IDC Minutes 02-25-1975 . I I J, i i \ \ I I \ \ \' .~ i \ , ~dustrial DeVe!bpment.comm~sion Meeting February 25, 1 75 4 P.M. Business and Member present: John poirier, Lloyd Lund, Lowell schrupp and Wilbur Eck. Others present: Thore Meyer, ary Wieber. The following was decided: 1. All warehouse areas would e considered on equal basis as sales areas for formula to determine HSSessment. Only exception was Fuller on Lumber. ~ 2. Parking lots in use prior to December 1, 1974 would be given credit and smith Pringle-Foster Ins. group would be given credit pro ided area is hard surfaced by July 1, 1975. Any oth r parking areas developed after December 1, 1974 wo ld not be given credit until next 3 year assessment re iew. p 3. Anybody who has had lot pi ior to December 1, 1974 will be considered "gran fathered" in and specific requirements will not ha e to be met. Thore Meyer will work up ass to council and then hearing figures and present held. IV. =. - - - - --. - - - iiiiiii - ii II i :1 ii - ! ii e e Project Financing It is proposed that the entire pr be financed through a City feet of sales area. apartment. bond issue with all costs being a sessed to the six block downtown community on the following basis: A. All alley costs to be fully a sessed to the abutting properties. assessed to the entire six B. The parking lot costs to be block downtown community as the following criteria: 1. One parking stall shall b required for each 300 square formula established upon 2. One parking stall shall b required for each full time employee. 3. One-half parking stall sh 11 be required for each part-time employee. 4. Second floor area to be a same basis as first floor - apartments to have one st ~ 5. Credit shall be given for each parking stall provided on their own private propert . 6. A distance factor shall b applied as follows: For all businesses within the sam block as the proposed or existing public improvement, the f ctor shall be 1.0. For all businesse~ in the adjacent block (no diagonal) to the proposed improve- ments, the factor shall b 0.50. For all other businesses in the six block downtown ar a, the factor shall be 0.25. By extending all of these items, he fraction of the total for each parcel shall be multiplied by the total project cost and assessed accordingly~ The parking lot ass ssrnent shall be based on a fifteen