City Council Agenda Packet 11-29-1976AGENDA' SiErT.4f, OF THF MONT-TCOLLO �rTTY COUNrT.i. Mond.. Werftb6ei 2'�?j 7,:-30 P -M, Ma6ov;C66 john.4on r'rickson', Stan Icy' IIh:LI D.i I'lartAt. Ma. ters .IceVj rtg'to, be ual)(zli. Ta.o bIA c _11-vat,Tog, ll(y7L4,D'ii,'�lll.,'ali�,-,pk.i:Ig;Cold '!-in sm P6 bfio, Amni Y4;Vvlhunt I i� J,ecC NO npiJ 7VIN, d i - InQp , Mn J,.] JA i� 4,ot linen Don SM I III Dn u rvlIAi;: john Simultnn-9 Gwen 1"I.cmm 111;41 Ind"SLr,inI rimin'ts6il'on - CAM #1 S iop 1) 1 ernom it Oqll(o AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item 1. Pubile Ilrarina - 1474 Dewnt:own Parking Lot Imorovcmrnt Assessments. Enclosed sou will find the proposed assessment cull Por "I-- 1974 he1974 Parking Lot Improvement. As you may recall. this improvement cons.Lsted of the purchase uP two parcels Pius the cost of bi.tuminnus surfacing. curbi.na M e. 'Ihc two parcels drvoloped .into parking; .tuts are s,iutaLed west oL CAy Ilall and north n4' Johnson's Department Store. Assessments were spread over tile. businesses .in the six block downtown area using; the Ftil'Iowing formula: 1. One pnrk,ing stall shall be required for cath SMI SWMl r Neu of sales area. -. One piu•k.ing s4 a 1 I shn 1 I be rcqui red Cor ca. It I'ul l time employt•r. line -ha II' parking sta.l I shall be required Ivor oath part -Lime empluyve. 4• Sc.ond i'Iinu• arca to be added on same basis as First flour apartments In have one Mall p.•r apartment. y. MAIL shall ho given for rich parking stall prat.idvd im their own private property. o. % distance factor shall br applied its follow+: lilt- ail hut,inrssrs Within tilt, same block at,; lit(- 11roposrtl or e,xisthtg public lmprotrnunt. the factor shalA be I.C. I+or nil buslnrss.,� in Lliv adjacent Work (not diagonal) to the proposed improvements. t_ilt•• i'actne shall he i,ov all ether, husinesses in tho six block dut:u•. 4016-111 r11rtv11. the i'netor shall be 0.25. Ry r%tunding alt of ih4:gc ltems, the Cracti.on of the tolal Cur each pamel tthail he md&plirgl hj the Intal project cost and asseiised aeeneding;ly. Plion ailopt ion 'If Ilit•- assrysmcnt "A I I'or I h i s pro;jci t i n I Ii; Q I ht' 11 1 13 dune 1.1 dint ridl•d I o Vim i v% the us%;,- mr_nt, again in in" to deti•eminc i hang i, in Ihr ma -w. uu•nt t'urmnL4 factors+. Letterswere sent out to all businesses assessed on May S, 1976 informing them that September 1, 1976 would be the cut—off date for allowing additional credit for parking spaces added and reminding them of the assessment formula. On August 12, 1976, questionnaires were sent out to a] 1 businesses assessed asking that any changes in the formula factors (i.e. number of employees, square foot- age, etc.) be indicated. In several meetings, the Business and Industrial Development Commission reviewed the questionnaire and approved any necessary changes. Additionally, the committee made the following two recommendations to the council: A. Personnel Factor should remain constant unless there was a change in ownership of the husiness or nature of lxistness due to following: 1. Personnel factor is always changing from year to year. 2. Amount of work necessary to change entire assessment for addition or deletion of a few employees. 3. Many businesses which increased employment or personnel factor did not return questionn- aire or did not reflect increase. q. Any drastic increases or decreases would probab.ly constitute a change in the nature of the: business and could still be recognized in the formula. B. Assessment rolls should be reviewed every thrrr years, instead of every year due to following: 1. Annual review quite time consuming. 2. Three year review would still be more flex- ible than most assessments which are never rovlewed after their adoption. it should be mentioned that the personnel factor was only changed for those businesses which changed owner- ship or find a change in the nature of business. Notices of the hearing were sent directly to ihoso businesses and also placed in the paper, -2- Two assessments still remain to be resolved and t.hcy are as follows: Mont.irello Ford Enclosed you will find a copy of a June 25. 1975 letter from Larry Flake, requesting credit be granted for 44 spaces. My Flake is requesting credit be given for 44 spaces for the same reasons he listed in this letter of last year. This letter was presented to the Business and 'industrial Development Commission .last year and again this year and their recommendation was to grant credit for only seven spaces .in rear of the business and not_ to recognize any parking inside or on the sales lot. In reviewing this matter with Mr. Flake,, 1. could see some mer.it and ilistif.ication for granting the follow- ing which Mr. flake fell was reasonable. 7 Spaces - Rear of 1Hisiness as recommended by the vommi.itLee 1� Spaces - Inside Service Area. Many of t3ody Shop Larry's customers do not park outside but are having their carts serviced Jnside the bui,idiu4. spares - Munt..irello Ford's personnel fatter t'ar lot, is seven full time and I parr time and these, employees park their cars on the car lot.. Ihtwe cars are salesmen cars or cars driven by Mr. I'lake and his wile and aro for solo. Total -3 spaces if credit tate granted for twenty-three spaces, the asstwsment would decrease from $3574 to $11411. ?font It el Jo Tlmes Lynn Smith requested that credit be granted for five spades teased from Ihu bank. ConsenFtts III' the tommittev was Ihat unless there was a spec.il'ic lease agrerttteut fov a period III' time a1_ Ieagt, 3 }eau's in dural i ott . t rt -d i i .}lino 1 d not be granted as the lKink n;,t) 4'vrnl11a1 ly nerd the rite spates. POSSi.-BUE, ',1C'VTON: Cons.l,dei:CtApn of thp :td,)pI;J )n a 4)f th.. "Issasizolont, vid"I wfl-11 ariv vuvisic-ns-as m.c-,Qssavy-. R I r r R FNl r 5 Proposi.A., A--4.zipssmiin 1t Nolil CeVOwl c 'c"'l-', c Agenda Item 2. Public Hearing - Liahting Imorovement Project - Ilighway 25. At the November 11, 1976 meeting, Mr. Paul Blomberg of Orr -Sche.len-Mayerort reviewed plans and speci.fica- tions for 2i0 Watt Iligh Pressure Ornamental Lighting, from 7-04 to River Street on Highway 25 or Pine Streit. Project. inrioded Lite erection of eighteen new standards forty feet. high along with replacing the lighting on seven existing standards from fluorescent_ to 250 Watt h.i,gh pressure sodium. Estimated rust of this project is $27,635 and based on an esrimated u.000 feet of front fontage., the cost per foot .i. approximately $4.60• Hearing notices have been sent to all propt•rty owners Creating on Pine Street along Che proposed .improtrment. Although the assessment policy does not have to be finalised at (his hearing, property owners wi_II want sonic idea of the estimated assessment. The only other ornamental gtveet lighting project occurred in the downtown area and was assessed 50%. this projt•rt wi I'1 be Ctuttled out of current funds be-. rause it is relat,ivel� small ,in nature. since a bund will not be Issued, it .is not legally necessary to amens any pn•t.ion. Also, some consideration may be given to those properttev that ar're assessed and corner loth U,at were assessed on one side already. It should be again pointed out , that a final derision in not necessary this etrning. Additionally, a parcel of property oao be assessed ItYire Por the same type of .improvemrnt. 1,08SHILC AVVII1NI, Consideration of a vesn.ut ion ortlevin2 the improtement,• approval 01' plans and spvcificatdons and setting a bi,d data. (Farl.iest roultd Ix•. Derrmhrr n Nit Drrt•mber 13, would be better to allow ailctluaty ( it:r .uul it is oar normal merlinµ dale.) RII•IRIVis: 1'lonc a%ailr,hle at ( ity hall (' os 1 1 "41 1 mfr l v '(;endo - Item .3. C...-I'devation ,of Budget AOroval' Q7 T. �rtVeryone- should have a v6py of the 1.977 Preliminary Budgiit. This item will have bcCir, reviewed at our -Novembei,' 23, 1976 mcetingand 'again, BJea,se let met. linb., if you ii6vemany 4ue"sCi6ns, wil-V he glad ,to sAft down, and,,vevlew the )Widget with: yeti. POSSJIBI-F', AC.f]-ON--, Adoptj oriy Z;f- OJI wdget wi tfv,ahy vevi-siqns,, necessary.., R EFER ENCES: 1977. PrIcIlminary Midget JMright County State Bank Monticello, Minnesota 55362 16121 295-2952 November 29, 1976 ;1r. Lvnn Smith >Ionticello Times Konticello, Minn. 55762 Dear Mr. Smith: M G. B. PI,il.,M. Ch,, rn n Oaly J. L_gwit �, P,�s.or'n; Qicl%ld Marr, Vice Prey Om; Da Yr A. Po9atchnrl. Vrce Mn. L—a Kline, Auislanr Vrce Prryrlr n; Mr, Olal Stok. Cvsoirir Mn. A,IoM Melntire, AW,inl r-'--, This will confirm that we will execute a lease agreement with you covering four parking spaces on the bank's pro- perty. This agreement will be for the years 1976, 1977, 6 1978, and will also define the terms of lease, maintenance, and marking on the four spaces. GBP/ep Sincately, 1 G. h. F /llipe Chnirman All %,14LQ I I Dr AAI OL POSIT IN SU A ANCI. COQPOQA IION J # Qct Ford. I MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55562 PHONES: Monticello . 295-2056: T%Viri Cltray - F£t5- 1551 :7hoiesale Distributors of Tires. Witeries•and 4uto$uuplies "in tho Land of Lakes. got your Ford of Plakc'b- June 25, 1975 City Council Monticello City Hall Monticello, r:lnnasota 55362 1wish to make, this totter a matter of record, after reviewing the parking lot and alley proposed assessment for this parking facility Improvement project. In reviewing these figures, I have no quarrel with the total parking requirment of 30.5. as long as consideration would be given to the fact that because of the nature of our busineas, when you say 23 parking spaces aro required for the building, you must remember that some of our customers, when doing business with uss have their care In tho service department. where we how* between 13 6 15 parking spaces alone. When those customers are gone, so are their cars. In addition we have 71 outside parking spaces surrounding our building, Including the used car lot which Is all on private property. Fifty• seven of these spaces would basically be on our new and used car lot. All of our employees have boon Instructed to park on our private property. The 5elosmons care automatically wind up on the car lot* duo to the fact that Chair cars are part of our Inventory. Of thia 57 spaces, at no time In the eight years that we have been in Ronticollo hove we had more than a 40 car inventory, considering now and used cars. :1hon you consider our excess spaces on the now and used car lots of 17, plus the 14 ciao. spaces in the back and the 13 spaces Inside the building, this gives us a total of existing parking space provided of 44. Taking Into consideration the total parking requirmont of 30.5, as stated on the proposal shoet, this gives us a surplus of 14.5 spaces that we aro providing without taking into consideration spaces in our new and used car inventory. Yours very truly, 6:tt.RImlo FCI1D IyC. r Larry �Flako / Prosldont Wide �+!' FN`I;SUL1➢'1'.1,1.1,1 a\DUI'=11;IN1. ;C�$I'5�+1),,?jI I{i)�iJ� ' r9— - if ,C: , L. YI1i Its'' 1 I'i1R:O\i_ 1?,(1111--I �t`ti I4ytiD} ISO •ill r r ..,�..;j'al, l.ltal I'll� tit,• .Iti�u,lfi�il ,w3tos,timmt"l't�ul"I:inti'.:I:If,q,l:o,'.l-sl!.PNL6iii•�'1::},t'i ''ai"1' tt•Ind i ti�tlt•d b�• t ly•, C i',ly.li�i'. �Ilijii"i .i, 1' b.— tt•,) i it,rYi7 t;,'t,r.lt ttgh, gijn..,•.Ys lt••nt.ti' maAg; ,li:&O,V4; :_.. }t� i•1, i•url_hcr t�yt;itl v.�•d 'i'It.tr 1 ht- .'4"t • .It. 'tl•vyt i t,.'� f ,, tt.n�n:mi- I,.id1i"gnrtiui-it $ta'Ittl,rs;, $r.l-i,t•n J^-_1-.S]I"! h,at.ltt .,htlC,),ti; t It,' a�tir.�smgnl, slid 11, la• pt•ttga l,yrl h1 tt" 1't,u.t�t rt,+et 1 1.:� t �.�.tp.. :'. .. yith oslu:t-1. Itl�la:�.11m�":nl1r:, ttl• :III•itu•ip:t�}."fl.ffh hgtrt•�•:t n�,��y:-cjl ,t.t nl'• rn t1!'1'.!'cnL � i;�:t: 1>,r•r..+trg-:i ti p;r�:�lit•;t'tl,�.yd .:1!liittr� I he.�..:: .. 4',1`t111l;11r_1";1hr'i;t; tJli':!?ltj 111,=i�lw�t,�i,:11Laato111- ' t+�:.l," ._ Isliij:,Tycir1Y ,1_rti1M: �C,iYZ r[171nt'i11i'.gh'yiijaiNl ;Iv %Yof•hij'>: Oil, wir .gmiiti j.n' I I1tJ 6ARI y. i iililhgi i;� i?i�ti S hbr,i, A,c1 all i; rlti;l(tliiut.l'stnl,ri $I1:,l,l:ul:ij 451't '!!t p;�3•DSrI., Iki i.,1.. Pl_n•i-1i'rn- r� r�t�l;cr•d` .1x;t_1 Cr�?Ill!1 l Ila It fwh , aca�3cvts�n�lli: Flin.la 11,111C lith 1'r•.1' B �t it iin:b t�aa I ltc .r;� r; . ;:l .(•ftntll�l:' :i4i. I�liti `nnLliiio ;iN'I,IIt�• liti`il'nt.:f;t. rt;li;r�i•tclri�l y,'i Ih�� • a'- 76 Il�tlt• I<t•�Il�il11 ltm \dt�pli�d V u RESOLUTION APPROV]NG PLANS AND SPEC]PIC.ATIONS, ORDERING ]MPROVEMIiNT, DIRECTING CL17RK TO r ADVERTISE FOR BIDS AND APPROVING ASSESS.4IENT POI,:I:C1• POR THE 1077-1 STREET I,TrIITTNG TM PROVE?LENT PROJECT Be it. resi, ved by Lhe f, i ly Cemm, i + of the_ C i Ly of Monti. cel I n, Mion¢sota as foI iota: (t} Orr-Sr.he.len-Mnycron and Associates, Che consult.ing 0ngineur fOr Linc Cit,v, has submitted final plans and speciV. ieations for 1477 highway S> Sixt::0. Lighting Improvement Project tvtrirh are hereby adopted as submitted. (2) .1l is hereby determined that, notice of hearing on highway 2i street �ic,htinL' imprOacmlof) CS was duI maIIt:cl (11-111 j17l76 aS reyui-red by MinncsoCtl SLat;utes, Chapter 429 and as ordered by CeunciI Reso:ictti.on adopted 11/1 1/76. (3) A Public hear -in, having been held on Chis elate and oppor- tuoity havine.; burn given at; such hearing to all pa�!rstms t.+:, lnaku knuwo Olcir vittus 1'01 said :improvement, and thl0 ct.nuu:f I being fu.i ly advised of 1,110 pert.i.ncnt facts docs horeby ordev Che construetAon at said Improvement; in arectrdatit: c with Che dosrript.ion thereof cuntained fn said notlee of hearing. (J) The city clerk is hereby nuthnt•ized and directed to aclvcri.iso Cor bids fill• the eonstvtl(%.i.+'/n of said improvemt:nt to la+t pub- lished as recprired by filo in tile Mont;icelto'fimcs. t.hc ot'f i c is l newspaper or the City, (and the Construe Linn ILtlletiu), ont, Iuss 1,1111¢ two ( 2 ) rocks before Che Lime of bid opening, which nhal I take place at Cil;y ]fall .:m ?truirin. , Drremb+.r' 1301. 1076 im 2:oo P.M. t $) 11 i,s hereby drtcrmincd that. Chu abutting property uwncr. .dont; Wighway 2.5 will lee assessed 50% of the imin-tivenwiti t'osts for installatfun of (IS) lights with asstrssmcnI's drl'urred on homestead property unt,l1 slr:h trim+! its dove llifted cntnmerr:.ially, while pre pevty abuclAng the (7) flueresaenm l i qlr t s Lo Ito rep laced will h+: assessed for ill% (IV ar tea l e•rpfacemetlt. ¢oats. it Ma�eir%wJ T.i6y rfill nf.st.ratt I),1'I li /l�-0 �- frj. )A c -t0 "y DATA FOR ASSESSMENTS ON 1974 PARKING IMPROVEMrNT Parcel No. Ounce- Sq. rt. Personnel Parking Dist. pa I " 7 7 , frill, i1):,, - Bldg. Fu I I Part Spaces Factor Asso.-ssin e i i i h, I vvt -s t IN w Provided 1977 1 7 BLOCK 34 19734 Security Federal 1614 2 0 11-0 1.0 S50 .(Ij z i7. �V it, 1973; /City of Monticello 4100 4 0 13.0 1.0 City Hall »11,51 3021.62 19733 Harvey Cormier 6957 6 3 - 1.0 928.00 utrq,44 12002.00 7 Apts. 6653 1.0 19733-A Rasmussen Barber 612 1 0 - 1.0 65-17 6,-S7 912.35 -111" liquors 40SE 4 2 7 1 263,93 2 "o. 6 1 ;723.02 19740 Lindberg Paints 1206 1 1 2.0 1.0 07.50 uj,55 13,15, 00 19741 Ernie's Bait 2640 2 1 2.0 I.0 235, (n) 2. ill) 19742 Lloyd Htjrphv 1320 2 0 3-0 1.0 105. ii 1(,13. 44 1477-70 9743 Phillips Pet. Corp. 1175 1 1 3.0 1.0 1173.62 BLOCK 3i 19756 Garfield Lodge 2250 2 1 2,0 0.5 b,gtl X5.16 121 fl. 01.) 19755. AF & AM 1.4,dge3141 2 1 3.0 o --, 1 __c1,+•2 19754 K & B Bakery 1596 3 0 2.1) (). 5 -1-47 ;o `4 I I'lli. ',- 19753 Johnson's Fabrics 2331 3 0 2.0 0.5 117, 7 6 11 5. If I 13 -*i- 64 19752 Stella Schneider 2267 3 9 2.0 0,5 1 4 1 138.3+1 1476,94 .19751-P' -X w"'Glass Hut, Ins.p.,' P.Y 2479 5 0 2.0 0.5 C 24.41 122.41 174S.74 Kjellberg, Upholstery Denotes cha;,-cs Paeea Olv6er Sq. Ft. Personnel Parking! Usti, 197.? 7j? 19 7-7 _Bldg. Full Part Spaces Factor.' . I ..: -P-ri-n-cipal Int 6--e—dt Due Provided 12 --6 viiekur`g TmAl, 24573 2,.o.-1'84.-65 $ r* $25A -S.10 •Vi ra t: 22j13- 1 2 2.0 - v C. StAmr;o/Apt. 1995 1 4k 1 - 17.176, 3-6; 64 mvs i�atgr sqftv, 61, 95 O."s 0:;-fo Sel',iz ,Hard are 1 4 4.0, 6-5-d, ,1.62.'.94• 'i 59'.6$ 2281".1'6` 191,4;, i ii - k, .4. Ou tfec 0.5 1-52;-V7' :62 - 1974- IfIsto icaA' Center Fish: 796 2 0 0- 0 0*. 5; 0.5 .3 46 .88 37, . 47-06 '68- 4.;32 I q 15, r. F41'16rtuh Lumber, 2 ') 3 2 0.5 249;.83 244e 3497-.6262 itss- - BLOCK '36, 1070.1- Foster Ids. 3541 51 .0, i -4 1,.2'f _138.39• *-4-1976 94` 19.7�0! S6itb. 4 Prindlei 663, 3' 1 61279. 49,47' 2 7 . - 1 41 3065; John' Goagons i446 2* 2 0.2 38'.02: 37;J6 5j2. Z$ Sen! d C'iti'zens3 W), 1 6 O O. YS 29.87 29.27" 41 ,10761 sii91 7 Marfe, Cit"ison 861; 6 0 o..25 2 1 .,-7'1 i 1. -., vq 394-08 14;-6s' Lois: Sch'6-e f' - - - - 0 J,2 1'6 2 V q. 25 -.30 35 - .59, 94 . 4 . .20m 19'b+1;-1 4 2' 0 5 10-. sk 10.64 1!52':04 9 iances "SuvifdaO& j 5: 40:73 ;39-92-, Change ati.- `c. error in on assessments: Parr-: No. Owner Sq. Ft. Personnel Parking Dist. Bldg. FuII Part Spaces Factor Provided 7 4 3 4 4 i, 6 4 0 0 r1. 5 11. 0. 5 0.5 0.; 0.5 0. 5 0. 5 [t • 5 0.; 1977 BLOCK ;I Principal Principal I 9 71-7 Mont i1 ,•11" lord o'!•;3 7 1 Io -74 u'C"nn, r Irur.l: ink '2211- 3 I lu'7; Stclt.on's Laundvo. :lui 1 1 1 u=; 1, Season Ail Sl or•t.s 197" U -' U 1140.44 Ircrl I,',pc1 277 ; U 0 19'77 1r.d 1,gwI (Cnhru•s1 ^-;0; 2 1 1uz7' G.,Iden Vallev Misc. 110n u 0 1us79 M•lnuircllo Clinic 316o 10 2 lu"l� Dr. Brenn -/Apt. 1242 1 ti James a Gruber 5o� 2 1 BLOCK 5'_ 7 4 3 4 4 i, 6 4 0 0 r1. 5 11. 0. 5 0.5 0.; 0.5 0. 5 0. 5 [t • 5 0.; 1977 1977 Principal Principal InturesL Due Assessmem,t 4059 5 0 7 12-31-76 925;. 2a 2511. 1 ; 0.3;7.3.64 76.03 74•;1 11)64.42 97.76 9S.Su 1365.64 E1.46 79.83 1140.44 54.31 ;3.22 760.34 1 6, 29 1 5. 9i, 228.06 221.39 21 b,ui, ,o99.46 114.05 111.77 1596.70 19;:a Coiden Callev Fur•n. 7712 2 2 _ 1.0 613.00 19SJ'7 Mart% Ajellberg 4059 5 0 7 1.0 325.96 10"0 Poirier Drug 2311 3 2 1 1.0 ?9.73 1 •1;-o0 Johnsun' s Dept . 1 10; 5 1 5 0 1 5 1.0 9.3. 36 St.orr/ ; Apr:. I u`•u1-.� ✓ Ilaysness Dru_ 4uo; .. I IO 1 .0 2 3. 10 ' Pcrss,nncl included with ,=•19`77 Squar.• t,mraq,r r,•,1,1r,•d .. Crudit t,"r c�i.cring r"ncrrt.c in driveway 600.74 3582.00 119, 14 {` 4562.0.3 234.94 1356.22 963.60 1 37 67.114 24 ;ter 3403.40 . Parcel 1'o. Om e Sq. rt. Personnel Parking Dist. 1977 1911 Principal Bldg. Pull Part Spaces Factor Principal interest Due Provided Assessment 12-31-76 19591 Ben Franklin 7556 6 i) 19 1.0 $410.20 $402.00 $5742.80 Monti. Floral 684 2 1 1 1.0 19392-93 Ma well Realty 2045 6 O 7 1.0 IS5.80 1S2.os 2601.20 i 19394 Johnson Whsc. 3531 0 0 0 1.0 301.94 295.SO 4225.76 1097 Riverview Med. Ctr._ 56;5 15 0 20 1.0 596.00 584.08 5344.00 Basement 2400 BLOCK 53 19904-A Hoiker's Drive In 390 _ 0 19904 John's Discount 6410 3 3 3S 0.5 0 0 0 Post Office 1626 2 2 19903 Muller, Inc. 9330 3 2 6 0.5 271.55 266.12 3801.77 1999 Stokes Marine 3750 3 0 10 0.5 59.74 59.55 836.36 9:^.95 Hannah Sundloff 2901 0 2 » 0 6 0.5 59.74 58.55 536.36 X19905 , Monticello Times 3546 6 3 9 0.5 124.91 122.41 1748.74 19906 Moon Motor Sales 4500 5 O 4 0.5 184.65 ISO.96 #*2585.10 19909 Wright Ctp. Bank 3920 15 0 59 0.5 0 0 0 o Denotes change >k Change in square footage City of Monticello Parking Lots a Alloys 2V6.24 2SO.i2 .1007.36 ` v i