs- Max Aerosol v 125.00 10/15/2016 101 - 45203- 422300 10/6/2016 Safety Kleen- (8) g waste combustable liquid 202.55 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 431990 10/6/2016 Dyna - doz. Penetrant; (6) cryobit; (20) clamp; (1 333.45 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 10/6/2016 Johnson Materials - (36.94) T. Con Bit 403.38 10/15/2016 651- 49010 - 443990 10/6/2016 Arctic Glacier- resale - 1955623910; 4308; 4608 540.20 10/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 10/6/2016 Runnings -chain saw;cut off tool; (2) switch ball 704.91 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 424100 10/6/2016 Brock White- (464) lbs combustible liquid class 1,128.51 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422410 10/6/2016 Marties - 16C001- IMPLEM- -(105) bags cust. Fe 1,811.25 10/15/2016 229 - 45202- 453011 10/6/2016 WHCE- 7/16 - 8/15/2016 contracts 2,074.55 10/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 431900 10/6/2016 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 9.746 gals @ $2.199 21.43 10/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421200 10/6/2016 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 9.935 gals @ $2.199 21.85 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 10/6/2016 Walmart - CD Player for Fitness 22.88 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421720 10/6/2016 Walmart - Wheeled Totes for Child Care Area 41.56 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421740 10/6/2016 Walmart - Almonds, Zone Bars, for Concession 1 32.96 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 10/6/2016 Walmart - Pens, Tape, Sharpies, Note Cards, 28.96 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Walmart - Cupcakes for Parties 13.76 10/15/2016 226- 45127- 421460 10/6/2016 Walmart - Tape, Erasers, Pens 38.82 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Walmart - Apples & Bananas for Concession 6.27 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 10/6/2016 NBP - File Cards, Portfolios, Received Date Star 85.60 10/15/2016 101 - 41940- 421990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 NBP - Calendar 19.49 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 NBP - Paper, Post Its, Clips, Highlighters, 195.56 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - Screw Sock Caps (6) 6.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 441610 10/6/2016 Monti Chamber - Sept Lunch RL 15.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 10/6/2016 Monti Chamber - Lunch JT 15.00 10/15/2016 213 - 46301- 443990 10/6/2016 Monti Chamber - Lunch AM 15.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 443990 10/6/2016 Amazon - 48" Digital Level w/ Carrying Case 125.20 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 10/6/2016 Amazon - Rack for Time Card Badges 28.48 10/15/2016 101 - 41940- 421990 10/6/2016 G & K - Uniform Rental - Jeans 14.40 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441700 10/6/2016 G & K - Towel Rental 43.65 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 10/6/2016 G & K - Mop Rental 35.74 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431100 10/6/2016 Home Depot- Poly Tube, Caulk & Adhesive for _ 40.88 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Home Depot- Poly Hose & Cylinder 15.81 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Marries - Calcium Chloride 91.96 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 10/6/2016 Fastenal - Nuts & Bolts for Play Feature 7.85 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 US Post Office - Priority Mail Pkg to St.Paul & 1 8.50 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 432200 10/6/2016 Olson & Sons Electric - Repair Boiler Circulatin 1,350.97 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 440800 10/6/2016 Kwik Stop - Unleaded Fuel 8.791 gals @ $2.199 19.33 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421200 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 335.52 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Paper Plates for Concession 37.69 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421450 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Lockerroom Suppl 430.15 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Paper Plates 37.69 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 10/6/2016 Verizon - July 11 - Aug 10 54.33 10/15/2016 101- 43115- 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - July 11 - Aug 10 18.11 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - July 11 - Aug 10 18.10 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - July 11 - Aug 10 18.10 10/15/2016 656- 49870 - 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - July 21 - Aug 20 26.02 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - July 21 - Aug 20 140.04 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 432100 10/6/2016 Randy's Sanitation - August 2016 Shredding - D. 16.28 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 431990 10/6/2016 Randy's Sanitation - August 2016 Shredding - Cl 16.28 10/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 431990 10/6/2016 Lincoln Aquatics - Slide Landing Pad 1,337.60 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421750 10/6/2016 Domino's Pizza - Meal for Council Budget Meet 55.16 10/15/2016 101 - 41110 - 443990 10/6/2016 Engineering Supply - Fiberglass Leveling Rod 1 189.99 10/15/2016 101 - 43115- 421990 10/6/2016 Ausco - Shirts for LaVallee Run (140) 1,365.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 10/6/2016 Fred Pryor Seminar - "How To Become A Great 149.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 433100 10/6/2016 Fred Pryor Seminar - "Front Desk Safety & Secu 149.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41940- 433100 10/6/2016 4 All Promos - Paws 4 Parks /Walk & Wag Festi), 301.58 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 435100 10/6/2016 3 M Health & Safety - Online Medical Respirato 28.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 431990 10/6/2016 MN GFOA- Intermediate Gov'tAcctg Class - 1( 30.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 10/6/2016 MN GFOA- Intermediate Gov'tAcctg Class - 1( 30.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 10/6/2016 MN GFOA - Advance Gov't Acctg Class - 10/25, 30.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 10/6/2016 Grady's - sandpaper - MCC pool 4.99 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Runnings -(10) lbs. Mig Wire -1/2 13.50 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 Runnings -(10) lbs. Mig Wire -1/2 13.49 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 421990 10/6/2016 DISH - Oct. 2016 service 60.95 10/15/2016 609 - 49754- 432500 10/6/2016 G & K - mats- #1043569079; #1043574604; 112.70 10/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 10/6/2016 NBP -(2) suckers 135.21 10/15/2016 609 - 49754- 421990 10/6/2016 Streicher's - squad 5- repair siren amplifier 150.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 440440 10/6/2016 MRWA- 8/2016 -8/ 2017 Membership- Associate 250.00 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 443300 10/6/2016 Telvent- weather syst. annual 10/1/16- 9/30/2017 2,692.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 431990 10/6/2016 Telvent- weather syst. annual 10/1/16- 9/30/2017 2,000.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43125- 431990 10/6/2016 WHCE- Sunset Ponds- 8/1- 9/1/2016 n(297) Kwl 53.09 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 10/6/2016 WHCE- 1645 & 1675 CR 39 31.52 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 438100 10/6/2016 WHCE- DMV 19.95 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE - Parks 36.45 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- Fire 87.95 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- Water 19.95 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- MCC 27.95 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- 207 Chelsea Rd - water 32.95 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- 209 Cedar St. - Water 29.95 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- 132 E Broadway. - Water 19.95 10/15/2016 601- 49440 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- 107 River St W. -Parks 19.95 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE -545 Hwy 25 N. -Hi -Way Oct.2016 21.32 10/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE-. MCC - Oct.2016 19.95 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- .Dundas Rd- Water - Oct.2016 29.95 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- 909 Golf Course Rd Oct.2016 19.95 10/15/2016 101 - 43110- 431900 10/6/2016 WHCE- General Street Lighting 1,342.17 10/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 438100 10/6/2016 Auto Value - 1 gal. Primer Grade 1 24.99 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421510 10/6/2016 Marties - 4' erosion; (75) stakes 27.50 10/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 421990 10/6/2016 General Rental - Bobcat Rubber Track 146.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 421990 10/6/2016 Marties -R.R. Track Ditch- (6) 8' rolls; (100) stal 316.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43130 - 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - 409 cleaner 2.99 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 421990 10/6/2016 Holiday - (2) 2pk 9v battery 9.08 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Cub- (15) limes; (6) lemons 14.94 10/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 10/6/2016 Grady's - window seal; stain 16.83 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 10/6/2016 Home Depot- (2) scrub brush 19.96 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 10/6/2016 Sherwin Williams - (15) 5 gal. white paint 147.63 10/15/2016 101- 45203- 421990 10/6/2016 Runnings - U Box- (2) hole saw; (48) bulk bin pi 229.73 10/15/2016 101 - 43125 - 422100 10/6/2016 Aramark - Aug 2016 uniforms- Parks 128.82 10/15/2016 101- 45201- 441700 10/6/2016 Aramark - Aug 2016 uniforms- Sewer 76.03 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 441700 10/6/2016 Aramark - Aug 2016 uniforms- Water 76.03 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 441700 10/6/2016 Aramark - Aug 2016 uniforms- Streets 200.66 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 441700 10/6/2016 Aramark - Aug 2016 Shop Towels 50.86 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 10/6/2016 Disc. Steel - 304 -213 /s /S 12ga 48x120 Shear; 40' 860.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43125- 422100 10/6/2016 Home Depot - 25' Poly Credit -11.94 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Fastenal - (50) 5/16 -18S /S Nylock, (25) 5/16 -18: 12.42 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 Grady's - (3) Filter Air Pleat 20 x 20 x 1 14.97 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Monti Chamber - Meet the Royalty Candidates 1 15.00 10/15/2016 213 - 46301 - 443990 10/6/2016 G & K - Uniform Rental - Jeans 3.60 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441700 10/6/2016 G & K - Towel Rental 14.55 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 10/6/2016 G & K - Mop Rental 11.13 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431100 10/6/2016 Wall Street Journal - Subscription 32.99 10/15/2016 101 - 41520- 443300 10/6/2016 G & K - Towel Rental 29.10 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 10/6/2016 G & K - Uniform Rental - Jeans 8.64 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441700 10/6/2016 G & K - Mop Rental 22.26 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431100 10/6/2016 Grady's - Steelwool, Sanding Sponge, Polish Me 63.41 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 NBP - 1 bx envelopes, 4 dz pens, 5 ea pencil cup 68.82 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 10/6/2016 Walmart - Batteries 23.94 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Walmart - 16 count Swiffer Pads 11.47 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Walmart - Almonds, Zone Bars, Bananas, Apple; 32.95 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 10/6/2016 Walmart - birthday cupcakes 27.52 10/15/2016 226- 45127- 421460 10/6/2016 Grady's - (2) 20oz Dawn - sidewalks 8.98 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 10/6/2016 Home Depot -(6) lgal antifreeze 29.88 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422300 10/6/2016 Cub- (5) Coffee; 409; toilet clnr; bleach; (2) tissi 61.49 10/15/2016 101- 43127 - 421990 10/6/2016 Auto Value - (2) bench grind wheel; (4) HD30 of 85.92 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421990 10/6/2016 Dakota Supply- Pipeline- (100) ft. pvc pipe 117.32 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422510 10/6/2016 Hydor Klean- Sp. Termination Kit 206.00 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 422100 10/6/2016 Lano Equip- (2) BPA glass m- series door; 5 gal 1 492.47 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 10/6/2016 NBP - (3) bx envelopes, (1) rl tape, (4) bx labels 108.41 10/15/2016 101- 41940 - 421990 10/6/2016 Amazon - (2) Canon Ink Cartridges 112.00 10/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 10/6/2016 Ausco - (4) Poly Jackets 120.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421110 10/6/2016 Recreation Supply Co - (10) S/S Escutcheon - ke 149.20 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Recreation Supply Co - 3/4" Polypropylene Pool 151.50 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Home Depot- 1/3 HP Automatic Submersible Pu 152.94 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Spoons and Forks 19.98 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421450 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - 1 gal pail w /cap, fresh start wipf 151.49 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - can liners, foam soap 76.01 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sep 3 50.76 10/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sep 3 94.92 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sep 3 104.92 10/15/2016 101 - 43120- 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sep 3 46.03 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 432100 10/6/2016 Verizon - Aug 4 - Sep 3 46.04 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 432100 10/6/2016 Arrowwood Resort - MN GFOA Confernce Lodj 247.24 10/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 10/6/2016 Arrowwood Resort - MN GFOA Confernce Lodi 247.24 10/15/2016 101 - 41520- 433100 10/6/2016 NBP - Staples, Paper, Padlock, Clipboards, Ink c 99.73 10/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 10/6/2016 NBP - Return Jumbo Clips -3.90 10/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 421990 10/6/2016 NBP - Paper, Pencil Sharpener, 66.49 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 NBP - Tape, Document Sleeves 30.12 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Monti Chamber - Lunch JT 15.00 10/15/2016 213 - 46301- 443990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 Cub- Granola Bars, Donuts, Juice for Hwy 25 Cc 31.04 10/15/2016 101 - 41940 - 443990 10/6/2016 Cub- Nutra Grain Bars, Yogurt for Leadership Ti 24.08 10/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 443990 10/6/2016 Cub- Granola Bars & Bananas for Leadership Tr 7.09 10/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 443990 10/6/2016 Cub- Granola Bars, Fruit, Veggies, Donuts, Juice 56.36 10/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 443990 10/6/2016 Grady's - Drill Bit 7.99 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Grady's - Flapper Korky Plus 6.49 10/15/2016 101 - 45501- 422990 10/6/2016 Grady's - External Rings (4) 1.26 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 10/6/2016 Grady's - Heavy Duty Cable Ties, Caulk 19.47 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Grady's - Bolts for Pool Mat 5.50 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Amazon - Padlock for Elections 18.98 10/15/2016 101 - 41410 - 421990 10/6/2016 Kwik Trip - Fuel for Van - Unleaded 19.365 gals 42.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421200 10/6/2016 Monti Napa - Blk Ct - Part for Pool Stairs 9.92 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Wahmart - Tape, Fasteners, Plates, 24.97 10/15/2016 217 - 41990 - 421990 10/6/2016 Home Depot- Quick Pro Deck Scrubber 15.98 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421750 10/6/2016 Home Depot- Sheet Metal (1), Diamond Tread 52.76 10/15/2016 226- 45127- 422990 10/6/2016 Ausco - Additonal Shirts for LaVallee Run (80) 780.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421980 10/6/2016 Super America - Unleaded Fuel - 10.133 gals @ 21.98 10/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421200 10/6/2016 Continental Research - Surface Cleaner, No Ox ( 901.69 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Gopher State Events - Blazin Thm Bertram Race 845.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431990 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Locker Room Supl 505.96 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 264.13 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Foam Cups for Concession 21.82 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421450 10/6/2016 Olson & Sons Electric - Install New Seals B & C 1,259.82 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 2nd Wind Excercise - Rope, Kettlebells (8), Traii 1,759.35 10/15/2016 226- 45127- 421720 10/6/2016 BOSU - Storage Rack for Trainer Balls 216.31 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421720 10/6/2016 Constant Contact - Monthly Email Marketing Se 60.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 430910 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - Trash Removal - August 2( 37,512.63 10/15/2016 101 - 43230 - 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - Recycling Services - Augu; 12,454.50 10/15/2016 101 - 43230 - 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 108.97 10/15/2016 656- 49870 - 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 35.80 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 47.74 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 23.87 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 113.38 10/15/2016 602 - 49480 - 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 208.87 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 11.93 10/15/2016 101 - 45501- 431990 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 23.87 10/15/2016 609 - 49754- 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - August 2016 23.87 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 438400 10/6/2016 Advanced Disposal - 2nd Carts (2) 60.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43230 - 438400 10/6/2016 Emedco - AED Signs (4) 177.07 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 J H Larson - Pool Lights (8) 387.78 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 422990 10/6/2016 Cub- (30) limes; (8) lemons 22.92 10/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 10/6/2016 Office Max - mail water samples to Health Dept. 41.06 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 432200 10/6/2016 MN State Fire Chiefs - membership D.A. 57.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 MN State Fire Chiefs - Primary Membership 93.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 10/6/2016 MN State Fire Chiefs - Annual Conf. D.A. 340.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 10/6/2016 MN State Fire Chiefs - Annual Conf. M.M 340.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 10/6/2016 MN State Fire Chiefs - Annual Conf. S.G. 340.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 433100 10/6/2016 Arctic Glacier- resale - 1955625808; 6411; 7209 486.56 10/15/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 10/6/2016 Continental Research Corp- (8)qt. Inhib Rst Enc 996.00 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421510 10/6/2016 Home Depot- JH office- 4x3 Oak Pywd; (2) PVC 119.18 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 422300 10/6/2016 Big Lake Lumber- (8) 6x6 8'.60 SYP 191.60 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 10/6/2016 MN Pollution Cntrl- Collections Basic Seminar - 300.00 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 433100 10/6/2016 Trusted Employees - Background Checks (5) 129.00 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431990 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Cleaning Supplies 156.06 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Bathroom & Locker Room Sup] 330.17 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421990 10/6/2016 Dacotah Paper - Mercury /Chlorine Cartridges (3: 99.51 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 10/6/2016 G & K - Mop Rental 11.13 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 431100 10/6/2016 G & K - Uniform Rental - Jeans 4.32 10/15/2016 226- 45122- 441700 10/6/2016 G & K - Towel Rental 14.55 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 441710 10/6/2016 Holiday - Unleaded Fuel 9.376 gals @ $2.169 20.34 10/15/2016 217 - 41990- 421200 10/6/2016 Fastenal - Springhook, Drill Bits, 3 Blade Knife, 28.94 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 2nd Wind Exercise - Hampton Gel Bar Bell Syst 3,355.92 10/15/2016 226 - 45127- 421720 10/6/2016 Monticello Printing - Pet License Application Fo 101.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42700 - 421990 10/6/2016 Monticello Printing - Name Plates (2); Holder (1 36.60 10/15/2016 101 - 41910 - 443990 10/6/2016 MN Dept Labor - Confirm #25578171109 Qtr 3 5,128.86 10/15/2016 101 - 00000 - 208110 10/6/2016 MN Dept Labor - Confirm #25578171109 Qtr 3 - 205.15 10/15/2016 101- 42400- 343000 10/6/2016 Amazon - Bulletin Board for Hallway (4x6') 139.80 10/15/2016 101 - 41310 - 421990 10/6/2016 Monti Napa - Truckbed Liner Paint Used on Slid 85.99 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 10/6/2016 Cub- Safety Bingo Gift Card & CPR Training Fc 66.58 10/15/2016 101 - 41800 - 421990 10/6/2016 Cub- Flowers for IEDC Breakfast 15.59 10/15/2016 213- 46301- 421990 10/6/2016 Monti Napa- #223- return (2) v -belts -34.00 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 10/6/2016 Fastenal - U -box- credit -4.30 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 10/6/2016 Grady's - (2) 1.25x1" couple poly 2.58 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 10/6/2016 Grady's - Hwy 25 Flag Poles- conduit 5.49 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 421990 10/6/2016 Fastenal - U -box- (25) 3/8 -16x1 HCS 316 S/S 11.07 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 10/6/2016 Monti Napa -(4) filter 1372 15.60 10/15/2016 101- 43127 - 422110 10/6/2016 Home Depot- 2 gal. Premium Sprayer 16.20 10/15/2016 101 - 43120- 421990 10/6/2016 Grady's - string bead wire 17.99 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421510 10/6/2016 Fastenal - U- box -(75) misc. small parts 21.90 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 10/6/2016 Monti Napa- Water Truck Pump- (2) air fliters 25.68 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422110 10/6/2016 Monti Napa- (10) EP Moly M SL3330 39.90 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421990 10/6/2016 Runnings -U -box- (2) 2" Fitting Plug; (2) 1 "; T I 41.34 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 10/6/2016 Runnings -(4) duck tape; (2) bowl cleaner; degre 52.93 10/15/2016 101 - 42200 - 421990 10/6/2016 Olson & Sons (2) 40OW bulb- Liq. Park Lot 54.50 10/15/2016 101 - 43160 - 421530 10/6/2016 Monti Napa - sealer pump; (2) pins 63.07 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422100 10/6/2016 Monti Napa- #223- (3) v- belts; 6pc screwdrvr set 65.73 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 422100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number 10/6/2016 Monti Napa -(4) air filters; (1) oil - Shop 67.42 10/15/2016 101 - 45201- 421650 10/6/2016 Dyna - (3) gapper adhesv; (5) cryobit; (10) claml 299.47 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421990 10/6/2016 Hotsy- (2) hose 3 /8xIOOft 389.63 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 422100 10/6/2016 Paypal- refund pen refills from 9/1/16 not availal -14.25 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 421990 10/6/2016 Paypal- refund pen refills from 9/1/16 not availal -14.24 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 421990 10/6/2016 Fastenal - Black Mat 32x39 39.21 10/15/2016 101 - 43127 - 421500 10/6/2016 Zep- black strip pads 1 case 79.33 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 Zep- (2) 4gal Lime & Scale Remover 194.30 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 421100 10/6/2016 G & K - mats - 1043580165; 1043585672 112.70 10/15/2016 609 - 49754- 431990 10/6/2016 Trueman Welters- #179- (6) Asst. Filters 227.20 10/15/2016 101 - 43120 - 422100 10/6/2016 Emerg Auto Tech- PW truck - traffic advisor;line 950.22 10/15/2016 703 - 00000 - 165010 10/6/2016 Grady's - Auger 1/4" x 25' for Drain in Fitness A 28.85 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 422990 10/6/2016 Grady's - Batteries AA & AAA 21.35 10/15/2016 101 - 43111- 421990 10/6/2016 MN Dept Labor - Cont Ed Classes RH & RS 10/ 170.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 433100 10/6/2016 MN Dept Labor - Cent Ed Class JR 85.00 10/15/2016 101 - 42400 - 433100 10/6/2016 Initiative Foundation - 10/7/16 Event JT 75.00 10/15/2016 213 - 46500- 433100 10/6/2016 Amazon - Kleenex (12 Boxes) 12.88 10/15/2016 101 - 41940- 421990 10/6/2016 MN State Fire Chiefs - membership S.G. 57.00 10/15/2016 101- 42200 - 433100 10/6/2016 Johnson Materials - (87.85) T. Con Bit Riverside 973.02 10/15/2016 651- 49010 - 443990 Check Total: 132.07 Total for Check Run: 152,132.60 Total of Number of Checks: AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) W The preceding list of bills payable was revie, Date: 10/24/2016 Approved by Check Total: 103,574.41 Vendor: 2438 VANCO SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 5 00007774323 Vanco - Fitness Rewards - September 2016 65.25 10/15/2016 226 - 45122- 430700 00007777415 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - September 2016 39.08 10/15/2016 656- 49870 - 443980 00007777415 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - September 2016 13.87 10/15/2016 601 - 49440 - 443980 00007777415 Vanco - Gateway Exchange - September 2016 13.87 10/15/2016 602 - 49490 - 443980 Check Total: 132.07 Total for Check Run: 152,132.60 Total of Number of Checks: AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/13/2016 - 3:13 PM) W The preceding list of bills payable was revie, Date: 10/24/2016 Approved by Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 10/19/2016 - 10:59AM Batch: 00203.10.2016 - 00203.10.2016 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3974 A+ TAXI OF MONTICELLO INC Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 20131082 September 2016 3,333.33 10/25/2016 101- 45178- 431990 Check Total: 3,333.33 Vendor: 1018 ALLIED BLACKTOP COMPANY Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 22836 (177.80) gal Road Oil 577.85 10/25/2016 101- 43120 - 422400 Check Total: 577.85 Vendor: 1019 ALLINA HEALTH SYSTEM Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 304985812 Random Alcohol Test- S. Weis 30.00 10/25/2016 601- 49440 - 431990 Check Total: 30.00 Vendor: 1021 AME RED E MIX INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 110282 ZPARKS - ELLPRK -(6) CY 4000 AE 871.00 10/25/2016 229 - 45202- 453010 110381 (6.5) CY - Widen entrance to parking lot- Hi -wa, 1,032.50 10/25/2016 609- 49754- 422990 Check Total: 1,903.50 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 45429 Clean Pool Heater; Replace Tubing for Chemical 2,644.00 1.0/25/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 45486 Rebuild UV Unit:Replace End Plates, Drive Sha: 2,526.73 10/25/2016 226 - 45122- 421610 Check Total: 5,170.73 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 3130075 resale - beer 105.25 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 3131668 resale -. beer 169.25 10/25/2016 609- 49750 - 425200 Check Total: 274.50 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 254598 Buried Drops- Sept 2016 6,545.25 10/25/2016 656- 49877 - 440100 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 486.72 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 362900 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 530.44 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 341180 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 585.46 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 341190 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 1,320.93 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 362920 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 45,181.30 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 362920 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 57,719.63 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380520 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 14,032.82 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380522 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 22,005.41 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380530 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 833.06 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380531 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 1,188.14 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380532 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings -19.18 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380533 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 1,474.68 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380542 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 4,246.90 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380557 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings - 212.85 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380558 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings 1,910.92 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380545 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings 2,991.73 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 380546 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Billings 1,649.85 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 341180 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Subscriber Fees- Arvig 71,059.04 10/25/2016 656- 49870 - 430600 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Mgmnt Fees 12,500.00 10/25/2016 656- 49870 - 430700 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Fixed Fees- Arvig 77,756.39 10/25/2016 656- 49870 - 430800 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Credit Card Deposits 46,357.12 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 202099 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 VANCO Deposits 13,979.08 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 202099 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 CABS Payment 49.16 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 202099 Sept 2016 Sept 1- 30/2016 Accts Rcvbl - 2,174.13 10/25/2016 656- 00000 - 115025 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: Tiue Page 2 Check Total: 82,786.89 Vendor: 4556 ANDY AUSTIN Check Sequence: 8 11/18/16 Show Entertainer 11/18/16 Holiday Show 300.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49754- 425550 Check Total: 300.00 Vendor: 4537 BARBER CONSTRUCTION CO INC Check Sequence: 9 Pay Voucher #2 16C001 - BCOL Interim Park Improvements - P, 47,389.80 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 459015 Check Total: 47,389.80 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 10 55813000 freight 5.40 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 55813000 resale - liquor 88.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 55813000 resale - wine 52.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 94758200 resale - olives 32.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425500 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: Tiue Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 94758200 freight 0.14 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 177.54 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 180722 resale - pop, milk 144.00 10/25/2016 226- 45127- 425410 182796 resale - soda pop 121.05 10/25/2016 60949750- 425400 182796 resale -juice 32.80 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425500 182797 resale - beer 1,594.50 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 183492 resale - pop, water, 331.25 10/25/2016 226- 45127- 425410 185633 resale - soda pop 80.70 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 185633 resale -juice 32.80 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 185634 resale- beer 1,120.90 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 186244 resale - pop, water, juice 417.00 10/25/2016 226 - 45127- 425410 Check Total: 3,875.00 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: False 1080537654 resale liquor 1,403.68 10/25/2016 60949750425100 1080537654 resale - wine 596.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080537654 freight 32.87 10/25/2016 609 - 49750 - 433300 1080540455 resale liquor 2,864.09 10/25/2016 60949750425100 1080540455 resale - wine 338.26 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 1080540455 freight 44.28 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 1080540456 resale - beer 120.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 2080146935 resale liquor credit -98.00 10/25/2016 60949750- 425100 Check Total: 5,301.18 Vendor: 2890 BROTHERS FIRE PROTECTION CO Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 17971 Sept 2016 Hood Inspection; Replace Hood Links 156.00 10/25/2016 226 - 45122 - 431120 Check Total: 156.00 Vendor: 1086 BURNHAM COMPANIES LLC Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: True 4335 Diseased Elm removed 9594 Mill Trail Lane 800.00 10/25/2016 101- 46102- 431990 4336 (2) Diseased Elm removed - stumps cut low- 30C 900.00 10/25/2016 10146102- 431990 Check Total: 1.700.00 Vendor: 1091 CAMPBELL KNUTSON PA Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 2348 -000G 170 Planning & Zoning - Sept 2016 405.00 10/25/2016 101- 41910- 430400 2348 -000G 170 2016 -035 - Mills Fleet Farm - Sept 2016 75.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 2348 -000G 170 General Legal - Sept 2016 1,175.39 10/25/2016 101- 41610- 430400 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2348 -000G 170 EDA - Sept 2016 150.00 10/25/2016 213- 46301- 430400 2348 -000G 170 ZZBCOL - BCOL Phase XI - Sept 2016 135.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 2348 -103G 109 FiberNet General - Sept 2016 225.00 10/25/2016 656- 49870 - 430400 2348 -125G 13 ZRCFOS - Church of St.Henry/FallonAve Impr< 1,948.30 10/25/2016 101- 41610- 430400 2348 -138G 4 2016 -035 - Mills Fleet Farm Addition Sept 2016 1,590.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 2348 -139G 2 Nelson Purchase Agreement - Sept 2016 165.00 10/25/2016 213- 46301- 430400 Check Total: 5,868.69 Vendor: 1801 CANNON RIVER WINERY Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 2051 resale - wine 276.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 Check Total: 276.00 Vendor: 1094 CAREFREE LAWN SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 15782 (2) Hillside Cemetery- mowing, litter & debris p 320.00 10/25/2016 10145201- 431050 15782 (2) Riverside Cemetery- mowing 9/2 & 20/2016 1,100.00 10/25/2016 651- 49010 - 431050 Check Total: 1,420.00 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: False 1.2984 resale - wine 420.00 10/25/2016 60949750425300 Check Total: 420.00 Vendor: 4089 CARLSON & LYTER DISTRIBUTING, INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: Tme 631409 resale - beer 107.25 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 Check Total: 107.25 Vendor: 2213 CBS TV STATIONS Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 093016 WCCO Sept 2016 1,193.25 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,193.25 Vendor: 1120 CONCRETE PRODUCTS NEW LONDON Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 64808 ZPARKS- ELLPRK- (400) 5/8" Rebar 236.00 10/25/2016 22945202453010 Check Total: 236.00 Vendor: 2197 CORPORATE CONNECTION Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: False 43493 (6) Safety Lime class sheatshirts- Streets 149.16 10/25/2016 101- 43120- 420650 43493 (6) Safety Lime class sheatshirts- Water 37.29 10/25/2016 601- 49440 - 420650 43493 (6) Safety Lime class sheatshirts- Sewer 37.29 10/25/2016 602 - 49490 - 420650 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 5 Check Total: 223.74 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True 1218273 resale - beer 1,335.90 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 1218273 resale - beer n/a 25.10 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425400 131786 resale - beer credit -49.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 132912 resale - beer 7,476.36 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 132912 resale - beer n/a 226.80 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 133059 resale - beer credit -60.40 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 133158 resale - beer 88.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 133258 resale - beer 21,164.20 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 133258 resale - beer n/a 117.60 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 133396 resale - beer 463.50 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 133458 resale - beer credit -44.60 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 133465 resale - beer 693.20 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 133692 resale - beer 95.00 10/25/2016 60949750- 425200 Check Total: 31,531.66 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: True 414683 Non Competition Public Notice Ad# 602999 147.68 10/25/2016 101 - 41910- 435100 414684 PH Delinquent UB Billing Ad# 603297 138.45 10/25/2016 10141310- 435100 414685 PH Delinquent AR Ad# 603311 138.45 10/25/2016 101 - 41310- 435100 414686 15C001 - 2016 Street Reconstruction Bids Ad# 1 258.44 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 430300 417095 Monticello Manufacturing Ad# 595799 2,500.00 10/25/2016 213 - 46301 - 434990 421326 Ad # 602703 Fall Wine Sale 10/13 & 14/2016 381.25 10/25/2016 609 - 49754- 434990 Check Total: 3,564.27 Vendor: 2154 FEDERATED CO -OPS Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False A -14205 Generator- (80) gal Diesel @ $2.05; (29) gal Die 220.55 10/25/2016 602- 49490 - 421200 Check Total: 220.55 Vendor: 1180 FIRST HOSPITAL LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 1`100158619 Irine Drug Screen - S. Weis 47.95 10/25/2016 60149440- 431990 Check Total: 47.95 Vendor: 2222 FOX SPORTS NET INC Clieck Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True L27742 Fox Sports North Sept. 2016 4,306.26 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 4,306.26 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2462 FOX TELEVISION STATIONS INC Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False 093016 KMSP Sept. 2016 1,096.50 10/25/2016 656- 49879- 430920 093016 -2 WFTC Sept. 2016 193.50 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,290.00 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: True 10/6/2016 Famers Market Token Collection Log 10/6/16 42.00 10/25/2016 226- 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 42.00 Vendor: 1206 GRAPE BEGINNINGS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: False 11070 resale - wine 668.98 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 11070 freight 9.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 Check Total: 677.98 Vendor: 2895 GREATER MN PARKS AND TRAILS Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False 2016 Membership 2016 Membership - City of Monticello 225.00 10/25/2016 101 45201 - 443300 Check Total: 225.00 Vendor: 3859 TAMARA HANSON Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 10/7/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 10/6/16 103.00 10/25/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 103.00 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: True 2967435 Pool Chemicals: Clearitas; Stain & Scale 301.52 10/25/2016 226 - 45122- 421600 3962969 Pool Chemicals:DPD Powder, Sulfuric Acid, PH 66.78 10/25/2016 22645122- 421600 Check Total: 368.30 Vendor: 4218 HOHENSTEINS, INC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 853356 resale - beer 698.50 10/25/2016 60949750425200 853588 resale - beer 72.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750 - 425200 Check Total: 770.50 Vendor: 2305 HOME BOX OFFICE Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 093016 HBO Sept 2016 114.52 10/25/2016 65649879430920 093016 HBO Bulk Sept 2016 172.12 10/25/2016 656- 49879- 430920 093016 Max Sept 2016 45.36 10/25/2016 65649879- 430920 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 7 Check Total: 332.00 Vendor: 2214 HUBBARD BROADCASTING INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 093016 KSTC Sept. 2016 225.75 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 093016 -2 KSTP Sept. 2016 1,451.25 10/25/2016 656- 49879- 430920 Check Total: 1,677.00 Vendor: 3749 DANIEL PAUL HUNZ Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 10/7/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 10/6/16 15.00 10/25/2016 226 - 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 15.00 Vendor: 1259 JJ TAYLOR DISTRIBUTING Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 2560653 resale - beer- correct inv. 2585439 27.80 10/25/2016 60949750- 425200 2585471 resale - beer- correct inv. 2585439 1,631.14 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 2585471 freight 3.00 10/25/2016 60949750- 433300 2585506 resale - beer 3,777.20 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 2585506 freight 3.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 Check Total: 5,442.14 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 5552528 resale - liquor 12.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5553177 resale - liquor 5,611.65 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5553177 freight 69.49 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5553178 freight 27.84 10/25/2016 60949750 - 433300 5553178 resale - wine 958.58 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5553178 resale - wine n/a 32.99 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 5555123 resale - liquor 1,747.79 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425100 5555123 freight 25.68 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5555124 freight 31.68 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5555124 resale - wine 932.05 10/25/2016 60949750- 425300 5557193 freight 16.56 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5557193 resale - Liquor 1,368.40 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5557194 freight 25.93 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5557194 resale - wine 850.55 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5558598 resale - liquor 3,016.97 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5558598 freight 25.68 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5558599 freight 94.57 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 5558599 resale - wine 3,364.83 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5558600 resale - beer 21.99 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 5559891 resale - liquor 4,153.62 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 5559891 freight 42.23 10/25/2016 609 - 49750 - 433300 5559892 freight 19.44 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5559892 resale - wine 1,432.88 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 5559893 resale - beer 55.40 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 5562634 resale - liquor 104.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 5562634 freight 1.44 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5562635 freight 84.97 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 5562635 resale - wine 2,968.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 594065 resale - liquor credit inv #5525440 -6.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425100 594066 resale - wine credit inv #5536303 -13.10 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 594067 resale - wine credit inv #5547209 -13.15 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 594862 resale - wine credit inv #5551403 -52.60 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 594862 freight credit inv #5551403 -1.44 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 594863 resale - wine credit inv #5547209 -13.10 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 Check Total: 26,997.82 Vendor: 2641 JOHNSON MATERIALS INC Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 2463 ZPARKS- ELLPRK - (2.73) Ton 1 1/2" washed r, 43.95 10/25/2016 229 - 45202- 453010 Check Total: 43.95 Vendor: 2328 LOCH JEWELERS Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 10/7/2016 Plaques (6) for IEDC Breakfast 326.00 10/25/2016 213 - 46301- 443990 Check Total: 326.00 Vendor: 4550 LUBE -TECH ESI Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 12258 Repair Kit New style 5:1 180P 126.85 10/25/2016 101 - 43127 - 422100 Check Total: 126.85 Vendor: 4456 LUPULIN BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 141 resale - beer 324.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 Check Total: 324.00 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: Trtiie 225255 resale - cigarettes 1,394.69 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425500 225255 resale - soda pop; tobacco; cork screws; can cool 573.45 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425400 Check Total: 1,968.14 Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1353 Business Cards (AM) 68.46 10/25/2016 226- 45122- 421990 Check Total: 68.46 Vendor: 2215 METRO GOLDWYN MAYER INC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: True 093016 MGM Sept. 2016 79.30 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 79,30 Vendor: 2217 MLB NETWORK LLC AFFILIATE SALE Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 70960 MLB Sept 2016 240.30 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 240.30 Vendor: 1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False Qtr 3 2016 Comm. Water Supply Serv. Conn. Fee Qtr 3 201, 6,669.00 10/25/2016 60149440- 443750 Check Total: 6,669.00 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: Tnle October 2016 Monthly Allocation - Oct 2016 4,730.00 10/25/2016 101- 45175- 444310 Check Total: 4,730.00 Vendor: 2218 MUSIC CHOICE Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 093016 Music Choice Sept 2016 300.87 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 300,87 Vendor: 2216 NHLN AFFILIATE SALES Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 71256 NHL Sept 2016 192.24 10/25/2016 656- 49879- 430920 Check Total: 192.24 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 22572 Sept 2016 - Tech Assistance - City Projects 1,563.14 10/25/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 22573 201641 - Tech Assistance - Monti High School P 1,321.44 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 22573 201642 - Tech Assistance - Sherburne State Bank 1,910.44 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 22573 Tech Assistance - Moon Motors Expansion - Sep 217.00 10/25/2016 101- 41910- 431990 22573 Tech Assistance - Camping World - Sept 2016 232.50 10/25/2016 101- 41910- 431990 22574 Sept 2016 - Tech Assistance - Meetings 150.00 10/25/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 Check Total: 5,394.52 Vendor: 4551 NOVAK BUILDERS & REMODELERS Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: False . AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/11/2016 Escrow Refund - 4322 89th St/Featherstone Dev 2,000.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 10/11/2016 Escrow Refund - 4382 87th St/Featherstone Dev 2,000.00 10/25/2016 101 - 00000 - 220110 Check Total: 4.000.00 Vendor: 4368 OFFICE DEPOT INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 872104596001 (2) Case paper; 1 doz pens 77.75 10/25/2016 101- 43110- 421990 872104664001 (10) clipboards 19.90 10/25/2016 10143110421990 Check Total: 97.65 Vendor. 4015 OHLN SALES INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 333581 (216) C sz. Battery; (72) D sz Battery 226.37 10/25/2016 101- 42200 - 421990 Check Total: 226.37 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 12460 (2.01) AC Fines mix 128.64 10/25/2016 101- 43120422400 12466 (3) AC Fines mix 192.00 10/25/2016 101 - 43120422400 12470 (3) AC Fines mix 192.00 10/25/2016 101 - 43120- 422400 12488 (3) AC Fines mix 192.00 10/25/2016 101- 43120- 422400 Check Total: 704.64 Vendor: 1273 PAUSTIS & SONS WINE CO Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 8564581 resale - wine 999.02 10/25/2016 60949750- 425300 8564581 freight 15.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 8565443 resale - wine 707.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 8565443 freight 8.75 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,729.77 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False 2050886 resale - liquor 5,243.87 10/25/2016 60949750- 425100 2050886 freight 89.29 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2050887 resale - n/a beer 126.75 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 2052345 freight 20.16 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 2052345 resale - liquor 1,315.99 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2052346 resale - wine 1,853.90 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2052346 resale - condiment 50.28 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425500 2052346 freight 38.88 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 2053863 resale - liquor 4,809.45 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2053863 freight 92.18 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2054774 resale - liquor 660.50 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2054774 freight 5.76 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2055683 freight 21.96 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2055683 resale - liquor 1,530.74 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 2055684 resale - wine 1,943.88 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 2055684 freight 41.04 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2057678 freight 47.52 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 2057678 resale - liquor 3,385.05 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425100 2057679 resale- wine 249.25 10/25/2016 60949750425300 2057679 freight 7.20 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 247339 resale - liquor credit -8.92 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 247913 resale - wine credit -7.58 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 247914 resale - wine credit inv. #2040563 -6.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 Check Total: 21,511.15 Vendor: 1435 PLUNKETT'S PEST CONTROL INC Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False 5547320 Treatment for Roaches 150.00 10/25/2016 22645122- 431990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 4060 POP MEDIA NETWORKS, LLC POP MEDIA ( Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: True 169480 POP Media Sept. 2016 489.66 10/25/2016 65649879- 430920 Check Total: 489.66 Vendor: 4552 R3 CONTRACTING INC Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 10/11/2016 Escrow Refund: 5835 Bison Circle/Hillside Farn 2,000.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False Sept Parks #231 (3) slips- Parks gas 27.31 10/25/2016 101- 45201- 421300 Sept PW PW - gas A.G. 13.00 10/25/2016 101 - 43120- 421200 Check Total: 40.31 Vendor: 4022 REINHART FOODSERVICE LLC Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False 530436 Freight 7.99 10/25/2016 22645122- 433300 530436 Resale: Chips, Cheese Sauce, Muffins, Pretzels, 503.43 10/25/2016 226- 45127- 425410 542683 Resale: Juice, Chips, Popcorn, Pizzas, Fruit Snac 453.53 10/25/2016 226- 45127- 425410 542683 Freight 7.99 10/25/2016 226- 45122- 433300 Check Total: 972.94 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 2602 RFD TV Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 2344 -1 110 RFD -TV Sept 2016 15.94 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 15.94 Vendor: 1474 PATRICIA A SALZWEDEL Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True 10/4/2016 Mileage Reimbursement Sept (220 miles) 118.80 10/25/2016 101- 42700 - 433100 10/4/2016 Dog Muzzles (2) 38.45 10/25/2016 101 42700- 421990 October 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,593.75 10/25/2016 101- 42700 - 431200 Check Total: 1,751.00 Vendor: 4194 JENNIFER SCHREIBER Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: True 10/19/2016 Mileage Reimb for Various Election Activities (1 59.40 10/25/2016 101- 41410- 433100 Check Total: 59.40 Vendor: 2443 SECURITAS SECURITY SERVICES USA INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False W5378722 9/24/16 - Eull R2189 191.24 10/25/2016 22645122- 431992 W5386472 10 /1 /I6 - Lungen R2201 140.00 10/25/2016 226- 45122- 431992 Check Total: 331.24 Vendor: 2301 SHOWTIME NETWORKS INC Check Sequence: 68 ACII Enabled: False 201609- 40843608 Showtime Sept 2016 103.95 10/25/2016 65649879430920 Check Total: 103.95 Vendor: 2212 SINCLAIR TELEVISION GROUP INC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 093016 WUCW -TV Sept. 2016 419.25 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 419.25 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: False 1460876 resale - liquor 688.41 10/25/2016 60949750- 425100 1460876 freight 7.70 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 1460877 freight 43.05 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1460877 resale - wine 2,746.08 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 1460878 resale - wine 130.76 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 1460878 freight 1.75 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1463500 resale - condiments 62.53 10/25/2016 60949750- 425400 1463500 freight 0.23 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1463501 freight 11.90 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 1463501 resale - liquor 1,063.74 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1463502 resale - liquor 1,698.61 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 1463502 freight 25.20 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 6,479.96 Vendor: 2603 SPECIALTY TURF & AG, INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: False 145864 (2) 501b. Pro Athletic Mix; (2) 501b. Perennial Ri 461.00 10/25/2016 101- 45203- 421990 Check Total: 461.00 Vendor: 2564 SPORTS PRO LLC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 657 Labor - Spinning Bikes #36 & 39 - Diagnose Par 60.00 10/25/2016 226- 45122- 422105 657 Mileage 25.00 10/25/2016 226- 45122- 422105 Check Total: 85.00 Vendor: 3594 STRATEGIC EQUIPMENT, LLC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 2728896 asst bags; paper towels; multi -fold towels; etc 553.77 10/25/2016 609- 49754- 421990 Check Total: 553.77 Vendor: 4413 SUNRAM CONSTRUCTION INC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False Voucher #3 15C003 - Pay Voucher #3 - FInal Payment - Th 2 20,109.51 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 459013 Check Total: 20,109.51 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: True 763 - 271 -3257 TDS 90.66 10/25/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 295 -2005 TDS 18.09 10/25/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 763 - 295 -3714 TDS 330.52 10/25/2016 702 - 00000 - 432100 Check Total: 439.27 Vendor: 2412 TEE JAY NORTH INC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 27865 Parts- replaced bottom track 53" interior door 216.96 10/25/2016 609- 49754- 440100 27865 Labor /Travel- replaced bottom track 53" interior 504.00 10/25/2016 609- 49754 - 440100 Check Total: 72096 Vendor: 2251 TEGNA/GANNETT CO INC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 1116 -1084 TEGNA Sept. 2016 1,354.50 10/25/2016 656- 49879 - 430920 Check Total: 1,354.50 Vendor: 1522 THORPE DISTRIBUTING COMPANY Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1152137 resale - beer 7,017.70 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1152570 resale - beer 1,670.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 1155570 resale - beer 84.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 1158672 resale - beer credit - 220.85 10/25/2016 609 - 49750425200 1158675 resale - beer n/a 131.15 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 1158677 resale - beer 176.75 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425200 120232 resale - beer - corrected inv. 120232 9/1/16 13.95 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425200 Check Total: 8,872.70 Vendor: 2252 TOWER DISTRIBUTION COMPANY Check Sequence: 79 546587 WGN America Sept 2016 173.97 10/25/2016 656 - 49879- 430920 Check Total: 173.97 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 80 1813937 resale - soda pop 213.00 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425400 1821694 resale - soda pop 343.50 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425400 Check Total: 556.50 Vendor: 2644 VIKINGS CHILDRENS FUND Check Sequence: 81 Fundraiser Vikings Childrens Fund 9/1- 10/11/2016 1,540.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49754- 378160 Check Total: 1,540.00 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 82 0162734 resale - liquor 444.75 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425100 0162734 resale - wine 168.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 0162734 freight 12.50 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 163391 resale - liquor 191.50 10/25/2016 60949750- 425100 163391 resale - wine 416.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 425300 163391 freight 12.00 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 1,244.75 Vendor: 4514 LY LEE VUE Check Sequence: 83 10/6/2016 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 10/6/16 50.00 10/25/2016 226- 00000 - 220100 Check Total: 50.00 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 84 5814 Water Testing Sept 2016 256.00 10/25/2016 601- 49440 - 422740 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Aect Number Reference AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 15 Check Total: 256.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 8017 Labor- Well 2 limit switch 175.00 10/25/2016 601- 49440- 440440 8017 Material- Well 2 limit switch 54.44 10/25/2016 601- 49440- 440440 Check Total: 229.44 Vendor: 1756 WIGEN COMPANIES INC Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: False 19605 Regeneration Tanks #1 & #2 569.25 10/25/2016 226 -45122 - 431120 Check Total: 569.25 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 7101975 resale - wine 724.44 10/25/2016 60949750- 425300 7101975 freight 7.92 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 433300 7102596 resale - wine 976.66 10/25/2016 60949750- 425300 7102596 freight 10.55 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 7103090 resale - wine 814.98 10/25/2016 609- 49750- 425300 7103090 freight 12.24 10/25/2016 609 - 49750- 433300 Check Total: 2,546.79 Vendor: 2219 WORLD FISHING NETWORK LTD Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: Tnie 659 -1015 World Fishing Sept 2016 18.81 10/25/2016 656 - 49879- 430920 Check Total: 18.81 Vendor: 2645 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False License 2017 2017 Tobacco License Renewal 150.00 10/25/2016 60949754- 443990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR -TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 10/12/2016 Court Fines & Fees for September 2016 2,446.67 10/25/2016 101- 42100- 430410 Check Total: 2,446.67 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 201600000084 201635 - Development Agreement Mills Propert: 46.00 10/25/2016 101- 41910- 431990 201600000084 201635 - Easement - Mills Properties # A 13252 46.00 10/25/2016 101- 41910- 431990 201600000084 201641 - Corrective Deed ISD 882 # A 132549' 46.00 10/25/2016 101 - 41910- 431990 AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 107,097.62 Total for Check Run: 451,494.05 Total of Number of Checks: 92 ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/24/16 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 16 Check Total: 138.00 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 92 01494 -480 49 ZRCFOS- Fallon Overpass Prelim Design Ph 1- 2,212.00 10/25/2016 101- 43111- 430300 01494 -700 39 General WWTP- Phase 4 Aug. 18, 2016 56.00 10/25/2016 602 - 49480- 430300 01494 -800 32 100009- CSAH 75 /TH 25 Intersection Improve 1 2,540.50 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 459010 01494 -950 24 14C002- Phosphorus Construction Admin Phase 2,250.55 10/25/2016 602- 00000 - 165010 01494 -950 24 14C002- Digester Construction Admin Phase 8 7 5,993.25 10/25/2016 602- 00000 - 165010 01494 -960 21 14C003- School Blvd Overlay & Trail Improvem 60.50 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 453010 01494 -970 17 14C003- CCOSTS- Fallon Ave & 85th St Improi 148.50 10/25/2016 40043300- 453010 01627 -680 12 2016 -035- Mills Fleet Farm Plan Review - Aug,' 1,445.50 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 01627 -990 11 15C002- 95th St NE Extension Ph. 1 - Aug 2016 3,397.00 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 430300 02596 -010 20 2016 General Engineering Services Ph 3 Aug 20 2,583.34 10/25/2016 101- 43111- 430300 02596 -010 20 2016 General Engineering Services Ph 3 Aug 20 2,583.33 10/25/2016 601 - 49440 - 430300 02596 -010 20 2016 General Engineering Services Ph 3 Aug 20 2,583.33 10/25/2016 602- 49490 - 430300 02596 -040 18 GIS Support Services- Aug 2016 218.00 10/25/2016 702 - 00000 - 431990 02596 -100 15 15C001- CONSTR- Street Reconst. Proj Phase 3 58,332.50 10/25/2016 400 - 43300- 459011 02596 -110 14 ZZBCOL- MASTER - BCOL Athletic Complex 1 3,217.60 10/25/2016 229 - 45202- 431990 02596-1409 15C003- 7th St Retaining Wall Ph.3 Aug 2016 121.00 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 459013 02596-1507 2016 WCA Services - Aug 2016 553.00 10/25/2016 101- 43111- 430300 02596-1608 15C004- 7th St /TH 25 Intersection Improve Ph.2 3,311.22 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 459014 02596-2204 ZMISMS- Middle School Expansion- Aug 2016 196.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 02596-2304 ZMISPW- Pinewood Elem Parking Expansion- 2 73.50 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 02596-2403 ZZDAHL- Dahlheimer Building Expansion Plan 441.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 02596-2503 ZMISHS- School District PUD Plan Review- Au 1,323.00 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 02596-2603 16CO02 Spirit Hills Trail Improve. Aug 2016 2,955.25 10/25/2016 22945202- 453910 02596-2802 2016 -038 - IRT (Fallon Ave) Plan Review - Aug. 220.50 10/25/2016 101- 00000 - 220110 02596-2902 Monticello Business Center Drainage Study - Au; 294.00 10/25/2016 263 - 49200453010 02596 -300 1 15C002- CR 39 /Gillard Ave Intersection Improv 6,160.00 10/25/2016 400 - 43300 - 430300 02596-3101 FEMA Mapping Assistance - Aug 2016 3,827.25 10/25/2016 101- 43111- 430300 Check Total: 107,097.62 Total for Check Run: 451,494.05 Total of Number of Checks: 92 ACH Enabled: True The preceding list of bills payables was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 10/24/16 Approved by: Mayor Brian Stumpf AP- Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (10/19/2016 - 10:59 AM) Page 16 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments (TE) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently in the departments listed. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring /departure of all listed employees including part-time and seasonal workers. Al. Budget Impact: (positions are generally included in budget) A2. Staff Work Load Impact: If new positions, there may be some training involved. If terminated positions, existing staff would pick up those hours, as needed, until replaced. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the hire /departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. 2. Motion to deny the recommended hires and departures. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires /departures. City staff recommends Alternative #1, for the Council to approve the hires and/or departures as listed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • List of new /terminated employees 1 NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Mary Hedlund Guest Service MCC 10/12/2016 PT Jennifer Lackner DMV Courier DMV 10/17/2016 Temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Meghan Schroeder Voluntary MCC 6/11/16 PT Trevor Bautch Voluntary Parks 8/12/16 Seasonal Kramer Voll Voluntary Parks 8/12/16 Seasonal Natalie Seyko Voluntary MCC 8/23/16 PT Andrew Lavallee Voluntary Parks 8/29/16 Seasonal Billy Vickers Voluntary Streets 9/23/16 Seasonal New Hire and Terms City Council 2016: 10/18/2016 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property (WO) There is no report this City Council cycle. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2D. Consideration of approving an application for a charitable gambling permit for fundraising activity to be conducted by the American Legion Riders Post 560 on December 10, 2016 at the Monticello American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The American Legion Riders Post 560 has applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for bingo, pull -tabs and raffle to be held on Saturday, December 10, 2016 at the American Legion Post 260. This is a fundraising event for the group. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling license applications for charitable events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a charitable gambling permit for a raffle, bingo, and pull -tabs to be conducted by the American Legion Riders Post 560 on December 10, 2016 at the American Legion Post 260, 304 Elm Street. 2. Motion to deny the application for a charitable gambling permit. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff supports Alternative #1 and is not aware of any reason why this application should not be approved. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Application for Exempt Gambling Permit MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application fog xeQ"nptL[ Varmt 9/16 Page 1 of 2 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit k1pplication Fee (nan— refundah0e) organization that: conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and Applications are processed in the order received. If the application • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the • year application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite your county by calling 651 -539 -1900. service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. OR%A I2. TION INFORMATION Organization Previous Gambling Name: American Legion Riders Post 560 Permit Number: Minnesota Tax ID Federal Employer ID Number, if any: _ Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: 309 13th Ave N City: Princeton State: MN _ Zip: 55371 County: Mille Lacs Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Steve Andersen Daytime Phone: 320 -980 -1805 Email: alrpost560 @g mail. corn NONPROFIT STATUS � Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal = Religious Veterans Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) ElA current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651 -296 -2803, or toll free 1- 877 -551 -6767 IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1- 877 - 829 -5500. IRS a Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization fails under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling, and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Monticello American Legion Post 260 Address (do not use P.O. box): 304 Elm St City or Township: Monticello Zip: 55362 County: Wright Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): December 10, 2016 Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: P-1 Bingo 1-1 Paddlewheels IZI Pull -Tabs 0Tipboards MRaffle (total value of raffle prizes awarded for the calendar year: $ ) Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board, EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov /gcb and click on Distributors under Last of Licensees, or call 651- 539 -1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 9/16 Page 2 of 2 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises for a gambling premises located within city limits located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting The application is acknowledged with a 30 -day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after (60 days for a 1st class city). 30 days. The application is denied. The application is denied. Print City Name: Print County Name: Signature of City Personnel: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: Title: Date: information, the Board may not be able to TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) which law or legal order authorizes a new use or On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization address which will remain public. Private data is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. The city or county must sign before given; and anyone with your written consent. If your organization supplies the information members, Board staff whose work requires deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- submitting application to the This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. Gambling Control Board. Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the Board within 30 days of the event date. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Date: (Signature must be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days, or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status, and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non - refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3 -1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651 - 539 -1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested application. Your organization's name and ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; on this form (and any attachments) will be used address will be public information when received Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to by the Board. All other information provided will Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative determine your organization's qualifications to be private data about your organization until the Auditor, national and international gambling be involved in lawful gambling activities in Board issues the permit. When the Board issues regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court Minnesota. Your organization has the right to the permit, all information provided will become order; other individuals and agencies specifically refuse to supply the information; however, if public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all authorized by state or federal law to have access your organization refuses to supply this information provided remains private, with the to the information; individuals and agencies for information, the Board may not be able to exception of your organization's name and which law or legal order authorizes a new use or determine your organization's qualifications and, address which will remain public. Private data sharing of information after this notice was as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. about your organization are available to Board given; and anyone with your written consent. If your organization supplies the information members, Board staff whose work requires requested, the Board will be able to process the access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An Equal Opportunity Employer City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2E. Consideration of renewing a pawn broker license for 2017 for David Corbin Helm dba Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at 1219 South Highway 25 (JS/WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City first approved a pawn broker license for the business Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center in 2007. In addition, the City also approved an off -site storage facility at 12081 -165th Street in Becker. The Council is asked to consider a renewal for David Corbin for 2017. Mr. Corbin was granted his initial license last December. We received the renewal application from David Corbin along with the fee. The city code requires verification from the Wright County Sheriff's Department for any issues related to the operation of the business that might impact the renewal of the license. Staff is not aware of any issues in this regard and has sent the application to Sheriff Joe Hagerty for verification and signature. The City will be providing the Monticello Pawn Shop with a physical license after the renewal is approved by Council and the application is signed by the Sheriff. The license should be displayed at the shop in a visible location as is recommended under state law. Al. Budget Impact: None A2. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal impact with preparation of the application and license. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the application for a 2017 pawn broker license for David Corbin dba as Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center located at 1219 TH 25, contingent on the application returned from the Sheriff's Department with no adverse findings. 2. Motion to not approve a 2017 pawn broker license for Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 to approve the application of the license for David Corbin of Monticello Pawn, Gun and Bargain Center at 1219 TH 25 for the year 2016 pending a favorable review from the Wright County Sheriff's Office. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Copy of Pawn Broker Application/License — David Corbin B. City Code Title III, Chapter 15 - Pawn Shops t City of of Monticello lont,cclk)PAWN BROKER'S APPLICATION /LICENSE Business Name: DT Sales Inc / DBA Monticello Pawn and Gun Business Address: 1219 Hwy 25 South Mailing/Billing Address: PO Box 632 Monticello, MN 55362 Business Email: dave @dkmags.com Applicant Name: David Corbin Home Address: 2158 131st ave nw Coon Rapids, MN 55448 Monticello MN Phone: 763- 295 -6955 DOB: 3 -4 -1973 Phone: 763- 442 -6541 Please check the appropriate box: Renewal 10 New Application ❑ Please check all trade items that apply to your pawn shop business: Guns E3 Gold /Coins ® Other If you checked "Guns ", please enclose a copy of your Federal License for an authorized firearms dealer with this application. Worker's Compensation: Minnesota Statutes 176.182 requires acceptable evidence of compliance with the Workers' Compensation insurance program. Please enclose an insurance certificate for your business showing that you have Work Comp insurance for the period of this license application (Jan 1 — December 31). In lieu of a certificate, you can list the following: Name of Insurance Company: Berkley Risk Policy Number: WC2204218216 Dates of coverage: 8 -22 -16 to 8 -22 -17 If you have no employees and are not required to carry Work Comp insurance, check here. VERIFICATION BY APPLICANT: I agree to abide by federal, state and local laws, ordinances and regulations pertaining to pawn shops and this license. I further agree to provide the Wright County Sheriff s Department, provider of law enforcement services for the City of Monticello, with all records as required under city ordinance and state law. I further agree to participate in the electronic pawn record system utilized by the City of Monticello and Wright County Sheriff s Department. Signature: Date: 10 -12 -16 Print Name: David Corbin Title: President '��zMonti6c,110 City of Monticello PAWN BROKER'S APPLICATION/LICENSE Verification by Wright County Sheriffs Department: Please list any violations, misdemeanors or felonies by the above -named applicant(s): Please list any concerns or issues for this Pawn Shop business operation conducted within the City of Monticello: Sheriff Signature: Verification by City of Monticello Finance Department: The account for this business has no past due invoices ❑ The last payment received on this account was Date: (date). The account for this business has the following outstanding invoices: Finance Department Signature: Date: Approvals: This application/renewal was approved by the Monticello City Council on Pawn Shop License fee ($25) - -- Date Paid: Signature: Title: Receipt #: Date: (Approval is valid when signed and License must be displayed in place of business) CHAPTER 15 PAWN SHOPS SECTION: 3 -15 -1 Purpose 3 -15 -2 Definitions 3 -15 -3 License Required 3 -15 -4 Application Required 3 -15 -5 License Fees 3 -15 -6 Bond Required 3 -15 -7 Persons Ineligible for License 3 -15 -8 Records Required 3 -15 -9 Application Execution 3 -15 -10 Daily Reports to Police 3 -15 -11 Receipt Required 3 -15 -12 Redemption Period 3 -15 -13 Holding Period 3 -15 -14 Police Order to Hold Property 3 -15 -15 Inspection of Items 3 -15 -16 Label Required 3 -15 -17 Prohibited Acts 3 -15 -18 Denial, Suspension or Revocation 3 -15 -19 Business at Only One Place 3 -15 -20 Separability 3 -15 -1: PURPOSE. The city council finds that use of services provided by pawnbrokers provides an opportunity for the commission of crimes and their concealment because pawn businesses have the ability to receive and transfer property stolen by others easily and quickly. The city council also finds that consumer protection regulation is warranted in transactions involving pawnbrokers. The city council further finds that the pawn industry has outgrown the city's current ability to effectively or efficiently identify criminal activity related to pawn shops. The purpose of this chapter is to prevent pawn businesses from being used as facilities for the commission of crimes, and to assure that such businesses comply with basic consumer protection standards, thereby protecting the public health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of the city. To help local law enforcement better regulate current and future pawn businesses, decrease and stabilize costs associated with the regulation of the pawn industry, and increase identification of criminal activities in the pawn industry through the timely collection and sharing of pawn transaction information, this chapter also implements and establishes the required use of the Automated Pawn System (APS). 3 -15 -2: DEFINITIONS. When used in this article, the following words shall mean: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page I Pawnbroker. A person, partnership or corporation, who lends money on the security of pledged goods (items that are "left in pawn "), and/or purchases goods on the condition that they may be redeemed or repurchased by the seller for a fixed price, within a fixed period of time. To the extent that a pawnbroker' s business includes buying personal property previously used, rented or leased, or selling it on consignment, the provisions of this chapter shall be applicable. ( #542, 1/9/12) Reportable transaction. Every transaction conducted by a pawnbroker in which merchandise is received through a pawn, purchase, consignment or trade, or in which a pawn is renewed, extended or redeemed, or for which a unique transaction number or identifier is generated by their point -of -sale software, is reportable except: (1) The bulk purchase or consignment of new or used merchandise from a merchant, manufacturer or wholesaler having an established permanent place of business, and the retail sale of said merchandise, provided the pawnbroker must maintain a record of such purchase or consignment which describes each item, and must mark each item in a manner which relates it to that transaction record. (2) Retail and wholesale sales of merchandise originally received by pawn or purchase, and for which all applicable hold and/or redemption periods have expired. Billable transaction. Every reportable transaction conducted by a pawnbroker except renewals, redemptions or extensions of existing pawns on items previously reported and continuously in the licensee's possession is a billable transaction. 3 -15 -3: LICENSE REQUIRED. No person shall engage in the business of pawnbroker at any location without a pawnbroker license for that location. No pawnbroker license may be transferred to a different location or a different person. Issuance of a license under this chapter shall not relieve the licensee from obtaining any other licenses required to conduct business at the same or any other location. 3 -15 -4: APPLICATION REQUIRED. An application form provided by the city clerk must be completed by every applicant for a new license or for renewal of an existing license. Every new applicant must provide all the following information: (1) If the applicant is a sole proprietor: The name, place and date of birth, street resident address, and phone number of applicant. b. Whether the applicant is a citizen of the United States or resident alien. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 2 Whether the applicant has ever used or has been known by a name other than the applicant's name, and if so, the name or names used and information concerning dates and places used. d. The name of the business if it is to be conducted under a designation, name, or style other than the name of the applicant and a certified copy of the certificate as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01. The street address at which the applicant has lived during the preceding five (5) years. £ The type, name and location of every business or occupation in which the applicant has been engaged during the preceding five (5) years and the name(s) and address(es) of the applicant's employer(s) and partner(s), if any, for the preceding five (5) years. g. Whether the applicant has ever been convicted of a felony, crime, or violation of any ordinance other than a traffic ordinance. If so, the applicant must furnish information as to the time, place, and offense of all such convictions. h. If the applicant does not manage the business, the name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each of them required in a. through g. of Subdivision (1) of this section. (2) If the applicant is a partnership: a. The name(s) and address(es) of all general and limited partners and all information concerning each general partner required in subdivision (1) of this section. b. The name(s) of the managing partner(s) and the interest of each partner in the licensed business. A true copy of the partnership agreement shall be submitted with the application. If the partnership is required to file a certificate as to a trade name pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 333.01, a certified copy of such certificate must be attached to the application. (3) If the applicant is a corporation or other organization: a. The name of the corporation or business form, and if incorporated, the State of Incorporation. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 3 b. A true copy of the Certificate of Incorporation, Articles of Incorporation or Association Agreement, and By -laws shall be attached to the application. If the applicant is a foreign corporation, a Certificate of Authority as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 303.06, must be attached. C. The name of the manager(s) or other person(s) in charge of the business and all information concerning each manager, proprietor, or agent required in a. through g. of Subdivision (1) of this section. (4) For all applicants: a. Whether the applicant holds a current pawnbroker, precious metal dealer or secondhand goods dealer license from any other governmental unit. b. Whether the applicant has previously been denied, or had revoked or suspended, a pawnbroker precious metal dealer, or secondhand dealer license from any other governmental unit. The location of the business premises. d. Such other information as the city council or issuing authority may require. 3 -15 -5: APPLICATION EXECUTION. All applications for a license under this chapter must be signed and sworn to under oath or affirmation by the applicant. If the application is that of a sole proprietor, it must be signed and sworn to by such person; if that of a corporation, by an officer thereof; if that of a partnership, by one of the general partners; and if that of an unincorporated association, by the manager or managing officer thereof. Any falsification on a license application shall result in the denial of a license. 3 -15 -6: PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR A LICENSE. No license under this chapter will be issued to an applicant who is a sole proprietor, a partnership if such applicant has any general partner or managing partner, a corporation or other organization if such applicant has any manager, proprietor or agent in charge of the business to be licensed, if the applicant: (1) Is a minor at the time that the application is filed; (2) Has been convicted of any crime directly related to the occupation licensed as prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 2, and has not shown competent evidence of sufficient rehabilitation and present fitness to perform the duties of a licensee under this chapter as prescribed by MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 4 Minnesota Statutes, Section 364.03, Subd. 3; or (3) Is not of good moral character or repute. 3 -15 -7: LICENSE FEES. (A) The annual license fees for licenses issued under this chapter shall be as adopted by the City Council. ( #357, 11/27/00) (B) The billable transaction license fee shall reflect the cost of processing transactions and other related regulatory expenses as determined by the city council, and shall be reviewed and adjusted, periodically. Licensees shall be notified in writing thirty (30) days before any adjustment is implemented. ( #542, 1/9/12) (C) Billable transaction fees shall be billed monthly and are due and payable within thirty (30) days. Failure to do so is a violation of this chapter. 3 -15 -8: BOND REQUIRED. Before a license will be issued, every applicant must submit a five thousand dollar ($5,000.00) bond on the forms provided by the licensing authority. All bonds must be conditioned that the principal will observe all laws in relation to pawnbrokers, and will conduct business in conformity thereto, and that the principal will account for and deliver to any person legally entitled any goods which have come into the principal's hand through the principal's business as a pawnbroker, or in lieu thereof, will pay the reasonable value in money to the person. The bond shall contain a provision that no bond may be canceled except upon thirty (30) days written notice to the city, which shall be served upon the licensing authority. 3 -15 -9: RECORDS REQUIRED. At the time of any reportable transaction other than renewals, extensions or redemptions, every licensee must immediately record in English the following information by using ink or other indelible medium on forms or in a computerized record approved by local law enforcement. A complete and accurate description of each item including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name, or other identifying mark on such an item. 2. The purchase price, amount of money loaned upon, or pledged therefore. 3. The maturity date of the transaction and the amount due, including monthly and annual interest rates and all pawn fees and charges. 4. Date, time and place the item of property was received by the licensee, and the unique alpha and/or numeric transaction identifier that distinguishes it from all other transactions in the licensee's records. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 5 5. Full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number, date of birth and accurate description of the person from whom the item of property was received, including: sex, height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 6. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. Current valid photo identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 7. The signature of the person identified in the transaction. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by local law enforcement of acceptable video standards the licensee must also take a color photograph or color video recording of: a. Each customer involved in a billable transaction. b. Every item pawned or sold that does not have an unique serial or identification number permanently engraved or affixed. If a photograph is taken, it must be at least two (2) inches in length by two (2) inches in width and must be maintained in such a manner that the photograph can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. Such photographs must be available to the chief of police or the chiefs designee, upon request. The major portion of the photograph must include an identifiable front facial close -up of the person who pawned or sold the item. Items photographed must be accurately depicted. The licensee must inform the person that he or she is being photographed by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place in the premises. If a video photograph is taken, the video camera must zoom in on the person pawning or selling the item so as to include an identifiable close -up of that person's face. Items photographed by video must be accurately depicted. Video photographs must be electronically referenced by time and date so they can be readily matched and correlated with all other records of the transaction to which they relate. The licensee must inform the person orally that he or she is being videotaped and by displaying a sign of sufficient size in a conspicuous place on the premises. The licensee must keep the exposed videotape for three (3) months. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 6 9. Digitized photographs. Effective sixty (60) days from the date of notification by local law enforcement, licensees must fulfill the color photograph requirements in subdivision (8) by submitting them as digital images, in a format specified by the issuing authority, electronically cross- referenced to the reportable transaction they are associated with. Notwithstanding the digital images may be captured from required video recordings, this provision does not alter or amend the requirements in subdivision (8). 10. Renewals, extensions and redemptions. For renewals, extensions and redemptions, the licensee shall provide the original transaction identifier, the date of the current transaction and the type of transaction. 11. Inspection of records. The records must at all reasonable times be open to inspection by local law enforcement or state regulatory agencies. Data entries shall be retained for at least three (3) years from the date of transaction. Entries of required digital images shall be retained a minimum of ninety (90) days. 3- 15 -10: DAILY REPORTS TO POLICE. (A) Effective no later than sixty (60) days after local law enforcement provides licensees with computerized record standards, licensees must submit every reportable transaction to local law enforcement daily in the following manner: Licensees must provide to local law enforcement all information required in Section 3 -15 -9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (1) through (6) and other required information by transferring it from their computer to the Automated Pawn System via modem. All required records must be transmitted completely and accurately after the close of business each day in accordance with standards and procedures established by the issuing authority. The licensee must display a sign of sufficient size, in a conspicuous place in the premises, which informs all patrons that all transactions are reported to local law enforcement daily. (B) Billable transactions fees. Licensees will be charged for each billable transaction reported to local law enforcement. 1. If a licensee is unable to successfully transfer the required reports by modem, the licensee must provide local law enforcement printed copies of all reportable transactions along with the video tape(s) for that date by 12:00 the next business day. 2. If the problem is determined to be in the licensee's system and is not corrected by the close of the first business day following the failure, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 7 the licensee must provide the required reports as detailed in subdivision (B) (1), and must be charged a fifty dollar ($50.00) reporting failure penalty, daily, until the error is corrected, or: 3. If the problem is determined to be outside the licensee's system, the licensee must provide the required reports in subdivision (B) (1) and resubmit all such transactions via modem when the error is corrected. 4. If a licensee is unable to capture, digitize or transmit the photographs required in Section 3 -15 -9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (9), the licensee must immediately take all required photographs with a still camera, cross - reference the photographs to the correct transaction, and make the pictures available to local law enforcement upon request. 5. Regardless of the cause or origin of the technical problems that prevented the licensee from uploading their reportable transactions, upon correction of the problem, the licensee shall upload every reportable transaction from every business day the problem had existed. 6. Subdivision (B) (1) through (3) notwithstanding, local law enforcement may, upon presentation of extenuating circumstances, delay the implementation of the daily reporting penalty. 3- 15 -11: RECEIPT REQUIRED. Every licensee must provide a receipt to the party identified in every reportable transaction and must maintain a duplicate of that receipt for three (3) years. The receipt must include at least the following information: 1. The name, address and telephone number of the licensed business. 2. The date and time the item was received by the licensee. 3. Whether the item was pawned or sold or the nature of the transaction. 4. An accurate description of each item received including, but not limited to, any trademark, identification number, serial number, model number, brand name or other identifying mark on such an item. 5. The signature or unique identifier of the licensee or employee that conducted the transaction. 6. The amount advanced or paid. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 8 7. The monthly and annual interest rates, including all pawn fees and charges. The last regular day of business by which the item must be redeemed by the pledger without risk that the item will be sold, and the amount necessary to redeem the pawned item on that date. 9. The full name, current residence address, current residence telephone number and date of birth of the pledger or seller. 10. The identification number and state of issue from any of the following forms of identification of the seller: a. Current valid Minnesota driver's license. b. Current valid Minnesota identification card. Current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by another state or province of Canada. 11. Description of the pledger or seller including sex, approximate height, weight, race, color of eyes and color of hair. 12. The signature of the pledger or seller. 13. All printed statements as required by state statute 325J.04 subdivision 2, or any other applicable statutes. 3- 15 -12: REDEMPTION PERIOD. (A) Any person pledging, pawning or depositing an item for security must have a minimum of sixty (60) days from the date of that transaction to redeem the item before it may be forfeited and sold. During the holding period, items may not be removed from the licensed location except as provided in Section 3 -15 -19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. Licensees are prohibited from redeeming any item to anyone other than the person to whom the receipt was issued or, to any person identified in a written and notarized authorization to redeem the property identified in the receipt, or to a person identified in writing by the pledger at the time of the initial transaction and signed by the pledger, or with approval of the police license inspector. Written authorization for release of property to persons other than original pledger must be maintained along with original transaction record in accordance with Section 3 -15 -9 RECORDS REQUIRED, Subdivision (10). (B) Pawnbroker must return goods, or provide compensation for lost or damaged goods, upon payment of the full amount due, unless: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 9 1. The 60 -day redemption period has expired, or 2. The goods have been taken into custody by a court or by a law enforcement officer or agency. ( #542, 1/9/12) 3- 15 -13: HOLDING PERIOD ON TRADE ITEMS. Any item purchased or accepted in trade by a licensee, but not involved in a pawn transaction, must not be sold or otherwise transferred for thirty -one (3 1) days from the date of the transaction. An individual may redeem an item at any time during the holding period. ( #542, 1/9/12) 3- 15 -14: COURT OR POLICE ORDER TO HOLD /CONFISCATE PROPERTY. Whenever a law enforcement official from any agency notifies a licensee not to sell an item, the item must not be sold or removed from the premises. This initial or investigative hold shall be confirmed in writing within seventy -two hours and remains in effect for fifteen (15) days from the date of initial notification. Local law enforcement may, in writing, extend an investigative hold or independently order an item held for up to ninety (90) days, or order the confiscation of an item identified as stole or evidence in a criminal case. ( #542,1/9/12) 3- 15 -15: INSPECTION OF ITEMS. At all times during the terms of the license, the licensee must allow law enforcement officials to enter the premises where the licensed business is located, including all off -site storage facilities as authorized in Section 3 -15 -19 BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE, during normal business hours, except in an emergency for the purpose of inspecting such premises and inspecting the items, ware and merchandise and records therein to verify compliance with this chapter and other applicable laws. 3- 15 -16: LABEL REQUIRED. Licensee must attach a label to every item at the time it is pawned, purchased or received in inventory from any reportable transaction. Permanently recorded on this label must be the number or name that identifies the transaction in the shop's records, the transaction date, the name of the item and the description or the model and serial number of the item as reported to local law enforcement whichever is applicable and the date the item is out of pawn or can be sold, if applicable. Labels shall not be re -used. 3- 15 -17: PROHIBITED ACTS. (A) No person under the age of eighteen (18) years may pawn or sell or attempt to pawn or sell goods with any licensee, nor may any licensee receive any goods from a person under the age of eighteen (18) years. (B) No licensee may receive any goods from a person of unsound mind or an MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 10 intoxicated person. (C) No licensee may receive any goods, unless the seller presents identification in the form of a valid driver's license, a valid State of Minnesota identification card, or current valid photo driver's license or identification card issued by the state of residency of the person from whom the item was received. (D) No licensee may receive any item of property that possesses an altered or obliterated serial number or operation identification number or any item of property that has had its serial number removed. (E) No person may pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property not their own; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit the property of another, whether with permission or without; nor shall any person pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property in which another person has a security interest; with any licensee. (F) No person seeking to pawn, pledge, sell, consign, leave, or deposit any article of property with any licensee shall give a false or fictitious name, nor give a false date of birth; nor give a false or out of date address of residence or telephone number; nor present a false or altered identification, or the identification of another; to any licensee. 3- 15 -18: DENIAL, SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION. Any license under this chapter may be denied, suspended or revoked for one or more of the following reasons: 1. The proposed use does not comply with any applicable zoning code. 2. The proposed use does not comply with any health, building, building maintenance or other provisions of this Code of Ordinances or state law. 3. The applicant or licensee has failed to comply with one or more provisions of this chapter. 4. The applicant is not a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, or upon whom it is impractical or impossible to conduct a background or financial investigation due to the unavailability of information. 5. Fraud, misrepresentation or bribery in securing or renewing a license. 6. Fraud, misrepresentation or false statements made in the application and investigation for, or in the course of, the applicant's business. 7. Violation within the preceding five (5) years, of any law relating to theft, MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 11 damage or trespass to property, sale of a controlled substance, or operation of a business. 8. The owner of the premises licensed or to be licensed would not qualify for a license under the terms of this chapter. 3- 15 -19: BUSINESS AT ONLY ONE PLACE. A license under this chapter authorizes the licensee to carry on its business only at the permanent place of business designated in the license. However, upon written request, the police inspector may approve an off -site locked and secured storage facility. The licensee shall permit inspection of the facility in accordance with Section 3 -15 -15 INSPECTION OF ITEMS. All provisions of this chapter regarding record keeping and reporting apply to the facility and its contents. Property shall be stored in compliance with all provisions of the city code. The licensee must either own the building in which the business is conducted, and any approved off -site storage facility, or have a lease on the business premise that extends for more than six (6) months. 3- 15 -20: SEPARABILITY. Should any section, subsection, clause or other provision of this chapter be declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the ordinance as a whole or any part other than the part so declared invalid. ( #356, 10 /10 /00) ( #542, 1/9/12) MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE III / Chapter 15 / Page 12 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2F. Consideration of approving a change to Personnel Policy prohibiting the use of vacation, sick or paid time off (PTO) during last two weeks of employment. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to consider approving a change to the Personnel Policy prohibiting the use of vacation, sick, or PTO during the last two weeks of employment. While the current sick time policy prohibits the use of sick time once notice is given, the current resignation policy does not include language addressing time off during the notice period. The recommended policy change adds vacation and PTO to the policy and incorporates it all under the resignation chapter. Al. Budget Impact: None. B1. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve change to the Personnel Policy prohibiting the use of vacation, sick or PTO during the last two weeks of employment. 2. Motion to approve alternative action. 3. Motion to deny a change to the Personnel Policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The Personnel Committee recently reviewed the proposed recommendation and recommends Alternative 1 prohibiting the use of vacation, sick, or PTO once notice of resignation is given. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resignation Policy CURRENT POLICY 29. RESIGNATIONS Notice Required to Be in Good Standing: Employees wishing to leave the City service in good standing shall provide a written resignation notice to their department head, at least ten (10) working days before leaving. The written resignation must state the effective date of their resignation. Failure to comply with this procedure may be considered cause for denying such employees future employment with the City and severance pay. The Human Resources Manager will schedule and conduct exit interviews with all full -time employees upon notice of their resignation. Exit interviews may be conducted with part-time employees at the discretion of the Human Resources Manager. REVISED POLICY 29. RESIGNATIONS Notice Required to Be in Good Standing: Employees wishing to leave the city service in good standing must provide a written resignation notice to their supervisor, at least ten (10) working days before leaving. The written resignation must state the effective date of their resignation. Failure to comply with this procedure may be considered cause for denying such employees future employment with the City and severance pay. Vacation, PTO and sick time will not normally be approved during the last two (2) weeks of employment. The City Administrator must approve any exceptions to this policy. The Human Resources Manager will schedule and conduct exit interviews with all full -time employees upon notice of their resignation. Exit interviews may be conducted with part-time employees at the discretion of the Human Resources Manager. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -077 accepting donations from the Wag and Walk Festival in the amount of $1,397.91. (TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The volunteer group Paws for Parks held their 2nd Annual Wag & Walk Festival on September 25d', at the newly completed Monti Paws Park in Meadow Oak Park. Participants paid a small fee per family to walk with their dogs around the Meadow Oak neighborhood. Following the walk, events were held in the park including a bounce house for the kids, costume contest, face painting, balloon animals, and a K -9 demonstration by the Wright County Sheriff's Office. Organizers solicited financial sponsors for the event and also sold t- shirts and frisbees to raise money for the park. Financial sponsors included CentraCare Health of Monticello, Monticello Pet Hospital, Team Chiropractic & Wellness Center, and Martie's Farm Service. The total amount raised at the event was $1,397.91. After expenses (t -shirts and frisbees), the event netted $725.14. These funds will be used towards maintenance expenses and other improvements at the dog park. Al. Budget Impact: None. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff accounts for and reconciles donations contributed through the City. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -077 and approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Motion to not approve the contribution and return the funds to the donor. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2016 -077 to accept the donation of $1,397.91 from Paws for Parks, raised at the 2nd Annual Wag & Walk Festival. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -077 City of Monticello RESOLUTION NO. 2016-077 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE CentraCare Health Monticello Cash Contribution $200.00 Monticello Pet Hospital Cash Contribution $200.00 Team Chiropractic Cash Contribution $200.00 Marties Farm Service Cash Contribution $100.00 Walk Registrations /T- Shirts/Frisbee Sales/Misc. Donations Cash Contribution $697.91 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE /AMOUNT CentraCare Health Monticello, Monticello Wag & Walk Festival Pet Hospital, Team Chiropractic, Marties Farm Service, and Registrations /T- Shirts, Frisbee Sales/Misc. Donations Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 24th day of October, 2016. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -079 awarding the sale General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $4,900,000, fixing their form and specifications; directing their execution and delivery; and providing for their payment (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On September 12, 2016, the council authorized the issuance Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds. Further, the council authorized the mayor and city administrator to approve the sale of up to $5,000,000 in bonds with a true interest cost not to exceed 2.90 (Resolution 2016 -061). Northland marketed the bonds on Wednesday morning (October 19) and the mayor and city administrator signed the purchase agreement in the afternoon of the same day. The true interest cost for this negotiated sale is 2.06 %. The true interest cost for the 2015 negotiated sale was 2.583 %. The true interest cost for the December 2014 Judgment - Equipment issue was 3.275 %. For comparison purposes, the ten -year treasury rate at the time of this sale was 1.74 %, for the October 2015 sale it was 2.06 %, and for the December 2014 sale it was 2.24 %. Al. Budget Impact: Debt service payments for the first 10 years are about $525,000 annually and for the next 4 years about $65,000 annually. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Internal coordination of issuance - otherwise little to no impact on the staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -079 approving the sale of $4,900,000 G. O. Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A. Motion to deny Resolution 2016 -079 approving the sale of $4,900,000 G. O. Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -079 B. Bond Sale Summary C. General Debt Service Related Schedules D. Moody's Rating Comments CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -079 A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE SALE OF GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BONDS, SERIES 2016A, IN THE ORIGINAL AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $4,900,000; FIXING THEIR FORM AND SPECIFICATIONS; DIRECTING THEIR EXECUTION AND DELIVERY; AND PROVIDING FOR THEIR PAYMENT. follows: BE IT RESOLVED By the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City "), as Section 1. Sale of Bonds. 1.01. Street Reconstruction Bonds. (a) Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, as amended, specifically Section 475.58, subdivision 3b (the "Street Reconstruction Act "), the City is authorized to finance all or a portion of the cost of street reconstruction projects by the issuance of general obligation bonds of the City payable from ad valorem taxes. (b) On June 22, 2015, following a duly noticed public hearing, the City Council of the City adopted a five -year street reconstruction plan (the "Plan ") describing the streets to be reconstructed, estimated costs, and any planned reconstruction of other streets in the City and approved the issuance of obligations by vote of all of the members thereof, all pursuant to the Street Reconstruction Act. (c) Expenditures described in the Plan for the period June 30, 2016, through June 30, 2017, include, among other projects, the East 7th Street /TH25 Intersection and Street Reconstruction Area 5 (collectively, the "Street Reconstruction "). The City estimates that the total cost of such Street Reconstruction is $4,450,000, including capitalized interest, costs of issuance, and bond discount. (d) The City Council has determined that, within thirty (30) days after the hearing, no petition for a referendum on the issuance of bonds to pay costs of the Street Reconstruction was received by the City in accordance with the Street Reconstruction Act. (e) It is necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $770,000 (the "Street Reconstruction Bonds "), pursuant to the Street Reconstruction Act, to provide financing for the Street Reconstruction. 1.02. Improvement Bonds. (a) Certain assessable public improvements designated as the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 150001 (the "Assessable Improvements ") have been made, duly ordered or contracts let for the construction thereof pursuant to the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 475, as amended (collectively, the "Improvement Act "). 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 (b) It is necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City to issue general obligation bonds in the aggregate principal amount of $4,130,000 (the "Improvement Bonds "), pursuant to the Improvement Act, to provide financing for the Assessable Improvements. 1.03. Issuance of General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds. (a) The City Council finds it necessary and expedient to the sound financial management of the affairs of the City to issue the City's General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A (the "Bonds "), in the original aggregate principal amount of $4,900,000, pursuant to the Street Reconstruction Act and the Improvement Act (together, the "Act "), to provide financing for the Street Reconstruction and the Assessable Improvements. (b) The City desires to proceed with the sale of the Bonds by direct negotiation with Northland Securities, Inc. (the "Purchaser "). The Purchaser will purchase the Bonds in an arm's - length commercial transaction with the City. The City hereby retains PMA Securities, Inc. ( "PMA ") to act as an independent financial advisor for the purpose of reviewing the pricing fairness associated with the purchase and subsequent reoffering of the Bonds. The Mayor and /or the City Administrator of the City is hereby authorized to execute an agreement with PMA for an amount not to exceed $2,000. It being thus determined that the City has retained an independent financial advisor in connection with such sale, the City is authorized by Section 475.60, subdivision 2(9) of the Act to negotiate the sale of the Bonds. 1.04. Award to the Purchaser and Interest Rates. The proposal of the Purchaser to purchase the Bonds is hereby found and determined to be a reasonable offer and is hereby accepted, the proposal being to purchase the Bonds at a price of $4,911,752.90 (par amount of $4,900,000.00, plus original issue premium of $97,502.90, less underwriter's discount of $85,750.00), plus accrued interest to date of delivery, for Bonds bearing interest as follows: Year Interest Rate Year Interest Rate 2017 2.00% 2023 2.00% 2018 2.00 2024 2.00 2019 2.00 2026* 2.00 2020 2.00 2028* 3.00 2021 2.00 2030* 3.00 2022 2.00 *Term Bond True interest cost: 2.0554988% 1.05. Purchase Contract. The Mayor and City Administrator are directed to execute a contract with the Purchaser on behalf of the City. 1.06. Terms and Principal Amounts of the Bonds. The City will forthwith issue and sell the Bonds, pursuant to the Act, in the total principal amount of $4,900,000, originally dated as of November 15, 2016, in the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof, numbered No. R -1, upward, 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 2 bearing interest as above set forth, and maturing serially on December 15 in the years and amounts as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 2017 $415,000 2023 $480,000 2018 435,000 2024 490,000 2019 445,000 2026* 1,010,000 2020 450,000 2028* 120,000 2021 460,000 2030* 125,000 2022 470,000 60,000 2021 *Term Bond 2028 60,000 2022 (a) $770,000 of the Bonds (the Street Reconstruction Bonds), maturing on December 15 in the years and the amounts set forth below, will be used to finance the construction of the Street Reconstruction: Year Amount Year Amount 2018 385,000 2023 2017 $45,000 2024 $55,000 2018 50,000 2025 55,000 2019 50,000 2026 60,000 2020 50,000 2027 60,000 2021 50,000 2028 60,000 2022 55,000 2029 60,000 2023 55,000 2030 65,000 (b) The remainder of the Bonds in the principal amount of $4,130,000 (the Improvement Bonds), maturing on December 15 in the years and the amounts set forth below, will be used to finance the construction of the Assessable Improvements: Year Amount Year Amount 2017 $370,000 2022 $415,000 2018 385,000 2023 425,000 2019 395,000 2024 435,000 2020 400,000 2025 445,000 2021 410,000 2026 450,000 1.05. Optional Redemption. The City may elect on December 15, 2024, and on any day thereafter to prepay Bonds due on or after December 15, 2025. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part, at the option of the City and in such manner as the City will determine. If less than all Bonds of a maturity are called for redemption, the City will notify DTC (as defined in Section 7 hereof) of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by lot the amount of each participant's interest in such maturity to be redeemed and each participant will then select by lot the beneficial ownership interests in such maturity to be redeemed. Prepayments will be at a price of par plus accrued interest. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 3 1.06. Mandatory Redemption; Term Bond. The Bonds maturing on December 15, 2026, December 15, 2028, and December 15, 2030 shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as the "Term Bonds." The principal amounts of the Term Bonds subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption on any date may be reduced through earlier optional redemptions, with any partial redemptions of the Term Bonds credited against future mandatory sinking fund redemptions of such Term Bonds in such order as the City shall determine. The Term Bonds are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption and shall be redeemed in part by lot at par plus accrued interest on the sinking fund installment dates and in the principal amounts as follows: Sinking Fund Installment Date Principal Amount December 15, 2026 Term Bond 2025 $500,000 2026 (maturity) 510,000 December 15, 2028 Term Bond 2027 $60,000 2028 (maturity) 60,000 December 15, 2030 Term Bond 2029 $60,000 2030 (maturity) 65,000 Section 2. Registration and Payment. 2.01. Registered Form. The Bonds will be issued only in fully registered form. The interest thereon and, upon surrender of each Bond, the principal amount thereof, is payable by check or draft issued by the Registrar described herein. 2.02. Dates, Interest Payment Dates. Each Bond will be dated as of the last interest payment date preceding the date of authentication to which interest on the Bond has been paid or made available for payment, unless (i) the date of authentication is an interest payment date to which interest has been paid or made available for payment, in which case the Bond will be dated as of the date of authentication, or (ii) the date of authentication is prior to the first interest payment date, in which case the Bond will be dated as of the date of original issue. The interest on the Bonds is payable on June 15 and December 15 of each year, commencing June 15, 2017, to the registered owners of record thereof as of the close of business on the first day of the month of such interest payment date, whether or not such day is a business day. 2.03. Registration. The City will appoint a bond registrar, transfer agent, authenticating agent and paying agent (the "Registrar "). The effect of registration and the rights and duties of the City and the Registrar with respect thereto are as follows: (a) Re ig ster. The Registrar must keep at its principal corporate trust office a bond register in which the Registrar provides for the registration of ownership of Bonds and the registration of transfers and exchanges of Bonds entitled to be registered, transferred or exchanged. (b) Transfer of Bonds. Upon surrender for transfer of a Bond duly endorsed by the registered owner thereof or accompanied by a written instrument of transfer, in form satisfactory to the Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner thereof or by an attorney duly authorized by the registered owner in writing, the Registrar will authenticate and deliver, in the name of the 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 4 designated transferee or transferees, one or more new Bonds of a like aggregate principal amount and maturity, as requested by the transferor. The Registrar may, however, close the books for registration of any transfer after the fifteenth day of the month preceding each interest payment date and until that interest payment date. (c) Exchange of Bonds. When Bonds are surrendered by the registered owner for exchange the Registrar will authenticate and deliver one or more new Bonds of a like aggregate principal amount and maturity as requested by the registered owner or the owner's attorney in writing. (d) Cancellation. Bonds surrendered upon transfer or exchange will be promptly cancelled by the Registrar and thereafter disposed of as directed by the City. (e) Improper or Unauthorized Transfer. When a Bond is presented to the Registrar for transfer, the Registrar may refuse to transfer the Bond until the Registrar is satisfied that the endorsement on the Bond or separate instrument of transfer is valid and genuine and that the requested transfer is legally authorized. The Registrar will incur no liability for the refusal, in good faith, to make transfers which it, in its judgment, deems improper or unauthorized. (f) Persons Deemed Owners. The City and the Registrar may treat the person in whose name a Bond is registered in the bond register as the absolute owner of the Bond, whether the Bond is overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment of, or on account of, the principal of and interest on the Bond and for all other purposes, and payments so made to a registered owner or upon the owner's order will be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon the Bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. (g) Taxes, Fees and Charges. The Registrar may impose a charge upon the owner thereof for a transfer or exchange of Bonds sufficient to reimburse the Registrar for any tax, fee or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect to the transfer or exchange. (h) Mutilated, Lost, Stolen or Destroyed Bonds. If a Bond becomes mutilated or is destroyed, stolen or lost, the Registrar will deliver a new Bond of like amount, number, maturity date and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon cancellation of the mutilated Bond or in lieu of and in substitution for any Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, upon the payment of the reasonable expenses and charges of the Registrar in connection therewith; and, in the case of a Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, upon filing with the Registrar of evidence satisfactory to it that the Bond was destroyed, stolen or lost, and of the ownership thereof, and upon furnishing to the Registrar an appropriate bond or indemnity in form, substance and amount satisfactory to it and as provided by law, in which both the City and the Registrar must be named as obligees. Bonds so surrendered to the Registrar will be cancelled by the Registrar and evidence of such cancellation must be given to the City. If the mutilated, destroyed, stolen or lost Bond has already matured or been called for redemption in accordance with its terms it is not necessary to issue a new Bond prior to payment. (i) Redemption. In the event any of the Bonds are called for redemption, notice thereof identifying the Bonds to be redeemed will be given by the Registrar by mailing a copy of the redemption notice by first class mail (postage prepaid) to the registered owner of each Bond to be redeemed at the address shown on the registration books kept by the Registrar and by publishing the notice if required by law. Failure to give notice by publication or by mail to any registered owner, or any defect therein, will not affect the validity of the proceedings for the redemption of Bonds. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 5 Bonds so called for redemption will cease to bear interest after the specified redemption date, provided that the funds for the redemption are on deposit with the place of payment at that time. 2.04. Appointment of Initial Registrar. The City appoints U.S. Bank National Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as the initial Registrar. The Mayor and the City Administrator are authorized to execute and deliver, on behalf of the City, a contract with the Registrar. Upon merger or consolidation of the Registrar with another corporation, if the resulting corporation is a bank or trust company authorized by law to conduct such business, the resulting corporation is authorized to act as successor Registrar. The City agrees to pay the reasonable and customary charges of the Registrar for the services performed. The City reserves the right to remove the Registrar upon 30 days' notice and upon the appointment of a successor Registrar, in which event the predecessor Registrar must deliver all cash and Bonds in its possession to the successor Registrar and must deliver the bond register to the successor Registrar. On or before each principal or interest due date, without further order of this City Council, the Finance Director must transmit to the Registrar moneys sufficient for the payment of all principal and interest then due. 2.05. Execution, Authentication and Delivery. The Bonds will be prepared under the direction of the City Administrator and executed on behalf of the City by the signatures of the Mayor and the City Administrator, provided that those signatures may be printed, engraved or lithographed facsimiles of the originals. If an officer whose signature or a facsimile of whose signature appears on the Bonds ceases to be such officer before the delivery of a Bond, that signature or facsimile will nevertheless be valid and sufficient for all purposes, the same as if the officer had remained in office until delivery. Notwithstanding such execution, a Bond will not be valid or obligatory for any purpose or entitled to any security or benefit under this resolution unless and until a certificate of authentication on the Bond has been duly executed by the manual signature of an authorized representative of the Registrar. Certificates of authentication on different Bonds need not be signed by the same representative. The executed certificate of authentication on a Bond is conclusive evidence that it has been authenticated and delivered under this resolution. When the Bonds have been so prepared, executed and authenticated, the City Administrator will deliver the same to the Purchaser upon payment of the purchase price in accordance with the contract of sale heretofore made and executed, and the Purchaser is not obligated to see to the application of the purchase price. 2.06. Temporary Bonds. The City may elect to deliver in lieu of printed definitive Bonds one or more typewritten temporary Bonds in substantially the form set forth in EXHIBIT A attached hereto with such changes as may be necessary to reflect more than one maturity in a single temporary bond. Upon the execution and delivery of definitive Bonds the temporary Bonds will be exchanged therefor and cancelled. Section 3. Form of Bond. 3.01. Execution of the Bonds. The Bonds will be printed or typewritten in substantially the form set forth in EXHIBIT A. 3.02. Approving Legal Opinion. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to obtain a copy of the proposed approving legal opinion of Kennedy & Graven, Chartered, Minneapolis, Minnesota, which is to be complete except as to dating thereof and cause the opinion to be printed on or accompany each Bond. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 6 Section 4. Payment; Security; Pledges and Covenants. 4.01. Debt Service Fund. The Bonds will be payable from the General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Debt Service Fund (the "Debt Service Fund ") hereby created. The Debt Service Fund shall be administered and maintained by the Finance Director as a bookkeeping account separate and apart from all other funds maintained in the official financial records of the City. The City will maintain the following accounts in the Debt Service Fund: the "Street Reconstruction Account" and the "Assessable Improvements Account." Amounts in the Street Reconstruction Account are irrevocably pledged to the Street Reconstruction Bonds, and amounts in the Assessable Improvements Account are irrevocably pledged to the Improvement Bonds. (a) Street Reconstruction Account. Ad valorem taxes levied for the Street Reconstruction are hereby pledged to the Street Reconstruction Account of the Debt Service Fund. There is appropriated to the Street Reconstruction Account a pro rata portion of accrued interest paid by the Purchaser upon closing and delivery of the Bonds. (b) Assessable Improvements Account. Ad valorem taxes hereinafter levied and special assessments (the "Assessments ") collected for the Assessable Improvements are hereby pledged to the Assessable Improvements Account of the Debt Service Fund. There is appropriated to the Assessable Improvements Account a pro rata portion of accrued interest paid by the Purchaser upon closing and delivery of the Bonds. 4.02. Construction Fund. The City hereby creates the General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Construction Fund (the "Construction Fund"). The City will maintain the following accounts in the Construction Fund: the "Street Reconstruction Account" and the "Assessable Improvements Account." Amounts in the Street Reconstruction Account are irrevocably pledged to the Street Reconstruction Bonds, and amounts in the Assessable Improvements Account are irrevocably pledged to the Improvement Bonds. (a) Street Reconstruction Account. Proceeds of the Street Reconstruction Bonds, less the appropriations made in Section 4.01(a) hereof, together with any other funds appropriated for the Street Reconstruction and ad valorem taxes collected during the construction of the Street Reconstruction, will be deposited in the Street Reconstruction Account of the Construction Fund to be used solely to defray expenses of the Street Reconstruction. When the Street Reconstruction is completed and the cost thereof paid, the Street Reconstruction Account of the Construction Fund is to be closed and any funds remaining may be deposited in the Street Reconstruction Account of the Debt Service Fund. (b) Assessable Improvements Account. Proceeds of the Improvement Bonds, less the appropriations made in Section 4.01(b) hereof, together with any other funds appropriated for the Assessable Improvements, ad valorem taxes, and Assessments collected during the construction of the Assessable Improvements, will be deposited in the Assessable Improvements Account of the Construction Fund to be used solely to defray expenses of the Assessable Improvements and the payment of principal of and interest on the Improvement Bonds prior to the completion and payment of all costs of the Assessable Improvements. Any balance remaining in the Assessable Improvements Account after completion of the Assessable Improvements may be used to pay the cost in whole or in part of any other improvement instituted under the Improvement Act, under the direction of the City Council. When the Assessable Improvements are completed and the cost thereof paid, the Assessable Improvements Account of the Construction Fund is to be closed and 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 7 any subsequent collections of Assessments and ad valorem taxes for the Assessable Improvements are to be deposited in the Assessable Improvements Account of the Debt Service Fund. 4.03. City Covenants with Respect to the Improvement Bonds. It is hereby determined that the Assessable Improvements will directly and indirectly benefit abutting property, and the City hereby covenants with the holders from time to time of the Bonds as follows: (a) The City will cause the Assessments for the Assessable Improvements to be promptly levied so that the first installment for the Assessable Improvements will be collectible not later than 2017 and will take all steps necessary to assure prompt collection, and the levy of the Assessments is hereby authorized. The City Council will cause to be taken with due diligence all further actions that are required for the construction of each Assessable Improvement financed wholly or partly from the proceeds of the Improvement Bonds, and will take all further actions necessary for the final and valid levy of the Assessments and the appropriation of any other funds needed to pay the Improvement Bonds and interest thereon when due. (b) In the event of any current or anticipated deficiency in Assessments and ad valorem taxes, the City Council will levy additional ad valorem taxes in the amount of the current or anticipated deficiency. (c) The City will keep complete and accurate books and records showing receipts and disbursements in connection with the Assessable Improvements, Assessments and ad valorem taxes levied therefor and other funds appropriated for their payment, collections thereof and disbursements therefrom, monies on hand and, the balance of unpaid Assessments. (d) The City will cause its books and records to be audited at least annually and will furnish copies of such audit reports to any interested person upon request. (e) At least twenty percent (20 %) of the cost to the City of the Assessable Improvements described herein will be specially assessed against benefited properties. 4.04. General Obligation Pledgee. For the prompt and full payment of the principal and interest on the Bonds, as the same respectively become due, the full faith, credit and taxing powers of the City will be and are hereby irrevocably pledged. If the balance in the Debt Service Fund is ever insufficient to pay all principal and interest then due on the Bonds and any other bonds payable therefrom, the deficiency will be promptly paid out of monies in the general fund of the City which are available for such purpose, and such general fund may be reimbursed with or without interest from the Debt Service Fund when a sufficient balance is available therein. 4.05. Pledge of Tax Levy. For the purpose of paying the principal of and interest on the Bonds, there is levied a direct annual irrepealable ad valorem tax (the "Taxes ") upon all of the taxable property in the City, which will be spread upon the tax rolls and collected with and as part of other general taxes of the City. The Taxes will be credited on a pro rata basis to the Street Reconstruction Account and the Assessable Improvements Account of the Debt Service Fund above provided and will be in the years and amounts as attached hereto as EXHIBIT B. 4.06. Certification to County Auditor /Treasurer as to Debt Service Fund Amount. It is hereby determined that the estimated collections of Taxes and Assessments will produce at least five percent (5 %) in excess of the amount needed to meet when due the principal and interest payments on the Bonds. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 8 The tax levy herein provided is irrepealable until all of the Bonds are paid, provided that at the time the City makes its annual tax levies the Finance Director may certify to the County Auditor /Treasurer of Wright County, Minnesota (the "County Auditor /Treasurer ") the amount available in the Debt Service Fund to pay principal and interest due during the ensuing year, and the County Auditor /Treasurer will thereupon reduce the levy collectible during such year by the amount so certified. 4.07. Registration of Resolution. The City Administrator is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor /Treasurer and to obtain the certificate required by Section 475.63 of the Act. Section 5. Authentication of Transcript. 5.01. City Proceedings and Records. The officers of the City are authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Purchaser and to the attorneys approving the Bonds, certified copies of proceedings and records of the City relating to the Bonds and to the financial condition and affairs of the City, and such other certificates, affidavits and transcripts as may be required to show the facts within their knowledge or as shown by the books and records in their custody and under their control, relating to the validity and marketability of the Bonds, and such instruments, including any heretofore furnished, will be deemed representations of the City as to the facts stated therein. 5.02. Certification as to Official Statement. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and the Finance Director are authorized and directed to certify that they have examined the Official Statement prepared and circulated in connection with the issuance and sale of the Bonds and that to the best of their knowledge and belief the Official Statement is a complete and accurate representation of the facts and representations made therein as of the date of the Official Statement. 5.03. Other Certificates. The Mayor, the City Administrator, and the Finance Director are hereby authorized and directed to furnish to the Purchaser at the closing such certificates as are required as a condition of sale. Unless litigation shall have been commenced and be pending questioning the Bonds or the organization of the City or incumbency of its officers, at the closing the Mayor, the City Administrator, and the Finance Director shall also execute and deliver to the Purchaser a suitable certificate as to absence of material litigation, and the Finance Director shall also execute and deliver a certificate as to payment for and delivery of the Bonds. Section 6. Tax Covenant. 6.01. Tax - Exempt Bonds. The City covenants and agrees with the holders from time to time of the Bonds that it will not take or permit to be taken by any of its officers, employees or agents any action which would cause the interest on the Bonds to become subject to taxation under the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code "), and the Treasury Regulations promulgated thereunder, in effect at the time of such actions, and that it will take or cause its officers, employees or agents to take, all affirmative action within its power that may be necessary to ensure that such interest will not become subject to taxation under the Code and applicable Treasury Regulations, as presently existing or as hereafter amended and made applicable to the Bonds. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 9 6.02. No Rebate Required. (a) The City will comply with requirements necessary under the Code to establish and maintain the exclusion from gross income of the interest on the Bonds under Section 103 of the Code, including without limitation requirements relating to temporary periods for investments, limitations on amounts invested at a yield greater than the yield on the Bonds, and the rebate of excess investment earnings to the United States, if the Bonds (together with other obligations reasonably expected to be issued in calendar year 2016) exceed the small- issuer exception amount of $5,000,000. (b) For purposes of qualifying for the small issuer exception to the federal arbitrage rebate requirements, the City finds, determines and declares that the aggregate face amount of all tax - exempt bonds (other than private activity bonds) issued by the City (and all subordinate entities of the City) during the calendar year in which the Bonds are issued and outstanding at one time is not reasonably expected to exceed $5,000,000, all within the meaning of Section 148(f)(4)(D) of the Code. 6.03. Not Private Activity Bonds. The City further covenants not to use the proceeds of the Bonds or to cause or permit them or any of them to be used, in such a manner as to cause the Bonds to be "private activity bonds" within the meaning of Sections 103 and 141 through 150 of the Code. 6.04. Qualified Tax - Exempt Obligations. In order to qualify the Bonds as "qualified tax - exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code, the City makes the following factual statements and representations: (a) the Bonds are not "private activity bonds" as defined in Section 141 of the Code; (b) the City designates the Bonds as "qualified tax - exempt obligations" for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code; (c) the reasonably anticipated amount of tax - exempt obligations (other than private activity bonds that are not qualified 501(c)(3) bonds) which will be issued by the City (and all subordinate entities of the City) during calendar year 2016 will not exceed $10,000,000; and (d) not more than $10,000,000 of obligations issued by the City during calendar year 2016 have been designated for purposes of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code. 6.05. Procedural Requirements. The City will use its best efforts to comply with any federal procedural requirements which may apply in order to effectuate the designations made by this section. Section 7. Book- EntrySystem; Limited Obligation of City. 7.01. DTC. The Bonds will be initially issued in the form of a separate single typewritten or printed fully registered Bond for each of the maturities set forth in Section 1.06 hereof. Upon initial issuance, the ownership of each Bond will be registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee for The Depository Trust Company, New York, New York, and its successors and assigns ( "DTC "). Except as provided in this section, all of the outstanding Bonds will be registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 10 7.02. Participants. With respect to Bonds registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, the City, the Registrar and the Paying Agent will have no responsibility or obligation to any broker dealers, banks and other financial institutions from time to time for which DTC holds Bonds as securities depository (the "Participants ") or to any other person on behalf of which a Participant holds an interest in the Bonds, including but not limited to any responsibility or obligation with respect to (i) the accuracy of the records of DTC, Cede & Co. or any Participant with respect to any ownership interest in the Bonds, (ii) the delivery to any Participant or any other person (other than a registered owner of Bonds, as shown by the registration books kept by the Registrar), of any notice with respect to the Bonds, including any notice of redemption, or (iii) the payment to any Participant or any other person, other than a registered owner of Bonds, of any amount with respect to principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds. The City, the Registrar and the Paying Agent may treat and consider the person in whose name each Bond is registered in the registration books kept by the Registrar as the holder and absolute owner of such Bond for the purpose of payment of principal, premium and interest with respect to such Bond, for the purpose of registering transfers with respect to such Bonds, and for all other purposes. The Paying Agent will pay all principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds only to or on the order of the respective registered owners, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, and all such payments will be valid and effectual to fully satisfy and discharge the City's obligations with respect to payment of principal of, premium, if any, or interest on the Bonds to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. No person other than a registered owner of Bonds, as shown in the registration books kept by the Registrar, will receive a certificated Bond evidencing the obligation of this resolution. Upon delivery by DTC to the City Administrator of a written notice to the effect that DTC has determined to substitute a new nominee in place of Cede & Co., the words "Cede & Co." will refer to such new nominee of DTC; and upon receipt of such a notice, the City Administrator will promptly deliver a copy of the same to the Registrar and Paying Agent. 7.03. Representation Letter. The City has heretofore executed and delivered to DTC a Blanket Issuer Letter of Representations (the "Representation Letter ") which will govern payment of principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds and notices with respect to the Bonds. Any Paying Agent or Registrar subsequently appointed by the City with respect to the Bonds will agree to take all action necessary for all representations of the City in the Representation Letter with respect to the Registrar and Paying Agent, respectively, to be complied with at all times. 7.04. Transfers Outside Book- EntrySystem. In the event the City, by resolution of the City Council, determines that it is in the best interests of the persons having beneficial interests in the Bonds that they be able to obtain Bond certificates, the City will notify DTC, whereupon DTC will notify the Participants, of the availability through DTC of Bond certificates. In such event the City will issue, transfer and exchange Bond certificates as requested by DTC and any other registered owners in accordance with the provisions of this resolution. DTC may determine to discontinue providing its services with respect to the Bonds at any time by giving notice to the City and discharging its responsibilities with respect thereto under applicable law. In such event, if no successor securities depository is appointed, the City will issue and the Registrar will authenticate Bond certificates in accordance with this resolution and the provisions hereof will apply to the transfer, exchange and method of payment thereof. 7.05. Payments to Cede & Co. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution to the contrary, so long as a Bond is registered in the name of Cede & Co., as nominee of DTC, payments with respect to principal of, premium, if any, and interest on the Bond and all notices with respect to the Bond will be made and given, respectively in the manner provided in DTC's Operational Arrangements, as set forth in the Representation Letter. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 11 Section 8. Continuiniz Disclosure. 8.01. Execution of Continuing Disclosure Certificate. "Continuing Disclosure Certificate" means that certain Continuing Disclosure Certificate executed by the Mayor and City Administrator and dated the date of issuance and delivery of the Bonds, as originally executed and as it may be amended from time to time in accordance with the terms thereof. 8.02. City Compliance with Provisions of Continuing Disclosure Certificate. The City hereby covenants and agrees that it will comply with and carry out all of the provisions of the Continuing Disclosure Certificate. Notwithstanding any other provision of this resolution, failure of the City to comply with the Continuing Disclosure Certificate is not to be considered an event of default with respect to the Bonds; however, any Bondholder may take such actions as may be necessary and appropriate, including seeking mandate or specific performance by court order, to cause the City to comply with its obligations under this section. Section 9. Defeasance. When all Bonds and all interest thereon have been discharged as provided in this section, all pledges, covenants and other rights granted by this resolution to the holders of the Bonds will cease, except that the pledge of the full faith and credit of the City for the prompt and full payment of the principal of and interest on the Bonds will remain in full force and effect. The City may discharge all Bonds which are due on any date by depositing with the Registrar on or before that date a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full. If any Bond should not be paid when due, it may nevertheless be discharged by depositing with the Registrar a sum sufficient for the payment thereof in full with interest accrued to the date of such deposit. ADOPTED BYthe City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, this 24th day of October, 2016. Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 12 Extract of Minutes of Meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, was duly held in the City Hall in said City on October 24, 2016, commencing at 6:30 P.M. The following members were present: and the following were absent: The resolution was presented by Member , who moved its adoption; The motion for the adoption of the consent agenda was duly seconded by Member , and upon vote being taken thereon the following members voted in favor of the motion: and the following voted against: whereupon the resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 13 EXHIBIT A FORM OF BOND No. R- UNITED STATES OF AMERICA $ STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL OBLIGATION STREET RECONSTRUCTION AND IMPROVEMENT BOND SERIES 2016A Date of Rate Maturi Ay Original Issue CUSIP December 15, 20 November 15, 2016 614468 Registered Owner: Cede & Co. The City of Monticello, Minnesota, a duly organized and existing municipal corporation in Wright County, Minnesota (the "City "), acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to the Registered Owner specified above or registered assigns, the principal sum of $ on the maturity date specified above, with interest thereon from the date hereof at the annual rate specified above, payable June 15 and December 15 in each year, commencing June 15, 2017, to the person in whose name this Bond is registered at the close of business on the first day (whether or not a business day) of the month of such interest payment date. The interest hereon and, upon presentation and surrender hereof, the principal hereof are payable in lawful money of the United States of America by check or draft by U.S. Bank National Association, Saint Paul, Minnesota, as Bond Registrar, Paying Agent, Transfer Agent and Authenticating Agent, or its designated successor under the Resolution described herein. For the prompt and full payment of such principal and interest as the same respectively become due, the full faith and credit and taxing powers of the City have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. The City may elect on December 15, 2024, and on any day thereafter to prepay Bonds due on or after December 15, 2025. Redemption may be in whole or in part and if in part, at the option of the City and in such manner as the City will determine. If less than all Bonds of a maturity are called for redemption, the City will notify The Depository Trust Company ( "DTC ") of the particular amount of such maturity to be prepaid. DTC will determine by lot the amount of each participant's interest in such maturity to be redeemed and each participant will then select by lot the beneficial ownership interests in such maturity to be redeemed. Prepayments will be at a price of par plus accrued interest. The Bonds maturing on December 15, 2026, December 15, 2028, and December 15, 2030 shall hereinafter be referred to collectively as the "Term Bonds." The principal amounts of the Term Bonds subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption on any date may be reduced through earlier optional redemptions, with any partial redemptions of the Term Bonds credited against future mandatory sinking fund redemptions of such Term Bonds in such order as the City shall determine. The Term Bonds are subject to mandatory sinking fund redemption and shall be redeemed in part by lot at par plus accrued interest on the sinking fund installment dates and in the principal amounts as follows: 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 A -1 Sinking Fund Installment Date Principal Amount December 15, 2026 Term Bond 2025 $500,000 2026 (maturity) 510,000 December 15, 2028 Term Bond 2027 $60,000 2028 (maturity) 60,000 December 15, 2030 Term Bond 2029 $60,000 2030 (maturity) 65,000 This Bond is one of an issue in the aggregate principal amount of $4,900,000 all of like original issue date and tenor, except as to number, maturity date, redemption privilege, and interest rate, all issued pursuant to a resolution adopted by the City Council on October 24, 2016 (the "Resolution "), for the purpose of providing money to defray the expenses incurred and to be incurred in making certain street reconstruction improvements and certain assessable local improvements, pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota, including Minnesota Statutes, Chapters 429 and 475, as amended, including Section 475.58, subdivision 3b. The principal hereof and interest hereon are payable in part from ad valorem taxes and in part special assessments levied against property specially benefited by local improvements, as set forth in the Resolution to which reference is made for a full statement of rights and powers thereby conferred. The full faith and credit of the City are irrevocably pledged for payment of this Bond and the City Council has obligated itself to levy additional ad valorem taxes on all taxable property in the City in the event of any deficiency in taxes and special assessments pledged, which additional taxes may be levied without limitation as to rate or amount. The Bonds of this series are issued only as fully registered Bonds in denominations of $5,000 or any integral multiple thereof of single maturities. The City Council has designated the issue of Bonds of which this Bond forms a part as "qualified tax - exempt obligations" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code ") relating to disallowance of interest expense for financial institutions and within the $10 million limit allowed by the Code for the calendar year of issue. As provided in the Resolution and subject to certain limitations set forth therein, this Bond is transferable upon the books of the City at the principal office of the Bond Registrar, by the registered owner hereof in person or by the owner's attorney duly authorized in writing upon surrender hereof together with a written instrument of transfer satisfactory to the Bond Registrar, duly executed by the registered owner or the owner's attorney; and may also be surrendered in exchange for Bonds of other authorized denominations. Upon such transfer or exchange the City will cause a new Bond or Bonds to be issued in the name of the transferee or registered owner, of the same aggregate principal amount, bearing interest at the same rate and maturing on the same date, subject to reimbursement for any tax, fee or governmental charge required to be paid with respect to such transfer or exchange. The City and the Bond Registrar may deem and treat the person in whose name this Bond is registered as the absolute owner hereof, whether this Bond is overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 A -2 payment and for all other purposes, and neither the City nor the Bond Registrar will be affected by any notice to the contrary. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED, COVENANTED AND AGREED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws of the State of Minnesota to be done, to exist, to happen and to be performed preliminary to and in the issuance of this Bond in order to make it a valid and binding general obligation of the City in accordance with its terms, have been done, do exist, have happened and have been performed as so required, and that the issuance of this Bond does not cause the indebtedness of the City to exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. This Bond is not valid or obligatory for any purpose or entitled to any security or benefit under the Resolution until the Certificate of Authentication hereon has been executed by the Bond Registrar by manual signature of one of its authorized representatives. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, by its City Council, has caused this Bond to be executed on its behalf by the facsimile or manual signatures of the Mayor and City Administrator and has caused this Bond to be dated as of the date set forth below. Dated: November 15, 2016 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA (Facsimile) (Facsimile) Mayor City Administrator CERTIFICATE OF AUTHENTICATION This is one of the Bonds delivered pursuant to the Resolution mentioned within. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION :A Authorized Representative ABBREVIATIONS The following abbreviations, when used in the inscription on the face of this Bond, will be construed as though they were written out in full according to applicable laws or regulations: 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 A_3 TEN COM -- as tenants in common TEN ENT -- as tenants by entireties JT TEN -- as joint tenants with right of survivorship and not as tenants in common UNIF GIFT MIN ACT Custodian (Gust) (Minor) under Uniform Gifts or Transfers to Minors Act, State of Additional abbreviations may also be used though not in the above list. ASSIGNMENT For value received, the undersigned hereby sells, assigns and transfers unto the within Bond and all rights thereunder, and does hereby irrevocably constitute and appoint attorney to transfer the said Bond on the books kept for registration of the within Bond, with full power of substitution in the premises. Dated: Notice: The assignor's signature to this assignment must correspond with the name as it appears upon the face of the within Bond in every particular, without alteration or any change whatever. Signature Guaranteed: NOTICE: Signature(s) must be guaranteed by a financial institution that is a member of the Securities Transfer Agent Medallion Program ( "STAMP "), the Stock Exchange Medallion Program ( "SEMP "), the New York Stock Exchange, Inc. Medallion Signatures Program ( "MSP ") or other such "signature guarantee program" as may be determined by the Registrar in addition to, or in substitution for, STEMP, SEMP or MSP, all in accordance with the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. The Registrar will not effect transfer of this Bond unless the information concerning the assignee requested below is provided. Name and Address: (Include information for all joint owners if this Bond is held by joint account.) 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 A_4 Please insert social security or other identifying number of assignee PROVISIONS AS TO REGISTRATION The ownership of the principal of and interest on the within Bond has been registered on the books of the Registrar in the name of the person last noted below. Date of Registration Registered Owner Cede & Co. Federal ID #13- 2555119 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 A -5 Signature of Officer of Registrar EXHIBIT B TAX LEVY SCHEDULES Tax Lew Schedule for Street Reconstruction Bonds YEAR* 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 * Year tax levy collected. Tax Levy Schedule for Improvement Bonds TAX LEVY $67,554.38 70,297.50 69,247.50 68,197.50 67,147.50 71,347.50 70,192.50 69,037.50 67,882.50 71,977.50 70,717.50 68,827.50 66,937.50 70,297.50 TAX LEVY 2017 $336,718.95 2018 337,471.46 2019 339,886.46 2020 336,841.46 2021 338,941.46 2022 335,581.46 2023 337,366.46 2024 338,941.46 2025 340,306.45 2026 336,211.43 * Year tax levy collected. 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 B-1 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICELLO I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting City Administrator of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City "), do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes of a regular meeting of the City Council of said City held on October 24, 2016, with the original thereof on file in my office and the same is a full, true and correct copy thereof, insofar as the same relates to the issuance and sale of the City's General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A, in the original aggregate principal amount of $4,900,000. WITNESS my hand as such City Administrator and the corporate seal of the City this day of , 2016. City Administrator City of Monticello, Minnesota (SEAL) 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 STATE OF MINNESOTA CERTIFICATE OF COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER AS TO COUNTY OF WRIGHT TAX LEVY AND REGISTRATION I, the undersigned County Auditor /Treasurer of Wright County, Minnesota, hereby certify that a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the governing body of the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City"), on October 24, 2016, levying taxes for the payment of the City's General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A (the "Bonds "), in the original aggregate principal amount of $4,900,000, dated as of November 15, 2016, has been filed in my office and said Bonds have been entered on the register of obligations in my office and that such tax has been levied as required by law. WITNESS My hand and official seal this day of 12016. COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA :A Its (SEAL) 486468v5 MNI MN190 -152 NORTHLAND SECURITIES City of Monticello, Minnesota $4,900,000 General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Bond Sale Summary October 19, 2016 PURPOSE: To finance street reconstruction and improvement projects and to pay costs associated with the issuance of the Bonds. FINANCE PLAN: Each portion of the Bonds has been structured to result in relatively level annual debt service payments over the life of the Bonds. The street reconstruction portion has been amortized over 14 years and the improvement portion over 10 years. Principal on the Bonds will be payable on December 15 from 2017 through 2030. Interest is payable semi - annually on June 15 and December 15, beginning June 15, 2017. Special assessments and ad valorem taxes are pledged to the repayment of the debt service on the Bonds. RESULTS: Moody's Investors Service confirmed the City's rating of "A2." Finance Plan Final on Main 612 - 851 -5900 1 Toll Free 800- 851 -2920 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000 I Minneapolis, MN 55402 NorthlandSecurities.com I Member FINRA and SIPC 09/12/16 10/19/16 Par Amount $ 5,000,000 $4,900,000 Premium $0 $97,503 Average Coupon 1.81% 2.10% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.11% 2.06% All In Cost (AIC) 2.20% 2.14% Total Interest Cost ($) $560,336 $628,871 Deposit to Project Construction Fund $4,885,000 $4,885,000 Main 612 - 851 -5900 1 Toll Free 800- 851 -2920 45 South 7th Street, Suite 2000 I Minneapolis, MN 55402 NorthlandSecurities.com I Member FINRA and SIPC M $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Total Issue Sources And Uses Dated 11/15/2016 1 Delivered 11/21/2016 Street Reconstruction Improvement Issue Portion Portion Summary Sources Of Funds Par Amount of Bonds $770,000.00 $4,130,000.00 $4,900,000.00 Reoffering Premium 20,829.40 76,673.50 97,502.90 Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 297.50 1,376.67 1,674.17 Total Sources $ 791, 126.90 $4,208,050.17 $4,999,177.07 Uses Of Funds Total Underwriter's Discount (1.750 %) 13,475.00 72,275.00 85,750.00 Costs of Issuance 3,739.99 20,060.01 23,800.00 Deposit to Debt Service Fund 297.50 1,376.67 1,674.17 Deposit to Project Construction Fund 770,000.00 4,115,000.00 4,885,000.00 Rounding Amount 3,614.41 (661.51) 2,952.90 Total Uses $791,126.90 $4,208,050.17 $4,999,177.07 GO Bonds Series 2016A - 4 I Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 1 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Debt Service Schedule Date Principal - Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 11/21/2016 2.000% 13,775.00 513,775.00 - - - 06/15/2017 8,775.00 - - 58,595.83 58,595.83 2.000% 12/15/2017 415,000.00 527,550.00 2.000% 50,225.00 465,225.00 523,820.83 06/15/2018 - - - 46,075.00 46,075.00 - 12/15/2018 435,000.00 - 2.000% 46,075.00 481,075.00 527,150.00 06/15/2019 60,000.00 - - 41,725.00 41,725.00 - 12/15/2019 445,000.00 1,875.00 2.000% 41,725.00 486,725.00 528,450.00 06/15/2020 1,875.00 - - 37,275.00 37,275.00 - 12/15/2020 450,000.00 - 2.000% 37,275.00 487,275.00 524,550.00 06/15/2021 66,950.00 - 32,775.00 32,775.00 12/15/2021 460,000.00 2.000% 32,775.00 492,775.00 525,550.00 06/15/2022 - - 28,175.00 28,175.00 - 12/15/2022 470,000.00 2.000% 28,175.00 498,175.00 526,350.00 06/15/2023 - - 23,475.00 23,475.00 - 12/15/2023 480,000.00 2.000% 23,475.00 503,475.00 526,950.00 06/15/2024 - - 18,675.00 18,675.00 - 12/15/2024 490,000.00 2.000% 18,675.00 508,675.00 527,350.00 06/15/2025 - - 13,775.00 13,775.00 - 12/15/2025 500,000.00 2.000% 13,775.00 513,775.00 527,550.00 06/15/2026 2.1421437 - 8,775.00 8,775.00 - 12/15/2026 510,000.00 2.000% 8,775.00 518,775.00 527,550.00 06/15/2027 - - 3,675.00 3,675.00 - 12/15/2027 60,000.00 3.000% 3,675.00 63,675.00 67,350.00 06/15/2028 - - 2,775.00 2,775.00 - 12/15/2028 60,000.00 3.000% 2,775.00 62,775.00 65,550.00 06/15/2029 - - 1,875.00 1,875.00 - 12/15/2029 60,000.00 3.000% 1,875.00 61,875.00 63,750.00 06/15/2030 - - 975.00 975.00 - 12/15/2030 65,000.00 3.000% 975.00 65,975.00 66,950.00 Total $4,900,000.00 - $628,870.83 $5,528,870.83 - Date And Term Structure Dated Delivery Date First available call date Call Price Yield Statistics 11/15/2016 11/21/2016 12/15/2023 100.000 Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 1,674.17 Bond Year Dollars $29,898.33 Average Life 6.102 Years Average Coupon 2.1033642 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0640546 True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.0554988 All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.1421437 IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0640546 Weighted Average Maturity 6.077 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.6955234% GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 2 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Pricing Summary Total - - $4,900,000.00 - - - - - $4,997,502.90 Bid Information Maturity Par Amount of Bonds $4,900,000.00 Reoffering Premium or (Discount) Maturity Type of Bond Coupon Yield Value Price YTM Call Date Call Price Dollar Price 12/15/2017 Serial Coupon 2.000% 0.900% 415,000.00 101.164 % $29,898.33 419,830.60 12/15/2018 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.000% 435,000.00 102.040 % True Interest Cost (TIC) 443,874.00 12/15/2019 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.125% 445,000.00 102.629 % - 456,699.05 12/15/2020 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.250% 450,000.00 102.964% - - - 463,338.00 12/15/2021 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.375% 460,000.00 103.048% - - 474,020.80 12/15/2022 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.500% 470,000.00 102.888% - 483,573.60 12/15/2023 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.625% 480,000.00 102.493% - - 491,966.40 12/15/2024 Serial Coupon 2.000% 1.750% 490,000.00 101.654% c 1.779% 12/15/2023 100.000% 498,104.60 12/15/2026 Term 1 Coupon 2.000% 2.000% 1,010,000.00 100.000% - - - 1,010,000.00 12/15/2028 Term 2Coupon 3.000% 2.200% 120,000.00 105.208% c 2.497% 12/15/2023 100.000% 126,249.60 12/15/2030 Term 3 Coupon 3.000% 2.400% 125,000.00 103.877% c 2.668% 12/15/2023 100.000% 129,846.25 Total - - $4,900,000.00 - - - - - $4,997,502.90 Bid Information Par Amount of Bonds $4,900,000.00 Reoffering Premium or (Discount) 97,502.90 Gross Production $4,997,502.90 Total Underwriter's Discount (1.750%) $(85,750.00) Bid (100.240%) 4,911,752.90 Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 1,674.17 Total Purchase Price $4,913,427.07 Bond Year Dollars $29,898.33 Average Life 6.102 Years Average Coupon 2.1033642% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.0640546% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.0554988% GO Bonds Series 2016A-4 I Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 3 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Proof of Premium/5Yr Call Bond Selection of Call Dates/Prices GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 4 PV at Bond Maturity Call Date Call Price Yield Lowest? 12/15/2028 - - 136,434.11 No 12/15/2028 12/15/2023 100.000% 130,441.87 Yes 12/15/2030 - - 144,771.52 No 12/15/2030 12/15/2023 100.000% 135,876.94 Yes GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 4 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Proof of D/S for Arbitrage Purposes Date Principal Interest Total 11/21/2016 - - 06/15/2017 - 58,595.83 58,595.83 12/15/2017 415,000.00 50,225.00 465,225.00 06/15/2018 - 46,075.00 46,075.00 12/15/2018 435,000.00 46,075.00 481,075.00 06/15/2019 - 41,725.00 41,725.00 12/15/2019 445,000.00 41,725.00 486,725.00 06/15/2020 - 37,275.00 37,275.00 12/15/2020 450,000.00 37,275.00 487,275.00 06/15/2021 - 32,775.00 32,775.00 12/15/2021 460,000.00 32,775.00 492,775.00 06/15/2022 - 28,175.00 28,175.00 12/15/2022 470,000.00 28,175.00 498,175.00 06/15/2023 - 23,475.00 23,475.00 12/15/2023 725,000.00 23,475.00 748,475.00 06/15/2024 - 15,000.00 15,000.00 12/15/2024 490,000.00 15,000.00 505,000.00 06/15/2025 - 10,100.00 10,100.00 12/15/2025 500,000.00 10,100.00 510,100.00 06/15/2026 - 5,100.00 5,100.00 12/15/2026 510,000.00 5,100.00 515,100.00 Total $4,900,000.00 $588,220.83 $5,488,220.83 GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 5 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Proof Of Bond Yield @ 1.6955234% Original Issue Proceeds $4,999,177.07 GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 6 Cumulative Date Cashflow PV Factor Present Value PV 11/21/2016 - 1.000000ox - - 06/15/2017 58,595.83 0.9904782x 58,037.89 58,037.89 12/15/2017 465,225.00 0.9821518x 456,921.59 514,959.48 06/15/2018 46,075.00 0.9738955x 44,872.24 559,831.72 12/15/2018 481,075.00 0.9657086x 464,578.28 1,024,410.00 06/15/2019 41,725.00 0.9575905x 39,955.47 1,064,365.46 12/15/2019 486,725.00 0.9495407x 462,165.20 1,526,530.66 06/15/2020 37,275.00 0.9415585x 35,096.59 1,561,627.25 12/15/2020 487,275.00 0.9336435x 454,941.11 2,016,568.36 06/15/2021 32,775.00 0.9257949x 30,342.93 2,046,911.29 12/15/2021 492,775.00 0.9180124x 452,373.54 2,499,284.83 06/15/2022 28,175.00 0.9102952x 25,647.57 2,524,932.40 12/15/2022 498,175.00 0.9026430x 449,674.16 2,974,606.56 06/15/2023 23,475.00 0.8950550x 21,011.42 2,995,617.98 12/15/2023 748,475.00 0.8875309x 664,294.68 3,659,912.65 06/15/2024 15,000.00 0.8800700x 13,201.05 3,673,113.70 12/15/2024 505,000.00 0.8726718x 440,699.26 4,113,812.97 06/15/2025 10,100.00 0.8653358x 8,739.89 4,122,552.86 12/15/2025 510,100.00 0.8580615x 437,697.17 4,560,250.03 06/15/2026 5,100.00 0.8508483x 4,339.33 4,564,589.36 12/15/2026 515,100.00 0.8436958x 434,587.71 4,999,177.07 Total $5,488,220.83 - $4,999,177.07 - Derivation Of Target Amount Par Amount of Bonds $4,900,000.00 Reoffering Premium or (Discount) 97,502.90 Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 1,674.17 Original Issue Proceeds $4,999,177.07 GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 6 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Derivation Of Form 8038 Yield Statistics Total $4,900,000.00 - $4,997,502.90 Issuance IRS Form 8038 Weighted Average Maturity = Bond Years /Issue Price 6.077 Years Maturity Value Price Issuance Price Exponent Bond Years 11/21/2016 - - - - - 12/15/2017 415,000.00 101.164% 419,830.60 1.0666667x 447,819.31 12/15/2018 435,000.00 102.040% 443,874.00 2.0666667x 917,339.60 12/15/2019 445,000.00 102.629% 456,699.05 3.0666667x 1,400,543.75 12/15/2020 450,000.00 102.964% 463,338.00 4.0666667x 1,884,241.20 12/15/2021 460,000.00 103.048% 474,020.80 5.0666667x 2,401,705.39 12/15/2022 470,000.00 102.888% 483,573.60 6.0666667x 2,933,679.84 12/15/2023 480,000.00 102.493% 491,966.40 7.0666667x 3,476,562.56 12/15/2024 490,000.00 101.654% 498,104.60 8.0666667x 4,018,043.77 12/15/2025 500,000.00 100.000% 500,000.00 9.0666667x 4,533,333.33 12/15/2026 510,000.00 100.000% 510,000.00 10.0666667x 5,134,000.00 12/15/2027 60,000.00 105.208% 63,124.80 11.0666667x 698,581.12 12/15/2028 60,000.00 105.208% 63,124.80 12.0666667x 761,705.92 12/15/2029 60,000.00 103.877% 62,326.20 13.0666667x 814,395.68 12/15/2030 65,000.00 103.877% 67,520.05 14.0666667x 949,782.04 Total $4,900,000.00 - $4,997,502.90 - $30,371,733.51 IRS Form 8038 Weighted Average Maturity = Bond Years /Issue Price 6.077 Years Total Interest from Debt Service 628,870.83 Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 (1,674.17) Reoffering (Premium) or Discount (97,502.90) Total Interest 529,693.76 NIC = Interest / (Issue Price * Average Maturity) 1.7440353% Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.6955234% GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Issue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 7 $4,900,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A FINAL Detail Costs Of Issuance Dated 11/15/2016 1 Delivered 11/21/2016 COSTS OF ISSUANCE DETAIL Bond Counsel Rating Agency Fee Paying Agent Pricing Opinion TOTAL GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 lssue Summary 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM $8,000.00 $13,500.00 $800.00 $1,500.00 $23,800.00 Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 8 $770,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Street Reconstruction Portion Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +I Fiscal Total 11/21/2016 - - 06/15/2017 - - 10,412.50 10,412.50 - 12/15/2017 45,000.00 2.000% 8,925.00 53,925.00 64,337.50 06/15/2018 - - 8,475.00 8,475.00 - 12/15/2018 50,000.00 2.000% 8,475.00 58,475.00 66,950.00 06/15/2019 - - 7,975.00 7,975.00 - 12/15/2019 50,000.00 2.000% 7,975.00 57,975.00 65,950.00 06/15/2020 - - 7,475.00 7,475.00 - 12/15/2020 50,000.00 2.000% 7,475.00 57,475.00 64,950.00 06/15/2021 - - 6,975.00 6,975.00 - 12/15/2021 50,000.00 2.000% 6,975.00 56,975.00 63,950.00 06/15/2022 - - 6,475.00 6,475.00 - 12/15/2022 55,000.00 2.000% 6,475.00 61,475.00 67,950.00 06/15/2023 - - 5,925.00 5,925.00 - 12/15/2023 55,000.00 2.000% 5,925.00 60,925.00 66,850.00 06/15/2024 - - 5,375.00 5,375.00 - 12/15/2024 55,000.00 2.000% 5,375.00 60,375.00 65,750.00 06/15/2025 - - 4,825.00 4,825.00 - 12/15/2025 55,000.00 2.000% 4,825.00 59,825.00 64,650.00 06/15/2026 - - 4,275.00 4,275.00 - 12/15/2026 60,000.00 2.000% 4,275.00 64,275.00 68,550.00 06/15/2027 - - 3,675.00 3,675.00 - 12/15/2027 60,000.00 3.000% 3,675.00 63,675.00 67,350.00 06/15/2028 - - 2,775.00 2,775.00 - 12/15/2028 60,000.00 3.000% 2,775.00 62,775.00 65,550.00 06/15/2029 - - 1,875.00 1,875.00 - 12/15/2029 60,000.00 3.000% 1,875.00 61,875.00 63,750.00 06/15/2030 - - 975.00 975.00 - 12/15/2030 65,000.00 3.000% 975.00 65,975.00 66,950.00 Total $770,000.00 - $153,487.50 $923,487.50 - Date And Term Structure Dated 11/15/2016 Delivery Date 11/21/2016 First available call date 12/15/2023 Call Price 100.000% Yield Statistics Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 297.50 Bond Year Dollars $6,129.17 Average Life 7.960 Years Average Coupon 2.5042148% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.3842246% True Interest Cost (TIC) 2.3533417% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.4215716% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 2.3842246% Weighted Average Maturity 7.968 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.6955234% GO Bonds Series 2016A -4 1 Street Reconstruction Por 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 9 $770,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Street Reconstruction Portion 105% Levy Total $923,487.50 $969,661.88 GO Bonds Series 2016A - 4 1 Street Reconstruction Por 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 10 Collection Date Total P +I 105% Levy Levy Year Year 12/15/2017 64,337.50 67,554.38 2016 2017 12/15/2018 66,950.00 70,297.50 2017 2018 12/15/2019 65,950.00 69,247.50 2018 2019 12/15/2020 64,950.00 68,197.50 2019 2020 12/15/2021 63,950.00 67,147.50 2020 2021 12/15/2022 67,950.00 71,347.50 2021 2022 12/15/2023 66,850.00 70,192.50 2022 2023 12/15/2024 65,750.00 69,037.50 2023 2024 12/15/2025 64,650.00 67,882.50 2024 2025 12/15/2026 68,550.00 71,977.50 2025 2026 12/15/2027 67,350.00 70,717.50 2026 2027 12/15/2028 65,550.00 68,827.50 2027 2028 12/15/2029 63,750.00 66,937.50 2028 2029 12/15/2030 66,950.00 70,297.50 2029 2030 Total $923,487.50 $969,661.88 GO Bonds Series 2016A - 4 1 Street Reconstruction Por 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 10 $4,130,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Improvement Portion Debt Service Schedule Date Principal Coupon Interest Total P +1 Fiscal Total 11/21/2016 2.0000000% - - 06/15/2017 - - 48,183.33 48,183.33 - 12/15/2017 370,000.00 2.000% 41,300.00 411,300.00 459,483.33 06/15/2018 - - 37,600.00 37,600.00 - 12/15/2018 385,000.00 2.000% 37,600.00 422,600.00 460,200.00 06/15/2019 - - 33,750.00 33,750.00 - 12/15/2019 395,000.00 2.000% 33,750.00 428,750.00 462,500.00 06/15/2020 - - 29,800.00 29,800.00 - 12/15/2020 400,000.00 2.000% 29,800.00 429,800.00 459,600.00 06/15/2021 - 25,800.00 25,800.00 - 12/15/2021 410,000.00 2.000% 25,800.00 435,800.00 461,600.00 06/15/2022 - - 21,700.00 21,700.00 - 12/15/2022 415,000.00 2.000% 21,700.00 436,700.00 458,400.00 06/15/2023 - - 17,550.00 17,550.00 - 12/15/2023 425,000.00 2.000% 17,550.00 442,550.00 460,100.00 06/15/2024 - - 13,300.00 13,300.00 - 12/15/2024 435,000.00 2.000% 13,300.00 448,300.00 461,600.00 06/15/2025 - - 8,950.00 8,950.00 - 12/15/2025 445,000.00 2.000% 8,950.00 453,950.00 462,900.00 06/15/2026 - - 4,500.00 4,500.00 - 12/15/2026 450,000.00 2.000% 4,500.00 454,500.00 459,000.00 Total $4,130,000.00 - $475,383.33 $4,605,383.33 - Date And Term Structure Dated 11/15/2016 Delivery Date 11/21/2016 First available call date 12/15/2023 Call Price 100.000% Yield Statistics Accrued Interest from 11/15/2016 to 11/21/2016 1,376.67 Bond Year Dollars $23,769.17 Average Life 5.755 Years Average Coupon 2.0000000% Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.9814949% True Interest Cost (TIC) 1.9798009% All Inclusive Cost (AIC) 2.0712028% IRS Form 8038 Net Interest Cost (NIC) 1.9814949% Weighted Average Maturity 5.722 Years Bond Yield for Arbitrage Purposes 1.6955234% GO Bonds Series 2016A - 4 I Improvement Portion 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 11 $4,130,000.00 City of Monticello, Minnesota General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Improvement Portion 105% Levy Less: Equals: Special Assessment Collection Date Total P +I 105% Levy Revenue* City Net Levy Levy Year Year 12/15/2017 459,483.33 482,457.50 145,738.55 336,718.95 2016 2017 12/15/2018 460,200.00 483,210.00 145,738.54 337,471.46 2017 2018 12/15/2019 462,500.00 485,625.00 145,738.54 339,886.46 2018 2019 12/15/2020 459,600.00 482,580.00 145,738.54 336,841.46 2019 2020 12/15/2021 461,600.00 484,680.00 145,738.54 338,941.46 2020 2021 12/15/2022 458,400.00 481,320.00 145,738.54 335,581.46 2021 2022 12/15/2023 460,100.00 483,105.00 145,738.54 337,366.46 2022 2023 12/15/2024 461,600.00 484,680.00 145,738.54 338,941.46 2023 2024 12/15/2025 462,900.00 486,045.00 145,738.55 340,306.45 2024 2025 12/15/2026 459,000.00 481,950.00 145,738.57 336,211.43 2025 2026 Total $4,605,383.33 $4,835,652.50 $1,457,385.45 $3,378,267.05 *Assumes $1,195,000 in principal spread in even payments for a term of 10 years with an interest rate of 3.75% (1.50% over average coupon rounded). GO Bonds Series 2016A - 4 I Improvement Portion 1 10/19/2016 1 11:08 AM Northland Securities, Inc. Public Finance Page 12 CREDIT OPINION 5 October 2016 New Issue Contacts Benjamin J VanMetre +1312 706 9951 Associate Analyst ben.vanmetre @moodys.com Kathryn Gregory 312- 706 -9962 Assistant Vice President kathryn.gregory@moodys.com Monticello (City of) MN New Issue - Moody's Assigns A2 to the City of Monticello, MN's GO Bonds Summary Rating Rationale Moody's Investors Service has assigned an A2 rating to the City of Monticello, MN's $5 million General Obligation Street Reconstruction and Improvement Bonds, Series 2D16A. Moody's maintains an A2 ratings on the city's outstanding general obligation unlimited tax (GOULT) debt. Post sale, the city will have $25 million of GO debt outstanding. The A2 GO rating reflects the city's highly concentrated tax base, favorable socio- economic indices, healthy reserves, average debt levels, high fixed costs for debt service and manageable pension obligations. The A2 rating also incorporates the city's ongoing support for a city- owned, competitive fiber optic utility, which is expected to require subsidies from other city funds during the near to medium term. Credit Strengths Favorable resident socio- economic metrics, including above average median family income and low unemployment rates Healthy reserves across operating funds and essential enterprise funds Manageable pension obligations Credit Challenges Substantial tax base concentration, with a nuclear power plant comprising 60a of assessed valuation Continued operating support of a competitive fiber optic utility History of operating deficits for fiber optic utility operations High fixed costs Rating Outlook Outlooks are usually not assigned to local government credits with this amount of debt. Factors that Could Lead to an Upgrade Significant diversification of the city's tax base Sustained improvement in the performance of the fiber optic utility that substantially reduces support from the city Factors that Could Lead to a Downgrade Material reduction of operating reserves Challenges with city's largest taxpayer Increased support from the city for the fiber optic utility Key Indicators Exhibit 1 Monticello (City oq MN 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Economy /Tax Base Total Full Value ($000) $ 1,084,882 $ 867,200 $ 1,336,549 $ 1,348,638 $ 1,648,007 Full Value Per Capita $ 86,749 $ 68,224 $ 104,085 $ 103,949 $ 125,562 Median Family Income (% of US Median) 119.8% 125.9% 135.3% 130.1% 130.1% Finances Operating Revenue ($000) $ 11,778 $ 10,794 $ 13,568 $ 13,781 $ 14,403 Fund Balance as a % of Revenues 62.7% 149.1% 47.2% 56.8% 71.2% Cash Balance as a % of Revenues 134.7% 150.9% 48.2% 60.5% 75.2% Debt /Pensions Net Direct Debt ($000) $ 56,882 $ 54,182 $ 22,937 $ 24,061 $ 21,578 Net Direct Debt / Operating Revenues (x) 4.8x s.Ox 1.7x 1.7x 1.5x Net Direct Debt/ Full Value ( %) 5.2% 6.2% 1.7% 1.8% 1.3% Moody's - adjusted Net Pension Liability (3 -yr average) to Revenues (x) N/A 0.9x 0.7x 0.8x 0.7x Moody's - adjusted Net Pension Liability (3 -yr average) to Full Value ( %) N/A 1.1% 0.7% 0.8% 0.6% The above table does not include the most recent sale data. Post sale, the city will have $22.5 million in net direct debt outstanding, equal to 1.2% of full value and 1.5 times fiscal 2015 operating revenues. Source: Audited Financial Statements, Moody's Investors Service and U.S. Census Bureau Detailed Rating Considerations Economy and Tax Base: Moderately Sized Tax base; Significant Taxpayer Concentration The city's moderately sized $1.8 billion tax base value is expected to remain stable given recent facility upgrades and investments by the city's largest taxpayer, Xcel Energy Inc (A3 stable). Xcel completed significant power enhancements and expansions during recent years, driving an 18PL increase in the city's 2012 assessed value and an additional 30PL increase in 2015. The 600 megawatt nuclear station now comprises a substantial 60PL of the city's assessed value and employs approximately 3,DDD during peak refueling and maintenance periods and 700 during normal operating periods. The plant opened in 1970 and is licensed to operate through 2030. The plant's expected long -term presence, reinforced by its stable operations and the company's decision to undergo recent substantial plant upgrades somewhat mitigates the risks inherent in tax base concentration of this scale. As of July 2016, the Wright County's (Aa1) unemployment rate (15P6) was on par with the state (3.7PL) and national (5.1PG) rates. The city's median family income is estimated at 130 of the nation median. Financial Operations and Reserves: Healthy Operating Reserves; Continued Support of Non - Essential Telecommunications Enterprise Monticello's financial profile is expected to remain stable despite ongoing support for the fiber optic utility. The city closed fiscal 2015 with an available fund balance of $10.3 million, or a strong 71&� of revenues across it's major operating funds - including the general fund and debt service fund. The 2015 reserves exceed the city's formal policy of maintaining 45PL of operating expenditures. Officials report that year -to -date General Fund operations are tracking toward a small surplus for fiscal 2016 and they also expect balanced This publication does not announce a credit rating action. For any credit ratings referenced in this publication, please see the ratings tab on the issuer /entity page on www.moodys.com for the most updated credit rating action information and rating history. 2 5 October 2016 Monticello (City of) MN: New Issue - Moody's Assigns A2 to the City of Monticello, MN's GO Bonds operations for fiscal 2017. The largest source of operating revenues is property taxes, which comprised 50% of revenues in fiscal 2015. The city typically increases its property tax levy by 2PL to 5PL annually and expects to continue this practice going forward. The city maintains ownership over the operation of a fiber optic utility that requires ongoing city support. The utility operates and offers cable, telephone, and internet services. Despite reduced expenditures, revenue pressures are ongoing due to continued competition for customer accounts which may make price increases for the service challenging. To date, revenues from the Municipal Liquor Fund have been sufficient to support the fiber optic utility. The city has a strong performing liquor enterprise. Net of depreciation, the liquor enterprise generated $770,000 in operating income during fiscal 2015. The city supported the telecommunication enterprise with cash transfers of $450,000 from the Municipal Liquor Fund. The transfers in 2015 were equivalent to a modest 3R� of operating revenues. In 2016, the city entered into an agreement with a private vendor to operate the fiber optics system for five years. Current projections show that the telecommunication enterprise will begin running surplus operations as early as 2D19. The city will continue subsidizing deficit operations of the telecommunication enterprise with the liquor fund and will be required to share any potential future profits of the system with the third party vendor. Additionally, should the fiber optic utility require support beyond what the liquor fund can provide, the city may elect to tap into its General Fund reserves or other reserves in order to keep the system viable. Material reductions in operating reserves could lead to downward movement in the city's GO rating. LIQUIDITY The city closed fiscal 2015 with an operating fund net cash position of $10.8 million, or 75PG of operating revenues. Debt and Pensions: High Fixed Costs; Limited Implications of Revenue Bond Default Post sale, the city will have $22.5 million in net direct debt outstanding, equal to 1.2P� of full value and 1.5 times fiscal 2015 operating revenues. Debt service remains by far the city's largest operating expense, making up 46PL of the city's operating expenditures. While this is exceptionally high, less than $2 million of the city's $6 million in annual debt service costs are derived directly from general property taxes. Debt service is additionally supported by sewer enterprise revenues and special assessments. The Moody's adjusted net pension liability (ANPL), our measure of a city's pension burden, is $1D million, or 0.6PG of full value, and 0.7 times fiscal 2D15 operating fund revenues. The city's default on the fiber optic utility revenue bonds has limited implications for Monticello's GO credit quality given the city made no legal or other promise to pay debt service from any source other than the pledged revenues. The city issued $26.4 million of fiber optic utility revenue bonds in 20D8 for the construction of a fiber optic system. When the bonds (unrated) were originally sold, the security was expressly limited to net revenues generated from the utility. The project bonds were approved by a referendum that garnered 74P/. voter support. The city made as scheduled interest only debt service payments from 2009 through June 2012. Capitalized interest provided debt service through June 2011 and transfers from the Municipal Liquor Fund were the primary source for the December 2011 and June 2D12 debt service payments. On June 6, 2012 the city notified the trustee, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. (Aa1 stable) that it would no longer make required monthly sinking fund payments. A technical default occurred on July 1, 2D12 because the net revenues of the utility were insufficient to make the sinking fund payment. On December 1, 2012, the first principal payment default occurred. Under the threat of litigation from bondholders, the city and the trustee negotiated a settlement agreement whereby the city paid $5.75 million (estimated 25R� recovery) in exchange for release from any future claims from bondholders for debt service payments on the revenue bonds, as well as the ability to continue to own and operate the fiber optic utility. The Settlement Agreement was approved in a Final Approval Order signed by a US District Court judge on September 15, 2014. All bondholders, except for one person holding $2D,DDD in outstanding maturities, were included as a part of the class action suit against the city. The city financed the settlement with GO bonds contributing slightly to the city's debt burden. DEBTSTRUCTURE All of the district's direct debt is fixed rate. Principal amortization is average with 83P,6 of outstanding principal retired in 10 years. DEBT - RELATED DERIVATIVES The city has no derivative agreements. 5 October 2016 Monticello (City of) MN: New Issue - Moody's Assigns A2 to the City of Monticello, MN's GO Bonds PENSIONS AND OPEB Eligible city employees participate in a multiple- employer cost - sharing plan administered by the state - the General Employees Retirement Fund (GERF). The Moody's ANPL referenced above reflects the use of a market -based discount rate to value liabilities, and, beginning in fiscal 2015, reflects the cost - sharing plan allocations reported by the city under GASB 68, Our pension adjustments are not intended as a guide, but rather to enhance the comparability of rated entities in our credit analysis. Fiscal 2015 pension contributions totaled $30D,DDD. Minnesota statutes establish local government retirement contributions as a share of annual payroll. GERF employer contribution rates are 7.5% of payroll for fiscal years 2D16 and 2017. In 2D15, plan contributions were 99% of the plan's "tread water" indicator, or the amount necessary to cover current year service cost and interest on accumulated unfunded liabilities. Falling short of the "tread water" indicator enables reported unfunded liabilities to grow even if the plans' assets achieve assumed investment returns. Management and Governance: Strong Institutional Framework Minnesota cities have an institutional framework score of "Aa," or strong. Revenues are moderately predictable as cities rely primarily on property taxes. Some cities also rely on State Local Government Aid (LGA), which is distributed based on demographic and tax base factors. Revenue - raising flexibility is moderate as cities generally benefit from unlimited levying authority, except during years in which the state has imposed limits. Levy limits are not in place for the 2016 -2017 biennium. Expenditures mostly consist of personnel costs, which are highly predictable. Cities typically maintain low fixed costs and have a moderate ability to reduce expenditures. Management maintained the city's healthy financial profile. The city's continued commitment to the fiber optic utility creates an elevated contingent liability exposure. However, management expects to improve operations via a recent decision to contracting operations with a private vendor. Legal Security The 2016A bonds are secured by the city's GO unlimited tax pledge though are expected to be paid in part from special assessments against benefitted properties. Use of Proceeds The 2016A bonds will finance street reconstruction and improvements. Obligor Profile Encompassing 8.9 square miles, the city is located in Wright County approximately 45 miles northwest of the Minneapolis -St. Paul (both cities rated Aal stable) metropolitan area and 25 miles south of the City of St. Cloud (Aa2). Methodology The principal methodology used in this rating was US Local Government General Obligation Debt published in January 2014. Please see the Rating Methodologies page on www,moodys.com for a copy of this methodology. Ratings Exhibit 2 Monticello (City of) MN Issue Rating General Obligation Street Reconstruction and A2 Improvement Bonds, Series 2016A Rating Type Underlying LT Sale Amount $5,000,000 Expected Sale Date 10/18/2016 Rating Description General Obligation Source: Moody's Investors Service 5 October 2016 Monticello (City of) MN: New Issue - Moody's Assigns A2 to the City of Monticello, MN's GO Bonds © 2016 Moody's Corporation, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., Moody's Analytics, Inc. and /or their licensors and affiliates (collectively, "MOODY'S "). All rights reserved. CREDIT RATINGS ISSUED BY MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE, INC. 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REPORT NUMBER 1044970 S October 2016 Monticello (City of) MN: New Issue - Moody's Assigns A2 to the City of Monticello, MN's GO Bonds Contacts Kathryn Gregory Assistant Vice President kathryn.gregory@moodys.com MOODY'S INVESTORS SERVICE 312 - 706 -9962 Benjamin J VanMetre Associate Analyst ben.vanmetre @moodys.com CLIENT SERVICES +1312 706 9951 Americas Asia Pacific Japan EMEA 1- 212 -553 -1653 852- 3551 -3077 81 -3- 5408 -4100 44 -20- 7772 -5454 5 October 2016 Monticello (City of) MN: New Issue - Moody's Assigns A2 to the City of Monticello, MN's GO Bonds City Council Agenda: 10/24/2016 2I. Consideration of approving an updated policy for utility billing winter averaging for residential sewer consumption (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Currently, the city has a policy established on February 11, 2013. However, this policy contains verbiage related to quarterly billing. Now that the City Council has approved the transition to monthly billing, staff is recommending updated wording. Al. Budget Impact: This action will not have a significant budget impact. A2. Staff Impact: Minimal. Having an established policy will provide current practices with the force of council approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the updated utility billing winter averaging for sewer consumption policy. 2. Motion to approve the updated utility billing winter averaging for sewer consumption policy with the following modifications: 3. Motion to deny the updated utility billing winter averaging for sewer consumption policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. City of Monticello Winter Averaging for Sewer Consumption Policy Adopted 2013- 02-11 B. City of Monticello Winter Averaging for Sewer Consumption Policy Adopted 2016- 10-24 (Proposed) Policy - Winter Averaging for Sewer Consumption The purpose of this policy is to formally establish guidelines related to determining winter sewer consumption values for calculation of utility bills. Under this policy, "residential' means single - family and two - family dwellings. Explanation of Winter Averaging Recognizing that some water use (e.g. washing cars or watering grass) does not go into the sanitary sewer system, the city has adopted this winter averaging policy. Sewage volume billing is based upon water usage. Accordingly, the city typically bills sewage according to the amount of water used in the winter months (January through March), when almost all water usage goes directly into the sanitary sewer system. Calculation of Winter Averaging For the purpose of calculating sewage bills for residential accounts in the non - winter quarters of the year, the city will use water consumption amounts for the quarter that includes the months of January, February, and March. This value will be applied to the sewage rate to determine the amount of the sewage billing. Exceptions: The policy shall not apply if actual water consumption drops below the winter average. Winter averaging for new customers will be calculated using a standard usage of 70 gallons per day per occupant (minimum of two persons). The policy shall not apply to residential dwellings with 3 or more units or to non- residential properties. (These accounts are encouraged to obtain an irrigation meter to measure water usage, such as watering lawns, that does not go into the sanitary sewer system.) ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 11 th day of February, 2013. CITY OF MONTICELLO al 7% � Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: ��C_1_194�tj Jeff qVill, City Administrator Policy - Winter Averaging for Residential Sewer Consumption The purpose of this policy is to formally establish guidelines related to determining winter sewer consumption values for calculation of utility bills. Under this policy, "residential" means single- family and two - family dwellings. Explanation of Winter Averaging Recognizing that some water use (e.g. washing cars or watering grass) does not go into the sanitary sewer system, the city has adopted this winter averaging policy. Sewage volume billing is based upon water usage. Accordingly, the city typically bills sewage according to the amount of water used in the winter months (January through March), when almost all water usage goes directly into the sanitary sewer system. Calculation of Winter Averaging For the purpose of calculating residential account sewage bills for water usage months April through September (typical lawn sprinkling months), the city will use the average of the water consumption for January, February, and March. Including other related charges, this value will be applied to the sewage rate to determine the sewage amount due. Exceptions: • The policy shall not apply if actual water consumption drops below the winter average. • Winter averaging for new customers will be calculated using a standard usage of 70 gallons per day per occupant (minimum of two persons) based on a month of 30 days. • The policy shall not apply to residential dwellings with 3 or more units or to non- residential properties. (These accounts are encouraged to obtain an irrigation meter to measure water usage, such as watering lawns, that does not go into the sanitary sewer system.) ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 10/24/2016 2J. Consideration of approving a policy for utility billing zero consumption residential water meters (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The city's Water and Sewer ordinance item 7 -2 -7 states that past average consumption readings should be used if a meter fails to register or accurately measure water consumption. However, the ordinance does not specify what should be done in the event that the meter does not have past consumption readings. Policy: When a residential meter is faulty and has no past readings, the city will use the average of 70 gallons a day per occupant (minimum of two people) for each billing period that the meter recorded a zero consumption reading. Al. Budget Impact: This action will not have a significant budget impact. A2. Staff Impact: Minimal. Having an established policy will provide current practices with the force of council approval. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the utility billing zero consumption faulty water meter policy. 2. Motion to approve the utility billing zero consumption faulty water meter policy with the following modifications: 3. Motion to deny the utility billing zero consumption faulty water meter policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • None. 2K. Consideration of Authorization of entering into a Contract with Commercial Realty Solutions (CRS) for broker/listing services for four City -owned commercial real estate parcels (JT) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This item is for consideration of authorizing entering into a contract for broker - listing services for City owned commercial properties. The four City -owned commercial parcels in the Jefferson Commons development are not currently being actively marketed. The real estate crash and economic downturn of 2008 to 2012 gave the City pause in its marketing of these parcels. Other existing nearby development consists of: Culver's, Applebee's, Aspen Dental, Arby's, Premier Bank, Taco John's, Muller Family Theatres, River City Extreme Bowling Alley, Royal Tire AutoZone and others. MN Trunk Hwy. 25 vehicle counts in this area exceed 31,000 per day (MN -DOT Hwy. Count Maps [by County]). With recent positive development activity, it may be beneficial to the market by actively promoting these parcels. The four parcels are as follows: PID # Parcel Size General Location Notes 1. 155164000030 7.02 acres Jefferson Commons; Theatre 2. 155164000050 2.14 acres Jefferson Commons; Pond 3. 155164000040 6.14 acres Jefferson Commons; Recr. Center 4. 155176001020 2.70 acres Jefferson Commons; Hwy. 25 Total 18.00 acres Interviews were held with four prospective brokers; K -W Commercial Midwest, Edina Realty, Commercial Realty Solutions and CBRE. The subcommittee is recommending entering into a contract with Commercial Realty Solutions (CRS). CRS was selected given that their ability to synergistically create more market activity for the City parcels by virtue of dominance in the local market. They are also heavily involved in the local community and have an active network for idea exchange. Finally, they are committed to the full sharing of information on parcels to all of their clients. The standard listing contract for each parcel has been provided by CRS (see Exhibits). Al. Staff Impact: The staff time involved in this effort included researching information about the parcels and preparing a marketing/solicitation packet; estimated three hours. The packets were then sent by email to four brokers who were contacted as to interest in the brokerage listing. The interviews for each of the four brokers was approximately 30 to 40 minutes + / -. A small amount of time was devoted to preparing the staff report for the Council meeting. No additional staff will be required for the remainder of the work involved in this effort, although the City Attorney may be consulted to review the contractual agreement. A2. Budget Impact: To date there have been minimal external costs in preparing the marketing /solicitation packet and scheduling the interviews. The costs are limited to staff time and paper expenses. The broker payments /costs will hinge on the event of a sale transaction where there will be an expected sizable revenue experience. Land sale revenues will be more than sufficient to cover the broker commission payments of 6 percent. Both the revenues and the expenses are expected to be one- time events. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve authorization to enter into a Broker Marketing- Listing Contract with Commercial Realty Solutions (CRS) for four City -owned commercial parcels of land in the Jefferson Commons development. 2. Motion to deny authorization to enter into a Broker Marketing- Listing Contract with Commercial Realty Solutions (CRS) for four City -owned commercial parcels of land in the Jefferson Commons development. 3. Motion to table action on this for further research. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Alternative #1 wherein the proposed action is to authorize entering into a Contract for broker listing services with Commercial Realty Solutions (CRS) for four City owned commercial parcels of land in the Jefferson Commons development. The commercial market appears to be gaining some positive traction as evidenced by the sale of land and subsequent development of an Aspen Dental Clinic and AutoZone retail store near the Jefferson Commons development. The City will gain exposure to these four parcels by having them actively marketed by CRS. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Informational Solicitation Packet B. Broker Listing Contracts City of Monticello, Minnesota City Owned Commercial Land Parcels October 11, 2016 The City of Monticello has four vacant commercial land parcels that it wants to sell. The City is intending to interview commercial brokers, make a selection and enter into a 15 month marketing agreement for the six parcels. The parcels are in a general location south of 1 -94 along either along MN Hwy. 25 South or just off of it near a signalized intersection with School Boulevard. Specific information on the four parcels is shown below. Wright Co.Parcel ID # Parcel Size General Location Notes I. 155164000030 7.02 acres Jefferson Commons; Theatre 2. 155164000050 2.14 acres Jefferson Commons; Pond 3. 155164000040 6.14 acres Jefferson Commons; Recr. Center 4. 155176001020 2.70 acres Jefferson Commons; Hwy. 25 Total 18.00 acres This particular node of commercial development has seen a couple of additional projects completed in 2016. The new projects include: Aspen Dental Clinic and AutoZone. Other existing nearby development consists of: Culvers, Applebees, Arby's, Premier Bank, Taco John's, Muller Family Theatres, River City Extreme Bowling Alley, AutoZone, Royal Tire and others. MN Trunk Hwy. 25 vehicle counts in this area exceed 31,000 per day (MN -DOT Hwy. Count Maps [by County]). The City of Monticello, population 14,000 (2016 estimate) is a rapidly growing stand -alone urban center along 1 -94 between Minneapolis -St. Paul's northwest suburbs and St. Cloud, Minnesota. The City is home to major retailers, i.e. Target, Walmart, Home Depot, medical facilities and large employers like Xcel Energy's Nuclear Generating Facility and UMC, Inc, a precision machining company. County land reports indicating value, ownership, legal description etc., for each of the parcels are attached. A general community profile is also attached for your review. If you have questions, please contact: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator, City of Monticello, MN; phone 763 - 271 -3215 or ieff.oneill @ci.monticello.mn.us . 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN rn^ 01,,Beacon Wright County, M N Summary Parcel ID 15 5164000030 Property Address Eff Sec/Twp /Rng 15- 121 -025 Brief Sect -15 Twp -121 Range -025 JEFFERSON COMMONS OUTLOT C EX TH PRT PLATTED AS JEFFERSON COMMONS Tax Description 2ND ADDN 1 HWY 25 S 111 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 09/10/2004 Owner Primary Taxpayer City Of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 G IS Acreage Parcel: 15 5164000030 Acres: 7.02 Acres USAB: 7.02 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 0.00 Sq Ft: 305,755.25 Land Transfer History Grantor Grantee Unit Eff Doc Type Seq Code CER Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Div % Value 1 HWY 25 S 111 0 0 0 0 87,120.000 SF 5.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.000 1.000 435,600 2 HWY 25 S IV 0 0 0 0 218,635.000 SF 2.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.000 1.000 437,270 Total 305,755.000 872,870 Transfer History Grantor Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price CITY OF MONTICELLO JEFFERSON COMMONS 8/30/2004 8/30/2004 PLAT 925025 $0 AGRIBANK FCB CITY OF MONTICELLO 7/21/2004 8/17/2004 MINERAL 923271 $0 Valuation (working) Taxation https: / /beacon.schnei dercorp.com /Appl i cati on.as px ?Appl D =187 &Layer I D = 2505 &PageTypel D =4 &Pagel D = 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155164000030 iWA 2018 2017 • Land Value $872,870 $872,870 • Building Value $0 $0 • Extra Features Value $0 $0 = Total Value $872,870 $872,870 Change 0.00% 0.00 Taxation https: / /beacon.schnei dercorp.com /Appl i cati on.as px ?Appl D =187 &Layer I D = 2505 &PageTypel D =4 &Pagel D = 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155164000030 iWA 10/11/2016 Receipt # Receipt Print Date Total Estimated Market Value - Excluded Value - Homestead Exclusion = Taxable Market Value Beacon - Wright County, MN Bill Pay Year 2016fi1a#rAblje W46wavabaff 2omel* awe gem $872,900 $872,900 $872,900 $1,091,500 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $872,900 $872,900 $872,900 $1,091,500 Net Taxes Payable $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 = Total Taxes Payable $0.00 Taxes Paid $0.00 Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year 949157 9/26/2012 2012 904160 4/25/2012 2012 904344 4/25/2012 2012 Tax Statements $0.00 Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. CRV Documents Click here to view the CRV document(s). Property Card Images Click here to view the Property Card imaee(s). 1� r;_ - :� M155'i 531x!`0,1020 15518J001,QiA ' y" �15 164--- 155164000030, J , 1 Nr P 155192001'010 P E3,.t $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,401.78) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3,401.79 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($3,401.79) No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Extra Features, Sales, Valuation, Photos, Sketches. Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. Last Data Upload: 10/11/2016 2:39:21 AM C"I Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation https:H beacon. schneidercorp .com / Application. aspx ?ApplD = 187 &LayerlD = 2505& PageTypelD= 4&PagelD= 1310 &KeyValue = 155164000030 2/2 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN #j,,,Beacon 1i Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 15 5164000050 Property Address Eff Sec/Twp /Rng 15- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -15 Twp -121 Range -025 JEFFERSON COMMONS 2.14 AC OUTLOT E Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 2.14 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 09/10/2004 Owner Primary Taxpayer City Of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 G IS Acreage Parcel: 155164000050 Acres: 2.14 Acres USAB: 2.14 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 0.00 Sq Ft: 93,305.06 Land Transfer History Grantor Grantee Unit Eff Doc Type Seq Code CER Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Div % Value 1 ADDN SITE 0 0 0 0 0.300 LT 10,000.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 10,000.000 1.000 3,000 2 WASTE B PROD 0 0 0 0 1.840 LT 400.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 400.000 1.000 736 Total 2.140 3,736 Transfer History Grantor Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price CITY OF MONTICELLO JEFFERSON COMMONS 8/30/2004 8/30/2004 PLAT 925025 $0 AGRIBANK FCB CITY OF MONTICELLO 7/21/2004 8/17/2004 MINERAL 923271 $0 Valuation (working) Taxation hftps-.Ybeacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppiD= 187&Layer I D = 2505 &PageTypelD =4 &Pagel D = 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155164000050 1/2 2018 2017 • Land Value $3,736 $3,736 • Building Value $0 $0 • Extra Features Value $0 $0 = Total Value $3,736 $3,736 Change 0.00% 0.00 Taxation hftps-.Ybeacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?AppiD= 187&Layer I D = 2505 &PageTypelD =4 &Pagel D = 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155164000050 1/2 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN 2016 Payable 2015 Payable 2014 Payable 2013 Payable 2016 Payable 2015 Payable 2014 Payable 2013 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $3,700 $3,700 $2,600 $2,900 - Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 - Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $3,700 $3,700 $2,600 $2,900 Net Taxes Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. CRV Documents Click here to view the CRV document(s). Property Card Images Click here to view the Property Card image(s). Map 15 16 ��_�.`._ 155164,000030 ti 15516400007�4i 5164000050 _ 155170 0 010 15 5164000 040 No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Extra Features, Sales, Valuation, Taxes Paid, Photos, Sketches. Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. Last Data Upload: 10/11/2016 2:39:21 AM C"$ Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation https://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?ApplD= 187&Layer ID= 2505 &PageTypelD= 4&PagelD= 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155164000050 2/2 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN #I. B e a c o n Wright County, MN Summary Parcel ID 15 5164000040 Property Address Eff Sec/Twp /Rng 15- 121 -025 Brief Sect -15 Twp -121 Range -025 JEFFERSON COMMONS OUTLOT D EX PRT PLATTED AS JEFFERSON COMMONS 2ND Tax Description ADD 1 HWY 25 S I I1 (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 09/10/2004 Owner Primary Taxpayer City Of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 G IS Acreage Parcel: 15 5164000040 Acres: 6.14 Acres USAB: 6.14 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 0.00 Sq Ft: 267,447.30 Land Transfer History Grantor Grantee Unit Eff Doc Type Seq Code CER Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Div % Value 1 HWY 25 S I I1 0 0 0 0 130,680.000 SF 5.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.000 1.000 653,400 2 HWY 25 S IV 0 0 0 0 136,778.000 SF 2.000 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.000 1.000 273,556 Total 267,458.000 926,956 Transfer History Grantor Grantee Doc Date Transfer Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price CITY OF MONTICELLO JEFFERSON COMMONS 8/30/2004 8/30/2004 PLAT 925025 $0 AGRIBANK FCB CITY OF MONTICELLO 7/21/2004 8/17/2004 MINERAL 923271 $0 Valuation (working) Taxation https : / /beacon.schneidercorp.com/ Application. aspx? AppID = 187 &LayerID = 2505& PageTypelD= 4 &PagelD= 1310 &KeyValue = 155164000040 1/2 2018 2017 • Land Value $926,956 $926,956 • Building Value $0 $0 • Extra Features Value $0 $0 = Total Value $926,956 $926,956 Change 0.00% 0.00 Taxation https : / /beacon.schneidercorp.com/ Application. aspx? AppID = 187 &LayerID = 2505& PageTypelD= 4 &PagelD= 1310 &KeyValue = 155164000040 1/2 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year 2016RiaVA je 2Otl6waitaw 2Qmelmaw A t & Total Estimated Market Value $927,000 $927,000 $927,000 $1,063,700 - Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 - Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $927,000 $927,000 $927,000 $1,063,700 Net Taxes Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 949158 9/26/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($951.68) 904161 4/25/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $951.69 904345 4/25/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($951.69) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. CRV Documents Click here to view the CRV document(s). Property Card Images Click here to view the Property Card image(s). Map _ r SCHOOL BLVD15516.4 1551b40-9 , y ri 644i}_ O040 1: i 7 F 4 f `41* No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Extra Features, Sales, Valuation, Photos, Sketches. Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. Last Data Upload: 10/11/2016 2:39:21 AM cl Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation https:H beacon .schneidercorp.com /Applicati on.aspx ?ApplD =187 &Layer I D= 2505&PageTypelD= 4&Pagel D= 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155164000040 2/2 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN #.Beacon T ' Wright County, MN g Y Summary Parcel ID 155176001020 Property Address Sec/Twp /Rng 15- 121 -025 Brief Tax Description Sect -15 Twp -121 Range -025 JEFFERSON COMMONS 1ST ADDN Lot -002 Block -001 KRUTZIG MICHAEL (Note: Not to be used on legal documents) Deeded Acres 0.00 Class 958 - (NON -HSTD) MUNICIPAL PUBLIC SERVICE -OTHER District (1101) 1101 CITY OF MONTICELLO 882 H School District 0882 Creation Date 07/05/2005 Owner Primary Taxpayer City Of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362 G IS Acreage Parcel: 155176001020 Acres: 2.70 Acres USAB: 2.70 Acres WATE: 0.00 Acres ROW: 0.00 Sq Ft: 117,726.80 Land Unit Eff Seq Code CER Dim 1 Dim 2 Dim 3 Units UT Price Adj 1 Adj 2 Adj 3 Adj 4 Rate Div % Value 1 HWY 25 S 1 0 0 0 0 117,612.000 SF 5.600 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 5.600 1.000 658,627 Total 117,612.000 658,627 Sales Multi Parcel IN Q Sale Date Buyer Seller Sale Price Adj Price N WD U 07/19/2012 CITY OF MONTICELLO KRUTZIG MICHAEL $664,400 $664,400 N WD U 11/23/2005 KRUTZIG MICHAEL CITY OF MONTICELLO $1,057,104 $1,057,104 Transfer History Transfer Grantor Grantee Doc Date Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price MICHAEL &ALISON J KLEIN BANK 1/19/2012 7/19/2012 SHRFF 1193056 $572,075 KRUTZIG CERT SHERIFF OF WRIGHT COUNTY MICHAEL J & ALISON J KRUTZIG 7/18/2012 7/18/2012 CRT 1208287 $607,188 REDMP MICHAELJ & ALISON J CITY OF MONTICELLO 7/18/2012 7/18/2012 WARDEED 1208288 $664,400 KRUTZIG CITY OF MONTICELLO MICHAEL J & ALISON J KRUTZIG 11/23/2005 12/2/2005 WARDEED 988872 $1,057,104 https: / /beacon.schnei dercor p.com /Appl i cati on.aspx ?ApplD =187 &Layer I D = 2505 &PageTypelD =4 &Pagel D= 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155176001020 1/3 10/11/2016 Beacon - Wright County, MN Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year 2016PftVAW)je 2&1SffaVzI98ft r 2o'm else 201A 9 Grantor Grantee Doc Date Date Doc Type Doc No Sale Price CITY OF MONTICELLO JEFFERSON COMMONS 1ST 6/21/2005 6/21/2005 PLAT 964076 $0 ADDN Valuation 2012 Assessment • Estimated Building Value $0 • Estimated Land Value $708,000 • Estimated Machinery Value $0 = Total Estimated Market Value $708,000 Valuation (working) Taxation 2018 2017 • Land Value $658,627 $658,627 • Building Value $0 $0 • Extra Features Value $0 $0 = Total Value $658,627 $658,627 Change 0.00% 0.00 Taxation hftps://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?ApplD= 187&LayerlD=2505&PageTypelD=4&PagelD= 1310&KeyVal ue= 155176001020 2/3 2016 Payable 2015 Payable 2014 Payable 2013 Payable Total Estimated Market Value $658,600 $658,600 $708,000 $708,000 - Excluded Value $0 $0 $0 $0 - Homestead Exclusion $0 $0 $0 $0 = Taxable Market Value $658,600 $658,600 $708,000 $708,000 Net Taxes Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,736.00 + Special Assessments $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 = Total Taxes Payable $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $23,736.00 Taxes Paid Receipt # Receipt Print Date Bill Pay Year Amt Adj Amt Write Off Amt Charge Amt Payment 1045246 9/25/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($11,868.00) 1015082 5/14/2013 2013 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 ($11,868.00) 940213 7/19/2012 2012 $0.00 $0.00 $1,319.85 ($30,649.85) Tax Statements Click here to view the Tax Statements for this parcel. CRV Documents Click here to view the CRV document(s). Property Card Images Click here to view the Property Card image(s). hftps://beacon.schneidercorp.com/Application.aspx?ApplD= 187&LayerlD=2505&PageTypelD=4&PagelD= 1310&KeyVal ue= 155176001020 2/3 10/11/2016 Map 1551 760,0 010 x J • P l 155,176-001020 Z 25 155164000020 fil Beacon - Wright County, MN No data available for the following modules: Land GA/RP, Buildings, Extra Features, Photos, Sketches Maps and documents made available to the public by Wright County are not legally recorded maps nor surveys and are not intended to be used as such. Last Data Upload: 10/11/2016 2:39:21 AM cl$ Developed by Schneider The Schneider Corporation hftps:H beacon. schneidercorp. com / Application. aspx ?ApplD = 187& LayerlD = 2505& PageTypelD= 4&PageID= 1310 &KeyVal ue= 155176001020 3/3 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com Sale Listing Agreement PA 3 Date: October 20, 2016 4 Page One. 6 IN CONSIDERATION OF the Agreement of Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC._ (CRS) _ 7 (hereinafter referred to as "BROKER") to undertake to sell the property hereinafter described 8 City of Monticello (Hereinafter referred to as "SELLER ") grants to BROKER the exclusive right 9 to sell or contract to sell the property at XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN. The property 10 consists of approximately 7.2 acres of commercial land which is referred as Jefferson Commons. 11 The property is identified as Jefferson Commons Outlot C except that part platted as Jefferson 12 Commons 2nd Addition, PID #155- 164 - 000030. Hereinafter referred to as the ( "PROPERTY ") 13 for the period from the date hereof and shall continue until January 31, 2018. The listing 14 agreement shall continue thereafter with a 30 -day written notice of cancellation. The property 15 shall be priced at $5.00 - $7.00 ps£ Terms of the sale shall be CASH, or any other price, terms or 16 exchange to which SELLER may consent. SELLER understands that BROKER may list other 17 properties during the term of this Agreement which may compete with SELLER'S PROPERTY 18 for potential buyers. 19 20 SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS 21 22 It is agreed that SELLER shall promptly furnish BROKER with complete information concerning 23 any person who during the period of this Agreement makes inquiry to SELLER regarding the sale, 24 exchange or lease of the PROPERTY. 25 26 If the PROPERTY is sold, SELLER hereby agrees to furnish to buyer an Abstract of Title, a 27 Registered Property Abstract or a Title Insurance Commitment, certified to date, to include proper 28 searches covering bankruptcies and state federal judgments and liens, and to execute or cause to be 29 executed a Deed conveying title to the PROPERTY to the buyer and any further documents as 30 may be required to consummate the sale in accordance with the terms above designated or with the 31 terms to which SELLER may hereafter consent. SELLER further agrees to promptly notify 32 BROKER of any notices pertaining to the PROPERTY which are hereafter received during the 33 term of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to erect a "For 34 Sale" sign on the PROPERTY and to remove all other "For Sale" signs from the PROPERTY 35 during the period of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 36 XXXX West School Blvd, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN 37 Page 2 38 39 erect a "Sold" sign on the PROPERTY for a period of (30) days following the sale or exchange 40 of the PROPERTY by BROKER. SELLER shall permit BROKER to place information on the 41 Minnesota Commercial Property Exchange (MCPE) and the internet concerning the PROPERTY. 42 Broker may notify the MCPE and member REALTORS of the price and terms of the sale. 43 44 45 COMPENSATION 46 47 It is further agreed that SELLER shall pay BROKER a brokerage fee of 6 %. If there is a 48 cooperating broker representing the buyer, the commissions of 6% will be split with each broker 49 receiving 3 %. Commissions will be paid on the price for which the PROPERTY is sold or 50 exchanged, upon occurrence of any of the following conditions; 51 1. The Sale, contract for sale, exchange or conveyance of the PROPERTY during the period of 52 this Agreement by BROKER or any other person, including, but not limited to, SELLER, or any 53 other agent or broker not a party to this Agreement, in accordance with the price, terms or 54 exchange as set forth herein or as otherwise consented to by SELLER. 55 2. If a BUYER is procured, whether by BROKER, SELLER or anyone else, who is ready, 56 willing and able to purchase the PROPERTY at the price and terms set forth above and SELLER 57 refuses to sell. 58 3. If SELLER agrees to sell the PROPERTY before this contract expires, and SELLER refuses 59 to close the sale. 60 4. If SELLER removes the PROPERTY from the market before expiration of this Listing 61 Agreement. 62 5. If SELLER grants an option to purchase the PROPERTY, SELLER shall compensate 63 BROKER, as provided herein, based on the price paid for the option and for any extensions 64 thereof. The compensation shall be paid upon receipt by SELLER of any such payments. In the 65 event such option is exercised, whether during the term of this Agreement, or within 3 66 months thereafter, SELLER shall also compensate BROKER on the gross sale price of the 67 PROPERTY in accordance with the provisions herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the 68 extent that all or part of the price paid for the option or any extension thereof is applied to the sales 69 price of the PROPERTY, then any compensation previously paid by owner to BROKER on 70 account of such option payments shall be credited against the compensation payable to BROKER 71 on account of the exercise of the option. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 72 XXXX West School Blvd, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN 73 Page 3 74 75 6. N /A. 76 7. SELLER contributes or conveys the PROPERTY or any interest therein to a partnership, 77 joint venture or other business during the term of the Agreement in lieu of a sale of the 78 PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 79 8. SELLER is a partnership or other business entity, and an interest in the partnership or other 80 business entity is transferred, whether by merger, outright purchase or otherwise in lieu of sale of 81 the PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 82 9. If within 90 days, SELLER sells or agrees to sell the PROPERTY to anyone who 83 has made an affirmative showing of interest in the PROPERTY by responding to an advertisement 84 or by contacting the BROKER or salesperson involved or has been physically shown the 85 PROPERTY by the BROKER or salesperson. It is understood that BROKER shall not seek to 86 enforce collection of a compensation under this subparagraph nine (9) unless the name of the 87 prospect is on a written list given to SELLER within 72 hours after expiration of this Agreement. 88 89 As security for BROKER'S compensation SELLER hereby grants to BROKER a security 90 interest in the proceeds from the sale or lease of the PROPERTY described herein and any title 91 company or other closer who conducts the closing on the sale or lease of the PROPERTY 92 described herein is directed to disburse the BROKER'S compensation provided hereunder to the 93 BROKER at the time of Closing. 94 95 SELLER further agrees that in the event a LEASE of the PROPERTY is entered into (a) during 96 the term of this Listing Agreement, or (b) during the period set forth in subparagraph nine (9) 97 above with a person or entity as described therein, then SELLER shall pay BROKER a leasing 98 commission of one months gross lease amount, for a lease of one year or less. For leases that are 99 longer than one year in length, leasing commissions are 6% of the gross lease amount. This shall 100 be due and payable upon execution of the lease or as otherwise agreed in writing. 101 102 103 SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS 104 105 SELLER has full legal right to sell or lease the PROPERTY. 106 SELLER certifies that as of the date of execution of this Agreement, SELLER has not received 107 any Notice of building, health, fire code violations, nor notice of hazardous waste on the crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN Page 4 PROPERTY, nor Notice of condemnation pertaining to the PROPERTY, except as herein noted (if none, state "none "): CERTIFICATION INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that a transferee (buyer) of a U. S. Real property interest must be notified in writing, and must withhold tax if the transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000. In the event transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000, requirements of the 1980 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) will be fulfilled. SELLER States and acknowledges the following: I am a citizen of the United States or, if a corporation, partnership or other business entity, duly incorporated in the United States, or, if a partnership or business entity, formed and governed by the laws of the United States: X Yes No If "No," please state country of citizenship, incorporation or the like: Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. COOPERATING BROKERS SELLER hereby permits BROKER to share part of BROKER'S compensation with other real estate brokers, including brokers only representing the buyer. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Jefferson Commons, Big Lake, MN Page 5 CLOSING SERVICES After a purchase agreement for the PROPERTY is signed, arrangements must be made to close the transaction. SELLER understands the SELLER may arrange for a qualified closing agent or attorney to conduct the closing, or SELLER may ask BROKER to arrange for closing. SELLER understands that SELLER may be required to pay certain closing costs which may effectively reduce the proceeds from the sale. SELLER has indicated his/her /its choice for closing services. (initial one) SELLER wishes to have BROKER arrange for closing services. SELLER shall arrange for closing services. MISCELLANEOUS 1. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. 2. All of the representations and covenants of this Agreement shall survive and be enforceable after termination of the Agreement. 3. In the event of any litigation instituted by SELLER or BROKER to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses from the other party. 4. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties relative to the provisions herein. No amendment, modification or extension of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and signed by both the SELLER and BROKER. 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Jefferson Commons, MN Page 6 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. City of Monticello It's: (Date) Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC. (BROKER) (Date) crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com Sale Listing Agreement 2 3 Date: October 20, 2016 4 Page One. 6 IN CONSIDERATION OF the Agreement of Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC._ (CRS) _ 7 (hereinafter referred to as "BROKER ") to undertake to sell the property hereinafter described 8 City of Monticello (Hereinafter referred to as "SELLER ") grants to BROKER the exclusive right 9 to sell or contract to sell the property at XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN. The property 10 consists of approximately 6.14 acres of commercial land. The property is identified as Jefferson 11 Commons Outlot D EX PRT Platted as Jefferson Commons 2nd Addition. PID #155- 164 - 000040. 12 Hereinafter referred to as the ( "PROPERTY ") for the period from the date hereof and shall 13 continue until January 31, 2018. The listing agreement shall continue thereafter with a 30 -day 14 written notice of cancellation. The property shall be priced at sf. Terms of the sale 15 shall be CASH, or any other price, terms or exchange to which SELLER may consent. SELLER 16 understands that BROKER may list other properties during the term of this Agreement which may 17 compete with SELLER'S PROPERTY for potential buyers. 18 19 SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS 20 21 It is agreed that SELLER shall promptly furnish BROKER with complete information concerning 22 any person who during the period of this Agreement makes inquiry to SELLER regarding the sale, 23 exchange or lease of the PROPERTY. 24 25 If the PROPERTY is sold, SELLER hereby agrees to furnish to buyer an Abstract of Title, a 26 Registered Property Abstract or a Title Insurance Commitment, certified to date, to include proper 27 searches covering bankruptcies and state federal judgments and liens, and to execute or cause to be 28 executed a Deed conveying title to the PROPERTY to the buyer and any further documents as 29 may be required to consummate the sale in accordance with the terms above designated or with the 30 terms to which SELLER may hereafter consent. SELLER further agrees to promptly notify 31 BROKER of any notices pertaining to the PROPERTY which are hereafter received during the 32 term of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to erect a "For 33 Sale" sign on the PROPERTY and to remove all other "For Sale" signs from the PROPERTY 34 during the period of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to 35 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 36 XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (6.14 acres), 37 Page 2 38 39 erect a "Sold" sign on the PROPERTY for a period of (30) days following the sale or exchange 40 of the PROPERTY by BROKER. SELLER shall permit BROKER to place information on the 41 Minnesota Commercial Property Exchange (MCPE) and the internet concerning the PROPERTY. 42 Broker may notify the MCPE and member REALTORS of the price and terms of the sale. 43 44 45 COMPENSATION 46 47 It is further agreed that SELLER shall pay BROKER a brokerage fee of 6 %. If there is a 48 cooperating broker representing the buyer, the commissions of 6% will be split with each broker 49 receiving 3 %. Commissions will be paid on the price for which the PROPERTY is sold or 50 exchanged, upon occurrence of any of the following conditions; 51 1. The Sale, contract for sale, exchange or conveyance of the PROPERTY during the period of 52 this Agreement by BROKER or any other person, including, but not limited to, SELLER, or any 53 other agent or broker not a party to this Agreement, in accordance with the price, terms or 54 exchange as set forth herein or as otherwise consented to by SELLER. 55 2. If a BUYER is procured, whether by BROKER, SELLER or anyone else, who is ready, 56 willing and able to purchase the PROPERTY at the price and terms set forth above and SELLER 57 refuses to sell. 58 3. If SELLER agrees to sell the PROPERTY before this contract expires, and SELLER refuses 59 to close the sale. 60 4. If SELLER removes the PROPERTY from the market before expiration of this Listing 61 Agreement. 62 5. If SELLER grants an option to purchase the PROPERTY, SELLER shall compensate 63 BROKER, as provided herein, based on the price paid for the option and for any extensions 64 thereof. The compensation shall be paid upon receipt by SELLER of any such payments. In the 65 event such option is exercised, whether during the term of this Agreement, or within 3 66 months thereafter, SELLER shall also compensate BROKER on the gross sale price of the 67 PROPERTY in accordance with the provisions herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the 68 extent that all or part of the price paid for the option or any extension thereof is applied to the sales 69 price of the PROPERTY, then any compensation previously paid by owner to BROKER on 70 account of such option payments shall be credited against the compensation payable to BROKER 71 on account of the exercise of the option. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 72 XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (6.14 acres), 73 Page 3 74 75 6. N /A. 76 7. SELLER contributes or conveys the PROPERTY or any interest therein to a partnership, 77 joint venture or other business during the term of the Agreement in lieu of a sale of the 78 PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 79 8. SELLER is a partnership or other business entity, and an interest in the partnership or other 80 business entity is transferred, whether by merger, outright purchase or otherwise in lieu of sale of 81 the PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 82 9. If within 90 days, SELLER sells or agrees to sell the PROPERTY to anyone who 83 has made an affirmative showing of interest in the PROPERTY by responding to an advertisement 84 or by contacting the BROKER or salesperson involved or has been physically shown the 85 PROPERTY by the BROKER or salesperson. It is understood that BROKER shall not seek to 86 enforce collection of a compensation under this subparagraph nine (9) unless the name of the 87 prospect is on a written list given to SELLER within 72 hours after expiration of this Agreement. 88 89 As security for BROKER'S compensation SELLER hereby grants to BROKER a security 90 interest in the proceeds from the sale or lease of the PROPERTY described herein and any title 91 company or other closer who conducts the closing on the sale or lease of the PROPERTY 92 described herein is directed to disburse the BROKER'S compensation provided hereunder to the 93 BROKER at the time of Closing. 94 95 SELLER further agrees that in the event a LEASE of the PROPERTY is entered into (a) during 96 the term of this Listing Agreement, or (b) during the period set forth in subparagraph nine (9) 97 above with a person or entity as described therein, then SELLER shall pay BROKER a leasing 98 commission of one months ,gross lease amount, for a lease of one year or less. For leases that are 99 longer than one year in length, leasing commissions are 6% of the gross lease amount. This shall 100 be due and payable upon execution of the lease or as otherwise agreed in writing. 101 102 103 SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS 104 105 SELLER has full legal right to sell or lease the PROPERTY. 106 SELLER certifies that as of the date of execution of this Agreement, SELLER has not received 107 any Notice of building, health, fire code violations, nor notice of hazardous waste on the crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (6.14 acres) Page 4 PROPERTY, nor Notice of condemnation pertaining to the PROPERTY, except as herein noted (if none, state "none "): CERTIFICATION INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that a transferee (buyer) of a U. S. Real property interest must be notified in writing, and must withhold tax if the transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000. In the event transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000, requirements of the 1980 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) will be fulfilled. SELLER States and acknowledges the following: I am a citizen of the United States or, if a corporation, partnership or other business entity, duly incorporated in the United States, or, if a partnership or business entity, formed and governed by the laws of the United States: _X_ Yes No If "No," please state country of citizenship, incorporation or the like: Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. COOPERATING BROKERS SELLER hereby permits BROKER to share part of BROKER'S compensation with other real estate brokers, including brokers only representing the buyer. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (6.14 acres), Page 5 CLOSING SERVICES After a purchase agreement for the PROPERTY is signed, arrangements must be made to close the transaction. SELLER understands the SELLER may arrange for a qualified closing agent or attorney to conduct the closing, or SELLER may ask BROKER to arrange for closing. SELLER understands that SELLER may be required to pay certain closing costs which may effectively reduce the proceeds from the sale. SELLER has indicated his /her /its choice for closing services. (initial one) SELLER wishes to have BROKER arrange for closing services. SELLER shall arrange for closing services. MISCELLANEOUS 1. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. 2. All of the representations and covenants of this Agreement shall survive and be enforceable after termination of the Agreement. 3. In the event of any litigation instituted by SELLER or BROKER to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses from the other party. 4. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties relative to the provisions herein. No amendment, modification or extension of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and signed by both the SELLER and BROKER. 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (6.14 acres), Page 6 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. City of Monticello It's: (Date) Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC. (BROKER) (Date) crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com Sale Listing Agreement 2 3 Date: October 20, 2016 4 Page One. 6 IN CONSIDERATION OF the Agreement of Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC._ (CRS) _ 7 (hereinafter referred to as "BROKER ") to undertake to sell the property hereinafter described 8 City of Monticello (Hereinafter referred to as "SELLER ") grants to BROKER the exclusive right 9 to sell or contract to sell the property at XXYX South Deegan Ave, Monticello, MN. The 10 property consists of approximately 2.67 acres of commercial land. The property is identified as 11 Jefferson Commons 1St Addition Lot 002. Block 001. PID #155- 176 - 001020. Hereinafter referred 12 to as the ( "PROPERTY ") for the period from the date hereof and shall continue until January 31, 13 2018. The listing agreement shall continue thereafter with a 30 -day written notice of cancellation. 14 The property shall be priced at $8.00 psf. Terms of the sale shall be CASH, or any other price, 15 terms or exchange to which SELLER may consent. SELLER understands that BROKER may list 16 other properties during the term of this Agreement which may compete with SELLER'S 17 PROPERTY for potential buyers. 18 19 SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS 20 21 It is agreed that SELLER shall promptly furnish BROKER with complete information concerning 22 any person who during the period of this Agreement makes inquiry to SELLER regarding the sale, 23 exchange or lease of the PROPERTY. 24 25 If the PROPERTY is sold, SELLER hereby agrees to furnish to buyer an Abstract of Title, a 26 Registered Property Abstract or a Title Insurance Commitment, certified to date, to include proper 27 searches covering bankruptcies and state federal judgments and liens, and to execute or cause to be 28 executed a Deed conveying title to the PROPERTY to the buyer and any further documents as 29 may be required to consummate the sale in accordance with the terms above designated or with the 30 terms to which SELLER may hereafter consent. SELLER further agrees to promptly notify 31 BROKER of any notices pertaining to the PROPERTY which are hereafter received during the 32 term of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to erect a "For 33 Sale" sign on the PROPERTY and to remove all other "For Sale" signs from the PROPERTY 34 during the period of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to 35 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 36 XXXX South Deegan Ave, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN 37 Page 2 38 39 erect a "Sold" sign on the PROPERTY for a period of (30) days following the sale or exchange 40 of the PROPERTY by BROKER. SELLER shall permit BROKER to place information on the 41 Minnesota Commercial Property Exchange (MCPE) and the internet concerning the PROPERTY. 42 Broker may notify the MCPE and member REALTORS of the price and terms of the sale. 43 44 45 COMPENSATION 46 47 It is further agreed that SELLER shall pay BROKER a brokerage fee of 6 %. If there is a 48 cooperating broker representing the buyer, the commissions of 6% will be split with each broker 49 receiving 3 %. Commissions will be paid on the price for which the PROPERTY is sold or 50 exchanged, upon occurrence of any of the following conditions; 51 1. The Sale, contract for sale, exchange or conveyance of the PROPERTY during the period of 52 this Agreement by BROKER or any other person, including, but not limited to, SELLER, or any 53 other agent or broker not a party to this Agreement, in accordance with the price, terms or 54 exchange as set forth herein or as otherwise consented to by SELLER. 55 2. If a BUYER is procured, whether by BROKER, SELLER or anyone else, who is ready, 56 willing and able to purchase the PROPERTY at the price and terms set forth above and SELLER 57 refuses to sell. 58 3. If SELLER agrees to sell the PROPERTY before this contract expires, and SELLER refuses 59 to close the sale. 60 4. If SELLER removes the PROPERTY from the market before expiration of this Listing 61 Agreement. 62 5. If SELLER grants an option to purchase the PROPERTY, SELLER shall compensate 63 BROKER, as provided herein, based on the price paid for the option and for any extensions 64 thereof. The compensation shall be paid upon receipt by SELLER of any such payments. In the 65 event such option is exercised, whether during the term of this Agreement, or within 3 66 months thereafter, SELLER shall also compensate BROKER on the gross sale price of the 67 PROPERTY in accordance with the provisions herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the 68 extent that all or part of the price paid for the option or any extension thereof is applied to the sales 69 price of the PROPERTY, then any compensation previously paid by owner to BROKER on 70 account of such option payments shall be credited against the compensation payable to BROKER 71 on account of the exercise of the option. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 72 XXXX South Deegan Ave, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN 73 Page 3 74 75 6. N /A. 76 7. SELLER contributes or conveys the PROPERTY or any interest therein to a partnership, 77 joint venture or other business during the term of the Agreement in lieu of a sale of the 78 PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 79 8. SELLER is a partnership or other business entity, and an interest in the partnership or other 80 business entity is transferred, whether by merger, outright purchase or otherwise in lieu of sale of 81 the PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 82 9. If within 90 days, SELLER sells or agrees to sell the PROPERTY to anyone who 83 has made an affirmative showing of interest in the PROPERTY by responding to an advertisement 84 or by contacting the BROKER or salesperson involved or has been physically shown the 85 PROPERTY by the BROKER or salesperson. It is understood that BROKER shall not seek to 86 enforce collection of a compensation under this subparagraph nine (9) unless the name of the 87 prospect is on a written list given to SELLER within 72 hours after expiration of this Agreement. 88 89 As security for BROKER'S compensation SELLER hereby grants to BROKER a security 90 interest in the proceeds from the sale or lease of the PROPERTY described herein and any title 91 company or other closer who conducts the closing on the sale or lease of the PROPERTY 92 described herein is directed to disburse the BROKER'S compensation provided hereunder to the 93 BROKER at the time of Closing. 94 95 SELLER further agrees that in the event a LEASE of the PROPERTY is entered into (a) during 96 the term of this Listing Agreement, or (b) during the period set forth in subparagraph nine (9) 97 above with a person or entity as described therein, then SELLER shall pay BROKER a leasing 98 commission of one months ,gross lease amount, for a lease of one year or less. For leases that are 99 longer than one year in length, leasing commissions are 6% of the gross lease amount. This shall 100 be due and payable upon execution of the lease or as otherwise agreed in writing. 101 102 103 SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS 104 105 SELLER has full legal right to sell or lease the PROPERTY. 106 SELLER certifies that as of the date of execution of this Agreement, SELLER has not received 107 any Notice of building, health, fire code violations, nor notice of hazardous waste on the crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX South Deegan Ave, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN Page 4 PROPERTY, nor Notice of condemnation pertaining to the PROPERTY, except as herein noted (if none, state "none "): CERTIFICATION INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that a transferee (buyer) of a U. S. Real property interest must be notified in writing, and must withhold tax if the transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000. In the event transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000, requirements of the 1980 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) will be fulfilled. SELLER States and acknowledges the following: I am a citizen of the United States or, if a corporation, partnership or other business entity, duly incorporated in the United States, or, if a partnership or business entity, formed and governed by the laws of the United States: _X_ Yes No If "No," please state country of citizenship, incorporation or the like: Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. COOPERATING BROKERS SELLER hereby permits BROKER to share part of BROKER'S compensation with other real estate brokers, including brokers only representing the buyer. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com XXXX South Deegan Ave, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN Page 5 CLOSING SERVICES After a purchase agreement for the PROPERTY is signed, arrangements must be made to close the transaction. SELLER understands the SELLER may arrange for a qualified closing agent or attorney to conduct the closing, or SELLER may ask BROKER to arrange for closing. SELLER understands that SELLER may be required to pay certain closing costs which may effectively reduce the proceeds from the sale. SELLER has indicated his /her /its choice for closing services. (initial one) SELLER wishes to have BROKER arrange for closing services. SELLER shall arrange for closing services. MISCELLANEOUS 1. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. 2. All of the representations and covenants of this Agreement shall survive and be enforceable after termination of the Agreement. 3. In the event of any litigation instituted by SELLER or BROKER to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses from the other party. 4. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties relative to the provisions herein. No amendment, modification or extension of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and signed by both the SELLER and BROKER. 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX South Deegan Ave, Jefferson Commons, Monticello, MN Page 6 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. City of Monticello It's: (Date) Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC. (BROKER) (Date) crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com Sale Listing Agreement 2 3 Date: October 20, 2016 4 Page One. 6 IN CONSIDERATION OF the Agreement of Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC._ (CRS) _ 7 (hereinafter referred to as "BROKER ") to undertake to sell the property hereinafter described 8 City of Monticello (Hereinafter referred to as "SELLER ") grants to BROKER the exclusive right 9 to sell or contract to sell the property at XXYX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN. The property 10 consists of approximately 2.14 acres of commercial land. The property is identified as Jefferson 11 Commons 2.14 acres outlot E. PID #155- 164 - 000050. Hereinafter referred to as the 12 ( "PROPERTY ") for the period from the date hereof and shall continue until January 31, 2018. 13 The listing agreement shall continue thereafter with a 30 -day written notice of cancellation. The 14 property shall be priced at_$_.ps£ Terms of the sale shall be CASH, or any other price, 15 terms or exchange to which SELLER may consent. SELLER understands that BROKER may list 16 other properties during the term of this Agreement which may compete with SELLER'S 17 PROPERTY for potential buyers. 18 19 SELLER'S OBLIGATIONS 20 21 It is agreed that SELLER shall promptly furnish BROKER with complete information concerning 22 any person who during the period of this Agreement makes inquiry to SELLER regarding the sale, 23 exchange or lease of the PROPERTY. 24 25 If the PROPERTY is sold, SELLER hereby agrees to furnish to buyer an Abstract of Title, a 26 Registered Property Abstract or a Title Insurance Commitment, certified to date, to include proper 27 searches covering bankruptcies and state federal judgments and liens, and to execute or cause to be 28 executed a Deed conveying title to the PROPERTY to the buyer and any further documents as 29 may be required to consummate the sale in accordance with the terms above designated or with the 30 terms to which SELLER may hereafter consent. SELLER further agrees to promptly notify 31 BROKER of any notices pertaining to the PROPERTY which are hereafter received during the 32 term of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to erect a "For 33 Sale" sign on the PROPERTY and to remove all other "For Sale" signs from the PROPERTY 34 during the period of this Agreement. It is further agreed that SELLER shall permit BROKER to 35 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 36 XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (2.14 acres), 37 Page 2 38 39 erect a "Sold" sign on the PROPERTY for a period of (30) days following the sale or exchange 40 of the PROPERTY by BROKER. SELLER shall permit BROKER to place information on the 41 Minnesota Commercial Property Exchange (MCPE) and the internet concerning the PROPERTY. 42 Broker may notify the MCPE and member REALTORS of the price and terms of the sale. 43 44 45 COMPENSATION 46 47 It is further agreed that SELLER shall pay BROKER a brokerage fee of 6 %. If there is a 48 cooperating broker representing the buyer, the commissions of 6% will be split with each broker 49 receiving 3 %. Commissions will be paid on the price for which the PROPERTY is sold or 50 exchanged, upon occurrence of any of the following conditions; 51 1. The Sale, contract for sale, exchange or conveyance of the PROPERTY during the period of 52 this Agreement by BROKER or any other person, including, but not limited to, SELLER, or any 53 other agent or broker not a party to this Agreement, in accordance with the price, terms or 54 exchange as set forth herein or as otherwise consented to by SELLER. 55 2. If a BUYER is procured, whether by BROKER, SELLER or anyone else, who is ready, 56 willing and able to purchase the PROPERTY at the price and terms set forth above and SELLER 57 refuses to sell. 58 3. If SELLER agrees to sell the PROPERTY before this contract expires, and SELLER refuses 59 to close the sale. 60 4. If SELLER removes the PROPERTY from the market before expiration of this Listing 61 Agreement. 62 5. If SELLER grants an option to purchase the PROPERTY, SELLER shall compensate 63 BROKER, as provided herein, based on the price paid for the option and for any extensions 64 thereof. The compensation shall be paid upon receipt by SELLER of any such payments. In the 65 event such option is exercised, whether during the term of this Agreement, or within 3 66 months thereafter, SELLER shall also compensate BROKER on the gross sale price of the 67 PROPERTY in accordance with the provisions herein. Notwithstanding the foregoing, to the 68 extent that all or part of the price paid for the option or any extension thereof is applied to the sales 69 price of the PROPERTY, then any compensation previously paid by owner to BROKER on 70 account of such option payments shall be credited against the compensation payable to BROKER 71 on account of the exercise of the option. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com 72 XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (2.14 acres), 73 Page 3 74 75 6. N /A. 76 7. SELLER contributes or conveys the PROPERTY or any interest therein to a partnership, 77 joint venture or other business during the term of the Agreement in lieu of a sale of the 78 PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 79 8. SELLER is a partnership or other business entity, and an interest in the partnership or other 80 business entity is transferred, whether by merger, outright purchase or otherwise in lieu of sale of 81 the PROPERTY during the term of this Agreement. 82 9. If within 90 days, SELLER sells or agrees to sell the PROPERTY to anyone who 83 has made an affirmative showing of interest in the PROPERTY by responding to an advertisement 84 or by contacting the BROKER or salesperson involved or has been physically shown the 85 PROPERTY by the BROKER or salesperson. It is understood that BROKER shall not seek to 86 enforce collection of a compensation under this subparagraph nine (9) unless the name of the 87 prospect is on a written list given to SELLER within 72 hours after expiration of this Agreement. 88 89 As security for BROKER'S compensation SELLER hereby grants to BROKER a security 90 interest in the proceeds from the sale or lease of the PROPERTY described herein and any title 91 company or other closer who conducts the closing on the sale or lease of the PROPERTY 92 described herein is directed to disburse the BROKER'S compensation provided hereunder to the 93 BROKER at the time of Closing. 94 95 SELLER further agrees that in the event a LEASE of the PROPERTY is entered into (a) during 96 the term of this Listing Agreement, or (b) during the period set forth in subparagraph nine (9) 97 above with a person or entity as described therein, then SELLER shall pay BROKER a leasing 98 commission of one months ,gross lease amount, for a lease of one year or less. For leases that are 99 longer than one year in length, leasing commissions are 6% of the gross lease amount. This shall 100 be due and payable upon execution of the lease or as otherwise agreed in writing. 101 102 103 SELLER'S REPRESENTATIONS 104 105 SELLER has full legal right to sell or lease the PROPERTY. 106 SELLER certifies that as of the date of execution of this Agreement, SELLER has not received 107 any Notice of building, health, fire code violations, nor notice of hazardous waste on the crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (2.14 acres) Page 4 PROPERTY, nor Notice of condemnation pertaining to the PROPERTY, except as herein noted (if none, state "none "): CERTIFICATION INDIVIDUAL TRANSFEROR Section 1445 of the Internal Revenue Code provides that a transferee (buyer) of a U. S. Real property interest must be notified in writing, and must withhold tax if the transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000. In the event transferor (SELLER) is a foreign person and the sale price exceeds $300,000, requirements of the 1980 Foreign Investment in Real Property Tax Act (FIRPTA) will be fulfilled. SELLER States and acknowledges the following: I am a citizen of the United States or, if a corporation, partnership or other business entity, duly incorporated in the United States, or, if a partnership or business entity, formed and governed by the laws of the United States: _X_ Yes No If "No," please state country of citizenship, incorporation or the like: Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I have examined this certification and, to the best of my knowledge and belief, it is true, correct and complete. COOPERATING BROKERS SELLER hereby permits BROKER to share part of BROKER'S compensation with other real estate brokers, including brokers only representing the buyer. crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www,commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (2.14 acres), Page 5 CLOSING SERVICES After a purchase agreement for the PROPERTY is signed, arrangements must be made to close the transaction. SELLER understands the SELLER may arrange for a qualified closing agent or attorney to conduct the closing, or SELLER may ask BROKER to arrange for closing. SELLER understands that SELLER may be required to pay certain closing costs which may effectively reduce the proceeds from the sale. SELLER has indicated his /her /its choice for closing services. (initial one) SELLER wishes to have BROKER arrange for closing services. SELLER shall arrange for closing services. MISCELLANEOUS 1. This Agreement is binding upon the heirs, successors and assigns of the parties. 2. All of the representations and covenants of this Agreement shall survive and be enforceable after termination of the Agreement. 3. In the event of any litigation instituted by SELLER or BROKER to enforce the provisions of this Agreement, the prevailing party shall recover reasonable attorneys' fees, costs and expenses from the other party. 4. This Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties relative to the provisions herein. No amendment, modification or extension of this Agreement shall be valid or binding unless made in writing and signed by both the SELLER and BROKER. 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 crs COMMERCIAL REALTY SOLUTIONS www.commrealtysolutions.com XXXX West School Blvd, Monticello, MN (2.14 acres), Page 6 This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. City of Monticello It's: (Date) Commercial Realty Solutions, LLC. (BROKER) (Date) City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 2L. Consideration of a reauest for a Conditional Use Permits for cross barking and cross access and Financial Institution with Drive - through, Preliminary and Final Plat and Development Contract for Warnert Retail Second Addition for a Financial Institution in a B -3, Highway Business District. Applicant: Sherburne State Bank. (NAC) Property: Legal: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Warnert Retail Address: NA Planning Case Number: 2016 -042 A. REFERENCE & BACKGROUND Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to allow the development of a Financial Institution in a B -3 District with Drive - through services, and to accommodate cross parking and access between the existing retail center (Pizza Ranch, et al) and Warnert Retail 2nd Addition, with access from Cedar Street; replatting of the current Warnert Retail plat by reconfiguring the 2 lots to accommodate the proposed Sherburne State Bank layout. A companion application will be considered by the City Council to vacate the easements along the plat perimeter and interior lot lines. New perimeter and interior easements are established as proposed on the Warnert Retail Second Addition plat. Deadline for Decision: Conditional Use Permit: November 5, 2016 Preliminary Plat: January 4, 2017 Land Use Designation: Places to Shop Zoning Designation: B -3, Highway Business The purpose of the `B -3" (Highway Business) district is to provide for limited commercial and service activities and provide for and limit the establishment of motor vehicle oriented or dependent commercial and service activities. Overlays /Environmental Regulations Applicable: Freeway Bonus Sign District Current Site Use: Vacant /Shared Commercial Access City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 Surrounding Land Uses: North: Chelsea Road Commercial East: Cedar Street - Vacant South: Warnert Retail (Pizza Ranch, et al) West: Highway 25 Commercial Project Description: The property in questions constitutes the final phase of the Wamert Retail commercial development which currently consists of a retail center on the south portion of the property and a vacant parcel at the corner of Highway 25, Chelsea Road, and Cedar Street. The proposed project reconfigures the lot line dividing the current and previous phases, and accommodates the development of a financial institution — Sherburne State Bank — on the remaining land. Access from Cedar Street would continue to be shared, and parking would be apportioned to each user, but available to both parcels through the cross parking CUP. Planning Commission Recommendation: The Planning Commission considered this item during its regular meeting on October 4th, 2016. During the public hearing on the item, the applicant was present to address questions of the Commission. No comments, other than those of the applicant, were offered during the public hearing. The Commission noted that the applicant had addressed many of the conditions of approval relating to plan adjustments, including those for the trash enclosure and sidewalk. The sidewalk along Chelsea Road will lie completely within the right of way, and therefore no separate easement document will be required. Following the hearing and discussion, the Planning Commission recommended unanimously the approval of the conditional use permits and preliminary plat. ANALYSIS As discussed above, the developer is seeking to reconfigure the lot line that currently divides the southerly developed portion of the block from the northerly vacant parcel. The new plat creates a specific allocation of parking to the existing retail (including the Pizza Ranch restaurant), and a more customized lot configuration for the proposed Sherburne State Bank. The two applications are the plat (Preliminary and Final), and 2 City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 a Conditional Use Permit for a financial institution with drive- through services that will ensure continued joint access and shared parking between the resulting lots. Subdivision. The plat is currently comprised of two lots. When the Pizza Ranch restaurant addition was approved for the north side of the existing retail center in 2010, the approval included an allowance to expand parking onto the northerly vacant lot. It was understood that when development for the north lot was imminent, the lot lines and /or the parking lot might be changed to accommodate the needs of the existing center along with the new occupant. With the Sherburne Bank proposal, the development of the vacant area is clearer, and the applicants are seeking plat and CUP approval. For the plat, the lot line is being moved northward from the existing location to accommodate the entrance drive from Cedar Street, as well as two rows of parking. The new line will run along the north curb line of that new parking. In addition, the "Pizza Ranch lot" (Lot 2 in the new plat) will include a row of parking along much of the length of Highway 25 frontage. Lot 1 (the Sherburne Bank lot) will incorporate the remainder of the north part of the plat — 158 feet along Cedar Street, 276 feet along Chelsea Road, and the north 54 feet along Highway 25. Lot 1 consists of approximately 37,570 square feet in area. The B -3 District requires at least 100 feet of lot width, and does not have a minimum lot area requirement. Council will note that a condition has been added to Exhibit Z relating to the vacation of drainage and utility easements consistent with the proposed Warnert Retail Second Addition final plat. The vacation of easements will occur as a separate consideration following a public hearing on the Council's regular agenda. The required drainage and utility easements between lots and at the plat perimeter are then established per the final plat proposed. Land Use. The proposed use, a financial institution with drive through services, along with cross - parking and access, are allowed in the B -3 District by Conditional Use Permit. The ordinance's lone requirement for the CUP consideration of the drive- through is that it be located "to the side or rear of the principal building whenever feasible." With the property having three frontages, it is not practical to expect that the drive- through facilities could be located in the interior of the property. However, technically, the Chelsea Road side of the property is the "side" of this parcel, and meets the requirements of the CUP provision. Site Plan. The proposed plan provides for a 3,640 square foot bank building and a potential future addition of about 3,000 square feet on Lot 1. The building area is surrounded by parking and other site improvements. As noted above, the site has street frontage on three sides (west, north, and east). Traffic will enter the site in two locations. One location is a right -in only access lane from Chelsea Road on the north. The second access is the shared access drive from 3 City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 Cedar Street along the north side of the existing retail center. From the Chelsea Road access, traffic is required to turn right to a parking bay and to circulate to the front of the building facing west to Highway 25. This access will also accommodate traffic to the drive- through facility along the north side of the building. From the Cedar Street access point, traffic can enter the site and turn right through a one -way drive leading to the drive - through facility, or reach parking areas for both the bank and retail center. Staff notes that it will likely be necessary to sign the one - way drive to discourage inbound traffic from Chelsea Road. The circulation on the site appears to be acceptable and not raise issues for the public right of way. Stacking space to the three drive - through lanes appears to accommodate 4 -5 vehicles each, with additional space behind those if necessary. The primary site plan issue was the proposed location of the trash enclosure, which was originally proposed at the northeast corner of the site in a very prominent location. The applicant has revised their site plan to reflect the relocation of the enclosure internal to the site, adjacent to the building and thus satisfied this condition. Building Materials. The proposed building is a single story structure with a hipped roof design and clerestory windows set into the upper -level portion of the roof. The ground floor materials consist of cultured stone along the base with EIFS (a stucco - like finish) above the base. The building including a canopy at the edge of the structure supported by tapered columns, also covered with cultured stone and a smaller component of EIFS. All four walls of the building utilize the same materials, and also include glass windows /doors with metal trim. The roof is comprised of asphalt shingles. Stone, stucco/EIFS, and glass, along with architectural metal trim, are all acceptable materials in the Business Districts. Parking and Circulation. The zoning ordinance specifies a parking supply of one parking space per 400 square feet of floor area for financial institutions. The proposed building, at 3,640 square feet, would require 9 parking spaces at this ratio. Other sources often calculate parking requirements at double this requirement. No standards are listed for drive - through facilities. The proposed site plan shows 23 parking spaces that would serve the bank and the future 3,000 square foot addition. In addition, 57 spaces are shown on the plan that will be located on Lot 2. As noted, a CUP for cross parking and access serves to accommodate shared used of the proposed facilities between Lots 1 and 2. More than adequate parking would appear to be planned for the site, including the future addition. As discussed above, the drive - through stacking area provides room for 4 -5 cars in each of 3 lanes without interfering with any site circulation, and additional stacking in heavier peak times that would create only minimal disruption to on -site circulation. The site is situated at the corner of a primary arterial (Highway 25) and two collector routes (Chelsea and Cedar). With recent development, the City has been working to EI City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 develop pedestrian facilities on both sides of collector routes. The applicant has revised their original site plan to include the recommended sidewalk along the Chelsea Road frontage. The applicants should also include connections to the pedestrian facilities in place along Highway 25 and Cedar Street. This will avoid pedestrians having to use vehicular drives or cross through landscaped areas to access the site. Landscaping. The zoning ordinance requires landscaping for commercial properties based on the size of the parcel and building, as well as the design and layout of the parking area. A portion of the required landscaping is required to be located within the perimeter areas of the site adjacent to public streets. Finally, the code includes buffering requirements when the proposed use abuts other incompatible land uses. Because the site is surrounded by other commercial land uses or future uses, no buffering requirements are applicable in this case. With regard to quantities, the zoning ordinance requires 10 caliper inches of trees per acre, plus 2 shrubs per 10 feet of building perimeter. This results in a total requirement of 6 required 2 -inch trees for the new Lot 1 development (including the portion of the project that is a part of Lot 2), and 48 total shrubs for the proposed bank building. The landscaping plan exceeds these requirements, with 3 overstory trees, one coniferous tree, and 11 ornamental deciduous trees planned, along with a total of more than 90 shrubs around the site. While the plan exceeds the quantities required, the applicant should verify existing tree planting along Highway 25. A portion of the planting could be moved to the Highway 25 frontage to meet the zoning requirements for parking area frontage if necessary. In addition, the ordinance requires that parking lots are bounded by curb - protected planting areas on each end. The new parking bay south of the bank building should be modified to provided landscaped islands on each end of the parking area, with a portion of the proposed plantings moved to these islands. The applicant has revised the landscaping plan per this recommendation and has verified there are no existing plantings along Highway 25, and has proposed plantings accordingly. The landscaping plan does not specify, but irrigation should be noted where applicable. Lighting. The applicant has provided site lighting with a maximum of 1.0 foot - candles at the property line (the highest is along Chelsea Road, with most locations less than 1.0), and pole heights of 25 feet. Both measurements meet the maximum allowable requirements of the zoning ordinance. All lights, including wall- mounted lighting, must be shielded and/or directed so as to avoid a view of the lighting source from surrounding rights of way. Signage. The zoning ordinance allows commercial wall signage at a rate of up to 15% of the silhouette area of the building walls, counting up to 2 frontages. The 5 City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 applicant's sign drawings appear to show a single wall sign on the Cedar Street frontage of less than 30 square feet, well below the allowable maximum. In addition, the ordinance allows a freestanding pylon sign of up to 100 square feet and 22 feet in height. The applicants have proposed such a sign that meets the maximum size allowances, and includes the required material standards that match the materials to be used on the principal building. The proposed sign includes both a fixed message portion and an electronic changeable copy portion. The sign is proposed to be located at the corner of Chelsea Road and Highway 25, consistent with the required 15 foot setback from both streets. Development Contract The development contract included for Council review and approval is a three -party agreement, including the current property owner, Warnert Commercial Properties, and the intended owner and developer of Lot 1, Block 1, Sherburne State Bank. As a three -party agreement, the document reflects the conditional use permit for cross - parking and access on the site, which will continue through change of ownership. It should be noted that the current property owner, Warnert Commercial Properties, has applied for and received a grading permit for the development site. Grading permits may be issued to property owners with a grading plan compliant with the City code and approved by the City Engineer. If for any reason the proposed development would not proceed, Warnert will be required to restore the site in accordance with the ordinance. The City holds a security for grading and restoration with the permit. No other work within the plat may commence until the required approvals, recordings and securities have been received. The development agreement details the applicable trunk areas charges, cash escrows and securities required for the development. As previously noted in this report, a portion of the proposed Lot 1, Block 1 was previously developed as parking area when the Pizza Ranch project was developed. Warnert Commercial paid trunk charges for that area at that time. As such, trunk charges for the balance of undeveloped area, at .74 acres, will be paid with the building permit for the proposed bank per the prepared agreement. Existing special assessments for the parcels have been requested to be assigned to Lot 2, Block 1, which Warnert Commercial Properties will retain. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1. Consideration of Resolution No. 2016 - 076, the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat and Development Agreement for Warnert Retail Second Addition G City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016 — 076 for approval of the Preliminary Plat and Final Plat and Development Contract for Warnert Retail 2nd Addition, based on findings in said resolution, and subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z, and contingent on the vacation of drainage and utility easements for Warnert Retail and re- establishment per the approved plat of Warnert Retail 2nd Addition. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution No. 2016 -076, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on Resolution No. 2016 - 076, subject to additional information. Decision 2. Consideration of the Conditional Use Permit for Financial Institution with Drive Through and Cross Parking and Access for Warnert Retail 2nd Addition Lots 1 and 2. 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for financial institution with drive - through and for cross parking and access for Warnert Retail 2nd Addition, based on findings in Planning Commission Resolution PC- 2016 -035, and subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to deny approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on findings to be identified by the City Council. 3. Motion to table action on the Conditional Use Permit, subject to additional information. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of both the Preliminary Plat, Final Plat, Development Contract and the Conditional Use Permit, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z. The use is allowed as a conditional use in the applicable B -3 Zoning District, with only the drive through requiring the conditional use permit. Due to the configuration of the site, the proposed layout is reasonable, and results in positive circulation on and around the site, particularly with the shared access and parking agreements between Lots 1 and 2. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2016 -075 B. Resolution PC- 2016 -034 C. Resolution PC- 2016 -035 D. Aerial Site Image E. Applicant Narrative F. Preliminary Plat 7 City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 G. Final Plat H. Survey I. Title Page J. Landscaping Plan K. Site Plan & Details L. Floor Plan M. Building Elevations & Signage N. Photometric Plans O. Civil Plans, including: a. Existing Conditions & Removals b. Site Plan c. Site Details d. Overall Site Plan e. Grading Plan f. Watermain & Sanitary Plan g. Storm Sewer Plan h. Post Development Drainage Map i. Details j. Erosion Control Plan & Details P. City Engineer's Letter, dated September 27th, 2016 Q. MnDOT Comment Letter R. Development Contract, Warnert Retail Second Addition S. Finance Plan, Warnert Retail Second Addition Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z Conditions of Approval Warnert Retail Second Addition 1. Relocate the trash enclosure to a location attached to the building, or otherwise behind the building lines from the street. One option would be adjacent to the south building wall. Complete as shown on revised and included plans. 2. Modify landscaping plan to add landscaped islands at the ends of the parking bay south of the bank building. Complete as shown on revised and included plans. 3. Modify landscaping plan to relocate a portion of the proposed plantings to the space along the parking area fronting Highway 25 if necessary to supplement existing plantings. Complete as shown on revised and included plans. 4. Add a sidewalk along Chelsea Road and provide for pedestrian connections to the pathway and sidewalk along Highway 25 and Cedar Street, respectively. Complete as shown on revised and included plans. City Council Agenda — 10/24/2016 5. Prepare and record a cross easement instrument for parking and access documenting the new conditions of the site and plat. 6. Approval of the plat is contingent on the vacation of drainage and utility easements for the plat of Warnert Retail and re- establishment per the plat of Warnert Retail 2" d Addition. 7. Other conditions as noted by staff, including those of the City Engineer per the letter dated September 27th, 2016. L CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -076 Date: October 24th, 2016 Resolution No. 2016 -076 Motion By: Seconded By: A RESOLUTION OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL APPROVING A PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT FOR WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION, A TWO -LOT SUBDIVISION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted an application for approval of a Preliminary and Final Plat; and WHEREAS, the property in question is guided for commercial uses under the "Places for Commerce" category in the Monticello Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat is consistent with the standards and requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the plat will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 4th, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello hereby makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses and subdivision are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B -3, Highway Business District, and the applicable Subdivision Ordinance regulations. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The financial institution use meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota: The Monticello City Council hereby approves the Warnert Retail Second Addition Preliminary and Final Plat and the Development Contract regulating development and completion of required plat improvements, subject to compliance with related codes and regulations for such use, and the following conditions: Prepare and record a cross easement instrument for parking and access documenting the new conditions of the site and plat. 2. Approval of the plat is contingent on the vacation of drainage and utility easements for the plat of Warnert Retail and re- establishment per the plat of Warnert Retail 2nd Addition. 3. Other conditions as noted by staff, including those of the City Engineer per the letter dated September 27th, 2016. ADOPTED this 24th day of October, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL C ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Brian Stumpf, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -034 Motion By: Marc Simpson Seconded By: Sam Murdoff RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR A TWO -LOT SUBDIVISION KNOWN AS LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK 1 WARNERT RETAIL 2ND ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to improve property for a financial institution with drive - through, and additional parking and access to an existing development in the B -3 District, Highway Business District; and WHEREAS, the proposed use will require the adjustment of existing lot lines to accommodate the development; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Shop" for the area; and WHEREAS, the proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B -3. Highway Business zoning district; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat is consistent with the standards and requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the plat will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 4th, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses and subdivision are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B -3, Highway Business District, and the applicable Subdivision Ordinance regulations. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -034 4. The financial institution use meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council Preliminary Plat for Warnert Retail 2nd Addition, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Relocate the trash enclosure to a location attached to the building, or otherwise behind the building lines from the street. One option would be adjacent to the south building wall. 2. Modify landscaping plan to add landscaped islands at the ends of the parking bay south of the bank building. 3. Modify landscaping plan to relocate a portion of the proposed plantings to the space along the parking area fronting Highway 25 if necessary to supplement existing plantings. 4. Add a sidewalk along Chelsea Road and provide for pedestrian connections to the pathway and sidewalk along Highway 25 and Cedar Street, respectively. 5. Prepare and record a cross easement instrument for parking and access documenting the new conditions of the site and plat. 6. Other staff comments and recommendations. ADOPTED this 4d' day of October, 2016 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -035 Motion By: Sam Murdoff Seconded By: Linda Buchmann RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMITS FOR FINANCIAL INSTITUTION WITH DRIVE- THROUGH FACILITY AND CROSS PARKING AND ACCESS AT LOTS 1 AND 2, BLOCK I WARNERT RETAIL 2ND ADDITEON WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to improve property for a financial institution with drive - through, and additional parking and access to an existing development in the B -3 District, Highway Business District; and WHEREAS, the proposed use will require the approval of conditional use permits for the land use and cross - parking and cross - access as proposed; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Shop" for the area; and WHEREAS, the uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B -3. Highway Business zoning district; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on October 4th, 2016 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the B -3, Highway Business District. 2. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The financial institution use meets the intent and requirements of the applicable zoning regulations, pursuant to the conditions attached to the Conditional Use Permit. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC- 2016 -035 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Conditional Use Permits for Financial Institution with Drive - through and Cross - parking and cross - access, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z as follows: 1. Relocate the trash enclosure to a location attached to the building, or otherwise behind the building lines from the street. One option would be adjacent to the south building wall. 2. Modify landscaping plan to add landscaped islands at the ends of the parking bay south of the bank building. 3. Modify landscaping plan to relocate a portion of the proposed plantings to the space along the parking area fronting Highway 25 if necessary to supplement existing plantings. 4. Add a sidewalk along Chelsea Road and provide for pedestrian connections to the pathway and sidewalk along Highway 25 and Cedar Street, respectively. 5. Prepare and record a cross easement instrument for parking and access documenting the new conditions of the site and plat. 6. Other staff comments and recommendations. ADOPTED this 4' day of October, 2016 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. 2 Sherburne State Bank - Request for Conditional Use Permit; Preliminary and Final Plat PID#155-198-001010 00 \4, (S �v 55 0 Uj A 4 C, 1555001`42210 J 25 N 0) 155125 q- 155i 25000080 4 CO -55 155500142308 A55 51X100010 _' 364 ft 1552370 010,10 01 'A' Created by: Created by: City of Monticello ?37001020.r b 1.550M- -0 > < z o5501 tsuu ZE 'I 5501 8 0 2 ilil 20. Li < 0,14 CL ;;;;aIO12 C<) 1 1.550M- -0 > < z s. ROO Z 0 ZE 'I 5501 8 0 2 ilil 20. Li 0,14 September 2, 2016 Angela Schumann, AICP Community Development Director City of Monticello Via email at: Angela Schumann < Angela .Schumann @ci.monticello.mn.us> Angela, This narrative is to support the re- platting of Lot 1, Block 1 and to amend the Conditional Use Permit to address the parking and shared access between Lot 1 and 2, Block 1, Warnert Retail located at Highway 25 and Cedar Street, Monticello, MN. The Amended CUP Order #10 -016 required the addition of 56 parking spaces on the north, Phase 2 site described as Building A. We are relocating some of these parking spaces required for Pizza Ranch to accommodate the sale of a portion of the lot for Sherburne State Bank. Currently the Warnert Retail Center — described as Building B has the following mix of tenant size and use: Pizza Ranch 5545 SF Restaurant Sleep for Less 2800 SF Retail Smoke Shop 1500 SF Retail O'Reilly 6500 SF Retail The current parking requirement for Building B has not changed and we will retain the 56 parking spaces although with the replatting of the Lot 1 the 56 parking spaces on the adjacent lot will become a part of the main Building B site. In addition, with the replatting we will need to vacate some of the utility, drainage easements etc. Will these be accomplished during the review process? There is a $14,000 landscaping deposit being held by the City of Monticello for the Phase II development. Most of this has been completed with the exception of the landscaping Sherburne Bank will take care of around their building. Please let me know if this deposit can be returned to Warnert's at this time. If an additional deposit is needed for the Sherburne Bank landscaping, they would be responsible for the deposit and taking care of the landscaping as you may require. At this time, we will not request any changes for the trash container area at the main Warnert Retail Center. We still need to address managing the situation, however, we will do so with a separate action. Please let me know if you have any questions or need additional information. Thank you, % Sheila DeVine WARNERT COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE 2178 QUEBECOR ROAD ST. CLOUD, MN 56301 320. 251 -9300 OFFICE 320. 251 -4764 FAX W W W. WARNERTCOM MERCIAL.COM c2015 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. S88 °47'23 "W N88°47'2J /� 1320.72 1320.72 — _ — _ -� '� — — — — (`�� - 143.5y I I NW COR. OF NW COR. OF THE -'� SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 NE1 14 OF THE NW1 14 N1/4 COR. OF WRIGHT CO. C.LM SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 _ WESTERLY LINE OF SEC. 14, T 121, R. 25 -- CONERSTONE MONTICELLO LLC MONTICELLO TRAVEL CENTER MIELKE BROTHERS LLC WRIGHT CO. C.LM ELK RIVER FORD i PO BOX 562 17219 HWY. 10 � i \ MONTICELLO MN. 55362 ELK RIVER MN 55330 4 PID: R155- 217 - 001020 PID: R155- 202 - 001030 /L /''1 C/ / LEGAL DESCRIPTION CHINOS EQUITIES LLC l 3915 74TH ST �\ CLEAR LAKE MN 55319 i �'' Lot 1, and Lot 2 Block 1 Warnert Retail, according to the recorded plat thereof, and situate in PID: R155- 027- 001031N /. Wright County, Minnesota. o 7i . PROPOSED LEGAL DESCRIPTION a:: .. --_..[�.._._._. -- ---.. Lot 1 and Lot 2 Block 1 Warnert Retail Second Addition. \ , // F O P o CATCH BASIN JAI JALARAM INC a , R.E. = 958.69 1114 CEDAR ST. DO/ Q STO / I.E.- (N)953.60 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 \� // E.= (S)953.60 PID: R155- 079 - 001020 GENERAL NOTES •• i 1) This survey was prepared using First American Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Number 1436334 having an effective date of July 20, 2016 at 7.•30 a.m. Op / z Sp - Dh'A AN UT LNG° 8N88 °43'Q3? 2) No address was provided or observed during the course of this survey. EA SEMEN ARN RT RE °P �� a.56.... �\ SANITARY MANHOLE 3) Subject property appears to be classified as Zone C when scaled from Flood Insurance Rate Map SETBACK _ / FOo STO '� R.E. = 961.06 Community -Panel Number 27054100058 dated 11/01/1979. �. LINES f l.E.= (N)946.34 I.E.= (S)946.34 4) Subject property contains 65,209 Sq.Ft. or 1.50 acres. 5) According to the Zoning map for the City of Monticello, the surveyed property is currently zoned Business District B -3, Limited Business District. Set Backs are as fol lows: Front Yard. 30 feet Interior Side Yard. 10 feet Street Side: 20 feet WARNERT COMMERCIA OP L Rear Yard. • 30 2178 QUEBECOR RD. ST. / �Q +� Max Height: 30 feet or two stories o: MN 56304 - / ^ Q ' / ... PID: R155 -198- 001010 SETBACK `ry' 6) The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. LINES :` The surveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the / FAN �pPEN- / area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated although he does certify that they are located as 1 o accurately as possible from information available. The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. One call Ticket No. 162221887. s 705722E, 7) Bearings based on Wright County Coordinates. (NAD 83, 1996 Adj). H BASIN 8) The contours shown on this survey are based on publicly available lidar information. (NAVD88) R. E 959.24 l I 'S)955.6� °264 �o �� �� �P 9) The site improvements on the South half of this property and shown in gray scale on this survey were O E' / / ,�� / �° / / taken from a Westwood Professional Service Survey dated 7106110 reference file 20055175. LAAN PROPERTIES LLC 10943 HOLLISTER AVE. NW. PID: R155 -027- 001040 KMRE LLC V 1401 FALLON AVE. NE. MONTICELLO MN 55362 PID: R155- 500 - 142203 h� KMRE LLC 1401 FALLON AVE. NE. MONTICELLO MN 55362 PID: R155- 500 - 142209 Westwood Phone (320) 253 -9495 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 Fax (320) 253 -8737 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Toll Free (800) 270 -9495 westwoocips.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. I BILL E. MICKLE RENTAL LLC 1260 HIGHWAY 25 S MONTICELLO MN. 55362 PID: R155-198-001010 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed LAND SURVEYOR under the laws of the State of Minnesota. efi4 i <A Terry T. Strus Datm 08 -31 -16 Lic=ft No. 50319 J. VV Revisions: 9 -14 -16 Added adjoining owners. TWB 9 -15 -16 Updated Zoning information. TWB 10 -18 -16 Updated site plan. TWB / DEVELOPMENT SUMMARY Owner. Warnert Commercial Prop LLP 2178 Quebecor Rd. St. Cloud MN 56304 -4404 Surveyor and designer: PREMIER BANK MINNESOTA Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 301 CENTRAL AVE. 3701 12th St. North Suite 206 OSSEO MN 55J69-1126 St. Cloud Mn. 56303 PID: R155- 500 - 142104 320 - 253 -9495 Crew. Prepared for. Checked: TM Drawn: TM Record Drawing by /date: LEGEND —PuG— SANITARY MANHOLE sr STORM MANHOLE ® CATCH BASIN —WA T— ELECTRIC MANHOLE l� GA TE VALVE HYDRANT -� SIGN - TRAFFIC /OTHER ❑T TELEPHONE BOX C TELEPHONE MANHOLE DGRAVEL TRAFFIC LIGHT STREET LITE DECIDUOUS TREE —PuG— POWER UNDERGROUND —SAN— SANITARY SEWER —STO— STORM SEWER —WA T— WATERMAIN —Fop— FIBER OPTIC CURB & GUTTER — ACCESS CONTROL CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE DGRAVEL SURFACE 40 0 40 80 120 Scale in fee t Cole Group Architects St Cloud, MN O Denotes set 112" by 14" iron pipe with cap #50319 • Denotes found monument as noted on Survey Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or call811.com Common Ground Alliance 14CINI TY MAP SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 (NOT TO SCALE) ,ice u^ 7th f�`� [•'��� -`y_ '��``- .v.1i�° g~�'r - -• of v rub �, �II °Ou �PnRx U� - �• CHELSEA R0. w1woEUER rl� Ij -" s C„_ _,} �� Irl SITE o� C " -4 . '/QJ M. {� 11��� 1 J Ir a i Li 0 P.D. / L JI i DUNE S I� C, u� r 1 a — �HAYIVaRU�. �HAl NAF J111 c� Monticello �_ r(( Cr. 1 LAGLE 5. I 'ef'1 GD CEN EA�4,t MULE L',, e. a IL 1 � BLVD. c { ti �r•� / -AK MSTEAJ " QR. �0 yak j%A \/J u�i ©L1P -- q� / ✓' { p ��� z l.lR9 'C✓r7 S T V? ,r off` o cz- I HA'R'WES7 Lkl LR �/I rS4�13 C6k3LL`Sf DIAKICND NCR, 1 CT. PA.R< 8/1 Sherburne State Bank Monticello Preliminary Plat Monticello, MN 0010055.00PP01.dwg C7 z �:ry �OOZ Zti W� O ti WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION S88 04723 "W 1320.72 — — — — — — N88 °472 1320.72 , T- 143.52 NW COR. OF THE -'' / N114 COR. OF i ice/ J NW COR. OF NE1 /4 OF THE NW1 /4 \� WESTERLY LINE OF SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 SEC. 14, T. 121, R. 25 WRIGHT CO. C. 1. M SEC, 14, T 121, R. 25 � ' � MON TICEL L O TRAVEL CENTER WRIGHT CO. C. I. M / �I SECOND ADDITION Ssjs ?�0,� N88 °43'03 "E 0.56 �J J v J / DETAIL A (NOT TO SCALE) -I— / S 71 7 gass6, /�J� >W ' 13 7 7,50 / �7 02 T b' j7F iI i� \ -\ - S60 � -SEE DETAIL A / DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT - � I O \ I t__----SEE DETAIL B I EASTERLY COR. OF - - -- � I / / I/ O � ` I LOT 1, BLOCK 1, WARNERT RETAIL ^�tioo %\ A tv \ ' / DETAIL B (NOT TO SCALE) / v i I ti CONTROLLED ACCESS - - -_ l PER WARNERT RETAIL / DETAIL C (NOT TO SCALE) n / / v o / / / o / / L-------------------- / S87 °5722 "W 208.25 / lJ l V1 l V1 L_ l\ l / -I L_ L_ / -I L_ �- / i _S00 °26'22 "W 3.00 VOT V � : *N87 °57'22 "E / 2.04 -SEE DETAIL C / 7 " �(b / X / (J / / �v / / / / / / / / 40 0 40 80 120 Scale in fee t 1 Inch = 40 Feet BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD -83 (1986 Adj). O Denotes 112 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked by License No. 50319 • Denotes found iron monument. 0— Denotes Access Control to State of Minnesota Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: ( /Vo -)Cale) Being 6 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right –of –way lines as shown on the plat. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) SECTION 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA— — — — — CHELSEA RD I ---SITE n /IA /'/ / A (v0 / v V V l/ `r I n F_ -1 / I V L_ l/ `r I I DUNDAS RD O V) I Z!I I SCHOOL —IA/ 7 / 4 V V l / `r I BLVD I I I I I 40 0 40 80 120 Scale in fee t 1 Inch = 40 Feet BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD -83 (1986 Adj). O Denotes 112 inch by 14 inch iron monument set and marked by License No. 50319 • Denotes found iron monument. 0— Denotes Access Control to State of Minnesota Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: ( /Vo -)Cale) Being 6 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, and adjoining lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right –of –way lines as shown on the plat. Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 2 of 2 Sheets Z Div oZ v� 14Jo Vim= WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS. That Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, fee owner, and Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 1 and Lot 2, Block 1, WARNERT RETAIL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness whereof said Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership has caused these presents to be signed by their proper partner this ST47E OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF day of 20 WARNERT COMMERCIAL PROPER71ES L.L.P. BY its This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 . by its of Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, on behalf of the partnership. (Notary Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires (Notary Printed Name) County, Minnesota In witness whereof said Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association, has caused these presents to be signed by their proper officer this day of 20 LIM STA 7E OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF BREMER BANK, NA77ONAL ASSOCIA77ON it This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 . by its (Notary Signature) of Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association, on behalf of the association. (Notary Printed Name) CITY PLANNING COMMISSION, CITY OF MON77CELL0, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting held this day of 20 the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION. Planning Commission, City of Monticello, Minnesota Im Chairperson CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MON7ICELL0, MINNESOTA Im Secretary This plat of WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. City Council, City of Monticello, Minnesota sm Mayor WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR sm Clerk / hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR 20 Wright County Surveyor Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes on the land hereinbefore described on this plat and transfer entered this day of Wright County Auditor WRIGHT COUNTY 7REASURER 20 By.' Deputy Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid this day of 20 By., Wright County Treasurer Deputy Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires WIGHT COUNTY RECORDER SURVEYOR'S CER70CA7E I Terry T. Strus do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that l am a duly licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota, that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey- that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been or will be correctly set within one year, • that all water boundaries and wet lands as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of STA TE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 20 Terry T. Strus, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 50319 The forgoing Surveyors Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 50319. (Notary Signature) Notary Public, My Commission Expires (Notary Printed Name) County, Minnesota 20 by Terry T. Strus, I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of 20 , at o'clock M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve as Document Number Wrigh t Coun ty Recorder Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Sheet 7 of 2 Sheets 02016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. (62.30) r NW. COR. OF THE NE114 OF THE NW1 /4 SEC. 14. \ O: \ I i NORTH LINE OF THE NE1 14 -- / OF THE NW1 /4 SEC. 14. It 4� E �Q5 6,4S 46 CV\ i 4- z� N / 0 / Cb \0010 /so l SOU TH FOUND i Westwood Phone (320) 253 -9495 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 Fax (320) 253 -8737 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Toll Free (800) 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Westwood Professional Services, Inc. I Revidom 9 -7 -16. Revised per comments. TWB 9 -15 -16 Updated zoning information. TWB N88043'03 "E 0.56 Crew. Qwcke& Dr Record Drawing bX data MM I Prepared for: TTS TM r Q VICINITY MAP (NOT TO SCALE) 30 0 30 60 90 Scale in feet O Denotes set 112" by 14" iron pipe with cap #50319 0 Denotes found monument as noted on Survey ODenotes found Cast Iron Monument ( ) Recorded LEGEND SANITARY MANHOLE Z 61/2 U Z ST. 2 ? T O Li „Z„, ® ST. c,OOD v _� ti —WA T- ELECTRIC MANHOLE I>4 71 h S T o� RO Z 94 qk 52 �Qa PC ACE F OOV hJ 2 NS9R oo U N > w a o ° �q i N �$aO SOMAS PARK 09 C CHELSEA RD. AVE. pie l0E s, oP CT WIND 0 S/ /t r Cl �lq l a > LF. 40 vi Z a Q�p Q0 a 1lk\p¢ 3 a DUNDAS RD. '"WAR oHAYWARD Monticello C ° a o GOLDEN EAGLE LN• z� EAGLE RIDGE LN. B. Ou BLVD. 3 z V� ZN FAR CSUNTRY 5 DRIDGE Q o w z CIR. ZON vQ Z J O CIR. SCy ° w �E ST E p �o� 20 20 railer o° RED Q BLVD. w PEBBL�EBRDOR K 4P O U r t �Z ASS Trailer o v o CH YEW NE S COUrt HARVEST z CT. v o FAL W J T• o�cy �,. o � a Q � DR cfQQROw COB E � DIAMOND �DR. / 25 z CT. PARK a: Q � � SZ • N.E a DR.° 15 14 qxr w 30 0 30 60 90 Scale in feet O Denotes set 112" by 14" iron pipe with cap #50319 0 Denotes found monument as noted on Survey ODenotes found Cast Iron Monument ( ) Recorded LEGEND PuG SANITARY MANHOLE sr STORM MANHOLE ® CATCH BASIN —WA T- ELECTRIC MANHOLE I>4 GA TE VALVE HYDRANT —a— SIGN — TRAFFIC /OTHER ❑T TELEPHONE BOX C TELEPHONE MANHOLE TRAFFIC LIGHT STREET LITE DECIDUOUS TREE PuG POWER UNDERGROUND —SAN— SANITARY SEWER sTo STORM SEWER —WA T- WATERMAIN —Fop— FIBER OPTIC CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE SURFACE BITUMINOUS SURFACE DGRAVEL SURFACE Cole Group Architects Si Cloud, MN *% 4f� i1h r #f ti + w : $AND * � SURVEYOR x W319 Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or cca11811.com Common Ground Alliance L EGA L DESCRIPTION That part of Lot 1, Block 1, WARNERT RETAIL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner corner of said Lot 1; thence South 66 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds East, along the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 145.56 feet; thence South 66 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds East, continuing along said northerly line, a distance of 75.14 feet, thence North 88 degrees 43 minutes 03 seconds East, continuing along said northerly line, a distance of 0.56 feet, thence South 66 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds East, continuing along said northerly line, a distance of 55.37 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Lot 1; thence South 27 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds West, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 81.37 feet, thence North 87 degrees 57 minutes 22 seconds East, continuing along said easterly line a distance of 2.04 feet, thence South 27 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds West, continuing along said easterly line a distance of 76.71 feet, thence north 71 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 207.83 feet, thence North 18 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 125.00 feet; thence North 71 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 44.50 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 1, thence North 18 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds East, along said westerly line, a distance of 54.00 feet, to the point of beginning. GENERAL NOTES 1) This survey was prepared using First American Title Insurance Company, Title Commitment Number 1436334 having an effective date of July 20, 2016 at 7.•30 a.m. 2) All found monuments labeled on survey. (Table A Item 1) 3) No address was provided or observed during the course of this survey. (Table A Item 2) 4) Subject property appears to be classified as Zone C when scaled from Flood Insurance Rate Map Community — Panel Number 2705410005B dated 11/01/1979. (Table A Item 3) 5) Subject property contains 38,710 Sq.Ft. or 0.89 acres. (Table A Item 4) 6) According to the Zoning map for the City of Monticello, the surveyed property is currently zoned Business District B -3, Limited Business District. Set Backs are as follows. (Table A Item 6) Fron t Yard. 30 feet Interior Side Yard. • 10 feet Street Side: 20 feet Rear Yard. 30 Max Height: 30 feet or two stories 7) Subject property contains 00 total parking stalls. (Table A Item 9) 8) The underground utilities shown have been located from field survey information and existing drawings. The surveyor makes no guarantees that the underground utilities shown comprise all such utilities in the area, either in service or abandoned. The surveyor further does not warrant that that the underground utilities shown are in the exact location indicated although he does certify that they are located as accurately as possible from information available. The surveyor has not physically located the underground utilities. One call Ticket No. 162221887 (Table A Item 11) 9) As of the date the field work was completed for this survey, there was no observable evidence of current earth moving work, exterior building construction or building additions. (Table A Item 16) 10) According to City of Monticello, MN "Current and Future 2016 Proposed Projects" map, no proposed changes in street right of way lines are planned and no recent street or sidewalk construction or repairs were observed. (Table A Item 17) 11) The Surveyor is not qualified to make a determination regarding the existence of wetlands. The surveyor Is not aware of any recent wetland delineations taking place on the subject property. A wetland delineation was not part of the scope of services for this survey. (Table A Item 18) 12) Bearings based on Wright County Coordinates. The following notes correspond to the numbering system of Schedule B of the above mentioned title commitment. 9. Intentionally left blank. 10. Terms and conditions of Final Certificate, dated April 17, 1973, filed of record May 10, 1973, in Book 254 of Deeds, page 189. (THE RIGHT OF WAY OF STATE HIGHWAY 25 IS SHOWN BASED ON FOUND MONUMENTARON, AND THE RECORD AND MEASURED DIMENSIONS DIFFER AS SHOWN ON SURVEY) 11. Intentionally left blank. 12. Intentionally left blank. 13 Intentionally left blank. 14. Intentionally left blank. 15. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Memorandum of Lease" recorded January 16, 2007 as Document No. 1039661 of Official Records. (NOT PLOTTABLE) 16. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Conditional Use Proceedings" recorded August 14, 2007 as Document No. 1062973 of Official Records. (NOT PLOTTABLE) 17 The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Declaration of Easements, Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions" recorded December 14, 2007 as Document No. 1074574 of Official Records. (NOT PLOTTABLE) 18. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Affidavit of Interests Under Development Agreement" recorded April 17, 2008 as Document No. 1085775 of Official Records. (NOT PLOTTABLE) 19. The terms and provisions contained in the document entitled "Conditional Use Proceedings" recorded August 19, 2010 as Document No. 1154487 of Official Records. (NOT PLOTTABLE) 20. Drainage and Utility easements as shown on the recorded plat of Warnert Retail. (SHOWN ON SURVEY) CER TI FI CA TI ON To Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership; Sherburne State Bank; First American Title Insurance company. This is to certify that this map or plat and the survey on which it is based were made in accordance with the 2016 Minimum Standard Detail Requirements for ALTA /NSPS Land Title Surveys, jointly established and adopted by ALTA and NSPS, and includes Items 1 -4, 6(b), 8, 9, 11, 16 -19 of Table A thereof. The field work was completed on 811512016. 9/08/16 Terry Strus Date Minnesota License No. 50319 terry.strus@westwoodps.com Sherburne State Bank Monticello Monticello, MN Date: 98-16 0010055.00ATF01.dwg ALTA /NSPS Land Title Survey N E�U 8 �4NCH S �4�1K FOB: MEN i!1mrdm L iE ■� ■ ■■ ■m OWN ■06, ■o ■r■ -A MEN ■r ■ \ ■�MfIE�lB ■■■R■ —\EUB ■111 ■!1 ■ ■E�iEi ■�'I ■ii ■ ■t'IE�d iris ■0 ■�.�■! ■M■V■■nam■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■ 1■ ■I I ■■ j West MetrouBuick"GMC SuperAmerica ' ■!� ■� ■ ■ ■ ■I�■I .• _ � - .,� Hoglund B u s'Q �� ■�8 ■ ■ ■I�■i Enterprise Rent -A - Ca • C • O pp Cornerstone Chevrolet - Ii Y �� ■��■Q ■�� 1. SIZE OF PARCEL IN ACRES AND SQUARE FEET- - Steele's Collision, & Glass.Q -� - =� .Holiday Stationstores _ _ ��' ®w� � �� a tiff 2. GROSS FLOOR AREA OF EACH BUILDING: still., irl�■ ' ����I■� PERCENT OF SITE COVERED BY IMPERVIOUS QFitness Evolution: ���■B�B� „� 3. SURFACE: 23% i NUMBER 4. PROJECTED , , ® � . D Os li nn MonticeIlo © NE■N81mr-m -24u►6{' OF - INTENDED USE IS -, . - The Rink �� ■��� ■I�MI 5. NUMBER RESTAURANT OR PLACE OF ASSEMBLY: NUMBER OF PARKING S- . REQUIRED: PARKING S- . b ® C h i nl Yu e n ` { � ■��M% ■I�Ai PER ORDINANCE _ , _ �E■ ICE ■1��1 SECTION -4.8, - , ->> 'M D Q G r i I I & Chill = ����0� ■I�G� SPACES PAGE _ - Best Western ©� ■���1� SPACE • - - - _ Chelsea Inn & Suiies HUNDRED (300) S.F. OF FLOOR General Ren SPACE. tal Center - - _ too ` _ ■E ■ESE :: :� - ■O■■ ■■N■ NUMBER OF PARKING SPACES PROVIDED, 24 PARKING SPACES INCLUDING HANDICAPPED. 8. DIMENSION OF PARKING SPACES AND AISLE: A. - -- • • " X 20'-0 ADJACENT B. ACCESSIBLE PARKING SPACE: 8'-0" X 20'-0" w/ACCESSIBLE ACCESS AISLE C. ONE-WAY DRIVE LANE AISLE: 1-4'-0" CLEAR r I E��� ■E� 111 II I 1 TWO-WAY D. - - . , E. •- - ._ - - • • -- _ 10 Monticello Pawn Gun :. O'Reill Auto Parts I ��- ■<�lT�l 1 9. EXISTING ZONING AND . - - - �0 y 1 101 ■ ■►� 1 ��I 1 - - I rte-. ■ \I�►�l�ll :.1 APPLICABLE): - i 1 I E ■l�A■ a,1 R� :. �;- 1 FEE ■ ©�[�■ « 1 Ro al Tire kL jr 4d - I ICE■\y ■ 1 Owl RINI PROJECT TEAM: SHEET INDEX o CODE SUMMARY GENERAL D C D CONSTRUCTION ARCHITECTURAL: I- BUILDING DESCRIPTIDIV- CONTRACTOR: 104 FAIRWAY AVENUE TI COVER SHEET A NEW I STORY BANK BUILDING COLD SPRING, MN 5320 LI LANDSCAPE PLAN 3,6�f0 S.F. TOTAL PHONE: (320) 292 -521 AI SITE PLAN AND DETAILS CONTACT: TONY DINGMAN A2 FLOOR PLAN WITH DIMENSIONS EMAIL: tong5ldougcarlsondev.com A3 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS 2_ CDnP Sl1MM,4RY. 2012 I.B.C., 2015 M.S.B.C, AND RELATED CODES A14 EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS ARCHITECT: COLE GROUP ARCHITECTS S T R U C T U R E �: A. OCCUPANCY: GROUP B 21r PARK AVENUE SOUTH B. AREA SEPARATION REQUIRED: NO SUITE 102 SI STRUCTURAL NOTES ,� SAINT CLOUD, MN 5301 S2 FOUNDATION PLAN AND DETAILS C. OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: NO PHONE: (320) r;54 —�510 S3 FRAMING PLAN AND DETAILS D. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: TYPE VB (NOT RATED) CONTACT: STEVE HANKES CIVIC' t+0 EMAIL: steve�colearch. net E. ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA: (FROM TABLE 503) W — ALTA /NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BASIC ALLOWABLE FLOOR AREA = 9,000 S.F. STRUCTURAL LARSON ENGINEERING — CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY ACTUAL FLOOR AREA = 3,40 S.F. ENGINEER: OF MINNESOTA, INC. — PRELIMINARY PLAT F. ALLOWABLE HEIGHT: 2 STORIES OR 940' -0" 3524 LABORE ROAD — FINAL PLAT PAGE I OF 2 WHITE BEAR LAKE, MN 55110 — FINAL PLAT PAGE 2 OF 2 ACTUAL HEIGHT: I STORY AND 25' —O" PHONE: (�51) •481 -9120 C1.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS AND REMOVAL PLAN G. FIRE SPRINKLERS NOT PROVIDED CONTACT: CAROL OUS C2.0 SITE PLAN H. OCCUPANT LOAD: , EMAIL: cous8larsonengr.com C C2.2 OVERALL WARNERT RETAIL SITE 3,� -40 SF / 100 SF PER PERSON = 31 PEOPLE r c o t o36 CIVIL WESTWOOD PROFESSIONAL SERVICES C3.0 GRADING PLAN I. EXITS: o Ise D t ENGINEER: 3101 12th STREET NORTH, SUITE 420 C�f.O WATERMAIN � SANITARY SEWER PLAN 2 EXITS REQUIRED — 2 EXITS PROVIDED ° ST. CLOUD, MN 5(303 C4.I STORM SEWER PLAN C4.2 POST DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE MAP J. PLUMBING FIXTURES: J PHONE: (320> 253-9495 915 C5.0 EROSION CONTROL PLAN I W/C AND LAV. EACH FOR MEN AND WOMEN CONTACT: BRAD WILKENING CO 5. DETAILS I SERVICE SINK PROVIDED EMAIL: brad.wilkening5westwoodps.com C�J DETAILS A DRINKING FOUNTAIN IS PROVIDED (DESIGN /BUILD — STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS PAGE 1 OF 2 a MECHANICAL ENGINEER: DEFERRED SUBMITTAL) — STORM SEWER CALCULATIONS PAGE 2 OF 2 ELECTRICAL: a ELECTRICAL (DESIGN /BUILD EO OVERALL PHOTOMETRIC PLAN ENGINEER: DEFERRED SUBMITTAL) — SHERBURNE STATE BANK PHOTOMETRIC PLAN cy� LANDSCAFE FLAN i i i i i i i i i i I I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 ----------------------------------------------------------- 1 I I I I I I I ® I I I //:M: I I I I O O O O FLOOR FLAN. SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" O v 0 w J_ I I O 0 w 0 J d i= 'r L ' - / 11 5PHALT SHINGLES ?E- FINISHED :TAL FASCIA INK LOGO .F.S., COLOR "A" �x 100 S.F. 1OWN HATCHED _UMINATED SIGN ONE CAP �PERED STONE COLUMN ALUMN. STOREFRONT WINDOWS TYPICAL E.I.F.S. ACCENT BAND SIGN ELE \/ �4TI0N SC/4LE: 114" = 1' -0" CLC Y. 110 -V PRE - FINISHED METAL FASCIA WITH VENTED METAL SOFFIT E.I.F.S., COLOR "B" STONE CAP E.I.F.S., COLOR "A" CULTERED STONE LEV. 100' -0" E,74ST ELE \/ zP4TI0N S/- A I T�- 1 / A 11 — I l 11 /l ONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT ALUMN. STOREFRONT WINDOWS TYPICAL t�/'%k I TI All I/11 IC aI P'\/' C \ /BAIT OPEN / CLOSED, ATM SIGNAGE t BANK EQUIP. DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS LOCATIONS , , Al "� .. , �", ,,. 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ELEV. 112' -O" PRE - FINISHED METAL FASCIA WITH VENTED METAL SOFFIT E.I.F.S., COLOR "B" STONE CAP E.I.F.S., COLOR "A" CULTERED STONE GLU -LAM BEAM 6" WOOD POST TAPERED STONE COLUMN FIN. FLOOR ELEV. 100' -0" 5:12 ASPHALT SHINGLES 12 19 ALUMN. STOREFRONT WINDOWS TYPICAL -_4,.. 12 51 CONTINUOUS RIDGE VENT m. DEPOSIT BOX VERIFY HEIGHTS t LOCATION REQT'S. W/ BANK EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER CONC. FILLED PIPE BOLLARD SEE DET. 3 /A,4. 9. BANK EQUIP. DRAWINGS FOR LOCATIONS BULLET PROOF WINDOW VERIFY REQ'TS. W/ BANK EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER DEAL DRAWER VERIFY HEIGHTS t LOCATION REQT'S. W/ BANK EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER SEE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR BANK EQUIP. REQUIREMENTS E.I.F.S. ACCENT BAND PRE - FINISHED METAL FASCIA CONTROL JOINT N0fP,T-4 ELE \/ �T1ON SCALE: 1/4" = 1' -0" GLU -LAM BEAM 6" WOOD POST TAPERED STONE COLUMN FIN. FLOOR ELEV. 100' -0" WINDOW5 TYPICAL s0UT m-I ELE \/ �T10N SCALE: 114" = 1' -O" 0 u n H IE Zi w J L� 0 0 w 0 J IL mom ice! 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Symbol Qty Label Arrangement Lumens /Lamp LLF Total Watts Description 1 OSQJ -3ME1 SINGLE 17296 0.930 168 OSQ- A- NM- 3ME- J- 57K -UL -SV w /OSQ -DASV ® 2 OSQJ -4MEw BLS1 SINGLE 14621 0.920 336 OSQ- A- NM- 4ME- J- 57K -UL -SV w /OSQ -DASV OSQ -BLSMF 2 OSQK -5ME1 SINGLE 16277 0.960 260 OSQ- A- NM- 5ME -K- 57K -UL -SV w /OSQ -DASV 1 OSQK -5ME2 BACK -BACK 16277 0.960 260 OSQ- A- NM- 5ME -K- 57K -UL -SV w /OSQ -DASV Footcandles calculated using predicted lumen values after 50K hours of operation Label Avg Max Min Avg /Min Max/Min CalcPts_1 0.49 5.1 0.0 N.A. N.A. PARKING LOT 1.55 5.1 0.5 3.10 10.20 Luminaire Location Summary 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Lu mNo Z Tilt 1 26 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2 26 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3 26 0 4 26 0 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5 26 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 \0\ 0. 0.0 0.0 �� 0.0 70 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6 26 0 10.0 < 0.1 0 1 0.1 0. a.l �} 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 �0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Pole Schedule 0.0 (5) PS4S25C1 SV (25'X 4" STEEL SQUARE POLE) 0.1 { t 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 =' r0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (1) PS4S25C2SV (25'X 4" STEEL SQUARE POLE 2 9180) (7) OSQ -DASV (DIRECT ARM MOUNT) 0.2 .2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 [0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 (2) OSQ -BLSMF (BACK LIGHT SHIELD) f 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.01 0.0 0.0 0.1. 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.7 - 4 0.4 0.5 0.4 -`6 -4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0 x__0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 /(0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 :%,o 0.0 0.0 0h, 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0,4 0.7 0.7 0.8 7 0.6 0. �' 0.4 `0.4- 0.4 0.4 0.4 0,4 0.3- 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2. 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 �1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ,r 0 ae P0.0 0.0: •b.0. 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.9 1.4 1..2 1.1 1.1 0.9 0.8 � 0.5 0.5 0.5 -0.5 0.5 rr 0.5 0 4 (� 9 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 !1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.110' Of0 0��1 orel 0,1 0.1 0.2 0.4 2.0 2.5 2.1 1.7 1 9 1.9 tl 2 U 9 0 7 >0.6 0.5 0.6 0. - :- ,6 0.5 0. =: 0.3 0.3 0 3 0.2•. 0.2 0.2 0'd. 0.1 0.1 •rl 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0,� 'D.1 ,0.1 0.1 0. 0.3 1..1 2.0 2.3.,1'2.6 3.0 2.6 2nI13 1:5 I.1 9 ' 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0':3 0.2 0.2 0.2. 0`.1 �~0.1 Id1 0.1 0.1 0..1 0.0 0.0 w ' 0.0 0.0 0.0fl:0 o.7. -015 Q41T 46'1.w 05L 5212 ..5 3.3 .3.2 2.9 2.1 2.0 1.8 1.5 1.2 1.0 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 .1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 MH::,, 26 1. 0.0 0.0 .L1.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 o+r,�r'.'0.3 0.5 2.3 2.9 3.7. 2.4 2.3 1.9 7_.4 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.1 0.9 0.8 0..7 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.5 0.< 0. <. 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 � 1 0.0 0.0 10:.0 0.1 0.1. 0.: -0-. -1 0.2 1.0 2.1 3.0 3.4 2.4 2.2 2.0 2.4 2. b ` Q k.75t�1E21 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.7 0.8 1.0 1.1 0.8 0_7 0.6 0.- 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 O�3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 .1' MMTTV� 1�1 0.0 0.0 7411.0 0.1 .0.1 0.1- 0'.1 0.3 1.4 ..5 2.4 3.3 2.7 2.0,,2.2 2.3 Z.: 1� -1.� 6 1.1 0.8 0.8.. 0.7 •0..7 0.9 1.0 1.5 1.1 0.9 o.8 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 r* 0.0 0.0 Oct 1, .o.1 1.0.1. 0.1. 0.3 1.2 2.0 2.4 2.9 2.8 2.1 1..8 1.6J..4 -1 D qm' 8 1 0 1.2- 1;7 1.6 1.5 '1.1 1..1 1. 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 I' _i 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0. 1 0. 1 0.7. 0 4 0 9 1 .2 ].. < 1 . 8 2. =. 7.. 7 1 .3 1 . 1 4�- 1_- .'0':.8 0: 7 0.7 1 0 "- 1 5 1 . 8 �3 x_1.9 1 . 5 1 .0 0. 8 0.' 0.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 OSQK -5ME1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1. 0.1 0..2 0.4 .6 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.4 1.2 0.9 ;' 0..8 I1.3 1.6 2.0 2.,4 M1.9 6s 0.9 0..7 .5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0..1 0.1 0.0 Lit ti£e 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1. 0..1 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.6 1.5 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.2 0.9 0.6 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0..1 0.1 0.0 Q,O 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.5 1 1 1.0 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.7 0.6 -` 0.6 0.8 1.3 1.3 1.3 1.4 1.6 1.1, 0.9 0 5 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 '0.2 1.3 _.1. 1.7 1, .3 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.6 k 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.3 2. 0.9 0.5 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 q,.1 0.1 0.1. 0.2 0.4 1.6 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.1 1.5 0.9 0.6 y�E 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.1 1.2 1 t•1. 0.7 0.5 "r� 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 q 2 2 2.7 2.8 2.9 1.8 1.2 0.8 0.5 1.7 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.3 .1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 o.o 0'. d'. 12 .2 0.3 2 3.2 2.6 2.0 1.3 1.1 0.8 1.0 1.4 2.2 2.2 1.9 1.7 1.5 1.4 1.4 1. 1.2 0.9 0.6 1'0.4 0.3 0.2 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 1..8 2.8 3.4 2.1 1.8 1..3 1..2 0.9 r'�x 1.2 1.7 2.9 31.1 2.9 2.3 2.0 2.0 1.8 4 1.1 0.8 0.6 0. 0.3 0.2 .2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.0 X0.0 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.8 2.1 2.1 2.9 2.4 1.6 1.2 1.2 0.8 1.1 1.5 2.2 3.0 4.3 53.7 3. 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PARKING LOT Illuminance (Fc) Average = 1.55 Maximum = 5.1 Minimum = 0.5 Avg /Min Ratio = 3.10 Max /Min Ratio = 10.20 CREE 1200 92nd Street - Sturtevant, WI 53177 _TM www.cree.com - (800) 236 -6800 Project Name: SHERBERN BANK- MONTICELLO, MN SR -17648 Date :9 /13/2016 Scale: 1 " =40' z Footcandles calculated at grade Filename: V: \Common\AppEng \OUT\160913OS1 LJS.AGI Layout by: LINDA SCHALLER Illumination results shown on this lighting design are based on project parameters provided to Cree, Inc. used in conjunction with luminaire test procedures conducted under laboratory conditions. Actual project conditions differing from these design parameters may affect field results. The customer is responsible for verifying dimensional accuracy along with compliance with any applicable electrical, lighting, or energy code. +0.0 +0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 + + + 0.0 0.0 0.0 + + + + + o.o o.o o.o o.o 0.0 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.3 +0.4 +0.1 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 0.54 +0.1 + +0. +0.0 .0 + +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 +n a 7 +0.1 +0.0 +0 + +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 Plan View Scale V= 30' R� Z, 41 i Go0 � ia ti Z "no, m�7 vi L. L.I� /1!b L.I L.`J 4.V .L/ 4.1 L. I V.b V. .O V.3 V.L IN. I 21.b /+ .8 .7 .1 .1 .3 2.8 3.4 3.6 x 4.5 4.9 '4 .4 .3 .5 .8 5 + 1.3 + 0.9 +0' 0.7 + 0. + 0.3 0.2 + 0.1 .1 +4. 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HORIZONTAL POSITION. 2.7 '2.8 x3.3 .0 5.2 +4. 0.5 + .2 +0 +o.o +0.0 AREA LIGHT WITH TYPE ONE 400 -WATT CLEAR AA1 5 KSF2 400M R4SC 4, CUTOFF REFLECTOR, ED -28 METAL HALIDE, 93041301.IES 32000 0.72 1386 +2 1. X1. "2.3 2.9 +3. .4 0•5J.3 +0.1 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 FLAT GLASS LENS. HORIZONTAL POSITION. 1 X1.6 'E1.7 'E1.9 2 T1 1 + + 2 +o +0 0 +0.0 ■ BB 3 AREA LIGHT WITH TYPE KSF2 400M R4SC 4, CUTOFF REFLECTOR, ONE 400 -WATT CLEAR ED -28 METAL HALIDE, 93041301.IES 32000 0.72 462 NATIONAL RETAILER FLAT GLASS LENS. HORIZONTAL POSITION. 1.9 1. rz1.4 '1.4 '1 +1. 0. 0, +0.1 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1.5 1.4 1.1 + 0 0. .2 0.0 + 0.0 +2.4 +1.8 *1.7 + +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 STATISTICS .1 0. 0. 0.0 LUMINAIRE LOCATIONS 9 9 2.4 2 1.6 1.1 0.5 0 2 + +0.0 +0.0 Description Symbol Avg Max Min Max /Min Avg /Min '4.5 +3.0 B +4. 'f3.4 'E3.4 * .1 0.9 0. +0.1 0.0 +0.0 +0.0 1. All Points + 1.4 fc 8.5 fc 0.0 fc N/A N / A Label MH Orientation Tilt (z 3.9 'E4.0 <'E5.6• .0 y4 9 '�4.6 54.4 + .6 + 0.2 + +0.0 +0.0 2. Parking Surface 2.3 fc 8.5 fc 0.3 fc 28.3:1 7.6:1 AA1 32.0 208.2 0.0 a--+ m }� 'E4.1 'E4.0 'E4.1. 4. +4.1 5.2 9 0. +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 3. Retailer Lot ! 3.0 fc 8.5 fc 0.5 fc 17.0:1 6.0:1 BB 20.0 203.4 0.0 B 4.7'5. 2.8 .8 8.0• +8.5 .6 4.3 .2 6. $ 0 4 0.2 + +0.0 +0.0 4. Office Lot 1.5 fc 3.8 fc 0.3 fc 12.7:1 4.9:1 Z "2.7 'f3.6 "1.6 'f2.2 'E3.2 '{6.7 I 54.9 2 1J 0.53 +0.0 +0.0 +0.0 3 4.8 6.5 4.2 5.0 W � '1.4 Z 1. 4.3 5.5 'E4.4 3.6 'E3.2 + + 0.2 + +0.0 +0.0 J W .3 .1 .3 .6 .0 � U + 7 .3 "3.4 4. '4.8 '4.4 '3.0 x2.3 1. 1.0 +0 +0 +0.0 +0.0 - '2.9 'E3.1 '3.2 " + + +0.1 +0.0 +0.0 6 1.9 .6 0.3 RETAIL 'f2.3 +2.3 'E2.2 "2.2 22.0 'f1. +0.4 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 1 9 0.9 / 2000 SF 1.4 '1. 2' +1.8 '2.0 .0 'f1.8 + 11 + 0.5 +0.3 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 '1 +1.8 +1 +1.9 +2.1 +0. + 42 +0.1 +0.0 2. .3 1.6 '1.6 1.4 '1.8 '2 + .3 +0. +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 1.3 1.3 x1 1.3 +1.5 .9 22. 0.4 + .2 +0 +0.0 +0.0 *1 1.2 1.0 'E1.1 "1. 'E1. 0 + .2 +0.1 .0 +0.0 +0.0 1.. +1.0 X1. .0 1 0.5 +0. +0. + .1 +0 +0.0 +0.0 v 1.7 1.3 "1.2 'f1 X0.9 0.5 + .2 +0.1 .0 +0.0 +0.0 1 "1.6 'E1.5 1.3 +0 +0. + .1 +0 +0.0 +0.0 • 1.6 1.6 X1.8 2 1.8 0 +0. +0.1 0.0 +0.0 1.6 4 'E1.7 2.0 2. +1 1 0.5 + .1 + +0.0 +0.0 X0.5 0.5 • 1 =2 1 1 1.3 *1.5 +2.2 + .6 0. +0.1 0.0 +0.0 1 2 -1 0.5 "9d 1 1.1 +1.3 1.5 AN +0. 0.1 + +0.0 +0.0 2� 1,0.5 0.5 2 �1 2 \ 2 2 �1 0.5 s� 2 2 X1.2 X1.1 1.0 0.5 0. +0.1 0.0 +0.0 .5`I 2 0.5 1.3 'f1.2 1 .0 + .7 +0 0.2 + +0.0 +0.0 X1.5 '1. +1. +0.70.5 +0.1 +0.1 +0.0 2 0. 0.5 0.5 1 1� ,2 2�1 =0.5 + .6 +0 0.2 + .1 +0.1 +0.0 /1 0.5 2 e \ � r r�f� �_ 5 2 f 1 %0.5 ®�r� 5 2 X2.3 2.4 +1. 0 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 1 2 2 1_0.5 1°0.5 2. 7 0.2 + +0.1 +0.0 0.5 1 2 °� 2 100.5-2 Designer .1 0.5 C1� 1 1'0.5 P� 1 G�-� 1. + ll 4 +0 +0. +0.1 +0.1 0.51 2 L 0.5 McNamara 0.5:::--1 0.5 -1 +0.5 +0.2 .1 +0.1 +0.0 Date 0. +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 DEC 08 2005 +0.4 +0.3 +0.2 +0.1 +0.0 ISO + +0.2 +0.1 +0.1 Not to Scale Scale .3 + +0.1 +0.1 as noted + +0.0 +0.0 Drawing No. .0 +0.0 + + MAB200503 0.0 0.0 E 0 C2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance I CO j so l CONTRO E0 ACCESS -- / PER DO NO 696582 AN 696583 CATCH BASIN-- - RE= 956.52 LE (N)940.93 I. E = (E)952.37 IE= (5)94093 / / /,a / c a FOP N 72 / cy��SFq Ssso3 9'40 lS6 CATCH BA R.E =9556 � J F. -(N)953,60 II \(5)953.60 li �'-DRAINAGE AND EASEMENT PER WHI�NERT FrL 4e 1 m j N REMOVE EXISTING PAVEMENT �h I l )3 E \ SANITARY MANHOLE \ RE =967.06 1,E. =(5)946.34 2 :•_, - SAN 54N sro, -SHIS SECTION OFD a 'SANITARY SEWIyR AND WATERMAIN -SHOWN PER AS5 BUILT PLANS. / cb °' NTRACTOR TO VERIFY ) 0 / FOUND OPEN 7 AT IRON H E SIN � � IRON PIPE PL 9� '4 _ (5)5 62 REMOVE 87 LF OF 12" RCP STORM REMOVE Et)CISTI G GRAVEL ti / ' N87 °5T22'E l/ SEWER AND EXISTING CATCH BASIN x'04 � oL i i �8 E --t-6 L£ • -S MANHOL, f =95 . / - NW)95 .72 E =(N _ .87 Removal Notes I ST M MANH)LE -' / : y`° 110 \ R.E. =N /A 'd LE =95 57 (APPROX.) / Aj a •� s SAWCUT EXISTING r" / e� � �. PAVEMENT a e L 0 r _ PIGhT OF WA) E V'N' 20 \ FR OOC NI 6856'5 s ?0 660 A n F3 0 5 4TCH BAST } -FIE :967.41 1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION /CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE LIMITS OF REMOVALS WITH PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS AND FIELD VERIFY CONDITION OF EXISTING APPURTENANCES TO REMAIN. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROTECTING OR REPLACING MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS (SUCH AS FENCES, SIGNS, IRRIGATION HEADS, ETC.) THAT MAY BE DAMAGED BY CONSTRUCTION. 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL PLACE ALL NECESSARY EROSION CONTROL MEASURES REQUIRED TO MAINTAIN SITE STABILITY PRIOR TO EXECUTING ANY SITE REMOVALS. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATION WITH UTILITY PROVIDERS FOR REMOVAL AND /OR RELOCATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AFFECTED BY SITE DEVELOPMENT. ALL PERMITS, APPLICATIONS AND FEES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. /i "" \/ ° e EXISTING BUILDING / 8P SANITARY ANHOLE FFE = 961.47 R, E. =960. 0 LE= (N//)^,99,,4778 GNMARK— IE =(5 4778 MN= 56].Ji y PZ // �y 4 ° O ' >o Removal Legend EXISTING PROPOSED EXISTING REMOVALS_ SAN; STORM MANHOLE CONIFEROUS TREE wAr WA T DECIDUOUS TREE - s TELEPHONE MANHOLE cAS— WETLAND C J PUG —� STEEL/WOOD POST PUN— HAND HOLE } —TUG— -+? NNNNNNNNtt r0H— 't IV 't NC N HIV FOP— w... '% 'tr v HYDRANT it it It ttit t OP WATER METER PERC TEST T1 CURB STOP BOX MONITORING WELL WATER MANHOLE TVI CABLE 7V BOX Ivq WELL I` GAS METER tea— �A e SB- 19SB -19j) SB -19 (,C�rY �,gJ��'/YX��' PROPERTY LINE SAW CUT PAVEMENT CURB & GUTTER SANITARY SEWER WATER MAIN HYDRANT STORM SEWER GAS UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC OVERHEAD ELECTRIC UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE OVERHEAD TELEPHONE TELEPHONE FIBER OPTIC CABLE TELEVISION RETAINING WALL FENCE CONCRETE BITUMINOUS GRAVEL BUILDING TREE LIGHT POLE TRAFFIC SIGN CONSTRUCTION BARRICADE SOIL BORING LOCATION TREE LINE Existing Conditions Legend J BUSH/SHRUB STORM MANHOLE CONIFEROUS TREE TELEPHONE BOX iK DECIDUOUS TREE i TELEPHONE MANHOLE WETLAND C J TRAFFIC CONTROL BOX STEEL/WOOD POST I "" HAND HOLE v SIGN- TRAFFIC 107HER -+? TRAFFIC LIGHT v� SIGN- 7RAFFIC 107HER D<1 GA 7E VALVE w... MAIL BOX HYDRANT HANDICAPPED STALL OP WATER METER PERC TEST T1 CURB STOP BOX MONITORING WELL WATER MANHOLE TVI CABLE 7V BOX Ivq WELL I` GAS METER „TV— CABLE TELENS/GN LINE STREET L17E ,-A GAS LINE GUY WIRE PoH— POWER OVERHEAD .a POWER POLE Puc — POWER UNDERGROUND 0 ELECTRIC BOX s.:ru SANITARY SEWER P. ELECTRIC METER src STORM SEWER O ELECTRIC MANHOLE roH TELEPHONE OVERHEAD z ELECTRIC TOWER TELEPHONE UNDERGROUND SANITARY MANHOLE WAr WATERMAW I.i SEWER CLEANOUT A FENCE LINE I� BEEHIVE CATCH BASIN TREE STUMP Fj CATCH BASIN POST INDICATOR VALVE =A FLARED END SEC770N f SOIL BORING (C�i) 7EL£PHONE MANHOLE - PIEZOMETER t FLOOD/YARD LIGHT Westwvood Westwood Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-6737 TON Fee 1- 800.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: BCw Checked: HC WV Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: I Add C22 and C42, Nota Ganges to C10 and CI.O, Detail Update' o5.1 , cit, co,nmanta I x by ce6fy Nat Nis Pun w pr., a by vw or ,mda my dirM supervWOn and NN I = a duly Iiceaxd PROPEASONAL @taaJ�t and Ne laws of Ne SNrc Mwneaofa �G Brad C. Wflkening Data 10/18/2016 License Nn 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN ® Existing Conditions and Removal Plan Date. 09/01/16 FOR PERMIT APPROVAL Sheet C1.0 C2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance , Ii -7// / CV �Q EXISTING / 6 900—T,"I / / / A s \ Fq 90 MONUMEN O Q' / SIGN N� o/ ry i� �ryh 8 31 Coo I d to `Qe 4D _ to i PROPOSED BUILDING / L FFE =963.0 It L � 1 1 i v N \sr� %7 SEEM ;PEDESTRIAN >\ `• ,N' RAMP DETAIL (TYP.) -SEE CITY DETAIL FOR TYPICAL SIDEWALK AND BOULEVARD INFORMATION COORDINATE UTILITY PEDESTAL RELOCATION (\J R 1 \ ..\ WITH UTILITY "MPANIES 1 M 110 1 / ONE WAY DO NOT ENTER SIGN / (SEE ARCHITECTURAL) / I R32'/� VFUTURE Ui REFUSE AND % // 1 / / /• _ RECYCLE / 1 4 / - R5' / c - -- \ -FFE :961.41 / \ \ EXISTING BUILDING Jam" FFE = 961.41 MN- 96171+ General Site Notes 1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION /CONSTRUCTION. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, THE ENGINEER SHOULD BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY. 2. REFER TO BOUNDARY SURVEY FOR LOT BEARINGS, DIMENSIONS AND AREAS. 3. ALL DIMENSIONS ARE TO FACE OF CURB OR EXTERIOR FACE OF BUILDING UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND LOCATIONS OF EXITS, RAMPS, AND TRUCK DOCKS. 5. ALL CURB RADII ARE SHALL BE 3.0 FEET (TO FACE OF CURB) UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 6. ALL CURB AND GUTTER SHALL BE B612 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, FLAGGERS AND LIGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OF THESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE CITY AND ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MNDOT STANDARDS. 8. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN FULL ACCESS TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION AND TAKE ALL PRECAUTIONS NECESSARY TO AVOID PROPERTY DAMAGE TO ADJACENT PROPERTIES. / / PQ GAO II j. Site Legend EXISTING — — — — PROPOSED — — — — PROPERTY LINE — LOT LINE SETBACK LINE — EASEMENT LINE _ CURB AND GUTTER — — TIP —OUT CURB AND GUTTER FENCE CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK 0 ss NUMBER OF PARKING STALLS SITE LIGHTING 4 TRAFFIC SIGN A' POWER POLE ® BOLLARD / POST Site Development Summary • EXISTING ZONING: B -3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT • PROPOSED ZONING: B -3, HIGHWAY BUSINESS DISTRICT • PARCEL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 — WARNERT RETAIL • EXISTING PROPERTY AREA: 65,210 SF (1.50 AC) • PROPOSED PROPERTY AREA: 38,710 SF (0.89 AC) • IMPERVIOUS SURFACE ADDED: 18,725 SF (0.43 AC) N Westwood Wesly oodl Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-6737 TON Fee 1-600.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: eCw Checked: HCWV Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: I Add C22 and C42, note Ganges to C10 and CI.0, Deloil Update o5.1 z cnv commenta I xaaby ratify Nat Nis Pun w pr•Wmd by ma or ,mda my dirM supervWOn and NN I em a duly Iicenxd PROElseIDNA @tGRJ�t and tie laws of tie SNrc Mmneaom �G Brad C. Wflkening Data 10/18/2016 License Nn 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Site Plan Date; 09/01/16 FOR PERMIT APPROVAL Sheer C2.0 .,, 11 -- k 02016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or co11811.com Common Ground Alliance / / / Aso ° y 6 \ / PROPOSED PROPERTY BOUNDARY MONUM SIGN y / 1 A EXISTING. / / 5 PROPOSED BUILDING FFE =963.0 i I/�\ o \s� j . SEE MNDOT PEDESTRIAN RAMP DETAILS (TYP.) ' SEE CITY DETAIL FOR TYPICAL SIDEWALK AND 1 BOULEVARD INFORMATION 1 COORDINATE UTILITY i PEDESTAL RELOCATION -i WITH UTILITY COMPANIES LEI 19 I - I s 8 i , 1 / ,. FUTURE ADDITION 3 REFUSE AND fl % / /• "_ / RECYCLE 9 / 1 C , SJp % FFE : 961.41 \ \ / EXISTING BUILDING FFE / s / / FM FM / / /3P / / / / / Site Legend EXISTING PROPOSED El Site Details (SI -OXX) PROPERTY LINE LOT LINE SETBACK LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER TIP —OUT CURB AND GUTTER FENCE CONCRETE PAVEMENT CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NORMAL DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SITE LIGHTING TRAFFIC SIGN POWER POLE BOLLARD / POST 1 B612 CURB & GUTTER 5 INTEGRAL CURB AND WALK 6 CONCRETE CROSS GUTTER 8 PRIVATE CONCRETE SIDEWALK 9 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 13 TRAFFIC ARROW 14 SIGN INSTALLATION 15 HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE AND STRIPING 19 PAVEMENT SECTIONS 32 BEAVERTAIL CURB (6612) 47 CONCRETE SWALE Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320- 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Fee 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Checked: Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: 1 Add c2.2 and Cat rvole Ch.,,,, , C3.0 and C4 0, Detad Update c6.1 2 aN Comments I b by o fif, dw ads Plat w prcprtd by me or m my d -ups and that I am a duly H--N MO�NA aNGNMIsR. uvdn @e laws a @e Shx Maneaofa � QG Brad C. Wilkening aw 10/18/2016 r+.....— No 26908 Prepared for: / Cole Group / Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN i Site Details 1 0' 30' 60' 90' Date 09/01/16 FOR PERMIT APPROVAL Sheet: C2.1 0010055- 00SPF02. dwg DUI KE —C Site Legend EXISTING SITE EXISTING PROPOSED — — — — PROPERTY LINE LOT LINE 3 City Comments SETBACK LINE -- - - - - -- EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER --------- - - - - -- TIP —OUT CURB AND GUTTER x x FENCE ° a ° CONCRETE PA VEMEN T 0 0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK HEAVY DUTY BITUMINOUS PA VEMENT NORMAL DUTY BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SITE LIGHTING —� —•— TRAFFIC SIGN r0j r' POWER POLE 0 ° BOLLARD / POST • LOT 1: 1.50 AC • LOT 2: 1.54 AC • TOTAL EXISTING PARKING: 147 STALLS CHIHOS EQUITIES 3915 74 TH ST CLEAR LAKE MN 55319 PID: R155-027-0010,31 �UITIES LLC 'Y ST KE MN 55319 1-027-00104 PROPOSED SITE • LOT 1: 0.89 AC • LOT 2: 2.15 AC • TOTAL PARKING: 155 STALLS • BANK PARKING. 24 STALLS • RETAIL PARKING. 131 STALLS MIELKE BROTHERS LLC PO BOX 562 MONTICELLO MN. 55362 PID: R155- 202 - 001030 Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Free 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: BCW Checked: BCW Drawn: JSB STO Record Drawing by /date: �P `rgti �O X F �• L PREMI 301 C OSSEC G PID: f 7ARY MANHOLE = 960.60 / Q .E. =(N)94718 ICH RK: — P� 963.71 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGW= under the laws of the State of Minnesota. "--w 6 a, Brad C. Wilkening Date: 10/18/2016 Na 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Overall Warnert Retail Site 0' 40' 80' 120' 09/01/16 Date: FOR PERMIT APPROVALS Sheet: C2.2 0010055.00SPF03.dwg Revisions: 1 Add C2.2 and C4.2, Note Changes to C3.0 and C4.0, Detail Update C6.1 2 City Comments 3 City Comments �P `rgti �O X F �• L PREMI 301 C OSSEC G PID: f 7ARY MANHOLE = 960.60 / Q .E. =(N)94718 ICH RK: — P� 963.71 I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGW= under the laws of the State of Minnesota. "--w 6 a, Brad C. Wilkening Date: 10/18/2016 Na 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Overall Warnert Retail Site 0' 40' 80' 120' 09/01/16 Date: FOR PERMIT APPROVALS Sheet: C2.2 0010055.00SPF03.dwg C2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance Grading Notes 1. LOCATIONS AND ELEVATIONS OF EXISTING TOPOGRAPHY AND UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL FIELD VERIFY SITE CONDITIONS AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION /CONSTRUCTION. THE ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED IMMEDIATELY IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND. 2. CONTRACTORS SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATIONS AND DIMENSIONS OF VESTIBULE, SLOPED PAVEMENT, EXIT PORCHES, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS, PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS, EXACT BUILDING UTILITY ENTRANCE LOCATIONS, AND EXACT LOCATIONS AND NUMBER OF DOWNSPOUTS. 3. ALL EXCAVATION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR TRENCH EXCAVATION AND BACKFILL /SURFACE RESTORATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA. 4. ALL DISTURBED UNPAVED AREAS ARE TO RECEIVE FOUR INCHES OF TOPSOIL AND SOD OR SEED. THESE AREAS SHALL BE WATERED UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR PLANTING AND TURF ESTABLISHMENT. 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PROVIDING AND MAINTAINING TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SUCH AS BARRICADES, WARNING SIGNS, DIRECTIONAL SIGNS, FLAGMEN AND LIGHTS TO CONTROL THE MOVEMENT OF TRAFFIC WHERE NECESSARY. PLACEMENT OF THESE DEVICES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES SHALL CONFORM TO APPROPRIATE MNDOT STANDARDS. 6. ALL SLOPES SHALL BE GRADED TO 3:1 OR FLATTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED ON THIS SHEET. 7. CONTRACTOR SHALL UNIFORMLY GRADE AREAS WITHIN LIMITS OF GRADING AND PROVIDE A SMOOTH FINISHED SURFACE WITH UNIFORM SLOPES BETWEEN POINTS WHERE ELEVATIONS ARE SHOWN OR BETWEEN SUCH POINTS AND EXISTING GRADES. S. SPOT ELEVATIONS SHOWN INDICATE FINISHED PAVEMENT ELEVATIONS & GUTTER FLOW LINE UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. PROPOSED CONTOURS ARE TO FINISHED SURFACE GRADE. 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ANY EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL THAT EXISTS AFTER THE SITE GRADING AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL DISPOSE OF ALL EXCESS SOIL MATERIAL IN A MANNER ACCEPTABLE TO THE OWNER AND THE REGULATING AGENCIES. 10. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL, STATE AND FEDERAL RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 11. PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY STRUCTURE OR PAVEMENT, A PROOF ROLL, AT MINIMUM, WILL BE REQUIRED ON THE SUBGRADE. PROOF ROLLING SHALL BE ACCOMPLISHED BY MAKING MINIMUM OF 2 COMPLETE PASSES WITH FULLY — LOADED TANDEM —AXLE DUMP TRUCK, OR APPROVED EQUAL, IN EACH OF 2 PERPENDICULAR DIRECTIONS WHILE UNDER SUPERVISION AND DIRECTION OF THE INDEPENDENT TESTING LABORATORY. AREAS OF FAILURE SHALL BE EXCAVATED AND RE— COMPACTED AS SPECIFIED HEREIN. 12. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL PLACED BENEATH BUILDINGS AND STREET OR PARKING AREAS SHALL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFIED DENSITY METHOD AS OUTLINED IN MNDOT 2105.3F1 AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. 13. EMBANKMENT MATERIAL NOT PLACED IN THE BUILDING PAD, STREETS OR PARKING AREA, SHALL BE COMPACTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS OF THE ORDINARY COMPACTION METHOD AS OUTLINED IN MNDOT 2105.3F2. 14. ALL SOILS AND MATERIALS TESTING SHALL BE COMPLETED BY AN INDEPENDENT GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. EXCAVATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF REMOVING UNSTABLE OR UNSUITABLE SOILS SHALL BE COMPLETED AS REQUIRED BY THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COORDINATING ALL REQUIRED SOILS TESTS AND INSPECTIONS WITH THE GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. Grading Legend EXISTING PROPOSED 9g� 962 sra� 1980 - _--982_ —SAN ► LOO sx 1_00 R E.O.F. 58 00 PROPERTY LINE INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR CURB AND GUTTER STORM SEWER FLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP) WATER MAIN SANITARY SEWER DRAIN TILE RIDGE LINE SPOT ELEVATION FLOW DIRECTION EMERGENCY OVERFLOW N M%twood Westwood Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-9737 TON Fee 1- 800.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: eCw Checked: acw Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: I Add C22 and C4.2, note Ganges to C10 and C4.0, Mil Update o5.1 , cit, co,nmanta I x by cetlly Nat Nis Pun w pr., a by . or ,mda my dirM supervWOn and NN I = a duly Iiceaxd PROPa35fONA @tGRJ�t and Ne laws of Ne SNrc Mwneaofa �G Brad C. Wtlkening Data 10/18/2016 License Nn 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN FOR PERMIT APPROVA Grading Plan Date 09/01/16 Sheet. C3.0 0010055.00GDF01.dwg C2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance CV �Q GD J / // / 51� / / o yF< PROPOSED BUILDING FFE =963.0 BUILDING STUB 53 nn 1 19 LF -V.5" ,COPPER 450 BEND / 8 LF -1.5" COPPER 450 BEND 7' -6„ / SAN SWR ® 4.677 / FUTURE ADDITION / CO -2 / r RE= 961.68 IE= 952.19 (NW) / ,,LE= 952.19 (E) / / SAN � �44 0� .,T 450 BEND STp >V � \ \ \\� - - -- S -FFE :961.41 \ � r• / i / / I *7 .. / A ITA r MANHOLE RE 96106 COORDINATE UTILITY PEDESTAL RELOCATION WITH UTILITY "MPANIES / �/lRE=981.47 %P IE= 949.70 (W) A IE= 949.70 (E) �/ CONNECT TO EXISTING STUB IE= 947.97 7 6, � AN SWR ®4.707 Watermain & Sanitary Sewer Legend EXISTING PROPOSED - -- - - -- - PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER snrv� ► 9 SANITARY SEWER FM SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN sro® STORM SEWER WA* I WATER MAIN AA r ^"b I�� HYDRANT AS GAS PUG UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC PCH OVERHEAD ELECTRIC mi;- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE r11H OVERHEAD TELEPHONE FOP- TELEPHONE FIBER OPTIC Div CABLE TELEVISION ►►► DRAIN TILE o� ►� GATE VALVE e' FLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP) a LIGHT POLE / I N, y CONNECT TO EXISTING SERVICE STUBS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY LOCATION, ELEVATION, MATERIAL AND INVERT. XPP1t WET TAP EXISTING 6" STUB. / CONTRA TOR TO VERIFY LOCATION, QQ ELEVATION, SIZE AND TYPE. G t ** LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BEFORE INSTALLATION. SEE ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. EXISTING BUILDING / / / P FFE = 961.47 ShNITAkY ANHULE IE -(N) 4278 B -9617+- " �p / l E -=�$ 47,13 MH =9SS.71 = -7/ General Watermain & Sanitary Sewer Notes 1. THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION 5. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH REQUIREMENTS. CONTRASTING COLOR TO THE PIPE AND CEMENT. ALL SANITARY SEWER AND /OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY. THE SHALL BE TESTED ACCORDING TO MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SERVICE LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH 9, A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 INCHES IS REQUIRED AT ALL 712.0• LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHALL THE UTILITY COMPANIES. WATER LINE CROSSINGS WITH SANITARY SEWER OR STORM SEWER. THE NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR WATER LINE SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS OR CONNECTION WITHIN 10 -FEET 14. ALL NONCONDUCTIVE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A LOCATE SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS FOR UTILITY OF THE CROSSING. INSULATE CROSSINGS WITH STORM SEWER. (TRACER) WIRE PER MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 604.9. NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES. CONNECTIONS, AND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY. THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48 -HOURS PRIOR TO 2. ALL SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN MATERIAL AND INSTALLATIONS COMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANY REQUIRED 10. UTILITY SERVICES TYPICALLY TERMINATE 2' OUTSIDE BUILDING WALL 15. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE SHALL BE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, AND TESTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE, INTERFERE WITH, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED. THE OWNER WITH AN BUILT RECORD OF UTILITY CONSTRUCTION. THE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE TO, OR TAP ANY WATER MAIN BELONGING AS -BUILT SHALL INCLUUDE DE LOCATION AND LENGTH DEVIATIONS OR TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY. ANY 11. DUCTILE IRON WATER LINES SHALL BE CLASS 52, PER AWWA C115 OR CHANGES TO THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH OWNER OR SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF SCHEDULED OR UNSCHEDULED C151. COPPER WATER LINES SHALL BE TYPE K PER ASTM B88. PVC ENGINEER WHETHER A PLAN WITH POST - CONSTRUCTION ELEVATIONS IS SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA. DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE WATER LINES SHALL BE PER AWWA C900 AND INSTALLED PER AWWA REQUIRED. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. C605 IF ALLOWED BY CITY. 16. ALL MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE BUMPED 0.05 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS. NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSED 7• WATER MAIN LENGTHS AS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE HORIZONTAL 12. ALL WATER LINES SHALL HAVE 8' MINIMUM COVER. INSULATE WATER WORK OR VERIFY WITH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THAT PERMITS HAVE LENGTHS. ALLOW FOR ADDITIONAL PIPE WHEN INSTALLING ON SLOPES MAIN IF LESS THAN 8' OF COVER. INSULATION SHALL BE DOW BEEN OBTAINED. PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE OR WHEN DEFLECTIONS ARE REQUIRED. THE JOINT DEFLECTIONS SHALL STYROFOAM HI BRAND 35 OR EQUIVALENT, WITH 4 INCHES OF CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED WITH THE OWNER. NOT EXCEED THE MAXIMUM RECOMMENDED BY THE PIPE MANUFACTURER THICKNESS. OR BY LOCAL GOVERNING SPECIFICATIONS. FITTINGS REQUIRED TO 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT CONSTRUCT WATER MAIN SHALL BE INCLUDED IN WATER MAIN 13. SANITARY SEWER PIPE OUTSIDE THE BUILDING ENVELOPE SHALL BE LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF DOORWAYS, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS, CONSTRUCTION. POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) SCHEDULE 40 PER ASTM D2665. ALL PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY PLASTIC SANITARY SEWER SHALL BE INSTALLED PER D2321. SOLVENT CONNECTION LOCATIONS. S. PROVIDE WATER MAIN THRUST RESTRAINTS PER CITY STANDARD WELD JOINTS MUST INCLUDE USE OF A PRIMER WHICH IS OF A Westwood Wesly oodl Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-6737 TON Fee 1-600.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: eCw Checked: acw Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: i Add C22 and C42, Not, Ganges to C10 and CI.0, Deloil Update' CB.I 2 Co 'nta I xaaby ratify Nat Nis Pun w prcp m by ma or ,mda my dirM supervleloa and NN I em a duly Iittneei NtOPlseIONAL urcweffie m,aa am v . � ma SNrc Armnraam �G Brad C. Wtlkening Data 10/18/2016 License Nn 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN i Watermain & Sanitary i Sewer Plan Date; 09/01/16 FOR PERMIT APPROVAL Sheer. C4.0 „0i:;0S5- 000TF0tdwg C2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance / so CONSTRUCT CA BASIN MANHOLE 0 EXISTING 12" CATCH BASIN-- - R E = 956.62 1.17= (N)940913 LE = (E)95237 1E= (5)940.93 / -7/ General Storm Sewer Notes CV �Q GD / / gv LE =(M1 =(5 /E =(S MANHOLE . =95 . - 'NW)952-72 E =(N .37 THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND /OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES. 2. ALL STORM SEWER MATERIAL AND INSTALLATIONS SHALL BE PER CITY REQUIREMENTS, MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR WATER MAIN AND SERVICE LINE INSTALLATION AND SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER INSTALLATION" AS PREPARED BY THE CITY ENGINEERS ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA. 3. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN THE NECESSARY FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL PERMITS FOR THE PROPOSED WORK OR VERIFY WITH THE OWNER OR ENGINEER THAT PERMITS HAVE BEEN OBTAINED. PERMIT FEES SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS OTHERWISE ARRANGED WITH THE OWNER. y / s, �y CA P F_ 5 T - 958 69 ` J V J lg� a1 953.60 0 C�1 12+ 153 so G 2 X S M CONSTRUCT CATCH 959.7 R _ BASIN MANHOLE OVER RE = )E= 955.93 (SE) / ® OSty EXISTING 15" RCP / / COORDINATE UTILITY / - i ' PEDESTAL REL OCATION LIT CBMH -100 �� r ;� WITH UTILITY "MPANIES 48" o / RE= 958.97 / / , E= 955.13 (NW) 3 - .' -- - _�L- ,. IE= 953.92 (S) IE= 953.92 rM rl �n o PROPOSED BUILDING ��\ II tl 'i''. '. \ \ / FFE =963.0 I FUTURE ADDITION CBMH -200 I� 48" 0 \RE= 959.65 - \ 1 / � / ; / EX. STMH -102 \ IE= 955.25 (N) / / / `� ��� / / .' INSTALL R -1642 CASTING / IE= 955.25 (S) - SfrleLw MA "�' ` / RE= 960.63 / CBMH -103 48" 2 R� =960.05 ' E- 66.0 ( ) E e 20 /J 69J 520 CATCH B1 CONSTRUCT CATCH s >p a,E =960,42 i BASIN MANHOLE OVER �lE.=C'w)s_n o2 r EXISTING 12" RCPT., 1 1 -FFE :961.41 / \ \ EXISTING BUILDING FFE= 967.47 EXISTING 12" STORM SEWER SHALL BE CLEANED OUT OF SEDIMENT a ` " " ^ " "' / PRIOR TO PROJECT COMPLETION MH =9SS.Fi / A 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL REFER TO ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR EXACT LOCATION AND DIMENSIONS OF DOORWAYS, RAMPS, TRUCK DOCKS, PRECISE BUILDING DIMENSIONS AND EXACT BUILDING UTILITY CONNECTION LOCATIONS. 5. ALL PRIVATE UTILITIES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS OF THE APPROPRIATE UTILITY COMPANY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE THE SERVICE LINE CONSTRUCTION WITH THE UTILITY COMPANIES. 6. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ALL NECESSARY CITY PERMITS FOR UTILITY CONNECTIONS, AND UTILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND APPROVED BY THE CITY. THE CITY SHALL BE NOTIFIED 48 -HOURS PRIOR TO COMMENCING WITH THE UTILITY CONSTRUCTION OR ANY REQUIRED TESTING. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOT OPERATE, INTERFERE WITH, CONNECT ANY PIPE OR HOSE TO, OR TAP ANY WATER MAIN BELONGING TO THE CITY UNLESS DULY AUTHORIZED TO DO SO BY THE CITY. ANY ADVERSE CONSEQUENCES OF SCHEDULED OR UNSCHEDULED DISRUPTIONS OF SERVICE TO THE PUBLIC ARE TO BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. 7. A MINIMUM VERTICAL SEPARATION OF 18 INCHES IS REQUIRED AT ALL WATER LINE CROSSINGS WITH STORM SEWER. THE WATER LINE SHALL NOT HAVE JOINTS OR CONNECTION WITHIN 10 -FEET OF THE CROSSING. INSULATE CROSSINGS WITH STORM SEWER. 8. UTILITY SERVICES TYPICALLY TERMINATE 2' OUTSIDE BUILDING WALL UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN OR NOTED. 9. STORM SEWER PIPE: A. RCP AND HOPE PIPE MAY BE INSTALLED WITH APPROVAL OF LOCAL GOVERNING AGENCY. B. REINFORCED CONCRETE PIPE SHALL BE CLASS 5 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 18" AND SMALLER, CLASS 3 FOR PIPE DIAMETERS 21" AND LARGER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, PER ASTM C76 WITH R -4 GASKETS. C. HDPE STORM PIPE 4- TO 10- INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF AASHTO M252. HOPE STORM PIPE 12- TO 60- INCHES IN DIAMETER SHALL MEET REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM F2306. FITTINGS SHALL BE PER ASTM D3212 AND INSTALLED PER ASTM D2321. D. PVC STORM SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS SHALL BE SCHEDULE 40 PIPE PER ASTM D2665 AND INSTALLED PER ASTM D2321. Storm Sewer Legend EXISTING PROPOSED - -- - - -- - PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE CURB AND GUTTER snrv� ► 0 SANITARY SEWER FM SANITARY SEWER FORCE MAIN sro® ► ► STORM SEWER WA* WATER MAIN WAT - -I HYDRANT GAS GAS PUG UNDERGROUND ELECTRIC PCH OVERHEAD ELECTRIC m1;- UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE FIIH OVERHEAD TELEPHONE FOP- TELEPHONE FIBER OPTIC C1V CABLE TELEVISION ►►► DRAIN TILE o� ►� GATE VALVE e' FLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP) LIGHT POLE **LANDSCAPE IRRIGATION PLANS SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY BEFORE INSTALLATION. SEE ARCHITECTURAL LANDSCAPE PLAN FOR FURTHER INFORMATION. E. CORRUGATED METAL PIPE (CMP) FOR SIZES 18- TO 120 -INCH AND MUST MEET ASTM A760 OR ASTM A796 AND BE INSTALLED PER ASTM A798. CMP MAY NOT BE INSTALLED WITHIN 10 -FEET OF A WATERMAIN, WATER SERVICE, OR A BUILDING. F. ALL STORM SEWER JOINTS AND STRUCTURE CONNECTIONS SHALL BE GASTIGHT OR WATERTIGHT AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 707.3. STORM SEWER LOCATED WITHIN 10 -FEET OF A BUILDING AND /OR WATER LINE SHALL BE TESTED PER MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 712. 10. ALL NONCONDUCTIVE PIPE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH A LOCATE (TRACER) WIRE PER MINNESOTA PLUMBING CODE, PART 604.9. 11. AFTER CONSTRUCTION IS COMPLETED, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE THE OWNER WITH AN AS -BUILT RECORD OF UTILITY CONSTRUCTION. THE AS -BUILT SHALL INCLUDE LOCATION AND LENGTH DEVIATIONS OR CHANGES TO THE PLAN. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY WITH OWNER OR ENGINEER WHETHER A PLAN WITH POST - CONSTRUCTION ELEVATIONS IS REQUIRED. 12. ALL CATCH BASIN CASTINGS IN CURB SHALL BE SUMPED 0.15 FEET AND MANHOLE CASTINGS IN PAVED AREAS SHALL BE SUMPED 0.05 FEET. RIM ELEVATIONS ON PLAN REFLECT THE SUMPED ELEVATIONS. N Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-6737 TON Fee 1-800.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: 8Cw Checked: acw Record Drawing by /date Revisions: I Add C22 and C42, Not, Ganges to C10 and CI.0, Mil Update o5.1 2 City 0ommenta I x by cetlly Nat Nis Pun w pr., a by . or ,mda my d supervWOn and NN I = a dWy liceaxd PROPad¢ONAL @I� ands Ne h. a Ne SNrc Mwneaofa �G Brad C. Wtlkening Data 10/18/2016 License Nn 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Storm Sewer Plan Date. 09/01/16 FOR PERMIT APPROVAL Sheet C4.1 0010055.000TF02.dwg C2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Alliance O i M%twood Wesly oodl Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-9737 TON Fee 1- 800.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: eCw Checked: acw Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: I Add C22 and C4.2, Nota Ganges to C10 and C4.0, Moil Update o5.1 2 City O—'Ma I x by cetlly Nat Nis Pun w pr., a by . or ,mda my dirM supervWOn and NN I = a duly Iiceaxd PROPa35fONAI. @tGRJ�t and Ne laws of Ne SNrc Mwneaofa �G Brad C. Wtlkening Data 10/18/2016 License No 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN FOR PERMIT APPROVA Post Development Drainage Map Date 09/01/16 Sheet. C4.2 0010055.00DAFOt.dwg C2016 Westwood Professional Servjces, Inc. Call 48 Hours before digging: 811 or ca11811.com Common Ground Allianc 1 I General Erosion Control Notes THE CONTRACTOR IS SPECIFICALLY CAUTIONED THAT THE LOCATION AND /OR ELEVATION OF EXISTING UTILITIES AS SHOWN ON THESE PLANS ARE BASED ON RECORDS OF THE VARIOUS UTILITY COMPANIES AND LIMITED MEASUREMENTS TAKEN IN THE FIELD. THE INFORMATION SHALL NOT BE RELIED ON AS BEING EXACT OR COMPLETE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION AND NOTIFY THE OWNER OR ENGINEER OF DISCREPANCIES. 2. ALL SILT FENCE AND OTHER EROSION CONTROL FEATURES SHALL BE IN —PLACE PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION /CONSTRUCTION AND SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL VIABLE TURF OR GROUND COVER HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED. EXISTING SILT FENCE ON —SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED AND OR REMOVED AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. IT IS OF EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO BE AWARE OF CURRENT FIELD CONDITIONS WITH RESPECT TO EROSION CONTROL. TEMPORARY PONDING, DIKES, HAYBALES, ETC., REQUIRED BY THE CITY SHALL BE INCIDENTAL TO THE GRADING CONTRACT. 3. EROSION AND SILTATION CONTROL (ESC): THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSUME COMPLETE RESPONSIBILITY FOR CONTROLLING ALL SILTATION AND EROSION OF THE PROJECT AREA. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE WHATEVER MEANS NECESSARY TO CONTROL THE EROSION AND SILTATION INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO: CATCH BASIN INSERTS, CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES, EROSION CONTROL BLANKET, AND SILT FENCE. ESC SHALL COMMENCE WITH GRADING AND CONTINUE THROUGHOUT THE PROJECT UNTIL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK BY THE OWNER. THE CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY INCLUDES ALL IMPLEMENTATION AS REQUIRED TO PREVENT EROSION AND THE DEPOSITING OF SILT. THE OWNER MAY DIRECT THE CONTRACTOR'S METHODS AS DEEMED FIT TO PROTECT PROPERTY AND IMPROVEMENTS. ANY DEPOSITION OF SILT OR MUD ON NEW OR EXISTING PAVEMENT OR IN EXISTING STORM SEWERS OR SWALES SHALL BE REMOVED AFTER EACH RAIN EVENT. AFFECTED AREAS SHALL BE CLEANED TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER, ALL AT THE EXPENSE OF THE CONTRACTOR. ALL TEMPORARY EROSION CONTROL SHALL BE REMOVED BY THE CONTRACTOR AFTER THE TURF IS ESTABLISHED. 4. ALL STREETS DISTURBED DURING WORKING HOURS MUST BE CLEANED AT THE END OF EACH WORKING DAY. A CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE TO THE SITE MUST BE PROVIDED ACCORDING TO DETAILS TO REDUCE TRACKING OF DIRT ONTO PUBLIC STREETS. 5. PROPOSED PONDS SHALL BE EXCAVATED FIRST AND USED AS TEMPORARY PONDING DURING CONSTRUCTION. 6. WHEN INSTALLING END —OF —LINE FLARED END SECTIONS, BRING THE SILT FENCE UP & OVER THE FLARED END SECTIONS & COVER DISTURBED AREAS WITH RIP RAP. THE UPSTREAM FLARED END SECTIONS SHALL HAVE WOOD FIBER BLANKET INSTALLED ON THE DISTURBED SOILS. 7. ALL UNPAVED AREAS ALTERED DUE TO CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES MUST BE RESTORED WITH SEED AND MULCH, SOD, EROSION CONTROL BLANKET OR BE HARD SURFACE WITHIN 2 WEEKS OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION. B. THE SITE MUST BE STABILIZED WITH A 25 -151 SEED MIX AT 70— POUNDS PER ACRE AND TYPE I MULCH AT 2 —TONS PER ACRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 9. TEMPORARY SEEDING SHALL BE MN /DOT SEED MIX 22 -111 AT 40— POUNDS PER ACRE AND TYPE I MULCH AT 2 —TONS PER ACRE IN ACCORDANCE WITH MNDOT 2575 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 10. FOR AREAS WITH SLOPE OF 3:1 OR GREATER, RESTORATION WITH SOD OR EROSION CONTROL BLANKET IS REQUIRED. 11. ALL TEMPORARY STOCKPILES MUST HAVE SILT FENCE INSTALLED AROUND THEM TO TRAP SEDIMENT. 12, ALL PERMANENT PONDS USED AS TEMPORARY SEDIMENT BASINS DURING CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE DREDGED AFTER THE SITE HAS BEEN STABILIZED TO RESTORE THE POND TO THE PROPOSED BOTTOM ELEVATION. 13. ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL CONFORM TO LOCAL AND STATE RULES INCLUDING THE NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (NPDES) PERMIT REQUIREMENTS. 14. THE SITE MUST BE KEPT IN A WELL— DRAINED CONDITION AT ALL TIMES. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR TEMPORARY DITCHES, PIPING OR OTHER MEANS REQUIRED TO INSURE PROPER DRAINAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. LOW POINTS IN ROADWAYS OR BUILDING PADS MUST BE PROVIDED WITH A POSITIVE OUTFLOW. 15. PUBLIC STREETS USED FOR HAULING SHALL BE KEPT FREE OF SOIL AND DEBRIS. STREET SWEEPING SHALL BE CONCURRENT WITH SITE WORK. Erosion Control Legend EXISTING PROPOSED — — — — — — — — PROPERTY LINE INDEX CONTOUR INTERVAL CONTOUR CURB AND GUTTER SILT FENCE ►►� STORM SEWER FLARED END SECTION (WITH RIPRAP) WATER MAIN ► SANITARY SEWER ►►► DRAIN TILE RIDGE LINE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE E / EROSION CONTROL BLANKET R E.O.F. EMERGENCY OVERFLOW OO INLET PROTECTION N Westwood M /estwood Professional Services, Inc 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253-9737 TON Fee 1- 800.270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: eCw Checked: acw Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: I Add C22 and C4.2, Nota Ganges to C10 and C4.0, Moil Update o5.1 2 City Oommenta I x by catlly Wt this Plan w pr pP by . or much my dirM supervWOn and tbet I = a duly Iiceaxd PROPa35fONA @tGRJ�t and txe laws of @e Shrc Mwneaofa �G Brad C. Wtlkening Data 10/18/2016 License No 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN FOR PERMIT APPROVA Erosion Control Plan Date 09/01/16 Sheet. C5.0 C£OiAwg 2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. WOVEN MONOFILIMENT (36" WIDE) 5' STEEL T -POST � -� F' LO�N FLOW PONDING HEIGHT \ \ 6' -0° FILTER FABRIC, ATTACH MAX. SECURELY TO UPSTREAM SPACING SIDE OF POST WITH 5' STEEL 3 -501b TENSILE STRENG- T -POST PLASTIC ZIP -TIES PER POST WITHIN TOP 8" OF FABRIC. RUNOFF STANDARD DETAIL TRENCH WITH NATIVE BACKFILL 12" MIN. ��� FABRIC SLICED INTO SOIL WITH COMPACTED NOTE: BACKFILL 1. INSPECT AND REPAIR FENCE AFTER EACH STORM EVENT AND REMOVE SEDIMENT WHEN ACCUMULATED TO 1/3 THE HEIGHT OF THE FABRIC OR MORE. 2. REMOVED SEDIMENT SHALL BE DEPOSITED TO AN AREA THAT WILL NOT CONTRIBUTE SEDIMENT OFF -SITE AND CAN BE PERMANENTLY STABILIZED. 3. SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDING EFFICIENCY. 4. ALL ENDS OF THE SILT FENCE SHALL BE WRAPPED UPSLOPE SO THE ELEVATION OF THI BOTTOM OF FABRIC IS HIGHER THAN " PONDING HEIGHT ". 5. "HEAVY DUTY" IS SAME AS MACHINE SLICED ONLY HAND INSTALLED. LAST REVISED: Westwood MACHINE SLICED SILT FENCE 03/03/08 (HEAVY DUTY) GD03 CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -1970 SERIES PER TABLE BELOW. SERVICE WYE MIN. 600# INUNE END OF UNE NOTES: 1. ADJUST TO FINISHED GRADE PRIOR TO PAVING 2. CLEANOUT SHALL BE 4" DIAMETER ON 4" AND LARGER DIAMETER SERVICES UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED ON PLANS. WestvMOOd SANITARY SEWER SERVICE CLEANOUT EADED PLUG N CASTING. G CASTING 4" R -1970 3" R-1 973-7- 3" R -1976 G { LAST REVISED: 06/05/12 SS06A Gravel pod(s) MnDOT Class CA--15 or CA -25 Riprop Bedding Geotextile fabric Original grade SECTION B -B (not to scale) Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates Original Geotextile fabric SECTION A -A grade (not to scale) NOTES: Channelize runoff to sediment Sediment Trapping Device trapping device �c f Ribbed or Corrugated steel plates B r d / e 9 Q U CL o C)f HII i s C f 24' m in. B Slope away from w % highway �// 50' min. Match or Right of Way Existing Grade PLAN Title: Commercial Gravel Standard Plate Library Construction Entrance City of Monticello hate: 06 -14 Plate No. Revised: 6002 �Qd2 r D I' ' COMPACTED j BACKFILL + ++ , + + + + + + ++ GRANULAR BORROW +++ + ++ + ( MNDOT SPEC. + ++ + + ++ + 3149.2131) + + 6„ + MIN. =BC +12 "BC" DENOTES OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE PIPE FOUNDATION & BEDDING IN GOOD SOILS COMPACTED' BACKFILL ++ . + + + + + + + +. , +. i +. i +. & + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + BEDDING + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + FO NDATION AAA OURSE FILTER "BC" DENOTES OUTSIDE MINIMUM AGG. ( MNDOT SPEC. DIAMETER OF PIPE 2D +BC +12 3149.2H) PIPE FOUNDATION & BEDDING IN POOR SOILS PIPE BEDDING DETAILS FOR PVC & HDPE 3" R 1 /2" R 1 °4 3 a a ° 4 3" R SLOPE 3/4" per ft. ° N ° d ° r2 d ° i� a 4 ° d ° a ° a X" 8" Y" Curb Type X Y B612 12" 20" B618 18" 26" B624 24" 32" NOTES: 1. EXPANSION JOINT SPACING IS 100' 2. MIN. 3" CL. 5 UNDER C. &G. 3. CURB SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2531 LAST REVISED: Westwood B6 STYLE CURB AND GUTTER 11/14/11 S101 LAST REVISED: 11 /23/09 SS10 NOTE: CONCRETE WASHOUT AREAS WILL HAVE AN IMPERMEABLE LINER TO PREVENT CONCRETE WASHOUT WATER FROM INFILTRATING /CONTACTING WITH SOIL. IMPERMEABLE LINER INCLUDES 10 MIL POLY LINER OR COMPACTED CLAY LINER. WASHOUT SYSTEMS CAN BE USED AS ALTERNATE WASHOUT AREAS. SECTION A -A CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA LOAD FACTOR 1.5 LOAD FACTOR 1.5 kBLE LINER LAST REVISED: 08 /26 /08 GD08 6" MIN. COMPACTED BACKFILL R BC /4BUT NOT 0.5 BC MIN. LESS THAN 6' WW NORMAL �} BEDDING 0.5 BC MIN. COARSE FILTER AGGREGATE W MNDOT SPEC. 3149.2H CLASS C -1 CLASS C -2 HAND SHAPED FROM FIRM HAND SHAPED FROM ANGULAR UNDISTURBED SOIL BEDDING MATERIAL "BC" DENOTES OUTSIDE DIAMETER OF PIPE BARREL "W" BC +12" MINIMUM LOAD FACTOR 1.9 LOAD FACTOR 2.3 12" COMPACTED BACKFILL COMPACW BACKFILBC 0.5 BC I L-B W 2000# 4BUT NOT CONCRETE S THAN 6" ARSE FILTER AGGREGATE MNDOT SPEC. 3149.2H DLASS_111 CLASS A HAND SHAPED FROM ANGULAR CONCRETE BACKFILL TO 0.5 BEDDING MATERIAL OF OUTSIDE DIAMETER WITH SHAPED BEDDING. Westwood) PIPE BEDDING DETAILS FOR RCP & DIP #4 x 3' -0" Ca? 3' -0" CENTERS Li FOR WALK J #4 x 3' -0" Q V -6" CENTERS FOR ENTRANCE AREA U Q LENGTH & LOCATION NOTED ON PLANS \ 6x6 - 6/6 WELDED WIRE FABRIC MATCH ARCHITECTURAL PLAN ON 2 -1/2" `WIRE & REBARS IN STOOP AREA. a° 5" CONCRETE WALK d G / co 4" GRANULAR PER ARCHITECTURAL PLANS CURB TO EXTEND TO BOTTOM OF AGGREGATE BASE 3 "R TACK COAT 1 3 a° a BIT. PAVEMENT 3 AGG. BASE �>> #4 BARS NOTES: 1. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR WALK SCORING AND JOINT LAYOUT. 2. WALK SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2521 MIX NO. 3A32 WITH A 28 -DAY DESIGN STRENGTH OF 3900 -PSI. LAST REVISED: Westwood INTEGRAL CURB AND WALK 11/14/11 S105 FINISH GRADE CASTING 0 CASTING CASTING NO SCALE 000 OGG cc ® ®® ace ® ®® NOTES: CASTING TYPE 1. INFRASAFE 2'x2' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE OR & GUTTER ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. 3067 2. PLACE 400 - MICRON BAG IN EACH BASKET PER CURB MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. R- 3. PLACE GRATE OVER COLLECTION DEVICE. -VB 4. CLEAN AND MAINTAIN BASKETS WHEN SEDIMENT IN PAVEMENT OR GREEN SPACE IS MAXIMUM 3- INCHES FROM TOP OF BASKETS. -1642 5. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE CBMH CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL. R CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL. CBMH IN GREEN SPACE LAST REVISED: LAST REVISED: Westvviood MANUFACTURED 2'x2' Westwood 11/23/09 3362 INLET PROTECTION GD30 EXPANSION TRANSITION SECTION EXPANSION JOINT & FILLER TRANSITION SECTION JOINT & FILLER GUTTER LINE B -612 CURB B -612 CURB LCUTTER LINE A a ° L L_L_L,LLL_L a ° a �a LLL LLLL a ° a ° d LLLLLLLL ° °a 4' -0" T- 4' -0" I BITUMINOUS PAVING I A CATCH BASIN STRUCTURE PLAN VIEW DEPRESS CASTING 0.15' BELOW GUTTER LINE CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER BEYOND SEE DETAIL ST16 FOR CASTING TYPE BOULEVARD BITUMINOUS PAVING ADJUST BOX HEIGHT TO MATCH TOP OF CONCRETE CURB SET CASTING IN MORTAR BED USE ADJUST RINGS AS NEEDED AGGREGATE BASE C.B. STRUCTURE - PRECAST CONC. 24"x36" (INSIDE) GROUT INVERT IN THE FIELD PRECAST BASE LAST REVISED: _11.,/23/09 Westwood SS11 4" CONCRETE WALK WITH CONTRACTION JOINTS EVERY 5' AND EXPANSION JOINTS EVERY 100' OR AT 900 INTERSECTIONS SEE PLAN 2% CROSS SLOPE _ -III d 4 d O_ O_ O_ O_ O_ O_ O_ O_ 0_ 0_0_070_ 0_ 0_0 SECTION A -A STORM SEWER LAST REVISED: RECTANGULAR 24 2z 11 CATCH BASIN ST01 FACE C 4" MNDOT 3138 CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE NOTES: 1. SEE ARCHITECTURAL PLANS FOR WALK SCORING AND JOINT LAYOUT. 2. WALK SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2521 MIX NO. 3A32 WITH A 28 -DAY DESIGN STRENGTH OF 3900 -PSI. LAST REVISED: Westwood PRIVATE CONCRETE SIDEWALK 11 1411 S108 CASTING CASTING CASTING ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ®® ® ® ® ®® d U...H., ® ® ® ®® NO SCALE CASTING TYPE NOTES: & GUTTER 1. INFRASAFE 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE OR 3067 ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL. CURB 2. PLACE 400 - MICRON BAG IN EACH BASKET PER R- MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. -VB 3. PLACE GRATE OVER COLLECTION DEVICE. IN PAVEMENT OR GREEN SPACE 4. CLEAN AND MAINTAIN BASKETS WHEN SEDIMENT -1642 IS MAXIMUM 3- INCHES FROM TOP OF BASKETS. CBMH 5. CLEANING AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE R CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL. CBMH IN GREEN SPACE LAST REVISED: -4342 MANUFACTURED 2'x3' INLET PROTECTION 11/23/09 Westwood GD31 STRUCTURE LOCATION CASTING TYPE CURB & GUTTER R- 3067 -L CURB & GUTTER ® LOW POINT R- 3067 -VB STMH IN PAVEMENT OR GREEN SPACE R -1642 STAMPED "STORM SEWER" CBMH IN PAVEMENT R -2535 CBMH IN GREEN SPACE R -4342 CBMH IN VALLEY GUTTER R- 3362 -L OF U /�- ;RB 5' I4' 00 STORM SEWER CASTING SCHEDULE -I 11 1 5 °I FACE OF CURB CURB FACE OR RAMP LANDING GUTTER 5-4" MIN. 4' MIN. 5% APPROACH SLOPE MAX _T------- - - - - -' � RAMP 8.33% RAMP SEE NOTE #4 MAX. SLOPE 1/2" PREFORMED JOINT CONCRETE WALK FILLER MATERIAL SECTION A -A 6" HEIGHT MAX. SIDE FLARE ROUND ALL SLOPED 10% MAX. SLOPE INTERSECTIONS 5' MIN. 4' MIN. 5' MIN. SIDE FLARE RAMP SIDE FLARE ELEVATION OF RAMP NOTES: 1. PROVIDE A RELATIVELY FLAT MINIMUM 4'x4' LANDING BEHIND THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP, 2% MAXIMUM CROSS SLOPE BOTH DIRECTIONS. 2. CURB RAMP AREA TO BE CONCRETE AND MEET LATEST ADA REQUIREMENTS. RAMP CROSS SLOPE 2% MAXIMUM. BACK -TO -BACK PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL HAVE MINIMUM 48" LANDING BETWEEN, OR PROVIDE AT -GRADE CROSSING. 3. SIDE FLARES TO BE CONCRETE AND IMPLEMENTED WHERE ADJACENT TO PAVED AREAS. FLARED SLOPE TO BE 10% MAXIMUM. EXISTING CURB RAMP ALTERATIONS, WITH NO LANDING, SHALL BE 8.33% MAXIMUM. PROVIDE 10% MAXIMUM SLOPE, UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. 4. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCURS AT THE FLOW LINE MAY NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 INCH. 5. RAMP AND FLARED SIDE SURFACE TO BE MEDIUM BROOM FINISH, PERPENDICULAR TO TRAVEL PATH. 6. WALK SHALL BE PER MnDOT SPEC 2521 MIX NO. 3A32 WITH A 28 -DAY DESIGN STRENGTH OF 3900 -PSI. LAST REVISED: Westwood PRIVATE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP 04/27/12 S109 LAST REVISED: _114L9/15 /15 ST16 Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Free 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: BCW Checked: BCW Drawn: JSB Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: 1 Add C2.2 and C4.2, Note Changes to C3.0 and C4.0, Detail Update C6.1 2 City Comments 3 City Comments I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Brad C Wi&ening 10/18/2016 t No. 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Details Date, 09/01/16 Sheet: C6.0 0010055.00DTF01.dwg 2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. HANDICAP PARKING 8' 8' 8' SPACE WITH PAINTED NOTE: BOTTOM OF F __1 MIN. MIN. MIN INTERNATIONAL SYMBOL SIGNS TO BE OF ACCESSIBILITY WITH MOUNTED 60 " -66" CONTRASTING SQUARE FROM PARKING GRADE, RESERVED II Can BACKGROUND, CENTERED SEE SIGN POST PARKING w ® ° "'Ha\�' TOWARD DRIVE AISLE INSTALLATION DETAIL 7" CONCRETE PAVEMENT W/ #4 REBAR AT 16" O.C. EACH WAY p CAP REQUIRED o aN� DOE D CURE 1 w o PAS 6" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5 SEE DETAIL SI01 I I w a VEHICLE ID HANDICAP PARKING COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR) ONLY II - HANDICAP SIGN REQUIRED VAN SIGNAGE PER I II I � � SIGN, 12 "X18 ", OR CENTERED AT HEAD CONCRETE PAVEMENT HANDICAP 2" GALVANIZED L J UP TO $200 FINE PER LOCAL CODE OF SPACE ON CENTER 9 z ACCESSIBLE STEEL PIPE, FOR VIOLATION C2 ACCESSIBLE ROUND, SET IN STRIPE HANDICAP VAN Cn SIGNAGE AND CONCRETE ACCESSIBLE PARKING to STRIPING HANDICAP PARKING VAN DETAIL SIGN, 12 "X6 ", OR PER z w 7'- 0 5' -0" TO IN Na ® ACCESS AISLE WITH ACCESSIBLE w PA KI LOCAL CODE, 1-1/2" MnDOT TYPE 2360 SPWEB340B WEARING COURSE � O CENTER PARKING PAINTED 12" HIGH AS APPLICABLE / 9 J uv MnDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT � w OF SIGN LETTERING OF "NO HANDICAP .-.� 0 12 LONG - GALVANIZED 3 LB. 2,_O" PARKING" CENTERED SIGN 2" MnDOT TYPE 2360 SPNWB330B BASE COURSE o 0 U- CHANNEL SIGN POST MOWING MIN. NOTE: SEE PLAN FOR TOWARD DRIVE AISLE °p L`' CD 6" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5 PERSPECTIVE `.� o _ 6 "0 CONCRETE FILLED STEEL EDGE 3' -0" PARKING LAYOUT ~- PAVEMENT 4" WIDE PAINTED 50 COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR) NO SCALE Q m N POST PAINTED BLUE NOTE: TOP STRIPING AT 45 BTTU MOUS PAVEMENT (HEAVY DUTY I � o I OF ALL HANDICAP SIGNS TO BE DEGREES AND AT 2' 10" DIAMETER CENTER I- SET AT UNIFORM HEIGHT elf O.C. EE ACCESS AISLE SYMBOL IN PARKING w w C° �� REGARDLESS OF VAN ACCESSIBLE 7/7/711 I I' C� a _ z I SIGN OR PENALTY FINE SIGN 2' -0" I I • 6 STEEL I` I cn L ' ": add o STALL, ALL LINES MIN. I r • CASING I (00 _ ® ° "� ® I TO BE 5" WIDE. 0" t 311, I I I w 1- a FACE OF CURB N I Q INCLUSION. I BEAVERTAIL � � CONCRETE w u FOOTING , I g ° 0 SIDEWALK 2" MnDOT TYPE 2360 SPWEA240B WEARING COURSE II; I I rl CONCRETE CURB L J o MnDOT SPEC. 2357 BITUMINOUS TACK COAT III &GUTTER N 2 -1/2" MnDOT TYPE 2360 SPNWB230B BASE COURSE 2000 P.S.I. CONCRETE 10" ,I " 12 4 67 50 8" MnDOT SPEC. 3138 CLASS 5 I' F� HANDICAP SIGN 3„ NOTE: STRIPING TO CENTERED AT HEAD COMPACTED SAND SUBGRADE (100% STANDARD PROCTOR) o SECTION A —A 91 ••� I u I, •• SIGN INSTALLED IN HANDICAP STALL PARKING SIGN MATCH PARKING, OF SPACE, 2' MIN. 1 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (STANDARD DUTY NO SCALE LANDSCAPE AREA INSTALLED IN PARKING LOT V UNLESS PER LOCAL AND 8' MAX. FROM `if NOTE: 1= NOTE: SIGN TO BE 2 -SIDED WHERE CODE FACE OF CURB 1. 8618 SIMILAR - HANDICAP PARKING STALLS FACE ONE HANDICAP HANDICAP ANOTHER PARKING SYMBOL LAST REVISED: LAST REVISED: LAST REVISED: LAST REVISED: LAST REVISED: Westwood SIGN INSTALLATION 03/03/08 Westwood HANDICAP ACCESSIBLE SIGNAGE 05/04/15 Westwood PAVEMENT SECTIONS 08/31/16 vftstvvow BEAVERTAIL CURB (13612) 05/12/11 Westwood SIGN POST WITH BOLLARD 06/03/15 SI14 AND STRIPING I I S137 NOTES: 1. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE SHOP DRAWINGS FOR of APPROVAL. FIELD VERIFY CONDITIONS. 2. RAILING AND STAIRS BOTH SIDES OF STAIRS AND PER ADA REQUIREMENTS. 3. ALL HARDWARE TO BE GALVANIZED OR CONTRACTION JOINTS STAINLESS STEEL, AND FINISH TO MATCH RAILING. 4. RAILING FINISH TO BE PRIMED AND PAINTED. / I COLOR TO PER OWNER. 2.5' IIIN I CONCRETE SWALE I PROp�R'SV LtN� �1121"AR BORROW 4" OR 6" CONCRETE WALK BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH - W DEPTH - 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMLNTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH - 12" CONTRACTION JOINTS - 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS - 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH DISTING DLPTH, 4" MINIMUM Standard Plate Library Typical Sidewalk City of Monticello Date¢ Plate No. 03 -05 LAST REVISED: Revised: 03 -15 5012 08/01/16 S147 R/W 6G• R T I T2' OR 14' 74' 32° OR 98' FACE TO FACE � VARIES MODIFIED DESIGN C F— CURB & GUTTER '.00% 6 I 2.00% s MX 4.oaz •'' yy� MD LCH AN TOrS I GEm, MU OR sDD Q (TTICAL) 2` LL' 4/2 236U BITUMINOUS WEARING COURSE 2" WRE 2360 BITUMINOUS NON - WEARING COURSE 6" CLASS Y sRAVCL (.I 12' TO 24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2'- 6- BEHIND CURB) (D 6" MINIMUM SCARIFY AND COMPACT SUBGRADE © 2 RC— OF SOD TO BE PLACED BEHIND CURB MD SIDEWM /TRAIL. (} THE USE u+) THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR DISTURPED AREA, ED ROW IS EASED DN E%ISTPNG SOIL CONDTRONS AS DETERMINED By THE CITY ENDINEER. STREET WIDTH TO BE OE IVIED BY THE CITY CONSTRUCTION SITE ENGINEER. ® RAT 4" PERFOED PP. PIPE WRH FABPoO- IN$TAIA WHERE CIAY SUILS ME ENCOUNTERED IN THE RCAIIWAY SUBGRADE 0R AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGIN € €R. SEE PLATE 4006 FUR DETAILS STABILIZED STORAGE Title: Typical Street Standard Plate Library AREA OR STAGING Residential (Minor) City of Monticello Date: Plate No. Q/ Q/ ® Q 0 03 -05 EXISTING PAVED 5002 Revised: fly -1 Ei I a m I Title: Standard Plate Library Mud Mat Entrance City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 06 -14 6003 Revised: 06-14 where - sheeting, place sod strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. SHINGLING SOD 04 Where the flow of water is concentrated, place sod slips perollel to the direction of OVERLAPPING SOD water flaw. NOTE Although pegging of sod is not specifically required it is understood thot the contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including repair or replacement of sad which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of protection or proper care. Title: Standard Plate Library Sod Placement City of Monticello Date: 03 -07 Plate N°. 4 Revised: 03 -15 6010 J HAND RAIL, 1 1/2" DIAMETER TUBULAR STEEL, WELD AND GRIND ALL JOINTS, POSTS 6' MAXIMUM SPACING 3" RADIUS (TIP.) 1/2" RADIUS, NOSE I_ 6» RISE CONCRETE STEPS WITH NON -SLIP FINISH AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS V 10 TREAD SLOPE 1/8" PER FOOT 1 12" RAILING POST: SURFACE MOUNT OR EMBEDDED (6" DEPTH) EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) ADJACENT PAVEMENT (TYP.) C #5 REBAR @ NOSE, 2" CLEAR (TYP.) 6 6» #4 REBAR @ 12" O.C. MAX. EACH WAY, 3" CLEAR SEE PLAN Westwood CONCRETE STAIR AND RAILING DETAIL LAST REVISED: os 1s S11 49 3 Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Free 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: XV Checked: BCW Drawn: JSB Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: 1 Add C2.2 and C4.2, Note Changes to C3.0 and C4.0, Detail Update C6.1 2 City Comments 3 City Comments I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENG]l under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ,,-w 6 a, Brad C Wilkening >D9z 10/18/2016 LimmNo, 269M Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Details Date, 09/01/16 sheet: C6.1 0010055.0ODTF01.dwg DISTURPED AREA, CONSTRUCTION SITE STABILIZED STORAGE AREA OR STAGING AREA Q/ Q/ ® Q 0 EXISTING PAVED L� 12, MIN- ---I CONSTRUCTION MATS, WOVEN OR TRIM ROADWAY 50' MM END OVERLAP 19• MIN SIDE OVERLAP TRIM END OVERLAP WITH SPIKES OR STAKES STRAP ....................... CONNECTORS CONSTRUCTION MAT END OVERLAP TNTERLDCK WITH STRAP CONNECTORS I a m I Title: Standard Plate Library Mud Mat Entrance City of Monticello Date: Plate No. 06 -14 6003 Revised: 06-14 where - sheeting, place sod strips perpendicular to the direction of water flow. SHINGLING SOD 04 Where the flow of water is concentrated, place sod slips perollel to the direction of OVERLAPPING SOD water flaw. NOTE Although pegging of sod is not specifically required it is understood thot the contractor will be responsible for the successful establishment of the sod including repair or replacement of sad which becomes displaced or damaged due to lack of protection or proper care. Title: Standard Plate Library Sod Placement City of Monticello Date: 03 -07 Plate N°. 4 Revised: 03 -15 6010 J HAND RAIL, 1 1/2" DIAMETER TUBULAR STEEL, WELD AND GRIND ALL JOINTS, POSTS 6' MAXIMUM SPACING 3" RADIUS (TIP.) 1/2" RADIUS, NOSE I_ 6» RISE CONCRETE STEPS WITH NON -SLIP FINISH AGGREGATE BASE, CLASS V 10 TREAD SLOPE 1/8" PER FOOT 1 12" RAILING POST: SURFACE MOUNT OR EMBEDDED (6" DEPTH) EXPANSION JOINT (TYP.) ADJACENT PAVEMENT (TYP.) C #5 REBAR @ NOSE, 2" CLEAR (TYP.) 6 6» #4 REBAR @ 12" O.C. MAX. EACH WAY, 3" CLEAR SEE PLAN Westwood CONCRETE STAIR AND RAILING DETAIL LAST REVISED: os 1s S11 49 3 Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Free 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: XV Checked: BCW Drawn: JSB Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: 1 Add C2.2 and C4.2, Note Changes to C3.0 and C4.0, Detail Update C6.1 2 City Comments 3 City Comments I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENG]l under the laws of the State of Minnesota. ,,-w 6 a, Brad C Wilkening >D9z 10/18/2016 LimmNo, 269M Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Details Date, 09/01/16 sheet: C6.1 0010055.0ODTF01.dwg 2016 Westwood Professional Services, Inc. A CURB HEIGHT H CURB WIDTH W ij `t L - - -I '6.1 6" PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON `+� LANDING RAMP NON - WALKABLE f SURFACE rL' INSET A INSET A . 5 FLFFE AYARE , � I ' WALK P '' x NOTES[ LAHbINGS SHALL M LOCATED ANYWHERE THE PMEsTRIAN ACCESS PoErn CHANGE$ r: =NT a GUTTER Rr1 (R�}LIHE �E OF C I ( FRONT rFit FLOR LINE EDV,E 6FF f 1 ✓1 1%SN. TB i/Y YA4Y. BACK Of CURE FLOW LINE $ A I ,� VP7T{HAML M•41OAM( . T'j ./� GR MABYH6 2 • —OPTIONAL V -CURB [Aj DERE {T[#L AT TAE TOP OF AAWS THAT OXYE RIRRANAG SLOPES WATER THAN 5,.41E AAi] IF tlq APPROAExTNG WALK Ts DR'€RSE cRAaaE % A •. A ,31 w + `��a y..,� V2" R. fTYP:h y y •. t SX WUx - i `. d•. - i!2' RFfYP.3 .. -R4NT Or GUTTER DPTIUHAL V C,AB FYDIN i'ALKAILE 4R - 9 L7tAU1NG INITIAL ftft Rude LANDINGS SHALL 1E CONSTRtICfCD WITHIN 15 °fYNOM TIE 1ACA T, p _ n.• 4 + e. , + - +. y .., ,. •q A. DR ORADTNG ( .�y WALi.ARLE SIAPAEE *qE i s'MAX _. T - `J + 1� _ _ _ _ OF Ctlfb.. WITH 5' FROM THE BACK OF p;AS BEING THE PREFERRED DLSTAHCE. stcp [FIAT tuen AAw LAND]N44 ANE REOL+IRE¢ rok fvm iw OF wATIcK kist d''' } : + + --�.� �._.= • PERP£WOICULAR 4 ice ` A O Q Q G I �J •, � WHEN THE LDKOETUOINAL SLOPE 13 MEArER THAN 5.4%. 2R• 1 -HY ^e I S 1 P .- , A - `. —Q , � •• + CONTRACT [fNV JODHTS SHALL @E �CNN$TRUCTED ALONG ALL GRADE MREAAS. ALL MADE BRCARS WItHW1 THE PAR SHALL SE PEFFFNTHIPLAR TO THE PATH OF TRkVo- .. .... r _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ G ••. DIAGONAL Q : S 0 ibN- YfALNAILL SoAtIiCB M _ - _ L 1 y 5 T4 ENSURE S RAAFS AND LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY EE NNT DITAIL5 ON $H MAY CAST SEPARATELY AST SW $iDTELY. RE•WFCHHICEAENT RETAILS 9M SHEET 5 WHEN LAFDIFlCS AAE CASE SEPARATELY. Nlhl PERPENBIC1iAR P €FHP €hXCULAR ('k) ' L°A , +. ALL SLOPES AK 0S]LUYF, RATHER THAN RELATIVE TO S{DCwA MOADWAY GRA!ftM (j! F • � 4 :-. (�] WALKABLE SUFTACE 10P OF CLAW SHALL MATCH PROPOSED ADJACENT ■AAA QA L INSET A NOR- WAUKANUE 09 NDTC- 11ALWAlILE OR Q F LAMINSS SHALL OE LCCOLTE13 ANYWHERE THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE CHANGES DIRECTION, AT THEE TOP OF AAWS THAT NAVE RUPNMG SLOK5 GREATER THAN SAIL `P '� K - UACK OF SUAB n I FLAPf � 4' WH@WIM WMTH OF CETE4rAELE WARNING T3- F6EARRCP FOR ALO FAME [ DETECTABLE WARNINGS SMALL COATTRWYDUSLY EXTEND FOR A kDdML A OF 24" IN THE PATH Of PEDESTRIAN CURB is GUTTER ACCESS ROUTE CETAIL WNJLABLE SURFACE 9 WAtFMLE SURFACE I • 9 IUD IF THE APFROACNINO WALK IS TNYERSE ORAOE. � FLOW LINE ' ^' � � TRADED. SHARED USE PATHS SHALL RAVE DETECTABLE MARNVNT ACROSS THE ENTIRE OF PATH TIE PATH CROSSES ROAD. FLARE FLAW • • • ' • " 2 WIDTH WHEN A - A DUTUL CM RAW LN41KINGS SMALL 1E CONSTRICTED MITHO/ L5•FRDW THE IAA$ FAMN OF OUTTER ;'MA% Y SEE. STANDARD PLATE 7034 AND swu A OF 5 r4W ADDITIONAL LIEIULS ON DETECTA&E RAINING, Gr CURB. WITH f'FF*M THE BACK OF CTRL VETMG THE PREFERRED DISTANCE. Sft6YbdAT GAFFE AMP LAMINGS AAE REWIRED ROk EYEAY !,G- OF VERTICAL RME (D O' CURB MENKT. WHEM THE LOMBCTIUOINAL SLOPE 15 GREATER THAN SAX, FULL CLPA .P1GNT. TIERED PER ENI}ICULAR FAN CHSNTRA.LTION MORTIS SHALL Of CLYLSTRUCTED AtW ALL gAAOE BREAKS. ALL CRAVE BREMS WTTIAN THE PAR SMALL BE PERPEN010AAR TO THE PATH Of TRAVEL- AOJACEHT TO NON-WALKABLE WIFACE AOJACE`rXT TO R'ALKABLE SURFACE �} 3a MINIMUM CURB NCIMT, 4+ PREFERRED, A 1/2° PREFDWED JMF FIRLER WATE RIAI AAS,HTO M 213, JOINT FILLER SMALL BE PLACED � SAKILIT A C- TO ENSURE RARP$ Aq LAMW5 AE PROPERLY COHCTRUCTEW LAM045 MAY COMBINED DIREC.TIDNA'L 0 PLUSH WITH THE MACY OF OM Ark ADJACENT SMEWAUW.. JOINT SHALL DE FIFE OF DEORES. R[CTYNGULAW DETECTABLE WAANN91 $NALL K SETOACK Y FROM THE BACK OF CUR& WILL 4ERT NVM SAYILTR Blr. Y. 1E CAST SEPAAATfi_Y.A T SP S10EWAt. R,EINrDRCEMEPNT CLERICS FHFI .SAIEEi 5 WHEN LAHDTNRR ARE CAST SEPARATELY. ALL SLOPES ARE ABSOLUTE. RYTIER TIAUP RELATIVE TO 61DEWAAKfR4ALIMAY GRADES, RADFAL WTEOTARE WAANPAO5 SHALL K WI)JCK $' MIN,TQ R "MA %�THQW THE RACK 0f ,gam [i) SEE PLVESTHIAM ACCESG ROtN[ dAt@ AND CUTTER OPENINGS. EEL FOR INFORMATION K.I O ON [ML57R;1CY RHG CLMIR AM ORAT'iFR At CAAV OPEHfTBa5.5EE SIEEi NOES IY '� EDGE 4A� EYIStING BIT. PAHIIENT Z. WITta PATHH AmL N PATCH If7' R LTtip•A PAEWEN7 5 A S EXISTING SIT. PAYEAFTHI Ri =M]vE ® rBPLA[f If2" R. IT7Pa Ex[ST RNG [CRTs ANO CUTTER M Top of CURS SWILL MATCH F. ADJACENT WALK GRAIL A' W]DTH OF 9ETECTABLE 15 REOUIRLD FOR ALL RAW S. DETECTABLE OPTIONAL 4 CURD• � GRAVING W FLAB I,�• V a'BT A' MIN. "WINO WITH MAIL 2,0% SLOPE LM ALL DIRECTIONS, I@ PAVEmot 4 .° 4,! 1,5 — —(i WSNDh" VARNING WARNEw4S SMALL CONTITRMNISLY EXTEND FOR A MTMWW OF 24' IN THIS PATH # V IT LpHO1i LEHINAL SLErAE 15 GREATER 4HAHx S.Ph. 4• x A- MIN, CONKING WITH SiA%. 2.Ok SLOPE IN T':q A -4 �° d . 4 .r. P .4 ,. ° Hr '7 y. 4 ° + '< .6 _ ]° ARN• * A W..� S TTLAYI:... SHAPED HTSE PATHS SMALL HAVE OETECTA� AIAANDAIG ACROSS THE ENTIRE a Q GRADE BREAK RwW 1MAA RAHIp ALL DIRECTIONS REOLTRED. '. 4 � 4 OPT14►UL P LUKE WIDTH CF PATH WIETH THE PATH CHN75SES A RDA0. NON- WALI•,AffiE 5HAfACE s' WAX MAR. YBI SLEPT MAC.LOIL SLAP(. 1N DIREtIIEN.5 s Y CAIFPB, IF 1.150. SMALL 6E PLAR6V WiSIVE THE SIDEWAUI LIMITS TOI(N P4,M OF PAY ALLOWS. # # A +': •.+ 3' ' i* A #:r, s # OR f91•A4F1NG e SEE STANDARD vLAfE TQ],E AIRY SHlEET A OF 3 FOR ADDITIONAL [LYRICS OR '➢E"fECTA1LE WAANERC. Ott ' IN ALL D7PIEETTVHAS p�I SEE S,ACET H CF S. TYPICAL SIDE -TREATMENT GPiIONNS. FIR' RETAILS ON FUPES r r. E .N t- i+ A . i•'..'i .. +.. a 't: I -. . -.. ..# SAyKuT Y i .- 1. 2 M• CUM Htjcd. k• rt UHF (<2] NQH •4ALAABLE V' AM RETlMMD F,mu� - I (? FILL I RI FCEOHT. , 1 W'4Af G �I NON- WALKAMS m SIWHFACE 't: • SURGACE E;,, MAx Z.4% 5L.CPE IN ALL V{THECF[VN5 IM FRONT OF GRADE UTEAK AM MAIN TP FLOW LIME. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED INTEGRAL WITH CUR@ AND 1UTTER. CURB ANO GUTTER {6� ETCCTAELE WARNINGS WAY HE PART OF A' x Vt NDMU AREA OF 1T IS HOT g A : C7 �• • FOR ALL OIRECTIOWAL ROADS, TO BL �iF-14 ORCEMENT PARALLEL FEASIBLE TO CGRSTRICT THE LANDING OUTSIDE OF TIC DETECTABLE WARNMAG AMA. Ilr JD[NF fRLER AA AA NT WORM JOINT TAMER SHALL 4E PCAMO PWIN _ _ A - - .•:;.� U'ZD PLACE OolES AT THE BACK of URA TREK ALLDWAffif 3ETOA[H oREtER]A IS E%[EEGEe. FOR USE ON GURU RAW RETROFITS !?:° FLU D il)L DT RCAA.ES. M CWAA AND SIDEWALK.. JOINT BEETLE M TOE I TAE MECCA - F A ECT SHALLL. BE K OF REC RAA14U6AR UETE4TABLE WAANCIAC'S SMALL BE 3EI6ACK $° FROM THE BACK OF ELK& OA 2 ��}} 4 L'd _ WITH EORH R505 Y S FFRGM BACK DA aRB, F 9' SETBACA "MEKACEEPEL SE ftA¢fAL MAR, 4.O" }— �I OETTE T WA41NWS SWLLL BE SETBACK I- NIMMU T6 E' WAXIWA FROM Q M1'1' OCTLCTAM RARNWS. NOTEST [ GLRAd AM 9UTrfR SEE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS IDEATE CURB AAD CUTTER DETAIL FOR INFORMATION CNP >F mNFWNCRKTL BLVD. IS CONSTRICTED AMD 12 WIEM M0 CDNtRE[E FLARES AM PVIOPGSF , THE 1aWMTE WALK SHALL 9E FDPIMED AM Posinm rLOW LINE CAADWE SMALL BE MAINTAINED T44OUG H THE PEDESTKUM I /A" LTNASTMXTPK CURB A* CUTTER AT CURB (FEHIK5. SEE SHEET ND, 3 OF S. LESS THAN Y IN WIPTN AT TW aN- CLRB OMI57fPCTED PERPENDICULAR T4 TIC BACK OF CLRB. MAINTAIN 3• BETWEEN EDGE Of ACCESS ROUTE W&RHAT A 7% MAXIMUM, .. °: .y'` - •`• ; r H. 5 R'Br A "MDR. LANDING WITH WAK.ZDk SLOPE IN AYl DIRECTIONS. T SLOPE IS 4NCATER TAUH R• x A' MIN, LANIORHO WITH MAX LOSLOPE TRAACtMT BACK CONCIETE RAMP WIDTH To J W W.ASE T BACK IOM CLH�. DETECTABLE WARNING PLACEMENT WHEN A.' OF CMHCRET OOHES N3 WGE - E, FRONT EVCE OF PETEETAVLE WARN ;NR $AMAL IN SET CAC% 2"WYT:FWAM WHEN AWACENT TO SAWCLNT BIT. SAWCUT NO FORDING SttAtL BE PRESENT IN THE PAM. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCAMG AT THE FLW LUC SMALL NOT BE GREATER TRAM 6,62 FT.rF°R. AEA%. t` #Y 6, , . >MN FT✓FI.ANO EONCIIETE S4OBB F7. /FT PREFEAREO , 2. IN c 2.N,6 SLOPE DA ALL mFErnDNS MwIIIED. e v BHMEI, IF USED, SMALL K PLACED WTSIDE U€ 11DEMALA LJMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY YLLOWS. SEE SNEfT S OF S, ONE -WAY DIRECTIONAL SETBACK CRITERIA I5 EXCEEDED WALKABLE SIYRF.AOE, OHIO S. MAAIAKIM WMEH ADJAELxT TO HMN- WALKABLE 57WW'ACE WITH ME CORNEA SET P MON 6ACII OF CURL WHETHER A SIAHrnc ES WALKABLE OR NDT SHALL K DETERMBED BY THE EHIGIHEER FAVF.REMT VARIABLE DEPTH CONCRETE BASE EXISTING 81T. PAVEMENT 2' WI. PATCH CONCRETE PA4TAEHR EXISTUN CONCRETE PAVfP& -MT VR [N{Pf. �j FOR USE AT CURB wTS 'AHEM THE REIIESTWIAN-9 RATIH OF TRAVEL 15 ASSULID MUlt PEAPEHDTCULAR TO THE CUTTER FLVR IBA{, ROAR T,'PES iNCLUPEA FANS, PEPRE55EP WALK DEPRESSED CORNER S SEE EWER 4 Of LTYPICA_ SIDE TR[ATWENT CPTI'NNS,FEA DERAILS oN rLARES C3 5 L ] 1/Y" R. ETYPS Ci CO 3 erx' R. CTTP,] COWR5,1 ONE OAT AND COY61MM DDHECTIONALS. SECTION A -A PERT 'ENDIELILARITjEREClfDIAGONAL AM RETURNED CURS. DIKi[NAY RAMPS SHOULD ONLY TI USED AFTER ALL OTHER CURB RdY1° T'PPES HAVE KEEN E4AtUATEp APK7 DCSiICO ]WFRAfT {CAL. DX LE'CEND THESE LMAG SHALL BL TIE SI-TTAW; POINT. 9' •. ':p = 'p r{ I A. _+ #• A' A +: $ 4 r ,,q �,. # 4 `i 4 H a -. ": N'' x fGR USE L CIAO CUTS WHERE THE PECESTR1A�P5 YPE I TRAVEL R ASIWLA PERPEHVTOLLAR TD THE CAf FENt F1OM LIK RAH IrPES 11AOL DE, PERPEHDICDLAR, TIERED PERPElEDiCULAAE lARALLEL, AfEF OIAPA'MAFL RAAPE, CURB GM C{ym CIRV A1Ca CLIRT3 AFIJ DUFFER GUTTEM A•V,. xs= DUIRE¢ tdlQPq A% VAR. RAMP' ETTONS WARRANT. T. LONG lF SITE inb[TTw1E WAPAANT. LOHGITUDRUL SLOPES W TO ILST: OR FLAFTEA ARE AELg1EO. y d- n Y d. i A' + A - t {.. t:4 �. T -A -' 4 4 4 e . 4 ' f ;' aTA r A -� • r 1A i + T { �'� THCTHE SKULL M NO MTICAL blMmIPWITUM. EAERTM THAN U,r. VINRL AFrq 17141Tr MD. i IET'VxY4LTEO ]W' LGIM. YLE OARS At 3d' RENTER TO vAA. •. " :fH• R � — — — DECEITS $ .. ., • .'r . S R9ICATES PfCLSTPIAN RAMP -SLOPE SMALL BE BETWEEN Salk MINTAI:AM APFb d. 3k WAx1AW Ek THE DTADCTSdN SHtlaHH _ `�r Y � �.� y � ,°.'y; i"{p #� A��� CENTER. DITfl EXISTING fM1H[Rf4E PAVEMENT. CHANGE TAKES PLA '�fE F'NDN THE ExW*TkAb KD FTEW PRgNT Dr GUTTER, V4., R. a * + + ` THESE CONOIRITN S SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE T+W: STARTING LIP POVlT. IF SBTE WARRAHT,LNfG1TLWDINAL SLOPES UR To I.AV RAMP • • AND THE EAOSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EME 2D% -0; EIEYAT1aH PATCH S USE➢ TO MATCH THE NEW WTTOR FAIR INTO THE EXISTING RDAGWYT, +" • �:+ ' ♦' °,'.' , • A ' • a .Y ' + ' [• TE]R RE:L MTB RAYTR ATE ALLwETI_ - _: -.. r . d S' tOHNp1ETL RACK. F IFKFI4ATE4 PEOESTNIAIH ROAN - SLOPE SMALL M 4AEATER T.o, AND LESS THAN 5kX 1N THE DIECTINA SMON S TH itq 4A A w AA RI �lE WIDTH FOR D RECTlON QMRB APPLICATIONS,. 1SHALL .* ..r ... 7.02 rLeFT.MAX. A CflH1r.ICTE D.tp KT.lf7, MAIL S L ]rAI]EA *E$ PETAESTRIAN RAMP .. ROPE SIHAA.L BETWEFAI - AND E,3X IN THE UBFEOT{CM S+HORAH SAX FFW � ::::: ..... NCH- WALHAKE OR � :• �•••� 4 4R05S SLOPE NOT E %114 Y_Ok T TOP FRONT OF GtFFTEA BE M45TWCFU FLUSH PITH FROP05M ADJANCENT PAVEAHENT ELEVATIVR. PAR VMTTER..SHILL NOT DE DYERLARI. EOKNYAETE L >D•O2 FTJF "1. AHi] CWM HAxD,O MD kNE tMi9SS SLOPE irl'ASi Of EIAPEE6 2d@k N'AL %ABLE 9:HPFA[{ 2.�- PAVEMENT TREATMENT APT IONS �}g WIiA£ RL AX SP'{LjFES, OREL AHEM B�tiT 2 - 1KS,W x Rt ^LANG [E#IfDR'EClCN1 a WALK SEEDS FT,/FT PRUER?FD SECTION B -B SECTION C -C PAAAiLEV%DEPRES50 CORNER []F THAN 2M AND LESS AN - • SIOFE HALL BE Of$ATLN SHOWN II AND CROSS AND SMALL POT MM 7-Irk 4� � BACK or BACK GUTIEJI CLAfE ELA1 SECTION O -B 1N FRONT OF CURB & GUTTER FOR USE DH CLRB RAAF RETROFITS BARS ecev" OPATED], FAH TFEW �� l rAEYx1La FLAW Alec �y +eEWP �'�' 1WTT #, AE4LSEd, RL415tDMI • ` L y PEDESTRIAN CURB. RAMP DETAIL'S RE4ISEDMe - FRONT 4F • + GUTTER } PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS REn3Eh4 g� `; PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS JWFAAOVEpF - [4 0E- 4 AHwRy+I1M STANDARD PLAN 5- 297e25 1 ?L x= PRPVEpF - [4 7 ANPRR+FBi CURB FOR DIRECTIONAL RAAiPS STANDARD ARQ PLAN 5- 297e25� � OF 5 APPBAI']EPF - - [R t � � AH•RGImH ° STANDARD PLAN 5- 29i.25d 3 OF 5 f -- rP,„ TTAG SRI¢ TFMiR I _6 -2014 c 8 -6 -2014 *� FTA,S ACRIGR tH�Tµ'IR 8 -6 -2014 #rP „A�` TA,L WLTP F�PRLK� , LANDIHIG' MAULAILE RAIM� WAAx AWLS RMN£A4'E SRRRACE pBIE -LpUEX M-1PX PEARLY 1 PAVED FLARES ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACE , LAANDTTiE M °-WFAEE PAAp rAjeH WATA I L& „ Cdknu CONCRETE—L FLARE rLAAe 'T MINDWAA PAYEU FLARES AIJACEW TO NON- VALKAELE SURFACE LANDING: FARRW RESIGN V LCO) t DERGN V SEE. APPACUC11 RAIF AROSE GE7AA NCH- WALKIE NO SURFACE ..... 'aWr ACE StRFAOE :�-• Y DIRECT20H OF TRAFFIC RETURNED CLRB LAATIRNG R1 MP } SN/IFAiMAEE J K NON "?LE A-1 GRAM f FLARE - FLARE, GRACED FLARES TYPICAL SIDE TREATMENT OPTIONS Q HE4ISIDNe APPRDVEDF - [4 LATCH INPLACE B- IVC65URED ATF FTHAP� AACN£ I ORP EO FOR A WIMS• LENGTH IMEASUREO ALMD FLDW LOCI DETECTABLE EDGE WITH CURB AND GUTTER Q +L� DE£10HT Y� TORT 6tr1 1'” CL" AirT L T� OF TMPRAER ILITTEA 4 SECTION A -1 1 2' APPROACH NOSE DETAIL FOR OMMSTRFAM SIDE OF TRAFFIC ti *119% l -f aA 15� sFAn l�.o>'rc MUM 5 4 CT I I 5 6 (OD RADIAL DETECTABLE MIARHING RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE ,11ARNING DETECTABLE EDGE WITHOUT CURB AND GUTTER NOTE& SEE STAWARS PLATE TP3B AM THIS SHEET FCQ APVETTONAL 4ETAIL5 ON EA TFETABLF WARNING - WHETHER A SURFACE IS WALKABLE OR NOT SMALL BE PETER 11"M BY THE ETIONEER, CONNCRETE FLARE LEWTHS AV.ACENT TO HAJN- WALKABLE SURFACES 54RU BE LES5 THAN B'LOMG MGSIWED ALONG THE WAmPs rAm THE BALM. EF cum, D" Cum REIGN% FULL CURS HEIO4- 2' - 3' FLARE. IMMOVARLC 48,£CT OR DBSTRUC730R. SIDE TREerwiT5 AfIE APPLICABLE TO ALL RAMP TYFET: AND SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED AS MCEEHED CH ALL RAMPS AS FIELD GENDITIOMS PMIA.TE. THE ENGIKM SHALL DETERVIKE THE RAMP' SIDE TRFATM)kT3 BASED ON MAINTENANCE Of BOTH ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK, ADJACENT PROPERTY GONSIOt1tAI IONS -,MU MMO•ATINS CMGTIIIOCTION IMPACTS. WHIN RO CON RETE "RES WE PROP105ED,TME CONCRETE WALK SMALL BE FORMED AND CGNHSTAUCIED PUdTJONCU LAII To THE COGS Or ROADWAY. MAINTAIN S' KIWEEN EDGE EP DOMES 4NB MIX Or CTNNCRFTL IF He UN ANO c TIER Ns PLACM W RURAL 5ECTICH2;, [ ETECTABLE WAATYNGS SHALL. aE PLACED I•FROM THE EDGE OF ROADWAY TO PROYME VISUAL CONTRAST. MALL COKTRUCTED CUMM MUST HAVE 1 COKTIMNU5 DETECTABLE EDGE FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAMD. TTINS MTOCTA9EE EDGE REOIUIRES MUCTABLE MAANINM WHEREOM THERE IS ZERO -INCH HHGM CURB. CURB TAPERS ARE CONSIDERM A DETECTABLE EDGE WHIM THE TAFER "ARTS %TTHOR 37' OF THE EDGE OF THE DETECTABLE WARMNOS AND ,IHTF4RM.Y RISES TO A 3•TNCH MOCMU A CURB ICILMT. ANY CLRB HOT PART OF A CM TAPER AND LE135• THAN 3 DAMS IN *EIGHT 15 NOT CONSIDERED A DETECTAILLE EDGE AND THEREFORE It NND1 COMPLIANT W.ITM ACEESSIMILITY SNANOARDS. PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS RD EIN 13-6 -2014 1 STANDARD PLAN 5- 297.250 1 4 OF 5 36" MAX. 3 , _ LANDING 36" MAX. >.i 3B" MAX. 36" MAX. 12'• 12" 3" SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT © d -6" CONCRETE WALK 3" MINIMUM CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION WITHIN INTERSECTION CORNER PLACE DETECTABLE WARNINGS ENTIRE WALK /PATH WIDTH DETECTADLE WARNINGS 4 NEAREST RAIL PEOESTRIATT GATE ARM 3 RAILROAD CROSSING PLAN VIEW NON- WALKABLE SURFACE Eh1STING .__. I 112 "R• WAI H •` n.Nmargy%R'7 {i�Y,Ri(f1' RYa7'gi /. X'" R. b � V CURB ADJACENT TO LANDSCAPE CURB WITHIN SIDEWALK LIMITS EXISTING- WALK . I /2" R. R' HEIGHT VARIABLE: H R �1, R CONCRETE CURB DESIGN V CURB HEIGHT H CURB WIDTH W 6 a, '6.1 6" Ors 5'w,CP VARIABLE HEIGHT i{ H 6" V CURB ADJACENT TO LANDSCAPE CURB OUTSIDE SIDEWALK LIMITS CONCRETE WALK EDGES ADJACENT TO CONCRETE STRUCTURES V CURB INTERSECTION V CLRB ADJACENT TO BUILDING OR BARRIER VARIABLE HEIGHT H B" NOTES: ALL V CURB CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL MATCH CONCRETE WALK JOINT$. WHERE RIGHT OF -WAY ALLOWS, USE OF V CURB SHOULD BE MINIMIZED. GRADING ADJACENT TURF OR SLOPING ADJACENT PAVEMERT IS PREFERRED, V CURB SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS, V CURB NEXT TO BUILDING SHALL BE A 4" WIDTH AND SHALL MATCH PREVIOUS. �TOP OF SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS. L±J END TAPERS AT TRANSITION SECTION SHALL MATCH INPLACE SIDEWALK GRADES. Q2 ALL V CURB SHALL MATCH BOTTOM OF ADJACENT WALK. d EDGE BETWEEN NEW V CURB AND INPLACE STRUCTURE SHALL BE SEALED AND � BOND BREAKER SHALL BE USED BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PLACED V -CURS. NEAREST EDGE OF DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL BE PLACER 12' MINIMUM TD 15' MAXIMUM FROM THE NEAREST RAIL. FDR SKEVFB RAILWAYS IN NO INSTANCE SMALL THE DETECTARLF WARNING RE CLOSER THAN 12' MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TU THE NEAREST RAIL. d WHEN PEDESTRIAN GATES ABLE PROVIDED. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL BE PLACED ON THE SIDE OF THE GATES OPPOSITE THE RAIL, 2' FROM THE APPROACHING SIDE OF THE GATE ARM. WHEN PLAN SP-ECIFIES. GRILL AMC GROUT NO.4 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BARS AT �3G" MAX. CENTER TO CENTER (EPDXY COATED). TO ENSURE RAMPS AND LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, LANDINGS MAY BE CAST SEPARATELY, FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON THIS SHEET WHEN LANDINGS ARE CAST SEPARATELY, Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Free 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: BCW Checked: BCW Drawn: JSB Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: 1 Add C2.2 and C4.2, Note Changes to C3.0 and C4.0, Detail Update C6.1 2 City Comments 3 Cit y Comments I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Brad C Wilikening Dge 10/18/2016 Umn No, 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Details Date: 09/01/16 Sheet: C6.2 0010055.00DTF01.dwg i' MIN. SIGNAL POLE FOUNDATION PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON STATION BASE LANDING RAMP NON - WALKABLE f SURFACE CONCRETE WALK EDGES ADJACENT TO CONCRETE STRUCTURES V CURB INTERSECTION V CLRB ADJACENT TO BUILDING OR BARRIER VARIABLE HEIGHT H B" NOTES: ALL V CURB CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL MATCH CONCRETE WALK JOINT$. WHERE RIGHT OF -WAY ALLOWS, USE OF V CURB SHOULD BE MINIMIZED. GRADING ADJACENT TURF OR SLOPING ADJACENT PAVEMERT IS PREFERRED, V CURB SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS, V CURB NEXT TO BUILDING SHALL BE A 4" WIDTH AND SHALL MATCH PREVIOUS. �TOP OF SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS. L±J END TAPERS AT TRANSITION SECTION SHALL MATCH INPLACE SIDEWALK GRADES. Q2 ALL V CURB SHALL MATCH BOTTOM OF ADJACENT WALK. d EDGE BETWEEN NEW V CURB AND INPLACE STRUCTURE SHALL BE SEALED AND � BOND BREAKER SHALL BE USED BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PLACED V -CURS. NEAREST EDGE OF DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL BE PLACER 12' MINIMUM TD 15' MAXIMUM FROM THE NEAREST RAIL. FDR SKEVFB RAILWAYS IN NO INSTANCE SMALL THE DETECTARLF WARNING RE CLOSER THAN 12' MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TU THE NEAREST RAIL. d WHEN PEDESTRIAN GATES ABLE PROVIDED. DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL BE PLACED ON THE SIDE OF THE GATES OPPOSITE THE RAIL, 2' FROM THE APPROACHING SIDE OF THE GATE ARM. WHEN PLAN SP-ECIFIES. GRILL AMC GROUT NO.4 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BARS AT �3G" MAX. CENTER TO CENTER (EPDXY COATED). TO ENSURE RAMPS AND LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, LANDINGS MAY BE CAST SEPARATELY, FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON THIS SHEET WHEN LANDINGS ARE CAST SEPARATELY, Westwood Westwood Professional Services, Inc. 3701 12th Street North, Suite 206 St. Cloud, MN 56303 Phone 320 - 253 -9495 Fax 320 - 253 -8737 Toll Free 1- 800 - 270 -9495 westwoodps.com Designed: BCW Checked: BCW Drawn: JSB Record Drawing by /date: Revisions: 1 Add C2.2 and C4.2, Note Changes to C3.0 and C4.0, Detail Update C6.1 2 City Comments 3 Cit y Comments I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly licensed PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Brad C Wilikening Dge 10/18/2016 Umn No, 26908 Prepared for: Cole Group Architects 216 Park Avenue St. Cloud, MN 56301 Sherburne State Bank Monticello, MN Details Date: 09/01/16 Sheet: C6.2 0010055.00DTF01.dwg A jjAA// Y Y SB Building a legacy —your legacy. Septemnber 28, 2016 Ms. Angela Schumann Community Development Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Warnert Realty- Sherburne Bank of Monticello Site Plan Review City Project No. 2016 -042 WSB Project No. 02596 -330 Dear Ms. Schumann: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 -541 -4800 Fax: 763 -541 -1700 We have reviewed the preliminary, final plat and civil plans dated September 15, 2016 and the stormwater calculations, as prepared by Westwood Professional Services, Inc. and offer the following comments. Site Plan 1. A 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk shall be constructed along the south side of Chelsea Road between TH 25 and Cedar Street connecting to the existing trail and sidewalk. An 8 -foot boulevard is required between the existing curb and sidewalk. 2. City sidewalk detail plate 5012 shall be included in the plans. All sidewalks shall be constructed in compliance with MnDOT and ADA standards. 3. If the sidewalk cannot be aligned in the right of way, a separate easement document will be required for sidewalk located outside the right of way. 4. Truck turning templates shall be provided identifying circulation patterns within the site. 5. Directional signage shall be shown on the plan, in particular where one way traffic meets two way traffic within the site. 6. The NPDES /SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit shall be provided with the grading permit or prior to application for review. The SWPPP shall be provided as well complying with the MPCA SWPPP Checklist. Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K: \02596- 330 \Admin \Docs \LTR -a- schumann- Warnert 092816.docz September 28, 2016 Page 2 Grading Plan 7. Percent grades should be labeled for the parking lot and driveways. 8. The rim and invert elevation for each storm sewer structure shall be shown on the grading plan. 9. Identify all emergency overflow routes and elevations for each catch basin on the grading plan. The EOF should be a minimum of 1.5' below the low building opening. Storm Sewer Plan 10. According to the City's public works department, the existing storm sewer on the east side of the site appears to be full of sediment. This line shall be cleaned with the development of the site. 11. The storm sewer system along Chelsea Road and TH 25 was designed to accommodate runoff from the site for a 10 -year event. The downstream regional ponding was designed to provide storm water management, including rate control, water quality and infiltration for the site. 12. Provide the location of roof drain outlet locations or connections to the storm sewer. Utility Plan 13. Since the proposed building and future expansion will not be sprinkled, the water service size is proposed to be reduced to a 1.5 -inch service with curb stop. 14. Show the landscaping irrigation layout on the construction plans. 15. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. 16. The plans should reference and be in compliance with the most recent City of Monticello General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates for Street and Utility Construction located on the City's website- Engineering department. 17. A utility excavation permit must be obtained from the Public Works department prior to commencement of utility connections. 18. Provide an as -built utility plan once construction is complete. 19. The plans need to be signed by a licensed professional engineer. K: \02596- 330 \Admin \DOGS \LTR -a- schumann- Warner[ 092816.docz September 28, 2016 Page 3 Details 20. Applicable City standard detail plates shall be included in the plans for sidewalk, utilities and erosion and sediment control. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763 - 271 -3236 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibani K. Bisson, PE City Engineer cc: Steve Grittman, NAC skb K: \02596- 330 \Admin \Docs \LTR -a- schumann- Warner[ 092816.docz AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT (Developer Installed Improvements) WARNER T RETAIL SECOND ADDI TION THIS AMENDMENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ( "Amendment ") is made this day of , 2016, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ( "City "), WARNERT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership ( "Warnert"), and SHERBURNE STATE BANK, a Minnesota banking corporation ( "Bank ") (collectively, Warnert and Bank are the "Developers "). 1. APPROVAL. The City and Warnert entered into a Development Contract dated December 22, 2006, and filed for record with the Wright County Recorder on August 14, 2007 as Document No. A1062974 for the plat of Warnert Retail (the "Development Contract "). Warnert is the fee owner of the property located within the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, legally described on the attached Exhibit A. Warnert and the Bank have requested the City approve the plat, development and conditional use permit for WARNERT RETAIL SECOND ADDITION (referred to in this Amendment as the "plat" and the "Development "), a replat of Warnert Retail to reconfigure the two lots to accommodate the development of a proposed financial institution in a B -3 district with drive- through 1 189421v6 services, and to accommodate cross parking and access between the existing retail center and Warnert Retail Second Addition, with access from Cedar Street. Warnert and the Bank propose that, following initial site grading and recording of the Plat, Bank will own Lot 1, Block 1, Warnert Retail Second Addition and Developer will continue to own Lot 2, Block 1, Warnert Retail Second Addition. Upon satisfactory completion of site grading and posting of securities acceptable to the City, Warnert may apply to the City for a release from development obligations under this Amendment for Lot 1, Block 1. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat and the conditional use permit on condition that Warnert and the Bank enter into this Amendment, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 100 days after the City Council approves the final plat. 3. CONDITIONS OF CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. The City's approval of the conditional use permit ( "CUP ") for installing a parking lot and curb on Lot 2, Block 1, Warnert Retail Second Addition and for cross parking and shared access, along with drive - through services for the Bank, are based on the conditions that: 1) Warnert and Bank comply with the terms of the City Engineer's report, dated September 27th, 2016. 2) Warnert and Bank prepare and record a shared parking agreement to allow shared access and parking facilities, duly approved as to form and manner of execution by the City Attorney, to be filed with the City Administrator and recorded with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles for Wright County with the approval for the CUP. 4. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developers may not construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this amendment has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developers may proceed. Upon execution of this Amendment, and posting by the Warnert or the Bank of proof of insurance and adequate financial security, the City may issue a grading permit to allow tree removal, grading and site preparation work. 2 189421v6 5. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and Developers. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 6. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Amendment. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering this Amendment, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Amendment, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A Plat Plan B Final Grading, Development, and Erosion Control Plan Plan C Landscape Plan Plan D Site Plan and Site Details Plan E Lighting Plan Plan F Signage Plan Plan G Building Elevations Plan H Watermain and Sanitary Sewer Plan Plan I Storm Sewer Plan Plan J Photometric Plans 7. LICENSE. The Developers hereby grant the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 8. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developers shall install all required Public Improvements by October 15, 2017, with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15'h of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developers may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned 3 189421v6 upon updating the security posted by the Developers to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. 9. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developers and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developers do not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developers in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developers' and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developers do not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 10. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The Development shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan B. The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developers shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas /stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold 4 189421v6 issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developers certify to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 11. CLEAN UP. The Developers shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developers, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the Development, the Developers shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developers shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developers repeatedly fail to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developers. The City will endeavor to notify the Developers in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developers' and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developers do not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this Paragraph. 12. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. A public sidewalk shall be installed within the Chelsea Road right of way. The public sidewalk shall be developed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. 13. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Amendment, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 14. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developers hereby authorize the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developers shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 5 189421v6 15. STORM SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge in the amount of $8,006.80. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: Lot 1, Block 1: 0.74 AC x $10,820.00 /acre = $8,006.80 The storm sewer area charge for each lot in the Development shall be paid in full at the time of issuance of a building permit for the lot. Storm sewer trunk area charges for Lot 2, Block 1 and a portion of Lott, Block lwere previously paid. 16. SANITARY SEWER AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge in the total amount of $2,453.84. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: Lot 1, Block 1: 0.74 AC x $3,316.00 /acre = $2,453.84 The total sanitary sewer area charge for each lot in the Development shall be paid in full at the time of issuance of a building permit for the lot. Sanitary sewer trunk area charges for Lot 2, Block 1 and a portion of Lotl, Block lwere previously paid 17. WATER MAIN AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge in the total amount of $1,814.48. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat and is calculated as follows: Lot 1, Block 1: 0.74 AC x $2,452.00 /acre = $1,814.48 The total watermain area charge for each lot in the Development shall be paid in full at the time of issuance of a building permit for the lot. Watermain trunk area charges for Lot 2, Block 1 and a portion of Lotl, Block 1 were previously paid. 18. PARK DEDICATION. Park dedication is not applicable to this plat. 19. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Bank shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements or work in the right of way. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements or work in the right of way, consultation with Developers and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated 6 189421v6 to be seven percent (4.0 %), or $2,000, whichever is greater, of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed public improvements or work in the right of way and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the seven (4 %) or $2,000 estimate. B. The Bank shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to erosion and sediment control, grading and restoration of the Subject Property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to erosion and sediment control, grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developers and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0 %), of the estimated construction cost of the Subject Property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Construction observation shall include part or full time inspection of proposed erosion and sediment control, grading and restoration and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. 20. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. The Bank shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration, planning relating to processing of the Development of Phase 2 and associated with administration. The escrow deposit shall be two percent (2.0 %) of the estimated costs, or $2,000, whichever is greater. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the Development. The Bank shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal and planning - related expenses associated with the Development of Phase 2. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the Development. 21. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Amendment which must be furnished to the City prior to the issuance of the building permit: City Administration, Legal and Planning (2 %) Engineering and Inspection (7 %) Grading (3 %) Plat and Infrastructure (4 %) GPS Locate Fee Total Cash Requirements * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 7 189421v6 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 120.00 $ 6,120.00 22. SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Amendment, including the construction of the Developers Installed Public Improvements, the Bank shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, or cash security, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ( "security ") for $39,287.50. The amount of the security is calculated as follows: Public Improvements (Chelsea Road Sidewalk) $12,000.00 Site Grading and Restoration $ Previously paid Landscaping $18,830.00 Lot Corners /Iron Monuments $ 600.00 TOTAL COSTS $31,430.00 TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $39,287.50 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for an automatically renewing term The City may draw down the security, with 30 days written notice to Developers, for any violation of the terms of this Amendment or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Except for the landscaping security, upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90 %) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10 %) of the amounts certified by the Developers' engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, any required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, any required warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. The landscaping security shall be retained until all improvements are completed and trees and other vegetation have been shown to survive for one year. 23. WARRANTY. The Developers warrant all public improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Amendment against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by the City. The Developers or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty -five percent (25 %) 8 189421v6 of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. The City shall retain ten percent (10 %) of the security posted by the Devleopers until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 24. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. The Developers shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat for legal and planning expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat and preparation of this Amendment. B. The Developers shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developers shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. C. The Developers shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Amendment, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developers shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Amendment within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18 %) per year. E. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ( "SAC "), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. 25. EXISTING SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. The Development is subject to previously levied special assessments for road and other public improvements (City Project 2006 -2C) and for sewer access charges applicable to Lot 2, Block 1, Warnert Retail Second Addition. The existing special assessments shall be re- apportioned to the newly platted lots such that existing special assessments assigned to Lot 1, Block 1, Warnert Retail shall be assigned to Lot 1, Block 1, Warnert Retail Second Addition and the existing special assessments assigned to Lot 2, Block 1, Warnert Retail shall be assigned to Lot 2, Block 1, Warnert Second Addition. As of October 20th, 2016, there is a remaining balance for these existing assessments. 9 189421v6 26. CROSS PARKING AND ACCESS EASEMENTS. The cross parking and access easements shall be approved by the City Attorney prior to the release of the final plat. 27. DEVELOPERS' DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developers as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developers shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developers, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty -eight (48) hours in advance. This document is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 28. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to the development: A. Compliance with conditions of plat and conditional use approval dated October 24th, 2016. B. Execution and recording of a Cross Parking and Access Easements Agreement between Wamert and Bank. 29. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developers represent to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developers shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Amendment. C. Breach of the terms of this Amendment by the Developers shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Amendment is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Amendment. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developers assume all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developers, its contractors, subcontractors, material 10 189421v6 men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Amendment. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Amendment shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Amendment shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developers covenant with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Warnert is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Amendment, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developers will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. H. Developers shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developers' work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000.00 for one person and $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000.00 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000.00 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developers shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. 11 189421v6 J. Developers may not assign this Amendment without the written permission of the City. The Developers' obligations hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developers sell a part or parts of the platted land. 30. NOTICES. Required notices to Warnert shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to Warnert, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Warnert by certified mail at the following address: 1203 33rd Street South, St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, Minnesota 55362. Notices to the Bank shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the , or mailed to the Bank by certified mail in care of the Sherburne State Bank, 12500 Sherburne Avenue, Becker, Minnesota 55308. Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signatures on following pages. 12 189421v6 at the following address: CITY OF MONTICELLO LOW (SEAL) STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Brian Stumpf, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2015, by Brian Stumpf and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator, of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public 13 189421v6 WARNERT COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES, L.L.P. By: Its And Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF 1 [Print name] [Print name] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2016, by and by , respectively the and , of Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, on behalf of the limited liability partnership. Notary Public 14 189421v6 SHERBURNE STATE BANK By: Its And Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF 1 [Print name] [Print name] The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2016, by and by , respectively the and , of Sherburne State Bank, a Minnesota banking corporation, on behalf of the Bank.. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 [m] 15 189421v6 EXHIBIT A Leal Description That part of Lot 1, Block 1, WARNERT RETAIL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most Northerly corner corner of said Lot 1; thence South 66 degrees 32 minutes 26 seconds East, along the northerly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 145.56 feet; thence South 66 degrees 32 minutes 10 seconds East, continuing along said northerly line, a distance of 75.14 feet; thence North 88 degrees 43 minutes 03 seconds East, continuing along said northerly line, a distance of 0.56 feet; thence South 66 degrees 17 minutes 49 seconds East, continuing along said northerly line, a distance of 55.37 feet to the most Easterly corner of said Lot l; thence South 27 degrees 38 minutes 20 seconds West, along the easterly line of said Lot 1, a distance of 81.37 feet; thence North 87 degrees 57 minutes 22 seconds East, continuing along said easterly line a distance of 2.04 feet; thence South 27 degrees 46 minutes 23 seconds West, continuing along said easterly line a distance of 76.71 feet; thence north 71 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 207.83 feet; thence North 18 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds West, a distance of 125.00 feet; thence North 71 degrees 26 minutes 40 seconds West, a distance of 44.50 feet to the westerly line of said Lot 1, thence North 18 degrees 33 minutes 20 seconds East, along said westerly line, a distance of 54.00 feet, to the point of beginning. 16 189421v6 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT BREMER BANK, a Minnesota bank corporation, which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit, agrees that the Amendment to Development Contract and Conditional Use Permit shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2016. 11.3.I Old IDot7I101 "1 By: Its And Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )SS. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2016, by and and bank corporation, on behalf of the bank. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 [m] 17 189421v6 day of , respectively the of Bremer Bank, a Minnesota IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer)_ and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, 'Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. C) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2016. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one -year terms unless, at least forty -five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty -five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. mm Its 18 189421v6 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: O Claims Made O Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub - Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES 19 189421v6 Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: YES Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On BY: Authorized Insurance Representative 20 189421v6 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES /FINANCE PLAN Phase 2 10/17/2016 Total Acres in Development Total Acres in Phase Total Units in Development Total Units in Phase 1 lot 0.74 gross 0.74 net A portion of Lot 1, Block 1 previously developed 0.74 gross 0.74 net A portion of Lot 1, Block 1 previously developed Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedication Acreage Acres or Credits Net Ndbig Charge I Units Engineering and Inspection Assessment _ Park & Pathway Dedication Inspector /Engineer cost reconciled at project completion Grading and Restoration NA Special Assessments $2,000.00 Streets and Utilities Pending City Clerk to verify Sanitary Sewer (gross acres) $3,316 0.74 2,453.84 $60 2016 non - residential rate; paid at prevaling rate at time of permit Watermain (gross acres) $2,452 0.74 1,814.48 2016 non - residential rate; paid at prevaling rate at time of permit Storm Sewer (net acres, base fee) $3,543 0.74 2,621.82 2016 commercial rate; paid at prevaling rate at time of permit Storm Sewer net acres, alternate ponding fee $7,277 0.741 5,384.98 2016 commercial rate; paid at prevaling rate at time of permit Total amount to Assess 1 12,275.12 City Fees /Deposit City Legal, Planning & Admin 2.00% $2,000.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection Inspector /Engineer cost reconciled at project completion Grading and Restoration 3.00% $2,000.00 Streets and Utilities 4.00% $2,000.00 GPS Locate $60 2 $120.00 Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Total City Fees $6,120.00 Improvement Construction Costs (Used to Calculate City Fees /Escrows /Securities) Notes Chelsea Road Sidewalk $12.000 Lot Corners /Iron Monuments $300 2 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond ADDITIONAL REQUIRED LETTERS OF CREDIT Landscaping Prairie Restoration Tree Preservation NA NA $600 $23,5381$18,830X125% Previously Provided City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2M. Consideration of a License Agreement with Sell Real Estate Holdings, LLC/West Metro Buick GMC for directional signage.. (JO /AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: RHL, Inc., on behalf of West Metro Buick GMC, has requested that the City Council approve a license agreement for the placement of three directional signs within the City's drainage and utility easement along Sandberg Road. The drainage and utility easement is 12' in width and lies along Lot 1, Block 1 of the Carcone Addition, which is owned by Sell Real Estate Holdings, LLC according to Wright County Beacon records. RHL, Inc. has prepared a letter detailing the signage request and the request rationale. An exhibit illustrating the proposed location of the three signs on a prior certificate of survey drawing has been provided. The signs are spaced along the corridor stretching north from the first entrance, which is shared with the parcel to the south. An illustration of the proposed signage is also included. The three signs are proposed as LED displays. Each is10 square feet in size, measured to the outside frame. The letter indicates that that the signs will not exceed 12' in height. At present, there is no distinction in height specific to directional signage within the ordinance. Directional signs are allowed in addition to other signage allowed by code. The signs are being installed to overcome customer confusion as to the designated entrance point to West Metro GMC. Included for Council's reference are excerpts from the City's zoning ordinance, which provide reference to the requirement for license agreement for any structures within the City's easement, as well as excerpts from the ordinance for signs. It is recommended that any approval include removal of the existing directional sign at the second easterly access serving the main sales and service building. There are also two other directional signs for West Metro on other parcels; one on the site on the west side of Sandberg Road and one at the corner of Chelsea and Sandberg Road. These are proposed to remain. The license agreement included for approval is the City's standard license agreement template and must be reviewed in final by the City Attorney prior to execution. Al. Budget Impact: None at this time. A2. Staff Impact: At this time, staff and consultant time has included approximately 4 hours in the review of the proposed use and zoning ordinance. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve a License Agreement with Sell Real Estate Holdings, LLC /West Metro Buick GMC for directional signage, subject to the condition that West Metro remove the existing directional sign at the second easterly access from Sandberg City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 Road. 2. Motion to deny a License Agreement with Sell Real Estate Holdings, LLC/West Metro Buick GMC for directional signage. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the license agreement per Alternative #1 above, based on the zoning ordinance provisions for signage as they are currently written. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Request Narrative B. Request Location Map C. Proposed Signage D. License Agreement E. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts 3.1 and 4.5 W �25113 - 21st Ave S St. Augusta Business Park St. Cloud, MN 56301 -7709 ph: 320-252-7680 fax: 320-252-2243 October 13, 2016 Mayor Brian Stumpf Councilor Charlotte Gabler Councilor Lloyd Hilgart Councilor Tom Perrault Councilor Glen Posusta RE: Easement Encroachment Agreement for West Metro Buick GMC To whom it may concern: This letter is submitted by RHL, Inc. on behalf of West Metro Buick GMC regarding replacing directional signage for the business within the Drainage & Utility Easement along the business property. The purpose of this letter is to educate the council of the business' position, illustrate the proposed signage, and request liscense to install new signage in the D & U easment. Currently, West Metro Buick GMC has a one installed sign to direct customers to the sales and service department of his business; it has been found with a fierce competitor sharing the property that the current signage is not enough to distinguish the business from it's neighbor resulting is a loss of business and confused customers. The current signage is already installed within the easement, RHL, Inc and West Metro Buick GMC are interested in installing new signage in the same vasinity. The intention for the proposed signage is to replace the current directional sign with three individual LED signs each 27.5 "H x 52.5 "L (Image size 25.2 "H x 50.4 "L); 10mm resolution screens 64x128 pixels, aiming to produce more eye- catching directional signage for West Metro Buick GMC while compling with the provisions of directional and illuminated signage. Attached you will find a mock up that RHL, Inc produced showing the proposed signage with varying heights, so that each sign will be visable as the consumer drives toward the property. We believe that three signs targeted at this single area will direct traffic into the main enterance where there is the most confusion for customers. To dispurse the signs at each enterances would not be Page 112 �25113 - 21st Ave S St. Augusta Business Park St. Cloud, MN 56301 -7709 ph: 320-252-7680 fax: 320-252-2243 much of an upgrade from the current signage —the signs are individually too small to command the attention the business is aiming for. As a set, the three proposed signs work in tandem to direct customers to different aspects of the business from a central location, eliminating any confusion between the business and their neighbor. Currently there are no regulations pertaining to height of directional signage, so the exact heights have not been calculated — but the tallest sign would not exeed 12' in height. The signs would be installed with poles and an 8" diameter by 48" deep concrete footings exceeding the minimum requirements of 42" for the area. Also attached is a survey done by Taylor Land Surveyors, Inc. in Oct. 2016 with the location of the proposed signage marked by RHL, Inc. West Metro Buick GMC and RHL, Inc. understand that placing signage in the Drainage & Utility Easement may become inconvenient to the City of Monticello and will remove the signage if it proves necessary to access the D &U and re- install proposed directional signage when the City of Monticello has completed their work in the easement. West Metro Buick GMC and RHL, Inc. request that the City Council representing the City of Monticello grant the license of the proposed directional signage hereinbefore set forth, subject to terms and conditions found appropriate and agreeable by the City of Monticello and West Metro Buick GMC. Thank You for your time and consideration, Troy Rheaume RHL, Inc. 251132 1ST Ave. St. Cloud, MN 56301 Page 212 'NOTE: IM (91r SUP ,-A), AGE HAS BEEN ZOOMED IN FOR FOCUS VIEW 4 Y x 1.21 f12 AtWES 116 bmmm I w — —V FWT f�4 & dEN , w I 5 jR �fI I.JT'V•,adf,.l}ffa�ly�+ -��y� ��y� C4:71S4 t�4] ET Ef• T I� 7 rT d l 2-y3U6 AC1IES v *FULL SURVEY VIEW 7UrlOT A_ H • '. d (A�F•D _ N - - —� .4�➢ 1 F� \ Girl Oy ?'��l� - c ourtar R 1\ AND CUIT C_AAX OFED fi90tlK8 1"pp� - \ 0 3� 12 4 nre naenEn cr SA+<erxrtG twn£ y 8Wtf1lNG Ci r- Or -%w-v I r ter, 3 Y EX7S7ING T O � is r i s� 1 ! I I I I I ��. £A7571NG TAYfAR LAND SURVEYORS ryc. I a'c eur�mwc 273 W. ra &.1 179 Montce78 y 3P2 . f I Phone 763 -2-95 -3368 rox f 75. 295 -,34o I�I + _, 1 m t = i�_. WEST METR BUICK!GaMIC Sales &Service Wor .1 6, W��. 117WESTMETROP +tr k *ti,. wal MOM I Sim LICENSE AGREEMENT THIS LICENSE AGREEMENT is made, executed and entered into this day of 2016, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Minnesota ( "City ") and SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC( "SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC "). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the City holds a drainage and utility easement of a certain tract of undeveloped land ( "Property"). WHEREAS, SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC desires to obtain a license over and across the Property to use a portion of the Property for the purpose of directional signage (the "Improvements "). WHEREAS, the City is amenable to the granting of the license hereinafter set forth, subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter described. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the payment of One Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration to the City in hand paid, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, and upon mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the parties do hereby agree as follows: 1. The City does hereby grant to SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC a non- exclusive, non - transferable license to construct, maintain, and utilize the Improvements over and across the real property legally described on the attached Exhibit "A ". 2. Exhibits. The following exhibits are attached to and by reference made a part of this License Agreement: Exhibit "A" - Legal description of Property. Exhibit `B" - Depiction of the proposed Improvements. Exhibit "C" - Description of permitted uses. 3. Premises to be Used. The City agrees to allow SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC to construct /install the Improvements on a portion of the Property as depicted in Exhibit `B ". The design and construction of the Improvements may be modified by the City at any time for safety reasons. The legal description of the Property is attached as Exhibit "A ". 4. Construction. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC shall be obligated at its sole cost and expense to construct /install the Improvements in a good and workmanlike manner and in accordance with all applicable codes and regulations. 105061 5. Conditions. The City and SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC agree that SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC will use the Property subject to the following conditions: A. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC acknowledges that SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC has inspected the Property and is fully satisfied with its physical condition and agrees to accept the Property in its present "as is" condition. Neither the City nor any representative of the City has made any warranties or representations upon which SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC relies with respect to the physical condition of the Property. B. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC accepts the Property subject to such conditions, restrictions, and limitations, if any, that presently appear of record in regard to the Property. C. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC accepts the Property subject to any applicable health, life, safety, fire, or zoning ordinances, codes, regulations or statutes of the City, the County of Wright, the State of Minnesota, or any other governmental body now existing or which may hereinafter exist by reason of any legal authority during the term of this License Agreement. D. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC accepts the Property and is satisfied as to the boundary lines and contents of its premises and likewise satisfied with the sufficiency of the present title of the City. 6. Term. The term of this License Agreement shall be for five (5) years and will begin on the 25th day of October, and will end on the 26' day of October, both dates inclusive, unless sooner terminated as hereinafter provided. ( "Initial Term ".) Thereafter, this License Agreement shall renew automatically, for one year periods ( "Renewal Terms "), until either party terminates the License Agreement by giving the other party ninety (90) days advance written notice. 7. Termination. The City may immediately terminate the conditions of the License Agreement if, in the sole discretion of the City, the Property is deemed to be unsafe. In the event the City terminates the License Agreement because of safety concerns, SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC shall forfeit their interest in its entirety and comply with the requirements set forth in Section 16 when vacating the premises. 8. Use. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC use of the Property is non- exclusive. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC may use the Property during the term of this License Agreement only for the nonexclusive uses set forth in Exhibit "C." 112013 2 9. Repair and Maintenance. The City and SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC agree that SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC will be responsible for any and all repair and maintenance of the Improvements to the Property during the term of this License Agreement. Maintenance shall include, but not be limited to, keeping the Property clean of snow, litter or trash. The City shall be allowed unrestricted access to the Property for any purpose including, but not limited to, maintaining or installing utilities on the Property. 10. Indemnification. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC agrees to indemnify and save harmless the City from and against all liability, damages, penalties, judgments, or claims of whatever nature arising from injury to person or property sustained by anyone arising out of SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC 's use and occupancy of the Property and will at SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC 's own cost and expense defend any and all suits or actions (just or unjust) which may be brought against the City or in which the City may be impleaded with others upon any such above - mentioned matter, claim, or claims. This indemnification in no way limits SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC 's obligation to maintain a blanket or other general liability insurance policy for the benefit of the City. This indemnity and hold harmless agreement will include indemnity against all costs, expenses, and liabilities incurred in or in connection with any such claims or proceedings brought thereon and the defense thereof. 11. Liability Insurance. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC will, at SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC 's sole cost and expense, provide and maintain during the term of this License Agreement a blanket or general liability insurance policy against claims for personal injury, death, or property damage occurring in connection with the use and occupancy of the Property, said policy will have limits of not less than One Million and 00 /100 Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit. 12. Requirement for All Insurance. All insurance policies (or riders) required by this License Agreement will be (i) taken out by SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC and maintained with responsible insurance companies organized under the laws of one of the states of the United States and qualified to do business in the State of Minnesota, (ii) will contain a provision that the insurer will not cancel or revise coverage thereunder without giving written notice to SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC as an insured party and to the City as an additional insured at least thirty (30) days before cancellation or revision becomes effective, (iii) will name SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC as an insured party and "City of Monticello' as an additional insured, (iv) will be in accordance with specifications approved by the City Administrator for the City, and (v) will be evidenced by a Certificate of Insurance listing "City of Monticello' as an additional insured which will be filed with the City. 13. Assignment and Subletting. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC will not by operation of law or otherwise assign or sublet or permit the Property as depicted and 112013 3 described in this License Agreement to be used by others without the City's prior written consent in each instance. 14. Default. If SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC at any time defaults in the observance of any of the terms, covenants, and conditions of this License Agreement, including any exhibits thereto, the City will immediately notify SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC of SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC 's failure to observe such terms, covenants, and conditions. Upon such notice being given by the City, this License Agreement will wholly cease and terminate and SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC will have no rights or interests whatsoever to further use or occupy the Property. The City may reenter and recover possession of the Property either with the consent and cooperation of SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC or, if such consent and cooperation are withheld, may recover possession thereof and reenter in the manner prescribed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 566 on Forcible Entry and Unlawful Detainer, as such Chapter may be amended, supplemented, or replaced from time to time, with the City thereby being entitled to such rents, costs, and attorney's fees as allowed by law. 15. Surrender of Possession. SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC agrees that at the expiration or cancellation of this License Agreement, SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC will yield up possession of the Property together with all improvements to the Property in a good, operable fashion. Upon surrendering possession of the Property, SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC agrees to remove all personal property belonging to SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC. 16. Successors and Assigns. The City and SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC agree that this License Agreement will be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License Agreement and any statutes, regulations, ordinances, or city code provisions applicable thereto. 17. Written Notices or Other Correspondence. Any written notice or other correspondence to be provided by and between the City and in accordance with this License Agreement will be either hand delivered or mailed by registered or certified mail to the following addresses: CITY: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC: 112013 4 18. Waiver of Default. Any waiver by the City of a default under the provisions of this License Agreement by will not operate or be construed as a waiver of a subsequent default by SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC. No waiver will be valid unless in writing and signed by the Mayor and attested by the City Clerk on behalf of the City. 19. Invalidity of Provisions. If any term or provision of this License Agreement or any application hereof to any person or circumstance is to any extent found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this License Agreement or the application of such term or provision to persons or circumstances other than those as to which it is held invalid or unenforceable will not be effected thereby and each term and provision of this License Agreement will be valid and be enforced to the fullest extent permitted by law. 20. Entire Agreement. This instrument herein contains the entire and only agreement between the parties and no oral statements or representations or prior written matter not contained in this instrument will have any force and effect. This License Agreement cannot be modified in any way except by writing executed by both parties. 21. Governing Law. This License Agreement will be governed exclusively by the provisions hereof and by the laws of the State of Minnesota, as the same from time to time exists. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands as of the day and year first above written. 112013 CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Mayor By: City Administrator SELL REAL ESTATE HOLDINGS, LLC By: Its: 5 THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452 -5000 MKB 112013 EXHIBIT "A" Legal Description 98111 EXHIBIT "B" Depiction of Premises and Location of Property 98111 EXHIBIT "C" Use of Premises CARGILL KITCHEN SOLUTIONS agrees that the Property will only be used by CARGILL KITCHEN SOLUTIONS and its guests for purposes of roadway, path, landscaping, and parking lot purposes. No permanent structure or other alteration of the Property shall be permitted without the written consent of the City. Additional requirements may be imposed by the City at any time for safety reasons or to accommodate other uses of the property. CHAPTER 3: ZONING DISTRICTS Section 3.3 Common District Requirements Subsection (C) Principal Buildings (C) Classification of Districts Section 2.4(B): Land shall be classified or reclassified into a base or overlay zoning district only in Zoning Ordinance accordance with the procedures and requirements set forth in Section 2.4(B), Zoning Text and Zoning Map Amendments Ordinance Text and Zoning Map Amendments. (D) Organization of Base Zoning District Regulations Sections 3.3(A) through 3.3(Q) establish the general purposes of each base zoning Chapter 4: district along with the physical standards governing lots and structures within each Finishing Standards district. Each of these subsections has a common structure consisting of a purpose statement, applicable size and dimensional standards for lots, photographs showing typical district building forms, an example of the typical lot configuration found in the district, and a hypothetical graphic depicting the districts physical regulations. Uses Chapter 5: Use allowed in each district can be found in Chapter 5. Finishing standards for lots (i.e. Standards landscaping standards, parking requirements, etc) can be found in Chapter 4. (E) Diagrams and Photographs for Illustrative Purposes Only The building form photographs, example lot configurations, and hypothetical graphics of physical regulations are for illustrative purposes only, and may not be consistent with all listed requirements. In all cases, the dimensional requirement text of this ordinance shall control. 3.3 Common District Requirements The following regulations shall apply in all base zoning districts. (A) Building within Public Easements Prohibited No building or structure shall be placed within an easement dedicated for a public purpose unless expressly authorized by a variance issued in accordance with Section 2.4(C) or a license agreement issued by the Community Development Department. (B) Outlots No building permit or grading permit can be issued for a parcel of land designated in a plat as an outlot unless specifically authorized by the City Council. (C) Principal Buildings Except as may be permitted by an approved planned unit development, not more than one (1) principal building shall be located on a lot. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 79 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.5 Signs Subsection (J) District Regulations (ii) If a monument, rather than pylon sign is utilized, an additional one hundred (100) square feet of area beyond the total area calculated in Section 4.5(J)(2)(a) above, devoted to wall, canopy or marquee signs shall be granted. (iii) For shopping centers greater than one hundred and fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two (2) freestanding signs may be permitted. Two (2) pylon signs may be constructed or, as an alternative, one (1) pylon and one (1) monument sign may be constructed. When the latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than fourteen (14) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area. The pylon sign may be no greater than twenty -five (25) feet in height and three hundred (300) square feet in area. (c) Wall, Canopy, or Marquee Signs (i) Wall, canopy, projecting, and marquee signs shall be consistent with the maximum area requirements of Section 4.5(J)(2)(a). (ii) Wall, canopy and marquee signs are permitted on any building facade except those which abut properties zoned for residential use. (d) Directional signage In addition to the sign allowed by Section 4.5(J)(2)(b)(i), directional signage may be allowed on site in an amount not to exceed three (3) signs with an individual square footage maximum of ten (10) square feet each and thirty (30) total square feet. (e) Multiple Occupancy Commercial And Industrial Buildings When a single principal building is devoted to two (2) or more commercial or industrial principal uses, signs shall be allowed subject to review and approval of the Community Development Department based upon the following requirements: (i) The maximum individual sign sizes for multiple occupancy buildings and individual businesses that may display a sign shall not exceed the maximum provisions in the same zoning district in Section 4.5(J). (ii) Commercial retail, office, or mixed use multiple occupancy buildings may display a freestanding sign consistent with the applicable zoning district provisions in Section 4.5(J). City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 249 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2N. Consideration of a request for PUD Adjustment for Mills Fleet Farm (AS /SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Tim Ramerth, WSN, on behalf of property owner Mills Properties, LLC, has requested that the City Council approve a PUD Adjustment relating to a change in the grading and landscaping plans for the Mills Fleet Farm Addition PUD. The request is made to facilitate balancing of excess soil material from the grading construction process over the existing Mills site. PUD Adjustments may be approved by a simple majority of the City Council when in concert with the criteria outlined by the City's zoning regulations for such requests. An excerpt of the zoning ordinance related to PUD adjustments is attached for reference. To balance the amount of soil material on site and avoid trucking the material off -site, the applicant proposes to develop a 15' high berm feature on the southwest side of the site, and if necessary, to spread excess structural fill material on the Mills parcel on the north side of Chelsea Road, Lot 1, Block 2, Mills Fleet Farm Addition. As a result of the development of the berm feature, Mills' project engineer has prepared revised grading and landscaping plans. The City Engineer has reviewed the proposed grading plan, as well as supplemental email related to the improvements, and has indicated that the proposed change is acceptable given that drainage from the site is contained within the site and not directed to adjacent sites where it may alter existing drainage patterns. The proposed changes to the landscaping plan have also been reviewed. Overall, the changes reflect a reduction in the total count of both trees and shrubs for the site. However; the total count remains in compliance with base code requirements, as well as perimeter buffer requirements for the west side of the parcel. It should be noted that the plan included with this item proposes to eliminate the perimeter buffer plantings along with southeast edge of the site. However, staff and the applicant have discussed the need to provide the required buffer plantings for this area, particularly given the need to screen the detached accessory structure and fenced storage area from uses to the south. The applicant has therefore agreed to revise the landscaping plan and it is recommended that they provide at least a minimum screening buffer of landscaping including fencing and evergreen plantings in this area. Prior approved landscaping and grading plans are attached for comparison purposes to the proposed. Al. Budget Impact: None at this time. A2. Staff Impact: At this time, staff and consultant time has included approximately 2 hours in the review of the proposed use and zoning ordinance. The City Attorney will have time estimated at 2 hours to prepare the required PUD adjustment document. Staff and consulting time will be coded to the escrows held for the City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 administration of the Mills Fleet Farm Plat and PUD. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Motion to approve a PUD adjustment for the Mills Fleet Farm Addition PUD, subject to the condition that the applicant provide the required buffer plantings along the southern edge of the property and that the property owner execute the required PUD adjustment documentation. 2. Motion to deny the PUD adjustment for the Mills Fleet Farm Addition PUD, based on findings to be made by the Council. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the PUD adjustment, subject to the condition that the applicant provide the required buffer plantings along the southern edge of the property and that the property owner execute the required PUD adjustment documentation. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Request Narrative B. Revised Grading Plans C. Revised Landscaping Plans D. Approved /Record Grading Plans E. Approved/Record Landscaping Plans F. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts 2.4 W MILLS FLEET O FARM OPERATIONS & DISTRIBUTION CENTER 1300 S. LYNNDALE DRIVE P.O. BOX 1199 APPLETON. WISCONSIN 54912 -1199 920- 731 -8121 October 17, 2016 TO: Community Development Director City of Monticello To Whom it may Concern: Mills Properties „LLC, fee title property owner of 310 and 320 Chelsea Road, Monticello, MN 55362, petition on behalf of The City of Monticello for a PUD Adjustment of the grading and landscape plan of Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, of the Mills Fleet Farm Addition to Monticello. Legal description: Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 of Mills Fleet Farm Addition to Monticello The modification consists of creating an earthen berm on the westerly side of the proposed retail store and changing the proposed buffer to conform with the requirements of incorporating an earthen berm. We are also asking for the removal of the buffer in the Swale area immediately south of the accessory structure, as this will limit our abilities to maintain flows through this area. Please refer to the attached revised grading and landscaping plans. Thank You, 's Signature Airchived: Thursday, October 20, 2016 12:21:04 PM From: Tim Ramerth Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2016 12:32:47 PM To: Angela Schumann; WSBshibani Good morning Angela and Shibani, Thank you for the call this morning. We will plan on being at the council meeting on October 24, 2016 to answer any questions the council may have regarding the requested adjustment to the PUD. Following is a summary as we had discussed this morning as it relates to the grading and drainage portion of the request: There has been a change in how this project is to be constructed for the Mills Fleet Farm Group. Mills Fleet Farm is the general contractor and we are working on behalf of Mills Fleet Farm for the construction management of this project. A site contractor has been contracted to complete the grading and utilities for the project. The contractor has requested a revision to the grading for maintaining as much material on site as possible for excess excavated material. The majority of the excess material is topsoil, therefore the placement of the material on site will largely need to be considered in areas where good structural material will not be needed. We are proposing to create a large berm on the west side of the proposed store, as this area will not be needed for future development, and will provide additional screening for the west side of the building. There will be approximately 5,000 cubic yards of good structural material available. If this material cannot be placed on the lot with the main store, this material will be utilized on Lot 1 of Block 2, which is the lot on the north side of Chelsea Road. The intent is to only fill on the north lot if materials are available and are good structural materials for future development. We will not place large quantities of topsoil on the north lot, as they would need to be removed with future development. Following is a summary of the drainage as it pertains to the proposed modifications. 1. If filling is required on the north lot, the same drainage pattern and location for discharge will be maintained. The intent is to have a gradual slope that drains to the north as it does today. 2. Drainage from the west side of building has been modified slightly. The intent is to keep all drainage from the Mills Fleet Farm property on the subject property. The Grading plan illustrates that the drainage from the north portion of the berm will be directed to the north and ultimately will enter the Northwest regional pond. The access drive that will be created around the berm is tipped back into the berm; therefore any runoff that comes off the berm will be captured and conveyed along the berm to the outlet into the ponding areas. The remainder of the berm runoff will be collected and conveyed in the same manner around the south end of the berm to enter the south infiltration basin. 3. A storm sewer has been removed from the parking on the west side of the building adjacent to the auto service center. This will now be conveyed to the infiltration basin via a grassed swale, which will act as a pretreatment area for the infiltration basin. The infiltration basins have not been modified in size from the original application. 4. A culvert has been added at the southeast corner of the south infiltration basin. This accommodates the maintenance drive around the proposed infiltration basin. It has been requested to remove the landscaping in this area to facilitate future maintenance. 5. The berms that separate the pretreatment and the primary treatment for the infiltration basins have been modified to provide a rock channel for conveyance of runoff between the basins in a non - erosive manner. 6. We have placed additional fill along the southerly edge of the south infiltration basin. This will accommodate the landscaping buffer as well as the maintenance access road we will need for the southerly regional pond. This summarizes the grading changes proposed for the PUD adjustment request. The stormwater calculations submitted previously accounted for the modifications outlined herein. I believe this provides the additional information you were looking for. Please do not hesitate to call with any questions you may have. Thank you for your attention in this matter. Have a great day! Tim Ramerth, PE Civil Engineer n I GRADING NOTES ............................................................. ............................... • CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. 0 • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. • EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES C PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE I Z DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE I I I cn 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS I cn RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF N I + I I I I I TOPSOIL PLACED. I I \ \ • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF I I 4 Q I I CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE OF CURB & GUTTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. )IIIIm rn \M■�����m � m m m m M SWAIIIIIIII�������I cb ce 1 958 �` 1 g59 _ 1 210 __ . - �_____ y, �_�__T_.T_�_•�_��, EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN 1 i r=te g60 NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) = 948.58 I S> 960 I �. HIGH WATER LEVEL (HWL) = 952.92 - 941 965 965 ;) l I I I !`�� _ ' 946 —. 48'47 — �._ �y_ :>—; -• _� rn 0) '5, 949 o 53 952 975 -� _ L / cn / \ / 0 L \ I YA 57 56 5 958 v 54= _ — 95 — _ — — \ o z 1 III I 972 �°�� �Cp O ✓ / s� �/ f \ wo� oo I i I p 950 9 9 5� 59 9S 9S 5� - - -- , �w O , I \ �, I 1 III i \ — M pp 96,0 Sg 8 °� ^S� 9 �` 8 9 , - -- �4� <JS °j `r'�/ "' \�' \♦ o w w o 964 964 — 96� pj� ,� ^ O �5^ 1, d' ^ / cs� \♦ Z a z c� I I �� �co i 9591 ---- s� \ g51 `\ \Q I o4;/ �rn \ r-- \♦ W 1 I lai I i -1.5% , rn \♦ Ewa o cgs L9s I I I�1 5p I j / cis / �♦ w o O N 1 /o STORMWATER 960 —�� �•, \ \ � }cno r------- - - - --N - - -- - -- 00� I--- - - - - -- - INFILTRATION / s >> ♦ w w ° -�_ \ z< LL W 1 I i I BASIN % I `rnQ ♦ o °z a sW L' i 9F' /959 °� / z a L o LL cu 0 W ° cy) p p F5m Ln 958 Lc UJ W \ � _ � I I '/ o CARWAS H g / \\ \ f I �// Q° w III I STORMWATER I I , . q� °�° o `b �o / 9S� ;�: \ m Q w Ih , ,t. MILLS FLEET FARM 1 4,905 S.F. / / \ )� I �j/ LUa� J \ 4 �\�, INFILTRATION I I ;:', °' 1, / , I 7 F.F.E. = 961.0' �" / hw I / = a BASIN I 165,296 S.F. / \ Lo I -1.5 F.F.E. = 961.0 =..- '8° �� ���� 2 / I , �/ \ .` L� / 1 \ r I / \ / A / /III II �, l,l ; I 1 + I * , / ♦/ ,� \ ��. /// / z 1 t I 955 I I / / / / _ • ", / _' / O F- 4 7 I � � / � ;•. I � i � � �`�\ < \ \ \ i 9S I �i I li 95 I I �\ % h o II I I I I w _ o o Oc5`O / S co uj 1 i II 954 I I I / o- - -- a, - - - - -a� -- - -- -� i� ��,\ , / / 1 o w I 7, 955 I I ' / / -�- - - - -� - -I - -- -'�j % \� '� t•� \ ��\ / �� / i/ W w ------------------- I I / ♦ � 6u I I I 9 I 1 11 I rn' I I ;, , ♦ o I`/ > I I I I Id LS ° J / 61 I I \ I I \��� �\� / \ , / / - N \ / / I I per, I / I I ��� . \ \ \ / o / _4� Lr) { -� Y° �:` : t I I c9 I j \ ���� `�� \ I / // w J \ % / r 1 / / I rn / ( i -1.4% ° I i / ♦ I 1 ' I I I I -1.5 /o I \ / / I N / I / 2 I y / I 1 �► I ✓/ �� �� ;; r // I ♦I I l �l� / CD ti o ��� l N / \\ i I \ / I c9 / o Z O C) 1l lv� �\ I 1 I I IT � 1 / // co II t p�GJ9 I I 2i I I 1 t9 0) I / Q < O 00 L0 ll I // / / Cp I > 957 0) of / i �) / co ho o I I / > m m i W J U z h � a w m 96Q i °j I °�/ '� / / / \ / o o ° � 1 � �1 it � 958 : • : `. 95 � ; i 960 S9 �� ^11/I III 9 I;I 95 — t � ACCESSORY - I • .. - -- BUILDING I I ' � • .. 11�ItI�II��I�r�N�l� I 17,583 S.F. I I / F.F.E. = 960.0' i I I s� 'i o00 958 • p� °' �`b '" I / / // 1 \ o I LI I I il /, I / I I 959 6, I / / � IN - \-- - -���� rn - 957 - - -- 958'- - -` -` - - -- ��- ------------ r-------------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- STORMWATER s �o r= \ 1 I — - INFILTRATION c9�s rn rn rn� ^\ 96 960 _ ^� i9s Lr �O'ti M \ \ �rn !�/_ \ 5 959 8 . \ 4 c BASIN ham' , J 9S3'7 \ \ o 00 \\ 1 I- z 95 -� ���—� " � o a _1 J 959. \��� \ C o \ / J d I II /III \\\\ \\ � 1 _ ICI III I I II I l I w z - T LL ° 0 80 160 F O w0 w J / \ \\�� . �/ / SCALE IN FEET LL 0- U a EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN \ I ) Z NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) = 947.00 / /. / HIGH WATER LEVEL HWL = 954.80 / / \ \\ / / - / / \ / J J 0 > �II��I 1 1 I ► UMC SHEET NO. C4.0 �0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by:Mike Rude 10/7/2016 11:17:50 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING V � Z CE a� 0 J 0 w Z � Z T a� y U U Q w LLJ YA 57 56 5 958 v 54= _ — 95 — _ — — \ o z 1 III I 972 �°�� �Cp O ✓ / s� �/ f \ wo� oo I i I p 950 9 9 5� 59 9S 9S 5� - - -- , �w O , I \ �, I 1 III i \ — M pp 96,0 Sg 8 °� ^S� 9 �` 8 9 , - -- �4� <JS °j `r'�/ "' \�' \♦ o w w o 964 964 — 96� pj� ,� ^ O �5^ 1, d' ^ / cs� \♦ Z a z c� I I �� �co i 9591 ---- s� \ g51 `\ \Q I o4;/ �rn \ r-- \♦ W 1 I lai I i -1.5% , rn \♦ Ewa o cgs L9s I I I�1 5p I j / cis / �♦ w o O N 1 /o STORMWATER 960 —�� �•, \ \ � }cno r------- - - - --N - - -- - -- 00� I--- - - - - -- - INFILTRATION / s >> ♦ w w ° -�_ \ z< LL W 1 I i I BASIN % I `rnQ ♦ o °z a sW L' i 9F' /959 °� / z a L o LL cu 0 W ° cy) p p F5m Ln 958 Lc UJ W \ � _ � I I '/ o CARWAS H g / \\ \ f I �// Q° w III I STORMWATER I I , . q� °�° o `b �o / 9S� ;�: \ m Q w Ih , ,t. MILLS FLEET FARM 1 4,905 S.F. / / \ )� I �j/ LUa� J \ 4 �\�, INFILTRATION I I ;:', °' 1, / , I 7 F.F.E. = 961.0' �" / hw I / = a BASIN I 165,296 S.F. / \ Lo I -1.5 F.F.E. = 961.0 =..- '8° �� ���� 2 / I , �/ \ .` L� / 1 \ r I / \ / A / /III II �, l,l ; I 1 + I * , / ♦/ ,� \ ��. /// / z 1 t I 955 I I / / / / _ • ", / _' / O F- 4 7 I � � / � ;•. I � i � � �`�\ < \ \ \ i 9S I �i I li 95 I I �\ % h o II I I I I w _ o o Oc5`O / S co uj 1 i II 954 I I I / o- - -- a, - - - - -a� -- - -- -� i� ��,\ , / / 1 o w I 7, 955 I I ' / / -�- - - - -� - -I - -- -'�j % \� '� t•� \ ��\ / �� / i/ W w ------------------- I I / ♦ � 6u I I I 9 I 1 11 I rn' I I ;, , ♦ o I`/ > I I I I Id LS ° J / 61 I I \ I I \��� �\� / \ , / / - N \ / / I I per, I / I I ��� . \ \ \ / o / _4� Lr) { -� Y° �:` : t I I c9 I j \ ���� `�� \ I / // w J \ % / r 1 / / I rn / ( i -1.4% ° I i / ♦ I 1 ' I I I I -1.5 /o I \ / / I N / I / 2 I y / I 1 �► I ✓/ �� �� ;; r // I ♦I I l �l� / CD ti o ��� l N / \\ i I \ / I c9 / o Z O C) 1l lv� �\ I 1 I I IT � 1 / // co II t p�GJ9 I I 2i I I 1 t9 0) I / Q < O 00 L0 ll I // / / Cp I > 957 0) of / i �) / co ho o I I / > m m i W J U z h � a w m 96Q i °j I °�/ '� / / / \ / o o ° � 1 � �1 it � 958 : • : `. 95 � ; i 960 S9 �� ^11/I III 9 I;I 95 — t � ACCESSORY - I • .. - -- BUILDING I I ' � • .. 11�ItI�II��I�r�N�l� I 17,583 S.F. I I / F.F.E. = 960.0' i I I s� 'i o00 958 • p� °' �`b '" I / / // 1 \ o I LI I I il /, I / I I 959 6, I / / � IN - \-- - -���� rn - 957 - - -- 958'- - -` -` - - -- ��- ------------ r-------------------------- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- STORMWATER s �o r= \ 1 I — - INFILTRATION c9�s rn rn rn� ^\ 96 960 _ ^� i9s Lr �O'ti M \ \ �rn !�/_ \ 5 959 8 . \ 4 c BASIN ham' , J 9S3'7 \ \ o 00 \\ 1 I- z 95 -� ���—� " � o a _1 J 959. \��� \ C o \ / J d I II /III \\\\ \\ � 1 _ ICI III I I II I l I w z - T LL ° 0 80 160 F O w0 w J / \ \\�� . �/ / SCALE IN FEET LL 0- U a EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN \ I ) Z NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) = 947.00 / /. / HIGH WATER LEVEL HWL = 954.80 / / \ \\ / / - / / \ / J J 0 > �II��I 1 1 I ► UMC SHEET NO. C4.0 �0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by:Mike Rude 10/7/2016 11:17:50 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING cn G 1 L -% � /�\ . � / � � / 1 ' / �\ ( -1 � ( 1�" 1 '' / , �✓ / , / / _ , � ,f , -' r � � _ .,/ � % % ���� / ,-� , ,, _ -�- , �'% /-/ - - � � - / �'' T / ./ � _ _ = ,� _ - /-�- � _ \ � '/— / �\ � 1 � - . j �,- ' s �- ,� l , � / N 1 � •� � � � / i \ �� .�� � - ,' � _ � f i � _ . - 1 I / \ rn - � I \ I I / I I \ , i I i I I I I I I I i I oI • f • e 9 s S- S �� sss9 s, S 'II I a > I sI � 1 I s o s n n /� D Q = \ ` / — I s �� D , I T f I m I � m \ / / \ / � / ' ° c \ '\ ✓ -� / / / III I I I , I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I cw Q - � n°> n c ' GRADING NOTES 7 > • CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. c • EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES 9S, PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE 6 OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS N RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF 0 TOPSOIL PLACED. • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF LO z zo CL CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE o so so W OF CURB & GUTTER UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. SCALE IN FEET) � ! J S o'\ �A, — C z2ww (n o �/ / / ' / �'%' % 9 % / S/ / , / / // / / 9_ 5_ 8 2 / / ./•9 / S ��_ S. S � / ,. % �/ / / / i 9SSI I I i , 9 S •9 S I - 9S N cn 5` \/ I I I I I I 1 I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I mF o } � ° Z W _ a j L ° CB -301 (481n) � 0' RIM EL. = 955.73 -OS o — o Z o = w Z INV. EL. = 949.45 O �F v LL m/ > '0 :WE LL, <f CB 302 (48in) v Q ° o Q y 9 / RIM EL. 955.73 w 0 w a — Q Q = `u-' = Q _ 2 / CROWN o INV. EL. 949.73 BREAK LINE �+ Foc c --------------------- - - - - -- ----------------- ----- — - -- ----------------- - ---------------------------------- - - - -- - - - - -- i 9S9 ; I I I I I I 9 i I I I 'h3 s � ' 9 I S �O S h �2 9 � • \ \ \ 9 ��A / h\ / � � \ � h � y h-I -\ ---- _ - \ / - - -\ I 1\ I \ o ° � o I � � I � `. ° : y• � 6 — •wa° •• a' n ' ° '<. • �E"° '' ° b ' - 9a . b \ • � — O — ' . I � -� � 9 \ I I I I 1 \ I . . .s • w ..'o •... . � � I s � - - S / o I I S l am° 9 � ' rn �i I I i I I I I I I � I I , I I I °0�'e ' , • • \ \ \ \ \ \ � I I I I I I 1I I I I I I I I I I I V I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I z t/f a h - - - - -- -- - - - -- o 957 956 U 9SS o ° / o 0 ' 96 o w > w o U Tt w w 95 o Of os w 960 956 0 Q D / cn � ° ,n ss � ° z �—GE-3(4--(- 8m N= N � O N Lm 04 i� H w ° J LO m O DT 2 o DT D . CO L 958. I 950.4 ------------ - - - --- ° � s639 °° , w 9 rm 9S S e 9 Sf 6.00 w ), o z :D °° w 2 S o 9 9 957 9 ° 9S 9S °�° ° 79 9 6 955 7 - - -- �- - - - - -- - - - - -h ----- - - --- - - - - - 955 . 957 953 On DT DT DT ° D I I 7 00 96Q °9 8° 9 Z a 9 9S 9 o I � UJ Z LL Of -1 CL LU ° w lL —j Uj \ co co H 0 9S9 V)g, 9s � � � I ' . I ..° . I I � . � \ I I SHEET NO. cn I 9sQ Digs° 96 I '7 I / 92 8° 6, I \ I I I \ \ J: \01156- MILLS \01'60070- Monticello \0115B0070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by: Mike Rude 10/7/2016 11:19:30 M © 20 6 WIDSETH S ITH NOLTI G 9451 1� I I 961> \ \�\ ' \ \ 957 GRADING NOTES: °' 66957 ��'cp 0 G.• Rp \ � \ \ \ � � o 7 /�� �/ I I , ,,� 4 \ , \ • CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL w PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. o / 0 - ��� 957 % 6� 03 9S7 , \ • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES i PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE \ 0 40 80 , �i -� DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. - / ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE �( C �s `� 9S , \ SCALE IN FEET S o / � o �\ �N � 9S \ a 6 OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS � � � EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN I �c oo g6 °'bN, ° \ RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18 OF NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) = 948.58 / ;'� ,�g ° 6�� \� \ \ TOPSOIL PLACED. BOTTOM OF INFILTRATION r f/ ss HIGH WATER LEVEL (HWL) = 952.92 ; 56 y ,,r,a',+ _:..,. 06 ` \ BASINS SHALL HAVE 4 OF TOPSOIL PLACED. \ ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF J l � 956 CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE ' I 963 , OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. — c / �.� S 962 �� � • ° \ � � w � � MILLS CAR WASH V I 96, BREAK LINE o 4,905 S.F. \ > NA ,\ � �q � \ 9 � 2% CROWN F.F.E. = 961.0' \ \ `96� g`'g'\ R O Ss I 960 A Gqs O,q 6061 959 s 955 \, l o I III I j 1 II i 0� -� 06 . •d.. �O� 693 4 3 I 1 , // I z b6 `\ c 6� 9 \ \ \ \ 957 a z o 0) g5g 6 qs 0 ° Z o-w W o 1 j 6 /I I ZaW z [ I [ [ j � II I ' a ?2 � / �� °.� ;. �r 960• , � J � \ S 95 � ° I ° ° wz [ [ I GJ$ \ � -�CS� ° O t5% / ' \ �\ GJGJ / / UwZQ -- 0 0 s �9s O ° /604 6O r� ' 1 \ 0 / a ° °- o N 1 ' g5 c9 f 0 �.�6 / ' �. rn o �, o��� f BREAK LINE Z W W I I [ [ II 1 `p 0� \ D3 O \\ - 0. ., ' \, / , \ \ g5 S / I a W o z 8' / � / _ � W o `059g�D 956 ' �' 0� ,' ���'�• g6,�5�` s i � / � � � ```• F Gqs � 9 54 I � III j II11 ,, ,, \ �° • � � \ `° Gas � �.�\ o= o BREAK LINE ` / , f ' BREAK LINE 9 \ `�c - • c a a ° 2% CROWN 9g� i ' 2% CROWN S6 \ �`��° .\ cqs , m Of Q w I I II I I I 1 I 960 5 F- EMERGENCY OVERFLOW II ` OQ� 0596 �'' i %0' EMERGENCY m w \. . 6 J / / \ \ I OVERFLOW \ ,/ EL. = 958.3 I I 9 5g. � ` 0 060 /�% ' , `'` �-' '�• \ i - ' I : I I 1 I 1 i I SS 960 0 �6p .�6g60 06 , % / I / ELEV. = 954.8 I � 9 I I I I I I I g��j,, 9S8 9 .qs U } I ;I 9S 0 ,; '� S�, - I I �' OUTLET PIPE �'� �c;922 , ' /; �/ I ' '�, o w — [ [[II 1 / ' , I Gqs \ � a I ' I I °� �- '`� 'i BREAK LINE INV. = 949.0' , , s z w 2% CROWN ; y �� W c� 959 / `` i �^ ) g4Jg.\\\ // �� w a \ I _ STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN cb I / \\ LL IL BASIN BOTTOM = 948.0' �gpg� 948 54,`�1i i /� / b` j �\ \ w HWL = 952.8' 2 a 1 N � � \ 23 i� J � / 7• I I �� \\ W 948 960 950 ii ; / I \ g5g• � 1 III h°j STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN / \ i l I / I ! i _ i Q' SEE EROSION CONTROL PLAN i i /� _ i _ I °o ,I I j ,I r / , / BASIN BOTTOM - 950.0 o I_ : J I 955 SHEET FOR RIPRAP DETAIL I; / ; ' / , _ o `\ - '036 / \. , 2 HWL - 952.8 [ o g�g�5 g5 I - - - - -- g6g�' �g59� I l o co [ 4 966 960 6g �� i / i 'I6 i I / v Q w �_ .� f �g• I 960 �S 5g 9S p I I / I � a � o SRO Lo 960 -g� -- -- -� --------------------- - - - - -- 6Qw��� g 6Q�° 9 l III I a i o`L. g�'9� RUN o � --- ---- o-------------------- - - - - -- ------------- - - - - -- 0 _ _ g1 o , o o, I �r —os "" -- U oso oso oo oo 9 X11 �� ooms - - -- — -aF$ I a W ��� 3 5 5 2 5 5., -- - - - - -- -5 -- 5-- - - - - -- A 5 6 6 5 5 6� 55 55 63 55 55 62 55 e 55 -- 63- 55- - + - - -- c�6 -- 62 -- 55---- - -955- 963 -955 - - - -- 955- 963 - 955 - - - - -- 955 -962- 955 -- .s 9% 05 `9s \695 cSs 6>� cssl �-I I �I ,�; z Y I 1 I I I "31 . g. g g G,0 5g' Sg' Sg' p1 5g' S9' S°�' D1 g5g g5g g5g p1 g5g g5g g5g D� I g5g °059 g5g D1 g5— _g5 g� g D� orb _g�? 95 g �`1 g5 g5 x95 �g �1 s g� g� g?,� 9 g A� g5g Gj I ¢ v = p 5g - 95 g Dv 06 g5 g g g 9 9 6g. 0- g- 9 6g. x x 59 - 5g 5g' x 5 g5 '�� g \ 5 5 9 g5 x0 30 g5 g5 \0 0 � -�}g — �$ 9 �6 �6 X �6 g 16> g I [ [ I n 1 I I g D� Da D6 p0 p0 5g' p,0 p0` 2� `L)L 959 D° Ap DSO I Q I I I `9s 5g' p0 p0 p0 59' p0 p,0 p,0 59 p�0 p,0 RO 50 R° �° I p0 g5 D0 Dp RO 05 D: A R g R D R 0 0 0 0 `9 s� _ s� 0 959' _g5g —g5g' g g5°�' _g5g —g5 g g5g -g5g -059 g g5g 959 —g5g g5�' -g5°� g5g I 9591 _g5g —g5g ,L g5g' _g5g —g5g' g5g' -g5g -959— g5g 959 —g5g g5g -g5g c�, 596 I I 5 s� \ I g5 9 g5 I I I [ I rn ; I l 6695 95$96 - - - - - 96$96 i - 959 I - - - - - 0569 - - / - - - ✓ / \ �> I �$ i g5� I ,� — — — I 19boo 06$ I �y I 56 BREAK LINE 0) I BREAK LINE 959 i � o 06� - - I l l I Un o �� o \o / j I I 959 O� i9 c9 \ 19( / I / o — / i I I I I LO 1 I Il,n I 9 / _ I I I �- 9S9 rn I I `rd' 95� 966 jjI I 958 1 I I 1 1 1 co 66 %� gy6 g6� g �s I_ I I Dc l � I J 4�[ 1�I�I� o -� I$� I o� I f I[ 1 1 I I I Lo / d ; �o ; cg- I g5�'' BREAK LINE � ; o U I- _ o BREAK LINE i o I Ig6 ; J 0 I- _ _ \ g6 $g6 6696 ' I 96696 — — — I 91 � — — — — — — — (n W O - -- ----- - -�-9� - -- -- -- -- 0 I -- - -- - ---- -- g6 I — � w z z 11 I I 959 I -956 962 0 I -- / a�� z o I-Luo f I I I I BREAK LINE I � (rio 0 ° ; � W O � a I l i �� I 2 /o CROWN c ;_I I ;; z��0Z - i I —�2 -�2 o I \ -1 z ° g6 g6 0 gO g6 g6 06 0 $Q co J J O 9 0 0 •h �� _ � � ! � I 0 0 0 6g$ 0 0 0 g6g , 06 g6 � I �- 0 Zp •. • 'I I / o o �5g$ g'l g5 g1 g5°'$ g'l g5 g'l I I g5g' g'l 95 4�� i 059 Q�� 95 g�b� I \\ - �.. _ D R— R— R p g 95gg5g g5g `�g5°' —g5g g5g -,4.- 96C95g �-`95g 959 95� g5g g5 �9 c9 I i SHEET NO. p'�n' 6p 13 6Q 6p 60 6Q A\ / E- 0 6Q �a 06 0 0 2 0 0 0 2� I i 6 6 6 Z� Zp _ 2�` �0 60 C 4.2 9 p. 6Q ra0 I i -1 \ 6 6 6 Q 0 0 , ° ��5B 5B0 onpti Ilo \0 15 0 ew Store \CADD\ \C 4R- 1B00707w—g-- k Kim 10 o� �oj • , o n'� ° °� 960 .g6g6O g6 g6 g6 3z `3 . e i /7/2016 h 1: 3:37 AM ©2016 ETH SMITH NOLTING 1 I\ 1 I g5g g5g' g5g g �Q g5g g5g: g5g g q,0 ; g5g g5g' g5g g aQ g5g 0159 g5g g �O \015 g5� 015 `',015 CO 0 g5g 6, g� 4�� I g5g' -01 g� �-�= I r �•. , y o g g g 5g� 601' g' g. I - 11— 11 1`3- 13 —'\D ��- 1� -1D� g5�g6 015 g g g 96Cg I g g g g i9� c96� I I '� • / I I 60 60' g r60 - 60� -- 60 60 g6ci' 0160' 2i , i — 6 �, tk— o —o a -� __ _�� �• 501 50 g g g6p °� °� °� 0160? g - k 0160 N '1 '1 I '1 \ x6006 op�6 6p 6 9r°O? gr°O? p p`30 I = — '(- .� - -� 'l - 'l g_ g I - O -k �, L °� °� I °'� g g I g g 3 3 _ 0 I I g 3'Ig 3 01 - g a g 3 01 3 I / g p c9 c9 016 � c9 c9 c9 J 016 22`b '36 2� c90 c96, O ,y � 60. \0160• o� 600 60'O �,3 rop' 6pbi rop'p �g I / % 0 60 60 60 16o�F 6'o g6p' 0160' g6Qf of o ~ — - - - - - -- - -- ---- - --(5' -� 3tk - - - - - -- 30� - - - - -- -- - - -6p3 - 016.1' J p 3Y' 'oo �s �co cPS . r'c p _cep_ r'd, grOQ p�`3 p�3 9rOp p`3 5\k �3� 96p 36 p`3 _ g I 1 I R3 jl 016 60 63 60x06 i `01601'\ ♦ g00�1 ♦0100 g006�` 960 g p� g60� ±— _ �6p = 0160 — 960~ – –g6Q –g6Q ------------ g0�O� �6Lg�OQ g�'p ,�g�OO �Q g g�Op g6p g�OO �O Ig g — — — — — — _ — — — — — — — - -I - -- -- 60 0160 3 s • . .- : P - 00 00 0100012 g6Q$ 016 i i96o P 0 �O. . _ 9 o ° • .. . °- a -+ `A • e' rp P • ,. P 3 oa ski ' " P' d 6' . I �o cp ° . e. ' o e , P 0160 g I P ��' k •• o —. . v ' 6 00 o I QO 0160 9 1 01 ��0 9 ss rn \ co 19.\ \O 1_Q�s \���11 l 11 I'T ELEV. = 7 I 'P Illl 'u I 1 'p F.F.E. = 961.0' TD_ oo ° I i 501 21 53 96 I 60 0160 o I 110160. \ 960• 0160 0 g — — — — — — — — — - 1 BREAK LINE r �, t (fB -406 (60in) �T .. RIM IEL. = 959.27 ;.. • , F • I INV.IEL. = 952.7 I ; d 959 \ I i • •s I' • • +. I 6° • Id• •d• , •• I d• c \1 . � I CB -405 60in) k i ° �• c - - -- –J _' – I • -- I hIM EL. - 59.17 i I •• � •. °' .. ' c \ �.. r 58 INV. EL. 952.32 i I I ,b - -` -, - — ' 9 MILLS FLEET FARM I 21�0 ,• •,J • :..• . v f I I I I "` s 165,296 S.F. I °moo ' n,3 g c9 �J1 I I I ° • �• A. •. kg5 w F.F.E. — 961.0 I kg5 II '•° • •° g5g ; o I Ba 04 (60in), (,� - °. I A 17 P rn I IVY E L: `� 958'9 I; ` I INV II EL: 9 1,68 ' I! ' • , r `�. ti P , \ / I �5 • 12 957 I D�5 I \ I I I g5g g5g'° 015 g I I I O I P \ \ \ \ I I I (y) I \ \ i.% I I I \ \ 0 a�1 0Q 53 i II g5g '(0 46' \ \ "• s 016$2 g , . k 3`� H, 03 (7, iri) g5g. 95 •2. s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �I I I I (� I 7 I 1 I I I / I I � I I � I V � zQ) Q) E _ o o z J 0 w z fr 0 40 80 > of >11� oaw SCALE ( IN FEET) — (D w O7)z J _ I 0 U �wQ a) U Q CD N W 0� apz c\l i Q Q) a� Z L W Z QwOz W Q LU s I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �I I I I (� I 7 I 1 I I I / I I � I I � I \ f I -2.0 /o �' CB -801 (48in) g5� I.. 016 rn , 0) 956, \ RILL. = 956.74 �2 015 95a co m rn \ I I I CONSTRUCT SWALE / _ \ INV. � 952.07 015,' 7:5�"_CB-7011 4' BOTTOM AT 0.5% W/ 4:1 SLOPES R 0 i o. 2 i 48in) \ CB -802 (48in) c;Y� , 11, .., \ P' . 4 I i \ RIM EL. = 956.74 0�, 9 1 P. RIM EL 957.77 INV. EL. = 9 80 6630 0116 g 51 INV. EL. = 953. �, o ..g g 015 P k 5a � /2 I I - g LE S ' TART ELEV. =958 I I 1 4 I 010 . ; 016 e - .. -. .. : , P • _ I � I S o- . \ __ —------ � �\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0._ I I I M \ I \ -------- - -�• -- ----- - -- - - --- ---- ------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 1 ----------- � - - - -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - --- - -- STM M 402 (96 in) z O a U Lu W 0 Z � O w U) w > a w U � a a d � > aW N 0 rn o I -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- I 0 I � 1, \ \ 9 RIM EL. 958.65 o 60 INV. EL. 951.00 l , �n 4>2 g� • a • ° _ ' • 601 gR . g5g 30 k I N 000 I g ggT ' • ' o co CL I I O \ I \ \ \ I I < W �� o t 96r� 959 959 I / z Y ED LLJ rn co l - 955 955 ACCESSORY BUILDING / / � Q w 1 I w < z 175583 S.F. / co O 50 950 — - 960.0' F.F.E. — ` I SWALE END ELEV. = 956.9' / 1 906 _ L0 1 / 19 907 STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN o = 6' rn 10101 �c \ / ; , ' I , BASIN BOTTOM = 950.0' f kg5 �, 10 1-4 I ; HWL = 953.5' I `� `� / — ; — / SWALE END ELEV. = 953.0' I / ��` 958 / it I I SEE EROSION CONTROL 908 1 I PLAN FOR RIPRAP DETAIL / gyg gc,A / 950 �i �/ 9 II I I S9 956 - 1 i I 955 _ 955 960 956 I I i 958 96' I I III OUTLET PIPE J -- ------------ - - - - -- _ _� I { I .=9 // —_ — — `� CONSTRUCT SWALE I �, 4' BOTTOM AT 1 % W/ 4:1 SLOPES I ' J O E- 959 / \� / !, /�� T ------ •� -' w I I I I EMERGENCY OVERFLOW �// — _•-� -- �� ' ' U) z cn \ I 1 ^ 960 Q2 < EL. = 956.0' / // GRADING NOTES LLI z ' 96 I I I ; / ,.% / // fir . G O S ¢ � Z 2 / ,/ CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING 960 957 -- �� _- /� /�� �'- - - - -y- OPERATIONS. F- 959 a I I I ___________________ _ ------------- --- - -- �- �� j /` w O I I — / / . • STOCKPILE BECOMES PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE _ - _ _____ 956 �. • I I ` , \ '-------- °- ---------- - - - - -- � � 955 NTRA T R T VERIFY UTILITY L ATI N J � w � I--------- - - - - -- - - - - -- — — _ — 55 4 _ _ — — / / EXCESS TOPSOIL & STO U Z 958 57 _ _ — g _ 952_ 951 �� �.� // DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. J -i z Q 9 950 0149 a / • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE J J O w _955 951'954 — �_ 9� _ ___ f -� ISLANDS RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF TOPSOIL PLACED BOTTOM OF I 1 uj- 955= 956 - �_- - - - -- - - -- ----- - - - - -- =-- - - - - -- � f �/ 1 _______ - - - - -- = - - - -� EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN 1 L 4" O 957 - _ INFILTRATION BASINS SHALL F TOPSOIL PLACED SHEET NO - - --- -� - - -- = -- — 958 _ NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) = 947.00 � ' • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE C4 3 — — — — — —� _ HIGH WATER LEVEL (HWL) = 954.80 �j OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. \ –'/ IOX513-MILLS\01 15B0070 Monticell \0 15 0t47 OtjO- a to }e \e✓ADD \CIVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by:Mike Rude 10/7/2016 11:25:50 AM ©2016 WIDSETH SMITFIFNOZTibG Of°� I- Z 0 LLJ 0 rn fr of >11� oaw o z w O7)z J Q W �wQ CD N 0� apz c\l n 0 0 Z L W Z QwOz W Q a� o O W a w �L0 OUw 2i F CNc w W I— Z) ww) '�Woa Ir U U "2i0 ui < Q W \ aa�w w wQQw W _ U w m 2 w \ f I -2.0 /o �' CB -801 (48in) g5� I.. 016 rn , 0) 956, \ RILL. = 956.74 �2 015 95a co m rn \ I I I CONSTRUCT SWALE / _ \ INV. � 952.07 015,' 7:5�"_CB-7011 4' BOTTOM AT 0.5% W/ 4:1 SLOPES R 0 i o. 2 i 48in) \ CB -802 (48in) c;Y� , 11, .., \ P' . 4 I i \ RIM EL. = 956.74 0�, 9 1 P. RIM EL 957.77 INV. EL. = 9 80 6630 0116 g 51 INV. EL. = 953. �, o ..g g 015 P k 5a � /2 I I - g LE S ' TART ELEV. =958 I I 1 4 I 010 . ; 016 e - .. -. .. : , P • _ I � I S o- . \ __ —------ � �\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0._ I I I M \ I \ -------- - -�• -- ----- - -- - - --- ---- ------------- - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- 1 ----------- � - - - -- -------------------------------- - - - - -- --- - - - - -- -- --- - - - - -- ---- - - - - -- ------------ - - - - --- - -- STM M 402 (96 in) z O a U Lu W 0 Z � O w U) w > a w U � a a d � > aW N 0 rn o I -- - - - - -- -- - - - - -- - - -- I 0 I � 1, \ \ 9 RIM EL. 958.65 o 60 INV. EL. 951.00 l , �n 4>2 g� • a • ° _ ' • 601 gR . g5g 30 k I N 000 I g ggT ' • ' o co CL I I O \ I \ \ \ I I < W �� o t 96r� 959 959 I / z Y ED LLJ rn co l - 955 955 ACCESSORY BUILDING / / � Q w 1 I w < z 175583 S.F. / co O 50 950 — - 960.0' F.F.E. — ` I SWALE END ELEV. = 956.9' / 1 906 _ L0 1 / 19 907 STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN o = 6' rn 10101 �c \ / ; , ' I , BASIN BOTTOM = 950.0' f kg5 �, 10 1-4 I ; HWL = 953.5' I `� `� / — ; — / SWALE END ELEV. = 953.0' I / ��` 958 / it I I SEE EROSION CONTROL 908 1 I PLAN FOR RIPRAP DETAIL / gyg gc,A / 950 �i �/ 9 II I I S9 956 - 1 i I 955 _ 955 960 956 I I i 958 96' I I III OUTLET PIPE J -- ------------ - - - - -- _ _� I { I .=9 // —_ — — `� CONSTRUCT SWALE I �, 4' BOTTOM AT 1 % W/ 4:1 SLOPES I ' J O E- 959 / \� / !, /�� T ------ •� -' w I I I I EMERGENCY OVERFLOW �// — _•-� -- �� ' ' U) z cn \ I 1 ^ 960 Q2 < EL. = 956.0' / // GRADING NOTES LLI z ' 96 I I I ; / ,.% / // fir . G O S ¢ � Z 2 / ,/ CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING 960 957 -- �� _- /� /�� �'- - - - -y- OPERATIONS. F- 959 a I I I ___________________ _ ------------- --- - -- �- �� j /` w O I I — / / . • STOCKPILE BECOMES PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE _ - _ _____ 956 �. • I I ` , \ '-------- °- ---------- - - - - -- � � 955 NTRA T R T VERIFY UTILITY L ATI N J � w � I--------- - - - - -- - - - - -- — — _ — 55 4 _ _ — — / / EXCESS TOPSOIL & STO U Z 958 57 _ _ — g _ 952_ 951 �� �.� // DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. J -i z Q 9 950 0149 a / • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE J J O w _955 951'954 — �_ 9� _ ___ f -� ISLANDS RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF TOPSOIL PLACED BOTTOM OF I 1 uj- 955= 956 - �_- - - - -- - - -- ----- - - - - -- =-- - - - - -- � f �/ 1 _______ - - - - -- = - - - -� EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN 1 L 4" O 957 - _ INFILTRATION BASINS SHALL F TOPSOIL PLACED SHEET NO - - --- -� - - -- = -- — 958 _ NORMAL WATER LEVEL (NWL) = 947.00 � ' • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE C4 3 — — — — — —� _ HIGH WATER LEVEL (HWL) = 954.80 �j OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. \ –'/ IOX513-MILLS\01 15B0070 Monticell \0 15 0t47 OtjO- a to }e \e✓ADD \CIVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by:Mike Rude 10/7/2016 11:25:50 AM ©2016 WIDSETH SMITFIFNOZTibG EROSION CONTROL NOTES A • ALL EROSION CONTROL BMP S ARE TO BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. I LEGEND Z • 6" OF TOPSOIL ARE TO BE PLACED IN ALL AREAS TO BE SEEDED AND SODDED. I + + j j • ALL EXPOSED SOILS NOT BEING ACTIVELY WORKED FOR A PERIOD OF 7 DAYS MUST BE TEMPORARY SEEDED AND I _ I NORTH SEED MULCHED. I + + 0 • TEMPORARY SEED AREAS AS NEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SWPPP AND NPDES PERMIT. I I I Z • IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR TO AMEND THE SWPPP AS NEEDED AS CONDITIONS IN THE FIELD El SOD = REQUIRE. I I I 0 80 160 / • CONTRACTOR IS TO REMOVE THE EXCESS TOPSOIL FROM THE SITE. I EROSION CONTROL BLANKET C • ANY SEDIMENTATION OCCURING AS A RESULT OF CONSTRUCTION IN THE STORMWATER POND OR STORM SEWER ` I SCALE IN FEET)/ y SYSTEM SHALL BE REMOVED PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT. I \ SEE PLAN SHEET C1.0 FOR COMPLETE LEGEND OF HATCHES AND SYMBOLS USED. CLASS III RIPRAP I 1 / , ILILLILILILIL� CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE \ - GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV \ W PER MnDOT STANDARD PLATE NO. 3134D I \� \ �^ / '� '� '� SILT FENCE 3 rtrz RIPRAP WITH FILTER FABRIC f • -- - - - - -- - -- - -- -- -------- - - - - -- n --- - - - - -- - = -- -- - - ��- . - - -.T -. -�. -------- - --- -- �T - - -- - - - ca���0` %�iA�_s�edy ►lam_ ��-i►v 7T��:! a-_ ��------ }��o��_v�00��_�:.'etC4�• r �IIt���Iw♦il� �� yj \ - - • • 'A -V k\�L: -42-949.— �— • �/'� S� '� '' •'— :Z'. -- .mac • �. .� ,�► °.hjr, ,�,, • Of z NN - - -- .�1111�1.. :�11 111 .111 - ...__:::_.,:,.1 .:..::._...�....:::...„ :.. _...111 _!A -111 - ._III - _.Im �;I -:I:e .., .n Illcll :�::,■el:_III■�'-�::_..._ ■. LL Z • ... .711• :.: :.. III ... .711• 11: ... .711•. �� •• -- - - - _ • �_ � ••• " -• 11�1111�':::_•,:._.11�.•9r ;. _:•._.11■In�••: —•. :.-- 1111�:EE��...�lil■:::_::_.. .5111 ■iii�:::_,,,Slll�c: ?_:::_. r , CLASS III RIP P ____ —!�: I ° . -�- - �i:- . CJs. IlSiii„;c, ��;;y �_ :all,• _ :. ,� GEOTEXTILE TYIPE IV �_ _ ...._ :a _ _ ww �� : : : :: :_ VIIR1ri ._.... dlry. r In: >r rJlll�..__:;:e: '�Ir , . on vi z ��� �� ------ - - - - -- - - - - -- _ •. /E ��� :�i�a �m� i; �'ti �:�.: ° _iiiill ia� _ II ill :•� Z PER STANDARD PLATE _ __ _� Il�l�rtw+'v w . :.. '• —..1� _ I ..il l �••r —: :5� r� G _ _ -- ..III ..� alt. .A ... __ ._: -� ._� t ---- - - - - -- - - : ---- - - - - -- - -- - - - - -- .,..11 . -:�.. ..� --- ��...liiii:::ee: �_ .,.ne:- :.._..._.Ih�� ��.. . iiu., . /.LEI / /6 / /��i // ., .._ __ — eey■■�aa _::�i:i■r:: —= .�aiiinr :: �� � �_ r P�Y� :�:� �:� — — ;:?r.1 — "• � � � ..— .. - �. - -- ,�.���., � ._ ...._. ro... _.•_ °•� �� !!oil, e ■w - _ milliu lt� :::�: cur-. _ e1!III' sn - o oiii = _••VIII A.��.... e� ,.•91I11■��:�I �_...■Ili■i: _ :: ]I •' • _..SI; - ,. ■Ilj X66: ■Ili Jrlilli�l °' —TOM.- .■.anr-::.l:: .�AI:: �::.___• __ Allli _ • �11 % :: �•::._. 1 11 % :: :.,... .II� '::. _. :- ._..,. _ t • % . .. sue► y r •III■ r _� -_=-'� •• t f' , i = — 1::... r 711 CLASS III RIPRAP GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV i ::• PER RIPRAP DETAIL M. ..nFA 1 RIPRAP CLASS III RIPRAP ) LY� GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE I IN V GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV PER MnDOT RIPRAP DETAIL PER MnDOT STANDARD PLATE NO. 3134D P, • � ,car ► ����1��� iil, �i1 I 1 cn 1 %ri ..�I�I�i • I co ,,�� °31,��� ►. �I, °��► ��i ' -III 9�� �.'I�1;' �1�� �►��� Injj� ; I Imo` MR_ ���� �11j �I ► • \. I CLASS III RIPRAP GEOTEXTILE - TYPE IV PER RIPRAP DETA + CLASS III RIPRAP lm INS jw _j GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV INS PER nDOT STANDARD PLATE NO. 3134D oil 1 l' > . iryla I ; ..����,Fy� '._III a El i1R, = X1911119 Il �IIII �: IN '!+ �•�I'19iiiil� CLASS III RIPRAP .• s -:r: GEOTEXTILE FILT- TYPE u PER MnDOT STANDARD • 3134D �1" ► , :1 1411 "p =, � w.- ,. III • i ����.��r - °.. • a III' I p I I I�.d eq.:l_..n � ._■ .1.:-.:= - - :.:. 0 !911r�ii. .: . iii� —r_•!' ! I ►- - ;' - -:— :.- i •.l yll- r �—j— l _•11 :1 ; j - __ 119111jr Ilrjlll - 11111 'i�� V ��h�f $ � i ., .�^ •� .. �_.. - �■.. �1 ..._.!ynr ..._..!ynr ...._.:.__ L�- IH PIP 1 1 Nil • •_• •_••._111 _.- .. -- 1irjlj • i RAll Ij1= oil r •.VIII �IIII '� illj'ij�i1� - l�J •• • 111ji �� I Illll�j IV _.11► �i�::' ° =- • . ___ —_•• . ■1 p...._... 71 ...- - -._.n ... —____ n.■ r...._•_. 11111 ...� • • I 1 �. .._....�...�.. - ..�..._..._...— ..— ■: ■.:n _..._...■-■111. _..._.. • t ^ • —•_ —• ..._..:JIII -JI11 7111 II'�111 1911 it ..-J1i l .. =111 • 1w .....�..._... ... —____- .. .._. .._..._. .._.... —. /.._• :: :gym.. ..... :.. 1 " ..._... ._......... ._...- ....,. _ ._ ._..._..I�i ._..._..1■ ._..._..1■ I�!9t►,�i l_ Alllllrn._.._.• ■ �_. r ...._...�..,. !1111 III .,........,,�.1[fl ..... 11! ...._..,_111 ..._..._III ,.,,...�.... -- .._ ...._,.,_ IrD M • Q _ ��. y_ • 1 NOTES: �..-� INSTALL TOP ��a� OF TO • .' FINISHED -AD ELEVATIONS '1 i - SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN SHEETS E 0 w T N a� U U Q w J � \ l � I vA ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION UNIT Q UANTITY 1 SILT FENCE TYPE HD (TEMPORARY) LN FT 8,150 2 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION TEMPORARY EACH 35 3 EROSION CONTROL SUPERVISOR LUMP SUM 1 4 STABALIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE (TEMPORARY) EACH 4 5 SEEDING (TEMPORARY) ACRE 14.29 6 SEEDING (PERMANENT) ACRE 10.35 7 MULCH MATERIAL TYPE 3 (TEMPORARY) TON 28.6 8 FERTILIZER TYPE 2 (PERMANENT) POUND 3,105 9 HYDRAULIC MATRIX TYPE MULCH (PERMANENT) POUND 25,875 10 SEED MIXTURE 22- 111(TEMPORARY) POUND 436 11 SEED MIXTURE 25- 141(PERMANENT) POUND 611 12 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3(TEMPORARY) SQYD 11,030 13 SODDING TYPE LAWN (PERMANENT) SQYD 19,063 14 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III (PERMANENT) CU YD 150 15 GEOTEXTILE FILTERTYPE IV (PERMANENT) SQYD 510 � -; %_1/ / C5.0 RIPRAP SPILLWAY DETAIL J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \01 7.00 -N Store \CA D \CIVIL \C 5 -EC -01 B0070. b Rude /12/2016 11:26:52 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING <z J 0 J J W d J 0 � Luz LL Z Lu 00 O LL] 0 J V cL z LL U 0 J J Z O 0 2 2 2 w SHEET NO. � -; %_1/ / C5.0 RIPRAP SPILLWAY DETAIL J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \01 7.00 -N Store \CA D \CIVIL \C 5 -EC -01 B0070. b Rude /12/2016 11:26:52 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING GENERAL NOTES C'3 Z_ / / 1. AREAS IDENTIFIED AS "MULCH" ARE TO RECIEVE 3" OF 1.5" RIVER ROCK MULCH OVER MNDOT GEOTEXTILE - FILTER 2. E EAST PROPEsesse TY LINE EXISTING TREES INVENTORY: I 2. REFER TO SPECIFICATIONS FOR ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS. I- o sesse / - 2" ELM Q UANTITY = 3) I 3. THESE NOTES ARE FOR GENERAL REFERENCE IN CONJUNCTION WITH, AND AS A SUPPLEMENT TO THE WRITTEN SPECIFICATIONS, DETAILS, ADDENDA AND J 'c / - 3" ELM (QUANTITY = 3) CHANGE ORDERS ASSOCIATED WITH THE CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. Q w 3" SPRUCE (QUANTITY = 6) 4. REMOVE ALL BURLAP FROM THE TOP OF ROOTBALL. REMOVE ALL GREEN TREATED BURLAP. REMOVE ALL PLANT IDENTIFICATION TAGS FROM ALL PLANT Z rip -4" SPRUCE (QUANTITY = 24) I MATERIALS. S it _'.. 6" SPRUCE (QUANTITY = 36) 5. KEEP ALL PLANT MATERIALS MOIST AND SHADED UNTIL PLANTED. = d / ✓ �' - ? >� - 8" SPRUCE (QUANTITY = 7) I 6. FOR CONTAINER PLANTS: MAKE 4 TO 5 VERTICAL CUTS IN ROOTBALL AFTER PLANT HAS BEEN REMOVED. MAKE CUT 1/2" DEEP. PLANT IMMEDIATELY. 7. SPREAD MULCH SO THAT IT IS NOT IN CONTACT WITH WOODY BASE OF PLANT. cn i " _ ' _ 3 \ WEST PROPERTY LINE EXISTING TREES INVENTORY: I 8. WHERE TREES ARE LOCATED IN OPEN GRASS AREAS, MULCH AT BASE OF TREES SHOULD BE ENCLOSED BY EDGING AND BE F -0 IN DIAMETER. m / ✓ - - - i \ - 2" ELM (QUANTITY = 8) 9. MULCH TO BE CONTAINED BY 5" ROLL TOP PVC EDGING. EDGING TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S SPECIFICATIONS. EDGING IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN ' ^ r - i - 3" ELM (QUANTITY = 2) I ADJACENT TO CURB, WALLS, OR WALKS. v I Y \� r. 10. SOD ALL DISTURBED AREAS. (SEE SHEET C4.0) _ s / r r SOUTH PROPERTY LINE EXISTING TREES INVENTORY: I 11. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE ALL WORK WITH OTHER TRADES PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. - 2" ELM (QUANTITY = 6) 12. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMILIAR WITH THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING AND FUTURE UNDERGROUND SERVICES AND IMPROVEMENTS WHICH ~ a LLI / r _ - - i �\ - 3" ELM (QUANTITY = 1) MAY CONFLICT WITH WORK TO BE DONE. w / »o \ -- - - - i" - 3" SPRUCE (QUANTITY = 1) I 13. FINE GRADING AND EDGING SHALL BE APPROVED PRIOR TO PLANTING OPERATIONS. G 14. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL NOT BE INSTALLED IN AN AREA WHICH WILL CAUSE HARM TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES. NOTIFY THE ARCHITECT SHOULD CONFLICTS D m \ ' ' -' - - -�' NORTH PROPERTY LINE EXISTING TREES INVENTORY: I ARISE. ° c 3" ELM (QUANTITY = 7) 15, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED, FINISH GRADE OF PLANTING AREAS SHALL BE 2" BELOW ADJACENT PAVING. TAPER 4" DEPTH MULCH TOP DRESSING TO 1/2" BELOW � w ADJACENT PAVING (1 112" DEPTH) WITHIN 2" OF PAVING. 16. ALL EXISTING TREES, SHRUBS, VINES AND GROUND COVERS TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED. ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY CONTRACTOR'S WORK OR NEGLIGENCE SHALL BE REPLACED OR REPAIRED AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE TO THE SATISFACTION OF THE OWNER. 17. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL ASSURE COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE WORK AND MATERIALS SUPPLIED. 18. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT EXISTING ROADS, CURB AND GUTTER, TRAILS, TREES, LAWNS AND SITE ELEMENTS DURING CONSTRUCTION. DAMAGE , TO THESE ITEMS SHALL BE REPAIRED AT NO COST TO OWNER. r r 19. UNDERGROUND SERVICES SHALL BE INSTALLED SO THAT TRENCHES DO NOT CUT THROUGH ROOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN. 20. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REVIEW THE SITE FOR DEFICIENCIES IN SITE CONDITIONS WHICH MIGHT NEGATIVELY AFFECT PLANT MATERIALS \' r L 1 . 1 I ESTABLISHMENT, SURVIVAL OR WARRANTY. UNDESIRABLE SITE CONDITIONS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO BEGINNING OF o Ii WORK. c_ w 21. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ONGOING MAINTENANCE OF NEWLY INSTALLED MATERIALS UNTIL TIME OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. REPAIR m y i OF ACTS OF VANDALISM OR DAMAGE WHICH MAY HAVE OCCURRED PRIOR TO SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. ° o TT I 22. EXISTING TREES OR SIGNIFICANT SHRUB MASSING FOUND ON SITE SHALL BE PROTECTED AND SAVED UNLESS NOTED TO BE REMOVED OR ARE LOCATED IN AN AREA TO BE GRADED. QUESTIONS REGARDING EXISTING PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE BROUGHT TO THE ATTENTION OF THE ARCHITECT PRIOR TO REMOVAL. g m r ' - 23. EXISTING TREES TO REMAIN UPON DIRECTION OF ARCHITECT SHALL BE FERTILIZED AND PRUNED TO REMOVE DEAD WOOD DAMAGED AND RUBBING BRANCHES. <� w r awa 24. SYMBOLS ON PLAN DRAWING TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER SCHEDULES IF DISCREPANCIES IN QUANTITIES EXIST. DETAILS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER NOTES 0 rc 9 a a5 0 F v+ o � o G c RwA I PLANTING NOTES w w�= 8 Q ! 4,905 SF yZa3 1. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY OUT PLANT MATERIAL PER PLAN AND FACE TO GIVE BEST APPEARANCE OR RELATION TO ADJACENT PLANTS, h ° o 8 ` ' I STRUCTURES OR VIEWS. CONTRACTOR TO OBTAIN APPROVAL FROM ARCHITECT PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. - _ _ _ - - - - - - 2. PLANT LOCATIONS ARE DIAGRAMMATIC AND MAY BE ADJUSTED IN THE FIELD AT THE ARCHITECTS REQUEST PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. OBTAIN APPROVAL OF - - - - - - - - - - - - . PLANT LAYOUT FROM ARCHITECT PRIOR TO PLANTING. N o Y \ 3. ALL NEWLY PLANTED MATERIAL SHALL BE THOROUGHLY SOAKED WITH WATER WITHIN 3 HOURS OF PLANTING. <LL 4. THIRTY DAYS AFTER PLANTING, CONTRACTOR SHALL RE-STAKE AND STRAIGHTEN TREES AS NECESSARY. \ m; 5. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL THOROUGHLY LOOSEN ANY COMPACTED SUBGRADES PRIOR TO PLACING TOPSOIL TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 10 ". ROLL 83 r r- I SUBGRADES TO PREVENT SETTLING. 1X:7 r - � � \ \ 6. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL USE SALVAGED TOPSOIL FREE OF WEEDS, RHIZOMES, ROCKS, STICKS AND OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIAL. CONTRACTOR it it ' °i, /i rri - SHALL BRING TO FINISH GRADE WITH TOPSOIL IN ALL LAWN AREAS, AND IN ALL LANDSCAPE BEDS AND GREEN SPACES. > Q Q - - _ y / /�i II I r r 7. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE SOD, CONTAMINATED SOILS AND MISCELLANEOUS WASTE MATERIALS FROM AREAS TO BE PLANTED AND SEEDED. -- -- O{% �' �' , t , �rr�r / / - CONTRACTOR SHALL LOOSEN COMPACTED SUBSOILS BY TILLING AND PLACING SALVAGED TOPSOIL AS REQUIRED TO RESTORE GRADES AND MAINTAIN POSITI r �� r r - I r DRAINAGE AWAY FROM THE BUILDING. VERIFY FINAL LIMITS OF AREAS WITH ARCHITECT PRIOR TO COMMENCING OPERATIONS. I .� r,. L1.2 t� ` > /r�r /L; � � �\ 8. KEEP ALL PLANT MATERIALS MOIST AND SHADED UNTIL PLANTED. z / \ I 9. NO PLANT MATERIAL SUBSTITUTIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS APPROVAL IS GRANTED BY THE ARCHITECT TO THE LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO THE O 0 , 8 - G`Jrl _ SUBMISSION OF BID. a i rc 10. PLANT MATERIALS TO BE INSTALLED PER PLANT DETAILS. ° , cm, . - - - -- - -' - - - _ f \ \ \ I 11. PLANT MATERIALS SHALL BE FERTILIZED UPON INSTALLATION WITH DRIED BONE MEAL, OR OTHER APPROVED FERTILIZER MIXED IN WITH THE PLANTING SOIL P o - , - I \ I THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS OR MAY BE TREATED FOR SUMMER AND FALL INSTALLATION WITH AN APPLICATION OF 10 OZ. OF GRANULAR 10 -0 -5 PER i 2.0" CALIPER TREE AND 6 OZ. PER SHRUB. °- - ( C, \ I 12. SHRUB BEDS ARE TO RECEIVE APPLICATION OF PRE - EMERGENT HERBICIDE (PREEN OR APPROVED EQUAL) FOLLOWED BY 4" DEEP MULCH. s 13. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL WARRANTY NEW PLANT MATERIAL THROUGH TWO CALENDAR YEARS FROM DATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION. qi. . L I w X S S Q a a le 8 0 Q Z $' 'l 0 0 li- I MATEfdAL SYMBOL COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC WIME MIN. SIZE QTY HEIGHT WIUfH ZONE 3 CD ' I I - W w 0 ^ $ `� Coniferous Trees o m m PA Rne - Austrian Rnus Ngra 6'B&B 203 60' 40' 3b m d 3 _ T SBH Spruce - Beck FNS Rcea glauca tlensata 6'B88 207 40 15' 2b ' Deciduous Trees c FA Bm - Accolade Ums'Molton' 2 "Cal. 91 60' 40' 4a n 3 0 HI Honey locust - Irpenal Gleddsm triecanthos'hpcoW 15 "- 2"cal. 32 35' 30 4b n o m LJT Lac Japanese Tree - Ivory Sik Syringe reticulate 'Ivory Silk' 1.5" - 2" Cal. 24 25' 20 3a \ N w w LB Linden - Boulevard Tim arrerinana'Boulevard' 2 "Cal. 10 60 30 3b V a Q 1 i {a a MS Maple - Fall Fiesta Sugar Acer saccharum 2 "Cal. 93 60 60 3b - O _.I Coniferous Shrubs 3 z y I JA Juniper - Andorra Junperus hortmtefs 'Andorra' 2GAL.CONTAIW -R 321 12" 10 2b Q o w o - MILLS FLEET FARM I JBS Juniper - BUe gar Junpenrs squarreta'Blue Star' 2GAL. CONfA PER 256 3' 4' 4a 165,296 S.F. = `g. { Deciduous Shrubs AC Alpine Curran des alpinum 2GAL. CONTAINER 22 5 fi' 28 SAW Spirea- Anthony Waterer Spiry Bulmaida 2GAL. CONTAINR 24 3' 4' 3b 7 L I I L -L ----- __ __ - -- -___ -- L1.3 I SYMBOLS LEGEND _ CANOPY TREES EED lessessess - CESSO Y BUILDIN I WITH MULCH RING + U 17, 83SF. -,� - - - - - - - - - ^ » EVERGREEN TREE _�� 3 I WITH MULCH RINGS SOD SHRUBS EROSION CONTROL BLANKET W -- ---- - - - - -- _ Z U I -- - -- - �- - i � L L CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE uJ z - - - - - - -- ------- - - - - -- - - - - - - - 1.5" RIVER ROCK MULCH of z RIPRAP WITH FILTER FABRIC w IRRIGATION CONDUIT ZZ z Li d U -I GT J J Z m J O 0 PLANT SYMBOL ( SEE SCHEDULE ) o fio zo O 2 O O . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - QUANTITY, THIS LOCATION SHEET NO. SCALE ( IN FEET) U L 1.0 J:\ 01156 - MILLS\ 0115B0070- MOndcello\0115B0070.000 -New Stom\CADD \CIVIL \LO1- LP- 115BO70.000.dwg Plotted InvTony Pohl 10117J201611:20:50 AM 0 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / O `vim 0 0 O " °o 4 0 i O EA O " 4 1 I. O I 4 ■ 2 _■■_ �GF \ �cF I:m��� ,11_■.., .■■�■.■ NOMINEE : 1:; Mi �IIM_ lll� ME X11 ■■_■■ ■I ._■■ NEW MS OR MS DE 1 o\ o\ 0 O \ / O / \ / O \ ° \ O Y� / O \ / � O JBS // °� i 12 i , / F 0 Cyr` S�cq 41"?o11 \ O i SEE SHEET L1.2 Emil ONE �i� ■■i—■o PC J:\0115B-MlLLS\01'i�sQ00 �T r ,N I � I O H W U O 0 z � O z 0 40 80 SCALE ( IN FEET) r DD \ IL�LQ - 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by:Mike Rude 8/19/2016 1:39:58 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING z(D _E 0 J 0 w z 2 T N i 5_ U 2 U Q W QN N .nn w r- D of zOf d Z ° 0 �Oj O m v >� 0 1 w O ww O z U j ti Z Z QF W 0 J co N U w W W Q m O N U Z O Q ' wa� m N E0 O o LL z�W Z W Q O Z D w d Z a cl Q D W ��w0 O OZ, Z 1 U Q m (n O } m Y w W w = 0-1 LL -1i D Of O U CL> WZ LU ui 0] T Q > Z J w 0- - J - LU Q _ W Q Q w � D D z O ° O O Q a ti Z 0 O N U w O m O U m N = W J U) r D w z cl Q I-- O Z m (n O W �L) -1i w w WZ LU > 2 Z LL 0 W Z) Q U � D D U � Z Z J J W J 2i D W D Q w w Q D co SHEET NO. L1.1 O O O Q O ti Z 0 O N J w O m O m N = Ln J U) r � w z cl Q I-- O m (n W m W w O w w WZ LU U Z LL 0 2 0 Q U 0 D cn D U � SHEET NO. L1.1 z J Q o. w 0 J w a U � w z cl Q I-- z � O J w O w w LL 0 U 0 w Q Z J J J 2i W SHEET NO. L1.1 0 t XS Q Q Pp O SBH 2 h' ,, 1/1 jam'\ i I JBS 8 JA O 000 I A Al r mom A � MS ' \ 1 , , , DO I I II I I I I I' MS CAR WASH 4,905 S.F. Z SEE SHEET L1.1 \ o cn \ w N PA _ 3 2 HI TYPE'A' TVP. PLANTING /100 LINEAR FEET IRRIGATION CONDUIT (TYP) - / , i da ;I e.l 'IY �IIL, — \I a T + + MS + + + + + + 1 S H + + -I- + + -I- 1- - { • i LB + + + + + + + F +I +I +I +I G SBH 5 O JBS (D0 lll0 + + + + + + + + + MS O %j + + + + + T + + + + — / + + + + + + + + + + - BUFFER rrY TYP. PLAT Itd + + + + + + + + + — — 1 — O LINE + + + + + + + + + + 3 0 + + + + + + + + + + — PA + + -F + + + + + + + + o +++++ + + + + + + + 0 ; + + + + + + + + + 4- o ; AC T r_- -- -_ -_ -_ \ Y L4 - _ _ _ _ _ - V I _ II I I SAW 6 UT 2 I II I I j II L - - -- I II SEE SHEET L1.3 i 5 HI ' 5 MS ; 1 LB \ `k AC J—� 5_ - f� 440001.0- M.nticelip\01151 �o zo omw z o�z \\ JW C� W woos C m�ww O oou \ Fmwo �g(wJr 13 gQ<w ,' I..... JA bQ SBH ' a 0 7 O \ m MS O 6 U o QD ,1 6 y PA U' o OO w Q Q b QO ry QO °o 0 O c O m z ° U >1 Q ) W K K O mm o� 3 w � N 0 U O' I I I II_ Za Q a F 0 a Ap, JBS _ Uj W U Q 6 W Z p P: —2 C Z I - UT w / 1 F p g 2 = r V+ �/ w 0 -0 Lu O J W w W — z / LL d U O -1 J Z J j Q Z 0 40 80 cG :2 2 W IIIII - ' ` SHEET NO. BUFFER TYPE'C' SUPPLEMENT EXISTING SCALE (IN FEET) V L 1.2 III TREES WITH REMAnII��N��cIING QUANTITIES TO 1 0.000 -New l ���1/ L40 1FL - REE Plottetl by: rRUtle 8/19120161:40:00 PM ® 2016 WIDSETH SMITH WILTING ♦ • B 6 -SEE SHEET L1.2 - �- JBS JA iu I 1 i I mv� L °� 8 8 JA JBS 0 HI ,LJT ° • LB 6 HI I 2 - - - -- 1 2 I I _ HI 1 ------------------- � . O I ; L3 3 1 HI Li I I I 2 I I I ♦ II __ 5_ + + + AC AC 1 i i I ---------------------------------------------------------- -- - - - - -, s Rv' b•. ' 11 Will + + + + v v I -I I - .c - _ •v's .s - - bs' .✓ .bp ° °3lOd 9b`°I'.' ,. �P ¢- -pe ' . •° •' , 4 -- ------------- - - - - -- - - - - -- — - -- = I I BUFFER TYPE'C' SUPPLEMENT EXISTING 1 TREES WITH REMAINING QUANTITIES TO COMPLY WITH BUFFER TYPE 'C' TREE REQUIREMENTS. rk 'i + SBH + NO LANDSCAPING 1 j WITHIN THE UTILITY LL I EASEMENT PA I 1 I I • I rn � I x SBH I I I - - I I I I I • '' + I I I • + + MILLS FLEET FARM x x x + 0 -° ` 165,296 S.F. s 41 I R• v'' • I x + + + • °p; I I I I x x x + + x x + + I 0 z J O z 5� !v`A, _ I Z F— W m O W tiw a� i a� U N U Q u0 I Q N 'too W 01 z I I I OZ0 m V �5� O 0 w w Z O�5 J Z I U F w m W J Q N w I ou-) }moo 0 I I Z< pf w- Z L L I I w O Z H Q I azCL ° O w �W, w 0 �0zw I W _ U H }m }W w N LL ° J = ° ° <) O w Ud�U -j 0}0 Q Q w ♦ j I I I wa¢w U F F- I I ••.p D�- -. , 1 1 it I I } a a I I ll• ,c_ \ � x x x + + ° Z + + + + + • I r. I a e 1 I g w PA + + 2 I SBH 0 �i + + Z � iBH i +�, + + + I o ° IL 2 _ - d, P, !2 A ICI 1 + + + ; I -'.- ---- ---- --- ----- ------ --- - -- - -- I I M � a ----------------------------------- - - - - -- - -------------------------------------------------- f- i SBH + I + 2 + + i I ~ 7 PA I---------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- a ° � o 2 I PA + + CD + ° l 1 °• a O I • ti — I N Z 2 °H B + O m LS ) I + J x x I � Q :2 2 O + BUFFER TYPE C' + + + x TYP. PLANTING /100 �- ACCESS�JRY BUILDING I } m m LINEAR FEET CO w � + _ 1 x/,583 S.F. II Q U of 2 Z ro 7 I + + ° cn ° U I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ x x x + + + + + + + + + + + + A + + + + + + + + + + A) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I ' + + + + SBH + x Q+ + PA 5 • �- �- + + 5 MS + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x x x x x • + + + + + + + + + ± ' '' + + x x• x x x x x x x x• + I + + + + ++ I a + x x ♦ +- 4 4 + ♦ J I • ♦ ♦ ♦ , + d • x ♦ + + + + + + + I 0 W 000000000000000 a 0000000 0J C�C w a + 000 0 000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 + + ++ (� 7 BUFFER TYPE' ' + I I w Z p + + JBS TYP. PLANTING/ + + / / LINEA F E --------- - - - - -1 ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ - - - - -- Z I-- ---- - - - - -- - - uj- - - -- - ° L U 0 J JA o -j UJ W w w I I I Z � � I ----------------------------- - - - - -- a – — J J Z J — — ° Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 0 40 80 2 2 2 W SHEET NO. SCALE (IN FEET) L1.3 J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.0 0 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by:Tony d ohl 10/17/2016 11:20:52 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING , ° 'fir• ' ° • •° •- •• • e • ° a r • �. I. •, • • °f• • •.a •. 0 z J O z 5� !v`A, _ I Z F— W m O W tiw a� i a� U N U Q u0 I Q N 'too W 01 z I I I OZ0 m V �5� O 0 w w Z O�5 J Z I U F w m W J Q N w I ou-) }moo 0 I I Z< pf w- Z L L I I w O Z H Q I azCL ° O w �W, w 0 �0zw I W _ U H }m }W w N LL ° J = ° ° <) O w Ud�U -j 0}0 Q Q w ♦ j I I I wa¢w U F F- I I ••.p D�- -. , 1 1 it I I } a a I I ll• ,c_ \ � x x x + + ° Z + + + + + • I r. I a e 1 I g w PA + + 2 I SBH 0 �i + + Z � iBH i +�, + + + I o ° IL 2 _ - d, P, !2 A ICI 1 + + + ; I -'.- ---- ---- --- ----- ------ --- - -- - -- I I M � a ----------------------------------- - - - - -- - -------------------------------------------------- f- i SBH + I + 2 + + i I ~ 7 PA I---------------- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- ------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- a ° � o 2 I PA + + CD + ° l 1 °• a O I • ti — I N Z 2 °H B + O m LS ) I + J x x I � Q :2 2 O + BUFFER TYPE C' + + + x TYP. PLANTING /100 �- ACCESS�JRY BUILDING I } m m LINEAR FEET CO w � + _ 1 x/,583 S.F. II Q U of 2 Z ro 7 I + + ° cn ° U I + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x x + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + \ x x x + + + + + + + + + + + + A + + + + + + + + + + A) + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + I ' + + + + SBH + x Q+ + PA 5 • �- �- + + 5 MS + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + x x x x x • + + + + + + + + + ± ' '' + + x x• x x x x x x x x• + I + + + + ++ I a + x x ♦ +- 4 4 + ♦ J I • ♦ ♦ ♦ , + d • x ♦ + + + + + + + I 0 W 000000000000000 a 0000000 0J C�C w a + 000 0 000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000 + + ++ (� 7 BUFFER TYPE' ' + I I w Z p + + JBS TYP. PLANTING/ + + / / LINEA F E --------- - - - - -1 ----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ - - - - -- Z I-- ---- - - - - -- - - uj- - - -- - ° L U 0 J JA o -j UJ W w w I I I Z � � I ----------------------------- - - - - -- a – — J J Z J — — ° Z ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- 0 40 80 2 2 2 W SHEET NO. SCALE (IN FEET) L1.3 J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.0 0 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by:Tony d ohl 10/17/2016 11:20:52 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING V � FINISH GRADE Z E o EDGING AS SPECIFIED, INSTALL ACCORDING TO J MFGR'S SPECIFICATIONS O w MULCH AS SPECIFIED Z \ D Y Cn WEED BARRIER FABRIC AS SPECIFIED. LAP 6" AT a JOINTS W 8" STAPLES TO ANCHOR WEED BARRIER, z TRIANGULAR SPACING 3' O.C. AND 1' O.C. LINEAR Q �, SPACING AT JOINTS Z w EDGING, MULCH AND FABRIC DETAIL L 1.4 NOT TO SCALE iro w0z 00 n cn Z) v Q� i0�w O q d Z O O �Z W co W W Q _ V EDGING AS SPECIFIED , woo < N 0000 0 L L CD o �ww o °Z Q II III \ \ MULCH AS SPECIFIED 3" MIN. DEPTH o o W T W w O Q w !12 "' — III — III — III —III 8" PLANTING SOIL MIN. CN Lu o D a 0 ui VARIES / w 00 T 0- - _ Q 12" PLANTING SOIL MIN. BELOW ROOT BALL �, w < Q w cNmQ EXISTING SUBGRADE 2 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL o L 1.4 NOT TO SCALE O W 0 co Z w w LLB r <� ' v r J j- VA `lam/ ;< o > Z N o �— l 7 > m O m V\ I 2 Ln U) W W / J Q GARDEN HOSE THREADED WITH SUPPORT WIRE m w \ > m � m o � Z W � w Z v z G \ Jrl a a w m o vi o v 3" FLEX IN WIRE 3" TO 3 2" DIA. POST w TREE WRAP W U- 0 Q TRUNK FLARE - AT FINISH GRADE LINE LD �0 N MULCH AS SPECIFIED, KEEP MULCH 1 -2" BACK H FROM TRUNK FLARE. 0 mo 00 oom j��II II ��� EDGING AS SPECIFIED 8" TOPSOIL MIN. J O I —IIII f -I I� 12" TOPSOIL MIN. BELOW ROOT BALL VARIES LL 0 Q LU UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE LJJ O d Z a w U ILL 0- U U J J Z z � � O Z 3 TREE PLANTING DETAIL J L 1.4 NOT TO SCALE c I SHEET NO. L1.4 J: \0115B- MILLS \011580070- Monticello \011580070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by: Mike Rude 8/19/2016 1:40:02 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING GRADING NOTES �} I I/ G �f _ _ N C7n CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL `-i��m 7M �� '�'I.�y� PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. _ _ - -- - ` 1 / I UCESS • PROPERTOPS TOPSOIL STOCKPILE BECOMES 99 .95e �\� /_ l • CONTRACTOR TO VERITY UTILITY DISPOSED OF OFF SITE _ i • ALLAREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD Bill HAVEr ? ` .`pp T _:�\ =� y } C\ IZ �\ 'Y F' / S' OF TOPSOIL PLACED_ LANDSCAPE ISLANDS ys�ki A��4 F1i C v RECEIVING PLAMING$$XALL HAND IB'OE / ` III II I``r EXISTING REGIONAL STORMWATER BASIN _ _ .1 Ji1d "� /wR ep CN _ TOPSOIL PLACED. / ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF — CONCRETE , TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE \\� OF CURB B GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. - -_S55 _ —; /• t SIR N CIO AT STORKWATER BASIN ill I�III�A�- BTORMWATER. � A �� .,wSBF 3e.� F V IXFlSABIN E �� ••� 3 F.we O MILLS FLEET FARM ee OR / �hVA3 1 , sN x f / R 1653296 S.F. � � i 1 - I / Fe� %-�; ��� /III��I �� �_�� '• F.F.E. = 967.0' IIplll��� T mllrr J \w F all OT -�0 \�� U�D� \�� V � � be0 ro aRa - tr AcGBBSanr �-� T - -� / / /�.r 16unol8a I Fry11pN111BNBl.. / //� / ■ i� �`°. liT) ESUSTING REGIONAL `� (96Ai. „ 1A �" `` y° RTH Lti /I STORMWAMR BASIN P I,�� I I VAVAA��0 IIII III e% _ 'A iw H ww z G ��A Il�l�p A y _ ... UI 3 \ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ "L 4TORMWATER _ -/ I \ ( \ O y. �1 ),111l _ 1.1 —e 2 < — -3� f�� = BASIN / (/� % 5 Ff� �A �/� WI '111 INFILTRATION VA O IIII IV� — b� s \ \< \ \ ssi �Jip I� 'II � i• C4.0 = I p o 5 GRADING NOTES cIS\ F c UcE\ / • CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL Gqs PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. \F °c \ • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. GIs �\ \ liGF\ J • EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES \ o PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE \ \ GIS F C DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. / — GIs F °o • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE �/ \ \ F \ \ O y 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF / \ \ \ c / 11- oc TOPSOIL PLACED. \ F • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF — — \ \ s\ \F °C \ \ P�/ 959 / �\ CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE / \ \ \ GIs\ �FO\ 1 l GF� OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. \/ \ \ \ GIs 7 \ \ GIs \ UGF \ / G S \ \ \ Oc \ (JGF J . q G 95� 65 \ \ � \ Foc S GIs / P� F °C \ \ CA 13 \ \ �P f — F °C \ \ F° \ \ GIS \ \ \ P I F °C \ \ (�G 0c, 00 Poe oc \ Poe Poe C, °C\ \ \ Oc \ `r\ \ gS�n�A \ \ y C \ \ \ FOC F \ _ FOC I d d O As I \ •\ I GIs � 0� \ , Ro � , � j s � J 958 \ \. \ \ `= \ 4 \ ; \ 95$• GIs k \ \ Gqs \ c� I 955- \ \ `\ �1 b \ GIs Qq 4p / / I/ ��• ? \ \ \ \ i \ ` o`� — \ s 958 v GIs 9168 d \ \ QqS p \ 950 _� 1 \ ; qs \\ 95� 6 S qS Qq Qqs / 945 _ 1 II I \ 916) a I / I � I I \ • EZ / 0 / / 1 J o w 1 Z / > / / U / / i Q / W / O C / Z tZ w 0 10 20 SCALE ( IN FEET) Ofo % O¢w co / W Z U m i O °Z) co i o1> w o ww z / ZO0(Z —, U Q U) Z J w co i �WQ C2 z N / Lu c0) / w } U U 0 uw % j w w z _(cLL ° �O�w ¢wwQ 2 U H }Ju CN }m }w w W 0 LL O Lu < <w � m� a Q_ _ W w -� wQ¢w I v CN co z \ 0a 7 � U \ w w 0 \ z —I Z o Of </ w Of w \/ O 0 0 C) o z o 0 N / } O co \ 0 Q w Of < CD � Q H 2 O \ } m w _ mW m z \ w U Z U w O U POI GIs ' l I 957 °c / / ; / I I � � I ; I I g56 , • BREAK LINE 2% CROWN,,"' ROWN ,` / - 957 / I J: \0 1, ILLS \01 0070 -Mon ello \0115B0070.000 -N w ore \CADD \CIVIL \C04 GR- � 6 056 06 qS w o e� qs U H J a GIs d o \ J W 0 G \ F °C 951 q w Z ~ <�� Z d ~ 0- J ° J � w c Ii IZ U Z J J Z Q O SHEET NO. C4.1 )070.dwg Plotted by:Erik Bresnahan 8/12 16 8:42:46 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMI NOLTINQ f I 945�� �I 951 - / fl llillll`O�][1�[[II g11.0y 9�ss 4rf jj II I 2 III llf�I��II1�11� 1 ���,,F I[[ [III IIIII 1111 g�'�g IIII�II[I� i1[l��l � 9yg. I III, I[I[l .� lllll[ . t d�llli Illi I,'� EMERGENCY OVERFLOW �EL. - 918.3'1 11 1 I 1 I I I I I pJ1jl —i 1I - 9y9 \ I I1[II [IQlmi1l1[11 ��ayga9 410 [[ j°I`11.1 III 99a WIIIjI11°�IIII / j j 'jlf j1I.1111 ��► ��y,1 1 � II 11[I[11iIlN � ) < 1 �IfI 11[I111r�111 ( �. [ `IIII 111 I III II rn i$ /966 ho rn BREAK LINE 2% CROWN m cis xgyl p3 \ a I fhb / MILLS CAR WASH 4,905 S.F. F.F.E. = 961.0' 1 \ \ \ \ \ GRADING NOTES: o i \ — ` \ \ \ \ CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL \ _ PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. o �� \ \\ \ \ • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. Z / Z c \\ \ \ _ _ • EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES �l� \`•.. \� \ \ \ PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE \\\ \ V A DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. 1�1 \ 0 40 60 // C n \, \ \ • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS I SCALE (IN 965 `/ (n RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. I / // ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF // 964 V CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. \ c \ I1 957 \ \ 96,//� \ `96' 1 4s91 - \\ \\ \ ; \6 1960 061 959 \ \ \ \ \ 9y 92 \� \ \ I \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i I /951� / �oo 01 g5g�0 9yy6 \ C�y� \� \ \ U w z z \�.� °NZ- -19 / gp0 Abp f BREAK LINE �g'd /� 5r k "I O Z mw d •„ ,�,/ ��. � '� � \ F � \\�\ 954 � �� / �\ \� ' r� � »m �\ S. BREAK LINE ` "�' ;'� BREAK LINE \ '`�'� •' \ w = °" _ 2% CROWN �gygg9 2% CROWN 96E I 9S� - OUTLET PIPE INV. = 949.0' p STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN BASIN BOTTOM = 948.0' H W L = 952.8' 0 i • / /Nr // \ v 9 A - EMERGENCY � > OVERFLOW �; V. = 954.8' m e o I I BREAK[ 9 i cqs z 2% CROWN 959 / r \\\ \\ I / / 960 STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN o BASIN BOTTOM = 950.0' I HWL= 952.8' I = o / / —+ T M K .9 960'- 9 "'gOg _ I 960 00 i9s / /, °'y9I6 00 9S9 I / fill _________ _______________________________ _________________________ _ .may. `°s `os y 3 y y 2 5 y__ 9__ 5 ______ y__ g__ y_______ y__. q,__ y__�m ________ 6"y —J5 __________b m 1 s yg5ypl ygyy yg61, yg5ypl ygyy �g62 y95yA1 yg5 ygy ygy A'1 yg5 ygb yg? 0.1 \ yg5 yg6 ygy •p'1 I yg5 y96 ygy/ 1 yg5 y°j6 yg� Al 6g5 yg6 yg5 0.1 yg5 yg6 yg? Al ss gy91 gy9 m-1 9y9y ss s�'' ssl Al i l V / , err .. 3 u z 9 -9 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 9 g 9 9 9 9. I g 9 9 g A 9 9 9 g. 9 9 9 g. 9 9 9 g. 9y 9 yg. I / i a [�i w gyg- 9yg_ 0yg_ gyg. k gy9_ 9yg' gy 9c? i 96 g5 .gy9 nS/ gy 96p °' yg5y I ° m 4°a v ° P gy9 9 AO AO Ag 9yg A 0.0 Ag 0.g 9yg M AO Ag Ag 9yg ABA .AO AO gyg A 0.0 AO AO �, 0.�� 0.0 AO gyg A 0.0 AO AO gy9 A AO p0 Ag bg A d6 AO O g A0 q m I g A 9 \ \ / '. A 9y ' 0.0 AO 2 s gy AO AO AO 1 // Q y gy _ gyg -gyg— gyg' _gyg gbg' \ 9yg' - gyg_9yg' gyg' - gyg -9yg— g?g -9yg 9yg i g 9yg i - 9yg -9yg gyg -9yg 9yg 9yg - 0yg -0yg 9 gyg - gyg -gyg— gyg -gyg gy9 .9� ygy9, gy9 gy9_ I k I A yg� I % r� � s gy 9 gy I 199591 ._ _ _ - � i I i � / _ _ _�yggy ✓ \ � gg�9 V gyg9y �I y `b BREAK LINE I / \ BREAK LINE g51 / I Lq 956 tD� _ 1 `� 91- 1 1 91- 'S1- -959 yo60' I ^g y1 g2- \ yy32 gys gy4' gyg <� 9 9y6 5 9 9 i� yy yg gyg i ; gyg 956 _gyg 9 g� 0 gy� 95g I 1 U A 1 10 � yal In > I I g6 19y8 BREAK LINE \ �o BREAK LINE y 8o 1 gy- I Ig6 rn i I \ ' r J p gy09y gyg°j I I 9ya gy gy i `I IL...��...I v) Z 0 959 i _gy99 c'6 2 9yy I I Q F Z , LL W C Q BREA INE w a / 2 %CRiWN I'i I m 7 u- 0' LLaU Z _ 12 12- 12 92 12 1� i 12 -12- /12 12 12- 12 i -j -j F Q 9 9y9 9y9 00 9yg 9yg 95g 80 I 9yg 9yg 9yg 60 9yg 9yg 9yg'gg0 �� J J 0 LL. 5g gy9... gy9 I. gy9 ,gy � gyg 9g1 9 gy990g1 09 gygy 81 yg9Jy981 9y yg61.. y99Jyg . -1� 13 -1°� -10. 1A -1A -1A gy�gy gy. 9609 i 9 9 J" -'�'9 9- 9 I V\ SHEETNO _ C4.2 9p, 96 °'9�'- 96°'g2� 9y °' go °' g6 °gam_ o 6�c- ey p2A—y o2A oa o� ° a I gy '1 Imo _ v L`°1 gy�-`T'Oi- --900. gy gy0 .j0 �i I °'� q>Q \ 9�!MI 070 cell 0115 0 -N Si re\CA 1 B,�{770.dng S f�h 121201 8 2:56 ®2016 WM)SETM -SMITH i 1 I I I Ic! 9�2 c O h i = 1 I g5g g6g� g5 �g qp g5g g69 g5 �g q,0 i g5 g5 95g�g q,0 _g5 g5 , _ g�gOg a0 I I t 6� 6� 0 0 10 a0 0-1 0 950 $ 61 g5 q,'l g5°' $ g'l g5 g'1, i g50 $ 01 05 �� , 050 6� 05 9=7) '�- �'\ 13- �3 -�D� 1D� -�� -� 011 g5g' -�,- 900 0o I I ,g60 g60 �6 960 g60''- 96Q 2� g60' g6� g6p.02i / I \ 66 66 66 2� `L� 2� ° _ g6p / g60 g6 n, -1 -� I I '1 to 'l X60 _ 60 00 g60 g60,� g6p p cn V '3p 1 _ I j j "� 0 5g 91 1g I i 2� w �. °� �" °� I I °'� g0 ` 0 3 - 3 60 I I �31 -3� 3'l 3'l 3'1- 31 �Op o60 060 860 06,0 06,0 06o I g6g p`Z 86036 60 �4 c96'o♦ 06'0 6 o S �6' ci II I / x0 p 66 0 66 i p�'\ "� '� 601 ♦ 60 gA g6 g6 I 1 g6 ° v -1Q) L - - -- -------------------------- - - - - -- l I t ` I /) I I I I I I I I I-4 6o I 00 ; '0 ° I \ Cfl - I v ° CB -503 (48in) 960 � I ° RIM EL. = 959.70 I CO INV. EL. = 955.70 I i 000 • I ° I I° v - 959 °p cp I \ MILLS FLEET FARIY CB -502 (48in)-------__._ - - - _ -- I RIM EL. = 959.70 g6g�° ; - g6o�° 1659296 S.F. INV. EL. = 954.75 I I ° ° / F.F.E. = 961.0' I I / I I I o I \ I I LO I 957 \ SWALE START ELEV. = 954.0 ; O I \ � I I I ° I j o ti L x 060' g6p _ g ,� p 3 g60 g60o 40.10 ik3 g6� g60a' g6 6 D3 --------------- - - - - -- x I� - - - - - - - O - - - - -- - -- p g 060 (k3 5� R3 +-°'60 D3 5� D�3 1 °�6� O 36 D�3 861 p'1 ! ' p .�3 ` - - (013- O 0` 0 60 �� - g6p. g6p . g6p 860 • 860 860♦ 460 860 g6p . 056 g6 050 05� 060 g11 05 05 = 9 - -- �- -� =�- - --_ -- ---- - - - ------------ 0r° - -� y,lgr° _ g6 gc° g6 gC� 0�6 2 2 � I g60q�g60g`L 46082 x°'6�$ g60� i o00 310d 0V1i ° p ° p , • ° , `g6' `,� I Lv �_Q5 0160 �p 16"r o, i \ g46'A / . F.F.E. = 961.0' 853 I FO ' i it 3 60 860 \ 602� n 8605_ I BREAK LINE . ' r ;. (fB -406 (60in) ; I �-t. , \ RIMIEL. = 959.27 ; I F •y I -"'�" . INV.IEL. = 952.7 \ I , 96' e. ' •F�. \ � I 8685'( I �.. x • N I ••\r . I ' O I ' • • �• r ,.• CB -405 60in) I d I \ \ PIM EL. = 59.17 ' I A • I. .• I + INV. EL. 952.32 � •I.� I ' rn I g6g 5 i I ° •. . \ I � it .I \ \ I O I Ba04a(60Jn) . Al jf • e A A* I IINVI EL-. 951'68 I. , , ti I � I I f �� • • •,�2 ... g a I 11859 g6g' 4 4 015 6 \ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �I I I J;\ ✓�I I I I �l I I ' I I I S V � zQ) E F- o J 0 � w z (� C_ U) V ♦ � U Q) U Q W QQ) Eb a� w CONSTRUCT SWALE ; I /\ \ 06 pp T 11 9 v ' ► J I I o 4' BOTTOM AT 1 % W/ 4:1 SLOPES ° - 2.0 °I° ° ° ° \ \ \ \ CB -801 (48in) 866 I = 95 .2r-' i Lu gss \ \ \ RILL. _ 956.74 662 015 3 06x9 � i ��' o INV. - 952.07 016 �; o co CB -802 (48in) 5q,2 I CB 701 481n) / RIM EL. 957.7 Lu RIM EL. = 956.74 os ' i I INV. EL. = 953.7 I INV. EL. = 9 ' .80 x / ° ° ° ° ° p ° \ START ELEV. _ ° ° ° p ° p o ° p 86832 S LE 958 5 w ° , ° o p ° ° I ° v ° p ° ° v v v p _r L�� _______ I I I _ O' _________ -J 1 a - - - I; I �- - - - I nn - I ---- -- - -- -- - --- - - - - -- - - -- - - --- -- - - - - -- ------ --- -------- -- - - -- ----------------- I o -- - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - -� - � � � STM. M 402 (96in) ' ---------- -------------------------------------- \ I o \ \ I I I RIM EL. 958.65 ; o / Ii \ • . I ' 0� 3a 96'0 INV. EL. 951.00 ' o z o I 960 860 068 062x } = m I , , •• . . • • a . • . . •. • •' N U) a w Q o I m W 96o ` 959 I m ❑ m 1 ; rn / w z w 955 ACCESSORY BUILDING / / Q Q W 17 583 S.F. // \ Lo , ss2 F.F.E. = 960.0' SWALE END ELEV. = 951.0' \ s i \ 96 6 STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN 0) °' rn O \ / i 96, BASIN BOTTOM = 950.0' c LO / I I HWL = 953.5 , - 958 - \ I 1 SWALE END ELEV. - 953.0 968 9 I I I 9S / 95 � 9 955 955 6 - - �� �- _ �- 954 - - - - - - - 6 I , i I GRADING NOTES 856 • CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL \ 958 OUTLET PIPE PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. \ �� / / INV. = 953.0' CONSTRUCT SWALE • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. 958 / . j /j/ i i 4' BOTTOM AT 1 % W/ 4:1 SLOPES �' 1- 1- • EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES / 1 / T -� /I ' T , w 0 EMERGENCY OVERFLOW // / _ /I Uj z O PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE 975. 4 EL. - 956.0' �/ /// �.� T; w z cn DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. / / / // //r �- II• �- - i 846 Q � 2E z • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE / \ �/ \ _ // f j // �/ '� ! ___ I < O J _ w ------- - - - - -4- a 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS �� / - - -� _ -_ - -_ --------- -------- _- _- __-- __ -�- -- - -` -- EXISTING REGIONAL BASIN ------------ - - - - -- z , w a RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF--------------------- - - - - -- �7Z_------- - - - - -- - 956 w C� TOPSOIL PLACED. �� J / _ 955 954 _ 953 - i // ( / ��- i IL _U z_ - - 58 - i _ 52 - / \ \� I (n U) D • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF _ 9 - 57 - -_ - _ - - -_ _ - - - - - _ - g _ / / - 0 40 80 z 9 956 /� 951 950 / ,� �// �\ _� J J Q CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - 955 95�; - ` . 9� gA$ /r \ \ - OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 955_- - __ �� \----------=---- -- - - -- SCALE IN FEET - - - t--.- -- 957 •jam �` '� SHEET NO. 0 5 MI LS \0115B0070- Monticello \01 5 0 70100 - e or \IA D\ IVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by:Erik Bresnahan 8/12/2016 8:43:06 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITFfNO -EMG Of z� ILzo rn LLI0= 0 > . 01. O W O�� Z J Q�W 9 za N aFn O° o z w LU wOz Q O =❑1 =�Wo �oU) W F 2'i U N > w !L C, W w w ❑ LL Ud20 � ui im J Lu a�J ' O<w x Nm CONSTRUCT SWALE ; I /\ \ 06 pp T 11 9 v ' ► J I I o 4' BOTTOM AT 1 % W/ 4:1 SLOPES ° - 2.0 °I° ° ° ° \ \ \ \ CB -801 (48in) 866 I = 95 .2r-' i Lu gss \ \ \ RILL. _ 956.74 662 015 3 06x9 � i ��' o INV. - 952.07 016 �; o co CB -802 (48in) 5q,2 I CB 701 481n) / RIM EL. 957.7 Lu RIM EL. = 956.74 os ' i I INV. EL. = 953.7 I INV. EL. = 9 ' .80 x / ° ° ° ° ° p ° \ START ELEV. _ ° ° ° p ° p o ° p 86832 S LE 958 5 w ° , ° o p ° ° I ° v ° p ° ° v v v p _r L�� _______ I I I _ O' _________ -J 1 a - - - I; I �- - - - I nn - I ---- -- - -- -- - --- - - - - -- - - -- - - --- -- - - - - -- ------ --- -------- -- - - -- ----------------- I o -- - - - - -- - -- --- - - - - -� - � � � STM. M 402 (96in) ' ---------- -------------------------------------- \ I o \ \ I I I RIM EL. 958.65 ; o / Ii \ • . I ' 0� 3a 96'0 INV. EL. 951.00 ' o z o I 960 860 068 062x } = m I , , •• . . • • a . • . . •. • •' N U) a w Q o I m W 96o ` 959 I m ❑ m 1 ; rn / w z w 955 ACCESSORY BUILDING / / Q Q W 17 583 S.F. // \ Lo , ss2 F.F.E. = 960.0' SWALE END ELEV. = 951.0' \ s i \ 96 6 STORMWATER INFILTRATION BASIN 0) °' rn O \ / i 96, BASIN BOTTOM = 950.0' c LO / I I HWL = 953.5 , - 958 - \ I 1 SWALE END ELEV. - 953.0 968 9 I I I 9S / 95 � 9 955 955 6 - - �� �- _ �- 954 - - - - - - - 6 I , i I GRADING NOTES 856 • CONTRACTOR TO CALL GOPHER STATE ONE CALL \ 958 OUTLET PIPE PRIOR TO BEGINNING GRADING OPERATIONS. \ �� / / INV. = 953.0' CONSTRUCT SWALE • CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY UTILITY LOCATIONS. 958 / . j /j/ i i 4' BOTTOM AT 1 % W/ 4:1 SLOPES �' 1- 1- • EXCESS TOPSOIL & STOCKPILE BECOMES / 1 / T -� /I ' T , w 0 EMERGENCY OVERFLOW // / _ /I Uj z O PROPERTY OF CONTRACTOR AND SHALL BE 975. 4 EL. - 956.0' �/ /// �.� T; w z cn DISPOSED OF OFF SITE. / / / // //r �- II• �- - i 846 Q � 2E z • ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE SEED OR SOD SHALL HAVE / \ �/ \ _ // f j // �/ '� ! ___ I < O J _ w ------- - - - - -4- a 6" OF TOPSOIL PLACED. LANDSCAPE ISLANDS �� / - - -� _ -_ - -_ --------- -------- _- _- __-- __ -�- -- - -` -- EXISTING REGIONAL BASIN ------------ - - - - -- z , w a RECEIVING PLANTINGS SHALL HAVE 18" OF--------------------- - - - - -- �7Z_------- - - - - -- - 956 w C� TOPSOIL PLACED. �� J / _ 955 954 _ 953 - i // ( / ��- i IL _U z_ - - 58 - i _ 52 - / \ \� I (n U) D • ALL SPOT ELEVATIONS ARE TO TOP OF _ 9 - 57 - -_ - _ - - -_ _ - - - - - _ - g _ / / - 0 40 80 z 9 956 /� 951 950 / ,� �// �\ _� J J Q CONCRETE, TOP OF BITUMINOUS, OR FLOW LINE - - - - - - -- -- -- - - - 955 95�; - ` . 9� gA$ /r \ \ - OF CURB & GUTTER, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 955_- - __ �� \----------=---- -- - - -- SCALE IN FEET - - - t--.- -- 957 •jam �` '� SHEET NO. 0 5 MI LS \0115B0070- Monticello \01 5 0 70100 - e or \IA D\ IVIL \C04- GR- 0115B0070.dwg Plotted by:Erik Bresnahan 8/12/2016 8:43:06 AM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITFfNO -EMG I I EAST PROPERTY LINE EXISTING TREES IrvVENTORY. 2'PEM(QUANim =a) ;'sPa° CLANTITY -2 W SPRUCE (QUANnTY,AN SPRUCE I WEST PROPERTY UNE EXIST N O IN,GITORY V ELM SOMALI - SI 9 ELM (QUANTITY =) SOUiROPERTY LUNG EAKI G RE ' ' LM(BDANTUTY 6) 3 ELM (QUANTITY = I a spxu CEIOUANm =D I \ \ ND.\ MPEM LINE EXISTING RY Z EL (LESS ntt=7) UO � I ° -- - - -- t _ — -- - — — — --- ---- -- - ----J /TA -- - - - - -- L12 SIT cs,e <Svic> IRMIL a`o cBo cWko cro <1W, oo d+ c UFO) ° I _:.. B . _ . - I u I` I L1.3 3 I � I I I _ I I I I GENERAL NOTES 0 �-J WITH MULCH RING R� EVERGREEN TREES IIDDENTIFIED AD MULCH" ARI VACIEVE03' OF 1 V RIVER ROCK MULCH OVER MNWT GEORRECLUE -FILTER 2, WITH MULCH RING 2 REFER _ 3 THESE NOTED ME FOR GENE AND AS A SUPPLEMENT TO THE WOMEN SPECIFICATIONS, BOUNCE. ADDENDA AND CLON�CV� IRRIGATION CONDUIT Bxx CHANGE ORDERS O FROMTHHEEETPOi R`ooTBI. ACROSS ALL GREEN TREATED BURLAP. REMOVE ALL PLANT IDENTIFICATION TAGS FROM ALL PLANT Z m KEEP ALL Ux AND �I CONTAINERPLAME MAKE TO 5 CUTE IX RWEIBLLL AFTER PLAMHAS BEEN REMOVED. MIME CUT IOM DEEP, PLANT IMMEDIATELY. F y 7. SPREAD MULCH SO THAT R CS NOT IN CONTACT WITH WOODY WE OF PLAIT INHERE TREES ME LOCATED IN OPEN GRASS AREAS, MULCH AT WE OF TREES SHOULD BE ENCLOSED BY EDGING AND BE rL IN OwMETER. iULCHTrB BY VROLLlTOP PVC EDGIG, EwMG INSTALLED MANUFACTURERS SPEaFIIUnGxs EDGING IS NOT REQUIRED WHEN y n %TANNED UP �. .(SEE SHEET Ca BI = 5 CARDBOARD CONIRACTTOR SNLL COORDINATE ALL WORK WEST OTHER RANGES EVEN TOlxsrAlUnoN. F GAPE CONTRACTOR SHALL BECOME FAMLWI Win THE LOCATION OF ALL WELING AND FUTURE UNDERGROUND SERVICES AND IMPROVEMENTS WHICH 14� MAYCONFLICT WITH WORKTOBEOOE. m ]I PRIOR OPERATION S N PLANT�IERIK I HOT BE INSTEULEDINAN CAUSE TO ADJACENT STRUCTURES. NOTIFY THEARORI SHOULD CONFUCTS Q E ARISE IS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. FINISH GRADE OF pIPWMG MOM SMALL BE S BELOW ADJACENT RAVI NG RAPID 4' OEPM MULW iOp ORESSINDTOIQ'BELOW 3 w A HUSH DENTIN WEXIN r OF PAVING. B ALL EXQ NO TREES, WINES NNND GRROUNDD UMAINO SPILL BE PROTECTED. ANY DAMAGE CAUSED BY CONTRACTORS WORK OR NEGLIGENCE LWORE STTOR E➢ORRUBS S S EG THE ORAYINAL CODES AND REDUL IONSGOE XEMOMA MATERIALS U e . U DAMAGE OI CONTRACTOR ESLLMR ST ROO CURD GTTER.TM,TRAT$ ,1 A AMID DOE DURING CONSTRUCTION COST OWNI e UNDERGROUND BE NTTNLED S W TO THAT TALTON ES DO NOT CUT TYROUGH FOOT SYSTEMS OF EXISTING TREES O INEGATIVELY TREMAIN. SMALL REVENTUEEFROE DONOR i TECANT BA ER Wb WARFANTERY UNDESIRABLE SIDE COUNTERS S HNLLBE BRGUGTO THEAIEHiON OF THE Mum EIcGTFRGR i v onLrimmiC, WORK $ 21 U 60 6 6PQS di NG NG NIENA OF NEWLY NTMNLEDIOMML TFA . REPAIR g4 e6UMI ETTMEOFSUSRTANMLDCOAPItTCN OF ARTS OF CONFLICT OSUB.4TAN LC ET ERESPD RESPONSIBILITY FLEE CONTRACTOR 66a EXISTING TREES R GN FlCAN SHRUB PASSING FOUND ON SETS H LL ME PROTECTING ABC SAVED UNLESS BORDER TO BE REMOVED OR ME LOCATED IN N T W N )U TTD ARCHITECT PRIOR TOE 23 EXISTINGTREESTO SAMOAN, UPON DIRECTION OFA RTLQEDMD NEDT �ZE S Y. SMOOLSONKM WINGTACMECEDENCEOWASCHEOULESIFDrSCREPANCIE INQUANTIPE$rXI57 DETAICSTAKEPRECEDENCEOVEI TE6. PLANTING NOTES Sriiiin i 1. u o EHLLUYBDFNTA FxEDm BEST RUn TO JV ENTm O € n Si R CONTRACTOR 70 ARCHITECT PRIOR I ` PLANT LOCATIONS EA ADJUSTED N THE FIELD ATTIRE ARCHITECTS REQUEST RETALIATION OBTANAPPROVALCH ^ Fc PLANT LAW FROM M INCORRECT PRIOR T PLANTING, \ } DENY PLANTED MATERIAL SHAJUL BE THOROUGHLY SOARED WITH WATER ARTHUR 4, THIRTY DAYS AFTER PLANTING CONTRACTOR SHALL RESTAKE AND STANGUITIN TREES AS NECESSARY 5 LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR SMALL THOROUGHLY LOOSEN ANY COMPACTED 6DBGNDE6 PRIOR TO MCGING TOPSOIL TO AMINIMUM DEPM BE IT . ROLL c SUBGRADEW TO PREASN'T SETTLING, 5 DELETERIOUS LMOSANAHME CONTRACTOR SHALL USE SALVAGED TOPSOIL FRED OF WEEDS RHIZOPMEBi ROCKS STICKS AND OTHER R f NAL 0 W WITH NOTES. v $A' 1 DAR 6 G SPACES NESOME CONTRACTOR STALL REMOVE ADD LOOSEN SUBSOILS INOSOILS CONTRACTOR SALVAGED GMDFSNI;DMNHTAIN POSIT( DN AWAY N TCT FROM TOG COMMENCING DEDUCTIONS ' B. KEEP ALL MOST ANU LANDED UNIT L PIPLNNEED 0' ANMONNTE MATERIAL OL SUBSTIDT ONE WILL 5E ACCEPTED UNLESS APPNOVNS GRANTED BY THE ARCHITECT TO ME IANOSCME CONTRACTOR PR OR TO THE�%�^ 10. PLANT MATERIALS TO BE INSTALLED PER PLANT UPON INSTALLATION OTH CARL MERAL, OR THIS 6 TIRE OR MAY N SUMMER AREEFALL NSTAOTHPRDNPPROM APPLICATION TON OF 10 OZmOF U 1tr 2 0' CAUSES TAKE AMID 6 OZ VAN SHRUB vJ IZ XRORSEEOSMETORECEI D OFPRE- EMERGENT HERBICIDE IPREEN'ORMPREVED EOWLI FOLLOWED BY DEEP MULCH. IS uN Om TOR TYNE PLANTMATER RMGHT DC Nm YEARSFRGMOATEOFSUB3TA CBMKE lON A! AJI SYMBOLS LEGEND �GT PLAIN SYMBOL (SEE SCHEDULE) V.I QUANI THIS LOCATION �iLOUiiI IIIIIL.Iylll 'VIII IUI� SCALE (IN FEET) Wa 0 "m 0 - Q ass Z 0 U L� U ED i 6 p 3 w n 6 aw �ti L1,0 CANOPY TREES �-J WITH MULCH RING R� EVERGREEN TREES V WITH MULCH RING O SHRUBS _ IF RIVER ROCK MULCH - --- IRRIGATION CONDUIT �GT PLAIN SYMBOL (SEE SCHEDULE) V.I QUANI THIS LOCATION �iLOUiiI IIIIIL.Iylll 'VIII IUI� SCALE (IN FEET) Wa 0 "m 0 - Q ass Z 0 U L� U ED i 6 p 3 w n 6 aw �ti L1,0 \ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / O `vim 0 0 O " °o D 0 i EA O " 4 I 1 I. O 4 ■ �GF \ �cF 1 I:m��� ,1.., ...=... . 'II!oil �::_:� �:•• r ::N MEMO NOMINEE _...MONS, ��j111L ■._.... AN ' —III/ on 2 I� ..■ ;_.. FA o\ o\ 0 O \ / O / \ / O \ ° \ O Y� / O \ / � O JBS // °\ i 12 i , \\ \ \ 0 Cyr` S�cq 040?O,Q \ O i SEE SHEET L1.2 Mil �T r ,N O V) H W U O 0 z � z 0 40 80 SCALE ( IN FEET) r \CI \ -01,o— 15B070.000.dwg Plotted by:Scott Hennen 8/10/2016 1:33:31 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING z(D _E 0 J 0 w z 2 T N i 5_ U 2 U Q W QN N .nn w r- D of z0f d Z O p �Oj m v O1w O ww O z U j Z QF W J co LL W Q N U Z O Q wa�' N o O o LL Z� Z W QWOZ O d Z a D LL �00w0 m O Z S 2i U Q Ln J U) } m Y W = W D W' <DLL � O U CL Li > 0] T Q > J W 0- — J LU Q W Q Q W U H F � } m Z O a U U W D Z O U) w L w w Q D SHEET NO. L1.1 O O O Q O ti Z 0 O N J w O rn O m N = Ln J U) r � W z cl Q I-- O m 0n W m LU W w Z J W W 3: U Z LL = m Q U � 0 D cn D U Q SHEET NO. L1.1 Z J Q o. w 0 J w a U � W z cl Q I-- Z � O LU J w 0 J W W LL U 0 Q Z J J J 2 W SHEET NO. L1.1 o I o I� o O SBH I 2 I , , / ,, i j7BS 0 Alm o . I o O O O I � ' O orI O 0 ' 'I O O O a . o 0 o 4 1 wo .r...,, I MS 4,905 S.F. LB \ n J. 2 LJT PA 3 • � SBH 5 \ MS � BUFFER TYPE'A' a TYP. PLANTING /100 \ LINEAR FEET � III T ,Y ?� // / 3 HI II AC T-7 7 i TLJT (MS) , IRRIGATION CONDUIT (TYP.) - / a �\ °MS - + + + + + + 1 S H + + + + + { L6 F + + + + + + R + + ,O SBH 5 W 1 6 O JA + + + + + + + + . MS O r %j + + + + + T + + + + / + + + + + + + + + + BU I II I SAW V UT 2 — it I I II I I j II L— I I TYP. PLANTIN + + + + + + + + + — — , — O LINE + + + + + + + + + + 0 � / / i + + + + + + + + + + - RA p <� /� + d- + + + + + + + d- + 3 % + + + + + + + + + + a- + + + + + + + + + + SEE SHEET L1.3 n., .I . JJ =01 v I III ACJ 5 II C� Z J 0 Z F_ 2 V) W D i 2 w na 2 in m a m c c w �o \ a�w a zo o rr w z o.Z 0 1. \ \ \ woon z . wa s C N�ww O �w oz ROC \ iZ Qo mou \ cwo . 2 0 V,, / / �Jr BUFFER TYPE'C' SUPPLEMENT EXISTING - JJI TREES WITH REMAINING QUANTITIES TO ryi 15B00701 o0 -New SIQQMJLMLNLOt =CP- W o � o o o U no m W K K \ O m m m O � Z 3 w 2 4Z Q a F w a U W Z G � Of g (� W F- a o �J LU 0 J W z / LJi d U J J Z a .� -A p Z 0 40 80 2 :2 2 W USCALE (IN FEET) L1.2 ry:S nnen 8/10120161:33:33 PM 0 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING I BUFFER TYPE 'A' TYP. 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SCALE (IN FEET) � - L1.3 J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by: Scott H nnen 8/10/2016 1:33:34 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING of D Of d Z p �Oj rn v w Q D 01� 01 W W W O Z O =) 3 O I-- c/) Z Q F W J o Q 2i o } 0n m W w Z d' W m z L-w¢N U 1 Z Q 3: 0 Q U � = D cn D U m LL, a p 0 0, N 0 '0 w Z Q J W O Z ~ d D a Q D 0 LL ~luWO OUw iluua CN }m }W = w D < D w O a V2 w � Lu m U) Q W 0- - J w J Q W Q Q W U H F � Cd z O f- a of U w D z O Lu ,�---- - - - - -- + Q �. 00 i U 1 W J o aJ CO 000 w Z tv Z z ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- LL 0 Z I LLI 0 J = I C J Lu O w p LLJ °z ILL 0- U 0 - -- Q -------- - - - - -- - J J Z J J J 0 Z 0 40 80 2 :2 2i LV SHEET NO. SCALE (IN FEET) � - L1.3 J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by: Scott H nnen 8/10/2016 1:33:34 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING w w Q D :> 0 0 0 O ti N z m o N = J u) O 0 m Ln r Q 2i o } 0n m W w Z d' W m z 3: 0 Q U � = D cn D U m ,�---- - - - - -- + Q �. 00 i U 1 W J o aJ CO 000 w Z tv Z z ----------------------------------------- - - - - -- LL 0 Z I LLI 0 J = I C J Lu O w p LLJ °z ILL 0- U 0 - -- Q -------- - - - - -- - J J Z J J J 0 Z 0 40 80 2 :2 2i LV SHEET NO. SCALE (IN FEET) � - L1.3 J: \0115B- MILLS \0115B0070 - Monticello \0115B0070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by: Scott H nnen 8/10/2016 1:33:34 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING V � FINISH GRADE Z E o EDGING AS SPECIFIED, INSTALL ACCORDING TO J MFGR'S SPECIFICATIONS O w MULCH AS SPECIFIED Z \ D Y Cn WEED BARRIER FABRIC AS SPECIFIED. LAP 6" AT a JOINTS W 8" STAPLES TO ANCHOR WEED BARRIER, TRIANGULAR SPACING 3' O.C. AND 1' O.C. LINEAR Q �, SPACING AT JOINTS w EDGING, MULCH AND FABRIC DETAIL L 1.4 NOT TO SCALE iro w0z 00 n Cn Z) v Q� i0�w O q d Z O O �Z W co W W Q _ V EDGING AS SPECIFIED , woo < N 0000 0 L L } o �ww o °Z Q MULCH AS SPECIFIED 3" MIN. DEPTH o o W w W r' } 0] W w 12 "� — III — III — III —III 8" PLANTING SOIL MIN. w Q Q o c1 a w VARIES A0- < Q �� �� 12 PLANTING SOIL MIN. BELOW ROOT BALL �, w < Q w 0 A A } CIO EXISTING SUBGRADE 2 SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL o L 1.4 NOT TO SCALE O W 0 co Z > w w Lu- LLB o r I J A o > Z o N �— l 7 > m O m V\ I 2 Ln U) W W / J Q GARDEN HOSE THREADED WITH SUPPORT WIRE m w > m ' 00 0 Z W � -1 3: v z G \ Jrl a a w m vi o v 3" FLEX IN WIRE o 3" TO 3 2" DIA. POST W TREE WRAP W o Q TRUNK FLARE - AT FINISH GRADE LINE LD �0 N MULCH AS SPECIFIED, KEEP MULCH 1 -2" BACK FROM TRUNK FLARE. 0 mo 00 oom j�� III II ��� EDGING AS SPECIFIED 8" TOPSOIL MIN. J O 2 12" TOPSOIL MIN. BELOW ROOT BALL (n Z VARIES LL 2 Q Lu UNDISTURBED SUBGRADE LJJ O d Z a w U LL 0- U u J J Z z � � O Z 3 TREE PLANTING DETAIL J L 1.4 NOT TO SCALE C I SHEET NO. L1.4 J: \0115B- MILLS \011580070- Monticello \011580070.000 -New Store \CADD \CIVIL \L01- LP- 115B070.000.dwg Plotted by: Scott Hennen 8/10/2016 1:33:35 PM © 2016 WIDSETH SMITH NOLTING CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developments 4. The City shall, upon approval of the PUD Final Stage, recording of the Final Plat, and execution of the PUD developer's agreement, publish the PUD Ordinance specifying land use, densities, performance standards, and ongoing general obligations of occupants of the PUD. Such ordinance shall create a zoning district that is specific to the property for which the PUD was applied, and shall be designated in such a way as to be able to mark the official zoning map to identify the PUD ordinance. The PUD ordinance shall also designate that such property is thereby rezoned to the PUD district as adopted. 5. Up -to -date title evidence for the subject property in a form acceptable to the City shall be provided as part of the application for the PUD Final Plat. 6. Developer shall provide warranty deeds for Property being dedicated to the City for all parks, outlots, etc., free from all liens and encumbrances except as otherwise waived by the City Council. 7. Developer shall provide all easement dedication documents for easements not shown on the final plat including those for trails, ingress /egress, etc., together with all necessary consents to the easement by existing encumbrancers of the property. (iv) PUD Final Stage and Final Plat Review The application for PUD Final Stage and Final Plat shall be considered by the City Council at a public meeting, following a review and report by the Community Development Department. Approval of the PUD Final Stage and Final Plat shall be by simple majority vote of the City Council, except where State law may specifically require a supermajority. (10) PUD Amendments Approved PUD's may be amended from time to time as a result of unforeseen circumstances, overlooked opportunities, or requests from a developer. At such a time, the applicant shall make an application to the city for a PUD amendment. All such amendments will be processed as one of the following: Page 72 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developments (a) Administrative Amendment — The Community Development Department may approve minor changes in the location, placement, and height of buildings if such changes are required by engineering or other circumstances, provided the conform to the review criteria applied by the Planning Commission and City Council, and are consistent with all requirements of the PUD ordinance. Under no circumstances shall an administrative amendment allow additional stories to buildings, additional lots, or changes to designated uses established as part of the PUD. An Administrative Amendment shall be memorialized via letter signed by the Community Development Director and recorded against the PUD property. (b) PUD Adjustment — an adjustment to a PUD may be made through review and approval by a simple majority vote of the City Council with or without referral to the Planning Commission. For a PUD Adjustment, the applicant shall follow the procedures and requirements of the PUD Final Stage as identified in this Chapter. A PUD Adjustment shall be memorialized with an amendment to the PUD Development Agreement, executed by the City and applicant, and recorded against the PUD property. To qualify for this review, the minor adjustment shall not: (i) Eliminate, diminish or be disruptive to the preservation and protection of sensitive site features. (ii) Eliminate, diminish or compromise the high quality of site planning, design, landscaping or building materials. (iii) Alter significantly the location of buildings, parking areas or roads. (iv) Increase or decrease the number of residential dwelling units by more than five percent. (v) Increase the gross floor area of non - residential buildings by more than three percent or increase the gross floor area of any individual building by more than five percent (residential lots not guided for specific structure sizes are excluded from this requirement). (vi) Increase the number of stories of any building. (vii) Decrease the amount of open space or alter it in such a way as to change its original design or intended function or use. (viii) Create non - compliance with any condition attached to the approval of the Final PUD Plan. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 73 CHAPTER 2: APPLICATION REVIEWS AND PROCEDURES Section 2.4 Specific Review Procedures & Requirements Subsection (0) Planned Unit Developments (c) PUD Amendment — any change not qualifying for an administrative amendment or a PUD adjustment shall require a PUD amendment. An application to amend a PUD shall be administered in the same manner as that required for an initial PUD beginning at PUD Development Stage and Preliminary Plat. (11) PUD Cancellation A PUD shall only be cancelled and revoked upon the City Council adopting an ordinance rescinding the ordinance approving the PUD. Cancellation of a PUD shall include findings that demonstrate that the PUD is inconsistent with the Comprehensive Plan or other application land use regulations, threatens public safety, health, or welfare, or other applicable findings in accordance with law. (12) Administration In general, the following rules shall apply to all PUDs: (a) Rules and regulations: No requirement outlined in the PUD process shall restrict the City Council from taking action on an application if necessary to meet state mandated time deadlines; (b) Preconstruction: No building permit shall be granted for any building on land for which a PUD plan is in the process of review, unless the proposed building is allowed under the existing zoning and will not impact, influence, or interfere with the proposed PUD plan. (c) Effect on Conveyed Propegy: In the event any real property in the approved PUD Agreement is conveyed in total, or in part, the buyers thereof shall be bound by the provisions of the approved Final PUD Plan constituting a part thereof as well as the PUD zoning ordinance; provided, however, that nothing herein shall be construed to create non - conforming lots, building sites, buildings or uses by virtue of any such conveyance of a lot, building site, building or part of the development created pursuant to and in conformance with the approved PUD. Page 74 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 20. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -079 authorizing preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2017 Street Improvement Project (SB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Staff is requesting Council authorization to prepare a Feasibility Report addressing street and drainage improvements for the following roadways: • Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haug Avenue and 90th Street (within City limits) • Mississippi Drive • Hart Boulevard • Sandberg Road, south of Chelsea Road Trail and utility improvements will also be addressed in the report for applicable segments of the above roadways. The streets have deteriorated over time and are in need of repair. The street department has patched specific areas of pavement deterioration within some of these roadway surfaces over the last few years. This type of patching is a temporary fix as cracking and potholes will be reflected again onto the pavement surface within 1 -3 years. It is not cost effective to continually repair these segments over time, but is practical on a temporary basis until the roadway is reconstructed. In general, it is proposed to reclaim the existing pavement and underlying aggregate base and repave the streets. Soil borings and evaluation will determine the pavement section needed. Deteriorated curb, where applicable, will be replaced as needed. The street superintendent and engineering staff met to define a general scope for the project that the Feasibility Report will address as summarized below for each street improvement: Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haug; Avenue and 90th Street These roadways were identified in the Rural Road Improvement program developed and implemented in 2012. It should be noted that improvements to Gillard Avenue was discussed earlier this year with the potential extension of 95th Street. Staff plans to present a draft feasibility report addressing the options for extending 95th Street as well as intersection improvements at Gillard Avenue and CR 39 as a separate item in the upcoming months. In the meantime, staff felt it was timely to request authorization of street and drainage improvement along Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haug Avenue and 90th Street. The pavement has deteriorated over time and is in need of repair. Trail improvements, on- street parking concerns, boulevard survival and erosion issues with potential addition of curb and gutter along Gillard Avenue will be addressed in the report. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 Mississippi Drive The pavement has deteriorated over time and is in need of repair. The street department has patched certain segments with a thin overlay. This is a temporary fix until the roadway is reconstructed. There are areas along the south side of Mississippi Drive where the adjacent property has steep slopes directed toward the roadway. Sediment accumulates in the roadway and it is probable that high groundwater or springs exist in the slope. The report will address installation of drain tile and other erosion control measures to mitigate this issue. Hart Boulevard The rural road segment of Hart Boulevard from CR 39 and along the adjacent the Von Hanson's, Liberty Bank, etc. properties are in poor condition. The topography and drainage conditions will be reviewed to determine if it is cost effective to add curb and gutter. The remaining segment of Hart Boulevard to the intersection of CSAH 75 and Highland Way will be reviewed for potential improvements if necessary. The segment of Hart Boulevard between the wastewater treatment plant and the hospital will be reviewed for improvements as well. This segment of Hart Boulevard is being considered for street improvements as there is a need to upsize approximately 800 feet of existing watermain from 6 -inch to 12 -inch main to improve maintenance of the system. A trail connection along the north side of CSAH 75, where there is an existing foot path, from Hart Boulevard to the wastewater treatment plant administrative office building entrance, will be addressed in the report. Sandberg Road The segment of Sandberg Road, south of Chelsea Road, solely serves the adjacent businesses and terminates without a connection to TH 25. The pavement is in poor condition and the curb will be reviewed for spot replacement as needed. Staff will speak with the adjacent businesses about the project as alternatives to on- street parking will need to be addressed during construction, if the project moves forward. In general, the Feasibility Report will address the location, existing conditions, proposed improvements, estimated costs, available funding sources (including special assessments), preliminary project schedule, and determination as to the necessity, feasibility and cost - effectiveness of the proposed improvements. A topographic survey of the project area and borings of the pavement and subgrade will also be completed. 2 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 Al. Budget Impact: The improvements were included in the City's Capital Improvement Plan. The estimated costs for the improvements range from $1,500,000 to $2,000,000 based on typical per square -foot costs for street improvements with a contingency for the other surface and drainage improvements mentioned in the report. The watermain replacement along Hart Boulevard is estimated at $100,000. A more detailed cost estimate will be provided in the feasibility report for each roadway and improvement. WSB and Associates will complete the topographic survey, complete the cost estimate, drawings, preliminary assessment role and report preparation. Funding for the proposed improvements will likely include a mix of funding sources including; special assessments to the benefitting properties and future street reconstruction and improvement bonds repaid by a debt service tax levy. The Finance Director will likely recommend during 2018 budget discussions that the debt /capital projects levy be held at levels consistent with prior years and used to provide upfront financing for the street reconstruction projects, other improvement projects and future debt service needs. A bonding reimbursement resolution will be presented for consideration as these projects will likely be included in the 2017 bond issue. Assessments for the project will be based on the City's assessment policy for residential and non - residential rates, in which will be evaluated with the feasibility report. A2. Staff Workload Impact: WSB staff will complete the Feasibility Report with utilizing Engineering staff and Public Works staff to the maximum extent possible. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -079 authorizing preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2017 Street Improvement Project. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -079 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. The subject roadways have deteriorated over time and are in need of repair and were included in the City's Capital Improvement Plan. The street superintendent and engineering staff developed the scope for the project that the Feasibility Report will address. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -079 B. Project Map CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-079 AUTHORIZING FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE 2017 STREET IMPROVEMENTS WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve the streets listed below, including the adjustment, construction, reclamation, removal, and/or repair of existing pavement; curb and gutter; sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water supply systems; pathways; signage; and other necessary appurtenant work, and to assess the benefitting properties for all or a portion of the cost of the improvements, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429. • Gillard Avenue, 95th Street, Haug Avenue and 90th Street (within City limits) • Mississippi Drive • Hart Boulevard • Sandberg Road, south of Chelsea Road NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: That the feasibility study for proposed improvements be referred to WSB & Associates, and that the Engineer is instructed to report back to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost - effective, and feasible; whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement; and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2P. Consideration of approving the annual Snow Plowing and Ice Removal Policy for the 2016 -2017 snow season. (TM) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Each year the Public Works Department reviews the previous year's Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy and proposes updates to the document. Early in October, after all of the different divisions of Public Works have had an opportunity to check plow routes, new construction and changes; we meet as a group to go over the policy in depth. Comments generated from this group meeting often result in modifications and changes to the policy. These changes then are outlined and clearly marked in red in the draft document and brought forward to the City Council for review, possible changes and adoption. This document then becomes the framework for the snow plowing and removal operations throughout the City by Public Works. Individual departments then develop their own plans on how they are to accomplish the goals set out in the policy. The policy lays out priorities and timing for all facets of snow plowing /removal throughout the community. The priorities set out in the policy are to be achieved by the Public Works Department under reasonable conditions and budget, assuming that at least one piece of major equipment and one operator are not available. In most cases we are able to meet the goals set out in the policy in less time than stated. Following is a summary of this year's proposed changes to the Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy: Proposed Changes to Secondary Snow Emergency Routes: 1. Add 85th Street (from Fallon Ave to TH 25) Proposed Changes to Public Parking Lots (Plowed within 12 hours following a snow event) 1. Add Parkside Parking Lot at Oak Ridge Drive (Dog Park Lot) Proposed Changes to Primary Sidewalks: 1. Move Cedar Street (East Side at RR Crossing) to Secondary Sidewalks 2. Add Washington Street (West Side from Broadway to 4th St) Proposed Changes to Secondary Sidewalks: 1. Add Cedar Street (West Side from 7th St to 3rd St and East Side at RR Crossing) 2. Add Fairhill Lane (in front of Hunters Crossing Park) 3. Add Innsbrook Drive (East Side from Park Place Dr to Chelsea Rd) Proposed Changes to Secondary Pathways: 1. Update CSAH 18 (South Side from Fenning Ave to Troy Marquette Dr) 2. Add 90th Street (East Side from Chelsea Rd to Park Place Dr) 3. Add River Mill Park (from Mill Trail Ln NE — into the Park at bottom of sliding hill) Al. Budget Impact: The proposed changes to the policy this year will have minor impact on the City's budget. 1 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 A2. Staff Workload Impact: The proposed changes to the policy will have minor changes to the workload of the Public Works during the winter season. We are adequately staffed to handle this workload but the time required to complete the process may be increased. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve the 2016 - 2017 Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy with proposed changes as outlined in this report. 2. Motion to deny adopting the 2016 - 2017 Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 for the City Council to approve the modifications to the Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy as outlined and to adopt the policy. Council should keep in mind that Public Works is adequately staffed to handle this workload but the time required to complete the process may be increased. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Snow Plowing & Ice Removal Policy (proposed changes highlighted in red) B. Snow Plow Route Map C. Primary /Secondary Plow Route Map D. Primary /Secondary Sidewalk/Pathway Maintenance Map E. Snowmobile Route Map 2 \� CITY OF Monticello Snow Plowing Ice Removal Policy 2016 -2017 Amended by City Council October 26, 2015 CHANGES TO BE PRESENTED TO CITY COUNCIL 10/24/16 [The City of Monticello will provide snow and ice control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. This policy indicates the minimum levels of service that can be expected and the city will strive to achieve better results whenever possible.] CITY OF MONTICELLO SNOW PLOWING /REMOVAL POLICY Table of Contents 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... ..............................4 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY ................................................................................................... ..............................4 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY ...................................................................................................... ..............................4 4. EQUIPMENT .................................................................................................................................. ..............................4 5. WORK SCHEDULE ..................................................................................................................... ............................... 5 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE ............................................................................................ ..............................5 7. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES ................................................................................................. ..............................7 PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES ................................................................................ ..............................7 SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES .......................................................................... ..............................8 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW ................................................................................................ ..............................8 9. HAULING OF SNOW ................................................................................................................... ..............................9 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................... ..............................9 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................. ............................... 9 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS ............................................................................................................ ..............................9 PLOWINGTO BEGIN BY 4 A. M ................................................................................................. ..............................9 PLOWED BY 8 A.M. (ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS) ......................................................... .............................10 PLOWED WITH PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE .................................................. ............................... 10 PLOWED WITHIN 12 HOURS FOLLOWING SNOW FALL EVENT .................................... ............................... 10 13. CITY SIDEWALKS .......................................................................................................................... ............................... 10 8.1.1: MAINTENANCE BY OWNER: .................................................................................................................... I I 8.1.11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW: .................................................................................................... I I 14. CITY MAINTAINED SIDEWALKS .......................................................................................... ..............................1 1 TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: .......................................................................................................................... 17 Parking and stopping: .................................................................................................................................... 17 TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: ......................................................................................................................... 18 Parking in regard to snow plowing and /or removal: ..................................................................................... 18 21. WINTER SIDEWALK PATHWAY /SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS ................................ .............................18 TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: ......................................................................................................................... 18 Restrictions: .................................................................................................................................................. 18 PRIMARY SIDEWALKS ............................................................................................................ ............................... 1 1 SECONDARYSIDEWALKS ........................................................................................................ .............................13 Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: ..................................................................................................... 14 15. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS ............................................................................................ .............................14 PRIMARYPATHWAYS ............................................................................................................... .............................14 SECONDARYPATHWAYS ......................................................................................................... .............................15 16. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS ................................................................................... .............................16 4THSTREET PARK ....................................................................................................................... .............................16 WESTBRIDGE PARK .................................................................................................................. .............................16 17. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES ............................................................................... .............................17 18. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY ..................................................................................... .............................17 19. REVIEW OF POLICY .................................................................................................................. .............................17 20. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS ...................................................................................... .............................17 TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: .......................................................................................................................... 17 Parking and stopping: .................................................................................................................................... 17 TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: ......................................................................................................................... 18 Parking in regard to snow plowing and /or removal: ..................................................................................... 18 21. WINTER SIDEWALK PATHWAY /SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS ................................ .............................18 TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: ......................................................................................................................... 18 Restrictions: .................................................................................................................................................. 18 CITY OF MONTICELLO SNOW PLOWING /REMOVAL POLICY Amended by the City Council October 27, 2014 1. INTRODUCTION The City of Monticello assumes basic responsibility for the control of snow and ice on city streets and city owned public parking lots. Reasonable snow and ice control is necessary for routine travel and emergency services. The city will provide such control in a safe and cost effective manner, keeping in mind safety, budget, personnel and environmental concerns. The city will utilize city employees, city equipment and/or private contractors when necessary to provide this service. 2. AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Through its adoption, the City Council of Monticello is responsible for the policy established herein. Implementation of this policy is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent or his designee under the direction of the City Administrator. The chain of command is the City Administrator and Street Superintendent, in that order. Decisions as to time, method and materials used on snow plowing/removal operations will be made by the Street Superintendent under the direction of the City Administrator, and any amendments are to be in accordance with amendment section of this policy. The Parks Department will supplement the efforts of the Street Department with primary responsibilities in parking lots, sidewalks, pathways and skating rinks. This work will be carried out by the Park Superintendent or his designee under the direction of the City Administrator. (Amended by city Council 0111012005) (Amended by City Council 1012612009) 3. AMENDMENTS TO POLICY Any amendments to this policy require council approval. Whenever possible and practical, amendments should be brought up at council meetings and should be a matter of public record. However, to allow for emergencies or other extenuating circumstances, when time does not permit council approval or action, the City Administrator or Street Superintendent is hereby authorized to amend any portion of this policy he sees fit. If practical, the City Administrator shall be notified and shall approve of any such amendment. Any such amendment made due to a particular emergency shall be brought to the attention of the council if the amendment is to be a permanent one. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) 4. EQUIPMENT The city shall acquire, maintain, repair and replace equipment on a timely basis as the city's established budget shall allow. To provide for utilization of equipment in a cost effective manner, the city may use regular city trucks, motor graders, front -end loaders, snow blowers and any other regular equipment as may be useful for control of snow and ice. Equipment that can be used only for snow and ice control shall be acquired and utilized only if deemed absolutely essential. Whenever existing snow removal heavy equipment is believed to be broken down for an excess of eight hours during a declared snow event and that piece of equipment is essential to snow plowing /removal operations, the Street Superintendent or his designee may rent equipment. The City Administrator shall be notified of this decision immediately. A written report to include equipment down, reason for renting, estimated rental period, rental company, rental machine identification, rental rate, and estimate of total cost shall be submitted within 48 hours. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) When the Street Superintendent determines that the policy levels of service cannot be provided by city forces, he shall report to the City Administrator the followinz information: A. Additional time required to provide desired levels of service using just city forces. B. Additional equipment and/or personnel support required to achieve desired levels of service. C. Estimated number of hours equipment and/or personnel will be required. The Street Superintendent will then take the following action: A. Determine availability of contractor equipment. B. Estimate cost of contracted service required. C. Determine availability of funds to meet estimated costs. D. Based on information supplied, the City Administrator shall determine whether to contract for additional service or equipment, or accept reduced levels of service. If contracted service or equipment is secured, the Street Superintendent shall provide the Citv Administrator with a report con taininz the followink information: A. Purpose of contracting snow plowing /removal. B. Estimated time and cost of contracted services. C. Time and date contract began. In the absence of the City Administrator, the Street Superintendent shall have full authority under this section and shall communicate any decisions or actions resulting in extraordinary expenditures to the City Administrator's designee. 5. WORK SCHEDULE Scheduling of employees is the responsibility of the Street Superintendent or his designee under the direction of the City Administrator. When conditions allow, work schedules shall be arranged to keep overtime at a minimum, with overtime scheduling being approved by the Street Superintendent. The Street Superintendent shall notify the City Administrator of any unusual amount of overtime to be performed and the reasons. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) 6. MINIMUM LEVELS OF SERVICE The following are minimum levels of service that can be expected. The city will strive to achieve better results if possible. Snow and/or ice control may be terminated at any time the Street Superintendent or his designee determine that rising or falling temperatures, visibility and/or the rate of accumulation make the control unsafe, ineffective or unnecessary. Should a subsequent storm occur within the minimum times for service, then such subsequent storm shall become the storm referred to in this policy. A. Snow removal and/or sanding operations shall begin when snow accumulation reaches 2" or when ice or snow pack occur on designated primary snow emergency streets, and shall continue periodically throughout the duration of the storm. It is the intention of the City to keep these routes open to traffic, if possible, during a storm; however, it is not the intent to keep them snow or ice free. B. All designated secondary snow emergency streets shall be open to traffic (two lanes) within eight (8) hours after the snow storm subsides. C. All remaining non - emergency through streets shall be open to 2 -lane traffic within twelve (12) hours after the snowstorm subsides. Parking lot snow may be piled for removal and removed after snow is hauled from the Broadway median and all streets are widened curb to curb where possible. The snow plowing operations in the commuter parking lots shall be started by 4 a.m. whenever weather conditions allow. D. All public streets such as dead ends and cul -de -sacs shall be open to traffic within sixteen (16) hours after a snowstorm subsides. E. Downtown Broadway, from 150 feet east of Linn Street to 150 feet east of Cedar Street shall be plowed to the center median. The Street Superintendent or his designee may elect to plow downtown streets during evening or early morning hours to avoid traffic and parked vehicles. Other downtown streets will be plowed outward. City owned parking lots and alleys in blocks 34, 35 and 52 are plowed by 8 a.m. after a 2" accumulation of snow (see Section 12). (Amended by City Council 0111012005) F. Downtown snow hauling including the half block of Walnut south of Broadway, if necessary, shall begin by the next morning after all streets have been plowed and the crews are rested. Hauling shall not be conducted Friday evening or Saturday evening unless abnormal conditions warrant same. (Amended by City Council 0111012005) G. Salt and sand operations shall provide bare pavement on driving lanes when conditions allow for all primary snow emergency routes, skid resistance at school crossings, stop signs and isolated icy areas. Salt and sand operations on all other streets will be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee. H. Snow depth at the corners of intersections shall be reduced to 36" or less following other necessary snow plowing and removal operations. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall have the authority to determine the scheduling and priority of this function. I. Certain county highways within the city are maintained by the city and fall under county maintenance agreements. SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES 6TH STREET FROM THE FIRE HALL TO TH 25: INCLUDING FIRE HALL PARKING LOT AND DRIVEWAYS 7TH STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO CSAH 18 BROADWAY FROM WILLOW STREET TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE CSAH 39 WEST FROM THE PUBLIC WORKS BUILDING TO CSAH 75 WEST PRAIRIE ROAD FROM KEVIN LONGLEY DR TO CSAH 75 WEST FENNING AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 85TH STREET (DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY) GILLARD AVENUE FROM CSAH 39 EAST TO 95TH STREET (DUE TO TOPOGRAPHY) HART BOULEVARD FROM MISSISSIPPI SHORES TO WWTP TO CSAH 75 EAST RIVER STREET EAST FROM WASHINGTON TO THE NURSING HOME WASHINGTON STREET FROM BROADWAY TO EAST RIVER STREET WASHINGTON STREET FROM EAST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET ROUNDABOUT AT CSAH 18 & MEADOW OAK AVENUE SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO CSAH 18 WALNUT STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO 7TH STREET DUNDAS ROAD FROM TH 25 EAST TO FALLON AVENUE (Amc ded by Cim C,,,,,, it 1112712006. 1111312007, 1012612009. 10242011, 1012812013) SECONDARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTES 3RD STREET FROM CHESTNUT ST TO WASHINGTON ST 6TH STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO THE FIRE HALL ELM STREET FROM CSAH 39 WEST TO 6TH STREET WEST CEDAR STREET FROM RIVER STREET TO 7TH STREET CHELSEA ROAD FROM CSAH 18 TO CR 39 WEST DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT OAKWOOD DRIVE EAST FROM T.H. 25 TO INCLUDE THE CUL -DE -SAC OTTER CREEK ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO RIVER STREET WEST RIVER STREET EAST FROM TH 25 TO CEDAR STREET INCLUDING BLOCK OF WALGREEN'S RIVER STREET WEST FROM THE XCEUCITY BALLFIELDS TO TH 25 SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM TH 25 TO REDFORD LANE EDMONSON AVENUE FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO 85TH STREET NE FALLON AVENUE FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO 85TH STREET NE CEDAR STREET FROM OAKWOOD DRIVE TO END 7th STREET WEST FROM WALNUT STREET TO CSAH 39 W ELM STREET FROM WEST 6TH STREET TO WEST 7TH STREET 85th STREET FROM FALLON AVE TO TH 25 (Amended by City Council 1211212005, 1111312007, 12.08/2008, 1012612009, 1012512010,1012412011' 1012812013, 1012612015) 8. METHOD OF PLOWING SNOW Snow will be plowed in a manner so as to minimize traffic obstructions. With the exception of that section of Broadway previously mentioned, the snow will be plowed from the center of the street outward. The City will plow the roundabout at CSAH 18 and Meadow Oak Avenue from the outside to the center. The County will plow to the outside. The plowing activities are shared. For narrow streets or other streets when conditions require, the Street Superintendent or his designee may choose to plow from one side to the other. Snow shall be plowed and pushed from left to right and discharged on the edge of the street or on adjacent right -of -way without regard for sidewalks and /or driveways. The City shall not be responsible for plowing snow from any private driveways or sidewalks. (Amended by City Council 1112712006) 9. HAULING OF SNOW Where space does not allow for snow to be pushed or piled outside the driving lanes, the city will remove the snow by hauling. Timing of such hauling shall be at the discretion of the Street Superintendent or his designee. Snow will be windrowed along the south curb on Chelsea Road between Highway 25 and Sandberg Road and hauled when the windrow reaches 2 feet in height to reduce snow pushed on to the sidewalk. (Amended by City Council 1211212005) 10. WEATHER CONDITIONS Snow and ice control operations will be conducted only when weather conditions do not endanger the safety of employees or equipment, and operations are effective. Factors that may delay snow and ice control operations include: severe cold, significant winds, limited visibility and rapid accumulation of snow and/or ice. 11. DISPATCHING OF EQUIPMENT Dispatching of equipment shall be determined by the Street Superintendent or his designee for streets and parking lots. Dispatching of equipment for sidewalk and pathways shall be determined by the Park Superintendent or his designee. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall monitor weather conditions and forecasts to aid in dispatch decisions. Plowing and/or sanding operations may occur during the assigned work shift or on a specific situation call out. If the specific situation is on a primary snow emergency route, the response shall be as soon as possible if workers and equipment are available and it is more than four hours until a work shift is to begin. Once a work shift has ended, the Street Superintendent or his designee has the discretion of responding immediately to other specific situations or waiting, in the case of non - emergencies, until a new work shift begins. For emergency vehicles responding to emergency situations (fire, medical, police) within the city, necessary workers and equipment will be dispatched as soon as possible. The Street Superintendent or his designee shall keep the City Administrator informed of start, progress and end of full scale plowing operations. 12. PUBLIC PARKING LOTS PLOWING TO BEGIN BY 4 A.M. COMMUTER PARKING LOT INCLUDING SCHOOL BLVD FROM TH 25 WEST TO DEEGAN AVE AND DEEGAN AVENUE FROM SCHOOL BLVD TO COMMUTER PARKING LOT COMMUNITY CENTER PARKING LOTS WEST AND SOUTH LOTS (Amended by City Council 1112712006) PLOWED BY S A.M. (ON NORMAL BUSINESS DAYS) BLOCK 34 119 EAST 3RD STREET (DMV) BLOCK 35 WALNUT & 3RD STREET PARKING LOT (Lot is signed for 24 -hour parking to aid in timely snow removal and other seasonal maintenance) BLOCK 52 WALNUT STREET NORTH OF WEST BROADWAY CITY HALL PARKING LOT DEPUTY REGISTRAR /MOTOR VEHICLE PARKING LOT HI -WAY LIQUOR PARKING LOT MONTICELLO FIBERNET HEAD END BUILDING PARKING LOT PRAIRIE WEST BUILDING MONTICELLO FIBERNET RETAIL SITE - 6T" STREET (Amended by Chy Council 1112712006, 1111312007, 1012612009, 1012412011, 1012212012) PLOWED WITH PRIMARY SNOW EMERGENCY ROUTE FIRE HALL PARKING LOT PLOWED WITHIN 12 HOURS FOLLOWING SNOW FALL EVENT 4T" STREET PARK PARKING LOT (plowed by SeweriWater Department) ANIMAL SHELTER PARKING LOT (plowed by Sewer/Water Department) CEDAR STREET PARKING LOT (OVERFLOW PARKING — EAST BRIDGE SLIDING HILL) EAST BRIDGE AND WEST BRIDGE PARK PARKING LOTS PUBLIC LIBRARY PARKING LOT PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE BUILDING AND OFFICE PARKING LOTS INCLUDING THE AREA AROUND THE FUEL PUMPS (plowed by the Sewer/Water Department) TERRITORIAL ROAD — DRIVEWAY INTO THE RAND MANSION PARKSIDE PARKING LOT AT OAK RIDGE DRIVE (plowed by Parks Department) (Amended by City Council 1112712006, 1012612009, 1012412011) 13. CITY SIDEWALKS All sidewalks within the City limits shall be maintained by the property owner unless otherwise stated in this policy. Property owners must follow City Ordinance Title 8, Section 8 -1 -1 and 8 -1 -11. 8.1.1: MAINTENANCE BY OWNER: Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Annotated 1953, Chapter 429, as amended by Laws 1955, Chapter 811, the primary responsibility for keeping and maintaining the public sidewalk of the city in front of each parcel of land abutting thereon clean and in such state of repair as not to be dangerous to public travel is hereby imposed upon the owner of each such abutting parcel of land. 8.1.11: TIME OF REMOVAL, ICE AND SNOW: The owner or occupant of every building or tract of land within the city fronting upon any street having a sidewalk abutting upon such premises shall clear such sidewalk of snow within forty -eight (48) hours following the termination of any snowfall of two (2) inches or more or control the formation of ice from any cause. If such snow is not removed or ice is not controlled by the owner or occupant within the time specified herein, the same shall be removed or controlled under the direction of the Public Works Director and the City shall be reimbursed for the expense of such removal by the property owner within 30 days per the current City Fee Schedule. If payment is not received within 30 days the costs shall be levied against the property owner as a special assessment and collected as in the case of other special assessments. Amended by City Council 1012812013) 14. CITY MAINTAINED SIDEWALKS Sidewalks shall be cleared to a minimum of 5' wide within twenty -four (24) hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of I /2" or more on sidewalks. Sidewalks shall be blown clear and/or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. Sidewalks coordinated with the school district each year will be attempted to be cleared by the start of school. (Amended by City Council 1012812013) PRIMARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE *3rd STREET WEST SOUTH SIDE OF 3RD STREET WEST FROM ELM STREET TO MAPLE STREET BROADWAY EAST SOUTH SIDE BETWEEN TH 25 & CEDAR STREET *BROADWAY EAST SOUTH SIDE FROM PALM STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET PALM STREET FROM WEST BROADWAY TO MID -BLOCK (WEST SIDE) *BROADWAY EAST ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM 731 E BROADWAY TO PALM ST TO WASHINGTON ST WITH THE EXCEPTION OF DENNY'S SERVICE AT 743 E BROADWAY BROADWAY EAST 201 EAST BROADWAY (OLD CEDAR STREET GARDEN CENTER SITE) THESE ARE PRIORITY SIDEWALKS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EACH YEAR AND THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CLEAR THE SIDEWALKS BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. IN TURN, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL NOTIFY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELY OF SCHOOL CLOSINGS. PRIMARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE *BROADWAY WEST SOUTH SIDE FROM 906 BROADWAY TO BROADWAY KWIK STOP *BROADWAY WEST ON THE NORTH SIDE FROM CHESTNUT STREET TO LINN STREET WITH THE EXCEPTION OF TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH AT 494 WEST BROADWAY *CARDINAL HILLS PARK SIDEWALK RUNNING THROUGH PARK FROM MARTIN DRIVE TO SCHOOL BLVD *OTTER CREEK ROAD AND WEST RIVER STREET FROM CSAH 75 TO COMPOST SITE *WASHINGTON STREET EAST SIDE FROM RR CROSSING TO 7T" STREET 3RD STREET EAST DEPUTY REGISTRAR /PARKING LOT NORTH SIDE FROM 216 PINE STREET TO CEDAR STREET 3RD STREET WEST NORTH SIDE FROM 211 PINE ST TO WALNUT STREET BROADWAY WEST NORTH SIDE AT 111 WEST BROADWAY CEDAR STREET- MOVE TO SECONDARY GnST Sine A. T RR roQ2 -S-1 N c CEDAR STREET FROM BROADWAY TO RIVER STREET (EAST SIDE) COMMUNITY CENTER WEST SIDE OF WALNUT STREET FROM RR CROSSING TO 6T" STREET AND NORTH SIDE OF 6T" STREET FROM WALNUT STREET TO FIRE HALL ELM STREET WEST SIDE FROM GOLF COURSE ROAD TO BROADWAY HI -WAY LIQUOR WEST SIDE T.H. 25 FROM 5T" TO 6T" AND NORTH SIDE 6T" FROM TH 25 TO INCLUDE SECOND DRIVEWAY INTO PKG LOT, ALSO INCLUDING SIDEWALK ON THE N. SIDE OF THE BUILDING INFORMATION CENTER SW CORNER ON TH 25 & CSAH 75 TO ALLEY INCLUDING PRIME AMERICA LIBRARY SOUTH SIDE 6T" STREET FROM WALNUT TO LOCUST WEST SIDE WALNUT FROM 6T" TO LIBRARY DRIVEWAY T.H. 25 WEST SIDE FROM MISSISSIPPI BRIDGE TO BROADWAY T.H. 25 FROM EAST BROADWAY TO ALLEY T.H. 25 EAST SIDE, FROM 6 T" ST TO 7 T" ST PRIMARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE 7TH ST NORTH SIDE, FROM TH 25 TO CEDAR ST WALNUT STREET EAST SIDE PARKING LOT, ALLEY TO 3RD STREET, FROM WELLS FARGO DRIVEWAY TO RR TRACKS WASHINGTON STREET WEST SIDE FROM BROADWAY TO 4TH STREET (Amended by Cih' Council 1112712006. 1111312007. 1210812008, 1012612009, 1012512010, 1012412011, 1012212012. 1 012 812 01 3, 1012712014) SECONDARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE COMMUTER PARKING LOT BUS SHELTER AND SIDEWALK WEST /EAST BRIDGE PARK BITUMINOUS PATHWAY FROM THE SLIDING HILL TO WALNUT STREET T.H. 25 EAST SIDE, FROM EAST RIVER ST TO MISSISSIPPI RIVER BRIDGE GROVELAND (CITY OWNED PROPERTY) A PORTION OF HAYWARD CT 150' WEST OF PARK PLACE DR A PORTION 220' NORTH OF SUMMIT CT BETWEEN WINDEMERE CT & SUMMIT CT A PORTION EAST OF 90TH ST ON S SIDE OF PARK PLACE DR FROM 3554 REDFORD LN TO SCHOOL BLVD GROVELAND PARK SAVANNAH & INNSBROOK ALONG PARK MEADOW OAK AVENUE ADJOINING FREEWAY FIELDS MEADOW OAK AVENUE SIDEWALK ALONG MEADOW OAK AVENUE (SHAWN WEINAND PROPERTY) MINNESOTA STREET EAST SIDE FROM 7TH STREET TO A POINT 125' NORTH PRAIRIE ROAD FROM CSAH 75 TO HEDMAN LANE RIVER STREET WEST STEPS AT SOUTH SIDE OF RIVER STREET ON WALNUT STREET 7TH STREET WEST FROM MINNESOTA STREET TO CROSSWALK TH 25 WEST SIDE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO KJELLBERG'S PARK ENTRANCE CEDAR STREET WEST SIDE FROM 7TH STREET TO 3RD STREET AND EAST SIDE AT RR CROSSING FAIRHILL LANE SIDEWALK IN FRONT OF HUNTERS CROSSING PARK SECONDARY SIDEWALKS CLEARED WITHIN 24 HOURS OF THE END OF A STORM EVENT AS PER CITY ORDINANCE INNSBROOK DRIVE EAST SIDE FROM PARK PLACE DRIVE TO CHELSEA ROAD (Amended by City Council 1012812013, 1012612015) Sidewalks Cleared With City Assistance: 1.) South side of Broadway from the Broadway Kwik Stop to and including the Peterson Grimsmo Chapel at 250 East Broadway, and the North side of West and East Broadway from Linn Street to Palm Street including Trinity Lutheran Church at 449 West Broadway. Also the north side of East Broadway in front of 731 and 743 East Broadway near Washington Street. (Amended b1v City Council 1012412011) 2.) Sidewalks on the east and west sides of Highway 25 from River Street to Oakwood Drive: The city will assist Mn /DOT when they request, by providing one (1) operator or one (1) driver and a 12 -cubic yard dump truck to help remove snow from sidewalks put there by Mn/DOT plows. 15. CITY MAINTAINED PATHWAYS PRIMARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' * 7TH STREET EAST NORTH SIDE FROM CEDAR STREET TO WASHINGTON STREET * FALLON AVENUE WEST SIDE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO 87TH STREET NE *FARMSTEAD AVENUE FROM 9144 FARMSTEAD AVE TO PIONEER PARK PARKING LOT *SCHOOL BOULEVARD FROM EDMONSON AVE TO CR 18 INCLUDING THE PATHWAY THROUGH THE NORTH END OF PIONEER PK 2001 ISETEA PATHWAY SYSTEM INCLUDING 1 -94 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE FROM CSAH 75, SOUTH TO SCHOOL BLVD 7TH STREET EAST WASHINGTON STREET TO WEST SIDE OF ENTRANCE TO ST. HENRY'S CHURCH CSAH 75 FROM WEST RIVER STREET TO PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY CSAH 75 FROM MONTI MIDDLE SCHOOL AT THE HOSPITAL SIGNAL LIGHTS TO MEADOW OAK AVE THESE ARE PRIORITY PATHWAYS TO BE COORDINATED WITH THE SCHOOL DISTRICT EACH YEAR AND THE CITY WILL MAKE EVERY ATTEMPT TO CLEAR THE PATHWAYS BY THE START OF THE SCHOOL DAY. IN TURN, THE SCHOOL DISTRICT WILL NOTIFY THE STREET SUPERINTENDENT IMMEDIATELY OF SCHOOL CLOSINGS. PRIMARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM EDMONSON AVE TO T.H. 25 TH 25 FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO OAKWOOD DRIVE SECONDARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' BROADWAY WEST GREAT RIVER TRAIL HEAD (FROM WEST RIVER STREET THRU TUNNEL UNDERPASS) CHELSEA ROAD SOUTH SIDE FROM SANDBERG TO CSAH 39 WEST CHELSEA ROAD NORTH SIDE FROM FALLON AVENUE TO CSAH 18 CSAH 18 FROM OAK RIDGE CIRCLE TO OAKVIEW COURT CSAH 18 SOUTH SIDE FROM SPIRIT HILLS S ROAD FENNING AVE TO TROY MARQUETTE DRIVE CSAH 18 SOUTH SIDE FROM WILDWOOD BOULEVARD TO GATEWATER DRIVE EDMONSON AVENUE WEST SIDE FROM SCHOOL BOULEVARD TO ORCHARD CIRCLE, AND ORCHARD CIRCLE TO 89TH STREET IN FEATHERSTONE FENNING AVENUE EAST SIDE FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE GOING SOUTH TO CSAH 18 GILLARD AVENUE WEST SIDE FROM RIVER FOREST DRIVE TO 95TH STREET GILLARD AVENUE WEST TO RIVER FOREST DRIVE MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE (SOUTH OF RAILROAD TRACKS) MEADOW OAK FROM MEADOW OAK AVENUE GOING SOUTH TO EASTWOOD CIRCLE SCHOOL BOULEVARD NORTH SIDE FROM TH 25 TO REDFORD LANE SLIDING HILL PATHWAY FROM MILL RUN ROAD TO RIVER FOREST DRIVE SWAN PARK PATHWAY TH 25 EAST SIDE FROM KJELLBERG'S TO SCHOOL BOULEVARD SCHOOL BLVD SOUTH SIDE FROM ANIMAL HOSPITAL EAST TO EDMONSON SECONDARY PATHWAYS CLEARED WITHIN 36 HOURS TO A WIDTH OF 6' CSAH 18 FROM FENNING AVE TO EASTWOOD CIR & EASTWOOD LN EASTWOOD LANE THRU MEADOW OAK PARK TO MEADOW OAK DRIVE WEST 7TH STREET NORTH SIDE FROM MINNESOTA STREET TO ELM STREET SUNSETPONDS BETWEEN 6738 94TH STREET NE & 6773 GINGHAM COURT MEADOW OAK BETWEEN 1000 MEADOW OAK DRIVE & 9161 OAK RIDGE DRIVE 90TH STREET EAST SIDE FROM CHELSEA ROAD TO PARK PLACE DRIVE RIVER MILL PARK FROM MILL TRAIL LANE INTO PARK (BOTTOM OF THE SLIDING HILL) (A,rrended by Citr Council 10 /28/20/3,10/ ?612015) The Pathways shall be cleared to a min. width of 6' within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with snow accumulation of 1/2" or more on the pathway. Work on the pathways immediately adjacent to major highways or thorough fairs will not begin until the adjacent roadway is plowed and widened. Pathways shall be blown clear and /or broomed as necessary to provide a surface deemed safe for pedestrian traffic. It is expected that the bituminous surface shall be visible in many areas along the pathway. Pathways designated for snow removal which are used for student pedestrian travel to and from the schools shall be cleared within 24 hours of the end of a snow event provided any immediate adjacent major roadway is cleared and widened first. (Amended by City Council 0111012005) 16. CITY MAINTAINED SKATING RINKS 4TH STREET PARK (2) HOCKEY RINKS (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK WEST BRIDGE PARK (1) GENERAL SKATING RINK (Amended by City Council 1112712006, 1111312007) Within 36 hours of the end of any snow event with an accumulation of more than 1" of snow, all three rinks shall be plowed or blown clear and then broomed. All snow shall be removed from within the hockey rink area and no accumulations of snow should be left around the inside of the boards. Care should be used not to throw or pile snow on walkways. For any event between one -tenth of an inch to an inch of snow, all three rinks shall be broomed within 36 hours after the end of the snow event. Again, accumulation or ridges of snow around the inside of the hockey boards must be removed. (Amended by City Council 1211212005) 17. DAMAGE TO PERSONAL PROPERTIES Only those mailboxes or other personal properties which are installed properly and allowed by city ordinance to be on the boulevard and are damaged by actual contact with city equipment, will be considered for compensation at city expense. Compensation for mailboxes and posts shall be for materials only with a maximum allowable reimbursement of $150 per single family residential mailbox and a maximum allowable reimbursement of $200 per cluster mailboxes. Damage to trees, shrubbery and other landscaping will not be considered for compensation unless located beyond the boulevard or private property. The city will re -seed plow disturbed areas of the boulevard in the summer months when staffing and workload permits. (Amended by City Council 1012612009) Damage to personal vehicles will be considered only if they are legally parked and only if physically contacted by equipment. 18. PLOWING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY Unless there is direct benefit to city operations or unless emergency vehicles need access, there shall be no plowing of private property with city equipment. 19. REVIEW OF POLICY The city will keep on file comments and complaints received regarding this policy. This policy will be reviewed periodically. Any review will consider comments or complaints received since the last review. 20. WINTER PARKING REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions of the parking ordinances beginning November 15 through April 15, as follows: TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1 SECTION 2: Parking and stopping: Except for the City of Monticello or Wright County on its own right of ways, no person shall utilize any portion of any local public right of way, including the traveled street, boulevard or public parking lot for the storage or parking of any object or material which is not a licensed, operable motor vehicle, passenger vehicle or motorcycle as defined by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subd. 3, 3a and 4, except as may be explicitly permitted on a temporary period of time by the City Council or its designated representative. Properly licensed, operator motor vehicles, passenger vehicles and motorcycles may be parked in the public street where permitted but not on the boulevard portion of the public right of way subject to the further requirements of local parking regulations and applicable Minnesota Statutes. A trailer of any type properly licensed or not is not considered a motor vehicle or part thereof when disconnected from its tow vehicle. It shall be unlawful for the owner and/or driver of a motor vehicle to stop, stand, or park the said vehicle in any of the following places, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic or in compliance with the directions of a peace officer or traffic control devices: On any street or roadway between the hours of two o'clock (2:00) a.m. and six o'clock (6:00) a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. TITLE 9, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 8: Parking in regard to snow plowing and /or removal: After a snowfall, all streets in the city of Monticello shall be cleared of all motor vehicles and parts thereof for the purposes of snow plowing and/or removal until all streets are plowed. Any motor vehicle or parts thereof left on any street or boulevard in the city of Monticello in such a way as to impede the performance of the city and/or state snowplow shall be dealt with under the Penalty Code No. 1 -4 -1 (a fine of up to $300 and/or imprisonment in a city or county jail for a period not to exceed 90 days). 21. WINTER SIDEWALK PATHWAY /SNOWMOBILE REGULATIONS The Wright County Sheriff's Department will rigorously enforce portions of the city ordinance in regard to use of the sidewalks /pathways by snowmobiles, ATV'S and other motorized vehicles. TITLE 6, CHAPTER 5, SECTION 2: Restrictions: It is unlawful for any person to operate a snowmobile: On any sidewalks or pathways in the city of Monticello provided for pedestrian and/or bicycle travel. iONNSPP ROAD AIVFF 5RiEET � 1•��;. .;'_ yTf '1 �•'Tq HILLCF �SFT � \\ i W O_� ILLCFESi �— �� •'sl, b C ROAD PRAIRIE 8 flOP➢ 3 HILLTOP. DRIVE '•L� ' } _ yDE N'a_ _ N LIEFEFT DIRGE 5 Z . . -� y 1 0 .. . - 44F\ 4NF $$�!. .. \� Q� NPMPA N `u GDLF COURSE ROAD . -._� J CH F4 � E Q SANOTFPP SiR 2 N \ •i STREET 6.1/2 S1REEi nRST LAKE Cq(TGyP PO L,� Hw J1H S1R LAKE T H 6 TA r. - _ \ _ K n N IT - 2 CHE(SEq McHwnr Fq�I f R _. -. Ye0 ND. 99 VV NM ms's El O PLACF O n/ ,f- ST IXpAASPARK {r H '? 1 n' M CTN $PVANNAX a JPt P N ' PLO MILL N)f- RIIER WW CHELSEw FOaU OT3 CT. MI E - � pTK- WINOEMQtE C `1 yW RSTq S 4 Oftl p y pV PDE �T`Q ° 2 ?� G%ff(S(q Tf TtA STF('fT - JS epT� o z RI pG UNE &.OSPRE j n Iv I/ v o o r F gCGR- ti 6 qC Wq i. 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I �..h � LLLJJJ N pq LU a r><'�6 ' 7 ?y ?yI 3'13513 bb SH N150 � a N "' L ` L MO M. ` o N r a hJ YL043HNIM1 � .: p4� 7D• � ,i �yx O F SF� er z a � iii ." +'y •� `�'y�, ONs w U W tr_ `.V Q Y `- w «, 5 C � w W i City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2Q. Consider to approve Resolution 2016 -083 declaring the official intent of the city of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city for the 2017 Street Improvement Project and the improvements at the intersection of 7th Street and State Highway 25 (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Internal Revenue Service requires the city to adopt a resolution declaring the official intent to reimburse certain project expenditures from bond proceeds, if the city plans or would issue bonds to finance project costs. By passing this resolution, the city is allowed to include the project costs for reimbursement from future bond proceeds. This item updates the estimated project cost for the intersection of 7th and Highway 25 and adds the 2017 Street Improvement Project. At this time the city is planning to sale bonds to finance these projects along with other projects in the city's street reconstruction plan. Al. Budget Impact: By adopting the resolution, the city would have the ability to reimburse itself with bond proceeds for project expenditures. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There would be no impact on the staff by this action. When the city issues bonds there would be staff time and consultant costs related to the bond issue. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve Resolution 2016 -083 declaring the official intent of the city of Monticello to reimburse certain expenditures from the proceeds of bonds to be issued by the city for improvements at the intersection of 7th Street and State Highway 25. 2. Motion to not approve a resolution declaring the official intent to reimburse expenditures from the proceeds of bonds at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff supports Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Resolution 2016 -083 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-083 DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERTAIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY FOR THE 2017 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND IMPROVEMENTS AT THE INTERSECTION OF 7TH STREET AND STATE HIGHWAY 25 WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has issued Treas. Reg. § 1.150 -2 providing that proceeds of tax - exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WHEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; WHEREAS, the City has determined to make this declaration of official intent ( "Declaration ") to reimburse certain costs from proceeds of bonds in accordance with the Reimbursement Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO (THE "CITY') AS FOLLOWS: The City reasonably intends to make expenditures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects "), and reasonably intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in the maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. All reimbursed expenditures will be capital expenditures, costs of issuance of the bonds, or other expenditures eligible for reimbursement under Section 1.150- 2(d)(3) of the Reimbursement Regulations. 2. This Declaration has been made not later than 60 days after payment of any original expenditure to be subject to a reimbursement allocation with respect to the proceeds of bonds, except for the following expenditures: (a) costs of issuance of bonds; (b) costs in an amount not in excess of $100,000 or 5 percent of the proceeds of an issue; or (c) "preliminary expenditures" up to an amount not in excess of 20 percent of the aggregate issue price of the issue or issues that finance or are reasonably expected by the City to finance the project for which the preliminary expenditures were incurred. The term "preliminary expenditures" includes architectural, engineering, surveying, bond issuance, and similar costs that are incurred prior to commencement of acquisition, construction or rehabilitation of a project, other than land acquisition, site preparation, and similar costs incident to commencement of construction. 3. This Declaration is an expression of the reasonable expectation of the City based on the facts and circumstances known to the City as of the date hereof. The anticipated original expenditures for the Project and the principal amount of the bonds described in paragraph 1 are consistent with the City's budgetary and financial circumstances. No sources other than proceeds of bonds to be issued by the City are, or are reasonably expected to be, reserved, allocated on a long -term basis, or otherwise set aside pursuant to the City's budget or financial policies to pay such project expenditures. 4. The City Administrator is authorized to designate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, and any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable date and shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 5. This resolution is intended to constitute a declaration of official intent for purposes of Treas. Reg. § 1.150 -2 and any successor law, regulation, or ruling. ADOPTED BY the City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTENT RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -xxx ADOPTED October 24, 2016 MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL DATE OF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT AMOUNT OF DEBT DECLARATION FOR PROJECT 10/24/2016 2017 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT: GILLARD AVENUE, 95TH STREET NE, HAUG AVENUE, 90TH $2,200,000 STREET NE, MISSISSIPPI DRIVE, HART BOULEVARD, SANDBERG ROAD- including, but not limited to, construction of improvements and indirect costs, such as legal, engineering, administrative, right of way acquisition (land, etc.) and financing costs. Engineering costs includes survey, geotechinical evaluation, feasibility study, environmental documents, permitting, preliminary and final design, preparation of plans and specs, bidding administration, construction management, staking, inspection and material testing. IMPROVEMENTS AT THE 7TH STREET AND STATE 10/24/2016 HIGHWAY 25 INTERSECTION (15C004) - including, $2,300,000 but not limited to, construction of improvements and indirect costs, such as legal, engineering, administrative, right of way acquisition (land, etc.) and financing costs. Engineering costs includes survey, feasibility study, environmental documents, permitting, preliminary and final design, preparation of plans and specs, bidding administration, construction management, staking, inspection and material testing. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2R. Consideration of authorizing a payment of $27,055 to the Coalition of Utility Cities for city share of CUC membership dues (WO /JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As was considered and approved last year, City Council is asked to consider granting formal approval of payment of 2016 membership dues relating to participation in the Coalition of Utility Cities organization in the amount of $27,055. As you know, the Coalition of Utility Cities is comprised of communities that host nuclear and coal generation facilities. For years, the host communities in this organization have pooled their resources in support of maintaining a coordinated and unified voice at the State Legislature on issues of common concern. The subject matter most commonly addressed by the organization, that have a direct impact on host communities pertain to property valuation and taxation along with environmental and regulatory topics. For more detail regarding recent activities see the attached. As you may recall, last year and the year before, the CUC lobbyist was highly involved in development of legislation that would have had a major impact on the method used for establishing valuation of electrical generation facilities. Investment in CUC is akin to having good insurance program. In the face of efforts of others to erode host community tax base, it can be shown that over the years, the investment in CUC and associated legislative efforts, has resulted in preservation or a reduction in the diminishment of tax revenue for host communities. Thus the CUC investment serves to pay for itself. The bulk of the funding goes toward paying for the services of Flaherty Hood which serves as the organization's legislative consultant. At the second City Council meeting in 2017 representatives from Flaherty Hood are scheduled to provide a presentation on the activities of the Coalition in 2016 along with plans for 2017. This event will provide a good orientation to our new City Council members on the Coalition of Utility Cities purpose and activities. The annual contribution share is based on the relative value of the electrical generation facilities in each community. Last year, the amount contributed was $24,920. The increase was due to the corresponding increase in nuclear plant value in Monticello relative to the facilities in other communities. Lastly, in 2016 the organization approved a reimbursement to participating cities drawing down funds that had accumulated over time. It is the intent of the group to continue to maintain a pattern of asking for an annual appropriation from each City but provide a reimbursement from time to time as appropriate when reserve funds exceed anticipated needs. The projected reimbursement of the amount proposed for 2017 is estimated at $10,378 for a projected net cost in 2017 of $16,667. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 Al. Budget Impact: This expenditure was included in the budget for 2016. Host city dues are established based on the tax capacity value of the facility located in the host city. However, the budget amount was slightly lower than budget request as noted above. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Participation in at least three regular meetings per year. Additional impromptu meetings are scheduled as needed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve payment to the Coalition of Utility Cities in the amount of $27,066 for CUC membership dues for 2016/2017. 2. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1. Given the ongoing reduction in cost to produce electricity via solar and wind and given the growing interest in renewable energy sources we are already seeing transition away from coal. It is possible, that due to cost and other factors, there will be ongoing scrutiny of the viability of nuclear power as well. Therefore, it is very important to stay abreast of the situation and be in position to anticipate change and have a voice in guiding development that could affect Monticello greatly over time. Participation in the Coalition of Utility Cities is key to achieving this important goal. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. CUC Dues B. CUC Annual Meeting Info C. Annual Meeting Presentation Coalition of Utility Cities - Dues Based on Actual Pay 2016 0.003847529 $34,690.58 CUC Members Elec. Gen. Est. Mkt Value for Pay 16 Base Fee of Generating Mach MV Dues Rebate Becker $434,371,300 $1,250 $16,713 $17,963 $6,721.95 Cohasset $294,4661800 $1,250 $11,330 $12,580 $4,556.91 Granite Falls $4,722,400 $1,250 $182 $1,432 $73.08 Hoyt Lakes $23,390,200 $1,250 $900 $2,150 $361.97 Monticello $670,687,000 $1,250 $25,805 $27,055 $10,378.97 Oak Park Heights $183,984,400 $1,250 $7,079 $8,329 $ 2,847.18 Red Wing $630,076,400 $1,250 $24,242 $25,492 $9,750.52 Totals $2,241,698,500 $8,750 $86,250 $95,000 $34,690.58 Total dues of $95,000 each city's assessment is based on: * A 1,250 base fee (currently there are 7 members for a total base fee of $8,750) * The remaining amount of the assessment comes from a percentage of the city's electric generation machinery market value in for Pay 2016 * The remaining amount is calculated by subtracting the total base fee from the total dues ($95,000 minus $8,750= $86,250) and creating a uniform percentage of market value so that the percentage times the market values in each city equals a sum total of $91,250 (the portion of dues not covered in the base fee). Becker • Cohasset • Granite Falls • Hoyt Lakes • Monticello • Oak Park Heights • Red Wing 2016 Annual Meeting Wednesday, August 17, 2016 10:00 a.m. —12:00 p.m. Offices of Flaherty & Hood, P.A. 525 Park Street, Suite 470 St. Paul, MN 55103 -2139 1 1. Welcome and Introductions; Approval of Agenda (Greg Pruszinske) 2. Review of 2015 -2016 Activities (Bradley Peterson, Carolyn Jackson) 3. Treasurer's Report (Marshall Hallock) 4. Adoption of 2016 -2017 Policy Positions, Work Plan and Budget (All) 5. Adoption of Member Assessments (All) 6. Election of Officers for 2016 -2017 (All) 7. Authorization of President to Execute 2016 -2017 Contract with Flaherty & Hood, P.A. 8. Update on Plant Activity from Members (All) 9. Other Business 10. Adjourn Coalition of Utility Cities Treasurer's Report for Fiscal Year 2015 - 2016 (7/1 /201s - 06/30/2016) Cash Balance Beginning Unrestricted Cash Balance 07/01/2015 $ 215,937.12 Dues Collected (Detailed below) 95,000.00 Dues Rebated (66,32939) FY 2015 - 2016 Invoices Paid (65,309.42) FY 2014 - 2015 Invoice Paid (June 2015 Services, Paid in July of 2015) (4,607.53) Ending Unrestricted Cash $ 174,690.58 Budget Information Approved Budget (Not to Exceed) $ 100,000.00 A Expenses (Including Any Estimated Liability) (65,309.42) Budget Remaining $ 34,690.58 Dues Information Assessed Balance Due Becker 20,923.00 $ - Cohasset 12,858.00 $ - Granite Falls 1,454.00 $ - Hoyt Lakes 2,178.00 $ - Monticello 24,920.00 $ - Oak Park Heights 8,594.00 $ - Red Wing 24,073.00 $ - $ 95,000.00 $ - Respectfully Submitted, Marshall Hallock, CPA, Secretary - Treasurer A - The FY 2015 - 2016 Budget was approved with a range of $70,000 to $100,000. Prepared 7/18/2016 Ir. ■ �■� Becker • Cohasset • Granite Falls • Hoyt Lakes • Monticello • Oak Park Heights • Red Wing CUC 2016 -2017 Work Plan and Budget Proposed August 17, 2016 Considerations which will impact budget expenditures • After the 2016 elections, there may be new legislators to education about CUC issues. • 2016 is a budget session, which is the "long" session, January 3 to May 22 (at the latest) • Level of agreement /dissent among stakeholders for reform of tax on energy producing equipment. • Extent to which CUC cities wish to engage in Clean Power Plan for Minnesota • Extent to which CUC cities wish to pursue economic development, state aid or other responses to plant closures or conversions and Clean Power Plan • Extent to which CUC cities wish to participate in railroad capacity /safety debate. • Interest in issues relating to solar facility siting. Research Activities $15,000- 20,000 Perform research on the effects of cities hosting electricity production plants: • Track and analyze new EPA clean air rule (111(d)) as it applies to existing power plants. • Research land use and valuation issues associated with closure of power plants. • Evaluate host city options to handle effects of the Clean Power Plan and closure /conversion of power plants. • Research other economic development opportunities for host cities such as coal ash mining. • Research impact of proposed changes to electricity plant taxation. • As needed, research of legislative and agency initiatives or actions. Monitoring Activities $20,000 - $30,000 Monitor key activities of legislature, agencies, task forces, and courts that may have impact on CUC interests. • Monitor state and federal regulatory changes (PUC, EPA & MPCA) that may impact CUC city plants. • Monitor the EPA's proposed Clean Power Plan and the State's response. Prepared by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. for the Coalition of Utility Cities — 811612016 • Monitor PUC proceedings with respect to CUC interests, including the Xcel IRP, decommissioning, storage, and rate issues involving property taxes, and the investigation of environmental and socioeconomic costs of electricity production. • Monitor bill introductions and committee hearings for legislation and amendments that may implicate CUC interests. • Monitor conference committees of bills affecting CUC interests. Advocacy Activities $35,000 - $45,000 Advocate CUC's interests at Legislature, Department of Revenue, Pollution Control Agency and Governor's office. • Prepare handouts and supporting material. • Prepare correspondence to agencies and legislators. • Meet with CUC member legislators and work to solidify support for legislation. Continue communication throughout legislative session. • Meet with tax chairs and tax committee members to discuss utility taxation legislation. • Meet with economic development chairs and committee members about response to Clean Power Plan and plant closures or conversions • Meet with environment chairs and committee members about response to Clean Power Plan and plant closures. • Meet with chairs and members of other committees if other legislation related to CUC interests arises. • Meet with Department of Revenue as needed regarding taxation of electricity plants. • Meet with MN Pollution Control Agency as needed regarding the Clean Power Plan. • Meet with other stakeholders, including utilities and environmental groups as needed. • Draft legislation, secure authors and introduce bills. • Secure hearings as needed for legislation. • Identify testifiers and prepare talking points. Communication and Member Services $10,000 - $15,000 Communicate with member cities regarding activities described above. Arrange and conduct meetings and other member activities. • Draft regular updates for member cities on results of monitoring and advocacy work. • Visit with city councils (as requested). • Arrange pre- session and annual meetings. Arrange other meetings and teleconferences on as- needed basis. • Prepare Final Report for members. Total Range: $80,000 - $110,000 Prepared by Flaherty & Hood, P.A. for the Coalition of Utility Cities — 811612016 Coalition of Utility Cities Pre - Session Strategy Meeting January 14, 2016 Draft Meeting Minutes Present: Greg Prusinzke, Rick Hendrickson, Marshall Hallock, Kay Kuhlman, Kay Kuhlman, Jeff O'Neill, Mark Skelton (by phone), Max Peters (by phone), Bill Lavin (by phone), Bradley Peterson, Carolyn Jackson and Chris Henjum. Coalition President Greg Prusinske called the meeting to order at 10:41 a.m. After introductions, member cities gave an update on plant activities in their communities. Becker: Of the three coal -fired units in Becker, Xcel has proposed closing two of them, Sherco II in 2023 and Sherco I in 2026, and building gas plant of approximately 700 mW and on 400 acres building a 50 mW solar plant. Xcel would negotiate to use Sherco III to provide steam for the existing paper plant on the site. Monticello: The nuclear plant experienced an outage a few weeks prior to the meeting. The welding on the dry cask was a fault. It appears Xcel is going to be fined for this. Xcel has been changing its staffing levels. Red Wing: The plant replaced a turbine and made life cycle updates to run for 20 years. The nuclear plant seems to be a vital part of Xcel's "clean energy future." There is no resolution currently on spent nuclear waste storage. Granite Falls: The plant currently does not produce electricity, it is still locked up. There is no news on whether it will be demolished. Hoyt Lakes: MN Power has completed its retrofit. It is now a peaking plant with 30 fewer employees after the retrofit. Currently running about 10% of the time because of so little demand from iron mines. Then the group approved the minutes of the July, 1, 2015 meeting minutes. Lobbyists Carolyn Jackson and Bradley Peterson then gave a legislative preview.Carolyn reviewed the Senate proposal to eliminate the personal property tax on electric generating equipment as well as its exclusions and exemptions, and replace it with a valuation based on production and nameplate capacity. We reviewed the impact it would have on our member cities, going into explicit details on the impact on the City of Becker with its proposed plant closings. The bill is currently in the tax bill, HF848, which is still in conference committee. Bradley summarized the meetings we had with Xcel, both in St. Paul and in Becker about the Senate proposal. Xcel expressed some concern about the "adjustment factor" in the bill which increases the valuation formula with the increase in consumer electricity rates. Xcel reported working with other providers and Senate staff to include transmission and distribution in the formula. Senate staff reported their intent to have a revised bill in February, prior to the March 8 beginning of the legislative session. The group then discussed the strategy going forward, focusing on working with Senate staff on any revisions to the plan and educating House CUC representatives and members of the tax conference committee. They agreed we should continue to watch for railroad safety issues, solar siting issues, and bills reflecting the new federal Clean Power Plan. There being no further business, President Prusinzke adjourned the meeting at 12:17 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Carolyn Jackson Senior Lobbyist Flaherty & Hood, P.A. .� �� ■ 1 I Decker ■ CoKasset M : mnite malls ■ I.It 4 t Tjikt�s I A- Ionbrello ■ Oak Para: I lei &5 I Red Wing Annual Meeting August 17, 201b Review of 2015 -2016 • Tax reform continues • Rail safety • Solar Siting • City visits • Clean Power Plan adopted and stayed • Xcel Integrated Resource Plan changes • Responses to plant closures /CPP at the Capitol Tax Reform • Senator Skoe continues to press for overhaul of electric generation tax reform • Utilities, Senate staff draft revised bill to include transmission and distribution • House lacks a legislative champion on tax committee for reform. — Rep. Swedzinski (R- Ghent) on tax committee, represents Granite Falls — House Tax Chair Davids (R- Preston) represents small distribution co -op that opposes the bill Analysis of Tax Reform • When Xcel IRP change announced, CUC analyzed impact on host cities • Analysis found number of flaws in bill • Conversations with cities, Senate staff, ironed out flaws • Overall, reform good for CUC cities so long as inflationary adjustment factor and state replacement aid part of the plan Elements of Revised Bill • Electric generation tax base — Personal property tax repealed, along with exemptions and exclusions — New tax base created (nameplace capacity factor +annual average production factor +nuclear waste storage factory =tax base) — Similar equation for transmission — Equation for distribution based on line miles, not age /value of lines New "Replacement Aid" • Replacement aid holds cities harmless in intial year after law change • Each subsequent year, replacement aid reduced by 5% until reaching a de minimus number • "Click on" feature added: If tax base drops by 5% in a year, new replacement aid triggered. • "Click on" not dependent on change in state law. Adjustment Factor Changed • Now the adjustment factor is annual percentage change in the "gross domestic product for nonresidential investment" • Can be negative or positive • Annual average shows this factor will benefit host cities Analysis and Approval • Analysis shows new version of bill benefits CUC cities • CUC testifies in favor at Senate hearing • Utilities and other stakeholders testify in favor of new bill • Details on transmission and distribution formulas still under discussion No Tax Bill • House does not accept electric generation tax reform in compromise tax bill • Governor vetoes 2016 tax bill over $100 million mistake • Special session still under consideration but unlikely if after September 1 Rail Safety /Capacity a • Rail safety and funding for rail crossing improvements part of 2016 bonding bile —New fund for rail safety project funding —First responder reforms for accidents — Specific projects (Moorhead, Red Wing) part of final bonding compromise Bonding bill failed to pass Bonding bill part of special session considerations Solar Siting • No substantive discussion in 2016 abo community input on siting of solar plants • Monticello issue seems to be resolved • City of Marshall issue seems to be resolved • Pressure to adopt "clean energy" for electric generation will continue to create land use issues City Visits • Flaherty &Hood visited 6 of 7 Coalition of Utility City members • Presented CUC background and analysis of proposed tax reform Federal Clean Power Plan • Formally adopted December, 2015 • Stayed by Supreme Court February, 2016 — September deadline for state preliminary plan also on hold — DC Circuit hears case en banc in September 2016 Cc3i ji lio — Decision expected late 2016, early 2017 — Will probably be appealed to Supreme Court Xcel's Integrated Resource Plan • October, 2015 Xcel changes its proposed Integrated Resource Plan — 2023 closure of Sherco II, 2026 closure of Sherco — Plans solar garden and gas plant for Becker — Continues to rely on nuclear power for baseload • PUC asks for new stakeholder comments • Becker and Red Wing submit comments in favor of the plan summer 2016 • Other stakeholders generally positive on the plan MN Response to CPP • IVIN Pollution Control Agency continues to prepare an extension request for MN plan • House proposes banning CPP planning; does not pass Legislature • Rep. Newberger proposes using CPP emissions credits to help host communities • Legislature /MN PCA response: Issue is premature CUC's Response • CUC works with Rep. Newberger, other CUC legislators on emissions credit trading bill • CUC testifies that host cities need to be part of stakeholder discussions on changing landscape of electricity generation Change is Coming Clean Power Plan fate unclear. Xcel's business model fashioned on being clean energy leader Nuclear power licenses will expire CUC's Response •How can CUC respond to Clean Power Plan and plant closures /conversion? — Working with Pollution Control Agency — Ensuring discussion at Legislature about impact on host cities —Meet with DEED, others about possible economic development options —Other ideas? I I Election 2016 � a � Senate: — Dave Brown (R- Becker) is retiring —Matt Schmit (D -Red Wing) in competitive race — Lyle Koenen (D -Clara City) possibly competitive House: —Tim Kelly (R -Red Wing) is retiring —Tim Miller (R- Prinsburg) in competitive race —Tom Anzelc (D- Balsam Township) in competitive race Plan for 2016 • Educate new legislators • Continue to work towards electric generation tax reform • Formulate CUC response to Clean Power Plan and impact of plant closings, conversions • Watch rail safety and solar siting issues • Other issues.? I tl' ■ •� I � ■■ I ■• 11 ■ ■ 11 Ir 13eeker ■ Cohnsset ■ Granite Falk ■ f layr Imes ■ MonticelJo ■ Oak Dirk I leights ■ Red Wing Thank you! City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 3A. PUBLIC HEARING - Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -075 approving the vacation of drainage and utility easements for Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail. Applicant: Sherburne State Bank (AS /JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Sherburne State Bank has submitted a petition asking Council to call for a public hearing to consider granting vacation of drainage and utility easements across Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail. The vacation of easements is requested to facilitate the proposed final plat of Warnert Retail Second Addition. On September 26, 2016 the Council accepted the petition and adopted a resolution calling for the hearing. The notice has been published and mailed accordingly. The proposed final plat of Warnert Retail Second Addition will re- establish required drainage and utility easements between lots and along plat edges. The vacation of drainage and utility easements per the petition is conditioned on the reestablishment of required easements on the final plat and proper documentation on the final recorded plat. The city's engineering department has reviewed the vacation request and finds it to be acceptable. The plat will reestablish required plat and lot drainage and utility easements as required by the subdivision ordinance. Al. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact associated with hearing for vacation, as the notification expenses are covered through the application fee. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Staff impacts at this time are associated with the review of the proposed vacation and establishment for corresponding required easements on the proposed final plat. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -075 approving the vacation of drainage and utility easements over and across Lot 1 and Lot 2, Warnert Retail subject to the conditions outlined in said resolution, including reestablishment of required easements on the final plat and proper documentation on the final recorded plat. 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -075 based on findings to the made by the City Council. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1, subject to the conditions identified in Resolution 2016 -075. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -075 B. Petition for vacation, Sherburne State Bank C. Final Plat of Warnert Retail CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-075 VACATING THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT FOR LOT 1 AND LOT 2 WARNERT RETAIL WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 4152.851, after two (2) weeks' published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation; WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of drainage, utility and access easements over and across the following described property was held on October 24, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall: All drainage and utility easements lying within Lot 1 and Block 1, WARNERT RETAIL, dedicated in the plat of said WARNERT RETAIL, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the vacation and utility easement per the petition is conditioned on the reestablishment of required easements on the final plat and proper documentation on the final recorded plat; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREB Y RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that the above described drainage and utility easements are vacated. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on October 24, 2016, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notary Public: Date: (STAMP) OFFICIAL PLAY WARNERT RE TA IL KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, fee owner, and Bremer Bank, National Assocaition, a national banking association, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lots Two (2) and Three (3), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25, according to the plat and survey thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota. Together with a non - exclusive easement for ingress and egress from the subject property over and across that portion of Lot One (1), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25, on which there is presently constructed a hard surface access road from U.S. Highway 25 to the subject property, and defined in Document Number 490586. association, on behalf of the association. AND: That C.P. T., Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, fee owner, and Bremer Bonk, National Assocaition, a national banking association, mortgagee of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot One (1), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL PLAZA 25, according to the plot and survey thereof on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder in and for Wright County, Minnesota. ALSO: Lot One (1), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL COURT AND Lot Two (2), Block One (1), less that part of Lot 2, Block 1, COMMERCIAL COURT, according to the recorded plot thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of c line drawn southeasterly from a point on the westerly line of said Lot 2, distant 6.34 feet southwesterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 2 to a point on the easterly line of said Lot 2 distant 71.96 feet southwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Lot 2. AND Lot Five (5), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL COURT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, except that part of Lot 5, Block 1, tying northerly of a line drawn southeasterly from a point on the westerly line of said Lot 5 distant 71.96 feet southwesterly from the northwesterly corner of said Lot 5 to a point on the southerly line of said Lot 5 distant 63.67 feet westerly of the southeast corner of said Lot 5. AND Lot Six (6), Block One (1), COMMERCIAL COURT, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, except that part of Lot 6, Block 1, lying northeasterly of a line drawn northwesterly from a point on the easterly line of said Lot 6 distant 26.72 feet southwesterly from the most easterly corner of said Lot 5 to a point on the northerly line of said Lot 6 distant 63.11 feet west from said most easterly corner of Lot 6. Have caused the some to be surveyed and platted as WARNERT RETAIL and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use forever the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof said Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20 Q(r _. STATE OF MINNESOT. COUNTY 017,,4 4wMw-,� Mrhk �� The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 by /Y� ��jr�xC/7 its of Bremer Bonk, National Association, a national banking association, on behalf of the association. LENS RME] NNES07q Notary Public, C ounty, Minnesota an 31,2010 My Commission Expires eu- -t3r e�yrtq I hereby certify that l have surveyed and plotted the property described on this plat as WARNERT RETAIL, that this plat is a correct representation of the survey, that all distances are correctly shown on the plat in feet and hundredths of a foot, that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown, or will be placed as required by the loco/ government unit, and that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on the plat and that there are no wet lands, as defined in MS 505.02, Subd. 1, or public highways to be designated other than as shown. „ 5Zi7ft A. Gytlen, Za Surveyor Minnesota License o. 23002 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF St.! ILA"Ao The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this AfA day of OdOhk 20 0!p, by Scott A. Gyllen, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 23002. F! E TTY J. mcGEARY is ;,� C 2SOTA M F;OTAR .• My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 NotaryP�b /c, Sti- Co nty, Minnesota My Commission Expires 'S Q V%- 319 amo CITY PLANNING COMMISSION This plat of WARNERT RETAIL was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held this 7+ti day of 200( CITY APPROVAL This plot of WARNERT RETAIL was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes Sdctiop 505.03, Subdivision 2 by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a meeting held this. 3-4 day of C9c4�pher 20". Mayor y r' `. City Administrator WARNERT C ER L PROP RTIES, L.L.P. By its V. COUNTY SURVEYOR f� Examined and recommended for approval this % day of N0V6m8G1L 20 O(a STATE OF MINN OT The for 9 F 9 y� y _& ")t � by ��ilaQ�1M The fore o" instrument was acknowledged before me this J da of 20 its of Warnert Commercial Properties, L.L.P., a Minnesota limited liability partnership, on behalf of the partnership. -- �~ ° -�. SUSAN GAY ELLENS a`A'C :� NOTARYPUBLIC- MINNESOTA Notary Public, County. Minnesota My Commission Expires Jan 31, 2010 My Commission Expires 616c�e!% W ICO In witness whereof said C.P. T. Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this '4*doy of#tA &% 20 Qts C.Pr.PLOPER77ES, LLC 1 By ( D . A /i/ i� its j f'� • STATE OF MINNEEOT, COUNTY OF g :�. g � y , I J y The,�foorQre instrument was acknowledged before me this 13 do of &"k-, 20 his b its(_d�11 of C.P.T. Properties, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of the company. "- SUSAN GAY ELLENS Notary Public, County, Minnesota E ' ,•- NOT =47 PLBLI, M1 +',�'yESCT,: �Se �L �I D ° M Commission Expires "C-iv r.�ycom ic5i�r,Exc•csJa� �I� ;e � y P In witness whereof said Bremer Bank, National Association, a national banking association, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this �D • - day of&W 20 �. BREMER BANK, NA77ONAL ASSOCIATION By I V 1 / / /I lIL/ its �%IJQ� LC r- ACP A�n. Wright County Surveyor COUNTY AUDITOR Taxes paid for all years through year e2 and transfer entered this 9 Tp day of A)azzmbEK .20 Qom. Wright Count Auditor m � "Xr" _" COUNTY TREASURER I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year on lands herein described are paid this _�? rN day of /Uo ue M &5,q 20 Q(,. R (d� y(Z;reJ , Wright Coun y Treasurer COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that the within plat was filed in this office this 9 ' day of M DU'e.Ymbe.r 20 No , at 10= o'clock P.M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet Zo Sleeve 393 as Document Number J o,3a ya 1 Wright County Recorder Westwood Professional Services, Inc. or� �� \e �O�x. Pleha �2u�loPmen� Cor.S�ruc���� -- S(o,�o �c'� 519P SHEET 1 OF SHEETS OAft FFICIAL PLAT WA RNER T RE TA IL 132072 S88 04723 -W _ — — — 1320.72 N88 04723 E — — � — — — — 7/143.52 � N1 /4 COR. OF SEC. -NW COR. OF SEC. 14, �14 14, T. 121, R. 25 , T. 121, R. 25 GpQ'pF��Gryg O� (WR /GHT CO. C1. M.) (WRIGHT CO. C.LM•) 1� ��` k• Q.• _ � G A A/'\ A IIr /, r-I I /� -rp A I /r-1 /. r -A Irr-p ��F,1�1I ry1• �� IVI L/I VI I vL_L.L.II I I \/-I V L_ L_ vL_I V I L_I ,yr-- - - - - -- - - - - -� Drainage and Utility Easements created by this y L.vl •r plot are shown thus: h MOST ELY COR NNW "LY COR. / / l / OF LOT 2 -.` OF LOT 5 / \ / I i- 5 / l OF LOT 2R I _ f- -SEE DETAIL A 10T 5 ?s• Being 6 feet in width, unless otherwise indicated, ," and adjoining lot lines, and 12 feet in width, / /�� - F , p / SE COR ° • , I sss° of LOT / N66 17'49 W unless otherwise indicated and adjoining right of � 1, way lines as shown on the plot. �.,• I G' /k4,wi �p ?!�• �� 5:- _ - -55.37 �--MOST ELY COR /,>Z/ / '4 63.67 -, <� OF LOT 6 63.11 i . / _i _: -26.72 l ' 1 ' < N27 038'20 "E C DETAIL o / � `�a�0 `\_ Vo�� I 1.0 ell ; /// ___1--SEE DETAIL B � \�g0,3� r Or lj l l V�0 c DOCEMeNT Pqy \ r //\ / /; / � I NO FjC / A �Q� Lei. 0,K ' / O ='v $Q O�Q gyp• / // Qr7��1 �. / FS/ TE�� /// /�/ I � I / / I / --- ---- - - -J/ l 208.25 $87 °5722 "W '3� / NCO gr ?t? / I S Ik SEC710N 14, TOWNSHIP 121, RANGE 25 VICINITY MAP / No scale f ion, " 05 ; I ` I 63.67_ ` - 63.11 -- 1 s I q. , DETAIL A NO SCALE h I 00 pp�� /fop OL1 \ SE COR OF LOT 6, 'C BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL COURT_` / I I , i`.-NORTH LINE OF LOT 1, <'� I --MOST El COR. i BLOCK 1, COMMERCIAL 4� OF LOT 1, PLAZA 25 �� BLOCK 1, \ COMMER/ CIAL ti �p b PLAZA 25 i DETAIL B I NO SCALE SS.1j�9F / I ` G� I { 0 QG , G G° by oRO SOP i IA y6 `� °`` � y. �\\ DETAIL C NO SCALE 50 0 50 100 150 Scale in feet BEARINGS ARE BASED ON THE WRIGHT COUNTY COORDINATE SYSTEM NAD -83 (86 ADJ.) O DEN07ES SET IRON MONUMENT AND MARKED WITH RLS NO. 23002 TO BE SET W1THlN ONE YEAR OF THE RECORDING OF THIS PLAT • DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT 0 DEN07ES ACCESS CONTROL TO THE STATE' OF MINNESOTA Westwood Professional Services, Inc. SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 3B. Public Hearing — Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -080 approving the assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous accounts to be certified for 2017 payable tax year (WO) A. B. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt an assessment roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the county auditor for collection on the 2017 real estate taxes if not paid within 30 days of this public hearing. The 2017 assessment breaks down as follows: Amount Count Description 572.54 1 Blight - tree removal 1,238.78 1 Past UB deliquency 495.27 3 Mowing Blight 315.00 2 Water meters /sandpipe 2,621.59 7 In comparison, the 2016 assessment breaks down as follows: Amount Count 532.73 1 555.08 3 403.34 2 1,491.15 6 Description Blight - tree removal Mowing Blight Water meters /sandpipe Staff recommends that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. Any of these accounts can be paid 30 days after adoption of the assessment roll, by November 23rd, without additional interest. After council approval, an additional $75 processing fee is added to the amount due shown on the attached list to cover costs that the city has incurred in the delinquent notice process. Al. Budget Impact: This action would reimburse the city for costs it has incurred including county fees charged for adding these to the taxes. There would be no further impact on the city budget. A2. Staff Impact: There is no staff impact on the city for this item. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -080 approving the assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous accounts as listed with the addition of a $75 processing fee for each item. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -080 approving the assessment roll for delinquent miscellaneous accounts as adjusted by Council, based on public hearing input. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends Alternative #1 that Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the account in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -080 B. List of delinquent miscellaneous accounts receivable 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-080 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT MISCELLANEOUS ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE AND CERTIFYING ASSESSMENTS TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR THE 2017 PAYABLE TAX YEAR WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent miscellaneous account charges; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota: Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted for the amount shown plus an additional $75 processing fee; and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable in the tax year of the first Monday in January 2017, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of November 29, 2016 until December 31, 2017. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time up to and including November 28, 2018, pay the whole of the assessment on such property to the City Treasurer, and that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by end of business day November 28, 2016. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax list of the county. Such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator ATTACHMENT "A" Listing of Delinquent Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution #2015- 082duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on October 26th, 2015, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notary Public: Date: (STAMP) Account No Cycle Account Balance $101.89 $163.50 $151.50 $572.54 $273.66 $119.72 $1,238.78 $2,621.59 PID 155 - 069 - 003040 155 - 010 - 067140 155 - 088 - 002080 155 - 089 - 004020 155 - 023 - 001050 155 - 082 - 004090 155 - 097 - 002090 Customer No Last Name First Name 2135 5857 Humphreys Beth 2294 13581 Mitchell Chantelle 2349 13902 Dittfach James 2154 13471 Wurtinger Jeffrey & Loretta 2137 8391 Barth Jeffrey & Staci 2136 13402 Schroeder Richard 269 5732 Larson Ted & Heidi Cycle Account Balance $101.89 $163.50 $151.50 $572.54 $273.66 $119.72 $1,238.78 $2,621.59 PID 155 - 069 - 003040 155 - 010 - 067140 155 - 088 - 002080 155 - 089 - 004020 155 - 023 - 001050 155 - 082 - 004090 155 - 097 - 002090 Council Agenda: 10/24/16 3C. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -081 approving assessment roll for delinquent utilities to be certified for 2016 payable tax year (WO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. The Council previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $75 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. It should be noted that the amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list do not include the additional $75 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. This fee will be added after the assessment roll is approved by Council. The delinquent utility amounts being certified now total about $750 less than the amount certified last year for the same time period. This is the fifth year of the one assessment roll format. The one -roll format eliminates the overlap of accounts between the two -roll format, which complicated the calculations for the total number of (different) accounts and the average delinquent account balance. The data represent the last six months of the prior year and the first six months of the current year. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. The interest on the assessments will generate an estimated $8,400 in 2017. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid through November 27th without the additional interest but would include the $75 processing fee. The $75 processing charge will generate an estimated $25,200 in 2017. The following table and graph provide a historical perspective for the assessed delinquent utility accounts: Year Amount 2007 $ 166,744.69 2008 151,827.43 2009 148,316.73 2010 142,463.70 2011 147,177.11 2012 142,253.36 2013 144,426.86 2014 144,933.59 2015 140,274.20 2016 139,512.83 Council Agenda: 10/24/16 A.1 Budget Impact: Delinquent utility assessments provide for the collection of revenue budgeted in the current year but not collected until a future year. In the end, utility charges are collected by quarterly bill payment or assessment. A.2 Staff Workload - The process for collecting delinquent utility amounts is time consuming with preparing and mailing delinquent notices; preparing and mailing notices of the public assessment hearing as well as other clerical work in preparing the amounts for certification. The most time - consuming step of the process is verifying the delinquent account data against Wright County property tax records. The $75 fee that is added to the delinquent accounts helps defray the cost of staff time and publication expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -081 approving the assessment roll for the delinquent utilities as presented. 2. Motion to adopt Resolution 2016 -081 with adjustments to the assessment roll as directed by Council and based upon input during the public hearing. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Alternative #1 that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $75 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance. D. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -081 B. Listing of delinquent utility accounts to be certified C. Delinquent Utility Assessment Analysis 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016-081 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS AND CERTIFYING ASSESSMENTS TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR THE 2017 PAYABLE TAX YEAR WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota: Such proposed assessments, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted for the amount shown plus an additional $75 processing fee; and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessments shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable in the tax year of the first Monday in January 2017, and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of November 29, 2016 until December 31, 2017. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time up to and including November 28, 2018, pay the whole of the assessment on such property to the City Treasurer, and that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by end of business day November 28, 2016. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax list of the county. Such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator ATTACHMENT "A" Listing of Delinquent Utility Billing Accounts CERTIFICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution #2015- 082duly passed, adopted and approved by the Monticello City Council at their scheduled meeting on October 26th, 2015, and recorded in minutes of said meeting. Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Notary Public: Date: (STAMP) DELINQUENT UTILITY BILLING 2015 -2016 2017 Payable Taxes PID# FIRST NAME LAST NAME /COMPANY NAME AMT DUE 155010010051 BRENNA CARLSON 84.00 155010011030 BONNIE MILLER 418.72 155010022080 BRENT & LANETTE AITCHISON 225.65 155010025100 ROGER & SUE COX 357.60 155010027040 STEVE BROWN 1,774.91 155010038090 OWEN THURSTON 603.15 155010038110 MATT MIGNEAULT 578.91 155010040020 GAYLE POEPPING 51.98 155010044061 NIGEL SCHUETTE 221.83 155010047130 PATTY LEPAGE 63.34 155010049150 NATHAN & AMY HERFINDAHL 171.50 155010050110 SUSAN LABELLA 302.84 155010052131 BIFF'S GARAGE 100.00 155010053070 SEVEN K -P PROPERTIES 135.93 155010057050 STEVEN & DEBORAH MERKLE 504.35 155010063040 DICK & KIMBERLY RICE 277.69 155010067130 MARK MICHAELIS 658.99 155010068020 THERESA ANDERSON - KENTNER 205.24 155010081080 KRISIE GARVIN 54.66 155010081081 KRISIE GARVIN 107.36 155010085030 JAMES M & LESLIE HOLT 82.30 155011000052 JULIE SOUTH 69.02 155012001050 SARAH & DAN KOLLODGE 328.72 155012002030 WENDY ROBINSON 853.55 155013001130 CORREY PETERS 1,290.05 155013002061 JOE GRUBBA 278.98 155015002011 ANDI TISCHNER 583.73 155015011060 BREANNA CARLSON 479.05 155015012030 EARL& SUSAN MISNER 649.11 155015013020 REGGIE THOMPSON 546.85 155015014090 DUSTIN & HEATHER ANDERSON 354.08 155015035060 STEVEN & JENNIFER VANDYKE 974.77 155015036030 RYANNE POCI 321.08 155016000020 CHRISTOPHER HOLTZ 416.78 155017002050 ANTHONY & KRISTA BARTHEL 494.65 155019007040 DEBRA ACKERMAN 1,831.86 155020003010 KIMBERLY LEGRO 642.16 155021002040 LORIE MOSSBERG 195.52 155021002170 TRACY & BRENDA FOSS 459.63 155021002230 PAUL & JANICE DEMARS 160.16 155023001050 JEFFREY BARTH 1,567.48 155024001030 JASON & MICHELLE RISLUND 321.85 1 155024001040 KATHLEEN ZELENAK 191.58 155024001110 BRIDGET BROOKS 80.23 155026002060 GREGORY TIREVOLD 332.11 155026003050 FRED & CINDY ANDERSON 466.73 155028001010 PAUL LUNDBERG 264.50 155030001050 MICHAEL & BRENDA WRONA 396.62 155031001070 JAMES CELLETTE 1,116.01 155031003030 MARGARET DRAHOTA 535.65 155033001040 RISHIA WEISS 89.16 155033001040 JOHN & RISHIA WEISS 296.02 155033001050 TIMOTHY BENSON 402.14 155033001080 BENJAMIN KOLLES 572.31 155033001230 ELIZABETH JOHNSON 416.39 155033001290 JASON & SARAH THOMPSON 281.50 155033001340 DEBRA MEYER 452.79 155033002090 THOMAS HITCHCOCK 99.26 155033002140 MATTHEW MULHOLLAM 323.73 155033002180 APRIL KJELLBERG 328.43 155033004050 DONNA & MICHAEL WEINZETL 1,141.14 155035001140 TERESITA KOJETIN 252.87 155035002050 JAMES & ERICA DOROUGH 314.64 155035004020 JACOB TORKELSON 247.03 155035004110 ALICIA ROELIKE 509.33 155035006010 DANIELLE TIREVOLD 387.12 155037008010 BETH TREMBLEY 102.81 155037009040 NANCY MAAS 78.25 155040001011 CINDY LAMBING 51.98 155040001020 MICHAEL PELARSKI 537.74 155040003110 KENDALL SCHUMANN 408.84 155040004050 JEREMY & LEE MOSHIER 746.02 155044003100 STEVEN & SANDRA POPLIN 844.72 155044004020 RANDY THORSTAD 102.15 155044004140 AMANDA & TONY RUMREICH 739.56 155045001010 JEFFREY RICHARD 822.95 155045002040 ROBIN PEIKERT 506.57 155045002110 KEVIN & MELISSA KACHMAREK 970.94 155045006010 KEVIN & KENDA LANG 581.45 155048001040 JASON & LINDA HINZ 976.75 155048001080 GREG & NICOLE BEATY 204.58 155048001090 JARED OLSON 94.38 155048001130 RANDY & ALLISON BAKKEN 2,267.35 155048001150 FELICIA WHITMORE 95.72 155057001010 DANIEL UTZKA 727.78 155057002060 SEAN LAWRENCE 115.36 155059002020 SHAWN & TONYA TIERNEY 86.76 155059003070 WAYNE & ALYCE WITRY 467.29 155061002060 KEVIN & PATRICIA FAIR 79.71 155062001010 DAVID & KATHY MATUSKA 148.67 155064001010 JOHN WALDVOGEL 221.27 155069001020 DEAN & TRACY WOYTCKE 250.34 155069003010 LUCAS & RACHEL NELSON 407.49 155069003040 BETH HUMPHREYS 431.10 155069003050 DENNIS & SIEGLINDE JEWETT 291.34 155070001010 JAMES LONG 170.16 155070001100 MARC PEGUES 144.57 155070002160 JARED PENDERGAST 106.16 155071001020 ANDREW PEARSON 280.67 155073001010 PAUL & WENDY MAUK 253.76 155073005060 KENNETH & DENISE WALDVOGEL 89.44 155073005120 HAROLD & RONDA O'BRIEN 138.89 155073006050 DEBRA & SHUMAN LEE 413.93 155078002120 AMY BOETTCHER 210.06 155078002160 MARK & PAMELA AGRE 438.25 155078003040 PHILLIP SCHWAB 205.36 155078003080 MELANIE TANNER 126.01 155078003140 RICHARD & BRENDA ANDERSON 270.44 155078004030 ADAM & AMANDA HARTUNG 743.92 155080002100 MICHELE DAVIDSON 81.08 155080003020 MARK & AMY ERICKSON 346.68 155080003060 DAVID & VIVIAN WALSTON 182.64 155080003080 DARLA & JEFFREY NELSON 749.98 155080006150 MARK COADY 143.53 155080006160 MICHAEL NELSON 850.95 155080007070 JENNIFER NIEMANN 578.94 155082001010 PATRICK & JEANNE WINSOR 288.77 155082001040 CALVIN FENN 196.11 155082001070 JESSICA HOLTON 93.60 155082001090 TRACEY ELLIS 127.32 155082002100 YANIK JOHNSON 569.32 155082002110 BRADLEY HOLZAPFEL 52.45 155082003040 STEVEN & JENNIFER WALSH 1,019.40 155082003100 ROMA EDENS 80.96 155082003150 ANDREW STEVENS 600.89 155082004020 HARRY & DIONA GRIMLEY 1,086.10 155082004050 CHERYL LABAR 788.18 155082004090 RICHARD SCHROEDER 144.99 155082005020 ROSS YINGLING 223.38 155086001140 ROSALINDA MENDEZ 101.22 155086001170 CARRIE HEIL 229.43 155086002020 NICHOLAS FRANKS 379.90 155086004120 DEBORAH LANTZ 114.84 155086004140 BRAD & BRENDA HALL 75.17 155086004150 WILLIAM & CHERI HACKETT 454.66 155086005050 TIMOTHY EVANS 705.52 3 155086005180 RACHELLE KYLOCHKO 237.24 155086005190 JOHN SCHWARTZ 211.16 155086007080 GREGORY JENNINGS 632.80 155088002020 MATTHEW & MARLO NEUMANN 208.72 155088002030 JEREMY LANGE 316.81 155088002080 JAMES DITTFACH 264.53 155088003050 LORI ROUSHAR ESTATE 446.96 155088006010 KENNETH & JESSICA WATTS 263.38 155088007010 RONALD & CHRISTINA HEITZ 775.03 155088007020 RYAN & ANGELA HARSTEAD 108.62 155089002010 JOEL & ERIKA JOHNSON 175.11 155089004020 JEFFREY & LORETTA WURTINGER 545.71 155090001070 DEBRA BRAY - GRAVES 171.17 155090001120 DAVID & ELIZABETH HONER 158.62 155090002050 PHILIP TOWNS 361.79 155090002060 MICHAEL & ANGIE OFFERDAHL 156.83 155090002090 THERESA PARTHUM 2,422.77 155090002170 DION & JULIE BOOS 653.01 155090003040 NATHAN & HEIDI JOHNSON 144.29 155090004010 TIMOTHY RUCH 736.08 155090005040 JOSE CAM POS 204.27 155090005100 KENDALL & AMANDA HARTFIEL 197.84 155093001050 JOHN PRIGGE 67.25 155093001080 JEFFREY & NICOLE PETERSON 347.29 155093001170 BRENT & INGRID WUOLLET 493.62 155096001120 JEFFREY & LINDA GOODWIN 452.12 155096002070 MAKETHA & CARRIE BRIDGES 203.31 155096003020 BRENT & TAMMY BELLAND 1,007.25 155097001080 TONYA SIMS 281.43 155097002090 TED & HEIDI LARSON 1,161.89 155102001030 MICHAEL & KIMBERLY WATTERS 278.40 155102002010 ENRIQUE MUNOZ 1,358.34 155102002040 BENJAMIN & SHANNEN RUDOLPH 80.96 155102002110 BRETT & CARMEN MAKI 730.46 155103002010 ROY & DEBORAH MOORE 137.15 155103003040 JOHN PRESTIDGE 127.32 155103003070 JODY FELIX - JENSEN 345.00 155103003090 PATRICIA REISCHL 419.28 155103003120 MATT HAZELTINE 104.14 155103003170 COREY & CASSANDRA BENSON 1,404.17 155105001030 BRENT SCHUMACHER 221.49 155105002030 CYNTHIA TROY 208.72 155105005060 CARRIE DOTEN 73.60 155105005060 ERIC HINKLE 152.19 155107001200 DUSTYN BRUCH 93.28 155107002010 CHRISTOPHER DOTSON 680.92 155109004030 MELODY LANG 131.80 4 155110001160 PEARL BENNEY 70.53 155111001010 AMY GREGOIRE 77.80 155111001010 MATTHEW & JESSICA POFF 162.11 155111002050 NICOLE JOHNSON 782.83 155111002060 AMBER & GREG HENDEL 572.72 155111003020 GRANT & VICKI LANKA 542.11 155114002030 DANIEL & RENEE PROELL 405.31 155116001040 JOHN BRETTJR 98.34 155116002040 ROBERT & JEANNINE KURVERS 276.67 155116002130 JOHN & CORINTHIA KINSELL 160.95 155116003010 SAMUEL & NICOLE BURVEE 102.68 155116007010 KIM REED 231.99 155116007020 TROY SANFORD 152.21 155116008010 CHAD & GRETCHEN MARQUETTE 187.71 155118001010 CHAD & ELIZABETH COOPER 518.38 155118002020 BRETT & LAURA HUGHES 305.06 155119001100 MELISSA ZINKEN 117.61 155119001100 ANGIE VONDELINDE 275.74 155121001030 JAELA VAN 483.64 155121002040 TIMOTHY & CHRISTINE BRADLEY 121.65 155121005080 ANGELA SCHULTZ 615.45 155122003090 STEVE GRIFFIN 401.18 155122004050 JESUS & CHRISTINE CASTILLO 1,213.71 155123001020 KEVEN KASTER 220.37 155123001050 KARI WISE 477.01 155123001070 NAKOMI & SCOTT RUDLONG 207.85 155123002150 RICK EVANS 380.32 155123003110 SUSAN SKOOG 872.05 155123005020 MICHAEL MURPHY 346.74 155124003020 LIZA DUNGO 507.51 155124003100 CRAIG & KRISTINA NELSON 138.92 155124003120 PHIL & CLAIRE EKSTROM 93.47 155124003180 DALE & ALEA STANGER 608.71 155125001100 CHRISTOPHER HANSON 338.54 155125003040 PAUL RAIFORD 215.77 155125004090 SCOTT & ANNETTE DOEBLER 826.72 155125005190 SCOTT & LISA ILACQUA 651.57 155125006030 RYAN & DAYNA BITZ 478.29 155125007030 KEVIN LANCE 166.69 155125007140 MATTHEW GMACH 394.71 155126002050 CHAD & EMILY CARLSON 213.09 155128001010 QUALITY RV 516.53 155130001040 KEVIN FIETEK 282.57 155130002060 AARON MANUELL 191.09 155132001020 MICHAEL & KRISTIE FITZPATRICK 885.09 155132002020 KYLE & CHRISTINA OEN 1,199.98 155132003150 BRADLEY BURAU 784.26 5 155132003220 155132003330 155132004030 155132005020 155132005050 155132006010 155132006030 155132006070 155132006110 155132008020 155132010050 155132010080 155133001060 155133001080 155133001100 155133001150 155133001180 155134001030 155134002010 155134002080 155134004020 155135002010 155140001070 155142001040 155142001110 155142002190 155142003030 155142004060 155142004120 155142005080 155144001100 155145001020 155145001050 155146005010 155146005030 155147003030 155147003050 155147006040 155147007030 155147007060 155149001020 155151002030 155151004030 155151004090 155151004140 155151005070 155151005140 JEFFREY & KAREN KEVIN & JEAN RAFAEL JEREMY & AMANDA JARED & APRIL TRENT & TRISHA D'ARCY DANIEL & ANGELA JENNIFER ERIC & TRACY GARY & TINA ROCHELLE DONNA THADDEUS & KRISTIN MICHAEL JODI CAROLYN BRANDON ARTHUR & ROSEANNE PAMELA THOMAS & ILLEANA MELISSA RYAN & BRITTANY JESSE LORI RUSSELL & JULIE TIMOTHY & ANN BRITT & TAMI WILLIAM & NICOLE BRENDA KARI NALENGE & WEHOANU LI N DSEY JUDY MIKE & SHAYNA SAMUEL ELIZABETH CHERI ANDREA ERIC RANDY & SARA DENIS & LISA KRIS JAVIER MARRIO & ANN MARK DANIEL & EVANGELINE CHRISTOPHERSON RUNDGREN ZUNIGA SKUYA VEDDERS JOHNSON HOLM WOLKERSTORFER SCHLEIF WASSATHER HANGSLEBEN CAVN ESS GRAHAM HELMERS LOUDEN VICKERMAN BILLS SNARE DURAN STEFFES TURNER SR UNGLAUB KOLLES SEIB HENNAN NOGA INGLE EMANUEL LAIMER WHITTAKER HOGLUND KOUNKEL WAGBALA KING (WALTERS) BOYD MORSCH BARDER TADYCH FAU E OELKERS HARMS SCHWARTZ HAAGEN SKO MSOYVOG GOROSTIAGA LEON HAFFEMAN KNIGHT 364.76 647.17 712.93 102.44 804.82 683.77 815.89 1,532.57 344.56 526.99 1,436.74 727.20 104.14 443.00 96.35 815.81 166.19 182.77 411.88 620.56 322.23 745.70 272.74 106.60 156.14 385.40 191.57 552.96 124.60 771.19 182.61 696.24 413.38 192.61 316.02 218.15 107.58 147.40 620.97 163.03 664.97 51.25 753.85 54.94 115.21 645.07 1,445.79 A 155151006010 BRENT HEDQUIST 1,129.25 155151006120 TONY & WENDY NOARD 98.34 155151006180 TIMOTHY & KRISTEN SWAIN 425.88 155151007020 MARK & GINGER THOMPSON 319.82 155154006050 SHANNON SORENSEN 211.78 155154007010 PHILIP JOHNSON 91.68 155155001010 MICHAEL SELINSKY 149.13 155155003130 ERIK & NANCY GOHL 477.98 155155004040 DUSTIN & ELIZABETH KRUCHTEN 628.00 155155004070 KATHERINE HERNANDEZ 925.52 155156003020 DAVID & GINA BROWN 256.49 155159002120 KEITH & DAWN COX 992.53 155159003060 SHANE & SHANNON TRATECHAUD 156.83 155159005060 ANGELA HARTLEY - DICKMAN 362.44 155159005070 KRISTA ZWILLING 82.50 155159005080 ERIKA GOMEZ 753.53 155159006010 ANDREW & STEPHANIE DUSZYNSKI 244.29 155159007020 JASON KELLY 667.42 155159007030 DARYL & KAREN SCHOMBER 176.77 155159007310 MELISSA SCHULTZ 353.74 155159007330 ROXANN JORGENSON 508.20 155159007360 GWEN TACHENEY 137.41 155159007410 LILA DAKE 543.19 155159007500 RENEE PIKULA 123.06 155159007540 TREVOR & KERSTIN DEVENS 512.08 155159007550 CHARMAINE MAY 50.41 155159007630 YANIRA BERGANZA 183.18 155159008200 SUNSET PONDS I HOMEOWNERS ASSOC 181.84 155159008280 TARA SOUZA - ARIOTA 649.63 155159008380 CRYSTAL DAHN 332.79 155160010060 KRISTA LEE 220.92 155160011080 ANGELA PETERSON 299.75 155160013070 CHRIS ABRAHAMSON 112.53 155163005010 SHAWN LIPITT 735.05 155163005030 KATHARINE SOUTHGATE 225.86 155163005040 GINA ARCHER 353.53 155163006010 MICHAEL & KELLI MCGILL 753.86 155163006030 KANDACE POINT 111.28 155167001080 JENNA NELSON 198.58 155167002110 THOMAS & MERCEDES TURNER 1,042.64 155168001160 RYAN & SARAH MORRELL 371.41 155168001200 JEFFREY ANDRIST 306.38 155172002010 MEGHAN O'BRIEN 123.94 155172002040 JUSTIN & ANNA HALL 183.75 155173003080 THOMAS & DANIELLE LAPLANT III 613.35 155177001010 JOSHUA HJELM 98.73 155177002030 ALISON SCHULLER 972.60 7 155180002150 MATTHEW & KRISTEN POHLKAMP 785.80 155182002010 RONALD & JACLYN DVORAK 171.37 155182010040 SCOTT ADRIAN 282.81 155182011010 GWEN KING 188.91 155182011030 STEVE & MARCIA KNASE 587.75 155182012010 RANDY & MARTHA BRANDT 583.60 155182012020 MARK ERICKSON 70.64 155183001080 LISA INGERSOLL 656.72 155500034200 BRANDON & SHAYLEA LINDER 92.55 155500142401 L & W ASSOCIATES 100.60 155500182101 MIKE WICK 64.91 155700006070 MIKE HOLMSTROM 175.39 139,512.83 0 City of Monticello Delinquent Utility Assessment Analysis Low Range High 2016 2015 2014 Amount 2014 2013 2012 2016 2015 Count 2014 2013 2012 2016 2015 % of Count 2014 2013 2012 2016 Accumulated Count 2015 2014 2013 2012 $ - Low $ 99.99 $ 3,140.98 $ 2,195.52 $ 50.00 $ 2,670.84 $ 2,331.07 $ 2,939.72 40 29 38 30 41 12% 9% 11% 9% 11% 12% 9% 11% 9% 11% 100.00 Medium 199.99 11,011.64 12,452.83 $ 349.06 11,543.58 14,193.87 12,852.74 75 84 81 92 88 22% 26% 24% 26% 24% 34% 35% 35% 35% 35% 200.00 299.99 12,220.20 10,504.74 10,874.87 12,399.98 13,382.93 50 42 44 50 55 15% 13% 13% 14% 15% 49% 48% 47% 49% 50% 300.00 399.99 12,064.74 11,381.93 11,144.05 13,665.78 13,731.06 35 33 31 40 40 10% 10% 9% 11% 11% 60% 58% 56% 61% 61% 400.00 499.99 13,257.97 12,214.15 13,268.08 12,014.28 14,466.09 30 28 30 27 32 9% 9% 9% 8% 9% 68% 66% 65% 68% 70% 500.00 599.99 13,622.88 15,884.06 14,784.07 18,610.42 18,833.89 25 29 27 34 34 7% 9% 8% 10% 9% 76% 75% 73% 78% 79% 600.00 699.99 14,790.63 15,514.55 20,883.98 15,613.94 19,441.71 23 24 32 24 30 7% 7% 9% 7% 8% 83% 83% 82% 85% 87% 700.00 799.99 15,748.73 11,870.75 15,539.78 10,611.55 11,169.20 21 16 21 14 15 6% 5% 6% 4% 4% 89% 87% 88% 89% 92% 800.00 899.99 8,392.55 11,863.17 10,067.12 8,393.00 5,941.02 10 14 12 10 7 3% 4% 3% 3% 2% 92% 92% 92% 92% 93% 900.00 999.99 5,813.11 3,787.41 6,626.90 9,600.96 7,643.39 6 4 7 10 8 2% 1% 2% 3% 2% 94% 93% 94% 95% 96% 1,000.00 3,500.00 29,449.40 32,605.09 27,530.32 26,992.01 21,851.61 21 23 21 19 16 6% 7% 6% 5% 4% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% $ 139,512.83 $140,274.20 $144,933.59 $144,426.86 $ 142,253.36 336 326 344 350 366 City of Monticello Delinquent Utility Analysis Summary Statistical 2015 2016 2015 2014 2013 Change 2012 Amount $ 139,512.83 $140,274.20 $144,933.59 $144,426.86 $142,253.36 Count -4.4% 336 326 344 350 -28.6% 366 Low $ 50.41 $ 50.94 $ 50.00 $ 53.54 $ 50.08 High $ 2,422.77 $ 3,394.98 $ 2,065.59 $ 2,484.27 $ 2,646.44 Average $ 415.22 $ 430.29 $ 421.32 $ 412.65 $ 388.67 Medium $ 310.51 $ 309.78 $ 349.06 $ 306.87 $ 297.83 2016 2015 2014 2013 Change Change Change Change -0.5% -3.2% 0.4% 1.5% 3.1% -5.2% -1.7% -4.4% -1.0% 1.9% -6.6% 6.9% -28.6% 64.4% -16.9% -6.1% -3.5% 2.1% 2.1% 6.2% 0.2% -11.3% 13.7% 3.0% $35,000 $30,000 $25,000 $20,000 $15,000 $10,000 $5,000 $- rn rn 0 Delinquent Utility Amounts 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 38 30 30 20 10 rn rn 0 Delinquent Utility Accounts rn rn M M rn 01 M rn 0I N M V Ln 1010 0 ^ 1 000 0011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln 0 o 0 0 if� �Ln -V� if� V'� V'� �Ln 2012 ■ 2013 1-92r23-21— 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 2012 0 0 0 c-i — ■ 2013 2014 ■ 2015 -- ■ 2016 m 01 rn 01 rn M 01 m rn o 00 N m Ln LO 0010 m m ^ e-1 N M 111 10 I- 00 (1 ). if� if� � tn _Cn in Delinquent Utility Accounts rn rn M M rn 01 M rn 0I N M V Ln 1010 0 ^ 1 000 0011 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ln 0 o 0 0 if� �Ln -V� if� V'� V'� �Ln 2012 ■ 2013 1-92r23-21— 2014 ■ 2015 ■ 2016 0 0 0 c-i City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 3D. Public Hearing - Consideration of adopting Resolution 2016 -082 approving assessment roll for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project No. 15CO01 A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the September 26, 2016 meeting, the City Council declared costs to be assessed, ordered preparation of assessment roll, and called for the assessment hearing for October 24, 2016 for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project. The 2016 Street Reconstruction Project is substantially complete and included the following improvements: Street Reconstruction ■ 3rd and 4th Street East from TH 25 to Washington Street ■ 6th Street East from TH 25 to Cedar Street ■ Cedar and Ramsey Street from 7th Street East to East Broadway Street ■ Washington Street from the railroad tracks to East Broadway Street ■ Wright Street from 7th Street East to the railroad tracks, as well as ■ Palm, New, Wright, and Hennepin Streets between 4th Street East and East Broadway Street Sidewalk Improvements: • Construction of a new 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Cedar Street from 7th Street to 4th Street • Construction of a new 6 -foot wide concrete sidewalk along the west side of Washington Street from the rail road tracks to Broadway Street • Replacement of approximately 20% of the sidewalk along the south side of East Broadway Street between Cedar Street and Washington Street that has settled or deteriorated. • Replacement of damaged sidewalk on 3rd and 4th Streets between TH 25 and Cedar Street. Utility Improvements • Replacement of sanitary sewer along 4th Street (between Washington Street and Palm Street) and slip line the remaining sanitary sewer mains within Area 5 • Replacement of all of the sanitary sewer services from the mainline to the property line ■ Replacement of the majority of the sanitary sewer castings ■ Replacement of water main valves and hydrants ■ Replacement of storm sewer pipe and structures and castings where needed City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 • Installation of new storm sewer pipe and structures on 3rd Street between TH 25 and Cedar Street to improve drainage conditions • Replacement of 6 -inch watermain line with a 12 -inch watermain on Ramsey St between 4th Street and Broadway ■ Construction of a new 10 -inch watermain between Well #1 and #2 in Block 34 ■ Extension of 12 to 16 -inch watermain along Cedar Street, 4th Street and Ramsey Street as a new raw watermain feed for a potential future water treatment plant at the City's reservoir site. A segment of the watermain already exists along Cedar Street from Block 34. The final lift of pavement will be placed on all remaining streets in 2017. A public hearing was held for the project on January 11, 2016 prior to final design, bidding, and construction of the project. A preliminary assessment roll was presented at the public hearing for the project in accordance with Minnesota Statute 429. Now that construction is substantially complete and the final costs are accounted for, a final assessment roll is being presented at this time. It should be noted that publication and mailing of notices informing property owners of the assessment hearing and amount was provided to satisfy the requirements for public improvement projects in accordance with Minnesota State Statutes Chapter 429. Wright County requires that assessments be certified to the County Auditor by November 30, 2016 for collection with 2017 property taxes. By conducting the assessment hearing on October 24th, adequate time for certifying the assessment is provided and it also allows time for the 30 -day appeal period should any property owner object to their assessment prior to certification to the County. Al. Budget Impact: Since construction is not complete, however is substantially complete with street paving completed, an estimate of the final project cost for the improvements was calculated and is lower by approximately 12% than what was previously anticipated and identified in the September 26, 2016 agenda item. The following summarizes anticipated final project costs for each improvement of the project: Street Improvements: $2,330,000 Sidewalk Improvements: $125,000 Storm Sewer Improvements: $210,000 Sanitary Sewer Improvements: $605,000 Watermain and Pump House improvements: $975,000 Total: $41245,000 City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 These costs include 22% for indirect costs, which include engineering, material testing, legal, administrative, railroad insurance and financing costs. This project is proposed to be funded using the series 2015B street reconstruction bond issuance and the future 2016A issuance of street reconstruction and improvement bonds that will be presented to the Council on October 24, 2016 as a separate agenda item. Capital improvement funds, utility funds, advancement of state aid funds and special assessments to benefitting properties will be used for debt service payments. The assessment is proposed at a 10 -year term. The interest rate identified in the notices to property owners was 5.0 %. The bond sale for the project occurred on October 19, 2016. Staff recommends an interest rate of 4 %, which was the interest rate charged on the previous core street project assessments. City ordinance provides for a minimum (not maximum) interest rate of at least 1.5% above the bond interest rate rounded up to the nearest quarter percent. Bond issues have an average coupon rate, true interest cost rate, and all in cost rate. All three indicate the minimum interest rate the council can choose is 3.75 %. The council can choose any interest rate above that in quarter percent intervals. Assessment Methodology The assessment methodology proposed is the same as described at the public hearing for the project. Single - familv and 2 or 3 Multi - familv Pronerties Single - family residential property owners are proposed to be assessed for street construction at a rate of $4,500 per lot /unit with access to any of the reconstructed streets. The project area includes a few duplex units and residential homes that have multiple dwelling units that are classified as such per Wright County property classification, which classifies them as having 1 to 3 dwelling units. These units are contained within one parcel and therefore have one PID. Each dwelling unit contained within one parcel is proposed to be assessed $4,500 per unit. This practice is consistent with assessment practices used with previous street reconstruction projects. Multi - family (4 units and rg eater) and Non - residential Properties Non - residential lots, including multi - family lots (4 dwelling units and greater per Wright County property classification), are proposed to be assessed for street reconstruction at a rate of $87.00 per front foot. This rate was reviewed given the actual construction costs and is approximately 13% lower than the $100 per front foot rate identified in the feasibility report and what was mailed to property owners. The rate is based on assessing 100% of the average per foot actual cost for the project area, which is consistent with past practice. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 Per the assessment policy, these non - residential rates are applied to 100% of the front footage of the properties, 50% of the side footage as long as the property has direct access to the reconstructed street, and 25% of the side street if the property does not have direct access. However, if a direct access is added at a later date the property would pay the additional 25% at that time. Previous assessments for properties assessed with the CSAH 75 improvement project were taken into consideration with the preliminary project assessments based on the above methodology. As has been the case in the past, assessments will be applied based on the current use of the property at the time the improvements are made. However, if the use of the property changes in the future, the assessment would be re- evaluated at the time based on a 30- year pavement life, not including additional interest costs. Furthermore, any existing single family parcel that is large enough to subdivide will be assessed for the additional unit at the time that the parcel is actually subdivided. Sidewalk assessment rates for non - residential properties are proposed to be assessed at a rate $13.00 per front foot based on estimated actual costs. This rate equates to 25% of the cost being assessed and 75% funded with City funds per City policy. At the January 11, 2016 Council motioned to not assess residential properties for the sidewalk improvements. Staff discussed that residential assessments for sidewalk along Cedar Street and Washington Street be waived since it fills in sidewalk gaps and enhances the core sidewalk grid system serving a larger area of the City The Central MN Mental Health Center located at 302 Washington Street requested pedestrian ramp and sidewalk removal and replacement work be included with the project. The cost for this work is included in the assessment roll. The sidewalk along Broadway Street will not pose any assessments to the adjacent properties per City policy to replace up to 2 panels per property. A final assessment roll is enclosed. Approximately $1,067,607 is proposed to be levied in special assessments for the project. City -owned properties (DMV, Block 34 parking lots and the 4th Street Park) are not included in this total, but total approximately $75,145. A2. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload are routine for this process. A. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2016 -082 approving an assessment roll to be certified for 2017 payable tax year for the 2016 Street Reconstruction Project, City Project 15C001. City Council Agenda: 10/24/16 2. Motion to deny adoption of Resolution 2016 -082 at this time. B. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative #1. After the assessment roll is adopted and before assessments are certified to the County, the City will mail out updated notices to affected property owners with the new assessment amounts and interest rate. C. SUPPORTING DATA: A. Resolution 2016 -082 B. Final Assessment Roll and Map C. Sample Letter to Property Owners dated October 7, 2016 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016 -082 ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL CERTIFYING 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT ASSESSMENTS FOR 2017 PAYABLE TAX YEAR, CITY PROJECT NO. 15CO01 WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the 2016 Core Street Reconstruction Project consisting of street improvements to Area 5 and included street reconstruction, sidewalk improvements, storm sewer improvements, sanitary sewer improvements, and water main and pump house improvements; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such proposed assessment, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable in the tax year of the first Monday in January, 2017, and shall bear interest at the rate of 4% (percent). To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from November 29, 2016 until December 31, 2017. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time up to the end of day November 28, 2016, pay the whole of the assessment on such property to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within the stated time frame from the adoption of this resolution. In any subsequent year, the owner may pay to the City Treasurer the entire principal amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with the exception of the amount assessed on the current taxes. Such payment shall be made before November 15th or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certification of this assessment to the County Auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 24th day of October, 2016. CITY OF MONTICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Final Assessment Roll October 19, 2016 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT CITY OF MONTICELLO, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA CITY PROJECT NO. 15CO01 Created: 09/20/16 Revised: 10/19/16 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL STREET STREET STREET SIDEWALK NON RES PROPERTY PROPOSED No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL FF RATE TOTAL RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PID ADDRESS UNITS AREA 5 AREA 5 216 PINE ST 1 155010034010 CENTRAL MINNESOTA REALTY LTD MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 87.00 $ 5,742.00 $13.00 $ 5,742.00 $ 5,742.00 2 155010034020 CITY OF MONTICELLO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 87.00 $ 5,742.00 $13.00 $ 5,742.00 $ 5,742.00 3 155010034030 CITY OF MONTICELLO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 87.00 $ 5,742.00 $13.00 $ 5,742.00 $ 5,742.00 119 3RD STE 4 155010034040 CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 214.5 $ 87.00 $ 18,661.50 $13.00 $ 18,661.50 $ 18,661.50 154 BROADWAY E 5 155010034060 KRISTINE L HAMMER MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 164.73 $ 87.00 $ 14,331.51 $13.00 $ 14,331.51 $ 14,331.51 200 BROADWAY E 6 155010069130 MICHAEL V MICHAELIS MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 82.13 $ 87.00 $ 7,144.88 $13.00 $ 7,144.88 $ 7,144.88 212 CEDAR ST 7 155010069010 CRIPE SERVICES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 65 $ 87.00 $ 5,655.00 $13.00 $ 5,655.00 $ 5,655.00 216 CEDAR ST 8 155010069011 BLAKE & KRANZ PROPERTIES INC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 126 $ 87.00 $ 10,962.00 $13.00 $ 10,962.00 $ 10,962.00 213 3RD ST E 9 155010069020 MOSBART PROPERTIES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 122 $ 87.00 $ 10,614.00 $13.00 $ 10,614.00 $ 10,614.00 225 3RD ST E 10 155010069041 JOHN R & MICHELLE M TWARDY MONTICELLO 55362 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 9,000.00 250 BROADWAY E 11 155010069080 RSC PROPERTIES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 127.405 $ 87.00 $ 11,084.24 $13.00 $ 11,084.24 $ 11,084.24 306 BROADWAY E 12 155010068041 SHIRLEY E ANDERSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 301 3RD ST E 13 155010068010 ARMIN R & EMILY J DIERSEN MONTICELLO 55362 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 9,000.00 JOHN W L KENTNER & THERESA M 307 3RD ST E 14 155010068020 ANDERSON - KENTNER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 309 3RD ST E 15 155010068030 NANCY K HANSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 16 155040003050 NANCY K HANSON 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ - 17 155010068031 BRANDON MASON 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 315 3RD STE 18 155040003040 BRANDON MASON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 331 3RD ST E 19 155040003030 JILL LORRAINE AGOSTO REV TRUST MONTICELLO 55362 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 9,000.00 213 NEW ST 20 155040003010 ROMAN W PELOQUIN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 207 NEW ST 21 155040003150 KATHLEEN A STERRIKER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 406 BROADWAY E 22 155015014060 JACOB J GANGELHOFF MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 413 3RD STE 23 155015014030 ST PETER'S EVA LUT CH OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 135.98 $ 87.00 $ 11,829.83 $13.00 $ 11,829.83 $ 16,329.83 419 3RD STE 24 155015014020 ST PETER'S EVA LUT CH OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66.02 $ 87.00 $ 5,743.74 $13.001 $ 5,743.74 $ 5,743.74 425 3RD ST E 25 155015014010 DIANE HERBST MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 1 $ 4,500.00 1 0 $ 87.00 1 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 454 BROADWAY E 26 155015014140 HERALDO & JAN RODRIGUEZ MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 1 $ 4,500.00 1 0 $ 87.00 1 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll-1 01916 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL STREET STREET STREET SIDEWALK NON RES PROPERTY PROPOSED No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL FF RATE TOTAL RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PID ADDRESS UNITS AREA 5 AREA 5 204 W RIGHT ST 27 155015013060 KEVIN D & PATRICIA M OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 501 3RD ST E 28 155015013040 CHARLES R WALTERS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 501 3RD ST E 29 155015013041 CHARLES R WALTERS MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 507 3RD ST E 30 155015013042 BRUCE G WALTERS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 513 3RD STE 31 155015013020 PATRICIA A PETERSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 213 RAMSEY ST 32 155015013011 WILLIAM BISTODEAU MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 548 BROADWAY E 33 155015013010 MARK R & LEE ANN ZEIPELT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 606 BROADWAY E 34 155015012060 TROY L PALAS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 607 3RD ST E 35 155015012030 SUSAN M MISNER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 625 3RD ST E 36 155015012010 SHELTER FR THE STORM PROP LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 198.74 $ 87.00 $ 17,290.38 $13.00 $ 17,290.38 $ 17,290.38 642 BROADWAY E 37 155015012130 ELDON L & ERNA DANIELS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 700 BROADWAY E 38 155015011100 KEVIN D & PATRICIA M OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 705 3RD ST E 39 155015011120 CHAMPION ELECTRIC LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 199.04 $ 87.00 $ 17,316.48 $13.00 $ 17,316.48 $ 17,316.48 715 3RD ST E 40 155015011140 TANYA TUIL & ROSE TUIL MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 209 WASHINGTON ST 41 155015011010 BENJAMIN J KROLL MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 742 BROADWAY E 42 155015011030 DARREN & LISA KLATT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 301 WASHINGTON ST 43 155015032060 WIDELL REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES MONTICELLO 55362 3 $ 4,500.00 $ 13,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 13,500.00 307 WASHINGTON ST 44 155015032061 FRANK P & GINA G RAMACCIOTTI MONTICELLO 55362 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 9,000.00 719 4TH ST E 45 155015032010 WADE & DEBORA KLICK MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 189.52 $ 87.00 $ 16,488.24 $13.00 $ 16,488.24 $ 16,488.24 711 4TH ST E 46 155015032030 BRIAN & NOELLE FOUQUETTE MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 701 4TH ST E 47 155015032040 TED W & SHANNON K DANIELS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 700 3RD ST E 48 155015032050 GARY M BRANT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.001 $ $ 4,500.00 619 4TH ST E 49 155015033010 REBECCA A BILLMYER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 617 4TH ST E 50 155015033030 PAUL ALBRECHT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 607 4TH ST E 51 155015033040 MARIO L FLORES MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 316 RAMSEY ST 52 155015033050 WAYNE A LABREE & COLEEN LEUDKE MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 622 3RD ST E 53 155015033090 LUCILLE MARY SMITH MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 612 3RD STE 54 155015033080 RYAN M &SHERRY K KEMMETMUELLER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 606 3RD ST E 55 155015033070 DUANE A & DIANN F DAHLGREN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 600 3RD ST E 56 155015033060 SALLY A BOOTH MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 524 3RD ST E 57 155015034100 THEODORE H & ELAINE C FARNAM MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL STREET STREET STREET SIDEWALK NON RES PROPERTY PROPOSED No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL FF RATE TOTAL RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PID ADDRESS UNITS AREA 5 AREA 5 512 3RD STE 58 155015034090 HOME COMFORT SERVICES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 3RD ST E 59 155015034060 PETER A STUPAR REV TRUST MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 313 RAMSEY ST 60 155015034011 JOSEPH A & SUZANNE C OTTEN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 521 4TH ST E 61 155015034030 SARAH B BARRETT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 501 4TH ST E 62 155015034010 THEODORE W NELSON MONTICELLO 55362 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 9,000.00 419 4TH ST E 63 155015035010 NORTHLAND BAPTIST ASSOCIATION MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 198.30 $ 87.00 $ 17,251.67 $13.00 $ 17,251.67 $ 17,251.67 64 155015035091 NORTHLAND BAPTIST ASSOCIATION 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 12.5 $ 87.00 $ 1,087.50 $13.00 $ 1,087.50 $ 1,087.50 413 4TH ST E 65 155015035030 ELDOR & NANCY JORDAN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 407 4TH ST E 66 155015035040 DANIEL J FARNICK & J BECKLUND MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 401 4TH ST E 67 155015035050 DARREN M CARSTENS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 424 3RD ST E 68 155015035100 DONALD K KLEIN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 412 3RD STE 69 155015035090 BENJAMIN R & ROSE T JAMES MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 406 3RD ST E 70 155015035070 BARBARA S LINDENFELSER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 400 3RD ST E 71 155015035060 STEVEN W & JENNIFER A VAN DYKE MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 342 3RD ST E 72 155040004050 LEE MOSHIER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 336 3RD ST E 73 155040004040 TIFFANY I ERICKSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 330 3RD ST E 74 155040004030 MERRIJO B NESLAND MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 75 155010070060 MERRIJO B NESLAND 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 76 155019005060 MERRIJO B NESLAND 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 77 155019005070 MERLE H ARNOLD 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 78 155019005080 DA INVESTMENTS LLC 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 318 3RD STE 79 155010070070 KARISSA WOLF MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 306 3RD ST E 80 155010070090 CRAIG T ZACHMAN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 300 3RD ST E 81 155010070100 LORI A FOECKE MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 339 4TH ST E 82 155040004010 THOMAS J & KRISTY L BRION MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 83 155040004020 TODD A & STACY A BRUSKA 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 331 4TH ST E 84 155019005090 TODD A & STACY A BRUSKA MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 325 4TH ST E 85 155019005050 RICHARD & MONA C HIGHSMITH MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 319 4TH ST E 86 155019005031 JAMES K & LYNNET B HANAWALT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 313 E 4TH ST 87 155019005030 SAMUEL D & SARA K SMUDER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 881155U CITY OF MONTICELLO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL STREET STREET STREET SIDEWALK NON RES PROPERTY PROPOSED No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL FF RATE TOTAL RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PID ADDRESS UNITS AREA 5 AREA 5 307 4TH ST E 89 155019005020 RONALD E KOHORST REV LIV TRUST MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 90 155010070020 RONALD E KOHORST REV LIV TRUST 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 303 4TH ST E 91 155010070010 JT CLASSIC HOMES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 301 4TH ST E 92 155019005012 JT CLASSIC HOMES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 2 $ 4,500.00 $ 9,000.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 9,000.00 225 4TH ST E 93 155010071050 WENDI A STANG MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 94 155019006050 WENDI A STANG 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 219 4TH ST E 95 155010071040 WILLIAM KLEIN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 213 4TH ST E 96 155010071030 KENNETH ERICKSON & BRUCE ERICKSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 207 4TH ST E 97 155010071020 DONALD N & RUTH Y ERICKSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 201 4TH ST E 98 155010071010 SHELLY PACKARD MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 224 3RD ST E 99 155010071060 ROBERT J & PATRICIA M OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 212 3RD STE 100 155010071080 ROBERT J & PATRICIA M OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 305 CEDAR ST 101 155010071090 CEDAR COURT OFFICES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ - 213.89 $ 87.00 $ 18,608.00 $13.00 $ 18,608.00 $ 18,608.00 124 3RD ST E 102 155010033060 QIAO JIANG MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 112 3RD STE 103 155010033070 DAVID N SPENCE & NANCY SCHERBER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 106 3RD ST E 104 155010033090 PATRICIA A SCHULER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 125 4TH ST E 105 155010033041 DARRIN F LAHR & CARRIE LYNCH MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ - $13.00 $ - $ 4,500.00 119 4TH ST E 106 155010033040 BRIAN A & TERESA L KITE MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 113 4TH ST E 107 155010033030 RICHARD & MARY JO QUICK MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 316 PINE ST 108 155010033011 BRIDGEWATER TELEPHONE CO MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 132 $ 87.00 $ 11,484.00 $13.00 $ 11,484.00 $ 11,484.00 106 4TH ST E 109 155010016100 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 56 $ 87.00 $ 4,872.00 $13.00 $ 4,872.00 $ 4,872.00 106 4TH ST E 110 155010016090 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 87.00 $ 5,742.00 $13.00 $ 5,742.00 $ 5,742.00 112 4TH ST E 111 155010016080 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 87.00 $ 5,742.00 $13.00 $ 5,742.00 $ 5,742.00 112 155019016080 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 118 4TH ST E 113 115010016070 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 66 $ 87.00 $ 5,742.00 $13.00 $ 5,742.00 $ 5,742.00 114 155019016070 FIRST MINNESOTA BANK NA 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 124 4TH ST E 115 155010016060 AMAX PROPERTIES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 116 115019016050 AMAX PROPERTIES LLC 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 117 155019016051 DJ'S PROPERTIES LLC $ 4,500.00 $ 83.38 $ 87.00 $ 7,254.06 $13.00 $ 9,421.94 $ 9,421.94 118 155010072100 CITY OF MONTICELLO $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 406 CEDAR ST S 119 155019007090 CEDAR CREST APARTMENTS LP MONTICELLO 55362 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 295.5 $ 87.00 $ 25,708.50 $13.00 $ 25,708.50 $ 25,708.50 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL STREET STREET STREET SIDEWALK NON RES PROPERTY PROPOSED No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL FF RATE TOTAL RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PID ADDRESS UNITS AREA 5 AREA 5 212 4TH ST E 120 155019007040 DEBRA E ACKERMAN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 218 4TH ST E 121 155019007070 RENEE A OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 224 4TH ST E 122 155019007050 MARIE JAMISON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 300 4TH ST E 123 155019008010 GEORGE E & MAUREEN LARSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 306 4TH ST E 124 155019008020 WAYNE A & SANDRA M COX MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 318 4TH ST E 125 155019008030 RUSSELL C & SANDRA L OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 322 4TH ST E 126 155019008070 RUSSELL C & SANDRA L OLSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 330 4TH ST E 127 155019008060 NATHAN J WOLD MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 128 155019008050 RICHARD L SR & SARAH R MARTIE 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 336 4TH ST E 129 155019008080 RICHARD L SR & SARAH R MARTIE MONTICELLO 55362 1 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 130 155019009011 RICHARD L SR & SARAH R MARTIE 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 342 4TH ST E 131 155019009050 GREG W MARSHALL MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 1 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 132 155015036050 GREG W MARSHALL 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 133 155019009010 DOROTHY MARTIE 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 134 155015036051 RICHARD A & JANELLE A IANO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 412 4TH ST E 135 155015036060 RICHARD A & JANELLE A IANO MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 136 155019009040 RICHARD A & JANELLE A IANO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 137 155019009020 RICHARD A & JANELLE A IANO 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 138 155015036052 TORI A SHOWALTER 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 139 155019009031 TORI A SHOWALTER 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 418 4TH ST E 140 155015036040 TORI A SHOWALTER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 424 4TH ST E 141 155015036030 RYANNE E POCI MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 436 4TH ST E 142 155015036010 ALICE KLATT MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 405 RAMSEY ST 143 155015037010 CITY OF MONTICELLO MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 577.65 $ 87.00 $ 50,255.12 $13.00 $ 50,255.12 $ 50,255.12 604 4TH ST E 144 155015038060 LUELLA P LABREE & KEVIN C STUMPF MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 406 RAMSEY ST 145 155015038061 JASON A HORST & TANYA J NELSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 412 RAMSEY ST 146 155015038030 CHARLES E FINCH MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 414 RAMSEY ST 147 155015038031 ANTHONY J PAVLIN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 416 RAMSEY ST 148 155015038032 MARK W & REBECCA L MONGEON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 149 155015038081 JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 618 4TH ST E 150 155015038080 JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.001 $ $ 4,500.00 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 116 $ 522,000.00 6,843.81 $ 595,411.47 $ 620,751.14 1 $ 1,142,751.14 1 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 RESIDENTIAL NON RESIDENTIAL TOTAL STREET STREET STREET SIDEWALK NON RES PROPERTY PROPOSED No IDENTIFICATION NO. PROPERTY OWNER PROPERTY ASSESSABLE RATE TOTAL FF RATE TOTAL RATE TOTAL ASSESSMENT PID ADDRESS UNITS AREA 5 AREA 5 151 155015038082 JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS 0 $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 624 4TH ST E 152 155015038020 JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 630 E 4TH ST 153 155015038010 JEFFREY E & JOAN C MICHAELIS MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 154 155015039011 CITY OF MONTICELLO $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ CENTRAL MN MENTAL HEALTH CTR 407 WASHINGTON ST 155 155015039010 ATTN:DAVID J BARAGA EXEC DIR MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 381.06 $ 87.00 $ 33,151.79 $13.00 $ 38,407.63 $ 38,407.63 302 WASHINGTON ST 156 155015026010 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST 882 MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 1048.24 $ 87.00 $ 91,196.88 $13.00 $ 104,824.00 $ 104,824.00 607 7TH ST E 157 155015043050 GARDNER PROPERTIES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 161.96 $ 87.00 $ 14,090.52 $13.00 $ 14,090.52 $ 14,090.52 508 RAMSEY ST 158 155015043060 ROBERT D &MARJORIE L SCHUMACHER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 159 155041001050 FRANCIS J HICKEY $ 4,500.00 $ 83.3 $ 87.00 $ 7,247.10 $13.00 $ 7,247.10 $ 7,247.10 160 155041001060 FRANCIS J HICKEY $ 4,500.00 $ 80 $ 87.00 $ 6,960.00 $13.00 $ 6,960.00 $ 6,960.00 517 RAMSEY ST 161 155047000040 FRANCONIA ASSOCIATES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 77.11 $ 87.00 $ 6,708.57 $13.00 $ 6,708.57 $ 6,708.57 517 RAMSEY ST 162 155029000011 FRANCONIA ASSOCIATES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 85.63 $ 87.00 $ 7,449.81 $13.00 $ 7,449.81 $ 7,449.81 518 WRIGHT ST 163 155047000010 FRANCONIA ASSOCIATES LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 165.22 $ 87.00 $ 14,374.14 $13.00 $ 14,374.14 $ 14,374.14 510 WRIGHT ST 164 155041001030 WRIGHT STREET LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 80 $ 87.00 $ 6,960.00 $13.00 $ 6,960.00 $ 6,960.00 502 WRIGHT ST 165 155041001040 WRIGHT STREET LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 85.92 $ 87.00 $ 7,475.04 $13.00 $ 7,475.04 $ 7,475.04 503 WRIGHT ST 166 155099001020 MARJORIE A GRABOWSKI MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 505 WRIGHT ST 167 155099001030 BETTY F MCINTOSH IRREV TRUST MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 507 WRIGHT ST 168 155099001040 GORDON ANDERSON MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 509 WRIGHT ST 169 155099001050 CAROL A PETERSON REVOCABLE TR MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 511 WRIGHT ST 170 155099001060 LOWELL G &PATRICIA W MORTENSEN MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 513 WRIGHT ST 171 155099001070 GRETCHEN A SCHUELLER MONTICELLO 55362 1 $ 4,500.00 $ 4,500.00 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 4,500.00 172 155099001010 HILLSIDE TOWNHOMES ASSOC MONTI $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 207 7TH ST E 173 155029001010 HILLSIDE PROPERTIES MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 67.54 $ 87.00 $ 5,875.76 $13.00 $ 5,875.76 $ 5,875.76 542 CEDAR ST 174 155500114201 HILLSIDE PARTNERSHIP MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 475.99 $ 87.00 $ 41,411.13 $13.00 $ 41,411.13 $ 41,411.13 BURLINGTON NORTHERN& SANTA FE 175 155500114203 RAILWAY CO $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 508 PINE ST 176 155019015070 DF /SSS LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 243.65 $ 87.00 $ 21,197.33 $13.00 $ 25,486.16 $ 25,486.16 508 PINE ST 177 155010015010 DF /SSS LLC MONTICELLO 55362 $ 4,500.00 $ 151.94 $ 87.00 $ 13,218.78 $13.00 $ 13,218.78 $ 13,218.78 178 155019004010 HILLSIDE CEMETERY $ 4,500.00 $ 0 $ 87.00 $ $13.00 $ $ 179 155010004010 HILLSIDE CEMETERY $ 4,500.00 $ - 0 $ 87.00 $ - $13.00 $ - $ - 116 $ 522,000.00 6,843.81 $ 595,411.47 $ 620,751.14 1 $ 1,142,751.14 1 K:\ 02596- 100\Admin \Docs\Assessments \Draft Final Assessment Roll 101916 \� CITY OF Street Reconstruction Assessment Map Monticello Monticello, MN 0 250 500 Feet WSB NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING 2016 STREET RECONSTRUCTION CITY PROJECT NO. 15CO01 Monticello, Minnesota Dated: October 4, 2016 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that the Monticello City Council will meet at 6:30 p.m. on October 24, 2016 in the Council Chambers of the Monticello City Hall to consider adoption of the proposed assessment for the 2016 Street Reconstruction project consisting of Area 5, which includes 3rd and 4th Street East from TH 25 to Washington Street, 6th Street East from TH 25 to Cedar Street, Cedar and Ramsey Street from 7th Street East to East Broadway Street, Washington Street from the railroad tracks to East Broadway Street, Wright Street from 7th Street East to the railroad tracks, as well as, Palm, New, Wright, and Hennepin Streets between 4th Street East and East Broadway Street. The total project cost is $4,800,800. The total amount of proposed assessment is $1,145,335. Assessment Terms The amount of the special assessment against your particular parcel is $ Such assessment is proposed to be payable in annual installments extending over a period of 10 years with the first installment to be payable with the 2017 payable taxes and will bear interest at the rate of 5.0% (percent). The first year's installment shall include interest on the full assessment balance from November 29, 2016 until December 31, 2017. To each subsequent year's installment shall be added interest for the entire year on the unpaid balance. Process for Objections or Appeals The proposed assessment roll is on file for public inspection at the City Hall offices. Written or oral objections will be considered at the meeting. No appeal may be taken as to the amount of an assessment unless a written objection, signed by the affected property owner, is filed with the municipal clerk prior to the assessment hearing or presented to the presiding officer at the hearing. The Council may, upon such notice, consider any objection to the amount of a proposed individual assessment at an adjourned meeting, and give notice to the affected property owners as it deems advisable. An owner may appeal an assessment to district court pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §429.081 by serving notice of the appeal upon the mayor or clerk of the city within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment and filing such notice with the district court within 10 days after service upon the mayor or clerk. Prepayment of Assessment The property owner may, at any time prior to November 28, 2016, pay the entire assessment on such property to the City of Monticello. No interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid by end of day November 28, 2016. In future years, the property owner may pay, to the City of Monticello, the entire amount of the assessment balance remaining after the portion spread with the current year's taxes. Such payment must be made on or before November 15 or the payment will be considered toward the next year's balance. If the property owner elects not to prepay the assessment before the date given above, the rate of interest that will apply is 5.0% (percent) per year. A partial pre - payment option is not available. Deferment of Assessments The City has not elected to adopt an ordinance or resolution establishing a process for deferment of special assessments based on hardship. Please reference Minnesota Statutes 435.193 thru 435.195 for such provisions related to assessment deferrals. Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 2016 Street and Utility Improvements City Project 15C001 Assessment Hearing October 24, 2016 (, Monticello AGENDA: Project Location Improvement Summary Remaining Work 2016 Remaining Work 2017 Project Costs /Funding Assessments Payment Terms Monticello Overall Street Reconstruction 71 Nr - WW 0 1.250 ZWO Feet r) f II N, 0 MontkAo 'OVERALL STREET RECONSTROCTIN PROGN !N=JWMPLETEb 3TRELA4W-C-&)49TRLrCTL0N 7PROM5M 20 1625TREET KF-CQN 5TRITMON 4 Street Improvements W�gao 9 47 7 961- AY 11 Plh"Ps LL Proposed 2016 Street Reconstruction Phases Map (, Monticello Remaining Work 2016: • Project is substantially complete with utility work complete and streets paved • Phase 1 project area complete • Phase 2 project area complete by 11/4/16 o Sod installation • Tree plantings • Mailboxes • Sign replacement • Sewer lining on 3rd Street LI _, Monticello Remaining Work 2017: • Final lift of pavement on all streets except Washington St • Phase 2 — Contractor 30 day sod maintenance • Final contract completion — June 30, 2017 Iq Pre and Post - Construction 0 3rd Street and Hennepin Street Pre and Post - Construction Washington Street at Broadway Street Pre and Post - Construction • Washington Street at 3rd Street Monticello Costs /Funding: ASSESSMENTS CITY FUNDS* $1,045,906 $1,262,393 $21,697 $1,067,607 $605,000 $975,000 $210,000 $103,303 $3,177,393 TOTAL $2,330,000 $605,000 $975,000 $210,000 $125,000 $4,245,000 All amounts include 22% indirect costs *City Funds include; 2016 street reconstruction and improvement bonds, capital improvement funds, utility enterprise funds(water) and advancement of State Aid funds. 0 • (:Monticello Proposed Final Assessment Rates: • NO. OF EQUIVALENT RATE UNITS FF TOTAL $4,500 118 $522,000 $87 /FF 6,022 $523,910 $13 /FF 1,669 $21,697 $1,067,607 Preliminary Assessment Map Street Reconstruction Assessment Map A Ji Monticello Monticello, MN WSB _j - L � I • (:Monticello Street Assessment Rates: Single Family Residential • Per unit rate = $4,500 • Corner lots assessed 1 unit • Lots with multiple driveways assessed 1 unit 2 or 3 Multi - family dwellings on 1 property • Each dwelling unit considered one assessment unit • Dwelling units based on Wright County property classification • Consistent with past practices 4 or more Multi - Family dwellings /Apartments /Non- Residential • Proposed Rate @ $87 /front foot based on actual construction costs • 100% frontage along front property line • 50% frontage assessed for side street with access • 25% frontage assessed for side street without access Previous Broadway Street assessments considered (CP #98C017) Assessments based on current use Future land use change or subdivision subject to additional assessment Undeveloped lots assessed at this time (:Monticello Sidewalk Assessment Rates: o 25% assessed in per City policy • Assessed to non - residential properties only • Proposed $13/ front foot o 75% City share • Connects gaps, enhances core grid system o No assessment for panel replacement on Broadway • Two panels replaced at no cost to property owner per City policy • • r -� Monticello Assessment Payment Methods: Payment Terms :10 years @ 4.0% interest starting in 2017 Notices identified a 5% interest rate Previous 2011 street reconstruction projects used 4% Approximately $552 per year for $4500 residential assessment Option 1 • Pre -pay full assessment amount without interest to the City by end of day November 28, 2016 Option 2 • Pay assessment with property taxes starting in 2017 over a 10 -year period at 4% interest o First installment interest accrues from Nov 29, 2016 to Dec 31, 2017 • Pay remaining balance by November 15 in any subsequent year • Monficeflo Assessment Process: • Assessment process follows Minnesota Statute Chapter 429 - Public Improvements • Notice of objection must be presented in writing and signed by the property owner prior to or at the hearing on October 24, 2016 • Serve notice of appeal to Mayor or City Clerk within 30 days after adoption of assessments • File notice of appeal with Wright County District Court within 10 days after serving notice to City • After the assessment roll is adopted and before assessments are certified to the County (by November 30), the City will mail out updated notices to affected property owners with the new assessment amounts and interest rate. (, Monticello IkIL =Ad Council Action: 1. Motion to adopt Resolution #2016 -082 approving the assessment roll for City Project No. 15CO01 to be certified for the 2017 payable tax year. 2. Motion to deny adopting Resolution #2016 -082 at this time. CITY OF ��- 1�0 COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 24, 2016 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT September & October 2016 Meeting Summary September 22, 2016: Tour of JME (part of the Industry of the Year Event) September 26, 2016: Meeting with Tom Binsfeld, Area Realty September 28, 2016: Attended Xcel Energy Annual Community Breakfast Event September 29, 2016: Attended IRET Properties Apartment Tour October 4, 2016: Attended Minnesota Medical Mfg. Partnership event in Plymouth, Smith Medical, learned about interface and funding opportunities development infrastructure with and through MMMP. October 5, 2016: Attended 2016 Industry of the Year Breakfast Event October 7,2016: Meeting with Wayne Elam, Commercial Realty Solutions October 7,2016: Attended Initiative Foundation 30 Year Anniversary Celebration Event in St. Cloud October 18, 2016 Attended Chamber of Commerce Luncheon CI OF Montikefl4io COUNCIL CONNECTION SEPTEMBER, 2016 117►V Transactions September 2016, the DMV processed 5,161 transactions 176 less than September 2015. DMV year -to date revenue is $434,678.78 an increase of $13,870.75 or 3.3% more than the same period last year. Please see the following graphs for more detail. $500,000 $450,000 $400,000 $350,000 $300,000 $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 DMV Year -to -Date Revenue Comparison September September September September September September 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 DMV Year -to -Date Transaction Comparison 70,000 5 60,000 53,380 7,249 59,930 50,000 46,468 48,817 49,376 40,000 30,000 20,000 10,000 September September September September September September 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Monticello COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 24, 2016 HI -WAY LIQUORS Sales through September 30, 2016 Attached are schedules and charts for total sales in each major sales category through the end of September 2016. Widened Parking Lot Entry At the beginning of October, Public Works staff widened the entry into the liquor store parking lot by 6 feet. Prior to widening, the entrance was too narrow for vehicles to enter and exit comfortably at the same time, and it was too small for delivery trucks or vehicles with trailers/boats. Over time, vehicles trying to get in and out were damaging the curb and adjacent landscaping. The additional 6 feet should resolve this issue. Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2016 Total Sales Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 249,670.43 $ 316,280.10 $ 300,631.85 $ 296,838.64 $ 302,114.52 $ 328,004.13 $ 355,029.76 $ 380,425.45 $ 364,675.32 -4.1% -4.1% Feb 255,440.36 284,988.38 285,584.50 315,239.00 307,385.41 337,923.99 333,487.18 347,777.77 362,746.98 4.3% -0.1% Mar 295,257.14 318,050.39 324,062.21 335,032.60 388,195.21 408,071.17 377,391.62 388,003.16 401,256.91 3.4% 1.1% Apr 281,365.81 346,738.34 369,112.88 389,543.24 347,321.09 388,395.50 389,250.82 421,280.89 428,729.44 1.8% 1.3% May 377,177.10 384,337.08 399,489.67 409,309.12 433,829.01 436,195.21 498,095.67 523,401.05 482,917.95 -7.7% -1.0% Jun 350,727.93 381,782.23 377,458.15 409,726.07 461,423.68 440,255.04 426,392.73 474,203.81 470,585.33 -0.8% -1.0% Jul 409,870.50 430,838.23 466,122.69 466,738.15 447,452.18 485,459.76 479,174.06 542,973.27 527,519.46 -2.8% -1.3% Aug 409,575.96 383,523.07 386,245.30 408,734.83 445,158.94 503,181.84 484,955.71 470,505.22 462,669.36 -1.7% -1.3% Sep 317,846.07 346,900.80 346,557.62 373,719.64 390,399.33 379,381.19 397,495.82 439,444.29 448,218.93 2.0% -1.0% Oct 351,268.98 360,742.04 375,367.40 365,702.14 372,676.23 396,328.87 409,967.74 460,096.82 - Nov 332,605.88 341,875.49 360,661.96 376,855.40 421,960.12 424,038.37 465,299.53 474,241.74 Dec 436,379.03 454,982.63 485,617.01 505,482.70 527,865.36 518,379.58 549,200.76 569,707.38 Total $4,067,185.19 $4,351,038.78 $4,476,911.24 $4,652,921.53 $4,845,781.08 $5,045,614.65 $5,165,741.40 $5,492,060.85 $ 3,949,319.68 Change $ 283,853.59 $ 125,872.46 $ 176,010.29 $ 192,859.55 $ 199,833.57 $ 120,126.75 $ 326,319.45 $ (1,542,741.17) Change % 7.0% 2.9% 3.9% 4.1% 4.1% 2.4% 6.3% -28.1% $600,000 $500,000 $400,000 $300,000 $200,000 $100,000 Monthly Hi -Way Sales Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2008 ■ 2009 is 2010 ■ 2011 7 2012 ■ 2013 2014 2015 ■ 2016 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2016 Beer Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 122,218.36 $ 157,849.78 $ 146,246.32 $ 143,906.08 $ 149,406.45 $ 160,903.32 $ 173,814.13 $ 191,370.26 $ 176,483.68 -7.8% -7.8% Feb 121,734.33 137,055.23 140,624.54 150,075.08 150,589.28 162,865.75 161,168.63 164,508.11 175,055.27 6.4% -1.2% Mar 138,889.05 155,196.13 164,157.70 163,595.55 203,957.25 192,607.52 185,325.68 192,955.79 199,141.66 3.2% 0.3% Apr 146,613.65 178,834.20 189,978.23 194,504.16 179,486.77 186,134.31 198,195.77 219,756.39 228,133.10 3.8% 1.3% May 201,232.14 210,097.48 223,678.47 208,963.65 227,664.73 234,738.30 256,188.77 259,306.91 250,403.11 -3.4% 0.1% Jun 193,801.97 207,793.83 206,043.42 224,769.03 259,671.21 243,389.79 238,322.11 263,421.95 263,264.15 -0.1% 0.1% Jul 226,317.96 229,199.79 260,971.50 258,734.60 253,648.64 273,319.54 265,555.32 301,867.65 296,513.68 -1.8% -0.3% Aug 226,653.65 203,222.86 211,996.32 216,546.53 242,179.20 281,577.25 267,802.95 253,141.21 250,255.41 -1.1% -0.4% Sep 166,679.60 183,586.32 183,865.70 199,170.24 208,974.88 202,213.80 211,854.94 233,215.56 238,333.55 2.2% -0.1% Oct 176,382.34 179,873.10 190,893.27 180,043.06 187,386.57 191,764.20 210,454.13 234,882.09 Nov 158,322.50 154,584.13 168,265.14 171,866.27 195,276.37 192,162.71 202,081.91 207,055.40 Dec 187,691.06 190,655.19 203,080.13 216,560.71 224,952.83 217,491.21 234,178.12 241,996.27 Total $2,066,536.61 $2,187,948.04 $2,289,800.74 $2,328,734.96 $2,483,194.18 $2,539,167.70 $2,604,942.46 $2,763,477.59 $ 2,077,583.61 Change $ 121,411.43 $ 101,852.70 $ 38,934.22 $ 154,459.22 $ 55,973.52 $ 65,774.76 $ 158,535.13 $ (685,893.98) Change % 5.9% 4.7% 1.7% 6.6% 2.3% 2.6% 6.1% -24.8% Monthly Beer Sales $350,000 ■ 2008 $300,000 ■ 2009 $250,000 ■ 2010 $200,000 ■ 2011 $150,000 ■ 2012 $100,000 ■ 2013 $50,000 ■ 2014 ■ 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2016 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2016 Liquor Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 73,930.87 $ 92,370.42 it $ 91,472.50 $ 91,279.01 $ 93,085.69 Jan Feb $ 103,977.89 May Jun $ 113,943.25 $ 118,577.85 $ 118,211.20 -0.3% -0.3% Feb 74,261.89 83,513.27 85,484.92 96,541.21 92,489.93 106,387.16 107,609.55 112,198.85 113,060.59 0.8% 0.2% Mar 78,870.42 88,569.65 93,133.42 101,047.04 112,244.43 124,487.55 116,316.49 118,269.49 118,839.79 0.5% 0.3% Apr 76,735.80 90,627.19 95,025.54 110,898.81 98,080.67 113,594.37 115,579.47 123,841.34 126,073.89 1.8% 0.7% May 103,409.29 102,041.75 106,395.62 111,586.59 114,299.35 127,622.31 135,370.38 140,116.66 129,009.36 -7.9% -1.3% Jun 91,805.81 103,580.02 102,086.20 115,136.72 128,604.32 124,019.90 120,291.71 136,716.81 135,763.26 -0.7% -1.2% Jul 105,782.85 118,883.98 122,861.98 130,624.19 123,672.73 139,270.04 139,967.77 155,436.54 150,173.35 -3.4% -1.5% Aug 106,489.25 103,977.01 101,487.43 113,869.37 126,065.14 141,197.73 138,660.76 136,440.40 135,841.14 -0.4% -1.4% Sep 88,448.34 94,335.50 94,528.17 103,373.64 109,153.56 107,605.71 115,119.19 129,195.42 130,101.01 0.7% -1.2% Oct 97,046.60 102,236.90 102,983.14 103,533.14 106,326.73 116,677.74 124,271.15 140,198.97 Nov 97,348.39 90,996.73 102,298.02 105,501.75 120,127.29 126,412.24 134,241.85 132,261.11 Dec 135,221.23 143,684.12 153,690.60 159,717.50 172,370.96 175,523.36 184,746.26 190,944.24 Total $1,129,350.74 $1,214,816.54 $1,251,447.54 $1,343,108.97 $1,396,520.80 $1,506,776.00 $1,546,117.83 $1,634,197.68 $ 1,157,073.59 Change $ 85,465.80 $ 36,631.00 $ 91,661.43 $ 53,411.82 $ 110,255.21 $ 39,341.83 $ 88,079.85 $ (477,124.09) Change % 7.6% 3.0% 7.3% 4.0% 7.9% 2.6% 5.7% -29.2% Monthly Liquor Sales $250,000 $200,000 $150,000 $100,000 $50,000 $- it M� Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug ■ 2008 ■ 2009 ■ 2010 ■ 2011 ■ 2012 w2013 Fm 2014 2015 Sep Oct Nov Dec 02016 Hi -Way Liquors Sales Report 9/30/2016 Wine Month 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 CYM -LYM Y -T -D Jan $ 30,700.42 $ 41,810.19 $ 43,324.18 $ 48,437.59 $ 50,238.83 $ 54,949.83 $ 59,391.16 $ 61,128.65 $ 60,454.56 -1.1% -1.1% Feb 33,407.17 39,410.85 42,230.84 52,847.05 54,642.27 60,573.12 57,228.51 62,600.47 64,797.38 3.5% 1.2% Mar 47,603.93 45,525.38 46,165.18 54,639.16 57,735.22 77,810.58 66,425.24 67,121.51 71,840.82 7.0% 3.3% Apr 31,755.42 48,303.48 61,146.04 62,289.18 57,973.74 79,736.19 63,101.05 63,285.56 61,268.24 -3.2% 1.7% May 38,522.75 40,963.86 45,733.08 68,701.95 78,740.40 62,491.07 92,083.62 109,512.94 87,333.35 -20.3% -4.9% Jun 31,796.95 37,522.00 44,211.14 49,089.65 56,607.74 59,523.15 54,270.56 59,036.14 54,889.39 -7.0% -5.2% Jul 36,909.44 41,813.65 48,334.93 49,664.45 54,467.20 57,115.44 57,743.98 66,029.11 60,750.62 -8.0% -5.6% Aug 35,932.62 41,333.00 46,871.28 53,172.68 61,825.30 64,057.61 62,446.04 63,546.01 60,015.78 -5.6% -5.6% Sep 33,830.69 39,798.20 47,859.52 53,916.37 60,317.17 59,121.12 59,409.30 62,210.27 65,294.31 5.0% -4.5% Oct 45,750.04 48,422.79 58,081.87 60,949.40 66,423.82 75,606.28 63,659.41 70,038.32 Nov 50,106.64 66,331.86 71,928.30 85,933.28 97,249.52 96,824.40 117,402.23 122,947.90 Dec 75,866.80 84,285.84 101,676.19 109,267.01 116,610.70 113,008.24 115,617.50 120,274.96 Total $ 492,182.87 $ 575,521.10 $ 657,562.55 $ 748,907.77 $ 812,831.91 $ 860,817.03 $ 868,778.60 $ 927,731.84 $ 586,644.45 Change $ 83,338.23 $ 82,041.45 $ 91,345.22 $ 63,924.14 $ 47,985.12 $ 7,961.57 $ 58,953.24 $ (341,087.39) Change % 16.9% 14.3% 13.9% 8.5% 5.9% 0.9% 6.8% -36.8% Monthly Wine Sales $140,000 ■ 2008 $120,000 — ■ 2009 $100,000 ■ 2010 $80,000 ■ 2011 $60,000 ■ 2012 $40,000 2013 2014 $20,000 — 2015 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ■ 2016 CITY OF Mo �1i1C+ ff0 COUNCIL CONNECTION OCTOBER 24, 2016 COMMUNITY CENTER Farmers' Market Outdoor Season The Monticello Farmers' Market outdoor season concludes October 20. The market saw an average of 168 customers per week. Attendance was down 30% from the previous year. We had an average of 240 customers per week in 2015 and 212 per week in 2014. The Power of Produce Kids Club provided fresh fruits and vegetables to 320 kids who spent a total of $1,968 throughout the season. The PoP Kids Club was sponsored by LiveWright, Crow River Food Council, Wright County Area United Way, All 4 Kids, CentraCare Health - Monticello, Rotary Club of Monticello, Center for Family Counseling, Cargill Value Added Protein, Stellis Health, and Riverwood Bank. Grant funding allowed the market to continue to provide customers with the option to use their SNAP /EBT card to purchase eligible foods. Music and special guests added to the ambience of this weekly event. Many vendors from the outdoor market will move indoors for a monthly market inside the Community Center: November 5, December 10, January 14, February 11 & March 11. Maintenance Update on the Pool The pool was closed for maintenance from Monday September 51h thru Sunday September 18th. We opened Monday October 19th with a revitalized, fresh and inviting pool. The water was drained and crews began the process of de- staining the pool and checking for any rough surfaces in the Diamond Brite. While the pool was empty the surge tank, gutters and drains were cleared of debris. The modulating float valve was also inspected. The main drains were repaired, new hydrostatic valves were installed and a new seal was installed on the main pool pump. Floor and pool tiles were replaced where needed. The pool heaters were serviced and new feed lines for both the Council Connection — 10/24/16 pool and spas were replaced. The chlorine overflow tank was also cleaned and inspected. New stanchion ropes were added where needed and also replaced worn out Eschtcheons. New bulbs were added to the UV system for the pool and the system was also inspected and repaired. The pool area got a fresh coat of paint. The play structure was painted with a new color pallet that compliments the wall murals. The pillars, water slide base, stairway walls, steps, doors and the zero depth gutters were also painted. Lights in the pool area were serviced, hangers were checked and bulbs and ballasts were replaced giving a nice bright light to the pool area. In the locker rooms worn out ceiling tiles were replaced. The locker room base boards were also painted along with the medal doors and walls. Locker room floors and walls were pressured washed. The hair dryers and suit spinners were also checked to make sure they were working properly. CITY OF Monti eflo COUNCIL CONNECTION October 24, 2016 PARKS DEPARTMENT Staff is working on the following tasks listed below: • Chipping requests • Cemetery; selling and locating graves • Locating Riverside grave lot pins • Equipment /vehicle repairs • Park rental setups • Routine building maintenance • Fertilizing (winterizer) • Aerating • Ballfield maintenance • Shade tree Dutch Elm follow up • Irrigation blow outs and repairs • Mowing /mulching leaves • Fish piers • Snow equipment changeover Updates: BCOL Interim improvements: Staff will apply a winterizer for turf in the next week. Ellison Park shelter: Contractor will be in sometime around the 20t1, of October to start block walls. Riverside Cemetery: Reminder fall cleanup is the last week in October everything on ground will be removed and stored at Public Works for thirty days. Park Porta Pots: Outdoor porta biffs service will stop by the end of October. Staff will keep a few around to serve winter operations. Fishing Piers: All piers are scheduled to be pulled last week in October. Council Connection — 10/24/16 STREET DEPARTMENT Shop: The shop has been busy doing normal maintenance on equipment and vehicles with other repairs as listed: Streets: • Sign repairs in various areas • Street light and stoplight repairs • Patching streets in the Meadow Oak area, T" St, Dundas Cir and Groveland area • Stoplight painting project on Hwy 25 between River St. and Chelsea Rd. is complete • Street sweeping as needed • Added Eft to the width of the main entrance into the Hi -Way Liquors parking lot • Pressure washed and sealed the stamped concrete along Walnut St Stormwater: • Stormwater outfall inspections • Stormwater repairs on Dundas Rd CITY OF BECKER 12060 Sherburne Ave., P.O. Box 250 • Becker, Minnesota 553o8 -0250 Phone: (763)200 -4239 Fax: (763)261 -4411 Metro: ( 763)262-4455 www.ci.becker.mn.us Minnesota's Best Kept Secret October 10, 2016 Daniel P. Wolf, Executive Secretary Minnesota Public Utilities Commission 1217th Place East, Suite 350 St. Paul, MN 55101 -2147 RE: Supplemental Comments of the City of Becker MPUC Docket Number: E002/RP -15 -21 Dear Mr. Wolf: BY E -MAIL AND U.S. MAIL PublicComments.PUC @state.mn.us On behalf of the Becker City Council and the residents of Becker, the following Supplemental Comments are offered on the above - referenced Docket. The City of Becker as host community to the Sherburne County Generating Station (Sherco) offers the following comments to the Public Utility Commission on the socioeconomic impact of locating a natural gas combined cycle generating unit in Becker at the Sherco site. Introduction The City of Becker has a population of about 4,600 people. The community has hosted the Sherco facility since the 1970s. The City's interest in the Sherco facility is substantial as the 4,500 -acre site constitutes 62% of the City's geographical footprint. The Sherco facility employs close to 300 regular full -time and contract support workers. In addition, during regular maintenance and rebuilding of equipment the facility will host 500 plus contactor employees. Many people from both groups reside within the City of Becker and Sherburne County. In the event of a decommissioning of Units 1 and 2, the overall number of jobs available at the Sherco site will be approximately half. If we use a conservative estimate of each dollar earned turning over three times the economic impact of job loss is devastating. In addition to being the major tax payer in Becker, Xcel Energy and the Sherco plant have been stable partners in the community and have demonstrated a commitment to promoting economic development in Central Minnesota. Xcel Energy and the Sherco plant have always been strong partners, advocates and participants in various philanthropic activities, including fund raising for the United Way, internship programs for local high school students, and an annual Mississippi River Cleanup day. Supplemental Comments from the City of Becker, Minnesota MPUC Docket Number: E002/RP -15 -21 October 10, 2016 Page 3 Energy Generation Tax Revenue to City of Becker $1,400,000 $1,200,000 $1,000,000 $800,000 $600,000 - -- $525,600 $400,000 -- - - $200,000 - - - $0 $697,958 $1,208,046 750 mW Solar Gas Plant Revenue, Current Law Gas Plant Revenue, Proposed Tax Law At the Legislature there is a new electricity generation tax proposal which has received wide support from various stakeholders and will likely return in the 2017 Legislative session. This new system of taxation relies on nameplate capacity and average annual production to set the tax capacity for natural gas generating plants. The third bar of the graph represents the estimated amount of tax the High Bridge plant would generate under this proposal. Under current law, 20% of the solar energy production tax is distributed to cities. If a 50nnW solar plant were operational 8 hours a day in Becker, the City would only receive about $35,000. Even if 750mW of solar power was sited, the City would only receive $525,600 in revenue. Also, 750mW of solar would require approximately 1,875 acres of land, which is slightly more than 25% of the land area of the entire City of Becker. While the closure of Sherco Units 1 and 2 will have a detrimental impact on tax base, employment, and disposable personal income in Central Minnesota, those impacts are partially mitigated by positive economic impacts of constructing replacement generation in the Becker community. The path charted Supplemental Comments from the City of Becker, Minnesota MPUC Docket Number: E002/RP -15 -21 October 10, 2016 Page 4 by the Preferred Plan allows satisfactory time over the course of approximately ten years to transition the workforce during this fleet evolution, provides for new investments, promotes economic development opportunities in host communities and provides cost effective reliable power for everyone. Thank you for the opportunity to present the City of Becker's comments on this important topic. Thank you, 4, Greg Pru�sz nske, City Administrator City of Becker, innesota CC: Becker City Council Service List