City Council Agenda Packet 05-24-1976AGENDA Ree alar Meeting of the Monticello Cit}' Cnoneil May 24. 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Con O. Johnson Counc.iImen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall. Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Mect.ing to be taped. Citizen Comments. rk! Cons.idvration of Approval. of Plans and Specifi- vat.ions and Calling for Bids for 1976-I Improve- ment Project. ✓d. Cnnsi,derat_i.on of Proposed Lighting Improvement Project-. uY Consideration of Proposed Joint Fire Contract; %i,th Township of Montie.ello. yam, tV Consideration of Fkt!.ld.i,ng Permit Approval - R.i.ehard 'Flah.l.cr lumber Yard F✓ Consideration of Additional 1'mprovements - Monticello Slow Pitch League. B>� Consideration of election to cover mayor and vouncilmen under Workmen's Compensation. �f Considevati.on of AuthorizJng the Housing and Rrdes,vlopment Authority committee to apply for Ilome Imlrrnrement; Cranes For LOW Income Homenwners. 4,e Approval 4W bil.lit V Approval, oV minutes. IQ. l'ni'intahed huniness. 1 1 . Now hrrµini sk. Ma V14 sic to: c ouov i l men Doll Sm i tit John BadalIch J. W. Mil.lyr Mike Ilexlm Jelin Powers .John Sandberg r" AGENDA SUPPLEMENT ,J �I Item t Consideration of Approval of Plans and Specit'ic•atinns and Calling for Bids For 1976-1 Improvement. Prn&L, At Monday's meeting. John Bada.l.ich will review mv- liminary plans and specifications for the 1976-1 1 mpro vemrn t. 11ro;j ec t . At thonch Lhe c:otlnc.i.l has not had We opport,nli Ly Lo lilt.- ch!Lai led plans and specifications rov Lhe project, it has reviewed the feasibi.IlLy repnrL Well indjoal+:ti-;vn:ral plans and specifications. ' B1-C,'l1St.' 1.110 project is over $100.000 and .is finnnced by special assessments .it will be necessary Lo ad- vertise for bids not, later than three weeks bunwe submission of the bids. A tentative date of We 215 lNridayl is recommended for bid opening wi.Lh aw'ar'ding of the r+mtrect at Lhc .-lune 28th (Monday) mect:inq. Por your infurma6ion. Our city attorney has givnil us the upirlion that the city owns Lhe streets Odell ?b liar) Malone indicates are owned by him according,; I++ hitt ahstrnet. Mr. Malnnc may contest our mwrneyls op.i It i un +ltl this ma tLer. POSSIBLE ACTION- .Cf coLnlc.il, concurs, approval of plans a and sper.ifi.ent.i.ons and setting June 25th as bill prn i nl (Lit;(: at 2:00 P. M. At Lhe snore meeting the bid is nwar&d Lhe fiscal consultant will be here Lo advise as a sit It! date for the bunds La Finance Lhe t cJ pr+r•i eCt.. it CNNENt'ES: Pensi bi I i ty reports (orange and goon booklets whiel1 council ait•eady has). Prel..imi-nnry, plans and sprc.i f i.rnt, i nns John Bnda l ,i ch will bring I" the Minot mg. Benda Item :nlnidieral inn of Proposed I.ighr,i.nu lmprnvcmcnL 1`ri+,j rr L. 1:1,11' 11hurstbly. John Badnl.ich and Ernie helltoll of t)1•r-Selletetl4layerfnl and AtsnoQ inLes met Wi Lh Ed ?irCulloch, Sl.atr, Ililhw•ny DOW= 'I•rnff.ic Enghlcer. and two of 1•tei.als of NSP. Purpose of mcr,Ling Was to disrnss propnsed lighting for Lhvice arras .in ylnnti«nllc+, I -uJ and State Highway 25 '1'n Lerehnnue, I i ghting syk:Lenl Front lntarehanige Lo Broadway and l.ight.ing in Lhe down- town upon on County #75. P41lowl.ug .is a Summary Of +hell lit •rit. :agenda Sopplement w Page - Interchange lightwg fur 1.-94• Stale u(' Minnesota is proposing to install twenty tights at the. intarehange. (14 on the ramps and b .+n the o%vvpassl. 1. type of l..ighLs Proposed: 250 Watt High rre:;sure Sndium, Metal Standard Cost: ESL. $30,000 3. r i nanced by: 001 Pedes I {r0$ Stale 4. Maintenance Responsibility and Cost: State wonld maintain 14 ramp Jights and city wntOd maintain 6 overpass lights at $52 21A per light per year S. Hid date: November 19, 1976 n. Completion Da Le: Summer 1977 I ivilt.ina from Interchange to Broadway. State of Minnesota is requesting the C-i.ty o£' MontJeelto to install fourteen (14) lights from the .interchange to Broadway Avenue 1. ljpe of I.ightm Proposed: 250 Watt High Pressor-, $od.iom, Metal Standards 2,. Cost: Gs t. $22,500 J. Financed by: 100% City of Monticello 4. Maintenance Responsibility and Costs: City in vesponnihle for maintenance, annual rate is $$2.20 per light S. Hid Date: Could be lot at. same time inCev- ihanlie System is let (Nov. 19, 1970 e. Completion Date: Summer of 1977 (assuming Nov. 10, 1076 bid letting) Replaveme"t- of preArnt ornamental Ifightina in 410 omItnw 11 a1'1•:1. 1s mrotloni& st our May 10, 1976 meeting, the 1 ounCi I may want, to Consider the replacement ol, the present flnoreseent lights with 2VI Watt High Pressure S"dium lights. Re s"s 1'or rhnnge would be JwPmsvd light I"q output at it IVXAer rete F it nrrwcent lights, operate at a curt; trf $hti.01 per light per year Com- IM14 l I" $;2.m) per year. AI t hnugh there aro some i omplaiatr bec.anse of the "glowingH eft'ec Q e.odittm t lights more nearly equate daylight end uwuall) A., are ubjert i,lnlahie only because they are a Agenda Supp.icment Parge S. different color. Furthermore, fluorescent lights are brcom.ino obsolete and it is prcdi.cted they wiI1 have to be replaced .in three years. I. 'type of Light Proposed: 250 Watt High Pressure Sodium _. Cost: 20 1 i.ghts at $250 (conversi-cin cost) or $7250 Financed by: 100,^, City of Monticello �. Maintenance Responsibility: As in ultc past the' city would be responsible for the maintenance of the 29 11911ts at $52.50 per year or $1513.80. Because the present fluorescent lights are 510.20 per light higher per year, the savings could be S4bq.R0 per year i. Bid Date: Could be let at same Lime as State enntract (Nov. 19, 1976) e. Complet-ion Date: Summer of 1977 (nasttm.ing Nov. I0. 107b bid Iettlng) Possible Action: A. Consideration of resolution ,-ntcr1n,g into agreement wi.Lh State,. Highway Department to naintain six lights nn overpass at: the Interchanges. II. Consideration of lighting system From .1-94 -Inter- �hctuge to Broadway. C. ConsideraLi.on of- replacement of ornamenla.l lighting in downtown area D. if B & C are considered and a portion of the project is assessed, it wi I1 he necessary to hold a Public Hearing on the 1wo.iect. 'flit- current downtown 1.7•*,kiting system was i+scn9ed 5t1' In 1Ve0 (T formorly .in;icated IL was 20") micl I would recommend this project b0 .wacased .SOP' Ie%ct-pt 1'ov thtl gchnol) on a Frout £ootalyn basis as 1 believe there is a direct benefit to the property owner and a genera t benefit to then city aA a whole. G. Con- <itlerat ion of type of fixturing (Orr-Schelen-Mayeron hi 11 voi.1vw alturoativeA with council). tlh,lituisly cptite a Few deeisti.onn are neveasavy anti tho tauncil may want it) review and distuAs the pt•o,Ject and 4iye it further consideration. Rcferrnrcy: Sample Agreement with Statr, :iatnplt- Re.n.lItt ioil, I ighl ing Iayoul flan (to be Pres I -it tOd at tlonday' s meet ing. ) Agenda supplement Page 1. fihanda Itrm 0, Consideration of Protaosvd Joint. Fire Contract, with Township of Monticello. At our May 14, 1976 .mueting, the City Coanci I tabled a decision on the fire contract until the next. mectinG_ to further study the contract Possible Action: Ir counci..l. concurs, approval of firer contract and nam.i.ug of city's rupresent,ati,ru r,n three man hoard. Because of other comm.i.tments, the 'Township is in favor of naming an i-ndividua,l other than ,I supe-l— as their representative. References: )tem S, May 10,1976 Agenda Suppicment. Proposed fist: contract: (sent wi.tit .fast meeti-agerti agenda). fisc Oeprn•tment cost lwmkdnm (sent with last meetia4ls agenda). Agenda 1ttam .1. Cons iderrat,iern of Ittti.Iding Permit Approval. - itichard /.ahlrr Lumber Yard. Mr. Richard Zah I ev is prop -6s.i ng to bu i Id a lumber yard in they Oakwood .Industrial Park. Since this i.s zoned �• iuduat.rial. a lumber yam! is a purmi.tt:ad use in Chit; nry;t. ,lay Miller will be nu Monday's meeting to ray.iew the pians with the, council. j I'nssible: Art ion; CnnsidcralAnn of building permit approvnI. Agenda Item i, l'emsideratie'nt tit' Additional :I'mpi•nvcmente; Munticello Strew Pilch LmWm. At nue• April 12 mnot.i.ng the counoi.l auther:ized tel) to SliuNt in otlocnditetrer; fol• .lime anti fence repairs for III,-, ballpark. At the mooting Ron Pnters me:ntioncd that, pi trher neoundea and bases Wer,6 needed but) the moti,ou appmste*d did uot. coven these specille items. As it. turns out., only S00"I was spent. :u7d Mr. Peters Is asking the rouneil Co consider the nppvnwYl of The pilxhep's nenuutl_: and Rases leer a mmt oP $217.00. ,r/' Possiitle At•t.i= Approval or thadal of above "items. 1 11 + Agenda sojilement Page 5. O �nda item t+. Considerat.ion of election to cover mayor and council- men under Workmen's Compensation. Enclosed please find a May 6, 1976 letter i'vom Jim roster wili_eh points out that a voluntary election to cover the: mayor and councilmen for workmen's compen- sation should be considered to erasure coverage while: acting in the scope of their duties. Possible Action: Consideration or coverage or mayor and cuunci.1 under workmen's compensation. References: Jim roster ,letter 5-6-76. Agenda ,Item 7. Consideration of A tthoriz'irie the lfousine and Re- development Anthovitiv committee to apply for Nexme Improvement Grants for Low Income Ilomeowners. Jean Powers, representative of the IIRA commi ttce wi 11 he at: the eounci I meeting to discuss the MRA's intent; to apply for Grant Funding. The NRA woold .like Co apply for funds ,to Ito di,stribut:ed to low .ir„come fam.i.lics for eligible home improvements. The IIRA "ecds to'secure the approval.of the C.i,t,y Coonc.i.I in order to apply and admi.irister• these, funds. A summary of the C:rant Program .is enclosed for your roviuw. Possible Action: of the council concurs, approval or the IIRA funding request for .low income, improvement f�l'fin l.e:. Itefereru^ rs: Nome Improvement Grant, Prngrnm Summary. Agenda '1 t om Appvov;I 1. nr bi l eta. Agenda lttmt ++. Appr•ovaI or minitt:ex. Agenda, It+;m 111, ilnf ioisho+d t>tisinens. Agenda i tem 1 1 . Nvw Ixts%ne:ss.. RESOLUTTON 13E IT RESOLVED that the Ci ty of Mantl.'el to enter into an agreement, with the St:atc of Mion csot.:l, Department of Highways, for the fol lowing }xtrpose:.Y, to wi t: 'ro maintain and provide electric cucrgy fnr the City Lighting System of (G) - 250 watt high prc.tiure sodium lighting units at- the Trunk If i ghw:ay No. 2$ and Interstate #94 Interchange in accordance with this Agreement, a copy, of which was before the Council. IT FURTHM RESOLVED that, the proper City officers hereby are authorized to execute such agree- ment, and thereby assume for and tun behalf of the City al I of the contractual obligations contained therein. CERTIFICATION State; of Minnesota County of Wright City of Monticello I hereby certify that. Cho foregoing ResoIll l ion is a true attd correct copy of resolution prescut.ed to and adopted by the Council of I.hc Cil.y of Mon 1.icell.. at a duly tttrthorized meeting th..reof held on t.lo• 2401 day of May, 1076, as shown by the minutes of said m.:eting in my poswrssiort. 07 (j t i tldm�ft i r trat� {City Seal) Resolution #1970-10 CITY CF - Tc Fma;: City Atttlrllwy OV ,uVor (City -Sanl) STATE OF mTr!r,,,!:SUTA R—E—Ciji-',,*-.ENDED T'OR APPRUAL: Deportment Of llighlitly.n rngginc-c-r1r�U crvlcoo Departnuiz or Hir,11waVa r,rw'UV[D AZ TC FC -1:1 AND EXL:CUTIOI: Bit Deputy Unmiroinnor Of Dated: APPROVED: DEPARIMENT OF ADNINISTRATIGr:: By Dntcd: -3-- 4. This ncrecmcnt z,t:all ci,,ti;tuc in force for n tm-w u.' nr.r. year, co,.-.cnclr,g on the date tti2 lic,,htirvp units of .the City Lirhting Systan shown in Exhibit "A" are illumin-ted. Upnn Via expimtirn of such tem, this Agrcc-acnt shell continue in force iron ycur to year pravieaC that in no event shall this ASrnenent be 'extended beyond the period fsr which .he State nny legally bind itself. - x- TkIS r.,.Lr:t end en.teftd into by and Jjc twapru M.lnrc=_— ,i Dcp.-rltnent of .11i.O.Nwaysi heretn,3fter r.cfqrr.cd, to as tl,: "state", aric the Sity 00, i. her.0haftcr refarlrbd, to�:as thr, WHC.Rulsi,� It As, consiC cred nutually deArable tc Install units at he; Jrunklii'ghuax tio. Interthanne. and Cotintyi's'.P'ln Aid H4hwpy in the' City; !iT ;IS AGR&6AS` FGLLmos': .1. The; Statitti istmll lndtall or: cause, lb; tbd 4nainiled high pressure tulljup.'jjghtfhq Onjt6 'of its cwn•;eort. and exp6noa •umv• #pte ftl.bjRqt:l at, the, above location in acccrdence with, pinhs Dnd lc�pcci:lcvticms"prlrperad by thel,;Stotc. Exhibit; "A"- attached tached horel.a vil mceco a part- rvercOf 6NM-3 tho nppro)dm3t.e -loenfinn or these Upon';camirikction of thd instolLjotletfl'ar: the lighting unItai LjLjL,,jpI',V, f$J,jjj u,JFA41.K and Piiiialr. L:-.,3 ;in "A:," c.cuut lightingJinito damaged by, knock down and, qh.3111 pit.,T %:)lab #o­nbcc?bnarV clectilcal energy. for itsimpei6tion,, at' tho,.cz:3,t ant �6xponoo.e`thc!'CltV. The , Stntd;•aholl repair -,or �roploco lighting qnl,,o, don;ngpJ by uc=jd4rft,,or 'Acts of Noturm-at its cd'.1t end''ckponfle.: Any �cmd bli pervanq vmo-Upq in the wmiM onfli -a Cl tonzidercd ei-ninvee ar"Ithb r.talL._; _gpedi ,to th V okill notChe and,.tlll allnim) that,inayijdr tniotit arllqc;urfdov tho Uorkmenlo tormcmation Act 'tf- this 5t--jto tin bcholf dt cold' p6rno6o whllm so enollgi d-, and •cny' ,and ati t:2d& IJV ;any thlrd jgjr.ty'ua:o: coh.66qu*cmcd of bqv,;Uct! or 1� t of _a :ci,jj_-s'!cn rmlho jMr�3i Tlo; ' jT', SINNESOTA HIGIUAY, DEPARTEENT ,HIG,i!9jy7 OMIITJtlr, AGAc'Et-tr,'t 0. OETIiEEfJ ,Tk,'STAtE, Cf DEPARTMENT FildlICIAYS THE"b-TV 'Or' g, ;4INNES&A+ for Valn,tcranqb and rlLcl.rld energy,for ,250'watt watt high Prescurc�'96 - IfOnl at!'thcf Trfinitlkign'way ;'and County Stats qi_3 Hlohw2yi J'ntpT'dhaqL,. �jn' farad by, ?rdf Fitt Engin rAng' f.D!:$ 'ITEM! ALLUT.� rF PROPOSED CONTRACT - 4j2u%7o 1L �d FIRE CONTRACT TOWN OF MONTICELLO -'CITY 'OF .MONTICELLO By this ,.instrument the CITYOF. MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation :or,,the State of Minnesota,_ hereinafter, referred' to ,as the' City, :and the ,TOWN OF"MOTNICELLO, a 'corporate -sub- division, State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred' to as the town, 'agree w'i.tli each other as Indicated. by the `foilow- ing articles: ARTICLE I 1'sxp,linatory Material The Cil.y. and the Town :presently own separately fire- fighting equipment and the City towns' a fire h'a;ll. The City .operates an effective and affic.i.ent fire ,department r-.i_th volunteer 'firemen including a -.chief, Collectively, the. CITY. and ,the TOWN Laro more ;financfally',ablo to provide L fl -re fighting equipment and protection, rather than singularly. Aft•CI' confarenees' and study, ,the City Council and Torr Board have found.and hereby find it to be advisable to jo.i.litly assume t_ho costs, ,maintenance, and operation i,f' the fire depnrGrnent and to jointly purchaso new Pire- t'iight.:i,ng equipment, as may be doemed necessary. The,pur- pose of tills, contracL is, toprov.ide for joint sharing of posts all purr:'hases in the 'operation and mainitenanco of a %741-lunteee fire department. ,fills contract hits 'Bern authorized by Oho City Council fne ihr rity .oe hnnt:leollo: and, the. Torn Board for kho '=fown of MnntJ1,0114) pursuant-, to Minnesota !4cncul,o.$eetion.471.59: (Joint, Fxeivike (rr POwvwf)• 1� 4'• a v - 71: 44-1 A Fire Contract. Town/CiLy of Mont.lceIIo Snhmi t-Aed 4/26/76 ARTICLE ] 1 Jn.i.nL Advisory Board A Joint. Advisory Piro Board is hereby created to faci 1:1 Cate the performance mf Lhis contmet throughout: Us Iife. Such Board sha1.1 have Clue powers specifi'M fly given Lu it in the arb.icles of this CMLMCL and Shal l have the power Lo make recommr_ndat:ions to Lite Cily Council and to the 'town Board to improve cooperat.inn and efficiency in carrying out: the intent of this Conl,racl., and CO. make recommendations for amendments and supplements to this Contract.. Thu membership of said Board shall consist. of one mumbur from the City, one member from the Town, and ono member from the volunteer fire department.. The member i from the City sha.11 be appo-i.nted by We City Council; Lhe member from the Town shall be :rppr'tinLed by the Town Ihiard; and the member from the volunLeor fire department shall be elected by Lhe mon•b,:rs of Uhc volunteer fire dcpartmcnt.. Said Boal -d shall have foto• regular nu:olings each year. The first: quart-urly mccLing shall be hold on We first Tuesday .in March of each year at SWO p. m. Remaining quarterly meetings shall be held un t:hr, first Tuesday of .lune, SepLcmber and December of each year at. 5:00 p. m.. at the C.iLy Niro hall i.n Uhc Cft:y of MMLirello, unless such Board fixes n different: place for said meeting. 'I.n every ca.lcndar year prior Co the month of March, We CILY Council and Lhe, Town hoard shall name the members Ln the Joint: AdvLsory Piro Board. -2- (Fire Contract ,T6wri/City !o(*tbntiqe1lo Submitted. 4/2076. llnj•cvcrk calendar year, prior, t6 the month of. March, ihei'volunteer firedepar.tmen t 't�sJ41T eltecmember to _ ;the ;Joint ;Advisory ri-ee Board.. .Sudh;:memb6rA sh'alf _110-iij .offdce frpm­che' first 'Tuesday, in Mar1c*:un'ti.i .ihc:lf 'Itlesdily, in Yfar,ch of th6 ;fol Towing year., If, the-C-Ity. 'and Tow'iija:kI to make :such' hppoititmeitt i6i.a, time3y, manner or .the Voltintect , Firepfpartment fail.si to 'elect its ilfembb-z-, the previotls,Jiictimbent shall continue In, office,jintfl', stidli SUCCe.SSOV i,s, named. 'The Boay.­dmay adopt, ruies;and by -4a" not inconsistent with tb.ts Contract for, thc:,pilrOose of carryingoutthel dilOCS hqr.dul1'deV*!: :AR,yjciq ixx., b0ii-es f) F J;,J-nj` Adv=isory ,F'Irc Board The 34int. with the ai:d, and atjj°jl tfi-V !igtiticcl "Vol till te�jck, 'Fi*re� bepA r�cmellf, 'Prq� fil, .hare 'it budgp't, pr nY.1 Vtj October ist of each ycar.,,f L or the p6ltiltt!lnanec,. oiwedtion and, purc I . i"ck of, c'quipment for' 0'141: fol-Aiwing year. Such reeptniliciiiiatioife shalA '1)0,1sutxnJ.1[;,t6d to the) C ij-,y. Cbytwi: I tftfd Town Board. on pr, befmrn Odd -9160, .1,Sj; 401! eaUll year. ARTICU, tv J o'. . mb 0perA,1JnjW,+'1r6 Ptind This City Allil the, Town Ap-co;ti't, annual Jy, prJnv­tQ Cho :i�biendav 1plar '4sj:nfa,V. jlti. 'reif,?immended by, the J61 it 6 Nd vi 'kyj -3- T;: Piro Contract. Town/Ci Ly of Monti -cello ? SubmiLLed 4/=6176 41 Contributions of the City and the lows shall be paid LO the City Treasurer of the City of Monticello talo shall keep the same in a special fund to be knom as t.hu "Joint. Operating Fire Fund." The City Council for the Ci Ly of MonLiCe110 shal.1 approve a.11 expenditures at their rct;ulnrly scheduled council mcuU ngs A11 other expenditures f1'n• the purchase of suppILes, maintenance and equi.pmenL t.hich were not part of the operating latdget. shall be npprot•ed by both We City Council and the Town IAIM %Owe said expelld.i tures are made. ARTICLE V UMLribtlt.i MIS Lo ,lo.int Aperating Fire Fund The City and Town shall Jointly contribute to Lhc Joint. Operating Fire Fund For the ma i n l.cnance, operation and purchase of equipment of the Volunteer Firr. DepnrtmcnL. The contr.ibut.ion by carh parl.y hercin to the Joint IlperaLing Fire fund for each calendar year $hall be proportionate to the, assessed value of percentage of each government.aI body as of January 1 of the prewinus year for the City and 'Town. The City and Town shall deposit in advance to the Johit operating Fire Fend the quarterly eontribuLions or Lhc accepted b11dgut for I,he Volunteer Fire Department. Saitl tluarterly eontril= huts shall he made on Pebrunvy Itis, May. ISL. A69USI I.I. 111111 Novl+mbm• ISI: 1.11 Lhc yrnr in which the h11014et. was approved. All coul.ributions shall he made in money, and not .in material or equipment.. 21= J Fire Contract Town/City of ?Monticello ( submitted 4/20/76 Credit: towards the quarterly contribution requirements Pot, the following year's budget shall be granted on the basis of percentage contribution -for any balance remaining in the Joint Operating Fund, as of 'December 31 of any year. ARTICLE VT Revenues from Adjacent Areas Revenues -from contracts 'for 'fire protection to ad-, jracent areas as mentioned in Article TXC. and revenues from 'fisc calls to these areas shoal be deposil:cd in the jo int: tlpevat.ing Fire ,Fund. ART.TCLE V11 'Piu•chaf5cs 'I ho City Cutiuci 1 and the Train Board shad l join t.Iy agree upon any c�pend.i.tures made for the, purchase of additional f.i.re.-fi.ght:ing equipment. Thoy sha_I.1 agree upon all RprCA= f1ca.vi.uns 'roil any� and all joint purchases of equipment. Ptt.rsuant to the, recommendation ;of the Joint Advisory Fire Ikaard. Pursuant Iu Ivaid sper.iYicat.ions, the City Cierk anti the 'I'oUn Clock shall jointly Issue a call for scaled bi ds to be prepared and lu!blished. Said cal l shall refer ut, tht, speclVival..i.ons and to this Contract as basil data bi.ndin;l upon each and 'every bidder. rihe right fit rrivct an.y and .al T bids shall be resevved by oither the Ci ty t- �OtlneiI Inc the Town Boa vd. Ai Ow t imv and plat:q of opening, h.i_tls, this CI 4), Clerk and Uhl' 'TOW1 CIcfrk shall tally iho bids in tho' prewncti of the juivft Ad%,isory Eire lloavd• "Ihc• JOlntl Ad Lis+try 14 I'ie.; Contract. "P.:.wn �C i Ly ot= +Ion t.i cc I I n SubmiLto(1 4/26/76 P i re Bc,arcl sit I I make i Ls rccommenda 1, ions to Lhu Ci Cy Council and to the 'fawn Board as to eiLhcr accepting or rejecLinC bid or bids. The City and 'Down shall not, be bound unless bo LII clic C.i_ty Counci..l and Lite '1'ow•Il 134)nrd accept th.; bid OP bids- i f ci thur the City Counc i I nr 1'otil 13o:u•d rejectS a bid or bids, and u.i Lhcr 6onr(1 (Iccros Lhu purchase of sa.i.d equipment necessary, oi.chcr party may aecept. clic bid and purchase an(1 pay for Lhc e(ItI i.pmcnt out. -side the agrccntant herein. Said property steal I be Lh.: cscIlls ive property of the vuspcct.ive govCrnmcntaI unit,. If boo) parties purchase clic equipntcnL jninLly. 1,1111 scllcr of such joint ognipment shall esecnte duelie:ILU bills of, sale vevualing t:h., interest ol, Lite City and Lhc Pot:n so that, eacrh has a signed copy. ( ARTICLE VI 1.1 t�,,. ?1ninLcnanec of ApparaLus 'I•hc pruscnt, fire -fighting cquipmcuL as seU out. in C.xhihit "A" shall bu that: uont.r.ilnttitln of each respecLiv., qo V.-I•n nHtn cal body. It. shall remain Lhe sill., and cxrIlls ve prr.I)r.rty of curb of Lhc resper.l,ivc governmental unit.. It, aIialI be ntaillill iIIod and insurc(I pursua(tt to this agr.,ent.:nt.. lite joinl.ly purehascd equipment shall be mainl,aincd and insured by Ilio agrecnu:nt, harol,n. Thu conl,rr.l of I,he purchased egi.lpnn:nt shall bu vel;ained by Lhe City and Lhc fowl. Tho cosi ti of storagn, ntrt 1.ntenanco and .insnraneU of the r0spo.7tive 1'iru-flgill, ljig cgtl.ipmcnt and Lhe jointly Inn•cha sed f i rc-P i gh I,.i ng uqn i pmant sha I I be paid out of the Joint 1'tp.wal_ingMiro I'und. -6- Fire Contract To%-nfC'it), of Monticello Submi.t.ted 4/26/76 The„costs:dft;-he 'maintenance. add insurance of ;the lfi,t.y: Hall.` ;shall. ;be; paid out of thc.Joint.:Operpting, F.i.re' ;Fund.. ART.EdLE' IX Usc'• of fire, Equipment The equipment as, set, 'out• in Exhibit "A” 'and the equ.i.pment ,4olntly: pprchased•'shal l heilused with-i:n (he jurisdi'et-i,onal'iay,ea of the City -and Town'.nnd,''nnwher'e. l'.1R 11,CXCCpt a8 •f.01, _lawn: A., The adjacent, arca where, the fi'ro 'may spread' to such City. qi' Tnwn;, U: 11'o assi,st nei,ghbnrang'f.lro!dopartments av'may Abe mutunli,y .agvved upoti raider .a. rccilirdrnil pgreemcint- with such Eire di partments;p ? G . In any, adj'avent area to. thu 6 ty. and, to .tlie. Town with aiti,ch a coutract, for protection may be negotiated. 7;t, shall be the duty of ilio, Joint Adv1_sory board to provi,( o. volunteers. J,t rziiffdclent' number to matntaln n staff of if•ivemen to answer ;fire calls and!.Co,cotmmnnd a- ,val lallfe ;equipment_-. ,in',,such ,a mariner sit ae not to, fall lielow the' minimum standard set Corth; by tho',liuresu 'nf I l.ru Guderwe tens. ll.i:gj)gf,- 66 five-f.i,ghtii'ng 'equip-. meiitl Sh,nil, INlItf Olavac of the elile_f oP thaTtre Department, ,acid In, h'i,s gtgencc, shall. be in 11 he Ihfuids of 'the Ass,i.Amult; Cllt'cv +1.1', nrl't:licr= rlg:'at'ol lnh'yc the person 'prevIousir app.tJ;gclvd for'i:-lift; •purpose, ishal-1 be, .11i. charge" The ,1'q;liult.cri•, .F.i t•O Depao'tment shat 1. anskur' '4.iI I ,Fn'I l wi uuiicr' ,t.lic `tli:re l' NtipevvAston of Ilio Fire Ch.ler wlihont ,1'' rel;ardi to Ilia nuthm.i"ty of any othor person glvl.ng the ,al:irtti .�,u ardrr,• -7- Fire Contract. Tourn/Cri ty of Monticello Submitted ubmi.tted 4A20/76 ARTICLE X Public, Employees', Retirement Association Requirements of 'the Public. Employees' R-cOrenient ,Association may, 60 paid by,.transferning, from the Joint Operating,,irirp Fund as: determined by. the..4oi-nt,Ad,vi.sory 'Board. AWTIC LE X.T. :Ln all: of the provisions 'of this, Conti -act. p Oie-.'Ci.ty- and the Town. shall be dli-crfied to be exercising; their governmen th.1 tuneti6nsl so 1hat each 'shat V'notj be 1:1 abfe, i�rr Che' other for .hnv, nCgj%jLgenc.6 oE7.11ts, officers, em- fivemell '('it' agent -A. S*Pvcl0e.all.y., 'w'ithout llmt6ing .the. effect of, the i'Airugning laingiia& .1h ',ho ilvecini0i.og 'paragvaoh, the CILY and 'i'ts oilfigers, ;cm1floyces and firemen Shall not be ,]Jalile for any of the following acts or omissionsr fnJ.Jtqc A --n 1111,4wer, to a Cali IWOMptly .or. at A -1-1f, for any trespass ov damage, 't;o persons or property whether necessary 4.r "n= n(,cpssapy ;in vonnOrtibit with- g(?A-nd to, voLurning,Tpom any V1 ve in I I or' .111 sqrving, at, any el re; :or fire file vdjunteel's under the d1vpc&1ori of the P:io-o qhIeF, pi- hitt ass.1strint, •&hal I always AclaVO parC of the Jointly ,owned equipment, And sn PfIvA u tnets 4:0 mail such eqlllpment ror ftgWJn,,, fJ-veki J.n, i.1116 C,i)"Ilil-ity wificlll, :is; not iitrinji.-' ve no f,if, 4, '41a,1,1 •1 \C Ffee .CoOtract, ToNnfCit}, of Plonticell.o; Y` Submitted•, 4,F:ii, iu •t1R'IwIC,UE RIT• L*fc' of, This `Contrlii;t` Thi;?-Coittvact. shaft. expire ten x(,10) years. �fvoih lits; date ov at an earlier' date when; -for sufficient ;c..ausy L!lut City or Toun sJ7all notfy the ,other in writing ;at ]cast 1,o dad's or the desire- to terminate "the Contract herein: On any icrra.inationr. the remaining property jointly, acquired shall_ be sold at a, reasonable price on competriti•v(- bids and the proceeds divided among the 'owners. as their irncerest'appcars. A schedule for all fixed, assets' pur- chasetl shall be maintained' and proceeds from. 'tholr ;sa,l'c shal), be d.istt,Xbuted, do the basis of bri.gsnal, conti?.ibutioti, peri-cliuige: fir--. tlic i?:Ia:cA,a"sect in 'question. Tlic;,G'_i;ty 'and' bhp. 'I nwn,,krespev_avc'ly„ 'may: be the bi'tldei•, at1,-any' suoh' 'sal:r. Oji tiny. 1c'rtainut�i�in, t.he• balancc,oC'!anj remaln;i:nmon'.i'es 1111: tGq ;Ioint• �1 crtiC,i�ig;'I and shall :ba, I6trllnil:rid'. ',Nis'ed. 'inn; tliu•�jna�ccntagG c'onl:rl;lnti;ien .i'or ;I:hot•;�y�enrr• fly °ff.5`Itl}IIiNY�:N911:R1:Qh,t tlio,•pnrtcs� oC tth0 Cvitt:rart ha cg• lle,reunto Rei, the] s7! hnnds rsntd Rt•ai.ei thi,i dayof , Ln:i a. CJTT,Y:017''MOSUC-1,1,611 ;I'M �00 MC)y',P.1G11 L0 :L;i;�z �lajutl a Mts City, (�Lcrlc MM ('ha i tvnaif ;o1C '1'�iwn' (p'ituYl Town C 7 evk �r EXHIBIT "A" Fixed Asset Schedule CITY OF MONTICELLO 1946 Chev. Fire Truck 1962 Chev. Fire Truck Fire Hoses and Nozzles Smoke Inhalator Fire Boots and Helmets Air Survival Equipment ReSuscitotor Tire Generator Fire Clothes Smoke Ejector - 1971 Centrifugal Pump - 1.971 2 Way Radio System - 1975 Alarn System - 1975 City Hall and Fire Hall - 1962 (40' of space used 'far Fire Hall) TOWN .OF MONTICELLO 1973 Fire Truck 065 Chev. Water Tanker C t N (1S'I'r'R'S INSURANCE AGENeV hu.•wrr ,O1 M1 Colimiere Insurance Service Jame 1'. F—„n .'oO %Veti Hi-d%jv Nsy ti, 1� ::itvof Monticello '+.oa_icel lo, Minnesota 55362 War Mayor and Council: ..his is to advise you that with respects to covering, elected and appointed officials under the workmens umpensation statute, it will be necessary that your political subdivioion melte the election on a voluntary basis to cover these individuals while acting, within tnei r scope of duties. To make the voluntary election :t will be necessury for you to include this in your gover,uaental minutes. If you havo any questions concerning the applicability of this .natter, please call our office immediately. Sincerely yours, S,t pp/I.h 1n+ S/1111/)4 *t- James P. Foster, Arun t .IPF/cob S,t pp/I.h 1n+ S/1111/)4 *t- / Apri l , 1976 DRAFT HOME IMPROVEMEDIT GRANT PROGRAM SUMMARY INTRODUCTIOA The Minnesota Legislature has appropriated funds to the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency (VHFA) for the purposes of maintaining and improving the quality of existing housing for citizens with modest incomes. With the cost of new housing construction increasing rapidly, the existing stock of over 1 million dwelling units represents a critically important resource for providing decent, safe, and sanitary shelter for Minnesotans. MHFA has .developed the Home Improvement Grant Program to accomplish the following goals: 1. To make funds available for the purpose of correcting defects or deficiencies .affecting directly the, safety, habitability, or energy usage of residential property owned and occupied by low income persons, especially elderly citizens. °. To establish an effective and efficient statewide delivery system utilizing local public and private entities in urban neighborhoods, smaller communities, and rural areas. 3. To utilize this grant program as well as the MHFA Home Improvement Loan Program to stimulate and assist local officials in developing and implementing housing and com- munity improvement strategies and plans. APPLICATION PROCEDURES FOR COMMUNITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS ?lHFA will accept applications for funds from local public agencies or non-profit organizations desiring to administer this program. Guidelines ana procedures for making such applications are as follows. Applications for Grant Funding should be submitted by non-profit organizations, or by municipal, county or nulti-county public bodies. Each Application must include a proposed plan or program for grant fund administration utilizing persons or organizations who can demonstrate the capacity to efficiently and effectively administer this 'rousing program. Far example, program administration could nossibly involve a housing and redevelopment authority, wilding Inspector, community action agency. private lending institution, or a combinatIon of such organizations. �'. ! ��'i� ^fir:, NT��NI'IF fV�%4(�Yf k ,Sy�+P�tJalo��- S-iy•i%�t- 3 -2- MHFA has developed an administrative package complete with step-by-step procedures and forms, which may be used by applying entities, particularly those not having extensive experience in housing rehabilitation. Since this package is optional, an applicant's existing rehabilitation programs or newly developed procedures may be util iced if approved by MHFA. 3. MHFA and Regional Development Commissions may provide limited technical assistance in planning a local grant program. The administrative expense of implementing the program wi 11 be the primary responsibility of the local entity; however, up to a 3% portion of the total funding requested may be allocated to help cover such costs if other sources (including contributions of services) are not sufficiently available. J. After completing the plan and application (with funding request), the applying entity must secure the approval of the appropriate city council, -or county board(s). Count. --oriented or multi -county; proposals need not be appro-•ed by each municipality affected, but do need ap oval from each county board. The completed and lL.dl ly approved Application must then be submitted to MH,A. who will forward it to the appropriate Regional Development Commission(s) or Metropolitan Council for review with respect to region -wide housing needs and plans. Recommendations will be made to MHFA regarding funding, and M14FA will make final decisions on all Applications. 5. Each of the thirteen Regions of Minnesota will be allocated a portion of the total available funds. Regional allocations will be based on the State Planning Agency's Housing Alloca- tion Plan. There will be a three month period during which Applications for funds for the first year will be accepted. The program wi 11 be operated over a one year period. GUIDELINES FOR 111DIVIDUAL GRANT ADMINISTRATION ,Upon approval of an Application for Grant Funding. MHFA and the applying entity will enter into a Grant Funding Agreement., authorizing commencement of the program. Upon acceptance and approval of an individual application, the local administering entity shall 'forward the complete grant file to MHFA for review and approval to begin work. Upon completion of work, a Completion Certificate must be signed by the homeowner, contractor(s), and administering entity. Upon receipt of this Certificate, MHFA will disburse the funds re- quired to the administering entity. C - 3 - MHFA reserves the right and has the sole discretion to limit or curtail additional funds or to seek reimbursement if grants are not made in accordance with established guidelines and regulations. A minimum of 5V of the total grant funding of each applying entity shall be distributed to elderly recipients (over 62 years of age). suggested set of procedures and processing steps for local adminis- trators is outlined below: 1. On first contact with homeowner: a.) Advise homeowner of program goals and eligibility. b.) Make appointment to inspect property. 2. Inspect property to examine and specify problem areas for correction. Refer to Improvements Certificate for specific eligible items. "Funds must be used to correct defects or deficiencies affecting directly the habitability. safety or energy usage of the residential property". 3. Have a "grant committee" determine eligibility and make,,,, preliminary approval. J. Assist homeowner in obtaining work writeup(s) and cost estimate(s) on desired work. 5. Have homeowner complete MHFA Homeowner Application for Grant form, and explain program details (including reference to the statutory requirement of a 5 year lien filed on the improved property). Also have homeowner and contractor(s) complete MHFA Improvements Certificate form. 6. Obtain verifications of homeowner's income andevidence of property ownership. 7. 'Send applicant's complete file to MHFA for review and approval to proceed. 8. If approved by MHFA, have applicant sign the following: a.} Lien Agreement. Record with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is situated. b.) Construction contract(s) and Proceed Order (if applicable). N -4- g. Perform periodic inspections (or receive reports from Building Inspector) as necessary. Interim pay- ments for partial completion of work are generally not allowed. 10. When work i s completed: a.) inspect property and work, and execute Completion Certificate. b.) Obtain release of sub -contractors' andmaterialmen's, liens for all work. (If applicable). c.} Send CoToletion Certificate, Lien Agreement, and releases of any liens to MHFA, who will disburse necessary funds to administering entity for payment to contractor(s) or supplier(s). HOMEOWNER ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS The following guidelines are specified for determining eligibility for grant recipients. The items marked with an asterisk, (•), are legislative requirements that cannot be modified. 1. Recipient The recipient of grant funds must have at least a one-third interest in one of the following types of ownership in the property to be improved: a.) A fee title; or b. } A 1 i fe estate; or c.) A fee title or life estate subject to.a mortgage, or other lien securing a debt: or d.) A mutually binding contract for the purchase'of the property where the borrower is rightfully in possession and the purchase price is payable in installments. 2. • Adjusted Cross Income Adjusted gross income, in accordance with Minnesota Housing Finance Agency Regulations MHFA 2�(n), ,i4 defined as follows- "Adjusted ollows:"Adjusted income" means the gross annual income, from all sources and before taxes or withholding, of all members of the family living in a housing unit, after deducting the following: (1) the income of any family member (other than the head of household or spouse) who is under eighteen years of age or is a full time student: (2) the first 8300.00 of the income of a secondary wage earner who is the spouse of the head of V.+ - 5 the household; (3) an amount equal to 5 per centum of the income of the head of the household and spouse r// (or, irs the case of an elderly family, 10 per centum �l. of such income); (4) an amount equal to $300.00 for each member of the family residing in the household (other than the head of the household,or spouse) who is under eighteen years of age or who is eighteen years of age or older but has no income included in family income for purposes of this section; (5) non- recurring income, as determined by the -Executive Director; (6). extra -ordinary medical or other expenses as the Executive Director approves far exclusion; and (7) an amount equal to the sum received by the head of the household or spouse from, or under the direction of, any public or private non-profit child -placing agency for' the care and maintenance of one or more persons who are under eighteen years of age and were placed in the household by such Agency," Recipient adjusted gross income as defined above must not exceed $5,000.00. 3. Refinancing No funds shalt be used in whole ,or in part;,for the purpose of refinancing or paying off any existing indebtedness. All funds must be used to finance improvements begun after application for funds. 4. Age of Property No funds shall be used to improve properties that are less than fifteen (15) years of age;,unless property is in need of repair to correct damage resulting from"a natural disaster or to correct items that are hazardous to health or safety. 5. Eligible Improvements Grant funds shall be used for improving 'residential property in the State of Minnesota on which is located an eligible owner -occupied single family dwelling. Mobile homes and trailers are not eligible. a.) Grant funds must he used .6 -'correct defects or deficiencies in the property affecting directly the safety, habitability or energy usage of the property. b.) Grant funds shall not be used for the -financing or payment of assessments for public improvements. 14 - b - IN c.) All construction or work performed under contract shall be in compliance with an MHFA warranty covering workmanship and materials. v y d.) ' Although all work or construction completed with MHFA grant funds must be in compliance with all applicable building and housing codes and standards, no application for improvement to owner -occupied housing shall be denied solely because the improvements will not place such housing in full compliance with all such codes and standards. 6. • Amount of Grants The maximum grant amount to a recipient or- property is $5,000.00. 7. ` Repayments If the property is sold or transferred within 5 years from the date of grant, all or part of the funds must be repaid to MHFA in accordance with the following schedule: Year N Percent Repayment 1 100% 2 80% (� 3 60% 4 40% 5 20% 6 and over No repayment 8. ' Asset Limit The gross value of all assets of the recipient, excluding "personal" property and the homesteaded property to be improved with the proceeds of, the grant, may not exceed $25.000. 9. Energy Efficiency of Dwelling; .All homes being improved with,MHFA grant funds must have insulation and other energy-saving features adequate to make the dwelling reasonably efficient in regard. to energy con— sumption. Where such inadequacies and deficiencies exist, grant funds shall be used to upgrade these items. IN C G?NERAL FUND DISBURSrhffl+TS FOR MAY --- 1976 Local 440 __ Untnn dues Hood, Inc. - 1975-1 Water & Sewer Imnrovement Project payment U. S. ?ostmaster - Stamos Ind. Lumber & Plywood Co. - plywood for Historical Center Yonak Sanit--ion - '3nitation contract Gerald Johnson - Stuccooir.g Historical Center Pera - ?era oaf -vent Void Cormissioner of Revenue - Stnte Withholding Tax Wright County State 'ank - Federal Withholding Tax Ed Lang - Cleaning 1•'.un. Bldg. Seestro-'s U.irdware - Maisc. supplies Brnker's Life Ins. - Group Ins. Doug Pitt - Civil Defense Salary School Dist. #862 - Library rent Wright County Sheriff - Police contract Gwen Bateman - Animal Impnundment Gould Bros. - Repairs Hach 'hemlcal. Co. - Sampling kit Monticello Farm Market _ Lawn seed /"^ed's liobil - Fire truck repair iver Inn - Arim. expense PN. St-te Treasurer - Documents Moon *rotor Sales - Parts Nasco - Trancuilizer gun Wright Service Oil - Fuel for disposal plant Sterner Lighting - Flag pole Hayden=!urphy'Eouip. - Re?airsfor broom Halstad Contracting - Digging at Earl Srdth's residence Bryan Rock Products - Lime for ball nark Rick ltiolfstoller - Mileage for April Earl Andersen Co. - Signs Central -McGowan - Oxygen tank Water Products Co. - Adantors & yokes for water meter instRllatlen Badger Meter Co. - Wire for water meters 11. S. Power - Utilities Bridgewater - Tel9nhone North "ent^al Public Service - Utilities National Bushing, - Repairs Feed 'Lite Controls - Testing R• chlorine, acid, feed -rite, etc. Gordie Link - Fuel fnr nav loader Local 049 - Union dues Mobil Oil Corp - Gas And oil for street dept. Centra Sota Coon. - lawn seed Commercial Aschalt Co. - Tar for street rooairs Ison's Electric - Service call minticello 'Tinting - Printing muco Oil Co. - Can and oil Coast to Coast - Supolies Figs It Shoo - Mower repair 91q Lake Gravel - Comnressor rental Carlson 11elding - Repairs Kon.icello Times - Publishing, etc. IPhillips Petro. Corp. - Gas aM all lrue-an-k%elters. Inc. - Repairs Gerald Johnson - A nal payment on stuccoing,"istoricnl Center An. Cat. wank & Trust - 1960 G. 0. Imp. r'londs Fidelity Rank & Trust - 1974; Parking Facility Bonds Nelson Trees - Tree replAcerents Northwestern ::at. Rank of Xple. - Int. on 1964 Water Revenue Bends Snith-Pri.-.gle - Legal for April Orr-Scl:elen-"ayeron - Ennireering fens Revenue Sh'arinc klviaory Service - 11sndhook renewal Fran'{ie Pe.ernon - Reimbursement for inconvenience & labor on sewer back up Payroll - Salaries for .:aril 1/1 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS Sr�'�ivMe.+ S-2vhb V4 y C111 -'CK No. 78Qa 8000 8001 8002 P,003 8004 8005 8006 8007 8008 8009 8010 Poll 8012 o0i3 P014 8015 P016 8017 Role 8019 5020 P021 P022 8023 8024 8025 8026 P027 8029 8029 8030 5031 P032 R033 8034 8035 8036 8037 8039 8039 8040 801;1 8042 8047 80114 8045 8046 8047 MR P049 P050 P051 8052 P053 P.0511 8055 8056 8057 8058 8059 8060 9051 P067 27.00 38317.1= 44.00 55.7.0 17°0.51, 600.00 023..52 530.70 1137.20 52.50 103.70 667.1:2 75.00 75.00 2020.00 90.81 20.55 46.20 21.25 P7.Ps 56.51 110.00 3.20 126.23 331.6r 66P.25 217.P9 200.00 572.94 1'5.00 95.15 12.40 145.65 112.22 17110. ?7 7.°5.70 121 .1:4 2.44 1?2,3.05 75.71 2.7.00 102.00 42.P� 141.52 12.00 90.00 100.29 11.09 22.4'; 10.00 37.95 555.17 1P. Go 1c).57 650.00 577P.1P 11477.89 2,1160.00 312.50 167.;n P2.0.01 35.00 25.).00 7050.54 S 91 , 440. P,0 I CN FC K AM4 T:S 3 N(1, LI_UOR ?UND D_ISKGPSE ENTS FOR MAY -- 1976 Dick's Lock & Key - Locks for new store 71 PO 42.00 Ed ?hi 1lios & Sons - Liauor 7181 12565.64 Griegs, Cooper - Liquor 7182 1150.27 Twin City 'nine - Liouor 7183 194.2P Distillers Dist. Co. - Liouor 7184 _ 424,35 Minnesota Distillers - Linuor 7185 6P3.42 K & B Bakery - Open house expense 7186 15,60 Ralph Anderson - Cleaning, new store 7187 30,00 Dick's Lock & Key - Locks for new store 7188 12.00 McKesson Wine - Liauor 7189 2088.15 McKesson Wine - Liquor 7190 702.83 Earl Lindenfelser - Rent 7191 230.00 Ed Phillips & Sons - Linuor 7192 1624.32 Ed Phillips S Sons - Liquor 1 7193 1421.20 Twin City Wine - Linuor 7194 i 540.94 Griggs, Cooper - Liq'uor 7195 11094.78 N. S. P. - Utilities 7196 27.49 Seestrom's Hardware • Suoplies 7197 111.76 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitntion 7198 27.00 K C C, Inc. - Carpentry for new store c 7199 3115.35 •Skins 'lectric - wiring for new store 7200 12241.00 .lith %,os - Painting new store 7201 i 2574.00 Fab Con, Inc. - Pre-cast concrete walls for new store 7202 1 726.00 Environ Con. - Heating for new store 7203 334P.00 Country Cabinets - Cooler for new store 7204 2;2`.01 Dresser, Inc. - Concrete for new store 7205 1221.00 Mechanical Censtru^tion, Inc. - Plumhing "or now store 7206 1 59.00 Freeway Glass Co. - Glass for new store 7207 2°0.00 Pera - Pera )ayrent 7209 24P.78 Mrs. Ed Lane - Cleaning new store 72 n9 25.010 Mr. Ed Lange - Cleaning new store 7210 25.00 Old Peoria Co..- Liouor 7211 1416,40 Commissioner of Nvenue - SWT 7212 136.40 Wright,County State Bank - FWT 1 7213 3C4.61 Banker s Life Ins, - Group Ins, i 7214 126.10 Bruce Brooks - Cleaning new store 1 7215 10.00 Jace Brooks - Cleaning new store 7216 8.75 Larry Shierts - Cleaning new stare 7217 15,00 Jim Beckland - Cleaning new store 7218 144.00 Yrs. Ed Lange - Cleaning new store 7219 12.50 Ed Phillips & Sons . Linuor 7220 1360,19 Griggs, Cooler - Liquor 7221 061.53 Peter Abfalter - Cleaning new store I 7222 25.50 Persian's Office Machine - Cash register 7223 wp.00 Haskin's Electric - Cooler door repair 7224 12.00 Inn. - Mist. Exvense 722.5 1R.70 10+.ver r, Lake Gravel - Stand pipe repair i 7226 i 52.00 ten Franklin - Store expense 7227 3.03 City of Mnnticelln - Sewer and tinter bill 722P IP.ty Gordie Link - ruel for new store 7229 I 373.0c Grossiein Beverage - Beer 7%3n 167. (r, Maus Foods - Store ex-ease 7231 10.77 7 Up Bottling Co. - Mdse. 7232 Liefert Trucking - Freight 7233 1 252 .p' Fullerton Lumber - Supplies 72-:4 I 25.85 Veit & Co. - Doper rental 7235 ?7.00 Monticello rhes - Store supplies, furniture, file, etc. 7236 432.19 9treater - +helvinv, hrnckets 7237 I 31.7P Telke Signs • Letters for sign 7238 122..30 A. J. Ogle. - Peer 7230 570.45 Viking Coca Coln . y'dse, 72.40 170.15 Thorpe Dist. - -1kmr 7241 01..71 Dahlheimer Dist, - R,-er 72.42 2540.5^ Dick ?everai;e - Bnor 7243 j4hh.or Payroll - Salaries 1 cc'_, I r, TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 59,'72.11