City Council Agenda Packet 04-12-2004 AGENDA REGULAR MEETIN(; - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, April 12, 2004 - 7 p.m. REMINDER: WORKSHOP MEETING ON APRIL 12,2004 AT 5:30 P.M Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. Approve minutes of March 22, 2004 regular Council meeting. '11]. Ac!V',.. G~--JJ 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. a. Michelle Brandt - Groveland Park 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration ofratify new hires for the MCC. B. Consideration of appointment to fill vacancy on Library Board C. Consideration of approving final plat and development agreement for Autumn Ridge III Addition. Consideration of cost estimate for on street, angled parking and boulevard improvements on Walnut Street adjacent to the Dan Olson property and authorizing staff to obtain bids on the work. :r. c...,.d tI,.l!.tfd!I4./.I~.,J OA-d(i.~'1 A~-\.().-.-r/ll j),,(~, Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. D. D-S(}t~ GJ wt ~ F. G. ,;(0... \.Lt.. @ \ ~Iv. ~ I. 6. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-l District. Applicant: JasonVanderHeyden. Consideration of approving preliminary plat for Timber Ridge III final plat. and conditional use permit to allow five 4 unit townhouses in an R-2 District. Consideration of amendment to final plat and rezoning request for Carlisle Village. Consideration of authorizing election equipment purchase. Consideration of ratifying policy issues f()J" presentation to Wright County Comm issi oners. f~~ Co.iI ,h~ (v.. -f\.lA.f ~o~ J.. s . . . Agenda Monticello City Council April 12, 2004 Page 2 7. Presentation by Margo Askin and Tom Parker of the Library Board on expansion of library facility and requesting authorization to begin work with an architect on the proposed expansIOn. 8. Consideration of approving a resolution of negative impact - Sunny Fresh/Old Community Methodist Church. 9. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and setting a public hearing date - Prairie Road Improvements. 10. Consideration of approval of purchase agreement for acquisition of industrial land. II. Review of bids for overflow parking lot on Walnut Street north of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway, City Project No. 2003-18C. 12. Consideration of purchase of property at 224 East 4 tll Street. 13. Consideration of authorizing staff to sign off on completed EA W for WaI-Mart site 14. Approve payment of bills for April. 15. Adjourn. . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 22, 2004 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledl!e of Alle~ianee. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and deelared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2. A rove minutes of March 8 2004 re ular Council meetin . ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 8, 2004 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETrNG. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the al!enda. Bnlce Thielen added scheduling of a workshop meeting. nrian Stumpf requested that agenda item # 12 be added to the consent agenda. Robbie Smith asked for a clarification on a conditional use permit that was granted to Amax Storage. Matt Brokl added that as part of the closed meeting there would be a discussion ofthe proposed settlement in the Franks assessment appeal. . 4. Citizen comments. oetitions. reauests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comments portion of the meeting. Lance Lindstrom from Silver Creek Township noted that his comments related to agenda item #11 which dealt with the proposed MnDOT options for a 1-94/Highway 10 connection. I Ie stated he has a signed petition that sets out their opposition toMnDOT's proposal. Mayor Thielen directed that the petition be left with city staff. 5. Consent Al:enda A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the liquor store. Recommendation: Approve the new hires as identified. B. Approval of beer license for Monticello Lions for River Fest Celebration. Recommendation: Approve a temporary liccnse for the Lions Club for River Fest activities on July 10-11,2004. . 2 Council Minutes - 3/22/04 . c. Approve renewal of charitable gambling licenses for Monticello Lions Club. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving renewal of charitable gambling license for the Monticello Lions Club for gambling activities at Monticello Country Club, Hawks Sports Bar and Grill and River City Lanes. D. Consideration of authorizing expenditure for representatives of Fire Department to attend a vendors expo. Recommendation: Authorize an expenditure of up to $1,000 for representatives ofthe Fire Department to attend the vendors expo at the FDIC Conference in Indianapolis. F Consideration of authorizing advertisement for bids for a new fire tanker. Recommendation: Authorize the Monticello Joint Fire Board to proceed with advertisement for bids for a new 3,000 gallon tanker truck. f. Consideration of adopting a resolution in support ofDNR grant for dock installation at West Bridge Park. Recommendation: Approve a resolution authorizing the City of Montic-ello to enter into an agreement with the DNR for installation of a fishing pier at West Bridge Park. G. Review well head protection delineation and consideration of forwarding to Minnesota Department of Health. (Agenda Item # 12) - Recommendation: Review the draft report and authorize its submittal to the Minnesota Department of llealth. . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE TI IE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE ADDITION OF AGENDA ITEM #12 AS 50. ROBBlE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Public Hearinl! on vacation of drainage and utility casements for Lots 5 & 6 and 7 & S. Block 3 of the Meadows rd Addition. Deputy City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill explained that as part of a conditional use permit to allow the construction of two 4 unit structures on these combined lots, the interior drainage and utility easements on Lots 5 and 6, and Lot 7 and g, Block 3 of the Meadows 2nu Addition were to be vacated. The City has complied with the requirements for posted and published notice of the hearing for the easement vacation. . Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing on the easement vacation. Mike Schneider from l-Iomestead Multi-Family Development Corporation spoke to the Council. He stated that when the administrative lot combination was approved in January, the City required that a development agreement be drafted to cover this development. Mike Schneider stated the 2 L . . . Council Minutes - 3/22/04 development agreement spelled out charges for trunk sanitary sewer, trunk water, trunk storm sewer and park and pathway fees. He questioned whether these charges were appropriate since these lots were already platted and would have paid these charges when the plat of the Meadows 2nd Addition was approved. He did not fecI because platted lots were combined that there should be additional charges. Mayor Thielen pointed out that the hearing was to cover the vacation of an easement and that development charges were not part of the public hearing notice. Jeff 0 'N eill stated that this is somewhat of a gray area but he could supply inf(Jrmation to the Council on how it had been handled in the past. Brian Stumpf suggested that the staff show how the fees were calculated and present this information to the Council at their next meeting. Mayor Thielcn asked Mike Schneider whether he wished the public hearing be continued to the next meeting or whether he wanted the Council aet on the vacation request at this meeting. Mr. Schneider indicated he would prefer to have the Council act on the vacation request at this time. Mayor ThicIen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPf MOVED '1'0 APPROVE THE RESOLUTION VACATING THE INTERIOR LOT LINE EASEMENTS FOR LOTS 5 AND 6 AND LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 3 TI IE MEADOWS SECOND ADDITION. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED TI-IE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Public Henrill!:! on 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project No. 2004-06C nnd consideration of authorizine approval of proiect nnd orderine plnns and sllecifications. City Engineer, Bret Weiss stated that an informational meeting on the proposed Core Street Reconstruction Projeet was held on March 16, 2004 with about 25 people in attendance. A summary of the information presented at that meeting was being presented tonight as pmi of the public hearing. One of the items that came out of the iniormational meeting was that there are a number of drainage problems in the Meadow Oaks area that the residents would like the Council to consider as part of this project. Bret Weiss also noted an issue with Sandberg Road as referenced in the letter the Council received from Monticello Auto Body. He indicated that a letter has been sent to MnDOT on this matter but he gave no assurance that MnDOT would allow any direct connection to TH 25 at this location. He felt there were other options like a cuI-dc-sac that would have to be considered. At this point Kevin Kawlcwski gave presentation on the proposed 2004 Core Street Reconstruction Project. This presentation outlined the project area, the work proposed to be done, the estimated cost of the work and the funding sources including estimated assessment rates. He noted that addressing the drainage concerns raised at the informational meeting could add costs to the project that may be assessed back to the propeliy owners if the Council so determined. The Council would also need to make a determination ifmicrosurfacing was done on Sandberg Road would this cost be assessed. Kevin Kawlewski indicated that work on the portion of School Boulevard between TH 25 and Edmonson Avenue may be delayed because or development activity in that area. 3 L Council Minutes - 3/22/04 . The estimated cost ofthe project is $1,859,910 with estimated assessment rates of $2,555 for single family lots and $57/front foot for non-residential lots. It is also proposed that 50% of the mill and overlay work be assessed on a front foot basis. New improvements such as curb and gutter if installed would be assessed at 100% of cost. An amortized schedule of an assessment of $2,555 at 6% was shown to give residents an idea of how the assessment costs would be spread. If the Council orders the improvement it is proposed that plans and specifications would come back to the Council for approval at their April 26th meeting and bids could be received on May 6,2004. Mayor Thielen then opened the public hearing on the Core Street Reconstruction Project. Gary Kraft, 1100 Meadow Oak Drive, spoke to the Council concerning drainage problems in the Meadow Oakes area. He indicated that the drainage along the back yards was poor and has become worse since additional development has taken place in the area. He stated that the development located behind his property was laid out so that the runoff was directed toward his property and in periods of heavy rain some of the basements in this area had Hooded. He asked that the Council direct the city engineer to look at these problems and consider remedies to the drainage problems as part of the Core Street Project. . City Engineer, Brei Weiss responded that both he and Public Works Director, John Simola had looked at this area. He noted that there is a stream of runoff water coming the through the Parkside at Meadow Oaks development from the wetland area that affects drainage in this area. They will consider the drainage issues and possible solutions. Gary Kraft also pointed out there arc erosion problems because a number of properties in the area do not have their yards in yet. Kevin Lang, 2862 Oakview Drive also spoke to the Council concerning drainage issues. He stated that his development and the one behind him were done so that the back yards were suppose to slope in such a way as to drain to a culvert but that is not the case. He stated that often there is water standing in their back yards and requested that the Council consider doing something about the drainage problem as part of this project. Jay Morrell, l200 Sandberg Road questioned the proposed assessment specifically asking whether commercial/industrial property could be assessed for street improvements on more than one side. Bret Weiss stated that for residential property the assessment is for only one side but for commercial/industrial property it is different. Jay Morrell pointed out that his property had been assessed for improvements done under the Chelsea Road West Project and the TH 25 Project. It was noted that these assessments were for storm sewer and sanitary sewer and not street improvements. Bret Weiss stated they would be meeting with property owners in that area as far as construction of a cul-de-sac or other possible options. . Mayor Thielen then dosed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf asked what the schedule was to finish the work remaining on the first phase of the Core Street Reconstruction program. Kevin Kawlcwski stated that the wear course and restoration work would be done in .1 une. 4 2- . . . Council Minutes - 3/22/04 Bret Weiss stated that in looking at using microsurfacing on School Boulevard they were going on the assumption that this work would be considered maintenance and would not be assessed. On Sandberg Road the engineer felt that a mill and overlay would be the best option. Mayor Thielen asked the engineer to explain for the residents present what microsurfacing and sea\coating were. Kevin Kawlewski stated that with microsurfacing you are adding some structural component to the road whereas sealcoating is basically sealing the road surface to prevent water from penetrating into the roadway. Mill and overlay provides a greater strength to the roadway since it is giving the road a new I Y2" to 2" wear surface. Bret Weiss pointed out that one option is not suitable in all situations so before they decided on what option to use they looked at the condition of the street and what problem they are trying to correct with the street reconstruction. Glen posusta questioned whether the proposed improvements would extend the life of the street for as long as the City Engineer and Public Works Director indicated and he also questioned such a big expenditure of funds when the streets most in need of repair were not included in this project. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ORDER THE IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE 2004 STREET RECONSTRUCTION PROJECT AREA 2, PROJECT NO. 2004-06C AS OUTLINED IN THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND RECOMMENDED BY THE CITY ENGINEER AND TO INCLUDE CONSIDERATION OF THE DRAINAGE PROBLEMS IN AREA 213. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 9. Consideration of ado. tin a resolution establishin a ne ative declaration of im act relatin ~ to the ro osed demolition of the old Communit Methodist Church buildin by Sunny Fresh Foods. Jeff 0' Neill provided the background on this item noting that a negative declaration of impact on the proposed demolition of the old Community Methodist Church building would be the final step in the EA W process. This would then allow Sunny fresh to remove or demolish the building which is currently located on Sunny Fresh property. The Monticello Arts Council had considered use ofthe building but it did not meet their needs. There is another party that has expressed interest in using the building which is the Swan River Montessori Charter School. Discussions have taken place between Sunny Fresh and Swan River Montessori Charter School concerning the use of the old Community Methodist Church building but no agreement has been reached at this point. Brian Stumpf noted that by adopting a negative declaration of impact it does not mean that discussions between Sunny Fresh and the school would cease. Bruce Thielen felt the item should be tabled to allow the school more time to put this package together. The school would be for pre-school through grade 6 and would be open to students outside the Monticello area. Michelle Twardy from the school stated the school is in the process of gelting their funding established 5 2- . . . Council Minutes - 3/22/04 Glen Posusta asked ifthe building would still be moved to city owned property. Jeff O'Neill stated that although the details have not been worked out that is the assumption. Glen Posusta asked whether it wouldn't be more cost effective for the school to build new rather than utilize the existing building. Michelle Twardy stated that the building fits the image ofthe school as the school is a community school not a private school. The school would be adding on to the building. Roger Carlson asked if the school was a non-profit organization and whether they would be paying property taxes. Michelle Twardy stated they are non-profit but she wasn't sure on the property tax question. GLEN POSlJSTA MOVED TO TABLE CONSIDERATION OF ADOPTING A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A NEGATIVE DECLARATION OF IMPACT ON THE PROPOSED DEMOLITION OF THE OLD COMMUNITY METHODIST CHURCH BUILDING UNTIL 'fHE APRIL 12,2004 MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of approvine Monticello Community Ice Arena A!!reement. Matt Brokl informed the Council that negotiations were continuing on the ice arena agreement with the school and hockey association. He stated that city has been asked to participate in funding as well as issue the bonds. Bruce Thielen stated that there has to be a true exchange of value so for the $40,000 the City would be supplying a true exchange in value would be 266 hours of ice time. This will come back to the Council at a future meeting. 11. Presentation of information on MnDDT's proposed options on a connection from 1-94 and Highwavl 0 and potential impact on Monticello transportation design issues and consideration of Council resolution supportin!! an option.. The Council was provided with information on the various options MnDOT is considering for the river crossing from 1-94 to Highway 10. Bret Weiss indicated that the project is being planned for 2017 provided funding is in place. City staff met with a lobbyist who is representing property owners in Becker and in Clearwater. According to the lobbyist, the primary benefit to Monticello of the river crossing would be that TH 25 would be the last stop before people would be going on the new roadway. This could bring trai1ic into the City. It is anticipated that the river crossing could reduce vehicle tratlic on TH 25 by 5%. According to MnDOT crossings in Monticello and Otsego would be crossings that would significantly reduce traffic on Tl-I 25. City Engineer, Bret Weiss, felt this was one decision the City did not need to get involved in as he did not see any benefit to the City if one option was selected over another. He noted one concern with Option D is whether the City could get an interchange at Orchard Road because of the close proximity. He felt Option C gave the most space as far as interchange. Bruce Thielen asked if the County was taking a position on these options. Bret Weiss indicated that the County's position was that they did not favor Option A or B. Brian Stumpf asked if the City was required to take any action. Bret Weiss indicated that it was not necessary. The City could say that they want MnDOT to study the options but allow MnDOT to select the most appropriate option. 6 2- . . . Council Minutes - 3/22/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT THE CITY SUPPORT I'HE STATE OF MINNESOTA IN BEING PROACTIVE IN DETERMINING A LOCATION FOR A RIVER CROSSING BUT NOT TAKE ANY FORMAL POSITION ON SELECTING AN OPTION FOR TIlE CROSSING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 12. Review well head protcction delineation and consideration of forwardine: to Minnesota Dcoartment of Health. Approved as item #5G on the consent agenda. 13. U date on railroad crossin - Territorial Road!7th Street closed scssion . This item was moved to the last item since it involved a closed session. 14. Aporove payment of bills for March. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: Bruce Thielen requested that the Council consider setting a workshop meeting prior to the next regular Council meeting to consider building fees. The time set for the workshop is April 12, 2004 at 5:30 p.m. Robbie Smith asked about the conditional use permit granted to Amax Storage and whether removal oUhe truck was a requirement of that conditional use permit. If so, he wanted to know why it has not been removed. Jeif O'Neill stated there is some ambiguity with this issue. If an operating vehicle parked in somebody' s yard contains advertisi ng on the vehicle, it is not considered as signage and the City has not been agressive in enforcing signage on the side of a vehicle.. If the vehicle is moved to a site and remains there it is considered an advertising sign and subject to the regulations of the ordinance. In addition Jeff O'Neill stated that during the time the conditional use permit is granted, the City does not actively take enforcement against existing violations of the ordinance by the applicant for the conditional use permit. Glen posllsta stated he is in the process of a getting a sign designed and getting prices. It is his intent to remove the truck when the sign is installed but he could not provide a date for when that would be. Robbie Smith stated he remembers asking over a year ago if the truck was going to be removed and the answer then was yes but the truck is still there. Closed Session: At this time the Council went into closed session to discuss proposed settlement agreements on the Franks special assessment appeal and on the railroad crossing at 7th Street and Territorial Road. Upon 7 2- . . . Council Minutes - 3/22/04 completion of the closed meeting, Mayor Thielen reopened the regular meeting and stated in summary the purpose of the closed session. 15. Adjourn ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:15 P.M. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 8 ;:2 . . '. SA. Council Agenda - 4/12/04 Consideration of approvinlZ new hires and departures for MCC. (RW) A. REFERENCE ANn BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently at the MCC. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . Name Schroden, Warren . Name Matuska, Jeremy . NEW EMPLOYEES Title Lifeguard Department MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason involuntary employee councillist.xls: 3/23/2004 Department Liquor Hire Date Class 3/8/2004 part time Last Day Class 3/18/2004 part time 5~ . . . A. Council Agenda - 4/12/04 5B. Consideration of approving the appointments to the Library Board. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: 'fhe Library Board is submitting to the City Council the names of Jacqueline Gordon to be appointed to 1111 the vacancy left by Jim MaLIs, who chose not to serve another term and Eric Anderson to complete the term of Diane Herbst who resigned her position for work related reasons. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Approve the appointment of Jacqueline Gordon to a three year term running through December 31, 2006 and the appointment of Eric Anderson to complete the term of Diane Herbst which expires December 31, 2004. 2. Do not approve the appointment. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Library Board that Jacqueline Gordon and Eric Anderson be appointed to fill the vacancies on the Library Board as noted. SUPPORTING DATA: None. . . . sc. A. Council Agenda - 4/12/04 Consideration of approvin~ final plat and development al!rcement for Autumn Ridge 3"1 and 4 Additions. (JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to adopt the final plat for both the Autumn Ridge 3rd and 4th additions. The project has been proceeding at a brisk pace and therefore the developer is requesting that both the 3rd and 4th additions be platted at this time. A spreadsheet describing the basics ofthc plat is attached. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: c. D. 1. Motion to approve final play of Autumn Ridge 3rd and 4th Additions subject to completion and execution of a development agreement along with deposit of required securities. 2. Motion to deny approval of final plat. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of finance plan. Copy of final plat at meeting. Summary of expenses - Autumn Ridge III Addition Autumn Ridge Townhomes .pril 2, 2004 Area Charges and Assessments and other Securities Based on 11 Gross Acres - 91 Units in Third Phase. Park - $1,200 per unit Pathway - $238 per unit Sanitary Sewer Watermaln Storm Sewer (net acres) Total amount to Assess Per lot Assessment based on 91 Units City overhead eity Fee ( General overhead and Admin) Flat rate Legal and Planning 2.00% 2.00% Engineering and Inspection 10,00%1 Total City Fees Disbursement Agreement Calculation Construction Costs , Estimate Percent Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads Driveways and sidewalks Total ,Disbursement Agreement amount (Total cost X 100%) Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond 25.00% Other Items Requiring Security Landscaping Letter of Credit provided by Scott Wold Total Lots' $1.250 . $213,162.08 $2,342.44 91 ERR, Flat rate" no reconciliation at project completion ERR ,Consultants fees reconciled at project completion , ERR 'Inspector time and Engineer reconciled at project com ERR Paid at initiation of project Const Cost ITBD T8D TBD T8D Lower costs reflect fact that a portion of the work done with phase I and !accounted in previous DA $900,000 'Estimate based on previos Projects $900,000 Can be reduced but held until project complete $225,000 $113,750 'Separate LOC from Scott Wold Prior to granting building perm!. Roll-over from previous phase allowed, . . . Council Agenda ~ 04/12/04 5D. Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a detached accessory structure in an R-l District. Applicant: Jason VanderHeyden. (10) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Jason VanderHeyden is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second garage on his property at 4537 Cobblestone Court. The new garage would be detached, and a total of 960 square feet in area. 'The existing attached garage is 544 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance permits a total fup to 1,200 square feet of garage space as permitted accessory space teJr an R-I Single Family home. In addition, no accessory building can exceed more than 10% of the rear yard area. However, up to 1,500 square feet of total area can be constructed with a Conditional Use Permit, under the following conditions: (a) Accessory building space is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. The applicant's rear yard is more than 12,000 square feet in area, and as such, the 10% threshold will not be a concern. The total sq uare footage of the garage space on the property, as designed, would be 1,504 square feet. By reducing one side of the new building by a few inches, the building can be made to meet the standard. In addition, the applicant's plans and application letter indicate an intent to meet the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit provisions. During the Planning Commission meeting the applicant requested construction of a cement driveway to the structure. After discussion the Planning Commission determined that long driveway would not be desirable at this location because it would reduce green space and encourage vehicle parking in the rear yard area in front of the garage. The Planning commission recommended approval under Alternate #1 below. Council Agenda - 04/12/04 . ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a dctached accessory garage, with the condition that the applicant meet each of the requirements of the zoning ordinance, including the 1,500 square foot threshold. Applicant allowed to install cement apron in front of accessory building enabling vehicle turn-around movement. No driveway off rear yard area parking is allowed with this approval. 2. Motion to recommend dcnial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the building would be out of character with thc neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. The rear yard for this parcel is quite large, and the 10% rule was designed to ensure that large accessory buildings do not overwhelm the open feel of the lot or the neighborhood. Thc applicant easily meets the threshold with the project. With the comments that the building will be finished to match the house, and the 1,500 square foot maximum is met, planning staff believes that the building is appropriate for the site. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Letter ofIntent C. Floor Plan D. Front Elevation E. Side Elevation F. Cross Scction G. Site Survey . 2 ~ 'oN 'fia&~~uojt<H "3. uOll!r4 . . . ~r-~ /' 1/ Y /~ ~t:/!/ . ~'. JO ,(op 61 ' ~3801JO 86 paUD!S &14l &n ,(q piM Hl[,1 "Dlosauu!r~ ~o a1D1S a41 ~o SMDI 941 J9pUn Ja. pUDl PSJ"lS!6a~ ,{Inp 0 WO I lD4l PUD 'UO!S!AJ9dns 1:>9 Japun JO aw ,(q pSJodSJd SOM ,{aAJnS G!4l 1041 ,{mJS::l ,(q "lUaUJ ,(q papl^oJd UDI1DUJJOJuI JO pJOJ9J ~o SlOld WOJl aJD UM04S SlUaWQSD9 ,( & a~ ~;;; ~(f " NOlllaav Hi V S~~V.:l N131)4 'I )4:)018 '/I 101 --Zl'VV/-_ Z/ I-- I / 1.s~ t; / < ' \\\ L _ '~'-_~ ~ \ ~ I \ ~ I ~. \ ,fJ' I ZI" \ 4 I \ ,$ \ .$)./ \ J:l./ \ f./ \ ~ /./ \ I~/ O~\ / )./ . _ 01 rf,,-- f- ~. - -- ._~ J 1.9 I c,; ~ l -'I~Z.+ :!: .t) I C \:) I (l 0 I _,. VI (." C 1-' j). , .~ ~ \../J \ I / / ", Ov '55~ - U01:j.B^813 6u1,+oo::l ,+s8Mol o )5 )E () o o ,~ ,.--, N (JI PJ o 1 o -'" ,. ( Cl\ ./ III ,s '" ..- awn!! 'TN 5A . ~ :5 "' ..eu;.n ;: ~3~ i li(f.):== ~ 'g .1Ii ... E - ~ f o c;; .!! :2 o o It) ..... .., ~J ~~~ 1 ~ '" ~ - --.... J - ~ . . ~ ~ F:~;= Monticello Planning Commission, We are applying for a conditional use permit for the purpose of building a detached garage. Our intended use of this accessory building is to be utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property. As residents/homeowners of the city of Monticello, we have realized that common purchases that many single-family homeowners buy have become too much for our standard sized attached garage to store. The items to be stored and that we are referring to are a fifth-wheel camper, riding lawnmower/snow blower, snowmobile trailer, 4 wheelers, motorcycle and potentially other recreational items as we continue to grow as a family here in Monticello. This accessory building will in no way be utilized for commercial purposes and will not be crowding the open space of our lot. By granting our request for this conditional use permit you will allow us to store all of the above listed items in one place contained very neatly in a similar architectural style building to our current principal building, our home; rather than our current method of storing such items which is outside next to our attached garage. ~.: - ,.. \0.. 1.,.,,- II S~ . . . . ~:: ~.:..~:& . -:::-.: ,~" ; " ,\~_' ....., 7''''' T':;" .:if '~ :' ~'? " '... :5:! 7;/1 ':1' .',,{ ;.1=.' Jl " 'v. )'"" ,',,',"f' -- -- --,- .:\! J::. /:"" +f "J ;... 'e - e J-a- p 'Ioi>H h'C'XOJr /""'10 J" U,' n-, 'el/h ~S',,)-\-- .......o.....u \.UO J "JO h~ or \I , '- \ SuSS' (\) 1- "it 0 0 l:} Y?J- g }OCt 7 ! /""'"\ ~sr-J.1- 1-"0 ~J ~ 9 --. -+--"- -'-.... - ~.- -.' - ."..- ...... V> t QI I: VJ V) :> .. \.- :t t- :~ C4- 0 ~ ex , '. 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I 1 i , I : I J g vf ~ '- ~ ..0 - - '- ~ OQ)~JS> a 0- o '6 :r V" :r- ..o:tt ~ ;;" r' ~ ~ '"'~.<:. V L.r) J I:;:::'''' C"1} ~ 'I C VI '. -a ..,... ~J 'f}~~ - QI oQ .-2. V) .~. c:.. c!l 0'2 q< d , ",r ct.. c::o 'ti ~ Q 5 ~ Q ~ji~(5 UV)LJ- V.f( ~ :-.0 \. at) . C' v 1 c..9 C:.t- {} ~ - ,~ ~ 1\ ~, = VJ~ \i'l Vl Y .,. CJ "-~!:'--I -1 C6 ..l; :~ / . I I \ \) (' .. I 1J1 1: -5, << 3: "- - \5 I I . I I I I Council Agenda - 04/12/04 . 5E. Consideration of a re uest for a PreJimina Plat and Conditional Use Permits for five 4-unit townhouses buildin s in an R-2 District. A Jicant: Mike Schneider, Homestead Housine: Corp. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed the project on April 6, 2004 and recommended approval under Alternative #1. Planning Commission support was due to additions made to the plan including development of a berm/fence and landscaping plan. Mike Schneider has revised plans for his proposed townhouse project along Prairie Road. The City had previously approved eight units north of Prairie Road, and the current proposal includes an addition 20 units south of Prairie Road. The new portion of the development is a replat of the original "Brothers" plat of 7 single family lots. The zoning designation is R-2, which permits single and two-family homes, and aJJows attached townhouses by Conditional Use Permit. ft is the intention of this application (and a requirement of the original eight-unit approval) that the two projects will be combined for final plat and association purposes. The final plat must be processed through the City and County prior to OCcupancy of any of the buildings in either project. fn addition, it is the understanding of staff that the developer is required to provide securities and/or a development agreement prior to beginning construction work on the original 8-unit project. As a result, the plat request is for 28 units on seven lots, however the Conditional Use Permits are needed only for 20 new units. Zoning and Density. The area is zoned R-2, and tour-unit townhouse structures are Conditional Uses in the district. The zoning ordinance permits townhouses at a density of one unit per 5,000 square feet ofJot area. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 20,000 square feet, and as such, the density requirement is met. All units would face public streets, including Prairie Road and a new cul-de-sac extending south from Prairie Road. Preliminwy Plat. The plat itself shows 7 total lots - 2 are located on land north of Prairie Drive, known as "The Meadows", and five located to the south. The two lots to the north mirror the previous lot lines, while the five lots to the south are arrayed both along Prairie Road and around a cul-de-sac. The cul-de-sac was platted as a part of the Brother's Plat, but never constructed. The proposed units appear to meet all setback requirements as designed. It should be noted that there would not be room for porches on the rear of the Building 7 units due to the minimum setbacks being proposed. Future OWners should be made aWare of this issue, as many future Owners expect to be able to add this type of space at some point. With regard to the layout, the units on all buildings appear to be reasonably situated. Staff had raised a concern with Building 6 in the original design, due to its location at Council Agenda - 04/12/04 - the end of the cuI-dc-sac, and the fact that the driveways would require turns in the middle of the driveway for backing vehicles. This condition has been corrected to result in straight driveways, with the exception of one unit. The developer's solution provides tor a "turn-out" design that should be made to accommodate a backing vehicle. Conditional Use Permit. As noted, the four-unit buildings are allowed by CUP in this district. The density easily meets the zoning minimum. The general layout of the units is reasonable, and the existence of all public streets in the project is the preferred design. The following issues are noted with the project: a. The center two units of each structure originally shared a wide driveway. This design has been modified, although landscaping treatment has not been provided as requested in the original report. This addition should be made to the final landscaping plans. b. The project is designed with individual basc.lots tor each unit, with a common area lot owned by the association. The applicant should clearly describe the proposal for the association and common area maintenance. It is presumed that this association will be similar to the Timber Ridge project. c. The landscaping plan has been significantly modified from the original proposal. The plans now show a landscaping screen and low berm along the freeway, supplemented by a pair of 6 foot high walls where the berm is lower and nearest the buildings. Foundation plantings are also included as required. Finally, as with Timber Ridge, a significant landscape buffer is recommended along the boundary of the property adjacent to the single family neighborhoods. This buffer has been proposed to consist of a lilac hedge along the east boundary of the south part of the project, and the north boundary of the northerly eight units. This butTer should be carried along the east boundary of the north eight units as well. . d. The project should accommodate sidewalk on both sides of Prairie Road and a connection to the pathway in Timber Ridge. The City Engineer is formulating plans for the reconstructi on of Prairie Road, and continuation of these sidewalks. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Preliminary Plat for Timber Ridge 3rd Addition I. Motion to recommend approval of the plat, based on findings that the plat meets the requirements of the City's Comprehensive Plan and R-2 Zoning District. . 2. Motion to recommend denial of the plat, based on Gndings that the existing plat 2 Council Agenda - 04/12/04 . layout for single family housing should be preserved. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permits for five 4-unit townhouse buildings. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUPs, based on the applicant meeting the conditions outlined in Exhibit Z and based on findings that the proposed plans are consistent with the R-2 zoning standards and the requirements of the area to ensure public safety and an attractive neighborhood. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the CUPs, based on findings that the location adjacent to the freeway and the access to Prairie Road requires lower densities and greater buffering. STAFF RECOMMENDATION . Staff recommends approval ofthe plans, with the condition that landscaping plans are modified to include landscape treatment in the driveway separation areas, and lilac hedge buffer is added to the east side of the northerly eight units. With these changes and those summarize in Exhibit Z, planning staff believes that the applicant has met the requirements of earlier recommendations. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location B. Preliminary Plat C. Existing Conditions D. Preliminary Utility Plan E. Preliminary Grading Plan F. Preliminary Landscape Plan Z. Conditions of Approval . .., _1 Council Agenda - 04/12/04 . Exhibit Z - Conditions for resubmission of Preliminary Plat 1. Submission of a final plat and execution of a development contract prior to issuance of building permits. 2. Establishment of an association to maintain common areas, including the cul~de- sac island landscaping. 3. Landscape detail is provided for the separation of combined driveways. . 4. Provide sidewalk along both sides of Prairie Road to connect to Timber Ridge in accordance with the City Engineer's plans for the Prairie Road reconstruction project. 5. Provide additional landscaped butfer along the east boundary of the north portion of the project consistent with the rest ofthe project and the recommendations of this report. 6. Compliance with City Engineer recommendations on grading, drainage, utilities, and street construction. 7. Compliance with City Public Works direction for mailbox locations, garbage collection locations, street lighting, and other requirements. . 4 S[ .". ,,-' ,_. ,,-"'. Ci ~ . I '----- ...:~' . .-/~" 'i _ ..______ '-tts' ~ % ~ ~ u ~ 4J, ~ -?,J' r "'{'" (' ~ lpA 5~ " .-.. ~ z z::5 ~I I[~ ;:~~~ ~ I; Zjo... -~.atl$l e ~ ::50.......... 0.. 0... J~ ~ I ~I~~ Vl Cl "" .. %5%0 1-0-Vl 7. I_ I~ ti ::5- cc PI ~ !::i=""Z 08 o...C~f5::5 ..... z ~ ~! ill. ~~8~>->- en z "" "" ",,0::0:: 0 ~!, ! ~ it =ill Z~ClZ~~ iii t;~ ~ 3 :i :i z ill! 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J-/ ,I ~m / y ~I~' iI/ / i)' / / J// /) , / . . . Counci I Agenda - 4/12/04 SF. Consideration of adoption of the final plat and rezonine: reQuest for Carlisle Village. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to adopt a modified version of the plat approved last fall. A new plat needed to be submitted due to the loss of a small portion of land from the original land area. This loss ofland was the result of negotiations over land control along the southern boundary of the plat. The change did not materially affect the plat and it is my understanding that all of the lots meet minimum standards. Phase I development includes construction of utilities and site grading into the edge of the wooded area. At this time work remains to be finalized on the vertical alignment for the road and fine tuning of the tree preservation plan needs to be completed. Staflbelieves that start of work on the project is alright at this time as long as it is understood that work in the wooded area can not move forward until the plans are complete. Also note that the developer has expressed an interest in establishing 40' x 60' building pads in the wooded areas which involves establishment of a tree removal plan on a pad basis versus conducting tree removal on a home by home basis as required under the PUD. Staff believes that the process outlined in the approved PU D has the best chance of preserving trees as desired in the RIA district. The developer is requesting that construction be allowed to commence on April 13th 2004 which is possible with conditions as noted below. . Tree removal, grading and utility work boundaries for Phase 1 to be set by the City Engineer which include restrictions on work in the wooded areas until plans are approved. . Developer provides all securities as required via the attached preliminary finance spreadsheet. . Development agreement is executed which identifies a tree preservation plan for Phase 1 consistent with the Planned Unit Development approval granted by the City Council. Any significant changes of the PUD tree preservation protocol must first be approved by the City Council. . Preliminary Plat documentation on the entire project to be updated prior to initiation of Phase 1. . Tree preservation plan to be established prior to any work being allowed in phase n including tree removal. . . . Council Agenda - 4/12/04 B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve tinal play of Carlisle Village subject to conditions noted above and approve rezoning from Agricultural to a combination of RIA, R2a and R2 districts. 2. Motion to deny approval of final plat. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator Recommends alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of tlnance plan. Copy ofminutcs from Meeting when development stage PUD was approved. Copy of fmal plat at meeting. 1 Summary of Expenses 2 Carlise Village - First Addition 3 4 Area Charges and Assessments 5 Total Acres for phase 6 Total Housing Units for Phase eea Graded with Phase I 10 11 12 ,Park Dedication Provided 13 Trail Outlot 14 15 ,Total Park Dedication Area Provided 16 ,Park Dedication Required (10%) 17 i Park Dedication Deficiency 18 ,Park Dedication Deficiency as a percent of total 19 I Park Dedication per iot gross 20 ,Net Park Park Dedication Required 21, 22 Pathway - $238 per unit 23 241,sanitary Sewer 25 Meadow Oaks Bypass 26 I County Road 18 Utility Crossing 27' 281Watermain 29 'Watermain - Little Mountain Booster Station 30' 31'Stub Street Construction 32' 33 I Storm Sewer (net acres) 341 35 'Totai amount to Assess 36 ' 37 38 39 City FeeslDeposit 401 41 ,City Fee (General overhead and Admin) Flat rate ' 2,00% I 42' 43', 44 ,Estimated Engineering/Planning/Legal pre - 3/2004 , 45 i 46 .gai and Planning - Post 3/2004 , 1ft Station Expense 50' 51 ',Soil Testing 52 53 'Grading Fee Inspection Deposit 54 ' 55 'Engineering and Inspection - Post 3/2004 56 57 58 59 Letter of Credit Calculation 60 61 Construction Costs 62 63 64 65 I Sanitary Sewer 66,Watermain 67 'Storm Sewer 68 'Roads Driveways and sidewaiks 69 'Retaining waiis 70 ,Turn Lane 71 , 72 ,Construction total (Does not include Grading) 73 74 ,Other lems Included In primary LOC. 75 76 Deveioper's record drawings / As Buills 77 Lot Comersllron Monuments 78 79 T otai 80 81 Letter of Credit Amount (Total cost X 125%) 82 83 ,Max i::ng adjaCent to Wetlands (12 lots) 88 Conservation easement delineator posts (8) 89 90 Landscaping/trees 91 Grading Restoration Deposit 92 93 Totai March 30 24 75 (50 Single Family and 25 Townhome sites) 24 Lots 'Acreage ,Acres 'Charge ' , I Credits I I ',Net ,Assessment $2,142, $1,872, IGross ICost I I 0, 0,0000 I 2.4000 I 2.4000 I 100%' $868' $868 ' , ' 1$17,850: $14,000' , I I 24 " $51,4081 $0' 24, $44,928 : $0 I , i $65,100 I $3,850 ',Credit for buiiding path on County 18 $51,408 ' $44,928 ' $41,013 ! 75 , $1,685' $2,303 24 I $40,440 'I 10 " $23,0261 $40,440 I $23,026 ,Bret needs to confirm area I $5,000 : $86,480 'Final $0 " $0 I $5,405 I , 16 I $86,480 I, I I $361,245, $20,659; This is the amount based on estimated project cost :At time final cost known" 2% recaicuiated/reconciled, , 2.00%' $50,000 Added deposit to reflect staff time dealing with project ,prior to final platting. $20,659 'Consultants fees reconciled at project completion , $167,000 I ,NA $0 : Developer contracting directly with Braun. $1,440 ,(Acres (24) X $3,OOO)XD2% 7,00%, , $72,308 ,Inspector /Engineer cost reconciled at project compietion ,Estimate ; Percent ,Const ,Cost ITBD $203,425 ' $191,288' $188,258 $450,000 ' This amount needs to be added $0 ,Covered under County agreement $1,032,971 : $300 ' $0: Included in totai security" not an addition to LOC amount $22,500 'Estimate $1,055,471 ' $1,319,339 'Can be reduced but held until project complete $12,00000 $1,800,00 City to prepare conservation easement Bret Weiss to send Post detail, $20,000.00 First phase only $72,000: (:li3.(I(lO' .:.crr.:age "ffcc;~d) RM\Jl':ed whr.n ~e8rlr.d eot\;lbli~11erl $105,800.00 F; A"'{ C~-'1-d, ftP'--t 'S . EXHIBIT Z Conditions 1. The following tree preservation process is made a part of the development agreement and a security provision making the developer responsible for performance under this process is established. As a part of this process, the developer shall provide an escroW account to cover the City's administrative costs in review and enforcement of the tree preservation plan: A. Developer's forestry consultant will prepare individual tree preservation plans for each lot including tree survey. tree conditions, and recommendationsfor house siting. grading, tree removal. pruning. and protection measures. Each plan shall be prepared specifically for the unique lot conditions and house design. and shall specifically emphasize the preservation of front yard and side yard trees. B. Developer will prepare a COWl' sheet for the building permit packet which notifies the permittee of the critical nature of the tree preservation effort in the project. C. The City will revie\v the proposed plan. site by site, for conformance to the project's tree preservation objectives. D. A copy of the individual tree preservation plan \vill be attached to the building permit. and will be binding on the builder's construction cre\Vs. contractors, and subcontractors performing any work on the site. E. The builder's surveyor will stake the site for both grading and tree protection. including site traffic and staging area control. All site control measures will be required to be maintained until a tinal C/O is issued by the building ofticial. . F. The City will conduct a pre-construction inspection of the property to verify staking and tree protection measures arc installed in accordance with the plan. A surcharge for this additional inspection shall be added to the building permit fee. G. The building permit will be issued. including excavation and grading. after approval by the City and the pre-construction inspection. No additional security will be posted for tree preservation at this time. . H. During construction. the City will have the authority to inspect the tree protection measures. and may stop construction and/or order additional protection measures to ensure compliance with the tree preservation plan. b-h\b\t L ..... ~ 1. Upon completion of the house. but prior to removal of staking and tree protection markings. the building official will inspect the site for compliance with the tree preservation plan. as well as routine building inspection issues. No C/O may be issued until the building official certifies compliance. J. In the event that the plan has not been complied with. correction measures may be ordered. Uncorrectable faults shall be remedied by the replacement of any lost trees with a tree of similar species of at least 6'" to 8" in diameter in the same location. and an additional planting of trees of at least T in diameter in locations directed by the City. The total tree replacement requirement for such LlUlts shall be two times the caliper inch diameter of the lost tree. and replacement of the additional tree(s) may be directed to other locations within the City such as parks. boulevards. or other public land. If a stop- work order is issued in connection with such a fault. no permit to continue "vork shall be issued until the building permit holder either (1 ) completes the replacenlent planting. or (2) posts a security adequate to cover the cost of the replacement. I Streets shall maintain the City's standard right of way and paving width requirements. With the flexibility offered by the new zoning setback standards. it would not appear to be necessary to vary the street \vidths for tree preservation efforts. . ., -) . Rear yards have not less than 30 feet of reasonably \eve I usable space. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Engineer. 4. The townhome area of the plat be revised to illustrate unit driveways. Sueh drivevvays shall be located such that vehicular cont1icts between dvvelling units do not result. 5. A front fa<;ade to front fac;ade separation of not less than 96 feet between buildings be provided. 6. The applicant demonstrate how all utilities (including sanitary sewer. storm sewer. water. gas. electric. phone. and cable TV) can be accommodated in the narrower right of way. 7. Street connections to the cast. south. and west be confirmed to determine whether they are located in spots that can accommodate reasonable future development layoutS. 8. Landscaped medians in the terminal cul-de~sacs be platted as outlots. to be ovvnecl and maintained in equaL undivided interest by the lots around the cuI-de-sac. 9. A park dedication fee be paid as determined by the Parks Commission and appro\'ed by City Council. . ~mtb\t G A ., . . 10. The City evaluates the extension of sanitary sewer to the south. 11. The number of driveways off of cul~de-sac turn-around areas not exceed five. 12. A pathway along County Road 18 be included on the plat. 13. Architecture for R-2 and R-2A units be reviewed and approved by the City. 14. The applicant enter into a development agreement with the City and post all the necessary securities required by it. Exntb It L Memorandum ...... -.-. To: Jeff 0 'Neill, Deputy City Administrator City of /Y/onticello From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Date: June 26, 2003 Re: Carlisle Village City of /Y/ollticello Planning Project No. 2003-12 IYSB Project No. 1160-23 This memo is intended to address recent modifications to the prel iminary plat site plan and tree preservation plan for the above-referenced project. The primary issues reviewed as a part oCthis memo include the tree preservation plan, site plan, and stonmvater issucs. A description of these issues is as follows: Site Plan Staff requcsted several modifications to the plan which have been addressed as follO\vs: . · Stub Street Townhomcs: The short stub street back-to-back to\vnhomes create firc protection and circulation issues for the City. "l"he developer has addressed these issues by redesigning to a circular public street. \vhich has climinated thosc issues. The northerly-most connecting street to Street A should be moved over to the Street C intersection. Lots I and 2, Block 27 should be eliminated. · Rollin!! Woods Wetlands: In an effort to create additional ponding and to preserve and consolidate wetlands, the layout in this area was redesigned to vvork with the Rolling Woods development. This redesign also saved a heavily treed area in Block 7 that was planned as a pond. The size of this area is still being evaluated with regard to stormwater needs. Lot 1, Block 8 is jammcd into this area and does not appear to be an acceptable lot. · Street 0: This street was not modified as \vas requested. The cul~de-sac should be shortened by at least one 60-foot lot on each side of the street to create more distance from the existing wetland located in the nOl1hwest corner. Further. three lots containing two existing homes and one existing garage are still proposed to remain. These situations have not been well received on other recent plats and do not fit the character of the ncw neighborhood. . Block 1: We requested that Lots 21 and 22 on the northeast quadrant of Street C! Street D bc removed to protect the existing wetland, provide access to the pond and create a visual opening. This has not been completed. . I" II!\,!I()!I ,\ 1l.I/J'I/(,_'(,U.\-iol,Ju( Cf Jeff O'Neill. Deputy City Administrator June 26, 2003 Page :2 of 3 - - There may be other lots that require modification once the grading plan is reviewed. Stormwater Issues The storm water analysis for this site is complicated and is not yet complete. The final result could involve an increased pond requirement which could reduce density, This work is ongoing and will require review by the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. The preliminary plat must hetter address the individual lot drainage along with the maintenance of offsite pass-through runoff. PreJiminarv Plat Documents We have not had the opportunity to review street. utility, or grading plans for the proposed concept. A review of these documents is necessary prior to approval hy the City Engineer. Once the site plan is acceptable, the engineer can proceed with the remaining documents. Tree Preservation Plan . The developer has requested narrO\ver streets and right-of-way in an etIort to preserve trees. The developer identified 77 trees that would be impacted hy the expansion of the right-of-way to 60 feet and the street to 32 feet to conform to City standards. The follovving is a summary of our review of those 77 trees and the potential impact to those trees from utilizing City street design standards: . Nineteen (19) of the trees are shown on the current tree preservation plan as not being saved, These trees should be removed from the total. . Eighteen (18) trees are shown hehind house pads and were assumed to be impacted by moving house pads. These trees should not be affected since only one pad is proposed to be moved. The Planning Department has allowed varied setbacks which addresses this issue. . Ten (10) trees don't appear to be impacted by the plan at all. . Sixteen (16) trees have elevations ranging from 1 foot to 4- feet ahove the proposed street elevation and arc located outside of the 50-foot right-of-way. These will require some work to save, but shouldn't be impacted by the City standard street right-of-vvay width. . . Fourteen (14) trees have elevations ranging from 1 foot to 8 feet below the proposed street elevation and are located outside of the 50-foot right-of-way. These will require some work to save, but shouldn't be impacted by the City standard street right-or-way vvidth. ( 11'/.\'f){JII".\ 11-.\/I'II(,JiU.'-lu,/".. .klfC)"Ncill. Deputy City Administrator J LIne .26. .200] Page 3 of3 . As is apparent. 19 trees were improperly identified as saved and 18 trees should not be impacted at all. The remaining 30 trees \vill require some effort to save considering the elevation of the trees relati ve to the proposed curb line. It does not appear that the street \vidth and right-of-way widths have any affect on the number of trees removed. For that reason. \ve arc recommending that the City standards remain in place. The biggest impact to trees within the right-of-\vay is likely sidewalk and private utility construction. Staff is willing to construct the sidewalk within the right-of-way betvveen the curb line ami the edge of the drainage and utility easement. The easement would also need to be classified as right-of-way easement. This alignment can be determined once the street is constructed. A secondary impact is the location of the pri\'ate utility trenches on each side of the street. These trenches should be kept a uniform distance from the curb and the location can also be determined once the street is installed. . The developer has moved a pond and rearranged a lot to save several significant trees with the new design. V\le arc still concerned though that the total tree impact is not identirled in regard to location to house pads and drainage swales. If the developer stays \vith the proposed plan. the City can expect that a number of proposed saved trees will be removed, Summary The developer has made a signifIcant effort to make positive changes to this development. While the density may not be reduced as much as was requested. the plat changes have improved the quality of the development. The preliminary plat documents should be revised to address the items contained herein. I am available to address any questions at (763) 287-7] 90. cc: Steve Grittman. NAC John Simola. City of Monticello Lucinda Gardner. Shadovv Creek Corporation Mike Gail'. MFRA Dave Nash. MFRA sb . r II '/.\'J II 'if \ Ii \.1/' 11(, ~(JII,\_I'! dill . . '. 5G. A. Council Agenda - 4/12/04 Consideration of authorizing election equipment purchase. (RW) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: New federal regulations are in place that will require by the 2006 election that the City have the capability of providing for handicapped voter machine accessibility in addition to our regular voting system. Although a certified system has not been approved for the 2006 election to deal with the handicap regulations, the City will need a new system for 2006 eJection. Additional costs for acquiring the appropriate equipment will be addressed in the 2005 or 2006 annual budget. After the election this fall (2004), our current Opti-Scan 3P electronic voting equipment will no longer be usable. Our current vendor will no longer be supporting this machine after this fall and the likely successor to this equipment is the M-IOO ballot tabulator that will ultimately be used by most municipalities in Minnesota. Since the City will need to replace the old 3P system anyway, the Council is asked to consider replacing it now with the new M-l 00 so that the new equipment could be utilized for the 2004 election. The M-l 00 is on the state contract through April, 2004 and the cost of the machine would be $4,475.00 plus tax, but including delivery costs. A maintenance agreement similar to that on the City's current equipment runs $137.50 per year. After April 30th the price of the M-IOO will be going up. Some of the new regulations on handicapped voter accessibility were not anticipated when the budget was prepared for 2004, but it is recommended that the Council authorize the purchase of this new equipment to replace our current system that would have to be replaced after the 2004 election. The cost is relatively minor compared to our overall budget and can be covered by reserve funds in the general fund. If desired, the Council could add the cost of this equipment to our budget for next year to repay ourselves for the early expenditure. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize statIto purchase a M-100 ballot tabulator voting machine through the Minnesota State contract in the amount of $4,475 plus sales tax. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Clerk that the Council authorize purchase ofthis new ballot equipment prior to the 2004 election. Our current system will be obsolete after the election this fall and it appears beneficial to purchase the new equipment at this time and use it f()r the 2004 election rather than waiting until 2006. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Model specifications and price quote. , I MODEL 100 Better Elections Every Day The ES&S Model 100 is a precinct-based, voter- activated paper ballot counter and vote tabulator. Utilizing advanced Intelligent Mark Recognition (IMR) visible light scanning technology, the Model 100 is a proven mainstay for jurisdictions worldwide utilizing precinct level voting and tabulation. Ensures Ballot Integrity To ensure voter intent and ballot integrity, the Model) 00 alerts voters to over-voted races and under-voted ballots. Tn the event of overMvoted and undervoted situations, the Mode) ) 00 immediately returns the ballot to the voter, displaying the specific race in question in the LCD display. The voter may then instruct the Model 100 to "accept" or "return" the ballot through the simple push of a button. Returned ballots provide the voter the opportunity to privately revise and then recast their ballot. Security and Reliability The Model 100 with its rugged, stainless steel chassis features two independent, lockable ballot containers to separately retain both write~in and oval/arrow response area ballots. An emergency ballot compartment is also included to securely store ballots in the unlikely event of unit failure or ballot disputes. Up to six hours of continuous precinct counter operation is delivered by a maintenance-free, sealed battery charged by an internal power supply. An internal thermal printer is provided to print election results and document an audit log of all unit transactions. <:)1\ ~~ <:..ry-...~ State-of-the-Art Flexibility Driven by an Intel™ processor, the Model ) 00 utilizes QNX™ operating software which provides real-time resource management, true multi-tasking capabil ity, and unparalleled election accuracy. Dual Contact Image Sensors enable both sides of the ballot to be accurately scanned simultaneously. The Model 100 efficiently processes right or left~ hand oval and arrow response-area ballots, and ballots may be inserted without any orientation restrictions. Fast Election Reporting Immediately upon poll closing, the Model tOO's internal thermal printer legibly prints out vote totals, and enables election officals to immediately transmit results to election central. The Model tOO comes equipped with dual PCMCTA slots, an optional CDPD modem for transmitting results, and two external serial ports and one parallel port allowing the connection of a wide array of external components. All election definition programs, actual vote tallies, and audit logs are retained securely on the PCMCIA memory card within each Model tOO unit. Tested, Certified, Proven The Model tOO has been fully tested by an independent testing authority, certified to meet or exceed the rigorous standards ofthe U.S. Federal Election Commission, and proven through the use in thousands of actual elections worldwide. Over 12,000 Model 100 units are accurately and reliably supporting elections throughout the world today. We look forward to supporting yours! 285ESS-031I Model 100 Specifications Size: 14"W x 5"H x 16"D Weight: 20.7 Ibs. w/intemal battery Scanner: Visible Light Optical Scanner Activation Device: Paper Ballot CPU: Scanner: Intel™ 286EX 33 MHz System Memory: 4 MB RAM, 5 I 2K Flash PCMCIA Memory Card: 5I2K,2 MB Scanner: Visible Light: Yellow/Green Wavelength: 560 nm Filtering: IMR Drive System: Precise Stepper Motor Drive Serial Ports: Two RS232 Memory Card Interface: PCMCIA format User Interface: 4-button membrane switch panel Display Type: Liquid Crystal Display Display Resolution: 4 lines X 40 characters Printer""D'pe: Thermal Printer (Citizen r Model L T -286) Display Resolution: 8 dots/mm, 384 dots/line Ballot Types: Left-side Ovals and Arrows 14",6 columns, 36 rows 17", 6 columns, 41 rows , Time/Date Stamping: Internal real time Clock Chip for time/date stamping reports and audit logs. Power Management: Internal battery floating on system to provide uninterrupted operation. Internal Battery Type: Sealed rechargeable lead acid, 12V, 7.0 AH Power Supply and Voltage: 40W Continuous Switching, 15VDC, 2.6A System Power Requirement: 120V AC, 50/60 Hz,2A Operating Environment: Temperature: 600 to 1000 F (160 to 380 C) Humidity: Less than 95% non-condensing ,... Vibration: 10Hz Storage Environment: Temperature: 00 to 1200 F (-180 to 490 C) Humidity: No requirements Vibration: 10Hz Transportation Environment: Temperature: +50 to 1220 F (_150 to +500C) Humidity: 5% to 95% non-condensing Vibration: 10Hz Ancillary Items: · Paper spools · PC cards · Markers · Pressurized air cans · Cleaning pad and Isopropyl rubbing alcohol 285ESS-I207 '-l ~,c..oG ~ o.......~ '\.. , ~l.~ ELECTION SYSTEMS,. 80fTWARf MODEL 100 PRECINCT COUNT UNIT The Modell 00 is a precinct count tabulator that immediately records and tallies the ballot after the voter inserts the ballot into the tabulator. The Modell 00 can be set to automatically reject ballots that are overvoted, blank, crossovers, or that have been misread. This option gives the voter an opportunity to correct defective ballots. The Model 100 is designed to work independently or in conjunction with the Model 150 and 550 Central Counters. . I Mode] 100 System Includes: Model 100 Precinct Count Unit Ballot Box . 2 PCMCIA Memory Cards Licensed Software Initial Training Hard Shell Can:ying Case with Handle Rechargeable Battery Manual 2 Year Warranty 541450.00 each " ~ Does not include State Sales Ta..x ~ State Contract Pricing, good thru April 30, 2004 ,.. There is a $25.00 per unit delivery fee · 1 Year Hardware Maintenance Agreement' $137.50 , I \ \ \ -S '--I '-I "'") .s , doe ~ ~ D~,~""",,~ ~c;,'" ~~ . Council Agenda - 4/12104 5H. Consideration of ratifyine: policy issues for presentation to Wrie:ht County Commissioners. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Over the past few months, Wright County City Administrators and Clerks have met on a frequent basis for the purpose of developing an informal network amongst Wright County cities to discuss issues that are affecting all cities in Wright County. With the increasing pressure that all cities in Wright County have seen in the past few years related to growth, issues regarding annexation, infrastructure improvements, especially in the area of transportation needs and land use planning throughout the county were seen as important issues that both the Wright County Board of Commissioners and each city has deal with on a daily basis. . Recognizing that it is becoming more important to have cooperation between cities and the county government relating to these issues, the Wright County City Administrators have been developing a position paper discussing the issues most important to the growing communities including transportation, bonding and financing programs, annexation and land use planning, service provisions and economic development. A policy statement was prepared and presented to the mayors of Wright County at a recent Wright County Mayors Association meeting in early March. It was the consensus of the mayors in attendance at that meeting that each community should bring the position document to their full councils for ratification so that the Wright County Mayors Association can formally present the document to the Wright County Commissioners at a future meeting, tentatively scheduled for some time in June. The idea would be to have as many mayors and council members as possible attend a luncheon meeting with the Wright County Commissioners, possibly on a Tuesday in conjunction with their weekly board meetings. The request at this time is to have the Council formally ratify and support the Wright County Mayors Association in presenting this document to the County Commissioners. By doing so, we hope to make the County Commissioners aware that they need to work with individual cities in addressing growth issues that are occurring and recognize that the county government is not in existence just for townships but for all of Wright County. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to ratify the position paper as prepared and support presentation to Wright County Commissioners by Wright County Mayors Association representatives. . c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: With the recent formation of an informal Wright County City Administrators group we are finding that we have many of the same concerns regarding growth and our relationships with Wright County Commissioners. This position paper the Council is asked to support is the first step of the administrators effort in hoping to improve on our dialogue and communication . . . Council Agenda - 4/12104 efforts with Wright County Commissioners and to make them aware of the issues that all cities are facing in Wright County. Formal presentation of our concerns to the Wright County Commissioners will be an important first step in improving on our relationship and it is hopeful that many ofthe mayors and council members from Wright County cities will be able to attend such a meeting in June. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of position document. -~..._~~"............~- ,- . Commissioners: We ask to work with you. For our citizens. For Efficiency. For Good Government. For Our Future! . The Cities of Wright County Albertville, Annandale, Buffalo, Clearwater, Cokato, Delano, Hanover, Howard Lake, Maple Lake, Monticello, Montrose, Otsego, Rockford, South Haven, St. Michael, Waverly . ~ Q"~ Ai. ______ . .~'''_".._____... ~ '-"C"- ";;;;:::..r.,,... .-,---_.~-~ ".'.~~>-ilio~.. . ~~.~ . ...- ..-:;.. ""...",--- ....,-"~. " ~.... .~.-~~ . . . Wright County Commissioners: The Mayor's of Wright County would ask for your consideration of the following series of issues and responses to those issues. We feel it is important that the Cities and Wright County begin a dialog to analyze the issues facing the units of government in Wright County. Growth has made it mandatory that we attempt to jointly discuss common problems and derive common solutions in the best interests of our taxpayers. You will find several issues included for discussion including: Transportation, Bonding and Finance, Annexation and Land Use Planning, Services and Economic Development. There is included a discussion of the issues and the possible solutions to solve those issues in a cooperative manner. There are two information brochures for you to review at the end of the packet. WE ASK TO WORK WITH YOU. We hope you find the attached document interesting and thought provoking. We look forward to hearing what your thoughts are on these topics. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Mayors of Wright County . TRANSPORTATION PLANNING Issue: Wright County Cities are experiencing high growth that requires careful and thoughtful planning. Transportation is an important element of planning that needs to be implemented to promote safe connections of roads for residents of Wright County. Response: Wright County should take the lead to develop and maintain a viable comprehensive 40-year transportation plan. Wright County can receive significant increases in MSA funds as identified in the N.E. Wright County Transportation Study, and should also take the lead in financing these studies with some participation from the affected cities. Following the planning phase, protection of identified traffic corridors must be a high priority. Issue: Cities within Wright County feel left out of the County Transportation Planning process. . Response: Wright County should actively engage cities in the development of the transportation Plan. FUNDING Issue: Wright County Cities are faced with high costs of updating infrastructure to serve residents of Wright County. Without the County's participation in financing road and traffic improvements, residents of the cities are burdened with undue costs of improving the County Roads system. Response: Funding for transportation improvements shall be shared in an amount equal to the portion of right-of-way held in the project area by each governing body. The County should consider bonding for this improvement so the future taxpayers of the County pay their portion of the improvement. . Gas tax dollars that are collected for cities under 5,000 should be distributed proportionate to the amount each of these cities would receive. This money should be available for cities that are proposing improvement plans on county roads. . Issue: As Wright County experiences growth it is easy to spend these new tax dollars on other non~transportation things, and postpone investment in maintenance and construction of transportation systems. RESPONSE: Funds must be dedicated from this new tax base to fund transportation systems at adequate levels. Issue: Cities under 5,000 population do not receive any non property tax funds for their collector and arterial streets. Response: Cities under 5,000 population that are not eligible for Municipal State Aid (MSA) should be able to use county municipal accounts and the 5 percent account of the highway user distribution fund. Uses of Wright County municipal accounts should dedicate these funds for local arterials and collector streets within cities under 5,000 population. In addition, the 5 percent set-aside account in the highway user distribution fund should be used to meet this funding gap. Hennepin County has used a similar model. TURNBACKSOFCOUNTYROADS . Issue: As road funding becomes increasingly inadequate, more roads are being "turned back" to cities from the county and the state. Response: Turn backs should not occur without direct funding or transfer of a funding source. A process of negotiation and mediation should govern the timing, funding, and condition of turn-back roads. City taxpayers should receive the same treatment as township taxpayers. The requirement for a pUblic hearing, standards about the conditions of turn backs, and temporary maintenance funding should also apply to county turn backs to cities. At a minimum, roads that are proposed to be turned back to a city government should be brought up to the standards of the receiving government, or that city should be compensated with a direct payment. Direct funding should be provided for smaller cities that are not provided with turn back financing through the municipal state aid system. . . BONDING AND FINANCE Proiect Financina Issue: Wright County Cities and Wright County are experiencing dramatic growth rates that place demands on the existing infrastructure of these units of government. Cooperatively, the County and Cities build road systems to serve that growth. Cooperative financing agreements would help to solve the funding problem of these projects. Bonds, which would help to spread the cost to future residents, should be considered a strong alternative to "pay as you go financing". . Response: The Legislature has many tools available for those units of government that work together on projects. One of those tools is allowing units of government to levy outside of levy limits to pay the bonds of another unit of government. Moreover, future transportation systems will require the use of bonding to allow for adequate cash flow and to make sure future citizens pay their fair share of the costs of those systems. Bonding allows for equity in payment of transportation system costs. Debt service payments for today's projects whose designs incorporate future growth will be paid in the future by prospective taxpayers moving into the County. Amortization of project costs is fair and equitable to both existing residents and future residents. In addition, by the County bonding for projects, Cities are able to capture their portion of project costs through a special levy outside of levy limits. Again, this tool authorized by the Legislature, allows units of government that cooperate to more readily pay for projects they share. Using this tool makes it more likely, and indeed more feasible, for cities to participate in County/City sponsored projects. . . ANNEXATION AND LAND USE PLANNING Annexation Issue: Cities and Townships should negotiate land use planning in good faith and the County shall remain neutral and equally supportive. Response: The County, by following the intent and purpose of the County Land Use Plan, should equally and neutrally represent both cities and townships located within the County and should respect the governmental authority and the legal rights and interests of both cities and townships located with the County. Plannina/Land Use Issue: Unplanned and uncontrolled growth has a negative environmental, fiscal, and governmental impact on cities, counties, and state governments because it increases the cost of providing government services and results in the loss of natural resource areas and prime agricultural land. Wright County has a rich history based on agricultural land uses and the preservation of agriculture must be balanced with growth. . Response: Through proper long-range planning and cooperation between governmental entities, growth can be controlled to minimize its environmental, fiscal, and governmental impact on the County as a whole. Cities are best equipped to accommodate and plan for the delivery of urban services, while townships provide the structure for preserving agricultural land uses. Major growth areas should be provided for cities to allow for urban expansion and effective and efficient service delivery. Wright County should actively work to update its comprehensive plan for the entire County. This process should include input from both cities and townships. The County's Comprehensive Plan should define and differentiate between urban and rural development, restrict urban growth outside of municipal boundaries, and preserve agricultural land uses in rural areas. . . SERVICES PROMOTION Issue: Wright County Cities provide and house vital services, such as water/sewer, fire, library, education, public safety, economic development and job creation, medical services, parks, entertainment, commerce centers, etc., that directly relate to the quality of life in Wright County. Cities provide the necessary infrastructure to support both public and private services. Cities are also on the frontlines of maintaining the necessary setting and environment to keep these services viable for the residents of Wright County. . Response: Wright County Cities should promote their importance in providing services that are available to all residents of the County, to enhance the awareness of the City's important role in the quality of life offered within Wright County. Wright County should support the role that cities have in the delivery of services in the following ways: J The County should help and support cities with long-range infrastructure planning, so that investment in infrastructure is economical and timely. J The County should upgrade the County's Transportation and Land Use Plans to better support the needs of the growing areas of the County so that investments in infrastructure are far-sighted and efficient. J Cities are in a "partnership" in the delivery of public services in the County" Thus, the County should foster that partnership, by making it convenient, and economical for Cities to do business with the County; including duplicating documents, faxing information, etc., without charging exorbitant fees or requiring extraordinary measures (for example the current practice of some County Departments to require a $5.00 payment before a fax will be sent to a City), in order to maximize efficiencies, and conserve resources. J Even though financial resources are increa"singly scarce at the County level, the same is true for Cities. Thus, the County should refrain from balancing budgets by transferring greater service cost or responsibility to the Cities. . . ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development Promotion Issue: Wright County Cities provide an arena for economic development and job creation, commerce centers, etc., which directly relate to the quality of life in Wright County. Cities provide the necessary infrastructure to support economic development. Cities are also on the frontlines of maintaining the necessary setting and environment to attract and to keep these services viable for the residents of Wright County. Response: Wright County Cities must continue to promote their importance in providing services that are available to existing and future businesses of the County, to enhance the awareness of the City's important role in the quality of life offered within Wright County. Wright County should support the role that cities have in the delivery of services to support economic development by supporting well-planned growth to maintain the Cities' tax base and keeping taxes low. . County Investment in Economic Development Issue: Wright County Cities may sometimes lack the resources or expertise that may be useful and necessary to retain existing businesses or attract new economic development. Response: Wright County should continue to put resources into its own economic development efforts and continue its role as a resource to communities and organizations. By continuing these efforts, Cities may then make better use the County's financial and technical resources to support local economic development that benefits not only Cities but also the County. . I- l i ~ ~ ., 11 E .E :l!i . .. E! '0 ~ ~ i ~ j ~ '" ., .. 1 i I! ... f 0 i li -. i "0 .e .! ~ fA !l 8 'li I '" 3 t ; 1 l! t ,; ~ .. i ... ~ I ... ~ l ~ .!ii Jll l ~ <:>u ~ .si I t i ~ i i \ :i I' ~ i 11 ;l: '~ CD i CD 8- i '0 I> I u ~ I; ~ '0 ;; .. i 1 I; ~ A ~ l! ;l: 8 ) "3 I .. '0 !!l ! .. :l!i ~ l 1 i ~. J i ,"==' ~ ~ ~ ! '0 .. if ., I! i III <:>u t l- t! I ~ 'l5. .a ! 0 1 1 " 1 !. ~ ! ~ E " I :{ Ii! I ~ i l .ll ~ ~ .! t ~ .! '0 f "5 ,; ~ i l; I I " ~ , ... a , Cl ~ "0 ~ i :5l l! Ii 0 '" '" '" '" ., .! i i " .. $ l ~ i , 'i 1 :l!i ta !! , '" 1l' 1 , I Jll ~ Ii 8 1 .. :tl J l i ~ . Ii i l & 1 xl i i 1 t .. 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""0 tI'l 0 U .... \.;j c:: "-t ~ =i l<l ~ -< ~ ..l 0 Cl ... =i =i -< ~ ~ ... o -< ::c~ QOODODDt:lOlJP il '.' ..1 I .1... ;"'~ ,. , I I Ii:, ~.". I ~. ~.;.3;:..... \ \.~,. ...... II J .::" '. tJ , :: J " I I,: " II \ It . :.s ~'8 ~ ~ ~ ~ :~ 1 o ~~~,,&::g o U) ~ "& U) .!<n ~ ~ ;::,,~ o~...se:U) ~ ,~] Cll .~ ~ ~~~l.sl ~.s.s~.g, a~ ~~3\!: o g..ij' t! o ~'gj ~.I: ~ .-...... g J , ! o l.J 0 LJ '.J lJ lJ U U [I IJ LJ .5.1. . . City Council Agenda -4/12/04 Consideration of cost estimate for on street an led arkin and boulevard im rovements on Walnut Street ad. acent to the Dan Olson Pro 207 West 3rd Street and authorizin staff to obtain bids on the work. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Dan Olson has requested that the City prepare plans to construct on street, angled parking stalls along the Walnut Street. Mr. Olson has provided the City with a deposit to pay for the preparation of plans and intends to, upon acceptance of the plans, petition the City and sign an assessment waiver providing for the construction of the parking and boulevard improvements. The parking being considered is consistent with the Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan as it supports the new main street concept for Walnut Street. The project would include angled parking, curb, gntter, sidewalk, and trees and other landscaping consistent with the intended development of Walnut Street. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: A. Motion to: Authorize the preparation of cost estimates for street and boulevard improvements on Walnut Street adjacent to the Dan Olson property, 207 West 3rd Street, and authorizing staffto obtain bids on the work. B. Motion to: (Take some other course ofaclion to be determined by City Council). C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: StatI recommends that the City Council move Alternative Action A. above. D. SUPPORTING DATA NONE . -,- ---, .--.........:...... - --. ,-----'-"-----=.- -- ~ -------- . . . Council Agenda - 3/22/04 7. Presentation by Mare:o Askin and Tom Parker of the Library Board on the need to expand the library facility and reQuesting authorization to hee:in work with an architect on the proposed expansion. (MA & TP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: When the City acquired the former Marquette Bank building as the site for the lihrary. the City looked at the site not only for its ability to meet current needs but also the capability of handling future library expansions. Margo Askin and Tom Parker representing the Monticello Library Board will be attending the Council meeting to present to the Council statistical data relating to library usage at the present site. The Monticello Lihrary is experiencing considerable llsage by its patrons and that usage is expected to continue to grow providing the impetus for planning the next expansion of the library. In the 2004 hudget under capital outlay items, $450,000 has been set out for expansion of the library. At this time, the Library Board is asking that the City Council authorize the Library Board and city staff to work with an architect on the preliminary plans for expansion of the library. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The City Council can authorize city staff along with the Lihrary Board to hegin work with an architect on the preliminary plans for the expansion of the library. 2. Authorization of preliminary work on the expansion of the library can be delayed pending submittal of additional information or further study as directed by Council. 3. Do not authorize the preliminary work on the library expansion. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the Library Board that the City authorize staff and library representatives to work with an architect on preliminary plans for expanson.. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: None. Council Agenda - 4/12/04 . 8. Consideration of Authorizin Cit Partici ation in a Plan for Relocatin the Methodist Church Building to the Community Center site and consideration of adouting nee:ative declaration of imuact. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to consider authorizing city staffto prepare an agreement outlining City participation in the relocation of the Methodist Church to the west edge of the Community Center site for the purpose of establishing a home for the Swan River Montessori School. The basic proposal is as follows. Sunny Fresh provides the City with the building as is," where is" along with a check for $200,000. The City manages movement and placement of the structure onto the Community Center site. Swan River builds an office/class room addition and makes necessary enhancements to the assemhly hall. Swan River obtains capital for this expense plus all city costs associated with moving the building and setting it in place. Swan River funding capacity to pay debt will be available once charter school status is achieved. Following is a summary of the arrangement between Sunny Fresh, City of Monticello and Swan River School, along with a general time line. . 1. Swan River develops a plan and obtains planning approvals for the building and site with input from City Staff. Application submitted for the May planning cycle. An architect has been hired by Swan River to layout the plan. The attached sketch will be reviewed by Swan River representatives at the meeting on Monday. 2. Swan River strives for charter school status and the associated school funding necessary to support capital improvements, ongoing maintenance and operation of the facility. Funding confirmation to occur in October 2004. 3. Sunny Fresh provides the City of Monticello with funds sufficient to cover the following costs. Sunny Fresh proposes to cap this contribution at $200,000. . Move the building from the present location to the new site. . Preparation of footings/foundation. . Closing the open portion ofthe east wall at the point of connection to an attached building. . Costs that exceed $200,000 to be paid by Swan River when project financing is obtained. 4. The City would move the National Guard storage facility to another location to be determined. Prospects include the space adjacent to the garage facility on the Community Center site and the open space next to the Linn Street access drive. No charge is requested by Swan River in exchange for providing complete access to use of the assembly hall on weekends and on week nights. See attached list of use ideas for the . building as prepared by Kitty Baltos. . . . Council ^genda - 4/12/04 5. The City would accept responsibility for maintaining the facility on the Community Center site until Swan River School obtains Charter School status. If Swan River does not obtain charter school status and it is determined that the building should be demolished. The cost to demolish is $130,000 due to the presence of asbestos - not $40,000 as previously reported. The cost to place the building in usable condition after moving it on site is $125,000. 6. Swan River to purchase building under a contract for deed or via other financing mechanism to be determined. The terms to include reimbursement of city expenses associated with moving the building and making interim repairs under 3,4 and 5 above.. 7. Swan River to provide City/Community with regular use of the building on weekends and week nights as an event and gathering place. The building would serve as an extension to the Community Center. Revenue from rental of the building would go directly to the City paying for out of pocket operational costs to Swan River. 8. Joint Parking arrangement to be determined, with Swan River contributing toward maintenance expense at a ratio equal to use. Maintenance to include snow removal cost and contribution to a parking lot repair fund. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize City StaiIto prepare an agreement bctween the City, Sunny Fresh Foods and Swan River Montessori School detailing terms noted above and adopt resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact thereby allowing thc building to be moved. Motion contingent on completion and exccution of the agreement. Under this option the City would accept the facility and open the opportunity for long term re-use of the historical building at no cost to thc City. Rental proceeds paid to the City for use of the church building could be significant. In addition, school children and families using the community center will provide new income. In sum, thc plan above will result in preservation of a historic building will be preserved in a functional setting. The main risk with this option is the possibility that Swan River docs not obtain charter school status which would result in the City holding the building without a viable entity to accept the long term cost of maintaining the structure. The City would then be left with the option of developing a regular use for the building or tear it down at an estimated cost of $130,000. Please note that according to the engineer that examined the building, the structure is in decent shape so it is likely that a re-usc could be found. . . . Council Agenda - 4/12/04 2. Motion to adopt resolution establishing a negative declaration of impact paving the way for demolition of the building. If after discussion Council determines that the risk is to great and the building is not worth saving, then this option should be selected. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of City staffthat the risk of a possible loss of $130,000 (representing the cost to dispose of the building if the Charter School does not develop) is outweighed by the benefits of the Swan School proposal. The risk is also mitigated by the fact that a very few Charter School Applications are turned down. This particular application is bolstered by an exceptional sponsor - College of St Catherine. The proposed school represents a functional re.use of the building; provides added revenue to the City through the use of the building for outside functions, as well as the school's possible paid use of the Community Center; and continues to expand the "community" focus of the Community Center complex. The proposed use not only preserves the historical structure, but also represents a use that conforms to the original nature ofthe building. At this time staff would recommend alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposal submitted by Swan River Preliminary Sketch Plan. "'----- l ~ CJ " t ~) ~ ;!~ t.~< ~ .~- I at.. UJ 1 f,t ~ l.. " \f) . ( ) t~ !:i~ . J~ -l -J_J-t-\_- ..i...... ~~ -. . .. . " .... 'II . , _. .. .. IIt'.... . . ~ . . . l . . r H dl t:. o " ~1 ! N . . , ~ d~ ..a.~a '. . . 9. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Included in your packet is a copy of the Feasibility Report for the reconstruction of Prairie Road from CSAH 75 west to the proposed Timber Ridge 3rd development (formerly "Unnamed Townhome" development). As a condition of the approval of the preliminary plat for the Timber Ridge 3rd Addition development, located on the west end of Prairie Road, a portion of Prairie Road will need to be reconstructed from its existing rural section to an urban section. This feasibility study addresses reconstructing the remaining segment of Prairie Road east to CSAH 75. Pedestrian facilities and traffic volumes were analyzed to address needs for improvements to the roadway. The estimated project cost totals $762,530. The project is proposed to be funded through special assessments to benefiting properties, developer's fees and City funds. We have included some information on the assessment options for the street since this is the first time we arc improving a street with curb and gutter, storm sewer and sidewalk. These costs are intended to be spread over the lots equally. Our typical $2,555 street assessment would apply. We will provide the proposed assessment roll at the public hearing. It is suggested that a full presentation be provided at the public hearing. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept Feasibility Report and order the public hearing for April 26, 2004. 2. Do not accept Feasibility Report. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Engineer that the City accepts the Feasibility Report and order the public hearing as outlined under alternative number 1. ll. SUPPORTING DATA: Feasibility Rep0l1 . (".'\/)( )('( IAJ!~ -IWA WN..I.(iU()'I//)( 'InS--II h'mpl(J-IO~()-I-AgL'}}d(..lllem.do(' . Council Agenda - 4/12/04 reement for ac uisition of industrial land. (R W) to. Consideration of a A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Negotiations have been continuing with the Otter Creek Crossing property owners to finalize the terms and conditions for the city acquisition of approximately 120 acres of future industrial park property. City staff and legal counsel have been working on preparing all of the necessary documents to accomplish this land transaction that also involves setting out the parameters for how the future Chelsea Road will be extended and paid for, provisions for providing temporary access to the future Moon Motors site and other details relating to the current mining operation termination on the property. The purpose of this agenda item is to review with the Council a letter of intent that outlines the basic conditions of the expected land purchase that have been negotiated to see if the City Council is still on board with this acquisition. Before we continue to finalize the actual purchase agreement documents in preparation for closing, we are requesting confirmation of the City's intent to proceed with the final closing. To briefly summarize, the following are the basic conditions of the purchase. . l. 2. City will buy 120 acres at an average cost of $25,265 per acre. In exchange for agreeing to close on the property in June (rather than November 2004), the City will receive a reduction in the interest cost equal to $497 per day ($74,550). Mining operations will cease on the site in November 2005 rather than June 1 ,t as the City has requested, as compensation, the City will receive credit on the interest costs for the acres being mined during this time period. The terms and conditions of the purchase price: Otter Creek will pay for excess land remaining after the City acquires the right- of-way for the Chelsea Road extension and also the amount that Chadwick will pay for the City's 33 foot strip ofland is established. The method has been established outlining the fact that the cost of constructing Chelsea Road will be allocated at twice the amount to the freeway frontage property compared to the benefitting property of the industrial park. Chadwick will be allowed to temporarily obtain access to the future Moon Motor site by Otter Creek agreeing to pay for the cost of the road construction and agreeing that it will not be extended any further until the new Chelsea Road is completed. 3. 4. 5. 6. The above terms and conditions have been included in a letter of intent that the Council is asked to consider approving. By doing so, staff will be directed to complete the necessary documents to finalize the purchase of this industrial property by a targeted June 1" date. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: . . . Council Agenda - 4/12/04 1. Approve entering into a letter of intent as outlined for the purchase of approximately 120 acres of industrial property from Otter Creek group. 2. Do not enter into a letter of intent at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Industrial Development Committee Small Group that the letter of intent be approved. It is our opinion that the terms and conditions negotiated will accomplish the goals and objectives of the IDC by allowing the City to have available industrial property for future development. If the City Council is not committed to proceeding with the purchase at this time, a letter of intent should not be entered into and final purchase agreement documents can be delayed. D. SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Letter of intent for industrial land acquisition Comments from Economic Development Director . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO LETTER OF INTENT INDUSTRIAL LAND ACQUISITION OTTER CREEK CROSSING AGREEMENT dated this day of April, 2004. This letter of intent sets forth the terms by which the City of Monticello (the "City") agrees to purchase certain lands from Otter Creek, LLC ("Otter Creek"), and Otter Creek agrees to lease or purchase certain lands from the City. This Letter of Intent is contingent upon the City and Otter Creek negotiating the terms of Purchase Agreements, Lease Agreements, Public hnprovement Project Agreements, and other documents incorporating the following terms: Section I. City Purchase of Land from Otter Creek 1. Land. The City will purchase 120+ acres including approximately 106 acres of industrial land and 14 acres of designated water features. The area shall be measured from the center line of Chelsea Road as contained in the engineer's feasibility report, and exclude proposed residential parcels in south corner. Letter of intent is subject to soil tests, topographies, defined boundaries and such items as described by the City Council and City Attorney as set forth on Exhibit A hereto. 2. Price. Average cost per acre of$25,265 or ($.58/sf) for the approximately 120 acres. Total estimated price $3,031,800. These amounts are to stay the same but there is an interest cost savings resulting in moving the closing up from November 2004 to June 1,2004 at the rate of $497.00 per day discount on the interest. 3. Terms. $10,000 earnest money at time of purchase agreement. $900,000 cash at closing with the balance payable at 6% interest plus $100,000 principal per year for 10 years, then a balloon at the end often years. 35 acres of industrial land to be released at closing, (exact location to be determined by buyer). Additional acreage released @$25,265.00 per acre under a contract for deed. Buyer retains right to prepay contract at any time without any prepayment penalty. All parcels to be released shall be contiguous to previously released parcels. 4. Date of Closing. June 1,2004 5. Mining Operations. Mining operations on the land shall be at no charge until June 1, 2005. From June 1,2005 until November 30,2005. Otter Creek shall pay rent to the City at the rate of $_ which is equal to the interest cost on _ acres of land at 6% interest. Upon completion, Otter Creek will grade and restore the mine to the satisfaction of the County and the City Engineer. Mutually agreed upon grades and elevations will govern. If grades are not met, 110839 )0 . . . then Otter Creek will restore to that elevation. (Note, with the addition of School Boulevard, the stormwater management options and therefore grades have changed.) 6. Survey. Boundary survey and Alta survey of entire parcel available: Boundary survey of this parcel provided by Seller. If ALTA standard desired by Buyer, that shall be at buyer's expense. 7. Cooperation on annexation. Seller will cooperate on with Buyer/or end-users on development approvals including annexation. 8. Friendly Condemnation Tax Treatment. City shall issue letter. 9. Infrastructure. Area is currently not served, except haul road. Use of haul road ceases when platted, dedicated and constructed public road becomes available. When constructed, 10 year payment on assessments, if any. 10. Wetlands/Phase I Environmental Studies. Seller shall provide all studies in hand at no cost to purchaser. Section H. Otter Creek Lease and Purchase of Land from the City 1. Lands and Prices. A. Excess land remaining from the "Rask" parcel lying north of Chelsea Road alignment to be purchased by Otter Creek owners at $5/sf (26,049 sf or $130,245). Purchase price to be deducted from cost ofright-of-way acquisition to determine amounts to be allocated under Item #B-Chelsea Road extension. B. Excess land south of Chelsea Road extension to be purchased by City at $2.50/sf (71,099 sf or $177,747). Purchase price to be deducted from cost of right-of-way acquisition to determine amounts to be allocated under Item #B-Chelsea Road extension. C. Lease or Sale of33 foot strip ofland (former 90th Street) to be purchased by Otter Creek owners at $5/sf. The sale of these parcels is subject to soil tests, topographies, defined boundaries and such items as described by the City Council and City Attorney. The legal descriptions for these parcels are set forth on Exhibits B, C, and D hereto. 2. Date of Closing. June 1,2004 110839 t61 . 3. Survey. Boundary survey and Alta survey of entire parcel available: Boundary survey of this parcel provided by Seller. If ALTA standard desired by Buyer, that shall be at buyer's expense. 4. Cooperation on annexation. Seller will cooperate on with Buyer/or end-users on development approvals including annexation. 5. Infrastructure. Area is currently not served, except haul road. Use of haul road ceases when platted, dedicated and constructed public road becomes available. When constructed, 10 year payment on assessments, if any. 6. Wetlands/Phase I Environmental Studies. Seller shall provide all studies in hand at no cost to purchaser. The land shall be developed in accordance with City of Monticello development requirements. Section III. Chelsea Road Imnrovement Proiect Chelsea Road Extension (Realienment) A. The City and Otter Creek shall enter into a Waiver of Assessment Agreement containing the following terms: All street and utility costs will be allocated to property benefiting along Chelsea Road based on front footage of developable property (Estimate of 3,930 feet to property north of Chelsea Road and 2,490 feet south of Chelsea Road), based on a 2:1 ratio with property adjacent to 1-94 receiving a factor of2 times the value assessed to properties south of the new Chelsea Road. See Engineers preliminary feasibility study. The total amount of that study, in the ratio set forth above, plus an adjustment factor based upon construction costs index and a 10% "fudge factor" adjustment. If the final study results in an amount over that preliminary estimate amount, Otter Creek has right to request other Engineering studies and plans be prepared by a third party engineer. . Street and utility cost will include: 1. Acquisition of necessary right-of-way from Denny Hecker for the Chelsea Road realignment. 2. All costs associated with sewer and water extensions along Chelsea Road and the realigned intersection. The assessment factors noted above do not include any future area trunk fees for sanitary sewer, storm sewer, or water. . 110839 \0 . . . Section IV. Moon Motors Temporarv Access Otter Creek may construct on its property and across the "33 foot strip" a temporary access from existing Chelsea Road to Moon Motors until access is provided from the improved Chelsea Road. The temporary access is to be used by Moon Motors and its customers only, with no passage to other lots allowed to the West ofthe Moon Motors parcel. SELLER: OTTER CREEK, LLC. By: Its: BUYER: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Bruce Thielen, Mayor By: Rick W olfsteller, City Administrator 110839 to . . . ATTACHMENT by Economic Development Director Ollic Koropchak The Small Industrial Group, IDC, and myself want to "thank" each Council member for their time and consideration of this very important matter "the purchase of land for industrial development". Based on a question by some City Council members, 1 asked the IDC to answer the following question: "Why does the IDC believe the City of Monticello will be successful at development of an industrial park?" lIere's how the IDC answered that question at their meeting in March. 1. Jobs program in out-state areas are not suited for all types of business/manufacturers. The city will be marketing to companies not interested or qualifying for this program. 2. City offers t1exibility to market land and sell lots in smaller parcels. 3. With the interchange coming and our proximity to population growth along the 1-94 corridor, the time is right and the location is well suited for industrial land demands. 4. This opportunity fits well with the long term city goals. As Economic Development Director for the City of Monticello, [ asked myself the same question and here is my response after weighing the opportunities and challenges. The opportunities far out-weigh the challenges and with a "we can do it attitude" and support from elected ofIicials, staff, and consultants, Monticello will be successful at development of an industrial park. Opportunities 1. 1-94 access. 2. Reasonable land price. 3. No assessments. 4. Community amenities. 5. Work force housing available. 6. Population growth assures a continued available pool of skilled workers. 7. One-stop negotiations/closings. 8. Below~prime rate loan for qualifying business. 9. An established network of industrial business owners. 10. A progressive-thinking Marketing Subcommittee. Challenges 1. Perceived distance of Monticello from the Twin Cities. 2. MN Jobz Program. tC" Council Agenda - 04/12/2004 . 1L Review of bids for overflow parking lot on Walnut Street north of the BurliDl!ton Northern Santa Fe Railway. Citv Proiect #2003-1SC. (J.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the direction of the City Council, City Statfworked with John Bogart to complete a set of plans for the parking lot acceptable to the City Engineer. The Public Works Department then prepared the specifications, bid documents, contracts and advertised for bids returnable on April 2, 2004. The City received five bids for constructing the parkinglot. They ranged trom a low of$37,538.90 to a high of $62,217. The low bid was from Butfalo Bituminous. A copy of the bid tabulation is included tor your review. You will note that the fourth bidder on the project, Veit Companies, was at $60,82880. A preliminary quote based upon preliminary plans was given to Fred Patch late last year and was at a cost of approximately $74,000. . In addition, City Staff drew up a set of plans for lighting the parking lot using the salvaged four poles and lights from the old public library parking lot. The lights, fixtures and poles were to be refurbished and painted by the City and installed along with the necessary wire, conduit, and service equipment by a contractor. We solicited quotes for installing the parking lot lighting from three local electricians. Those quotes were due Thursday, April 8, 2004. The quotes ranged in price from a low of$4,200 to a high of$6,955. The low quote was from Wes Olson Electric of Monticello. Engineering costs to develop the plans from Bogart & Pederson was $3,500. We do not have a bill yet trom the City Engineer for reviewing those plans. In addition, there would be a cost of $1 ,500 for surveying and construction engineering and $1,000 for soil, bituminous and concrete testing, which brings the total engineering cost on the project to slightly over $6,000. Adding all these numbers together would bring our costs to about $48,000 for a complete parking lot, assuming no costs charged by City Staff. This parking lot is being built for the benefit of the City and the Town Centre Project. As I understand it, the Town Centre Project was to pay a portion of this project. Recent calls to Veit were unsuccessful in getting an answer to their funding share. Hopefully, we will have answers by Monday evening's meeting. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to move forward with the project, awarding bids to Buffalo Bituminous and Wes Olson Electric, and to complete the project by July 1, 2004, at an estimated cost of$48,000 with cost sharing by Veit for the Town Centre portion of$24,000 2. The second alternative would be to complete the project at an estimated cost of$48,000 and bill Veit as per our agreement. . 3. The third alternative would be to table action on these bids or to reject all bids and not build the project at this time. . ~ . Council Agenda - 04/12/2004 c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: As noted above, the development of this parking lot is being considered in accordance with the development agreement entered into between the City and Towne Centre (Vaughn Veit). The primary reason this parking lot was to be constructed was to address the additional parking needs created by the Towne Centre development and also additional parking would be available for the Community Center needs. The development agreement calls for Towne Centre covering have of the construction cost ($24,000) with the City picking up the other half. As we have yet to receive confirmation trom the Towne Centre developer agreeing to pay for one half of this project cost, it is the recommendation of the City Administrator that this project only be awarded and built if a commitment is received from Towne Centre to pay for half the cost. If a response is not received by Monday night, I would recommend we table action on these bids until we do receive confirmation one way or another from the Towne Centre developer and consider action at the April 26th meeting. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the bid tabulation for the parking lot construction; Copy of the lighting quotes. eJ ~S . .....:;! g . 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I AUll,lou<<l to IUbmit the following dAtim.,t. for ligbtin; the Wnlnbut Street l,nrkiD& lot. If you MVO my 'luostiODlJ on the UlClb.1l5iODI, pleue ~l. Tluulk you. W talty 1. Olson Wes Ouou Eltctric . . SUPl'!)' IUld imtnll underlfOUlld fi'om pololognted on NorthweM comor of lot approx. 26" to pme11QOAtWn Ulst to pmtiDg lot area. Su.pply ODd iDatallligid PVC cow:1uit up pole approx 40' for power CODlp4JlY hookup. . Build pede8tol with mewr socbt. brecabr pouel. ADd thut clodi. tor conn'ol otlig11I poles. Pnnel nod Time cloak OQ\~d with logtjng h>>p. . IuAbU 4 pyloQll, with bolbl pntt<<nod for ~~ l'Olw supplied by city. . Wh'e ci1,c;uit ~ photo cell controls pole ligbtina 3lld ti1Ut dotk shuts oft' cu:cuit at pte- dctta"mincd time in cvaniJ:la. . IDRtnU 4 polel supplied by City ofMonticcUo. with hell' ftom. git), with buoKct tlU~. (A 100.00 allO"t\'iU\CB is blwt in the estinultt tbl city \\H of cquipnmt and l1UIDllOwer). T amI.. , $ 4.,200.00 Notoli: · Inoludos Eloctrionl P<<111it fetll . Do" not ~lwW pow<< compa11)' dwgts . Does not include an)' ~ mMuttMnCtil OD \lIed pot. supplied 'by City of Monticello. . . n is 4SI1JIl1ed 011 diNctiOl1l ottrtUChlDg is Sl'ee J1'0IU lIideW41k8. 1.04dw,,)'I (l1Ot pl,ltvioualy sleeved). or my otbe1'1JI13ttQ ittlDS in around prtveuting easy u'mClliug to a.llloQatjonll. If cluriq tho prOCOAll oftronobing. W, 111COW1tcr Rum itom~ \V~ tOlSlU'\'O the rigbt to add. COlt>> for remov;al or !<<outing all llCOealA:llj'. \\ APR-08-2004 THU 11:31 AM FAX NO. c 'ropDsal DOUBLE D ELECTRIC, INC. P.O. Box 113 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 (763) 295.372.7 Page No. I p, 03 of I Pages STAIOET COU~:SE Ro. .. 55~(Q .. PHONE ~'DATE ~ ~9S: 3/74 .3....31- ~o.l./ JOB NAME , ""I?:4- ~ 1.LJA~(,)r.. ,oAA?K/...v~ L.ar JOEl LOCATION PROPOSAL SUSMrn.O TO C 909 (;or; CITY.STA1{.ndZIPCODE .. ,A!OAJT;CEGf.L> I IlACHITECT P()45"C. tu012k:S DATE OF PLANS JOS P~IONE Wi Ilercby submi1 ~.ciftcajjons and eS1iI'M18s tor: ........,..,......,...l..f).." .O~E...~....L..()Q.f1.,l'!!.~Q.",,,,,L,;?,O~~a,,~...LRA!.t9.;:$.C;J....,......~)l~A'.,:sS......,...,...........,...............,......"".. ........................_...._..",...........,...."..",......,,_..&~m~,..............E~C"'........_..~.s;e~~~..,......,"',....... ""'.mn.............,......,.........'''''''............."....._...... ......_......._ "" ."".",..~!'),6?q.,~..:.......~~ez:~;I..""~L&I...l!X:JL~,,......,,'~/P6'~).'m6.~4!.~~........"..,,,....,,._.,, ".....".."....."."...""._....,...,... ,,,.,.,,,,,.................&..?€f..,,,,..,,...d~=..~~.............,., ..",,,,,'.................................,,............ ....."........................... ....... 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",C!.~~...:........".~~,r..el~k.....".....&~~.t.z;:.....,..........................""".,,..."" .., "'''' "",,,...,,..,,....,,...,..,,.,..,,....',,, ......._.."............t?.~, '''".{)t:z,.t..q........".....~~~.~ ,. ",' ~~~". ".".....&..t:?T, ,/-tlC,Lt.JL.16"O- 9, Pea4-.5:129l:. U"&>u~ ~ Q~77"..v..-9L" __..'_' __" _..... .1"' tie prDpDU hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: ,___;5/x /~~., M",ve ~~~~~ h~-)C;Jl.e dollars($ ~/9:!i".s- - ). PRymenllo bill made all; 101l0WS: ~ "," t.Jfl(JAJ.___, .LJM~~~(._. ..' ..... All mSlljIrjBl i$ llyaramelld to be il~ ~Dc..'Cj'ied. "'I ...ork 10 be completed in II workmanlike mann.r accordi!'11110 Glilnd,lrd fJffII:lice!l. Any alleralien or deviation frQm "bolle !Ifl&CiliCa100nS inllO/IIinlJ !>xlra coalS willl:l$ execuled only upon wrilTl..'T1 (Irdoiot'll. and Will become an extra d1arge oller and above tfle e:Illimat<::, All 'Agr<",n""nl~ contingent upon striKes, acc;idont~ or ruolaya; beyond our cQI1trol. OwMt to carry fire, tornado and other n"'''I~~~ry j"s.,ranQ$. Our worke~ i.Ife fully CXlIIl:\red by WOrkman'. Compensation I.....ul'i:l(le<). Authorind Si!jn"ur8 ~ c-'b.. -- :._.~._- ..30 NotE:': This proposal mlaY be wilhdrOlwn by us if not accepted within _,,;;;;I;IIiiiiIII" . ....__._:r.;I~'Iit'r..... Acceptante of I1rupasal.- The llbove priell:;;. !ipr.:eifications and conditions i;lre satisfactory and are hereby acceptll(:I. You lire authorized Signature -- . .- to do the work il~ 5peeifiecl. Payment will be mllnll llll Dutlined IlbCllle. Da~ 01 ACceptance; Signature " ~ To RlKIIder: ~N ......""'" I \ . . . . . . APR-08-2004 THU 11:31 AM FAX NO. P. 04 Thank. you for the opportunity to provide a bid for the above Referenced project. Base Bid: $5500.00 (Deduct $150 for single phase) Price includes all labor and materials to complete job as listed below. .. 100 service entranee cable (3 phase) .. Semce bypass meter (3 phase) .. 100a seIVice panel (3 phase) .. 4 24" pole bases .. 1" conduit to all light poles wI #10 tbhn - Photo eye and time clock control .. Installation of 4ligbt poles supplied by the City of Monticello If you have any questions please call. Sincerely 7 ?_--~ ~--'-' 2A. -"-- ~ Olson &. SoDS Electric, In. 0l&0D." Sons~ Iuc. .. Sandbcr,Road.. MDDti<<:llo. MN 5S362 * Ph. 763-295-2690 Fax 763-295-Z691 .. OIIM .. SMll!Mdtie, l1It. lJ.~ -.....".0..... ~ - rrr- IIN ss.JQ ... p , 8S4IJI..F_7~1 1~ . . . NO!ldl~:)S3CJ ~......~ .. .... " ~, """, ~ I -.i ~ 1'...+ ,. ,~ ... " '" :HvQ 'ON ^3~ O',\:\TO l 'ON 311; 3~nj ~MO ---ar 'AS OJ"J3HJ ------aw- 'A8 NMV~Q ~ :,I,a N81S3a rO/667!f '31.0 0066l 'ON 'f)~u ;",\o,a 1~V808 Nor :p9u6~S 'O]Olllil\l\llyt 10 <liIO\~ llI~l JO !I/oIoOI 1iI1Il J~pur'l J~llIu!6uJ jOUO!llIiIilJO)d pOI~VIiI:;ln .(Inp o WQ I jQ\ll pUll U~~I~I\JadI'l6 l:>eJ~p ,(W J.plIil JO &ow .(Q pliilmdljl,d $0'" lJodoJ JO 'l.J(I!II):;I!I!~od!l: 'uo,d !lNl lmu "JiPIilJ .(QOIJOI\,/ I " '" l;l !j ;f f! h "0 r~ ~i ~; H 'iij h d n ,~ i; V1 ~~ ~ !j ~ .. j 1 9! E~ ~ ~~ ~~ ti . fi li t :'1. r~ '" n in~ ~~ f v..~ ~ H ~ lW ~ .~~ q fi~..~ ~t ~J! i. "in fi ;j~ H Ei: ~~~~l ,~ ~i," r~ t[ 3. h i;fi iH ~H! ~,.~_~ ~n. ~~~ H~~ -_J-- irJ~'tf. t~ =~~ -~t tJ.. 8< ~.- ~'> .h~ H ~~~ .f. 'g~r ~; ~~~ ~'f ~a! ~"~_~ ~r- .",. o i! &~u w i{~i z ., .- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Of' ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ o N l'l :1; w -' <( u V1 :<: ~ ~ /'Aj': ).:~~' (.. -',- / . I / .. 0,. I / )..... ,~ I 0) f.. ~ j)' I /1 ~ ~il/ -'." <~ "'. / ~ /j / .-HlIJ"'lOl;"'fOt :)j'j'j U:~Q"'Ul "rgl .1]1 t~~&-tKJtet H" '~])I::l:}B '1JJluli lli!/IJ glO(1 ::lNlddVl'f ~NI~J:~:)NION'~ -MI:> fmU,]AlIns ClNVl N'v'ld NOISN3r-lla aN'v' 31lS Nr-l ')"lNno::> 1HDI~M Oll3011NOr-l ..:10 ),,110 091-rooz 'ON 1::>3rmJd ),,110 '--..... "'" ^" -\. ~~ ~ " , ",i<,; !--.~ t o ~ 'ONI 'S3~YIOOSSY , NOSH303d '~HYOOB I ...! .~ \~ ! Ii i. .. i t H!h~ "a.", 'Oil .... I~~ jl ! lH k i M 3. '-'. .!~f ~t J ~~. :! '~~l F i ~~ .~, ..! ~ g X [E i I.; ~ j;. ui ~ E!;: ;: b ~t;; .~ l t-:".,; 2 <<I ~ ..,; -,I! I IIIIl) .! !fIll. I' l !II'l,'I!' Ll,JHldlhili ~I!lff ffI HHjJjljjjjijillJ JiJiiliii J 0 . @~a o'~oI.: II ~ fV ! I: I :: ," II I I I " ",ui 0>- "-3 w," ~w ~g; z6 Ow 3;'" Ww "'>- << W'-' "'0 --,--' :;io 17;5 o "'13 8ffi ~'" i!5 ~--' u:;i -! -! <( U '" (j '" ~W , '2Z N 0.,-, ~O NN 0, '" 00 0 10 bW "'" "'I- ~.i. '" <( < {ll '" ww 61- "'''' <<"- I (j) >-~ '" ~o .. u>- --,0:::: z<< :;IW i>- u I >-~ Q. z 0 Z " () w u Z <l: [t I- Z W >- l<J <l: -''::: jw (f]2': [t 00 Z ...J <( Q Cl:; w :::. :::. o u ~ o Z ^'i' ./0) ~ '" " j j j -. 12. . . City Council Agenda - 04/12/04 Consideration to a rove authorization to enter into a Purchase A reement for the aCQuisition of the oroperty located at 224 East 4 Street. (O.K.) A. Reference and backuround: The City Council is asked to consider the attached Purchase Agreement for acquisition of the property located at 224 East 4 Street. The unoccupied property is listed by Larry Carter, Platinum Realty, Inc. for $149,900. Per the purchase Agreement, the offer by the City is $135,000. The City Planner Consultant and Community Development Staff looked at the area as a possible redevelopment area which could include Palm Street (would be vacated) and other adjoining parcels. The said parcel lies in a PZ-M Zone and it was suggested the best use of the property was town home construction. At the HRA meeting of April 7, 2004, the commissioners were asked to provide a recommendation to the City Council. The commissioners reviewed the prepared redevelopment estimates based on two assumptions: Option A. The purchase of two parcels and vacated Palm Street for construction of 12 town homes. Option B. The purchase of one parcel and vacated Palm Street for the construction of 8 town homes. Due to the high cost of redevelopment including the acquisition, relocation/replacement, and infrastructure costs, it was suggested the value of unimproved land per lot be figured at $12,000. This suggested lot value is an estimate which would provide a developer with a reasonable rate of return. The attached estimates are based on assumptions and the City's willingness to vacate and sell Palm Street. You will note the more properties acquired, the greater the gap. The following motion was made by the HRA " The HRA recommends the City Council proceed to acquire the parcel at 224 East 4 Street, only if the Council agrees and the following is met: 1. The purchase is a reasonable acquisition. 2. Substantial TIF assistance will be needed. 3. The gain is one demolished blighted property. Also, the commissioners prefer in the future, such proposals are presented by a developer to the HRA." B. Alternative Action: 1. A motion to approve authorization to enter into a Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of the property located at 224 East 4 Street at a purchase price of $135,000. 2. A motion to approve authorization to enter into a Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of the property located at 224 East 4 Street at a purchase price of $ 1 . . . City Council Agenda - 04/12/04 3. A motion to deny approval to authorize entering into a Purchase Agreement for the acquisition of the property located at 224 East 4 Street. 4. A motion to table any action. c. Recommendation: The City Administrator and Executive Director agree and support the recommendation of the HRA commissioners. lfthe Council sees this as a desired redevelopment project, the City Administrator and Executive Director suggests the Council direct the lIRA to solicit a developer. D. Suoportine: Data: Copy of Purchase Agreement, site map, and proposed redevelopment costs. 2 -a ~URCHASEAGREEMENT ~~rm approved by the Minnesota Association of REALTORS@, which disclaims any liability arising out of use or misuse of this form. @ 2003 Minnesota Association of REALTORS@, Edina, MN 1. 2. Date 3.- j tj - c!J Y Page 1 of P RECEIVED OF C.:'/';y / c'J r q(5' M // c;. /3//Gl 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. B. 9. 10 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. the sum of c; P e Dollars ($ / ~ ) by CHECK I NOTE as earnest money to be deposited upon acceptance of Purchase Agreement by all parties, on or .m______.___nn(C/Tcle one)____m._nnmn before the third business day after acceptance, In the trust account of listing broker but to be returned to Buyer If Purchase Agreement Is ~ot accepted ~ Sel.ler. Said e~est cnoney ,is p~~yment for the purchase of the property located at: Street Address: -, 2 - /J-..s r .s r-/l.- je- t= T City of /l1 d ...-v / c.- I~ //1 , County of t--<.-' /L- c:', / Legally described as: j. c' r d- .L. CJ 'f- (J' ,::: /<::.. r 0 i () '-" IS /L /lj' 0 ;'V' r I ? /::3 / /0 including all fixtures on the following property, if any, owned by Seller and used and located on said property, including but not limited to: garden bulbs, plants, shrubs and trees; storm sash, storm doors, screens and awnings; window shades, blinds, traverse and curtain and drapery rods; attached lighting fixtures and bulbs; plumbing fixtures, water heater, heating plants (with any burners, tanks, stokers and other equipment used in connection therewith). built-in air-conditioning equipment, electronic air filter, water softener OWNED I RENTED I NONE, built-in n.....n_...nn....(circl" on")..nm...___...____.. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. humidifier and dehumidifier, liquid gas tank and controls (if the property of Seller), sump pump; attached television antenna, cable TV jacks and wiring; BUILT-INS: dishwashers, garbage disposals, trash compactors, ovens, cook-top stoves, microwave ovens, hood fans, intercoms; ATTACHED: carpeting; mirrors; garage door openers and all controls; smoke detectors; fireplace screens, doors and heatilators; AND: the following personal property: c.J c:u:.. - J.- ) Dollars, 31. <'! " which Buyer agrees to pay in the following manner: earnest money of $ 1'-= aod $ L3 ~ q "l 'I ~ ca,h 00 <M-.ba' A "-IS fir''''' L 3 <;. .2"" 'I. th e date of cl 0"09, ao d the balance of ----. cJ '_ by flOanclOg 10 accordance with the attached Addendum: Conventional I FHA I DVA I Assumption I Contract tor Deed I Purchase Money Mortgage I Other: ____.. .nnn _ ..___n. ..nnn.'...______...n___...n___...nn___..n___n...nn....__n(cJfcle all Illal appIY)..nn...______...___n....___....___n...n___....___...n__.....__mnn.m____ This Purchase Agreement IS I 5 NOT ubject to a Contingency Addendum for sale of Buyer's property. (If answer is IS, see attached Addendum.) (If answer is IS NOT, the c1o~fx~e3 -uyer's property, if any, may still affect Buyer'S ability to obtain financing, if financing is applicable.) This Purchase Agreement IS I~Ubject to cancellation of a previously written Purchase Agreement dated --u(eifell) one)..n 32. (If answer is IS, said cancellation shall be obtained no later than ,20 . If said cancellation is not obtained ", ,,) .........------ 33. by said date, this Purchase Agreement shall become null and void. Buyer and. Seller shall immediately sign a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement 34. directing all earnest money paid hereunder to be refunded to Buyer.) ,'\ \. 35. This Purchase Agreement IS I~ subject to a Vacant Land Addendum. (If answer is IS, see attached Addendum.) ---n..(circle Ofle)...---- 36. Buyer has been made aware of the availability of property inspections, Buyer Elects Declines '0 have a property inspection pertormed at Buyer's expense. ..------(e/role on m_____ 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 37. This Purchase Agreement IS I 5 NO subject to an Inspection Addendum. (If answer is IS, see attached Addendum.) ..-.---.(cJfcle e ......n 38. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE: Upon performance by Buyer, Seller shall deliver a~ranty De;~ Other: Deed ____....____....nm.___...____....n.m..__..._(cirde onll).....___....____...____..........----.....n.......m..--- 39. joined in by spouse, if any. conveying marketable title, subject to: 40. (A) building and zoning laws, ordinances. state and federal regulations; (B) restrictions relating to use or improvement of the 41. property without effective forfeiture provisions; (C) reservation of any mineral rights by the State of Minnesota; (D) utility and 42. drainage easements which do not interfere with existing improvements; (E) rights of tenants as tollows (unless specified, not 43. subject to tenancies): 44. (F) others (must be spe1:ified in 45. BUYER SHALL PAY I ELLER SHALL PAY on date of closing any deferred real estate taxes (e.g., Green Acres, etc.) or special ...____n_..n_____...._n.....__nn...___(Clfcle OM)____....._____...____n..n___.....___..... 46. assessments, payment of which is required as a result of the closing of this sale. 47. BUYER AND SELLER SHALL PRORATE AS OF THE DATE OF CLOSING ~ELLER SHALL PAY ON DATE OF CLo~_all installments '__n_____ ..n___..'n______'n___n..._______..___m.....n___...n____m___n..'______...n__....n_.....______m----.(cJfcle o"e)...---n....----m--- AA I'll 'mpr.iFlI 8ssessments certified for payment with th~ real estate taxes due and payable in the year of closing. __.~ ,_..:~" ~~ "I Ih" rl<ltp nf this Aareement. , . ~ PU~CHASE AGREEMENT Addres~..2 if IE 1-- .. S; T; 10/0/1/// c:/Z//tJ Page 3 Date.:3 -j- CJ Y 122. 123. 124. Buyer shall pa PRORATED FROM DAY OF CLOSIN 'I _12ths / ALL / NONE real estate taxes due and payable in the year.2Cx.? y. mnm.. _mm_. ._nm.mm_._n_... Ire e one)._nm.mn_n........n_m.....__m_.......___....._ 125. Seller shall p PRORATED TO DAY OF CLOSIN '/ 12ths / ALL / NONE real estate taxes due and payable in the year .2 <9 <') 'I . If the ~.."___________...____ B Orle)~..nn____~.~n~_____.unn_____~~nnn____u.nw__~ .,.<; 126. closing date is changed, the real estate taxes paid ~f prorated, be adjusted to the nevrclosing date. Seller warrants taxes due and 127. payable in the year...< tPt::' 'f will be FULL / PART ~omestead classification. If part- or non-homestead classification is circled, I --m.-m-(clfcle one)--m.m-m 128. Seller agrees to pay Buyer at closing $ - 0- 129. toward the non-homestead real estate taxes. Buyer agrees to pay any remaining balance of non-homestead taxes when they become 130. due and payable. Buyer shall pay real estate taxes due and payable in the year following closing and thereafter, the payment of which is 131. not otherwise herein provided. No representations are made concerning the amount of subsequent real estate taxes. 132. POSSESSION: Seller shall deliver possession of the property not later than ! h () if /L after closing. 133. All interest, homeowner's association dues, rents and all charges for city water, city sewer, electricity and natural gas shall be prorated 134. between the parties as of date of closing. Buyer shall pay Seller for remaining gallons of fuel oil or liquid petroleum gas on the day of 135. closing, at the rate of the last fill by Seller. Seller agrees to remove ALL DEBRIS AND ALL PERSONAL PROPERTY NOT INCLUDED 136. HEREIN from the property by possession date. 137. ENVIRONMEN1iAL CONCERNS: To the best of Seller's knowledge, there are no hazardous substances or underground storage 138. tanks except herein noted: 139. 140. SELLER WARRANTS THAT THE PROPERTY IS EITHER DIRE TLYO INDIRECTLY C NNECTEDT.....: 141. CITY SEWER,gL YES 0 NO I CITY WATER .Ki YES 0 NO 142. ~ BUYER AGREES TO PROVIDE WATER QUALITY TEST RESULTS IF REQUIRED BY GOVERNING AUTHORITY AND/OR LENDER __..-n---{cin;!Q oneJ-....---- 143.dELLERlEUYER AGREES TO PROVIDE, IF REQUIRED BYTHETERMS OFTHIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT OR BY GOVERNIN m....n--(Clrcle one)--....----- 144. AUTHORITY AND/OR LENDER, A LICENSED INSPECTOR'S SEPTIC SYSTEM INSPECTION REPORT OR NOTICE INDICATING I 145. THE SYSTEM COMPLIES WITH APPLICABLE REGULATIONS. NOTICE: A VALID CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE FOR TH 146. SYSTEM MAY SATISFY THIS OBLIGATION. NOTHING IN LINES 143 TO 146 SHALL OBLIGATE SELLER TO UPGRADE, REPAIR 0 147. REPLACE THE SEPTIC SYSTEM, UNLESS OTHERWISE AGREED TO IN THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT 148. BUYER HAS RECEIVED THE WELL DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OR A STATEMENT THAT NO WELL EXISTS ON THE PROPERTY 149. AND A SEPTIC SYSTEM DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OR A STATEMENT THAT NO SEPTIC SYSTEM EXISTS ON OR SERVES TH 150. PROPERTY, AS REQUIRED BY MINNESOTA STATUTES. 151. SELLER WARRANTS THAT CENTRAL AIR-CONDITIONING, HEATING, PLUMBING AND WIRING SYSTEMS USED AND LOCATED 0 152. SAID PROPERTY WILL BE IN WORKING ORDER ON DATE OF CLOSING, EXCEPT AS NOTED IN THIS AGREEMENT 153. BUYER HAS THE RIGHT TO A WALK.THROUGH REVIEW OF THE PROPERTY PRIOR TO CLOSING, TO ESTABLISH THAT TH 154. PROPERTY IS IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE SAME CONDITION AS OF THE DATE OF PURCHASE AGREEMENT. SELLER AGREE 155. TO NOTIFY BUYER IMMEDIATELY IN WRITING OF ANY SUBSTANTIVE CHANGES FROM ANY PRIOR REPRESENTATION 156.' REGARDING THE PHYSICAL CONDITION OF THE PROPERTY. , I 157. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES THAT NO ORAL REPRESENTATIONS HAVE BEEN MADE REGARDING POSSIBLE PROBLEMS 0 158. WATER IN BASEMENT OR DAMAGE CAUSED BY WATER OR ICE' BUILDUP ON ROOF OF THE PROPERTY, AND BUYER RELlE 159. SOLELY IN THAT REGARD ON THE FOLLOWING STATEM~NT BY SELLER: 160. SELLER@If~~~e~_~!_ HAD A WET BASEMENT AND ~.~~_.{~~,~oYtAD ROOF, WALL OR CEILING DAMAGE CAUSED BY WATE 161. OR ICE BUILDUP. BUYER ~.~~U~(Ci~~~)~~ECEIVED A SELLER'S PROPERTY DISCLOSURE STATEMENT OR A SELLER' 162. DISCLOSURE ELECTION FORM. BUYER HAS RECEIVED THE INSPECTION REPORTS, IF REQUIRED BY MUNICIPALITY. 163. 164. ~ fJ- /L /L Y c: A- /L-- r.E-<- /J ' (Licensee) rY ,4 T/..v ;..j /1-1 /2 /?,4.,( 7-y (Company) " NOTICE ~ is Seller's Agent I Buyer's Agent~:n~.~~il~~~t~r __..n~____.n..____n._____....n____.n____(cJrcle one)-- --- 165. (Licens.e) is Seller's Agent I Buyer's Agent / Dual Agent I Facilitator nn.umn..m_m...._m..mmum_:_{clrcle one)mmm.".m-.......nm..nm-..-.m 166. 167. 168. (Company) THIS NOTICE DOES NOT SATISFY MINNESOTA STATUTORY AGENCY DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS. 169. DUAL AGENCY REPRESENTATION 170. PLEASE CHECK Q/ig OF THE FOLLOWING SELECTIONS: . . ..I_~_ ...~__~...........i.......... niC'"r'r'H-.,-arrilinat:: 17?-1A.I1. h L i "d-, ~ . . . PROPOSED REDEVELOPMENT ESTIMATES Selling Price 2004 EMV ASSUMPTIONS: Purchase Price Parcel One 66 X 330 = 21,780 sq ft Parcel Two 80 X 330 = 26,400 sq ft Parcel Three 66 X 330 = 21,780 sq ft TOTALS 69,960 sg ft Demo/Closing $10,000 per home Relocation/Replacement (one home) TOTAL COSTS Less selling price GAP $ 54,450 $ 66,000 $ 54,450 $174,900 $135,000 $ 66,000 ($2.50 psf) $150,000 $351,000 $ 20,000 $ 30,000 $391,000 $144,000 ($12,000 value per lot) $247,000 $ 86,200 $ 30,000 $ 79,700 $195,900 Example A: Utilize 69,960 sq ft and construct 12 town homes. (Eight town home units per acre per Consultant Grittman.) 12 units at $175,000 = $2,100,000 Estimate New Market Value. NTC $21,000 BTC $ 1,959 CTC $19,041 Tax Rate 1.32 Tax Increment $25,134 Less 10% $ 2,513 Bal $22,621 X15 years = $339,315 $169,657 NPV Tax Increment $22,621 X 20 years = $452,420 $226,210 NPV $22,621 X 25 years = $565,525 $282,762 NPV \d- Property Full Report Page 1 of2 Single Family Residential Additional photos and supplements may be attached. If so, you may access them by clicking on the above photo. List Price: $ 149,900 List #: 2204597 Status: Active Style: (SF) One 1/2 Stories Construction Status: Previously Owned Year Built: 1111 Bedrooms: 2 Total Bath:J Garage: 2 Lot Size: 66x330 Acres: 0.5 Foundation Size: 995 AbvGrd Fin Sqft: 995 BelGrd Fin Sqft: 0 Total Fin Sqft: 995 List Date: 10/21/2003 Recd by MLS: 10/23/2003 Market Time: 148 224 East 4th St MONT - Monticello, Minnesota 55362 IGENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION Directions: Hwy25 to 4th St East to property on right. Legal: Lots 5 and 6 Block G AC Riggs Addition to Lower Monticello County: WRIG p Wright Lake/Waterfront: School District Info: 763-271-0300, 882. Monticello, School District #882 Com pi ex/Developme nt/Su bdivision: Restrictions/Covenants: Lot Description: Other Association Fee: $ 0 Frequency: N/A Fee Includes: N/A Accessibility: None Zoning: Residential-Multi-Family Road Frontage: City . Orig List Price: $ 149,900 Map Page: 31 MLS Area #:341 Map Coord: C1 Sec Area: Fire #: TAX INFORMATION Tax Year: 2003 Tax Amt: $ 896 Tax w/assess: $ 896 Assess Bal:$ 0 Assess Pend: Unknown Homestead: Yes Property 10: 155019007050 Lake Name: Common Wall: No Approved Financing: . I REMARKS Agent Remarks: Most of the value is in the two lots. The house was rented, might be possible for rental. As is addendum required- zoned PZM. Public Remarks: STRUCTURE INFORMATION Room I Level I Dimen Room Description Level Dimen IMisc Living Rm IMAIN 116x10 I Heat: Other Dining Rm IMAIN 12x8 I Fuel: Natural Gas Family Rm I lAir Conditioning: None Kitchen IMAIN 12x9 IWater: City Water - Connected Bedroom 1 IMAIN 12x11 I Sewer: City Sewer. Connected Bedroom2 IMAIN 11x8 IGarage Stalls: 2 Bedroom3 I I I IOther Parking: Bedroom4 I I I IPool: Total Baths: 1 Full: 1 3/4: 0 1/2: 0 1/4: 0 Bath Characteristics: Main Floor Full Bath Dining Room: Informal Dining Room Family Room: Fireplaces: 0 Fireplace Characteristics: Appliances: Range, Refrigerator Basement: Partial Exterior: Other Fencing: None Roof: Asphalt Shingles Amenities - Shared: Amenities - Unit: Parking Characteristics: Detached Garage, Driveway. Gravel . Id httn:/ /northstarmls .com/SearchDetail/Scrints/PrtAgtFul/PrtAgtFul.asp ?nro=Mls&where==+ ... 3/18/2004 Page 1 of2 Property Full Report . Single Family Residential List Price: $ 149,900 List#:2204597 Status: Active Style: (SF) One 1/2 Stories Construction Status: Previously Owned Orig List Price: $ 149,900 Map Page: 31 MLS Area #:341 Map Coord: C1 See Area: Fire #: Year Built: 1111 Bedrooms: 2 Total Bath: 1 Garage: 2 Lot Size: 66x330 Acres: 0.5 Foundation Size: 995 AbvGrd Fin Sqft: 995 BelGrd Fin Sqft: 0 Total Fin Sqft: 995 List Date: 10/21/2003 Recd by MLS: 10/23/2003 Market Time: 148 TAX INFORMATION Tax Year: 2003 Tax Amt: $ 896 Tax w/assess: $ 896 Assess 6al:$ 0 Assess Pend: Unknown Homestead: Yes Property 10: 155019007050 Additional photos and supplements may be attached. If so, you may access them by clicking on the above photo. 224 East 4th St MONT - Monticello, Minnesota 55362 IGENERAL PROPERTY INFORMATION Directions: Hwy25 to 4th St East to property on right. Legal: Lots 5 and 6 Block G AC Riggs Addition to Lower Monticello County: WRIG . Wright Lake/Waterfront: School District Info: 763.271.0300, 882 . Monticello, School District #882 Com pi ex/Developme nt/Su bd ivision: Restrictions/Covena nts: Lot Description: Other Association Fee: $ 0 Frequency: N/A Fee Includes: NIA Accessibility: None Zoning: Residential.Multi.Family Road Frontage City Lake Name: Common Wall: No . Approved Financing: I REMARKS Agent Remarks: Most of the value is in the two lots. The house was rented, might be possible for rental. As is addendum required- zoned PZM. Public Remarks: STRUCTURE INFORMATION Room I Level Dimen Room Description I Level Dimen IMisc Living Rm IMAIN 16x10 I I Heat: Other Dining Rm IMAIN 12x8 I IFuel: Natural Gas Family Rm I I lAir Conditioning: None Kitchen IMAIN 12x9 I IWater: City Water. Connected 6edroom1 IMAIN 12x11 I I Sewer: City Sewer. Connected Bedroom2 IMAIN 11x8 I IGarage Stalls: 2 Bedroom3 I I lOther Parking: Bedroom4 I I Ipool: Total Baths 1 Full 1 3/4: 0 1/2: 0 1/4: 0 Bath Characteristics: Main Floor Full Bath Dining Room: Informal Dining Room Family Room: Fireplaces: 0 Fireplace Characteristics: Appliances: Range, Refrigerator Basement: Partial Exterior: Other Fencing: None Roof: Asphalt Shingles Amenities - Shared: Amenities - Unit: Parking Characteristics: Detached Garage, Driveway - Gravel . Id htto://northstarmls.com/SearchDetail/Scriots/PrtAgtFul/PrtAgtFul.aso ?om= Mls&where=+... 3/1 8/2004 Page 2 ot L Property Full Report . Shared Rooms: Special Search: Second Unit: MISCEllANEOUS Topography: Tillable Acres: Farm Type: If Under Construction: Agricultural Water: Pasture Acres: Soil Type: \proj Comp Date: Low Price Range: Model Location: Model Phone: Auction: No Auctioneer License #: 0 Cooperating Broker Comp Buyer Broker Comp: 2.5% Sub Agent: 0% Facilitator Comp: 0% Financial Remarks: Cash or conventional. estate sale. Sellers Terms: Conventional, Cash Existing Mortgage Information Existing Financing: Free and Clear Loan Orig Date: Existing Mortgage Amount: Int Rate: Principal/lnt: Secondary Fin?: OutbuildingS: Wooded Acres: Crop Type: JLot Price: $ J High Price Range: \Model Hours Open: Auction Type: N/A Variable Rate: No Type: Exclusive Right To Sell ~ List#: 2204597 Listing Agent: Larry J Carter Listing Office: Platinum Realty, loc Address: 224 East 4th St MONT - Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Larry Carter Appt Phone 763-295-6565 Office Phone: 763-295-6565 @2001-2003 Regional MLS of Minn., Inc. All Rights Reserved Prepared by:Larry J Carter Information Deemed Reliable But Not Guaranteed . . 1 'd-- http://northstannls.comlSearchDetaiJlScriPtslPrlAgtFU1IPrtAgtFul.asp ?prp~Mls&where~+... 3/18/2004 Council Agenda - 4112/04 . 13. Consideration of authorizine: staff to shw off on comvleted EA W for Wal-Mart site. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City staff has been informed that Wal-Mart is interested in developing a store featuring 203,091 square feet of retail space to be located between Cedar Street, School Boulevard and Kjellberg East mobile home park on 28 acres. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) is required to be prepared for projects that involve over 200,000 sq. ft. of commercial development. Wal-Mart is on a fast track toward development of the building which is planned for opening in July of 2005. In order to maintain an aggressive schedule, the City Council is asked to give city staff authorization to finalize and distribute the Wal-Mart site EA W via the Environmental Quality Board before April 19, 2004. Typically it has been City policy to have the EA W approved by the City Council in its final form prior to submittal to the Environmental Quality Board for processing. A preliminary rough draft of the EA W is attached for your review. Work to complete this EA W will continue during the next week. It is anticipated that the final, complete EA W will be submitted for publication in the April 26, 2004 EQB Monitor for the 30-day comment period. . Please note that planning related applications will be provided by Wal-Mart shortly with processing occurring during the Mayor June plan review cycle. As a separate matter staff does not know how the decision by Wal-Mart to move the proposed site affects the Home Depot project. It is our understanding that Wal-Mart moved to the new location because the site prepared by Home Depot did not support the size of the store now proposed by Wal-Mart. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize statfto finalize and distribute the Wal-Mart site EA W via the Environmental Quality Board before April 19,2004. 2. Motion to deny staff authorization to finalize and distribute the Wal-Mart site EA W via the Environmental Quality Board before April 19, 2004. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION Statf recommends Alternative #1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . Copy of draft EA W CITY OF MONTICEllO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION _CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: April 12, 2004 AGENDA ITEM: City Project # 2004~014 AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Jeff @'NeiU AGENDA NO: ATTACHMENTS: Preliminary rough draft of WalMart Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) APPROVED BY: The proposed WalMart site includes approximately 203,091 sf of retail space to be located between Cedar Street, School Blvd, and the mobile home park on 28 acres in the City. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) is required to be prepared for projects that involve over 200,000sf of commercial development. A preliminary rough draft of the EAW is attached for your review. Work to complete this EAW will continue during the next week. It is anticipated that the final, complete EAW will be submitted for publication in the April 26, 2004 EOB Monitor for the 30~day comment period. City Staff is requesting that the City Council allow Staff to authorize the distribution of the EAW before April 19, 2004 in order to keep the project on schedule. . RECOMMENDED ACTION: Recommend that Staff distribute the complete EAW for publication in the April 26, 2004 EOB Monitor. ,~......-------"~~- COMMISSION ACTION: ._.,-------~.....-------....---'~~,~.._"'-,-,-~-_..-.-~.. --~, . ,....""-- .--'. ~ _.~- . . . '" ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Note to preparers: An electronic version of this Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EA W) form and a fact sheet on preparing one are available at the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Web site hth>://www.pca.state.mn.us/proe:rams/envrp.htmI. A booklet, EA W Guidelines, is also available at the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQB) Web site http://www.mnplan.state.mn.us or by calling (651) 296-8253. The EA W provides information about a project that may have the potential for significant environmental effects. The EA W is prepared by the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU) or its agents to determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) should be prepared. The project proposer must supply any reasonably accessible data for - but should not complete - the final worksheet. If a complete answer does not fit in the space allotted, attach additional sheets as necessary. The complete question as well as the answer must be included if the EA W is prepared electronically. -r Note to reviewers: The Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) provides information aboutN.~~ Comments on the EA W must be submitted to the RGU during the 30-day comment period ~Oe~tith notice of the availability of the EA W in the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board (EQBl'tPnr. Comments on the EA W should address the accuracy and completeness of information, potentIal impacts that are reasonably expected to occur that warrant further investigation, and the need for an ElS. Attach the following to the EA W: · County map showing the general location of the project; Figure 1, Appendix A · United States Geological Survey 7.5 minute, I :24,000 scale map indicating project boundaries (photocopy acceptable); Figure 2, Appendix A · Site plan showing all significant project and natural features. Appendix B Page 1 of 11 F:I WPWINl1488-66\ Wal-Mart EA W.doc .. . . . The City of Monticello has prepared an EA W for the proposed :!::27.8 acre Wal-Mart Store site to be located south of School Boulevard between Cedar Street and CR 117 and east of TH 25 in Monticello, MN. The land is currently agricultural land. A recent site visit of the proposed Wal-Mart project was performed to determine existing conditions. The site is currently an uncultivated field and does not contain any wetlands or wooded areas. There is an adjacent residential mobile home park located to the southwest and a new gas station located to the northwest of the project area. A large residential development is located east of the site on the east side ofCR 177. The Wal-Mart project includes development ofa commercial retail center on j:27.8 acres of currently fallow agricultural land east of Trunk Highway 25 and south of School Boulevard in Monticello, MN. Development will include a 203,091 ft 2 retail store, associated parking area, and a gas station. The gas station is proposed to be constructed on j:0.7 acres in the northwest comer of the site. This station will be required to meet all State and Federal regulations. The site plan shown in Appendix B proposes four accesses to and from the retail center: two from the west side of the site at Cedar Street and two from the north side ofthe site at School Boulevard. One storm water pond designed to Nationwide Urban Runoff Program (NURP) guidelines will be constructed on-site. This pond will pretreat storm water runoff from the site before being conveyed to the City of Monticello's trunk storm sewer system that conveys treated stormwater to large wetland complexes located to the northwest of the site. The parking area on the Site Plan indicates 1,045 spaces will be available to accommodate customers. The following road improvements are proposed by the City in conjunction with this site development: (Pending Traffic Study results) The j:27.8 acre site will be graded in phases with construction beginning in XXXXX. Full build is anticipated to be reached sometime in XXXXX. The purpose of this project is to provide a retail center for local and neighboring residents of Monticello, Minnesota. The j:27.8 acre commercial site will be easily accessible via Interstate 94 to the north and Trunk Highway 25 to the west. The project is not being carried out by a local government. Page 2 of 11 F:\WPWINl1488-66\Wal-Mart EAW.doc ~ . . Unit of Government Tvpe of Application Status Federal EPA Notification For Underground To be obtained Storage Tanks State MPCA Sanitary Sewer Extension Permit To be obtained MPCA NPDES Phase II General To be obtained Stonnwater Permit Citv/Local City Buildin2 Permit To be obtained City Preliminary and Final Plat To be obtained Approval Land use on this parcel has been agricultural and most recently has been left uncultivated. . Surrounding land use is primarily light industrial, commercial, and residential. According to Minnegasco, there is one gas main located along Cedar Street to the west of the site. A powerline runs along the southern boundary of the site. Minnesota Pollution Controls' "What's in My Neighborhood" website was queried to determine if any known or potential sources of contaminants are present on site. Page 3 of J J F:\WPWINl1488-66IWal-Mart EAW,doc According to this data, there are no known contaminants present on the site. . The site is currently open field and does not contain wetlands, water bodies, or wooded areas. This type of fallow field is anticipated to support small animals such as field mice and other rodents. The site does not provide a significant travel corridor or source of food or cover, and therefore it is not anticipated to provide significant wildlife habitat resources. . Based on the DNR Natural Heritage Database and a site visit, there are (to be determined.) The letter from the DNR is included in Appendix D. . Water to the site will be supplied by the City's water system. The City's DNR Water Appropriations Page 4 of 11 F:I WPW/Nl] 488-66\ 1Val-Mart EA Wdoc Permit Number for this area is 641059. The City is in the process of working towards adding a new well that is anticipated to be functioning in one to two years. . . The site is mostly level with sloped areas. The soils found within this site are primarily Dorset Sandy Loam and Dorset Two Inlets Complex. These soils are categorized in the Wright County Soil Survey as somewhat excessively to excessively well drained. Best Management Practices outlined in a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan to control erosion and sedimentation will be used during and after construction ofthis project to control erosion and prevent sediment laden runoff from entering waters of the state. (A temporary storm water pond will be used during construction to prevent untreated runoff from entering waters downstream.. . ..to be determined upon submittal of complete plans) A permanent storm water treatment basin will be constructed on site. This basin will be designed to meet NURP guidelines to pretreat runoff from the site prior to release into the City of Monticello's downstream surface water system. Quantity and Rate This proposed project is located in the TH 25 watershed as described in the City of Monticello's TH 25 Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan and is generally consistent with this plan. Based on this plan, the storm water discharge from the entire watershed area for a rainfall event with a 10-year frequency must be limited to a peak discharge rate of 8 cfs. Drainage from this site will be directed to one storm water pond located in the southeast comer of the site as shown on the Site Plan in Appendix B. This pond will provide rate control and treatment as required by the City's Storm Water Management Plan. This pond will flow into the City's trunk storm sewer system which conveys treated stormwater to the large wetland complexes located to the northwest of the site. . Quality The quality of runoff generated by this site is anticipated to be typical of commercial sites. Pretreatment of stormwater runoff from a 2.5-inch rainfall meeting NURP guidelines will be provided within the on-site pond prior to storm water discharge into the City trunk storm sewer system and wetlands downstream. Page 5 of 11 F:\ WPWINl1488-66\ Wal-Mart EA W.doc . Runoff from this site will be directed to the on-site NURP storm water basin as shown on the Site Plan in Appendix B. Treated water will then be directed via the trunk storm sewer system to the wetland complexes located northwest of the site. It is anticipated that only normal commercial sewage will be generated by the proposed development. Average wastewater flows generated at the site are expected to be approximately 33,600 gallons per day under fully developed conditions. All wastewater generated from this site will be conveyed via an underground collection system to the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant for treatment. This project will not treat storm water on site. . The normal commercial sewage generated by the proposed commercial development will be treated by Monticello's Wastewater Treatment Plant. Flows from this site will reach the City's Reservoir Lift Station from which point it is pumped to the City's treatment facility. The existing station has adequate pump and forcemain capacity to accommodate flows from this site. However, improvements will be needed to increase the wet well capacity at the station to allow proper cycling of the pumps and eliminate the opportunity of pump overflow. Monticello's plant has adequate capacity to treat these flows. No liquid animal manure will be generated by the project. . There are no known sink holes, shallow limestone formations, or karst conditions within the site. Page 60f11 F:I WPWINl1488-66\ Waf-Mart EA W.doc . Information from the Wright County Soil Survey indicates the following soils are present on the site: · Dorset Sandy Loam, 0 to 2 % slopes, somewhat excessively drained, depth to water table greater than 6 feet · Dorset Two Inlets Complex, 2 to 6 % slopes, somewhat excessively to excessively drained, depth to water table greater than 6 feet The soils on site have fairly rapid permeability rates and as a result have a higher potential for ground water contamination. Best Management practices during and post construction to protect against chemical spills will be implemented. The proposed plan shows a potential gas station to be located in this site. Construction of any future commercial sites involving underground storage tanks will meet State and Federal regulatory requirements. Figure 3 in Appendix A shows the information from the Wright County Soil Survey. . No hazardous wastes are anticipated to be generated by this site. General municipal waste will be disposed of using a local garbage hauler. Recycling will be encouraged. See item 20c A gas station is proposed for development on the northwest comer of the site. The number of tanks is unknown at this time. As part of completion of the final plans and securing of Federal and State regulatory permits for this proposed fueling center, the number of underground storage tanks will be determined. All mandated State and Federal requirements and specifications will be met for this site. . Page 7 of 11 Traffic Generation: 2004 Full Build F:I WPWINl1488-661 Wal-Mart EA W.doc . Square Feet A veraee Daily Peak Hour: 4:30-5:30 PM Wal-Mart 203,091 xxxx xxx Fueline Station xxxx xxxx xxx Total xxxxx xxxx The estimated trip generation is based on information identified in the 6th edition of the Institute of Transportation Engineers Trip Generation Manual. (Data to be provided upon completion of Traffic Study) The proposed project will include the development of .:t27.8 acres. 1,045 parking spaces will be added to the proposed site. A carbon monoxide analysis was prepared to document compliance with applicable ambient air quality standards. (Study results to be provided upon completion of analysis) . The proposed uses on site are not anticipated to generate stationary source air emissions. Noise Noise from construction activity is anticipated to temporarily increase. However, upon completion of construction ofthe site only normal noise levels associated with a commercial retail center is anticipated. . Minnesota Statutes (l 16.07, subd. 2a) exempts state noise standards for "...an existing or newly constructed segment of road or street, or highway under the jurisdiction of a road authority of the town, statutory, or home rule charter city, or county, except for roadways which full control of access has been acquired." Therefore, a detailed noise analysis is not required for the proposed development. The proposed development site is bordered by land uses of either business or industrial; therefore, a detailed noise analysis was not performed. Dust Page 8 of 11 F:\ WPWIM1488-66\ Waf-Mart EA W.doc . During construction, particulate emissions will temporarily increase due to the generation of fugitive dust. The following dust control measures will be undertaken as necessary: 1. Minimize the period and extent of areas being exposed or regraded at anyone time. 2. Spraying construction areas and haul roads with water, especially during periods of high wind or high levels of construction activity. 3. Minimize the use of vehicles on unpaved surfaces. 4. Covering or spraying material piles and truck loads. Odors The construction and/or operation ofthis project is not anticipated to involve any processes or materials that would generate any odors. There are no known historical, archaeological, or architectural resources within this site according to information provided via a telephone conversation with the Minnesota Historical Society. . The proposed commercial site will be well lit to attract customers and provide for their safety. The lighting plan will be designed to meet City standards for directional lighting, glare, and maximum luminescence at property lines. The proposed land use for this site is commercial retail, which is compatible with the City's zoning of this area as Highway Business. The development ofthis site is subject to the following plans: . The City of Monticello's Comprehensive Plan. The City of Monticello's Comprehensive Plan indicates that this area is zoned as Highway Business development. This project is consistent with the Plan. . . The City's Well Plan The City of Monticello has a new well designated for construction approximately 1 mile northeast of this site within the next I to 2 years. This will provide sufficient water supplies for development in and around this area in the near future. Currently, the City has adequate water supplies available for this development and the City's water services will be extended to the site. F:\ WPWIN\1488-66\ Wal-Mart EA W.doc Page 9 of 11 . . TH 25 Storm Water Management Plan and The City of Monticello's Water Resource Management Plan . The Stonn Water Management Plan for TH 25 requires that storm water generated from this district meet NURP requirements. The construction ofthe storm water pond on-site will provide the required rate control and pretreatment. . The City of Monticello's Sewer Plan The City of Monticello's Sewer Plan indicates that the sewer system will be extended to provide service to this site. Flows from this site will reach the City's Reservoir Lift Station from which point it is pumped to the City's treatment facility. The existing station has adequate pump and forcemain capacity to accommodate flows from this site. However, improvements will be needed to increase the wet well capacity at the station to allow proper cycling of the pumps and eliminate the opportunity of pump overflow. The following improvements are proposed in conjunction with the development: . (Road infrastructure info. to be provided upon completion of Traffic Study) . Storm sewer, water, and sanitary lines will be extended and connected to the City's system that is currently in place. . Development in the surrounding area has recently occurred. The area north of this site is anticipated to be developed in the near future. The cumulative impacts associated with development in this area include increased stormwater runoff, increased water use and sanitary sewer flows, and conversion of mostly agricultural and fallow land to developed area. To address these impacts, the City has implemented policies to address storm water management, and is working to add another City well. The City currently has the capacity to treat the sanitary wastewater that will be generated by this site. The conversion of open space to developed space is difficult to mitigate. Open space and parkland areas are addressed in the City's Comprehensive Planning and Zoning Policies. No other environmental impacts have been identified. . Page 10 of 11 F:\WPWINl1488-66\Wal-Mart EAW.doc . The recognized environmental impacts associated with the Wal-Mart development project are as follows: 1. Stormwater runoff volume will increase and runoff pollutant loads will increase: Impacts related to storm water quantity and quality will be mitigated through the use of storm water treatment pond on-site. 2. Sanitary sewer flows and water consumption will increase: The City's Wastewater Treatment Facility has adequate capacity to handle the sewage volumes from this site. The increase in water use will be mitigated by the development of a new municipal well and water tower. 3. Open space will be converted to developed space: Mitigating for the loss of open space for this project is difficult since the entire site will be commercial retail. Approximately 3.5 acres of ponding will provide open space for this site. 4. Traffic Impacts: The proposed development will require some immediate roadway improvements. (Traffic Study data to be provided upon completion) RGU CERTIFICATION. . I hereby certify that: . The information contained in this document is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. . The EA W describes the complete project; there are no other projects, stages or components other than those described in this document, which are related to the project as connected actions or phased actions, as defined at Minn. R. 4410.0200, subps. 9b and 60, respectively. . Copies of this EA Ware being sent to the entire EQB distribution list. Signature: Date: Title: . Page 11 of 11 F:\WPWINl1488-66IWal-Mart EAW,doc . . Appendix A County Map,USGS Quad Map, Aerial Photo, Soils Map . W\01488-66\GIS\USGS . f';C "--~,'~~~ . "<t., .. ,~~:"T~~ IT ~il\~e,~~,~) ) \\. III - J'.I t21~"'~'~---' \_ _,__ . \::.-~ ',"";';:~-:fiI.) I) \ . ,. \ ~-' I >C::'~d~~. ". " '" 3~! I ~~"'.\~,,.jX:: If \ I J/4t .(.:.J .. "'=r-,..:-----~"- " ~ \ \ '\ '., v ' I .-<-'~ ;,. (: ,~'\ '\'~" " ~~. 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MON'fICELLO WAL-MART EAW USGS PROJECT LOCATION MAP MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA ~Feet o 500 1.000 2,000 ..' s W:\01488-66\GIS\Aerial ~9NI!~ELto WAL~MART EAW AERIAL PHOTO MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-66 ..' s ~F..t o 500 1,000 2,000 LEGEND SOIL NAME _ DORSET SANDY LOAM, 0 TO 2 PERCENT SLOPES _ DORSET-TWO INLETS COMPLEX, 2 TO 6 PERCENT SLOPES .,q,+\"-.I'.'J~"":/ '1):,!1,'.~.,.,')Y".';' t * IVIO:'lTJn:L~~~ FIGURE 3 WAl-MART EAW SOilS MAP MONTICEllO, MINNESOTA WSB PROJECT NO. 1488-66 .*, s :;81 . . Appendix B Site Development Plan . n___ -- oozt Nn 'OT130I.l.NOn -"""'......iul ......... S10 tiDal .10lrOlld Yl.1NlOYldnS .1Yyn-'YM .......... """ al .1dlONOO II l.1IS ---. SNOISIAlY '0 'fls-sal 0# .0.101101 NY1d ].11S -- ..~!:"---~ lel.l___~_ OOli8\1 NOS ~ ~ ~-z--~ ......... 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REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND IRS regulations now require that before a city can issue bonds to reimburse itself for expenses it has already paid through a bond sale, a resolution needs to be passed indicating which projects the city will likely sell bonds for in the future. This resolution is simply a technical requirement required by the bond counsel. The resolution being proposed covers various improvement projects that are currently underway or will be started in the near future. This resolution will allow the City to finance any of these improvements in the future by selling bonds. Adoption of the resolution is not authorizing a bond sale at this time. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION 1. Adopt a resolution declaring intent to reimburse expenditures to the proceeds of bond covering the various projects outlined. 2. Do not authorize the resolution. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the resolution be adopted as proposed, thus enabling the City to sell bonds to finance the various improvement projects listed, if desired, in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of resolution. RESOLUTION 2004-25 RESOLUTION DECLARING THE OFFICIAL INTENT OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO REIMBURSE CERT AIN EXPENDITURES FROM THE PROCEEDS OF BONDS TO BE ISSUED BY THE CITY WHEREAS, the Internal Revcnue Service has issued Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 providing that proceeds of tax-exempt bonds used to reimburse prior expenditures will not be deemed spent unless certain requirements are met; and WI IEREAS, the City expects to incur certain expenditures which may be financed temporarily from sources other than bonds, and reimbursed from the proceeds of a bond; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL YED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTlCELLO (THE "CITY") AS FOLLOWS: I. The City reasonably intends to make expenditures for the projects described in Exhibit A (the "Projects"), and reasonably intends to reimburse itself for such expenditures from the proceeds of debt to be issued by the City in the maximum principal amount described in Exhibit A. 2. The City Administrator is authorized to designate appropriate additions to Exhibit A in circumstances where time is of the essence, and any such designation shall be reported to the Council at the earliest practicable datc and shall be filed with the official books and records of the City as provided in Section 3. 3. This resolution is intended to constitute a declaration of official intcnt for purposes of Treas. Reg. S 1.150-2 and any successor law, regulation, or ruling. Adopted by the City Council this 12th day of April, 2004. Bruce Thielen, Mayor AT1'Es'r: Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator Resolution No. 2004-25 Page 2 EXHIBIT A TO OFFICIAL INTENT RESOLUTION ADOPTED APRIL 12, 2004 MAXIMUM PRINCIPAL DA TE OF AMOUNT OF IlEBT DECLARATION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT FOR PROJECT 4-12-04 Core Street Street Reconstruction $1,859,910 Project No. 2004-06C 4-12-04 Prairie Road Reconstruction Project $826,526 No.2003-20C ~ COUNCIL UPDATE BY RICK WOLFSTELLER April 7,2004 Sherburne-Wright County Cable Commission Franchise Fees With Monticello being one of the ten cities in Sherburne and Wright county that have jointly created a hanchise agreement with Charter Communications, [just wanted to let the Counci I know that the Cable Commission has recently received its franchise fees for the year 2003 in the amount of $341,197.00. Of this amount, $57,465 is attributable to cable customers in the Monticello system. While the city does not directly receive the franchise fees, funds from the entire group are used by commission member cities to provide our equipment and services within the city hall facility and will be used in the near future to update various pieces of equipment as needed. These funds also paid for the majority of the acoustical problem expenditures that were previously done to the council chamber facility. As an added noted attached is a copy of a letter recently received from Charter Communications regarding their ongoing negotiations with the Twins owned Victory Sports Network relating to televising future Twins games. As some of you may have heard, Victory Sports has not come to an agreement with a majority of cable operators in Minnesota on the televising of Twins games for this season, which means that 90% of Minnesotans will not be watching Twins games this year. Hopefully, negotiations continue and an agreement is reached so that our residents are able to view the Gophers and Twins on our cable system. Attachments: Letter Franchise Fee Information / ) \ \ Subject: franchise fee payment Commissioners We have received the franchise fees for 2003. The Chair has deposited them in the bank account. I thnk it is helpful for each city to see its respsective contribution. Below, please find your town with the amount of franchise fee attributable to your subscribers for 2003. Big Lake Buffalo Cokato Dassel Delano Elk River Maple Lake Monticello Rockford Watertown TOTAL $ 31,292.53. 79,519.88 13,4 77.46 6,568.23 21,291.49 85,186.45 9,092.59 57,465.70 17,404.61 19...898.96 341,197.90 If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Thanks Tom 03/30/2004 ~ .. Charter COMM UN ICATIONS. A WIRED WDRLD COMPANY'. March 25, 2004 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller, With the fust pitch of the Major League Baseball season ahnost upon us, we at Charter Communications wanted to give you a brief update in the ongoing negotiations with the new Twins-owned Victory Sports One network. As you may be aware, Victory Sports has yet to reach agreements with any of the major cable companies that serve more than 90% (ninety percent) of Minnesotans. Additionally Victory hasn't been able to come to an agreement with either of the DES satellite providers (Dish Network/Direct TV). Chartet Communications takes the desires of our customers very seriously. We know that our customers have a variety of interests, including programming such as news, music, movies or sports. And we know that our customers don't all have the same interests. In determining the programming we carry, we balance the desires of all of our customers while maintaining the affordability of our service. Regrettably, Victory Sports continues to publicly state that Charter Communications refuses to negotiate with them. This is unquestionably false. We have made multiple attempts to reach an agreeInent with Victory Sports to avoid any hardship to our customers that are Twins and Gopher fans. Most tecently, at the request of Victory Sports, Charter put considerable time and effort into a detailed, multi-year, proposal. This effort to reach an agreement began late last year, and tile detail of our proposal was sent to Victory Sports in February. However on March 15th Victory Sports summarily rejected the proposal and refused to continue negotiations on anything but their unrealistic demands. We feel that Victory Sports and the Twins continue to evade serious, realistic, negotiations in lieu of emotional gamesmanship with their fans. Charter Communications remains ftrmly committed to reaching an agreement that will benefit all parties involved. We appreciate your understanding, and we are continuing to update our customers, and your constituents, through any means possible. Charter Communications staff and management continue to devote all the time necessary to speak with all concerned customers and fans. We also plan an additional notice to our customers with their upcoming billing statements. Please contact me at 651-464-9707, with any questions or concerns you or your constituents have regarding Victory Sports. Sincerely, Tucker Carlson Cbarler Communications Minnesota Dim10r oj Government Relations Arne "Tucker" Carlson' Government Relations Director 7570 208th Street North' Forest Lake MN 55025 tel: (651) 464.9709 . cell: (612) 849-0258 . fax: (651) 464-4919 . www.charter.com