City Council Agenda Packet 01-12-19761976-2 � IJ AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Monticello City Council January 12, 1976 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson. Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley hall-, Dick Mai -tic, Gene WaLters. j Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. Goals and objectives for 1976. �. Appoi-ntment of comm-issi,on members. ,�. Annua.l appnintments of vnr.i.ons city, offices, duties, functions, etc. �Q. Approval of mcmbm• to Senior Ci.t.i,zcns Center hoard of Directors. V�. 1976 Fire contracts with 'I'ownsh.i.ps of Otsego and Silver Creek. Consi.deratiun of snowmobile resolution. �. Cons i_devatioil of amended Public Nuisance Ordinance. ✓S. Cons.i_dcration of amended ordi.nanee on length of dog license.. 9. Scheclul.i.ng of hearings on Community Development. Block Grants. 1/0. Approval of minutes of 12-30-75 find 1-5-76. 4. Unfinished business. 12. New hiisi.ness. �- Jn.r+�• X411-4— MA1:I.ING TO: .fee,:.v • Lraa, Don Smith + Ohl, �.-./. Kal.ur Carol Olson Miku 11olm Cc EMS— John Itatlai irh i /' v +OF �J 0r 910 WCI. • AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item 1. Goals and objectives for 1976. At the December 30, 1975 city Council meeting, the mayor suggested various proposals on goals and objectives for 1976. In reviewing these proposals, the mayor asked the counc-i.l.mcn to Owe them their consideration for the annual meeting in January. Add.iti.onall.y, the mayor requested the Councilmen to make additional suggcsti.ons if they wished other proposals be, considered. The mayor's proposals can be re- viewed in the minutes of 12-30-75, i.tcm S. POSSIBLE ACTION: Adoption of set of goals and objecti.vcs for 1976. Agenda Item 2. Appointment of cumm.iss.i,on members. As you recall at our December 30, 1975 mecti.ng, it was decided to make all commi.ss.ion appointments one year terms eccept the HRA and eliminate various commissions; therefore, listed below are Cho re- maining commissions and their current members: PLANNING COMM7SS.ION Willard Anderson J. W. Miller Iloward G:i.lAham Gordon Steinert, Non Wit ito Pred Popel Larry Muchlhaucr n 4 Can not: serve because of schedu I.i ng cmf I i ct. NO'T'E: Jim Ridgeway, Dr. Kasper S Dr. Dauer were contacted; J. Ridgeway S Dr. Daucr would servo if appointed, Dr. Kasper has scheduling conflict.. HOUSING 6• REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Joan Powers W1111 nm Ans Anderson Capu.l.lno Ell.i.smt Len Nelson - Pr. Sipe Vic Voknty NO'T'E: Only Vic Voknt:y's term is np and he would serve again. Jean Powers has contact.etl Pp. Sipe and he fines not wmL to serve, so Leo Nelsonts uppoAnLment ennUt be made permanonl. (Ordinance calls for 5 members) G BUSINESS & IND. DEV. COMM. Lowel.7. Schrupp Wilbur Eck Lloyd Lund Jim Figenshau Kenneth Maus Lois Schoepf John Poiri -cr LIQUOR COMMISSION Dr. C . Er.l.andson Lawrence .Cl.ausen Don Doran Ron Sch.lief STREETS & PARK COMMISSION Arve Crimsmo Dale Lungw.itz Robert R.i_erson Milton Olson Ilarvey Kendall o -+� Conflict, with time - Cannot serve AIRPORT COMMISSION John Oondhus Nick PLynn Roy Lzmw.i.ng Gcnc Wal hers RECYCLING COMM:ISS.ION Nancy Cassano Kcrmit, Ilensen Jim Maus CIVIC CENTER COMMISSION Sheldon Johnson Bob Ilrowli Karcn Hanson Dick MarLic Ruth Sennr_ss Gary W.i3Ober IIIS'I'ORICAL SOOENT Robot Droun Jim llcrbst Ilazcl. KoUi-linek JulJo Lewandowski Gary I'ringlc Don Sm.i th POSSIBLE, AC'T'ION: Appo.i.nt.mont: of nuccssary mcmbevs to commissions. Agenda :Item 3. Annual at�pninl:ments of vnrJnus Cicy off.Lcrs, dot i.es, funel.ionea, ocn. 1'0 IN: appolntcd at; firs!: nnnua1. mrcLi-ng: Pool tion/1`unet.ion Cil rrenl:ly Art.i,ng Mayor Dentin lir,lch-son Off:i_cia I Newspaper MontJce.l to T.i.mes Offacla.l Dcpusi,tory Wright: Cty. St,nte Ikmk am Position/Function Currently Health Officer Dr. Maus Civil Defense Director Douglas Pitt City Attorney Gary Pringle BuUdi.ng Inspector J. W. Millet, City Auditor Gruys, Johnson, (for audit 12-31-75) & Assoc. Official regular meetings 2nd & 4th Mondays of month - 7:30 P. M. POSSIBLE, ACTION: Filling of appointments for above pos.i.t.i.ons, functions, etc. Agenda Item 4. Approval of member to Seni-or C.iti.rcns Center, Board of Directors. The Board of Di.rccLors of the Senior Citizens Center have asked the city counM! to approve the appointment of Jay Morrell to the board. Por your information the rema.i,ni.ng board members are: Leo Nelson - President; Marie Ilrun.ing - 9'rrnsurcr Mar.i.e Peterson - Secretary Lloyd Lund, Sheldon Johnson, Frank Thompson, Caroline Ellison, Charles Plutn.ick. POSSIBLE ACTION: If council concurs, approval of Jay Morrell as a board member. Agenda Item 5. 1976 Fire contracts with Townships of Otsego and Sliver Creek. lineIused please P,i.nd a copy or the proposed Piro., contract with Otsego (Che ono for Silver Crock is the same except for names, arena, eLe.). The contract; and contract price is the same. in 1976 as in 1975 and while some costs such as fuel hnvo gone up the main costs Por the city are the salaries and t:hcse have rcnw.ined the same POSSIIII.I3, ACTION: IV council concurs. approval or the two fire contracts. NOTE: CurrentLy the attorneys For the city and Lownship of M"L icollo are work.i.ng on n Piro con- tract Por Me MontoulQ Township oven. -3- (, J Agenda item 6. Consiclerat.i.on of snowmobi_.I_c resolution. Eucloscd you will find a resolution pertaining to the aIIowa nee of snowmobile traffic on the Wighw'ay #25 bridge crosswalk. POSSI RIX ACTION: if council concurs, adoption of resolution. Agenda Item 7. ConsideraL.i.on of amended Public Nuisance Ordinance. Unclosed you wi1L find a proposed amended ordinance pertaining to public nui-sances. You can compare this to our present. orclinancc, the d.i.fference Ls essentially found in section 7-1-1(A) where the term vefusu :Ls spel.l.ed out to include specific areas of nuisance. As you may recal..l, our city attorney felt our present ordinance .Ls not spec.i.fic enough and .it may be harcl to prosecute a violator. The city attorney has rev.iowccl this proposal and .cels LL is sper..i.fic so a violator could be pro- serutcd . POSS11 RIX ACTION: 'If counc.i I concurs, adopt'Lon of the orda.nance. Agenda .item S. Consiclerati.on or amended orcLinanco on length of clog Iironse. Cuvvent.ly section 6-2-3- of the Plonticel to City Ordinances requires clog .lAcenses be renewed annually. .1 sec no real. purpose in renewing 1,11e8o Iir_enses :uunta l Ly and woe ld recommencl these l i censes he of a permanent nature. POSSIBLE ACT..ION: Amcndmr_nt, if cotuu:il concurs, making dog Licenses perpetual iostoad of rc- qulring annual renewal. Agcnita .Item 9. Schedul..ing of beavintds ctn climmuni.ty Dev. IILork Grants. Last week the C.11,y of Mon t,Lee 1lo rerolvetl notice 1,11111. its 1975 Commit"LCy IlcvolopmcnL Block Crant; appl,ination for it Scn.ior Citlzens CcnLer ranked Sth in the 'Twin Clt.ies Ftctropolitan area which was one place oat of the running for grants avai,lablo. In aLtencl.i.ng a workshop on Commtmll:y Dov. Illork Cvants Po" 1976, Ifound onl; apprus.i.macely the same amcwnt of money would be ava,i table. as IASL ycnr and pre- appliral;lon .is Quo Pehruavy IS, 1976. In order Lu I'll l 1,114, vcqllivelnelms necessary to f i Ir, a pro- applielit.lon 2 publ_Ic: hearings are neeessal•y Lo soliolt; eit:i.r.en input. Tho coune.i.,l mighU cans.idev l:ho possihl.lity or hu.lding Lhe first public hearing al, a 813ee1.:11. mrtaing and tho scroncl hearing r.auld -4- M be held .in conjunction with our first meeting in February (February 9, 1976).. POSSIBLE ACTION: Setting dates for public hearings. -5- r _ _ EXTRACT OF MINUTE'S OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT?i HELD: JANUARY 12, 1976 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a rpgu lar meeting, of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on the .312th day of January, 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. for the purpose of opening and considering bids for and awarding the sale of $200,040 .r•lunicipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds of 1976 of said City. The following members were present: Johnson, Erickson, Hall, Martie, Walters and the following were absent: None C1` The Clerk presented affidavits showing publication of notice of call for bids on $200,000 Municipal Liquor Store Revenue Bonds of 1976 of the City, for which bids were to be received at this meeting, in accordance with the resolution adopted by the City Council on December $, 1975. Said affidavits were examined, found to comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 475, and were approved and ordered placed on file. The Council proceeded to receive and open bids for the sale of said bonds. The following bids were received: Bidder Interest Rate Net Interest Cost /-/2.,7c di l_ SPRINGSTFD INCORPORATED MUNICIPAL CONSULTANTS s_ :e ev eseo•v eune••.e • e.,a •.m •...eso:. sso: • Ia�r� ur.e��e $200,000 MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE REVENUE BONDS OF 1976 CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA AWARD: ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA AND ASSOCIATE SALE: JANUARY 12, 1976 NOT RATED NET INTEREST 13I0DER COUPONS PRICE COSTA RATE ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY 6.506 1977-82 $198,100.00 $87,705.00 ( MOORE. JURAN A COMPANY, INC. 6.601 1983-86 (6.678824%) BOTH OP MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA PIPER, JAFFRAY A HOPWOOD. INC. 6.3d% 1977-82 $196.100.00 $88,895.00 MINNEAPOLIS. MINNESOTA 6.406 1983 (6,9722%) 6.60% 1984 6.801 1985 7.00% 1986 REOFFERING SCHEDULE OF THE PURC14ASER 6.50% 1977 5.00% 6.50% 1978 5.20% 8.50% 1979 5.40% 6.50% 1900 5.60% 6.50% 1981 5.80% 6.sd% 1982 6.00% 0.60% 1983 6.10% 6.60% 1964 6,25% 6.60% 1985 6.40% 6.80% 1968 6.50% 161 The ,Council then proceeded to consider such bids. After the bids had been considered and discussed, member phi P introduced the following resolution - and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ACCEPTIIJG BID ON SALE OF $200,000 RIUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORE REVENUE BONDS On 1976 AND FIXING THE INTEREST RATE THEREON BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. That the bid oCIIjPma to purchase $200,000 tdunici.pa7. iquor Store itevenue EenHs _ of 1976 of the City, in accordance with the notice of bond sale, at the rates of interest hereinafter net forth, and t c pay therefor the sum of $19¢,1GQ.00 (plus a premium of 0 ) is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received, and is hereby accepted and sai4- bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder. The City Clerk is directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forthwith return the good faith checks or drafts to the unsuccessful bidders. Said bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest at The First National sank of Minneapolis or any successor Paying Agent duly appointed by the City. 2. The $200,000 ne goti able coupon revenue bonds of the City shall be dated February 1, 1976 and ohall be issued forthwith. Said bonds shall be 40 in number and numbered from 1 to 40, both i nclu sive, in the denomin- ation of $5,000 each. Said bonds shall mature serially, lowest numbers first, without option of prepayment, on February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: $15,000 in each of the years 1977 to 1991, both Inclusivo; $20,000 in each of the years 1982 to 1985, both inc 1U31Ve; and $45,000 In the year 1986; 3. Said bonds shall provide funds for the acquis_- tion, conntructi.on and equipping of a neva off -sale 1_quor oLorc to rep.laco the oxis:ing nunici{,al liquor dispe::snry. Tho toLal cost of said projuct, including the cost o: co:,s.ruc- tion under tho terms o: the lo:xat• hid reccivod, eng:neorimS, local and other professional charres, puhllcat.lon ar prin=_ng costa, Intorcat accruing on money bnvrowed for the project /-/2-7 4 Af " G CJ before the collection of any net revenues plcdgod to the pay- ment of the bonds, and all other costa necessarily incurred and to be incurred from the inception to the completion of the project, is estimated to be at least equal to the amount of the bonds herein authorized. Work on the project shall proceed with due diligence to completion. 4. The bonds of said issue maturing in the years and bearing the serial numbers set forth belo,.,i shall bear interest, payable August 1, 1976 and semiannually there- after on February 1 and August 1 of each year, at the respec- tive rates per annum set opposite said maturity years and serial numbers: Maturity Years Serial Numbers Interest Rate 1977-82 1-19 1983-86 20-40 6.50% 6.60% ,The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by incinber and upon vote being taken thereon, the follot-Ang, voted In favor thereof: All present and the following voted against the name: None Whcroiipzn said resolution was declared duly panned and adoptol. -3- STATE OF 'MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY 'OF MONTICELLO I, .the' underdigne.d, being the duly �qualifled and acting Clerk, of 'the 'City of J-9ohticello, Minnesota.; DO 'HEREV CERTIFY that .I shave compared the attached and foresoing, extract of :minuteb of a meeting of 'the City. Councl-I of .said City field: on the date therein indicated',, with .the orlainal. 'thereof on file, and of record in my office and that the sante Is a full,, true and complete transcript therefrom Insofar as, r the same relates to a resolution accepting bid on 'onic of $200,000 Pd6nicipal Ligdor'Storc Ravenuo Donde of 7.9.76 •and fixing the interest sate thereon. WITNESS my That d as, such Clerk and, the oSficial seal of said City thin Via; day of : , 19�C�• _ ` ty G1Crk -11- G RESOLMION, R17()1jES'1!TNr. H.1!%NFSOTX :STAT_ ,11JGJ1WkY DGPARImCNV A,U,ow, 'fic her6i3y, ;vqeo'.Lvud -COililv-3 U Ite J! AA ver" be t; we onL I ClicCLu". !op:Nomcle.. 1 and, tilt', Township of" Big, kaii'll yd" snowmil&iLle, 1%I1k'KCAS, :Ch oQino 13 i'll vs;.cll I C 11"Y' 'Mlli;t. 6-.4 1, the, roadway. q)m; :0vifilvisige eat,i_i4ina 'it Ild stlowniq )CI us, C 11 C':A on c4(.qVic.) peparcmenti,,al.low snountplA,-Ics to "Isi- ;ile F.W1ii1,k',on' the bmilda-c. zlny A' rz C. nit C14, I R unso I'll GI wv Jflbunrs,' 12'., CHAPIEH 1 PtPI IC NUISANCES' THE Cool Or MOINTICCLLO MIICOT OINDAINS THE rOLLOWIHOt ;EiTION : '-1-It a�T tVlrtl%, L1U5. mC 15C9 PAOM1pII[D A,-IVTTIES. GUST NESUS PROWMTEV: SrlstOUCNT To t"E Cx*CTMCMT "ra[O". T,.0 ,OLLOWIND ACT%, COND010N1, ACTIVITIES, DU56A;S1 ON 8v-1%tSStS ANC "t*EO1 PRON181111) LO"CE*T AS "CACfxACICR PCRNiTlt*, (A( NO UNW"UL r".; "uO%?AMCC# GAREAGt, RCr V%C, OfrAL. ON 'JIMILAR $UBBTANCES Ioat.t_ PC Oaov,:ot. EEPOs1tCO3 LCrt, DUMPED ON ALLOWED TO ACCUNULATC '_I7o1M T"! ':Ili. Foo, Pu RPOS;% Or 1x.$ %t.t Ira. or THE C'T' O-oi"."CC! f"ItTLCO •FUOLIG NU.SA"Cts". RtrUlt 5MiLl tKtUOt OUT MOT D; L-17CD TO TMC fOLI^1uI MA OR 11"ILAA ITC"S SrORLD ON PA* -I* OUTSIDE! PAS%CNCCR Wootimm-,". 'it AT.Q% Yat:OMs. TNUclS AND OT'"IT VCN.Ctts NOT CURRcx TLT tILCN1Co (I' GP$'LICAOLC) By •THC SIM OR WHICH A"t OCCAUiC Of NCC"AMiCAL rrrlC.rNC1 lNIAPADLC Or NCVCw(Nl UNDCR JNC, IRO1/H PONCwt MOUSC"OLD A**LL ANCt'1 DU:" Al OUT HOT `L iN. Ir,R to vas" I" AC"/.;s. Da T;As, Redia. CLATp"s. f11Vrs, f RrrCtA;1, Tt LCVISION AMD -PADIO $CIS. PMONOOR*►NS. AND YtNTLAR 1Tt Wi. VC"iCtt PA015. OLO "ACHINC*Pl, NAC"INEPT PANTS. TTRCS. TIN CAN . 1101TLca, DUMD.•N. Nair NIALf, (ortu LII Cua*t NT Dutuolud PtA'MIT PrA T"CtP Use Is t" roaccl. WOOD (UNLts:. /Tsro rOA CIRC WOOD aN0 NrhtLI nTACx CO}. MCrat OR 4"1 oTnco NATC.tAt. Oa Cyt Orr warCAtAL. ANO mteriaR II["s. 1 (q) I auoLli -,t/19A"Ci is A tAIME at.*i.tty lot OADCR AMD rCOatO"• Or CMC ,Tote ANO c(rM1111A 1. U.L.U. Ut LV 001 to am Act ON a.i TT oft . to P[Nroau a OUT. 1"tC" AN -Atl Of OII11410x 9o*LLI SNNOT. .wUU•r oe rooAM:ta THE satcTT. WiLTN. COltr oat. OR Rt*Dsr 'O^ AN' tOIt61i'LRARLC• MIIMOCR Of PLRAOII%, ,. 07 rt NII *U11 IC DtiCMC . UNI awr,,t'- .NTco-rmc WI I". calm-cl o• ilNu t0 OOrTNUCT ON RCNOCN CAN.CAOUN .0% PAs Oast. a LAN(,. "AV.':A"LF a'Itio, 841. sTRCAM CANAL �00 Map1N CN a *utTtit P41,4. sOUANt. ITAcl7, Alit( OA NtanwA* 04 f x ♦a1 wa 4CxptR A MM4/OtAAlLt "utID to of *CRsONs /M3CCust IN L'1L CR lot U1111 :or onavr HT1. AMO as AUCM •Aluis*"Cas slit "CIRCA. PRO+ x 1pllto. (:( Iw AN1 ARLA ToF Calsoc%cc Of AMI RDAIOus' WN vollohDus .coty A710N sucx As *0tsu" i.A,'.WrCT' ON matte rolsOaMrs *LAUNTI. Go AR1 WCCO, ORAss. OAus" O* rLAMT9 W.K. INC A IIRE HAZARD DR 01MC441014t O;UINCNTAL TO INC NtaLTN ".Ior ANW 1, at THE NL tf.ILpOs"ano. 111 NO PL*%*% .MALL NCAt •r TLR CAMACC WItNIN t A/L CRT IN Arco TNADC ON i,wPA, r,.t N1"T W"itN /s "1141tUL to TUC INNApt'Tast& OR OAMr;ROYs TO INC MCAFTM. On o"11011011% to New"mal PAs Poorest'. 0% rRO" WwtCN .re-agp"'yt 0.445 *•Alt. O" u%ovc "Dist c"/"NAttr. AND sPCCIroCALLT ITS OL416W 014414,l OPRPAIL A QU.P ON .iaR1►4C OLPanlar. ARIA oA NCNDe"INp PLANT to TRAIItil COUNT CI:CrT SUCH 1PCc1r IC Att" Wr AC sur"GRIt;r Of THC to1ov"O rC Isr A PCt1NIT All Hoot Itim its **OTs BIT. '1sa"ATUTT' 40"64/1T 6it '4"•alta twoz, stssimoN laws 'Msmoir TA 1953. ANr icLTINor 410,221. sumoglist646 0.41..40 "Or *oHnrrta $TAluTts I 7.1-1 (E) IT E3 UMAYrUL FOR ANY PCN30M TO CAUSE OR PCRNIT GARBAGE. Is. CANS OR REf USE TO eC TNRDVM OR 3CATTLRCO UPON ANY 3TRECT. AL►CY, MIGMVAYA R ARRYAT OP BOULCVAAO OR REAL r3TATC. ,r) YNE OYMLR3 ANO OCCUPANTS Or LAAO3 SMALL REMOVE SUCM SU031ANCES DE- C CRIB`O IN SU53ECTION (14) AND (C) rROM SUCM LAND, ON ELIMINAIL TNr. V .I SAME[ CV1111ITG ON SUCM L4N0 OR IN OCFAULT Or REMOVAL TNCRLFPOM ViTNlN TNi�TT ('j0) DAYR Or A VAI T TCN MOT ICC rnoN iME COUNCIL• TML WOUNCIL VaY OROtP TNC REMOVAL AT IML CAPCNSC Or TME OMMCR OR OCCUPANT. --I CN EAPEM3C RNALL BECOME A L/CN UPON TMC PROPERTY TO BC COLLECTED A3 A SPC:: IAL A33CSSMCNT. IN LiCU Or $UCN ELIMINATION BY TMC COUNCIL 'NE 4OYNCAL MAY REQUIRE TME REMOVAL or APPROPYIAfC COURT OPOEP OR or zR/MINAL AROSLCUT/OM OR Br OWN. EXCEP11ONS: 7Nc PROVISiON3 Or 7M13 CMAPTCR DO NOT APPLY TO fwt "AUL—C. OR ACCUMULATION OR SPREADING Or MANURE ran TNC PURPO3C3 Or AGRICULIURC. NOR 10 1NC NATURAL AMO U3UAl ACCUNUl Af10N Or RUT!RISN 1ROM ONE RISIOCNCE ON TNT OYNCRiS OVA PACM/SCS. PROVIDED TMC PURLIZ NCALIN I% NOT ADVCRSLLY ArrCCTED TNCREBY. ATTCQT:VIt■ER. MAON/NIRTRATOR PA3000 BY TNG CITY COUNCIL C.• 6. .jONMBQM MAYOR 7-1-Z 1.0 0 a A MONTICELLO ORDERLY ANNEXATION AREA County of Wright Toim of Monticello City of Monticello WHEREAS, the Municipal Commission on December 8, 1972, ordered that the described property is in need of urderly annexation to the City of Monticello: Beginning at a point on the Mississippi that marks the intersection with the North-South centerline of Section Thirty-two (32), Township 122 North, Range 25 West; thence South on said line to County Road No. 39; thence East along County Road No. 39 to the Eastern boundary of Section Nine (9), Township 121 North, Range 25 West; thence South along said Section line to the East-West centerline of Section Twenty-two (22), Township 121 North, Range 25 West; thence East on said centerline through Section Twenty-two (22), Twenty-three (23), and Twenty-four (24), all in Township 121, North, Range 25 West, and continuing East on the same line through Section Nineteen (19) and 314 of Twenty (20), in Township 121 North, Range 24 West to the Township Road; thence North to the Mississippi River; thence northwesterly along the course of the. Mississippi River to the point of beginning, with the exception of the City of Monticello as now platted. WHEREAS, the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello entered into a joint resolution as to orderly annexation on June 4, 1974. WHEREAS• the Minnesota Municipal Commission on September 19, 1974, entered an Order ratifying and approving the joint resolution. WHEREAS, Kinn. Stat. 414.068 - Zoning Subdivision Regulation Within Orderly Annexation Area - authorizes, permits and enables the Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello to form a "Governing Body" and "Board of Appeals and Adjustments" to regulate the planning, zoning -and subdivisions within the orderly anne■atiun area pursuant to Minn. Stat. 462.357 7 Procedure for Planned Effectua- tion; Zoning - and ninn. Stot. 467.358 - Proceduro for Planning Effectuatiun; Subdivision Regulations. NOW, THEREFORE• BE IT RESOLVED BY COUNTY OF-WRIGHT, TOWN OF MONTICELLO AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO. AS FOLLOWS: 1. That as of January 1, 1976, the "Governing Body" and the "Board of Appeals and Adjustrents" aro hereby formed and are In full force and effect to regulate planning• zoning anti subdivisions and carry out its duties heroin, In the orderly annexation area. The "Governing Body" shall be known as "Monticello Orderlv Annexation Board." V tai... U 2. That the three member committee with one member appointed from each of the County of Wright, Town of Monticello and the City of Monticello, organize themselves on January 1, 1976, or as soon thereafter as reasonable to make-up the "Governing Body" and "Board of Appeals and Adjustments." 3. That the Wright County Zoning Ordinance and the Subdivision Ordinance of Wright County shall be and remain in full force and effect as adopted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on January 1, 1973, and as amended thereafter, and shall continue to be in full force and effect until ratified, amended or altered by the "Governing Body," herein. 4. That the total costs of the planning, zoning and subdivision regulations and ordinances herein shall be approportioned between the City of Monticello and the Town of Monticello based upon the ratio of their assessed values. 5. That the Wright County Planning Commission, Wright County Board of Adjustments, and the Wright County Zoning Office shall administer and enforce the Zoning Ordinance as enacted, amended or altered by the "Governing Body." 6. That the Wright County Planning Commission, Wright County Board of Adjustments, and the Wright County Zoning Office shall administer the Subdivision Ordinance as enacted, amended or altered by the "Governing Body." 7. That the Wright County Zoning Office shall enforce the building code and related provisions in the orderly annexation area and provide a certified inspector. 8, That 6%o "Governing Body" bholi have the responsibility and authority to implement and adopt a comprehensive plan, land use plan, zoning ordinance, subdivision ordinance, official map, transportation plan, community facility and a capital improvement program. 9. That the "Governing Body" shall have the specific authority to do the following: a. Expend funds for professional services which consist of hiring planners, engineers, architects, geologists, hydrologists, legal counsel and other professional services. b, dire consultants for the preparation of studies and surveys. 1 i t c. Make application for funds in the name of the "Governing Body." d. Receive and solicit grants, aid, gifts and contributions. e. Enter into contracts. f. Purchase supplies, materials and equipment. g. Adopt the by-laws of the "Governing Body." h. Receive aid and assistance from the State of Minnesota or its planning agencies, and from the United States government or its agencies. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the undersigned governmental units have executed this agreement in accordance with the authority of Minn_ Stat. Sec. 414.068 and Minn. Stat. Sec. 471.59. ATTESTED TO: WRIGHT COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS By County Administrator Its Chairman Passed and adapted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners this day of , 197 ATTESTED T0: TOWN OF MONTICELLO By Trnvn Clerk Its Chairman Passed and adopted by the Town of Monticello Board of S upervisnrs this day of 197 ATTESTED TO: CITY OF MONTICELLO By City Clerk Its Mayor Passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello this day of , 197 TAT f MINNESOTA 5 E O) ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR'S CERTIFICATE I, David Douglas, the Wright County Administrator, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing resolution with the original minutes now on 'file and remaining of record in my office; that the same is a true and correct copy and transcript of said original minutes and the whole thereof sofar as said minutes pertain to the matters contained herein. WITNESS MY HAND and County Seal of the County of Wright, Minnesota, this day of . 197 (S E A L) County Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) 1, Marjorie Goetzke, Town Clerk of the Town of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do.hereby certify that i have carefully compared the foregoing resolution with the original minutes now on file and remaining of record in my office; that the same is a true and correct copy and transcript of said original minutes and the whole thereof sofar as said minutes pertain to the matters contained herein. WITNESS MY HAND and Town Seal this day of ig7 , (S EAU Town Clerk :TATE OF 41NYESOTA ) ) ss, CLERK'S CERTIFICATE COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) 1, , City Clark of the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have carefully compared the foregoing resolution with the original minutes now on file and remaining of record in my office; that the'same is a true and correct, copy and transcript of said original minutes and the whole thereof sofar as said minutes pertain to the matters contained herein. WITNESS MY HAND and City Seal thIs day c%f 197 (SE AL) City Clerl,