City Council Agenda Packet 06-28-1976AGENDA Regular Mecting of the Monticello City COUNrlL - June 28, 1976%- 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johrlsun Councilmen: Stanley Ilal,'L, Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meut Lnc� In be 'taped. Cit_ir.ens (ammonts. 1. fnnrideraticm of awarding contracts on 1976-1 7m1.3rove- ment. Projec t. 3. Cotl.a.i.drravi- on QC resoJul.ion setting sale date for Gen - (rill pbLiga tion improvement Bonds of .1976. , 3• Cunsidcrat.Lun of Cond.i,tional Use perm.i.t - otll;nat.ient pet 4711115(l. 4. Colisidcrat:i-on of rezoning approximately �l acre:$ 801101 Of I-04 between Ilwy. 2,5 and Marvin Road Prom R-3 to Il -3. S. Rv%lew of nue off-sa.ie .liquor operation. i`. Cimsiderata.on of sett:I.ng date ,for public heariing for 19?5.2 San:i tary Sewer Ymprovement Project assessments 7. Cposiderati>con of final. payment request by Ilooti, Lne. on 1075-1 lmpl-ovemenl, Project. 1. dppolo%a l oP bills. �. Apprulul. of June 14, 1976 minutes. M. Cnl'i lilahed lxlSi.ne,%S. 11 Vow h115111f 9• 'I ,,IA.I1IY(l TO: Jahn Iladalich Don Smith Alike Ilolm John Sandberg King Porness - Springwted, .In(*. !lark Jrmiter Dr. Joel Eriekeon I AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Monticello City COUNC_TI. June 28, 1976- 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: StanJec Ila]], Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Gena Walters. Mck-I tuq to he taped. Citiicny Comments. 1. (onvideration of awarding; contracts nn 1976-1 Impro%e- ment Project. _. Con.;1devation of resolution setting sale date for Gen- etgal obligation improvement Bonds of 1976• ;,. Consideration of Conditional. Use permit - outpatient pot l ink 4. Con.9tderati,on of reioning appraximat:oly 9 acres south i .d' 1-414 between Itwy- 25 and Marvin Road from R-3 to D-3. 5. Ro%iew .Ir new orr-sale liquor operation. 0. Consideration t11' mel-t-ing date for publLe heaving Coo, Iti75-2 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project assessments 7. ('ou,itlovat i.nn n1' final payment request by Hood, Inc. on It17 i-1 :1MPP0trmenI ProJet,C. �. 1pprn%,t.l tlf bills. y. ..lppro%al of .hunt, 14: 10741 mi0utem- 111. I1111ni,hed latyint-w• 1 I . Stu Intvt neKK. MI I ING TO: John Badatith Don smith Mike holm John Sandberg f king F'ornaaw - SprinmAited. 1m . +l Mark Irmiter Dr. Jnrl LricLmon AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item 1. Consideration of awarding contracts on 1976-1 I.mprovemcnt, Project.. Bids for the 1976-1 Improvement Project Oil be re- ceived June 25, 1"6 (Friday) at 200 P. M. Enclosed yon will find a listing of the bids. It should be noted that these bids have not been tabulated by our en gi necring firm which will be done by Monday's meeting. John Hada I i.ch w.i i I review the bids with the counc.i. I and wi1.1 make his recommendations as to the awariling of the bids. POSSIBLE ACTLON: Consideration of motion to: A. Award contract an Section I. of the 1976-1 .I'.mprovument Projcct (Watermain, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer and Street Improvements). H. Award cnnLvact, on Section 1l., consuiwt,ion of 750,000 gallon water reservoir pumAmm a and app- urtenant: work. (� REFERENCES: 6lsting of bids (not tabulated). Agenda ,Item Monsiderat.i.nn of resolution setting sale Wo for General ObL.itiacion Improvement: lionds of 1976. King Farness, of Springsted, l.nc., w.i1.l be at: FIontnyIs meeting La review Cho sate of bonds to finance the 1976-1 l.mprovement Project.. i tcma to be rnns idered wi..l1, be numbers of years to spread the assessments and tn,mber of years to pny off thr, honds. On Inst. yenr's project the assessments w"o sprr_ad over 20 years with the city paying off the bonds Ln 15 years. Additional ly. the assessments were set op nn nit even principal pay off last year. One Insed. please find it worksbect indicating the ap- prr,aimnto property to see per year to a homeowner with it $30,000 home:. Yon will note that the mi 1 l tete of p the Lwn pvnjeuts its approximately 2.76 mi t Is which wi it prnduee $27.72 of real estate taxes per year for a 530,000 hnme.. A \a POSSIBLE ACTION: if counci..l concurs, setting sale date for bonds (July 13, 1976 would be earliest date) and using same method for assessments, i. e. even principal pay-off spread over 20 )-cars as last year. King Forness will have recommendations relative to the number of years bonds shoul.d be paid off. R IIF ER ENC FS: WorkshceL detailing R. E. taxes on $30,000 home. Agenda .Item Consideration of Ct.rnditi.onal Use permit - outpatient pct clinic. Dr. Joel Erickson, veterinarian, .is proposing a pct clinic for sma:1.1 an.imals at the Dlontieelio Mall. Thu proposed location would have a separate outside exit/ entrance and would not be connected with the inside Mall area. Also, sound proofing walls would be eonstrucLed to keep noise to a minimum. Ili•. Erickson has indicated that none of the Mall. tenants polled were opposed to this type of bu);.iness being located at the MoII. His intentions are to operate au outpatient type clinic performing basic serv,iccs, w.i,t.h Rio ovcrn.ight storage of animals. (Refer to summary prepared by [)I,. Erickson and statement signed by Monti - cel to ?fa.l,.l Connnts) Siucc our current zoni-ng ordinances do not have pct clinics classified as ci.ther a permitted or conditional use in any zoning district, i.t would have to be added as either it permitted or conditional use. In discussing this request with llow:ard Dahlgren, Itis opinion was that animal or pot clinics should be allowed as a conditional use .in a 11-3 or Il -4 district. -1 He did not, fou -J, however, that; n shopping centra` was the hast. location for an animal pct cIin.ic, but he would rather sec such all operation located .Lndr_pendently of other business because_ of noise (laid other problems that. could arise_ with such a business. In accordance with Moni.tcel.lo ord.lnnnees, the, Planning Commission hold a public heavinµ June IS, 1976. All those appearing at Clio heaving were in favor of the, clinic and no adverse comments were received. It was the vecommendation of the Planning commission 6n amend ehe ordLnnncc by allowing it pel; ullu.ie ns a condi- tiona.l esu .In it I1-3 zone and grant; Dr. lir.ickson n condi-use pernl.i.l.. Basi s for the recommendation was that sufficient measures had been Laken to al loviate possible noise, odor and other problems. The Planning Commission was also in- terested in the sentiment of He surrounding ncenpant.s of the shopping cenu.r who overw•hel,mi.ngly endorsed a Pet clinic. Since our current ordinance has to be changed to allow a pct clinic as a conditional use it: may be well to consider the rot locog conditions be attached: A. Annual inspection by ci.ty's health officer at owner's expense. D. All pegs must: be leashed. C. Treatment to be limited to household pets. POSS.IULE ACTION: Consideration of: 1. Amending ordinance to allow• outpatient pet c1inir, as conditional use in a 143 zone and any condi t. i ons deemed necessary. 2. Approval or denial of condiUonpl use prrm.it fur Dr. Joe] Erickson. It EF ER ENC ES: Dr. Er.ickson's summary on proposed pct elin.ic4statement supporting Dr. Erickson's pet clinic. An ,du Item 4. ConsideraLiun of rezoning approximal:ely 9_nerrs south of 3-94 between Hwv• 25 and MnrWn Hand frnm It -3 to Il -3. Mr. John Sandberg is requesting that, approximately 9 acre's Incated moth of :1-94 and west- of H.itlhwny 25 he rozo"cd from R -3 -(medium density res:ident-ial) to 13-3 (highway bus.incss). (Sec enclosed map for InmL!yl of property). Mr. Sandberg indicated tint ho has no specific business use proposer) For this parcel bat fee3a that the proporLy is not really suiLed Par nparlment. house dcvnlopie" rluc to .its location fronting on Hwy. 25 and distance from Lhe vvnLov of town. The Planning Cnmm.ission held a public hearing on this votpiesl, on .lune 15, 1976 and vecommendecl approval br, gran Led on (,hit; rezoning request. The Planning Cntmniss.lon fei.l: tint than propmT wnnld he hr,tCel. suited For cnmmrrcial deve:lopmcnl, since I1, Proints nn Hwy. 25 and Lhe adjacent prupei l4 Ln tho nuM h and east .is also zoned commercial. -3- In their opinion, R-3 zoning for multiple family dwellings in this location would be better situated away from Hwy. 25, with the commercial development along the highway prnvi.ding a better transition Crum business to residential rather than developing highway frontage into rusidential dwe 1 L.i ngs . POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval or denial of rezoning request. REFERENCE: ?tap indicating rezoning request. tgenda ]tem 5. Review of new off -sale liquor oAeration. Our new liquor store has been .In operation for over siy weeks and ?lark Trmi.ter will be at Monday's meeting to make a presentation on its operation. A Inc of time and energy alung with dollars was invested into the operation and now might be a good time to touch base on some of the folLowing items: A. More women shoppers (?) B. Any Lnerense in local or uuts.ide traffic (?) C. Reaction to sLore .in general B. ReacLi,nr to overhead ducts. E. Reaction to beer cooler in terms of size and various new brands offered. P. Parking problems. I am sure you may have different items you would like L. d.i me"es also and Mark w.i l 1 be making a presenia ti nn In cover other areas An aeLunI inventory will be taken at: the end of Junn and a complete financial ropnrt will be prepared by the second regular mect.i,ng in 3o.ly; however. 'I have anelosed a enmpnraLive sales analysis for the first; six weeks of operat:iuns. Should the present, pattern continue, the liquor store should approach S425,000 .in sales in 1476 ns cnmpared Lo $3U9,000 fur 1475. .It should he remembered t.hnt Cho $421,000 projection is hase(I oil only S months of op- erntiun n1, the new store. ?El'ERENCES: CnmparaCive Sales Analysis %gendn Item h. Cnusirlcrat:Lrnt nP setting; date for I'ubl,ic Hearing Por 1475-2 Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project nssessmen w . D I`he 1475-2 SaniLary Sewer '1'mprovement Project was the extension OF snnitary sewer frim Locust: and Sixth Street. ,o (� to Pine and Sixth Sweet, and serviced Pour pnrcelm (IS 1 Into) Looltul,ing nor new I.iqunr shore. -a- C) -5- Our engineers should' hove s§in_e 'prelimi-nary 'figures by Monda-1 posed assessments,, y a �meotinq.pn the pro POSSIBLE ACTION Consideration'of seit.ing public h -Rar-L-99. date for,. July t.;, our npx . t.jregular council meetin , g,. Xqpn6; licm T., C6nsiderition of final payment reauest by, Hbod, Inc-. dTi'-'1975-1 -1mproVenfent Project. -14h6, 1975-:1 Improvement Project has been,,c:6mpleted:, inspected ted -and' approved', for final payment by our engineers. Listed below is a compptation arriving at , the E�Anal - ,.pay- ment requesi of $37�00,1,04- Contract per June 27, 1975 bid $504-j116.40 -Change orders #i -s; A.1t ;987...83, $6.36;123:,.93 P Jh6reased quantities 723,196.28 $659';320.21 PoY­-!Pn: . to to, date., 622_319-17. Amount due- -$ •37.001'.:04 A C .Contra'ct' wa's on a; quantity or�,dnit price basis rattier .1 — than q -1ytnp,rsum -basis. Eng'"edring Obtaii&d' quantities will be''availablc Monday for review'. POSSIBLE�.ACTXON: If council concurs; -approval of $3,7,00-1..04 .payment Vequj!st. C) -5- TABULATION OF BIDS FOR SANITARY SEWER, WATER 11AIN, NATER RESL'RVOIR, STREET IMPROVL•'MENT, AND APPURTENANT WORK CITY OF MUNTICELLO, WRIGHT COUIITY MINNESOTA IMPROVEMENT 170. 76-1 Bids Opened: June 28, 1976,'2: P.M. OAR- SCIII:i,1:N-MA YER011 & ASSUCIAiCS, INC. Coim.i. No. 0UH-2621 En,1ineer'.. Vzit1l.iot,. Section 1 90U,Uu Section 11 345,00 Tota1 ? 1,245,00 SCOP 10.N•..+ 4=20'-76 #i 1r Total Total Total Bid Contractor SectionI SectionIi Sec. I&II Securi 1. Acton 'Construction 31 j q SO Qp, 2. Adolphson s Peterson 8 i 2G37so 3-A AFC Construction Corporation 4. Arcon Construction Q192se. 20 C, 5. Barbarossa 6 Sons Inc. 7989s7.Zn 35v 9va.�a 6. Buffalo Bituminous 7. C. S. McCrossan Inc. 9Y8ydG.� g19075•db S. Erwin Montgomery Construction 1X1111.77 9. Hoffman Bros. Inc. 10. Jack L. Olson 11. Johnson Bros_. Corporation �bG9�o.c� ✓ 12. Austin P. Kellar 7��QCo.OD 13. Lametti s Sons Y7�/y�ooO,Do I 14. Peter Lametti Construction QQ8SG3.9� 15. Loeffel 6 Engstrand 16. Magney Construction 3/BSoo.Wb _A� J,_ 17. Metro Engineering Inc. 31ySo8•ah 18. Minn -Kota Excavating '2 'YL so 19. Northdals Construction 4 ' 20. Nodland Associates, Inc. 21. Northern Contracting 22. Veit 6 Company I Orfei i son's Inc. (�98S7jta I23. - 24. Robert W. Carlstrom Co., ;Inc. i 3i3.9s-� 25. Wintor Construction ou SCOP 10.N•..+ 4=20'-76 #i 1r EXTRACT OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HELD: June 2$, 1976 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, was duly held at the City Hall in said City on the 28th day of June, 1976, at 7:30 o'clock P.M. The following members were present: Johnson, Hall, Erickson, Martie and Walters and the following were absent: None Member Martie introduced the follow- ing resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $1,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION I14PROVEMENT BONDS OF 1976 BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found, determined and d eclarcd that this City should issue $1,3005000 General Obligntlon Improve- ment Bonds of 1976 to defray the expense of various immro ment projects within the City 2. This Council shall meet at tine time and place specified in the form of notice hereinafter contained for the purpose of opening and considering sealed bids for, and award- ing the sale of $_i 300•000 General Obligation' Improvement• Bonds of 1976 of saald City. 3. The City Cl.crk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose or said meeting to be published In the official neti•:spnpor of the City and in Commercial West not loss than ten days in advance of date of sale, ns provided by law, which notice shall be in substantially the form net forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. C C 4. The terms and conditions of said bonds and the sale thereof are fully set forth In the "Official Notice of Bond Sale" attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference. The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by member Hall and upon a vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: All members and the following voted against the same: None Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF WRIGHT CITY OF MONTICEf.LO I, the undersigned, being the duly qualified and acting Clerk of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, DO HERE- BY CERTIFY that I have carefully compared the attached and foregoing extract of minutes with the original minutes of a meeting of the City Council held on the date therein indi- cated, which are on file and of record in my office, and the (� same Is a full, true and complete transcript therefrom inso- far as the same relates to calling a public sale on $1,300,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1976. WITNESS my hand as such Clerk and the official seal of the City this _ day of .lune 1976. 0644w- Ity Clerk %SEAL) NOTICEOF BOND SALE $1,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1976 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY MINNESOTA These bonds will be offered Tuesday, July 13, 1976, at 7:30 P.M., C.D.T., at the City Hall, in Monticello, Minnesota. The bonds will be dated August 1, 1976 and interest will be payable August 1, 1977 and semiannually thereafter. The bonds will be general obligations of the Issuer for which its unlimited taxing powers in additions to special assess- ments against benefitted property in the amount of approx- imately $640,000 will be pledged. The bonds will mature on February 1 in the years and amounts as follows: Year Amount Year Amount 1978 - $ 5,000 -IY8-7-88 - $ 90,000 1979-80 - $70,000 1989 - $100,000 1981-83 - $75,000 1990 -- $ 95,000 1984-85 - $80,000 1991 - $100,000 1986 - $85,000 1992 - $110,000 (( 1993 - $100,000 All dates are inclusive. At the option of the Issuer all bands maturing on or after February 1, 1988 shall be subject to prepayment on February 1, 1987 and any interest payment date thereafter at a pice of par and accrued interest. Sealed bids for not less than par and accrued interest on the principal sum of $1,300,000 will be accepted. No rate of interest nor the net effective average rate of the issue may exceed 78 per annum. An unqualified legal opinion will be furnished by Briggs and Morgan, Professional Association, of St. Paul, Minnesota. The proceeds will be used for various improvements within the City. June 28, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /a/ Gary Wieber City Administrator A y� OFFICIAL NOTICE OF BOND SALE lb' $1,300,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1976 CITY OF MONTICELLO (WRIGHT COUNTY), MINNESOTA These Bonds will be offered Tuesday, July 13, 1976. Bids will be opened for award at 7:30 P.M., Central Time, at the City Hall in Monticello. The offering will be upon the following terms: DATED AND INTEREST PAYMENTS The Bonds will be dated August 1, 1976 and will bear interest payable semi- annually, on each August 1, and February 1, to maturity, commencing August 1. 1977. TYPE AND PURPOSE The Bonds will be general obligations of the Issuer for which its unlimited taxing powers will be pledged, in addition to special assessments against benefited property in the sum of approximately $640,000. The Bonds will be in bearer form with interest coupons attached and will be of the denomination of $5,000 each. The proceeds will be used for local improvements. MATURITIES AND REDEMPTION The Bonds will mature February 1, In the years and amounts as follows: $ 5,000 1978 $ 90,000 1987-88 $70,000 1979-80 $100,000 1989 $75,000 1981-83 $ 95,000 1990 $80,000 1984-85 $100,000 1991 $85,000 1986 $110,000 1992 $100,000 1993 All dates are inclusive. At the option of the Issuer all Bonds maturing on or after February 1, 1988, shall be subject to redemption prior to maturity in inverse order of serial numbers on February 1, 1987, and any interest payment date thereafter, at a price of par and accrued interest. PAYING AGENT The successful Bidder may name the Paying Agent for whose cervices the Issuer will pay customary and reasonable fees. An alternate Paying Agent may nlso be nnmed provided that there Is no additionnl coat to the Issuer by reason thereof. COSLP NUMBERS If, within three working days after the award of the Bonds, the Purchaser in writing requests that CUS1P identification munbers be printed on the Bonds and agrees to be responsible for the CUS11' Service Bureau charge for the assignment of said numbers, they will be printed on the. Honda, but neither the failure to print such comber on any Bond nor any error with respect thereto shall constitute cause for failure or refusal by the Purchaser to accept delivery of the. Ronda. J DELIVERY The Bonds shall be delivered within :0 days after the award, subject to the unqualified approving legal opinion of Briggs 6 Morgan, Professional Association of St. Paul, Minnesota and delivery of customary closing papers, including a statement of non -litigation. Bond printing and the legal opinion will be paid for by the Issuer. Delivery will be at the place of the Purchaser's choice. Payment must be made in Federal, or equivalent, funds, to be immediately available on the day of delivery. The legal opinion will be printed on the Bonds. TYPE OF BID Sealed bids for not less than par and accrued interest on the principal sum of $1,300,000 from the date of the Bonds to date of delivery must be filed with the undersigned priur to the tim. of sale, together with a certified or cashier's check in the amount of $13,000, payable to the order of the Treasurer of the Issuer, to be retained as liquidated damages If the Bidder falls to comply with the accepted bid. RATES All rates must be in Integral multiples of 5/100 or 1/8 of 12 and may not exceed 7% per annum. All Bonds of the same maturity must bear a single rate from the dote of issue to maturity. The rate specified for any maturity may not exceed the rate specified for any subsequent maturity. Additional coupons may not be used. No limitation is placed upon the ntunber of rates which may be specified. The net effective average rate of the. Issue may not exceed 7% per annum. AWARD Award will be made on the basis of the lowest dollar Interest cost determined by the addition of any discount to or the deduction of any premium from the total interest on all Bonds from their date to their stated maturity as computed on the basis of the schedule of bond years in the Official Statement published for the offering. The issuer reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to waive informalities and to adjourn the sale. Dated dune 28, 1976 BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL /s/ Cary Wleher City Administrator C We( the tndersigned, hereby state our interest in and encoi:ragement tu+irle Dr. Joel Erickson's MONTICELID PET CLINIC to be located in the Monticello Mall. We desire the Planning Coomissiorn aid City Council of Monticello to give their approval of -the requested Corditional Use Permit. ,qqui • X�, t��^� '��, (j �..,��.. o I7 �- G r,} H ORDINANCE AMENDI1MI' The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains the following zoning ord.i.nance amendment: Scct;.ion 10-13-4 tinder conditional uses for a B-3' 01i.ghway Business) district, animal pet c..tinics be added as sub -section (II) with the fol- .lowing condi-tions attached: 1. annual inspection by city's health officer at; owner's expunse. _. n.lt Acts must, be leashed. 3. treatment to be limited to house- hold pets. Passed by the City Counri.l this 28th day of June, 1976, ATTEST: C. 0. Johnson, Mayor Gary W.i-ober. City Administrator (Amendment S•15-75 #16). 14 HOWARD DAHLOREN ASSOCIATES CONSULT+VO PLANNCRJ .::e 28, 1976 "_'QRAt;0UM1 Konticel to City Council =?:'I: Howard Dahlgren Assoc'.ates, inc. .'i:Gary 4lieber. City Mara—_er _. Zoning Pattern, South..est Quadrant, Interstate 94, and Trunk Highway 25 :. Confirming our recent ver. -BI review with the Planning Cxnission regarding the zoning pat:-2rn in areas contiguous to Trunk Highway 25, south of Interstate 94, -.e concur in the proposal to rezone the 8.28 acre tract on the rest side of Trunk Highway 25 as indicated on the attached sketch. . This land use pattern will compliment the recent development pro- posal read into the Hogll.^d properties to the east,contiguous to Oakwood industrial Park. _. Such areas generally west of the industrial park. accessible to access off Trunk Highway 25 will provide expansion for larger scale, highway oriented businesses, not appropriate for downtown locations. This zoning proposal will be consistent with our evolvirg pattern of land use for the future expansion of the City into the Orderly Annexation Area. - -.0 SMPQ I, A. MA- 4 — It. 7 % qt 3 ' � •�� � � .fes RE;i f �+ �: ,r ��7 �'., '��-.�! �'• •�'' "r .: 1- �`', fit. i � `' ••- � 4'.:a+ .. • % � -_.:.s-.:L. s,. s.!_:�.... .� d as �,. ,` . �J° r .are }�'`"`,•- � ;�`' + '\;�,. 'a - ✓i`' B 3 rw ' R3. f �� R„o •�+ d-s:- iz R1 CORDINANCE. MIGNDMUT fhp. Ci -1y Counci I of Mont.icel to hereby nrdainS Wall, the zoning ordinance map be a- mended as follows: Remmoing of an 3.28 acre parcel in the, \li oc Section 14, Range .j (sot'01 -f 1- �J b owccn Hwy. #25 and Marci.n Road) in dic city of Monticel In from Ft -3 (Medi.om Omni ty Residential) to 00 (Ili.ghway Rosiness) according to the offi cial •r.on.i.ng map on HA at City Hall. 14tsscd by tl,(! City Council this ''801 day of C. U. Johnson, mnyor Arms': I': Gary Wisher, Ci ty AdministrnLni* kAmendmcnt 6-1$-7$ #15) CC MU\I It II Itl MINU'IPA 1, 1.1QVOP smir COM PAR ATI%k SMrs 4\111x1, 1075 -- 1076 , % h Weeks Ending 6 Weeks Ending P1HI0U Jung 21, I075 June 19, 1976 1 o Liquor Sales $18,273....-" $21,S64. Beer Sales $20,S11. $29,800. Wine Sales $ 1,611. $ 3,S74. Miscellanenu■ Salon 8 1.160. $ 2.,U7. TOTAL SAVES $42,064. $S7,295. $1,763• 97% $1.188. 102$ $15,231. 36$ x a Vo lumt• % neeeat;e Increase. $3,291. 18% $8,989. 43% $1,763• 97% $1.188. 102$ $15,231. 36$ ORR•SCHELEN•MAYERON bASSOCIATES, INC. ConsuC.n l Enn cels Uuld Sti%:rgGro June 28, 1976 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Proposed Assessments for Project 75LS-2 Gentlemen: Tile final costs estimated for Monticello's Sanitary Sewer and Appurtenant Work, Improvement 75 LS -2, are tabulated as follows: Final construction costs $6,027.25 Engineering fees (7 1/29) 452.04 Inspection 964.76 City exp. legal fees publishing, etc. 153.93 Administrative (39) 180.82 Prep. of Assessments (19) 60.27 Total project costs $7,839.07 There were four parcels benefitted from this improvement which includes the city's parcel, Lots 1 - 4, Block 14. Based on the platted lots with 66 feet of frontage, the total number of unit assossmenta would be as follows: Parcel No. Lots Unit Assessments 19635 1-5, Blk. 13 5 19607• 6-9, Blk. 6 4 19604 7-10, Blk. 5 4 city's 1-4, Blk. 14 4 Total Units I7 The assesament per unit would be computed as follows: Total project cost a total units - unit assessment $7,839.07 a 17 - $461.12 44 :7021 fust l4^nnf?pin Averuo • Soho 138 • %anneprrlis, Alinnesnto 554,13 • 61.)13.81. &60 Honorable Mayor and City Council Re: Proposed Assessments for Project 75LS-2 June 28, 1976 Page 2 Total of project cost proposed to be financed through ad valorem taxes would be: $461.12 x 4 units (city owned) - $1,844.48 Total of project cost proposed to be financed through assessment would be: $461.12 x 13 units - $5,994.56 I recommend that the city prepare the assessment rolls for this improvement based on the above figures. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON i ASj3OCIATES INC. John P. Badalich, P.E. City Engineer JPB/jet - - - ----- --------' CHECK AMoUNI GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS - JUNE, 1976 NO. R -J Construction - Historical & Inf. Center Carpentry 8063 5935.16 Big Lake Gravel - Park expense 8064 4000.511 Rodney Meyers - Park labor 8065 5'--•911 Harry's Auto Supply - Repairs, etc 8o66 273.73 Earl Smith - Reimbursement for S/W hookup error 8067 13'-'.3n U. S. Postmaster - Postage 8065 311.0(1 Roger Mack - Mileage for Dutch Elm school 8069 1 i. 21) James Becklund - Park labor ' 8070 109. 511 Ed Lange - Cleaning Mtce. Bldg. 8071 41.cc Peter Abfaltcr - Labor in parks 8072 52.90 James Becklund - Labor in parks 8073 100. 50 Willard Farnick - Fire school reimbursement 8074 123.31 Gary W:Lebcr - Mileage & school 8075 ) ) 39. 50 Clyde Lee - Park labor 8076 56.35 H. If. Persons - Historical Bldg. lettering , 8077 200.011 M. O'Connor - Legal on union negotiations 8078 122.50 Rodney Meyers - Park labor 8079 04.40 Clyde Lee - Park labor 8080 60.(45 Gr n Bateman - Animal Impoundment 8081 111.77 Lr Lake Gravel - Park expense 8082 16237.40 Yonak Sanitation - Garbage sanitation contract 8083 1756-54 Ernest Pribyl - Treasurer - Taxes on Hist. Center - W/S Assmt. 8084 32.42 Jerry's Excavating - 1975-2 S/W Improvement 8085 652.2.1 John Miller, Sr. - Inf. Center labor 8086 30.00 Ed Lange - Labor at Inf. Center, cleaning Mun. Bldg. 8087 197.50 Banker's Life-- Group Ins. .8088 667.42 Commissioner of Revenue - State W/Il. tax 8059 445.211 Wright County State Bank - Fed. W/H. tax 8090 938.30 Doran Painting & Decorating - Historical Center painting 8091 1117.00 State Treasurer - PERA 8092 773.64 Foster's Ins.°Agency -Ins. premiums 8093 6163.04 City of Monticello - Transfer to Liquor Fund I 5094 40000.00 Seestrom Hard%:are -, Repairs & Supplies 1' 8095 153.119 Gertki.n Landseap'ing'- 75-1 S/W Impr. Project - sod replacement; 5096 147.25 Architectural Alliance - Architect fees SO97 19711.10 Braun Engineering Testing - Soil boring tests - 1976 Imp. Proji 8098 3242.25 Gwen Batemen - Animal Impoundment 5049 106.07 Cleveland Cotton Products - Paper towels, etc. for Mtce. Bldg. $100 85.31 Moon Motor Sales -6 Repair Cd mower 8101 4S. o5 Trojan Playground Equip. - Park swings, etc.` 8102 6,1.00 Carlson Welding - Sewer repair® I 8103 5•40 F,' I lerton Lumber Co. - Park supplies 8104 33. 50 I,:ard Dahlgren - Planning contract payment 8105 1 1000.00 Phillips Petro. Corp. - Gas and *oil I 8106 1 72.2` Marvin Patnta -• Stvit)er - $880.00 - Balance - paint. 1107 1 1 56.211 Fyl ea Backhou -..Satellite rental in parks 4 sewer nxpenrse Sills 120.00 John's Discount Poods - Ml se. expense 8104 1 Z0. 32 N. S. P.;.-.ltlaii.ties,r voided - rechecked sewer reading NII/1 Lici'P.T,ttiTiylcUlnSa- Fxetkht `, 6111 III 7.00 ,National 111ryhing a Parts - Repairs 8112 1 46.72 Centra Sgta - Park expense 8113 2.39 Stakes:Marine r Repairs 8114 Shore Corp. - Misc. Auppli.ea 5111 5;.,50 Swanson Seed - Crass seed .for park 81111 110.00 Mentt�l 1111 Timet± - Publlrihinle h auppl.ies 1 8117 224.1 Monticello Prinling - Supplies SIIS 02.05 Wright, Sri,%icv 011 - 1'uol Cot, disposal plant SI 111 305. foo Central M(Gowan - Suppliers 9120 2.15 J. W. Millet. - Sidewalk r. pair at Munticullo funeral florae 1 8121 214.50 Amoco (III Co. - Gas and of 1 SI22 1711.44 Fags T1; 511111 - Ne1).1,1.11P i 8123 2.00 Coast, to roast a 511111111th iI S124 1o. 11 Roger Moak .- Mi.lesge l0 Du.irh r�lm Mchool I Sl.g IS.01.1 1 C Int Union #40 Union dues for May Hoglund Bus Co. Tire & -tube valve job on mower, Jim Beck-16nd - Labor Gross Ind. Service - Laundry = 2. months Bridgewater, Telephone - telephone Goodin Co,. - Park supplies Water Products Co. - 24 meter valves- Mill'cr/Dav:Ls Bldg. Insp. books Howard Gillham - Blader and dirt pave Douglas - Assessing fees for 1975 Wright County Journal Press Sub. Moniicel.lo School Dist. - Library. rent, Wright Co4ntk. Sheriff -'Police contract for May Doug Pitt:.- Civil Defense salary Walters Cabinet Shop.- Shelves for -library Gould Bios. Chev. - Repairs .Olson Electric - Electrical repairing Red's Mo'bi.] - Fire truck gas (S. Bench Corp. - Benches for Hist. Center r .ry's Auto Suopiy - Supplies National. League of Cities - Sub. ,North Central Public Service - Gas Moores Excavating - Trenching for water in park Ovi.cfnow Shcat Metal Plumbing at Hist. Center Weight. Cbunty Auditor police fines for May Dick's Lock & Key Keys' U. S. Posr.mastcs, Postage & box rent Payi;o]J for May TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS -- $96.-575.58 I cIICCK * mor:�[ NG. 5126 27.06 8127 1 15. 56 8'128 8 80,00 S 1 29 160.06 $130 315-73 81-31 15. 16 8132 165. Ot) 8133 18-07 8134 400-40 8135 3375.00' 81 36t 5.50 8.137 75 - tie) 6138 334S.00 8139 75-00 8140 i 588-80 8141 60; 74 8142 94.SO 81-43 3.00 8144 195-50 8145 55.37 5146 6.00 8147 i 70.OS 81,48 8750 8149 763.() - S 8150 1-70-00- SIP 34;;4() 8152 45.00 5930:"45 a CIIECK AM0151 LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS FOR JUNE-- 1976 N0, Ralph Anderson - Cleaning new store 7244 15.96 Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax 7245 9$7.54 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 7246 2105•()3 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 7247 2772.44 McKesson Wine - Liquor 7244 677.07 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 7249 720.51 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor - 7250 1526.95 Midwest bine - Liquor 1 7251 292.61 H & S Asphalt - Black-topping Liquor store parking lot 1 7252 5638.50 Veit & Co. - Liquor store earthwork j 7253 1391.63 Environ Con , Inc. - Liquor store construction 7254 1431.00 lieskins Electric - Liquor store electrical 1 7255 2036.49 K. G. C. , Inc. - Liquor store construction 7256 2235.6'' Twin City Wine - Liquor 7257 747.2x' Banker's Life Ins. - Group Ins. ' i 7258 196.69 Commissioner of Revenue - State W/H. 7259 124.50 Wright County State Bank - Fed W/t1. 7260 320. So Veit & Co. - Liquor store construction I 7261 902.30 S asphalt - " n I 7262 626.50 `tresser, Inc. - " " 7263 7264 917.00 4029.00 Fab-Con. - n n I K. G. C., Inc.- n n 1 7265 1717.11 Bernick Roofing n n 7266 674.011 Freeway Glass - " n 1 7267 452.00 Smith Bros. Painting - Liquor store painting I 7265 2S6.00 Country Cabinets - 11 " construction 9269 19116.40 Mechanical. Constructors - " ^ It 7270 303.011 Environ-Con. " It 7271 I S3r1.00 Heskins Electric - " " " 7272 1130.25 ' Design/Management - " " n 7273 1750.00 State Treasurer - PERA 7274 270.54 Foster's Ins. - Insurance 7275 3216.116 N. S. P. - Uti..iti.es 7276 253.45 Ed Phillips 6 Siins - Liquor 7277 31136.02 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone - 2 months 7275 1116.01 Seestrom Hardware - Store., expenso I 7279 72.62 Old Peorl a - Liquor 7280 242.13 Midwest Wine - Liquor 7281 173.62 State Tpeas. - Dept of Agriculture - b1cense 7282 15.00 Heskins Electric - Cooler repair 7283 67.30 ersian Office Machine - Cash register 7284 1615.)1) nak Sanitation - Sanitation contract 7255 76,00 cn Peshla - Repairs 7286 43.711 Maus 1•oods - Store expense 7247 i 10.)1 Pace, Ltd. - Store supplies 7284 256.61 MonticeLlo Times - Ful-n- 0. Fixtures - Adv. 7251) 7296 515.74 221.11 James Refrigeratton - Fut-n.& NlxCuree Internal Re%emx(1, Servico Centel- - Perm-1t, 7201 54.01) Cash Register Sales, Sne. - Stella expense J 7292 7.51 @1a.iness &� Commercial I,�Ighting - Repatrs 7203 122.4.1 M.M.L.S.A. - Membership deer I 72114 75.00 Jude Candy d Tobacco - Millie. 7205 513.57 7 Up Dotl-li.nK - Mdse. 4 7246 219.53 Old D11Lch Foods:, Inc. - Mdse. 1247 123.10 Gross'lrin Revel-age - Devi,7295 � � 73SI.40 Viking C1)c'11 [,Iola - Mdse. 7290 �i00.35 Thorpe Dint. Co. - Brox 71(11) 13.3.45' D8117114•imer Dist. - Derr 1301 3470.5% A. 3, 0s1e Dc1w 1311'_ 4ti•^.)` Dit k Hovvi aqe - Ber_r 1,311.3 414-.44 Johnson's Dept. Ston - VAL1111m clOanet• for store 73114 =1'4 111 0 C sMir; i, -j r.74 «� �� LIQUOR_ ND Leifert Trucking - Freight Orr-Schelen-Mayeron & Assoc. - Engineering (Drainage problem at parking lot) Payroll for May - Salaries TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR JUNE t►. �s 1 AMOUNT CF_vCK NO. 256.62 7305 73.44 7306 1989.90 1 $77,342.8311 Gromid SLOS-ago wat;ev $997,000 S5.1 $S48,000 $56,533 $35,584 $95,117 $23.60 2.35 Assessed VnIllatioll $40,502 196.00 NOTE: Every $1,000 levied cost; Ilomeowilel, With $30,000 Im"Ic -- $.25 R. El. TAX INCREASE llolj? I'l."34:0, % Ad' nin I Pul. Yr. Pul. Yl-. Ava. Avt,. Pvv s C ws I� Va lo rcm I �ll Valorem Ad Va I ro-um Avg. IiInt..Luvy Yr. It. E 15 6i% P v I, Yr . Taxes oil 53(1, 000 llonic� 1976-1 Sanil;,-kry SC.;W-W $468.540 31.7 $145,320 $qsss 54.749 $16637 $4.12 .41 & Waii;cmain Cxwnisi.ons j Gromid SLOS-ago wat;ev $997,000 S5.1 $S48,000 $56,533 $35,584 $95,117 $23.60 2.35 Assessed VnIllatioll $40,502 196.00 NOTE: Every $1,000 levied cost; Ilomeowilel, With $30,000 Im"Ic -- $.25 A u Ping poIc, will be reimbursed by C. Johnson's salary donation. PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT HISTORICAL & INFORMATION CENTER 50.00 Property Purchase $20,000.00 North Central Public Service - gas hookup 361.35 Dig Lake Gravel - installing new water Iine 510.70 Fullerton Lumber - plywood sheets 49.39 Wright County Treasurer - assessment 32.42 Ind. Pl.ywood Co. - plywood Per signs & fr,3i,ght 72.20 Harvey Persons - Sign lettering 200.00 U. S. Bench Corp. - 2 benches 195.50 tr Sterner Lighting - flag pole 665.25 Sod 30.00 J. W. Miller - masonary 3100.00 Gri.efnow Plumbing & licat.i.ng - 1415.2S Ileskins Electric 1169.72 Gerald Johnson - Stucco 1260.00 R -J Construction - Carpentry 5935.06 Pair's Market - Shrubs 720.17 Ed Doran - Pa.int.i-ng 1117.00 St. Cloud Supply - Tissue, towel dispensers. etc. 50.33 Sub -total $36593.37 listimatc: Larsen Carpet 535.00 Sand 299. SS $37728.37 A u Ping poIc, will be reimbursed by C. Johnson's salary donation. PARK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT Howard Gi.1.1ham - black dirt: 50.00 Bi.g Lake Gravel - black (Lirt, class 5, cte. 7029.40 Bi.g Lake Gravel - sand Por playground areas 299. SS Bi.g Lake Gravel - grader and ent rental 3449.00 Byran Rock - Limo Por pathways 926.67 Sod and seeding 592.50 Poles For playground arca 1140.00 Trojan Playground - sw:i.ngs (2) 63.00 Spr-i.nklevs, hoses, clamps, et;c. for watering 446.59 Mi.sc. materials for playground 151.77 Paint & mater.i-als Por bathrooms, cte. 101.65 Towels, toilet. &, soap dispensers, eto 100.67 Digging trench & plugging f.low.ing ae.l.l 102.66 Sa.l ar.i es: Mark Ili.tzer - Playground 512.00 Bud Srh.lief - Superv.i.sor 20110.00 TOTAL Ii%1'GNI)ITURES 1110 DATE $17625.79 Summary of playground areas (ine,htdrd in nlx,vo totnt) Mark Bitzer - an.lary S 512.00 Poles & mater.i.a. 8 1321.77 Swings 63.00 Sand 299. SS 'total for (2) Playgrounds $2,496.65 Abovo 1'19111'es do nnt, include city labor ensta-