City Council Agenda Packet 01-26-1976D AGENDA Monticello City Council Meeting January 26, 1976 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall-, Dick Martic, Cane Walters. Meeting .to be taped. Citizens comments. I . licaring — Community Development Block Grant Appliaat.i.on. 2. Consideration of amendment's to State @i.i.lding Code. 3. Review of final plat for Docrr Estates. Q. Update on B.i.Centenn.i.al activ.it.i.cs. S. Consi-deration of resolution pertaining to engineering Pecs for Step I Grant. 6. DiseusRLon with Mr. Mike O'Connor relativo to union represenenti.on of Public Works Department employees. 7. Approval. of bills. 8. Approval. of Jnnuary 12, 1976 minutes. 9. Unfin.ish cd business. 10. New busi.ness. MalIi -ng co: J. W. Mi.11ilt' Henry Doerr Read Larson Mike O'Connor Mike. Holm Cavol, Olson Don Smith John Radalich AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Item I. "caring - Community Development Block Grant AppL.icat.i.on. Primary objective of the Community Development Block Grant Program is the development of urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable .living environ- ment and expanding economic opport.ul t.i.es, principally Ear low and moderate income people. Following .is a list of eligible activities for which a community can apply For funds: Eligible Activities 1. Acquisition of real property which .is A. blighted, deter.i-orated, date riorating, or inappropriately developed B. appropriate for rehabilitation and conser- vation activities C. appropriate for preservation or restoration of historic sites, urban beautification, con- scrvat:.i.on of open spaces, natural resources or scenic areas, provision of recreation, or the guidance of urban development D. to be used for the provision of eligible Public works, fac:i.11t.ics, and improvement h. to be used for other public purposes. Acquisition, construction, or installation of pub.i.l.c works, facilities, and site at• other .improvements - Including neighborhood Fac.i.li.ties, senior centers, historic properties, utilities, streets, street lights, water and sower facilities, foundations for air rights sites, malls and walkways, and recruat.ion facilities. Flood and drainage Facilities are eligible only where assistance under other Federal programs .is unnvn,i.lnblr.. Parking and solid waste disposal facilities and Fire protection services and facilities are eligible only if, Wanted In or serving designated community dnvolopment: areas. 3. Code enPorccment in deteriorated or detr_riornt.ing areas expected, together w.i.th public .improvements aid services, to arrest area decline. 4. Clearance, demolition, removal, and rehnbil,itnti.o1 of buildings and improvements Including .interim nselstance rued fi.ntmteing rehabi..litnuinn of privately owned properties when incidental. to other act.i.v.ities. 5• Special projects to remove material and architectural ( barriers restricting mobility and accessibility of elderly and handicapped persons. 6. Payments to housing owners for losses of rental income while temporarily holding units to be used for reloca- tion. 7. Disposition or retention of acquired real property. 3. Provision of public services not otherwise available in areas of concentrated act:iv.i.tics if necessary to support such activities, if funding for such services was applied for under any federal program and denied, and .i.f such services are directed toward (a) improving public services (employment, economic development, crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, education, welfare, or recreation needs) and (b) coord.i.nati.ng public and private programs. 9. Payment of non-federal share in connection with other Federal programs undertaken as part of the develop- ment program. ( 10. Relocation payments and assistance for those displaced by assisted activities. I1. Activities necessary to develop a comprehensive plan and a policy - plann.ing - manngement capacity to more effectively determine needs, set goals, and objectives, develop and evaluate programs, and carry out management nctiv.itics necessary for planning implementation. 12. Payment of reaaminble adm.i.ni.-strat.ivc costs and carrying charges related to the p.lnnning and execution of nctivities. lnol.igible Activities Any type of neUv.ity not described on JUL of eligible activities is .i.nc,l-.igi.blo. ISVamples are: I. I'll bHe fncilitics not spent fic:1.l,ly mailUonad in the .list of of WLble nehivites: A. Facilities for ion general conduct of government. Il. Stadiums, nndi.toriums, sports arenas. C. Schools. D. Ilnsp.i,tal , nursing homes. G. Airports. f. Treatment works for sewage or industrial waste.. G. Community opeNthi.ng and mnlmonance expenses. Il. General government eapcnscs. l.. MIAMI nut-ivibies. J. New housing construction. K. Income maintenance programs. Possible Action: Purpose of meeting is to obtain citizen input on type of project for which funds should be applied. At Mon- day's meeting, the council should come to some consensus on narrowing choice down to 2 or 3 projects. Another hearing is scheduled for the February 9, 1976 meeting and at that time the council can discuss the proposal{s} in more detail and come to a decision on specific project. Item 2. Consideration of amendments to State Buildina Code. Amendments to the State Building Code relating to regulations covering energy conservation are available at City Hall for your review. In addition consideration should be given to increasing the building inspection fee charged by the city for the additional inspections. I have talked to Jay on this and would recommend the city at least increase its fee to match the current fee suggested by the state. For your reference, listed below is the current city fee and the suggested state fee: CurrrnLFre $10 minimum - for valuation up to $$,000.00 $10 plus $2.00 per thousand - for valuation between $5:000.00 - $2$,000.00 $50 plus $1.50 per thousand - for valuation between $25,000.00 - $100,000.00 $162.50 plus $1.00 per thousand - for valuation over $100,000.00 Su emted State Fee, Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $S.()0 $Sal -00 to $2,000.00 $5.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00 $20.00 1'or the first $2,000.00 plus $d.00 for each additional $1,000.00 ur fraction thereof to and including $25,000.00 $112.00 for the first- $25,000.00 p1to $3.011 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and i,ncludinii $50,000.00 $2,001.00 to $25,000.00 $25,001.00 to $,50,000.00 -,I- L A $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $500,001.00 and up J $137.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $2.00 for each addi-tional. $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and :including $100,000.00 $257.00 for the fi.rst $100,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or, fraction thereof, to and imcl.uding $500,000.00 $537.00 for the first $500,000.00 plus $1.00 for each add.it'.i.onal $1,000.00 or fraction thereof This would increase the cost- of a bu.ildi.ng permit on a $30,000 home from $57.50 to $127.00. Additi-onal.ly, section 4-1-2 of our city ord.i.nanccs adopt various amendments to the bui.ldi-ng code. To section 1414 of tlae Ilu.i.l.ding Code Monticc.l.l.o has adopted the following amendments: Section 1414. Requ.i.rement for S.i.nglc Pam:i.ly Residences. I (A) Size: All Single Fam.i.ly Dwol.l-i.ngs shall have a m.i.nimum of one thousand one hundren (I100) square feet of useable floor space above grade. (D) Carage: A 2 -car garage w.i.t;h a m.i.nimum floor area of four hundred forty (440) square feet shall. be provided for every clwel.l.ing. These amendments arc I.n confl,.i.ct w.i.t;h our zon.i.ng ordinances which do not require a 2 car garage but Sufficient, 101. s.i.zc so that an additional shall. can be added and the minimum first floor arca of 1000 squtu•u feet for n one story dwelling and 750 squaru feet for a two story dwelling. Possl.bie Action: If coarnc.i-:I concurs: A. Adoplaon of the stato building amendments (:i.n reali.ty those w.i.l.l be effective anyway tinder state regul.ati.oils. D. Adoption of the bniIding permit fee as outl.i.ned In the State Ilui Id.Lng Coda. C. Del et.loil of coneli.ctimg ordinances on square footage land 2 car garage requirements. Item 3. Rev.irw of final pint. for nnerr rF;i;aces. This plat; fins born ray.i.cwrd by t.hc planning commission and the pre.11minavy plat resviewed by the aonnc.i.l. Mich our consulting oi.ty ('1141,naecr And hlnnnc-.r have r•ev.Iewocl tho plat; and have given their approval. For park dedication purposes Mr. Doerr W11.1 be making a rash contr.i.buti.on. Market, value assessment of the 9.02 acres .i.s $11544.00 and a cont -vi Imiti.on of $1154.40 would be forthcoming. ZC Possible Action: If council concurs, approval of plat and park dedication contribution. A copy of the plat is available l_ for review at city hall. Item 4• Update on Bi -Centennial Activities. Historical commission member Don Smith will give a progress report and update the coune.i..l on the planned activities for the BiCentennial observation planned by the commission. Possible Action: Report by Don .is intended for informational purpose. and no specific action .is requested of the council. ..Item S. Consideration of resolution pertaining to enginceri.ng fees for Step 1 Grant. As a result of a December 1975 change in regulations the Environmental Protection Agency rcqui.res engi.neor.ing fees involved in the Step 1 Fac.i l.i LKs Plann.i.ng Study applica- t-t.on be pa.i.d on a lump sum basis as opposed to perer_ntage of completion or other has.is. John Bada.l.i.ch will- have a resolution for Monday's meeting. It shoal -d be pointed out that this does not change our agrcemrnt with Orr-Srhel.on-Mnyeron & Associates, �. only Lhr, t.i.m.ing of payment and furthermore, noth.i-ng is payable un.lcss Monticello rcee:ives funds for its application. Possible Acti.nn: If council concurs, approval of resolution. :item 6. Dine"ssion with Mr. Mike O'Connor ro Uthi.vo to Wmi repro- sentat.ion of P"h He Warks Dcpnrt:ment emPlnyccs. Mr. M.iko O'Connor, attorney From Minnenpol.is, wi.l.l be here to discuss procedures now that five OF the Public works Department have pot..i,LIon .d for doterm.inati.on of appropriate unit- with the State UIn^eau oP Mcd.iat.ion Services. After talking with Mr. O'Connor he felt it: would be wall Par myself to meet w.ich the employees and find out, their sper.iPie gr:i.evannes. I had n meeting with the employees on Pri.dny morning and their primary reasoning in going to a union was Elicit- concern Por ;jab seeur.l.Ly. Been= their cmployar, Lha Mnnt.irr.11o City Council, Is oonstancty changing, they fell: .in would be benef.ic.i.nl for them to have it un.lun contract: whereby personnel rales and pnL.i.Nes would non he subQmJ to amatnnL change,. In this - �n v r, fashion they fell: they cnnld"Inpu6 into 1.114' personnel policy through it enntracL. They indicated that in would be no the-i.r benefit to have n union reprrsentnlA ve negul..inte on the.i.r behnlP rather 1,111111 no rnrry out negobill titills on rill -5- individual basis in which personalities get involved. While they stated they were not unhappy with their present wage scale, in the long run they felt they would also be better off financially. Furthermore they indicated there was no problem with regard to the Public Works Department concept, i.e. each individual is assigned to task as needed. Possible Action: If council concurs, it may be appropriate at this meeting to move that Mr. O'Connor represent the city as legal counsel on this matter. b -0- AGENDA $UPPLDIENT 7Cum t. licar.i.na - Community Duvelopment Block Grant Application. Primary objective of the Community Development; Block Grant Program is the development of urban communities by providing decent housing and a suitable living environ- ment and expanding economic oppovLuni ties, principally for low and moderate .income people. Pollow•.ing is a list of eligible activities for which a community can apply for funds. Eligible Activities 1. Acquisition of real- property which .i.s A. blighted, deteriorated, deteriortrting, or inappropriately developed D. appropriate for rehabilitation and conser- vation activities C. appropriate for preservation or resLoratieat of historic sites, urban beauLif.icaLion, cnn- servati.on of open spaces, natural resources or D scenic areas, provision of recreation, or the f guidance of urban development. D. to be used for the provision of eligible public works, facilities, and improvement. E. to be used for ot:hur public purposes. 2. Acquis.iti.on, construction, or installnLinn of public works, faci.lihicn, and site or other improvements - includ.ing neighborhood facilities, senior centers, historic properties, utilities, streets, street lights. water and sewer facilities, foundations for air rights sites, malls and walkways, and recreation facilities. Flnod and drainage facilities are eligible only where assistance under other Federal programs is nnavailnble. Parking and solid waste d-i.sposai Facilities and fire- lu•ntection services and facilities are eligible only if locnLed in or serving designated community development. nrcos. �. Code enforcement in drt.e:ri.orawd or deteriOMLing areas expected, together with public improvements and services, to arrest area decline. q. Clearance:, demolition, r•emaval, and rehabiliLat.ion err bui.ldi.ngs and improvements including i.nt:er,im assistance and financing rehabi.l..i.t.ntiou of privnLaly owned properties Wien .incidental to other nati.vitics. S• Special. projects to remove material and archi tectura 1 barriers restricting mobility and accessibility of elderly and handicapped persons. b. Payments to housing owners for losses of rental income while temporarily holding unit=s to be used for reloca- tion. 7. Disposition or retention of acquired real propert=y. 3. Provision of public services not otherwise available in areas of concentrated activities if' necessary to support such activities, if funding for such services was applied for under any Federal program and denied, and if such services are directed toward (a) improving public services (employment, economic devel(ipment., crime prevention, child care, health, drug abuse, education, welfare, or recreation needs) and (b) coordinating public and private programs. 9_ Payment of non-federal share in connection with other Federal programs undertaken -As part of the devt:letp- ment program. 10. Relocation payments and assistance for those displaced � by assisted activities. 11 . Aetiv.it;ies necessary to dcvc3op n comprehensive plan and a policy - planning - management rapacity to marc effectively determine needs, set goals, and objectives, develop and evaluat.c programs, and carry ottt management activities necessary for plaroni.ng .i.mplemcntat.ion. I2. Payment of rcasunabte administrative costs .aril carrying; cluu•ges relat=ed to the planning anti execution of activities Knol.igibl.e Activities Any type of nettvi.ty not; described on list of eligible: zactivi.tics i.s ineligible. Examples are: L. Public fnc.i.litles not; speciEieal ly mentioned it) the list of el.igi.ble act.ivites: A. Pat:l l.i.ties for the general conduct of government.. il. Stadi.rrms, auditoriums, sports arenas. C. Srhonl's. D. Ilosptta l , nursing hairs . 11. Airports. R. 'Treat=ment, wm•ks for sewago or .indostrlal Waite. G. Community operating and maintt:nance 11. Genesi government expenses. I. Political activities. _2_ 1 J. New housing construction. K. Income maintenance programs. Possible Action: Purpose of meeting is to obtain citizen input on type of project for which funds should be applied. At Mon- day's meeting, the council should come to some consensus on narrowing choice down to 2 or 3 projects. Another hearing is scheduled for the February 9, 1976 meeting and at that time the council can discuss the proposal(s) in more detail and come to a decision on specific project. Item 2. Consideration of amendments to State Building Code. Amendments to the State Building Code relating to regulations covering energy conservation are available at City Hallfor your review. In addition consideration should be given to increasing the building inspection fee charged by the city for the additional inspections. I have talked to Jay on this and would recommend the city at least increase its fee to match the current fee suggested by the state. For your reference, listed below is the current city fee and the suggested state fee: Current Fee s $10 minimum - for valuation up to $5,000.00 $10 plus $2.00 per thousand - for valuation between $5,000.00 - $25,000.00 $50 plus $1.50 per thousand - for valuation betwcen $25,000.00 - $100,000.00 $162.50 plus $1.00 per thousand - for valuation over $100,000.00 le Su Psted State Fen Total Valuation Fee $1.00 to $500.00 $5.00 $501.00 to $2,000.00 $S.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $100.00 fraction thereof, to and includint $2,000.00 $20.00 for the first $2,0(10.00 pit $4.01) foil each addirlonal $1,000.4 or fraction thereof to and .includ $112.04) for the first. 825,000.00 1 $3.00 for rash additional $1,000.4 or fraction thereof, to and inciu+ $2,001.00 to $25,000.0() $25,001.00 to $50,4100.00 -3- t 00 .r. 7 $50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $100,001.00 to $500,000.00 $500,001.00 and up $187.00 for the first -50,000.00 plus $2.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $100,000.00 $287.00 for the first -100,000.00 plus $1.50 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $500,000.00 $887.00 for the first $500,000.00 plus $1.00 for each additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof This would increase the cost of a building permit on a $30,000 home from $57.50 to $127-00. Additionally, section 4-1-2 of our city ordinances adopt various amendments to the building code. To section 1414 of the Building Code Monticello has adopted the following amendments: Section 1414. Requirement for Single Fatally Residences. (A) Size: All Single Family Dwellings shall have a minimum of one thousand one hundren (1100) square feet of uses blo floor space above grade. (g) Garage: A 2 -car garage with a minimum floor area of four hundred forty (440) square feet shall be provided for every dwelling. These amendments arc in conflict with our zoning ordinances which do not require a 2 car garage but sufficient lot size so that an additional stall can be added and the minimum first floor area of 1000 square feet for a one story dwelling and 750 square feet for a two story dwelling. Possible Action: If council concurs: A. Adoption of the state building amendments (in reality these will be eft'eetive anyway under state regulations. Il. Adoption of the building permit fee as outlined in the State Building Coda. C. Deletion of confli.eting ordinances on square footage and 2 our garage. requirements. Item 3. Review (if final plat for Doerr ratates. Thin plat has been reviewed by the planning c ommi.,%Hlon and the, preliminary plat reviewed by the council. fk►th Our runsulting vi.ty engineer and planner have reviewed tho plat .and ha%e given their approval. For park dedication purposes Mr. Duerr will be making a cash rontritxation. Market valuta a4sesssent nP the 9.62 acres is $11.544.00 and a contribution of $1154.40 would be forthcoming. -4- r a `J Agenda Item 6. Mr. Michael O'Connor, attorney, could not make this evening's meeting because of conflict in scheduling. However, a meeting was held at 2:30 P. M. .i.n City flail. with Mr. O'Connor, the Mayor and the City Administrator. At this meeting Mr. O'Connor briefed the mayor and city adA nistrator as to the procedures involved now that the Toter- nati.ona.l. Union of Operating Engineers has petitioned the State Mediation Moreau to determine the appropriate unit representation, i.e. which employees arc eligible to join. The procedures arc as fo.liows: 1. Hearing on determination of appropriate unit designation. 2. licar:i.ng on certification of escLusi.ve union representation. 3. 131.ection by employees to detorm.inc union representation. Q. Forming of contraet with union represe"ati.vu Mr. O'Connor has agreed to represent the city in its union negot.ia tions and his We .is $3$ nn hour. Mr. O'Connor estimated Lf the city forms n contract .it would take about 12 hours of work. Mr. O'Connor's current position is assistant vice president - .industrial relations with M.inne- gasco. Mr. O'Connor has worked on union negotiations with the following: Plumbers and pipe fitters Gas workers Mice workers Allied industrial workers Peo essiunal employees unJon Electri.ca.l. workers Consultant with city of Ilurnsv.11le in nego- tint.iuns with Tnternnt;ionnl Ilnton of Operating Engineers. POSSTUL13 ACTION: If cuunei 1 conow, , moa -ion In retain Dlv. O'Connor as (;lie ci.ty's ruprescnLat.ive in i.ts Won nagoti.aLions with the lntarnati.onal Union of Opernti.ng Engineers. RESOLUTION AMENDING ENGINEERING AGREEMENT WHEREAS, pursuant to the agreement entered into on February 10, 1975, the city of Monticello engaged the firm of Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 5 Associates, (OSM) to provide engineering services to the city of Monticello, and WHEREAS, the city of Monticello has app lied to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for a Step I Facilities Planning Grant by submission of a document entitled "Application For Step I Grant Facilities Planning Report For Monticello, tlinnesota, Amended November 6, 1975", prepared by OSM and, WHEREAS, rules and regulations of the EPA, Part 35 of Title 40 of Federal Regulations, published in the December 17, 1975, issue of the Federal Register, requires compensation for engi- neering services to be performed on a fixed price basis; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CLTY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: That the aforementioned engineering agreement with OSM be amended whereby OSM will undertake the Step I Facilities Planning Study for a lump sum fee not to exceed $102,690.00, based on the Task/Cost Allocation table indicated in the Amended Application previously submitted to the EPA. Adopted by the City Council this 26th day of January, 1976. ' Mayor t: t Adminisertttor .) CHECK AMOUNT NO. r LIQUOR PAYABLES FOR DECEMBER, 1975 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 6961 1299.77 McKesson Wine - Liquor 6962 595.21 Monticello Liquor - Rent for Off -Sale 6963 300.00 Foster's Ins. Agency - Ins. W.C. 6964 ! 979.00 Leifert Trucking - Freight 6965 142•;15 Monticello Times - Store Expense 6966 6.00 Maus Foods - Store Expense 6967 1 16.43 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 2 B"' �^'�` ajyG 6965 6969 14.99 James Electric Motor Service - Repairs ' G.` 339.53 t W v. Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor Ll� T. -,..rye 6970 � 741.59 Design/Management - Liquor store bldg. costs 1 6971 5040.00 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 6972 1 1204.28. Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 6973 ! 253.55 Dick Beverage Co. - Beer 6974 2022.75 A. J. Ogle - Beer 6975 507.05 Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beet, 6976 1726.91 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 6977 363.75 Viking Coca Cola - Mdsc. 6978 131.25 Cvnssle,in Beverage - Beer, etc. 6979 2734.75 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation 6980 I 27.00 Seven Up Bottling Co. - Mdse. 6991 90.70 ?taunt Foods, Inc. - Mdse. 6952 16.63 Beverage Journal - Store expense 6963 5.00 Scestrom Hardware - Llecttd c heater for storage room 6964 21.43 St. Clourl Jobbing - Storo expense 6955 13.50 Leifert Trucking - Freight 6966 136.66 p Chapin Publishing-L.tquor Store DLdg. costs 6987 44.85 Montirctlo Times - Liquor Stare Bldg. Coats 6986 37.64 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 6989 14.17 Wvlqht County State (link - Fed. W/II. I 6000 341.30 Comm. of' Revenue - State W/11. 6991 134.50 StaLo Treasurer - PFR A i 6992 270.92 Ed Phi -Ilips 6 Sons - Iignnr ; 6993 944.40 City of Mont ice 11.0 - NSF Check 6994 7.47 Twin City Wine - 1A quor 6995 427.81 Orr-Schelen-Mayrron - New Store Jmp. ! 6996 42.114 Fullerton lumber Co. - Store expense 6997 1.92 Famous Brands, Inc. - Liquor d 69115 423.43 Design,/Management - Building costs , 6999 ('311.110 Ed Phillips & Sons - Li quer 7000 1271.15 McKesson Winn - 1_1quot• 17001 /40.26 Smi.11r C 1'r.ingle - Legal 70112 24.00 ♦ Comm. of Revenue - Sales tax 1 11103 95(1.52 ILrtcinexw Men1K Assurance - tlrnup Tnw, 7004 77.51 City of Monticello - 7l•aumi'cr to Street Fund 7005 21101111.1111 Pet ty Ca%h -Mite. Lspense 700h 24.74 NSI' t her ks i SA -y4 Drr emhrr payl,oli - rralavir-w ]1j 1427.15 1111'x11 D1hI1t'RSIMINTS 1°46,665.11 (4 V Ai Glc rt - i CH ECK NO. GENERAL FUND DISBURS6lIEN'1•S FOR DECEMBER - 1975 AMOUNT Monticello Rotary Club - Dues ee 7601 { 32.50 Wright County State hank - Driveway permit - f.Li:+ �ut!<�• 7607 1 200.00 Foster's Ins. - insurance W.C. 760Y 1 4443.00 Feed Rite Controls - Selvage testing 7609 i 35.00 Seestrom's Hardware - Supplies 7610 3.60 Coast to Coast - Stipp)Les 7611 56.12 Nacional Fire Protecci.on Assn. - Nat. Fire Codes 7612 76.91 Buffalo Vet. Clinic - Animal. Imp. 7613 30.00 Jean Brouil lard - Fuel - Street & Sen. Cit. 7614 215.-S7 Ilardrives, Inc. -' 75 W & S Imp. Project - of ling Maple St. 7615 225.0(1 Marty Kjel-.lberg - 'faxes on Kjel.Iberg property /purchase 7616 453.73 Cargill, Inc. - Salt. Cor streets agreement 7617 1621.04 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation contract 761$ 1708.54 Carlson Welding - Repairs 7619 7 50 Red's Mobil Service - Gasand oil 7620 17.50 Monticello Printing- - Printing 7621 15.25 Freeway Glass Co. - Repait, broken glass at Johnson's 7622 128.54 Maxwell, Realty Co. - Appraisal. fee - east bide Hwy. #25. 7623 150.00 Phillips Pet. - Gas and oit 7624 75.91 Nobi.1 01.1 Corp. - Gas and oil 7625 + 135.77 North Central Public Service - Gas hookup at Menzel. & Mtee• 7626 I 573.54 River Inn - Misc. Expense 7627 9.57 Ilaydcn-Murphy, Co. - Supplies 7 62 1 5.75 Gould Bros. - Repai_vs to saudgc- truck & '72 Chev. truck 7629 343.97 Centra Sola Coop. - Posts 7630 82.4.5 [toward Dahlgren - Planning 7631 1 620. 40 lial.l EquLp. Co. - Street repair -s 1 7632 47.54 Figs I t Shop - Tapes 7 633 3i-92 Mon ti re 1 t o rime~ - Pv i n ting & 5upp7 i es 7 634 321 . 90 Monticello Ready Mia - Bobcat rental- roe snow removal 7635 306.00 GovdLe link - I-or'I (twice In Nov.) i 7636 IS4.76 Gwen Bulemill) - Animal :rmp. eipense - Nov. 7637 172.75 N. S. P. - liriIAItes I 7638 1.503.52 Chapin Publishing - Publishing - VW Imp- Project 76311 20.74 Monti rel to P1 ve Dept . - Salar i es 7640 295.00 0. S. M. - 1'17.5-I 8% 'Imp. rrujerl- - Sidewalk Project, 7641 12467•'13 I vague o[• M.N. Mun. - Pamphlets 7642 2.011 Blidprwator - 1'alepho:te 7643 274.43 Harry's Auto Supply ,- Street. %appItea 1 7644 154.40 Amoco 01.1 - (;its and oil 1 '7645 1 10.00 Fulirrt/1n [umber 1'o. - Supplivs 7644, 71 AM Kenneth I'esh,ia - Disposal plant repairs 7647 32.05 1116-I.euri.nl; Drugs - Supplies 764S I 3.4S Manz, roods. 11w. - Supplies 7049 ( 10.03 Watel• I'rnchlotN - hater Dept. sloppl ir8 Par Individual Nervi 7650 232.05 Phi l ll its Petro. - Gas and of 1 76511. 120.97 Croda .End. S1v•v i ces - laundry 7653 7S. 1111 Iloglund H11v fn. - ItepaIrx & light:e Vol, Sot. - $21,11.97 7054 3112.4 117270 1:11i RI%er blacktop o Sired, Fui1pues.4- patching Oct. & Nov 7655 lolls. 11 n Hood, lilt - 7 5-1 S, .1 [lap. 1'I �.,jrc t pay,tcr.c �65(i . 511 1 Demur Mtcr. Bldg. paycnenl; .b17 0i2�.1n Ric k h4lrslrl ler - kIj,IraRr I 7655 j 11 45 Nat ie11f11 IAI.lhl ng - Parts and snpp.l Irn 765(1 I SI .24 FI•,I qh1 founts Stale Hank - ill% Vht ll•11tN 766( 44•;U,;. 60 Alove-,itiln legion •• Flag 7661 2j.110 lint „-y P4.1 sen - Paint in,µ on vi Ilalge krurlcr 71(62 1111.1111 Po.titlnr.tel, - Powtagr 7067 311.1111 RoAter Nat k =. Vi Ir.t;r In Slhoel 7064 2i•Irj Id IAl1Q1• - 1l1'illllllG' 111111. III /I f{. 7i11ij j�.1,2 ridrwcllk 1'11',Ir11 - �Ilal.u� ti N Iirn,jrt 1 - R111,73ti.1j i i Ilthev: toum i l Mi U. in Frpl Id Nluraw Plitt Rrvlew - $j Q. Io i ..; 1'I,, l-1 v I1 1'111��'1`I'1 \1.1.15; ti West Hidv of 'f'45 14111.14; �m • 1 unnr_i 1 mr1 1 Inµ t pldl 1-1-viow 53115.11 hlellhet'ti Pitt l,.rny Int - 1�i77.20; Nun. Illdic, repwlH -• til.�ll; Aidei.alk & Iur•h repair al 1 iquot` Story - $440.114;"I Lrh ng' and I Pi ldewa iko % at Mntol'H - $.3 1011`1111 /-2c-74 all. I CHECK ANNO'N'I N0. Wright County State Bank - mr 7666 1004.40 Comm. of Revenue - SWT 7667 451.70 State Treasurer - PERA 7668 537.97 t Big Lake Gravel - Digging, etc. 7669 3640.40 Business Men's Asstu•ance - Group ins. 7670 416.40 1dall Equip. Co. - Supplies - cutting edges - payl.oader & 7671 2S9.117 Comm. of Revenue - Excise tax Massey -Ferguson 7672 219.81 Jeff Wallin - Travel expense to Iowa to pick up snow plow 7673 75.00 Postmaster - Box rent', 7674 6.00 IIouard Dahlgren - Planning - Bal_. on contract $1070. 7675 513.3i River Inn - Misc. Exp. 7676 29.52 roster's Ins. Agency - Ins. _ iT.k 014. 7677 396.90 Monticello Agency - Adm. Bond 7678 50.00 Smith & Pringle - legal 7679 135.00 Wright County Sheriff - Pol-i.ce contract 7650 1920.00 Wright County I'veasurer - Sen. Cit. rent rebate7681 '12.50 Doug Pitt: - C.i�i,:I. Defense sa'lavy 7682 7.5.00 Ind. School Dist. - U.brary rent 7683 75.00 Wright County Auditor - !r Fine reimbursement 7684 532.511 v_Montice.11o Fire Dept. - Salarles 7685 I 160.00 Claude Ilupe - Re -roofing Sen. Cit. cottage 7686 327.50 No. Central Gas - Utilities 7657 116.11 Contra Sota Coop. - Street expense 76SS 11.01 Scestrom Hardware - Suppl.i_cs 7689 1 12. 77 Johnson's Dept. Store, - Street supplies - hip boots & ponc in9640 71.90 Tr.i -Slate Dr I'[..it]g - Pump repair- - D.i.sposa1. plant 7691 15011.00 Meyer-Roh.lin, Inc. - 1974-1 & 2 Constr. rands 7692 2557.50 0. S. M. - 1075-1 & 2 Constr. rands 7693 15.54.411 Ron Schleif - Fank and oil at filter. Bldg. 7694 145.40 I'u 1.1 cyton lumber' - Supp Lies i 7695 1114.92 Gou.ld Bros. - Rcpa.irs, 7696 ; 15.63 Golden la.l Icy ILr•ni Lure - Fo.ldimg chairs & truck carrier 7697 274.011 V. S. P. - Utilities at, sewer plant-, 7695 t 3.99 Mobil Oil. Corp. - Gas and oil 7699 210.81 Ralph Carter Co. - Water supplies 7701► 55-83 Cargill, lnc. - 80.1.1 7701 # 16,16.20 ca+> J. W. Miller Const. - M se. expense 7702 1 4005.114 Preoway Glass - Repair windshi-eld on loader 7703 56. 96 City 4)1' Monticello - Petty Cash 7704 36.34 Ed lange - Cleaning Man. Bldg. 7705 58.75 Cary Wi-ober - Mileage 7706 22. 50 j rreas. State oi' MN. Planning Agency ! 7707 111.00 �S Ilarry's Auto Supply - Repairs 7709 2.5.51 N. S. P. - Utilit-ies 7709 1734.14 0. S. M. - Park plunn.ing evpcuse 7710 745.80 Maus foods - Miec. expense ' 7711 9•z5 Yonak Sanitatlon - Sanl.tavion eontraot 7712 1756.54 Lvaque. of MV. M1111'1-(.lpaltfles - Mies 7713 25.00 Persian M'Vive Machines - Repait'a 7714 SS.7G Ilall Fquip. Cu. - Repairs 7715 111.115 Poster's Ins. .. 1'n,. 7711) 714.75 Red's Mt1bi 1 Serc.il r - (las and Oil 7717 i 2 45 Jean II1'011iIlard •• IIICI 1'Ur Sen. ('.I.(. 7710 1 145.03 Feed k i t e t'oal rI11 •i - SvwagO 14.%( I ng 771') 35.110 St orm .tiewor - l nc utit X14.;11. gin; Menzel Prop. 55111. ;II 01hor 505\.110 ..; 1'I,, l-1 v I1 1'111��'1`I'1 \1.1.15; ti West Hidv of 'f'45 14111.14; �m • 1 unnr_i 1 mr1 1 Inµ t pldl 1-1-viow 53115.11 hlellhet'ti Pitt l,.rny Int - 1�i77.20; Nun. Illdic, repwlH -• til.�ll; Aidei.alk & Iur•h repair al 1 iquot` Story - $440.114;"I Lrh ng' and I Pi ldewa iko % at Mntol'H - $.3 1011`1111 /-2c-74 all. I TOTAI DLSHIRtSDIUNTS $155,423.95 1 0, 5-1 S,%% Projrt•t `,W)7-94; Council meetings and I Plat rrticu - ll, -tuber - 53S•3•70 j V 4 1 � I 1 1 - - -, - - -� - 1 CHECK • AMOCSI NO. Monticello Printing - Printing 7720 66'!� Gordic Lint. - Fuel 7721 110.2 Earl F. Andersen Sign - Sign 7722 ! 7.11 Foster's Ins. Agency - Ins. 7723 69.00 Howard Gillham - Gravel 7724 110 00 I Kenneth Peshia - Sewer plant repairs 7725 266.60 Smith S Pringle - Legal 7726 75.00 0. S. M. - 1975-1 S!W Const. Fund expense 7727 SS51•64 Christian Service Center - Mayor Johnson's salary 7728 2611.00 Stan hall - Councilmen salary for 4th qtr. 7729 195.00 Gene Walters - " It " 7730 210.00 Richard Martie - " " 7731 225.00 Denton Lvickson - It If 7732 195.00 Gene's Tire Service - Tire repair 7733 105.4f1 Coast to C'oasL - Suppli.cs 7734 104.11 National Dush.inq - Repairs 7735 233.61 Olson's Electric - Repairs 7736 219.91 Gwen Bateman - Animal Imp. 7737 163.07 Rick Wolisteller - Mi.lcage 7738 15.3.5 Wright County rreasurcr - Sen. Cit. rent rebate 7739 22•5f1 Wright County sherii'f - Police Contract 7740 2920.00 Doug Pitt - C-iv.Ll Defense Salary 7741 75.00 School Diet. - Iibravy rent 7742 75.00 Amoco Oil Co. - Gas and oil 7743 200.46 Payroll for necembrl• 6662.02 TOTAI DLSHIRtSDIUNTS $155,423.95 1 0, 5-1 S,%% Projrt•t `,W)7-94; Council meetings and I Plat rrticu - ll, -tuber - 53S•3•70 j V 4 1 � I 1 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO 218 S. CEDAR STREET MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55382 TELEPHONE (812) 2682711 MONrICEttO a Century -Old City With s nuclear aye view SALE UP LIQUOR STORI; RI;VENUC BONDS 1-12-76 - 7,jo P. M. Print• to the regular ineeting tile, opening c,P bids nn the liquor Stare Revenue fionds wilt be held. Possible Actions Should these bids Pall be+.low the Minnesota Statutory limit ul' 7,15, a vesolut.lon should be adopted awarding the sale, to the lowest. bidder. NOTE': Mr. Robert Pdlt'Iler, of Sp: ingsted, Ins. will be here to handle the bond sale and wi.11 have the necessary resolutions. rtu. In addition, Mr. Pulche.r has been a city manager (type D government) and a city administrator (type A gov't.) and hes has agreed to stay longer It' the, coune•1.1 would like to ask some questions on the advantages and disadvantages of a type D government.