City Council Agenda Packet 08-23-197699 AGENDA Regular Meeting of the Monticello City Council a� August 23, 1976 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: Con Johnson. Councilmen: Stanley Hall, Denton Erickson, Dick Mat -tic, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. e , Citizens comments. I. Consideration of Building Permit - 1st Baptist Church of Monticello. 2. Consideration of Residential. Street Lighting. 3. Consideration of Bingo Ordinance. q. Consideration of Resolution to Defer Assessments. 5• Consideration of Appraisal. of Easement. 6. Consideration of Change Order - 1976-1 Improvement Project. 7. Consideration of Preparation of Possible Plans and Specifi- cations - Warming House. S. Consideration of Appointment of Council Member to Attend Governing Bodies Mutual. Cooperation Meeting. 9. Consi.deratiun of Participating in County Dog Program. 10. Apprf Val or bi IIA. 11. Approval. of minutes for Auguat 9, August 16 (two ants). 12. Inti iniNhed businems. V 13. Nrw MiBin�AH, MA7I,LNG TOs Jului Bitdalieh Don Smith 1. W. Miller Rev Jerome Oas John Sandberg Don Grant ti t' ALI U 1" U5 2 : I [a -I ry AGENDA SUPPLEMENT ((b Agenda ILcm I. Consideration of Building Pcrmi_L - 1st. Baptist Church of Monticello. Last year, you may recall the ISL Baptist. Church of Mon LiceLlo was granted a conditional use permit, to allow a church within a R-1 zoning district. AddiL.i.onall.y, the church was granted variances from setbacks and bitacminous surfac.i.ng requirements since thetchurch would eventually become the parsonage. Due to financing problems the church did not start construction .in the fall ur 1975. but they now have financing arranged and would like to commence con- struction as soon as possible. Jay Miller .is reviewing die plans and specif.icaLions and wi I I be at: Monday's meeting. POSSIBLE WriON: Consideration of approval of build- ing purm.i t. Agenda Item 2. Consideration of Residential Street: Lighting. Public Works Direct.ur, Mike Rnjnln. prepared We enclosed map of the city depietaing possible areas for street lights. In al.l, there are 43 IighLs indicated with 1A of these considered essential or spec.iflcally requested lights. Mike talked to NSP, Wright County Sheriff officials and reviewed SL. Cloud's ordinnnee rolnLive to street lighting to mid in developing the map. Add.iLLona,lly, Mike rode with the sheriff's depart- ment and personally viowed the ent.ire city at night. to ,inspect, possible areas for consideration. NSP is responsible for .inst.ttllaLlou of No pole nod the r.,i.t.y is responsible for monthly bi'lli.ng w•hi.eb is S7.95 Per light. Simmn lights would cosi. V , $26 .40 per year and 48 1 ight.'s would cost $4 . SM 20 Per year. One pussi.bi.liLy may be to install lights in those nveos speci.ficnl ly requrstrd nr deemed essential and nny other lights cuuld receive cnunei,I cnn- sitloradon upon pMALiun of a 2/3 majoriLy of property owners Within 200 feet•, of a proposed light. In Lhi.s mntLer the city would SIMIL.iate notion oil essenc,53 arms hol nol: bo Imposing lighwing on areas deemed not essential. C., J POSSIBLE ACTioN: Consideration of residential street lighting within Monticello. Please note ghat Ellison and the two bridge parks have also been designated for possible consideration. REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting addi,t.ional lighting. St. Cloud's resolution relati.vc to st. lighting. ;ender ILom 3. Consideration of Bingo Ordinance. Bingo is the only form of organized gambling legally allowed Ln Minnesota. As a form of gambling, bingo has always been regarded warily, to.lcrated because Lt was thought to i-nvolve only small amounts of money and because the proceeds supposedly went to charitable projects. However, police investigations have recently turned up evidence that bingo .involves very large sums of money indeed, and that, quite a bit of that money may be going into private puckcLs or .into organized crime. In response to these problems, the legislature has repealed the old bingo law, and enneLed a significantly more restrictive provision. Laws 1976, Chapter 261, codified as M. S. Ch. 349. effi:cti ve Angust 1, 1976. As a result of this statute, each City must IieCltse Co bingo games and adopt an ordinance for bi-ngo I.i-cens.i.ng, Generally, bingo may only be sponsored by fraternities, religious, veterans or other nonprofit nrganizations which have been in existence at least: three years, Wive at Icast 30 nr,tive members and which have pro- cured bingo licenses from their local governing bodies. Bingo sptntsoved by anyone Me is a lottery and gambling, and thus illrgn.l. Ilowevcr, there Tire some exceptions to this general rule. In the Follow- ing siLnnLions, bingo is exempt from some of Win re- tptdrements of Ch. 349: I. In connection witli it county fair condnetetd by a county agricultural society. _. At the state fair conducted by Lhu nLate agricoltttral society. �� 3. In Oonnection with a civic ecic.brntion recug- nized by nn oPfir,lal, action of the local governing hody. 4. When conducted Power than five t:Im1Ds in It year by ally particular organ I za hi till w•hirh is otherwise eligible for it license, V Enclosed please find a model ordinance suggested by the League of Minnesota Cities for your review. v POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adoption of ordinance. Please note the annual license fee is left blank and I suggest a fee of $25 annually. REFERENCES: Model Bingo Ordinance. Aaenda Item 4. Consideration of Resolution to Defer Assessments. Mr. Lonni.c Worth has agreed to grant the city of Mon6iccl.an an casement on his property on which Monti.ccl. to Ceramics is situated. rhi.s casement is necessary to extend sewer and water from the treatment plant to Mississippi. Drive for the 1976-1 Improve- ment Project. Mr. Wovt:h is requesting that, any assessments to his property be deferred until the land is sub- divided. Approximately five years ago, Mr. Worth did pay for extending a present sewer line to Lhc LrcatmonL plant. At the same time Mr. Worth put i.n an addi u.iona.1 well as required by the Health Dept. Minnesut:a Statutes 429.061, SUltdi.vlsion 2, allow for the deferral of assessments until such time as future platL.ing or construction takes place, if the a cotlaci I adopts a resoIII t.itill to that: effect. POSSIBLE, ACTION: Cons.i-deration of resolution de- ierring assessments tint:-il til.property described in enclosed resolution is subdivided. 111AIiRENC l"S: Rcsoluti.on to Defer Assessments. 4enda Item i. t-onsidoration of Appraisal of Easement. %Iv. ,lohn Sandberg has appralsed the casement the city of NonLirel to is requesting of Mr. hermit. Lind - bol -4 Pur $1200. Mr. Sandberg incliratcd two consid- orations were aw,aehod Lu appraisal: I. Sheri:t 1 nfPoPt shoulcl be made to rcLnin the, Ila tura I lulbi 1,11t that now exists%in Lilo 1,i,ndbrrg proper Ly. 2. Daring and after oonstruat:ion within the case- 1110,111- rnns.ideraLiou Should he given Lo Mr. I. i.ndbc rg' s Lrou L panel that: lies south of the ca seunvtt. If conettrur,ti.on would damage trout lw.11d rte intrrl'erc wlch use of it: the, appraisal we.nld have Lit bo adjusted accordingly. i� IJ In consulting with our city attorney on this matter, he informs me if the city would pursue eminent domain it would take about 30 days to enter the property and somewhat later a hearing would establish damages. The damages are based on an appraisal of the value of the casement. As you can see, there- fore, the city will have to eventually pay for the casement. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of dollar offer for the casement;. If the council decides to make an offer, I would suggestthe offer be accepted within seven days as not to delay the matter. gunda item G. Consideration of Chanae Order - 1976-1 Imp. Project. Enclosed please find a change order for $235. on the ground water reservoir system. Change was necessitated after review by the Department of Health of the plans and specifications. OS`1 dial not receive recommend- ations until after bids received so they could not be .incorporated into the plans and specifications. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of change order #I Lo Adolfson & Peterson's contract on 1976-I I'mprove- ment. Project for $235• REPMENCES: Copy of change order. -cnda 1Lem 7. Considcrabion of Preparation of Possible, Plan and Specifications - Warming House. R At a rucent counc.il mucting, the possibility of a warming house, at the Fourth Street Park was dis-, cussed and was tabled until a future meeting for more information. It, would appear that a building approximately 500 square would be sufficient. To give yon an idea of sire,, the present council chambers and office ru•ea is about, 000 square feet exclusive of adm.ini- st.rncnr's 1locruwe of the intended use of 014)1)411Id-ing, n r.nn- crcte block structure should be considered. In talking with our Public Works D.ivertur our recommendo - Lion would he not to .include restroom facilities dile tri vandn.lism and additional maintenance expense. and initial cost. -4- i Since the bui Id.ing wi.l I cost mnre than SS,OnO it will. be necessary to obtain bids and therefore plans and specifications should be prepared. Initially, "I. felt that through our buil.d.ing in- spector along with review from council members in the building business the city could prepare p.l.ans and specifications. After further ref lection, I took the liberty to ask John Badalich i.f OSM could pre - para these at a .lump sum figure and he wi l 1 give the council. a figure at Monday's meeting. My think -Jug is that this could be worked out .li.ke the sidewalk improvement project and plans and spceifi.cati_ons would be prepared by OSM and in- spected by our Bui Id.i.ng Inspector. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of warming house and method, if approved, of preparing plans and specs. Benda Ttem S. Consideration of Appointment of Council. Member to Al,tend Governing Iind:i_es Mutual Cooperation FIcvt:i.na. Enclosed, please find a letter from Duane Gates, cummunity education director for Monticello School Di-strir_t #SS2. To meet; t,hc requirements of Minnesota Statute 275.125. wh.i.i:h concerns authorizat;ion for a levy for cmitnunit;y school activities, at least; one govern- ing member from each governmental unit must attend n mect.ing scheduled for Thursday, August 26 at. 700 P. M. Purpose of merti.ng i.s to discuss methods of increas- ing mutual eooperacion between the achool district and other governing bottles. POSSIBLE ACTION: C4111241deration of appointment of rotntcl I member to attend meeting. ItI?FI'R17KCE; Aulnist; 12, 1976 letter fl•om Duane Gates. `L ;endo Item 9. Cnnsldr.rati,nn of Participating In Count.v Dng Program. I:ncIosed ynu wiI I find a letter from Wright County SoIIvIt.i.fig response, to possible intares1; i. it a County Dog 111-og;ram whereby the county wot.AlII pay half the C:uSt, of housing and destvoying ala une.lni.med dogs. iA L -5- (, (� U This item is quite timely, as we are currently considering the possibility of an improved dog Pound for the city. It would appear that a new pound would cost the city approximately $10,000. In talking to Dave Douglas, he indicated that if sufficient communities expressed an interest in a county dog program the county would likely sponsor such a venture. The county would seek an individual to build a pound and would not be in charge of the pound but would pay 50% of the maintenance costs. My thinking is that such a program is worth con- sidering and, although the council doesn't have to commit themselves at this time, it could indicate that it may consider such a venture. Most of the city's cost for a dog catcher is involved with the (ceding and cleaning expenses rather than actually picking up a dog and this program would save mnney in that area along with allowing the city to invest, $10,000 elsewhere. Our present facility could be used as a holding pound if a dog was picked up early in the day or C� late at. night. until Lite dog catcher had the opportunity co take the dog(s) to the pound. POSSIBLE, ACTION: Consideration of possible interest in county dog program. NOTE: Average monthly dog catcher bill is about $200 per month with 80% of thio fee for Feeding. cleaning, dog food and destroying dogs. -6- RESOLUTION TO DEFER' ASSESSMENTS BE IT' RESOLVED,, by. the, City, .Counril of Moritsiac.tlo, Minnesota as follows: In accordance with Minncsota;:State, Statuses: #429.061 Subd. 2, the City Council. ,if' HoiitlizeA Iv hereby agrees to defer assessment's f.ar sanitary sewer and watermain ;improvements on the property described bel.ow under the 1976-1 Tmpcuvement prujvrt:: Revised description No.. 12 in book 1511 of Deeds page 300 and that part of Section 12. Township 121, Range 25, Wright County. 'Minns- sofa described in Book ,157 of DEcds page; 4,iU except that part, descr..Cbe_d :in Bgok '213, of Deeds page 3G4. Such d'oforaieiit Ahn.L1 rcmn'iii in Effect unt,-i I. such Wii-6as the :parc:el abive is subclivaded. inCcrest: shall accruo on ;the assessment,. unt1,1. the. deferment is tortainated. Thisbs' dlut•.iain, adopted 'f,y I,110' mon t.icg1..l,0: C.1 I$. Councl,l August 23, 1976.. Gary Wiii`r f:i;(.y Ailmip1 c.t.ratur Rrso]uclun 1976 - tY L SANDBERG REALTY John s.ndbwy. Broker Phone 16121 295.2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Metro 427.6680 nF•tiOn' M1r. Gary Wicbcr City Achdnistrator City of Monticello 215 South Ced.'tr Street M antice.11o, UN 55362 Dear Mr. Wieber: RE: Eascmnt for City of Monticello OWMM: Kermit and Ann Lindberg PARCF7, NIM1M: 19591A • Homes �/1 �2 • Farms ,W �J • Lakeshore • Business August 18, 1976 PARCEL DESCRIPTION: That part of Cover orient Lots 1 and 2, Section 12, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as beginning at n point on the south line of said Section 1.2 distant 1,978 feet West, assumed bearing, of the southeast comer thereof; thence North 14 degM4.s 00 minutes O0 seconds East 1,008.5 feet to the Mississippi River; thence northwesterly along said river 15.1 foot to the point of beginning; thence souttmesterly 853 feet more or less to a point in the center of State iligineay No. 152, said point is 625 feet from original point of beginning a9 masurcd along the center line of said State ltidlneay; thence north - masterly along said center line 235 feet; thence northeasterly at right. angle TJO feet to tho Mississippi River; thence southeasterly nlcmg the care of said river to the point of beginning. R1-SC]111TICN OF 1:IISEIUM: A 60.00 foot pentmnent easamnt for ptd3lic utility intrixms over, tutder and acmes that partbf the roove descrilxd parcel lying 30 feet on cacilt side of the following described center line: CkFmrncing at a punt on the south lino of said Section 12 distFutm 1,978.00 fat West, assm d bearing, of the southeast corner thereof; thence North 14 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds rest 687.68 feet to n point In the center of Mississippi privo on the const lino of the record pint of llrglund Addition; thence North 52 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds West 200.02 feet to the easterly line of the nl)ove described parcel and the lx -)int of beginning of the center lino to ie described; thence continuing P/1S/14 it i Mr. Cary Wieber August 18, 1976 Gage 2 Borth 52 degrees 38 minutes 50 seconds West 243.44 feet to the aesterly line of the above described parcel and said center line there tertni.nating. Together with a permanent easement for public utility purposes over, under and across that part of the above described parcel lying easterly of a line 10.00 feet westerly of and parallel with the following described Line A: Beginning at the point of beginning of the above described center line; thence South 52 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds West, assumed bearing, along the easterly line of the above described parcel 200.00 feet and said Line A there tertdnating. And a temporary construction easernent over, under and across that part of the above described parcel lying easterly of a line 25.00 feet westerly of and parallel with the above described Line A and westerly of a line 10.00 feet westerly of and parallel with said Line A. Said tarporary easFmnt expires July 1, 1977. Said pernnnent easanents oontain 16,600 square feet more or less. Said temporary easement contains 2.550 square feet more or less. 1 have this day appraised the above easement at a value of $1,200.00. Please note two considerations attached to setting this value. 1. Special effort should be mode to retain the natural habitat that now exists on the Lindberg property. 2. During and after construction within the easanmt consideration should be given to W. Lindberg's trout pond that lies south of the above eaixmnt. If construction would damage trout pond or interfer with use of it, the figure I kwe listed would have to be adjusted accordingly because for punroes of mpg appraisal I have not mnsiderod the possibility that his pond would be damaged. Plea -j? crntaet me if 1 can be of further assistance. Sincerely, John W. Sandherg , Xds : cu C (M-SMIREN-MAYRON A AMICIATES, INC. 2021 E. HENNEPIN AVE. - SUITE 238 mINNEAPOUS. MINN. 55413 CHAWA OIRMM Ift ..... 1.......... 3 REI lmp..No--16r1 Water Reservoir ............ Contractor Section II 6701 West 23rd Street ..................... ......... ......... ......... . Minneapoliet Mi.n.qes.9ta.,...554.20 .... Dear Sir (a) Under your contract' dated ......... .............................. 19.7.6. with qi.ty..9f. Montieellor XiAopl)pto. .................... Owner for ............. ............. MAI�K-IQA ............................................................... we am audmized by the owner to bmby dirset you to hatch. .1oaed.sketch ..... shoot 2 of 2. Provide two V! x 8".metal, ta.lour,prp.jn.Kqp.%.W ........................... I ....... ............................. of.chlorine.roppI... � v a r..aFkp moved. equal ........ ... ............ ... ............................................................................................ aw to am to (deft" from) the I - to scoordintim wft eontract andl apadflntla4 do sent of Two hundred thirty five .............. 00 ROD DO[kn ..................... ...... .............................. There w1II be an sitendon of ..... A ....... days for com0ellon. The data at c, III fon ar coubm wm*41,20.. 19 .77. so now wtU be A1.30... 19 .7.7.. A~o of oriolool toofted Total Addhims Total Doductmas Contract to Date $263,750.01 $23. 16263,985.00 Approved .......................... to.... RespeelfuUy SubmIKA ............................... ........ ommor CIRR-SCHELEN-MAYBON Approved .......................... I .... A ASSOCIATES, INC. ............................................ pff, CMWS~ :•1r. Con Johnson, Mayor City of Monticello Monticello, MV 55362 Dear Mr. Johnson, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you and other members of the Monticello Village Council to meet with repre- sentativesof the Monticello School Board and other governmental unite which are within the boundaries of the school district, either partially or entirely. The purpose of this meeting to to "discuss methods of increasing mutual cooperation between these local unite of government and the school district" and to comply with Minnesota Statute 275.125 Subdivision B, Clause 3. At least one governing member from each governmental unit must attend this meeting to comply with the lay. Therefore, if you cannot attend this meeting, please contact an- other member of your governmental unit to attend in your place. The meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, August 26 at 1130 pm In the Monticello Senior High Library, prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Cotamunity Cducation Advisory Council, Please do not hesitate to contact me at 295-2913, If you have any questions concerning this matter. SlncergTbp yours, Dunne D. Cates Community Education Director DDG:db INDEfZ"SENT SCHOOL DISTRICT N'✓92 �Sheafon D. Johnson, Superintendent BOARD OF EDUCATION Bnvc Ki ruti, Cnnir man Telephone 295.5184 AOMINISTFATION vall.,e Peceton. Clen MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 Dennis LIIltborg Lnes Fig.ruLu.rect o B,alncalN-W 295�5184 ❑1nh-jl. L.aurilg, Director Lvrraon Smjv Princlnsl 2952'J73 Soca 1(�" ,�u1,Dnecto, Robert V Dr.`--..1cs Maus. Director .o rls Asst yaQ'dary Printl [nl 755-5191 Kermit am Elemenury PHntlow 295.2934 Irbcbael Bwedotlo A4istartl Ew,m.Ory PrinciM1 295.516.1 0— Gel, August 12, 1916 Commudty Ea—zlon Di,=c 295.2913 :•1r. Con Johnson, Mayor City of Monticello Monticello, MV 55362 Dear Mr. Johnson, I would like to take this opportunity to invite you and other members of the Monticello Village Council to meet with repre- sentativesof the Monticello School Board and other governmental unite which are within the boundaries of the school district, either partially or entirely. The purpose of this meeting to to "discuss methods of increasing mutual cooperation between these local unite of government and the school district" and to comply with Minnesota Statute 275.125 Subdivision B, Clause 3. At least one governing member from each governmental unit must attend this meeting to comply with the lay. Therefore, if you cannot attend this meeting, please contact an- other member of your governmental unit to attend in your place. The meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, August 26 at 1130 pm In the Monticello Senior High Library, prior to the regular monthly meeting of the Cotamunity Cducation Advisory Council, Please do not hesitate to contact me at 295-2913, If you have any questions concerning this matter. SlncergTbp yours, Dunne D. Cates Community Education Director DDG:db DAVID S. DOUGLAS WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR IONW. aST. 'BUFFALO. MINNESOTA 58313 PHONe .evr •.6a2•1e71 DATP: July t), 1076 TO: ,AL1 Kr-ight rnnnty Cities .and Tovnships P., I,RnM: navie ,. nouglas.: Wright County. Auditor The Wright county Board Is interested to finding out If cities and tnvnshtps would core to participate In'a dog program. whereby the county would pay SOS of the cost of housing and destroying all unclaimed. stray dogs. On those dogs that .are claimed. of course, the charges wnuld he paid.by the owner. It would he necessary for thn county to have an .approved facility where these dogs would be housed or destroyed. 1t that to necessary. It rnuid he the obligation of the city or townshipto get the dogs to thls fee IIIty, end county participation would, only be for the housing or destroying of unclaimed dogs. This Is an effort by the Wright County (bard to finks fair and reasonable Solution to What,items to he La imunillft problem Ln all of Wr.lght f-nunty. If you. would be WO 111M to par N clpate in such A pr+gram.'please Indleata this nn the bottom of this letter and return. Or write. a separate letter whatever Is more convenient feir you.- J�/P/tlMsiq�ta�z- LICA 1 FUND LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS - AUGUST -I Commissioner of Revenue - Sales tax Commissioner of Revenue - State W/H Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Kjellberg Carpet - Liquor store carpeting First National Bank of Mpls. - Interest - Revenue State Treasurer - Social Security Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor Old Peoria - Liquor- McKesson iquorMcKesson WINE & Liquor - Liquor Twin City Wine Co. - Liquor Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor City of Monticello - Utilities 7 Up Bottling Co. - Mdse. Point of Sales - Mdse. Persian Office Machine - Store expense Liefert Trucking - Freight Twin City Pricing & Label - Store expense N. S. P. - Utilities Jude Candy & Tobacco - Mdse. Groselein Beverage - Beer Thorpe Dist. Co - Beer d Dutch Foods, Inc. - Mdsc. Dick Beverage. - Beer Viking Coca Cola - Mdse. Bernick's - Mdsc. Dahlheimer Dist. Co. - Beer Internal Revenue Service - Misc. expense Bridgewater - Telephone Monticello Times - Misc. expense Bcn Franklin - Store expense Maus Foods, Inc. - Store expense Hoskins Electric -misc. expense State Treasurer - PFRA Commismioner of Revenue - StaCe W. It. Wright County State Bank - F. W. T. Banker's Life lno. - Fringe - Grp. Ins. Commissinner of Revenue - Sales Tax Montgomory-Ward - Freezer L'd Phillips & Sons - Liquor A. J. Ogle - neer Fullerton Lumber - ltutber Cor shelves Jamas Refrigeration - SholvIng .payroll for July TOTA1. DYSBURSLMI:NTS Bond k 8, 1516.29 125.70 2105.80 3420.00 6558.50 937.91 24.00 2504.22 761.75 968.24 290.04 1814.41 81.30 194 -SO 34.52 74.00 231.96 41.20 790.55 437-S2 5953-75 1146.70 114.47 ; 4273.45 293.30 166.60 4728.73 i 9.00 72.40 6.95 , 2.37 8.70 65.44 218.30 107.40 07 40 126. to 1850.30 279.24 2064.65 701.46 77.89 i 195.00 ; 1897,111 $47,517.32 Sar�Ainto.. B/i)/)4-W7 a - ---- - -- -_-.. CHECK AMOUN N0. GENERAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR AUGUST - 1976 Guen Bateman - Animal Impoundment expense 8300 ± 71.24 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation contract 830 1 11760. o• John Miller. Sr. - Information Center .labor 9302 i 21.00 Gary Wicber - Mileage 8303 21.(1tl Doug Pitt - Civil Defense salary 8304 j 7i.1111 Monticello School Dist.-i•4S2 - Library rent 8305 1 75.1111 State of M1'. - Documents Section - Pamphlets 8306 I 4.50 Mike Rajala - Mileage 5307 I 59.61 Orfel & Suns - Payment ,a -I on 1076-1 S/W IMP. Project 6305 Will Q.li State of MN. - Documents Section - 1976 MN. Session Laws 9309 � 3i.00 Smith & Pringle - Legal 6310 149.35 N. S. P. - Utilities 8311 1473.66 State Treasurer - PERA 8312 571.42 Commissioner of Revenue - State W/II. Tax 4313 556.20 Wright County State Bank - Fed. W111. Tax 8314 1200.00 Banker's Life Ins. - Group Ins. 5315 734.3" -Void- 53i6 - Orr-Schelen, etc. - 00'• Eng. fees - 1976 Tmp. Project 8317 S67t16-52 MN. Clerks 6 Finance Officer's Assoc- - Dues 5319 10.00 •hael O'Connor - Union Mcg. expense 6 '19 i 332.511 6ridgewater - Telephone 8320 I 317.55 Ed Lange - Misc. labor 6321 13.3.75 Wright County State Bink - Investments - Treasury Bills 8322 '592632.74 Wright County State Dank - l.nvestment.s - Savings Account 8323 500000.011 MM. Munit ipal Board - Filing fee for Boyle Annexation 5324 100.00 St. Cloud Supply - Park supplies .5325 7.60 Olson's Fl ertric - Repairs 8326 95.3$ Mobil OiI - Gas and oil S1327 24'�•I0 Red's Mobil - Gas for hire dept. 8325 1.20 Figs .it Shop - Iclulp. rental 6 repairs 8329 55.6` 3 M Business Products - Copy machine repairs 9330 50.31 Iep Mfg. ("n. - Dendorant blocks For sewer plant j 5331 i 210.75 Moody's investors Service - Mond ratting expense '8332 1 325.1111 Castle (hcmirat Co. - I ignasan & 2 UeMcrR �. 5333 205.1111 Watcrtouoi, Paint & Repair .. Contract, payment, I S.134 927 •IW Jean Brouillard - Fuel oil 5335 111.10 Monrivel III Ready Mix - Hods for park SIl6 10.20 Bui'faln t'el CI inic .- Animal ]mp. expense j "337 Olt. (111 Braun Cnsinew inF Testing - ';oil test ing for reservoir 4338 I,12. S0 Ken Peshia - Park repairs 5339 4(17.62 Amot o Oil 01. - rias and oil 5740 74,(11) Our Own hardware - Suppliem and repal,rH i 4:141 2114-111 ght tuttnty Auditor -- .t, pnlic•e fines 1 5342 25S-(111 U. 0. I-. - Union dues j 4343 27.(141 Gould Bros. Chev. -- Repair to 72 Chev truck I 8344 I'll Ili Water I'l-wiuct" (o. - Val%vs 4345 46.26 Big take Grow l -• (bacol far Parti, water hookup charge X346 15"5.40 lirwkins 1 lertric - Sera. at I.IlAmon Palk - 116-46 - Tnf. (•trJ ;347 15%4.111 `lime t luc k�o2. ,;2 �- R.f %vu Park - overhead wi real, etc 124.44 Sf vvot 1 i grit repair - Brotidtiay - SSO- 47 Ilot;lund 13111, C.) Bus rental "ol. Ili -Centennial S,145 s2.(1(1 MonticeJ to Printing' - 41.11)p1.iVS 43411 111.0 Uncut to ('oarcr • Mi`r pnpplien 8350 60.51 Feed kilt` (onlroix - l'hlurine C feed rite L tt•alting `351 It2-i4 Bladholm Ib-othrl.ti •-. manhole - Cedav Street. - Dr. Kasper `352 I(11.(1i Granite t I tv lion Wurkw - manhole eo.ev and ring `, 15.3 1 1241 -un CHECK M1OUNT NO. Stokes Marine - Repairs 8354 i 2.00 Central -McGowan - Supplies 8355 12.40 Vance's Standard - Gas 8356 I 4.54 Fair's Market - Lawn seed 8357 i 36.43 Monticello Times - Printing, etc. 8358 362.27 Phillips Petroleum - Gas and oi.l ! 8359 174.39 North Central Public Set -vice - Gas 8360 23. i7 U. S. Postmaster - Box rent 8361 i I 2.00 R iN er inn - Misc. expense 8362 123-06 League or MN. Cities - Annual docs 8363 243.00 Payroll. X0694.31 'rOTAI, DYSBURSF31EN,rs -- $1 , 359, 391. 49 1 , 1 i ' � i