Planning Commission Minutes 06-26-1995 (Special Meeting) . MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, June 26, 1995 - 7 p.m. Members: Chairman Dick. Frie, John Bogart, Rod Dragsten, Dick. Martie Members Absent: Richard Carlson Staff: Jeff O'Neill, Gary Anderson, Wanda Kraemer 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order. Frie brought to the attention of the Commission that Items 4, 5, and 6 had been withdrawn by the applicant. 2. Public Hearinr--Consideration of a reQJ1est to amend Section 3-9 E2 of the Monticello Zonine- Ordinance by reinstatinr options for controlling signs sign size for properties located in the PZM. B-1 r B-2. B-3r B-4, 1-1. and 1-2 districts. Applicantr Monticello Plannine- Commission. Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Administrator, thanked the applicant for their patience during the process of developing the sign system for Riverstreet Station. . O'Neill reported that a recent series of amendments to the sign ordinance inadvertently resulted in the removal of an important section of the sign ordinance which needs to be reinstated in order for the River Street Station request to proceed. Essentially, this is a housekeeping matter with the Planning Commission being asked to reinstate language removed from the ordinance by mistake. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. There was no discussion so the hearing was closed. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO REINSTATE OPTION A AND OPTION B LANGUAGE TO RETURN THE SIGN ORDINANCE TO CONDITIONS PRIOR TO INADVERTENTLY REMOVAL OF OPTIONS A AND B. SECONDED BY ROD DRAGSTEN. Motion passed unanimously. 3. Continued Pubic Hearinr--ConAideration of a reQJ1est for a conditional use permit to allow three (3) hUAiness signA on one property under a comprehensive Ai~ plan. Applicant, Riverstreet Station. . O'Neill explained that Riverstreet Station is seeking a conditional use permit Page 1 . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 06/26/95 which would allow establishment of a sign system for a building that contains three or more business uses. Presently, Riverstreet Station contains eight business uses, which includes an antique mall and seven office uses. There were a number of variances that were requested associated with the original sign plan proposed by Riverstreet Station. After further review of the sign ordinance and site conditions, the applicant has decided to modify the original application by utilizing primarily a pylon sign versus wall signs as originally contemplated. This decision has a positive effect of allowing the development of the sign system that needs no variances. Under the original proposal, at least two variances were needed in order for the conditional use permit to be approved. Riverstreet has 191 lineal feet of frontage, which per city code, will allow 58 square feet of signage on a two.sided pylon sign. In addition there will be a wall sign on the south side of the structure. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Tom Brion, owner Riverstreet Station, wanted to clarify that the CUP would allow three or more signs on one property. . O'Neill stated that three or more signs would be correct. It is time that the Commission looked at the entire sign ordinance to make sure it is up to date. There have been many changes in the last 15 years, especially in the downtown area, and time should be taken to review our sign ordinance during the comprehensive planning procedure. There was an agreement among the commissioners to study the sign ordinance at the next comprehensive plan meeting in July. Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. JON BOGART MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT ALLOWING A SIGN SYSTEM WITH THREE OR MORE BUSINESS USES BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE SIGN SYSTEM PROPOSED IS CONSISTENT WITH CITY CODE IN ALL RESPECTS AND IS CONSISTENT WITH THE CHARACTER OF THE BUSINESS IN WHICH IT IS LOCATED. SECONDED BY DICK MARTIE. Motion passed unanimously. . Page 2 . . . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 06/26/95 4. Continued Public Hearini--Consideration of a variance request to allow the placini of individual tenant si&:ns on more than one side of the a buildini. Applicant. Riverstreet Station. - WITHDRAWN 5. Continued Public Hearini--Consideration of a request for a variance to allow more than 100 sq. ft of ai&:;re~te si&:n area on one property. Applicant, Riverstreet Station.- WITHDRAWN 6. Continued Public Hearini--Consideration of a request for a variance to allow a roofsifiPl. Applicant, Riverstreet Station.-WITHDRAWN Other. The Planning Commission agreed that the July meeting should be on Wednesday, July 5th, at 7.p.m. because of the 4th of July holiday. 7. Atljournment. There being no further discussion the meeting was adjourned Respectfully submitted, LA)~/U'k. }<A,/) &rJ1tJ^---' Wanda Kraemer Development Services Technician Page 3