City Council Agenda Packet 09-27-19764 - REGULAR -REGULAR MEETING OF' THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL CSeptember 27, 1976 - 7130 P.M. Mayor Con Johnson councilmen: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall Dick Marric,, Gene Walters. Meering to be taped. Citi.,en Comments. 1. Public Hearing - Sewer, and.Water Extensions. -. Public Hearing - Request for Sideyard Setback Variances - Dr.- Fish. .3. Public Hearing - Lot 'Size Variances for Subdivision Request - Lester Finn. 4. Public Hearing - Lot Size Variances for Subdivision Request - Ben Ar,uold'- 5. Consideration of adding a small printing business as a permitted use in -a B-3 Zoning District. i3. Cnnsi.deration of Deeding Vacated Streets to abutting property owners at Appraised Value. 7•- Consideration of Street Lighting from I-94 Interchange. to Broadway. Avenue - Highway 2S. $'. Consideration of Dui.lding Permit Approval - Liquid Fertilizer Tanks by Richard Osowski. ij. Cnnvi.deration of Dug Pound Improvements. 10. Consideration of Possi.bl,o Streat Names. it . Approval. of. Minutes, September 13, 1976.1 1.2. Apiwova'l of hills for September, 1976. 1-1'. Old Business, 14. New Wlsinees.. !(ailing rot John Badalich Dun Smith Don Grant Stuart Finney Jim Metcalf John Sandberg Gwen Bateman Dr. Fish Ben Arnold Les Finn Mike Fish Richard Oanwski- AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Ay Item 1. Public ada bearing - Sewer and Water Extensions. A + John Badalich will be present at Monday's meeting to discuss the following improvements: Area Imp. Reauested Petitioners oth & Vine to Water Mrs. Laura Rowland Lith & Elm Ruff Auto Parts West side of Pine & Sewer Texaco, Inc. 7th St. to Cedar & J's Restaurant. 7th Street Chelsea Road & Cty. Water Fox Inns, Inc. 117 to Hwy. 25 & (S. Hoglund) County 117 Robert Mosford The total cost of the Q extensions is estimated at $76,200. The VFW club has also indicated an interest in obtain- ing cost estimates Cor extending sewer to their property on Cedar St. (next to I-94). Their property was not included in the above petitions. Me Badalich should have these figures available also on Monday. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of resolution ordering the above improvements as change orders to the 76-1 Improvement Project. NOTE: If the VFW club desires the sewer improvement and signs a petition, this extension could also be included as a change order without another public hearing since they are the only property being served. REFERENCES: John Badalich will be sending a report ,ander separate cover. Agenda Item 2. Pliblie Hearing - Renuext for Sidevard Setback Varianeen by Dr. Fish. Dr. Fishts home .is situated on Lots S & 6, Block S9, and he is proposing an addition to his existing garage whith would bo within $n, of the property line. `cites ordfnanco cants for a lot si.deyard setback, but the affected penperty owner, Mrs, Viols Schneider, has no opposition to this variance required. lite Planning Commission recommended that this variance be granted sinre the slNtt.t ing property owner had no objection. L POSSIBLE ACTION: After close of public hearing, ap- proval or denial of variance request. REFERENCES: Sketch indicating proposed garage addition and statement by Viola Schneider. Agenda Item 3 Public Hearing - Lot: Size Variances for Subdivision Request by Lester F.i.nu. Los Finn is proposing to subdivide Lot 10, Block 45, into two parcels for t11e purpose of building another house. (Sec enclosed map). Mr. Finn's home is presently situated on this lot which .is Located in an R-2 zoning district. The lot she is 66' x 165, or 10,890 sq. ft.. and Mr. Finn is proposing to divide bhc .lot Ln I mnW ng each new tot S21.' s 66' or 5,445 sq. ft. The 'Zoning Ordinance requires: District Lot Area Lot Width R-2 10,000 sq. ft. 80' By subdividing this lot into 2 parcels, each lot. wi I I have approximately only 1 of the required sq. fnntngc. In add.itinn, it variance would also have to be granted 17111- Setback requirements since the new lot would only. he 66' deep. The minimum setback regn.irements for a .duelling Inented in an R-2 "no arc: front: yard - 30' and tear yard - 301, resulting in a variance required of ISI tell a 24' wide home. In addition, Subdivision Ordinance 11-1-7-(A) states that n snlxllvisim ruVesL Ln create (2) lots should not rause Lhr, ol,her remaining portion of the lot. to he in 101410tiun with the Znniug Ordinances. Also Section 1+1-3-3-0) of the Zoning Ordinance states that no lot. shnil he reduced in arca as to make such lot less than uhu minimum vuquived by ordinance. if bills subdiv.isi.on revienwt, were to be reenmmended, talo lot containing the original home would also be in v.inlntirnn of the minimum rrgni ecd square footage of 10,000 sq, ft.. rhe Planning Commission's vecommundaLlon was to deny the request For vari-ance. In their opinion, sntullvis.inn nP this lot would create a very smnll parcel not: suitable t'or o new home, tend would also ciente a subsbandnrd .lot, few the evi st,i ng home. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval or• denJaI of lot, size. variances / and subdivision request. CJ REVERKNCI3S: Map and Sketch depicting lob tn he divided Agenda Item 4. Public H caring - Lot Size Variances for Subdivision Request by Ben Arnold. CMr Ben Arnold is requesting to subdivide Lot 2. Block 1. Manhattan Lots into (2) parcels. Like the re- quest of Mr. Finn. the new lot will be used for a residential home. (See enclosed map). C The size of the lot proposed to be split is 97' x 31;' or 30,846 sq. ft. and is located in an R -I district. The minimum lot size required in an R-1 is 12,000 sq. ft. w;th at least SO' frontage and therefore i.t would seem that dividing the lot. into two equal. parcels would be permi_ssable. However, since this .lot is located on the Mississippi. River, the MN. Dept. of Natural Re- sources regnilat.ions require that the minimum size of lot. abutting the river not served by public sewer shall be at (cast 20,000 sq. ft. Mr. Arnold's present, home is not; served by public sewer, therefore should contain at least 20,000 sq. ft. .after any subdivision, leaving only 10,846 sq. ft. for the new lot. A potential problem may exist in subdividing this parcel in that. Mr. Arnold and his neighbor, Daryl littrnham use a portion of this lot for a common driveway. (See sketch). Since the subdivision ordinance 1[-5-3-0) requires; a private common access to have a minimum width of 30' , the width of the newly created lot, fronting on cast Cty. Road 39 would only be 67'; 13' less than t:hc minimum required. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the retptest for the following reasons: 1. Lot. width would require a variance of 13' -- from SU' to 67' . L. A variance would be required for minimum 101. sizf: (from 12,000 to 10,546 sq. ft.). 3. The exi-sting home anti property would no longer have the required frontage on a public road. 4. A precedent would be established allowing other property owners in the, area to subdivide largr_r lots intn substandard lot's. POSSIBLE, ACTION: After close of public hearing, approval or denial of lot size variances. I:EITRIWrES: Mal) and sketch depicting .lot to be divided. -3- Agenda Item 5 C' Consideration of Adding a Small Printing Business as a Permitted Use in a B-3 Zoning District. Dir. Mike Fish would like to open a small printing business in part of the present Pro -Mart building south or 1-94. (B-3 zoning). Engraving, printing and publishing is presently allowed as a permitted use in an I-1 (Light Industrial) district only. In consulting with our planner, Howard Dahlgren, he indicated that the intention of allowing a printing business only .in an I-1 district was to prevent a large industrial type printing business from locating in a commercial retail. area. lie recommended that a printing or publishing business that would not employ more than 6 persons (such as Mr. Fish is proposing) would be acceptable as a permitted use in a B-3 district and should cause no problems. Mr. Fish has indicated that only one full time and possibly one part time person would be employed. lie will be present at the meeting to answer any questions you may have. The Planning Commission reviewed this matter at their Sept. 23 mect:ing and recommended that a small printing or publishing business he all -owed as a permitted use in a 11-3 zone. POSSIBLE AC'T'ION: Approval or denial of adding a small printing business as a permitted use in a I1-3 zone (employing less than 6 people). tgenda Item 6. Consideration of Deeding Vacated Streets to Ahntti-nq Property Owners at: Appraised Value. At the last meeting, it was the council consensus that '\ va,,ated streets be appraised and offered to abutting properly owners at appraised value. J.,hn Snndbevg has completed his appraisal of Cedar St.. lying south of 71,h Street and (:,) of Oak Street: be- t wl'en Ilroadway and River Street. The portion or Cedar Street was requested vacticed by J1.c Restaurants Iot'1. NIL the VFW club also has pro- perty abllt.t.ing Cedar St. Each property owner should D havo first 1 Nance to 11111•I:I1ase ('j) fir the st.1'eet. In the ense of Oak Street, the Hospital has already hcen dul:ded (r,) Or Chu street. -4- ✓ J P11SSl Rl.li ACTTON: I . Consideration of resolution orderi.ng preparation Iit' plans and specifications for sLrcoL l.ight..ing .fmprovenienLs. 1.. if a portion of the projer.l: is to be asst;sNed, scttl.ng a da Lr, for public. hearing. NOTH : Lionel Johnson and pnssibly another NSP offlcla.l wi 11, be at. the, River Inn at: noon on Monday for lunch tau diseusn Che di.ffovent types of high pressure Nodium I i ght..c ava i In ble, fur use im vesident.lnl areas. COUNCILMEN ARE INVITED 110 ATTENI11 -5- POSSIBLE ACTFON: Consideration of deeding vacated streets to property oumers at appraised value. REFERENCES: Appraisals by John Sandberg. Agenda ]tem 7. Consideration of Street Lighting from I-94 lnterchanae to []roadway - Ilighway 25. As you will recall from the last council meeting, John Iladal.ich estimated the costs of installing 24 new .lights with high pressure sodium on Ilwy. 25 ® $29,200. An additional $11,050 or $325. each would be needed to replace the existing lights on Dwdy. Ave. to high pressure SMILt im. Mr. Ed McCu.11.och, state highway district traffic eng.i.ncer, has indicated to me that a decision regarding the lighting system on Rwy.25 should be made soon if the city would .like to coordinate the bid letting with the State's interchange system. The state wi.l l be Iettiug bids on Nov. 17, 1976 for spring construction requiring plains and specifications from the city within the next few weeps. Should the r,ouncl I decide to instal l .lighting on llwy. 25 and/or replace the .1 ighting fixtures on Ilwdy. Ave. and a portion oc the project is assessed, it will be f 1 necessary to hold a public hearing on the project. Thu correnL down"okil l.igh Liug was assessed 50% in 1960, therefore, it: has been recommended that this project a .I so be assessed 50% (except for the school) on a front footage lulsis as thero would seem to be a direct. benefit to the pvnperty owner and it general benefit to the city :Is:1 Whole. ✓ J P11SSl Rl.li ACTTON: I . Consideration of resolution orderi.ng preparation Iit' plans and specifications for sLrcoL l.ight..ing .fmprovenienLs. 1.. if a portion of the projer.l: is to be asst;sNed, scttl.ng a da Lr, for public. hearing. NOTH : Lionel Johnson and pnssibly another NSP offlcla.l wi 11, be at. the, River Inn at: noon on Monday for lunch tau diseusn Che di.ffovent types of high pressure Nodium I i ght..c ava i In ble, fur use im vesident.lnl areas. COUNCILMEN ARE INVITED 110 ATTENI11 -5- I Agenda Item Considerat-ion or BuiA ding Permit: Apnroval - Riehard Osoaski - rert_i Li.zerrnnks Mr. 113owsk.L .is rcquciting a bui.ldi.ng permit for ('L) recently erected I•Lqu.id fevO.li_zer tanks located ,last- asst or the Suburban Gas Co property. the tatiLs Ireve ret_ently moved to th.i.s 1ncation from the Lndustvial Park south or Monticello Aecovdina to Suction 302, Subsection (A) (1), all p.,-rmits for other than residential. dwellings shall bo ;iibmitted to the Planning Commi.ss.ion and Ci Ly Count i I for approval. llte Plann.iny Commission reviewed the buildinq applivat inn and recommended approval contingent upon Lilo ecin.stertetion of a dike surrounding the tanks .I. W. ?Lf Ilex ail I be present at Monday's mectlnq to review the application with the r..ouncll Pu 51 III F' ACTI.US; ('on.v.iderat.ion or (wilding pta•mi.t appl.o\it, I . Agenda Item 0. Con.;idorati.at of Doti Pound Improvements. Cwen Ilateman has prepared preliminary Plans and a vale mode.] for a new clog pound in Monticello She wi11 br leafing Cor a cwo week vaeatiou in early ,k tobei and want ed to present the plans to Lite . ,.orae• i 1 1'011 d i seuss i on 6-itsi-deviation of a new pound was tabled at Lhe, S/2.1 oeet.ing to pursue possible interest In a cotntty wide dor; program. Datke Douglas indicated that H sufl'.Ielenc ,(immnnitie.s capressed an Interest i.n a vniihLy dug protlram, the vounty wou.id likoly sponsor such a vcnLtn,r. In recent, e(ntversatlons with Mr. Douglas, he fins IndicaLed that a Cew vommitn.it ivs have expressed an .Inleresl in itte program, lilt no ortlun has been taken by the County I lal, d lick itiso was not sere exautly how Lho program I, iuld opevato and the main problem would be f.lnding 4,111- .u- t-ao indivi(htals to Int-i.ld surd operate a pound of o pvi kaIe Ixts1A At preRcnl , no timetahle has Ilk -tit estobli shod for .impl.imenting thfR program other lh.in seeking possible i-onuuunity intiv(!+t. 1.0-11111, ACI'lMs ('onrirh'natlon (L pur.rning a 41,14 p.uuid fol !lon(flrlle u11 t'ontinu.ittt; pngBihln ,intrrrnt 74, ,t tuunty prop rum :hnula I mitt(i I ii•;ree on a locAl doµ pnnnd. plans a sufficient for bidding would have to be prepared since the estimated project costs arc .in excess of $$,000.00. AjLda Item 10. Consideration of possible Street 'Names. At the August, '9th c„tMic:i..l meeting a map was enclosed with the agenda indicating the tinnamed streets and public roads Cin -Monticello along with a list of proposed names. 1he council consensus at, that time was to table any decis-ion on puss:ible street names in order to review names of peoplL pith historical. significance to Montircl In. 1 list of early citizens, etc , with a briLf backgrround alien a%pi table. is enc,Loscd for your suggestions and comments POSSIBLE AfTION: Consideration of possible street Mime:. i.1' council eonsen;us .is to use names from thu List, of uru•Iv settlors, a uew map naming the street:~ %.iLI be- prepared eprepared for yottr review. Itll'I[It1iV( I,S: I itit of names wi,Lh historical sigoif-L- .'inov In Montirt•Ilo Alkia It . -m 1 I. 1pprmn'1. of Mint_ttes. Meeting of September 13, 1976. ?1Renda ttu•m 1_ .lnntrnvaI. ov III ris. September, 1976. Agenda 114-m 1 , told bitsiness. Agenda 'Item 14. bMyilless. CR. CHAS.; V. FISH •T✓ oennsr- OYONTIG[LlO. IYIMM6901A • V - , �:> I';'1*i*1^-'.ir;in"tii.::^�.'irY',!t4� �ui� oim� "L'd3ict,�•s}3i1,:6ai�j',, caaucl of opon=ub�L thi s / . •, ' t;,Xj comtr;,,r.Q.on :mmd-,ricn,-ugy 4ciz••r-' 3'� t1" i�;iU7-E�:•em (4) Si ct' oi',Ig7' t} Z;-...,lrjy oropcsity' '.�r+• o'� ., 's!�'r;::ao Fts .,:-.t five r Stwet. �{ I_r :ri;t ..d'ml.r,» µi:>��•-rif-�i�`{-Fn`ci nol.�xiied;on th13=,.- `�`-�•�,; �< .:.�,..o:,�'' ;•`���Ynnilr7l! `, -, 1976: � f Pp f HEFBURNECOUNtV y1�7tp Cl�nluwnewl i:I- (,f�l,(�+• r11�riDu t 1 ,S'4t//.,% at SANDBERG REALTY CRs -a -v, a - Phone (612) 295-2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Metro 427.6660 ® RFAIfOR. J • Hanes ML5• Farms • Lakeshore • Business City of DIonttccllo PIonticello, PR Purposes Appraisal for City of Monticello Proporty: Ccdnr Wit., 7t11 to 8tI, Diciensionrs9 330 x SOx 238 x 90 Zouc.Mt D3 Apprateud Vnluc: $12,000, S. Apprdpied by: John�rytdbern, J• Si///fj%0Q+ 1/ei7/74 * L l L a Homes SANDBERG REALTY John Sandberg, BMr �n �� a Farms Phone 16121295-2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Y�Y * Lakeshore Metro 427-&980 * Business nc�iroa• CITY nF ?ijo`:TTC::110 AtO','T.I'CIiLLO,M\ 55362 PtIRPOSE: APPRATSAL FOR CITY OF NIO\TIC. Lr.0 PRODBCTY: OAK ST. !'.ETWIiIiN 'tIOADWA)' f� RrVI:R ST. DI?T%ISIOXSt 40f x 3301 ZONED: R1 APPRArSIa VALMI;= 53000.00 n API'RAISED I:Y: JOIIN SA\DI'.I:W.,DATE EARLY SETTLERS OF MONTIC . !..0 Herbert McCrory. F M. Cadwell_ first settlers in 1852• McCrory nomad County. Moritzious Weissbura - bought the land of lower Monticello with Asley Riggs, and named that ]and Moritzious Ashley Riggs - bought land of lower Monticello with Moritzious, established E'irst ferry in Monticello . Creighton brothers - bought village of Monticello with a Mr. McManus who platted the town; it became the successful village while Moritzious failed. Rev. Samuel Creightnorganized first church in the county, the Methodist church; Thomas Creighton named Monticello. [There is some confusion as to the first names of the Creighton brothers, and as to which brother named and platted Monticello - further research would be necessary. ] Samuel Adams - first State Senator from Wright County; member of school board, editor "Wright County Tames". Henry Kreis — president of village council, county auditor, justice of peace. chairman of board of super•visers, member school board. George Riggs - president lower town, school board member. Tobias G. Mecnly - state legislator, businessman. John 0. Haven - registrar of deeds, clerk for board of county commissioner®. Other settlers noted for their contributions to Monticel] o's growth and prosperity i F A. Kenton - fit -at editor J. B. Blanchard A. F. Barker - opened first drug store J N. Stacy James and Thomas Chambers - first attare Mr Proctor Ezra Tubbs - first Dour mill Row Braise Royal Marsh — first blacksmith William Van Ness nr. Mulluy-P irat permanent duster J. B. Ri4h C- S. Huyd Robert Ford Ira lloar Ilarriaon Perkins George & Joseph Brown Aguat:us MitchelI 1. D flande>t•a Wil Ilam Chandler James Beckman Ilenry Helm James Stokes J. G Smith Z. M. Oruwn Ambrose Bryant 3 Llrtllon Ptrccintzte4in 18SSt Big Bemd, Pleasant, Grove and Mont _iieIIo. Ilannaiord (Ilanlfovd) Place - experimental farm in area. tVlnno-oij •k - wel l liLed 'Indian Chief in area. —V�2/ /Lc2l.�,tid7'.-.ZL'i�ca� /�%�/2/ '..��Li t�/r.•i�v,(i /Lc��..�/�s� '7r�"G°?J Gt�.iL .i'Z1iLC-CLi2lG✓ ,C��rJ ,CO� ..^t�',C• .�a,.v �,� f'..�.9� �Le�ice4-� a,2,-d, 1���,� l'�. ��� �,� � --�� .�.�• �'V lti2.PJ r%.(L1ruB7/ p�� �� �,Z.�J ,- JJ . CZ �/l0? ��Qi G7Z. .,�Ii2GL��LSi G—Gc'LGG �� ,1�1e.. �t.,�,v_� .,l�r� .� ee�L �p�—/1 �L� ,� G-c2d/CJ,•��. _..�,�e. �ezC� � e,r� ��� ,��.e•-�iCLPit�-�� ���h� ,�.'-fin.-��� t AH EA TYPE OF LIGHTING I-94 to Broadway 250 W. High Pressure Sodium Downtown 250 W. High Pressure Sodium Parking Cots 250 W. Hi gh Pressure Sodium New Lights - 100 W. High Pressure Residential Area Soditun Present Lights - 100 W. High Pressure Residential Area Sodium ..d NO. OF LIGHTS INSTALLATION LIGHTIFG COST COSTS PER MONTH 14 $22,SOO $60 ,00 29 $$,700 $126.15 (Conversion Cost) Currently .S165 • aO 8 $2,400 S34 -SO (Conversion Costs) Currently $21.60 16 0 $1 20.00 113 $2,760 $570.10 (Conversion Costs) Currently $S SO 30 ORDINANCE AMENDMENT Thi,.ClCy C6unc.i I 'of'.Monticel-Whereby.- ordains the-,following ?.oning -Ordinance!'amendment:, SCetlon 10,-13-2 under permitted -uses In i1i B-3 (Ifighway Business) district, Sma I I printing or pulil i shi ng business employing six (0 or less personsP sliai.�.l be added as Subsection (11). Passed ssed by the City Council this 176 day of September.. 19 , 7,6. V[ Q. iOhnEfon, Mayor ATITS'll- 'Cary Weber. Clt:y Administ-rator :(Amendment S -45-7.S, #21). CHECK ' AMOUNT NO. GENERAL FUND DISBURSDIENTS - SEPTEMBER, 1976 I Joyner's Lanes - Refund on Liquor License 8390 I 625.00 All Steal Products Co - Garnishment on 75-2 Sewer Project 8391 1300.06 Jerry's Excavating - Final payment on 75-2 Sewer Project � &392 . 1157.15 void 8393 - Mike Rajala - Milcage 8394 1 69.45 Smith & Pringle - Legal ' 8395 696.35 Coast t:n Coast - Supplies 8396 100.00 A & M Industrial Tractor - Replace knives on hammer mowers 8397 , 114.61 Ilarty's Auto Supply, - Repairs - car washer - water heater 8395 i SSS -75 1 indberg Paints - Paint - street 6 parks 8399 298.44 John Miller, Sr. - Salavy for Inf. Center 8400 s 63.00 Diamond Vogel Paints - Paint-Mtee. Bldg 8401261.00 Big Lakc Aggi-egates - Street repairs 8402 ! 25.57 MonLire.11o Piro Dept. - Firemen salaries 8403 455.00 Big lake Gva%el - Water dept. expense 8404 39. 50 Our Own Ilarduave - Mise. supplies ( 357.29 -paint - parks & streets) 8405 528.36 Mont ice l to School Dist. q -1S2 - Ll bra ry rent, 8406 MOO Pi.t t. - t'.it i l Defense salary 8407 75.00 V8408nug ,t_icel.lo Print Ing - Ih•int,ing supp.li.es 60-75 Goodin Co. - IAitlerfly %aloe on Cedar Street 8409 1511.45 Vaughn',- - Flag 8410 k 11.25 Yonak Sanitat ion - Contract 8411 t IS04.44 Maus Foc)ds - M I sir suppl i es 8412 43 10 Wright Sevvice tlli - Fael at disposal plant 8413 349.60 N. S. P. - U ti 1 i t.1 es 8414 1941 .42 League ,if 4%'. Mnnic.ipali.t.ies - Documents 8415 5.75 Farl Antleison. Inc - Sighs 4416 I 46.$9 3 M. Co. - C'pp? paper 8417 270.00 Ileskins 171evtric - Pi.a I.ighta at, Iti4storical Center 8418 160.04 ShlogNI.-d. .Int. - Fees on $1 .3 m II ion G. 0. Bonds 8419 . 001 .116 Horard Dale 141 en - P I ann.i ns espenrtc 8420 1394-18 Water Pt,ndnl•tn t'o. • Water dent. Nup,pli,es 9421 4().91 Sandberg; Heal ty - Property purchase - Peterson - $19.()1)0 - HuCP - 510,S(10 - less 5400 aption money 8422 30131111.00 Roy Iatt1°im, - Pr operty plu`chase 9423 QS00,(11) Nat lona 1 Ikl,,h iit - RopaJ i o 1424 1 1 .46 Rut't' ,tut o I':u t 511ppIAe.S 5425 I 1AW (ar161n1 heldit lc - RepalrN X426 17.7.5 1)1NOWN I leo 1114 - R('phI VS at NPtier plant 5427 395.40 Feed Rite(sit IroIN .. Water dept. Nltppliex I �142� 5tr11.41t1 I tt'rn •Nett I I t,l,i I;. tit root Nrrcpet` rrpait'n `42Q 545. 12 Stipp/r.,�,,•� CHECK AMOUNT NO. ti•- Granite Electronics, Co. - Fire dept. radio check 8430 77.80 Buffalo Vet; Clinic - Animal Imp. expense.' 8431 39.00 Foster's Ins. Agency Ins..- Add. prem. on vehicles 8432 241.00 Schelen Elec.trie Inc. Starter for payloader $433 119. so Moon Motor Sales - Repairs 8434 22.15 Gary Wicbev Mileage 8435 34.50 Gwen Bateman Animal Imp. expense 8436 112.()0 U. S. Postmaster - Stamps 8437 39.00 Howard Dahlgren - Planning expense 8438 1024-010 Mrs. Gary DeBoer - Election judge 8439 14-00 Mrs. Ruth Ilarstad 11 11 8440 12.00 Mrs. Verena liorchardt - " 11 $441 14-00 Ars. Margie Ni.ffuno 11 if 8442 16.00 Mrs. Lonna Woffsteller - It 8443 14-00 Mrs. Luci I I e Clausen 8444 12.00 Mrs. Maric Toenjes - 8445 12.00 Mrs. H. C. Wa I I !.if , : 1, 8446 10.00 Mrs. Fern Anderson - 8447 12.00 Mrs. Lillian Walters 8448 1-4.00 Irs. Betty Voncl - $449 14-00 Hazel KoLllinck 8450 6. of) G14,111 Matson - 1. 8451 12-00 Ed Lange - Mtee. expense - City hall. parks, Inf. Center 8452 151.25 Orfei & Salts - 76-1 S & W Improvement Project Payment 8453 204224.61 Adolfstin & Peterson - 76-1 Imp. Project payment 8454 56340.00 Wright County Sheriff - Police. contract 8455 3304.00 Olson's hlect-ric Sewer plant & lift station repair 8456 107.11 North Contra] Gas UWAtics 8457 23.55 Red's Mobil - ras for fire true], & street dept 9458 gs.(,() Fullerton Lumber - Street" supplies 8459 8460 42.74 S60.49 LiVe It's. - Croup Ins. - 1,el.ephnno (Reimbursed $276.93 from Oreel.) $461 525-13 nnker's oidgewatell tate Treasorve - PrRA 9462 8463 869.07 551-54) o mmissioner of Revenue - ZSWV 8464 1176-30 Wright Colitivy State Bank - AVT 8465 0000-30 II.R.A. - 1,f,; m.i,jl levy for H.R.A. Gwell Bateman - Alkimal I"ll). expellso -S466 107 -IS 8467 Vold Gross I'ndustri-ill Sel-vJ4,es - Istindey S46 Rt%er Tan - Misq, expellse 8464 8471) 2.1-45 35.1f{ St. ( Ifuld Stll)Ptleg for Hist. Center 2.09-04 Monri,,4,114i Pistilishing and stippli-es 5471 8472 Is, 61 sre es Marin - lkepairs J nl.ntlji.1al,d - Sen. rfficn & sti'vel fuel x+471 = it). Ili I Trojan PJ-1�41'oillld Fqilip - Park 41114flie" 5474 3,;,".u= A4tt,v SollptY - St"ePt, ""hall's 4415 147, fitt Shave Corp. - f4asFi I'leallel. ;N471) 07 7" CHECK AMOUNX r' NO_ t Gri.efnow Sheet Metal - 'Si nk installationat Mtce. Bi dg. 8477 '200.00- 0' V Viking Coca Cola - Pop. at Mtce. Bidg. 8d78 2l.00 Badger Meccv... Inc. - Wat:er dept. supplies 84,7 9, E4,32 Amoco O:i-.I Co. - Gas* and oil far street and park depts. 84y50' 00I? 0d MonticcJ l -o Fire Dept.- Firemen .salaries 8481- 370.•00 J.: k: IJulmes Co. - Flag ;.8ds2, 23..,7,'1 Mrs. Richard Quick - Rel.mbursement for broken window - tree 8483 0' 10 removal. PayrolI for August- 898.i•.ii . - y TOTAL DISFWRSE«IF,NTS Il OR, SEPTEMBER- $3d4,'888.9 LIQUOIL U1rD. DISBURSEMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER - 1976 ANDUNT i C1 --CK 90. j 'Yd Phillips & ,Sons - Liquor 1729.88 7402 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation 24.00 7403 N. S. P. - Utilities 738.54 7404 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 20.96 7405 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 1087.69 ` 7406 Twin City Wine - Liquor 240-55 �, 7407 Ed Phillips &' Sons - Liquor 1,328.53 7408 Old Peoria - Liquor 369.01 , 7409 Distillers Dist. Co. - Liquor 442.61 '7410 Maus Foods - Store expense 8.52 7411 A. J. Ogle - Beer 1803.19 7412, Viking Coca Cola - Mdse. 213.80 7413 7 Up Bottling Co. -.Mdse. 206.40 7414 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 1676.80 7415 State Treasurer - PERA 217.74 7416 Comm. of Revenue - State Withholding Tax 105.90 7417 Wright County State Bank - Federal Withholding Tax 240.00 7418' Strike & Spare - Advertising expense (Joyner's ) 55.00 7419 4 Season's Services - Store supplies 23.95 7420 Heskins Electric - Repairs 30--76 7421 Old Dutch Foods- Mdso. 89.43 7422 Vold 7423 -�{{r Own Hnrdware - Supplies 8.79 7424 Ff6nticel:lo Times - Store supplies 12.84 7425 Lei-fert Trucking - Freight - 171-41 j 7426 Porei,an's - Add. machine tape 9.00 7427 Fleege Dist. Co. - Beer 101.25 7428 Judo'Candy & Tobacco - Store supplies 415.55 7429 Monticello Lock and Safe - Repairs to -locks, etc. 112'•45 ) 7430 Grosslci.n Beverage Co. - Beer, mise. mdse: 69S7.20 7431 Day Dist. Co. - Beer 231.23 7432 " Bernick, Inc. - Mdse. 166.80 7433 DLck'Boverage Co. - Beer 3245.65 7434 -Dahlhelmer Dist. Co. - Beer 8495.78 7435 Ed PhiJlips & Suns - Liquor 2132.08 7436 August PayroJA 1881_. Sq TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS FOR SEPTEMBER $34,534.88 Y b` t