City Council Agenda Packet 02-17-1975MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Tentative Agenda Special meeting - February 17, 1975 - 7:30 P. M. City Hall MAYOR: Con Johnson COUNCILMEN: Stanley Hall, Dick Martin, Gene Walters, Denton Erickson. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. 1. Approval of minutes - Jan. 23, 1975 & Jan. 27, 197$. 2. Consideration of topographic maps. 3. Discussion of split liquor and consideration of election date, election judges. 4. Review fire costs to Township. S. Discussion of Dutch elm disease program. 6. Discussion of snow removal policy. 7. Discussion of street equipment needs and maintenenco building. 8. Discussion of divider into Monticello Mall area. 9. Discussion of Sanitation Disposal contract. 10. Decision on remodeling of City Hall. 11, Discussion of appointment of Building Inspector. 12. Review of projocted budget for 1975. 13. Discussion of Punctional Industries. 14• OC OVO4.%-C65 Enclosures for Council: proposed chagao to Township on fire costs. Mailing to: Orr-Schalon-Maycroo-A & Assoc. Don Smith - Monticello Time* Mike Holm - KRWC - Buffalo • 1 _ _ - CHAPTER 1 r BEER ; Sc-CTIONt'- jj 3-1- le , ' Provisions of State Low Adopted . '. •t ; J -I--1- 21 Liconso Req 3 3s ApplicationssiuFor License' 3-1- 4: License Foes I i n 3-1- 5: Granting of License t 1 3-1- 61 Persons Inolipibte For License I 3-1- 7e& Places IAol;g;ola For License 3-1- as Conditions of License 3.1- 9s.., Closing Flours 3-1-101 Clubs 3 -1 -lis Re6117C1ions an Purchase and Consumption 3-1-IYt'. Revocation s t 3.1 -It PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW ADOPTEM The provisions of j Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 340, with reference to the definition of tenor, Opp Iicotion s for license, granting of 1; can so, condi tion a of license, restrictions on consumption, provisions on sales, conditions of bonds of license&, hours of I01e, and all other matters pertoining to the retp8 sale, distribution, and consumption of non-intoxicotino liquor are hereby adopted i and modea fort off this Chapter as if fully set out heroin, except as modified ( herein. �) I ' 3-1-21 LICENSE RECUIREDI 1 (f) No porsott, except wholesalers and manufacturers to the extent author heel by law, shall deal in or dispose of by gift, sale or otherwise, or keep or offer for sale, any beer within the Village without first having , received o license as Mreinoftereovided. .Ei�• a.beeLawo t (B) "On We" licenses shgli be ®routed only tobono fide clubs, beer stores, restaurants and hotels where Food is prepared andserved for consump-' 1 1 tion on the promises. -On Sole" licenses shall permit the sole of bear for coesumptian on the premises only. (Cl--mmat,"i VrTft heTaft6"mrm-ft" f; in "original i t pswge.fe�•. • , .. � t -17- ?.f i ! 3-1-31 APPLICATIONS FOR LICENSEt Every opplicationfor alicense to sell beer sholl be made on a form supplied by the Village and &hail state the name of the applicant, his obe, representations as to his t t cherocter with such raforences as may be required, his citizenship, «whNher - • business in with cel: tr.e t 'off ole•-, the connection tt d its location, whether applicant (ttr�R prtf..a. : M,k is owner and operator of the business, how long he hos been in that business at that place, and such other information as the Council may require from t time to tiny. It shall berunlowful to moke any false statement in an oppli- cation. Applications shall be fiiea with the Clerk. (0rd.49; 1-4-65) r ' 3-1-41 LICENSE FEES: Each application for a license shall be occom- Troosurer for in full ponied by a receipt from the payment of the required fee for the licanse. All fees shoji be poid into the General t Fund of the Village. Upon rejection of any application for o license, the Treasurer shall refund the omountpaia. All licenses shau expire on the test be issued for ; day of June in each year. Eacn license shall a period of one ysor, except that V a portion of the license year hos eloped when the oppli- • cation is made, o license may be issued for the remomder of the year for 1. { o pro rate fee. 1n computing such fee, any unexpired fraction of o month • shall be counted as one month. (". !. • , �W, � �. .. i i The annual fee for an *On Soli license shall be one hundreo ochors (5100.00). I 1 T 4fcatfsixhottbififie.rrdoWer"645.00). ' t No pore of the fee paid for any license issuso unGer this Chapter shall be refunded where o license is revoxed, but there shall oe refunded a pro rata i portion of the fee for the unexpired period of the license upon cancellation. ! 3.1-51 GRANTING OF LICENSE: The Council @hail investigate oil r 1 focis set out in rite opplicotion. Opportunity shall be given Ll p t to any person to be heard for or against rine granting of the license. After t such investillotion and hearing rhe Council shall grant 0r refuse the appll• CationIn its dlscistion. Each license shall be Issued to the applicant only and shall not be trona t fsrobie to onother holder. Each license shall be )sma oniy for the premien described in the application. No license may be transferred to another place without the approval of the Council. (01:44 o9! 1 4- 3-1.61 PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR LICENSE& No license shell be f-1 granted to any persons j (N Under' twenty one ( years of age. J r - • is J t • 4 3-1-6 i ;w~; t (8) Who has boon convicted of o felony, or of violating the National Pro- ( hibition Act or' ony low of the State or local ordinance relating to the , _ monufactura or transportation of intoxicating liquors. Who is o morwfaeruror of boor or who is interested in the control of any place whore beer is morwfoctured. ' (0) Who is not of good moral character. (F) Who is or during the period of this license becomes the holder of o ' d _ Federal retail liquor dealers Special tax sromp for the sole of intoxi- cating liquor of on( place unless there has also been issued to him a local license to intoxicating liquor call at such place. (f) Who is not the pioprierar of the establishment for which the license is f'7 issued. _ LJ ; (G) Who is not a resident of the State of Minnesoto. (Ord. 611 3-7-66) 3.1-7t PLACES INELIGIaLE FOR LICENSES I 1 ~ (!) No licenso'sholl be Granted for sale on any promises whore a licensee has boon convicted of the violation of this Cnopter, or of the Slate beer ( I or liquor law, or where any license hereunder hos been revoked for cause until one year hos elapsed offer such conviction or revocation, 1 (8) No on sale license aholl be granted for any place within onethousand j feet (1,0001) of any public school or within one thousand fast (1,0001 of any church. (Q on ole• licence shall bq ranted for 0 mess ore hich hos n�n o�sonrte eEive o ► of cost six _ _ (b nthiimmedim� pregading�he epplico001% for o tcinse. t _3.1.81 CONDITIONS OFVLICENSE t (sV Every license shall be granted subject to the conditions in the following _ rq wbssctions and all other provisions of this Chapter and of any other 1 .•A applicable provision of this Code. ° (6) All licensed promises shall have the license posted Ina amspicuous place at all times. t (C) No beer shall be sold or sewed to any intoxicated person or to any 1,.1 person under MAty one 00 years of age. n� 4 be the of j (0) No minor under twenty one shod employed on promises a i o beer store'ar be permitted to sell ar serve beer in any "an sole", t t etablishment, 1 ` (E) No gambling or any gambling device shall be permitted on any licensed 1. S i. promises. h (F) No manufacturer or wholesaler of beer shot) have any ownorsh;p•of r 1 or interest in an ostobtishment licensed to call at retail contrary to + the provisions of M.S.A. 340.02. No retail license and manufacturer or wholesaler of boor shall ba parties to any exclusive purchase con- tract. No retail licensee shall roco;vo any benefits contrary to low from wholesaler base no such manufacturer a manufacturer or of and or wholesaler shallcanfer any benefits contrary to low upon o recoil t 1 licensee. (G) No licensee shall sell beer while holding or exhibiting in the licensed 4 pro ;sea a Federal retail liquor dealer's spacial tax stomp unless he is licensed under the law* of Minnesota to sell intoxicating liquors. l t (tQ No licensee who is not also licensed to sell intoxicating liquor shall t " sell or rmit the consumption or display of intox;cotinp liquors an the licensed prom;&*$ or servo any liquids for the purpose of mixing with ; intoxicating liquor. The presence of;ntoxicot;ngliquors on the promises f `� of such o b.censas shall be prima facie evidence, of possession of ;Atex;- } eating liquors for the purpose of sale; and the serving of any liquid for t the purpose of mixing with intoxicating liquors shall be prima facto t evidence that intoxicating liquor is being permitted to be consumed or t t displayed contrary to this Chapter. (t) Any peva officer shall have 'the'vnqualif;ed right to enter, Inspect during business hours i and scorch the promises of a licensee without i a starch and se;ture warrant and may w;xe all Intoxicating liquors !„"y b found an the licensed premises. (i) Every licenses shall be responsible for the conduct of the plate of , business and shall maintain conditions of sobriety and order. (Qrk � :..1 49t-i�"+�t51) i (1() Every license* except a private club lianses'sholl not conduct bust - nese on the premises between the hours of one o'clock (It00) A.M. Saturday Inclusive, and eight o'clock (8:00) A.M. Monday through or . an 0:Y Sundayy between the hours of one o'clock (1100) A.M. and twelve the i p, o'etock (i2t00) coon, nor permit the presence of customers on premises between the hours of one thirty o;clock (L30) AM. and t Saturdoy;ncluslve,oron ony S, („`, t o'clock (8:00) A.M. Monday through n betprsen the hours of one thirty (1130) A.M. and twelw'o'ak (12:00 t neon. (Ord. ser ,1445) r-� • r 1 1 • ,. ii -1-D 3-1-i2 1 1` 1 3-1-9t CLOSING HOURSs No sole of nonintoxicating liquor shall be made ori.any Sunday between the hours of one o'clock (1:00) . j .'A.M. and twelve o'clock (12.00) noon, nor between the hours of one o'clock •} {�j (1,00) A.M. and eight o'clock (8:00) R.M. on any election day in the dial?ict• t t I in which the election shall be held except that the governing body of 6ny M municipality may allow such solo in such municipality during such lours whilo t only o .Village election is being hold in such municipality. No 'sale shell be .., made between the hours of one o'clock (itOO) A.M. and eighty clock-(8:GO) I'•.,' A.M. an any week day Monday through Saturday inclusive. ("' 3-1-10i CLUBS: No club shall sell hoer except to members'ond to t guests inNhe company of mombers. 3-1-111 RESTRICTIONS ON PURCHASE AND CONSUMPTION: (A) No minor shall misrepresent his age for the purpose of obtaining beer. I (8) No person shall induce o minor to purchase or procure beer. t (C) No person other than the parent or legal guardian shall peootre beer , . i for any minor. . (D) No -minor shall have beer in his possession with the intent to consume it at o place other than the household of his parent of guordion. (E)' No person shall consume or display any Intoxicating liquor on the prem- { i I fees o1.0 licsns�o who is not also licensed to sell intoxicating liquors. 3-1-121 REVOCAT10Nt A licence granted under the provisions of this Chapter shall be suspended or revoked by the Council for the } following reasonss In the event said licenses is convicted of o violalon of this Chapter or f low relating to the sots or consumptioof intoxluting any n ron I ltStole maliquor his license shall be suspended for o period of five (S) days i upon the first conviction. i (B) In the event said license holder is convicted o second tins, hlf license' /( shall be suspended for a period of thirty (30) days, ( f (C) in the event said license holder shell be convicted for o third time. his license shall be revoked. j t The violation of any provision or eonLitionof tAtsCho�rer hyo beer Ileensee � The l ' t 1 1 or his client shall t o ground for "vocation or suspension of the Ucenat•. g license of any person w�o holds o Federal retail liquor dealer's special fox N r i 3-i•12 s»I-i2 �:� + stomp without a license to soil intoxicofing liquors of such place sholl be t� ( t J revoked without notice and without hearing, in all other cotes, a license t granted under this Chapter may be revoked or suspended by the Council $ { after written notice to the licenses and o public hearing. The notice shall + j give of least eight (8) days' notice of the time and place of the hearing and , + �• shall stat* the nature of the charges against the lic*nse*. The Council suspend license hearing any pending o on revocation or suspension. (017 491 1-4.65) 3 ni ' 1F 1 1 CHAPTER 2 . LIQUOR , SECTIONt I 3-2- it Provisions of State Law Adopted ' 3-2- 21 License Ragvirad 3-2- 31 Aepl;cotion For Licence { r 3.2- 4: license Fees 3-2- 5: Granting of Licenses 3-2- 6: Persons !heli ;alis For License 3-2- 7t Places 1neCplbte For License 3-2- 81 Cohd;t;ons of License 3.2- 9t. ,. Restrictions an Purchase and Consumption 3.2-101 . Revocation � 1 1 3-2-is PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW ADOPTED: The provisions of Minnesota Stotutes, Ciwplor 340, with reference to thn def;ni- t;on of terms, applications for license, granting of license, conditions of i license, restrict;ons on consumption, provisions on sales, eonu;t;ons of • bonds of licenses, hours of sale, and are other matters pertaining to she retail sole, oislribut;on, and consumption of intoxicating liquor are nerery adopted and made a port of tills Charter as if fully set out hersir, except t as mooMed herein. t � t 3-2-21 LICENSE REGUIREDS No person except wholesalers ormani - focfurers to the extent ou6orizeu under State license, sunll directly or Indirectly deal Iry sell or keep for Sailsout ;nfoxiwfir 11 or without first having received a license to act so as provided in this Chapter. t Licenses shall be of threat (3) klndo (1)'On sale' license, (2)'Off sobs license and 0) Club Ifcenses. tf 3.2-3: APPLICATION FOR LICENSEt (A) !.very o,piiem;on for a license to sell liquor Shull be ver;fled and pied with the Clerk. it shoal have stated the none of that applicant, his cirm, with such references as may be required, his cifitensh;p, whether the application is for on 'on suit' or 'off sols', that business In connection with whish the proposed ;;cense shell operate and its looetion, whether 1 , r + applicant is owner and operator of tho business, how long he has been in that business at that place, and sucholher information as the Council 1 may require. In addition to containing suchinformotion, each application for a license shall be in the form proscribed by the Liquor Control y Commissioner and the Village. Each application for o license here- j = under shall be oeeompon'ad by a cashier's check in the amount of two t ,t hundred dollars (5200.00) which shall be not sub;ect to refund and shall 1bepoid for the purpose of defraying the expense of investigation of, ' 1 soid Opplicont. (B) Each application for a license shall be accompanied by a surety bond, or in lieu thereof, cosh or United Stotes Government bonds of aquivolont marker volue as provided in Minnesoto Statutes 1945, Sec. 340-12. i Such surra�YY bond or other security shall Win the tum of three thousand for llcense•dlod.o.se. t _ dollars (Z,O00.00) for an applicant on on sale (C) The security offered under subsection (a) shall be approved by the Council and in the case of applicants for off so:* licenses by the State Liquor Control Commissioner. Surety( bonds sholl be approved as to form by the Village Attorney. 1 j ' t 3-2-41 . LICENSE FEES( 1 (A) Each application for o license shall be accompanied by o receipt from t the Treasurer for porment in full of the re5u,red foe for the license. All fees shofi be paid into the General Fund of the Village. Upon reisc- 6ondof any application for license, the Treasurer shall refund the amount (B) Licenses herein provided for shall expire June 30 following the issuance thereof, and if issued for less than one year, shall be prorated on a quarterly basis. (Ord -.-GO) (C) The annual fee for an von _sale' license shall be three thousand five e-U44A" ' of hundred dollors (96500-00). T swi-be -tour' 1 .'.%"'. 152W..W.-The annual fee for ospeaiol C3� ifv 3,2N (P) club license shall be one hundred dollars (5100.00). (bft) 1t rt ' bcs"T" Lfrnes& in a k.t Drfusr. 4v r.rlrw , 7N 41. n.var..,� cute► No any 'fee shall be except as authorised under w. refund of permitted Minnesota Statute$, Seellan 340,112. IN E.c¢erC - 3-2•5t GRANTING OF LICENSES( The Council shall Investigate all , facts set out in the application. Opportunity shell be given to any person to be heard for oragolnsttheronllna of the license. After such In �. t Investigation and, hearing the Council shell grout or refuse the oppilootion r iredisoretion. 671 ` ,' a t , I,•J + n l e Each license shall be issued to the applicant ontb/ . Each license shall be issued only for the promises described in the Opplicotion. No license may be transferred to another person or. to another place without the opproval o! the Council, 1 ' 3-2-61., PERSONS INELIGIBLE FOR LICENSE: No license shall be " { j grantod to or hold by any pporion mode inoligUo for ouch a license Inv State low. No hhconso shall ba issued to on Individual who is a nonresident of the Village or to o corporation which does not have its principal place of business in the Village. (; 3-2-7t PLACES INELIGIBLE FOR LICENSEt Noon solo license shall { be granted except after a public hcoring hes bean field upon at least ten (10) days published notice of such hearing. Tho cost of sold public hearing shall be borne by the applicant. Na on solo license shall be granted to any parson who does not have invested or does not propose to invest in the fixtures and structure of the proposed on sole *stab]Ishmont, oxclusivo of lord, onomountofat(eostonetlwldrad�iF', \.... ' Uapw(Si90;a0tIpC0), fG ' ' ("1 The Council may provide for anindepondontappraisal of oppl;cont'o expense , l �•. as on old in determining the value of said promises. In the event Gtis ' roquhroment as to Investmont is not complied with within one yoo; from the f ,. dors of issuanco of the lhconso, the liconss may be revoked. t 3-2-61 • CONDITIONS OF LICENSE' Every license shall be granted subject to the conditians in the following subsection and all other provisions of this Chapter and of any other applicable t provisions of this Code it State low. (A) Every licensee shall be responsible for the conduct of his place of t "! business and the conditions of sobriety and order in it. { L. t (8) Any plots officer, health officor,or any propori designated officer t or employee of the V1lh;e shall have the unqualified 49ht to enter, inspeot and search the ppromises of the license* during business (Ord. 88) i t hours without a warrant. t (C} Every licensee, except a private club licensee shall not conduct business on the promises between the tours of one o'clock (ItOD) A.M. and *I ht OiOD) A.M. Monday through Saturday lneluelve,oron any Sunday o'clock between hours IA) A.M,ttnd twelve o'clock (121GO the of one o'clock coon, nor permit the presence of customers on the premleas between the hours of one thirty o'clock (1130) A.M. and etyht o'clock (B:OG) A.M. > j Monday through Saturcioy Inclusive, or on any Sunday bmween the hours of one thirty o'cloclt (00) A.M. and twelve O'clock (12;O0) Mon, _ howvvor, further provided that no Intoxicoting liquor may be sold or n t served on Sunday, whether directly or indirectly, except between the hours of twelve o'clock (12:00) roan and twelve o'clock (12t00) midnig%t, and then only In conjunction with the serving of food to persons who ore seated at tables within the licensedprem4es. (Ord, h18i aend. 1969 Cade) i l 1 "• If s•i'a 3-2-1u , v (0) All real *stat* taxes assessed against the licensed premises and all personal property taxes assessed aGoinst an/ psrsaneI proporty to- in, %ofi cot*d cal or upon the licensed premises i» paid ar caused to be paid when duo by t?te Iicansoe, providod, however, that in tlso event file licsnse@ and/or i'xi owner of my Ikensed premises shall duly r" contest the validity ant(/or amount of any said real astoto or personal i •, property tax according to low, said tax need not be paid until thirty (30) days afar the final judicial determination of the validity aWar omwnt of said tax, (Ord. 121; 9-7-71) , _2 L .i 3-2-9t RESTRiCTIONS ON PURCHASE AND CONSUMPTION, (A) No minor shall misrepresent his age for the purpose•ofobtatnirg i� f intoxicot;rg Iigvor. (8) No person shall Induce o minor to purchase or procure liquor. (C) No liquor $holt be sold or consumed on a public highway or In an automobile. (Ord 86) + , (0) Nopp@roan :holt consume any infoilkafing:squoron any public land in the Viitop- paeaalUe, *)cc@pt ),y Speciol Porrp;f Granted by the A:Uage. , . a �i (Ord. 131; 6-4-73) t. r 3.2-101 REYOCATIONs The Council rttay suspend or revoke any liquor. license for vio:ation of any provision or condition of the pro- vision: hereof or any State low r*Guloting the sale of i tolikatlnG liquor or GAY false statement in the Application. (Oro. iia) • i i 971 It CHAPTER 3 L:OUOQ BY. `i He Gn:NK f"`' SECTION: 3-3=1: License Roquirod , 3-3-2: Apphcotioti For Liconso 3-3-3: License Foos 3-3-4s Applkobility l,•J 3-3-11 LICENSE REQUIRED; 'b shall be unlawful for any private club or public place, directly or indirectly, or upon any pro- by device tho diaploy intoxmnting . I torso, or any to allow consumption or of , liquor or tho serving of any liquid for the pvr?oso of mining with intoxi- R cating liquor without first having obtalned opermtt tharafor from the Liquor Control Commissioner or, providod in Minnesota Statutes, Cnaptoe 34.0, and ^ o license therefor from the V:lioge. 3-3-21, APPLICATION FOR LICENSEt Everyoppiication forolkanse ('! under this Chapter shall be made on a form suppl:oa by the 1 Village and shall state the norno of the applicant, his age, reprosenin6ons as to his character, with such reference as tnoy be requirod, lue cititen- ship, the business in connection with whichtheproposod license will operate I (` and 'ts location, whether applicant is ownor or operator of the business, how long he has buon:nthat businesant that pian, anti such other informotion that the Council -may require from time to Limo, It shall be unlowlul to make any false statement in an oppiication. Applications shop be filed With r-1 the Cork, 3-3-31 LICENSE FEES: E j (A) Anapplication for o liconsa eholl be accompanied by a rocaipl from toe for license. the Troo vrer for payment in full of the required the Upon rejection of any epplicotion for Ikons►, the Treasurer shall refund +; t the amount paid less twenty five dollars ($23.88), which shall be rotoined as a hondling charge for such oppCcarlon. . 1„ . 1 {O) All I:ancu shall expire on the last day of Juno in each year. Each " license shall be issued for a period of one yyear, except if o porton of license the license year has elapsed when the application is mode, a i It 3-3-3 3-3-4 may be Issued for the romoindar of ilia year for o pro roto fee. In _ computing such fee, any unexpired fraction of o month sholi be counted as one month. (D) The annual fee for the license shell be one hundred dollars ($100.00). i 3-3-43 APPLICABILITYt This Chapter shall not apply loony persons r 1 or premises otherwise Ncensud oy silo Village far the sole of j, ) i intaxlcatinp liquor, Anything to ti» contrary, o parson may %,ply for and obtain o liwnse under this Choptcil while holding a license for the solo of Y nonintoxicating molt beverages. A person may continue to hold a license this Chapter though such would, subsequent to the Ob- ; under even person taining of license under this Chapter, obtain o license for the sole of non - intoxicating molt beverages. (Ord. 54 6.7-65) 1 • 1 1. d r It. ) I CITY OF MONTICELLO Allocation of Fire Department costs - 1974 Fire protection: Salaries $6,064.00 Professional fees 159.50 Telephone 705.08 School 556.79 Gas and oil 250.77 Equipment repair 147.46 Supp Ii os 125.85 Insurance 396.90 11catin6 + 381.80 Bldg. rental value 1,200.00 ($100/month) Snow removal 150.00 Administration coats 150.00 $10,318.15 Less revenue from fire calla to other areas (3,950.00) Not cost $6,365.15 Proposed allocation of Copt: based on oasessed valuation for 19741 93% — Monticello Township $40,330,408 $5,922.38 7% — City of Monticello 2,918,134 445. 77 $6.368. 1 5 * Allocated 40% on basis of footage NOTGa This does not includo any dopreciation factor for Township and City firetrucka. I -ja t I?n 1973 1972 7 Hill Rate ;-cunt mill 1974 12.10 34,411.62 VILLACC nilt Rete A-.ount 6.41 zenior Cittz. .23 726 L.38 lovenue, 6.47 18.691 8.54 Streets 3.71 10,862 1.24 ,?Ire Fund .12 364 .31 ^jtldjn& n1d Bond 19.55 57,045 RccrClition and Park .99 2,883 P. E. R. A - !Civil Defense* —,)loyt a. insurance. :ire ROL at A -id I t I -ja t I?n 1973 1972 7 Hill Rate ;-cunt mill Rate -Z--Dant 12.10 34,411.62 43.10 $ 38,222.6- 6.41 18,095.04 AM 21,929.tL L.38 4,460.24 SO 792.6- 8.54 24,10 7.90 35.20 31.000.E:- 1.24 3,500.44 .31 931.56 1.74 1,497.C- t 1:44iiCkLLO 1974 1973 1972 TOr.11SHIP Hitl Rate Amount Mill Rate Amount Hili Rate 1.+aunt. Revenue ,97 g 39,120.50 .95 $ 40,240.58 .,2.30 $" 26,354.E Road and Bridge 2.02 81,467.42 1.95 82,599.10 7.W 81,354. Fire Protection .06 2,419.82 .15 66353.78- helr Equipment 5:0• 5;724.1 Bulldins and Bond 3.05 1 123.OD7.74, 3.03",$'129.193.46 - 9.90 S"-113;438:1: Assessed Valu4tion $40,;330,408 $42,358,515, $C1�458,385+ e J ' • \/ . ,, w D •.• H w r r, U • r. U u• n. r. •, 1 r i C n C U x 3 U. 1♦" r s .- 2101 Hennepin Minneapolis, Minnesota 65406 Telephone: 18111 3743030 February 17, 1975 The Honorable Mayor and City Council City Administrative Offices 215 So. Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 CONTRACT FOR PROFESSIONAL PLANNING SERVICES This Agreement, made this 17th day of February, 1975, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" end MIDWEST PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC., 2101 Hennepin Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55405, hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT. ARTICLE 1 OBJECTIVE OF SERVICES A. Preparation of the updating of a Comprehensive Plan for the CITY including the newly annexed area and implementation plan for the Control Business District during the year 1975. B. Preparation of a Comprehensive Plan for the "Orderly Annexation Arca" as ordered by the Minnesota Municipal Commission and the remaining township area of Monticello Township in cooperation with the Wright County Planning Department as hereinafter described during the year 1976. ARTICLE II SCOPE OF SERVICES To achieve the objectives of this contract, the CONSULTANT shall prepare and complete the following: A. Update the Comprehensive Plan for the CITY including the newly annexed area and formulate a Comprehensive Plan for the orderly annexation area and remaining township to include: (1) Planning Inventory: Review of current conditions, recent studios and assembly of current information on social-oconomic characteristics, including an analysis of industrial expansion needs, transportation, and community facilities. (2) Policy Plan: Formulation of community goals, objectives and detailed policies that aro acceptable to the community and which will become the basis for refining currant land use, transportation and community facilities plans. �2 -17- 7S d3 City of Monticello February 17, 1975 Page Two (3) Comprehensive Plan: a. Development of categorical physical plans for the CITY and the Township for general land use, transportation, a nd community facilities. b. Development of a staged growth plan for the CITY and the Township that recommends a program for orderly development and provision of public utilities and services in a cost effective manner. The staged plan will also address the issue of how growth should be managed, and where public investments ore likely to be needed and in what order of priority. B. Update or formulate as required, CITY and Township development ordinances including: (1) Zoning Ordinance (2) Subdivision Ordinance (3) Flood Plain Regulations (4) Wetland Controls (5) Septic Systems Regulations (6) Sign Ordinance C. Formulate a Control Business District Fiscal Implementation Program including: (1) Review and evaluation of prior public plans and progress toward implementation of a Central Business District development plan. (2) Fiscal strategy (3) Organization of interests (4) Staging of development D. Provide technical assistance to the CITY and Township on development proposals presented for official review and action. ARTICLE III ITEMS TO SE FURNISHED SY THE CITY Tho CITY shall provide the CONSULTANT with: A. All relevant printed motorial pertaining to completion of the projects undertaken. This shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Current largo scale base mops, land use maps, and development plans of the CITY as previously propered. City of Monticello February 17, 1975 I L Page Three (2) A large scale base map, land use and soils mop and statistical summary of the Township area to be prepared by the County Planning Office. (3) Aerial photographs of the CITY and Township as available. (4) Topographic maps of the CITY and Township as available. (5) Past comprehensive and development plans and programs. (6) All current development regulations and ordinances. B. Background information through meetings and interviews with officials and staff. C. Advice and information from the CITY Engineer in his normal area of jurisdiction and expertise. ARTICLE IV PRODUCTS TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONSULTANT The CONSULTANT shall submit to the CITY and the Township the following products, as pertain to Items 11 A through II D: A. One hundred (100) copies (offset printed and corlox bound) of the combined CITY and Township Comprehensive Plan described in Items II A-1 through 11 A-3. B. Twenty (20) copies (offset printed and stapled) of the revised ordinance texts doscribed in Item II B. C. A series of momorondums and drawings which will comprise the Central Business Improvement Program described in Item II C. D. Technical memorandums as required to document the analysis and rocommondation as provided through Item II D. ARTICLE V MEETINGS The CONSULTANT shall attend a maximum of eighteen (18) public meetings and/or hearings equally divided among Items 11 A through II C and between the CITY and the Township. City of Monticello February 17, 1975 Page Four ARTICLE VI TIMING OF THE WORK The CONSULTANT shall complete Items II A through II C for CITY's portion of work during 1975 and the Township's portion of work during 1976, unless delayed for reasons of unexpected emergencies, forces beyond the control of the parties, or by request of a party, acquiesced in writing by the other party. If so delayed for more than ninety (90) days, at the request of the CITY, the CONSULTANT reserves the right to renegctiate the contract to account for rising costs before resuming work. The CONSULTANT shall not begin planning for the Township area until the County Planning Office has completed the work described in Section III A (2). Subsequent work in the Township area shall be done in cooperation with the County Planning Office. All work will be terminated within eighteen (18) months from the date of the return of a signed contract. The above termination dates assume that the CONSULTANT satisfied the terms of the contract within those periods. ARTICLE VII PAYMENT The CITY shall pay the CONSULTANT: A. On a monthly basis based upon invoices submitted to on amount not to exceed ton thousand dollars ($10,000) during 1975and thirteen thousand five hundred dollars ($13,500) during 1976 for a total of twenty -throe thousand five hundred dollars ($23,500) for work described within Items II A through II C of this agrooment. B. For the percentage of work completed on Items II A through II C during each incremental month. C. On a cost plus materials basis at established billing rates as described in the attached standard rate schedule and with materials and expenses charged at cost plus 15% to defray processing for work as doscribod within Item 11 D of this agreement. D. All costs incurred will be duo and payable to the CONSULTANT within ton (10) days of the receipt of an invoice showing the work completed and the cost of said work. For any invoice not paid within thirty (30) days the CONSULTANT will have the option of interrupting work without termination of the contract. E. For any work authorized by Ilio CITY which is beyond that described in Section I I of this agreement, such work shall not be Included as port of the maximum dollar limit stated in paragraph A above, but shall be compensated at established billing rates as described in the attached Standard Rate Schedule with materials and oxponsol charged at cost plus 15% to defray procouing. i City of Monticello February 17, 1975 ti VIII TERMINATION _i Pogo Five Either party shall hove the right to terminate this agreement upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the other party, in the event of termination, the CITY and the Township will pay the CONSULTANT for work completed on a time plus materials basis. Subject to renegotiation if not executed within ninety (90) days of agreement date. MIDWFAT PLANNING AND RESEARCH, INC. ,1 award Dahlgron, Presiden✓ �� .V 1 mos liottenberg, reasur r CITYOFMONTICELLOO, MINNESOTA Ploaso Sign and Roturn Duplicate Copy Dote ffiffiqAr Dote Data yJMIDWEST PLi::Nli;G AND RESEARCH. IIC., . RATE SCHEDULE STAFF (EMBER RATE Z:R FOUR Principals................................................S35.CJ to SS.GG Community Planner.........................................S17.50 to 25.CO Architect.................................................S20.C3 to 30.00 Project banger...........................................$20.00 to 30.00 Landscape Architect.......................................S17.50 to 25.00 Urban Designer............................................$17.50 to 30.00 Market Analyst............................................S2D.00 to 25.00 Research Analyst..........................................S17.50 to 20.00 Graphic Designer..........................................$17.50 to 20.00 Ora ftsnan..................... ........................$10.00 to 15.00 Secretarial...............................................S12.50 Outside Consultants.......................................Per Job Basis Supplies..................................................Cost Pius 15; Mileage...................................................20C Per Mile Expert Testimony.... : ............ i ........................ VJ Tines Hourly Rate - Minimum Charge.- $250.00 I o _ CITY HALL R hODE't.M WORK TO as DOTS; 1. Remove present partitions. 2. Construction of council table, permanent, with formica top. i 121 by t by 29" high. j. Steel door, includes cut out of concrete blocks for steel door. %,� :ui uiiu L Ket by 2 " 5. Five shelves, 121to 12" i -2-17-75- *Y t II