City Council Agenda Packett 12-27-1976i AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL December 27, 1976 -- 7:30 P.M. Mayor: C. O. Johnsen Council:i;en: Denton Erickson, Stanley Rall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters. Meeting to be taped. Citizens comments. 1. Consideration of Rezoning Howard Gillham Property. 2. Consideration of Sign Ordinance Amendment. 3. Consideration cof Landscaping Requirements. 4. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Street Lighting Bids. S. Consideratinn of Awarding Contract on Industrial Tractor Bids. 6. Consideration of 1977 Maintenance Agreement - WriRht County. 7. Consideration of Approval. of Payment to Wright County on Mont i ssi ppi Park Read. S. Agprova.l of bi .l is. 9. Appro%al of minutes. f IO. Unfinished bisminens. fj It . New businesu. Mailing t%): Councilmen Howard G1.11ham Brad Larson Dem Smith John Badalich Don Grant V` John Sandberg Gwrn Bateman Y Rill Il(o AGENDA SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item 1, Consideration of Rezonina Howard RiAttani Progeny. aloward G11.3ham .is requesting rezoning a portion of his tract of land which is situated just south of Kest Crntnty ;:oad 4,:0 and north of the freeway from R -I (Single Family Residential) to B -.i (Regional Business). This tract is tpproximately $i acres In size. Inclosed please find a map depicting the area and one possible rezoning plan. Mr. Gi tlham'.s reason for requesting a change from rrsident.ial Io eommerc.a.IIs that he feets the property hordrring the freeway is adapted to rummervia.1 use as opposed to residential use. He frels !hal_ visibiliry frnm the t'reeway is an asset for commercial property but is a iiabiltty for residential property. OF additional t"= ern Is the noise 11elor which Mr. G.illham feels Is a detriment, I o a resident is l aria as may be borne nut by the, "mar m - tion of srurnd barrierrs in the Twin Cities along f rovwot, residential areas. Vi,, t:i Ilham#s inunrtllatr concern velati.ve to the rt-'runrng request in That unless the property along tilt- freeway, presently leased for two of four biilbotn•tir., is iont-d t ommrrc inl ur indu9trial the State 11.1,ghw:ry Drpurtmeut hill regn.irt- these billboards be removed. Initially, the City of Monticello agreed to rrgrandi'aLilt, I'll 4111 Pani, Niles for billboards for five years its the present till ordinance dors not allow billboards. However, the State will only revognitr this "grandfathor° clause t'or two of the four sit es which have signs on them n1 ready un l ms the property is reeuned. As menttnnrd in the prinittirs pars- eyraph, Mr. lit 1 sham i'vels there .is basim for rer,oninq, other 111,11, merely for allowing his bi-13hoards to exist It should he I ranted out that our r torstt'll ion planner, clow:+rd Uahac,1reu h Afooeiatex, is retiewing tilt, crit tit, rill along with the orderly nnnei�rd avert and the ver> ommendrd nsa4V of this 'land nt•eording to th-^ p, npnsw-d . natprehenst%v piart is r'ommvvvial. tt t}ir'ir December .1, i+l'tl meelinq, the Planning tr.nu, ,srr.n set nmmeudvd the arca ho , oronr(I to H.a I)jed on Ili. I of 1 ,t.- I . Areais more suitable for commercial because of freeway abuLLing property. 2. Although it is not compatible with present comprehensive plan, it is compatible with proposed comprehensive plan which proposes to change the area from residential to commercial.. At hearing there was no opposi-tion to request from surrounding property owners. it should be pointed out the consensus of the Planning Commission was the area is more suitable for commercial. use irrespective of the sign issue. Furthermore, the ideal situation would be to wait until the revised Comprehen- sive Plan was accepted to rezone the area if a hardship was not pending. However, the Planning Commission felt that since a hardship was pending;, it. would be Improper not to allow flexibility in the Liming of the rezoning. It would appear that a reasonable estimate of considering approval of a revived comprehensive plan would be si.x months. POSSIDLF ACTION: Consideration of rezoning request. RUFRFNCESt Dahlgren di Associates Planning Report of 12-12-70 (sent; utut previously). Map depicting area. Agenda Item 2. fonsidrration of Sian ordinance Amendment. Approximately two months ago, the ei.ty council requested oto• planners, llowar•d Dahlgren Associates, to review the present sign ordinance in light of various vequestxfor var- Jances. 1n response to this request,, Howard Dahlgren Associates has reviewed the ordinances and has come up with two recommendations outlined ina December 14, 1976 memo previously sent out to the council.. At, their last mrnt.ing, the Planning Commismion revicwvd the planner'a report and recommended the inning ord inant vs he amended as followat 1. Pylon at -ea and height regulations be amended per the 12-.14-76 report which slightly liheraliie.-i soot, ort -as because of providing for u slightly larger Nign on a 40 to SO MPH thm•oushl'dre slid SS MPII tl•eeway. -. An additional provision be added to allow a "bonus" for certain freeway oriented major businesses that are within 800 feet of a freeway but- do not alxtt a freeway to read as follows: A bonus allowing "freeway standard signs (200 square feet in area and 32 feet high) in a Commercial or Industrial Area is available to certain major businesses that are freeway or- iented and are within 800 feet of a frr_eway but do not abut a freeway such as: full Service Car Agency Ilotel or motel Restaurant., minimum 4000 square feet, gross floor area Shopping Centers Full Service Motor Fuel Stations Recreational buildings these two amendments were approved unanimously howe%er, Ipersonally feel the second amendment would be better 11' all businesses within 800 feet of a freeway were alloxrd to ha%v "freeway standard signal' as to avoid future cnn- fli.ct un which ones are freeway oriented or major. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of one or lxtth amendmeni.s. RLFLRF.NCGS: Dahlgren & Associates 12-14-76 Memo. Agenda Item 1. Conaldevatiots of Landscaping Requirements. Iloward Dahlgren Associates has prepared a memorandum rel- atJve to .landscaping requlrements wh.lch was recently sent to the count i. l . this memorandum was prepared after there was some diseussion at the ennncil and planising comminsion level relative to tilt- existing landscaping requirements. Currently, Seel inn reads as follows: In all zoning diAtr.icts Lite lot arra remaining after providing for tiff -street parking, off' -street loading, sidewalks, drivewayrs, boi]ding site and nor (it her requit e- mentis shall be planned and maintained in grass, soddinvi, shrubs or olher aiccptable Ali on or treatment generally uso-d in landat aping. fenced or Ireest plat rd upon u1.Jlity camemeot-i are at bject to removal if ce-- qufced file 1110 tnaintenante or .fmprutemrnt of the ttt.tl.il�. Ileeh un til.ility eahement.a containing otenherd uicv% shall not eat ted tell (10) feet .in height. 'this section does not require any specific portion of landscaping be devoted to shrubbery and has no requi re- mc-nts relative to nff-street parking areas. These items are mentioned in the planning report and give the require- ments of the city of Roseville as an example. At their last meeting, the planning commission reviewed the memorandum with Dick Dwinell of Howard Dahlgren Assoc. It was the recommendation of the planning commi ssi.un to amend our current landscaping requirements by adding the following provisions: I. All huildings shall be finished on all your Sides with consistent architectural quality, materials and design. 2. Three percent of the service area within an nff street parking area shall be landscaped with grass and%or decorative staface treatment -trees and sheubbcry for- all orall developments except single family dwt-llings. 3. rwo percent of the development costs as deter -mined by the building permit valuations shall be devoted to landscaping, exclusive of sod and walk=ways. A bond shall be posted for twenty percent of said two percent Cor two years to insure ordirtanr a com- pliance. This requirement applies to all, develop- ment except single family residential. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of amendments. REFERENCES: Dahlgren Associates memo of 12-14-74. Agenda Item 4. fnnsideration of Awarding Contract on Street, Lighting Ihdv. Bids were vecelved Dece-mber 20, 1976 on 250 Watt Il.i gh Pressure Scidium Lights for Highway 2S between 1-94 and Kiver Street. Enclosed please find a bid tabulation and recommendation from Paul Blumberg that contract be awarded to Itw bidder, Plectrit, Repair and Construction Co., 7ne., of Minneapolis f i)r base hid "B" of $29,660 with the alternate of 871111 rglr a total oil $29,360. P11SSI BLE ACTTON: fonsi derataon of awarding t ontrat t on street lighting bids. RIFiRtNCES: Bid Tabulation and 12-21-7h let ov ft,t)m {'rill nlomberg. -4- Agenda Item S. Consideration of Awarding Contract on Tndustrial. Tractor Bids. Bi.ds were taken December 20, 1976 un an indnstria,l tractor and enclosed you will find a bid tabulation and Mike Rajala's recommendations. Initially, i felt that since we recently purchased a yard liucket Loader, that possibly the Ford unit, would be able to fulfill our needs and it was by far the lowest bid. As I gate the matter more thought, I think a larger -@nit, such as the International, is better suited to our needs when we consider all the repairs that. were incurred with the Ma"ey I'erguson. Additionally, a good share ut' the increased costs of purchasing a larger unit will be recouped when it is traded in. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of awarding contract on industrial tractor bill. Possibly a trial period shouid he required alno. REFLRCNCFS: Mi.ke's Recommendations. ilial Talmlatinn. Agenda Item b. i'ncin-sed, you will find a maintenance agreement, will, wr.ight l'rnnity relatite to County State Aid llighway Lmaintenance in the ('l.ty of Monticello. This agreement .is similar to the 1976 age-cement- ,he greementthe dol Inr amomtt per mile reimtw@rsement, has ins r'•ased lrom $043.tiy to $453.41 resulting to a total payment in 1077 of $3007.36. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of agreement. RSFF;RUNCIS: 11177 A'lreement. Agenda Item 7. col-idevation evil Apprnt•al of Pavment to weight tounte, no tltntlikNippi Park Road. As you Pet C1 1, the Mttnt Imsippi. Park Road Improcemt•nl o1 Ihim pant fall wara a ,joint venture botween the ei.ty, and wri,ght t'ounl y. liamed on a hrral.down whereby the rand into Ill., wrwl. rd�e of the prtr6 WAS computed on a 511.511 Allocal ion with the i1y p.@riop 11111 i of lhr runt) branching Alit' to the hall p.11L and pay inµ I litl' it' t hi' toll of the road brant h i n:; too Ill-' earn and the parking areax, the coxt WAN t•Ipllt ill 101.11, moW ('icy, 7; ' l'ounly. Wright County awarded low bid on project to Robasse Construction for $18,959.04. Final payment amounted to slightly less, $18,b31.80. Based on the following com- putation, the city would ove the County $1840.02: City has paid OSM $ 3823.91 County has paid Robasse 18831.Sn $'22655.71 City's share 25% of $22655.71 — 5663.93 Paid 3823.Q1 City owes County W0.02 this project has been inspected and approved by OSM and For this reason payment approval is requested by the council. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of payment approval. -0- INDUSTRIAL TRACTOR RECOMMENDATTON .After reviewing the specifications for a new diesel tractor, My recommendation is to purchase the 1976 International Harvester 2510 payloader. My re- com:-endati.on is based upon the following reasons: A. the International Harvester specifications con- form most closely to the bid specs that were ad- tertised. All members or the street department felt that for all practical. purposes the specifications written contained the majority of the items necessary to nsure that we obtain a tractor best suited ror tho needs of the department now and in the future. Consensus of opinion is still there after review of these bids. I. The I. H. ciosel,y approximates the size of the tractor we now have. Ford's bid is for a tractor considerably smaller. To even consider purthas- :ing a smaller tractor, a consideration I don't, think we should make, we should re -bid so that we could get, bids from all bidders that reflect the price of a smaller piece of equipment. _. Cdsv's bid protides only Q speeds foreward. ]his is tint adequate for traction in snow removal of for strrvt patching and black top work. ;. 1. It's specifications provide the desirable amp battery and alternator size. 1, lit addition to these items, other items like tire sire, bnst.rument gauges and transmi4gsiun all fatov the I. It. bid. ll. Ill(, city will continue to grow and so will the strvet park departments' work resptntsibiIities. The I. it. tractor would be the hest piece of equipment Io handle the added work load and abuse that city rquip- Ment always takes. In 4111" regard, I think the re- pair bills on the Massvy-l'crgttson speak for themseltes. I 1c•ceF4i bl.lit t ov cervi ve and repairs in this arca Igo the 1, it. tractor are vat e.11ent. Also, It nhuuld by uuted that Caiv equipment has had a reputation to the :la*4t few year« of requiring an unuxual amount of .vt t.it v wot k. SM #P f le"o tl+ I I/s 7/7 4 * / D. In case of downtime with the Hough loader, the 1. H. would be able to provide adequate size and durability to Iwndle a few of the loader's lighter duties. Snow removal, light excavation and Dutch elm work would all be possible with the International tractor without, abusing it. Finally, I would recommend that purchase of the L il. 25111 payloader be made contingent upon a trial period of equitable length. I have talked with Al Kunkel, I. H. dealer, and he has agreed to a time prriod of about ane (1 ) week. Mike Rajala Public Works WvvcLov MR Ig C IRAC m BID TABU+.ATF..ON B►ds Opened December 20, 1976 Arnold's EgwipmenC $10,995 Tractor on hand 1'76 ]nt,'7-. 2510) cab!wi.Chin 30 days Case Equilmcnl. $9,396 15-30 days delivery (76 Calc 5800 PTO - 90 days Long Lakt! Ford $6,738 90-120 days 177 Ford 420) Valley Equipment $12,616.0 60-90 days (77 John ffilelc 3112A) ORR•SCNELEN'MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. CUrx;ut, my £Ixune=: " LnnJ Sun•evnrs December 21, 1476 City of Monticello ` City Hall 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 „ Attn: Gary Wieber Re: Project SL76-1 Street Lighting and Appurtenant Work OSM Comm. No. 068-2656 Gentlemen: Please find enclosed the Bid Tabulation for the referenced project. Base Bid "A" is for alumintim standards with 250 watt high pressure sodium "cobwaheid" type luminaires. Base �a Bid "B" is for stainless steel standards with the same luminaire. The alternate bid is the amount added to either base bid for upgrading the luminaire to a flat glass lens, 1008 cutoff, "cobrahead" style. The low bidder, Electric Repair and Construction Co., Inc., of Minneapolis, is a largo, experienced electrical contractor �t with a good reputation. - 4 It is our recommendation that Baso Bid "B" be accepted, and that the add alternate be taken. The cutoff luminaire will result in less glare, bettor visibility, and excellent evenoss of illumination. we further recommend that the contract be awarded on the basis of the lowest qualified bidder which would in this case be the Electric Repair and Construction Company. Sincerely, ORR-SCHELEtI-MAYERON 6 ASSOCIATES, INC. Paul J. Blomberg PJB/Cm ."' I1 fast ii, erai» :1e•rs jo 5.:fd 238 • "Ar., npnilS, A!;0rjdSWo 5 413 • 61'? ,/ J'-' 4 �� T IIID TABULATION FOR STREET LIGHTING AND APPURTENANT WORK 17OR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, 11INNESOTA PROJECT SL76-1 lids Opened: December 20, 1976 2:00 p.m. CONTRACTOR Electric Repair d Construction oral Electric Heskins Electric Design Electric Electric Service Egan -McKay Collins Electric Olson's Electric :nnite City Electric Hoffman Electric Comm. No. 068-2656 i/ Did 1) for 59 Of the bid �) Orr-Sche len-ltayeron d Associates, Inc. Rid Base Base Alternate Security Bid "A" Bid "B" Did ✓ 28,760 28,660 +700 29,800 29,68n +980' write In (-325) ✓ 30,70n 30,400 +950 ✓ 31,975 31,850 +760 ✓ 32,949 32,949 +700 35,636 35,370 +1000 ✓ 37,550 37,340 +740 Honey Order $2021 39,960 39,H60 +754 t/' 42,985 42,875 +790 No Did Bond 43,700 43,5()0 +700 'Write in deduct niternato for I.T.E. c J Square 0 contactor � � �`..,, � 1 ' �k r� t +~`= MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT }r. THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the City of� hereinafter referred to as the "Muni cipa at_y o d -the County of Wriaht hereinafter referred to as the "County". WHEREAS Chapter 162, Minnesota Statutes, permits the Cou-ty to designate certain roads and streets within the Municipality as County Stcte Aid Highways, a..d WHEREAS, the Municipality hos concurred in the designa- tion of the County State Aid Highways within its limits as identified in County Board's resolutions of August 28, October 8, November 5, December 3, December 27, 1957 and Jonuary 7, 1958, and WHEREAS, it is deemed to the best interest of all parties that the duties and responsibilities of both the Municipolitl, and the County as to maintenance on said County State Aid Highways to be clearly defined, NOW THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED with regard to said County State Aid Highway maintenance: Thot the Municipality will be responsible for routine maintenance on the following highways: CSAH 39 - from West limits of Municipality to CSAH 75 0:822 miles CSAH 38 - from CSAH 39 to Trunk +�. Highway25 (excluding 200 ft. ® school) 0.496 CSAH 59 - from 4th St. to CSAH 75 0.159 CSAH 75 - from Public Road W. of River St. to Jct. of CSAH 39 6 CR 118 2.399 TOTAL 3.876 miles ;, That routine maintenance shall consist of patching, crack -sealing, mowing, snow and ice removal. That when the Municipality deems it desirable to remove *no-. by hauling, it shall do so of its own expense. That th• Count.y will be responsible for oll other maintenance including traffic services. That then County will pay the Municipality for their work an amount equal to the ovvroov annual cost per mile for routine maintvainnco and snow removnl (lass traffic: services) in rural County Stab- Aid Highways. Cr. PIAi:.riCNACt AGRUMENT cunt—'d. That for 1t29727 the amount per mile to be paid the Municipality will be 953.91 and the total to be paid Will be $3.697.36 ADOPTED: ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor. CERTIFICATION I hereby certi fy that the above is a true and correct copy of a resolution duly passed,, adopted and opprovad by the City Council of said City orn , 19 City Clerk APPROVED. ,AND ACCEPT ED: COUTY Or Chairman of the Board ATTEST: County Auditor Noma:of City _.NERAL FUND C.L\ERA+. FUND DISBURSEMENTS FOR DECEMBER - 1976 Ed +.ange - Janitorial services liowf3rd Dahlgi (•n - Consulting fee - 2,000 - Review sign landscape ord. & attend mtg. 300.32 Orr-Schelen, etc. - Attend mtgs., mileage - 299.75; eng. fees - 76-1 Proj. - 7475.38; eng. fees for city hall - 163.36 Architectural 11.liance - City hall fees • Smith & Pringle - Legal fees Yonak Sanitation - Garbage contract Gwen Bateman - Animal Imp. expense Orfei & Sons - 1976-1 S/W Const. Project Wright County State Bank - Investments Wright County State Bank - Investments Mike Raja.la - Mileage Rick Wolfsteller - Mileage U. S. Postmaster - Stamps Ed Lange - Jan. services John Brennan & Assoc. - Tvanscri.pt of annex. hearings Smith & Pringle - Legal M. W. O'Connor - Union neg. expense lenke Mfg. Co. - Snow plow nutting edges Water Products Co. - Water Dept. supplies Monticello Times - Office supplies, pub. notices Griefnow Sheet- Metal - Repairs at Inf. Center Poirier Drug - Sewer Dept. supplies Tri State Drilling - Pump repairs at lift station N2 Ind. School Dist. #S92 - Library rent Doug Pitt - Civil Defense salary Ken Pershia - Replace motor on furnace at Mon. Bldg. + Int. Conf. of Bldg. Officials - Pamphlets Chnrlrs Olson & SonH - New hydraulle pump on 1972 Chev. Big Lakv Gra%cl - Digging, etc. Nasco - Animal Imp. expense Jean Brouillard Furl at 'Sen. Cit. and St. Dept. Red'u Mobil - Recharge f.irr exti.ngitisher ffarry's Anto Supply - Truvk 11tea, nuts, bolts, etc. Gene Fyle - Digging water and Arwer line on 4th St. N. S. P. Utilities A!1111' ; I 1 111 I I, 87.50 9070 2300.32 X4)71 8444.21 Sb72 11944.25 402.50 1953.44 62.96 ;63452.97 400000.00 L15000.00 49.3h 11.55 � 39.00 88.7S 104.41 475.011 332.501 t 270.31. 34.26 115.94 1 23. bn 2. 59 450. 58 75.00 75.00 77.55 4S.9S trurk 433.44 1343.35 3.40 231.40 14. 50 115.14 345.00 1;82.50 Feed Rite Controls Chlorine, ford -rite #5, sewage testing I104.m) Montit-rll4) Printing - Offive atrpplieH 27-35 Wright Vounty Atidi.lnr - I police Pinna+ 307.;11 Olaonss flecluic - V, INillly for Christmas decorations 21.011 entral-M(Goaan - Cylindrr rental 2.15 .dont iro.l 11 I in. _: o Pub. 1 ;i':. •o Sh73 80;4 -�,(17S 5674) 867; 567 5670 9654) 5651 91;82 9683 8654 8685 8680 807 8 5084 5690 5 691 8692 5693 S694 �hn5 I+b44) `•hOti �Uuq 5 700 � 7111 �;112 57()3 • 7(14 `; I I � 711 h � 70,. • -114 111 t JERAL FUND i DISBMRSEMENTS FOR DECEMBER - 1976 AMOUNT CHECK \0. MN. Public Research Int. Gp. -Nuclear Power in NN. Book 3.00 711 Commissioner of Revenue - State W/11 546.00 712 Wright County State Bank - FWT 1161.00 713 State Treasurer - PERA 933.S6 714 MN. Pollution Control Agency - Wastewater Opr. Seminar 60.00 �' 715 Monticello Ready NLi.x - Cement for manhole - Linn & Ri-ver 49.70 711 Granite City Iron Works - 2 manhole rings with covers 284.00 b 717 Gould Bros. - Repairs on 72 Tnt'l. and Sludge trucks 155.95 5715 State Treasurer - Plan review for city hall by Bldg. Insp. 180.00 ,711) Carlson Welding; - Repairs 3.00 X7211 Bridgewater Telephone - (Reimlbr-sed 257.85 by Orfei.) 547.87 1721 Hoglund Bus - Repair brake li.tes on 76 Int' 1. � 49.98 572= Buffalo \'et Clinic - Animal Imp, expense 24.00 ti72 Elk River Concrete - Manhole for Linn & River Ste. 223.44 5724 Our Own Itardwave - Gloves, pails, c:aulk.ing Compound, paint, 156.14 5725 coffee pot -32.951 nuts, bolts, washers, keys, i'lood lites for pole barn - 14.00 Maus Foods - Misc. expense 32.04 S726 Local Union ;�$9 - Union dues 36.00 5727 Independent Lumber Co. - 4 rolls of snow fence 11.5.2U 9725 F,I Alin Denn - Meetings at Joint Powers Board I 75.00 5729 Con Johneun - Meetings at Joint; Powers Board 75.0f1 S73f1 LeRoy Engstvom - Meetings at Joint: Powers Board & Mileage 120.00 `731 Marjorie Goetzke - Sceretar.lal serv.ico at Jt. Powers meetings j 96.00 5732 Monticello 'l-imes - Pub. notices 1 12.73 5733 John'a DisPotint - Misc. supplICS Sept. thrti Nov. j 63.02 8734 Foater's lits. Agency - Fhle Dept. - 11193.60,- Wkmen's. Comp 51119.60 S735 Campbell. Abstract Co. - City hall abstracts 63.00 1473t` River Inn - Misc. expense 43.40 'Q737 Centra Soto - 10 steel pagt;9 21.00 4;9735 1'ullerton Lumber Co. - Retaining wall - park entrance 91.10 11%731+ Gross Indust ri al - Laundry 78-90 5740 Amoco Oi 1 Co. - Gas and oi.l 368.39 -1741 Fred Rit c Controls -- Wafer dept . suppli.es 16.25 `742 North Central. Public; SrrviCe - lois 318.17 5743 lot. City MIgmt. Assoc. - Urban PWA is Wurkm Adm. Book 22.50 X744 MN. Unempluy mcni Comp. fund - Bevin Spv.ingbnrg 130. 90 S74 i Oakwood Ind. Corp. ­ Land purchase in Oakwood Ind. Park 1.011 5741+ Monticello itnssiraneo Agency - Iity clerk pond io.00 `747 Gary Wieber - NII Iva at, 16.411 X74• ' Banker' w Lit v ]us. , Group 'fns. SO .34 '-7411 IJ Mon tit rlit) Fire Urpl. •. Palrnll for Firemen :.50.011 7S0 / 1,141A1 Oil Iot'p. - Oils and nit 274.111 X751 a 9b • GENERAL FUND A l AMuUNT CHECK 1 su. 1 - DISBURSEMENTS FOR DECEMBER - 1976 Jean Brouillard - Gas and fuel. for streets 123.70 5752 Wright Service 071 - Fuel for disposal plant 339.23 5753 North Central Chemical - Deod. concentrate, blocks, bowl cleaner 934.71 5754 Griefnow Shect Moral. - Furnace repair at Mtce-. Bldg. 16.00 IS755 Phillips Petroleum - Gas and oil 160.03 "7 56 Monticello Farm r. Home Center - Power auger rental 24.00 5757 Metcalf and Larsen - Purchase of Red Michaelis property 20000.00 575+ Payroll for Novenber I7322.6Q TOTAL DTSBURSEMENTS453,183.81 #8673 -- Balance on $28,000 contract in $5.988.13 #8674 — Incluiea Lindberg case $277.50 f #8685 — Includes Boyle Annexation - $277.50 i a Two 1976 Building Code Books -} 14 Al1I5'I: ORDINANCE AMENDM6N'L' The C.i,ty Counc.i 1 of Monticello hereby ordains that the Zoning Ordinance map be amended a.s i'ollow:s: Rezoning of approximately a 45 acre parcel in the N. E. I of Section 10, Iow'n.,;hi1) 1 21 , Rnnge 25, 1 orated south of West County Road 39 and north of 1-04 from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to D-4 (Regional Business) aevorrding to the ofPicia] Zoning map on f i.le at, cit -y Hall. Passed by the City Council this 27th day of December, 1976. C. 0. Johnston, Mayor Cary Wiebcv, City AtIm. (.Imrnllmrnt �''I X175 �/=;i) a 0 c C. 0RDINANCE AMENDMENT the city CuunciI of Monticello hereby orclain.; (lint /nninR ordinanrc Sect._ion under arca and height rran:lations for signs be amended as follows: Attest: Passed by the City Council th3.a 27th day of December, 1976 C. 0. Johelcon, Mayor Cary Wieber, City Adm. (Anh•ndmrnt 8-15-75 #24) SPEED AREA IIhIGil I ROAD CLASSIFICATTON (MPII) (SQ. FT.) (PHr) Col Iet t.,r 30 25 16 3 5 50 2t► 40 100 "4 Major Ihorous;hfares 311 St► IA 35 100 22 40 125 24 45 150 2G 50 175 2S frarwa s and 55 201► 32 L,%pres,sways and above Attest: Passed by the City Council th3.a 27th day of December, 1976 C. 0. Johelcon, Mayor Cary Wieber, City Adm. (Anh•ndmrnt 8-15-75 #24) ORDINANCE AMENDMENT The City Council of Monticello hereby ordains that Zoning Ordinance Section 10 -3 -O -E -2 -D -4-V pertaining to signs, the following amendment he added: A bonus allowing "Freeway Standard Signs" 1200 square feet in arca and 321 high) in a commercial or industrial area is available to all businesses located within 800 Ceet of a freeway but do not allit a Crceway. Attest: IN Pasr;ed by the City Conrail Olin 27th day of December, 1976. C. O. Johnson, Mayor Cavy wieber, City Adm. (Amendment. 4/15 /75 x/25) A ORDINANCE MIENDMENT The Ci.t}. Council of Monticello hereby ordains the Cal IoMtrr': 0- o SI'RU.r'T NAMES: Street names have been AI II"STs adopted according; to the official city map on C,i.le at City Hall. Adopted this 27th day of Ilecomber 1976 C. 0. Jolurson t:ary tyieber, CS,ty Adminietratur 1 , 1 ;-,-i 120 r 0 L" ' IR FUND D.ISBUR.SE,MENTS FOR DECEMBER - 1976 Ed Phill-ip, & Sons - Liquor Di.stiller,s Dist. Co. - Liquor Internal R,•0ertt1e 'de1•vICe - PICA Reimbursement MinnesoLa Dist. - Liquor Twin City U i ne Co. - Liquor Griggs, Coopev - Liquor Midwest Wine Co. - Liquor Cuuuni.ssiunrr of Revenue - Sales tax Yonak Sani.t.,Llctn - Garbage contract Ed Ph.ilLlps a Sons - Liquor Minnesota Distillers, 1'nc. - 1-1quor Famous Brands, .Tile. - Liquor State Treasurer - PERA Wright County State Bank - WrlT Commissi.otlrr of Revenue - State. Will Foster's Inti. Agency - Prepaid .Inti. Old Dutch loods - Mdse. Dick Beverage - Beer Grosslein Beverage Co. - hoer N. S. Pouf --v - Ut i,lAtios MN. Unemployment Compensation Fund - Former employees Lei Cert 12r•u,ki.ng - Freight Day Dill. Co. - Beer Dahlheimev Dist,. Co. - Boer 7 - Up Bo -tiling - Mdsv. Jude (rutdy o Tobtu vo - Mdse. A. .1. Ogl t• - Beer Thorpe Di yt. Cu. - herr t'iking 1 nova ('01a -• WIN v. Derni,kts Peps!. Cola - Mdse. Flev4e Dial. Co. •- Boer Rubald Beverage - Nine Persian Office 12quip. - Cash vt•gister paper Northland Sreuvilc Systins - Alar1I1 sysl.em iusb. Marti Lnod-: - Stnrr e%penso Ld 11hiAllps d Sons - Liquor Twin Citk line Co. - Liguor MN. I'nemployment lompi•nNaLiun Fund - FOVITIV• employees Fd I/h 1 11 l lm i Sons - L-i.quor Winkel's +-IIe Ins. - Croup Ins. '1'helmal 1'ln(lurts NalA In cooler Bet eragr .foul -nal - subsi ri pl Lon Ci ty III' M,)n1 it UI III - wail, 11181 . a1 new Al -ore Col -dip Lint •• fuel 111 tl Prue I it - 1 i quor Midwest h fill, - AJ(Ill o• Pay I of l i', a .int rn1h,•1 101A:. DISHVI:SlMl %IS i 46.35 290. 35 1.911 1959.20 366.42 513.12 234.25 1359.10 24.00 2960.77 4611 -4S 293.41 224.65 212-50 97.70 465.00 70.14 1155.00 4913.25 323.62 905-50 171.0i 175.59 2592.93 318.65 285.37 532. 111 1102.50 241)- .ill .5`x.35 130.65 104.02 74.(11) 1457. So u. 3q 2040.211 1011+. 55 1057.44 3441.23 1:11. 1(1 22,`.411 141.4111 1444.4" 35(0.411 26.3. Sol 4'1l -I' 1 7 5; ./l. 5;41,'542.; i . 1 �.,utl,v) lun,•I'il. ho0,.•ul 21, ares prrinll aK 11rn1111ed ('-1 �IIIIIII, I I I1-141alure 11r11 -1x11n 1 .1. (In-ri1 t 1'0,%,.,fit 111;o,I i I " 1nd,•rsoll, Iu11,ie, MeinII I, 11.1.v. 751 u 7520 752 1 7522 75•-'3i 7524 752 i 75211 52 7 75= 7 521) 75.3 7i,- 7 i.7 5.+ - 7534 7535 7539 7537 753 � 7530 7.541) 7 i4 I 754 2 154.3 7544 7545 7546 7547 754', 7 54 it 7550 7551 7573.1-1 7553 ;SS4 7555 75yh 7557 75y` ;Sy4 ;51011 75(01 i 512 7il.,l Ti104 1, r40'�CM u1T �t�11/i� 0 /l PIOKICELLO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT WORK REPORT k December 13 - 23. 1976 STREEPS A. Complete Dutch elm disease cutting of Doug Pitt's trees - 1 tree remains. but requires a boom to prevent it from falling on the house 3 days - 3 men. H. Hauling out demolished city building - 1+j days 4 men. C. Complete inventory. D. Installation and repairs of street sigma. E. Shop and equipment cleanup along with minor repairs. P. Painting pumphouse #1. O. Begin trimming and pruning of trees along streets and in parka. WATERAEWER A. Location/inspection of city diggers (4). B. Rodding ani repairs on sewer lines at intersection of Linn and 3rd Streets. C. Hauling sludge - 4 days. D. Begin repairs and painting in lift stations. E. Begin work on cardex filo system for location of all house services and main gate valves within the city. ..%