City Council Agenda Packet 11-11-1976,J. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ; ' Thursday, November 11, 1976 -- 7:30 P -M. Mayor: Con Johnson Councilmen: Denton F,ri.ckson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie. Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizen Comments. Krcrse -C. re I" 14L a�d9 1. Consideration of Uu.i.lding Permit - J's Restaurant. 2. Consideration of Accepting Written Proposals on Dog Pound and Warming House. 3. Consideration of Law EnVorcemcnt Contract with Wright Connty. 4. Consideration of GLu•few Ordinance. S. Consideration of Setting Date Por Hearing on 1974 Parking Improvement Assessments. o. Cnnsiderabion of Sperificatlons for Tractor. ,7. Rrvaew »C 19i7 Prellminney Midget. S. Approval of Minutes - October 21, October 2S, and Novem.brr 3. 1976. Mai ling Lo: Count-+ InCil Don SmLth Don Grant, John SandlKwµ Swart Finney .Jim Powers AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Ttem I, Considvrat -_ion of liui.lding Permi 1, - J's Itest.auraol.. J's Restaurant Int_crnat Tonal has appliecl fm• it building permit to con.PrucL a rt;ct.aurant. on Intl 4, S. u, and 7, block 1 (corner of 7th Street, and Cedar St recut ) . At a spec ial meet ing held NovemIwr 4. 1 (17 it, 1.11c Planning C- -mm Lssion reviewecl Lhc buiIdi -ng permit upplicari.,,ti along wi th the. siCe plan and fill Iding speeif3vations and re.atmmendvd approval ni' Lhc permi L con 1 in_cnl upon Jay Mi 1 .ter' s rev i ew. Jap N.i I I ev t.as nwvt ing the rests IIs of Lhc Pest borings taken at the bite, but; .it. appears that all other provisions W the ordinances relative Lo latul- scaping and parkin; rcrptiremvnt,s have been met. Mr. Ilada,l i til has veviewed Iho clva-ivagr plan and has rt•tummcndecl apprnt'al with minor var:iacions. J. W. Mil 14-1. w,i.l 1 be present, at; I.he sound I meet i,nq to answer any gnrsl:,i.uns you may have. POSSllllh ACi'ION: Consideration of approval or denial of perm.i 1, appl.ivation. w7i,rRLNCrs: A copy of the Aitc' plan and bei Idiot; plans aro atai faille at Ci Ly lla.l.l Por your vevlew. Agenda Clem L. Considerat inn of At ce-w ing krl tern Protnncals on Dna Pounrl .tad w:n•minrl Ilottse. No hide ws•t•r r•reelcrd on Monday for the constllou1,ion of a (fog pountl and warming hooNo. Since no bidA were veuviVed, the law authovizes Me council tts Aoiicit. thioles and i.sward a ronl'racl. wLth- oul, ruadvvi-Iltsing fur bids. 1' have talkvd to local 1. ontvaclol-04 who may he inLcrrtat ed .in the projer Ln and have s•v(plo sled 1 hey kohmi 1, a wr i tl.rcl proposal 1)3 nr%l M..uday ill 2 P.M., fnllc.wlnk Ihc' planA Milt Spec iCit. at ions .ytpro►ed by 1114. r11y noun. iI. Addition:.IIy. 1 have rcqucst:C(1 LIC MlpnLICc110 TInlCS Lo place an artic 1e in Lhe paper Lo re Eli Cs I. written proposals. Another a It erna Live to wri 1, Lull pr(Iposa 1s W011Id be Lo rebid LIQ projecL, however we are sOII not, assured Lhat anyone will bid Che projects and Lhc Cimc vugn.irecl for bidding procCdures w41111d probably resulL in spring 1977 consLt•ur.Li.on at: Lhe earliest. ill' C.7411•Se LIC C.i Ly could still reject Ole wr,i.tLen proposals it' Lhe council considered the pruposals too high. POSS:IRLG AC'I'10\: Cons IderaLIoil of accCpl;ing wl'.ILLUI proposals or rebidding; Lhe projects. Agenda Itrm 3. Cons.ideral.ion of Law Iinforcement, ConuraeC with Wright County. Enclosed you wi11 find a propoeccl rontrael, for law cnforcemenl pruteccion from 1.114, wt•ight County Slier Ifl, Is Office. 'Phis contract, reads Lhe same as the runl,rart, Monticell(. had wil,I Lhc sheriff's (' dcpal•Lmcnl in I976. �d T1101-0 is an incrCasc in the r.nst PCP 110111• of protection from Vt.(10 Lo $7.25. while I:hC increase is substantial, i1, should be pointed (pill, 1.1111, Otero was no increase in 19741. Ilased on siatecn (141) hnnr dai ly service l.he rosl would be $3,525 I -v mont.11 nr $42-340 per yen r 4ompltl•ed w i l h 1 97 (1 "9111 -es of per month and $15.11441 per yef11•. 11so In br rrmsidln•rd is Lhe c,t.r:1 eight. (S) hoot• protection on Friday and Saturday nights I,Ic cunn.I :n1l,hovited on n si" month I,rial basis, from I:he pe1•iod May IILI•o11g11 October. on :I yearly basis using 11177 rods. loin c.vtrn pt•oLccchm would r.osL $41.4132 por year tit- 5ti1t1 prr month. IIOSSIIIL1. ACT 111\: Considevncion of 4?-Int.vacl, approval .speeiiying hours tit' dai ly service and proLert iou 1 It' :Illy) uu T r i day turd S:1111rdnys. 1%IiPI'll VNI CS: 1 07 7 I't•Illnpsed (I oil Add 11.1onally. I It.1po to Tarr .Tim T'owel's a1. meel.iIli; Lo ioswer filly ques I I .Ins. Cj v Agenda .l Lam .1 . Conti i dura I. ion of Cnrf,:w Ordinance. AL .hC Iasi vego 1;0• mvei,ing• .hc r.i.y cuuuci I ve- CII viewed a prnpnsecl rurfew. MnnL,iccl to had a curfew\� ordinance prior t.o Uic- adop.inn of revised r,velinanr.eti in l L)75 which von.ained nn vol -few pr•ovi s inns. Ruasoning behind unsid,:ra.ion. of a euri'ew r,rdinance was in answer to IN t oonby sharMs rcyunst.inq Such an nrdinann—, 'I•he, coontW sheriff's department. indicat.CII IhaL a .:nrfcw ovd.inance is useful as a Lool in dispersing minors who arse loit.,n•ing on public properly. AL our Inst ran I ar nu.c.i.ng, a derision was Cabl Cd .n cnnsidCr IN maLLer furCln_r. n1- ""m oJar concern was we hour to Por I.h,; cerl'ew. and Jr a cnr•I•ew ord i name- should be imposed at, a I I . Since the law mce.ing, 1 have .alked wit.h SheLdnn Johnson. Mon.ircl.lo Sclol,l Snperint.cndcnt., and he indiracell hr world he in favor of a curfew ilial ex- pressed rouecrn t_,ver p„ns.ible police hat•assnlent, of minors who hall a leg.i t,imat,e reason for huing on t, aC.ev t.hc rat•fut. hour. Ile indicaeed, however. I.hal. LherC was no pall.iculat- prohlCm in Clic pan. when Alt'utCicel to had a curfew nrd.i.naucc. AddiLirnutl ly he Caprcssed �d conr.Crn OWP WMLIps of Morn gaLMnAng and dislurhing the peace heforC ruri ow holiI.A. Enelosed yon Wil 1 I•illd nor vol -rent. ordinance prohibi.- Ng nnlawl'ol assmAly and disordeMy rntllleCL. This ,wdinanov gives Lhe police some rmiiawl in dispersing grenps or indivielunls, however. Ole Curfew wnnld ,lint: for an addi.iona.l Lime facLtn• as it, may be 11.11-41 .o vatelt srnuenne in Lhe art. ol• vit,tlal.ing Llte law tinder Lhe presenl nrdi riallec. POSSIBLE AIM(& t•onsidera.ien of adopLion of ordi- nance on purl eW Willi ally possible amt:ndtnt:nts. HEFERIiSI•ES: Ageruh tirtpplemenl. i.em 0 t',nr Ilc.ohev 25. 107((. Proposed Qrdinann•C. Previous ortlililt noo - ,•n- rlosed Willi 04:t.. 25, IVih supplcmrnl.. Agenda Item 5. Consideration of Setting Date firer HeaHnn on "74 Parking Improvement: Assessments. The Business and lndostri_ai development Commission has reviewed the assessments on the downtown improve- ment project and their recommendat.i,ons will be pre- sented in a report to tale City council. At this time• a pob"c hearing shop Id be cal led for Lo review rhe proposed assessments. Assessment.,; on this project, were set. 1111 in 1975 with an allowance for per".i.udiv review to dctmwine any necessary ;WjusL- mews. Prior to bhn hearing date, Life counc.il sltail remAve a complcLc list, of the assessments along with the committ.cc report prev.irursly mcnti.oned. POSSIBLE ACTION: Set.t..ing of hearing date; because of p"Illicatinn and notification requirements, carliust date could be Monday, November 29, 1976 which could be combined w.i ih a bodgeL meeting review as the bndg_et. should he sent to the county nodi Un• by Becembel• 11 1974. Agenda 'itet.t i.. CanfiitleeaLi+ln or Snccif"ical:.i.nns Cor Tvact+/r. cc Public works Director, Mike: Itajala, is developi"g specifi-caLions for a traet;or which wc.old replace the 1969 Massey-hergvson LraeLnr Well has ineurred maintenance and repair bilis of $2500 in two years alone. POSSIBLE ACTION: After Mike reviews speriPicnt.ionN. roonel l may want. Lo make nddit.ions or dch"Aons and consider• set.ti"g hid date for some: Lime: in Dcm=her•. Agenda item i. Review -f 1977 i'vellminnry noda.!t. Levy should ho cen•Lil"ird to county auditor by Decenthr.r• I. 1076. Please nou: Lhat. MUM: may IM a Muhl i+: hoarier of parking impM-lvemcnt nsscsnnu:nLs cut Nelvermhar 29, 1410 and nL thin UQU ao amid nlso have 1 hMI MMM"K on 1977 Httdgul. POSSlnLE ACTION: Time pomtl Liug. a N30cw of hodt;nt arnf tir.tt.inq r+I' .purin I mer, Ngs Ln review as emma I considers nuen:ssapy. -4 %'he, c,i'ty Counc3,l',of Mondcello, jhgycby, ordains_ v�l the .1.01owingr 6-1 -t? CURPFt4c Ni) 'minor ,under Lim age of e:i91, - years of r�{ c!,, whr _n_ in,rt.,'accomp ur cA by liar cnt ;o.r lguardi ani ,,hall be a 11 ow, nn ,t,he streets,, sidewal,k'a:'orl any public in tiliclG.i;C},;oQ• l`I""tinGi'c'61(f'of,af L_cr tlir,jhour' n,,'Mt and before, 3:0o �A. :M. Lhc�''SLAcceed'.irig, 'm_urning„, k.1 liout rcasonnb5 lc„coiise:Any,: phicrrb guardi:iii;oi .utlit r a'riiiJa j3crsori liuviiig racy r'at; and cusLudy -of :a: -' mjnor under _6c iF;u i.rCl"c',i,'ghtc6n'(1;$,)'yc:i,rs'.; sha.11 permi,t: sucllt ,minuv Cu Violate Wio ai:oucr mi:ntin6ed _iui•ficw �ImJ`J 'bo gu.iAty of.,a m.i:sdemeanor ,:rnd upon 'cpnuct"i cip bh,:ni-_4 .0ihN be Aiilij'cr_tc Ln, .a CAne of ,not='mur a Owo t.wc1 f` %;c dol'l'ars I)Iriti cujts ol', lives ri',tuuri': ilitoptcd.;taiiti ,�l,h.c�liiy.,ii1T il?w�+�+�tT, 11 9.7.6--s' Julinspi ,, Mayor. U' n r �c N'.1 n lir a., r j• i L}* ,Actin i n i, v I: ra I :n i•' i i , f J IJ � ' A A % -,. W ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT # THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of r 19., by and between the County of Wright and the Wright County Sheriff, herein- after referred to as "County" and the hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the municipality is desirous of entering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforcement protection with the corporate limits of said municipality through the county sheriff, and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering such services, and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and provided for by the pro- vision of Minn. Stat. 1957, Sec. 471,59 and Laws 1959, Chap. 372, and Minn. Stat. Ann. 1961 Sec. 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terns of the aforesaid statutes, it is agreed as follows: 1. That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the municipality to the extent and in manner as hereinafter set forth: a, Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the type coming within the Jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, as a standard level of service provided shall be Cho same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright State of Minnesota. C. Tho rendition of services, the standard of performance. the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the per- formance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. d. Such services shall include the enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes and Laws and the municipal ordinances which are of the same type and nature of Minnesota State Statutes and Laws enforced by the Sheriff within the unincorporated territory of said County, 2. Th -it it to agreed that the Sheriff shall have furl cooperation on, assistance from tho municipality, its officers, agents and employees. so as to facilitate the performance of 'this agreement. 9 I' Ii J�fiit-7 i� 7. That the l,arty shall furnish and s!•-oly all necessary labor': supervision, equipment, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of jail ;detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be j !'rendered herein. i 4. The municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaried, wages, or other compensation to any personnel performing services herein for said County. 5. The municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriff's employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold handless the municipality ;against any such claims, 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be i ;deemed to assume any liability for intentional or-negeligent acts of said ;municipality, or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. The municipality shall defend said Sheriff, his officers, agents, 11.r employees against, and hold harmless from, any claim for damages resulting :from the enforcement of any duly enacted municipal ordinance. j� 8. This agreement shall be effective from !Ito ii 9. The municipality hereby agrees to pay to the County the sum of for law enforcement protection for hours per ! r day of daily patrol service and 24 hours call and general services from said !Sheriff's office during saLd term of this agreement. I 10, if the annua t salaries of the deputy sheriffs are inerensed at any i �Itime during the term herein stated, this contract shall not be increased. JJ1 It. The contracts with the municipalities have been extended for an II !!additional 12 -month period provided, however, that the contract price and the ,hours of patrol service shall be renegotiated annually by the parties. �) I It is the deslie of the parties that the contract for the ensuing 7 Ilyear shall be renegotiated and signed prior to October 10th of each year. i 12. It Is understood and agreed that the offenses for which arrests I, !'are made pursuant to state statutes the county shall stand all costs of the i courts and its prosecution. When arrests are made under municipal ordinances of the municipality, the municipal attorney shall prosecute such cnse. Any and 11 oil fines collected shall be paid to the Wright County Treasurer's Office. 13. Whereas; ._.Xiislation has been ens- d effective July 1, 1471 f ` making it mandatory that the County Court remit to all municipalities within the said county, one half of all fines levied and collected from traffic vio- lation arrests made in said municipality. And, Whereas; it is understood that the contract fees is based upon the County receiving the entire amount of all fines. It is understood that the Municipality shall return to the Wright County Sheriff all fine monies received from the County. Said Municipality shall remit by check no later than thirty {30} days from when said fine monies are received by said Municipality. i 14. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and i general information on existing complaints and problems in said municipality. one member of the municipal council, the mayor, or other person or persons, shall be appointed by said council to act as police commissioners for said municipality, and shall make periodic contacts with and attend meetings with r the sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. �j IN WITNESS THEREOF the municipality, by resolution duly adopted by its governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its mayor and attested by Its clerk, and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused these presents to be subscribed by the Wright County Sheriff and the 4 i Chairman of said board and the seal of said board to be affixed thereto and attested by the clerk of said board, all on the day and year first above writte: 91 Attest: Mayor BOARD OF WRIGHT COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BY l Attest: 1 Clerk, Board of County Commissioners Chairman Wright County Sheriff 1PCR/�^ d, DARRELL L. WOLFF C.unly Sko"?l COST AHALTSIS PCR 1977 SA(EWIFF'S., OFFICE Cain N.us. - Wl Ia ss couch �-.6UPPA14 MINNESOTAISM T.1.pfiw . e1, 1u - CONTRACT POLICE SERVICE Average salary of deputies working contracts Benefits Vacation .300 Pd. Holidays .224 Sick leave .122 PERA .770 Hospitalisatiom .260 Life Insurance .042 Uniform al iowarxce .108 Car Expense Total Expense Less expected reveraua from fines A James F. Power, Cn,rl D1, ,,r, LL Myrun A. Moms, 1n—:,q,- Lt. ees:•geneLr. F: Helrrrenq. c-1 $ 6.42 per hr. 1.83 2.15 10.40 7.15 BUILDING PERMITS Total Number of Permits Issued Purpose: (1) New Homes (2) Residential Remodeling and Additions (3) Residential Garages (4) Commercial Buildings, additions 6 - remodeling remodeling (Includes the school addition - $870.974.00 and water Reservoir - S263.750.00) (.5) Miscellaneous 6 Signs TOTAL VALUATIONS Ist 9 Months 1975 58 1 20 S 16 3 $1,444.600.00 1st 9 Months 1976 74 26 16 9 16 7 $2,677,629.00 MONTICELLO PUBLIC -WORKS DEPARTMENT WORKREPORT October 25 November 5, 1976 577( GET✓ PARKS A. Close and Iork up parks - all,p'i'cii1c tabl.esa 'signs and playground equipment, removed. B. Put up snow fences.ond mark ditch areas for snow.remoia.l. C. Equipment maintenance - pr.imari.l,y snow plow preparation. D. Build driveways and install culverts at reservoir si-te and maintenance building. E. Sweep uptown street's F. Construct retaining wall. in cast Bridge Park., G. Btn�m construction, sceiling :and hauling black dint,. in 4th Street Park. 11. Restore storm sewilr out lc,i citructure oil rl.vt:r bank at Linn/rvont SCw�ats. T. Ilaitl cold max, Pi►r wini:cr street patcliing. WATER / 51'.IJER A. Iliui.ling Sliid& - 5 diiys .B. Completed hydrauG fItisliing and pumping - 4 days. C. Pull ),ut and vepalc pump .in lift statim #2. D: ?Meter Jimslallat-Jon aiid vepnar (I..1). li. Locat:=.ion/anspentinn for Aii-ty d.i_ggers (6). s