City Council Resolution 1978-14Beit.. resoI ved by the C;.ity Count_ i i of Niant i ( c I(), Minnesota, that, it tiereby accepts t-lie avant ,)ffer from flie State of Minnesota in the amotint oi' l'r,r c tCep IT - t,he design and preparation tit PI tarry illd ;peciF.icati (gin-: for a c,;ast.ewat ter, treatment fat, il BeIt: rurther vesol ved that the t' :i t v of Mont i c el_ I ; a(i.tho.r-ires i.is Mayer", t i(, designated represent at i tc to si ;n all dot ument,s necessary to the a(c eptan c of Lhi s grant. offer. Resol ut.i.on i_ntroduc ed by : Philip White Reso l ut i vn se, onded by : Gene Walters Vote on Resol ut_ion:In favor: JOhnson, Grimsmo, Blonigen, Walters, White. Opposed: None. Whereupon the above resolution was adopted at the regular meeting of the Monticello City Council ori October 10, 1978, Conrad 0. Johnson Mayor s AT'TEST: 6/r y W' er ity dmi.nistrator