1999 BudgetCp�oy MoN'7lCVLL0 14 ■' ■ OF MONTICELLO 1999 ANNUAL BUDGET Ga of llmocoo 76613x7 B►oWmy PO on 1147 monsc o, NN 667!2 (617)79!-7717 MONTICELLO 1999 MUNICIPAL BUDGET MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Roger Belsaas Mayor Bruce Thielen Councilmember Roger Carlson Brian Stumpf Clint Herbst Councilmember Councilmember Councilmember MONTICELLO BUDGET STAFF Richard Wolfsteller Karen Doty Cathy Shuman Sue Thibodeaux Sandy Suchy 99eUDGETA%, CC•eWpat Staff. 2117199 City Administrator Deputy City Clerk Finance Assistant Bookkeeper Admin. Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1999 Budget SECTION i - Introduction 1 Administrator's Budget Transmittal Messaqe 1 8j i Council's Resolution Adootinq the Budget and Settinq the Tax Lew 1 ill { Levy Certification j 121 I Certification of HACA I I i 1 131 I Overall Levy Limitation Notice i I iql! I 1 Comparison of Statistical Data 1 151 I Revenue Source Graph j 1 171 t Expenditures by Fund Graph I i 181 ! i Expenditure Summary Graph i { I 191 { Expenditures by Activity Table I 20 Expenditures by Activity Graph i 21 I Tax Levy by Fund Graph I 1 221 Combined Statement of indebtedness i 231 I Tax Levies to Refire Bonded Indebtedness t 24 I 1 Proiected Revenues and Expenditures Summar i I 1 251 i Revenue and Expenditure Summary I 281 I 1 Tax Levy Summary i { 271 SECTION 11- Genera! fund I Revenue Source Graph { 1 28� i i Expenditure Summary by Division Graph 1 1 ! 291 1 Expenditures by Activity Graph 1 ! 1 ( 301 1 Expenditures by Division Graph i 1 t 311 99BUDGET m. TsWW c,nwU 7/17A9 4 CITY OF MONTICELLO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1999 Budget SECTION I/ • General Fund (Cont.) Revenue Summary Expenditure Summary General Government Mayor and Council Administration Elections Finance Audit Assessing Legal Planning & Zoning Data Processing City Hall Deputy Registrar Public Safety Law Enforcement Fire Department Buildinq inspections Civil Defense Animal Control Public Works Administration Engineering Inspections Streets & Alleys Snow & Ice Shop & Garage Parking Lots Street Lighting Refuse Collection Health and Welfare Information Center Senior Center Community Education YMCA Community Development Economic Development 99%=ETd3.T3blea1Cmt" V12" 32 33 34 35 37 38� 39 40 411 421 43 44 45 47 481 50 51i 52+ 1 i 531 551 561 57) 591 601 611 621 631 64 65 66 671 681 CITY OF MONTICELLO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1999 Budget SECTION 11- General Fund (Cont.) Unallocated 691 Insurance 1 Unallocated 701 SECTION 111- Special Revenue Funds UDAG 711 Library 721 HRA 741 SCERG (Economic Recovery Grant) 77 CMIF 781 Shade Tree 79 Park Fund 81 Community Center 84 Orderly Annexation Area I 85 Capital Imgrovement Revolvinq I 86 Economic Development Authority I 87 SECTION IV - Debt Retirement I Debt Service Fund I 881 SECTION V -Enterprise Funds Sanitary Sewer Access Fund I 1121 Storm Sewer Access Fund+ 113 Water Access Fund 114 Water Fund Unallocated I 1151 Water Fund I 1 116 Sewer Fund I 1 Revenue I 118 Plant 8 Lab — WWTP I 1191 Collection Systems — Admin./Gen. Operating 1 120 eaeuoceT.m, Tatft W C. mo v+vec 6 CITY OF MONTICELLO TABLE OF CONTENTS 1999 Budget SECTION V - Enterprise Funds (Cont.) I Liquor Fund Revenue 122 Purchasing 123 Operations 124 Transportation Fund 126 Riverside Cemetery 127 SECTION VI - Exhibits Capital Outlay Expenditure Summary 128 I Salary Distribution for 1999 131 I Glossary of Selected Terms 132 SECTION VII - Five Year Capital Plan Five Year Capital Plan I 1331 996UDGEf i%, Taeb d GwWft 2112M 7 1999 BUDGET TRANSMITTAL MESSAGE To the If wrable Algror aed Council rJ Me Cim al ,llomiccllo: I hereby submit to you your 1999 adopted municipal budget. 'Nis budget document still be used by the City staff and the Council as the financial guide for governing the daily operations of the City for the nese calendar year Various capital projects or development improvement projects not anticipated when this budget was being developed sill be dealt wwith separately as each case arises• while this document is intended to mainly address the anticipated day-to-day operational costs of the City. The 1999 budget continues the recent focus on improvements to our park and recreational facilities that include pathways and trail system enhancements. In 1998, the process was begun to separate the pad department from street and other public works departments by the creation of a separate park department superintendent position and the employment of two new park maintenance workers. For 1999- the budget included funding a third park maintenance worker position and sets up the park department as a separate fund in the future rather than as pan of the general fund as in the past. All of the operational and capital outlay expenditures related to parks are now accounted for in the separate fund. Sonic of tha major projects and expenditures proposed for 1999 include partial funding of 530.000 for future pad land acquisition south of School Boulevard, partial funding of additional ballfteld lighting at the NSP park for S20.000. development of various pads such as the River Mill Park for $65.000, the East and West Bridge Pad enhancements for $20,000, improvements to Prairie Creek Park for 55.000, and $23.000 for enhancements at the Klein Farms (Lions) Park. In addition• various pathway improvements for $90.000 have also been included in the budget along with soccer field development expenditures for 525.000 and other various equipment purchases for the parks totaling 536.000. In all. equipment and park enhancements totaling over $382.000 are pan of the 1999 budget. As pan of the 1998 budget. 560,000 was included for unspecified enhancements to the East and West Bridge Park facilities along the river in conjunction with the btonticcllo Community Partners' initiatives to revitalize the parks new the downtown area. An additional $20.000 has been added in 1999 to supplement the previously unspent funds. The A1CP and the I IRA have been reviewing development proposals for redevelopment of the areas adjacent to West Bridge Park that may require some private development on portions of city park land that could result in additional acquisition of land along the river to replace any existing park land. Final plans for revitalization of the Bridge Park facilities will be on hold until after it is detenn ined how the surrounding areas will be redeveloped. Transportation issues will be a big pan of the 1999 budget year. Major street and highway improvements being planned for 1999 include the reconstruction and widening of State Highway 25 south of 1-94, widening and improvements to County State Aid Ilighway 75 from Washington Street to Bast County Road 39, improvements to County Road 118 by Wright County within the city limits, along with a number of other anticipated street extensions to accommodate various development proposals. Many of the state and county highway improvements are in response to the increased traffic pressures we have experienced due to our continued growth patterns. Funding for the City's share of these state and county highway improvements is estimated to cost upwards of S3 million and will be financed by general obligation improvement bonds. Pan of the City's cost ww ill be assessed to benefiting property owners, with the nonassessable portions Ming financed over ten years through future tax levies. Renewed interest by developers for commercial and residential development may also see 1999 as the year that West 7th Street is extended to meet Elm Street, completing the connection between Ilighway 25 and West County Road 39. The completion of the first leg of a new frontage road south of 1-94 and west of l lighway 25 may also commence due to development interest. This westerly extension of the new Chclsca Road w ill open up new areas for residential and commercial growth that w ill ultimately provide a connection from Ilighway 25 to West County Road 39. 99BUDGET %LS, Tr8t 1tt81Mag' 2/12/99 1 An integral pan of the 1999 budget is a new fund established for the Common it% Center National Guard Facility that is under construction this new facility that will house a new cit hall - senior cntrcn% center, teen facilities, an aquatic park, and National Guard I raining facility was the result of 18 months of planning and i. expected to cost S 10 million. F mancmg for the project was accomplished by the use of IIRA lease rc%enue bonds for S7 385 million. a $1.5 million coninhuuon from the National Guard, along with an estimated S500,000 in proceeds from the sale of the existing cit hall and senior citi/ens center and the inclusion of $224,000 from liquor store reserves. with an add it 5400,000 coming from city resere funds. Although the community center is not anticipated to open before Nos ember 1999, the budget does include an additional $110.625 for startup costs associated with operations of the ness fact lit It is anticipated that a building facilities manager will be on board as early as mid -summer. and funds are a,ailable for additional positions. including ajanitor. receptionist, and lifeguards for the aquatic center While it is anticipated that the aquatic and wheel park acus it w d1 be revenue -generators, it will likely take a fess years of operation to get an accurate handle on the full operational costs that %%ill be needed as pan of our usera[ I city budget With the continued strong economy we arc experiencing, de%clopnicm issues w ill likely continue to be a focus for the City staff with anticipated annexation requests and petitions from land owners and developers in 1999. Proposals that have been re%icvved on a preliminary basis include a 200 -acre residential development along south IIighwa) 25 and proposals for residential and commercial developments %vest of Ilighway 25 just south of 1-94. Continue growth pressures in our outly mg areas will require future extensions of our trunk sever and %eater lines, and our 1999 budget will include an updated analysis by our City Engineer of the future costs associated with sewer. water, and storm sewer tank extensions to determine if adjustments are warranted in the amount that needs to he charged to developing propenies for these utilities. This study should provide the City %with the appropriate information to ensure that new developments are responsible for pay ing the cost of utility extensions without placing an undue hardship on c%kling taxpayers. 'ITe 1999 budget as adopted will result in an increase in tax dollars collected by 18.99., or 5734,712, over 1998 collections. Of this amount, approximately 14.69e. or 5566.045, relates to debt increases required to fund a portion of the new %%astewater treatment plant construction bond and the new communit center project, while the remaining 4.39., or S 168,667• is attributable to nondebt increases in the budget. %%'bile this increase may seem substantial in terns of dollars to be collected, a typical homeowner within our community will likely sec a much smaller increase in their overall fax bill of around 4!. to 9•. This is mainly due to increased state aids for education and other credits that will allow homestead property taxes to increase at a slower pace. Another factor that %. ill keep commercial and industrial property taxes similar to 1998 levels is the recent state legislative action that continues to lower commercial and industrial tax capacity values by another 1261, for 1999. This reduction in value for tax purposes allows commercial and industrial properties to remain fairly stable for 1999, even with the increased budget needs of the City. The overall city market value will increase by $26.154.700 to 5521,469,400. Of this increase, over S13 million is related to new construction within the community and the other $13 million to inflationary increases in market values. Ben w ith this 5.31. increase in our market value, our tax capacity value is expected to drop $1,262.000 to a new total of 513.1 19.000, a drop of 8.7•:. While this by itself results in the Cit's share of a tax bill to increase, the local school district is able to reduce their share of the overall tax needs because of additional state aids they received. The City's primary revenue source continues to be local property taxes at 376. of the budget revenue, or $4.617.725 Other substantial revenue sources include 17.58., or $2.197,190. from charges for sen ices from such sen ices as sewer and water user charges, hookup and arca acreage fees, along with building permits and other licenses, liquor store sales of 16.5°.. or 52.050,800; $877367, or 7!.. from special assessment revenues for improvements to benefiting properties, state aids of 5426,142, or 3.5•.: TIF revenue of 4'., or 5470.650: and other miscellaneous rc%enue from interest earnings and transfers between funds totaling 144., or S 1.92 1.095 I -oral budgeted revenues equal 512.460.169 when taking into account all of these various revenue sources. The overall tax rate for the City's share of the 1999 property taxes is e%pected to increase from 27.001 to 35.186. the overall tax capacity rate for Monticello is estimated to be 130 530 compared to 118 645 in 1998. or a 104. increase o%cr 1998 rates. With additional state paid education aid credits and a lower tax capacity value rate percentage for most propem owners, actual tax increases w ill likely he in the 4°.l0 80a range for 1999 99BUDGET %LS. Transmittal Msp 7172/99 I he tocol budgeted expenditures for all funds are also projected to increase h) S2A62.559 oxer the 1998 budget Of this amount. increases are prufccled of S1,685.289 for debt sem ice, S340,000 fur nanous %ewer depanmenI related capital expenditures. S 112,000 for park department budget increases, and $154,725 to expenditures for the new community center operations budget 1 he community center budget anticipates expenditures for additional smll'that includes a full-time budding facility manager, janitor, and other carious pan -time positions within the aquatic and recreational aeti%H) areas Other sen ice areas that w dl be increased include additional hours of police protection coverage. adding 557.5511 to our budget. a 519.860 increase v%nhm our refuserecycling program budget: and an increase of 547.000 w nhm our planning department to accommodate additional planning positions and consultant sen ices. A notable change to funds being allocated from the capital outlay re%ohmg fund is proposed for 1999_ In the past. many of the larger capital outlay items for xarious departments "ere budgeted and purchased from the resolving capital outlay fund 'Ibis year, most of the departments ha%c included their capital outlay expenditure requests w ithm their own department's budgets, thus allow ing the City to reduce its tax levy requirement substantially for the capital outlay fund in 1999 to only S 10,480 from 5510,736 that was lex ied in 1998. With the increased budget needs for debt payments in 1999, and with the addition of the community center project to our budget. le,%ing for additional future resenes "chin the capital outlay fund was decided to be eliminated for 1999 with the hopes of being able to reinstate a levy in future years to help replenish the capital improvement resenes "hen the City's tax base allows. The City is nearing completion of the two-year construction project to enlarge our %aste%atcr treatment plant from the 910,000 -gallon capacity to 2.1 million gallons per day. As noted earlier, our budget for 1999 includes 5632;294 from taxes to suppon the dzbt on this $14 million project, along with $450.000 in sewer hookup fee rc%enue. It is projected that future annual debt payments %ill have less reliance on taxes and more support from sewer hookup revenue as the community continues to grow and the hookup fees are increased. 'rhe 1999 capital outlay budget includes partial funding for the third year of 5'_5.000 toward the future purchase of an industrial park, which has been previously matched by an allocation from the IIRA in an equal amount- Previous commitments from the City and the [IRA totaled 5300.000, and the 1999 contribution from the capital outlay fund will earmark a total to date of S325.000. In addition. $35.000 has again been committed through this fund for assisting the Monticello Community Partners in their rexualization efforts of the downtown area. Other resent funds of the tree fund rill be used for boulcsard and private property tree planting program expenditures estimated at $10,000, and 5200,000 of liquor store revenues for 1999 w ill be transferred to debt service to help defray the cost of the community center debt payment. A new section that is being added to this budget document relates to our newly -adopted 5 -year capital improvement program budget. This document %ill be used by the staff and the Council in future )cars to project the capital expenditure needs of the community in )cars to come and %ill allow us to minimize the tax impacts in various )cars by spreading out the financing over several years. This capital improv ement program w ill be updated annually as pan of our budget process. and it should be a useful tool for both staff and Council in developing future budget needs. The 1999 budget %ill play an integral pan in carrying out the long-range goals and objectives of the City as highlighted in our preciously -adopted Community Vision and Goveming Policy plan. Many of the indiv idual priorities that have been identified in the %ision statement ha%e been included in the 1998 budget. The administration and staff" ill be stri%ing to accomplish as many of these pnontics us possible with the gisen resources mailable. Staff members has put to many hours of research and preparation and assembly of this budget document. With this budget and our community %ision policy as our guide, the staffpledges to continue pro%idmg the Ic%el of sen ice that citizens have come to expect from the City while pro%iding the sen ices in the most cost-efficient manner possible. Rr.k 11 ol/erillrr Crit' AJmurrgrdrur 99BUDGET xLS, Transmittal Msg 2/12M RESOLUTION 9$-57 RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 1999 BUDGET AND SETTING THE TAX LEVY WHEREAS, the City Administrator has prepared and submitted to the City Council a budget setting forth therein his estimated needs of the City of Monticello for all operations and the debt service for the fiscal year Commencing January 1, 1999: and WHEREAS, the City Council has reviewed the same and has made such granges therein as appear to be in the best interest of the City of Monticello. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO that the budget so submitted by the City Administrator, together with the changes made therein by the City Counai, be and same hereby is adopted as a budget for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 1999, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Monticello that there be and hereby is levied for the fiscal year commencing January t, 1999, and the following sums for the respective purposes indicated therein upon the taxable property of the City of Monticello, to wit The above resolution was introduced by Counalmember, Bruce Thieten, was duty seconded by Councilmember, Roger Carlson, with the following voting in favor thereof, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thiefen, Brian Stumpf The following voting in the opposition: Clint Herbst The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified Copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted this 14th day of December. 1998. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator 99auDGeT tR. 9657. 2/12N9 F3 NET CERTIFIED LEVY HACA LEVY IREVENUe '* r , - ' (General $2,366, $266,562$2,100,2381 ICommunrty Center $472,5 $0 $472,5501 [Parks $660.6601 $01 $660,6801 IL.brary $31,0951 $0 $31,0851 ITmnsportation $17.4601 Sol $17,4601 [HRA $15.29 S0 $15,295 LOAA [ $7,000 $DI $7,0007 IDEST RETIREMENT - 1 ti 1 j1 IDebt Service Fund $1,302,9271 $01 $1,302,927 ICAPI TAL IMPROVEMENTS p • - i I [Capital Improvement Revotvmq I $10,480 $01 $10,� ' (TOTAL TAX LEVY ' $4.88428 : 5268.562] $4.817, The above resolution was introduced by Counalmember, Bruce Thieten, was duty seconded by Councilmember, Roger Carlson, with the following voting in favor thereof, Bill Fair, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thiefen, Brian Stumpf The following voting in the opposition: Clint Herbst The City Administrator is hereby instructed to transmit a certified Copy of this resolution to the County Auditor of Wright County, Minnesota. Adopted this 14th day of December. 1998. Mayor ATTEST: City Administrator 99auDGeT tR. 9657. 2/12N9 F3 16 8 T 2 c; 1414 j E mNIq N c O,p E 2t Ix Cc tl: Oxy �¢aad o G x 00 4w 41 a zz ac C=i cl .2 0.- 0 0 , 16 MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division M" slxlbe 3uo S. aw. —551al o vroee 1912) 2963+55 Fe.19121797.2169 CERTIFICATION OF HACA FOR TAXES PAYABLE IN 1999 September 9, 1998 MONTICELLO CITY OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY HALL - BOX 1147 250 E BROADWAY MONTICELLO. MN 55362 REVISED THE 1999 HACA FOR YOUR TAXING DISTRICT IS $266.562 This amount is to he deducted from your levy before certification to your county auditor (see enclosed letter) The following 1s a listing of the factors used in the calculabon of your taxing district's 1999 Homestead and Agricultural Credit Aid. 1, 1998 CERTIFIED HACA: $259.157 2. ADJUSTMENT TO 1998 HACA: (A) $48.956 3. 1999 HACA BASE (1 •2): $308,113 4. GROWTH ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: (B) $0 5. FISCAL DISPARITIES ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: (C) $0 6. NET TAX CAPACITY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR: (D) $0 7. ANNEXATION ADJUSTMENT: 8. COST OF PREPARATION OF LOCAL IMPACT NOTES (E) $157 9. TIF AID REDUCTION: $41.394 10. 1999 CERTIFIED HACA (3. 4. 6.6.7): $266,562 (A) ADJUSTMENT FOR PREVIOUS YEAR'S TIF AID REDUCTION. (8) APPLIES TO COUNTIES ONLY, ITEM 4 =ITEM 3 X (1997 HOUSEHOLD COUNT/ 19% HOUSEHOLD COUNT - 1.0). (C) ITEM 5 a 0 FOR ALL TAXING DISTRICTS SINCE THERE WAS NO CHANGE IN COMMERCIAL OR INDUSTRIAL CLASS RATES FROM PAYABLE 1997 TO 1998, (D) ITEM 6 = 0 FOR ALL TAXING DISTRICTS ACCORDING TO THE PROVISIONS IN THE PAY 1999 HACA LAW. (E) ITEM 8 a COUNTIES AND CITIES WILL SHOW A REDUCTION HERE TO COVER THE COST OF THE LOCAL IMPACT NOTES INCURRED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE PER M.S 273 1398. SUB BIB), 13 996u0GET.esten, of HACA for ta.ew 2112199 MINNESOTA Department of Revenue Property Tax Division rx.x stiii— 33.0 51 P.W. NN 55,16-33-0 Phone is 12) 2983155 r., (612) 297.2166 REVISED Payable 1999 Overall Levy Limitation Notice September 9, 1998 MONTICELLO CITY OF CITY ADMINISTRATOR CITY HALL - BOX 1147 250 £ BROADWAY MONTICELLO, MN 55362 The payable 1999 overall levy limitation for your city Is: $3.178,949 The following is a listing of the factors used in determining your city's payable 1999 overall levy limitation. See the enclosed letter for an explanation of these factors and for additional information concerning your city's overall levy limitation. 1, Adjusted Levy Lima Base for Payable 1998'. $3,100.714 2. Adjustment rot Payable 1997 Market Value of New C/I Construction a. Payable 1996 Total Taxable Market Value: $452,158.400 b. Payable 1997 Market Value of New C/I Construction $2,276.800 c. Adjustment (i + Ratio of (b) to (a)): 1,005 3 New Construction Adjusted Payable 1998 Levy Limit Base (1x2c): $3,116,218 3. Impliol Price Deflator Adjustment (Mar. 98/Mar. 97): 1,018 4, Household Growth Adjustment a. 1998 Households $2,308 b. 1997 HousehcIft $2.466 c- Ratio of 1997 to 1996 Households (bla. but not less than 1 000)' 1.068 6. Adjustment for Payable 1998 Market Value of New C11 Construction a. Payable 1997 Total Taxable Market Value: $470.141,600 b. Payable 1998 Market Value of New C/I Construction $13.452.179 c Adjustment (1 + Ratio of (b) to (a)): 1.029 7, Adjusted Levy Limit Base for Payable 1999 (3 x 4 x Sc .6c)' $3.486.280 8 New Net Tax Capaaty-Based Referendum Levies' 9 1999 Property Tax Aids a. 1999 Carolled Local Government Aid (LGA): $0 b. 1999 Certified Homestead and Agricultural Credit Ad (HACA)I $266.562 c. 1999 Certified Local Performance Aid (LPA): $8,172 d. 1999 Estimated Taconite Aidst e. 1999 Certified Existing Low Income Housing Aid f. Total(a+b+c+d+e)' $274,734 10. 1998 Tax Rate Excess Tax Increments: $32.597 11. Payable 1999 Overall Levy Limitation (7.891.10): $3.178.949 The change In LGA did not affect your overall levy limitation, 14 99BUDGE T xlslevy LOM- NIC: 2/1 M9 1999 BUDGET Comparison of Statistical Data (a) I 1897 1998 1 1888 % of total proposed budget representing 1997 1998. total compensation for employees 1 $11,000 $11,0001 (wages, salaries, benefits, etc.) 17.03% 17,61% 14,09% Total budget - all funds 1 $8,728.958 $9.849.651 $13,787,6561 Total budgetedsalanewbenefits 1 $1,486.670 $1.735.060 $1,942,755 (b) I 5427,000 $440.000 $484,0001 Number of Employees - FT (Gen)' ( 251 291 31I Number of Employees - PT (Gen) 4 5 7 1 Number of Employees - FT (liq) 111 31 3 31 1 Number of Employees - PT (t,iq) I 6 6 61 'Classification 515,6001 516.250 $19,5501 - Administration 6 6 6 Finance 3 3 3 - Deputy Registrar 1 1 1 -Inspections 3 4 5 • Public Works Admin, 2 2 2 Streets 5 5 5 - Economic Development 1 t t Water 3 3 3 Parks 1 4 5 (c) Budget data on independent contractors and consultants "OUGGET a C,,r rw, r W Stec kcal Dau 2112M 8090ted Budgeted 6ad9eted 1997 1998. City Attorney Attorney - Paul WeingardenlDennis Dalen $11.0001 $11,000 $11,0001 Planner - Northwest Consultants 56,0001 $25,000 535,0001 Engineer(non-project) -WSB $10,000 $10.000 $70,0001 Police - Wright County Sheriff $323.475 $333,325 $390.8751 W WTP Operations - PSG Inc. I 5427,000 $440.000 $484,0001 Animal Control - Patty SaIrwedef $27.725 $28.475 $29A501 City Hall Cleaning $6.500 $10.000 $5,5201 Garbage- Superior Services $132.500 $105.000 5110.0001 Recycling - Superior Services 546.0001 $56.000 $54.0001 Assessor - Jerry Kramber 515,6001 516.250 $19,5501 "OUGGET a C,,r rw, r W Stec kcal Dau 2112M I i 11 1999 BUDGET Comparison of Statistical Data (it) The effect of budget increases or decreases on the proposed: MUDGETAWArftva6SWofStVM=%IOen WIM In Budget Effect on Tax 1 Till, tovr- --4, Levy Park Fund 670,680 6%6801 General Fund 64,430 108.5551 Library Fund 0 0 Transportation 2,870 8481 Tree -U950 OAA 5,300( 4,825 MRA -6,800� Soo Debt Service 1.685.2891 204.1201 Capital Outlay Fund -508.0001 300,256 EDA Fund 5.0001 0 UDAG 01 0 Liquor 103,395 0 Water Fund 1 39,0551 0 Sewer Fund 657,4101 0 Water Access Fund I -65.000f 0 SWm, Sewer Access -400001 0 Sewer Access Fund 745:800 0 SCERG 0 0 CMIF 0 01 Cemetery 5.5W0 Community Center Fund 516,6501 472,550 ALL FUN63 - TOTAL$ 734,7121 MUDGETAWArftva6SWofStVM=%IOen WIM In REVENUE SOURCES All Funds, 1999 Budget Special Asnnts 35% Lpuor 1 Muc \Interest 0.4% 75% _ Transfers 101% J / Firms / 0.1% Intef-GOVT Refunds 1/ 76% O4%a% I I Charges Lica Pemuts 155% A0% Inter -Gov't $443,352 Tax $5,539,375 Lit 8 Permits $244,575 Charges $1,927,880 Fines $15,000 Transfers $1,261,775 Interest $442,140 Mist $54,550 Liquor $2,052,675 Refunds $45,000 Special Asmts S43384 TOTAL $12,460,169 Ta. 445% 990UDGET.xIsChart•Revenue Sourcea: 2112M 17 EXPENDITURES BY FUND All funds, 1999 Budget Water Community Center General 37% EDA Cemetery or% 0.3% Capital Inv. Renootving ParkS Water 06% 49% 34% \ General Saninary Sewer 135% N 24.1% Transportatim Sanitary Sewer Access 05% kdininr Sanaftly S. A=. 02% 54% Capital Imp. Revolving Lieor u% EDA 14. 5 RA Clew service 9% Sheila Tree 254% 05% OAA $3705 01% Water $464.380 General $3,324,425 Library $32,295 Debt Service $3.501,331 OAA $8.200 HRA $395.755 Shade Tree $67,735 Liquor $1.998,570 Sanitary Sewer Access $745,800 Transportation $74,900 Sanitary Sewer $1.860,765 Capital Imp. Revolving $82,000 EDA $7,120 Parks $670.680 Community Center $516.650 Cemetery $3705 TOTAL $13.787,656 998UDGET.risChan-E-D byFund: 2112199 to a I� OSQ'L£Y OSS'tEY 099'9044 099'0as 0Y oY � 000'0VY �• a�,a 4YOS E ¢ f 0 04 ayo' Os li 0Y i a 000's9s �dJs !a rr 009'S6LY tt � 44 OZl'LY 4Zrzs 0 W 006'VLY ¢� m 4EO'ZLY L �Lss Qt 000'Z Iu a) 000'0694 2 S9L'09B't. .. Z SSE'EOZ'tY d• oeE W OLS 966 L 'SZ, X sit 'Z69'tY Y" st Wr►Y,dr " W tEEYOsu, Zo4'90'tt �i�,q, sss'zoppszz [[d g� LI S£L'L9Y OEv'tLgt$ �i S6Z'Z£Sf (� 966'69Z'EY 0 0 d' 0 o a o 0 o y El o to C.) o u� o �n o u4i w w C A � J F W � m EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY All Funds 1999 Budget 70 998000ET rb. EFp by A*Wyae RPM VIVO '1999 toss %Cha1ge (Personal services S2,105,355 $1.809.430 16,35% (Supplies $322,160 $244,110 31.97% 10ther services and charges ( 43,875,820 $3.000,110 29.18%1 (capital outlay 1 $802,9651 $1,045,390 -23.18% (Debt service 1 $3,989,7911 $1,816,0421 119.69%� 1Transters betweentunds 5899,8501 4416,9851 11579% Liquor products J1 t $1,551,9501 $1.525,2301 1.75% 70 998000ET rb. EFp by A*Wyae RPM VIVO EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY All Funds, 1999 Budget Liquor Products Personal Services `o} 155% Supplies i Transfer 66% DaW Service ! 29.4% 11Other Services i. 26,6% Capeal0ullay 5.9% Personal Services $2,105,355 Supplies $322.160 Other Services $3,875,620 Capital Outlay $802,965 Debt Service $3,989,791 Transfer $899,650 Liquor Products SL55t o50 i. TOTAL 513,547,691 I998LlDGET..hChtn-E.p. by Activny.aa fund. 2112M 21 Q I TAX LEVY BY FUND All Funds,1999 Budget Parks Community Center 14 3%-,\\ 10 2% NRA 0 3%'_--- Capital Imp Revoking - 02% Transportaw 04% r en") 45.5% Ld"ry 0.7% a ~•.._... OAA 00% 282% 02% General $2.100,238 Library $31,095 Shade Tree s0 OAA $7,000 Debt Retirement $1,302,927 Transportation $17,460 Capital Imp. Revolving $10,480 HRA $15,295 Parks $660,680 Community Center S47255Q TOTAL $4,617.725 r_ 99aUDOE7.4sChart•Taa levy by Fund 2112199 22 1 � g�.:i 1 Op oo pQ t�pppQ pp � N iA Q,�i N 1^qj pp t- %8 ~ Y Y, ,1 0'. � ij� •Q O � � A 0 r il� V � O 1 m Z `h ® - �l �.1 y qt N tJ ,1 M w w N N M N N w N N N N N N M M w M I^�1 72 M N ��pp n ��pp O ♦��pp, ��py �e��p} �.� N M H N M N N M M N N N YI N �i S M N ffi ri p a M N N N N N N N W Z aD«$$»$$«««$««$$«« 11 0 W S $ F m U W - O 2 W W 0 F 2 r o m h s s «ass $ «s s s « «« « « s « « « « LuA N M LL LZ E� N N w OHv ' W W J 4- x g l N N N N N m. $»»» $» $ $»» s »» I 1 I &* I SUMMARY OF PROJECTED REVENUES, EXPENDITURES AND FUND BALANCES (Cash & Investments) a PROJECTEDtees tees BALANCE PROJECTED I PROJECTED PROJECTED' FUND 12/3174$ REVENUE EVEN Es BALANCE 12!31!94 (Parks Fund $100 $670,6615 $670,680 1100 General $2.953,900 $3.312,425 $3,324,425 $2.941.900 Library12.475 $32,295 $32,2951 $2475 (Tree $107,555 WIWI $67,7351 $47,980 (OAA 1 $10.5301 $8,2001 $8,2001 $10.5301 Water ! $244.5001 $279,5001 $252,1351 1271,865 Water Access I $463,2851 $1044001 $01 $567,6851 ISewer ( $315.80 $696,115 5357.2801 (Sewer Access $1,340,50 $405,7801 $8745,801 $000.480 ITransppnatun ( $100) $74.9001 $74,9041 $1001 ILi uor I $132,3751 $2.080,6751 $1,998,5701 $2144801 (Capital Outlay Ftevotwng 1 $877.3001 $82,1801 $82,0001 $877,460 (HRA I $115,0001 5419,7951 $395,7551 $139,0401 1UDAG ( 1118$.0041 $8,3701 $ol 11196,3701 IEDA I $385.0001 $41,5401 $7,1201 $419,4201 (SCERG I 5151,6501 $6,1801 $01 $157,830 ICMIF I $4001 $1401 $01 $540 IStorrnSow Access I $151,6501 $161.4501 $01 5333,1001 (Cemetery I $15,325 $23,9751 $37.0501 62,2501 ICommun4 Center Fund 1 EOI $518,6501 $516,650] $01 1_ SU87OTAL8 n 57,455,4951 $8,953.4101 $e 66s:OD4I $7.504.905 BDebt Service I I I I I Germs Obligation Bonds 1 $1,398,4251 $1,359.5121 $1.313.6431 $1,444294 1 Special Assessment Bonds 1 $2,299,8041 6864.9961 $1,308,500 $1,856,2961 1 Tax increment Bonds 1 $282,1651 $239.4001 $285.2631 $236.3021 DEBT 3ERVta SUBTOTALS 1 _ $3,980;3901SZ483.908I , $2,807.4061 53538.6921 (TOTALS 1 611,43$,9831 $11,417,7181 $11,775,41061 $11,077,7971 996000ET.ds. S..-, of Pmpcted Rar 8 EV 2n2A9 23 , a. rPUND (General (Parks (Library Transportation Shade Tree 1Community Center 1UDAG OAA HRA 1EDA ISCERG 1CMIF 1Debt Service Liquor 1Water 1Sewer 1Cemetery 1Capital Improvements 1Water Access 1Storm Sewer Access 1Sanitary Sewer Access 1TOTAL REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE SUMMARY 1999 Budget 1999 . II '. ° - 1998 REVENUE , EXPENDRURE9 REVENUE EXPENDITURES $3,312,425 $3,324.425 $3.259,995 $3.259.995 $670.680 $670,6801$0 so $32,295 $32,29511 $32.295 $32,2951 $74,9001 $74,90011 $72,0301 $72,0301 $8.1601 $67,73511 $8.5501+ $714301 $516,6501 $516.65011 $01 so $8.3701 $011 $4,6901 $0 $8.2001 $8.20011 $2.9001 $2,900 $419.7951 $395,75511 $438.8001 (402.5551 $41,5401 $7,12011 $35,8801 $2.1201 $8.1801 $011 $5.7401 s0 $1401 $011 $1201 $0 $3,506.7591 $3,501,33111 $2.000,6851 $1.816,042 $2,080,6751 $1.998,57011 $2,017,4501 $1,892.1751 $279,5001 "$464,38011 $246.9001 $425,325 5696,1151 '$1,860.76511 $622,0201 $1,203.355 $23.9751 $37,05011 $24,2001 $31.550 $82,1801 $82.00011 $591.6761 $590,0001 $104,4001 $011 $80.7201 $65.000 $181,4501 $011 $80.5601 $40,000' $405.7801 $745,80011 $324.4401 $01 $12.460,1691 a `f13,787,838�' 59,849,9511 $9908,772 COMMENTS, 'includes $1,206.080 Depreciation -- contributed assets sewer "includes $212.245 Depreciation -- contributed assets water 99BUDGETAS. Revenue 6 Exa. Summary, 2/12/99 26 TAX LEVY SUMMARY 1999 Budget All Funds Not Payable 1998 Net Payable 1999 Adjusted Levy Levy Before Adjusted Levy After Deducting HACA Adjusted After Deducting Fund HACA Payable 1999 HACA HACA (Parks 1 $0 5660.680 $0 $660,680 1General 1 $2.208,7931 $2.366,800 $266,5621 $2,100,238 (Library 1 $31,0951 $31,0951 Sol $31,095 ITransportation 1 $16.6121 S17,4601 Sol $17,4601 IShade Tree I S01 S01 Sol SOI 1DAA 1 $2,1751 $7,0001 Sol $7,00011+ (HRA 1 $14,7951 $15,2951 SOI $15.295 (Debt Service I $1,098,8071 $1.302.9271 S01 $1,302.9271 (Capital Imp Revolving I $510.7361 $10.4801 S01 $10.480 ICommunityCenter I $o1 $472,500.1 S01 5472.550 (TOTAL . I I a $3,683,0131 64,884,28711 $288,6621 64,817,7261 Net Levy Increase to Cover Debt $566,045 14.6%I Net Levy Increase for Non -debt Portion of Budget $168,667 4.3%III Net Certified Levy Increase $734,712 78.9% Payable 1989 Tax Capacity Rate 14.283 Payable 1990 Tax Capacity Rate 16.187 Payable 1991 Tax Capacity Rate 15,511 Payable 1992 Tax Capacity Rate 16.492 Payable 1993 Tax Capacity Rate 16.313 Payable 1994 Tax Capacity Rate 17.527 Payable 1995 Tax Capacity Rate 18.228 Payable 1996 Tax Capacity Rate 18.509 Payable 1997 Tax Capacity Rate 19.136 Payable 1998 Tax Capacity Rate 27.001 Payable 1999 Tax Capacity Rate(Est) 35.186 Tax Capacity tax Capacity Value Rate Tax Lever 1'88/Payable 1989 $15,405,139 14.283 $2.198.008 1'89/Payable 1990 515,873.242 16.187 $2.568.1061 I90/Payable 1991 $16,161,043 15.511 $2.506,132 '91/Payable 1992 1 $15.513.574 16.492 $2.558.554 1'92/Payable 1993 1 $15,490.500 16.308 $2.526.2161 1'93/Payable 1994 1 $15,154,7861 17.527 $2.652.527 94/Payable 1995 1 $15.586.9301 18.2281 $2,841.185 '95/Payable 1996 1 $15.792.9221 18.5091 $2,922.800 1'96/Payable 1997 1 $15.993.9891 19.1361 $3.059.880 1'97/Payable 1998 1 $14,413,5971 27.0011 $3,883,0131 1'981Payable 1999 (est.) 1 $13,123.6811 35.1861 54,617.725 COMMENTS: 'Community center levy includes $361.925 for debt service 99BUDGET_d3. Tax Levy Swnmary-a9 kaWs 2/12/99 27 T C 7 CL REVENUE SOURCES General Fund, 1999 Budget Mrsc Charges 04% B]% IntanGov'1 \ 120% Interest lnmme 39% Lic 8 Penn 7,41% special Asrnts 00% Fines 0.5% Winds 1,4% I/ Fines $15,000 Refunds $45,000 Tax $2,179,138 Lic 8 Permits $244,575 Interest Income $128.880 Inter -Gov't $397,202 Misc $14,450 Charges $287.980 Special Asmts SM TOTAL $3.312.425 Tu 658% 99eUDGETASChert-Revemre Sours, gen turd: 21I2M 28 ty NEU Goo . ols 000'i t S 06VVSIS 77 90,069 L s E E k� 0, Ix ovz asts LL LU 569 c9s fx 969,cgs .2 AW LU co (;to BL6S Dams 960, VSZ' s ole,9CCIS 0 Personal Services u% EXPENDITURES BY ACTIVITY General Fund, 1999 Budget Transfers suppims 3% 5% Supplies $166,700 Other Services $1,409.145 Capital Outlay $198,665 Personal Services $1.468,425 Transfers $87-525 TOTALS $3.330,460 Other Services 42% 996UDGETAsCtharl-Exp by ActNpy. Ben fund 2/12M 30 Public Works 35.4% EXPENDITURES BY DIVISION General Fund, 1999 Budget Health 8 Welfare 1.9X 1 4.9% 1 U.U% Public So" 188% General Gov't $1.284.095 Misc $10.000 Parks $0 Public Safety $626.290 Community Dev. $164,490 Public Works $1,175.855 Health 8 Welfare S6369 TOTAL $3,324,425 General Gov't 386% Mbc 0.3% 996UDGETAIChart-ExD bT Division, gen, fun: 2117199 31 GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 1999 Budget REVENUE Taxes Current Ad Valorem $2,]D0,2331 Penaltyllnlerest $1,00011 Tax Increments--Kmart $77,9001 TOTAL TAXES $2,179,1381 Licenses and Permits - Business I Liquor $25,1001 I Beer $1,0251 I Setups $3001 I TOTAL LICENSES. B PERMITS - BUSINESS $26.4251 Licenses and Permits - Non-Businoss I Budding Permits $210,000 VananceslCondmonal Uses 52.100 Dog Licenses $2501 I Omer 15,8001 I TOTAL LICENSES 8 PERMITS - NON BUSINESS $2181501 Inter-Governmental I Fire Department Aid $46,x00 Police Department Aid 116500 State Highway Aid $43,000 State Abs - Other $6.740 I State Ards - HACA 1266,5621 Ij TOTAL INTER-GOVERNMENTAL $381,202 Charges for Services I General Govemmem $1,5001 I Public Safety (Townshp Contract) $67.3551 1 Street - C S A H Maintenance I $9,000 I Deputy Registrar $115,000 I Other $500 I Subdivision Fees 17,500 I Somal Processing Fee (Garbage) 150,000 1 Recycling Incenlwe $7,000 IInspeUion Fees $35,000 I Garbage Can Rental $1 t,0oo1 TOTAL CHARGESIFOR SERVICES - • . f307,855� Fines I Animal Impoundmentf15,0001 1 TOTAL FINES I $15.0001 Miscellaneous Revenue Interest on Investments I $1288801 I Sale of PropertyI+II $4751 1 Omer 8 Renta18 Property $14,3001 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $143,8551 Refunds and Reimbursements I Omer Reimbursements 1 $45,0001 1 TOTAL REFUNDS 8 REIMBURSEMENTS° J $45.000) TOTAL GENERAL FUND REVENUE I 13,312.4251 99Bt1DGETm,Ger WFWswmv Rxvvop 2/17.99 fr I I, I. I- I- I I GENERAL FUND SUMMARY 1998 Budget EXPENDITURES General Government I Mayor and Council 534,5501 I Administration $300.750 I Finance $150,805 Insurance $67.390 Audit $13,500 Legal 551,675 Planning & Zoning I $213,750 I Inspections --Bldg Official I $190,470 Assassin 1 $19,7001 I Deputy Registrar I $118,3801 I City Hall I $37,0251 1 Computer I 586,1001 1 Elections I S01 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT $1,284,0951 Public Safety I Law Enforcement 5390,8751 I Fire $185.1201 I Civil Defense $9,6201 I Animal Control $40,6751 TOTAL PUBLIC SAFETY ° $826,2901 Public Works IInspection $103,9651 1Public Works Administration $128,4801 I Streets & Alleys $320,940 I Snow & Ice $56,210 I Street Lighting 8 Parking Lots 586,1001 I Shop &Garage $127,2001 Refuse Collection $282,9601 I`y Engineering $70.0001 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS Health 6 Welfare I Senior Citizens Center 537,0001 m YMCAIComunity Education $25,0001 it Information Centef7Museum I $1.6951 1 TOTAL HEALTH & WELFARE $63,6951 Parks & Recreation I Parks & Recreation7Cemetery po. eewrm tirol I TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION I $0� Community Development 1 Community Development$164,4901 TOTAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ' $764,4901 Miscel;aneous Mist: - Severence Benefits $10,000) TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS I `$10,0001 1TOTAL GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES I $3,524,4251 99BUDGET de Gen"Fund Si -,-Ere= 2+17/119 FE GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Mayor and Council Personal Services Salaries, full -time -regular: 101.41110.1010 $22,200 Salaries, other: 101.41110.1090 $1,000 PERA contributions: 101.41110.1210 $1,200 FICA conMbubons: 101.41110.1220 $1,375 Medicare contributions: 10141110.1250 $325 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES s2Q100 Services & Charges Travel expense: 10141110.3310 $1,200 Conference 8 schools: 101,41110.3320 $2,400 Dues, memberships, subscriptions: 10141110.4330 $4,350 Miscellaneous other expenses: 101.41110.4399 $500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES �d '$9,450 TOTAL MAYOR 6 COUNCIL ' s34,S50� 99eUDC,ET.K1a, GenomI Fund -Mayor a GounC4: 2112199 34 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Administration Personal Services Salaries, full -time -regular: Salaries, full-time- OT: Salaries, part -time -reg: Salaries, other: PERA contributions: 1 ICMA insurance contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies I Duplicating 8 copy supplies: 1 Printed forms 8 paper: I Misc. office supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES Services 8 Charges 1 Maintenance agreements: 1 Newsletter: 1 Miscellaneous professional services: 1 Telephone: I Postage: II` Travel expense: Conference 8 schools: 1 General public information: 1 Misc. general insurance: 1 Dues, memberships, subscriptions: Books 8 pamphlets: I AWAIR program: 1 Misc, other expense: TOTAL SERVICES 8 CHARGES Capital Outlay I Office equipment: I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ADMINISTRATION: $230,535 1101.41301.2020 $3,000 101.41301.2030 $4,000 101.41301.2099 $7,000 $14,000 1101.41301.3190 I $139.6151 11101.41301,1010 07.41301,1020 $200 1101.41301.1030 $42,100 1101.41301.1090 $3.600 1101.41301.1210 $5,780 1101.41301.1211 1 $3,645 1101 41301.1220 1 $11.280 1101.41301.1250 1 $2.640 1101.41301.1310 1 $21.675 $230,535 1101.41301.2020 $3,000 101.41301.2030 $4,000 101.41301.2099 $7,000 $14,000 1101.41301.3190 I $6.000 101.41301.3195 $5,500 1101.41301.3 199 $750 1101.41301.3210 $19,750 1101.41301.3220 $6.700 1101.41301.3310 1 $1,000 1101.41301.3320 1 $3,200 1101.41301.3520 1 $850 1101.41301.3699 1 S50 1101.41301,4330 1 $2,850 1101.41301.4350 1 $150 1101,41301.4393 1 $500 1101.41301.4399 1 $100 $47,400 0 1101.41301.5701 I $8,815 I+ I+ $8,8151 I $300.750 99BUDGET.ds, General Fund-Administratan'. 2112/99 35 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Administration COMMENTS: alari - 100% Rick, Karen, Sandy, Shannon, Diane Y.; 46% Jeff Miec nrof sionalcervi e' Contract microfilming $19,750 Office FGLIGm nt: Typewriter $1,015 Plan File $2.900 Engineering Copier S 90 $8,815 99BUDGET,cb, General FurK$, mini3Mion: 7112H9 36 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Elections Personal Services Salaries, temporary - reg: I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Printed forms and paper: Misc. operating supplies: TOTAL'SUPPLIES Services & Charges Maintenance agreements: Travel expense: Legal notice publication: I TOTAL SERVICES'C-CHARGES TOTAL ELECTIONS 99BUDGET_AS, General Fund-ENetlons: 2/12M9 101.41410 .1040 $0 I $o 101.41410.2030 1 $0 1 101.41410.2199 1 $0 $0 101.41410.3190 $0 101.41410.3310 $0 101.41410.3510 $0 a , . 80 I Sol 37 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Finance Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: 101.41520.1010 $110.1501 - Salaries, full-time - Of: 101.41520.1020 $2.0001 PERA contributions: 101.41520.7210 $5,810 FICA contributions: 101.41520.1220 $6.955 Medicare contributions: 101.41520.1250 $1,625 HealthtdentaUlife insurance: 101.41520.1310 $18,040 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES S144,580I supplies Printed forms & paper: 101.41520.2030 $3,0001 Misc office supplies: 101.41520.2099 $100 TOTAL SUPPLIES a $3,1001 Services d Charges Travel expense: 101.41520.3310 $500 Conference & schools: 101.41520.3320 1101.41520,4330 $1,000 0 General public info: 101.41520.3520 $1,000 Dues, memberships, subscriptions: $175 Bank charges: 110141520.4398 $150 1 Misc other expense: 1101.41520.4399 $100 Office equipment:101.47520.5705 $200 TOTAL SERVICES S CHARGES 53,125 TOTAL FINANCE ' ' S150,80SI COMMENTS: Salaries: 97% Sue. 100% Cathy. 100% Pat, 100% new pt position NBUDGET.■Is, Genal Fund -Finance: 2r1ZW 38 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Audit Services & Charges I Professional services - audit: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL AUDIT 101.41540.3010 $13.500 $13,500 1 1 $13,5001 99eUDGET.em. General FundAmdd: 2/12/99 39 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Assessing Supplies Printed forms 8 paper: a - TOTAL SUPPLIES °- Services $ Charges Professional services • assessinq: Legal notice publication: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES ITOTAL ASSESSING COMMENTS: Professional Services, Assessing contract • Kramber B Associates asaunceT..x, cmwral FunC-Asaeasintt: vtzros V I101AIS50.2030fI $100 1 $100 101,41550.3125 I $19,550 101,41550.3510 $50 319.300 1 $19,7001 40 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Legal Services & Charges 1 Professional services - legal fees: 101.41601.3040$11,000 I Legal notice publication: 101.41601.3510 $24,000 I Dues, membership, 8 subscriptions: 101.41601.4330 $16,175 1 Misc other expense: 101.41601.4399 $500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $51 675 TOTAL LEGAL COMMENTS: DOL Coalition of Utility Cities 99BUDGET.AS, General Fund -Legal: 2/17199 I I $51,6751 M 0 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Planning & Zoning Persona' Services Salaries, full-time - regular: Salaries, full-time - OT: M PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: I HealthidentaUlde insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES - t Supplies Printed forms & paper: Misc operating supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES Services & Charges Misc professional services: Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Legal notice publication: Dues, memberships, subscriptions: Mise other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL PLANNING & ZONING 101.41910.1010 $133,6451 101.41910.1020 101.41910.2199 $2,0001 101.41910.1210 $5001 $7,030 101.41910.1220 5800 $8.410 101.41910.1250 $35,000 $1,970 101.41910.1310 $700 $19,795 $172,850 101.41910.2030$3001 101.41910.2199 $5001 5800 101.41910,3199 $35,000 101.41910.3210 $700 101.41910.3310 $1,100 101A1910.3320 $1,000 101.41910.3510 $700 101.41910.4330 $6001 101.41910.4399 $1,0001 COMMENTS: Salaries, 50% Jeff, 100% Wanda, 100% Nancy, 100% New Planning Tech position 99t1UDGET.RIs. General Fund - P&Z: ?J12N9 $40,1001 f :213.7501 42 e 43 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget 0 Data Processing Supplies ■ ! Data processing supplies: 1101.41928.2025 $2,500 ■■ ( Printed forms & Paper; (101.41920.2030 $1,600 (j Misc office supplies: 101.41920.2099 $300 ' t TOTAL SUPPLIES 54.440, Services & Charges ( Professional services - data processing: 1101,41920.3090 $35,0001 ( Software: 101.x1920.3091 $7,8001 ( Professional services - websitelemaii 101.41920.3092 $6,700 Maintenance agreements: 101A1920.3190 $2.300 Telephone: 101.41920.3210 $60 Travel expense: 101A1920.3310 $300 '. Conference & schools; 101,41920.3320 $3,200 ( Repair & maintenance - mach & equip: 101,41920.4044 $500 ( Dues. memberships. subscriptions: 101.41920.4330 $100 ( Misc other expense: 101.41920.4399 1 $350 _TOTALSERVICES&'CHARGES o $56,310 Caeltal Outlay Computer equipment: 1101,41920.5702 $25.400 TOTALCAP ITAL OUTLAY I i. .; $25,4 (TOTAL DATA PROCESSING ( ' S881110l COMMENTS: comouter Epy m n AS 400 Printer $3.000 Check Signer $2.400 Personal Computers (8) Motor Vehicle -1 $2.500 Public Works -3 $7,500 City Hall 4 S10000 $25.400 ! ■■ Professional Services: AS 400 Lease & Software $35,000 i99BUDGET .b. General fund -Data Pmomirp, 711 299 e 43 LJ i GENERAL. FUND 1999 Budget City Hall Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reg: I Salaries, full-time - 07: PERA contributions. FICA contributions: I Medicare contributions: I Health/dentattlife insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES supplies I Misc operating suppiies: I Misc repair 8 maintenance supplies- TOTALSLIPPLIES Services 6 Charges Professional services - custodial: Maintenance rgreements: Miscenaneous professional services: Travel expense: Electric: Gas: Repair 8 maintenance-buiWinips: Repair 8 maintenance -machines 8 equip Miscellaneous other expense: I . TOTAL SERVICES &CHARGES 'TOTAL CITY HALL COMMENTS: Salaries: 25% John Lukach 99aUDGET.ts,41enerei F.M"&t NO: 2112199 101.41940.1010 $7,895 1 0 1 .4 1 940. 1 020 $550 101.41940.1210 $290 101A1940.1220 $350 101.41940.1250 $80 1 107.41940.1310 $940 510,105 101,41940 199 $2,500 101.41940.2299 $500 $3,0001 101.41840.3110 $5,520 101,41940.3190 $1,600 101.41940.3199 $500 101.4 $300 $300 101.41940.3810 I $10,000 101.41940.3830 1 $2.500 101,41940.4010 I $1,500 101.419404044 I $1,500 101.411940.4399 1 $500 111111E.�i cwt 1.111; 1 1 $37,0251 u GENERAL. FUND 1999 Budget Deputy Registrar Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reap: Salaries, full -time -0T: Salaries, part -time -reg: PERA contributions, FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: HealthtdentatJhfe insurance TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES, Supplies Duplicating & copy supplies: Misc office supplies. Misc operating supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTALSUPPUES v o Services & Charges Professional services - custodial: Maintenance agreements: f Telephone: i Postage: Travel expense: 1 Conference & schools: (!{ Electric: Gas: Repair & maintenance - buildings' Dues, memberships, subscriptions: j Misc other expense: TOTAL SEWCES & CHARGES a Capital outlay Furniture & fixtures: Office equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL DEPUTY REGISTRAR COMMENTS: Salaries FT - Diane PT - Kim, Marge, Jan 101.41990.1010 $31,5751 101.41990.1020 $1,2001 101.41990.1030 $53.950 101.41990.1210 $4.49 5 101.41990.1220 $5,375 101.41990.1250 $1,260 1101 41990.1310 $5,0251 $102.880 101.41990.2020 $5,0251 101.41990.2099 $800 101.41990.2199 $300 101.41990.2410 $75 101.41990.3310 S 101.41990.3320 u $6,200 101.41990.3110 $1,500 101.41990.3190 $1,200 101.41990.3210 $2,200 101.41990.3220 $1,000 101.41990.3310 $300 101.41990.3320 $600 101.41990.3810 $975 101.41990.3830 $550 101.41990.4010 $550 101.41990.4330 $600 101.41990.4399 $250 $9.725 ' 101.41990.5601 $1,7001 101.41990.5701 $2,900 $4.600 ' $123,4051 99BUDGET.:13. General Furb-Deputy RegisUar. 2112799 45 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Deputy Registrar COMMENTS (Cont.): Copier Fax program Furniture & Fixture: Cabinet - Restroom 4 Drawer File cabinet Desk Divider Humidifier $2,500 $40 $2,900 $200 $800 $500 $2Qi1 $1,700 MUDGET.ib, General Fund -Deputy Regisear: 2112199 46 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Law Enforcement Services & Chargee Professional services - law enforcement TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL LAW ENFORCEMENT I COMMENTS: I_ Professional Services 28 hrslday + 416 hours ® S36.75/hr (10.636 hrs total) I_ I_ I_ L, I_ I. I I99B=ET.da, General FunO-Lar Enfoirsment MZ/99 101.42101.3050 $390,875 $390,875 I I $390,8751 47 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Fire Department Persona( Services I Salaries, full-time - reg: 1101.42201.1010 $52,000 I Salaries, part-time - reg: 1101 42201.1030 $2,025 Severence pay: t 101.42201.1110 $46.400 PERAlpension contributions: 1101.42201.1210 $100 FICA contributions: 110142201.1220 $3.350 Medicare contributions: 1011.42201.1250 $785 HealthldentaUlife insurance: 101.42201.1310 $375 { .TOTtJ.�+RSO'NAL--,SERVICES '' o _. ' - $105,0351 Supplies Printed forms & paper. 1101.42201.2030 $200 Training. supplies: 1 1011.42201.2070 $100 Misc office supplies: 101A2201.2099 $100 Clothing supplies: 101.42201.2111 $7,000 Motor Iueis: 1011.42201.2120 $2.000 Lubricants & additives: 101.42201.2130 $300 Misc operating supplies: 101.42201.2199 $1,500 Equipment repair parts: 101.42201.2210 $500 iMisc repair & maintenance supplies: 101.42201.2299 $100 Small tools & equipment: 1101.42201.2410 $1.700 TOTAL SUPPLIES $13,500 Services & Charges I Professional service - custodial: 101.42201.3110 $600 Maintenance agreements: 101.42201.3190 $1,500 Misc professional services' 101.42201.3199 $2,500 Telephone: 101.42201.3210 $1,350 Postage: 101.42201.3220 $100 Travel expense: 101.42201.3310 $3.650 Conference & schools: 101.42201.3320 $2.450 ill General public information: 101.42201.3520 $200 i General liability insurance: 101.42201.3610 $5.180 Property insurance: 101.42201.3620 $555 Vehicle insurance: 101.42201.3630 $5,150 Misc general insurance: 1 1 0 1 .42201 .3699 $5.700 Electric:42201.3810 10 1, � $3,600 i Gas: I 0 A22011_3830 $2.850 Repair & maintenance - buildings: 101,42201.4010 $10,000 ' Repair & maintenance - machine & equip: i 101.42201.4044 $3,500 i Repair & maintenance - vehicles: 1101.42201.4050 $7,000 ' I Dues, memberships, subscriptions: 1101,42201.4330 $500 I 1 Misc other expense: 1'101.42201.4399 1 $1,200 { TOTAL SERVICES 8 CHARGES i - 1 $57.585 99BUDGET xis, Cen i Fund-FiteDeor mtni 202199 48 Capital Outlay Other equipment: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL FIRE DEPARTMENT GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Fire Department ,o101,42201.5801 ( U o $10,O0oj $a0.000jj 1 1 $186,1241 COMMENTS: Salaries, 10% John Lukach Severence Pay: State aid for Fire Relief Association Pension Furniture & Fixtures_ Unallocated $10,000 Repair & Maintenance - Suildhas: Includes $8.000 for partial replacement or refinishing of siding. !19W0GET.Ns, General Fund -Fina DeWbrmm: 2J12W 49 GENERAL FUND f 1999 Budget Building Inspections Personal Services Salaries. full-time - reg: 101 -42401.1010 1 S107,1701 I ( Salaries, full-time - OT: 101 42401.1020 $1,000 I Ii Salaries, temporary - reg: 10142401.1040 1101.42401.1210 S3,500J 1 PERA contributions: $t,76e ( FICA contributions: 1101.42401.1220 1 $6,925 Medicare contributions: 1101.42401.1250 J 51,620 ( Health/dental/life insurance: 101.42401.1310 $16,220 TOTAL PERSONAL 'SERMCES ii1 n I $142,220 Supplies ( Printed forms 8 paper: 101.42401.2030 $8001 I Clothing supplies: 101.42401.2111 $600 j Motor fuels: 101.42401.2120 1101,42401.2199 $600 I Misc operating supplies: $500 I Small toots & equipment: 101.42401.2410 I $150 TOTALSUPPLIES Services & Charges I Professional services - engineering fee: 1101-42 -3 $2.000 Professional services - software/programming 1101.42401.3091 $5,000 I Misc professional services: 110142401.3194 $8,000 I Telephone: 110142401.32 t0 $1,400 ( Travel expense:(101.42401.3310 I $1,000 ( Conference B schools: +101,42401.3320 1 $1,500 i General public information: 1101.42401.3520 $1,500 Repair & maintenance - vehicles: 1101.42401.4050 ( $500 Dues, memberships, subscriptions: 1101.42401.4330 ( $700 Books & pamphlets- 1101.42401 4350 $5001 TOTAL SERVICES B CHARGES ° 522,100 Capital Outlay I Motor vehicles: �- 101.42441.5501 $215001 TOTAL CAPITAL. OUTLAY $23,5001 fTOTAL BUILDING INSPECTIONS $190,470 COMMENTS: Salaries 85% Gary, 100% Fred. 100% Dawn Misc. professional services: Temporary inspection services Vehicles - New rep Nelacement van Professional $23,500 _ services software, Building inspection software 55,000 99BUDGET.de, ejiIdN ingpectj",: 2112/99 0 50 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Civil Defense Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reg: 101.42501.1010 $6,3101 PERA contributions 101.42501.1210 $3251 FICA contributions: 101.42501.1220 $3901 Medicare contnbutions: 101.42501.1250 $95 I HealtNdentaUlde insurance: 101.42501.1310 $850 TOTAL PERSONAL-SERVICES —`=1�`a ' '-37%701 Supplies Misc operating supplies: 101.42501.2199 $50 TOTALSUPPLIES I $50� Services 6 Charges I Telephone: 101 .42501.3210 I Electric: 101.42 50 I Repair 8 maintenance - machine 8 equip: 101.42501.4044 TOTAL SERVICES,& CHARGES ft o TOTAL CML DEFENSE I COMMENTS: Salaries - 15% Gary $900) $200 $500 $1,6001 $9,620' 99BUDGET.rb. General Fund -C.1 Defense: 2/12199 51 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Animal Control Supplies Cleaning supplies: Misc operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Small tools & equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES Services & Charges Professional services - animal control officer: Misc professional services! Telephone: Travel expense: Conference & schools: Etectnc. Gas: Repair & maintenance - buildings: Dues, memberships, subscriptions: Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES capital outlay I Furniture & fixtures: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL ANIMAL CONTROL COMMENTS: Professional Services, Patty Salzwedel contract F rn'ture & Fixtu= Unallocated 999UDGET.xIe, General Fund-Anmal Control 21IZ99 101.42701.2110 $600 101.42701.2199 $1,700 101.42701.2230 $200 101.42701,2410 $500 s rrJ 101.42701.3120 $29,450 101.42701.3199 $1,200 101.42701.3210 $1,750 101.42701.3310 5400 101.42701.3320 $400 101.42701.3810 $1,500 101.42701.3830 $950 101.42701.4010 $500 101.42701.4330 $25 101A2701A399 $500 o ' $38,875 101.42701.5601 $1,000 $1,000 52 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget PW/Administration Personal Services 1 Furniture 8 fixtures Salaries, full-time - req: 101.43110.1010 $86,0701 1 Salaries, full-time - OT: 101.43110.1020 $1501 1 PERA contributions: 101.43110.1210 $4,4701 1 FICA contributions: 101.43110.1220 $5.3451 1 Medicare contributions: 101 43110.1250 $1,250 Health/dental/llfe insurance: 101.43110.1310 $10,235 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES I $107,5201 Supplies 101.43310.3520 $2,000 Duplicating & copy supplies: 1101.43110.2020 $1,000 Printed forms& paper:1101.43110,2030 101.43110.4044 $1,000 Misc office supplies: +101.43110.2099 $2,500 Cleaning supplies: 1101.43110.2110 $100 Misc operating supplies: 1101.43110.2199 $500 TOTAL SUPPLIES • I `$5,100 Services & Charges 1 Furniture 8 fixtures Professional services - custodial: 101.43110.3110 $1,800 Maintenance agreements: 101.43110.3190 $300 Misc professional services: 101.43310.3199 $200 Telephone: 101.43110.3210 $5,500 Postage: 101.43110.3220 $2,000 Conference 8 schools: 101.431 10.3320 $400 Legal notice publication: 101.43110.3510 $200 General public information: 101.43310.3520 $2,000 Misc printing: 101.43310.3599 $250 Repair 8 maintenance - machine 8 equip: 101.43110.4044 $200 Uniform rental: 101.43110.4170 $360 Dues, memberships 8 subscriptions: 101.43110.4330 $500 Misc other expense: 101.43110.4399 $500 TOTAL SERVICES 8 CHARGES$14,210 Capital Outlay 1 Furniture 8 fixtures 101.43110.5601 $8001 1 Office equipment: 101.43110.5701 $6501 1 Other equipment: 101.43110.5801 $200 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I $1,650 TOTAL PW/ADMINISTRATION I $128,4801 99BUDGELxb, General Fund. PW Admin. 2/12/99 53 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget PW/Administration COMMENTS: FT Salaries* 100% John, Beth Furniture & Fixtures: File cabinet Office Fmlinment: Scanner Shredder $800 8300 859 $650 996UDGETAS. General Fund, PW Admin2117/99 54 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget PW/Engineering Services b Charges Professional services - engineerg C 4 mb 3111.3030 Professional services - engineeI 101.43111.3035 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES I• 'TOTAL PW/ENGINEERING COMMENTS: E! 'ng fees, Engineering fees for non -project engineer services. Professional Services -Ln6neerina reimb_ Engineering fees chargeable to private individuaUdevetopers. I I I I. 1_ i. I ' 99aUDGET.ns, General Fund, PW Engmeercrg: 2112199 $40,0001 $30,0001 $70,000) E70,000� 55 $70.565 $5.500 $3.940 54.720( $1,1001 $5.8401 $91,665 $1001 $300 5150 $1.000 $1,8001 $5001 $1501 $2001 $4,2001 $2.5001 $1,6001 $1001 $20001 58001 $5001 $1001 -$7,600 $500+j $103,965 56 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget PWtflnspections Personal Services ( Salaries, full-time - reg 101.43115.1010 { Salaries, full-time - OT: 101.43115.1020 PERA contributions: 101.43115.1210 FICA contributions: 101.43115.1220 Medicare contributions: 101,43115.1250 { Health/dental/life insurance: 1101.43115.1310 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 3 Supplies i Printed forms 8 paper. 101.43115.2030 j 11 Misc office supplies: 101.43115.2099 Clothing supplies: 101.43115.2111 Motor fuels: � 101.43115.2120 Misc operating supplies: 1101.43115.2199 I Vehicle repair pans: 1101.43115.2211 1 Misc repair & maintenance supplies: 1101.43115.2299 ( Small tools & equipment: 11101.43115.2410 TOTAL SUPPLIES • - t Charges & Services Professional services - software/programming: Telephone: 1101.43115.3091 101.43115.3210 Travel expense: 10143115.3310 Conference & schools: 1101.43115.3320 Uniform rental: 1101.43115.4170 Licenses & permits: 1101.43115.4370 Misc other expense: 1101.43115.4399 I( [TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES a o I Capital Outlay 1 Furniture & fixtures: 101.43115.5601 I TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I ' TOTAL PINIINSPECTIONS COMMENTS: Salaries, 87% Tom Bose. 100% Elmer Professional Services Softwares CAD software Conference & Schools: 52,500 Includes $1,200 for CAO training. Furniture &Fixtures: Unallocated $500 99BUDGET.xb. General Fund. FNY rnspeawns: W V99 $70.565 $5.500 $3.940 54.720( $1,1001 $5.8401 $91,665 $1001 $300 5150 $1.000 $1,8001 $5001 $1501 $2001 $4,2001 $2.5001 $1,6001 $1001 $20001 58001 $5001 $1001 -$7,600 $500+j $103,965 56 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget PW/Streets & Alleys Personal Services 1 Improvements: Salaries, full -time -reg: 101.43120.1010 $130.240] Salaries, full -time -OT: 101.43120.1020 $1.30011 I Salaries. temporary -reg: 101.43120.1040 $10,0001 I Salaries, temporary -OT: 101.43120.1050 $500 PERA contributions: 101.43120.1210 $6.640 I FICA contributions: 101.43120.1220 $8.810 Medicare contributions: 1101.43120.1250 $2,0601 1 Health/dentaWife insurance: 1101.43120.1310 $21,640 Il TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES „ �' I $181,390 Supplies I Clothing supplies: 101.43120.2111 $9001 I Motor fuels: 101.43120.2120 $11,000 Lubricants & additives: 101.43120.2130 $300 Misc. operating supplies: 101.43120.2199 $26,000 I Equipment repair parts: 101.43120.2210 $4,000 Vehicle repair parts: 101.43120.2211 $4.000 I Misc repair 8 maintenance supplies: 101.43120.2299 $100 Small tools & equipment: 1101.43120.2410 1 $1,000 TOTAL SUPPLIES "`' I I $47,3001 Services & Charges Misc professional services: 101.43120.3199 $3.000 Telephone: 101.43120.3210 $200 1 Conference & schools: 1101.43120.4044 101.43120.3320 $400 I Repair & maintenance -machine & equip: $1.5001 I Repair& maintenance -vehicles: 1101.43120.4050 $1,500 I Equipment rental: 1101.43120.4150 I $7501 1 Uniform rental: 1101.43120.4170 1 $3,000 I Licenses & permits: 1'101.43120.4370 1 $300 Misc other expense: 1101.43120.4399 1 $600 TOTAL S�RVICES & CHARGES ' 1. - I ' $11,250 Capital Outlay 1 Improvements: 101.43120.5301 1 $27,5001 1101.43120.5801 Other equipment: $53,5001 I 'TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY Ij $81,000 TOTAL PW/STREETS & ALLEYS I I $320,9401 999UDGET..b. General Fund -PW Streets 8 Alley: 2/12199 57 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget PW/Streets; & Alleys ICOMMENTS: Salaries' 80% Roger, 87% Tom M., Tim E., Keith T. Improvements- Sealcoating $27.500 Chop saw with wheels $2.200 Large Tamper $2,300 12 of new dump truck (replacement for'85 int'I) $47,500 12 of cement mixer $500 Partoole air compressor $1 Qflp $53,500 I, 998UDGETAS, Gemal Fund -PW Sveats 6 alley: 2112199 58 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget PW/ice & Snow Personal Services Salaries, fun -time -ren: Salaries, full -lime -OT: PERA contributions: FICA contributions, Medicare contributions: Healthldentallhfe insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies Misc operating supplies: Equipment repair parts: I Small tools & equipment: 40TAL SUPPUES Services & Charges Misc professional services: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES Capital Outlay Heavy machinery: TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY o 'TOTAL PWISNOW & ICE COMMENTS: Salaries 10% of Street & Shop Department salaries ea Machinery: Replacement plow for case loader 99BUUGET do Genmat FunG-M Iced Snow. 2t12M 101.43125.1010 $18,215 101.43125.1020 $5,000 101.43125.1210 $1,205 101.43125.1220 $1,440 101.43125.1250 $340 101.43125.1310 $2.910 $29,410 j111.1112'1:2211 $15.000 1014312210 $3,000 101,43125.2410 $100 - 0 31e,100 101.43125.3199 $2,000 $2,000 gJl01A3125.5481 $7,000 d 87,000 s68,2101 $7,000 59 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget PW/Shop & Garage Personal Services Salaries. full -time -reg, 1 Salaries, full -time -OT: 1 PERA contributions: 1 FICA contributions: 1 Medicare contributions. 1 Health/dental/life, insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies 1 Lubricants 8 additives: 1 Misc operating supplies: 1 Equipment repair parts: 1 Vehicle repair parts: 1 Building repair supplies: 1 Small tools 8 equipment: TOTAL SUPPLIES Services & Charges Maintenance agreements: Misc professional services: 1 Electric: 1 Gas: 1 Repair 8 maintenance -buildings: 1 Repair 8 maintenance -machine 8 equip: 1 Misc other expense: TOTAL SERVICES 8 CHARGES Capital Outlay 1 Other equipment: `r TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - TOTAL PW/SHOP & GARAGE COMMENTS: Salaries 90% All Truck hoist $35,000 101.43127.1010 $336901 101.43127.1020 $5001 101.43127.1210 $1.7701 101.43127.1220 $2.1201 101.43127.1250 $4951 101.43127.1310 2410 $4.5251 $43.100 101.43127.2130 $2,500 101.43127.2199 $8,000 101.43127.2210 $1,500 101.43127.2211 $1,500 101-43127.2230 $2,000 101.43127 2410 $2,0001 $17,500 101.43127.3190 $2.4 00 2400 101.43127.3199 $1,000 101.43127.3810 $7,500 101.43127.3830 $17,0001 101.43127.4010 $3,0001 101.43127.4044 $5001 101.43127.4399 $2001 ,-$31,600 i101.43127.5801 $35,0001 �.. $350001 I I $127,2001 99BUDGET.ab. General Fund -PW Shop 8 Garape 2112199 60 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget M/Parking Lots Services & Charges Elect ic:101.43140.3810 Misc other expense: 10 1.43140,4399 TOTAL SeRVICES & CHARGES " ° (TOTAL PARKING LOTS 99BUDGET.Kb, General Fund -PW Parking Lots: 2/17/99 $1,500 $3.000 o54;SW $4,5001 61 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget PW/Street Lighting Supplies Misc operatinq supplies: 101.43160,2199 1101.43160.2299 $600 I Misc repair 8 mtc supplies: I $1,000 ° TOTAL SUPPLIES 1 I+ J 31',600 Services & Charges I Misc professional services: 101.43160.3199 $2,000 Electric: 101.43160.3610 $70,000 Repair & maintenance - machine/equipment 101.43160,4044 $6,000 I Repair 8 maintenance - other 101 43160.4099 $2,000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $80,000 TOTAL PWISTREET LIGHTING I I U1,600i 99BUDGET.xt6, Gemml Fund - W Street Ug",: 2/17/99 62 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Refuse Collection Personal Services Salaries, full-time -reg:It 01, 43230.1010 $3,000 Salaries, full -time -OT: 101.43230.1020 $2,500 1 Salaries, temporary - rep: 101.43230 1040 $300 I Salaries, temporary - OT: ' 701.43230.1050 $300 PERA contributions: 1101.43230.1210 $300 FICA contributions: 1101.43230.1220 $4001 Medicare contributions: 1101.43230.1250 $90 Health/dental/life insurance: 1101.43230.1310 1 $7501 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES i I I . ' 37,640 Supplies I Printed forms & paper: 1101.43230.2030 $800 1 Misc. operating supplies: 1 101.43230.2199 I $19,800 1 Misc. repair & maintenance supplies: 101.43230.2299 $1,5001 TOTAL' SUPPLIES I I '$22,100 Services & Charges I Software: 1101.43230.3091 $7 ,000 services -recuse collection: 1101.43230.3100 $110.000 EProfessional Professional services -recycling contract: 1101.43230.3101 $54,000 Professional services -newsletter: 1101.43230.3195 $1,2001 1 Misc professional services: 1101.43230.3199 $65.0001 1 Postage: 1101.43230.3220 $900 1 Conference & schools: 1101.43230.3320 1 $300 General public information: 1101.43230.3520 1 $320 Misc printing: 1101.43230.3599 1 $500 1 Sales tax: 1101.43230 3720 1 $17,0001 1 Misc other expense: 1101.43230.4399 1 $3,0001 TOTAL SERVICES B CHARGES . I I " .. $253,220 TOTAL REFUSE I I $282,960 COMMENTS: Salaries: PW dept salaries for (3) leaf pickups & junk amnesty day MiscOnerating Supplies, Rental carts & bins 99eUDGET. xy, General Fund -Refuse Collection: 2112199 63 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Information Center PersonalSomces Salaries, temporary - reg: PERA contributions - FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES TOTAL INFORMATION CENTER COMMENTS: Salaries: Temporary summer help for Chamber office 99aUDGET.xta, General Fun44nfennatun Center. 2112/99 0 101.45172.1040 $1,500 101.45172.1210 $75 101.45172.1220 $95 101.45172.1250 $25 1 $1,$95 ' 1 $1,6951 64 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Senior Center Services & Charges j Senior Center contribution: Repair & maintenance -buildings: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL SENIOR CENTER MUOGET, ats, Genera, Fund -Senior Center. 7/12194 1101.45175.3136 $34.0001 101,45175.4010 $3,0001 c $37,0001 $37,0001 65 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Community Education Services & Chargee I Misc professional services: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL COMMUNITY EDUCATION COMMENTS: Misc. Professional Services: Annual contribution toward summer recreation program. 101,45176.3199 I $17,500 o $17,500 $17,5001 99BUDGET..1s, General FuM-Commundy Ed: 7/12/99 66 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Y.M.C.A. Services & Charges Misc professional services: 101.45177.3199 NOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES o TOTAL Y.M.C.A. I $7,500 $7,500 I $7,5001 99a000ET.cb. General Fund -YMCA• 7/12199 67 GENERALFUND 1999 Budget Economic Development Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dentalnife insurance: .TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Services 8 Charges Misc professional services: Travel expense: EConference 8 schools: Brochures (marketing program): Dues, memberships, subscriptions: TOTAL SERVICES4 CHARGES Other Finance Uses Transfer to debt service: TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES'. 101.46501.1010 $29.440 101.46501.1210 $1.525 101.46501.1220 $1,825 101.46501.1250 $425 10146501.1310 $2.450 $35,665 101.46501.3199 $2,500 101.46501.3310 $600 101.46501.3320 $200 101.46501.3560 $35,000 101.46501.4330 $3,000 $41,300 101.46501.7205$87,525 I $87,5251 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I I $164,4901 COMMENTS: Salaries, 70% 011ie Misc orofessional services Non -TIF project consulting fees Brochures Marketing Program $31.000 2nd Year Funding for Downtown Chamber Banners $5.441? $35,000 Transfers, Represents K -mart TIF reserve due in 1999 to be transferred to TIF Bond Fund 99BUDGET.rb, General Fund-Econarnic Devekrp-: 2112M eB 0 69 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Unallocated 1- Persona! Services 1 Severance benefits: 101.49201.1111 $10.000 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES=$10,000 (TOTAL UNALLOCATED ' $10,0001 I COMMENTS: I� I_ 1, Severance Aenefits- Represents funding for employee vacation and sick leave accruals earned in 1999. 1� I_ f996UDGET.Rb, Goneml FundA)nsooWed' 7/12199 0 69 GENERAL FUND 1999 Budget Insurance - Unallocated Personal Services Worker's compensation insurance premium: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES Services & Chargee General liability insurance: Property insurance: Vehicle insurance: Misc general insurance: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 'TOTAL INSURANCE UNALLOCATED 99BUDGE'r,iis.General Fun*4nsuran UnaOac: 211219 1101.49240.1510 $18,365 101.49240.3610 I $31,040 101 .49240.3620 1 $10,155 101.492403630 $5.460 101.4924 0.3699 $2,370 .$49,025 $67,390 70 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget UDAG Fund REVENUE Interest earnings: 202.36210 $8,370 TOTAL REVENUE I iS,770� EXPENDITURES (TOTAL EXPENDITURES' I I f0! 7 9MDGET.rb. Special Rev. Fun6UDAG Fund: 2112M 71 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Library Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: 211,31011 $31,095 Other charges for services: 2 11 .34999 $1,200 TOTAL REVENUE v $32.295 EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time - reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: HeaithfdentaUlif s insurance: `TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES J Supplies Duplicating & copy supplies: Misc office supplies: Cleaning supplies: Misc operating supplies: Building repair supplies: Misc repair & maintenance supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES Services & Charges 211.45501.1010 $2,240 211.45501.1210 $265 211.45501.1220 $315 211.45501.1250 $75 211.45501.1310 $940 u .53,835 21145501.2020$275 211.45501.3015 211.45501.2099 $100 211.45501.2110 $300 211.45501.2199 j $750 211.45501.2230 j $1,000 211.455012299 1 $300 1 Professional services - programming: 211.45501.3015 Professional services - custodial: 211.45501.3110 I Maintenance agreements: 211.45501.3190 i Misc professional services: 211.45501.3199 Telephone: 211.45501.3210 Travel expense: 211.45501.3310 1 Conference & schools: 211.45501.3320 General public information: 211.45501,3520 { General liability insurance: 211.45501.3610 f Property insurance: 211.45501.3620 j Electric. 211.45501.3610 I 1 Gas: 211.45501.3830 1 Repair & maintenance -buildings: 1211.45501.4010 1 & maintenance -machine & equipment, J211.45501 4044 1 ERepair Books & pamphlets: 1211.455014350 1 Misc other expenses: 1211.455014399 1 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES ITOTAL EXPENDITURES 4 I' 99BUDGET.0b. Special Rev. Fund -Library Fund: 2112199 $2,725 $3,750 $6.000 $800 $800 $8501 $2001 $250 $3751 $400 $410 $8.2001 $1,600 $1,000 $500 $3001 $3001 $25,7351 $32.29SI EN e SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Library Fund COMMENTS: ,Salades, 12% John Lukach I. 99BUDGET.sb. Spe ial Rev. Func-Lftrery Fund: 2117199 73 74 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Q 1999 Budget HRA Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes, 213 31011 $15.295 TIF 02 - Metcalf & Larson: 213.31052 $37,300 Q TIF 05 - Construction 5: 213,31055 $61,800 TIF #6 - Raindance: 213.31056 $57,000 TIF #9 -Tapper: 213.31059 $31,000 TIF 010 - Remmete: 213,31060 $37,450 TiF 01 t - Manies Farm Service: 213 31061 $3.050 TiF012.Aroptax: 213.31062 $16.050 TIF 013 - Standard Iron: 213.31063 $58.050 TIF 014 - Suburban Machine: 213-31064 $11,800 TfF 015 - Custom Canopy: 1213.31065 $11,350 TIF - Polycast: 1213.31066 $17,400 01016 TIF 7 -Fay Mar Fabricators: $16,600 TIF 018 - River Min: 1213,31067 213.31068 $10"000 TIF 019 - Mississippi Shores: 213.31069 $23,900 Interest earnings: X213.36210 $11,750 TOTAL REVENUE : +1 a.. d ( 1 $411095 EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries. fun -time - reg: 213.46301.1010 $12,6201 PERA contributions: 213.46301.1210 $6551 FICAconinbutions: 213.46301.1220 $7851 Medicare contributions: 213.46301 . 1250 $1851 j Heantddentadhfe insurance: 213.46301.1310 $1,0501 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES r $15,295 Services & Charges j Professional services - legal fees: 213.46301.3040 $5,000 ( M1sc professional services: 213,46301.3199 $15.000 Conference & schools: 1213,46301.3510 213 46301.3320 $400 Legal notice publications; $400 Property taxes: 1213.46301.3710 $300 Misc other expense: 213.46301.4399 $500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES !21,600 p Other Finance Uses Transfer to debt service: 213.46301.7205 $151,0751 TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES $151,0751 1 ISU6TOTAL EXPENDITURES _____________________________________ G i 1 6187,9T0l "BoDGET. ds. sp,,W Rm F.V HRA Fu ro 2/17199 74 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget HRA Fund TAX INCREMENT SURPLUS Services 8 Charges ( Misc professional services: 1213 46500.3199 $OI TOTAL SERVICES B CHARGES $ 0 Capital Outlay ( Land 21346500,5101 I 1 $011 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY - . 301 TOTAL TAX INCREMENT SURPLUS ! - I 301 ------------------------------------- TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT EXPENDITURES TIF 07 - NAWCO ( TIF payback installments: 46507.6511 $20.000 (1213 TOTAL TIF #7 o t $20.000 TIF #B - NSP ( Debt service principal' short-term: ( Debt service interest - short-term: TOTAL TIF #B ` ' TSF 013 - STANDARD IRON f TIF payback installments: I! TOTAL TIF #13 " TIF #15 - CUSTOM CANOPY ( TIF payback installments: TOTAL TIF #15 TIF 018 - RIVER MILL ( TIF payback installments: `TOTAL TIF SIB _ TiF 019 - MISSISSIPPI SHORES TIF payback installments: TOTAL TIF 019 1213 46508,6030 1 $2,0001 21346506.6130 1 5160( 32.160 1213.46513.6511 $56.0501 -358•DSoI 213 46515.6511 I $7.4251 37.4251 213.465196511 + 510.0001 I 310.0001 �213.46519.6511 1 $23.900 '.323.800 99BUDGET es. SoeoW Rev Fund -HRA FU 7/1p99 75 SPECIAL. REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget HRA Fund Tir 022 - DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT I Transfer to debt service fund: 1213 46522.7205 I $11.2501 TOTAL TIF 022 S j i7 E.2* ITOTAL TAX JhCREM NT DISTRICT EXPENDITURES I 1132,7851 (GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES ( I $320.7551 COMMENTS: $813009 30% 011ie Transfers_ Represents portion of tax increment revenue due in 1899 to be transferred to TIF bond funds Transfers TIF 1.22: Represents annual contribution from TIF District to Community Center Debt Services "BUDGET dt. SowW R., FuM-MRA Fund 7!1298 is SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget SCERG (Economic Recovery Grant) REVENUE I Grant administration fee: 222.33625 $1801 Interest earnings - Aroptaz: 222.36210 $6,000 TOTAL REVENUE ( o 36,180 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES ITOTAL EiPENDITUIREB I- I Sol 99BUDGET.xis. Special Rev. FundSCERG: 2112M 77 H SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Central Minnesota Initiative Fund REVENUE Grant administrative fee: 223.33625 $120 Interest earrings: 223.36210 $20 TOTAL REVENUE $140 -------------------------------------- EXPENDMURES jTOTAL EXPENDITURES J 899UnGET.rzts. Special Rev. Funtl�CMtF: 2112199 78 a SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Shade Tree Fund aREVENUE [U' Tree & brush removal. S. A, principal - county: 224.34305 224.36101 $1,5001 $285 1 Interest eamings: 224.36210 $6,375 (TOTAL REVENUE, � ' � $6.180 — ------------------------------------ EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full -time -req: 224.46102.1010 $7.6801 Salaries, full -time -OT: 244.46102.1020 $500! ( Salaries, temporary -reg: 224.46102.1040 $1.2001 PERA contributions: 224.46102.1210 $485 FICA contributions: 224.46102.122.0 $580 ( Medicare contributions: 224.46102.1250 $1351 1 Health/dental/Ideinsurance: 224.46102.1310 $1,155 f. I TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES s -• ^ r'^ $11,7351 Supplies Motor fuels: 224.46102.2120 $3501 Misc operating supplies: 224.46102.2199 $500 Equipment repair parts: 224,46102.2210 $300 Misc repair & maintenance supplies: 224.46102-2299 $5.0001 '. Small tools & equipment: 224.46102.2410 $7001 TOTAL SUPPLIES Services & Charges f Misc professional services: 224.46102.3199 $7.0001 f Conference & schools: 224,46102.3320 $4501 1 General public information: 224.461102.3520 $1,500 Q j Tree replacement: 224.46102.4391 $20,0001 Misc other expense: 224,46102.4399 $2001 n TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 529.150 Capita! Outlay I Motor vehicles: 224.46102.5501 $20,000 / s' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY $20,0001 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES? + _ $67,735+ 99BUDGET.0s. Sperlai Re, Fund -Shade Tree: 2rr2r99 79 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Shade Tree Fund COMMENTS: Salaries: 10% Roger, 3% Tom M., Jim E. 8 Keith T. Misc Repair & Maintenance Repair (10) stones at Hillside Cemetery Misc professional services* Contract tree removal costs I. Vehicles Replacement water truck $20,000 99aUDGET.x:s. Special Rev. Fund Shade Tree: 2/12/99 so SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Park Fund REVENUE I Current ad valorem taxes: 1225.310 11 $660,680 I Park dedication fees: 1225.34950 $10.000 j (TOTAL REVENUE 1 + $670,680 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reg: 1225.45201.1010 $142,760 Salaries, full-tirrx;-OT: 122545201.1020 $3,000 Salaries, part -time -OT: 1225.45201.1031 $500 Salaries. temporary -reg: 1225.45201.1040 1 $30,000 PERA contributions: 1225A5201.1210 ( $7,580 FICA Contributions: 1225.45201.1220 1 $10,930 Medicare contributions: 1225.45201.1250 1 $2,555 Health/dental/life insurance: f225.45201. 1310 1 $21,135 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES � 11 1 1 $218,480 Supplies I Cleaning supplies: 22545201.2110 j $600 1 Clothing supplies 1225.45201.2111 j $150 1 Motor fuels: 1225 45201.2120 1 $1.500 I Misc operating supplies: 1225.45201,2199 I $18.000 1 Equipment repair parts: 1225 45201.2210 1 $1,000 1 Vehicle repair parts: 1225.45201.2211 $2,500 1 Building repair supplies: 1225 45201.2230 $1,500 J Landscaping materials: 122545201.2250 I $1,0001 1 Misc repair 8 maintenance supplies: 1225,05201.2299 1 $t00! 1 Small toots & equipment 1225.45201.2410 $7001 TOTAL SUPPLIES + $27,0501 Services & Charges I Maintenance agreements: 225.45201.3190 1 $2001 Pathway maintenance/contracted services 225.45201.3197 i $20,0001 Misc professional services: 1225.45201.3199 $5,500 1 Telephone. 1225.45201.3210 $4,000 Travelexpense: 1225.45201.3310 $5001 Conference 8 schools: 1225.45201.3320 1 $5001 1 Advertising: 1225.45201.3499 I $1,0001 1 General public information: 1225.45201.3520 ( $5001 99BUIDGET..n, Special Rev Fune.Pads 7112/99 W U rJt 1 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Park Fund IServiees & Charges (cont.) 1225 Electric: 45201.3810 $10,0001 Gas: 122545201.3830 $800 Repair & maintenance - buildings: 1225.45201.4010 $4,000 Repair & maintenance - machine & equipment: 1225.45201.4044 $500 I Repair & maintenance - vehicles: 122545201.4050 $50D Repair & maintenance - other:1225 45201.4099 $2,000 Equipment rental: 1225.45201.4150 $500 Uniform rental: 225.45201.4170 $1,000 I Dues, membership & subscriptions: 225.45201.4330 $250 Licenses & permits: 1225 45201.4370 $400 Misc other expense: 1225.45201.4399 $500 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES I 1 1 $52.650 Capital Outlay ( improvements: 225.45241.5301 $316,000 I Other equipment: 22545201.5801 _$26, 500 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY, ° � _ M$342.500 (TOTAL EI(PENDITURES COMMENTS: Salaries: 100% Greg, Tom G.. Jeff G., (1) new employee: 40%, John Lukash Salaries- PT: Summer help Misc- Professional Services: Includes $5.000 for contracted weed control Land: Park Land Acquisition Pathway - Meadow Oak to Middle School Seed Money for Parks River/Bridge Park Improvements ADA Improvements to Playground Equipment Community Celebrations NSP Bali Field Lighting (partial) Prairie Creek Park Improvements Klein FarmsJPioneer Park improvements River Mill Park Improvements Park Surveys 99BUDGET..q, Spacial Rev. Fund -Parks: 2/1299 $30,000 $10,000 $5.000 $20,000 $15,000 $5,000 $20,000 $5,000 $23,000 $65,000 $5,000 e2 f 1. 1 99aUDGET.■Ie, Special Rev. Fund -Parka, 2/IL99 83 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Park Fund Improvements f tont), Soccer Field Development $25,000 Monument Signs for Parks $6,000 Hillside Cemetary Fence (balance) $32,000 Riverwalk Pathway $15,000 Pathway - River Road to Middle School $25,000 Pathway - River Walk thru WWTP from Mississippi Dr. $402 Other i; $316,000 _Fczumment 1/2 of Cement Mixer $500 14' Cut Pull -Behind Mower $13.000 Sod Cutter $2.000 Replacement Tractor for 655 John Deere 44 St i- ■. $26.500 f 1. 1 99aUDGET.■Ie, Special Rev. Fund -Parka, 2/IL99 83 SPECIAL. REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Community Center REVENUE TOTAL REVENUE ( ( Sol EXPENDITURES Personal Services I Salaries, full -time -reg: 226.45122.1010 $23,750 Salaries, part -time -OT: 226.45122.1031 $12,480 PERA contributions. 226.45122.1210 51.875 FICA contributions: 226,45 122,1220 $2,245 Medicare contributions: 226.45122.1250 $525 j HeaithtdentatRife insurance: 226.45122.1310 53.600 TOTAL: ERSONALSERVICES°___ Supplies Misc operating supplies: 1226.45122.2199 532.500 TOTAL SUPPLIES ', I $32.500 Services & Charges Misc other expense: 226.45122.4399 $77,750, ,TOTAL SERVCES 8 CHARGES 577,750 Debt Service Lease payment to HRA - Principal226.d5i22.fi040 $361,9251 TOTAL DEBT SERVICE ' a- :.,. S351;925I TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: Salaries, Includes a building manager for (6) months and a janitor position for (3) months. Salanes- P7: Includes a receptionist. wheel park attendant and (3) lifeguard positions for (2) months. I ease Payment to HRA Estimated lease payment to HRA after deducting 511.250 contribution from HRA TIF 8 $200.000 contribution from Liquor Fund. 998UDGET.os, Special Rev. Fund -Comm Ctr, 2/12199 e4 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget OAA Fund REVENUE current ad valorem taxes: 1230.31011 $7,000 Local government aid:230.33401 $910 Interest earnings: 230.36210 $290 TOTAL REVENUE _ . $8,M EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries - other; 1230.46401.1090 j $1.5001 j . 'TOTAL P,ER.$gNALSE9W..ac Services & Charges OAA contract payment: Misc professional services: Travel expense: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES TOTAL EXPEWURES COMMENTS: QAA Contract Payment, 3 years real estate taxes reimbursement to township annexation 999UDGET ds, $petal Rer Fund -0M Fund: 2/t 2169 1230.46401.3130 $3,600 23 31 $3.000 1230.46401.3310 $100 O " c t $6.700 $3.600 W as SPECIAL REVENUE FUND 1999 Budget Capital Improvement Revolving Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: 240.31011 $10,480 S.A. principal - county: 240.36101 $41,280 ( Interesteamings: 240.36210 $22,260 J Rental of property: 240.36220 $8,160 TOTAL REVENUE a 582,180 EXPENDITURES Capital outlay Land: 1 240.49201.5101 $25.0001 Buildings: 240.49201.5201 $20.000] Improvements: 240.49201.5301 $37,000 ' ' TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY' $82,000 ITOTALEXP.ENWURE9� 1 ` 58t,owl COMMENTS: Land: Funding Partial Land Acquisition: Costs for future Industrial Park (3rd year previously budgeted $150K) Partial funding of major building repairs at library Improvements: MCP contribution (3rd year) Central Minnesota Initiative Fund Contribution $25,000 $20,000 $35,000 S2-00 $82.000 99BUIxETAII, Speoai Rev Fund -Cap, Imp Revor: V 12M 8e 0 SPECIAL REVENUE FUND Q 1999 Budget Economic Development Authority REVENUE Initiation/application fee: 1250.34109 $500 Interest earnings: 1250.36210 $19,100 Interest earnings - Aropiax: 250.36214 $385 Interest earnings - Custom Canopy: 250.36215 $1,505 Interest earnings - Standard iron: 250.36216 $2,120 Interest earnings - Vector Tool: 250.36217 $3,055 Interest earnings - Tappets 011: 250.36218 $6.210 interest earnings - Standard Iron 0113: 1250.36219 $2.900 interest earnings - TJ Martin 001: 250.36220 $5,765 ITOTAL REVENUE $N S40 EXPENDITURES !. Services 8 Charges Misc professional services: 1250-46501.3199 $2,000 Loan servicing fee: f 250.46501 .4397 $120 NOTAL SERVICES 8 CHARGES. i $2,120 Deist Service I Grant reimbursement: 1250.46501.6602 1 $5,000) b TOTAL DEBT SERVICE o i G $5-.000 jT07AL,EXPEAW URES STAN 9MDM.sb, SpecW Rev Fund -Econ Oer Auth: 2112199 87 SUMMARY Debt Service Funds 1999 Budget Forecast REVENUE I Current ad valorem: Interest: I Special asmt-county: I Transfer in -tax increment: I Transfer in -Liquor fund (community center bond): I Transfer in -community, center fund: Transfer in -sewer access fund (wwtp note): TOTAL. REVENUit EXPENDITURES 1998 1999 $1.098,807 $1,302,9271 595.255 $106,225 $369.638 $835,802 $282,985 $249.850) $134,000 $200.000 50 $367,9251 s0 $450,0001 sx000,6"i- .33.06.729 I Principal: $1,375.000 $2,042,455 I Interest: $415,966 $1.430,471 I Paying agent fees: $7,326 $8.730 inferesIexp: $17,750 $19,675 ITWAL. EXIMIMMRES 11.818.012 U501.331 99BWGET.4s,GeM ServK* Fur4-Fwecast: 2112W u DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1977.1, 2, 3, G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE S -county (77-3): 314.3612 $$26.784 interest earnings: I13 4.36210 $25.440 TOTAL REVENUE ` ' .$52.224 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES ( Bond principal: 1314.47001.6010 1 $60,000 ( Bond interest: 31 4.47001.6110 $1.650 Fiscal agents' tees: 1314.47001.6201 $550 (TOTAL EXPEWWREB t82.Z00 89 996UDGET.05. Det SOMM1977 0.0. BOW: 2112199 I� DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1986-1 (A) G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE S.A.. county (86-1): 1321.36101 $6,920 S.A.. county (Hwy 25); 321.36111 $1,524 Interest earnings- 1321.36210 51,975 TOTAL REVENUE I _I I .{19A19 -------------------------------------- (IEXPENDITURES I tTOTAL EXPENDITURES o ! I 99BUDGETAS. Debt Service lM G.O. Bond- L12M 90 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1989-1,-2,-3 G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: S.A. - county (89-02 - Mississippi Dr.): S.A. -county (89-03 -Oakwood): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 323.31011 $24,813 323.36111 $640 323.36121 $1,033 323.36210 $250 ' $26,736 Bond principal:323.47001.6010 $30,000 Bond interest: 323.47001.6110 $2,970 Fiscal agents' fees: 323.47001.6201 $530 TOTAL EXPENDITURES " 211,600 99BUDGET..b, DeU Service -1989 G.O. Boro 2117199 91 92 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 19900 G.O. Band Fund (E. Sandberg) REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: 325.31011 $26,4251 S.A. - county (90.4 Sandbersl: 325.36101 $2,3501 S.A. - county (90-08 - Eastview): 325,36121 $9341 Interest earnings: 325.36210 $6.390 TOTAL REVENEIE 1 f38 099 EXPENDITURES ! Bond principal: 325.47001.6810 $25,000( ! ond interest: 325.4 Bond7001.6110 i6,921 ! Fiscal agents' fees: 325.47001.6201 $529 ITOTALEXPEN OUREB 0 ... ' 998uDGEr.xb. Dew Semkxc 19= GO Saner L12M 92 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1991A -1, -2, -3 G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE S.A. - county (91.2, Briar Oakes): 326.36111 $5.083 j S.A. -county (93-10, B.O.-M.O. Pond): 326.36121 $906 JYOTAL REVENUE' ------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Band principal: 1326.471.6010 00 $70,000 Bond interest: 1326.47001.6110 $2.047 Fiscal agents' fees: 1326.47001.6201 $553 TOTALEXPENDn'URES . n . ^ _1172,600 99eUDGETAS, DeW Senke-t991 GO. Bon : 2112M 93 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1992A Cardinal Hills/School Boulevard Bond REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: S.A. county (92-02 School Blvd): Interest earnings: ITOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 327.31011 $7,576 327.36171 52,169 327.36210 $7,250 118,996 Bond principal: 327.47001.6010 $75,000 Bond interest: 327.47001.6110 $17,030 � Fiscal agents' fees: 327.47001.6201 8570 j ITOTAeF-XPENDITum; o • o 59 ,900 99BUDGET.xb, Debt Samkc 1992 Card MAB: 2112M 94 1 1. I. I. 4 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1994A G.O. Refunding Bond Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes' 328.31011 $134,792 S.A. principal - county: 1328.36101 $6,857 ( S.A. principal - county: (328.36111 $11,365 ( Interest earnings: 1328.36210 $8,975 ff (TOTAL REVENUE $161,988 EXPENDITURES 1 Bond principal' (328.47001.6010 $120.000 I Bond interest: 328.47001,6110 $29,288 ( Fiscal agents' fee: 1328.4700 1.6201 $512 TOTAL EXPENDITURES ,� •� ., tUS,899 99BUDGET.ds, DW SoMoo-1994 GO Refunding: 2/QM 95 0 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1996A G.O. Bond Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: S.A. - county (93-124 S.A. -county (95-01C): S.A. - county (95-02C): S.A. -county (95-05C): S.A. -county (95-03C): Interest earnings: TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 329.31011 $159.172 329.36101 $6.440 (329.36121 $4,1121 329.36141 $67.655 1329.36151 $1.766 1329.36161 $95.106 1329.36210 522,000 $3T&,459 Bond principal: 1 $465.000 Bond interest: 329.47001.6110 $140,352 Fiscal agents tees: 1329.47001.6010 329.47001.6201 $548 TOTALEXPENDITURES "WDGET.[b. Detx Senios1995 C.O. a0nd: 7!12199 98 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1996A G.O. Improvement Bond REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: S.A. -county (96-01C Dundas): j S.A. - county (96-02C Briar Oakes Estates 2): (TOTAL REVENUE- ---------------- EXPENDITURES j Bond principal i Bond interest: j Fiscal agents fees: Interest expense - fund deficits: TOTALEXPENDITUREt3 . - . 9MOGET.c1s, DOW Swice-1991160. imp BOMB: 2/12199 330.31011 573,500 330.36101 I 519,104 330.36111 $101,911 330.47001.6010 $135,000 330.47001.6110 837,660 330.47001.6201 8540 1330.47001.6207 1 819,675 11IM S 97 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1997A G.Q. improvement Bond REVENUE IS.A. - county (97-04C):$450,000 .36107 TOTAL Interest earnings_ ]332 332.36210 $3.2501 REVENUE , o �- $45.1.25QI �- EXPENDITURES Bond interest: $65.712 !. ! Fiscal agents fees: 1332.47001.6110 332.47001.6201 $536 (TOTAL EXPENDITURES x. f88,250 1_ 99BUDGET.xts, DetA SSMCa 1997A 6 G. hM eon: 2112M9 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget Water System Bond Fund (1988) REVENUE I Current ad valorem taxes:354.31011 $126,211 Interest earnings: 354.36210 55,650 TOTAL REVENUE $132,105 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES I Bond principal: 354.47001.6010 $60,000 I Bond interest: 1354.47001,6201 354.41M. 54 47001.61 t0 1 $37,962 I Fiscal agents' fees: $436 TOTAL EXPENDITURES . . - ! o • ' I - $118+100 998UDGET .1s, Dept Service-Watm System BwM; 2117/99 99 DEBT SERVICE 1998 Budget 1992 Fire Hall Refunding Bond REVENUE Interest earnings: 1355.36218$7,725 TOTAL REVENUE 1 ( - .$7,723 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES ITOTAL EXPENDITURES i_ o , $8l 99BUDGET rb, DeM Swvkx,1992 Fire H09 Ref. W12/99 199 Im 99BUDGEr.df, Debt SeMce-Cone0ixUM Bond: 2112199 101 DEBT SERVICE I 1999 Budget Consolidated Bond Fund r REVENUE IS.A. principal -county (78.1): 357.36109 1 $2,531 S.A. principal - county (79.1): 357.36110 8408 1 interest earnings: 357.36210 1 1 812,650 (TOTAL REVENUE I 1 11 1 $18,ti89 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES ITOTA ExPENDfTURE8 Sol Im 99BUDGEr.df, Debt SeMce-Cone0ixUM Bond: 2112199 101 REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Interest earnings: Transfer from other, funds: IT0iiL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Bond principal: 358.47001.6010 $487.455 Bond interest: 358.47001.6110 $594.838 TOTALEXPENVITURES, $1.111111112.2931 "BUIDGET.xis. Debt Sewice�NM1Mrl` Note: 2112109 102 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget WWTP Note 358.31011 .2941 3::�$632 3.�'. $5001 358-39203 $450,000 $1,082.794 EXPENDITURES Bond principal: 358.47001.6010 $487.455 Bond interest: 358.47001.6110 $594.838 TOTALEXPENVITURES, $1.111111112.2931 "BUIDGET.xis. Debt Sewice�NM1Mrl` Note: 2112109 102 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1996C Sewer Interceptor Refund Bond REVENUE I Current ad valorem taxes: $118,100 I interest earnings: 136011011 360,36210 $3,200 ITOTAL REVENUE . 8 . _ I i. *$M -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Bond Poncipal: 360 0 0 �, 0 545,000 Bond interest: �:'10 ..;00, " 1360'47001.6201 577,410 Fiscal agent's fees: $5401 ITOiAll. EXPENIMURES- 99131JOGETA9, DeW Service -1996C Inten;Wor : 2/12099 103 a DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget 1998 Temp. Revenue Bond/Community Center REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes: Other charges for services: Transfer from other funds: Transfer from T.I.F./HRA: Transfer from liquor. (TOTAL REVENUE o EXPENDITURES 362.31011 1 $472,550 362.34999 I $44,100 362.39203 362.41001.6201 $361,925 362.39204 I $11,250 362.39207 I $200,000 $1,089,825 Bond principal: 362.47001.6010 $150,000 Bond interest: 362.47001.6110 $423,500 Fiscal agent's fees: 362.41001.6201 $750 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES o as - $574,250 99BUDGETA.. Mbl Servioe-Tenw Rev, Conon Ctr. 211299 104 a DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget TIF (Veit) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings:377.36210 I $150 I`` Transfer from TIF: 0 377 38204 $36,900 tTOTAL REVENUE' ' n - 1e $31.850 EXPENDITURES Bond Principal: 377.47001.6010 $20.000 Bond interest: 377.47001.6110 $17,445 �i Fiscal agents' fees: 377.47001.6201 $555 (TOTAL EXPENDITURES o e $78,800 996UDGET..b, Doo Service -TIF (Vea) Sood: 2(:7199 105 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget TIF (NAWCO) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings: 379.36210 $100 TOTAL REVENUE y 1100 EXPENWURES TOTALEXPEOWURE9 998UDOET., U, Debt Servke•TIF (NAWCO) Bond: 2/12199 S:] DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget TIF 1989 (Elderly) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings: 360.36210 I 1360.39204 575 Transfer from TIF: $31,600 TOTAL REVENUE ' o g1,t376 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Bond principal: 1360.47001.6010 815,000 Bond interest: 360.47001.6110 $16.900 Fiscal agents' fees: 1360.47001.6201 $500 (TOTAL EXPEM MIRES a I . ` . , 11132.0111 99BUDGET.cb. Daw Servlte-TIF 1089 (Eldedit 2J12199 107 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget TIF 1990D (REMITAP) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings:382.36210 $3001 Transfer from TIF: !382.39204 548,350 TOTAL REVENUE I -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Bond principal: 1382.47001.601 0 545,000 Bond interest: 1382.47001.6110 56.008 Fiscal agents' fees: 1382.47001.6201 $542 TOTA12 EXPENDITUR"M I - . 261.650 MUDGET.de. Debt Semko-TIF18OD (REM -TAP): 2112199 1011 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget TIF 1992 (Aroplax) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings: 1383.36210 $1001 Transfer from TIF: 1383.39204 $22,600 TOTAL REVENUE- t2$700� EXPENDITURES principal: 515,000 �Bond Bond interest: 1383.47001.6010 383.47001.6110 I $3,738 TOTAL.EXPENDITURES a om 578,778 99BUDGET.xb, Debt Semce-TIF 92 (Aroplax): 2112199 109 I DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget f TIF 1992D (Suburban Machine) Bond Fund REVENUE Interest earnings:364.36210 875 from TIP: 384.39204 ., $11,625 (- NTransfer OTAL REVENUE 511,700 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES I+ Bond Principal: 384.47001.6010 810,000 I_ Bond interest: 384.47001.6110 82,275 ITOTAL EXPENDITURES , I_ 112,276 I i= I+ I 998UDGET..h, Debt Ser am TIF7907D Subuftn: 7112M 110 DEBT SERVICE 1999 Budget TIF 19968 G.O. Refunding Bond REVENUE Transfer from TIF: 385.39204 $87,525 TOTAL REVENUE' -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Bond principal: 3114;111 $125,000 Bond interest: 3. 5:4.M.:"0 , 56.765 Fiscal agent's fees: 385.47001.6201 I $535 I - . ITO,TAL EXPENDITURES * , I - I I $132.M OMDGET.Kis, DWX Gervkv-TIF968 G.O. ReftC4 2J12189 Enterprise Funds ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Sanitary Sewer Access Fund REVENUE S&W access - basic: 262.34110 $112.500 j S&W access - WWfP: 262.34111 $200.000 tyl Trunk line area chargee: 262.34115 $50.000 Lift station hookup charge: 262.34120 $750 S.A. principal - county: 262.36101 $5,280 Interest earnings: 262.36210 $37,2501 TOTAL REVENUE i/03,T8Q� EXPENDITURES Capital Outlay Motor vehicles: 262.49201.5501 $143,000 Other equipment: 262.49201.5801 $8,800 Transfer to other funds: 1262.49201.7203 $450.0001 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 ! - - ` . $601.1300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES COMMENTS: New (1) tan replacement truck and plow at W WP $43.000 Balance of new Jet -Vac truck ($75k in *98 budget) S1000 $143,000 Offer Eguipment Replacement 4x4 utility vehicle at WwVTP $8,800 LaDi House and 2 acre parcel at Skisolids Farm Site $144,000 Transfer To Other Funds, Transfer of sewer hookup Fee Revenue to W WTP Debt Fund $450,000 99B000ET.ris, Enterprise Fund-San4ary Sewer. 2112N9 112 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Storm Sewer Access Fund REVENUE � Trunk line area charge: 263.34115 5/60.000 9 Interest earnings: 263.36210 57,450 TOTAL REVENUE 1181,160 EXPENDITURES t TOTAL EXPENDITURES', ( Sol 99BVDGET..13. EMmpri$G Fur"torM Sewer: 2112199 113 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Water Access Fund REVENUE I S & W hookup charges:265.34110 $62,5001 Trunk line area charge: 265.34115 525,000 Interest earnings: 265.36210 516,900 TOTAL REVENUE G ° :704,400 EXPENDITURES ITOTAL EXPENDRUREs I I f0l 996UDGET.ds, Enterprise Fund -Water AIXxes : 2/12/99 a lis ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Water Fund - Unallocated REVENUE (TOTAL REVENUE I Sol — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — EXPENDITURES — — — — — — - Unallocated I Severance benefits: 601.49201.1111 $1,800 I TOTAL UNALLOCATED c 11. ITOl',,AL EXP`ENlDfrURJES 99BUDGET re, EnMrprlso Furd-Water Unslooc: 2/17/99 a lis ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Water Fund REVENUE Inspection fees: S A. principal - county: Interest earnings: Sale of water meters: f Use collections - water: I Permits - water: I Penalties - water: TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full-time - req: I Salaries. full-time - OT: I Salaries, temporary - reg: 1 PERA contributions: 1 FICA contributions: j Medicare contnbutions: Healthldentalilife insurance: TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 601.34204 601.36101 1601.36210 1601.36241 1601.37110 1601.37155 1601.37160 1 $2,000 $1.000 $11,450 $12.500 $246.550( $5,000( $1.0001 $279,500 1601.49440.1010 $73,400 1601.49440.1020 $1.200 ,601.49440.1040 $1,000 1601.49440.1210 $3.9251 1601.49440.1220 $4.690 1601.49440.1250 $1,100 1601A9440.1310 1 $11.195 $96.510 Supplles I Printed forms & paper. 1601.49440.2030 $500 1 Clothing supplies: 601.49440.2111 $300 ( Motor fuels: 601.49440.2120 $2,500 ( Lubricants & additives: 1601.49440.2130 $150 I Chemical products: 1601.49440.2160 $25,000 ( Mlscoperating supplies: 1601.49440.2199 1 $2,000 1 Equipment repair (tarts: 1601A9440.2210 1 $2,000 Vehicle repair parts: 601.49440.2211 ' $500 Tires: 1601 49440.2220 1 $300 I Building repair supplies: 1601,49440.2230 1 $2,500 j Utility system maint. supplies: 1601.49440.2270 1 $2.000 1 Meters and valves for resale: 1601.49440.2271 ! $15,100 ( Small tools & equipment: 1601.49440.2410 i $300 TOTAL SUPPLIES W — 1 1 $53,150 99BUDGEr.ria, Enterpnse Fund -Water Fund: ?J12199 116 e ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Water Fund Services & Charges Misc professional services: 1,601.49440.3199 $8.000 Telephone: 601.49440.3210 $2.000 Postage: 1601.49440.3220 $1.000 Conference & schools: 1601.49440.3320 $600 General Public information: 1601.49440.3520 $500 General liability insurance: 1601.49440.3610 $4.140 Property insurance: 1601.49440.3620 $200 Vehicle insurance: 1601.49440.3630 $225 Miscgeneratinsurance: 1601.49440.3699 $5.460 Electric: 601 .49440.3810 $45.000 Gas: 601.49440.3830 $200 Repair & maint.-machine & equipment: 601 -49440A044 $4,000 Uniform rental: 1601.49440.4170 $1,000 Depreciation - acquired: 601 .49440.4210 $8,050 Depreciabon - contributed: 601.49440.4211 $212,245 Dues, membership & subscriptions: 601.49440.4330 $300 Licenses & permits: 601.49440.4370 $2,000 Water service connection fee: 601.49440.4375 $12,000 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $306,920 Capital Outlay Improvements ++601.49440.5301 $6.000 _ TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY (TOTAL EXPENWTURES ` (. $404111801 COMMENTS: 60% Mab. 55% Rich, 60% John M., 6.5% Tom B. Improvements: Restroom & lunchroom Remodeling of water department office $6.000 9913MDGET.x1a, Enterprhe Fund -Www Fund, 2112194 117 I n REVENUE Inspection fees: Interest earnings: Rental of property: Use collections - sewer. Permits - sewer: Penalties - sewer: TOTAL REVENUE - ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Sewer Fund 602.34204 $2.0001 602.36210 $13.8751 602.36220 $19.440 602.37210 $657,8001 602.37255 $500 602.37260 $2,5001 1 569611115 MUDGET.xts, Enterprise FurdSeww Fund: 2112199 1ts a ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Sewer Fund Plant & Lab -- WWTP EXPENDITURES Supplies Chemical products: !602.49480.2160 ! $3,000 TOTAL SUPPLIES I I ° . $3,000 Services & Charges Professional services - PSG, Inc: 602.49480.3080 $484,000 Misc professional services: 602.49480.3199 $20,000 General liability insurance: 602.49480.3610 $2,920 Property insurance: 602.49480.3620 $3,200 Vehicle insurance: 602.49480.3630 $1,240 Property taxes: 602.49480.3710 $800 I Repair & maintenance - buildings: 1602.49480.4010 1 $10,000 Repair & maintenance - machine & equipment: 1602.49480.4044 1 $10,000 1 Licenses & permits: 602.49480.4370 1 $1,200 1 Biosolids farm expenses: 1602.49480.4385 1 $6,500 TOTALSEWCES & CHARGES 1 J 1 $5391860 ITOTAL 00%WDfTURES COMMENTS. Ryoair & Maintenance. Equipment. Replacement farm disc for Biosolids Farm Drainage & access improvements Repair & Maintenance - Buildings, Misc. painting & existing building repairs 19 e I a $MUNI $10,000 $6,500 $10,000 maumET,.ts,Enmmrme Fur4s(se,w)vuWrP: 7!12'99 119 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget 602.49490.3199 Sewer Fund Collection System -- 1 Telephone: Admin/General Operating $2,200 EXPENDITURES 602.49490.3220 $1,000 Personal Services 602.49490.3310 $100 ( Salaries, full-time - reg: 602.49490.3320 602.49490.1010 l $52,8501 1 Salaries, full-time - OT: $2.000 602.49490. 1 020 1602.49490.1040 $1,000+ 1 Salaries, temporary - reg; $2,500 PERA contributions: 1602.49490.1210 $2.920 FICA contributions:1602.49490.1220 $5,500 $3,495 1 Medicare contributions- 1602.49490.1250 $820 1 HealtNdentalAite insurance: 1602.49490.1310 $8,060 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES 602.494904210 $71,845 Supplies 602.49490.4211 $1,206.080 ( Printed forms & paper. 602.49490,2030 I $300 I Clothing supplies: 602.49490.2111 $300 i Motor fuels: 602.49490.2120 $2.000 ( Lubricants & additives: 602.49490.2130 $300 ( Chemical products: 602.49490 2160 $5.000 ( Misc operating supplies: 602.49490.2199 $1,500 ( Equipment repair parts: 602.49490.2210 I $4.000 ( Vehicle repair parts: 602.49490.2211I $1,500 I Small tools & equipment; 602.49490.2410 $200 TOTAL SUPPLIES I - $15,100 Services & Charges ( Misc professional services: 602.49490.3199 $4.000 1 Telephone: 602.49490.3210 $2,200 ( Postage: 602.49490.3220 $1,000 ( Travel expense: 602.49490.3310 $100 Conference & schools: 602.49490.3320 $300 General liability insurance: 602.49490 3610 $2.000 Property insurance: 602.49490.3620 $25 insurance: 602 49490 3630 $225 EVehicle Electric: 602.49490.3810 $5,500 Repair & maintenance - machine & equipment: 602.49490.4044 $1,500 Uniform rental: 602.49490 4170 $900 Depreciation - acquired: 602.494904210 $5,330 ( Depreciation - contribution: 602.49490.4211 $1,206.080 1 Rental house expenses: 602.49490.4381 $3.000 (TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES ° $1.232,160 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 99eUDGET.zts, Enterprise Funds (sewer) Admin: V12M 120 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Sewer Fund Collection System -- Admin/General Operating 1 COMMENTS: Salaries: 40% Matt, 45% Rich, 40% John M., 6.5% Tam B. Rental Ho use xoenqs: New roof and kitchen floor $2.000 "NDGET.ns. EMemrise Funds (Sevum) AEmm : 2/12199 121 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Liquor Fund REVENUE Interest eamings: Liquor sates: Beer sales! Wine sales; Misc sales - taxable: Misc sales • nontaxable: Casts over - alt sale: TOTAL REVENUE 998UOGET.xts, EaterOrise Furd4jQ w Fund: 2112M 609.36210 609.37811 609.37812 609.37813 609.37815 1609.37816 1609.37841 , $28,0001 $585,200 $1,165,500 $221,000 $74,850 $5,125 $1,000 112MO 875 122 db ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Liquor Purchasing Fund EXPENDITURES Supplies I Liquor:1609.49750.2510 $427,2001 I Beer: +609.49750.2520 $885.800 Wine: 1609.49750.2530 $165,750' Misc taxable: 1609.49750.2540 $59.8001 Miscnontaxable: 1609.49750.2550 $4,1001 TOTAL SUPPLIES -, 1 - $1,542.650 Services & Charges I Freight: TOTAL SERVICES 8 CHARGES ITOTAE=EXPENDITURES I609.49750.3330 1 $9,300 ° f1,S51,9ti0� 99BUDGET.rb, Enterprise Fund -Liquor Purdl.: 2/12/89 127 0 a I I 1 I I. 1 I I I ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Liquor Operations Fund EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reg: Salaries, full -time -OT: Salaries, part -time -reg: PERA contributions: FICA contributions: Medicare contributions: Health/dental/life insurance: U.C. benefit payments: TOTAL. PERSONAL SERVICES Supplies I Printed forms 6 paper. 1 Misc office supplies: 1 Cleaning supplies: 1 Clothing supplies: Liquor store supplies: 1 Misc operating supplies: 1 Misc repair & maintenance supplies: TOTAL SUPPLIES Services S Charges 1 Professional services - audit: 1 Misc professional services: 1 Telephone: Conference & schools: 1 Advertising: 1 General liability insurance: 1 Property insurance: 1 Misc general insurance: 1 Electric: 1 Water & sewer: 1 Gas: 1 Repair & maintenance - buildings: 1 Repair 8 maintenance - machine 8 equip: Repair & maintenance - other: 1 Depreciation: 1 Cash short - off sale: 1 Dues, memberships, subscriptions: 1 Licenses 8 permits: 1 Bank charges: I Misc. other expenses: TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES 99BUDGET.xis. Enterprise Fund -Liquor Oper.: 7/I2199 609.49754.1010 $98,550 609.49754.1020 $3,000 609.49754.1030 $35,595 609.49754.1210 $7,105 609.49754.1220 $8,500 609.49754.1250 $1,990 609.49754.1310 $10,350 609.49754.1420 $100 $165,190 609.49754.2030 $3001 609.49754.2099 $400 609.49754.2110 $200 609.49754.2111 $300 609.49754.2140 $1,700 609.49754.2199 $6.2001 609.49754.2299 $500+ $9,600 609.49754.3010 $2,400 609.49754.3199 $1,350 609.49754.3210 $3.000 609.49754.3320 $275 609.49754.3499 $4.500 609.49754.3610 $6.905 609.49754.3620 $1,125 609.49754.3699 $2.225 609.49754.3810 $13.300 609.49754.3820 5200 609.49754.3830 $1.350 609.49754,4010 $5,000 609.49754.4044 $3,800 609.49754.4099 S500 609.49754.4210 S11.500 1609.49754.4310 51,000 1609.49754 4330 $600 1609.49754.4370 $300 1609.49754.4398 $3.500 1609.497544399 S11,000 $73,830 u. ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Liquor Operations Fund OtherFlnanee Uses Transfer to other funds: 609A9754.7203 $200,000 TOTAL OTHER FINANCE USES I $200.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES I .. smIm� COMMENTS: Improvements: Annual Riverfest Fireworks Contribution $10.000 Transfers, Annual transfer to Community Center Debt Services $200.000 99aUDGET.xls. Enterprise Fund-lqW Open: 2/12/89 125 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Transportation Fund REVENUE Current ad valorem taxes 610,31011 $17,4601 Local government aid: 610.33401 $44,940 Transit system revenues: 610.38010 I $12,500 (TOTAL REVENUE I $74,9001 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES: TRANSITIOPERATIONS Medicare contributions: Services & Charges Professional services - Heartland bus: 610.49801.3060 $70,150 TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $T0,150 ITOTAL TRANSITIOPERATIONS EXPENDITURES „I $70,1501 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES: TRANSITIADMINISTRATION Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reg: 610.49804.1010 $3,125 PERAcontributions: 610.498041210 $1601 FICA contributions 61049804,1220 $195 Medicare contributions: 61049804.1250 $45 Health/dental/life insurance: 610.49604.1310 $4401 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES I $3,9651 Supplies Printed forms & paper:610.49804.2030 $185 TOTAL SUPPLIES i• r$185 Services & Charges MiseP rofessionalservices: 610.49804.3199 $100 General public information 610.49804.3520 $5001 L TOTAL SERVICES & CHARGES $6001 ITOTAL TRANSITIADMINISTRATION EXPENDITURES I I $4,7501 GRAND TOTAL EXPENDITURES $74,9001 COMMENTS: Mies 4% Jeff, 3% Sue T. 990UDGET ,y, Enterprise FuneJtanvonatwn 2)12/99 126 ENTERPRISE FUNDS 1999 Budget Riverside Cemetery REVENUE Sate of grave saes: 651.34941 $12,0001 Excavation charge -casket 651.34942 $10,0001 $4751 Interest earnings: 651.36210 Interest earnings - perpetual care: 651.36211 $1,5001 ITOTAL REVENUE $23,9751 -------------------------------------- EXPENDITURES Personal Services Salaries, full -time -reg: 1651.49010.1010 1 $2,5001 TOTAL PERSONAL SERVICES ' 1 I - $2.5001 Supplies Misc operating supplies: 1651.490102199 $300 Misc repair & maintenance supplies: 1651.490102299 I $5,000 I TOTAL SUPPLIES ( $5,300 Other Services & Charges Professional service -lawn service: 651.49010.3105 $11.000 Professional service-custodiaVGaret: 651.49010.3110 5450 Professional service -excavation: 651.49010.3115 57,700 1 Misc professional services: 651.49010.3199 $6.000 Legal notice publication: 6511A9010 35 $5001 General public information: 651.49010 3500 $1,0001 Misc other expense: 651.49010.4399 $6001 TOTAL OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES $27,2501 Capital Outlay Improvements: 1651.49010.5301 52.0001 TOTAL CAPITAL OUTLAY I $2,0001 TOTAL EXPENDITURES I P I $37,0501 COMMENTS: Misc Repair & Maintenance: Repair of (10) stones per year 55,000 Imnrovements' Unallocated Services: S2,000 Misc Prot «ional Sexton contract 99aUDGET.,Is, Enterprise Fund -Cemetery. 2112/99 127 Iiaiii 1 w1 11 HI � E CAPITAL. OUTLAY ITEMS 1999 Budget " FUNDIDEPARTMENT: p IUm Description Administration: ITypewnter (Plan file (Engineering copier ITOTAL ADMINISTRATION " Animal: Unaiiocated OTAL ANIMAL Fire: [Unallocated 40TAL FIRE Dop!q Registrar: (Desk divider INumidr8er IFrreprooi file cabinet (Bathroom cabinet [Fax machine (Copier Economic Development: Ilndusinal marketing program(2nd yrypartral (Industrial marketing program(2nd yt1wrtiai (Chamber banners (2nd yr) (TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Finance: ;Calculator �TOTALFTNANCE Data Processing: (AS400 printer (Check signer IPC - motor vehicle IPC (31• public works [PC: (4). cdy hail IWobsrtale-mail ITOTAL.bATA PROCESSING , Refuse: IGorbarae tins (300) lRecycling bins t [TOTAL REFUSE PW Administration: ;Scanner (Shredder IFde Cabinet (TOTAL PW ADMINISTRATION. WBUDGET m. Cewm Ounar I— y12Ar AMOUNT - FUNDING SOURCE $1,015General 52,906 Genera: $4,900 General 11,000 General i $1,(100 Et0.060 General at0,0100 $500 General $206 General $6W General 1200 General $400 General $2.506 General $4.60D , tJ $19,000 General 11:2,000 General Reserves 14,000 Genera, I $35.000 - $2001 General I 1200 $3.000 General j $2,400 General $2,500 General 117.500 General I 1110.000 General $6,7661 General I $32,to0l $18.000 General $1,600 General $:9,800 $300 General I $358 General $800 General $1,450 120 CAPITAL OUTLAY ITEMS 1999 Budget FUND/DEPARTMENT: More Daserlbdon ' AMOUNT PW Inspections: CAD software TOTAL PW INSPECTIONS - u, $2,500 Shop: (Truck hoist (TOTAL SHOP ° Snownce: JReplacement plow for leader TOTAL SNOWACE Streets: Sealooabng program (12) of used water truck replacement Chop saw with wheels I?rge tamper (Replacement snowplow truck (12) (Cement mixer !Portable air compressor 'TOTAL STREETS' ' Parks: 114' cut—putt behind mower Cement mixer Sod cutter i(12) of used water truck Balance of fencing for Hillside Cemetery 1651,500 less 'A budget of $9,500 8'96 budget of 510,000) jAdopt-"At Program ICommumty celebrations funding (Purchase portion of Emmerich South 20 acres for park land IPtay structure improvements - ADA improvements IPrame Creek Park improvements jKlem Forms Park improvements 1(if3) of IigMing NSP batlfietds ($40,006 budgeted in '98) Survey existing parks Monument signs for parks (3) iRwer Mill Park improvements (Bridge Park enhancements IPamway - Mississippi Dr. to Ellison Park !Pathway - Meadow Oak to Middle School IPathway - River Road Plaza to Middle School (Pathway - Mississippi Dr. through WWTP !Soccer field development • reduced to. IReplacement for 655 John Deere 4x4 tractor (625.0001ess 614,066 from reservesI TOTAL PARKS ° a Water: IComptetion of office remodeling Imitter reading scanners (2) OTA-- WATER SSBUDGET.ds. Cap" o°ser hmnx 7/r7Jsa ' FUNDINO SOURCE 1 500 General $35,000 General $35.000 ' $7,000 General 57,000 $27,5001 General 1 $10,000 Tree Reserves 52.200 General 52,300! General i $47,500 General $500 General 1 51.000 General ! 591,000 513.0001 Parks I $5001 Parks I 62.0001 Parks 610,000 Tree Reserves 632,000 Parks 65,000 Parks J 65,000 Parks (30.000 Parks 615.000 Parks J 65.000 Parks 623.000 Parks 11+ 620.000 Parks J 65,000 Parks I 66,000 Parks I 605,0001 Parks + 620,000 Parks j 615,0001 Parks ! 610,000 Parks i 625.0001 Parks i sm000l Parks i 625,0001 Parks i 611,6061 Parks s362.500' 66,000) Water Fund I 611,000Water Fund 3t9.000� 1 ' I 129 CAPITAL. OUTLAY ITEMS 1999 Budget j FUNWDEPARTMENT:. a I IbmDescription AMOUNT fUNDIN080URCE Saver Collection: � a. $10,000 , Library: Sewer Access Fund I Balance of new jet -vac truck ($75.000 in'98 budget) Cepdat Outlay 5108.000 Reserves TOTAL SENDER COLLECTION Economic Qevelopment: $108.000 - WWTP: $35A00 Capdal out i (Cermet MN Initiative Fund request - paniai $2,000 Ceptal Outlay Sewer Access Fund IRousse 8 2 acres adjacent to biosoiids site Capital Outlay s t 44,000 Reserves New 1•ton truck 8 plow s43.000 Sewer Access 4.4 utAdy venrcle $8,800 Sewer Access TOTAL WNtP $199.800 " NRA: (Reserve for future industrial park acquisition 575,000 MRA to community center debt service $11.250 HRA jContribution TOTAL HRA $8$.250 Liquor: to community center debt sece $200,000 Liquor Zmntributron enest brewdrks I $10"0001 Lkluor TOTAL LIQUOR - I ' $210,000 Tree: BW & private property tree punt ng program S10.0001 Tree Fund Reserves �TOTAL,TREE � a. $10,000 , Library: 188W Repairs - window replacementtrepair $20,000.. Cepdat Outlay {TOTAL LIBRARY `. - $20,000 Economic Qevelopment: (MCP contribution • partial - reduced to $35A00 Capdal out i (Cermet MN Initiative Fund request - paniai $2,000 Ceptal Outlay (Industrial Park land acquisition fund . reduced td' $25,000 Capital Outlay �TOTAt ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT aBsut)l1Ei m.l:aorrai dumr items >Jntrov rto 910.DG.ET.» S+rraucneasgpwtrr VIM - 13r 0 SALARY DISTRIBUTION FOR 1999 (By Percent) shop "AllanSttorlkA I .• Puts Shedo Tma! SoYnrlYlfaWe 1 Roger Mach 80% 10 tOxl I `Tour Moores 87% - 10%1 3% I [Allen Gapinsk, 00%� 10%I I - IJ,m Emele 67% f0% I 3% 1 (Keith Thppe i 67% 10%� i 3% 1 ne I Mail Then 1 1 40% 60%1 [Rich Cline 1 I I 45% 55%1 [John Middendorf I I I 40% 60%� IGreyg E"I 100%[ i [Jeb Gustafson 1 I 100%I I iI=Qossnicxle i 1 100%1 I C4& H � P LIQ (John t.uAatl1 I 25%I 10%1 0%I YS%� BWIAInp, Plamm�p a z"" rCM1 oebw Gary Andemon bs% 15% Rea Pasch 100% i Planner I 100%I I PW hispeoL PW Admin. Waf w sower i !Tom Bose Bi% 66% 65%I John rianol0 j 100% IDeth Green j 100% (Elmet Ohnstao 1 100% 1 ( I o.waa HRA lama KoroprJww lox Sox o�wpd: •. TPnaPu` II - II"'�-`FBmrco 1 .-ftslank- Real*= . .talon *Btpihna'1 !Jen O'Nedi 46% 50%Oofy 4%I (Karen 100% 11+ 1 Wanda IOOx (Rick W wlerr 100%1ii ISue ThtDotleaw I 67% _ ICaary Shuman I 100% I I [Pet I(O'ch 1 1 100% 1 I IPT SeelRecept SS1hom) I100%I I 1 IPT SecJRe[W(DYanta) I 100%I j I I Diane JaoDbson 1 I I I 100%1 I I _ IPT - Jan (213) I 1 1 110%1 I I IPT - Kim (21J) I I 1 100%i I I IPT - Marge (213) I I ( 100%1 1 I Nancy Whalen I I 1 100%1 1 i {Dawn Crossinger I 1 I I 100%1 IPT-Sandy§uary I I0D% I I I I I IPT -New finance positron I 1 100%I r I I I 910.DG.ET.» S+rraucneasgpwtrr VIM - 13r 0 GLOSSARY OF SELECTED TERMS 1999 Budget Mileage paid as a part of compensation as opposed to reimbursement for travel; reimbursement to officials and staff for expenses incurred in performing their duties. Uniforms, gloves, vests, rain gear, safety gear, hard hats. Telephone, postage, pagers. Welding rods, nuts 8 bolts, solvents and cleaners, Floor dry, brooms, fire extinguisher service, steel, paper towels, nails, light bulbs, etc. Signs and posts, herbicides, street paint, crack sealer, cones 8 barricades, patch material, Class V. flashers, flags S flashlights, brooms & shovels, rakes, picks, dirt fill, rip, rap, and sod, etc. Spark plugs, blades, lights, batteries, paint, filters, parts. belts, bearings, gutter, and main brooms. Plugs, blades, head lamps, fuses, tape, wire, filters, belts, bearings, paint. Drill bits, hacksaws, wrenches, pumps, jack hammer, crack fill bucket, etc. 9118UDGETm.Glou". 2112M 132 5 -YEAR (1999 - 2003) CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT • i � i � i , ii KAREWEXCELOCKCAPUAPBWGUS120M - -- ­ .r a , � e — is — R u a T — =-- = = � .i .3 o Chi Imm CITY OF MONTICELLO 1999 - 2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STATEMENT OF SOURCES AND USES SOURCES i 19991 2000 2001 2002 2003 TOTALI PERCENT Property Taxes $666.965 $595.200 $363.500 $269.000 $222.750 $2.117,415 7.9% Improvement Bonds $10,347,000 $350.000 $1,000.000 $1,000,000 $2.600.000 $15.297,000 57.3% Enterprise Revenue $438,000 $500.000 $275,000 $205,000 $257.750 $1,675.750 6.3% Tax Increment Revenues 5121,250 $121,250 $121.250 $96,250 $121,250 $581.250 2.2% Other Sources $150,000 $0 SO $0 $0 $150.000 0.6% State Grants BAids $1,931.000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $125,000 $2,431,000 9.1% Special Revenues: i.e., Trunk Fees 5151,800 $530,000 $580,000 $0 $1,750.000 $3,011,800 M2% Fund Balance Reserves $1.225.000 $201,000 $0 $0 $10.000 $1,436.000 5.4% TOTAL i $16,031,0151 $2,422,4501 $2,464,750 $1,693,250 $$,066,750 $26,700.216) 100.0 USES I 1999 20001 2001 20021 20031 TOTAL PERCENT General Fund $3.774,465 $786.200 $1.325,500 $1,330.000 $2.931.250 $10.147,415 38.0% Park Fund $526.500 $275.000 $191000 $64.000 $16.500 $1,075,000 4.0% Library Fund $145.000 $239.000 $0 $0 $0 $384.000 I^ Community Center Fund $9.675.000 $0 $0 50 $0 59,675.000 362% HRA Fund $121,250 $121,250 $121.250 $96,250 $121,250 5581,250 2.2% Sewer Fund $295.800 $500,000 $37,500 SO $1,716.250 $2,549.550 9.6% Water Fund $263.000 $0 $587.500 $5.000 $91,500 $947.000 3.5% Tree Fund $30,000 $1,000 $0 $0 $10.000 $41.000 0.2% Liquor Fund $200,000 $500,000 $200.000 $200.000 5200,000 $1,300.000 4.9% TOTAL I $15,031,01SI $2,422,4501 $2,464,750 $1,695,2501 $5.086,7501 $26,700.2151 100.0% KAREN%EXCELIPICKCAP161Pat'OG %LS 1219& SourcesrPage 2 I 1-7 o- a= of 27 2-7: 2-= 3'- 2-- 3-= 1 a _ _ 2-- Z -�. = M 1E CITY OF MONTICELLO 1999 - 2003 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT EXPENDITURES BY CATEGORY BY YEAR o 1 19991 20001 20011 20021 20031 TOTALI PERCENT l(CATEGORY Vehicles B Equipment $457,265 $195,200 $143.500 5159.000 S100.500 $1,055,465 4.0% 1Buildings 8 Land $10,353.250 $1,035,250 $496,250 5406,250 $486,250 $12,777,250 47.8%' 1PaAsImprovements 5464,500 $217,000 $115.000 $0 So $796.500 30%1 Streets 1$3.493,0001 5475,0001 $1,125,0001 $1,125.000 $2,725,000 58.943.000 33.5% Water System Improvements 1 5263,0001 $01 $567,5001 $5,0001 $75,0001 $910.5001 34% Sewer System Improvements I S01 $500.0001 $17,5001 S01 $1,700,0001 $2.217,5001 8.3% TOTALS 1 $15,031,0151 1 $2,422,4501 $2,464,7501 $1,695,2501 $5,088,7501 $26.700,2151 100.0% KAREWEXCMRJCK1UPINP8UDG %LS17/L01 EapratepJPape 3 0 - W- Z -j wLj WM; 97; ff-- a-- 37= a-- =--- =- = = NO M = ILII CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BY FUND KALRENIEXCEORICKCAPDAMOG XLS IVM Byrund/Pma 4 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 GENERAL FUND G.—W 9PK'W I Epap &oT-* F— Fund GENEFl1L ew" Am- , BIW F _mY !tm Nd 2sF FmWD.pL OwCFIF110n T.ar Ca.t T.— a.a..**mR.wnw. &Grmb Taw R.r.nar. R..ar9w 8a.rtn ...._.... ... – __.__. _. ... ..___ STaruref 1 .: 999 {709 .. 5300.,, .._..... __... ._._..------ Pw1AamN 1 �PW/Admm ..0d.r 1999 1150 {750 ID-- III PrnWmcomgnm. 999 920,000 !x0000 1OW Pm AS400 pmbr 1999 110001 {7,000 IF—.. C—. ug—. sled . 1999 $2400 $2,400 I I IPWIAd. FI.u0m.+ 1999 6900 sawl I I IPwnn.P CAD. m 1999 $2.5001 $2,5001 I I Bldg In.P Bldg Dep wn 1 1999 I 127500 {x7,5001 1 I9ldg Inrp Bi sofa.,. 1 1m I s50001 $5,0001 1 I IDeR RepD..ldmd.r 1 1998 I swol $5001 .P 1 I 1DRap MumEda 1 1999 1 {x0011 ml I I I IDW R.g Ii.ep9dl+.um. 1 1999 1 990011 3899i . I I I I I ID.P Rw 1 wo.nr +wn. I +999 I $2001 $2001 I I I I I I ID.P R.9 IF..pPgr.m I +999 s100N serol I I I I I I ID.P R.g IC. , 1 +999 $2.5000 92,091 I I I I I I I IAdma ITVP..rn.r 1 1999 I 91,01511 Im 1PWI" 1 1999 I 92.90011 $2.9001 I I I I I I IAds^°+ IE.9— —9 1 1999 I $4 WOR 54 9001 I I I I I I 15u.a on 1—p 1 +999 $17x50001 I $1,725,0001 I I I I Is..« IC --1 -Pare, H(2) 11999 91000001 I I I 9100,0001 I I I IS.—Itnw.ea.mn.+ 1 1 1999 1 $2x0011 92,2001 1 1 I I I ISlr..l :EC CR 75.rww — 1 1999 I 6 120,00011 1 5120000 1 I I 1 1 IS— 17MS1 En - SI Nanry. 1 ,999 1 $1.0770001 I $797.0001 1 1229,0001 I I I ISu— 1CPn,ea Rd 04lCadar St W Fagon 1 1999 1 12$00001 I use ow I I I I I I Isv.. It.—I— 1 +999 1 $290011 92.5001 1 I I I I I Isv..1 1t.m.nl— 1 19D9 1 ssaol $oo1 1 I I I I I 1Su— ISpnnwaul Sl am. .m 1 1999 1 9125,0001 1 su5,owI I I I I I I MMEm1XCEL0XKCAPWPBWGO S 12A198 Gen1.m+P.pa 5 !Strap l(lf3)of r. dm car. Ory abewts 200, 01.000.090 00 110000 !$baa Aeo tbd PPa1 a na 200, 01.009 $1,000 Saadi MSA aben enp - uMaagneMa 2001 5125,000 1125 DW IRatuw (G.M.V W,(250) 299, 1,15. am 1,5000 OREMS+CEI+XKtCAPUPOUDGUS IMM irerduNP pe 07:7: 27, 3'7, 7 Z :r �. � a'<. � � 71Z �� s r Puwr11ta18aartn n Flnar1ar10 Oawo OpecW Entomd" Tr1mi FM FUM GENERAL WcgMp AmW FUM stets Aid TIF SSPecW ll. t* Oaw__ FU40.PL O"Crl0Rbn �Buapn Ym Can ( Tam e9MMo R-- &Gnats Tun A~— Reae Falacn _ �— 7rucsw twt t9B $35 wo $35000 ISMrOcv Rapemmae, armor Pier 1999 67,000 v 000 �$nwOca Rapace `army pnr Uuc. 11121 1998 647.500 1.7,500 j I$baet P—M..v—..aa 1999s"000 01009 IRafYN r.—ge tarp (300) 1909 5100001 $10,000 ) JEW C. Me "PaOrem 1999 531000 $19000 112900 ! JEW D.. Ina Par. k.-ecaubbbal - p -' ton 525,000 025000 � JEW Dar MCP rluM"tuMM-WNa Ion $35000 $35 ON ! 1I IEPa1Dar D ---name 1113) 9n S.— HOOD JEW Dar CmWMN larcwt—Fbaa -PeMW 199 $2,000 $3,000 1115 DEMERAL FO.— ND TOTAL $375400 sit= IDauPrtc fams9uomr 20M S. 000 14ODD IEcal Oav IM puilsna acau»aar-arlwl 2000 $75 o00 s75,90 IEGaa D. 1anatn0 ib101— 20M S15.000' 511000 MCP metmbp funam9 2000 550.900' 25990 (Eca+D. rW E— 0. Rh0-1 tarn umbm -P. 209 S35,fu $35 ODD fEwa Car Darmaaa W—(113) 2000 5. ,091 u000 IPWtW AM9aar9 PKiult 2000 522.0001 522 am IPwww U*9a CAD m 2000 66,000; SO ODD Is,- LM9e caPaatr rva teaa.a ee 2006 L1.7001 sI TW ISaoa Rada a9rar dHast 2000 310,000. $1OODD 1 I$naa Saw as saem mP-unaetgnatea 2000 5125,000 $125 Ow Fn Aw —OwchNaaa Ra n {at3r ISbeat ufrW 2900 $'ODOM 6,00000 IS— Nar pec.m 2000 40001 $3 OW ISbaa1 R..L-1960 anaef bg- 2000 S1Da,OOD SIOD 000 I ISbea RaaAcamantmOm00mPaaa 2000 st9.000' S10000 I ISb.a SU -10%. M"25 papa 2000 st500.0; 6150000 IS -1. Ream W-0-ub i1Mi 2900 547,500 $47,500 R.Iaw Garoape—(250) 2000 $15.000 MOOD 2000 GENERAL FUND TOTAL 57!424 9371.90 sL0.000 OnX0 !Strap l(lf3)of r. dm car. Ory abewts 200, 01.000.090 00 110000 !$baa Aeo tbd PPa1 a na 200, 01.009 $1,000 Saadi MSA aben enp - uMaagneMa 2001 5125,000 1125 DW IRatuw (G.M.V W,(250) 299, 1,15. am 1,5000 OREMS+CEI+XKtCAPUPOUDGUS IMM irerduNP pe GENERAL 2002 150000 OaaONp".. �—FmdlDOL it manta ivao auan aonv+arrr IE= Osv IM Wrl 13M a uN - ParUW jEr Dev ManeMq erd910M -1- MCP atlup Wndup Edae De IE Rrvedmmlbnd 0g0uudU -Pa Wi IPWMe Autdneuc bon jM I.. GPS erv.aW ON06a Year Caai 2001 $2 2001 STS 2001 $15 2001 f50 200+ 335 2001 S2 2001 $5 3 Z 3 4--2 PObnUal So o/ Flr ing Owwal $WIN ENwpfto Tnmk Fm Fad NoWtV Aamv Fad SUft AW TIF SSPacW SaNmo Omn Taaaa Sm1051p RamlPn S Onma Taw ft w R -0A 50 92.040 $25,000 515.440 50 300 175,0001 32,500 — — - - A44 ftA00.W0 SIMON i 1007 GENERAL FUND TOTAL _ _ f,1,326.500� 3200., ... IEFar1 D. IM Pu.4. a[auodo0- Wnw 2002 150000 S50,0W i D"E— DMLP -9 tu0 2012 $25001 125,001 j E— Deo Rnamwlt bnd aaeu�anrorl 202 $35.000 135 ON I SOen MSA wen mP.--q-" 2012 1125000' x125001 j seen IIAl a•1aEuldaq— .y atrena 2002 .0, $1,00101 01 $1 0000 Is.— R—St NW., St 1.— Retuae Gueape Wn(2501 2002 315,010' 115,000 I S—A. AdddnrW Pre— 2002 1100010. S. 3100000: 7.1.12002OENERAL FUMD TGTAL _. St.336.W5 - 3203.006i1A0M000 3/23,000, ..,. ., _ -. ..._, ..,. IStreet 3y Wra0 ldaq to otdT aoean 2W3 51, NO ODDI $1,100,000 ISUen tita}gvaaorOxYrne 1—CaxYet 2003 310250 519.250 (Strep (illy q nucY 2003 S10.W0, 510.001 Is.— R—St NW., St 1.— 2003 $1,500000' 51.500,000 street GP 75 eMNY trV•Ldm mCMeaed 2003 3100000: $10,000 Sven USA .-enp. ur..4pU— 2003 5125000 5125000 I Elm Der 10 Pan aldOWuudon-Patin 2W3 325,000 3T5, ON I E10n 0. CP m01eHg1uM0 2003 $25,000 125000 j ,E—Deo Rrvemmt b Oat o - Ma 2003 $3500 535 000 I jst PNY01 e.m—f...bd TF WT 2W3 $30,000; "a 00 Rahne r—b.Qe pNl'S03 2003 $15000 315 Wo i - .. ,. 1 .. GENERAL:UND TOTAL SL571 uo 5303.230 S2.MA O 5124000 GRAIO)TOTAL GENERAL pAO. I _. ..i i/4t4T,atA� it.t5;1S5r' pA52,0Wi ���_ {12.OM�� Ml1ENtxCEEWY.+ttCAPOaPBWG 44 t1tlAk GnNrtiONafpf a, 27 a ." Iz ": B 7: 3 M 2.= Z z Z` o =,z 00 'im !i! CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 PARKS FUND PmndNl Sources of Financing ( 6lfdpst ( 1'> pmp" AWL/ ( Fund0vdX lPmN 0-0pum ! TMy Cost Teas BOMhrg Sources aca IRep8554.4 John Dame Irapa LBBB f25.000� (11,000 (Pa rks "I.— of temwv for WBvm Cam tBBD $31,006 532.000 IParwa Soo anm t990 82,0001 (2,000 (Parka Adopta-pmk program ,BBB f5,ODD1 $5.000 I (Parka co—mty c9afea $'M$5,OD0II $50001 1Pana COrmap a aea Sontrm I IBfg I 85,00011 $50001 Perchaw Py,ar, of Emmmch seen 20 Park, m%M I ,BBB I 130,00011 130,D00� IParka Play rdrupae anpWmnanU tt5,000� 515.000 Pada Name Creek Pei enpowm is I 1899 85,00011 $5.0001 Parke K,wr Fame Park I 1990 1 523,0001( 123.9001 Parka (113) of kgftwv raw Mlle - NSP Park I ,890 1 $20,0001 520.0001 Parka Survey 6-taq dome I ,999 ( $5.000 $5.0001 1 Parka (3) monanam Kno ( ,898 I ss 0001+ samaI Park: IRwa Me Park m+ -Wns". ,909 1 $85,0001 $05,0001 IDrmga Pak Wwmo t. f IM S20,00011 120.0001 lIPa. Pa,ka PSM. -Mas Or aEHm-Perk I im $15,00011 $15,0001 (Park: ISOo- fpdd devalo-SM- radwaad I 4999 $2500011 f25,000I IPervs IPaOway • Meadow Oak W M4ldle Sctd 1 1899 »0,00011 $100001 PW,way • Rwa ROW PW. to MOON IStlmm Parks 1 ,899 860,00011 125.000 Parka ICR 75 umMnoase 1 t98p 380.0001) 550.000 Palle Iceman mua 1 1899 85DoJI 1500 (Parka 1teWpkd.oenmd mora I ie89 1 51300011 323000 I Parka IPamway • Mas 0r. mtroagh ~P I ,998 I HD. J H0.000 11999 PARKS FUND TOTAL 1 $129.600il . S31TAD 880,. PmndNl Sources of Financing T -*A EnftW" Fadsrs9Ta Fen Fund Fwal $s Aid TS Spschd Ste RaMK0 Other Reralkwa 8019 as Te:p Rsasrwes Rsssn Sources I I� ( I I � I $14000 1 I i I 7 I I I I I I I I I I I ( ( 1 $20,0001 I i I I I I W 000 l j I j v a_, o- 127 127 07 G C1-- a^ Cr-- o CI7 ® ® II Potentia, Source of Financing Ia I General Special Entarpdsa Feden9 rullee TF Fund 1 I 1 Bu0gq 1 1 fart I As,n.1 I Fund I State Aid I TIF I a SPecb, I Balance I OObr Fundl0ePL Oestri ptbn Tw Cost Tissue Bonding Revenues 6 Grant Tan R-venue Resarr-s Source 1Park9 etlmduing somvare 2000 I 52,00011 32.000 IParka Babrce of IS TEA patray-CR 110 2000 $100.0001 $100,000 ,Pk:Adopr.9.paA IR—. pops- 2000 :5,0001 :5,000 IParka C—rdy cdetaauons I71f 2000 $5,ODOI :5.000 1 1Parkb 1Con"Cl reed epraymp 1 2000 $5.0001 35000 1 IPem land acdulan— I 2000 330.0001 530 000 jPark: Parks (Play unxt.0" provemems 2000 $40.0001 Sao 001) Paris Paa 1(3)—nierntigns +I] 2000 $10.00011 :10,000 1 I I 1Pans 1Rrp Pa k ennancementa 1 2000 :20.00011 $20.0001 I I I I I IParka IBrowna—afar 1 2909 1 $4.00911 $4,901 I I I I I IParka 1Tudeeratnt 00 1 201 $8.00011 $60001 I I I I I I I 1Ppk: ISI (4 -amn 12000 I 3,o.o99l1 $+0.0991 I I I I I I I IParka 1Lerld,tepe rake S bwbr tp akE user 1 2000 1 $7,00OI1 $],0001 I 1 I l I 1 I `Parke 1Repletet•tonDunkadump 1 2000 1 $35.000j1 $75,0001 I I I I I l '2009 PARKS FUND TOTAL 1 1 11276.00011 370.0001 1 I 1 1 13D,0001 1 l 1Perkb 2001 $50001 :5,900 1 1Parkf Commumry ,mbbauons 2001 :5.000 $5.000 1 P-rkb jAcIM-0-pain,program Cenped reed 4Pr-Ym9 2001 35.0001 15.000 1Parks Pam land e(:dulaRmr, 2001 330,000` !70000 + 1Perks PINY apuCura onprwmmenu 1 2091 S-0.000I1 $40,009 1Parks 1(3) monument sena 1 2001 1 $10.00011 3,0,OOD1 I 1 I IParka IMT trackless pathway --Corm 1 2001 1 376.00011 676.0001 1 l IParka 1Rnnn Park ennancaments 1 2001 1 $20.00011 320.0001 I I I I I I 12001 PARKS FLOW TOTAL 1 1 $193,00011 5167,11001 I 1 1 I 1300001 r 1 1Parks I)211 nallmd trenn 2002 s,,.000� :,,.9991] 1 IParka (Replace 955 John Owe tractor I 2002 I (20,00011 320,0001 IParka Mara weary w"'C" 2002 :9.0001111] 39 ODO IParka IBWp hog U-dp anaClmerd Ill] Ill] 2002 $4,4001 $4000 Parks 114 ton van 1 2932 $20.000IjI1 320,0001 _ I 12002 1 PARKS FUND TOTAL 1 {Be,000p SKMI I I I I l nAREMEACELdnCMAPIYPBL OG u5 IZMW ■ a KM ffn Cr-- 27-- Q.a Q-= T' Pobntlai 8{Kuca 4t Finan[Inp Ouwal BDSc1d E+tOtlDAN FadwW Tn.* FMS Fund ■ PT" ( FUM90SPt ( OMoryuim COO a BoodkV Revenues a Oran■ Tn" Revenue Raaama Source Pwm flim) ofVomwbacxr" I 2W3 S1S.500 {18.590 I I I I o I W01 PARKS Fl9S? TOTAL ItB.SOD 116A90� (_ - �-• itATSA90�909-T pD.999� � iS5.99C� I f89,900� iti,919I 1 KAREMEXCELYOCKY.APINPSUDOXLSt2/3= PWFa9s 10 i GRAND TOTAL LIBRARY FUND KARENIEACELFOCKCAPIMPBUDGALS IMM ( $7;..A W-1 I 2-: g" ff' II 7 2:; u :7 :2'z a- r Gil -W ! M. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 LIBRARY FUND Paiantml Sourtn of F—ming ( Gananl Spda1 EntHW prI FadMV Trunk Fnit F.W ! Sint I Proprif Aa I Furnd t State Aid TIF ( SSpcift Baianca Ottner funWOa WacrlptlRn ! If( Tun Bandl Rarantwa I aGranta I tarn I R—n— RneryI u Srw." trIXa+y t+orary mW 1989 !25.000 ' $15000 Ube L,Drur od wallreplace 1980 $75000 lu� n OW f�0.o00( li,o Ln ery nnc reps 1999 _ 525000 I +I`'j5000 ii fn 00o� I'M LIBRAI Y FUND TOTAL I I $taS 0001) $20.0001 I I I ( I 1/2S,00DI Liaary tra 20I4 $20,000ii I I! I z� „ow =,zU I 100 USURY FUND TOTAL I 7$,00A $7$.0001 I I I ! ( $200.0001 GRAND TOTAL LIBRARY FUND KARENIEACELFOCKCAPIMPBUDGALS IMM ( $7;..A W-1 I k G= Cr-- G= W-- M a "• =3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 COMMUNITY CENTER IGRARD TOTAL COIDNMW CENTER KARE?&XCUVMK�{,'AP0B-0 XLS' MINI IaaTaoao� � _ sascD,9DDI suso991 si.saD.Dwl ( ( ssaoao9' s�s9,a99� I11.1.. of Fk i�q 09n�n1 _ ap1eW .Prize famV TwMI— fund !. I ( I I � � � I � fuodv"* _ DwcApVw C«$ ft.» ow4fti Itmo^n &moi Tua Rw Rg S—n Ico.� � mo ,999 $9.67S.000I II $5.900.0001 S22S.0Wj $1.500.0001 I I s900A001 $150.000!7 cuff" TOTAL "riaTaAm _ ( !mcoMMIROTT I si90400D� {t25000) stA00.000� s900A90l MAW] IGRARD TOTAL COIDNMW CENTER KARE?&XCUVMK�{,'AP0B-0 XLS' MINI IaaTaoao� � _ sascD,9DDI suso991 si.saD.Dwl ( ( ssaoao9' s�s9,a99� 1 ■-' Q, Q- 8- m- Z- Gam, 2" 37, =" ^7 L,— = CW7 WW CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 HRA FUND Pol .ti.1 M... W Financing GmM SPUW EnWpd- Fed—Y Trunk Fe Fu", I I PMps ty AMU I FurM I Sta%Aid I TIF Iru S SpecW SaL n I O1Mr I FunCTeoL Oe rlpti- Yar Coal Tam Ba1Aing Rslranua a Goan Tua Rel — Reserves Sources HRA 114 Dart 11na eWuuitgn pBNn1 1099 175,000 375,000 H RA nal II] I I , 1 I35 HRA D- C—, —1. W-npp�� ! 1999 311 ,25000' S11,225 500I 11777 NM FUND TOTAL I I MI.- I I I I I 1121.2391 I 1 1HRA —d, cool-tLnl -1— 2000 St 1,2501117 )HRA ICD IM park 1114 BC""' --penal 2000 I I 775,000 � 1 I , 575.000 HRA Rn -trans w14 awuaGron penal 2000 535 000 135,000! 12000 NRA FUND TOTAL I 1 $121.7nI1 I I I I 1121.2301 I 1 JHRAj H� p-k—tF1%M > panWll 1 I I I 1 2001 $15.25011 $1' 2501 12001 HRA FUNDI) TOTAL I I 7171.25011 I 1 I 1 1121.2301 1HRA114 perk IaW acpWnu. penal 2002 S50,001 550.000 HRA IRCI-1-11114 12002' I I I I 11 210 I ,NRA ao0wf�:�On�panal S35,00011 ._ _ _ 1)1,9001 12002NRAFUNDTOTAL I III I I I 1 196.1 1 1 KAREMEa CELkR1CKlCAPIMPBUDGkLS 1239! HRAtu14 ape 13 !- ! �' Q� Q Q Lia CT: =-- = CX7 OW IM P..tie, sou.. of FhuxMp t11 I Fiwnwf I 80 r ( FuMIMAE i Orf "Oftn (' `Coat. Tun ftmft R Tun li�wnwa 1 Ron" $om" MRA ICammwutrimtarcmu+owan 00, HRA J 7003 Stt.2501�ft5.2i0� Y I ftN,7f0 7003 NRA RAID TOTAL f1N.t50 1 DRAW TOTAL NRA FUND ,, .1 1 .2,A. I f - I I .,..I Cl I T-1 K&FMMVCELAICXCAPMO'8=x1.s' IVW 4 HRA4 Wftye 14 3e• _ . �..�. ®� �_, �'—' 4i'._' C;---' —' v 07— ZM --- �.:=� .moi_ ` !'!U QW $w 4W Md CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999 - 2003 SEWER FUND tARENlFXCELRrcwYAPtVP0UDGnS 12!148 S—[Pape 15 IPPlaniial Sources OI Ftnan<Ing Glomal Spaclal EMMA" Fa0 nU Trun! Foca Fo.0 SUCga1 RoPatly AWW FunO ( Soffit Aid A TIF S Spoc41 Stiff.". ta FundlDopL I Ocnp0on 1 rtnr ( cop Taaaa Gong Ro+onuy aGnnta Toaaa Raltonun Raaorvao S-." S—, Us— al—,ot.—tuck1999 SIOp= 3100,000 S— Put". 2 atlas 8 t.ma el b.W as .1. 1999 $144,090 $144 ODD Sewer NmI-m,l • 4 bcwg w nasi 1999 S43 wo 343,000 Sawn Na` 4.4 "y vahft 19" Its a00 , ^_ So Soo 1994 SEWER FUM TOTAL I ( 3293,309 I I ( I I 5151.5001 S/H,D001 JSewar �SE Ates Punk saws( ( 2000 5500,0000 ( 1 ` 3500,0 0i j I- I I ( ( I T I S�•�I —n SEWERRM TOTAL 9900,.1 is— Intl 0l aaad.nal l.ttn lruCh 2001 $70000'1 I Sig 999j I i I S— IR—eU.sysiamsinren. 1 200, I $17.500! 517.5001 2001 SEWER FURD TOTAL I i 331 I I 321,5001 I I I Sewe1 ( 2002 l2002 SEWER FUNO TOTAL tARENlFXCELRrcwYAPtVP0UDGnS 12!148 S—[Pape 15 or_- or_, CM� � s,� � €� m w m ear s !� Parm,ld eourcn W FwOcltrp I FurMtOtFL I OaaeAp0oa { Ttlr i Coa ` Twn Sandb* Rawars a ��y graft F.n Fwd j BWRM Prop" AMU Fwd Stats AN _t rIP fsPKW ostm I OtMr I ran Rarmna< Rnann sources 4)ofvp=bwjum 2W3 Isawe 'rrst �fnurw4 ravJ7v nwa 2oar ( sszoo owl stfaso� { s7500001 Asa I Now 1.94 trww aaaAr aom% I 2003 I s7wowl - I I. SEWER FtIND TOTAL GRA!!D TOTAL SEWER FtW aAREXeXrEWOCKCAP1ytP811 -KLStZ*U so odpa0et0 MREN1EACELW1CK1CAPtMo8UD0elS 12r.M Cr-_- 7'� 217; -- w 4mr I Mll, m m - v- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 WATER FUND PolonUai Source of Financing OMral mpl Ele Fe4Ai swan Attend Pmwny A.mtJ Fund sem nue and I TIF a Special I a Specs I Bnanlu Ouwr I FunwoaPL I DescrlPUon I TnP I ton Taaes Balding Rmales a Grano Tues s Reswvo 9ourcn l 99 fl],000I IP—Petalm NSNrvaa"'o"I 1888 I 3250 .00011 I !250,0001 i'l", 1888 WATER FUND TOTAL I I 5367.OBaII I flSO,OODI tt].00DI I I I I 1 Wa:n I Sol[ I I I I I I 1 1 2000 WATER FUND TOTAL I i {OII I, mi. 11!ll on aOGtoW I.IOn INCL 2001 f20.000� (20,000 `wa:n w aanduueaSgenewa �W� I 200001 I (200,500 I , I I s2000UO R WP:n ome warm eyV.-.10 raoa Slr.soo� 2001 WATER FUND TOTAL I I SSS7,AOOII I I p1,600I I I SSSO,000I IWata I Ree. 1aae mea eyu— 1 2002 1 550001 00 550 12002 WATER FUND TOTAL I I -.II I1 _ 1_ I -.1 I I I I 1 MREN1EACELW1CK1CAPtMo8UD0elS 12r.M TOTAL WATER FtWOi9fTAFDry {7S6,OW� WT.000) f60D,000� KAREMEXCELWICKCAPWM=XL9 IMM wxwms{p is l`y FmnrtlKl sollrcaa a FwlK,lla Gularal '90'. Em.gNa FaMMU TnMb Feel F..d DYav MP*ft pTeap AMU Fund Scott Aid TlF Special aRllvr►nuRa I FuaWtDaDL DaeAOUoll �Ca[ Rarxpla Gama Tan Rptrves Source =�� i JR—smot:oa i � �wo� ! 1 1 I ; 6�! I1—WATER FUND TOTAL TOTAL WATER FtWOi9fTAFDry {7S6,OW� WT.000) f60D,000� KAREMEXCELWICKCAPWM=XL9 IMM wxwms{p is CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 SHADE TREE FUND PotanWl So—n OI F—mirlB GanWW SWCW EnWWW4 Fa0NA0 Trunk Fas Fund SudOM pt@ tT AueU Fund Stab AW TIF S Spacial each— Other FumWDepL I DsMpLbn I Tsr I Coat Taas somu l0 Rawmra 6 Grants Tus Annus Raaervs Source sw000 Shaft r IUaed wales b—k rep—M I 1000 1 f20,ODDp I I 1 1 320,0001 11000 SHADE TREE TOTAL I I 020.00011 I I I I I I 3240001 IsnaaeTrae Ieru.n=. I toxo I 3100011 I I I I I I s1.0001 I 2000 SHADE TIME TOTAL I I .1-11 I I I I I I 01.0001 Too 1 I 2001 I $0111 I I I I I I I I IShud. 2001 SHADE TREE TOTAL I I fWI Isnade nee 1 _ j 2002 J s:,jJl�__jI_ I I I I I I 2002 SHADE TREE TOTAL +II I`ISnadeT— jpf21ofuswbckefe000 j 2002 j s10.00011 I —I_- I I I j sl0000l I TREE TOTAL I I $10•��I._.___ I2W7 SHADE GRAND TOTAL SHADE TREE I I SHA00II I I I I I I fat,000I I "RENE XCELV ICK1CAMUPBUDC aLS 12r&W Snap wp.De 19 : -r =_ CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN 1999-2003 LIQUOR FUND IPotential Sources of Fmencmg Gral ela Special Enterprise FadanO TrunL I— FundBudgq Propen rty I I Fund I State Aid I 71F I S Spacial I S.W.C. I Omar FundlDapL Description Year Coq Ter Bondi Ra+enuae S Grants Tun Revanuea Reserves Sources Lulus ICommunoy cenle, —:.out— r 1 1 1999 � S2W 00011 I I flop WO I I I I I IM LIQUOR FUND TOTAL I I Q90,000II I I (100,0001 I 1 I 1 1'yr 20M JW— I`Cemmuntvca a contnpuuon,I— 2 I m I $2WOM I I :200,OWI 12000 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL I I —,—II I I ..00..I ILquo ICanmunuy center contnwtum, yT 3 1 2001 1 $300.00011 I l 3200.0001 I I I I [001 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL .[00.000 .SOD,000 1 1 IC--.ry conte, conlnpuLen, y, a 12002 I S2op000li I I lim ow] I I I I ILQ— [00[ LIQUOR FUND TOTAL I I .[00,00011 I I .[00,0001 ILq— ICOmmun,ly [CnIer OOninUutuun, y, s I 2000 I M SII I I S200,000I I I I I jII 2003 LIQUOR FUND TOTAL 11 ,O�II ° I I {[00.0001 1 I I I I GRAND TOTAL LIQUOR FU4D " N,.OD,000 r 11,300,OOD • •. , KAREMF_.XCEORICK1CMINPBUDG XLS IMM L.ZL-fPdpe 20