City Council Agenda Packet 11-10-1975C) AGENDA Regular Neetingi Monticello. City Council November 10'; 1.975. -^ 7:30 P. M. Mayor: 'Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Ecick'son, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Wolters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. 1. Sewer extension t:o new liquor store. 2. Estimate #3 for payment on 1975-1 Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project. 3. Appointment of City of Monticello representative to 3 man board as authorized in the orderly annexation agreement with the Township of Monticello. 4. Water availability fee. S. Consideration of purchase of snowplow. b. Consideration of snow plowing/removol: policy. 7• Liquor store financing.. 8. Consideration of ordinance nmenument• on waterline, repair. 9. Approval of October'l-3 and. 28 minutes.. 10.. Unfinished business: i i , Now business. MA1L1N G TO: Don Smith Ruth Moore John padnllch Mike holm F.c.l.l:�a i�(w.., „r� .Si4I/ {v. I. /.w• i.. vsa� i� ice*+ ;�/.�...� G`s� 20. �/.P' •�^�x/ `y INI «1 40 J41ths fs 7W •o rVsrt+r 444 0L. 7W N1J1 ''"/'7/7S- ( » W d% Lt1 ♦. w. .3Lr„ l.Ir.rt �) :�^ iT I C"11 11 i'IV4L.— v� PLGWIN6/RD`i0VAt, 00LICY ir.EDIERAI, Ptirpos',d Purposti of thIts policy Is to establish ' 6oiTll om and c,o"istent gitidellnes for the plowing and !removal of snow within the City OF- Monti eell.o. Areas of' Responsib-i'li.tV Through its adoptitin, the City COMWiL of ?tont ictal" l-0 is vusppnsi,ble, for the pulivy eeitablAshed lievliti. implementation of this ptj.li,cy Js the resp,olistbi tit% Of tit(., Street Staperilisor ill ConjilliciV1,631 -Wirth th- Otlllfi'v. Works Di'vector and City Administrator, 1.4v chain it command is 'the City Administrator, Publix Worl�s Dir41%jU)t*,, and St rcct Supervisor,, in that IP -der. AAA. deei-jt4ais a's to time, method and'til'aterIals used on sil(Av i3lowillUl, removal- operations wi.LJ, be made by the -siuvek $4ipt-'v Ttibl-lu Works Dfructor -,and C;i.ty. iAdmintstv )P,,aad, atty accol.a.,jilee Wi,l amendments are to be n amend I C4 1611:s POJICY. Ame-ndme6f';k-;to Pdlfc:V, !An 'qmen dm�nta* to;,61A po'l-ley o6cid.1ve, v4jLaic--&,I WhyntmLti pos;41$C: and hmpiwdments$11i)WId be ,Of PkIblic vccOrd- fl�* emcrgpni,',.ie's 611 Ott) aitiv I-0 pol-!ey mendni-4, - � -call, be ' �-iit-Ann Viand .eonjietwt: oC m4j,ol,j-t-v An :4t:'th&."cxC • rWrdk , 0141-111-111* bn of 61. 1�1),60,ttj I ejf� M I i Iii , I'& Wyj-kq DLOctor- ori d Ji ' Ctcy AdmJ` , Ig appr,fIVOCI by 4,111b- PJfhl IA. p 1�1�hs ry Snow Plowing/Removal Schedule Upon accumulation or :•' f --- -'.+awe oi' .• itowl'al1, the street supervisor will arrange i'r,r the street department cmpluyces to initiate snow plowing pror.cdlire.— fmr,- gcncy routes (State Ilighway 2.5 and County 75. Broadway Avenue up to Hospital) will be plowed I'irst and then 3rd Strect (to provide access to al.l three sch„n10. The street supervisor will then coordinate plowing of downtown area; east -west, north-tiouth strects within ci.ly proper, outlying areas and parkins .,uts. lop priority wi11 be given to the actual plowing nprrat,ou_� before snow removal; however, it in .1:nunlod tho..e operations wil..l occur somewhat simultaneously. POLICY ON SPICII71C AREAS Streets All. streets within the City limits oN Montice110 art, to he maintained by the City cxe4•pt those pore ivils „t County Stale Aid roads and State Highway 2i which are nut covered by reimb,n•aement agraetneuts, I-04 and th-lso streets that have not been arrcptvd by the City. Iloglund Addition Road The, Iloglund Addition plat: had been accepted by the 'I'owntihip u1' Monlive.l.lo but the r.wad, Mississippi Di i"•. was novel• brought up to Standard and war. teeter at,rpted by the rownship. As a result, lllr City nN !lnnticcll,• wlnlld nevept the plat, butt not Lila road. the deteloper of this plat Should bo Contacted and .it should he del,•lmined it' he will be (filing the brow plowing of veirrhnrsing the city for Know plowing. Tf not. '1 w,nlld proltnt'o the city initiate it petition to ho rent to eae,11 pri,perry oxnet• along tho road, requesting St'rc•Ct m,eill, tenanee Nur the remainder of 1 n7 { and 1470, with 0- —Sts to he billed to the residents. Publie Road flot'det•inf CaRt. Side (if' O3tl,wln,d 11111tlh4trial Park this road r,hotlld nut be plowed bN, the City oN Nnnl,i/e1111 Since the Oakwood 'Industrial Pnrlk road, Chelsea Road. lead1114 to this it,ad hag not born attepted by the City .old all re%ldentN beyond thin road, who live In M,u1l t1 ,Ili) I'owu.hip have an alternate roule aval lahle. -2- //- /v-75 vi Public Road Southwest of Hillcrest Addition and County '•75 This road to be kept at minimum passable condition. Downtown Area Fur purposes of this provision of the snow pint..inc remo%al policy, the downtown arca is drt'ined as Drn•t Nw, Avenue from Linn Street to Cedar Street and on Pinr Street from Kh Street to Ricer Street. In the dnwntuwn open, mnuw removal operations will take place, as .nun as possible, after all snow plowing has been done. Snow will be removed only nn the abnv structs witlun Llte downtown arca and WJ ulhrr st.rrvtn will beill iw.•d =L.t - Alleyway~ the three alleyways .in Blocks 31, 35 and 52 shall bo mainin3ned by the City. This dors not. t.nrlude areas adjarent, to the alleyways behind huildiligs and stores which are, the responsibiJ,ity of the property nwurl. Sidewalks All sidewalks, except the Hidewalk Imprntement Project of 1975, shall. 1x1 maintained by the adjacent properly ownt•r. The Sidewalk Improvement Project of 1075, cast on nroadway from Lot 12, Block D to Washington St. and west on Broadway I'rum Lot In, Dlurk 37 tip to, but nut inuJuding, the Pinewuud School pruprrty, shall be nain- tainrd by the City. II' any sidewalk .in a commercial area .is nut cleaned Ili snow and ,ice by 111 A. M. Lhc prope,rl,y owner shall be sertcd wriLten notice .in aceurd•utce with 'Section -I-2 Ili' Ihr CJty Cuda to remove said %now and .ice within roar fj houro; it' not cleaned within this time thy• slrtv•t. Department will clean the sidewalk and the co't will be billed to the property nwnec,". Park.inq lot s All. i i l y par•k.inq I"M Will be c leaned or .not. and NO' its ~nun as possIbI1- al'Ier .t ,.Itnwt'a[A. the timin; nt' sun% pluwililt tr•emotal of pal king Int+ 1111(1 thrlr print 11t will bt• dvpendrni upon t•\iAling tundilions. -1- 1/ -It qS r1 Parking on City Streets AL1 streets will be cleared or motor vehicles after a snowt'all and those %chicles which are tagged by the. Street Department. more than once during any %inter shall be removed at the owners expense. Pritare Property At no time, unless specifically mentioned in this puliCy or rmerGenc3- situations, shall the City clear pritate (residential or commercial) property or boulevards of snow or .ice. C ems; 1�;& 11-10-7-5 d/ The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains Section 7-12-12 of Monticello's City Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: LIABILITY FOR REPAIRS: After the initial connection has been made to the curb stop or the sewer lead the applicant, owner, or the occupant or user of such pre- mises shall be liable for all repairs required to any water line on the owners premises or any sanitary or storm sewer lines necessary for connection of the premises to the street main, including any necessary street repairs. Passed by the City Council this 10th of November, 1975• G2 C. 0. Jot son, Mayor Gary Wleber, City Administrator // //-/40-7a dt