City Council Agenda Packet 01-26-2004 I Mayor: AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 26, 2004 - 7 p.m. Bruce Thielen , Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. 3. 4. 5. Approve minutes of the January 12,2004 regular Council meeting. I'VlV " '}-vJ ~ l ?5frYJ tAA.!~) \) ", . ~ ~\ ~ f1l Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. [\J'-n-1~ rv ~ ./ ,{1(,v- Gv--f'r- Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Consent agenda. ./' / A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the MCC, Parks and Liquor Store. B. <,~ ~ ,,<; t::\ ~ \(,0" \.Sf D. II' ~.:J ~SGJ & Consideration of approving final payment to Buffalo Bituminous for the Prairie Road Street Realignment, Project No. 2002-10C. Consideration of adopting additional fees and charges related to new construction. Review of additional quotes for special benefit analysis for 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange and authorize special benefit analysis study. Consideration of authorizing an update to the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public hearing on proposed ordinance changing the name of Oakwood Avenue to Edmonson A venue between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. 8. Publicl-Iearing-Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. x; 9. ytY ~ CY 11. 12. 13. Consideration of adopting resolution for negative EA W - Methodist Church/Sunny Fresh. Consideration of recommendation of Personnel Committee on hiring additional Operator/Mechanic for Public Works Department. Review of Technical Memorandum on Street Reconstruction Program for 2004/Future Years. Approve payment of bills for January Adjourn I MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 12,2004 - 7 p.m. , Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pled2c of Allc2iance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of December 8. 2003 re2ular Council meetin~. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 8,2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRfED UNANIMOUSLY. B. Approve minutes of December 22. 2003 workshop meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 22,2003 WORKSHOP MEETING. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 3. Consideration of adding items to the a2cnda. Brian Stumpf asked if agenda item #13 could be included with consent agenda. City Attorney, Matt Brokl stated that because the item personally involved one of the members of the council, it should not be placed on the consent agenda. Bruce Thielen added discussion of a performance appraisal for the City Administrator and having the City Administrator establish goals for 2004. He also added scheduling of staff and council to initiate the process for selecting a strategic planner. Mayor Thielen also noted that the City Council would be meeting in closed session at the end of the regular meeting to discuss legal action to quiet title on the Jameson property. Glen Posusta asked that a discussion of the parking lot by the former library site be added, 4. Citizen comments/petitions. requests and complaints. Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of this portion of the meeting. There was no one present who spoke under citizens input. Mayor Thielen did acknowledge the presence of the 9111 grade students attending the meeting L Council Minutes - 1/12/04 5. Consent a2enda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for the MCC, Parks and City Hall. Recommendation: Approve the new hires as identified. B. Consideration of authorizing completion ofa special benefit analysis of the future I-94/CSAH 18 interchange. Recommendation: Authorize the completion of a special benefit analysis of the future I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange as proposed by Patchin Messner and Dodd at a cost range of $24,000 to $28,000. C Consideration of adopting increases to the development fee structure. Recommendation: Adopt the proposed increases to the development fees as recommended. D. Consideration of a request for conditional use permits allowing two 4 unit townhouse buildings in an R-2 District and associated request for a replat of Lots 5,6,7 and 8 of the Meadows subdivision. Applicant Homestead Multi-Family Development Corp. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit allowing two 4 unit townhouse buildings in an R-2 District, based on a finding that the zoning supports the use, and the proposal meets the density requirements for the area, subject to the following conditions: I. Submission of H final plat amlr:xr:r:ution of a dr:vdopmr:nt r:ontrad prior to issllanr:r: or oeellpalWY pennits. 2. Establishment of an association to Illaintainr:olllnlon arcas, indnding the nll-de-sw.; island landscaping. :1. Sepamtion of eombinl,;d driveways to Illeet City curb-cut width maximums. 4. Increase number of boule van I trr:l:S per City standards and this report. 5. Provide landsl:aping plans I()r j(llll1dation plantings. (i. I'rovi(\(; si(kwalk along Prairie Road to conned to Tilnber Ridgc. 7. I'rovidl: Iamlseaped butler along tIle north boulldary oftlw projed l:onsis\t;:nt with Timber Ridg.: and this report 8. Compliance with City Engineer's reeolllmendations on grading, drainage, utiliti.:s, and street l:onstruetion. 9. Complianl:l,; with City Public Works direclionltlr mailbox locations, garbage eollectionloeatiolls, street lighting and othl,;r rl,;l]lIirclTIl,;nts. Glen Posusta requested that Item #5B be removed for discussion. BRIAN STUMJ)F MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM #5B FOR DISCUSSION. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent a2enda for discussion. Glen Posusta questioned why the City did not pursue getting more than one quote for the study of the special benefit analysis. leffO'Neill responded that this is very specialized work and the firm proposing to do the study is highly qualified He added that the statfwould seek additional quotes if so directed by the Council. Robbie Smith questioned if a lower quote was received 2 .."") L. j Council Minutes - 1/12/04 would the City be obligated to go with that one. Bruce Thielen stated that the firms are providing a service and that the Council can select a service based on other factors besides price. , GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO HAVE STAFF OBTAIN ONE OR TWO ADDITIONAL QUOTES TO DO THE SPECIAL BENEFIT ANALYSIS STUDY OF THE 1-94/CSAH 18 INTERCHANGE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of vacating easements on Lot 1, Block 3 Groveland 2,,,1 Addition. When property in Groveland Second Addition was replatted into Groveland Place resulting in changed lot lines for the property involved, the City obtained, as part of the plat, easements along the new lot lines. The old interior lot line easement should have been vacated at that time since it was no longer needed but vacation of the easement was overlooked until the title company noted that the easement had not been vacated. The purpose of the public hearing was consider vacating this easement that is no longer needed Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed vacation. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT THE RESOLUTION APPROVING THE V ACA T10N OF THE DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT AFFECTING LOT 1, BLOCK 3, GROVELAND 2NIJ ADDITION. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 8. Monticello Arts Council - Introduction, Jim Fleming came before the Council to provide information about the formation of the Monticello Arts Council. He spoke briefly explaining some of the functions of the organization and the goals they had set. 1t is hoped that the formation of the Monticello Arts Council will foster awareness of arts in the community. 9. Consideration of annual aJJJJointments fOl' 2004. The Council reviewed the annual appointments for 2004. Glen Posusta was named as Council liaison to the Planning Commission and Robbie Smith was designated the Council representative on the Community Education Board. Because he is already serving on the Joint Fire Board, Police Commission and Annexation Committee, Brian Stumpf asked if another member of the Council would be willing to serve on the Library Board. Glen Posusta indicated he would serve in that capacity. The only other change to the appointments was that Dennis Sullivan would complete his term on the Design Advisory Team which runs through December 31, 2004. ,., -, 2~ I Council Minutes - 1/12/04 ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENTS FOR 2004. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. , 10. Consideration of request by Ki."k Kiellbere to be excluded from onmnized garba2e collection as residential. Matt Brokl, City Attorney, provided background on this agenda item which relates to a dispute regarding garbage service to the Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park which was recently annexed into the City. The City was approached by the property owner regarding the service and the fact that the mobile home park has a contract providing the same service but at less cost. They also object to being classified has residential/commercial instead of commercial. If they were classified as commercial they would be able to contract independently for garbage service. At the present time the property owner has not allowed the City's hauler onto the site to collect garbage. The City Attorney and Mayor have met with the property owner on this issue Kirk Kjellberg spoke to the Council and stated the mobile home park is an unique situation in that there are no public streets in the park and the park is an enclosed community. Since the City's contract with Onyx was in place before their property was annexed into the City the mobile home park is not covered by it. John Simola stated that City ordinance provides that garbage collection is provided to all properties within the City limits regardless of when the property comes into the City. Kirk Kjellberg stated that the mobile home park has provided economical housing for 40 years and he felt that being able to contract separately for garbage collection was more cost effective for the residents of the trailer park. Being classified as residential/commercial under the City's classification would mean that the mobile home park residents would have higher garbage charges than if the mobile home park continued under its contract with the present hauler The mobile home park would like to be treated as a commercial enterprise and be allowed to contract for their garbage collection services. Mayor Thielen asked Mr Kjellberg for his response to the staffs recommendation which was to allow the Kjellberg West Mobile Home Park to complete their contract with the present hauler which expires on December 31, 2005. Mr Kjellberg stated that he would like to have this looked at by his attorney before committing to it. Brian Stumpf stated he had some reservations about having the mobile home park designated as commercial and the precedent that might set. Kirk Kjellberg stated that the Council should consider whether Onyx had the right to bill for collection when they did not pick up any garbage at the parle John Simola stated that Onyx has been on the mobile home property each collection day but no cans had been set out. Robbie Smith asked if the mobile home park designation was changed, what impact would that have. John Simola replied that he thought it would have snowball effect with other properties like apartments and town homes also requesting the commercial designation BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ALLOW THE KJELLBERG WEST MOBILE HOME PARK TO CONTINUE THEIR PRESENT CONTRACT WITH THEIR GARBAGE HAULER UNTIL DECEMBER 31,2005. Glen Posusta stated that he had a concern with the City providing recycling services to the 4 2 I Council Minutes - III 2/04 , mobile home park at no charge. John Simola noted the recycling charges are $1. 87/per month/per unit. Kirk Kjellberg questioned whether the recycling was monitored. It was suggested that as part of the motion, Kirk Kjellberg and the staff meet to negotiate the numbers and then report back to the CounciL Matt Brokl clarified that the Council motion maintains the status quo put in place until the negotiations are completed. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION MOTION CARIUED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Consideration of hiring additional OperatorfMechanic for the Public Works Department. John Simola provided background on this agenda item noting that in the 2004 budget there were funds set aside for a full-time position in the Public Works Department for Ifz year. John Simola stated that because of medical leaves affecting a couple of Public Works employees they had to hire a temporary person to help with the work load. The Public Works Department would like to move up the advertising for this position from July to February. The Public Works Department would look at reducing capital outlays in an amount equal to the extra months of the labor cost for this position. Bruce Thielen expressed his concern about how the item was presented. He felt this request should have gone to the Personnel Committee for review and then forwarded to the CounciL He felt that the way it was presented did not seem to provide an equal opportunity to all. Glen Posusta felt if the temporary employee was doing a good job and submitted his application for the position, he saw no reason why that temporary employee should not be considered for the position, John Simola stated that all he was requesting was that the Council allow him to advertise for this position earlier in 2004, BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO REFER THE HIRING OF AN ADDITIONAL OPERATOR/MECHANIC FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE AND HAVE THE PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MAKE A RECOMMENDA TION TO THE COUNCIL. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION, MOTION CARIUED UNANIMOUSLY, Brian Stumpf asked if there was a deadline for the Personnel Committee to make their recommendation to the City CounciL Bruce Thielen said the Personnel Committee would meet when the City Administrator returned from vacation and prior to the next regular Council meeting 12. Consideration of adopting amendment to Comprehensive Plan eliminatim! or modifying zero setback requirements at the intersection of Broadwav and Pine Street (Block 52) It was noted that there was a joint meeting of the various boards and commissions of the City to discuss the proposed amendment to the Downtown Revitalization Plan to accommodate the possible development of the site for a Walgreens store.. Jeff O'Neill updated the Council on the agenda item and provided some additional information and sketches on a Walgreens store located in the Maplewood/St Paul area. 5 2. I Council Minutes - 1/12/04 Bob Cunningham from Toll Development spoke to the Council stating he had met with the real estate people for Walgreens and the reason they are asking for the setback is for flexibility in their design He noted that there are nine property owners on t1'le block and flexibility is needed to work with the landowners in order to effect a site plan for Walgreens. Brian Stumpf felt that the consensus of the various commissions at the December 2211(1 meeting was to have a zero setback along County Road 75 (Broadway) and allow a setback along TH 25 (Pine) and he questioned whether anything had changed since that time. Bob Cunningham said the only thing that had happen is that some sketches had been done for internal use by Walgreens. Bob Cunningham felt having a zero setback on County Road 75 would be untenable for Walgreens. Bob Cunningham said Walgreens is a very demanding client looking for the best location in the best communities. Glen Posusta stated he had a number of issues with this with the primary concern being that the developer has not acquired any of the property needed for this development to take place. Another major concern is access for the site. He also felt the site plan was much too preliminary for them to make any good decision on. Bruce Thielen agreed that there were a lot of problems with the site. There was continued to discussion about the site and the issues of access. Robbie Smith said the Council is voting on an amendment to the site plan which is a separate issue from the development itself, TIF financing or securing the property. lIe stated he was in favor of allowing the setback on the Broadway side. Roger Carlson stated that he agreed with many of the comments made by the Council. Historically that intersection had three gas stations and so there was no zero setback originally. It was only within the past 15 years that the zero sethack was required. He was in favor of allowing a setback on hoth streets Glen Posusta felt uncomfortable, in light of the comments made by the various commissions desiring that the City adhere to the zero setback, that the Council would go against the consensus of these commissions. Bruce Thielen felt that most of the commissions were okay with maintaining the setback along County Road 75. Brian Stumpf said hefore other issues on the development can be addressed the amendment has to be addressed. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE AN AMENDNIENT TO THE DOWNTOWN REVIT AUZA nON PLAN THAT WOULD ALLOW A SET BACK ON BOTH STREETS BASED ON A FINDING THAT THIS CORNER IS AN INAPPROPRlATE LOCATION FOR TRADITIONAL DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT PATTERNS DUE TO HIGH TRAFFIC LEVELS, ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION UPON VOTE BEING TAKEN, SMITH, CARLSON AND POSUSTA VOTED IN FAVOR AND THIELEN AND STUMPF VOTED IN OPPOSITION. The motion failed since a 4/5's majority is required to amend the comprehensive plan Roger Carlson asked Matt Brokl, City Attorney, if it is appropriate to have contingencies in the motion. Matt Brokl said no that you cannot condition a change to the plan. You either make the change or you do not make the change, 6 2- -. Council Minutes - ] /12/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ALLOWING PARKING TO THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING ALONG PINE STREET BUT STAY WITH THE ZERO SETBACK ALONG BROADWAY BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE TRAFFIC ALONG PINE STREET RESULTS IN A DEGRADED PEDESTRIAN ENVIRONMENT IN THIS LOCATION BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. , In further discussion, the question was raised that if the development doesn't go through what happens. Matt Brokl indicated the Council could revisit the issue. Roger Carlson asked if the amendment applied to everything in the ceo district or just to Block 52. Jeff O'Neill indicated the intent was to have it apply only to Block 52 BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT THE PROPOSED AMENDMENT PERT AINED ONLY TO BLOCK 52. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of authorizinl! agreement for service for cemeterv caretaker services. John Simola, Public Works Director, provided background on this item it is proposed to split the duties of the caretaker position between the Parks Department statf and Peterson-Grimsmo Chapel. John Simola briefly outlined the division of duties and noted the estimated cost to the City for the duties performed by Peterson-Grimsmo is $275/month and the contract is set up for one year. Glen Posusta asked what the contract for mowing in the cemetery was based on John Simola replied that is based on a set cost per time. The contractor mows approximately 11 times a year and does a fall clean up Glen Posusta asked about cemetery mles. John Simola noted that the Cemetery Committee had set up rules and procedures which are being adhered to. A copy of the cemetery rules are given to each individual who acquires a cemetery lot. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE SPIJTTING TIlE CEMETERY CARETAKER POSITION BETWEEN THE PARKS DEPARTMENT AND THE OUTSIDE CONTRACTOR, PETERSON-GRIMSMO CHAPEL AND AUTHORIZE THE CITY STAFF TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SAID CONTRACTOR TO PERFORM TI-IOSE DUTIES AS LISTED IN THE AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES AT IUVERSIDE CEMETERY FOR A LUMP SUM OF $275 PER MONTH. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARIUED WITH ROGER CARLSON ABSTAINING 14. Aoorove payment of bills for January Brian Stumpf questioned the bill for Bayer Auto, Inc John Simola explained that the hoist that was specified for the Park Department tmck didn't mesh with the fuel tank and the fuel tank was replaced. 7 2~ -- I Council Minutes - 1/12/04 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items , Bruce Thielen stated he would like to have the City Administrator prepare a list of goals for 2004 which would be reviewed by the Council when they conduct their annual performance review of the City Administrator. The date for this review was set for February 9,2004 at 5:30 p.m. Bruce Thielen stated that previously the various City Commissions had listed their goals and priorities. He felt Council and staff needed to initiate the process of selecting a firm to help with the strategic planning. Glen Posusta asked about the parking lot that was proposed to be constructed on the block that formerly housed the library site. It was delayed last fall and his question was whether plans had been prepared so that the project could be constructed in the spring. Fred Patch responded that plans had been prepared and submitted to both Vaughn Veit and the contractor for Wells Fargo. Mr. Veit did not respond and the quote from the Wells Fargo contractor was considerably higher than the City anticipated so the work was delayed until spring. Fred Patch stated that negotiations for the construction of the parking lot would have to start no later than March in order for it to be constructed in the spring. Glen Posusta asked about the plowing of the head-in parking. John Simola stated that the plowing can be done only when no vehicles are parked there. John Simola indicated that he would get in touch with Sunny Fresh to see if a memo could be sent to their employees regarding the parking. Ollie Koropchak had submitted to the Council an update noting some future events that would be of interest to the Council including the activity of the small group that is working on the acquisition of industrial land. Glen Posusta and Brian Stumpf will meet at 6: 15 on January 26, 2004 to be updated on the small group's activity to date. Roger Carlson and Robbie Smith will meet at 5:30 for the update. Bret Weiss reported that MnDOT had indicated they would not allow the installation of a crosswalk at TH 25 and 41h Street Bret Weiss also submitted a design and cost estimate for signs at Dundas Road. The Council then went into a closed session at 850 p.m. to discuss with the City Attorney legal action on a quiet title matter affecting Old Territorial Road and the Jameson property. The City Council meeting was reconvened at 9:05 pm. Mayor Thielen stated that at the closed session City Council provided direction for the City Attorney on the legal matter. 15. Adjourn. ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:05 PM ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY Recording Secretary 8 2. I Council Agenda - 1/26/04 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Monticello Community Center, Parks and LiQuor Store. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the Monticello Community Center, Parks Department and Liquor Store. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part- time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. I NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Baltos, Nick Winter park asst Parks , 12/29/2003 temporary Henningson, Joshua Winter park asst Parks 12/29/2003 temporary Hertwig, Summer Winter park asst Parks 12/29/2003 temporary Lemmens, Zachary Slide Attendant MCC 12/30/2003 part time Paulson, Brian Winter park asst Parks 12/23/2003 temporary Smith, Randolph Stock clerk Liquor 1/5/2004 part time Sonsteby, Sarah Winter park asst Parks 12/29/2003 temporary Thune, Darin Winter park asst Parks 12/29/2003 temporary TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Archambeau, Ed Reason Department temp/season ended Streets Last Day Class 1/2/2004 temporary employee councillist.xls: 1/14/2004 5A I 5B. Consideration of Approving Final Pavment to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. for the Prairie Road/River Street Reali2;nment Project (Citv of Monticello Project No. 2002-10C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: , The Prairie Road/River Street Realignment Project was completed to address safety issues at the intersection of CSAH 75 and Prairie Road/River Street. Prairie Road and River Street were realigned at CSAH 75 to intersect at ninety-degree angles, offset by approximately 370 feet. The project is now complete and final payment can be made to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. in the amount of $4,566.93 subject to receipt of the final paperwork including: . Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. . Evidence in the form of an aflidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. . Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. · Two-year maintenance bond. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize final payment in the amount of $4,566.93 to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. for the Prairie Road/River Street Realignment Project, City Project No. 2002-10C subject to receipt of the final paperwork noted in Item A above. The City should also process a payment request to Wright County as per the Cooperative Agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Engineer and City Administrator that the final payment be authorized and that the improvement be accepted hy the City. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 1. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) 2. Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. (':IJ)()( '( fAll-." ..I\I)AWN-I,(;/(()\U)( 'AJ.S ./\/'I.'lI'Ip\O/2f/O..' l'iJ! j!ml Aj{I.'lldLlI/('fluh)c .. WSB - . 'vsociates, Inc. I January 16,2004 , Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No.2 (Final) Prairie Road/Ri ver Street Realignment Project City of Monticello Project No. 2002-lOC WSB Project No. 1160-77 Dear Mayor and Council Members: Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher for the above-referenced project in the amount of $4,566.93. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. Please make payment in this amount to Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. at your earliest convemence. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~~ Bret A. Weiss, P.E. City Engineer Enclosures cc: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello Greg Hicks, Buffalo Bituminous, Inc. Sb sb F:\WPWIMJ 160-77\V(} 21nlll' ely,doe Minneapolis, SL Cloud, Equal Opportunity Employer JAN-20-2004 16:00 FROM:BUFFALO BITUMINOUS 763-682-6522 JAN-16-2004 09:20 WSE & ASSOCIATES INC. TO:7632877170 _~ 76328'("(1. 70 P.001/001 P.02/04 .. W-S8 OWnlilr: Cltv of Monticello Date: JSl'lUl1lV 15 2004 For PlI't'iDd: 10/2112009 to 111512004 ReCluest No: 2 AND FINAL Oontractor. Buffah, e~umlnous, Inc. , PA V VOUCHER PRA1R~E AOAO/RIVER STREET REAIJGNMENT PROJECT NO, 01160-77 CLII:=:NT F'~OJECT NO. 20Q2.0100 sUMMARY Original Cantff!lct Amount $ 89,610.2S 2 Change Order - Addition $ 0,00 3 Chang" Order. Deduction $ 0,00 4 Revi~1ilCI Oontract Amount $ 8!il,61 0.26 6 Value Completed \0 Dlat~ $ 91 ,338.62 5 Mlrtorial on Hand $ 0.00 - 7 Amount Eamftd $ 91 ,356,(12 8 LesS RB~lnllQlll 00/0 !& 0.00 9 Subtotal $ 91,3SS.62 10 Lass Amount Peld pl'9'Jloua1y $ 86,"1,69 11 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. .2 AND FINAl.. S -4,~~B,S3 Aecommendad for Approval by: WSB & A98oalotoa. Inc. .1?f~Y fly.l--- Approved ContI3dOC~ au ~;r N tJ/M~ .~ Approvacltly Owner: CITY of MONTICELLO Specified Contract Completion Dat~: Datlll: S\~ '.1"" frll'"'MI.nloD-",~I~r __"'""'''''''_,_~ PIIY Voucher No.2 IInd FJ:1I1 Prllirie ROlldlRlver Street Realignment City of Monticello Project No. 2002-10C WSB Project No. 1160-77 JlInullry 15, 2004 Item Contrect Unit Current Quantity Amount No. Materiel No. Item Description Unit Quantity Price Quantity to Date to Date SCHEDULE A: BASE BID 1 2021.501 , MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $6,200.00 0 1 $6,200.00 2 2102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL LIN FT 500 $1.00 0 1600 $1,600.00 3 2104.501 REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS L1N FT 85 $8.00 0 85 $680.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SOYD 750 $2.75 0 750 $2,062.50 .. 5 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L1N FT 415 $4.25 0 415 $1,763.75 ~"" 6 2104.523 SALVAGE SIGN EACH 10 $30.00 0 10 $300.00 - 7 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CU YD 140 $13.20 0 140 $1,848.00 . ~- .. -- 8 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CUYO 140 $13.20 0 140 $1,848.00 --. - "-,,- 9 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW MOD 10% (CV) CU YD 300 $14.00 0 300 $4,200.00 .. 10 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (LV) CUYD 520 $11.00 0 592 $6,512.00 -.~. --. 11 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON 340 $9.50 0 340 $3,230.00 "W~'" -,-~ -- -_. "m. 12 2340.508 TYPE 41 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE TON 74 $49.50 0 0 $0.00 -- -.- 13 2340.514 TYPE 31 BASE COURSE MIXTURE TON 80 $48.50 0 137.25 $6,656.63 -- -.- 14 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 40 $1.90 0 70 $133.00 .-. - ._m_~ 15 2501.521 28" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH CULVERT CLASS iliA L1N FT 60 $112.00 0 70 $7,840.00 16 2501.525 28" SPAN RC PIPE-ARCH APRON EACH 2 $800.00 0 2 $1,600.00 .... .=,"-~ 17 2501.561 18" RC PIPE CULVERT DESIGN 3006 CLASS III L1N FT 54 $54.00 0 70 $3,780.00 .. -. ~'"' 18 2501.569 18" RC SAFETY APRON EACH 2 $892.00 0 2 $1,784.00 19 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $6,100.00 0 1 $6,100.00 "..w -- 20 2540.602 INSTALL MAIL BOX SUPPORT EACH 1 $110.00 0 0 $0.00 ~. --- """_n ,,~, ..- 21 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SO FT . 30 $30.00 0 30 $900.00 - 22 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE D SOFT 10 $38.00 0 10 $380.00 -~'~ -- ... 23 2564.537 INSTALL SIGN TYPE C EACH 2 $135.00 0 2 $270.00 .---------....,..'" , ~~""'""U -.. - 24 2564.537 INSTALL SIGN TYPE 0 EACH 5 $135.00 0 5 $675.00 -- .. 25 2564.603 4' BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT 50 $0.30 0 0 $0.00 f---.. .. -- .00. 26 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE.EPOXY L1N FT 1250 $0.30 0 48 $14.40 ~_., - ""'"" "..~ .....- 27 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT 500 $0.30 0 0 $0.00 .- ..~,- --. 28 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT 300 $0.60 0 130 $78.00 ~~.. .. .~.~~ 29 2575.555 TURF ESTABLISHMENT LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 0 1 $1,500,00 Total SCHEDULE A: BASE BID $61,955.28 SCHEDULE B: ALTERNATE BID ..- 30 2102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL LIN FT 500 $1.00 0 500 $500.00 --- ..- 31 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SOYD 560 $2.75 0 560 $1,540.00 - ....- .... ~m'~ -.- 32 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) L1N FT 540 $4.25 0 540 $2,295.00 -- -- - 33 2105.507 SUBGRAOE EXCAVATION CUYD 280 $13,20 0 280 $3,696.00 - ..... ...~ 34 2105.523 COMMON BORROW (LV) CU YO 140 $11.00 0 162 $1,782.00 - - 35 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON 615 $9.50 0 395 $3,752,50 36 2350.501 TYPE MY 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON 80 $49.40 0 135.03 $6,670.48 37 2350.502 TYPE MY 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON 150 $48.50 0 118.56 $5,750.16 t---------.. "'"'"' - 38 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 65 $1.90 0 70 $133.00 .. 39 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE WHITE-EPOXY L1N FT 200 $0.30 0 190 $57.00 40 2564.603 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT 200 $0.30 0 270 $81.00 --- ... "'""' .. 41 2564.603 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT 2000 $0.30 0 1808 $542.40 42 2564.603 4' SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT 1000 $0.30 0 1786 $535.80 ., 43 2564.603 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY L1N FT 300 $0.60 0 80 $48.00 .. - - 44 2575.555 TURF ESTABLISHMENT LUMP SUM 1 $2,000.00 0 1 $2,000.00 Total SCHEDULE B: ALTERNATE BID $29,383.34 TOTAL CONTRACT $91,338.621 Sb Peg.2013 F:IWPWINll16r;.7l\EXCELlPay Vouoh...sI1l6r;.77 Pay Vouoh... 2 and Final I PROJECT PAYMENT STATUS OWNER: CITY OF MONTICELLO CLIENT PROJECT NO. 2002-10C PROJECT NO. 01160-77 CONTRACTOR: BUFFALO BITUMINOUS, INC. , CHANGE ORDERS No. Date Description Amount Total Change Orders I $0.00 I PAYMENT SUMMARY No. From To Payment Retainage Completed 1 08/01/2003 1 0/20/03 $86,771.69 $4,566.93 $91,338.62 2 AND FINAL 1 0/21 /2003 01/15/04 $4,566.93 $0.00 $91,338.62 Material on Hand Total Payment to Date $91 ,338.62 OriClinal Contract $89,610.25 RetainaQe Pay No. 2 AND FINAL $0.00 ChanCle Orders $0.00 Total Amount Earned $91,338.62 Revised Contract $89,610.25 Page 3 of 3 F:\WPWIM11(J(t-.1T\EXCEL\Pay Vouche1'$\1160-11 Pay VOUCh8f 2 and Fins' I Council Agenda" 1/26/04 sc. Consideration of Adoptine: Additional Fees and Charges Related to New Construction. (RW/JS/FP) , A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: In an effort to recover costs as related to new development, the Council is requested to adopt three fees related to new development: Assessment Fee: The City contracts with the Wright County Assessor under the terms of the Assessment Services Agreement (copy attached). As provided in paragraph 6, in consideration for those assessment services, the City is to pay the County basic fees for existing properties; however, the City is also required to pay an additional fee of $25 for each new building with an estimated value of $499,999.00 or less and $100.00 for each new building with an estimated value of $500,000.00 or more. Utility Locate Fee: Whenever excavation is expected to occur, State law requires that the individual responsible for the excavation call Gopher State One Call for locates. The City is provided with a locate ticket and must respond by either indicating that" no locate required INLR]" or by conducting investigations and identifying each municipal utility service line in the area of the excavation. For new construction, the City may often conduct as many as fifteen (15) or more locates per property. The City is charged $1. I 5 by Gopher State One Call for each locate even though the City may respond that the property is an NLR. The actual cost to the City for each locate appears to be $25.00 for simple locates to $50.00 for more complex locates. While the building permit fees in part cover such costs incurred hy the City, the cost oflocates based on the new policies of Gopher State One Call should he passed through to the developers receiving the services. Residential Contractor License Check Fee: The Minnesota Department of Commerce licenses residential builders. contractors and remodelers. Primary enforcement of the license requirement is by the building inspection departments of local units of government [LUG's]. In an effort to assist LUG's in the enforcement effort, state law allows LUG's to charge $25.00 surcharge on each permit issued for contractor's license check. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to add new development related fees to the City Fee Schedule, such fees to be charged at the time of building permit issuance: Assessment Fee Building Valuation of $499,999.00 or less $500,000.00 or more $ 25.00 $100.00 Utility Locate Fee Residential Commerci al/lnd ustrial $ 35.00 $ 50.00 I Council Agenda - 1/26/04 Residential Contractor License Check Fee $ 25.00 2. Motion to add new development related fees to the City Fee Schedule as follows: (Fee amounts to be determined by Council) , Assessment Fee Building Valuation of $499,999.00 or less $ $500,000.00 or more $ Utility Locate Fee Residential $ Commercial/Industrial $ Residential Contractor License Check Fee $ .., .J. Motion to not add any new fees at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Based on the foregoing background, the City Administrator recommends that the Council move Alternative #1 above. D. SUPPORTING VAT A: ~ SP-;J- " c:JU-.. L--. . D \LV G" , Assessment Services Agreement I ASSESSMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, a , political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafterrefelTed to as the "County" and the City of Monticello a political subdivision ofthe State of Mil me sot a, hereinafter referred to as "City/Township"; WHEREAS, said City/Township lies either wholly or partially within the County and constitutes a separate assessment district; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the provision of the Milmesota Statutes, Sections 273.072 and 471.59 permit the County Assessor to provide for the assessment of property; and WHEREAS, said City/Township desires the County to perform certain assessments on behalf of said City/Township; and WHEREAS, the County is willing to cooperate with said City/Township by completing the assessment in a proper maImer; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein it is agreed as follows: 1. The County shall perfonn the 2004 and 2005 property assessment for the City/Township in accordance with the property assessment procedures and practices established and observed by the County, the validity and reasonableness of which are hereby acknowledged and approved by the City/Township. The property assessment by the County shall be composed ofthose assessment services which are set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a pmi hereofby reference. SG . ,..,"t) HV.\\I~pl ~ > , ~:.,.,.,tter tv'.'"''' I .1 +" ::\.S 2. All infom1lltion, records, data, reports, and the like that are necessary to allow the , County to carry out its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be fumished to the County without charge by the City/Township and the' City/Township agrees to cooperate in good faith with the County in canying out the work under this Agreement. 3. The City/Township agrees to fumish, without charge, work space, if needed, for an appraiser to perform such tasks as document review, with such tasks to be perfonned during normal business hours for the City/Township. 4. The County agrees to indenulify and hold harmless the City/Township and all of its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of or by reason of the perfomlance of work provided for herein to be performed by the County. It is fmiher agreed that any and all full time employees of the County engaged in the perf0I111anCe of any work or services required or provided for herein shall be considered employees of the County only and not oftbe City/Township and that any and all claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act of the State of Mil me sot a and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees sba11 be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. 5. This Agreement shall commence on July 1, 2003 and shall temlinate on June 30, 2005. Either party may initiate an extension of this Agreement for a teml of two years by giving the other party written notice of its intent to so extend no less than 120 days prior to the termination of this Agreement. lfthe party who receives said notice of intent to extend gives written notice to the other party of its desire not to extend the Agreement at least 60 days prior to the termination ofthis A6'Teement, this Agreement shall temlinate on June 30, 2005. SG " ""__~..." ..,,~r1 tllf'. like t11at are net.;c",,,,=y ev ~,.- .. 6. In consideration of said assessment services, the City/Township ab,lTees to pay the County a fee of $1 0.00 per parcel for the 2004 assessment and $10.50 per parcel for the 2005 assessment. 111 addition, effective September 1,2003, there will be an additional fee of $25.00 for each new construction residential or commerciallindustrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $499,999.00 or less. There will also be an additional fee of $1 00.00 per parcel for each new construction commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $500,000.00 or more. These additional fees shall be only applicable in those cities which issue their own building permits. 7. Any notice which may be given or made by a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by United States Mail or personally delivered to the other party addressed as follows: To City: Citv of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Ste #1 Monticello, MN 55362 To County: Gregory A. Kramber, Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 10 2nd St. NW Buffalo, MN 55313. 8. The Agreement may be amended or modified only by written ab'Teement signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto. SL- I IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this A~'Teement to be executed by its , duly authorized officers and delivered on its behalf, this 24th day of June ,2003. Dated: June 24. 2003 GHT COUNT~ By Gregory . Kramber Wright County Assessor CITY OF MONTICELLO Dated: July 15. 2003 By r;,~~CJ1~ v Oc/~ By ~L,I iJ;,' " Dated: July 15. Z003 SG ....l......, 1""\"'" I1lll....... "! - ~ EXHIBIT A During the teml of this Ablfeement, the County shall: 1. Physically inspect and revalue real property, as required by law. 2. Physically inspect and value all new construction. additions and renovation 3. Conduct valuation reviews prior to Board of Review. 4. Attend Board of Review. Per Board request, make all necessary review appraisals. 5. Keep updated field card file - current values, homestead and classification data. 6. Print, mail and post valuation notices. 7. Respond to taxpayers regarding assessment or appraisal problems or inquiries periodically. 8. Make divisions and combinations periodically. 9. Administer the abatement process pursuant to MilID.Stat. 9375.192. 10. Make appraisals for, testify or negotiate all District Court or Tax Court filings. 11. Post values from appraisal cards to assessment rolls. 12. Adjust estimated market values on those properties not physically inspected as needed and per sales analysis. i , sc I Council Agenda ~ I II 2/G4 'S0 Consideration of authorizin!! comnletion of a snecial benefit analvsis of the future I-94/CSAH 18 intcrch~m!!c. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND:. , City Council is asked to consider authorizing completion of a "special benefit analysis of the future 1~94/CSAH 18 Interchange at an estimated cost of $24.000 to $26.000. The purpose of the study is to investigate and analyze ant icipated bencfit to interchange arca properties to be derived from the proposed CSAH 18 interchange at 1-94. The information is critical to developing an assessment program that fairly reflects the benefit to area properties derived from the interchange. This study is very important because as major portion of the funding program supporting the interchange will include assessments against properties that benefit via increases in land value due to the proximity of the interchange. In order to substantiate a proposed assessment program, it is important to have a good credible information on expected land value appreciation resulting from the improvement. The study is intended to provide the city with such information. This report will become the basis for establishment of the assessment program and thus will become the basis for defense of the assessment program in the event that it is challenged. As you will note, the City has obtained one quote to complete this study. The quote comes from one of the best. most experienced valuation counselors in the region with specific experience applicable to the Monticello situation. If Council desires. Staff could attempt to seek quotes from other reputable appraisers. B. AL TERNA TTVE I. Motion to authorize completion of a special benefit analysis of the future 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange as proposed bv Patchin Messner and Dodd in the amount of$24.000 to $28.000. 2. Motion to seek proposal from another firm. 3. Motion to deny authorization to complete a special benefit analysis of the future 1-94/CSAH 18 Interchange as proposed by Patchin Messner and Dodd in the amount of $24,000 to $28.000. c. STAFF RECOMMENDA TJON: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator to authorize completion of this study as it will provide backbone information necessary to develop the assessment program for the project. Both our city attorney and Mark Ruff of Ehlers and Associates. our financial advisor. also recommend the City initiate a study of this kind. The cost of the study though substantial will likely be recovered through development of an assessment program that maximizes potential assessment revenue. It would not be wise for the City to attempt to develop an assessment program for such an expensive project without confidence that the assessments as proposed will stand up if challenged. The benefits analysis information in this report as the basis for the assessment will strengthen the assessment program is challenged. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of proposal. FROM PATOiIN MESSNER RPPRAlSALS FAX NO. 6128951521 D~c. 19 2003 07:03PM P2 PATCIDNMESSNER& DODD VALUATION. COUNSELORS. December 18, 2003 CitY' of Monticello _ 505 Walnut Street, Suite'1 Monticello, MN 55362..a831 A 1l1\i: Mr. Jeff O/Neill , ~E; Special Benefit Analysis of the Future 194/CSAH 18 Interchange Dear Mr. O'Neill: As a follow-up to our meeting on October 29, 2003 regarding the abov~mentioned improvement project, this proposal outlines the scope of work to be performed by Patchin Messner & Dodd. As discussed, our firm will investigate and analyze anticipated benefit to be derived from the proposed CSAH 18 interchange at 194. The study area' will include six basic categories or land i::lat are adjacent or proximate to this interchange including: 1) Primary commercial land at the northwest comer of this interchange. 2) Primary commercial land at the northeast and northwest corners. or County Road 39/Riverview and County Road 75/H-art Boulevard. . 3) Secondary commercial land (smaller lots) lying north of County Road 75, and off (east or west) of the intersection of County Road 3 9/Riverview. 4) Primary commercia! land at the southeast and southwest of this interchange. S) Secondary commercial land between 194 and Chelsea, but lying westerly of Fenning Avenue/County Road 18. 6) Industrial land lying south of Chelsea and west of County Road.' s. This analysis will assume that these lands are properly zoned or rezoned to maximize devel.:)pmcnt potential consistent with their locational attributes and that the benefit runs to the !;":ld (Le. existing improvements will be disregarded). Slcyfine Square Building. SUite 220 · ; 2940 Harriet ^~ue South · Bumsvfllc:. MN 55337 Phone: (952) B9;'1205 Fax.: (952} 895--1521 Sf; ; CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Attorneys at Law Thoma~ J. Camrh~1 Roger N. Knutson Thoma, M. Scott Elliott B. Knwch Joel J. Jamnik AnJrea McDowell Poehler Matthew K. Brokl* (651) 452-5000 Fax (651) 452-5550 John F Kelly Matthew J. Foli Sorcn M M~ttick Brendan J. Flahcrty Margucrire M. McC~rron Gina M. Brandt January 22, 2004 . Also li,crncd. in Wisc{m.~in Mr. Jeff O'Neill Assistant City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Special Benefit Analysis of Future I-94/CSAH 18 Interchange Dear Jeff: You asked me to review and conunent on the proposal submitted by Patchin Messner & Dodd to perform a special assessment analysis relating to the interchange project. As you know, our firm represents many cities in both the metro area and outstate Minnesota. I do the majority of the special assessment and condemnation work in our office. I have worked with Jason Messner and other appraisers at Patchin Messner & Dodd extensively over the years in both special assessment and condemnation matters. I have also worked with many other appraisers retained by cities we represent. This special assessment study requires a relatively high level of experience and expel1ise not possessed by many appraisers. While there are certainly other appraisers who could perform this service, there are none that I am aware of that would be more capable of doing the analysis than Mr. Messner and his firm. Mr. Messner is also a very capable witness should it ever become necessary for him to testifY in any court proceedings. Finally, Patchin Messner & Dodd has already been retained by the City to perform the appraisal on the A VR facility, which means they have a significant amount of background information relating to this project area. I have a fairly good understanding of the range of fees charged by appraisers. Like attorneys, there is a fairly broad range based upon the type of project and obviously the appraiser's training and experience. Also, there are only a few appraisal firms such as Patchin Messner & Dodd that have experience testifYing in court or before condemnation commissioners. Based on my experience, the proposed fees are generally in line with what would be charged by other experienced appraisers perfonning this type of work. 1 fuJ~~ 317 · Eagandale Office Center · 1."380 Corporate Center Curve · Eagan, MN 5512) /-----. C ., \, .) J'." Mr. Jeff O'Neill January 22,2004 Page 2 I hope this infonnation is helpful to you and the Council in your decision making proces~ Please call if you have any questions. Best regards, Campbell Knutson Professional Association By: r ~ ~ k-i \ . Thomas M. Scott TMS:cjh /- c \...-)". .)-- I Council Agenda - 1/26/04 5E. Consideration of authorizinl! an update to the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Manal!ement Plan. (.TO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: , City Council is asked to consider authorizing WSB to complete a Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan update for an estimated cost of $40,000 to $50,000 to be completed by late 2004. The information provided by this report will be instrumental in planning for future development and is research vital to the efficient and environmentally sensitive development in the future. It is proposed that the cost of this study be derived from an increase of 5 % to the City trunk storm development fee which is currently set a $6,188 for industrial, $6,542 for commercial and $5,621 per acre for residential. The need for the study is defined well in the attached proposal submitted by WSB. In addition to the reasons outlined, it should be noted that the presence of a Storm Water Management plan as proposed allows the City to utilize qualifying storm water detention areas as wetland mitigation sites. In the even that a road can not be relocated to avoid a wetland impact, the City can use "banked" wetlands created through development as mitigation for wetlands impacted by development. Without a plan in place, the City can not get credit for wetlands created via development of storm water management systems. Given the scope of the study staff believes that the cost is reasonable. Bret Weiss and his staff have important information on the hydrology of the area making them well suited to complete the necessary work. Therefore it is not recommended that the City go out for quotes onthis specific project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to authorize completion of the Study by WSB as proposed with funding derived from Trunk Storm Sewer Fees. Motion to include an increase of 5% to the o. S...J2 Storm Sewer Trunk fee to fund the planning project. ~ t.. ~ S (:;.? -' ~{f. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with Storm Water Management Plan update as proposed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation ofthe City Administrator to proceed with the study and adjust trunk storm sewer fees as well. The information obtained in the effort is needed to adequately address storm water issues in a growing community.. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Bret Weiss Executive Summary for Action, Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan Update ~ Scope of Services CITY OF MONTICELLO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION / :ITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 26,2004 DRA AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: City Project # PREPARED BY: Bret Weiss, P.E., WSB & Associates, Inc. ,AGENDA NO: ATTACHMENTS: Memo; Scope of Services APPROVED BY: The attached information contains information regarding the City's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan update. This update is needed and will provide benefit to the City by: · Develop policies associated with storm water management for downtown redevelopment where the existing storm sewer system is inadequately sized to accommodate upstream development. · Incorporate policies and design information that address the City's recent storm pond design guidelines · Develop and refine the City's overall storm water management policies to reflect updated regional, state, and federal policies. · Provide additional options for wetland mitigation pursuant to the Wetland Conservation Act that are currently unavailable for developers as well as the City. · Develop storm water management information for the newly annexed area as well as potential future expansion area. This will allow the City to develop policies and a plan for storm water being discharged between municipal boundaries. The decision before the City Council is to authorize WSB to complete the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan update for an estimated cost of $40,000 to $58,000. It is anticipaed that this work can be completed by late 2004. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Authorization to complete the Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan update. COUNCIL ACTION: 5E: January 12. 2004 Page 2 of2 Update the Design Manual based on the policies in the Water Resource Management Plan that outlines the design criteria. This Manual is used to assist in streamlining the development review process for both the developer and the City. , · Incorporate the fee structure associated with updated City trunk fees. It is anticipated that these fees will be updated as part of the Sewer and Water Fee Analysis. A general scope of work to complete the update of the City's Water Resource Management Plan is attached. The cost estimate to complete this work ranges fro111 $40,000 to $58,000 with a not to exceed cost of $58,000. The range in the cost estimate is due to a number of unknown factors outside of the City's perimeter. Insufficient topographic information and unidentified problem areas may require additional surveying costs and therefore reach the higher limit on this cost estimate. This range is dependent on the amount of existing topographic information at the City's perimeter for the development of the st0l111 water model. It is anticipated that a draft plan could be submitted for agency review by September 2004 provided that we receive authorization to proceed in January 2004. It is estimated that the final plan could be adopted by the City by late 2004. If you have questions please feel free to call me at (763)287-7190. If you wish to authorize this work, please sign below and return a copy to WSB. I hereby authorize WSB & Associates, Inc. to complete the scope of work outlined in the January 8, 2004 work plan and memo. Signature Date St:: I · Update of water quality policies in conformance with the requirements of the Pollution Control Agency, especially with regard to storm water discharge to the Mississippi River.. · The P-8 Water Quality Model will be updated to assist in predicting ongoing Source runoffpollutant loa'aings from areas within the City, analyzing treatment capabilities of existing and proposed retention basins, and developing local recommendations relative to enhancing water quality management. Task 2 : Update the Goals and Policies. Goals and policies for the management of water resources in the City will be updated based on new pond design guidelines for the City and changes in State regulations. Goals and policies will be developed for the following areas of water resource management: · Water Quantity · Other issues including future downtown redevelopment storm water management · Development fee structure · Water Quality · Storm Water Pond Design · Drainage within MnJDOT right-of-way · Recreation, Fish and Wildlife · Enhancement of Public PaJ.1icipation Information and Education · Public Ditch and Creek Systems · Ground Water · Wetlands · Erosion This task will also include the incorporating this information into the City's Design Manual that outlines the design criteria for storm water management upon development or redevelopment within the City. This document streamlines the development plan review process for the developer and the City. Task 3: Update Problems and Corrective Actions. A planning level analysis of water resource management problems identified within the City during the data collection process will be reviewed and updated as needed. This task will include discussion of the discharge of storm water across municipal boundaries, the issues associated with judicial ditches in the City, and stoml pond aesthetics. The corrective actions will also be revised and updated in accordance with the goals and policies developed in the previous tasks. Task 4: Update the Implementation Prioritiesllmplementation. The water resources studies, programs and capital improvements that have been identified either through the Goal and Policies section, or the Problems and Corrective Actions section will be identified within this portion of the Plan. These identified programs, studies and capital improvements will be prioritized and an estimated cost to complete each will be January 8, 2004 t-f::- ~L=--- I Council Agenda - 1/26/04 7. Consideration Chanl!inl! the Name of a Se~ment of Oakwood Drive from Oakwood Drive to Edmonson Avenue. (JO) , A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to approve changing the name of Oakwood Drive to Edmundson Avenue for a segment between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard. This is requested because Oakwood drive was split/disconnected when Chelsea Road was completed a few years ago. The north segment of Oakwood noW extends from State Highway 25 to a cul~de-sac. The south segment now separated from the north segment extends from Chelsea road to School Boulevard where it is directly connected to Edmonson A venue. Due to this split it makes sense to change the name of the southern segment of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson A venue thus eliminating a potentially confusing situation. As part of the process of changing a street name, a public hearing has been called for the purpose of answering questions and addressing concerns. Property owners that will have addresses affected by the change will be notified ofthe public hearing. In this case, there are relatively few property owner affected. 1 believe they include the old H Window site, l-laskins Electric, the Alternative IJearning Program School. B. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve changing the name of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson Avenue for the road segment extending from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard. wU, 5 / f I 01 Motion to deny proposal to chang!l4.he name of Oakwood Drive to Edmonson Avenue for the road segment extending from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard. 2. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION:. The City Administrator recommends alternative 1. This name change will create some difficulty for the adjacent property owners as they will need to change their addresses. llowever, in the long run, both adjacent property owners and the community will be better served with the change as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: ..(,- d lid fI'-;"'7/ ' // 7 Map showing road segment affected. __--~__~,......m".-""."".. / . <> ROAD KJ'El.LSERC"S ~n..E IO€ PARt( lEAST} . - '. . ~.... - ~. ... - . . . r-;....... . . ~. [E-: -~ ~t ":.>' .. ~ _. _lJ. g Ii <i i .... ~ ~ o ll: V> <;; e. . . .. . .. ~ . .. . . - . + > >- z :5 .U , ) " "i ~. .j ." lz /~ I~ 1"- I - . . <::C . . . . '1 ! ~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the City Council will conduct a public hearing on Monday, January 26, 2004 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hall to consider adoption of an ordinance changing the name of that portion of Oakwood Drive lying between Chelsea Road and School Boulevard to Edmonson Avenue. Dated: December 30, 2003 ... . . . . Council Agenda - 1/26/04 . 8. Public Hearinf;!-Consideration of a resolution adoptine: proposed assessment roll for delinquent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. . B. 1 2. C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on January 6,2004. D. SUPPORTING DATA: ., Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. ~ ~~\s ~ . 0\ \ \)t) - ~ \1 IY'lf- t~ if . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2004-02 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS WHERHAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THE1U,,1/0RL;. BF, ITRESOLVF,D flY THlc; CITY COUNCllJ OF MONllCHILO. MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2, Such assessment shall be payable in one (I) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2005 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2005. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this reso lution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of January, 2004. ATTEST: Bruce Thielen, Mayor -. ~". ~-".. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 'tS ()O . 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January 23, 2004 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 VIA HAND DELIVERY Dear Jeff: . I have been authorized by the Board of Directors for the Monticello Arts Council to communicate to you our interest in further investigation into the feasibility of accepting a gift from Cargill of the historic Methodist Church, now located on land which has been purchased by Cargill for expansion of its Monticello Sunny Fresh Foods production facility. It has been proposed that this building be relocated to another piece of land, one possibility for which is the current site west of the new Monticello Community Center, which would be donated to the Arts Council by the City of Monticello for use by the Arts Council for expansion of the site to include the donated structure and additional construction for development of the Monticello Arts Center and Community Playhouse. It has been explained that the cost of relocation for the facility would be borne by Cargill, as would a portion of the cost of a relocation study which will need to be performed by structural engineers to determine whether the older building can be successfully moved while still preserving its structural integrity. The balance of the cost of the study would have to be subject to negotiation in terms of responsibility for payment to make use of the tax exempt charitable status held by the Arts Council. You have provided me with a draft resolution for the Monticello City Council which outlines a number of issues surrounding this proposal. While the Arts Council Board does not agree with each of the points outlined in that draft proposal, and while there are a number of conditions which will have to be met before the Arts Council would agree to accept these gifts and assume responsibility for the structure, we do agree in principle that the matter deserves further investigation and we are hereby . PO Box 1569 .. Monticello, MN 55362 .. info@MonticelloArts.org Jeff O'Neill January 23,2004 Page Two indicating our willingness to participate in that investigation to determine the feasibility of accepting such a donation and under what conditions such an acceptance must be framed. Sincerely, ~ ,'.' ,', :} , ., I ,~.."" i~' ,-.,1', , m ~ ~~t/FT;;ning"S Chairman Monticello Arts Council ""/" ,/.; ::}/o. .)~.:;;~,\~~~~,.~~,'~/1;.;"tf , '. " t/f'l~! V . . . Council Agenda - 1/26/04 10. Consideration of recommendation of Personnel Committee on hiring additional Operator/Mechanic for Public Works Department. (JS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the January 12th meeting, the Council directed that the request for the hiring of an Operator/Mechanic position for the Public Works Department be referred to the Personnel Committee. On January 22, 2004 I met with the Personnel Committee regarding this request. The recommendation of the Personnel Committee was to wait until July to hire for the position. The City will be running the advertisement for the open position some time in June. At this time there is no Council action required on this matter. ...--- .~{ +- ~.~ ~~ 0)</' 1~ f U(d1t-lf lApS , f Council Agenda -01/26/2004 11. Review of draft technical memorandum for overall street reconstruction program and authorization to begin field work for the 2004 proiect. (1.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The main goals of our overall street reconstruction program: 1. To have a reasonable cost to our residents and business people that would remain the same each year with the exception of adding construction cost index increases so that one would know the cost of basic reconstruction when it came to your neighborhood. The basic cost has been pretty well established with the last two reconstruction projects; the Core City Area #1 and the County Road 75 Project. "I'he basic cost price ($2,500 per home and $55.00 per foot for commercial or multiple residential) relates to what you currently have in your street. Things like curb and gutter, storm sewer, widening, sidewalks would be extra in addition to the basic charge if they don't currently exist. 2. To set out a long range program whereby residents and business people would know when reconstruction would come to their area so they could better plan for it. 3. To reconstruct streets and infrastructure as needed in an orderly planned fashion with multiple f<)flns offinancing i.e. assessments, util ity trunk funds, state aid and set aside funds each year, etc. The City Public Works Department and WSB have completed a study of the condition of the streets planned for reconstruction over the next six year period. Street Department personnel did the field work, investigative work and field ratings and WSB completed the pavement condition index and rating system for each area. Besides the analysis of the street condition, proposed infrastructure improvements were looked at, as well as traffic levels and other factors that may have had an impact on project sequencing. Together with stafT, public works personnel and WSB have put together a technical memorandum depicting the work to be done over the next six years. The reconstruction program is ongoing and will be re-evaluated each year and new streets will be rated periodically to keep the pavement management program up to date. The draft technical memorandum is included for your review. City staff and WSB ask that you review this draft: and authorize us to begin field work for the proposed construction fix 2004 which in reality is the Country Club area, the original Mcadow Oak area, the older portions of Sandberg Road and School Boulevard from Trunk I lighway 25 to Fenning A vcnue. School Boulevard is not really a reconstruction but merely the application of an overlay as some early signs of failure are noted on this stretch of road. The field work requested would be an investigation of the infrastructure system; mainly the water system, the sanitary sewer system and storm sewer system as well as the condition of the curb and gutter. We wish to get this work done as weather conditions and time allows so that we can jump start the 2004 project without starting construction in latc June or July as has sometimes been the case with our pr~cts. Future projects are going to be scheduled earlier so that bidding can occur in late winter when the best prices arc available. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Upon review of the draft technical memorandum the City Council would authorize beginning I Council Agenda -01/26/2004 of the field work for area #2 for the 2004 construction season and based upon recommendations from the council complete the final technical memorandum for the overall street reconstruction program and present it to the City Council at the February 9, 2004 meeting. 2. The second alternative would be not to order start ofthe field work but delay for two weeks until the final technical memorandum is completed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation oftbe City Administrator, Public Works Director, Street Superintendent and the City Engineer that the City Council authorize the beginning offield work for the up-coming 2004 project and proceed as outlined in alternative # 1. D. SlJPPOR'rrNG DATA: Copy of the technical memorandum for the overall street reconstruction program as prepared by WSB & Associates. ... WSB & Associates, Inc. : ' : ~ " 4150 Olson Meml.lriaJl-lig-hway 300 ;Minneap~lis Minnesota Technical Memorandum To: Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello .,L2;/;-' Kevin B.Kawlewski, P.E. " From: Date: January 22, 2004 Re: Overall Street Reconstruction Program Program Update City of Monticello Project No. 2004-06C WSB Project No. 1494-01 The following technical memorandum has been prepared to update the Council on the status of the Overall Street Reconstruction Program and to seek authorization from the Council to initiate field investigations in the proposed project area for the 2004 construction season. The final report on the overall program will be formally presented to the Council at the February 9th City Council meeting. At that time, the Council will be requested to implement the program and authorize the feasibility study for Area 2. Proposed field investigations will include the televising of sanitary sewers, manhole inspections by City personnel, identification of curb removal and the collection of topographic data in order to identify infrastructure improvements as part of the feasibility process for area proposed for improvement in 2004. Figure 1 identifies the proposed reconstruction areas by year for the next six years. This program was initiated in the spring of 2004 in order to identify the initial area of reconstruction in the City. Area 1 improvements were designed last spring and constructed in the summer and fall of2003. The proposed Overall Street Reconstruction Program shown on Figure 1 is a continuation of the City's program. The original overall plan presented in the Area I Feasibility Report has been modified as shown on Figure I based on the completion of pavement condition ratings by City Staff and the calculation of a Pavement Condition Index (PC I) for individual streets in each project area. The sequencing of the project areas has been determined based on several factors. Those factors include the average PCI for the entire area as shown. Typically, the areas possessing the lowest PCI values are scheduled first for reconstruction. In addition, the analysis included proposed infrastructure improvements in each area, traffic levels, and other related factors that may have had an impact on the project sequencing. A discussion of those issues follows along with the identification of streets in each project area and the associated information for those streets. Area 2 - (Proposed Construction - 2004) , Area 2 is comprised of four areas in town. It represents two ditferent types of construction and could be combined into two separate projects. Areas 2A and 2B represent the reconstruction of streets consistent with the improvements recently completed in Area 1. While Areas 2C and 2D represent the construction of a bituminous overlay consistent with F:IWPWINI1494-01IMONT 2004 Core Streets - Memo.do Minneapolis, St. Cloud. Equal Opportunity Empl~er Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22. 2004 Page 2 the City's pavement management plan. The following tables identify individual streets within each area in addition to the original construction date and the PCI for those streets. The street reconstruction proposed in Area 2A will be identical to the work completed in Area 1. The streets in this area were originally constructed with a full depth bituminous pavement with no gravel base. Utility repairs will need to be identified as part of the field investigation for this area. It should be noted that the PCI values shown for this are not reflective of actual pavement conditions in this area. The numbers shown in Table 1 are based on distresses that are less severe than what the actual conditions are. The streets in this area are approximately 25 years old and are displaying levels of cracking that are more severe than what these values indicate. Table 1. Area 2A Road From To Or!g. Const. Lenl!th (ft) PCI FAIRWAY DRIVE Golf Course Road (W) Golf Course Road (E) 1978 1837 68 CLUB VIEW DRIVE 7th Street Eagle Circle 1985 1007 72 BUNKER CIRCLE Fairway Drive End 1978 60 81 CENTER CIRCLE Fairway Drive End 1978 75 57 SANDTRAP CIRCLE Fairway Drive End 1978 235 78 EAGLE CIRCLE Golf Course Road End 1978 225 79 KAMPA CIRCLE Golf Course Road End 1978 513 74 Area 2B is comprised of the older portion of the Meadow Oaks area (Table 2). Streets in this area are approximately 20 years old and are displaying characteristics of deteriorating pavement conditions resulting in low PCI values. Much of the subsurface soils in this area consist of clays and have contributed to the deterioration of these streets. The streets in the area consist of a bituminous pavement section on an existing gravel base without a sand sub-base section. The reconstruction of streets in this area will require the construction of a new sand sub-base to protect the new pavement. The streets in this area also contain concrete curb and gutter. There are two trunk utility improvements proposed for construction in this area in 2004. The first is a trunk watermain to be extended across Interstate 94 to connect into the system under construction with the Sunset Ponds development. The second proposed project is the upgrade of the Meadow Oaks Lift Station. In addition to these trunk improvements, there are sections of the sanitary sewer within the Meadow Oaks area that have become maintenance issues for the City. The extent of these maintenance problems will need to be identiiied during the field investigation stage of the project. , F:\WPW/NI/494-0/\MONT 20114 Core Streets - Memo doc I Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 3 Table 2. Area 2B Orig. Road From To Const. Lenl!th (ft) PCI MEADOW OAK Broadway (CSAH AVENUE West End 75) 1982 1252 25 MEADOW OAK Meadow Oak LANE Eastwood Lane A venue 1987 1293 27 WHITE OAK CIRCLE Meadow Oak Lane End 1982 90 26 ACORN CIRCLE Meadow Oak Lane End 1982 78 62 MAPLE WOOD CIRCLE Red Oak Lane End 1987 118 48 RED OAK LANE Meadow Oak Lane Meadow Oak Drive 1987 1040 51 RED OAK CIRCLE Meadow Oak Drive End 1982 53 64 MEADOW LANE Red Oak Lane Meadow Oak Drive 1987 603 29 OAKVIEW LANE Oak Ridge Drive Meadow Oak Drive 1982/1993 1095 49 MEADOW OAK Broadway (CSAH DRIVE Oak Ridge Drive 75) 1982/1993 1865 28 Table 3. Area 2C Orig. Length Road From To Const. (ft) PCI Oakwood SANDBERG ROAD Chelsea Road Drive 1978 850 70 Sandberg Road was constructed in three stages. The section from about 250 feet north of Chelsea Road to T.H. 25 was originally constructed of 4 Yz inches of pavement with no aggregate base. The section from north of the Ford dealership was constructed with the freeway expansion in 2001. There is no information regarding the piece between these two sections. The improvement proposed for Sandberg Road will be the construction of a bituminous overlay from T.H. 25 to the north as shown on Figure 1. There are several issues affecting this street. One major issue is access to this road from T.H. 25. Discussions with City Staff have identified the potential need for a right-in access from T.H. 25 to Sandberg Road along the back property line of businesses on ih Street. This potential extension will need to be addressed during the feasibility stage for this project. In addition, there are safety issues relating to the turn around radius at the end of the cul-de- sac that will also need to be addressed. A feasibility study was previously completed for the construction of a bituminous overlay on School Boulevard from Fenning to Fallon Avenue (Table 4). The pavement in this area is displaying signs of structural deterioration such as rutting and cracking that would warrant the application of an overlay. School Boulevard also carries a higher level of heavier axle weight vehicles that could lead to the premature failure of this roadway if some preventive measures are not taken. PCI values for the stretch of School Boulevard from T.H. 25 to Fallon Avenue are in the same range as what is shown in the previous table. Traffic loadings are very similar along the entire length of School Boulevard which would warrant adding that section of School Boulevard from T.R 25 to this project. One issue of concern expressed by City Staff is the geometries of the intersection at T.R 25. A , F:\WPWIN\I494.0/IMONT 2004 Core Streets. Memo.doc f Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 4 traffic signal is planned for construction at this intersection. A modification of the roadway geometries at the intersection of School Boulevard and T.H. 25 will need to be evaluated with the feasibility update for School Boulevard. Table 4. Area 2D Orig. Length Road From To Const. (ft) PCI SCHOOL Fenning BOULEVARD Pine Street (TH 25) A venue 1992 8988 88 Area 3 - (Proposed Construction - 2005) This area was previously planned as Area 5 in our original program and included those streets shown as Area 6 on Figure 1. Rating of the streets has indicated that the streets in this area are in poor conditions and are in need of improvement. The streets in Area 6 are shown on Figure 1 are approximately 10 years newer on average and possess higher PCI values. The pel values for Area 3 (Table 5) indicate that it should be done in 2004 or 2005. The work in this area is proposed to be pushed back to 2005 due to the extensive nature of the work to be done. The streets in Area 3 do not have curb and gutter and utilize a system of ditches along the edges of the street as a drainage system. Reconstruction in this area will include the lowering of the roadway as much as possible to eliminate the ditch system and incorporate a formalized storm sewer network. As a result project costs will be much higher than in the areas shown for Area 2. By delaying this project by one year, the City will be able spend more time analyzing the new roadway construction, pathways, and the most economical means of providing storm sewer for this area. Table 5. Area 3 Orig. Length Road From To Const. (ft) PCI RIVER STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) Chestnut Street 1975-1976 11362 23 River Street HILLCREST ROAD River Street (W) (E) 1975 1881 36 KENNETH LANE River Street End 1976 365 86 CRAIG LANE River Street End 1976 434 66 OAKVIEW CIRCLE Broadway (CSAH 75) End 1976 300 67 MATTHEWS CIRCLE River Street End 1977 100 59 HILLTOP DRIVE River Street End 1975 880 56 OTTER CREEK ROAD Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1975 741 12 SANDY LANE Broadwav (CSAH 75) River Street 1975 1971 48 WILLOW STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1975 407 7 , Mississippi CHESTNUT STRf:E'f Broadway (CSAH 75) River 1986 492 41 HILLCREST CIRCLE Broadway (CSAH 75) End 1976 _...........i.. F:\WPWIN\/494-0J\MONT 2004 Core Streets - Memo.doc I Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 5 Area 4 - (Pro Dosed Construction - 2006) Area 4 represents the north end of the older downtown area of Monticello. The streets in this area possess concrete curb and gutter and consist of a full depth bituminous pavement with no aggregate base. Area 4 is shown on Figure 1 as Areas 4A (Table 6) and 4B (Table 7). This is due to the fact that River Street east ofTH 25 has a PCI value of 39 while the PCI value on the west side is 22. This would indicate that the western piece is in better condition than the eastern side. However, the trunk sanitary sewer issue over the entire length of River Street in both 4A and 4B has insufficient capacity for the volume of flow that it carries. This trunk line is planned for replacement at the time the street is reconstructed. The construction of the sanitary sewer would require that the replacement would start on the east end of 4B and extend to the west. This would require that the section of River Street in Area 4B would be reconstructed first. Due to this fact, it may be necessary reconstruct both Areas 4A and 4B to provide some efficiency to the sewer replacement within that corridor. The City may wish to consider this as one combined project as the schedule for the sanitary sewer dictates. The PCI values indicate that this area should be reconstructed prior to Area 3. However, a portion of the replacement of the sanitary sewer represents a trunk cost to the City and that portion would not typically be assessed. By constructing this proposed project in 2006, the City will potentially be able to increase the balance in its trunk funds to apply towards the cost of the project. The general age and PCI values for the streets in these areas are illustrated on the following tables. Table 6. Area 4A Orig. Length Road From To Const. (ft) PCI Pine Street RIVER STREET Chestnut Street (TH 25) 1977 3293 23 FRONT STREET Linn Street Locust Street 1977 401 53 ELM STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) Ri ver Street 1977 594 20 VINE STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) Ri ver Street 1977 367 10 MINNESOTA STREET Broadwav (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 368 21 MAPLE STREET Broadwav (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 369 19 LINN STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) Front Street 1977 748 38 LOCUST STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) Front Street 1977 735 15 WALNUT STREET Broadwav (CSAH 75) Front Street 1974-1977 562 12 F:\WPWIN\I494-01\MONT 2004 Core Streets - Memo.doc I Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 6 Table 7. Area 4B Orig. Length Road From To Const. (ft) PCI 800' East of RIVER STREET Pine Street (TH 25) Dayton Street 1977 4249 39 CEDAR STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) Riyer Street 1977 368 12 PALM STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 368 27 NEW STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 368 29 WRIGHT STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 368 33 RAMSEY STREET Broadwav (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 368 40 HENNEPIN STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 368 50 WASHINGTON STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 550 30 DA YTON STREET Broadway (CSAH 75) River Street 1977 Ii'i.'......... l'S~NE ., Area 5 - (Proposed Construction - 2007) Area 5 represents the southeast section ofthe downtown business area (Table 8). Streets in this area display an overall PCI value of 39. The streets in this area are similar to what was encountered in Area 1 in that the streets all have curb and gutter and a full-depth bituminous pavement section with no existing gravel base. Much of the infrastructure is similar in age to Area 1 and improvements and repairs to the sanitary sewer and watermain systems in these areas are anticipated. The actual extent of needed repairs will be determined at the feasibility stage of the project. The reconstruction of Area 5 represents the last reconstruction of within the downtown district. Table 8. Area 5 Orig. Length Road From To Const. (ft) PCI 3RD STREET Pine Street Washinll:ton Street 1977 2928 33 4TI-I STREET Pine Street Washington Street 1977 2889 40 CEDAR STREET 7th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977 1940 40 PALM STREET 4 th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977 736 44 NEW STREET 4th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977 736 59 WRIGHT STREET 4th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977 742 51 WRIGHT STREET 7th Street End 1978 210 67 RAMSEY STREET 7th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977-1978 1521 47 HENNEPIN STREET 7th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977 736 58 WASHINGTON STREET 7th Street Broadway (CSAH 75) 1977 1647 60 I Area 6 - (Proposed Construction - 2008) Area 6 represents the very west end of the City as shown on Figure 1. The streets in this area vary in age from 17 to 28 years (Table 9). The street sections vary as some streets have curb and gutter while some have an existing gravel base. The variations of the various pavement sections are illustrated on Figure 1. Three of the streets in this area are F:\WPWfN\1494-01\MONT 2004 Core Streets - Memo,doc Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 7 proposed for mill and overlay. These streets include Crocus Lane, Crocus Circle and Nicholas Circle. The PCI values for these particular streets indicate that total reconstruction will not warranted. It should be noted that Prairie Road may be reconstructed sooner due to demands from proposed development and safety related issues along that corridor. Table 9. Area 6 Orig. Length Road From To Const. lft) PCI RIVER STREET Ballfields Broadway (CSAH 75) 1975 1700 23 PRAIRIE ROAD Nicholas Circle Broadway (CSAH 75) 1980 1620 79 KEVIN LONGL Y DRIVE Prairie Road Jerry Liefert Drive (E) 1984 1620 79 Kevin Longly Kevin Longly Drive JERRY LIEFERT DRIVE Drive (W) (E) 1984 2100 80 HEDMAN LANE Prairie Road Elwood Road 1978 1577 80 BALBOUL CIRCLE Heldman Lane End 1978 111 92 MARVIN ELWOOD 1977. ROAD River Street End 1981 2867 79 Marvin Elwood Marvin Elwood Road CROCUS LANE Road (W) (E) 1986 1000 80 Area 7 A Area 7 A represents Fallon Avenue south of Chelsea Road. Fallon A venue has a PCl value of 40 which is an indication that it is in need of reconstruction. Fallon Avenue exists as a rural section with drainage ditches along the edges of the roadway. Much of the adjacent properties are currently undeveloped and unimproved. In addition, Fallon Avenue holds significant potential for a major north-south corridor from the City of Monticello into the proposed annexation area. The roadway is not currently scheduled for reconstruction at this time due to unknown variables relating to development and future trunk utility extensions. It should also be noted here that the section of Fallon Avenue north of Chelsea Road will be reconstructed with the proposed Fallon Avenue Overpass. The upgrade of Fallon Avenue could potentially be done at the time of the overpass construction depending on the development demand and available funding. Table 10. Area 7A Length Road From To Oril!:. Const. (ft) PCI FALLON AVENUE Chelsea Road NE 85th Street t:Il1riRNOWN 4650 40 , F:\WPWfN\f494-0f\MONT 2004 Core Streets ~ Memo.doc I Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 8 Area 7B - (Proposed Construction - 2009) Area 7B represents a mill and overlay of streets as shown on Figure 1. At the time of proposed construction, streets in this area will be approximately 10 to 15 years old. This is typically the age for the application of a mill and overlay type projects. Streets in this area are strictly residential and do not carry significant traffic loading. The application of an overlay at this point would potentially extend the service life of these streets to approximately 30 years. The PCI values and ages of these streets are shown in Table 11. Table 11. Area 7B Length Road From To Orie. Const. (ft) PCI EASTWOOD CIRCLE Eastwood Lane End 1994 1087 93 Briar Oaks Meadow Oak EASTWOOD LANE Boulevard A venue I 994-1 996 1716 91 BRIAR OAKS Jason Avenue BOULEVARD (CSAH 18) Shady Oak Circle ] 991-1996 1468 83 Briar Oaks SHADY OAK CIRCLE Boulevard End 1996 1075 100 Briar Oaks BRIAR COURT Boulevard End 1996 25 100 Briar Oaks HAWTHORNE PLACE N. Boulevard End ]991 268 82 Briar Oaks HA WTHORNE PLACE S. Boulevard End 1991 210 79 Briar Oaks ENDICOTT TRAIL Boulevard End 1991 183 80 Jason Avenue OAK RIDGE DRIVE (CSAH 18) End 1993 3837 90 OAKVIEW COURT Oak Ridee Drivc End 1993 420 93 MEADOW OAK COURT Oak Ridge Drive End 1993 193 86 Table 12 presents a summary of average PCI values for each area as discussed previously and serves as the basis for the reconstruction/mill and overlay sequencing as shown on Figure 1. Again, it should be noted that the average PCI value listed for Area 2A does not accurately represent existing street conditions in that area. T bl 12 A PCI V I a e . vera~e a ues Proposed Weighted Average Average Const. Area Construction Year PCI Ranking Date Warranted Improvement 2A 2004 71 1986 Reconstruct! Reclamation 2B 200" 35 1984 Reconstruct! Reclamation 2C 2004 70 1978 Mill and Overlay 2D 2004 71 1980 Mill and Overlay 3 2005 31 1975 Reconstruct (Urban Upgrade) I F:\WPW/N\J494-0JIMONT 2004 Core Streets - Memo.doc Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello January 22, 2004 Page 9 T hi 12 A PCI V I C f d a e verage a ues - on mue Proposed Weighted Average Average Const. Area Construction Year PCI Ranking Date Warranted Improvement 4A 2006 23 1977 Reconstruct (w/Sanitary Interceptor) 4B 2006 36 1977 Reconstruct (w/Sanitary Interceptor) 5 2007 39 1978 Reconstruct/ Reclamation 6 2008 72 1979 Reconstruct and Urban Upgrades 7A 2009 40 I:. .......... ....:. '.' I' Reconstruct I.::::..."':".. i.'.:.. .............................-...:......i::. (Urban Upgrade) 7B 2009 90 1993 Mill and Overlay This memorandum summarizes the results of the pavement ratings and evaluations by WSB & Associates in conjunction with City Staff evaluation. The final report will be formally presented to the City Council at the February 9, 2004 meeting. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the information contained in this memorandum, please feel free to contact me at 763~287-7193. Attachment JS F:\WPW/Nl1494-0/\MONT 2004 Core Streets - Memo.doc it: o t ~ '" it: o U ~ z I I I I I ~ '"' ~ "'") '" -- -" .,; ~ ~ o oil -l i ~ .., u CIl ~ ~ ~ .., U oil on d " ~ :::I ,.. ;; 9 .... u ;..0 ;<l !i.: ~ u = Iii' U Q Q -< oil = =: ;;, u =: :;: ... ~ ~ = =: ;..0 u " ::; ... '" ;;: '" ... ~ z 2 ... u .. =: ... '" z o u '" =: = =: .. u Q Q <1 "" '" o " ~ i= '" ;;: ~ it z 2 ;.. 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