MCC Advisory Board Minutes 10-21-2014MINUTES MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER (MCC) ADVISORY BOARD MEETING Tuesday, October 21, 2014 4:30 p.m. River Room Members Present: Sandra Theros, Jennifer Bethke, Darren Paumen Members Absent: Heath Bird, Clint Herbst Staff Members: Kitty Baltos, Director 1. Meeting called to order. Chair Sandra Theros called the meeting to order at 4:35 p.m. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. Mission Statement: Baltos explained that during the budgeting process she has been struggling to attain the 85% coverage of costs. The current budget is at 78.8% and they are at a deficit of $57,000. To make this up it could mean increasing rates and/or cutting an employee. Baltos said that she has been speaking with the City Administrator Jeff O'Neill about such issues and how many expenses such as building repairs cannot be projected or foreseen and those costs can be exorbitant. Baltos said that O'Neill suggested she have the Advisory Board look at recreating the mission statement so that there is a clear understanding of what you're trying to do and what you're trying to attain. Baltos included a draft Mission Statement and Guiding Principles for the Advisory Board to review and discuss. Baltos said that O'Neill wants the mission statement brought to the City Council for approval. In the statement the main point to stress is that the facility should strive to achieve a goal of 85% coverage of cost but not at the expense of undermining success in achievement of one or more of the guiding principles including maintaining a level of service to include a clean and sanitary building, appropriate staffing, customer service and training, programming and community events, well maintained aquatics area, etc. DARREN PAUMEN MOVED TO HAVE THE REVISED MISSION STATEMENT AND GUIDING PRINCIPLES BROUGHT TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR APPROVAL. MOTION SECONDED BY JENNIFER BETHKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3-0. 3. Consideration of approving minutes of the September 16, 2014 regular meeting. Darren Paumen noted that he was not at the last meeting so there should be a correction to remove him from making a second to the motion on the second page of the minutes. Kitty Baltos will make the correction to the motion as seconded by Heath Bird and not Darren Paumen. JENNIFER BETHKE MOVED TO APPROVE THE MCC ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 16, 2014 REGULAR MEETING WITH THE CORRECTION AS NOTED. MOTION SECONDED BY SANDRA THEROS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3-0. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 10/31/14 4. Update Items. A. Usage through September 2014: Kitty Baltos reviewed and discussed the complete usage summary worksheet through September 2014 which was included in the agenda packet to the Advisory Board. B. Financial Summary through 3rd Quarter 2014: Kitty Baltos reviewed and discussed the financial summary through the 3rd quarter of 2014 which was included in the agenda packet to the Advisory Board. Darren Paumen asked about the spike in the payroll for July. Baltos noted that there were three payrolls in July so that is more than likely the cause, and also there is additional staff for Friendship Island during that time. Baltos said she will look into it and report back at the next meeting. Paumen also asked about the spike in the electric bill in September. Baltos said that she will look into that to determine why that was higher and report back at the next meeting. Sandra Theros noted that there is not a full year budget expense listed for Ball field Concessions. Baltos said that she may have missed that and she will review the report and bring back a corrected Revenue & Expense Statement to the next meeting. Baltos noted that they were hit with high repair bills in September. There was a window that broke in the pool area and the glass was very expensive; the window will be repaired this week. There also was a bearing on the new air handling unit that went out and the warranty period has already passed; the cost was $3,600. Baltos noted that Brian has created a pre -filter which should help to preserve the bearings as it will catch most of the stuff that gets into the unit. Baltos said this is the fourth bearing that has gone out but the first three that went out were covered under the warranty period. C. Manager's Monthly Update: Kitty Baltos reviewed and discussed the manager's monthly update which was included in the agenda packet to the Advisory Board. 5. Old Business. A. Addition to Romp -n -Stomp update%hange: Kitty Baltos said that she has had a very difficult time getting in touch with companies that are able to add on to the play structure in the Romp -n -Stomp. Baltos said that as an alternative she asked for quotes to get rid of the taxi and replace with another type of play equipment. Baltos reviewed the two quotes and designs that she received. She said she also has a call in to the company where the taxi was purchased but has not received any information back from them; the company is Soft Play. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 10/31/14 Baltos asked the Advisory Board if they would consider setting a maximum dollar amount to spend and the piece of equipment to be replaced to allow her time to continue to shop for equipment. Baltos said she'd like to replace the taxi and possibly replace the playhouse with another type of fort. To remove the taxi is a process because the glass pane needs to be taken out as it won't fit through the door of the child care area. Jennifer Bethke suggested adding a door to the play area and closing off the door to the child care area and put the "mom's bench" in front of that door. Baltos said that $50,000 was originally budgeted for the gym floor but that has been put on hold at this time so those dollars can be used for the Romp -n -Stomp. She would like to keep costs lower and utilize around half of those funds. The Advisory Board liked the idea of adding the toddler multi -unit play structure which was quoted at $7,200 from On Call Services. JENNIFER BETHKE MOVED TO PUT A CAP ON THE IMPROVEMENTS TO THE ROMP -N -STOMP AT $25,000 TO INCLUDE THE NEW CARPET FLOORING, NEW DOOR CONFIGURATION AND PLAY STRUCTURE AT THE DISCRETION OF DIRECTOR KITTY BALTOS. MOTION SECONDED BY DARREN PAUMEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3-0. B. Update on budget submission for 2015 Preliminary Budget: Kitty Baltos said the budget was submitted and the preliminary levy has been set. Baltos said that she is nervous about this 85% and while it is a great goal to work towards it may not be attainable. Baltos said she thought she was at 80% and had sent an email to the Finance Director to see if her figures were correct and a week later he emailed back and said she was at 78.8%. Baltos said they are $57,000 dollars off In everything the Advisory Board has talked about she has increased her revenue and decreased her expenses for 2015 and she said she is very nervous about that as there are many unknown repairs that come up which tend to be very expensive fixes. Baltos said that in order to save that amount of money it boils down to raising rates and cutting an employee. Baltos said that she has had many discussions with her schedulers about not over -staffing and ensuring that employees are not standing around because there is "nothing to do". One of the biggest over -staffing problems is with having too many lifeguards on duty when usage is down. They may need to look at having an on-call lifeguard at times when it gets busy so one is available to call in. Baltos reviewed a spreadsheet with the Advisory Board that she put together showing current memberships and the rates they are paying. The majority of memberships (approximately 75%) are family memberships and many of those family memberships are grandfathered in at the rate they paid when they joined. For instance there are 138 members at a rate of $35/month whereas the current rate is $41/month resident and $46/month non-resident. So if the rates are all raised to the current rate there could be an increase of over $37,000/year assuming all members would maintain those memberships. The consensus of the Advisory Board is that if rates are raised then the MCC will lose memberships. The consensus of the Advisory Council is to have Baltos continue to work with staff on being conscientious about scheduling and ensure the staffing is appropriate to keep those expenses MCC Advisory Board Minutes 10/31/14 lower. Furthermore, continue to track usage and employee time to find trends to ensure appropriate staffing levels. DARREN PAUMEN MOVED NOT TO RAISE MEMBERSHIP RATES AND NOT TO CUT A STAFF MEMBER BUT RATHER TO IMPROVE STAFFING EFFICIENCIES. MOTION SECONDED BY JENNIFER BETHKE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 3-0. C. Discussion on National Guard payment for improi,ements/mnintenance: Kitty Baltos said that there have been talks with the National Guard about contributing to improvements and maintenance at the MCC. Baltos said that she and City Administrator Jeff O'Neill are going to negotiate with them about helping to cover the cost of improvements at the MCC. In the agenda packet to the Advisory Board Baltos included a copy of part of the Agreement with the National Guard which indicates their portion of routine maintenance and capital repairs at the MCC. Baltos prepared a spreadsheet indicating the capital repairs anticipated in the next five years and the projected costs associated with those repairs. 6. Consideration of letter from a customer re2ardin2 our policies on recognition of familv. Kitty Baltos shared a letter emailed from a customer regarding policies on recognition of family in family memberships. Baltos explained that in this instance there are three adults living in the household as the grandparents are living in the home with their grandchildren and son-in-law as the children's mother passed away. They would like to have one family membership cover all of them as the grandparents take care of the children and they would like to bring them to the MCC. Baltos noted that she did inform the individual that there is a process for policy changes and that those changes are typically made at the first of the year. Discussed the structure of the membership rates and Baltos noted that there are instances where it may be inconsistent where there's a family of 10 as opposed to a family of 3. The method used right now is the wording of "parents and their minor children". Baltos said in the instance with this individual maybe there could be a household membership where there's a cost for additional individuals after a certain set number. Jennifer Bethke suggested there could be an adult add-on to the membership not necessarily setting a certain number of individuals per household but paying extra for each additional adult living in the same home. Baltos said that she will research other facilities and what their membership structure is and bring information back to the next meeting. In the meantime she said she will send an email back to this individual to let him know that they are trying to accommodate him but are in the process in researching the membership rate structure. 6. Discussion on Mississippi Room lights and their replacement. Kitty Baltos said that the lights in the Mississippi Room are in need of replacement and she wanted the Advisory Board to be informed that this is a large cost to replace the lights. Baltos said she received a quote from Wes Olson Electric for $12,000 but she is going to request additional quotes. Darren Paumen said he knows of other electric companies and he will email those contacts to Baltos. 6. Adiourn. Meeting adjourned at 6:05 p.m. MCC Advisory Board Minutes 10/21/14 Recorder: Administrative Assistant Date Approved: Attest: Kitty Baltos, MCC Director