City Council Agenda Packet 04-26-1976AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Monticello City Council April 26, 1476 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Stanley Hall, Denton Erickson. Dick Martie, Gene Wa.l.t,ersti. Meeting to be taped. C.it.i.zens comments. '011. Public Hearing - Stage I Water System Construction. 0%. Public Hearing - Sewer and Water Extensions - U -CC IP/^us1 County #30. 7G IMta413 3. Public Hearing - Request for Variance on Side Yard Set Back Requirements - Arve Gri.msmo. q. Public Hearing - Request for Variance on Sign Require- ments - Kentucky Frled Chicken. i. Cons Ideration of Approval of Architect for Senior Citizens Cent - r and City Ball. 6. Consideration of Preliminary Approval - Roden Acres. ;. Cons.ideral.ion of Ilolding 63.quor License to Ret3erve for larry Plakets Propoard Motel Development. S. Request for Rw,oning - Stuart Hoglund. 0. Review of Civil Defentan Emergency Plan. 1(1. Consideration of Maintenance and Improvement of Public Road Southwest of lfillerent. Addition. II . Consideration of Awarding Contract on Dandatartd Dido. 12. Pr(.gresm Report by DL-Centenniaa Committee. 1.1, Consideration of F inn 1 Payment Request - Matnt enance Bldg. 14. Consideration of li+idge-I Approval. for Mont It' rI to (lyder.ly 1nue%aiinn IAiard. r 1� U' �' 1.5.- Consideration, 'of., Mutual Fire 'Aid Agreement. 1'6, Consid&ratibn of, De4ct:lon -of! Ordinan6es on Con- tractors Licqns-c Requiremcifts". 1,7. Consideration of fliihn* ng'comm ids ion 1 s'kcquest 'to' 'iar'Meetln--s.- have Planner, 'in Attendance at -,all Regu IS, Consideration 'of Seeki nd,lidiv-idIual for-tiubllc Worcs' DIpartdoritAnintenance'Pbsition-UnderCETA" Oe6g,ram. 19. Approval of f monthly bills.. 20, - Approval. of March 23, April 6, April 12, April 15. Planning Comml'ssion Members John Padalich' Don 'Smith Mike If6l m, 0 oug :Olct Creg Ryden' .'Larry Flake .Stuart Hoglund 'Bob Brown 3 . ames''Bisele 'Arve dr-im$MO Rick Fimcis (Scunic Signs). If ` AGENDA SUPPLEMENT �- Agenda Item 1. Public Hearing - Stage I Water System Construction. John Iladali,ch wi Ll. be preparing a report under separate cover for this item. POSSIBIP.ACTION: Since this project was .included in a resolution adopted at the council's April. 6, I07v meeting for this improvement, action is not necessary unless the resolution is to be amended in any fashion. Agenda Item 2. Public Hearing - Sewer 6., Water Extensions - County Road John Badalich will- be preparing a report tinder separate cover for this item. POSSTBIE ACTION: Resolution to order improvement. and have John Badal-ich prepare plans and specifJ- cations including it, wl.Lh the 1976-1 Tmproveml:nt Projvet or motion not, to proceed with .improvement. Agenda Item 3. Public Ileariva - Request for variance on side vaed Ae.L-back requirements - Arvo Gr_imsmo, Mr. Grimsmo's home is situated on Lot I, mock 9 of Lower Monei.c-e.l to and he would .like to add on to the garage. In order to do this he is requesting the city allow him to go up to the property ,Line on Ilennepio Street since the street only lends Into the ricer. In checking with our engineers, there is a Putuve storm Newer planned for Itennepin Strect. loading lento the elver; however, the street right -or - %ay of 44) feet, is adequate to place this storm sewer line w1thout obtaining easements from aleott'..ing pro- lwl'I'f owners. At. their 1prl1 :0, 1976 meeting, Clio Planning Com- mission reeomml•nded the vounei.l approve this variance Ileoring-e 1'1)r variances are head at the vouncll level In atlroldanrr with aur ovelinance. Ppgy'IAM', ACTION: Approval. or denlal of request.. Agenda `Ilvm d. PIIhIIt' Heat VInµ' - RI•nllrMt for variance on A get ve- gnlromrnl4 - hetltuikv Pi -ted ChLvken. KvnUu ky I -vied Chicken haw applied Vot, it 'sigh permit; to InslAl I the Rtundard Nenluoky Pi -led Chicken Mign. Srcrval %;ivianres novel be Granted if' the Miran 18 to br al loivcl .tied they i•:re an fol lowst M J Size: Since Kentucky Fried Chicken is in B-3 zoning district and is desirous of putting up a combination of a pylon sign and a wall sign, they would fall under ordinance Section 10-3-9- (E)-2-(2) which would allow a wall Sian of 10' of silhouette area of front of building or a maximum of: 100 square feet plus a pylon sign of 50 square feet with an IS foot height limi to tion. Problem: Kentucky Fried Chicken proposes a sign which is 112 square feet; however, this by itself could be allowed if the perimeter around the lettering would be 50 square feet :Lt is proposed at 62 square feet. Addit.i.onaI problems arise as a revolving six foot bucket With lettering is proposed and so is a change- able copy panel advertising specials, etc. 2. Height: Ordinance section allows 1.9 feet in a 30 MPH zone on a major thoroughfare_, see ordinance Section 10-3-9-(li)-2-(B)-(4)-il'7. Prohlems Proposed sign is over thirty feet high. 3. Revolving sign: Ordinance Section 10 -3 -9 -(B) -2-(e) prohibits signs which move or rotate. Problems Bucket rotates. 4. f•lashl.ng sign: Ordinance Section 10 -3 -9 -(B) -2 -(II) prohibits flashing sign. Problems Sligst includes arrow which flashes. At their April 20, 1976 meeting, the Planning Commission, based oo Howard Dahlgven's recommrndat£on, Rrantrd it %aviuncv Par the pylon sign to meet:. Clio requirements of a 35 mile an hour zone even though the sign is in a 311 mi.la> an hour zone. Reasoning for this .is the speed limit changem from all tat 45 Miles an haun, within _UIIfeet atf the sign. in vri`e(•t , this variance would mean the pylon tsign could be 22 feet, In heiRhl and 100 square feet; in t+izo Invludink that 1>tackel., arrow and align i.tselt' No carianco was recommended for a revolving bucket ov a i'larhing arrow and the wall sign would be. limited to ItIU aaquarr fart nn Chi- Pace of the bul IdioK and the copy panel would be eliminated. Kentucky Pried Chicken telt this was a reasonable compromise. Ser_ Howard Dahlgren's Planning report issued before the. Planning Commission meeting. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval of variance recommcnded by Planning Commission or denial of any variances. A third alternative would be some other type of compromise. Agenda :Liam j.ConsideraLion of Approval of Arrhitect for Senior Ci Ci.zr_ns Center and City Hall. At: their April 13, 1976 meeting,, Lhe Civic Center Comm. recommended the architectural firm of- 'I'hc Archi.tccLural Alliance to work with the comm.!tLec an the Senior Citizens and City Hall. project. Reasoning for the decision .is Lim Commission was Im- pressed with Cho knowledge of the firm's representative, Mv. Herbert Ketchum, the backgrmtnd of the firm, the size of We Firm and Cho aspect of having n cOMMIcLinn enordinator inspecting the projoct. 1'rineipnls ur the firm, Mr. Ketchum and John Lackens, will be at. ?krndny's meeting to make a brief presuotation oheir firm and to sptw F.icaily dWmms Alanticell os pro,jcr. t.. Rucinsud you w!1 i find a letter setting up a Lrntative Lime_ schedule.. In LaI.king to the firm, ,luno 7. IWO was the earliest dnLe they could MCC for n roferenrhno I I. wn" Id seem Lo me it da to of Joly 1 5 wou Id be more reasnnnblc to provide, ndecptnte Limo for a site selection, hui (ding design and "eels. A referendum should not. he on I led fnr uut.i I wt, are morn certain of 4dtesc i Lems. As the I i qunv stoic project: boars out, Lhc prrtmramm!ng sLage .n' a h"I Wing cannot he over -emphasized and sufficient. Lime should be allotted Ino this phase. Als" e"clnsed please rind n letter summarizing the initial interview process and a brochure tntL-.Ilning tl"; Firm's baakgr"""d. PnSS I ULU ACTJ IN: :I f coune.i I concurs , npprovn I of a cnntrnct. to he written up as Snagasted .in }Jr' Ketchum's letter. Since the en"Muct is in an hourly tutt;itt, t would Lhi.tik it wtntld not. warrant nu nttovoloy's review; h,awever, at ytuodttyis meet„ing Lhc hotiriy rate sh"uld he dismissed. I d Agenda ltem ti. Consideration oP preliminary approval - Roden Acres. Preliminary plat was recommended for approval at the November 18. 1975 Planning Commission meeting. I'olloa•ing are Pacts and figures relative to plat.: Owner: Gregory Roden same of Plat: Roden Acres Location: See enclosed map. $.CLC: 4•n aw-cs Lots: 5 Lot sires: W. AMA range from SO to 190 foot, depths range, from 326 to 460 feet. Park dedication: In cash - based an assessed valuation. Plat is available at City Hall fon• review. POSSIBLE ACTION: If cotnsci.l concurs, approval of Preliminary plat Agenda Item 7. Consideration of holding U nuor license .in reserves for• Larry Flake's peoposcd motel development. At. t.hc April 20, 1976 I'tann,ing Commission mccL.ing, Mr. Larry Flake presented proposed plans for a future Mucci development on the stlnLElwest korner of the 1-94 intersection with State Il.ighway 25. In- elnded .in the 50-100 tont motel project, would be a vocktai I lotingc - soppi:r club. banquet, and convent.iun facilities and swimming pool.. Projected for future. development in the area is n Perkins pancake franchise and futuru home for Monticello Ford, lilt: Sce map enclosed fill- area proposed for development and it copy of the proposed plans for the motel arc available, at. City Hall. Mr. Flake has regnestrd the counci 1 set aside nit intos.iCaLing liquor License in reserve until such Lime as he applies fur a IWense, Mr. Flake indiented l.hat. the: reason for the, request: is Ln assure financing POP hitt mmol project which wi I I he dependent out a liqunr .licause being granted. Such a vequost, should br• revl.uwcd very tar:ri.uusly and I wwO d eec„mmond not; gratWng the request based on t.hi; Vol lowing: 1. AnotheP motel is bci.ng proposed Per which it Mmsidernt:inn for reziming .in an the agenda this evening. The duvclupCrs of t:hIs motel will most. Likely :rFk Petr the reserving or is license. also. I 2. The legality of holding a .liquor license i.n reserve is curl•ently being contested in St. Cloud. 3• A Precedent of sorts has been set, when AI Joyner was asked to get building permit approval before a license was approved. q. Legal counsel for the League of Minnesota Monic.ipaliti.cs recommended denial of the request until a building permit; was approved It would appear that both motel projects will not. be go.i.ng ahead at the same time and 1 feel the free entu•pt'iso system should dictate w•h1ch project, wi II Survive 1-111AWW than tIIC ci.ty counci..l. POSSIBLE' ACTION: Approval ov denial of request. Agenda .Item S. Request for Rezonint - Stuart; Iloglund. Mr. Stuart Iloglund of Monticello, along with lid Larson. Stove C11urson and Melvin Flick all of Sauk Rapids, are proposing a 42 unit. motel to be siLuat.cd on an eleven arse s.iec. They rovicwed their proposal at. the Marrh 16, 1976 Planning Commission mrct.ing and indicated site could be expanded to IOU IMILS. Mr. SUlarC Iloglund owns the parcel to hr rezoned and is retlnesting that, an additional twenLy acres ad- join.i.ng Lhe site also bo razoncd for a total of 31 acrrs. Initial plans indica Lo it cocktail loongo seating 73 people and a restaurant seating 118 prople. Zoning request, would be from 1-2 and a small scetian that; .is 1-1 to I1-3. While_ Lhe dl:volopcvs are .interested in both lacy s:wrr and w•atl;r, they i,ndicntcd 1:11ey ('011 Ill provide thole oull sewage systeltl and i.t would appe:lr I,hat w•aLer world be forthcoming within one year if Lhe city goes ahead with the consl•.ruction of a ground Stol•ago water resvlWoi l' systeltl. At their April 20. 1976 meeting the Planning Conmt. held a hrori.ng and there bring nn objerl,Ions. vo- eommended approval of Cho rezoning' request. See Il',lw•ard Dahlgren's planning report; in vefevent,n to thi's agenda item. POSSTIILIi ACTPW: IP connr,i..l r.oneurs, approval of re- i.on i ng' rrqucal,. ',—Agenda 1Lem Vit. Review of Civil Dcfrnsc Emergency Plan. Douglas P.iLL, Civil Defense Director, will present. and review the Civil Defense Plan for the City of Mon ticclLo. POSSIBLE; ACTION: ].f council concurs, mot,i_nn to approve plan. Council may want to consider a meet- ing with .IocaI officials (NSP, school, hosp.iLaI, sheriff" s department, .local newspaper) to review plan wi.th Lhem to insure proper coordination. Agenda ]tem 1O.Consideration of Maintenance and ]mprovemenL of Public Road Southwest of IlillcresL Addition. Mr. James lii.sele, who Lives at Lhe end of Lhc above road (somet.imcs referred to as A.1 Meyer's road) has requested to be on the agenda to discuss the city's intentions for maintenance and improvement of this road. At. a previous mucking, the council determined it should be kepL at, its present: maintenance_ leve.] (i.e.: a gravel base) and consideration could not, be. given to class five or bituminous Surfacing until the t•raffie would warrant it. My rucommendat.ion would be to keep Lhc road in at, least minimum passable condition. This may require a few loads oP class five. in the spring It wnuld sect oc,.00mically unfeasible to go beyond this. POSS1131.1i AC'I"ION: Jr cotntci.l conelu•s, maint.enance of roar) in at, least. minimum passablu condition. Agenda Item II. Cunsidtn•ntiOn of Awarding Contract on IlandsLand Bids.. Bide will he opened at 2 P. M. un Monday and to he awarded at. Monday's mccLing. As oi' this writing no one, has picket) up plans and specifient.ions Pur the project'. Should no ono bid an the pro,jcet., Oho city could advertise Por bids in thu Cnns('voocitnl IUlllet.in and I.he trade magazines (bills were ouly advcrtist-d locally) or solicit /litocat-ions From Ill/all cont,vantors. POSSII11.17 ACTION: '.It' bids received, awarding of eont.raat Ln lowest responsible bidder. Aucnrla 1 tent I 111-09rea Itrpurt bv Ili, -C ent;cnnial Commi ttee,. Tho fn.11owItig members of the, committee will update thu cnllnr.il nn the indicated .items: Jim llcrh5t - Vire '1'ruek Il,tb Ilrowvt - Musr.um Mill Smi t.h - Mim6i.relJo IIiR6nry hroe_hure Agenda 1 -tem 13. Considerati.on of F.ina1 Payment Request - Mtec. Bl da. Final inspection has been made and Orr-Schclen- Alayevon and Assoc. recommend final payment approval Original cont.ract - $79,266.00 Change orders - 24.79 Total Contraet - $79,290.79 Payments to date - 71,145.79 Final payment $ 5,145.00 t� 1`L'gn CSte CI POSSIBLE ACTION: Sf council concurs, approval of paymen L. Agenda I tem 14. Consideration of Budget Approval for Monticel to Order.l.v Annexation Board. At Ulcir April 14, 1976 mr_rting, the Monticello Orderly Annexation hoard approved a $2,000 budgcl; fol. 1976.. Approval from the city counc.iI and town board is necessary as part of the by -Jaws of the board. Monticello's share will be approximately $1,770 based int assessed va.luati.on. Since t.h.is is the N est .Year a Inulgot has been set up fen• tho board, no specific a I 1 oea tion to types of expend i. to res were mado at this time. Expenditures w.i1.1 include honed member and secretary's salary ($15 rt meet.in-) planning fees, snitplies, Addit.i.onally, an altcrnatf) from the city council should be appointed in the mayor's absence. POSSIBLE. ACTION: :1f Council concurs, npprovaI of INldgut and appot n tment of a I teI'll nt.r,. Agenda Teem Ii. Cotts.iflernLion of Dhltua.l I'i.ru Aid Agreement. Enclosed plense find it tent;aL.ive mut'ua'l fire aid agreement. suggested by Big Lahe for nnitual aid to Big bake, ILxkur, Elk River and %.fmmerntnn. 'rids has bccn rev:iewed by the fire depnrt.ment and nIll) rovu- d. POSS1111.1i ACTION: This .is only n tcntal;.ivo agruemcnL. hitt, .i t, .is requested that the views of tile. ronnci 1 and fire departmt,rlt br, re.layed ti, Ili.g I,nku. F Agenda Item 16. Consideration of Deletion of Ordinances on Con- tractors' License Requirements. As you may recall, the council appointed Stan hall and Jay ?filler as a committee to review a revised ordinance with local contractors on registration requirements. At a subsequent mect"g, Stan hall reported that the local contractors were unreceptive to the reg- istration requirements and felt that the proposed ordinance and the current ordinance on Ii.eensi.ng requirements for local contractors should be eliminated, except fur excavation wurk and pumping of septic tanks. POSSIBLE AM ON: If CMMM-t concurs, deletion of ordinance Sections 3-S-1 through 3-11-3 on .licensing requirements. Agenda Item 17. Consideration of Planning Commission's Request to Have Planner in Attendance at al I Real,rtar gs. Thu Planning Commission has requested the city council approve the attendance of the planner at, nil rugulnr meetings. Sineo Howard Dahl.gren's fee is M an hour, the cuunci 1 may Mint, to arntai.dor the apin•ovnl of ami, request, as it, deemed necessary by the, planning Commission chairman. Reasoning for the request: .is chic to the tremendous growth in the area and the requests fuer ev:ron.i.ng. variances and other hums as they apply to the comprehensive: plan ger view zoning or<ilnancus. POSSIBLE ACTJOU: If ammo -1 concurs, approvni OF rcyucs t. Agenda Item lS. Cnn.siderntinn of SeeMU :Individual for PuhHu Works Department, Maintenance INISIIinn Under Clt'1'A I'rouram. ,ieffrey wni lin re-signed hien position as main6enanre mon in the public: works depart,me.nt over a nront;h agn and it, would appear that another full lAmo, person Js necessary to Pill the position, It is realized with a Publ i r, Works Director ilia department wi 1 I he back to six men, however, the Public Works Director will he handling several duties i ravlunaly unnmsumed by the department (c.g. i-n- Spect.ion oP sewer and water prnj"ts, design nP smnl l improvement projects, mak-&g prescntnt'.iuns no counci i meetings. Me.). Additionally, the increased activity in the city resulting from increased park areas, increased services, etc. is resulting in some items being delayed or not immediately attended to. POSSIBLE ACTION: If council concurs, approval of motion to request an additional employee in the Public Works Department under the CETA program. It should be remembered that a qualified individual may not be found and the council still has to approve of the individual and also of course the cost to the city will be nothing for at least six months. THE ARCROECTURAL ALLIANCE �! John W. L1CkC", Jr. AIA Herbert A. Kotcbem, Jr, AIA "Robert E. Bell A Corporation for Observing, Discovering, Croat boarnantb Mg, and Building Env App Clifton A.MUO SWtn. ktlnnenpoti., mimalrols -44.1 '612/671.5703 Mr. Gary Wieber. City.Administrator Monticello City hall 215 South, Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 April 19, 1976 Dear Gary: Per our.discussiotl last Wednesday. we are enclosing a suggested schedule of activities and a proposed time schedule for accomplish,- ing the programming. design and construction of your proposed munic- ipal building. This schedule should be reviewed _at tho City Council Meeting on Monday evening. April 26, 1976, and revised acrordingly. A. Initial meeting with City,Coun- April 26, 1976 ell (to discuss proposed ac- tivities and time schedule) B. Initial public inforeution May 3. 1976 meeting (to obtain the com- munities comments and con - Copts) C. Oevelop:program requirements May 4 - 30, 1976 0 ue-A0 (determine short and long range building needs, seho- matic building design and nxoannend:bl site selection) D. Second public -information May 31. 1976 meeting (briefing on build- ing short and loblg range re- quironents, recommended sato selection and cost estimates) E.. Refer?ndum Vote (on recom- June 7, 1.976 mended site and building cost estinates) s 1 S Mr. Gary 4lieber -2- April 19, 1976 Based on approval of the referendum, the following schedule will be established. F. Develop building design June 8 - June 27, 1976 (3 weeks) G. Owner review and approval of June 28 - July 4, 1976 (1 week) design documents H. Develop contract documents July 5 - Aug. 1, 1976 (4 creeks) (working drawings and specifications) 1. Owner review and approval of Aug. 2 - S. 1976 (1 week) contract documents J. Obtain competitive bids Aug. 9 - Aug. 29, 1976 (3 weeks) K. Owner review of bids and award Aug. 30 - Sept. 12, 1976 (2 weeks) of construction contract L. Construction phase Sept. 13, 1976 - Jan. 1 (4-6 months) to Mar. 15. 1917 As itis impossible to determine the exact scope of the architectural/ engineering services we must provide prior to developing the program requirements, schematic building design and accomplishing the actual site selection, we propose that our services up through Item "E" (Refer- enclum Vote) be provided on an hourly basis for a maximum fee not to ex- ceed $5.000 plus reimbursable expense S. We will provide you with monthly invoices summarizing all direct labor and reimbursable costs. Upon approval of,the referendum and understanding the total scope of the proposed project. we will then develop a complete architectural/ engineering fce for our services through the completion of construction. We feel that this is a fair an equitable agreement and trust that you w111concur. We are onxlously looking forward to working with you and all partici- pants from Monticello on this project. 1 will call you on Thursday morning, April 22. 1976, to see if you have apy questions regarding our above comments and to discuss the agenda for Eye April 26. 1976 City Council Meeting. Sincerely. 44 - HERBERT A. KETCHAM. JR., AiA HAK:S0 1 cc- Ernest Fchten CITY OF Phone (612) 2632107 f81G LAKEMINNESOTA 55309 "Gateway to the Outdoors" March 15, 1976 City Clerk City Hall Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir3 The City of Big lake Fire Department is interested in entering into a formal Mutual Aid Agreement with the other area fire departments. We have taken the liberty of drawing up a tentative agreement for distribution to Becker, Big Lake, Elk River, Monticello and Zimmerman. We would hopo that you will review the Modol Agreement with your Fire Chief and Council and relay your feelings to us in tho near future. Sincerely, Curtia W. Sneorud City Clerk-Admi.niatrator (,sy,/...,+ V-1ip•76 V 1) /S Cd O v- -::TC;;= �­iz of Sherburr.o. =4 dight, State, of a-' T.i,J, Mk River, Mc�htidaU6, art Zir=enman, sa" cl S-tw.6'jof lUnroceta, M'.MS5STF: as co �va:ltblc t'otach 6--hcr Da!4 d"ir "o, raq;cct.i%,j. pc7mcn.al. in the c6so of and. eazh 0: _=!C: t : art'hor4Lty to c nd, its z-nd purzcr.n.r1 �fnt to c:_f_:L ftAin= AS: FOLLV--:3: 4111,11 Lh6 ii.nlltz of cit.her of-tho abo"je =ml ­ ,A_ z"q to"rrite-y-in i;,�,ich ok;hr-2 � x1d ":Uci- lzi'va to cdntract l*;':V4L-<iV.ti.-g iqUipaont arZ purccu=al and ,-hd 6C_, 4 L —0 .1=,cut*! t-n!"D iram-ftZ. �.n oizher of'the municipties c CW a _'ji4f of its firc depart.mirt or In his:,abtt.=b, or Uu -tir.3 dapartmant, itt r:Lr'� dzplA=nu, ll—, I I ihlc"fire, or lliids,, an Nmc�rjerxy --hall *X -i. -t fc, r the ;x-v"PO-- Q_ 2., Z za cwL`�v- y aij- t.ho,'pjoraona +.,hd dre.Vttlticd by 'up6ntha fire duNrt:.cr.* :of one or acra z vnicn. c -re adjacent; for asiatance_ If -!I the cl in ;Zr�-,Cxnz�! of any of said ckinici;ultriu is cr4r,,u�, t.- c.� cc� Mcar of, the fire dep3e=�>'I. 'of a.V -l"; �l 41. =.&ing ol 1.,,aant Is not, erC4jad' :Ln,fi'Ghtirz '-piru to 6,:nd cr"ITZL�.t. i» �.jv;o,;,:.._-, zo tjty fire station tc be available fcr cd -U U. raqulrLi zcr a -,,z "I- ll�s:p of the 'par *. tioa by Is to cizFopi�.4te Ln t,."G �t 4q by mal:�mAlable naccz;zwy fircfleht.ln� 1,i;:persmr!�a .7rca "2.Lrzca-..pt Pira statitne a:,A during c%:ch, an Q:ir­ on . cy tar: _ a-za of the parties 00"as to make the 4 ;sopa ,xnt av�&.qnkl m;-,ill.able for uaa in the wvr:.-.t oti or rirr:z, Mai -1cralary of these cmdclyalt'lea. .1 14,-i* :aQbit:tanco :0 oz forts, in r_zrazimarh 2, w�c t*---cto shru pTc;vlvly &I -L.11 tho �,l to .40,11st in the firs J wdc* tj tme daze v*y bo, - i �'r _-,5Yi kiraiiso. ahill� bib dblI,,;lwd ig s4rA 1! `t —fire If to Co 30 woW,d 14.Ve cuch =Aicl- 9 1 -,I s a i; 4 Zb --ad Att n I t ir i s� T r Y 'a. Tinea :Michh.mijoit arlsidIng t�' a rr ;nxwolal or WW fir* dap: ��Jnt an wwrlancy will 1,t..4utaly- up.I­ -A.­� ur4ar the commarsl or tholort.1cor in cn:.:j,6 Nr t.ra the amergermy is situfafwl; •am a ItLA ao sy xV :party.b�rcd; -to o=iEcr for assistance ru:�d party, un- 'ti3 =.d r,2c6iv'in&ar3i-.iance';krddftr Wi=, party hoate; 'Shal 2�sa-tO-thc� provocrty, of' I thb,:dsaiatu�in� pari- AAI l :�i� 4a 6r, tKo cc----urit'y - q, chat, carry- its;jowl IlAbility ura.1ce 1or. th 4n. 61- tiny" c�.ttu.r ..a 'aavina both itdoif and fhoe of ;the Xi`r In,,thc" Pamy <4--- twi-- ar'W',-,officq'r, •ci oqA.cyc6, dt,arjy,; :r y, chall la z �D`.4 -Zd o-Eiaccount-,of h' , urz),o 6V p��. y all ' f"'' rd th-4� z.; h, I-tc or perzoz�di in; ro�p#fi�.c- to ti=hcr t�Lnicipn-llitty. C 7a U= i-stu.60, I by a party who ehal Illia Med,aSO S. llabi' U41 1, -wZ o r tilt i of; firio-zishin or' ttIOC6 dur-h An, iiso or'distructicn -.11 +bd -'ea al 1;y •of. any,*,ofii'car dr,,cz-a444 j:cvcW" , i 6f-caofi party, fierot'd'irl.11 appoint thred ropre.- =A, X4-0 -'IJTIc'-C'-':­-Pr to, serve as =10't'XL' n:!r;.�020- Of furtheAn--,Vaz-�0303 0P, ' aftho r6 /j paitilk; of'CqUi iA, .9di:cation jof, A1414i Ai. —.-I c0larmW throutotit-tho torritozy, of thodd z4c aftiregii-,- &,Y *XMy7.,,f iqm:04s agriacmdnt 'W tfiiity days' notim a-js'4;1- :,.'r.: ;:ill bo wdtcd at fho hre� do artsent .of haw44z: dIthl td ditna t.A ;,2" ty 'ihAT •rz�ctivb -dV4 authoricci., 7: iWa thio uz, vo d' JDf, 'CIT -vu =Kml- X-vo r Clark 61 c -.TY OF BIG L"KE Mayor Clark MY OF =Ii BY Mayor Clark CITY 07 NOYMCELT-0 bi rYyor Lcic.,:c MY or Z1100C n -N By Naycor clor!c C.ENERAI FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR APRIL - 1976 Gwen Bateman - Animal Impoundment Postmaster - Stamps St. John's University - Seminar Yonak Sanitation - Contract General Fund - City - Mayor's Salary for 1st qtr Denton Erickson - Councilman salary Richard Martie - Stanley (tall - u Gene Walters - Doug Pitt - Civil Defense Salary SchooL Dist. #S,S2 - Library rental Wright: County Sheriff - Police Contract Monticello Fire Dept. - Firemen payroll Ed Lange - Cleaning Man. Bldg. Wright County State Dank - FWT PERA Wright; County State 9ank - Driveway casement State I'reaski rer - Soc. Security Cont. Fund Comm. of Revenae - Slif caque of Mti. Municipalities - (landbooks 7923 7924 792S 7927 7925 7929 7930 7931 7932 7933 7934 7935 7936 7937 793h 7939 t:o State of MS. 7940 --n vet•sity nl 'LN. - Dutch Elm tree school for R. Mack & Gwen Bateman - Animal lmp. Moon Motor Sales - Rotary Mower Postmaster - Stamps C.ordle I ink - Fitel- Ken Pcshia -. Repairer at Disposal Plant Wright County Auditor - 1 pni.i.ce finer.; State of MN. - Drn'uments Hayden -Murphy- Co. - Repairer Midwest fent tor. Ine. - Repair t:o loader on North Central Puhl io Ser. ice - Gas West Publlrh-laq Co. - MN. session laws Phillips Fol. Corp. -• Gas and oil Red's Mobi I •- Gas and tri 1 Central MCG4twan' - Sappi Lex Roger Mack Mileage to sehonl Wal ter Mat k - 'Ili- I cage to sehaol Howard Dahlgren - Planning expenRe - Parks Monliceilo limey - Printing, publishing, ere Mobi.; Oil CORP. - Gas and oll N. S. P. - U1iItIit's 01'r -St holm-Mayeron - Eng. i'ees-plat reviews leg. meeting. 4ler3Ce 'fit. Gond 'Limes •• Ad%. Cor PIPD Jim ilt'rla5t - Re.imb. fns fire track expense MAtivive D,mst rnm yi.gnM - I eti veing i'Iro trucl De'n I'vanklin - Sapplies St. Patel Hispal.11 - Adv. for PWD brakes 7941 + 7942 j 7943 Schmi.0944 7945 7946 7c147 794.5 7944 7950 74151 7952 79 53 7454 7955 795(; 7957 7855 79 54 7900 7961 796'2 7963 1 7964 Council. mttts. , 7905 trails. ext). x1lit Bros. •• Repairer Slat, d !r'i butt' - Adt;. t'4tr Pill) tn>tRt to COa.t - 5uppiles (;roe44t Ind. 4t'a% i4 t'h l aandry 1l1'1101 frit 1:111.1 For Dist). plant MallN 1 nod.. I ru . .- snpp I i err Anfico tit I tsar; and if l t Ilr4rklnx I (44 tt,is - I.ier't 1'i4 Al on Ilixt.. Center Mike 0101111nr 1(ty, lt'rr; fur union nrt<utialiontt 7866 7067 7065 7000 7970 'o7It . 17. 741,1 ;1174 7ttr 5 Nat) 1077 747' 747" 1� s 39.0+1 3.utt 1732. 54 240, ur, 1 SU.IIu S SO.tNi 75.00 75.00 2920.00 376. on 1(11:1.20 593. 7u 200.00 31711-15 492.20 50.00 30.00 64.00 431.2; 39.00 17.40 �•2i 535.25 20.o0 2'.0.61 1140.41i .155.15 30. of) 201.10 �7•�5 I S.2o ret t • 00 000.00 20=.3,� 11 f4. 2; 1727, 10 302. 71 211, 1 6 .. 1{} :n.4111 54- ;t, 44.15 1- 73 `,1 ',o.,;to 107 441 410.41 14.1.). yw; 00 �S110.Un D � I 0 I / t C ( /0'044.1+ V•Lb -716 4 ' CHECK A+If) I'\ I. N0. Carlson Welding• - Repairs 7980 5.70- Svidgewatcr - Telephone 7,98.1229.16 Hoglund' Bus Co. - New motor on 72! Int-. 7982 1472.'92 R Atze Trucking - Pl.owing snow 7983 50.00 k atcr Products Co. - PLunbhorns 7984 S9.36 Olson Electric - Repairs 7985' 19. Qu R;:;iver Inn - Misc. Expenses 7966 20,.52 Smith & Pringle - Legal7.98,7 97.51) Gary Wicber -'Mileage 7988: 76.40 Granite Electronics - 2 way radio expense :7989 2'3•S5 S'cestrom Hardware - Supplies 7990 33.80 Monticel lo. r1re Dcpt. - hl.remcn, ealarics 79911 475'• CO, Etankcrls biro Ins.. Co. - :fns". 799= 1 667.42 National Bmilfi.ng - Parts and .z-epaira 799.3 99.59' P Jcan BrotHA and -- Pucl for Scn. Ci.ti.zens 7994, i 121 :99, Payroll, 6878.75' �- Toni. DISBURSEMENTS 610,554.23' � I 0 I / t C ( /0'044.1+ V•Lb -716 4 a Payroll Vol- March TOTA1 DISBURSI-31ENTS Cl E K A?1 , : 5 NO. LIQUOR FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR APRIL - 1976 Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor 7139 655 7 Earl Lindenfelser - Off sale rent 7140 30().0 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 7141 250.5 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation 7142 27.0 Seestrom Hardware - Store expense 7143 3 5 H eskins Electric - Contract for new liquor store 7144 3852.0 Design/Management Co. - Contract for new liquor store 7145 2000.0 Design/Management Co. - " " " 7146 25(1.0 Freeway Glass Co. " 7141 4053.0 Country Cabinets - " IV" 7148 7351.2 Greaser, Inc - " " " 7149 4652.0 K G C, Inc. - " " " 7150 6410.0 Bernick Roofing & Siding- " " " 7151 607.0 Mechanical. Constructors - " " " 7152 1633.0 Maus Foods, Inc. - Store expense 7153 14.4 Jude Candy Co. - Store expense 7154 10.2 A. J. Ogle - Beer 7155 763.7 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 7156 363.E Dahl,heimer Dist. Co. - Deer 7157 2148.1 7 Up Bottling Co- - Mdse. 7158 107.1 Viking Coca Cola - Mdse., 7159 112•( Gross,lcin Beverage Co. - Beer 7160 3100-F Dick Beverage Co. - Beer 7161 2021.; LeiCert Trucking - Freight 7162 162.5 Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor 7163 762•( Midwest'Wine - Liquor 7164 147-i Ed Phi 1.l.lps & Sons - Liquor 7165 259•: Wright County State Bank - FWT 7166 291.' Executive Director - PLRA 7167 212.E Ed Phil.l.lps &. Snns - Liquor 7169 743•; Br.idgcwat'er - Telephone, 7169 11.1 N. S. P. - IIti.Litit's j 7170 53.1 Minnesota DIsL.iIlers - Liquor 7171 400.: Comm. of Recemie - S141' 7172 125.' State 'frrasurer - FICA Quarterly Return 7173 535.1 Banker's Life fns- - lna. 7174 1'26.1 Payroll Vol- March TOTA1 DISBURSI-31ENTS ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that the Zoning Ordinance Map be amended as follows: (1) Rezoning of a 31.8 parcel in the NE a of the NW o of Section 14 Range 25 in the City of Monticello from I-2 (Heavy Industrial) and I-1 (Light Industrial) to B-3 (Highway Business). A map indicating the above area is avail— able for review at City Hall. Passed by the City Council this 26th day of April , 1976 4Cohn nn Mayor A rl'USra Cary witjbcr Vity Admin'LAtrator .., ; r- i I Ps- ,t7 /ta �- ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that Sections 3-8-1 thru 3-11-8 pertaining to licensing of contractors shall be deleted. The deleted sections include the licensing of: Chapter 8 - Contracts Chapter 9 - Plumbers and Pipe Fitters Chapter 10- Electricians Chapter I1- Plumbers Passed by the City Council this 26th day of April., 1976 C- 0. Johnsen Mayor ATTEST: Gary a.eber, City Administrator