City Council Agenda Packet 04-14-2003AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTI ELLO CITY COUNCIL • Monday, April 14, 2003 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Bruce 'I'hielen Council. Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A Approve minutes of March 24, 2003 regular C until meeting. �Sv B Approve minutes of March 24, 2003 special C until meeting. 3. Consideration of addin T items to the agenda. A -- W G 0 kvl-G 4. Citizen comments /petitions, request and comp aints. 5. .Consent agenda. A. Consideration of resolution approving renewal of charitable gambling license for American Legion Post #260. B. Consideration of ratifying new hires as identified. �l ® Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for concept stage planned unit development to construct office /retail building and parking. Applicant: Mike Cyr /MLC Building and Remodeling and Liberty Savings Bank. D. Consideration of amendments to the dis rict boundary map identified in the Downtown Redevelopment Plan. Applicant: City of Monticello. E. Consideration of a request of Home Depot to allow a pylon sign in excess of the zoning requirements. F. Consideration of allowing a benefit /stre t dance at the west parking lot of the Community Center on Friday, May 2,2003. G. Update on goal setting process - dctermi�ie need to prioritize tasks prior to joint Monticello Local Government Meeting. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on Phase I of Core Street Reconstruction Program, Project No. 2002 -14C'. 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of an ordinance annexing property into the City of Monticello (Wolters Property - Prairie Ponds) LI Agenda Monticello City Council April 14, 2003 Page 2 9. 10 11. 12. Consideration of various utility fees and inc UNTIL NEXT MEETING) Approve payment of bills for April, 2003. Preliminary consideration of employment ni; Adjourn. fig fees to cover replacement in the future.(TABLED • MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MO TICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 24, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen osusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf, Bruce Thielen, Members Absent: None, 1. Call to Order and Pled a of Alle fiance. Mayor'l,hiclen called the meeting to order at Allegiance was said. 2A. 3. 4. 5. L-13 7 P.M. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of f. , ,rove minutes of March 1 U 2UO3 s eci 1 Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE; TI IE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 10.2003 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. ROBBIE 'MITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABS AINING. Approve minutes of March 10 2003 re run• r Council meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 10, 2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. GLEN POSI.ISTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WI'T'H ROGER CARL, ON ABSTAINING. Consideration of addin items to the agenda. Jeff O'Neill requested that approval of the final plat for Groveland 4"' Addition be added to the consent agenda. Glen Posusta requested that the Council give direction on the issue of outside employment by a city employee. Mayor Thie en noted that the Council has had this discussion before and lie could update Council member P Dsusta on the Council's discussion. Glen Posusta stated that according to the City Administrator direction on how to handle this was to conic from the Council. Citizen comments/ etitions re uests and co laints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the cit zen comments portion of the agenda. There were no citizen comments. Consent A ends A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Community Center and City Hall. Recommendation: Ratify the hires as identified. U 11 L Council Minutes - 3/24/03 Consideration ofapproving a temporary on -sale liquor license for Ducks Unlimited Banquet and Riverfest - Applicant: Monticel o Lions Club, Recommendation: Approve for the Monticello Lions Club a temporary onsumption and display permit for the Ducks Unlimited Banquet on May 5, 2003 and a tern orary on -sale license for Riverfest on July 12 -13, 2003 C. Consideration of a resolution declaring intent to reimburse project costs through bond sale proceeds. Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 2003 -15 declaring intent to reimburse project costs through bond sale proceeds. ll. Consideration to adopt a resolution cndorsing special legislation bill. Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 2003 -16 endorsing special legislation bill to extend the five year rule to ten years for TIF District No. 1-22, City of Monticello. E. Consideration of accepting donation of land (Outlot A of River Mill Subdivision) from Kick and Roberta Murray. Recommends ion: Move to accept Outlot A of River Mill as a charitable gift to the City of'Montlicei lo. F. Consideration of a request that the PI inning Commission call for a public hearing on a Comprehensive Plan Amendment that establishes a ratio of single family to two family development. Recommendation: Move that the Planning Commission review the housing development goals for the City in areas guided for low density and consider initiating a comprehensive plan amendment pros ss that would result in refined density and housing type standards in low density areas. G. Consideration of approval of final plat and development agreement for the Groveland Fourth Addition. ROGI:;R CARLSON MOVED TO APPROV .J THE. CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE. ADDITION OF ITEM #5G, FINAL PLAT A PROVAL FOR GROVEL.AND FOURTH ADDITION. ROBBIE SMITI I SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. b. Consideration of items removed from the None. 7. Continuation of public hearing on im north of K"ellber 's Park and Dundas Project No. 2002 -06C. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates nc on March 10, 2003. He gave a brief recap of' 2 ent aunda for discussion. ent to Cedar Street from Chelsea Road to From Cedar Street to County Road 117. ed this was a continuation of the public hearing held le information presented on March 10, 2003. The project was broken into parts and the impro` work was provided. Part I covers the area of which includes sanitary sewer, watermain, si estimated cost for this portion of the project from Dundas Road to Chelsea Road and incl estimated project cost is $519,210. Part III includes streets, storm sewer and street lighti Kevin Kawlewski discussed the basis for the street lighting, street and sidewalks will be a assessed on a front footage basis if there is la property. Based on these assessment proved that the assessments for Cedar Street from Ki $26.14 /per front foot for sanitary sewer; $44.; storm sewer with $ 3,462 /acre for contributing estimated street costs for Cedar Street from D foot and the estimated cost for the irnproveme Kevin Kawlewski stated at this time the Co portion from Dundas Road to Kiellberg's. later date. It is anticipated that bids will be from the Council. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO REOPEN THI 2002 -06C, CEDAR STREET IMPROVF,MEN MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOI Mayor "Thielen reopened the public hearing. M assessment for the Amax property. Kevin Kaw asked the City Attorney if a Council member w Project should handle Council consideration of the Council member could participate in the dis issue. No one else spoke for or against the prof. Public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ORDER THE OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FORTH FROM DUNDAS ROAD TO K.iELLBERG'S MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN Glen Posusta asked about the section of road Kawlewski indicated that the City is in negoti Council Minutes - 3/24/03 ements for each part and the estimated cost for the Cedar Street from Kjcllberg's to Dundas Road reets, sidewalks, storm sewer and street lighting. The s $1,176,785. Part 11 is the portion of Cedar Street _Ides streets, storm sewer and street lighting. The the proposed improvement to Dundas Road which rig at an estimated cost of $328,530. Droposed assessment. Sanitary sewer, watermain, sessed based on front footage. Storm sewer would be z-ral benefit and on an acreage basis for undeveloped res and the estimated projects costs, it is anticipated !Ilberg's to Dundas Road would be approximately 9 /per front foot for water; $17.40 /per front foot for area and $142.24 /per front loot for street costs. The Indas Road to Chelsea Road is $163.37 per front its to Dundas Road is $151.39 /per front foot. It is being asked to proceed with the Cedar Street e other portions of the pro'lect may be added at a rived on April 25, 2003. There were no questions PUBLIC: I LEARING FOR PROJECT NO. FS. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE SLY. lyor Thielen asked if there was a proposed ewski indicated there was. Mayor Thielen their io is a property owner affected by a proposed city he item. City Attorney, Matt Brokl, indicated that ussion but would need to abstain from voting on the )sed assessment. Mayor Thielen then closed the ZOJECT AND APPROVE PREPARATION IMPROVEMENT OF CEDAR STREET ,RK. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE OSUSTA ABSTAINING. Is riot in control of the developer. Kevin ns with the property owner and lie believes they oil will be part of the project. He added that the be left out should the negotiations fail. City owner would be amenable to the project pro, Wolfstellcr stated that the negotiations are in necessary right of way. However, should nel Glen Posusta asked for the total cost per prol not have it broken down in that manner at thi 8- Consideration of approval of final Street Park and authorization to in advertisement for bids. Public Works Director, John Simola, present for authorization for the well only at this timf date for authorization to proceed with the puI northeast corner of the Fourth Street Park in 1 indicated it was a good site and according to area without affecting the downtown wells. layout for the well at their March 20, 2003 m, will replaced using utility funds but a new sit, Commission. .John Simola indicated that the replaced. He noted that the project would be would be no assessments. Council Minutes - 3/24/03 specifications will be done so that this portion could Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, indicated that property ided the assessment cost is reasonable. Rick process and he believes the City will acquire the otiations fail, the City could condemn the property. erty owner. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that he did ; time but could provide that information later. Well #5 and pump house at Fou final deli n laps ands eci ations and J information on this item noting that he was asking He will being coming back to the Council at a later phouse. The proposed location for the well is in the .e area of the basketball court. A test well in this area ie hydrologist, 2000 gpm could be pumped out of this he Parks Commission unanimously approved the sting. John Simola stated that the basketball court has not yet been determined by the Parks watermain located on Ramsey Street would also be financed using monies from the utility funds so there "There was some discussion on the water consumption and the need for the well. John Simola stated that implementing the odd /even watering ban helped reduce water consumption and even though the constructions of a new well would handle current consumption, he felt it was still important to keep the watering ban in place as a conservation Inc sure. The next step in the long term planning for the water system would be construction of another water tower. .John Simola indicated that the water from the new well would run through the pipe. but would not go through the reservoir. Glen Posusta asked how the chemicals used in treat] ig the water would be applied to the water pu nped from this well. .John Simola stated they would be injected. It is hoped to have the well on line by the end of the year. Glen Posusta also asked about sprinkling systems. John Simola stated that ordinance had been amended to require rain sensors on all new commercial sprinklers and existing commercial sprinklers to be retrofitted by June 1, 2003. Mayor Thiclen asked .John Simola to cheek the sprinklers on I lart Boulevard to verit V that they did have the sensors. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE "TJ THE PUMPIIOUSE IN THE FOURTH STRE I)RAWINGS, APPROVE THE SCOPE OF W ESTIMATES AND WORK SCHEDULE ANI. SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE WELL AND A: 4 IE SITE, SELE.C'TION FOR WELL NO. 5 AND ',T PARK AS SIIOWN ON ]'HE PREPARED )RK BY LIESCH ASSOCIATES, COST TO AUTI IORIZU PLANS AND >VFRTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WELL A 9. . 10. CONSTRUCTION. ROGER CARLSON UNANIMOUSLY, Council Minutes - 3/24/03 ED TI IF MOTION. MO'T'ION CARRIED ubhe hearing date for It Kevin Kawlewski indicated that they are I Program and would schedule the public hE report will be provided to the Council, M. the point where the City is ready to impler the seed money and was not intended to cc the street reconstruction program will be f public hearing residents will be able to get estimated costs addressed. Brian Stumpf fully determined as the City is still waiting ore Street Recons )osuag to do Phase 1 of the Street Reconstruction ng for April 14, 2003- At that time the final feasibility r Thielen stated it has taken the City awhile to get to A this program. The monies that the City has levied is r the entire cost of the improvements. Fach phase of ed by assessments as well as the levied funds. At the their questions relating to the improvements and ed that at this tiirnc the scope of Phase I has not been ormation on the condition of the utilities. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO SET A PUB AC HEARING DATE; OF APRIL 14, 2003 FOR PHASE I OF THE CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROGRAM. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED tJNANIMOtJSLY. for the in d Prairi John Simola provided the information on the proposed design layout for reconstructing the intersection of River Street and Prairie Road. Initially it was thought this work could be done by maintenance staff of the City and Wright Co my but now that does not appear to be the case. John Simola noted that the cost of relocating the railroad crossing was a major consideration in the design layout. WSB & Associates prepared a design layout and brought up several issues relating to the design that need to be addressed. John Simoll reviewed these concerns with the Council and noted that some of these conditions existed out there already and they couldn't be corrected by this design. The street lights in that area would have to be relocated and it would be necessary to reroute traffic during construction, .John Simola stated he had received a letter from Larry Nolan a resident in this area also expressing concerns • bout the proposed intersection clesig11 including drainage, vehicle lights and increased traffic. "The City Engineer and staff were asking the Council to authorize working with the county to see which design items can be corrected and to determine cost sharing for the improvement. The design would come back to the Council at a later date and if some of the design issues can be worked, the Project would go in this year. Brian Stumpf asked if any casements would need to be obtained. John Simola responded that there is a possibility one casement may be needed. Brian Stumpf stated that this particular intersection needed to be made safer and felt the City needed to pursue eliminating some of the hazards of this particular intersection. Bruce "Thielen asked if the Council had any ply ns for improvements to this segment of CSAII 75. John Simola indicated the County had just co pleted an overlayment and it was not anticipated to do any work on the road in the near future. 5 WE C Council Minutes - 3/24/03 BRIAN S'TUMPF MOVED TO AU'TI IOR ZE TI IF CITY S'T'AFF ANT) CITY F.NGINF.ER TO MEET WITH WRIGHT COUNTY ON THE PROPOSED DESIGN FOR RIVER S"TREE"T" /PRAIRIE ROAD TO ADDRESS AS MANY ISSUES AS POSSIBLE; ANI) TO DEVELOP A FINAL PLAN, SCI IEDULE AND COST SHARING AGREEMENT TO BE BROUGHT BACK 'TO THE COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL AS A SUMMER PROJECT. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED 'THE MO'1 ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of appointments: A oint nent of Council representative to EDA and Par] Commission and appointments to Police ommission vacancy and Planning Commission vacancy. The Council reviewed the positions that were open and it was noted that the Council representative to the EDA would be a voting member. Mayor Thielen asked Robbie Smith if he would be willing to serve as the Council representative to the EDA and he indicated he would. Dick Frie, Planning Commission Chair wanted it in the Council record that the applicants for the vacancy on the Planning Commission were excellent candic ates which made the selection a much more difficult process. lie hoped that the applicants not selected for the Planning Commission vacancy would consider serving the community when vacancies on other boards occurred. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE HE COUNCIL APPOINTMENT OF ROBBIE SMITI I TO THE EDA AND PARKS COM ISSION, 'T'1 IF APPOINTMENT OF DAVID RIFTVELD TO THE PLANNING COMMISSION AND TI IF. APPOINTMENT OF JON FIOFF TO THE POLICE COMMISSION. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TTIE MO'T'ION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Consideration of a meat of bills for Ma BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR MARCI I. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Glen Posusta commented on the bills noting the purchase of equipment did not have to be Wolfsteller stated that as long as the item is requirements it did not come before the ('our questioned why the City couldn't purchase th City cannot exclusively select vendors. Added Items: Glen Posusta stated that based on comments and coi investigation on a city employee who also did work Council he didn't want the City to deal with this per 6 the purchase of a truck for $15,000. He asked whether approved by the Council. City Administrator Rick budgeted item and meets the statutes as far as bidding icil as a separate item for approval. Glen Posusta eir equipment locally. Mayor Thiclen stated that the :erns he had received from citizens, he did some )r another city. Mayor "Thielen stated that as a )nnel issue as it could contain private and confidential WAR i L� Council Minutes - 3/24/03 data. Mayor Thielen provided some background o z previous Council handling of this matter. If there was an issue that Glen Posusta would like to put before the Personnel Committee he could do so. Glen Posusta stated that the City Administrator informed him that the procedure was to get direction from the Council. Glen Posusta began explaining inlorsnation he had received. Mayor Thielen stated that if this was going to be an accusation it should not be done during a Council meeting. Glen Posusta stated he had no personal issues with the individual but was doing his job as a member of the Council. Mayor Thielen stated that the city had a governance policy stating that the City A tninistrator handles the personnel policy. The City Council acts as one voice and not as individuals in Providing direction to staff. Glen Posusta reiterated that this was not a witch hunt but he was just trying to d the job he was elected to do. Brian Stumpf stated he did not want this discussion to go on without sonic direction. Brian Stumpf felt that if there was a ercc p tion that sorneone was doing other work on city tin-le, it should be investigated. Bruce Thielen stated this was tr the time or place for that discussion. Rick Wolfste ler stated the concern had been discussed in the past ot and when Glen Posusta asked him to investigate thi , he responded with a memo stating this issue had been C: discussed and if he wanted anything further, the o ncil should give direction as to what they wanted done. Glen Posusta stated that with the information he had received, he felt thi looked into. s was something that should be Mayor Thielen stated that there was no basis for accusation and asked the City Attorney to comment on the discussion. Matt Brokl stated that were getting into specifics regarding employee performance. lie indicated the C . ouncil could direct the City Attorney to investigate the procedure to handle this and report back or the Council could investigate this on their own. In that c se the meeting should be closed, unless the employee being evaluated requested that it be an open meeting. p �, Brian Stumpf clarified that as a full Council they have the right to investigate but not as individuals. Ile felt that any investigation considered should be handled by the Personnel Committee or City Administrator and personally felt that the issue had been addressed. Posusta asked to be on the Personnel Committee. Ile was told there are currently two Council members onl the Personnel Committee and additional Council met bens would make a quorum of the Council and the Personnel Committee would have to meet all requirements of the Open Meeting laws. Mayor Thielen stated that this type of employee performance discussion at �i public meeting was a dangerous precedent. Glen Posusta stated h Mayor the authority had a right to speak out. Mayor fhiclen pointed out that the M h to give .a speaker the floor. y 13. Adjourn ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANI Recording Secretary 7 T 8:25 P.M. ROBBIE SMITH Si✓CONDED OUSLY. MIND ES . SPECIAL MEETING - MONI ICELLO CITY COUNCIL March 24, 200 - 5 :30 p.m. • • Members Present Roger Carlson, Glen PoSllsta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Ord Mayor Thielen called the workshop Meeting present. 2. Core Street Reconstruction Workshop. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates ri Reconstruction program. Phase I of the Core areas running north and south of the railroad south of Broadway to 7"' Street and lying bet) order at 5:30 p.m. A quorum of the Council was iewed the feasibility report for the Core Street treet Reconstruction program was split into two Icks. Phase 1, in its entirety, encompasses the area en Chestnut Street and Pine Street. As part of the street reconstruction program, the City is also looking at replacing, utilities where needed. Figure 4 of the feasibility report Outlined sections of sanitary sewer pipe that was intended to be replaced as well as those lines where repairs were needed. Televising of the lines revealed dips in the line, cracked pipe and valve separation. The cost estimate for utility work is based on what was televised and would be pro - rated over the whole area. Kevin Kawlewski stated that due to the age and condition of the pipe, he would recommend that prior- to placing the final lift of` blacktop, the lines be televised again to make sure there was no damage to the pipe during the course of construction. There is some storm sewer proposed for construction in the area of Elrn Street and Minnesota Street but this will be a developer driven cost and not a direct cost to the city. The storm sewer work includes a pond 1ng area and some piping. Figure 8 of the feasibility report showed which streets were gravel, which had CUrb and gutter and which did not. Figure 9 showed the watermain location. It is proposed to relocate the lines on 3r`' Street and 4"' Street to the other side of the street. It is also proposed to replace the 4" line that exists on Minnesota Street and locust Street. Removing only the 4" lines and not the 6" line as initially discussed would reduce the project costs. There was some discussion on the average life of cast iron pipe. Kevin Kawlewski stated that cast iron pipe can last as long as 100 years or it can fail after 30 years. John Simola suggested leaving the 6" line in place and have a leak detection Company come In and see it there are any leaks. John Sirnola asked if the pipe is relocated to other side of the street, would the City have to replace those services that were replaced in 1978. John Simola estimated that 25% ol'the sewer pipe would need replacement. As far as the watermain, John Simola stated that 4" line should definitely be removed because it is extremely c ld and the valves are bad. The decision to remove the 6" line would be made by the Council. Th estimated cost for removing the 6" line would be $800,000. WN • Couulcil Minutes Special Meeting - 3/24/()3 The Council discussed the commercial sec ion of streets proposed for Locust. Street and Minnesota. Street. A commercial section is being pro _ osed because of the high volume of traffic on these streets and the bad soils. John Simola scat d that on most of the streets there is 5 %" of bituminous. Kevin Kawlewski said they need to take SE mples of the material because in the 70's some of the materials used were low on aggregate. He stated that a lot depends on the amount of Class V that is present. .John Simola asked what steps -would be taken to reduce the amotint of disruption for the residents in the area. Kevin Kawlewsk I explained procedures that could be utilized and added that the amount of subsurface work they had to do will impact how long the project will take. Glen Posusta asked about the need to replace curb that is only cracked. Kevin Kawlewski stated that the cracks allow water to seep in and then tile freeze /thaw cycle further deteriorates the curb. Glen Posusta also questioned the removal of 5 ' /2' of blacktop. Bruce Thielen stated that since we don't know what is below the blacktop, we don't know how much work is going to be involved. Kevin Kawlewski explained the reclaiming process. it is proposed that the residential street section will consist 01'6" ofthe reclaimed bituminous to xture and sand with 3" of blacktop. Kevin Kawlewski was of the opinion that the reclaimed asphalt mix provided a better base. Kevin Kawlewski said that once the analysis of the borings was done they will update the feasibility report to reflect those findings. John Simola emphasized the need to proceed with the project. If the public hearing for the project is held oil April 14 "', the project Could be bid in May. The Council didn't want to se this work going much beyond September. It was suggested to leave it as an option in the specifications whether to place the second lift of blacktop 10 the spring ol'2004. There was discussion on how much of the art only Area 1 -A should be done at this time. would be ongoing for a lengthy period of tin'. and could be done smoothly and efficiently. easier. .10111, Simola was concerned about ge he favored including both Area 1 -A and 1 -B i that starting a little smaller and having good s years. Kevin Kawlewski suggested that if Ar( combined with Phase II1. It was noted that be would most likely be the most costly phase. h there is pvc pipe in place instead of the clay p high. Brian Stumpf stated that if you take the Townhomcs out of Area I -B it is not such a bi The estimated cost for Area I -A is approxima approximately $1,228,100. There was disCLlssi the Council that the City Engineer had recomm sewer /water rates should be increased to help t� Bruce Thielen felt that it would take time for th increases or a storm water utility fund and that project for their first phase. Glen Posusta state 2 a should be covered in the first phase. Some felt that 'he concern was since this was a new program that it was important that the first phase was manageable If that happened, it was felt future phases would be ting further behind with the street reconstruction and i the first phase. Glen Posusta and Bruce Thiclen felt access the first year might make it better for future a 1 -A was done this year, Area 1 -B could be pause of the amount of utility work required, Phase I other phases of the street reconstruction program pe so the utility costs in these areas should not be as Few development area, such as the Vine Place area and could be done with Area 1 -A. tely $2,427,540 and for Area 1 -B it is an of Funding for the work. John Simola reminded ended doing a rate survey to determine if the ke care of some of the utility replacement costs. City to investigate new Funding options such as rate vould be another reason to 90 with a smaller size I that most of the residents lie talked to are clueless • about the what is being proposed and are not reconstruction work. John Simola said then for Phase I as long as did not go over the $3, another reason to go with a smaller project, s cushion of funds that could be used. ,John Sir need to know the funding mix. Because the revenue to fund the reconstruction work in it the cost would be assessed. Kevin Kawlew, make a decision on the scope of Phase I of th authorize some plan design work because it ready to bid. Glen POSLISta stated that if the sidewalk. The Council discussed the sidewal system 25% of the cost would be aSSCSSed an At this time Kevin Kawlewski reviewed the i is being considered by the Council later this e Kevin Kawlewski stated that it was included included for the entire area as part of the proj help light the pathway area. John Simola ind the spacing for the lights to 400' instead of 35 come to approximately $250 /front foot. The workshop session was closed at 6:50 p.in Recording Secretary Council Minutes Special Meeting - 3/24/03 aware that they will be assessed for the street y were funds, state aid finds, trunk funds, etc. to pay 100,000 cost estimated. Bruce Thielen felt that is >ould there be an unexpected cost there would be a Iola felt before you decide on the project scope you street reconstruction levy would never generate enough entirety, it had always been the intent that a portion of ki stated that at the public hearing the Council could project. John Simola asked if the Council could oi►ld save considerable time in getting this project ity is going, redo the road, they should also look at the policy. If the sidewalk is part of the City's grid 75% picked up by the City. tormatron on costs for the Cedar Street Project which ening. Glen Posusta asked about the street light. ecause the developer requested that street lighting be ct. Brian Stumpf asked if the lighting proposed would cited it would not. There was discussion on reducing Y. The estimated cost for all improvements would 0 5A. A. B C. D Consideration of resolution approving renf #260. (R.M.) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The American Legion Club pull -tab gambling 31, 2003. The organization is requesting appr through the State Gambling Control Board. Council Agenda - 4/14/03 al of uambline license for American Leffi ations located at 304 Elm Street will expire on July of the City Council for renewal of their license ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a pull -tab license to the American legion Post #260 at 304 Elm Street. 2. Do not adopt a resolution approving the icense request. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It has been the policy of the Council not to oppose any gambling license application request as long as the organization was deemed to be a local organization conducting the gambling activity. The staff does not have any reason to oppose the renewal of this application request. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of' Resolution Copy of Application State of Minnesota Gambling Control Board a(G214PPR Premises Perm't Renewal Application Printed: 1/10/2003 • F d Use Onl License Number: B- 00672 -001 Effective D te: 8/1/2001 Expiration Date: 7/31/2003 Name of Organization: American Legion Post 260 e Name of the establishment where gambling will be Am Legion Post 260 304 Elm St Monticello, MN 55362 County: Wright Lessor ,mises Information Note: Our records show the premises is located within the city limits rmation Note: Our records indicate that the organization owns this premises Bin o Activi Our records indicate that Bingo is not conducted on these premises. Stora e I formation 304 Elm St Monticello, MN 55362 Bank Information Wells Fargo Bank 407 Pine St Gambling Bank Monticello, MN 55362 Account Number: 2900002890 On the lines provided below list the name, address and title of at least two ersons authorized to sign checks and make deposits and withdrawals for the gambling account. The organization's treasurer may not handle gambling funds. Name Address City, State, Zip Code Title Gene Fair 1810 3rd St W I Monticello, MN 55362 Gerald Thomas Doerr 9851 Gillard Ave NE Monticello, MN 55362 (Be sure to complete tle reverse side of this application) This form will be made available in alternative format (ie, large print, braille) pon request. Page I of 2 (Continued on Back) Ac Gambling Site Authorization Oath I hereby consent that local law enforcement I declare that: rcers, the board or agents of the board, or I . I have read this t e commissioner of revenue or information subt public safety or agents of the accurate, and cc commissioners, may enter the premises to 2. all other requires enforce the law. fully disclosed; Bank Records Information 3, 1 a the chief ex The board is authorized to inspect aline bank organization; records of the gambling account. whenever 4. I assume ful l res necessary to fu1f711 requirements of current. lawful operation gambling rules and law. conducted; Organization License Authorization 5. I will familiarize 1 hereby authorize the Gambling Control Minnesota gore. Board to modify the class of organ ization rules of the boars license to be consistent with the class of abide by those la permit being applied for. amendments to tl Local Unit of Government ... If the gambling premises is within city limits, the :;city roust On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. If the gambling premises is located in a township, both the c The county must provide a resolution. For the township: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling activity within the township limits. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat, sec. 349.213, subd. 2). For the count On behalf of the county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. The information requested on this form (and any Your name and addres . attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control received by the Board. Beard (Board) to determine your qualifications to be you provide will be pri involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and Beard issues your licet to assist the Board in conducting a background license, all of the infor 40 investigation of you. You hart: the right to refuse to the Board in theproces supply the information requested; however, if you refuse will become public. 1 f to supply this information, the Board may not be able to license, all the infonna determine your qualifications and, as aconsequence, may process of applying for refuse to issue you a license. Ifyou supply the the exception of your n infonnation requested, the Board will be able to process remain public. your application. Private dataabout you following: Board mein knowle gment Pag 6. any changes in application informa- application and all will be submitted to the board and 1 pitted to ih board is true, unit of government within ten days mplete; the change; and I information has been 7. I understand that failure to provide required informationor providing R ecutive off cer of the misleading information may result i denial or revocation of the license. ponsibility for the fair and of all activities to be myself with the laws of Signature oft ief executi, ruing lawful gambling and officer (Designee may not sign) I and agree if licensed, to ws and rules, including Date mem; Acknowledgment and Approval sign thisa plicatian and provide a..resolution, Print narne of city Signatur, of city personnel receiving application Title Date ounty and ownship must sign this application. nt name o township Signature of township official receiving application Title Date Print name of county Signature of county personnel receiving application Title Date > will be publ c information when Board whose work assignment requires that they All the other information that access to the intbnnation'theMinnesota Depart vale data about you until the of Public Safety, the Minnesota Attorney Genera Be. When tit Board issues your Minnesota CorrissionersofAdrinistration, nation that you have provided to Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislativ s of applying foryourlicense Auditor, national and international gambling the Board dos not issueyou a regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court on lion you have provided in the other individuals, and agencies that are specifical a license rem ins private, with authorized by state or federal law to have access ame and address which will information; individuals and agencies for which or legal order nutimorizes a new use or sharing of information afterthis notice was given, and anyc are available my to the with your written consent. bers, staff of e 2 of 2 11011 ocal of alse or n the f) ve Pri have nent il; the Jer; ly to the law ne 5� License Authorization 5. I will familiarize 1 hereby authorize the Gambling Control Minnesota gore. Board to modify the class of organ ization rules of the boars license to be consistent with the class of abide by those la permit being applied for. amendments to tl Local Unit of Government ... If the gambling premises is within city limits, the :;city roust On behalf of the city, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the city's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. If the gambling premises is located in a township, both the c The county must provide a resolution. For the township: On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying to conduct lawful gambling activity within the township limits. A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application (Minn. Stat, sec. 349.213, subd. 2). For the count On behalf of the county, I hereby acknowledge this application for lawful gambling activity at the premises located within the county's jurisdiction, and that a resolution specifically approving or denying the application will be forwarded to the applying organization. The information requested on this form (and any Your name and addres . attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control received by the Board. Beard (Board) to determine your qualifications to be you provide will be pri involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota, and Beard issues your licet to assist the Board in conducting a background license, all of the infor 40 investigation of you. You hart: the right to refuse to the Board in theproces supply the information requested; however, if you refuse will become public. 1 f to supply this information, the Board may not be able to license, all the infonna determine your qualifications and, as aconsequence, may process of applying for refuse to issue you a license. Ifyou supply the the exception of your n infonnation requested, the Board will be able to process remain public. your application. Private dataabout you following: Board mein knowle gment Pag 6. any changes in application informa- application and all will be submitted to the board and 1 pitted to ih board is true, unit of government within ten days mplete; the change; and I information has been 7. I understand that failure to provide required informationor providing R ecutive off cer of the misleading information may result i denial or revocation of the license. ponsibility for the fair and of all activities to be myself with the laws of Signature oft ief executi, ruing lawful gambling and officer (Designee may not sign) I and agree if licensed, to ws and rules, including Date mem; Acknowledgment and Approval sign thisa plicatian and provide a..resolution, Print narne of city Signatur, of city personnel receiving application Title Date ounty and ownship must sign this application. nt name o township Signature of township official receiving application Title Date Print name of county Signature of county personnel receiving application Title Date > will be publ c information when Board whose work assignment requires that they All the other information that access to the intbnnation'theMinnesota Depart vale data about you until the of Public Safety, the Minnesota Attorney Genera Be. When tit Board issues your Minnesota CorrissionersofAdrinistration, nation that you have provided to Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislativ s of applying foryourlicense Auditor, national and international gambling the Board dos not issueyou a regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court on lion you have provided in the other individuals, and agencies that are specifical a license rem ins private, with authorized by state or federal law to have access ame and address which will information; individuals and agencies for which or legal order nutimorizes a new use or sharing of information afterthis notice was given, and anyc are available my to the with your written consent. bers, staff of e 2 of 2 11011 ocal of alse or n the f) ve Pri have nent il; the Jer; ly to the law ne 5� knowle gment Pag 6. any changes in application informa- application and all will be submitted to the board and 1 pitted to ih board is true, unit of government within ten days mplete; the change; and I information has been 7. I understand that failure to provide required informationor providing R ecutive off cer of the misleading information may result i denial or revocation of the license. ponsibility for the fair and of all activities to be myself with the laws of Signature oft ief executi, ruing lawful gambling and officer (Designee may not sign) I and agree if licensed, to ws and rules, including Date mem; Acknowledgment and Approval sign thisa plicatian and provide a..resolution, Print narne of city Signatur, of city personnel receiving application Title Date ounty and ownship must sign this application. nt name o township Signature of township official receiving application Title Date Print name of county Signature of county personnel receiving application Title Date > will be publ c information when Board whose work assignment requires that they All the other information that access to the intbnnation'theMinnesota Depart vale data about you until the of Public Safety, the Minnesota Attorney Genera Be. When tit Board issues your Minnesota CorrissionersofAdrinistration, nation that you have provided to Finance, and Revenue; the Minnesota Legislativ s of applying foryourlicense Auditor, national and international gambling the Board dos not issueyou a regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court on lion you have provided in the other individuals, and agencies that are specifical a license rem ins private, with authorized by state or federal law to have access ame and address which will information; individuals and agencies for which or legal order nutimorizes a new use or sharing of information afterthis notice was given, and anyc are available my to the with your written consent. bers, staff of e 2 of 2 11011 ocal of alse or n the f) ve Pri have nent il; the Jer; ly to the law ne 5� 2 of 2 11011 ocal of alse or n the f) ve Pri have nent il; the Jer; ly to the law ne 5� CJ • RESOLUTION NO. 2003 -20 RESOLUTION AUTHOgIZING TI -IE ISSUANCE OF A CHARITABLE AMBLING LICENSE WI iEREAS, American legion Post 4260 has su ►Witted all application to the City Council of Monticello for the renewal of a charitable gambli ig license to conduct gambling activities at the American I.,egion Club at 304 Elm Street, and WI1l R1;AS, upon review of the organization's activities, the City Council is not opposed to the renewal oi'a charitable gambling license being iss led by the State Gambling Control Board. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY I MINNESOTA that American Legion Post 4260 American I_,egion Club at 304 Elm Street is he: is authorized to process the application. CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELI,O, lication for a charitable gambling license at the approved, and the State Gambling Control Board Adopted by the City Council this 14th day of Aprij, 2003. ATTEST: Rick Wollsteller. City Administrator Thielen, Mayor 5 �1 • 5B. A. B. n or a rovin new hi Council Agenda - 4/10/03 artures for Communi Center. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the Community Center. As you recall, it is rec mmended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part -time and seasonal workers. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Ratify the hiring of the part -time employees as identified oil the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . Name Title NEW EMPLOYEE Department Hire Date Class Anderson, Jessica Slide Att MCC 3/24/2003 part time Brower, Deborah Lead G.S. MCC 4/1/2003 part time Rietveld, David PC Member Planning Comm 4/1/2003 part time Walters, Sondra Slide Att MCC 3/24/2003 part time TERMINATING EMPLOI EES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Cellette, James involuntary MCC 3/21/2003 part time Dehler, Alicia voluntary MCC 3/31/2003 part time Fletcher, Mark voluntary MCC 2/15/2003 part time Hook, Katie Jo voluntary MCC 2/28/2003 part time VanDor , Taylor voluntary MCC 1/31/2003 part time • employee council list.xls: 4/9/2003 D [7 SC. Consideration of a request for a C� commercial Vroject on a Darcel betwe Applicant: Mike Cyr and Liberty Sav REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council Agenda - 4/14/03 t PUD review to permit a two - buildin unq Road 39 and Liberty,Lanc_ tank. (NAC /JO) The applicant is seeking Concept PUD review of a proposed project at the intersection of County Road 39 and Liberty Lane. The subject parcel is zoned PZM, and adjoins the Liberty Savings Bank facility. The applicant indicates that the two buildings will be occupied by a number of commercial office, professional office /service, and retail businesses. Please note that hied Patch is not a formal applicant but is an investor in this commercial venture. To avoid conflict of interest, all aspects of review will be conducted by other staff or independent building inspection consultants. The types of uses proposed by the applicant require the approval of a Conditional Use Permit in the PZM Zoning District. The PU process will serve to provide the CUP review for the project. If approved, the applicant should not need to obtain updated approvals. However, some commercial uses require separate Conditional Use Permits in the PZM District, most notably, Restaurants and Car Wash facilities. It would be expected that the introduction of these uses would require further CUP processing due to the unique traffic and parking generation aspects of those types of businesses. The PZM District states that the perimeter setbacks are to be the same as the zoning district within which the proposed development would be located if it were in a standard zone. In this case, the applicable zoning district would be B -4, General Business. For that district, zero setbacks are permitted. The proposed development shows two buildings that are generally set back approximately 10 1 o 12 feet from the perimeter lot lines (enough to be located off of the proposed dra nage and utility easements). Two driveways serve the site, both located offof I iberty Lane. The applicant should provide a survey of the site, and identify driveway locai ions across liberty lane in an effort to match those locations and avoid offset intersections. The total project development shows 15,696 sqUare feet of gross floor space. The required parking is 3 spaces, plus one space for each 200 square feet of floor area. The gross floor space is reduced by 10% to create an approximation of the net area for purposes of parking demand. For this site, a total of` 74 parking spaces would be required. 75 spaces are shown. The applicant has provided a concept draw is for a hipped -roof design, with projecting of the buildings on the site. The proposal bles supported by columns covering L' 2 building entrances. Materials are not ides materials should be brick, stone, decoratii siding. A textured roofing material woul( asphalt shingles. The applicant had initially asked for preli review cycle. flowever, grading, drainag proceed to preliminary plat. As such, plat Commission that only the concept PUI:) b Preliminary Plat be considered with the D planning cycle. Subsequently, the Plannir preliminary plat /development stage plannc recommend approval of the concept PUD. ]'here was also discussion on perimeter sett setbacks for this project should take the sett into account. It was their goal to be consist, reason for any variation in setbacks betwee► Planning Commission that following the B case because the PZM District does not have setback, one must use the setback standard f under PUD standards, there is flexibility ill s Planning C0111Il1issioll, they recommended a the site. However, staff was asked to review Savings setback and identify any problems o: setback as proposed. One issue that will like . site will be stormwater pondillg. This can sip ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to recommend approval of a (, commercial development known as Li supported by a finding that the plan is conditions that the applicant coordinate development, and that Development St landscaping and lighting plans, and oth Motion to recommend denial of the C on findings generated as a part ofthe 2 City Council Agenda - 4/14/03 tified. Planning staff would recommend that e block, and stucco, without the use of lapped add interest to the root, as opposed to standard unary and Fnal plat approval as a part ofthis and utility information will be necessary to ling staff recommended to the Planning considered at this time, and that the ✓elopnlent Stage PUD during a subsequent Commission tabled the request for unit development approval and acted to Ieks. The Planning Commission thought that rcks for the adjoining Liberty Savings Bank nt with previous standards or have a good the two. Steve Grittman advised the standard for setbacks is appropriate in this a set setback standard. To establish the r the district where the use is noted. Also, tback standards. After further review by the ncept approval due to the superior design of he process for establishing the Liberty issues that might arise from the building ✓ come from the drainage planning Ior the 1iFcantly affect the layout of the site plan. )ncept Stage PUD for a two- huilding erty Park. This motion should be onsistent with the PZM zoning, with the driveway locations with other nearby ge PUD plans include building materials, r standard PUD submission requirements. ept Stage PUD for Liberty Park, based lning C01111niSSlon discussion. • STAFF RECOMMENDATION Planning Comi-nission and staff recommend above. The Preliminary Plat may be consid, Development Stage PUD, and should be acc utility plan, landscaping and lighting plan, a materials. SUPPORTING DATA 1. Site Plan 2. Building Elevations C 3 City Council Agenda - 4/14/03 pproval of the concept plan as discussed ed at the next stage of review along with the mpanicd by grading and drainage plans, well as information relating to building ') V 1\ !g�� .All �q� a a� a \ T. �A 'yr � � \ v \ ti /4 V� N I y I ►4 \\ Is � I V / � I 06 I � n I ••! ■ ■ CY LLJ �■ II r LLJ LLJ - ,. .'.�■ • IL 17 LOr ■+ ' ' Y. z _ CD Em Li LL 0 1' r ■ ;$'Y ■ __ -_■ co Y _ -�■ , Ie---D 1; s C) d a m Ll - P ld 'D5 Z65`e ..V„ JNiming 0350d0�id ► ei I �e ; lln9 i7 An;no Zvg g x t n 101 yM 101 ONIN iVd 5n0Nlwnug 6 d •c! \ � I � gs / I k ,a • 5D. Consideration a Revitalization P dment to the ADDlicant: i City Council Agenda - 4/14/03 'S Com rehensive Plan of Monticello. (NAC /JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to consider an amen Boundary Map. There have a few instanc were deemed to be appropriate as present( District Boundary Map. The Revitalizatic recommendations, breaking down blocks occasional project changes the way in whi staff would like to update the downtown p approved to date. Changes proposed include changing the of uses to "Walnut Street District ", and chin€ property from Walnut Street to "Civic Use to be changed from "Civic Use" to the "W; Team reviewed the proposed changes and,, ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to approve amendments to Boundary Map. 2. Motion to take no action on the amendments. STAFF RECOMMENDATION the Downtown nent to the Downtown Revitalization District where the City has approved projects that but were technically inconsistent with the Plan is quite detailed in its land use o 11 different sub- districts. Because the the land uses are arranged in the district, to be consistent with the development Library site (now Wells Fargo) from Civic the former Wells Fargo (now Library) )istrict ". Also, the Towne Centre site needs nut Street District ". 'The Design Advisory pports the amendments as proposed. Downtown Revitalization District town Revitalization District Boundary Map The Planning Commission conducted a p hlic hearing on this matter and recommended approval of the proposed a endments. Staff recommends approval of the changes SUPPORTING DATA Map of the Downtown Revitalization Plan DAT Minutes the boundary map as proposed. Use Districts • mintlte5 Regular Meeting -- Design Advisory Team Tuesday, Mar •h 18, ?003 Monticello City 11,111 Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Pam Campbell, Denni Sullivan. Roberta Geracls, and Susie Wojchouski MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron 1- 1001und OTHERS PRESENT: 011ie Koropchak. and .1'11'0'Neill 1. Call to Order Susie Wojchouski called the llleeting to order at 4:47 pnl 2. Approval of minutes Pam pointed out that the name o f the owner of the C rostlnI Grill was misspelled in the minutes. A motion to accept the minutes troy i March .4. _003 as corrected, was made by Pam Campbell and seconded by Roberta Geracls. Motion passed. 3. Consideration of adding items None 4. Zoning Changes in the Downtown District Jeff O'Neill presented the reques t For a zoning change to the planning commission, which will acC011ilt For the swap of the Public Library property with the Commercial B� nk property. Motion to recommend approval oft he zonin�11 change was made by Pam Campbell and seconded by Roberta Geracls. Motion passed. Motion by Pam Campbell to advise he council to support the I-IRA in additional re- clevelopment to replace the loss of tax increment revenue for the bank / library property swap. Motion seconded by Roberta Geracls. Motion passed. 5. 011ie's Update Block 52 A new Three Phas A detailed site plat point, none of tile; we reminded 011ie this corner. 6. Meeting Adjourn A motion to adjourn was made by Geracls. Meeting acljourned at 5:30pr Next meeting is scheduled for April 1, Submitted by: Dennis .1. Sullivan Concept was presented to the FIRA ► was reviewed and discussed. At this trchitectural Features were presented but that we desire something significant For Pam Campbell and seconded by Roberta 03 • (l�,w &AkProp �M Ci VAC 40 wa Inv'( e W �.4 b (ata .ham For" Jb organized to create results in a built do for the community. a sense of pieces fitting exactly together. The picture that wntown is one that is beautiful and one that functions well Districts _ Downtown Monticello will always be a mix of uses, ages and patterns, and the Plan recognizes a series of districts formed around basic uses and character. Therefore, a building near the river will have a character different from a building near the interstate. A uniform building character across the entire downtown will never be achieved and would likely be undesirable for tenants and the community. Within districts, however, buildings would have a strong relationship to one another and a consistent relationship to the streets of the district. kl- %. r ktk 1,41t GKA7 Maria RNERPIWNT EM2110411WAV; DOWNTOWN !ROADWAY: SAYTANO WEST ® WALNVr EMPWE ® SEVENTH STRUT 7i}, ® TMN.ITIONAL - ON910HRORNOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK AND OPEN SPACE Am,FIVN./INSTITUTIONAL land uses In downtown wIII be defined according to Pleven dWcts, WM mm pa A New Bridge Revaluing Monticello s Downtown and Rtveif nt Page 3:12 RRITZINVA 4) 411 b-Rqq Ss qWV MINES NONE Manor and character being the primary consideration for each designation. n-b The plan envisions eleven districts in downtown, each with varying targets for use and character: Riverfront • Specialty retail, eating establishments, lodging, entertainment, multi- family residential, office; upper level residential or office; two or three story buildings; river orientation; emphasis on public areas surround- ing buildings (rather than parking lots) Broadway: Downtown • Small and mid -sized retail, specialty retail, personal and business ser- vices, eating establishments, lodging, entertainment and office; upper level residential or office; two story buildings; orientation to Broadway Broadway: East and West • Single family residential; strong emphasis on restoration of existing older homes Walnut Small and mid -sized retail, personal and business services, eating establishments and office; upper level residential or office; two story buildings encouraged; orientation to Walnut Street Pine • Mid -sized retail and office; two story buildings encouraged; orienta- tion to Pine Street Seventh Street • Larger scale retail and service, auto - oriented retail and service, drive - through restaurants, lodging; orientation to Seventh Street Transitional • Mix of small office, personal and business services, multi - family resi- dential and single family homes Neighborhood Predominantly single family homes following existing neighborhood patterns Industrial • Sunny Fresh operations only; transition to Civic/Institutional, Walnut or Transitional if Sunny Fresh ceases operation Park and Open Space • Parks, cemeteries, outdoor public spaces and gathering spaces Civic /institutional • Municipal and county facilities (except maintenance operations), pub- lic meeting spaces, community activity spaces, educational facilities, churches, outdoor gathering spaces A New Bridge Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and Riverfront °^ _ l • is 5E. Consideration of a re nest of Home REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission recommend in the draft excerpt from the Planning Tile City Council approved the Home Dep sign request that originally proposed an 80 for the two principal users (Home Depot at property would permit a 22 foot tall sign w involved. The City Council directed the PI involved in Home Depot's request, and ma tall sign under the PUD, or the need for an ordinance. Since the Planning Commission discussion would be satisfied with a 60 loot tall sign, b within one half mile either direction. The tE 54 foot tall sign on the Mielke property (not mixed commercial project on that site. Muc proposal related to adjacent property signs tl signage allowances have been granted for of dealership. That allowance primarily addres property. Because the Ford dealer was witini to have sign heights of up to 32 feet. City Council Agenda - 4/14/03 )ur ro allow a ViVionsipm in excess of the zonin et al. (NAC /JO) 3 approval of the PUD with conditions as noted ommission meeting minutes. it Plat and PUD with the exception of'the pylon foot tall sign, with 392 square feet of sign area d "Retail B "). The zoning standards for the th 100 square feet of area for each property inning Commission to consider the issues e a recommendation regarding the potential for a mendment to the Sign section of the zoning Pn this issue, Home Depot has agreed that they sed oil visibility of the sign from the freeway lest sign approved by the City to this point is a h west of this site) under a PUD approved for a of the discussion supporting the Mielke it had heights similar to his proposal. Other er area commercial PUDs, including the Ford ed the number of freestanding signs on the 800 feet of the freeway, they were permitted For Home Depot, the proposed PUD analysis would be that the higher, larger sign is a trade for smaller signs on the balance of the proper y, and is based on Flome Depot's contention that visibility from the freeway is critical to Success of the project. On the first point, the applicants also propose a 17 foot tall monument style sign that is easily nn compliance with the City's sign regulations. The City would need to decide if it would be willing to "trade" the taller pylon in exchange for fewer, smaller signs on the individual development parcels. With regard to freeway visibility, planning sta f believes that this standard is not appropriate as a consideration for varying from the established sign heights allowed in the zoning ordinance, since properties more remote from 1he freeway would be able to make this argument for ever - increasing sign heights. Moreover, it seems to planning stalYthat visibility from the freeway is more likely to be important for businesses that are dependant on impulse decisions of freeway travelers such as restaurants, gas stations, and motels, rather than building materials or general commercial products. These businesses typically cluster near freeway interchanges to take advantage of that traffic, whereas other businesses have a more defined trade area and rely on other types of commercial identification. While freeway visibility is undoubtedly sought by many be a poor criterion for decisions about sia City Council Agenda - 4/14/03 types of commercial businesses, it would seem to rage regulations. Ifthe City believes that the sign regulations should be changed to accommodate higher signs in general, an amendment could be drafted that would do so. In this particular case, the PUD trade -off would have more limited implications for other properties, and may be preferred for that reason. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Motion to approve a taller and lar complex, based upon the finding t use of the PUD, will allow the Cit sign restrictions that will result in signage identifying individual ten, ,r pylon sign for the Ilome Depot and Retail B It the size of the parcel (38 acres), combined with to exchange approval of the taller sign for other superior development, including, monument is only. Sign restrictions include the following; I . One pylon sign as requested in excess of code per 38 acre site. ?. Additional freestanding sign s can not exceed 17' in height and must be landscaped monument siQ1ns ?. Motion calling for a public hearing on an amendment to the zoning ordinance increasing pylon size and area in the R-3) District. This motion may be accompanied by conditions under which such size increases may be made, such as acreage or square footage of buildings. The amendment to be considered at the meeting. 3. Motion to deny the over -sized Home Depot sign, based on a finding that the sign does not qualify for PUD approval a an enhancement to the project, and requiring application of the standard zoning si n regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission recommends app . that may be strong enough to limit the precec this recommendation. In addition to approvi . initiated a review of the sign ordinance with and standards. The City could apply certain extraordinary size of the property or building SUPPORTING DATA Home Depot Sign Proposal Planning Commission meeting minutes ol'4 /1. val under alternative 41, based on findings 'it of allowing this high pylon. Staff supports the sign PUD, the Planning Commission goal of further defining pylon regulations editions on this type of amendment, including s a qualifier for additional sign size. 3 • • X jg IM- 8 r 77, ;A'A 0 7 14� U� Consideration of a re guest of 1 lome requirements. Steve Grittman, City Planner, provided the I He stated that the Planning Commission hac approval, but reserved discussion on the fre( Home Depot and staff: I tome Depot is prop stating that Home Depot had determined 60 advised that the Planning Commission wool approve a sign of this magnitude, stating the would benefit the city from a zoning standp( away from a variance approach as the findin signs. Staff suggested that a PUD trade off r sign limitations on that site for a taller free si signage, although it was noted that the other advised that the other option would be to am establish requirements that were not in effecl maintaining the regulations would be best, rc it from a PUD standpoint instead. Grittman pylon sign, 160 sq. ft. in width for both Hom double the size that the city would typically allowed there would be 200 sq. ft. Rietveld stated that he had looked at 4 to 5 H others were not as high as what the applicant Development Coordinator with Oreenberg F was allowed. Maxwell stated that given the I retail, there is no visibility at the location froi road removed from Hwy. 25, they needed ant as the need for a taller sign to get visibility. I signage at another Home Depot site and Max Lea, and this sign is actually 100 ft. tall, as th Frie asked if uniqueness would be a justificai ordinance allows, stating he had heard from site and questioned if they could justify a uni reminded them that the Mielke sign was allo, stated that this should be stated in their findir tradeoffs would be. Frie also stated that they like to see the Hwy 25 corridor as retail. Stumpf was concerned with future developr • signs and questioned where to draw the line the freeway is a poor justification for approi -5- Planning Commission Minutes - 04/01/03 allow a pylon sip-n in excess of the zon ,port regarding Home Depot's sign proposal. reviewed this proposal at the original PUD standing sign proposal for further analysis from using a 60 ft. sign versus the initial 80 ft. sign, t. would accommodate their interests. Grittman I need to use some type of PUD rationale to � should make a finding for how this proposal int. Grittman stated they specifically stayed ;s for hardship are very difficult regarding light be some way of exchanging some other anding sign, possibly by reducing other )reposed signs were in compliance. Grittman and the ordinance, but that they would have to for previous applicants, and felt that - ommending the Planning Commission look at urther noted that the request is for a 60 ft. high Depot and tenant, stating that this is almost Now with a pylon sign. The largest pylon .)me Depot signs in the area and Iound most is requesting and asked Jennifer Maxwell, Site rrow, what would happen if only a 38 ft. sigtl ict that Monticello is not a destination for 1 1 -94 or Hwy 25, and the site is located one ther large retailer to locate with them, as well rie asked if there was a comparable to this yell stated there was at their location in Albert it is also not a retail site. ,)n for allowing the sign to be taller than the 'veral residents that they felt this was a unique ueness in the size of the site. I le also ed at 57' versus the 32' allowable. Grittman ;s for approval, but also need to state what the lave discussed in the past that the city would its further down Hwy 25 requesting taller Jrittman concurred. He stated visibility from and the Planning Commission should use 5E • some aspect for this site or development Planning Commission Minutes - 04/01/03 makes it unique. It was further discussed that they need to fin the fairest and easiest way to apply sign regulations. O'Neill advised that the Mielke and Peterson projects were both PUDs and certain aspects of these sites were considered when determining signage. He further stated that in speaking with Home Depot, they were willing to have monument signs advertising other businesses in that area as well, the talle sign would be Home Depot and Retail B. They will work with staff on attractive low level monuments for visibility along Chelsea Road as well. They do not anticipate a high pylon sign for the fuel center, and they would agree to a lower monument if they were approved for a 60 ft. pylon. It was also noted that 22 ft. is the standard height for monuments a id Home Depot is proposing 17 ft. Maxwell asked that the Planning Commission look at lexibility, adding that if they are able to have a higher pylon and added landscaping, upgraded architectural elevations, and trees planted in front of the store, she felt that within the flex bility of the PUD zoning this could be looked at as justification. O'Neill felt that possibly because of the mag pylon. This also would deter smaller sites ft signs. Stumpf asked if tinder a PUD would t case basis and asked Carlson for his reasonir felt the sign ordinance needed to be strength( should be in a situation to have to consider h more inquiry on signage if this one was appr looked at individually and based on the size justification. Dragsten concurred. Hilgart asked if whether the sign is approved would conic to Monticello and Maxwell said coming to Monticello, one being the need for visibility, further stating that their marketing also stated they have a strong interested party if he felt the City Council would feel comfor► stated yes, and that it had already been sugge A MOTION WAS MADE 13Y ROD DRAG; TO REVIEW TI IF, ZONING ORDINANCE SECONDAO THE MOTION AND THE M► "There was further discussion by Rietveld because of the size of this site and the fact felt it was justifiable. Etude of the site, they could justify the higher ther down I Iwy. 25 from applying for taller icy have the authority to take these on a case by for looking at the entire ordinance. Carlson Zed and doesn't feel the Planning Commission Sher sign requests. LIe felt that there may be ved. Frie agreed that each issue should be f the site, would give some type of )r not would it determine whether Home Depot :here were two concerns with Home Depot another large retailer and the other being earn was not comfortable with this site. She as the other large retailer. Frie asked Sttnnpf able reviewing the sign criteria again and Ile ted at City Council level. EN TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC I IF;ARING EGARDING SIGNS. TI IERE WAS NO ,ION FAILED. there is a 57 ft. sign in that area already, and the sign will be shared with another tenant, he A MOTION WAS MADE BY DAVID RIET� ELD TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A TALLER AND LARGER PYLON SIGN FO TI IE I IOMF: DFPOT AND RETAIL B I on 5E • DRAFT COMPLEX, BASED ON TI IE FINDIN THE CITY TO EXCI IANGE APPROV RESTRICTIONS THAT WILL RESUL INCLUDING MONUMENT SIGNS II) Planning Commission Minutes - 04/01/03 THAT TI IE USE OF THE PLJD WILL ALLOW OF THE TALLER SIGN FOR OTHER SIGN IN A SUPERIOR DEVELOPMENT, JTIFYING INDIVIDUAL "TENANTS ONLY. There was further discussion that allowab e sign height be stated in the motion, as well as the tradeoffs in exchange for allowing higher sign height. RIE'I'VELD AMENDED TI IE MOTION 60 FEET, IN EXCHANGE FOR 17 FOG LANDSCAPING. RICHARD CARLSO THEY FURTHER CLARIFIED TI IAT A 13E MONUMENT ONLY AND THAT S( THAT IT IS NOT CONTIGUOUS TO 1 -S DISCUSSION, MOTION CARRIED 4T( OPPOSITION. There was discussion regarding a work consensus to hold a public hearing. O STATE; MAXIMF.JM SIGN HFIGIIT TO BE MONUMENTS AND ADDITIONAL SECONDED THE MOTION. 4Y SIGNAGE ON THE FUTURE PARCEL TO UARE FOOTAGE OF THE SITE AS WELL AS F BE CONSIDI.RED. WITH NO FURTHER I WITH ROD DRAGSTEN VOTING IN date to review sign criteria and it was the A MOTION WAS MADE BY RICHARD CARLSON "TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING TO REVISITCURRENTSIGN ORDINANCE REGARDING MONUMENT AND PYLON SIGNS IN RELATION TO HEIGHT AND SQUARF FOOTAGE. ROD DRAGSTEN SECONDED TIIE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. It was the consensus of the Planning Comi current sign ordinance vcrAis amendments A MOTION WAS MAUI; BY RICI IARD HEARING TO REVISIT CURRENT SIGs AND PYLON SIGNS IN RELATION TO DRAGSTEN SECONDED THE MOTION It was the consensus of the Planning Comn current sign ordinance versus amendments ssion to have stafl'provide information oil the ordinance at the May meeting. ARLSON TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC ORDINANCE REGARDING MONUMENT EIGI IT AND SQUARE FOOTAGE, ROD MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ission to have staff provide information on o the ordinance at the May meeting. 5E C, U 5F. (onsideration of allowing a ben COmmunitV Center on . Friday. P REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Katz Music and volunteers from the Montic organize a street dance on Friday, May 2, r from the dance to go to local military fami i property is provided on the attached oronos; cc at (JO) City Council Agenda - 04/14/03 t narkinLy 1 llo Community Center request permission to m 5:00 p.ni. to 10:00 p.m. "l'he proceeds s. A complete description of the use of the Kristen Gordon is leading the organization of this event. Kristen works as a lifeguard at the Community Center and she is a music teacher at Katz music. As part of the event, fire departments from nearby communities have been invited to attend and will be bringing some of their fire trucks for display, Kristen will be available at the meeting to answer any questions that the City Council might have. The format for the street dance will be sink ar to the Riverfest set -tip, except that the stage is proposed to placed at the west side if the property. Amplifiers will therefore be directed toward the Community Center /con mercial area. The American Legion has volunteered to operate the beer garden and will be requesting a license accordingly. Kristen noted that they will coordinate cleai -up Of tile site. No deposit has been requested by staff. It is possible that it may be necessary to run a street sweeper through the area after the event. '['he Community Center Director has plan for the event. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS the street dance proposal and supports the 1. Motion to approve utilization o1`the 'onlnlunity ('enter site and associated beer sales license allowing a street dance s proposed. 2. Motion to deny approval of the req STAFF RECOMMENDATION City staff recommends approval of the req bases in terns of sanitation and site organi anyone want to give a speech'? SUPPORTING DATA Street dance proposal t. It appears that the proposal covers the ion. It should be a great event. Does Opmm 1 11111 Present d Bv I Music Of Kats and j Monticello C mmuR nfisMo, 0 » /m A-IN � q � � $ �� r • FIREFIGHTERS FOR FAMILIES STREET DANCT A 410 FOOD"31RETRUCKS REQUEST: The Monticello Comnit nity Center along with Kats Music Store of St. Michael seeks an event permit for a community street dance and fund- raiser to support our to al military families. Date of Event: Friday evening, May 2 2003 Suggested Hours: 5pm -1 1pm Type Of Music: Three Bands slated: The Kats Music Store louse Band- Blues- Classic Rock The Situation- Soft Classic Rock Third Cross- Christian Rock Also appearance from Montiland Theatre Troupe- Singing Your Finally Home. Speeches from community leaders- Nat. Guard- Woman Of Today Garbage Provision: Roll Offs Ordered From Superior Refuse Recepticals: None needed. Stage ill power from own generator. Food will have power inside of Fire Hall Ga age. 5 F MAY 2- 2003- Sp- I I pm Firefighters For Families Event Site Plan Buck Off - Thru Way 5F SG. U date on oal settin process - determ Monticello Local Government Meetin . REFERENCE, AND BACKGROUND City Council Agenda - 04/14/03 ine need to rioritize tasks prior to joint (JO) City staff has been collecting input from the various commissions on goal setting and hopes to have an updated project listing for review in the near future. It does not appear that there is enough time to finalize the lisl and have it prioritized by Council prior to the joint City /Township /School /Hospital District meeting. However, it could get done if we push hard. If Council would like to have tasks prioritized prior to April 26 (joint meeting date) then Council should give staff direction to finalize the list, distribute it to Council, and then have the prioritization tallied in time for the meeting. As an alternative, Council may wish to wait to hear input from other jurisdictions prior to prioritizing tasks. This might make some sense as your view of various objectives may be impacted by the reports from other unit of government. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to complete prioritization meeting. 2. Motion to complete prioritization meeting. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 based on ob: SUPPORTING DATA None the joint Monticello Local Government the joint Monticello Local Government oils noted above. • r 1 7. Accept the Feasibility Report, Conduct the Pu CitV Street Pro'ect and Order Preparation of Monticello Pro'ect No. 2002 -14C (City/ S13) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: i lie Hearinio, for Phase I of the Core 'lans and Specifications (City of Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report addressing improvements associated with Phase I of the Core City Street Reconstruction Program, As the City Council is aware, this report is the result of months of engineering analysis and evaluation of failing infrastruct ire in the City of Monticello, and addresses an area within the City that has been s lected to be the initial phase of a proposed seven -year street reconstruction pro. ect. The Phase I Feasibility Report addresses the portion of the Core City located south of CSAI 175, north of 71" Street, and west of I'll 25. This area was selecl ed due to deteriorating infrastructure, location of State Aid streets, and high commercial uses and traffic volumes. The Core City Street Program will involve reclaiming of the existing bituminous surface to create a Class 5 aggregate base and a new bituminous base and wear course. In addition, repairs to the sanitary sewer system, as identified from recent televising reports, and replacernent of cast iron watermain in selected locations is proposed to be completed, Storm sewer improvements in key areas and repair of manhole and catch basin structures is also proposed to be completed. This phase has been separated into two parts for Council consideration. The two areas within Phase I allow. While this can reduce the overall pro assessments may be initially higher, are included. This Phase I area has program is expected to more evenly Phase I as a single project should pro should provide the City with some fl incorporation of State Aid fiends. )r reducing the size of the initial phase. icet cost, the cost to the City over the lcpending on whether the State Aid streets ready been reduced and a seven -year pread the program costs. Completion of vide cost and coordination efficiencies and xibility with financing dole to the A presentation on this pro iect with ar explanation of the overall program will be provided at the meeting. The assessments are estimated at this time and can be adjusted by the Council now or at the Assessment hearing. The Council will also be conducting the Public I fearing prior to taking any action. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 2 Accept Feasibility Report and order preparation of plans and specifications for the entire pr jest Located in Phase I. Accept Feasibility Report an�provernents )rder preparation of plans and specifications for the public i located in Area 1 -A. Accept Feasibility Report and specifications for Area 1 -B. preparation of plans and ('.11)0(( ',111, /I' /nin,C'J.O('. { /.,G Mc 10)4 No,i I,eru, In lrrrn. A" • • • 4. Accept Feasibility Report an do not order preparation of plans and specifications at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: 'yhe City of Monticello has discusse the initiation of the Core City Street Reconstruction Program for the past five years. During that time, the streets and infrastructure have continued to age and the program is continuing to expand into other areas of the City that have reached their useful design life. Last year, the City of Monticello started developing a Street Reconstruction Fund to pay for portions of the cost of the project that were not able to be funded through assessments. While funding the Street Reconstruction Program through assessments is not a pleasant approa ch, it does offer the opportunity to share the burden with the direct benefited pro erty owners equally throughout the City. The program that has been developed for the street portion of the seven -year program varies between $9,000,000 and $11, 000,000. City streets are not getting any better, and many will have a dif Ficult time lasting longer than is proposed with a seven -year program. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator, Public Works Director, and City Engineer that the Phase I project be completed in one phase. it is preferable to complete the reconstruction ol' st Bets in a general area at the same time to minimize impacts to property owners and to develop economies of scale for the contractor. Doing one portion of P ase I or the other could increase the cost of the program through additional mobilization, higher bid prices for the smaller pr( ject, and does not balance the overall financing package, as well. Completing this entire project at one time Would allow for efficient completion of utilities and street improvements, and also inch - es a slight excess of State Aid funds, based on the proposed assessment program, that could be used to offset increased utility costs or potential reduced assessments. We would recommend completion )f the project as outlined under Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Report nnc r, vr. i d, ,,,u cur :us. i r,•,,r a.ri ro.i- rgemfi, n.• r.d„ L� Council Agenda - 4/14/03 g. Public Hearin - C'onsideration of an ordinance annexing proper to the Ci of Monticello Remnant Parcel Wolters Pro e RW A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: fn February of this year the Council acted upor an ordinance which approved annexation of a 66' strip of land that was part of the plat of Prairie Ponds but had not been covered in the annexation of the City owned land known as the Remmle property. The City inadvertently omitted the public hearing requirement and approval of the ordinance was not valid without this requirement. Subsequently the City sent the required notices indicating that a public hearing would be held on April 14`x'. It was just recently discovered that this 66' strip was included in the legal description of Groveland 4 "' Addition which was annexed into the City. Because there is some question on the ownership of this 66' strip, it was the recommendation of the City Attorney, Matt Brokl, that the City Council conduct the public hearing; on the annexation. Matt Brokf will be present at the meeting to address any questions the Council may have. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Conduct the public hearing on the ann xation as recommended by the City Attorney. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that the public hearing be conducted. D. SUPPORTING DATA: None. • • • 11. Preliminary consideration Information for the discussion of this i meeting on Monday night. Council Agenda - 4/10/03 . (JO) will be presented by Matt Brokl, City Attorney, at the C7 .7 C, m z r 3 y O 's] 07 C r Y ro b y' ro K D r DI to d trl Y k cn DI . M d . ro . ro d b • O . xf b q y 13 .n ' W H 0 a101 YiPNNNmN NN W '*] r M MNn'+�g Cil rtln n[ro9Kt7l+�1Zlm1 m a t. H aro Mn 5 t, Gn r t�7 hl o C7 trl x p b x � m M W C Hn �� o�' "dK x� g m n x o. c M m O d ry w w W N N N �P N w 0 VI O� p� N O N J 111 VI �o to L+7 SN F-' tD a M C C V� q A 0 00 xmn C H O K m . p DI O DI ny q '+ ron rom �r G] r [>7 p .b p7 ro a x H H O t" y C o y DI an and oN coo w q zro N� H � w O ry f iP b r q N Cam" oM b m n w O r � V dtl d q o n n o p o n m a � ti m 0 0 �m yw row ro w K d a rr z ro n n 0 H n 0 n ro c� r 0 m �n O H � C H o K m • O � A b 3 ro O d G] H [t] H r n � r �O 1.1 C, C� n M An P V o N CO O w y nz .n yz wo ro aro VrJ o K r y � r o M I ? ou(w.yoiw N p� N N O 1p N O S W N p mwmwJ W Np� W NA y d v o v o o a a o a n rrrrNNNNY.� t' J J J J J J J J J J 7 a A A A A A A A A A H W W W W W m V �] •] J �', W w W W r 0 10 m a w r r r r 0 0 N O N Y H W mO mW O consists H ( y (t] mmmm 0 �P O W F' J �aw�o �uwaw� wa o v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o G7 W m m m m m m m m a C .P O ro xn 0 � C y o rti m . p rororobrorororororo � A ro a AAAAAA AAAA 1 '[70 N N N N N N N N N N H Z d d d d o 0 0 0 0 0 d y M H 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o o r n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M a�Aaw�a.aaa r v000�nooaoo M �r Mrrrrrrrrrr n n O H H H H H H H H H H C C .ro 'A � ?7 xl .b rw Sd x1 7d X1 z z y n n n n n n n n n n y y n n H z z N N Cam' a a N fG O a7 ro O � W H- '�y r � N b W ro Y Y Y N N r r r r N h h] a a d t tr' (p m r10 r UI N N,P F+N n w w w w w w p p G d d o 0 0 0 0 0 o y y consists H ( y (t] mmmm 0 �P O W F' J �aw�o �uwaw� wa o v o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o G7 W m m m m m m m m a C .P O ro xn 0 � C y o rti m . p rororobrorororororo � A ro a AAAAAA AAAA 1 '[70 N N N N N N N N N N H Z d d d d o 0 0 0 0 0 d y M H 0 0 0 0 0 0 o a o o r n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 M a�Aaw�a.aaa r v000�nooaoo M �r x r nx zoa �x HRH H [r]H wy O H 3 W ro K xk �ryC ro W H G] L9 z O m H Gq V) xy [q N W A W w W N W W N N N J N W (J7 W J wJ m�awdaoq�oW o o w N O rt 3 rp [ =7 �b[777 Z wg p H w l +] U b7 cq (n HH Ot7�pHy yHHEn nn HyZq�(j y7y•b�by�qyy�nb M ,7y. 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N N N N N 00 of A N N O W W W W W W �o in lD �n lD ID �D �D lO �O �O �O W mm A N J W W Q mmmmmm w W ro 0 0 o W W w �a�o In lnN O Vl In In N N UI UI U1 VI VI Ul Ul 111 J al && Q z P H J J m m o W H n fn In In 1p 1p 1p �p 1pQO olp� W Q N > 77 �D In iD lD lD �D �D .P O iP �p 1p 1p W 9' W W W W W W W W W W CO lC CO W W W W W W W W W W W W tt4 W O ro zn o k m p b W *1 ro ro ro b b ro b ro ro ro ro ro ro b '[] ro b b ro ro b b ro ro b ro ro ro b � 014 a a A a, tan N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N Ny 7i p Q o 0 o Q o 0 0 o W v o 00 00 0 o W d v 000000 ti M H o v d p g q Q Q o 0 0 0 o W O 00 0 O a o o 000000 r n O v v o p p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o 00 0 o Q O W 000000 H ni v O v o v W p d g o 0 0 0 00 W o v Q o 0 0 000000 z r O W O O O O M W W N" O 1p W J m W J m W W N M O W W J N N m W P W M • • Updates Economic Devel)PlPenl April 1. , 2003 City of Monticello Special Legislation Bill - To June 30, 2007, for TIF District No. 1 -22. Attached is a letter to Representative Bruce Ar Mayor Thielen as a follow -up to our visit with the Capitol ". BACKGROUND: March 5, 2003 HRA meeting - Commissioners c rule for TIF District No. 1 -22 because the benef and the commissioners felt this would encourage projects to expend the tax increment by July 30, Director 'b'r the 5-year rule from June 30, 1997, to arson and copied to Senator Mark Ourada from em at the Capitol on April 9, 2003, "City Day at .Died endorsing a resolution to extend the 5 -year s of the proposed resolution were not clarified the developers of pending redevelopment 1004. Following; the HRA meeting, the Executive Director Koropchak informed the HRA Attorney and Financial Consultant of the HRA's decision to deny. They were surprised and their professional advice was for HRA Brad Barger, the financial consultant, and the Executive Director to meet and further discuss the benefits of extending the 5 -year activity rule. This ineetino took place on March 14. 2003. Benefits of the proposed Special Legislation Bill: 3 4 1 The extension of the 5 -year activity rule pendinL, and other redevelopment projec the Lwals and objectives of the Central N the Revitalizing Montieello's Downtowi rllows the I -IRA additional time to complete s with the Downtown TIF District carrying out onticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 Plan and and Riverfront Plan (Comprehensive Plan). The extension allows the HRA the flexi ility to use the pay-as-you-go finance method (less risky) as well as the up -front finan e method. The extension allows the HIZA the flexi ility to increase the amount of the temporary bonds when refinanced if determined ne essary. The extension allows the 11RA the flcxi ility to issue tax exempt bonds (lower interest rate) for qualifying.? public improvement if determined necessary. Without the extension and as a result of the class rate compression, the future pendin, projects must be completed by .11ily 30, 004, in order to repay the temporary bonds. 6. The extension does not request extending the 25 -year life of the district. Due to the deadline for introducing bills for the Financial Consultants suggested the City Counci the HRA meeting of April 2, 200' ). March 24, 2003 - City Council adopts resolution March 25, 2003 - Proposed Bill introduced to the advice of HRA Lobbyist John Choi, it was along with the HRA Executive Director Koror previously Special Sales Tax Bill introduced a Director Susie Wojchouski attended with the a April 2, 2003 - HRA adopts the attached resoluti April 2, 200' ) - Scheduled date to introduce bill it April 1, 2003, Koropchak received voice -mail frc from the House Committee and would not introdi received calls from four individuals opposed to tl- Sen. Ourada relative to the same. In conversatior. the Capitol as planned and visit with our represen opposition ofthe proposed bill because they feel the bill. April 2, 2003 - Senator Ourada allowed the Bill ti Koropchak testifies and Wojchouski is present an Bill was well received by the Committee member present to oppose Bill during introduction to Corr that local issues be resolved locally and not at the against the bill. Lobbyist Choi suggested the bus: representatives. 00' ) legislation session, the HRA Attorney and be asked to endorse the proposed Bill prior to the Special Legislation Bill. Bruce Anderson and Sen. Mark Ourada. Per vested the business community be present Rep. Anderson had some hesitation due a years prior by the City of Buffalo. Chamber val of the Chamber Board. ro Senate Tax Committee. Late afternoon of n Rep. Anderson that he was pulling the bill ce or endorse the proposed bill because he bill. The Chamber received an e -mail from with Lobbyist Choi, he suggested we come to atives. Two of the four individuals are in ne proposed redevelopment project is drivin�o be introduced to the Senate Tax Committee. submits Chamber endorsement of bill. The Pat Sawatzke and Keith Kjellberg are nittee. Based on Senator Ourada's suggestion :apitol. Sawatzke and Kjellberg did not testify ess community contact the local April 4, 2003 - Koropchak directed Mark Ruff, Eh�ers & Associates, to contact Pat Sawatzke to ensure that Pat understood the benefits of the prop sed bill from a standpoint of both timing and fiscal implications. April 8, 2003 - Koropchak attends Chamber April 9, 2003 - Mayor Thielen and Koropchak atte Anderson and Sen. Ourada, Mayor Thielen and I resolve your concerns ?'" Mayor Thielen offers to 2 meeting to explain benefits of proposed bill. City Day at the Capitol and visit with Rep. opchak ask, "What do we need to do to to a letter of assurance. (See attached). P April 10, 2003 - Letter drafted and executed. April 11, 2003 - Fetter and copies mailed. 1 benefits of the bill. Copy of the letter given opcnak meets with Sawatzke to again outline Sawatzke. STATUS OF THE BILL - The bill has been introduced to the Senate Tax Committee and would become a part of the Omnibus Tax Bill if carr ed forward. The Bill does not have to be introduced to the House Committee; however, this is very unusual. Lobbyist Choi indicates he has never had opposition on a Bill that requests extending the 5 -year activity rule which would allow a community to work on additional redevelopment projects. TIF DIS Draft copy of a letter prepared by HRA A to Production Stamping. CT NO. 1 -23 relative to assigning the TIF Contract with JAC Representative Bruce Anderson Room 437 175 State Office Building St. Paul, MN 55155 April 10, �003 Re: Monticello Special Legislation Bill - To extend the 5 -year rule from June 30, 1997, to June 30, 2007, for TIF District No. 1 -22. Dear Rep. Anderson: I appreciate you taking the time to meet with John Choi, 011ie Koropchak, and myself yesterday. I want to reiterate that your concerns were heard and please be assured that the City Council. Housing and Redevelopment Authority, Chamber of Commerce, and city staff will work with the property owners of pending and future redevelopment projects lying within the boundaries of TIF District No. 1 -22. Should you have further questions, please call 011ie at In advance, thank you for your support. Respectfully, CITY OF MONTICELLO Bruce Thielen Mayor c: Senator Mark Ourada Pat Sawatzke Keith Kjellber4- John Choi, HRA Lobbyist Council Members ✓ HRA Commissioners Chamber of Chamber File 63 -271 -3208. Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362 -8831 • (763) 295 -2711 • Fax: (763) 295 -4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd.. Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295 -3170 • Fax: (763) 271 -3272 HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO STATE OF MINNESOTA Commissioner Steve Andrews introduced the following resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 03 -02 APPROVING SPECIAL LEGISLATION BILL WHEREAS, on April 11, 1996, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, entered into a Contract with the Hoisington Koelger Group, Inc. for the purpose to spearhead community workshops to provide and evaluate the potential for the downtown and riverfront area. Through the efforts of the Monticello Community Partners and the Hoisington Koelger Group, Inc., the New Bridge - Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and Riverfront Plan developed; and WHEREAS, on March 10, 1997, the City Council adopted a resolution modifying the Redevelopment Plan of Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1 and establishing Tax Increment Finance District No. 1 -22; and WHEREAS, on June 30, 1997, Tax Increment Finance District No. 1 -22 was certified by the County of Wright; and WHEREAS, on September 22. 1997, the City Council amended the Monticello Comprehensive Plan to include the New Bridge - Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and Riverfront Plan; and ' WHEREAS, on July 30, 2001, the City Council issued Taxable G. O. Temporary Tax Increment Bonds and under the rule the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello could expend those bond proceeds until July 30, 2004; and WHEREAS, on Nlarch 24. 2003, the City Council adopted a resolution endorsing a Special Ire �,islation Bill to extend the five -year activity rule for TIF District No. 1 -22; and WHEREAS, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota, Finds the extension to be in the public interest because: The extension of the five -year rule to ten years from June 30, 1997, to June 30. 2007, allows the Authority additional time to complete pending and other redevelopment projects (activities) within the Downtown TIF District carrying out the ,oals and objectives of the Central Nlonticcllo Redevelopment Project No. I Plan and the Revitalizing Monticello's Downtown and Riverfront Plan (Comprehensive Plan). FIRA Resolution No. 03 -02 2. The extension allows the Authority the method as well as the up- front finance (ibility to use the pay -as- you -;o finance hod. 3. The extension allows the Authority the flexibility to increase the amount of the temporary bonds when refinanced if determined nec ssarv. 4. The extension does not request extending) the 25 -year life of the district. 5. Without the extension and as a result of th class rate compression, the future pending projects must be completed by July 30, 20 4, in order to repay the temporary bonds. NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED b: and for the City of Monticello. Minnesota, appro five -year rule to ten years for TIF District No. I- Authority's staff to take such action as is necessa to permit additional financing (whether issuance 2007. the Housing and Redevelopment Authority in -s the Special Legislation Bill to extend the 2, City of Monticello, and authorizes the y to cause enactment of such Bill. The effect f bonds or pay -as- you -go) through June 30, The motion for the adoption of the foregoing r solution was duly seconded by Commissioner Darrin Lahr and upon a vote being tak n thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: 4 Brad Barger and Bill Fair, Steve Commissioner Dan Frie was absent: and the following voted against the same: Dated: 2nd ATTEST: clay of April. 2003. Q) \KM 0 �� 011ie Koropchak, ExCCLI v i'f7 rector Andrews and Darrin Lahr Bract Barger, FIRA Chair [On City /PIRA Letterheads Charles Van Pleel Allied Properties & Management, LLC 20600 County Road 81 Rogers, MN 55374. RE: J.A.C. Development, LLC Matter Dear Chuck: We understand that J.A.C. Development, LLC ( "JAC ") intends to sell the property at Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Third Addition to Production Stamping, Inc. As you know, JAC is currently obligated to the PIRA under certain provisions of the Contract for Private Redevelopment, originally with Allied Companies, LLC dated as of June 3, 1998, as amended by a First Amendment dated July 28, 1999 (the "Contract "). JAC was an assignee of Allied Companies, LLC. In prior assignment documents. JAC expressly retained the obligation to pay tax increment deficiencies under Section 3.5(b) of the amended Contract. The HRA has determined that as of the current date, there is an outstanding tax increment deficiency under Section 3.5(b) in the amount of $18,795. This deficiency was created by property tax reforms enacted in 2001, which reduced the tax increment collected from commercial property throughout Minnesota. The HRA also estimates that tax increment will continue to fall short of the required payments through August 1. 2005 (the final payment date under the Contract). Based on current projections Of tax increment collection in 2003 (approximately $34,000 of "Available Tax Increment"), it appears that the shortfall will be about $19.500 in each of years 2003 and 2004. Based oil discussions with the PIRA board chair, I will make the following recommendation to the HRA for considerationat its first meeting in May: 1. If JAC pays the outstanding deficiency ($18.795), the HRA would revise the remaining payment schedule to reflect current estimates of tax increment, including extension of time for payment if necessary (up to February 1. 2009). We currently expect that such revision would eliminate future deficiencies, though the HRA can make no warranties to that effect. 2. Production Stamping would assume the obligations under- Section 3.5(b) of the Contract in the event further tax increment deficiencies occur (despite the revised payment schedule). Production Stamping would also assume the obligation to ensure that all jobs at the property after the transfer will meet the requirements of Section 3.7(c) of the Contract (i.e., at least 90% are filled by persons earning at least 160% of the applicable federal minimum wage). This obligation remains in effect only until the final payment under Section 15(b). 3. The assessment agreement remains in effect and is binding on Production Stamping. That agreement sets the mininlunl market value of the property at $ 1,825,000. 4. We also understand that JAC will pay up to $1,500 of the I IRAs legal costs in connection with modification of the Contract. 5. Upon JAC's payment of the outstanding assumption between JAC and Production Stara from all obligations under the Contract. J deficiency and eXecution of an assignment and g as described above, the [IRA will release JAC These terms are subject to approval by the FIRA b under Section 3.5(b) is subject to approval by the loan and the HRA has pledged to repay all the am both bodies approve, these terms would be locum If you have further questions, please let me know. Sincerely, 011ie Koropehak : rd. In addition. the change in payment schedule pity Council, because the City made the original ants received under that provision to the City. If in an amendment to the Contract.