City Council Agenda Packet 10-11-1976AGENDA Re 1ar, IkI Cqt i. n p t�hc Mon C ice 13 fv C J ty Counckl Octbql. 11, 1976' unu,'16ell' Stall le�: Ila']. I., Denton Erickson, D.Lck Mautie. ,Cene Wa,'Ttprs. MeLtitigi�o 'taped.. C i 1 L-7, I', ns , comments.' 1-. Sanitary Sewt_-r Extension. Public fleavi.ng 'Vari-.mrL- Si'deyarCSej;I).j'-'ki. RC-ClUirement7s by Dave 11esk-jil Park�'Road ContraciL ApprovaJ of Monc:U"ipp( 4., COil si'derat'Lon or 11111 ldlil�.:Pw!illitsl Si;ivcl. rox'.. 'I fi-ri, and Bondlills T"(:)i Co. S. Cortsi de ra ti nn:of Timehas i nd Pe rk 'Land owtast", C4'mn 6!� o.' Covisillefult'Lnil (.1t4;' Ap 1) .1, yp...ig�'Tttr Pub'lic Works Cap.l.t.al _ I"()l &':j lid tij -A)IIL J.F' (A.on, nf,'R,i 0 Cumettwy. w '11fid 1977 10; 1711'':1'11 i: -s lied litisilless. J-1. Su%;' 6118:1 wss. MA I LING TO.1 John Hadwiti'vil ;13m) $III 101 KRm: J411111 Saildbdra 'Dii,iff fijvt While jsIblisilli U'Vight Paik %flm, W. 'mcl'lel. il�a AGENDA SUPPLEMENT i-glida Item 1. Pohl is HuaH ng - Sanitat•p Sewer Extension. As a i—cult c,I an inquiry From a rcpresentaLive .ri' the VFW, a hearing was scheduled aL the council's IaSL meeL-ing relative to Lhc extension of sanitary sewer Lo the proposed VFW club (sec enclosed m:tp). IaL.imatad post is $12,420, and i-( approved a change order with Orl'e.i & Sons Const,rur.Ciun Co. would be necessary as a part of the 1976 sewer and wa Ler consLvucLion prupm.. According I.n swCr. SCatu Les. change orders up Lu 25% of Che origknl ctmt,ract, amount: are authurizecl wi.thoul; bids. Following is a computation arv.iv.ing al. allowable change orders. Original b,id S"S579 x 25% $174645 Change urdcr #1 63756 Change order y'.'. (Cs c..imaLed) 124211 AI lowab.le adcli- L.ional change urdcrs WV19 Asia matter of informaLion, .1 have also calked with Ke I.h NO son and he sums ""A Wg i n Lurms OF yu: n" t.y add i I.i ons that, wort Id change Lhc cost, t,o more than ;" .•1' 1h.,. contracted amount. wi I'll Orf ei &. Sons. 0-;,M wi II have a wri Lt;en report nn this item aISO. It would appear, the asnessmetILN on the ent,iv- 1970 I.n•o.jrrt. will approximaLe $2150 for sanitary srwcv ann Sl j5n env water haled on a 100 fool, parcel. De- . itiiou as to method of assessment, call be made tit. a I.cLev dale. I'iISSI BLL: ACTION: Approval or den i a I of change order. HIXERENCES: Map dcpirl.ing area. 0SM's repurt Lo be prc•arnLcd at. Monday's meecing. Agenda Ilr=m 2. Public Hearing - V:vAance Henncst, for• Sldeynr•d SeL- hark Kcquircmcatl.s by Dave. Ilersklns. Dave u"k•ins is WwWainl{ Lo bli Id an electrical srrvire shop on a porLiun OF Lot. I , Mock :. llakw K"I Iodo,;Lvial Park. This propevLy is loca6ed directly South of the, new .Independent Lumber• Co. hui Itling and would have Ifltl' frnntagu on I:ty. 12nnt1 117. CJ lite current zoning ordinances call for a 301 si,dewayd setback in an T-1 (Light: Industrial) district and / Me. Ileskins is requesting a 201 variance to build t- his shop within 10' of the property line. (see sketch) . Mr. Ileskins had originally intended to purchase thC1 souther ly 1 201 of the lumber yard property from Richard Zahl-er. but Mr. %ahl.er erected a fence stn•roundin= his lumber storage area leaving only 100' frontage on Cty. Road 117. the purpnse of the variance request is to allow for more spaco south of the building for parking requirements. The distance between Mr. Ileskins' proposed building and the, Independent Lumber Yard building would sti I 1 be approximately 2001 if a variance were Granted. Because of this large disranre, between the structures. the Planning Commission r11- 4omtnendctl apprnvaJ of the variance request: at their September 23, I07o meeting. PoSSI0LB ACTION: Approval or denial of 201 variance rogues t. . It[FIRL\CLS: Map and sketch depicting proposed bell Iding. Agf�nda ,ILVITI Apltl'nCa 1 u1. MunvAssillpi Park Road Contract.. CBid-3 wt -re t akcn OeLober 5, 1976 by Lite Wright ('oun ty I)')tu•d tel' l:ommissinnrrra fur the road lmprovemenl, pr.1- jrcl in pelril iss.ippf Park. Low bill was Robasse Cnu•- atrurLion of Wiffalo Cell- $181059. At the]I, meet in;, the Wri µht County Board of Commissioners awarded the uattrac I. to Robasso Const. eont.ingent upon approval by the Citi' of Mnttlirr,lin. %-otlrt• Ilo1 s share of the project would be 201! 1)e �j,n20 plus .in additional $1.100 for engineering stal,irI4 and sio-veying making it total of approximately ?u 1111111. T h i s Compares with oto• engineer's estima l ., n1. l-7.714. Dudgi—t- for I076 Included $7,11011 fir This i t rm. POSSI III 1' At, 1-1 WN: ('on.videration of mot [till to approi, v rlteaI'd i n g 111' 4°1)111. Ila (Il to Rn ba MRC! Const rust i on and authori -Ing ell), admin lrtlraLur to ruler .iolo aureC wt'nt Up III bright Celunly to reimbol'se (hem for 'lit"' .1)1, ronitat t prier. Itl I IRI \t I�: List of hide. Agenda Item 4. Consideration of Building Permits - Silver Fox Inn and Bondhus Tool Co. J. W. Miller has received a building permit application for the following two projects: Silver Fox Tnn: 35 unit motel to be built by Fox Inn Motels. Inc. (principal stock holders and officers are Stuart Hoglund, Monticello and Ed Larson, Sauk Rapids). The Planning Commission has recommended approval - contingent upon review and approval by J. W. Mi.l.ler. J. W. has reviewed the plans and will be at Monday's meeting with his recommendations and comments. IkMdhus Tool Cot Applicant is adding second story to structure on County Road #75. Det'ermi'nation should be made as to whether current improvement work on parking area will be hard surfaced as required by city ordinance and should be considered in approving permit. POSSIBLE ACTION: AfLrr hearing recommendations and review of projects approval or denial of permits. A da Item 5. Consideration of Purchasing Park Land on East: County Road #.19. John Sandberg .is request'i'ng the city consider Lhe possibility of purchasing two lots on the Mississippi River along lust County Road #39. Size of the two lots would be 100 feet, by 250 feet or approximately a half arse. Cost. of the two .lots would be $15,800. CtivrenLly there .is it mob.ito home on each lot, with septic system and well along with a single garage on one of Ole lot's. At. their last mcct..i.ng, the Planning Commission rc- commended the, city purchase this pat -eel and also consider purchase of additional land Co the east of Lhe parcel. Reasoning for the purchaso would ba: 1. Currently there is no park on Lhe east, end of Ole city. 2. 'I'hc mobile homes could be taken out, - possibly Increasing adjoining property valunt.ions. Disadvantages would be: 1. CovLs seems to be high considering no building perm,itm can bo Issued .in tills flood plain arca nnlens costly provisions are math.. -3- o 91 _ v �:C • 2. Land currently for sale has limited park potential bemuseof small size. POSSIBLE ACTION: Cunsidtrati,n of purchase of prulic-rLy. Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Applying for Public Works Capital Development Grant. President Ford has signed the appropriations bill approving $2 billion for local public works projects by local and state unit- of government. Briefly, the purpose of the bill is to resolve on - employment in .in the country through the creation of publ-ic works projects. 70% of al.l available Funds must be spent .in areas with unemployment over the national_ rate - currently 7.8%. Munt.i-cello would qualify as the unemployment rate in Wright County is ,.0% (Mont.i.cello is able to use the county rat.- as statistics arc not, avai l.able for the city itself) . City hall and the First stage storm sewer cons Lrur_tion have been discussed as possible projects to apply for. Both of these projects arc eligible under the grant program. It wool.d appear that. the funds wi _l I be spread as much as possible and .it is very unlikely that both projects will be funded. However, I Peel it would be well to appy for both projects because of their different dollar amounts; the city ha II costing approximately $360,000 and the storm sewor vroject. approximately $723.000. This would al low some flexibility i.n that funels may not nllow for the storm sewn, project but may a l.low fog, city hall. 1 have talked to the Economic Development Admi-nistration and they indicate they 1.111 be ready to neeepL- appl.icat:.ions some time aPter October 25, 1976. Within sixty days after appl-i.eation. the applicant %il I be notified or approval or disapproval. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of prnject(s) to apply Por and authorir.atlon to have city administrator apply 17.11. grant. Depeuelent upon pvojuet(s) nppli.ed for, city administrator to work with city eng_i.nrr_r and nrchilccts as necessary to complete grant, appai- caL.Lon package. NIi'ERENCES: Sec memo on financing of city hall.. —4- Because of the nature and long term ramifications involved, the council may want to consider n special muet.i.ng with the Assnciation to explore any and nlI possibilities. Possibly it could be worked out, where the city maintains Lite mowing of the cemetery but: ownership and other expenses would remain the same. POSS7111X ACTION: Consideration of possible aequisit.i.on of cemetery. RE1'ERI;NCRS: Riverside Cemetery Association letter (Sent will September 13, 1976 supplement). Agenda Item S. Prel.iminnr-v Ilndael: - 1977. C% Time permitting, preliminary review of 1977 budget. RINTRENCES: 1977 Prel.lmi.nary iludget. -5- (fel, V Agenda Item 7. Consideration of Acquisition of Riverside Cemetery. Due tofinancial difficulties the Riverside Cemetery C' Association of the Masonic Lodge has requested the city take over complete control and ownership of Riverside Cemetery. This .item was brought up at the September 13, 1976 council meeting, at which time Doug Pitt, Stan Hall and myself were to further study the association's proposal and report back to the council within 30 days. Doug, Stan and myself have reviewed the matter and also have discussed the property to the cast of the Cemetery. Doug indicated the Riverside Cemetery Assoc. will not; donate this property to the east of the cemetery, but would sell it to the city at 75% of its appraised value. The alternatives are not too attractive. On one hand Lire Riverside Cemetery Association .indicates that because of financial problems, deteriora:,ion of the cemetery would occur and the other alternative indicates the city by acquiring Lite cemetery would have to subsidize .it through a levy. 11, seems to Stan and myself that the latter decision may be the. best.. Furthermore, should the city take �J over the cemetery, appraisal of the property should be made and consideration be given to purchasing the adjoining S acres .in .light of the cost. Because of the nature and long term ramifications involved, the council may want to consider n special muet.i.ng with the Assnciation to explore any and nlI possibilities. Possibly it could be worked out, where the city maintains Lite mowing of the cemetery but: ownership and other expenses would remain the same. POSS7111X ACTION: Consideration of possible aequisit.i.on of cemetery. RE1'ERI;NCRS: Riverside Cemetery Association letter (Sent will September 13, 1976 supplement). Agenda Item S. Prel.iminnr-v Ilndael: - 1977. C% Time permitting, preliminary review of 1977 budget. RINTRENCES: 1977 Prel.lmi.nary iludget. -5- r f 1 tf R2 _ R t; B3 t 1 "ems •- t y. 1 r. a:c, &id � g. 't.ewri ani • 114th 04914COW R6, Q f. r:R17ST i MAT E : Robosse Const. !-Y Buff if, MN Buffalo bituminous Buffalo, MN j Forest L.oke Controcting, Inc. 14777 1 nke Dr i v- _ 'Orville Severson j nko n. MN Clifford Fashant dnnII 4.1. MN -Londwehr Heavy Moving, Inc. A— 071 1 r1—_4 MN' 'Jim Schendzielos CI or Lekn'_ MN 'Barry Construction Co. Ink- Wil— MN Veit and Co., Inc, t �3f`y _24(M N_ I nk,1,nnd Avr+ Mnl.s. MN 00 VerL•ynn Const. t IMI 11...-k Int-- T—i1 Fden Praire. MN Brisk, Inc: At. 4„ Box 34 Little Balis. MN S- Volla-r Const. Co., Inc. Box 1168. St. Clnud. MN A. R. Brisk Co. 7 t,p ✓ Rt. 4_ Pi— {1N 5 3 6164 Al Minnera h, Inc. Cold Sorino. MN i 520,367.00 ,'9-1s"oy 3 I (�, j. co yO 3py. oc) �Y098.co 'lt. o Or. tobe' ✓(;..)197n T0: Mayor and Wtinc i.3 men IT ON: Gary W ebur SU BJCC'I': Financing of new city hal l if federal grant, is not. rrce.i red. Cts I. Architeres est.imaLe 5255,000 Land 40,`300 ,lrchilerls Pecs 2S.nU0 IOTAS S353.0Ott Permanent, I'inanr..i_ng As hall been prev i.ous 1 y di,scussud , if' a fl --der!" grant: v:ere not ra_cei-red .it would appear the *it,yIs best. niturnaLivu is to finaneu city hall neer 3 years nn a tas le vy. liaised upon the above, com- putation it. wunit.l he tteeussary to levy alsprosimstely 3 mi l is fir each of Ile\t 3 yearn of $120,000 pur rear. Interint Pinanvinc,. Following are available sonreen to finance: the project prior Lu t,hn aanllecLion of Lha mill levies for the t.hrec years: Kuvcnuu Sial -K. $ 3.5,OfN1 Li 1pnm Font) IU3,00ti Capital Ont lay k(Ivo IvIng Fetid 12.5,500 Planning 6 ITe:vtlopmunt, fund 21 ,000 t:enr.rtl) I•Oari (Geneva I , Park, Stroe: in. l'i'eu) 27 ,SIM Sewer a Wnt.c!v I'endrt 44,500 ?ZSft,StM i� NO'm: um ahmu Italanecs are: surplus mmntinn and gill nov, jutrpard.iye I.he budgel,s of thune. funds in 1977• The balances were fort:cast.ed tri Juh• 1, 1 077; the expected enmp.letion da1,c of rity hal 1 , City can f i ranee pro•jer.L both on a permauca t. aml lntw4m Witt Ynu may notine 01116 there WMId only be a $35011 tnarl;.in bast:d on Ou. above; huw,:vcr, even i f I, lin pro•jr-c1. I.,-I;ul Ls In a 10 - 1 S% overrun. } the r.ills tritel.irin and sinking funds could be nsvd t„ r,iarr lhita 111111.1 l.hc a:rrtond halt' of Lo.ccn were ru- i vrd 'in 1`177 a1, eh.`Oli t jme t,he:re weu.ld he tut athli ini.t.rna I W Iiml!,1100 in the abrn•r t't I v