EDA Agenda 12-09-2015 (Workshop Meeting)SPECIAL MEETING – ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY (EDA) Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 4:30 p.m. Mississippi Room - 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN Commissioners: President Bill Demeules, Vice President Bill Tapper, Treasurer Tracy Hinz, James Davidson, Steve Johnson and Council members Tom Perrault and Lloyd Hilgart Staff: Executive Director Jeff O’Neill, Angela Schumann, Wayne Oberg 1.Call to Order 2.Roll Call 3.2016 EDA Work Plan 4.Presentation – Keller Williams Commercial 5.Adjourn EDA Workshop Agenda: 12/09/15 1 3. Workshop - Consideration of EDA Work Plan for 2016 (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The EDA is asked to consider moving forward for consideration its Annual Work Plan for 2016. At the November EDA workshop, the EDA re-evaluated existing objectives, discussed the addition of objectives and then prioritized the objectives. The EDA then developed a corresponding set of action statements in support of the objectives. A draft of the work plan has been developed based on the information provided at the workshop. The December workshop will focus on any additions or refinements the EDA would like to make to the draft document. If there is time available, the EDA may also wish to consider identifying resources or responsible parties for each action, such as staffing, funding source, sub-committees, etc. As previously noted, the EDA’s Enabling Resolution, Section 5.06, states that the “EDA may annually develop and present an economic development strategy and present it to the City Council for consideration and approval.” Additionally, in the Council’s consideration of adoption of the HRA levy, the review of the EDA’s action plan by the Council is one of the tools for providing communication between the two bodies. Sharing the document with Council provides an understanding of the intended activities of the EDA. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: No formal action is required at this time. The EDA is asked to make final recommendations so that staff can prepare the item for formal consideration at part of the January agenda. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: None at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 2016 Draft Work Plan ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 2016 (DRAFT) ANNUAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT WORK PLAN EDA Purpose: The EDA is charged with coordinating and administering the City of Monticello’s economic development and redevelopment plans and programs. The EDA is also responsible for housing and housing redevelopment. EDA Work Plan Mission Statement: The EDA’s work plan is adopted in support of achieving the goals of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. The EDA will be proactive by developing and undertaking actions for achievement of the Comprehensive Plan’s Economic Development goals and will be reactive in responding to economic development opportunities as they arise in the most timely and effective manner possible. The EDA shall utilize the economic development strategies of the Comprehensive Plan as a guide for action. Comprehensive Plan Goals: Attracting & Retaining Jobs Expanding Tax Base Enhancing Downtown Facilitating Redevelopment Housing Choice for Life-Cycle EDA Objectives: Priority Objective 1 Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 34. 2 Engage as a partner in other redevelopment opportunities as they arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the TH25/CSAH 75 area. 3 Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park), targeting businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the community. 4 Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on these resources at the EDA level. 6 Actively (aggressively) market for sale for development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street, 349 West Broadway and 413 W. 4th Street. 5 Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. 7 Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. 8 Support the development of the Destination for Innovation brand and implement in economic development activities. 9 Consider housing increment resource in terms of strategic project goals. 10 Re-engage in business retention and expansion efforts. Action Statements by Objective 1. Continue to support redevelopment efforts for publicly-owned properties on Block 34. Focus on site control (2) Engage a partner to expedite development Block 34 one way or another Complete intersection improvements Evaluate sale of properties on Block 34 2. Engage as a partner in other redevelopment opportunities as they arise, actively encouraging redevelopment within the TH25/CSAH 75 area. Fund studies (similar to hospitality) on land uses Build funding base to fund other acquisitions Develop a street layout for access to the entire CCD including parks and trails Coordinate park and trail development with TH 25/CSAH 75 intersection Continue discussion on use of tax reimbursement/abatement, including development of criteria. Meet with property owners downtown individually to understand their situation in terms of willingness to sell, partner, price, etc. 3. Market industrial development at the Monticello Business Center (Otter Creek Business Park), targeting businesses which will be a supplier, customer or collaborative partner to existing businesses within the community. Network with developers Develop “complete” package program that provides assistance from start to finish, including resources Actively participate/network with current businesses to help establish external relationships Take shovel-ready program farther and develop plans for pre-designed building with contractors ready 4. Market EDA incentive programs in a more proactive manner, both within the community and beyond, beginning with the education on these resources at the EDA level. Present programs to smaller groups and relevant organizations such as local banks, realtors, local businesses. Provide a summary resource piece (multi-format) and staff person to facilitate 5. Actively market for sale for development the EDA-owned properties at Cedar Street, 349 West Broadway and 413 W. 4th Street. Market 4th St. to builders Hold commercial properties for larger redevelopment potential Sell residential below market with covenants or at market with no strings Identify types of businesses sought for specific properties and market accordingly 6. Encourage more proactive lead development and response in all market segments to support a diversified tax base. Explore agent/broker relationships; engage a development facilitator such as Welsh, Keller Williams, etc. Foster an accommodating approach to prospective development Develop relationships with local realtors and banks Research incentive programs for bringing businesses into community 7. Examine housing stock for aging or blighted properties and research development of programs for redevelopment and/or revitalization. Develop a list of target properties and share with realtors. Share targeted property list with realtors and bankers. Identify state and regional programs which could be leveraged to support identified properties; identify programs applicable to each property. Develop sub-committee to identify potential programs, criteria for “blight” and “clusters’ for focus 8. Support the development of the Destination for Innovation brand and implement in economic development activities. Migrate website to City site for better maintenance. Explore redirecting domain name. Use more metatags and search engine optimization Communications staff to develop coordinated marketing plan Link to city government as a value to business rather than an impediment Market recreational aspects in a more coordinated way 9. Consider housing increment resource in terms of strategic project goals. Tie in with item #7 above as a multi-prong approach – program for acquisition for redevelopment, program for revitalization, program for new development (using 10% captured increment) Determine what areas are the focus for use of 10% increment 10. Other: Re-engage in business retention and expansion efforts Engage IEDC in this effort Understand other available financial resources through partners such as Initiative Foundation, DEED, etc. More face-to-face contact with Monticello businesses