City Council Resolution 2016-93CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2016 -093 ADOPTING THE 2017 BUDGET AND AUTHORIZING SPECIFIC FINANCE - RELATED ACTIVITIES WHEREAS, the budget is the fiscal blue print for the entire year where the City Council has considered and incorporated all foreseeable spending plans for 2017; and WHEREAS, the City, through sound fiscal policy, establishes that current revenues will be used to finance current expenditures and regularly - occurring capital expenditures; and WHEREAS, the City Council shall by this resolution set forth the total expenditures and uses, excluding depreciation, and the total revenues and other sources for each budgeted fund. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello the following is hereby approved: SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF ESTIMATED REVENUES FROM ALL SOURCES, APPROPRIATIONS, AND FUND BALANCE ADDED (EXPENDED): Revenues Expenditures ' Fund Balance Fund 2017 Budget 2017 Budget Added (Expended) General Fund $ 7,802,000 $ 7,802,000 $ 'Special Revenue Funds Economic Development 1,050,814 805,865 244,949 Cemetery 27,325 27,325 - Minnesota Investment 20,000 - 20,000 ;Monticello Community Center 1,866,400 1,866 400 . - 'Total Special Revenue Funds 2,964,539. 2,699,590 264,949 Debt Service Funds 2007A G.O. Improvement Bond 714,088 536,000 178,088 2008A G.O. Sewer Refunding 505,000 1,521,832 (1,016,832)! 2010A G O. Improvement Bond 219,005 305,117 1 ,112) 2011A G.O. Refunding Bond 979,418 784,150 195,268 2014A G.O. Judgment Bond 537,929 511,862 i 26,067 2015B G.O. Bonds 222,288 208,000 14,288 2016A G.O. Bonds 555,000 530,000 25,000 Total Debt Service Funds 3,732,728 4,396 961 (664,233) Ca vital Project Funds Capital Project 5,336,000 6,800,000 (1,464,000) Closed Bond Fund _. 70,900 - 70,900 Park & Pathway Dedication 2,000 288,000 ! (286,000), Stormwater Access 65,000 268,376 (203,376)' Street Lighting Improvement 90,000 75,000 15,000 Street Construction 25,000 45,693 (20 693)' Total Capital Project Funds 5,588,900 7,477,069 (1,888,169)'; 'Enterprise Funds Water 1,283,499 1,246 254 37,245 Sewage 2,1911-182.342 3,0451242 (126, 900) Liquor 5,440,194 5,208,603 231,591 Deputy Registrar 476,100 383,936 92,164 Fiber Optics 1,997,867 1,957,709 40 158 'Total Enterprise Funds 12,116,002 ! 11,841,744 274,258 Internal Service Funds IT Services 274,519 _. 298,980 (24,461)1 . Benefit Accrual 20,000 - : 20,000 Central Equipment 215,700 511,050 (295 350) (Total Internal Service Funds 510,219 810,030: (299,811)' Total All Funds $ 32, 714, 388 $ 35, 027, 394 $ (2, 313, 006) SECTION 2. TRANSFERS: By resolution, the Council can amend or rescind this section as the year progresses. The following list does not include any transfers for projects that have not received formal council authorization. a. To 2011A GO Improvement Bond Fund from Storm Water Access Fund - $268,376 and EDA /TIF - $200,000 (Total - $468,376). b. To 2010A GO Improvement Bond Fund from Sewage Fund - $85,293 and Street Reconstruction Fund $45,693 (Total - $130,980). c. To FiberNet Fund from Liquor Fund - $230,000. SECTION 3. CAPITAL EQUIPMENT AND IMPROVEMENT ACQUISITION: a. Appropriates resources for Central Equipment Fund purchases: Streets - speed trailer ($14,000), black -top roller ($30,000), street sweeper ($190,000), electronic sign reader ($12,000), V -box sander ($15,000); Parks — 72" Polar Trac ($50,000). b. No equipment or construction project purchase /acquisition is specifically approved by this section. SECTION 5. OTHER BUDGET AUTHORIZING ACTIONS: a. Removes prior commitments and assignments, except those required by GASB, from fund balance classifications. b. Approves Senior Center annual subsidy of $58,560. c. Approves a 2% wage adjustment to full -time, part -time (excluding MCC staff and volunteer fire personnel) and seasonal employees for the pay period commencing on first pay period beginning in January 2017 and an additional I% commencing on first pay period beginning in July 2017. d. Establishes the monthly standard health insurance benefits at $1,117.55 with an effective date of March 1. Premium contributions are required from family /dependent plan participants for the difference between the standard benefit and coverage costs. No contribution is required from single -plan and non -plan participants. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 12th day of December, 2016. CITY OF MO _ ICELLO Brian Stumpf, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff i , City Administrator