City Council Agenda Packet 07-26-1976AEGUL:A9 MEETING"OF' THE: MONTICELM CITY COUNCIL, July X26,; 4,970 - 7,:3P::P-?4­ City Hall Mayor: C.: �Johnion Councilmen: D6n,tbnEricka6&, StaftleyMalli Dick Martie, Gene Walters.. Meeting to -be,-taped.. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of Conditional Use, kr6l* and _V*ri_apco James T6slow. 1. Consideration of approviij,,bf,'Roy',•i4urin,s:iii.,-Illiiictt:' Terrace Preliminary pjaC 3. Discussion on police Prdt6etidn _t. Jiin,gowera. 4. Consideration_ of Right Tuen, Only. on State. Highway 25, . at Intersection, of highway lS.';'qn'C( ConsfcieratLqn of Street Lighting on Coiinty. #751- Owns.149TO10. of Aqtflcm9pt foir carpeting at liquor4tore. 7,: Cofisidej, ' iatlijn ,of appointee. t:o.Senior Cuizew,'s Center, Board. ReseviVation'.,quidelin-es 'g., RbVliq_wpf Statements,. fql'tApkioval ;6f, Pil I.j.; 1.1,;. Unt'lnfstjed; business:. $3, Niw bus Ines. Mn 11.4 nil to: collneLl Jahn hadallch, Mwe bon Smith "81.4 vilmlAcr Mike Rajala Roy Louring James Testaw Jim Powers vael Smith Kurt KJO 4 berg AGENDA SUPPI.DIEN'r i`acm 1. Consideration of Conditional Use Permit and Variance - James 'I'es.l.ow. James Tesl.ow, of Tes.low Auto Sales, is requesting a con- ditional use permit to establish a used car .lot on the northeast corner of Linn and Broadway (formerly Littic Bi 114 Auto Repair) - an area that is zoned 13-4. A con- ditional use is required by ordinance. 10-14-4-I3• _Ln addition to the conditional use Wrm.i t, Mr. Tos low is also requesting a variance from the outside sales arca I3a"ations of 30 per cent of the gross Floor arca. Since the presen C building on the site i s approximately 60 x 40 or 2400' this would Limit Mr. 'restow's sales area to 720 square feet or room for 4-5 cars for sale. Among the other Gond-i.tions of a condiLlunal use permit; For outside sales arc the. following: I. Outside sales area should be fr_nced or screened from view of neighboring residcntia.l uses or an abet CL!"l; residential dist.ri.ct. S.iucr_ Mr. Teslow is bounded by res i demi a l arms on two sides it. (f n would require consln•uct. m of a wood, brick, masonry `� fence or planting of six to eight. feet, in height.. -. Any li.&O"t; shat l be nvmnged ns to deflect. light.ing away from residmW1 arras and public right of ways. 1. Sales nrcn .is to be grassed or hard surfaced with bi w mi nous. The abuvc are conditions of an outside snles arca, ord- inancos re.lat.ive to parking, signs, ote. will have to bo adhered co, also. 11nc arca to be reviewed .is the number nP parking sWices (ot.her I,hrtn cars for sale) required Vol- a car lot. Our present or-clioaur,c does not; s1mcifi.cal ly cover such it use. 'fwo ot.lun- problems dist with Om prasent site: Mu,, removal of tho underground fuel tanks, and currently storm water is being 1-1111 into the sanitavy sewer system. 'These probl.ws will have to be corrected. At Choir ,.Italy 20th meeting. tho PLanning Commission voted 4-I t o rcconunced deu.i a 1 of liemi t. Deni it L of permi t was basad nn folIowing far,tors: I . Mai.ntai.n and improve appearance of business disLr.ict. '- Objections expressed at, hearing by property owners in arca over concern of appearance of such a use adjacenL to a residential area. 3. Size of lot - o2?t'x 99, - appears way Loo small to accomodate such an operation Since the Planning Commission meoti.ng, Mr. Tes.lowts aLtornoy is contesting the need for a condi.tiona.l use permit and thu variance as his contention .is the Monticello ordinance Section 10-13-2(D) does allow "Mntnr Vehicle and Recreation Equipment Sales and Garages accessory thereto" in a Ii -3 zone and all permitted uses i.n a 0-3 zone are permitted uses in n D-4 zone. Monticello City Ordinance 10-14-4(D) ruquires a condWonal use for "open or outdoor service, sales as an accessory use and including sales Ln or from moLorized vehicles, trailers or wagons . . ." However, Mr. Teslow's attorney feels that, the above Sect.i.on 10-13-2(0) is the appropr.i.ate urdi-Hance and nowhere is motor vehicle sales defined as to be within a bu.i-ld.ing and thus fuels outside sales are normal for such a use and should be perm Mod. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of permit and variance. if approval is consi-tiered .it should be, contingent upon resolving the storm water and fuel tank problem. REFERENCES: Ilnward DahlgroW s repn•C on this iLcm. City 0rdinancus. Item 2. Consideratin" of approval of Itny Lnur.dnW s Hi" side Terrane Preliminary Pint. Mr. Rny Lnnring is proposing it subdivision plat of approximately 45 arses consisting of 19 lots The pint: is one block cast of Highway 25 and is bounded by Lho railroad Lvacks find T-94 (Set,, cnrinsed map depicting area). 'It, Should bo noted the plat conforms Co the comprehensive phut as to marl alignment and land "so as Mr Louring colm"% with Lho R-3 (medium rasident.i,ol) zoue nnrt:h of the prop-INId road and 1-1 (bight industr_inl,) zone Lo Lho month of proposed read. Additionally. al.l lot sites Conform Lo situ requ,ircmen Ls of the Mnutiou llu ordinances. C, -2- Cr -J At their July 20th meeting, the Planning Comm.ission recommend' --d approval of tic: prel.i.minary plat, contingent upon do! city �'. acquiring the necessary casement for the 12" waLer main through Mr. Lauri.ng's plat along the proposed react. Reference should also be made to John Dtulalirh's letter indicating items to be resolved before final plat approval. POSSIBLE, ACTTO\: Consideration of approval of preliminary plat. RUI:RE.\CGS: Joint Baclal.ich's ICLLCP, Iloward Dahlgren's planning report. Pre Ii.m.inary P I a L (available at city hall). ILem 3. Discussion on Pol:ixe ProCection - J:i.m Powers. Wr.ighL County Depctcy Sheriff. J.im Powrrs, w 1 I be a Monday's meeting Lo answer various cluesLi.ons that, were raised relative to police procccL.i.un at, nor June 2S. 1976 mecLing Among Lhe issues cliscussed at Chat time were cars parking .nt grass in parks. speeding cars. concern over patrolmen Laking "breaks" at. LAIC hams time and a problem at. Maple and Broadwaq wiLh cars blocking n s.idew•alk. C' 1. Lem q. ConsidrraLion of R.Ight: Tuvn Only nn SLaLr_ Wighwav 25 at. .Inum,sert.ion of Wighway 25 and County 75. At. our Inst mcet.i-ng it. was decided to contact: the SLnLe High- way igh- way Depar tmen t ve InLi ve co the pnss:i bi I i ty of making the r.i ghL lane of Il:ighw•ay at. 1.110 above int.ePspcLion it "right, turn only" lane. District traffic engineer, Mr. Ed Mccul loch was out, Lu view the si tuatiotl and .ind.icated I'lle following were possibi llLies: Left Lane Iii ghl, Lane I. Leil turrl cn• yt.raight Right. Laevo only _. Loit ttnn only Hight burn or straight Ile. Indiva•t.ed 1,114" st.aLe woll,ld put op necessary signs and paint. arrows Its ncrOssary aet:nrd.i,ng to wiLslws oP I:h.l eiLy Ilow•evev. Ill! in(Hea ted ill a lel.Lew (sou cnr,loscd) tint: it, wonid be nrrrssary to c:l Im inaLe parking ono block .in advance of Lhi s ilit crseet:ion and one half black pasL Lhe i.nU:rseeLlun to ac, eomodat.: c11:utne.1 ir.at.ion -3- CI - One concern is that, if the right lane were made a "night. turn only" lane it, would Lie up traffic, especially on weekends. Ilowever. it is realized there is a safety factor involved also. It should be pointed out that: if parking were Co be eliminated as suggested on Highway 25 our own information center would suffer as possibly some bus.i.nesscs At Ute arca also. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of making the right lane a "night turn only" lane. Please note 1 have scheduled this after Jim Powers' agenda item as it may be well to seek his advice on the matter also. REFERENCES: Ed McCul loch's ICtter of July 15, 1976. .item' 5. Consideration of Street Li.Q&ng on C_ount..v 115. Mr. Carl Smith and Mr. Bernal Daggett, both of whom I_i.ve .in Hillcrest Addition, have reclimsLed a street light Im instal led at the intersecti-on of County Road #75 and the road leading into IIiLlcvcsL Second Add i1;i.on. Reasoning for the rcquoSL is to illuminate the intersect.i.on and provido .lighting to the sl.reet arca Cost. of .installation and pole is Clic rosponsibility of NSP and Clic monthly billing (abool, $7.95 p(2r light.) is the respon- sibility of the city. Pf1SSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of request. Item 6. Considcrat.ion of Set.l.lentent. for carpeting at. Liquor St6ru. Enclosed please rind copies of inspection reports on Cho carpeting nl. the liquor Store. Mr. lijelIbevg's represent.nLive, Ill.ge.low Cnrpets, would indicate Cho plaid design was found to be within nnrmnl tolerances. It. is interesting to note. however, the report, indicates that n direct .Ila(: -down insLallnhiml .is not recommended nn a pat.Lcrnud carpo. O"r represo"tnt,ive, Service ?Ins Ler .It=. inclienl,es the variance of the paLtr,rn (314") appears Co be excessive find additiounl ly r"Ments that. the installer used pimp judgment by e.ontinuing Cho installnl,inn of the rnrpct and reoummends it ell-jOo ndjarslment.. -4- Although the problem appears co be primarily clue Lo the pattern variance 'f would recommend we offer Kjellbcrg Carpeting a seLLlemenL w.i.th a 20% reduction, Orn• $700. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of possible adjustment settlement and detcrm.ination of dollar amount- REF ERE\CES: 'Pwo Inspection Rcports. Item 7• Consideration of appointee to Senior' C.iLizens Center Board. ?Ir. Ilarry Stokes has been recommended as an appointee to Lhc Scniov CAAtitcns' Center Board by the board itself. IL is cuSLomavy for the council to approve all such appointment's. POSSIBLE AUTC)IJ: ConsideraLion of appointment. Item $. Consideval;ion of Proposed Ilandstand Reservation Cuidclincs. Enclosod, please find a set of proposed gu-idelines for 1,1a reservati-on of the handstand. You will not;c Lhc rescrvatiLnl guidelines arc limited to Lhc use of the handstand as it. will be almost, impossible to apply to Lhc parks in gcncral. Of cours0, Lhcre at,c spcc.if.ic park rules Lu be adhenrd to in all. as posted. Without, making Lhc list t.no long or detailed 1. attempted to curer the major po.i n t.s of concern. However, t.hcso slhou Id be rev.i ewcd for addiC.ians and adjits Linen l.s. POSSIBLE ACTION: Cons i drra t.i on of prowis0d 9t1 i de I i nes and nmcnrlmcn LS 121i1'I:RIiSCIiS': Proposed lilt ndstafill kc -servation Cu.idelines. 1Lem 9. Review of I.Itttlou• St•orl: Pinanr.lnl SILO LtnnvotA. linrlosed Blease find Litpun• Stern 1'.11)(11101111 statcmcnts for, p.rluds cndiug May Ila, 1976 and June 30, 1976. C .5- " 4 . n t •� - - ORR•SCNEIEN•MAYERON It ASSOCIATES, INC. Consulting Engineers land Surveyors July 13, 1976 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re : Review of Lauring Hillside Terrace Preliminary Plat Attn: Mr. Gary Wicber City Administrator Gentlemen: we have reviewed the preliminary plat of Lauring Hillside Terrace submitted to us under Bete of March 16, 1976, by Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. As you are aware of, our review and convents were hold and not transmitted to you earlier be- cause e-cause the owner, Mr. Roy Lauring, requested this not be done until just this past week_ Two copies of the prelimi- nary plat are being returned herewith, indicating our plan re view. One copy is for transmittal to Meyer-Rohlin, Inc., along with a copy of this letter. Other comments with respect to the requirements of the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance are contained herein. The following are comments on tho plat itself, notations are noted in red on the plat which consists of the following: \ 1. Date of preparation 2. Total acreage 3. Corrections in the description as noted. 6. The description of the property contained within the plat does not include the triangular area, marked red on the permit, which includes the parcels marked 1 a 2 on the print of a boundary survey for Mr. Lauring dated 6/29/70. Omission of any part of the description in the public hearing notice could cause the public hearing proceedings to be voided due to incomplete public notice. 5. Show the existing culverts at the southeast corner of the plat. A drainage easement should be provided and shown j through Lot 8 at the outlet of the 42" CMP if Hennepin JI Street is vacated. 6. Proposed street grades are shown in red on the street grading plan. 7bia assumes that 6th Street will be ulti- matoly constructed and extended to internect the public • 3M7; r ar± Her,:Pjoin AVcrim, • S"rrttrr 238 • 101iRnrxauors. ^,innrncotn 5Ct4t3 dZ City of Monticello July 13, 1976 Page 2 road east of Washington Street. It is necessary to match the existing road elevation of 957.1 at this location. Since portions of the proposed plat is zoned I-1, some heavy truck traffic can be assumed and street grades there- fore should be ,kept at a minimum. This may present a problem because of the natural drainage corridor through the southeastern portion of the plat. The drainage way is as low as elevation 934 at 6th Street extended easterly from Lauring's plat or 23 feet lower than the public road east of Washington Street. In order to keep these street grades at a minimum and still maintain the drainage course, it wil'1 be necessary to lower the proposed street grades as shown on the plan. The site grading plan should be adjusted to reflect these new grades. 7. The land or cash payment in lieu of land required for park dedication should be based on 44.77 acres. Comments regarding the proposed plat based on requirements of Monticello's subdivision ordinance pursuant to Chapter 4, Section 11-4-1. 1. Section 11-4-1 (B) 7. - Soil Survey 2. Section 11-4-1 (B) 9. - Tree Coverage 3. Section 11-4-1 (D) 8. - Vegetation Preservation 4. Section 11-4-1 (D) 1. - Statement of Proposed Use of Lots, that is the number of residential units, if any, proposed for R-3 lots and the type of industry proposed for I-1 lots. 5. Section 11-4-1 (D) 5. s 6. - Consideration should be given to these paragraphs in the event further subdivision of these lots is contemplated. A copy of the legal description for 6th Street through Lauring's, plat is also enclosed which constitutes an 80 foot permanent easement for utility purposes and in the future street purposes which follows the alignment indicated on the preliminary plat. Mr. Ed Ames, Surveyor, of our office has boon in contact with Mr. Bob Rohlin regarding this alignment. This concludes our comments regarding the preliminary plat for Louring Hillside Terrace. Yours vary truly, ORR- SCH ELEN-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIA ES, INC. ohn P. Badalich, P.E. City Engineer JPB/ry Enc. cc: Mayer-Rohlin, Inc. .Z STATE OF MINNESOTA 09PARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS BRAINERD. MINNESOTA 58001 July lri, 1;75 11r. Gnr,- "iy�Pr City keln lni st rotor Citv of :'antieello ?15 S. C -liar Street i ontice' '.o, ,inm.soto y:34? In -ec .r refer to: C.S. `•,)(­, T.H. 2''r Turning Lanes and Traffic Counts Dear Vr. :Heber: This is in response to your letter addressed to Darryl E. Durgin, District Engineer eat -d Jul-, 1, 1776, in regards to turn lanes at the intersection of T.II. ?3 and .CSAII 'Ta, the main-intersoction In Monticello. As we di scussed yesterday, the Highway Department would mark this intursection for a right turn lana ora straight through lane. Howover, please remol.nbor that parking should be eliminotad for a minimum of 1 block in advance and a minimum of one -hair block hast the intersection, to aeeomodato this ehannolization. This cho-inolizotion Should normally make turning movements and increase the copocit�,P of this inters-2ction. However, please remember tho paint markings in our country are very hard to maintain during the winter months. Encloses for your information as you requested is a small mop of Monticello, Shawing -the overage c±aily traffic count, in 1973. Traffic volumes dropped elightIv in '.74 and '75, but indications show that the 1976 count will bu veto siinllor to 1.'+'/3. If you have further qumstions, feel free to contact our office. Sincsrel r, 'Ul> '�`I�c .IrK/_bonr �> E. �f. Ilae:u',:peh District. TrcfSic :nnin.ler bj cc: �)orr%,J F. Jurgin — uistrict Engineer CAttaehn­ nt C 0 Bigelow -Sanford, Inc. 4930 w. 77th SI., Mlnneopoils, minn. 55435 Phone 612- 835-2272 SwCI A ePHRRY AND MYTCMIN BON COMPANY July 15, 1976 Mr. Kurt Kjellberg Kjellbergts Carpet & Interiors. 124 Lake Boulevard Buffalo, Mia 55313 Dear Mr. Kjellberg: Re: Monticello Municipal Liquor Store At your request, Mr. Wareing, Bigelow's Contract Installation Speicialist, Inspected the Printmaster Installation at your Monticello Municipal Liquor Store. He found that the variance in the plaid design was within normal tolerances. As you know, no carpet manufacturer guarantees pattern match on patterned carpet and Bigelow encloses a flyer in each roll, stating this fact. Mr. Wareing commented that we do not recommend a direct glue -down instal- lation on patterned carpet. He said it was practically impossible to got a pattern ,match on both side and cress seams at the same time in a direct glue -down job. It was his further opinion that considering these circun- atanceo,"Kjellberg'o carpet mechanics did an excellent job." I hope this; answers your question regarding this installation. Yours truly, BIpELCW-SANFFORD, INC. aul A. Wilken District Manager FW/nl CAble Addrfts BICAP: CSM P /G•••a ••+ 7/2c/74 0 .3) 4 s Proposed Bandstand Reservation Guidelines 1 . Bandstand shall. not be used by any organization or O ,eoar s iaa4i�.irAue3't's) unless reserved in advance. 2. Bandstand must be reserved at least two weeks in advance. 3. A fifty ($50) dollar deposit must be paid at time of reservation at City Hall. Deposit fee will. be returned less any damage caused or additional maintenance necess ry due to littering ps determined by City Administrator. He. e)12 >4411 be R45ra.1"I'le F00 Ayy dd—"5a4F o4lc2 15ao ?ae 4. Reservations will be limited to Monticello area organizations. S. Organizations using handstand shall not charge admission fees pat Iob,dAte.eAn•/.Aut�a.�.) OFAAN�/ k1 o A11 applicable park rules shall" be adhered to. 7. Bandstand, shall. not be used for regular services and meetings and shall be limited to special, events. $. City Admin+strator to approve all reservations. (SWle....,,�- v,"/54, # y,� d - - - -- ---- CHICK IIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS FOR JULY - 1976 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co. - L9quor McKesson Bine - Liquor Famous Brands, Inc. - Liquor Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor NSF Checks Yonak Sanitation - Contract N. S. P. - Utilities Bernick's Pepsi Cola - Mdse. Adam's Pest Control - Store expense Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor Seestrom Hardware - Supplies Design/Management - Contract payable Bridgewater - Telephone Twin City Wine - Liquor Twin City Pricing & Label. - labeling gun, etc. is Foods, Inc. - Store expense hair's Market - Landscaping at new store Monticello 'limos - Advertising State Treasurer - PERA Wright County State Bank - 1 -WT Ed Phillips A Sons - liquor Banker's life Ins. - Group Ins Twin City Wine - liquor Ed Phillips d Sons - Liquor Midwest Wine Cu. - liquor M,`esmon Wine Co. - I [quor Famous Brands, .Tne. - liquor Distillers Dist-. - Iiquor Mous Fuudn - Mine. expense Bernick's Popsi Cola - Nldsc Jude Candy s lubaccu - Mdso. GrossJein 131•tera,re - Ileer Mandeville Cu. - Store eNprnse ServieemaHtev, 'Inc* - Inspvction Service report Gruys, Johnson. Mosfurd - Audit report l.iefvrl To -tithing - Freight Dick Be%erage - Boer V )I'pr Di vtr.i btu 3 ng - neer A/ltlheimer dist. neer 1. (lglc Bert• Seton 11) noteiinq Mdse. Viking tutu Cola o Mdsv. Old Dntt h Funds Md,v. Pa�rull, � Falurtes TIII:AI nISRINSIMI.NTS 6 1299.10 618.29 399.69 434.75 1469.61 3702.19 57.21 24.00 724.52 256.40 18.00 483.84 946.95 I 23-h4 1 39..',2 14.44 1 155.11 145.05 10.9u 748.63 119.75 ' 233.23 31)3.29 21157.03 1 1:11.10 04.27 2014.72 5'11 .05 1172.46 1410-55 1,23.2.1 23.45 1 !th. 311 ;,S1i.50 70416. 2-0 22.50 2ti.5U 1050.00 1 so.. o7 .1042.73 1 n1t-3.31► SnOq, S9 15111.4; 311.45 In'2.Iq '. (It' 24111.,1 4577 -s A%101- X I 7307 73fS 7309 7310 7311 731 2 7313 7314 731 5 7316 7317 7318 7319 7320 7321 7322 7323 7324 7325 7326 7327 7321 7 ,129 73.31) 7331 7332 7333 7334 7335 7.33t) 7337 73;,1 7334 7.14 (1 7.341 7,142 734,.1 7,344 7341 7340 734' 7341, i34o i 3 }II /Jql GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR JULY - 1976 Mr. John Mil ler. Sr. - Historical Center salary Michael Rajala - Mileage for June Gary Wi.eber - Travel, conference. mileage - League Convention Yonak Sanitation - Garbage contract General Fund - Mayor's Salary for 2nd Qtr. Dick Martie - Councilman salary Denton Erickson Stan Hall Gene Walters U. S. Postmaster - Mailing permit U. S. Postmaster - Stamps Minnesota Fed. Savings & Loan - Alley easement Ed Lange - Cleaning, watering, etc. Hood, Inc. - Final. payment on S & W Project R.t;nders Bros. - Freight - Dutch Elm injector State Treasurer - PERA Wright County State Bank - FWT Mrs. Rick Wolfsteller - Painting sign for park Petty Cash - Reimburse petty cash fund .alition of Outstate Cities - Reg. fees Gwen Bateman - .Animal Imp. expense Wright County Sheriff - Police contract Dong Pitt - Civil. Defense salary Monticello School Dist - l4brary rent American 1 cf,•ion Post ?2p0 - [.'Jag purchase Nationa l Fit,(- Protection Assoc. - Fire Codes Gross TnduStrial - Laundry - Stokes Marine - Parts Bridgewater - 'I'rlephone North Central Public Service - Gas J. W. Miller Construction - Bandstand Project Wright County Auditor - is police fines for April. Montiru•'1 to I arm & flume Center - Auger rental Buffalo Vel. Clinic - Animal Tmponudment expense Banker's I i,fe lits. Co. - c7roup 3:116. Smith & Pringle legal fees R -J Conn(rttct.lon - labor on Historical Center Larsen Carper - Carpet for Historical Center Orr-Srhvlen-Mayeron - fng_invering fees - 1975-1 Continental Press, Inc. - Bf.colt-vnnia.l. buttons Dairy Store - BiCentennial dinner tnnesora Planning Assoc. - Membership dues & B Bakery - BiCentennia L dinner Wayne'" Red Dal - 11 " Ben Franklin - ?Ilse. expense 0. K. Hardware - " It Block 50 Pt•ojectr5642 Mont iuvi lt) Ready Mix - Rods fur playground equipment N. S. P. - CLllilleF Mont it el to Rotaly - BI't"+ M. N. 01(onnnr - legal fees Cor union neg. Mo•yer-Roblin - Nap 1101 kev' s - Mdse. -• m P se v,%pence Rick wolt'str-,l ler -Mi lltagr 1. 11. 41. 1 . 140 - Cniou dues 11ol..htly M:innehnta Ovaritiz Co. - Fuel balls for sewer dept. an Brour I lat(I - Fill, I and (d I rry's .Auto SLpply Parts and repairs Cordon Mills , : rulcrrts Badger Meter 1'10. .• 46� mrtr•rra Paid for out of BiCentenninl tontrilml lunn. CHECK ANIK'S I No. 81 77 1 fi ,1t11 51 75 47.71) 51 79 1 07.34 81 So 1756. 54 81 81 240.00 51 82 150.00 51 53 1 Woo 51 54 1 80.00 81 55 1 80.00 5186 100.04 81 87 39.00 81 S5 1 15.01) 8169 138.75 8190 36415.74 8191 130. Su 8192 854.73 3193 1144.911 81 94 4S.00 819S 25.95 8196 1 3.50 5197 I 104.44 8195 3308.00 S1 Q9 75.110 5210 7 S. U0 8201 24.00 5202 S. �u 8203 SI.50 6204 17.53 X205 253.1 S 1,206 23.62 5207 1 2 540.011 X205 433.511 5209 38.Ou S2 t0 30.110 i2:II S01 -34 X212 17',.20 ,4213 P,- "4 5214 611.25 56�S215 71130.30 5216 170.22 ,4217 21.6*, h21i' 25.1111 1,214 24. 511 > L1. 2o 15mo `"121 1 12.03 12.22 7-7; 24 1041-24) x'125 Ilii. 50 *'1211 367.511 `1527 111.010 �_2S 51.7; 4229 12. 75 li2311 "-.110 "231 jo.0. X212 1 ;11. 20 `113 .11, 5'1 x'134 -5.1010 `235 10�4.�It CHECK AM01 N I GENERAL FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR JULY - 1976 \11 Goodin Co. - Parts for water dept. 8236 112.21 Weber Sod - Sod for parks 8237 391.51) Phillips Petroleum - Gas and oil 8238 201.41 Hoglund Bus Co. - Tractor repair, light for broom, etc. 8239 304.54 Seestrom Hardware - Misc. expense - sprinklers, hose - parks 8240 407.22 Griefnow Sheet Metal - Historical Center expense 8241 173.74 N. S. P. - Utilities 8242 450.51 Architectural Alliance - Arch. expense on Sen. Cit. -City Hall 8243 1229.56 Orr -Schelen-MayePon - Engineering fees- 1976-1 Project 8244 1857.110 Lcifert Trucking - Freight i 8245 7.00 Wright County Auditor - �. police fines for June i 8246 437.00 Central McGowan, Inc. - Cylinder rental. 8247 2.1i Chapin Publishing Co. - Printing bid opening notice 8245 79.92 Centra Sota - Gopher bait for parks 8249 2.39 Figs It Shop - Mower rental and repairs { 8250 45.65 Mobil Oil Corp. - Gas and oil ' 8251 169.81; Amoco Oil Co. - Gas and oil 8252 89.75 "•ntice.l.lo Printing - Supplies 8253 93.25 f �- lays, Johnson, Mosford - Audit expense I 8254 3500.00 Lindberg & Sons - Paint I 8255 j 266.24 Fy.le's Backhoe - latrine rental 8256 260.114 St. Cloud Supply - Supplies for Info. Center, Parks, etc. 8257 164.55 Red's Mobil - Fow.ing j 8255 20.00 Carlson Welding - Repairs I S2S9 4.00 Curtis Storage - Tractor rental_ ' .S260 711.00 Fair's Market. - lawn seed, etc. 5261 123.27 Fricke Sod - Sod for parks S262 455.25 Howard Dahlgren - Planning expense 5263 55(1.10 Monticello limes - Printing 5264 47.17 Maus Foods, laic. - Misc. supp.l Les - BiCentenn.i.al Commit) cc 5265 .104. 2:1 c'�Johnls Dis,cuunt 1•ood - DiCentenn.ial Comm. - dinner 8211() 15.54 <-^Fair's Farm Market - B.iCentenn:ial Comm. - dinner 5267 22.00 i',C-Monticel[a Printing - Bi -Centennial Comm project 8265 66.5; Coast to Coast - Repairs and party; 82hq 207.52 Bergstrom I atm Store - Repairs 8210 51.42 Great lake Filatipment - Glmes for fire dept-. 1+271 14.95 R & H Fnict'peise Cof -- Blowet' ventilator for sewers 8272 52S•44 Fullerton Lumber - Park Supplies 8273 249.77 Feed Rite Controls --- Sewage testing 8274 I(it).011 Monticello Times - Printing and stipplies 8275 217.10 Ctiguu•om •• Ovdrrly Annex. Board expense 8270 120.411) 1kRey m Johnson - n tl n n 8277 (10.00 Franklin Donn - n u it a 827`1 75.011 Denton I.rieksrnt •• " n " " S270 1 15.011 Mrs. Marjorie Coet,ke " n " 8241) 1 121.35 John's Discount Foods - ',Ilse. supplies S2"1 ( 11.34 Monticello Fire Dept. - firemen Nalarivs 4252 J 345.011 ttl%er 11111 - Mist'. expense 825.4 J 17.4111 1Ndus foods. Int . Sultp144,8 j S2�4 127.(N) ( Payroll - Salaries 11401.;' 10 FAI D.1.SBt1t8t MINTS S44(Ih; . 1 ` <` loi lot paper? Heap. hoap diNlienserst, ett . Paid nut 111 Hitententtlal tnntril>tltionta. RESOLUTION TO REQUEST OPTION FROM MONTICELLO INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DISTRICT #882 FOR PURCHASE OF OAKWOOD ELEMENTARY SCHOOL BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED, by the Nonticello City Council to request a 30 day option for the price of $1,000 from Monticello Independent School District #882 for the purchase of Oakwood Elementary School for $200,000. This offer would be contingent upon the approval of a referendum for the issuance of bonds for the construction of a new school. Occupancy to take place upon completion oC new school.. This offer to expire August 3, 1976. This Resolution adopted July 19, 1976 and unanimously carried. 4c Cary W1 bcr City Admini.atrator Resolution 1976 - x+14