City Council Agenda Packet 10-28-1975AGENDA Regular Meeting Monticello City Council October 28, 1975 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton 'Erickson, Stan Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. Public Hearing - Review of Assessment Policy on 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project. ✓22. Review of Henry Doerr's preliminary plat. V3. Approval of final payment on 1975 Sidewalk Improve- ment Project. 1/4. Discussion on city owned property on east side of Highway 21. Consideration of Rezoning parcel of land owned by Fred Tozer -Section 10 Range 25W Township 121N in City of Monticello. y(' Consideration of zoning ordinance chance on Four Family Dwellina units within R-2 district. 7. Establish fee schedule for ordinance books. yo. Purchase of #now Plow/ blade for loader and new dump truck. /9. Anneoval of bills. /0. Approval of minutes - October '14, 1975. 11. Unfinished business. 12. New business. CJSr' 5f94 Mailing to: Don Smith f; Mike Holm John Badalich a Au.; I%r i 414 Muaee l( t{ z Henry Doerr Wilbur Eck Fred Tozer &Nlt 4,W— AGENDA SUPPLEMENT :nda Item 1. PubLi.c Hearing - Review of Assessment Policy an 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and WatermaLn Improvement, Project. Purpose of hearing is to review policy and obtain citizen input. Through a past resolution the number of years the assessment will run has been set at 20 and interest rate at 71%. Although still subject to change the engineer has been given the direction of preparing the assess- ment roll computations on a per parcel basis and also averaging all the projects incLuded in the 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project, together Lu arrive at per parcel assessment. Among items still to be determined are: 1) Will iL be mandatory to hookup Lo sewer and if so time period allowed. 2) Will it he mandatory to hookup Ln water and if SO time period allowed. 3) When can prop le hookup if they desire Lo do s" - There are a few implications pertaining Lo possible mandatory water hookup. Many people may feel their own well is sufficient and there tire about 50 houses in former city which arc not, hooked up to city water. On the other hand it, is quite costly to have, water lines that, are not, being used. John Hada Iich will be sending Out a letter before meeting on assessment, policy. Pnssihle Action: Other t.h:ut Ln gel, specific input, no action is necessary at Tuesday's meeting, however. tit, some Lime a resnluLion should be passed indicating assessment, policy i.e. per parcel or front, fooL and whether the entiro project should be averaged or in- dividual portion separated. Also an ordinance should be establisher) as to time perind of hookup (ser, copy OF present ordinance enclosed). L.. J 1 enda Item 2. Review of Henry Doerr's Preliminary Plat. Henry Doerr's Doerr Estates Preliminary Plat has been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission: Plat is available for your review in City flail. Both the City Planner and City Engineer have reviewed the plat and all recommendations have been carried out. Park dedication of 10% to be in cash. Possible Action: Approval of Plat if deemed appro- priate. C Agenda Supplement - Oct. 28, 1975 Page 2. Agenda Item 3. Approval of fi.nal payment on1975 Sidewalk 'Improvement Project. Sidewalk project, is completed and has been approved and inspected by J. W. Miller. Below is a comparison of estimated quantities and actual quantities and original contract and total payments. Contract Final Qnantity Cost: Quanity Cost Difference 4" Concrete yd. walk $ •95/s 18975 . $18026.25 19150 $18192.50 + 166.25 6" Concrete Driveway ISO $12.87/sq. yd. 1930.50 142 1527.54 - 102.96 Appurtenant. Work 364.40 261.49 - 98.51 Flagstone Retaining Wall-$6/sq. ft. 500 3000.(10 t) O -3040.00 Class 5 20 $7/toll 140.00 17 119.4( - 21.00 Granular Borrow $5.50/toll 350 1925.00 186.25 1024,00 - 901.00 Sidewalk Removal .45/sq. 4250 45/sq.Pt. 1912.50 4563 2188.35 + 275.85 Sod 15U() t605.(.to 3870 4140.90 4-2535.90 $1,07/sq. yd. $28899.25 $77753.75 $-1145.47 While the sort fills noC been in long enough to ensure growt.11 wo del have a bond which is good tllronall growing Season next. year. Possible Action- Approval of payment, of $11502.19 for total payments of $27753.78• Agenda Item 4. Dincossioll on city owned property on Past side of Highway 25. Mr. Wilblrr Fick would like to begin negotinclons to purchase. acl•e: of r, land e.ity owns oll ell St. 81de eft' Illuhwny 25; see: letter ene-losod. Possible: Action: 1111'1 action ant1eipate'd until intentions of Mr. Eck are known. Agenda Supplement - Oct. 25, 1975 Page 3• agenda Item 5. Consideration of rezoning parcel of land owned by Fred 'Tozer .in Section 10 Range 25W Township 121N in City of Monticello. Planning Commission, at public hearing, recommended Fred Tozer property be rezoned from R-3 to B-3 to allow for used car lot. Presently Teslow Auto Sales is interested in the parcel. Enclosed please fird memo from [toward Dahlgren Associates Inc. on item. It should be noted that Planning Commission is going to hold pub.l.ic hearing at their next meeting to determine if tract. of land cast, of Tozer property and west of shopping center should be rezoned from R-3 to I1-3. Possible Action: Council could approve or deny re- quest or may want to wait, until planning commission's findings and recommnedations are in on the larger tract of property mentioned above. Agenda item 6. Consideration of zoning ordinance change on Four Family Dwelling units within R-2 district.. Planning Commission recommended four family dwelling units be allowed as conditional use in an R-2 district. It, was felt that such iutit:s would not. detract, from an R-2 area and the city council would st.i l l have control as a conditional use permit, would be necessary. lloward Dahlgren Associates concurred with recommended change. Possible Action: Amendment, Co orrtinance, if deemed appropriate, allowing four family dwelling unite; within an R-2 district,. Agenda Item 7. Establish fee schedule for ordinance Minks. Our ordinances are, now printed and really for disl,ri- luItioil. I would like to suggest the following fee schedule he set, up. Entire Set of Ordinances: $211.00 Individual Sections: $.Oil (Subdivision, Zoning, City Cotte) Sanitary Sewer Disposal 5.00 Agenda Supplement - Oct. 28, 1975 Page 4. This would cover costs of printing, publishing, etc., but would not cover any of Howard Dah1gren's contract to the City of Monticello j.n consulting fees for their preparation. Agenda Item 8. Purchase of snowplow/blade for loader and new dump truck. Presently we are reviewing various quotes for a snowplow for the new dump truck. Cost will run around $2500 - $3000. Additionally, consideration was given to a blade for the loader and Dick Brooks is re- viewing possibility of obtaining a snowplow/blade that is interchangeable. Reasoning for this is that by buying one unit that serves dual purpose would be more economical. However, we may find that such a unit cannot, be interchanged. My recommendation would be to purchase snowplow/blade if available but if not I don't believe it is necessary with the equipment we now have to buy a snowplow for the now truck and a blade for the loader. Aviki lable at Tuesday's meeting wi i I be more specific information on cost- capabilities, ot,c. Possible Action: Motion to order equipment that, is deemed appropriate as winter is just around the corner. I ORR -SCHELEN- MAYERON BASSOCIATES. INC. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors October 27, 1975 Honorable Mayor s City Council 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Proposed Assessments Project 75-1 Gentlemen: The following are the costs to be used in preparation of the assessment rolls for the sewer and water improvement; Project Numbers 75TS-1, 15LS-1, 75711-1, 75LW-1 and appurtenant work. Estimated final construction costs $632,974.71 Engineering Design Fee (6-1/28) 41,143.36 Inspec :icr, and Survcy "aas 35,734.00 City expenses paid 7,426.00 Preparation of Assessment Roll (16) 6,239.75 City Administration (38) 18,989.24 Total Project Cost $742,507.06 Under direction of the City Council, we have combined all change orders with the exception of Maple Street Project, Change Order i2, to the main project and determined a unit parcel assessment. All overaiz inq of trunk mains, the Ottor Crack culverts, and 508 of the street restoration was nluccd 'M as valorem taxes. It was resolved that the Monticello Apartments were to pay the full project costs for Change Order /2 excluding a unit parcel assessment for Lot 5, Block P. It was also resolved that Parcel 19585-A3 (Monticello lot Baptist Church) be assessed as two units. We recommend that the River Terrace Trailer Court be assessed as two units, since they havo 192.42 front footage. This would be consistent with the previoua policy of subdividing larger lots into 100' frontage for placement of sewer and water nervi ces. Based on this criteria, the number of asoeos- able units amounts to 156 unite. 2021 fast Hennepin Avenue - Suite 238 - Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 - 6121331- 8660 Honorable Mayor 6 City Council Monticello, Minnesota -2- October 27, 1975 Re: Proposed Assessments Project 75-1 We have previously recommended placing a percentage of the project costs on ad valorem taxes in respect to the frontage of the cemetery and City Maintenance Building. By the same policy of subdividing into 100' lots, the cemetery would have contained 15 lots if residential, and the Maintenance Building, 4 lots. The assessable cost to this property or 19 units amounts to $51,993.50 which is being placed on ad valorem taxes. A breakdown of costs is as follows: Total Costs of Project $742,507.06 Total costs to be placed on ad valorem taxes: water main oversizing $ 35,458.06 Sanitary sewer oversizing 108,773.36 508 Street restoration and appurtenants (otter Creek) 106,228.83 Cemetery and Maintenance Bldg. costs 51,993.50 $302,453.75 Total to be assessed excluding Maple Street Change urcer: $426,893.11 If the City Council wishes to assess 1008 of street construction of Sandy Lane to the 15 parcels in Creekside Terrace, the total net amount to be assessed is: $426,893.11 50% Sandy Lane -3,121.05 Assessable amount, less 1008 street assessment of Sandy Lane $423,772.06 Therefore based on 156 unit parcels to be assessed, excluding Maple Street, the per unit assessment is: $423,772.06 . $2,716.49/unit 15b Those 15 parcels on Sandy Lane will also have a per parcel assessment for 1006 street construction for a total assessment o f : �y y`� 531 S 71 30 ,� o 1 r $2,716.49 t $3,121.05 15 $2,924.56/lot , 0!�' /o -2s -qtr/ M w Honorable Mayor 6 City Council Monticello, Minneota -3- October 27, 1975 Re: Proposed Assessments Project 75-1 The assessment for Change Order Number 2 will be as follows: Total construction costs $11,218.85 Plus 17.38 indirect costs 1,941.35 Project Cost $13,160.20 Parcel 120017, Lot 5, Block P, is to pay a unit assessment. In addition Parcel 20010, Lot 1, Block 0, should be assessed for tine sewer and water stubs installed. This was previously served by the city, but no stubs were ever brought up to the property line. This stub assessment would be $405.15. The Monticello Apartments would then be assessed as follows: Project Costs $13,160.20 Unit Assessment (Parcel 120017) -2,716.49 Stub Assessment - 405.15 Amount Assessable to Apartment $10,038.56 Yours very truly, ORR-S CII ELEN-MAY ERON pCilASSOChn P. Badolich, P.E. ty Engineer JPB/ j et �TsEss.«... fps 1-52; � 3. sESs�� Wo o 5.3.3 / i The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains the following zoni-ng ordinance amend- ment: Section 10-7-4 under conditional uses for an R-2 (Single and Two Family Residential.) district, four family dwelling units be added as subsection (C). Passed by the City Counci l this 28th day of October, 1975• Mayor_, C. O. Johnson City AdMinirstrator, Gary wicber 1,)_..2b- 75 dL __IQUOR FUND j a r CHECK i AMOUNT NO. Disbursements for September, 1975 i 1 McKesson Wine Co. - Liquor 6854 1534.41 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 1 6855 1$77.16 McKesson Wine Co. - Liquor j 6356 923.80 Monticello Liquor - Rent for off-sale store 6857 300.00 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 6858 1142.55 Minnesota Distillers - Liquor 6860 1313.76 Comm. of Revenue - State Withholding Tax 6561 253.90 Wright County State Bank - Fed. W/H. 6362 647.50 State Treasurer - PIRA 6863 429.08 Comm. of Revenue - Excise tax 6864 1365.01 Midwest Wine Co. - Liquor 6865 245.10 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 6966 1490.27 Grosslein Beverages - Beer 6867 j 3651+.01 Superior Products Co. - Mdse. 6868 82.00 Dick Beverage Co. - Beer 6969 I 3393.14) ^vhlhei.mer Beverage Co. - Beer 6870 2553.44 _,orpe Dist. Co. - Beer 6871 i 730.00 A. J. Ogle Co. - Beer 6872 556.00 Old Dutch Foods - Mdse. 6873 5.76 7 Up Bottling Co. - Mdee• 6874 IOS.05 St. Cloud Jobbing - Mdse. 6875 25.00 Viking Cora Cola Co. - Mdse. 6876 320.8u Gross .Indus a-ial Services - Iaundry 6877 20,70 Coast to Coast, - Supplies 6878 34.84 Leifert Trucking - Freight 6,479 159.41 Gruys, Johnson, Mosford & Assoc. - Auditing expense 6880 940.00 James Electric Service - Repair on cooler 6881 200.53 Maus foods - S41pplies 6982 27.55 Northern States Power - Utilit.ies 6883 262.tw Kenneth Peahla - Repairs 6884 7.411 Bridgewatev -- Telephone 689S 51.15 F. A. Tenney -- Repairs 0886 55.111 Electro Watchman. Inc. - Store expense 6587 I 410.00 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation 6888 q.t10 II Smith 4 Pringle - Legal - sale of on sale 6889 IS2.ot1 Monticello Times - Store expense III 68()11 i 411.25 Braun Cilginecring Testing - Soll testing i 11591 719.110 City of Montltvr•I.lo - General Fund - Transfer out, for Menzel 6892 21111011.1111 Phillip,y O Sons - llquoc b'S91 1410.0'' Iles-ton lumber Co. - Supplies for cooler lnstallstton j Oso4 155.75 BusinegH Moms ANsurence - Group Ins. 1 hh05 1;11.70 Ed Phi-Il.ipm 4 Sans - liquor ort>b i 1145.411 Payroll for tiept ember -- Sa lavl es J• i 1I ; u,llh f11I'AI D1FB11RSt:MfNTS I I cr (11"LRAL FUND Cill S17K V I C I PAYEE NUMBER FUTAL ADMIN. 1,1141: PARK SEN, Cl'l STREFF WATER SlWLk O'l 11 ER CiWIEN I'S September. 1975 Sandberg Realty 7367 20000. (),d "lenzel property ti N Monticello Fire Dept. 3765 305. 365.Oo Payroll N. S. Power 7369 157i.31 64 . 16 31.26 4S.32 983.80 278.72 169-05 Utilities Bituminous Buffalo /17370 I 266.;.4-S 2665.4S SS51-70 KjOlberlg Bldg. So 1,!s i L. y1a, 1, Fa ta I I Ince 1 e I r Gruys, Johnson, Mosford 7371 194().()0 1949.00 Auditing (,,xpcn-,;c Yonak Sanitation 73-72 1 6-?1 - 54 1691.54 Siln!U,1,i Stumpf,,r DLILCII Mr. Ansel Aydt 7373 430.0043 - 00 elm (,I-(,-Us. Mr. Doug Pitt 737.1 75.00 Civil Defense salar% Aright County Treasurer- 7375 22.50 22.50 Rent Rebate L.. School Dist. �SZ2 7376 75-00 7 5.UU Library I'CIkL wriaht County Shcriff 7377 Seestrum Hardware 7373 124.53 10.47 55.46 20-75 6.02 4.71 16.50 4-�9 Tree Disease North Central Chemical 73i11 500.17 500.17 Supplies aright Servi ce oil 730 322.02 107 -34 214.7,8 FIICI (11LCK SER VI C I PAYEF. SkJMBER 1`0 FAl. ADMIN. I'IR11 VARX sl.S, t:l'I bl'H I:LI IAIER SEU1.R 0111 ER to?UIIiS I'� r Jean Brouillard 738'1 26.16 26.16 Fuel Central-McGoran. Inc. 73S^ 9.95 9.95 Parts PIRA 7353 45,95 45.9 ZZPERA Fund !,rest Tractor 73-4 300.00 51111.00 Balance duc on loader Foster's Ins. Agency 7353 45.00 4-.00 _ lnsnranec Gordie Link 735ti 15.39 15.39 Pue1 Moores Excavating 7357 52. --)0 i=-50 DiG_in� Hood. Inc. 7355 -^-3650.13 23650.4. Payment 1.11 IMP" Pro•Iccl. Coast. to Coast 739 16.77 9.95 1.35 5.47 Repairs A meth Peshia 7390 34•25 34.25 Repairs at Disp, plant. Mobil oil Corp. 7391 _01.42 23.71 143.44 34•=7 - Tree Ftind -- i;:u S oil IInPI'alo Vet.. Clinic 7392 1S.0 IS.I'm Animal Imp-11dm',nL nls p Pyles Backhoe Service 7393 :40.00 =40.00 Satel l i to rental Monticello Farm Market 7394 21.:i =1 .3i t;rass seed ('11ECA :ER \"ICI PAYLL NUMBER 1'0'FA1. ADMI]. ['IRE PARA Sli\. C.I'I STR LFT %\APER SEWER 0I'll I'R C IMM FSI'S Smith-Princle 7345 184.35 1S4.35 Local Yccs Mater Products Co. 7396 326.05 326.05 Copper pipe Fullerton Lumber 7397 7.15 7.15 Supplies_ 35Dt0 - 5 d M Imp. Pru•jeCt, Y -it. Liquor Fund 734-E 35171.5: 35171.5= 171.7: - Interest L-Np. Garp Mieber 7344 30-00 30.00 Misc. B.pcnse - +1i lca�c Gwen Bateman 7400 218•26 248.26 Animal Impuundnlent [}Ids'. S 5/1V project Braun En¢. Tcstina / 7101 10.36.03 Its, t�.tri S�i I 1'csr,in_ , U of MY. Aa. Lnt• 7402 Ij.C10 IJ.0o Pupulatiun mapS list Hayden Murphy 7103 1_15.00 1-45.1111 Pa.mcnt —1 ph— N— Fire Inc. 7101 73.50 73.50 5upp1ics ------ Gordon Link 7 40 5 44.84 49.81 Purl - _..71 t'nr•'I'rec Fund Bu Pfaln Vet. Clinic 7106 IS.U(I Is.00 Animal Impotindmont V -- clan_•. C... 711)7 S. i" ..,_ ..,_. _,_..._. Tustin-- w,t,,• in W. River Tuin City- resting 7111 111•O0 111.,.11 j t.. arca C11LCK SI:R\'ICI PAYEE %UMBER MAL ADMIN. FIR1: PARD SGS, CI1 SFREEF WAITIR SIVER, O'I'IILR Bridgewater Telephone 7409 =37.56 135.11 63.10 Smith -Pringle 7410 125.00 12S.00 Comm. of Personnel 7411 10.07 10.07 S-ringsted, Inc. 7412 7205.00 Elk River Concrete 7413 144•S4 State Treasurer 7414 520.40 511.08 League of Municipalities 7415 i•011 5.00 Carlson Welding 7416 26. 2U Gross Ind. Services 7.117 76.90 14. 5o r, Merrell Transfer 7415 45.2;1 Bi: Lake Cravel 7419 9(19-u5 Hoglund Bus Co. 7420 39.65 Comm. of Revenue 7121 453320 113.20 Wright County State Bank 74'-2 loll Sz. Io 1005.10 I 17, 17.93, Telephone C- bur. LogaI CCCS Soc. Scc, Rc�•ol�•ing fund 7205.1)0 1975 Imp. 13mds cspcnsc 114.84 Manhold cepai" 35.74 22.00 57.00 26.67 66. 4S 93.43 --- True Fund -- PGRA Pamphlets ^-fi. 2f1 Repa i rs 7.51) 12.06 5.42 13.9.: 2 19 -- Irec Fund -- Laundry 45. 20 171.o i gh t. 36.95 541).110 333,(10 Dig_ing, ct". 3u. 68 Rcpa i rs Statc liiHiholding tax 1'ed. Withholding tax f11U:K SER \'ICI PAYLL SUMBLI? 101'AI. AMIIN. I'1RL' PARR SEN. CH S'IRITT WATER S11WER O'I'IILR Comm. of Revenue 7.123 161.3: U. S. Postmaster 7424 30.00 30.00 Ed I-— 74 :; 5" - - Harry's Aut.. Supply 7426 117.34 Phillips Petro. Corp. 7427 107.92 Monticello 'Times 7425 316.54 316.54 Chapin Publishing Co. 7429 42.16 42.16 Scest,rom Hardware 7430 11 .29 15.55 Foster's Ins. 7.131 115.011 115.11() n City Tr_s ting 7432 156.011 North Central Public Gas 7433 ;.01 5.01 Gopher Bearing Co. 7434 26.04 Vauchn's 7435 43.50 13.50 l:u11 6 Roden Concrete 7436 52.(10 161 . 71.01 .14.00 2.21 3.36 37.34 12.65 54.5; .18.64 25. 57 21 . 51 6.(" Excise (.ax Posta"c nldc- S'lpp I i' --s Cas and ,it Print.ing. Publ., Supplies Bid Prins ing Act,,. S°PPlies his. premium 1511. oo Tcstinu nll Oak Lane Gas fol. l' '111111. Bldg. 26.04 Repairs Flag 52.00 Cuurrctc rinr;s CIIfr�A PAYLL NUMBER IOIAI ADMIN Duane's, Inc. 7437 25.00 b'adena APT1 7435 20.00 Fples Backhoe Service 7439 203-00 Red's Mobil 7410 15O.So 15.55 Orr-Schr_Ien-Maperon 7441 6039.75 Orr-Sche len-Mayeron MS. Clerk's Finance Amoco Oil Co. Stokes Marine _ate Treasurer Feed Rite Controls National Bnshinq Ld Lana Mobil Oil Corp 7412 31037.50 74.13 10.00 10.00 7414 102.59 i446 11.9" 7447 41.11 41.11 7445 3j.00 7149 37.52 7450 13.7; 45.75 7151 S -I.IIb SLR l'Ifl I FIRE. PARK SEN. CI'I STRIA71' IiAI'Hi SI:hI:R 0TI11:1< CIIMM GSI' ti 25.00 Bid check re L111"'lYl '10.011 SChUplillt; deposit, check SaLeIIiLe rcnIaI a ball Picicl CIO. 00 125.00 k'ate.. shut. off aL Liquor SI.Ore -1. 9j 70.15 'Free fund -- (_""s S c.il 60511.75 Eng. (fees - Imp. Project. c /1ti I'unrl 51176.63 - Kjellbct'_g Bldg. 210;7.59 ling. Fels - Imp. Prnjoct. . Annual dues -2.33 103.49 -1.1= 44.65 - Tree Fend -- Cas 6 oil II.rl Repairs PIRA 31.1111 Sewage Iest .ing 33.71 _ 51 'free Pund -- HopaiI'S Clcanin-, M1111. Bldg. W-73 S41. j4" 26 - 77 - Tree F -Id -- r;;ts "I'll of 1 (it ECK sekV (('I PA I'LL NUMBER FOrAL ADM 1,% 1-1 HL PARK Sf-..%. S I,k I:GI' WA 1, rR 51.1111:k urn 17R River Inn 7452 -19.29 19.24 Bank Am. Nat. Trust 7453 22023- 71 3 22023-72 1()6o imp. Lea-gue of' Mun. 7454 6.00 6.00 Pamph I u ts Gopher Bearing Co. 7.15; 21;5.14 215514 Riveted Chain & at'LZIC11mewits .Monti cc 1 1. Farm Market 74 i6 21.^_; 21 .25 Grass seed Stevens Well 4 Drilling 7457 63. 6 1 Rossber'-, +.<:1 1 11 -c -pa i I, 3 m P.P.S.I. 7455 70.91 79.94 Paper I'm- copier Monticello Fite Dept. 7459 45S.O() 15u.00 Firemen Fullerton Lumber Co. 7460 15-05 Ij.tlj Repairs I Dahlgren d A-,soc. 7461 6y0. oo (10 Piannineservices Wright County Auditor 7462 133;.2j S35-25 rjjje I,el)acc- for Au,. Bader Meter Co. 7463 ^_265.00 2 0 o nicters Rick- Wolf',1-11 1 7464 -;z oi. j, ol' M i lea Business Mens Assurance 7atai 456-49 -16 a^ • ' 111 LCA SLK VICI ' FA1'CC SI".IISI'N Ii1fAL ADMIN. P1NC PAR SLS. CI'1 .1;1'RI1LI' 1iAITR SEWN UTI 117R l'oMM1:N I'S Payroll for September 9016.30 3056.07 743.67 400.00 1550.12 595.95 1257.91 1322.65 I'vec Fund TOTAL DTSBURSDIE\TS 53-Qj.76S 03 9293.01 970.33 1443-31" 5437-52 7267.95 .1673.67 51 39.4' 350, 540. 65 v