City Council Agenda Packet 05-10-1976AGENDA Regular Meeting Monticello City Council May 10, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall. Dick Mantic, Gene Walters Meeting to be taped. Citizen Comments - P&AWWP,4MZ*.v- JAw PA -Al.- -oAK LAWG %00P1. Rezoning Request for Elderly Housing - John Dergstad. -00t. Continuation of Public Hearing on Sewer and Water Extensions West County Road {f39 ✓3. Public Hearing Vacation of Oak Street .A ._ of Rezoning of Curtis Hoglund Property at Northerly Intersection of County Road #75 and County Road #39 from R-3 to D-4• 5. Presentation by Ed McCulloch, State Highway District Traffic Engineer on Proposed 1-94 Lighting System u. Presentation by Dud Schleif on Park Grading and Landscaping. 7. Consideration of Chamber of Commerce's use of Informa- tional Center. S. Consideration of Proposed Joint Fire Contract with Township of Monti -cello 11. Consideration of Alternate for Monticello Orderly Annexation Ikiard 10. Approval oC Planned I)se Report - Pedera.l Revenue Sharing. ]I. Approval of April- 20, 1076 minutes 1:. Cnfinirthrd business. 13. New buniness Mailing to: CounrII John nadalirh Mike Holm Dun .4milh John Sandberg Jean PnWers John nergxtad Ward Kinq John Al baugh Pat Donahue Dud Schleif Doug Pitt Ken Maus Curtis HoKlund MunticelIo Country 01111) Fd MrCu'Ilot h AGENDA SUPPLEMIiNT Q 'tem I. Rezoning Request for Elderly Housing - John Bergstad. This matter was taken up at the March 16, 1976 Planning Commission meeting and the main problem centered around the parking requirements. Included in the fifty unit proposal was parking for twenty five spaces. Contacts were made with several outstate communities with parking for'clderly units varying from 22 to 50 per cant. In talking; to various cities they expressed differences of opinions as to whether 50 per cent was adequate and some had experienced some problems. however, there were others who have twenty five per cent and they felt this was adequate. A pot.i.t.i.on has been received from senior citizens .i.n- dicatIng 103 people would be interested in an elderly housing project. Almost 55 per cent further indicated they needed a parking space, however, in talking with Karen Hanson, senior citIzen center director, she indicated that this per cent drops way clown when considering those on the petition who would fa.l 1 in the lower income categories. A petit -ion has also been received from fifteen property (j owners in the arca who are opposed to the project. L. Mr. Bergstad has been working on obtaining additional land for parking thrnugh means of outright- purchase or option, which he would exerc3.se as the need arises. Also of some concern was the, ability of the fire department to fight a fire in a three, story building. T have talked to tha fire chief, Red Mi.r:hacl.is, and he was concerned that the apartment should have a spr.i.nkler system and Mr. Bergstad i-ndicated this would be puL in. The city does not, own a ladder truck so nrldi.ti.onnl ground ladders would have to be purchased for a t.hreo story building. At their Apri 1 20, 1 976 meei,i.ng, the, Planning Commission recommended approval. of: 1 Rczon.i.ng from R-2 to R -Il to allow for elderly housing unit,. -. Conditional Ilse permit (thi.s .i.s required 1n an R -B). 3. A varinnco on side yard set -bock requirement be urruit.d to al. ,low for 10 feet side yard set. -hack .instead of required 20 fent. IQ 4. To allow parking variance provided 33 spaces were Put .in i.nitia.11y. Ordinance calls for 50% parking with capabilities of expanding to 100% as considered necessary by the council. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval or denial of above requests. References: 2 petitions. planning report by Howard Dahlgren (sent with last meeting's agend4, Planning Commission minutes of April 20, 1976. Item 2. Continuation of Public licaring on Sewer and Water Extensions West County Road ,N39. As you recall at the hearing April 26, a decision was tabled until the assessment to the Monticello Country Club could be given further cons! derat.i.on. At the April 26, 1976 meeting the assessments on a per parcel basis (100 foot frontage) were $4863 with the Country Club being assessed for only one parcel. If Uhe Country Club were to be assessed for 13 parcels (based on front footage of 1350 feet) the per parcel assessment would be reduced to $3367 and the Country Club being assessed $43758. POSSIBLE ACTION: Deci.si.on whether to order improvement in and if improvement ordered the number of parcel assess- ments to charge the Country Club. l.tem 3. Publ. ir. Hearing Vacation of Oak Street. The %1nnt.i.ccj to-Illg Lake Hospital. has requested the city vacate Oak Street. Purpose of request is to allow use of unrated street as an exit, from t:hc.i.v existing parking Int. Mr- frit Dolialllle owns rho property to the other side of Oak Street and the. Ilospi tal .indicated he would be agreeable to and in favor• of the vacation. It would appeal- that Oak Street would never be completed but. the city shoo Id retain utility ensemellt rights. A quit claim decd could be conveyed to the adjacent, pro - 11,31 -Ly owners, granting each ono -half of the street. My veconlmendati.on would be n $1 sales price to each and t.hn cost of attorney fees to be spl.i,t between the Hospital and !11,. Donahuo in prepaying the. deed. Add.i tlonally, the hospi tal would like to di6ellsB the. pnssibi-l.i.ty of enlarging their existing parking lot, to twice i,ts s.i-ze and ill nyder to do so would need a variance to use a portion of the brtllevnvd. This would not entail any reducing the road w.i.dt:h, nn.ly the right:-of-w:.'ly, -2- POSSIBLE ACTION: I . Decision on whether to vacate Oak Street, and sales price if a deed is conveyed. `- 2. Council's reaction to allowing Hospital to use port -ion of boulevard for parking. Rcfercnccs: Enclosed map. Item 4. Continuation of Rezoning of Curtis Hoglund Property at Northerly Intersection of County Road 15 and County Road 434 from R-3 to B-4. At. their April 20. 1976 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended a portion of Curtis Hoglund's property (ap- proximately 2?; acres) be rezoned from k-3 to B-4 to allow future expansion of Curtis Ilogiund's Machinery Sales area. Additionally, this would require addingmachinery sales as a permitted or conditional use in a B-4 zone. Mr. Iloglund owns approx.i.mato.ly 10 acres on this northerly suction of the interscctlon of County 039 and County Road M and desired to rezone the entire arca except for a port..ion for his residence. Howard Dahlgren's recommcndat.inn, with which the Planning Commission concurred, was to create n buffer zone between We machinery sales open and resid- cotia 1 property to the north, northeast and northwest allowing for a more compati.blo I1-3 zoning rather than going .i.m- mediately from a B-4 to rur R-1- POSSIBLE -1. POSS1BLE KTlON: I Approval. or denial of zoning change from an R-3 Lo a B-4 as designated on enclosed map. _. Approval or denial of allowing Machinery Salus as a permi t ut use or condi t-i,onn 1 use in a B-4 zone. in order fur tho council to better control such sales activity I would recommend conditional use. Refcretu;es: Howard Dahlgren's Planning Report (soil. wi I.h Inst menl..i.ng's agenda) , mnp of nren , Planning Conunission minutes of April 20, 1976. :Item 5. 1'venent.a1,1on by Cd Mectil loch, Sl;nte Ilighwny 1)lstric1; 'Prafflc Lugincnr on Ih•npnsed T-94 Lighl.ina System. ?Ir, %icCulloch. of the State Highway Distt•let Off.i-cc in Brainerd, will be at the meeting Atrnulay to review the mate's proposed l.i.ghting sysUem Por Idle L-94 Interchange. Addit.ionnlly, Mr. McCnl.lnrh will be seeking the elty's respnnsu to a lighting system .leading Prom the.i.ntorchnnge Zinto the dowmtown area. -3- Estimated costs to the city would be $21,000 for 14 lights and the State portion which is for the interchange. calls for 20 lights at an estimated cost of $30.000• Estimated costs are exclusive of ono necring fees. Mr. McCulloch has suggested sodium lights which are more expensive but are more efficient than the mercury vapor 1.i.ghLs. Project .is scheduled for November bidding and summer of 1977 construction. POSSIBLE ACTION: Indication to the state whether city is interested in pursu.ing a .light.i.ng system along 25 from 1-94 into downtown arca and determination of next; step necessary. item 6.Present:at.i_on by Rud Schl.i.ef on Park Grading and Landscaping. Mr. Schli.cf will be at Monday's mect;.ing to discuss prn- posed grading and landscaping of the city's parks in accord- ance with the park development plan. POSSIBLE ACTION: Dependent: upon council's concurrence with presentatinn, timing and costs decision as whether to hire Dud Sch I ief to tlo necessary work. 'item 7. Consideration of Chamber of Commerce's use of 1"nformat:i onn I Center. Fen ?Inns. President: of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce, would like to discuss the Chamber's use of the informational center with the. ernrnci 1. Items to be covered include the following: 1. Can they use. it? yLS s. Ta(e . A it • w.rq JIwNt 2. Renc? 3. u L H. t;J es? 4. 11011 VS of operat;ion? 1A 1? To +4Z., POSSIBLE ACTION: Tnd.iOnt:.ion of connci 1's views on possible agreement with Chamber of Commerce on use of informational cc" tor. Ttom $. Cmncidcratinn of Propnmed in.int Fire Cnntrnrt w1a Tnwunhlu of Mnneicol.ln. Enc.ln & for your review in n proposed fire conumet. drawn up by the Township's nttorney, vev:iewed by myself and our OILY atwrncy. -4- You wi 1 L note the contract establishes a joint advisory board consisting of one member from the city, one member from the township and one member from the fire department to act as an advisory board. Also to be noted Ls the clurati.on of the contract which i.s for 10 years Reasoning for this is to avoid the annual rewriting of the contract There is a provision for either party to tcrmi.nate contract after ISO clays written notice. Payment. for the 1974 and 1975 fire agreement has bean received in the amount of $6,000 from the Township. They will be tnak.Lng a final adjustment payment Ghat would appear to be $335-37 bringing their total payment for 1974 and 1975 to $6335.37. POSSIBLE ACTION: Tf council concurs, approval of fire contract and naming of city's representative on three man board. Because of other commitments, the Township is in favor of ncndmg an individual other than a super- visor to this board. References: Proposed Fire Contract. Fire Department. costs 1974 and 1975. Item 9. Considerat.inn of Alternate for Mnnt:icello OMc,rly Annesntion QMOM, rd. At the lass. moeti.ng of the above board it was cleci.ded I;,) have alternates appointed for the representative Prom the 'I•owns:hip (Pranklin Denn) and the City ( Mayor Johnson). Th.i_s to Insure that each pnrty has a voting member at. Ile mr.eting should the original appointee be unable to show up. Possible Action: Consideratlein nP appointment of nitornntes. Item 10. Apprnvn I or Planned Use Report - Federal Revenue. Shnr.inq. 0 Vol- the period .111.1y 1, 1976 through December 31, 1916 0a City or Moint,Lcullo will receive $16,4S1 Ln federal Revunnc Sharing. In comparison for the porind from July I, 1975 Wough ;Ione, 30, 1976 Mnnt.icello .is scheduled to receive $:Z,317 so rnt nn nnnunl basisMnnti.rel.lo's al lurntrion is up over $10,000 ns a result of increased local Cas ePfc+rt on the part of 'the City -5- Revenue Sharing is to terminate December 31, 19763 however it is certain to continue beyond this date as a result of an election year. Federal. Revenue Sharing regulations require council authorization of a planned use report. I would recommend the $16,481 be allocated'in'the following fashion: $13,000 Bandstand 3.481 Historical Information Center $16,481 It should be noted this is a Planned Use Report and as such the douncil is committed to the allocation indicated if it is decided the money should be implemented in an- other fashion. Possible Action: If council concurs, approval of funds as .indicated. ;Item 11. Approval of April 26, 1976 minutes. Item 12. Unfinished business. Item 13. New business. Imo' t. am 1. To Whom I t May Concern: a We the undersigned Senior Citizens, wish to make it known, that there is a definite need for low -rent housing for the elderly in Monticello. We would be interested in using these facilities if they were offered in Monticello: ri'K n Nre•d a parking spat h No - Does not. nerd Parking Apace 1. Mrs. Leona Elwell No 2. Mrs. Elsie Nimmo No 3. Mrs. Mabel Othoudt No 4. Hazel Chamberlin No 5. Lucy Andrews Yes 6. John Schmidt Yes 7. Christein Miller No 1. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Lehn Yes g. Hulda H. Smith No 10. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schaffer Yes 11. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peterson Yes 12. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Larson Yes 13. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ch riatiansonYes 14. Oscar Anderson No 1,5. Connie Decker No 16. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mei.ntsma Yes 17. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Lee Yes 19. Mrs. Beatrice Davis Yes 19. Mrs. Margaret Lind Yea 20. Mrs. Hattie Marx No 21. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Benson Yes 22. Mrs. Ruth Kletach Yes 23. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Clason Yes 24. Mrs. Margaret May No 25. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dow.lIng Yes 26. Esther M. Miers No 27. Floyd Trunnell Yes 2S. Elmer Daysinger Yes 29. Victoria Anderson No 30. Fern Hanson No 31. Theresa Krautbauer No 32. Viola Schneider Yes 33. Huida Pearson No 34. Ruth Erickson Yes 35. Don Wildman Yes 36. Ploy McCoy Yes 77. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McKinnon Yes 3S. Cordelin Ellison Yes 39. Carl E. Lind No 40. Mr. and Mrs. Herb F.11lott Yes 41. Mathi.lda Ward Yes 42. Viola Irish Yes 43. Ilrlen Mi'halls No ri'K n Nre•d a parking spat h No - Does not. nerd Parking Apace t�-r - c M 44. Mr. and Mrs. James Deal No 45. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veches Yes 46. Mrs. Bob Dahlgren No 47• Mrs. E. Lundquist Yes 4S. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sparrow Yes 49. Ethel DI'OUiliard No 50. Rose Niezgoski No 51. Rose Roskowyts No 52. Annie 7,achman Yes 53. Mayme Menth No 54. ELia Wolff No 55. Kathryn Miers No 56. Marie Carlson No 57. Margaret Gahr No 5S. LeRoy Jenson Yes 59. Mary Gutzw_i.licr No 60. Ernest Klatt. Yes 61. John Miller, Sr. Yes 62. Eugene C. llctiond No 63. M1•. and Mrs. E. R. Abrahamson Yes 64. Mrs. Opal Major Yes 65. Mur.icl Johnson No 66. Marie Ann Bruning Yes 67• lid Abe rmiIJcr No 6S. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sehnmacher Yes 69. Floyd Westhaha.1.1 No 70. Martin J. P.ischke No 71. Mr. -"nd 1`11•s. lilmer Dc Long Yes 72. Louise Engel No 73. %Ir. and Mrs. Archie ptcBachern Yes 74. George Dc,'tars Yes 75. Ceorge Kaz Yes 70. Mr. and Mrs. Maur.icc Murray No 77. Esther M. Anderson Yes 7S. Ed Klein Yes 79. Dlr. and l,11 -s. Iver Anderson Yes SO. Blanche Jensen No S1. r11•. rind rj14. Charles J. Anderson No S2. Mrs. Amelia Myers No S3. William Jongewanrd Yes 84. Mitis Sophi.n Dicdr.Ich Nn S.J. virg.ini.a P.lntten Yes S6. Mt 10 Moon, Sr. Yes 87• `11,. and Mrs. Frank Lehn yes S5. Lnrarino Weir Yes S9. Rrlrhel Sherman No 90. hllznbct.h Stenglin No 91. !lr. and Mrs W. J. llpwo0d Yes 92. Mrs. Mclv.i.n Mnnres Yes 93• Dorothy Jane Morres No 91. 0. S. Johnson No 95. Harry Stokes Yes 96. Clarence Huseth Yes 97. Mr. and Mrs. M. Menzel No 98. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pearson Yes 99. Mary S. Swenson No 100. Winnic Burkholder No 101. Mr. and Mrs. John Prehner Yes 102. Viola Schoepf Yes 103. Hazel Kotilinck No s� its /Vo Cupled by Karen Hanson, Director Monticello SenLov CtUzena Center. Original Copy at Senior Citizens. -3- cP March, 22. Iy76 Village Council of Monticello, Un. (Monticello PlannipC Commission) City Adninietrator Cary vasber We the umdcraigned declare that we do not want any consideration of rezon- irc of Lots 1-2-3-9-& 10 Block C within the City of Monticello Vn, from R 2 (sist.le and two f,_uily residential) to R B ( residential-bucincas). ae Lq not want say pvxt of Block C* now toned as R 2 ( circle & two :daily residential);" D"$VD DD to R 9 ( residential h business). Por do we wknt any consideration of conditional use permit for a 50 uaIt elderly houeirl;_ complex on the property described above. j I �MTr ,. ., ri 11 t'�'• t,, t . I �MTr ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that the Zoning Ordinance Map be amended as follows: Rezoning of a 2:1 acre parcel. of land located north of County Road #75 (Broad -- May) and west of County Road #39 east in the City of Monticello from R-3 (Medium density residential) to B -Q (Regional business) according to the official zoning map on file at City hall. Passed by Lite City Council this 10th day of May, 19-,0. � C.70— John�elon Mayor ATTCST: �L�r t�%� 1'L.Slr Gary wieyL•:• City Administrator 14 41A. j w..+ v - F; "S 'cr /2 11l ,t,/ \� \ F0. 1 ,r�/ �, XtA IN AM I .", I 14L... ORDINUCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticel-lo hereby ordains the following, zoning ordinance amendment: $o,tiun 10-14-4 under conditional uses for s N-4 (11--c,ional 1losinehs) district. Machinery Saleh be added as sub b+•ction (E). Passed by the C-ity Council this 10th day or GaryWieb• Admit:iRtr roe' IL r, C f 0. ,J0116son Mayor EM V, (DFor standard keyway see 1 3/4': 2 1/4" Std. Plate No. 1141. '.••. 1 KEYWAY ALTERNATE Q 3 No. 4 . 2' 6" Reinforcing 3• It 3 6q_ 1/2' R' TABLE OF CUBIC YARDS PER LINEAL FOOT Steel t?' 6" C. to c.) 6 \/ •71'j�:.•'' N ! r ••::•:e;Dimension "H" I 6" 7" 8" 9' 1n" 6LLSurlacin rr �( 8" 0.0394 0.0423 0_0449 0.0481 0.0512 P ` ` `� °'`''� I • 9° 0.0430 0.0460 0_0487 0.0519 0.0552 7 • " Concrete Ba iii +':.::;'•�'� Hl0_0 04.9_7 0_0524 O.OSSB O.OS91 jam' I 11" 0.0502 0.0534 0.0562 0.0596 0.0631 l t •• �.:;. .i'•:' j 12" 0.0538 0.0571 0.0599 O.U63 10.671 �j 1•+1' DESIGN BR N -N1 (EXAMPLE BR 6-9) Edge of Planned Surface -*4 Same Slope as - `- Surface of Roadway 1/2' R .lam .� •:v,' •e. •'a .•4 a'•• 2'-0"-- �1 DESIGN 0 hp. DESIGN S I T Concrete Gutter Cu. Yds. Lin. Fl. Per ickness Per Lin. Ft. Cu. Yd. 3 j" 0.0490 B. 0.0552 9" 0.0613 163 8'�-0.0675_ , 14.8 7" when adjacent Surface Is Bituminous. When adjacent Surface Is Pavement - Same Thickness as slab. SECTION WHEN ADJACENT TO BASE Q L2KT and L2KTB Joint when adjacent to rl9id pavement or base. See Std. Plates 1140 C 1141 for joint and keyway. O2 Slope 3/4"per It. normal unless Otherwise stated In plan. W Concrete Design Gutter Cu. Yds. Lin. Fl. T61 _ Nth Per Lin. Ft. C.i. yds. 1_•1(2 0.0541 1193 $� _1@-1f2"„ 0.0649 15,4_ � 4.1/2" 9.07j1 13.2 X39_ J9-1/2" 0.0965 11.14 _536_ 6.1/2" 0.0973 10.3 DESIGN BR All curb 110041 measurements an In relation to adjacent gaiter slope. DESIGN D DESIGN S APP23v[o Mey 21. 1973 lL4EeF MINNESOTA IrjeIne.noN slaNpaw DEPARTAoENT OF HIGHRATt REFERENCE PLATE 1, �� CONCRETI CURB AND GUTTER "J �, (DESIGN OR, DESIGN D, and DESIGN Sl 2531 7102 E 1S4OOPOP,.MeN+ S'-,o.,� I)y