City Council Agenda Packet 10-10-19771 AGENDA REGULAR MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday - October 10, 1977 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: C. O. Johnson.. Councilmen: D. Blonigen, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters. ,/Meeting to be taped. ,lCitizens Comments. 1. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Setback Requirements - Ron White. \/2. Public Hearing - Sideyard Setback Variance Request - Roger Chartrand. �3. Consideration of Building Permit - NSP. a. Consideration of Ordering Feasibility Report Relative to Petition for Sewer and Water on West Golf Course Road. dj. Consideration of Award of Contract on Construction o4 1977-2 Improvement Project. V6. Consideration of Approving 15 or 20 Year Levy on 1977 Improvement Bonds and Assessment Methods. �. Consideration of Requiring Assessments to be Paid in Full Upon Building Permit Application. V�. Hearing on ,1977 Proposed Budget. V9. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Relative to City Council and Planning Commission Approval of Building Permits. V10. Consideration of Resolution and Order for Filling Excavation. /I1. Approval of September 26 and September 28,, 1977 minutes. V12. Unfinished, business. 13. New business. Quarterly Meeting - Dept. Heads - Oct. $S 1.4 ` jai r%o AGENDA' SUPPLEMENT Agenda Item I. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Setback Requirements - Ron White. Mr. Ron White is requesting a variance to allow a deck to be built within 6 feet of the cast property line for Lot 4, except W.25 feet and westerly 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, River 'terrace Addition in Monticello. The lot size Ls 85 by 200 feet. This house is al- ready under construction and the deck bu13.t. Mr. Wh'Ltc indicated that he misunderstood the cast property line and is requesting the variance to allow the deck to stay. Enclosed, you will find a letter from an abutting property owner, tin Roy Laur.i.ng, who is objecting to the variance. At their last meeting, the Mont,i.cel,lo P.Ianni.ng v4z Comm.issLon recommended denial of die variance. The vote was 2 for denial of the variance, 1 against denial of the variance, I abs6ention and I absent. As required by ordinance, variances require a public hearing at the council level.. Proper not':if.i.cnWon and publication has been made for tonight's hearing. I'OSS.IBLE ACTION: Conside"Li.on of variance request. 111:1'I3RENCES: Roy Lauving's letter, enclosed map. Agenda Item 2. Public hearing - Sidoyard Setback Vnriance Rerprest - Roger Chnrt•rnnd. Mr. Roger ChnrLrnnd is requemLing a variance to build n 24' x 30' garage within 6' of his east, property I.i.ne on Lot 7, I31ock P, ylonlJ.ce3..lo. The proposed garage would be Ionated npproa.i.matcly 12' behind their cxist.ing' house. and appruxlmatcly 16' from the abutting prv')perl,y owner's home. The ninth end of the garage would be about; Cqual with the Houth end of tho neighbor'H home. POSSIBLE ACTION: Conniderat.i.nn of npprov:imi; or denying the sideyavd vay.i.ance. REFERENCES: Map depicting prnperty loratimn, sketch showing proposed location of garage and letter received from tho abutting properLy owner• - Dan MI,elke. /-77 Agenda item 3. Consideration of Building Permit - NSP. Northern States Power Co. is requesting a building permit for a 24' x 24' metal storage building at their Nuclear Plant site in Monticello. Purpose of building is for storage of materials and supplies, etc. This item will be reviewed at the Planning Commission on Monday at 6:30 P. M. hand the recommendation of that committee will be ,a presented . the council's mecti.ng. V ' POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of permit. REFERENCES: Plan available at city hall.. Agenda Item 4. Consi-derat.ion of Ordering Feasibility Report Rclati_ve t.o Pct.i.ti.on for Sower and Water on West Golf Course Road. A pet.it.i.on has been received from the Mont.i.col.lo Country Club and Howard G.i.l..lham rel-ati.ve to ve- quest.i.ng sewer and water on W. County Road #39 from the present location at the city's maintenance building up to the 1.-94 overpass. In 1975, a petition for sewer and water was rc- ce.i.ved from the same area with the following as pe ti t.i oilers : Howard Gi.11ham, Gary DeBoer, John Sandbrrg, Nick Bampa, Harold Ruff, I..loyd Grossni-ck.le, Dick Vvic, Mont;.icel l.o Country Club. Ilnwever, Iloward Gi 1.1 ham and the Monticello Country Club :ind.icatecl at t;ho Public Ilcar.ing that they wero not; in favor of sewer and rater based upon cost estimates and uncert;a.int;y about development of their land. Currently, the Monticello Country Club .is pro - paving a subdlv.i.sion plat or I,hoir land and would now .Like sewer and water. Initially, the nosh for the improvement pro,jerl, was est;imated at; $145,600 with assessments estimated nt; $4,563 pet' parcel. Although Clio eost may rise somnwhat, the assessmcnt;s would ar.tua.11y deercasr. considerably since the Cnnntry Club could be assessed Vol, 13 parcels instead of l.he one pal -4-01. originally rontemplatcd. Thr, assessment cost per parcel wnuld I;hon bo appro-ximately $3,367- 2 10/1-/7-7 Although a feasibility report has been prepared on this project, it should be updated to reflect today's cost, etc. 'Phe procedure would be to order a feasibility report for the improvement and after reviewing the Peasi.bi.lity report to call. for a publ.i.c hearing. POSSI131.E ACTION: Consideration of ordering t fensIbility report. REFERENCES: Feasi.bi.l i. ty report dated 4-26-76 �% as a result of origi.naI pe tit.Lon. Agenda Item 5.Y Considerati.on of Award of Contract on Construction of 1977-2 Improvement Project. Bids were opened last Thursday on the 1977-2 Improvement Project. This project is for sewer, water, storm sewer and permanent street .i.rnprovements to Mr. John Sand berg's Anticrs W.i.l helm (•,states. Engi.neer's estimate on the project for construction cost was $136,500. henco Construction of Minneapo.l.is was the apparent low bidder with a bid of $121,934.52. ore-Schelen-Mayeroi and Associates will bo verifying t -he b.i.ds and wiI L be present at the council meet- ing to make their recommendations. POSSIIlI,Ii ACTTON: Cons.idevatiou of nwavdIng contract. -3- R111"RENC1iS: Bid tabn.l.ation. Agenda Item 6. Cons:idevat,i.nn of Approvi.nq 15 or 20 Year Levy on 1977 Improvement; llnnels and Assessment. Method~. At our mect:.ing Last Thursday, the 1977 Street :Lmprovcmrnt Project; was approved and n bond sale sat. October 26, 1977 to finance this improvement along with 1977-1 and 1977-2 .i.mprovements Still to be determined, are the follow.i.ng issues: 1 Tax levy 15 or 20 years: ,AN �y \ '.I'he :Last few bond issues have been levied over a 15 year period but, the council may want to consider a 217) year levy heeaur;o of the magnitude 0If the prn;jeet;. if the prc) jer.1; .is ,levied over l 5 years, tho .Levy to vet.i.re (;he bonds will be between w240,514 and $245,91 fi or approximotely 6 mll.1s; ^ if the levy wart) spread over 20 years the average xv levy would he approximately $192,000 or 4.75 Mills- -3- Deferred Assessments - Senior Sitizens. Minnesota Statutes do allow a defernnent for Senior Citl.zens over 65 years of' age if a munic.ipalit.y desires to adopt an ordinance to establish el i Ali bi l i t.y 6m4dclines to determine hardship. Kind Torness of Springsted will bo here Mnnday to review these Items with the cooncil. PoSSTIILE ACTION: A decision relative to it 15 or 20 ycnr levy and the question of equal assess- ment payments should be determined at Monday's meeting. The council may want I:o give the Senior clti.zens assessment dererrment .issue further con- sideration. P,,O •4,, I� JJ,&,l 7.Jz ' -,t 4, c S/p3 26-- .: JI.S.w.. /uB90 a .0119r/ /-3O 0/0. YJ d3 YY S1% PS I O((v/l 1 Equal or Declining Payments of Assessments: A determination should be made relative to an equal payment plan for assessments or an equal principal with declining .interest. As an illustration listed below is a schedule with the two methods based on a 65' x 165' residential lot. METHOD 1. METHOD I Equal Payments Total Equal Principal Ila lance Principal Interest Payment Balance Principal Interest Payme 5613.00 $14.73 $45.97 $60.70 $613,00 $30.65 $45.97 $76.6 593.27 15.83 44.87 60.70 582.35 30.65 43.68 74.3 552.44 17.02 43.68 60.10 S51.70 30.65 41.38 72.0 565-42 18.30 42.40 60.70 521.05 30.65 39.08 69.7 547.12 19.67 41.03 60.70 490.40 30.6.5 ;6.81 67.4 527.45 21.15 39.55 60.70 459.75 10.65 34.45 65.1 506.30 22,73 37.97 60.70 429.10 30.65 32,15 62.8 483.57 24.44 36.26 60.,70 398.45 30.65 29.58 60.5 450,13 26.27 34.43 60.70 367.50 30,65 27.59 58.2 432.86 28.24 32.46 6u.70 337.15 30.65 =5.29 55.9 404.62 30.36 30.34 60.70 306.Su 30, 65 22.99 53.6 374.26 3.2.64 2S.06 6u. 70 275.85 30.65 20.69 51.3 341.62 35.08 25.62 60.70 245.20 30.65 15.39 49.00 306.54 37.71 22.99 60.70 214.55 30.65 16.09 46.7 68.S3 411.54 20.16 60.70 153.90 30,65 13.79 44.4 228.29 43.58 17.12 60.70 153.25 30,65 11.49 42.1 154.71 46.85 13.85 60.70 122.60 30.65 0.20 39.8 137.56 50.37 10.33 60.70 01.95 30.65 o. go 37.5 57.49 54.14 6.56 00.70 61.311 30.65 4.60 35.2 33.35 33.35 2.50 35.85 30.65 30.65 2.30 32.9 5613.00 $576.15 $1189.15 Su- 13.00 $4T'=.7SS1095.7 Deferred Assessments - Senior Sitizens. Minnesota Statutes do allow a defernnent for Senior Citl.zens over 65 years of' age if a munic.ipalit.y desires to adopt an ordinance to establish el i Ali bi l i t.y 6m4dclines to determine hardship. Kind Torness of Springsted will bo here Mnnday to review these Items with the cooncil. PoSSTIILE ACTION: A decision relative to it 15 or 20 ycnr levy and the question of equal assess- ment payments should be determined at Monday's meeting. The council may want I:o give the Senior clti.zens assessment dererrment .issue further con- sideration. P,,O •4,, I� JJ,&,l 7.Jz ' -,t 4, c S/p3 26-- .: JI.S.w.. /uB90 a .0119r/ /-3O 0/0. YJ d3 YY S1% PS l°%0 /-7, Agenda item 7. Consideration of Requiring Assessments to be Paid in Pull upon Building Permit Application. This item was discussed with our fiscal consultant, King Porncss of Spri.ngsted, Inc. at our September 12, 1977 meeting. Mr. Porncss recommended the policy be applied against all properties serviced with future sewer, water and other city improvements. Mr. Porncss indicated the purpose behind such a policy would be that city bonds could be financed over a shorter period of time thereby improving the rate of interest and marketability of Monti.cello's bond issues. I'xamples were sited by Mr. Furness of metropolitan suburbs that require the developer to finance city .improvements on raw .land and he thus felt this particular policy :i.s not that stringent. Additi.onal.ly, there was n question whether, this policy should apply to John Sandberg's new sub- division plat, Anders Wilhclm Estates. Mr. Sandberg opposes the poa.i.cy, :i.nd.i.cati,ng he was always led to believe he would be treated like past developers and assessments would not be requi-red to be prepaid. I. beliove this assessment polaey warrants con- s i.deratilonn by the tl.ty council.; however, :1. do feel that it should not. he applied against Mr. `\ Sandbe_rg's Anders Wi-111e.lm plat since the city's \VIV policy was ovi.g:i.nnl ly different. wl'ten he petitioned For sewer and water. {t POSSIDLh ACTION: Consideration or adoption of n policy as stated above and .i f adopted, whether it 115" should be applled against the Anders Wilhelm Estates Agenda Item S. Ileavinu nn 1977 Propnserl Ibidp,ct. The prellmi.nnvy budget has been sent out pr0viollsly. and reviewed fit our Inst: regular mcati.ng. A hearing ks necessary as a —sult; of new revenue Sharing laws requl.riug 1,110 prgposed use of these funds along with the regular budget. Purpose of hearing is Co tifford citizens all opportunity to comment on the. us0 (If Revenue Sharing Funds and the Ibtdget.. :I'll the pve.liminnvy biid nt, it Is proposed Clint Cho $68,995 r.%pected CO bo vecei.ved .in 1979 L', rovenuo sharing funds ho applied against Cllr_ cost or clty hal I . -5- i0/(v/71 It should be mentioned that the budget does not reflect the 1977 Street Improvement program and if the program is approved, it will be necessary to levy for the necessary amount in 1977 collectible in 1978. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of budget as pre- sented along with final approval of the allocation of Revenue Sharing Funds. REFERENCES: 1978 preliminary budget and agenda supplement on preliminary budget - both previously handed out for September 26, 1977 council. meeting. Agenda Item 9. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Rel_ati.ve to City Council and Planning Commission Approval. of Building Permits. Currently Monticello ordinance Section 4-1-2 relative to building permits includes a provision that reads as fol.l.ows: AU permit applications for other than single family resi.dent.ial structures shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. Although it; does not mention the subject, a strict reading of th.i.s provis.i.on would .i.ndicate a permit application for m.i.nov repairs would st.i..11 have to be brought to the Planning Commission and City Coonc.iA for approval. I would suggest, a second sentence be added to the provision, which reads as follows: `chis provision does not apply to permit; Applications for vepnirs or vemodrl.i.ng of st'ruot;ores, when such work will not edLargo the structure in question. This provision would then allow permi.l; applien tAoils of the following nature to proceed w.Lthout Planning Conuni.ss.i-on and C:il;y Council approval: 1. Adding it parti.t;lon. 2. Adding a bathroom .in the inter.i.or of All existing building. i. Adding a door or window. 'I'heso ora just some examples and these would stil l require a permit but not approval by the Planning Commission or City Count-L.I. This can become it _6_ j°/c'/.71 problem since the Planning Commission meets only once a month on a regular basis. It should be understood that the applicant for such a permit would stiI 1 have to adhere to all applicable building regulations and city ordinances. If there was a question, the building inspector could still bring the matter to the Planning Commission and City Council. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of ordinance amendment. Agenda Item 10. Consideration of Resoluti.on and order for Pilling Excavation. Enclosed, please find a resolution relative to ordering the filling of an excavation left open for, more than six months by Mr. Samuel Peraro. Mr. Peraro has been previously notified in April and Augurst of the counci I Is request to have the matter taken care of. Thr_ procedure, aecorcling to statutes, would be to adopt the resolution and serve Mr. Peraro w.i.th the order. if the matter is not resolvecl within IS clays, the city cor.rld have the work done and assess the property owner. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of aclopl.i.ng resolution. REFERENCES: Resolution. September 15, 1977 Monticello Planning Commission Monticello City Council Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sire: On September 2, 1977, I m-Ae a verbal complaint to Jay Miller regarding a deck on Ron White's house being built on lots 4 and 5 and :east 10 feet of lots 3 and 6 River Terrace. Since I am the adjoining property owner I am filing this formal complaint. The necessary set back of 10 feet with a deck of this height was not met. The reason I sold him 10 feet of lots 3 and 6 was to make a large onough building area so all building codes and ordinances would be easily complied with. He had complete knowledge of the property lines. His plane must have been submitted for a building permit and then not followed. I am requesting that ken 'Ihite'e deck be built in accordance with the set beak ordinance and would like formal notification of his co•opliunce with tho law. If n ny it;;cuaA on on this matter to scheduled for any Planning Commission Meeting or Council Meeting I insist on being notified. Sincerely, moi, Rcy7A uLeur�io ca: Planning Commie --ion Members Council Members Mayor C.O. Johnson REGULAR MEETING OF THE M XITICE LLO CITY COUNCIL October 10, 1977 — 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Gene Walters, Philip White. 1. Public Hearing - Variance Request - Setback Requirements - Ron White. Mir. Ran White requested a variance to allow a deck to be built within 6 feet of the east property line for loot 41 except W. 25 feet and westerly 10 feet of Lot 3, Block 3, River Terrace Addition in Monticello. The house is already under construction and the deck built. Mr. White indi- cated that he misunderstood the east property line and is requesting the variance to allow the deck to stay. Roy Lauring, the abutting property owner, voiced opposition to the variance requested, because he felt Mr. White had sufficient lot size arca to build the house and deck without asking for a variance. ID On a motion by Philip White, seconded by Arve Grimsmo, it was unanimously carried to deny the sideyard variance requested by Ron White. 2. Public Hearing - Sideyard Setback Variance Request - Roger Chartrand. Mir. Roger Chartrand requested a variance to build a 24' x 30` garage within 9' of his east property line on Lot 7, Block P, Monticello. The variance was requested in order to save removing two trees on his property, but Mr. Chartrand did indicate that one tree could be replanted if the variance request was denied. Since no real hardship would be involved in removing the trees, a motion was mado by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Philip White and unanimously carried to deny the variance request of Mr. Chartrand. 3, Consideration of Building Permit - Monti Coin Laundry, Northern States Power. Northern States Power Co. requested a building, pormit for a 241x24' notal storage building at their Nuclear Plant eito in Monticello. Purpose of building is for storage of materials and supplies, etc. Joy Miller requested a building permit to constrict a 14' x 241 addition to the living quarters presently attached to the Monti Coin Laundry building. Part of the present living quarters will be used for expansion of the laundry business and the proposed addition would dust replace the portion of the living quarters remodeled for commercial use. Motion was made by Arvo Grimamo, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve building permits for N.S.P. and the Monti Coin Laundry. 4. Consideration of Orderine Feasibility Resort Relative to Petition for Sewer and Water on West Golf Course Road. A petition was received from the Monticello Country Club and Howard Gillham relative to requesting sewer and water on W. County Road #39 from the present location at the city's maintenance building up to the I-94 overpass. In 1975, a petition for sewer and water was received from the same area, however, Hnward Gillham and the Monticello Country Club indicated at the Public Hearing that they were not in favor of sewer and water based upon cost estimates and uncertainty about development of their land. Currently, the Monticello Country Club is preparing a subdivision plat of their land and would now like sewer and water. Initially, the cost of the improvement project was estimated at $148,600. A motion was made by Cene Walters, seconded by Philip White and unanimously carried to adopt a resolution ordering an updated feasibility report on extending sewer and water along Golf Course Road and calling for a Public Hearing on October 25, 1977. (See Resolution 1977 # ) 5. Consideration of Award of Contract on Construction of 1977-2 Improvement Project. Bids were opened last Thursday on the 1977-2 Improvement Project, for sewer, water, storm sewer and permanent street improvements to Mr. John Sandberg's Anders Wilhelm Estates. Engineer's estimate on the project for construction cost was $136,500 and Kenko Construction of Minneapolis was the apparent low bidder with a bid of $121,934.82. (See Supplement 10-10-77 #1) Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to award the contract for construction for the 177--2 Improvement Project to Kenko Construction in the amount of $121.934.82. 6. Consideration of Approving 15 or 20 Yenr Low on 1977 Imurovement Bonds and Assessment Methods. At a previous meeting, the 1977 Street Improvement Project was approved mid a bond sale set October 26, 1977 to finance this improvement along with 1977-1 and 1977-2 improvements. Duo to tho magnitudo of the project, the council discussed using a 20 year levy to retire the bonds versus a 15 year period. Also discussed was whether the payment plans for the assessments on the street project should be based on an equal prinicipal with declining interest basis or total equal payments. The equal payment method would provide for a lower annual cost to begin with during the first few years, but would result in approxi irately a $90.00 Additional coat for a typical residential 65' x 165' lot. A motion was made by Philip White to levy for the city's share of the bond issue over 20 years with the assessment portion based on equal principal payments with declining interest. Died for lack of a second. Motion was then made by Arve Grimsmo to levy for the city's portion of the bond issue over 15 years with the assessable portion based on equal principal payments with declining interest on unpaid balance. Died for lack of a second. After more discussion, Con Johnson entered a motion, seconded by Philip White, and unanimously carried to levy for the bonds over 15 years with the assessments payable over 20 years with total equal payments. 7. Consideration of Requiring Assessments to be Paid in Full upon Building Permit Application. W. King Forness of Springsted, Inc. fiscal consultant for the city, recommended that the policy of 'requiring assessments to be paid in full upon application for building permits be implemented against all properties serviced in the future with sewer, water and other city improvements. Mr. Forness indicated the purpose behind such a policy would be that city bonds could be financed over a shorter period of time thereby improving the rate of interest and marketability of Monticello's bond issues. The policy would apply only to parcels or subdivisions being serviced, but not currently developed. Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by Philip White and unanimously, carried to adopt the policy requiring all assessments for city improvements be paid when a building permit is issued on all future subdivisions or developments. 8. Hearing on 1978 Proposed Budget. The preliminary budget for 1978 was reviewed at the last council meeting and the purpose of hearing is to afford citizens an opportunity to comment on the use of Revenue Sharing Funds and the Budget. In the preliminary budget, it is proposed that the $68,995 expected to be received in 1978 in revenue sharing funds be applied against the cost of city hall. The proposed 1978 Budget would require a levy of $869,152.00 or 21.54 mills. Hearing no citizen comments, Arvo Grimsmo made o motion, seconded by Gene Walters and unanimously carried to adopt the 1978 Budget as presented with the expected revenue oharing fluids of $689995 being allocated against the cost of city hall construction. 9. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Rol.ntive to N—tv Council and Planning Coimniselon Approval of Building Permits. Currently Monticello ordinance Section Ir1-2 relative to building permits includes o provision that rondo as followsn All permit applications for other than single family residential structures shall be submitted to the Planning Commission and City Council for approval. A recommendation has been made by the Planning Commission to eliminate the need to -3- for Planning Commission and Council review of all commercial and/or industrial building permit applications for remodeling or minor repairs, etc., that would not actually enlarge a building. A motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Philip White and unanimously carried to amend ordinance section 4-1-2 relative to building permits by adding the following sentence: This provision does not apply to permit applications for repairs or remodeling of structures, when such work will not enlarge the structure in question. (See ordinance Amendment 8-25-75 #41.) 10. Aooroval of Minutes. Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Philip white and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of 9-.26 and 9-28-77 council meetings as presented. 11. Consideration of Request for Water Extension to Dino's Restaurant. Mr. Floyd Kruse, owner of Dino`s other world, requested the city extend a lateral watermain to provide water service and fire protection for his restaurant. During 1976, a watermain was extended across the northerly portion of his property and at that time, water service for domestic use only was requested by the owner of the property. As a result, a 21, water service was installed to serve his property, but Mr. Kruse has now indicated that he would also like to have city water for fire pro- tection. A feasibility report prepared by John Badalich, city engineer, intimates the cost of extending an 8" water lateral to the restaurant at $14,000. (Seo Supplement 10-10-77 #2.) In order to give Mr. Kruse an opportunity to review the report and costs involved, it was the consensus of the council to table any decision on this improvement for two weeks. 12. Discussion on Style of Curb nronosed for the '77 Street Imnrovement Proiect. Plans recommended and currently being prepared on the 177 Street Project call for a standard curb design used along Broadway Avenue previously. This design would have a higher curb back as compared to styles used in newer subdivisions recently developed in Monticello. The newer eloping style of curb allows driveways to be placed anywhere along the street without requiring the curb to be refinished. A motion was made by Dan Blonigon, seconded by Philip White to have the plans and specifications for the 177 Street Improvement Project include bids receivable for both styles of curbs. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Crimsma, D. Blonigen, P. Whits. Opposed. C. Waltere. By council consensus, the next regular council meeting will be held October 25, 1977 at 7:30 P.M- instead of the 40 Monday which is Veteran's Day. M 'g adjourned. -Rick Wolfstelle Administrative ILsaistant RW/m jq -5- MONT]_CEL1.0 CITY COuNCII. SPECIAL MEETING October 13, 1977 - 4:00 P. M. Members present: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, D. B1_onigen, G. Walters. Purpose of meeting was to review certificate of occupancy request for the new post office. According to J. W. Willer, building inspector, everything was complete except, landscaping. Motion by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to grant certificate of occupancy contingent upon receiving bond or certified check in the amount of $2,000; land- scaping to be comp W Lcd A Lhin 30 days. Meeting adjourned. :u y cbcr City dminisLra Lur GW/Ig 1° SPECIAL =D4 MONiICEI,LD CITY COUNCIL `!e November 7, 1977 — 8:30 P.M. Members present: Gene halters, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Philip White. Absent: Con Johnson. 1. Consideration of Land Subdivision - 14onticello Ford. Mr. Larry Flake proposed a 4.71 acre subdivision of a larger 17.71 acre tract of land located just southwest of the I-94 Interchange on Highway 25 for his new car dealership building. A certificate of survey has been prepared and Mr. Flake has agreed to the park d:dication requirements on this 4.71 acres. A motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the 4.71 acre subdivision with the 10% park dedication requirements to be based on the 4.71 acres. 2. Public Hearing - Conditional Use Permit - Monticello Ford. Monticello Pord proposed a 12,000 square foot building with an outside Bales area of approximately 88.750 square feet or 750% of the principal use. Monticello City Ordinances require a conditional use permit for any "open or outdoor sales in or from motorized vehicles" in a B-3 zoning district. Oatside sa? as and services is limited to 30% of the gross floor area of the principal use, but this percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditiona.1 use permit. A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to grant a conditional use permit to Monticello Ford with outside sales area not to exceed 75% of the principal building square footago. 3. Consideration of Building Permit - Monticello Ford. Monticello Ford, Inc. Io proposing a 12,000 squaro foot concrete block buildL•ig. Plans include space for a showroom, service boys, parts depart- ment, body shop and offices. J. W. Mliller, building inspector, has reviewed all plane, except the final mechanical plans. -1i oddition, the plans have been submitted to the city engineer for review cid possible revisions may be made to the building's first floor elevation because of potential drainage problems. CA motion was made lry P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried 7 November 7, 1977 to approve the building permit request of Monticello Ford contingent upon �. ff-nal rev -:ow and approval by the building inspector and city engineer. 4. Public Hearine - Variance Request -'Mao Pvlon Signs. Monticello Ordinance Section 10-3-9 allows only 2 wall signs or one wall sigi and one nylon sign. Monticello Ford, Inc. requested one wall and two pylon signs (one for new cars and one for used cars). tor. Flake indicated that the necessity of two pylon signs comes about because of Ford Motor Co. requirements established for new car dealership buildings with both new and used car sales. D. Blonigen entered a motion, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to grant a variance to Monticello Ford to allow two pylon signs in addition to one wall sign. 5. Public laarinr - Variance Reauest - Shat Helr_ht Requirements. 1onticello Ordinance Section 10-3-9 limits the height of a pylon sign to 32' if n business is "an or within 600' of a freeway". Ford Motor Co. has indicated to Mr. Flake that Monticello Ford can qualify for a 42' sigi based on criteria established by the corporation for new dealerships and as s result Mh•. Flake requested that a variance be granted for the new car dealership sign allowing a height of 1,21. A motion was made by G. Walters, seconded by D. Blonigan mid unanimously carried to deny the variance requested and require all pylon signs to meet the 32' height limit. 6. Public Hearin.; - Variance Request - Curb Harrier. Honticolio Ordinance Section 10-3-5-(0) requires a curb barrier along the perimeter of the off-street parking area. Monticello Ford, lnc., is ro- quesL-Ing a variance to provide a curb barrier only along the entryway to the site but not the entire parking aroo since Puture expansion might necossitatu tearing up portions of the curb barrier. A motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Crimamo and unanimously carried to approve the variance requested provided a curb barrier is installed on both aides of the entrmice drive on the northerly portion of the parking area and building frontage, with the balance of the curb barrier around the parldng area perimeter completed within two years of occupancy. Mation to adjourn woo made by P. Whits, seconded by A. Crimsmo and unanimously carried. Rick Wolfoto.Uer, Adm. Asst. C MONTTCELLO PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. ti WORK REPORT Oct. 25 - Nov.,11, 1977 STREETS 1. Scraped ice and sanded city streets - Nov. 10. 2. Installed new valve seals, guides -and gaskets in 1972 Chev. truck and prepared snow plows,- Nov. 3, 4, 7, 8 . 3. Cleaned and scaled maintenance building floor /. 1 man - 2 days. 4. Replaced/repaired signs and put up snow fences. 5. Hauled fill for new city hall - Nov. 4. 6. Chipped brush at curbsides - 25 hours spent. 7. Swept all city streets - Oct. 27,.'28, Nov. 7-J0. 'J" Hauled sand/salt mix from Berchamis Sand & Gravel in Elk ••1 .; River - 284 tons. 9. Patched streets - 20 hours spent. 10. Moved fence along Prairie Road - 2 men - Nov. 1 & 2. v : 1 1 . Took t975 int. truck to Mpls. ,Por hoist and Pram inspection Oct. 28. 5� WA'rliR/WASTFWA'fER 1. Routine inspection/location for contractors and city diggers (11); tapped water main on East, 401 Street. 2. Hauled sludge - Oct 25 - 28, Nov. 1-4. About 4 weeks remn1n of hauling before digester level is low enough to provide storage for winter months. 3. .inspected and pumped hydrants Oct. 31, Nov. 2. 4. Repaired check valve for No. 4 booster pump at reservoir - Nov. 7. 5. Installed and repaired meters (12).,-