City Council Agenda Packet 12-12-1977. � pow, AGENDA REGULAR' MEETING OF AONTfftf-10 CITY' COUNCIL Dec piiber 12, 1,97.7 700 P., M'; Ma'y'qr: Con V., Johnson. C6uncli-ddti: Dbini6l Bloni-gent' ArVe Grimsmo' dene, Walters; Philip White. Meeting to be taped., JCiti.en. C.dent.. A. R6;view of Montissippi. Park xmprovem6nts.. E- - 12. Consideration 0, urinal Plat', pproyal = -sandbera south. A— Consideratikoirr,"o-'f Laii'W Enforcement Contract, for,4_978. with; Wright 'County, i4.,,C;Dn9id ' 'eeaUoti :of Request_ of,liteneiion on -bverfianging, ,sign: Variance. 'Cbri6idbrati.6h; 60 VaiTahcei on Certificate -of, dccuponcy. , R - equircments- -w, Carson ,Meg. Co. Coniid6raticin oC Approvdl of Job 10carripti on, and AdvertisingP�or_ Oulfiimc Building-, Insoector. Apprqval:.6f minutbd­ November- 28, 1,077-p6eting. 8'. UnfinIshe'd WeincM. zy I s, P0, SPP'°'' �,,�.�' , v/ Ar REGULAR MEETING December 12, 1977 - 7:30 P. M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS lquidated damages - Street Lighting Project: N17W IIUSTN17SS 1 Consider changing first meeting in January from the 9th to 10th berause of Chamber of Coauncree banquet. ./public offi.c.i.als - employers I Labil I t�•, JReminticr $cantor Dunn at City Ha.l.I - Dae. 19, 7-9 P. M. ✓ M�1Qd►O 1;9QeQ tMw� wapv 0 7 �C� ��• •I�� 1 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT s..oenda Item I yRcvi.ew of Monti.ssippi Park Improvements. %IP O Tom Johnson, Wright County Park Administrator, w•il.l be at Monday's meeting to present various Gimprovements planned for Montissippi Park. ?� Tom has indi-cated that Wright County has applied L C for $40,000 of federal and $20,000 of state '7 funds for the .improvements. In addition, Wright O County wi.] l fund $20,000 of the project bringing 1\0 the total. project cost to $50,000. The breakdown �0 n, of the .improvement is enclosed. �0 Purpose of presenting the pr'aposed .i.mprovement plan Lo the Munti.cel,l.0 Ci Ly Giunc.il i.s to inform t the City of planned .improvements and sol-.i.cit input and sr,rpport for the plan. Also any re-commendations tV� should be presented at Monday's meeting. POSSIBLE, ACTION: Consideration of moti.on aapprov plan presented with tiny recommendat;i.ons. RIiFERENCES: List of .i.mprovcments planned; deta.i.led i map of improvements available at C.i.ty Hall. Agenda Item 2. Consideration of Fina] Plat Approval - Sanrlherg South. John Sandberg has submitted a final plat plan on his 8.28 acre commercial plat southwest of the 1-94 inter- seetlon with ll.i.ghwny 25. Th,i.s pint was presented previously in preliminary form and approved by the planning commiss:i.on and city council. The fi.nal. plat lifts been reviewed by John Dadalich who has indicated some minor envisions may be necessnry but; that the plat could be approved at Monday's mreti.ng. Additionally, an agreement has born worked oat with Mr. Worth, the adjoi.ning .landowner to the south of the plat, ' to deet) the necessary land to Mr•. Sandberg in order t;lint the st;n Lc approved nccess t;o Highway 25 w•i I I line ftp with Chu proposed road through the Sandberg South plat. POSSID1,11 ACTION: Considevat.i.on ul pproa•al, of final pint. i REVERIMU'S: Final plat: (available at ci.ty hall), en- closed map dep.i,ot,ing aven. `agenda Item 3. Consideration of Law Enforcement Contract for 1975 with Wright County. Enclosed, you will find a proposed contract for law enforcement protection from the Wright County Sheriff's Department for 1978. Essentially, the contract is the same as the 1977 contract except for the hourly cost increase from $7.25 'to $9.00. Based on 365 clays of 16 hour service and an additional S hours for Friday and Saturday nights, the contract would total 6672 hours for a cost of $60,04S or $5,004 per month. The increase of $7.25 to $9.00 represents a percentage increase of 24%. For your .information, the cost per hour for the previ.ous three years is as fol.l.ows: 1975 $6.00 1976 $6.00 1977 $7.25 As a resul t, the increase to $9.00 an hour re- presents a 50% increase in the .Last three years. The Lot -al contract pr.i.ce of $60,048 compares to a budget figlu•e of $53,040 for 1978. Jim Powers, of the Wvi.ght County Sheriff's office, w.i.a.l bu here to answer any questions you may have relative to the contract. A.I so enclosed, please (incl a sheet showing t.hc computatiOtis Wright Cotmty used in basing the per hour cost of $9.00 per hour. As the com- putnt.i.ons :i.ndlcate, the average cost to the, county per hour is 512.39. POSSIBLE ACTION: Cons.i.devat.ion of contract; npprova.l incl appointment of poll.cc commissioner ns spc.l,lerl ouL In item 14 of cruttrnol;. RE ERI NCES: Proposed 1978 cont.raet.. 1n fee rmati.on Sheet on cost compubnl;.inns. Agenda Item 4. Consideration of Regnest; of INcension nn Overhnnfina Si -gel variant -n. Ci.t;y ordinances require aLl Overhanging signs to ""o beim removed by June 30, 1977. Mont;accl..In C Ford, Tno. was µi -anted an a .vnsiun to December 31 , 1977 to comply w.i t.h this provision. Reason for granting the extension was a request (copy enclosed) by Larry Flake to extend the termination date since Monticello Ford, Inc. was to move to a new location. Recently, a letter, was sent by the city administrator informing Mr. Flake that the ,Lapse of the ex- tension period was near and t•he signs should be removed by December 31, 1977 or another ex- tension applied for. Enclosed please find a .Letter from Mr. Flake requesting an extension to June 30, 1973. As stated :in his letter, Mr. Flake Feels that this would allow completion of his new building and avoid the expense of moving the signs at his present .location. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of extension request. P� REFERENCES: Letters from Larry Flake dated May 12 and December 3, 1977. Agenda Item A Consideration of Variance on Certificate of Occupanev Regniremr_nts - Larson MV, Co. Larson Mfg. Co. expects to complete their buildi-ng in the Oakwood Imiustr.i.al Park in the latter part of December. Mr. Frank Daniels, of Larson Mfg., has indicated everything should be complete except for• the sod, landscaping and parking lot. It has boon council policy to require approval by the city council of any varLance on certificates of oecupnnales. Since the counr,i.,l is scheduler) only to meet once Ln Decembor a variance .is ImWg requested now although portions of the bui.ld.ing are not complete. Mr. Daniels stated everything should be completed .in Um latter port, of December and was concerned about the counci..l not mect,i.ug until January 9 to consider the variance.. Mr. Dan,i.cls further understtnnds that if the variance 1.9 granted, a bond would hnve to be posited for loll% of the Inndsanpi,ng, sad , parking lot and anyith i.ng else not done. POSSIBLE ACTION: Conslderntion of vnrionre on certif,ioal,e of occupancy requirements. Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Approval. of Job Description and Advertising for Pull Time puil.ding Inspector. %_ At our last meeting, approval was given to hiring a full. Lima Wilding inspector and the city ad- ministrator was directed to prepare a job des- cription for council approval at the next meeting. After council approval, the position could then be advertised and applicants reviewed. Various details of the position were discussed in the last- agendasupplement and .1 would ask that the council review these for any changes, especially relative to hours and method of payment. If_' there is general agreement on these items, applicants can be made aware of the city's intentions with re- spect to these issiles. hater on,an emnl.oyment aerec- manL could be worked out with the successful. enn- didate spelling out these details. Although I think it would be best to make the salary commensurate w:ithsk.i,l..ls and ability,a general salary range should be indicated. I would equate the. job i.n terms of vesponsil3il.i.ty to that; of our present department heads which would approximate $0.50 an hour. For the 1700 hour min.innim on 0n annua] basis, U-118 wouLd equal $11,050 per year with any hours over 1700 paid at t;he rate oP $6.50 an hour. As a resul t; a salary range of $10,000 - 12,000 pcisR[bly could be set. Achii,l.i.onally, advcrt.:i.semcnLs of Clic posa.tion ron.ld be put in the local paper, M.Lnnesou Cities and Mills. Tribxine. 1. would suggest app.1 icaLions be taken until January 21, .i.nt;o•v:i.ews condueted with n start- ing dale of 1'chrunvy 21. 111h.i.s would n.l law 4-6 weeks of time before the heavy const.ruatlon season And allow the .i.ndi,vidua.l to become familiar with c :i l.y ord.i.nnnces, a Le . I would propose that the e i t.y Admi,n:i.sta•ALor review the app.I,.ications and set up LnLerviews At, the c01111::i..l level for 4-5 0131.1-icant;s. 'Phis has been done. in Ole past; Por the liquor store manager and public w•c)rks director. 11OSS:l:lit,h AC'PION: Considevat.i.on of job descriptionapproval, sett ng sai.ary range and adva�rti.s:ing for p os i. C:i un . 1 ILIWERENCES: Agenda supplement, Item 12 of November 2 S, 1 977 meeb.i.ng, lob dcsor.i.pl,lAn. ST %Tf OF l ��-,r7.���,,�,�J11 DEERA.ThI NT Ur N A 1 JitA ? 50UZCE� CENTENNIAL OFFICE BUILDING • ST. PAUL, miPjNESO'TA • SSISS UNR INF09'AAMN (61:) .".91.6157 October 25, 1977 Wright County Board of County Conmissioners Wrignt County Court House Buffalo, Minnesota Dear Sirs: The Rivers Section, Department of Natural Resources, has had the pleasure of working with Wright County, and in particular the Wright County, Parks Department, in the development of a boat launch and parking area within Montissippi Park over the past year. To date we have completed construction of an excellent concrete boat launch ramp and parking facility. Still to be completed are an informational board and miscellaneous tree planting and landscaping. During the course of this cooperative project I have had the opportunity to observe the simultaneous development of other portions of the park. The improvements which I have seen have been very impressive indeed. In fact, in my opinion the park is rapidly becoming one of the finest county park facilities that i have yet seen, and I have seen quite a few throughout the state. It could well serve as a model for other counties to follow. Wright County. the Wright County Park Board, and the parks department deserve congratulations for the excellent job done in Montissippi Park and the other fine parks in the county system. We look forward to being able to work with you in the future on other possible park projects. Sincerely, Don D. Davison, Director DIVISIOY OF PARKS A RECREATION By: Wayne S^mes Assistant Rivers Coordinator :jc Blind cc: Tom Johnson COST BREAKDOWN FOR MONTISSIPPI PARK General Construction Roadwork Parking Lots Landscoping Site Preparatio n Signs Picnic Areas Well Toilet Building Picnic Shelters Picnic Tables Picnic Grills Waste Cans Tent Camping Area Site Work Picnic Tables Grills Waste Cans Toilet Building Well Signs Dosign 6 Enqincerinq 8 6,000.00 4,000.00 10,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 Sub -total 824,000.00 S 1,500.00 12,000.00 (3) 12,000.00 4,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 Sub -total 834,000.00 S 2,000.00 1,500.00 1,500.00 1,000.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 500.00 Sub -total 814,000.00 8 8,000.00 GRAND TOTAL 880,000.00 FEDERAL 840,000.00 STATE 20,000.00 COUNTY 20,000.00 P ORR-SCNEIEN•NINERON &ASS(JOCIATES, INC. .,•+� ON 4. nL ? 47 November 14, 1977 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello 215 South Cedar Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Sandberg South Preliminary Plat Dear Gary: The preliminary plat of the Sandberg South Addition dated November 3, 1977, has been received and reviewed by my staff and the following are our comments based in part on the letter �.% I submitted to you under Hate of October 20, 1977, which referred to a "proposed" Sandberg South Plat. With respect to Section 11-4-1 (A) of the City Code and items 1 "' through 7 of the October 20, 1977, letter, all the required ��,�' II information has been provided except for item No. 6 relating to a�N to the fact that the M/DOT hes access control to T.H. 25 and this should be noted. Enclosed is a copy of the M/DOT right-of-way that indicates this control access. The developer will have to request a release of this controlled access in order to facilitate the construction of Sandberg Road at a slightly different location than is shown on the right-of-way map. Under Section 11-4-1 (B) of the City Code the following is noted: 1. Section 11-4-1 (B)8,'a water main location should be indicated p and this would bo a 10" water line to accommodate a commercial " (B-3) area.' 2. Section 11-4-1 (B)11, a proposed grading plan showing the present and existing contours at a two (2) foot contour interval needs to be submitted. The existing contours are dap shown on tho plat, but a separate grading plan should be ,r presented as required by ordinance which would also indicate AD the ground elovations•at each building site. Other item noted in my letter of October 27, 1977, under Section 11-4-1 paragraphs B, C, and 0 have been satisfactorily resolved. Mr. Gary Wiener City or 14onticcllo Re: Sandberg South Preliminary Plat november 14, 1977 Page 2 A detention pond for storm water storage has been provided and it is more than adequate to accommodate the proposed runoff. A dry well type of structure is planned for the detention pond that may or may not be necessary. The pui-pose of this dry well is to convey storm water drainage underground to the sand and gravel stratum under the overlying peat and clay soils so as to prevent long standing water in the detention pond. it should be noted that a culvert is in existence under Marvin Road west of Lot 3, Block 2 of the Sandberg Plat that could possibly be used for controlling water levels in the detention pond. The dry well structire may prove to be a maintenance problem in the future because of silting and plugging. The long range plans for storm water drainage for Monticello shows the wet laLnd area to the south and west of the Sandberg Plat as future storm water ponding. The side slopes of the proposed detention pond are shown as 2:1 which are relatively steep. These slopes should be a minimum of 3:1 unless erosion protection is provided. This concludes our comments regarding the preliminary PhIL Of Sandberg South Addition. Yours very truly, ORR-SCIIELFN-MAYERON ASSOCIATES, INC. Jotin P. Badalich, P.E. city Engineer JPB/Jct cc: Meyer-Rohlin. Inc. Mr. John -Sandberg , tq ul C.J -f-T- ei0, An ko P.ASTURE,0 CL !S'GONa 66 lNSD'6":CEDARl 4'ZEQAR fin G., —.CzS 5b,U' !� x9:6^-,,,, ,�'� ' t5' / `l��jp�(� � '* %�`• � �-q ,_,, ay 9 ��I t � ..ff� �• �A � 1, 1 !♦\`•, ,�L' ib •((- •rye `�• �Vi ,ll ",.• `� ;,,�.. , r• � fit- 3 ' •~ '+��r (, �� •rte^' y'�Oak%y' . 83 03 v �: `' 1 # ++ 14"#. Monticello 0;04° Ford, Inc. MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 PHONES, Monticello - 293.2056: Twin Cities -421-6595 'Wholesale Ofstributots of Tiros, Batteries, and Auto Supplies "tn the land of Lakes, act you. Ford. at Floke's" `.oce-`er 3, ZYJc +.mi,' ^olio Coancil 215 .. ;:ndsr ;t. t,nt iml-lo, '-'.nn. 5.53b2 hent pili I.Y. Cary Wiaber, Cil;,i 11minis I rn f or 'Ont lehen t T waald 111co'to take this uprurtanity to thank all of yua for - lho fine' coup -rat .ion yua gave as un oar-rglaesi for the new taiktin�' ptvtp.�sn1 :recently. Wo have naffered a alirhl dela;,* in n otarti� tecaaso oar co_Ornclor herl to finish sone worir in °cxa3. '.k5f of yua. are aafaro that a variance wasrrrrantoi for u6- prcaent lveatlun to 060- ,31, 1977 on uar overhanding V! -,n,3. '..-,hen this d1(e was set vat vers uvorly uptimislic and were ea." thnf. va wuald to r_ovel Warn that line. Htnravor, dao to cony protlamm we uil Iwi be able to -mvo by that :date, therefore. I respoeffdUy rsgaenl 'o .six ;xmfhs extension un the 'variance Id alio!; as tinn to net oar nae taildin;,ap and muve: This shoaU. be tho last time I ahuald, hive to ask for this cunsideratiun. I a- earn -ma are guars of the cost of nitviTtj this lame si-a. amt I vugid have no p6jocllun.to duiny this tf'wo wore eoin- to re kern permanonl.l;. .14 ;does not seem,feas.itle for cu short # U -e. 7hars�_nj ,yea;fur yuar cunsi.derat Furl and, iivuratle decision, T s'l... S `.'oars "very t Wily, L . 71a�e Frer � lsrt OF vA Y . Monticello � Ford Inc. �i MONTICELLO; MINNESOTA 55362 PHONES: Monticello,2952056: Twin Cities - 421-6595 Wholesale oi_ilributors of Tires, Bottories, and AuteSupplios "In the land of lakes, gai your Ford at Floles•' :,!ay 12, 1917 r 1 City of -iant.icello 215 So. ^edar Street b^tioollc; ''inn. 55762 At i erl ion t -;ary Niober, City Adasinisi raiiir .aar .;aryt in accu:dance'w11h yuor1g11br of April 2Rth, vo are uith this Uttar ❑aS!inq',applicat.ion fur'verSnnce. to SUM. Ordreace of s1a --unths kiamid Jano 20, 1977;; qs ttiliev,e af, 'this tttne that we shoald ,be able 10 be in ujr new location and this Will noeessilat,e"moving the sign /gmco.., Yoarsvery Ira7y, �1ww�Jj e11�' Freai�lmit / Z. LVA tori 11 /7 3) q- rf /t -3r r ir7-r- LS.�'Gt1- .vtpo�J,,.v PS Fess a .......... ............ w �1916s—� X33. rr 6zIY.rr X76. L% 3 Y&. 7 6 lel 9. s -If yr 3 s- y7 J 7-rg. of 2 yfg�. 9Y 2 303. I/y /oFr•s'i so V. Z y 9d.'tf Z2s. ey .r 71, Zoe. c d ft 17 ytt.z� P �, •; � G12 ELECTR,cREPAIR & GNSTRUCTION CO., INC. 1 522522-651 1 0 l c, ESTABLISHED IN 1935 4024 WASHINGTON AVENUE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS. MN. 55-412 December 2, 1977 City of Monticello 21:. S' Lada: street Mrntirelle, Minnesota 55367. fie: Monticello Street Lighting Liquidated Damages Attention: Mr. Gary Wieber Gentleman: It 1.s our request that the City consider moving the Juno 24, 1977 complution date beck eight days duo to rain and reeotablish the September 7, 1977 final completion date to August 26th, the date the project wes actually finished. If these dates wore accepted by the City and llquidnted damages wore reduced nceard ingly, I em sure a comprnmise could be reached. Very truly yours, ELECTRIC I?CPAITl B CONSTRUCTIN CO., INC. Greg Cola Estimator GC: ah i CONIROLS .. CONSTRUCTION — OFSIGN — REMODELING — I4E4TING MAINTfN4NCI I.u:NI'INO Monticello, Minnesota December 9, 1077 Honorable Mayor and Gity Council Monticello, MN. 55362 Gentlemen: We are taking this opportunity to apprise the council that the secretaries .in the city office would like for you to reassess the proposed salary schedule offered u" for 1975. We are all aware that we are "not irreplaceable, not $5.50-$6.00 an hour personnel, should be happy to work here, etc.". However, we do feel, time and experJence should be looked at as an asset rather than a liability - as Dan stated. Let's take a .Look at the other aide of the coin. We receive no bonuses, merchandise discounts, proflt sharing, paetles, lunches, etc. from our employer. The one and only way we receive a "thank you" for a ,job well done is by aur salary schedule. We were satisfied with Gary's recommendations to you, gentlemen. We feel our staff'" com- patab ility and working togetherness is second to none. We do enjoy working here, but let's face it - everyone i." interested in the re- muneration received Prom yon r efforts. Our first impulse was to comb to a council meet- ing but we decided the councilmen are not the hight'st paid employees of the city and did not want to take up your time, so we are asking that yon gi,*e this request some thought over tho week- end and perhaps you voutd bring it up wider the "unfinished business" agenda ttrm. / lh.tnk you Por your consideration and a apcaial note of gratitude 111 you, Dan, for your Atippurt. yinc, vv'1 y, 1' Buffalo city council meets y employee wage. and eonsideratiao far employeas etRjplpyese the opporapdty to s.enry schedules were alis- afte the council las cwtudted es 101. and evaluate the tossed and ggiven thought with �y Department Heads. PrOPOW, 1°IN titre to offer and coruideretton to by coun.. Cosnciknam Via0. suggested Input and stggestlote, before abnen during the Buffalo City each department head should 9aal roval Is taken. Coumil meeting, Monday, be required to meet with there Marl Auger, the 'City's December 5th. council end give a person by P'1ssining and Development Co Wirl the present Cost d person breakdown of their ardialtor• advised the CounclL Doing Index running about 7.8 personnel regwtft Wivkbsl, an r esntetdtbig with the local percent, One Council generally per[atnence and if and why a H33& that this Qly wiq be agreed to live an across the merit increase Is recom. -Q�'equdred to meet the coat of board 1.6 percent Cast of Living mended. Mocatim Payments to the-tvro locreare to employees on the The Council In genial felt tenants who were renting Ctty's payroll. alit putting the eatery schedule oputiments in rte KepplUw Merit increases, show the 7.e together now and approving it biofldLg at 0o time It was tom perm) increase, will be given at the next meeting would give sefnnformer trmantehave Bled for the payments and vhen funding was approvrd for the project, part of the agreement staled the tenants were entitled, by law, to the Relocation Payments. Since no other funding is available to cover this expertise, the City might be jeopardizing their chances for receiving any furtherfunding or grants if they do not comply satisfactorily. The displaced tenants. Hohnbags and Kiekows, have Ned for a total of 15,505. Feeling the Council's hands were tied and they had no other choice, they approved the ex- pense using moray from the General Fled. Auger also annwared that HUD Grants will be released in ,one allowing a Spring con Atruction starting date on the HUD apartment undo to be built on the loaner egg processing site, near downtown Buffalo. He stated 100 limapplkation Itqubies have already been received regarding the units. A proposal horn Tim Kawa tke to temme sludge disposal from the wastewater treatment plant for the City was turned down for the present Kowa& explained that after some sit* and testing of the &Wgc. M has ascertained that there is some fertilizer valise presently contained In the sludge. Not enough is known about its' potential now, but with pollution and the energy shortage becoming more evident, it could become a valuable cormodily He acknowledged that at this. time it hasn't much value as a fertilizer. bid what be proposes to do is save the Qty Borne mon-5 hauling it away for dwnpu q. Ik would charge the City $10 per 1,000 gallon had to haul it away and also nate Use city since man hours Marvin Paumen, City San - Italian Npartment, stated there is no pressure on his crew now anted tIw department las the tlnw And trucks to haul It away A Itnoduden tea passed by Me t cuncil /vinq authordq' to Initiate proceedings W tense the water main easement rotas the Pauline Be( ke r pr,rp rt). HhII MatUass Ford Ya los bidder on the new poke .our Ynh $4.213 Ili,IUUng an elwh I . SHERIFFS OFFICE Court Howie — Wright Counly BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55313 r Telephone 683.1162 James F. Powers, Chief Deputy Lr. Myron A. Morris, Investigator Lt. Ei Heberfing, Civil DARRELL L. WOLFF County Sheriff December 8, 1977 Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Low Enforcement report for the month of November, 1977. 544 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: 1 - Burglary at Joyners Lanes - no loss - cleared by arrest of 1 subject 1 - Criminal damage to property - eggs thrown at house - cleared by arrest of 1 subject who was charged with aiding in criminal damage to property 5 - Burglaries of Fairs Farm Market, Monticello Meats, Centra Soto, Senior Citizen Lounge, Dr. Fish Dental Clinic and the Attempted burglary of the Monticello Clinic were all cleared by the arrest of 2 juveniles. Money, tools, and merchandise valued in excess of $1,000.00 were all recovered. I - Burglary of Vance's Standard - 1 battery stolen - under investigation 1 - Burglary at Dick's 66 - cash register taken - cleared I - Burglary at Independent Lumber - $355.00 cash taken - cleared I - Theft of 2 lamps from Silver Fox Inn - under investigation I - Criminal damage to vehicle - passenger window broken - cleared I - Theft of battery from Red's Mobil - cleared by arrest of a juvenile 1 - Criminal damage to property - rock thrown through the windshield of the squad car 1 - Theft of Christmas decoration from the village - cleared by arrest of 2 subjects 1 - Theft of motor vehicle - cleared by arrest of juvenile 1 - Theft of battery from parked vehicle 1 - Criminal damage to property - rock thrown through car window 6 breaking it I - Simple assault - cleared by arrest 1 - Criminal damage to property - rocks thrown through 2 thermo pane windows at Dahlheimer's Distributing 1 - Criminal damagerito property - car drove into fence at the Monticello High School - cleared 1 - Bench warrant arrest for Hennepin County 2 - Public nuisance 2 - Civil matters 2 - Hunter complaints I - Theft of a diamond ring r.(ic:�•� Cly Sf�..f`�• %�yi••,.� f DARRELL L. WOLFF Coonly SAerlft SHERIFF'S OFFICE Court Hw,. — Wright County BUFFALO, MINNESOTA SS317 Telephone ISM167 Sheriff's report for Monticello for Nove.,.Lz7 :^ntinued: 1 Report of person not paying bill at Perkins Cake b Steak 1 - Animal complaint 2 Suspicious persons 6 vehicles 1 Medical aid 1 Recovered property 1 Neighbor dispute 1 Domestic 61 - Car 6 subject checks 25 - Citizens aid 43 - Motorists warned 12 - Accidents investigated 4 - Repair tags issued 6 - Open doors 31 - Truffle tickets issued: 2 Driving while Intoxicated ll - Speed 3 - Reckless driving 3 - Erratic driving 2 Stop sign 6 signal 2 - Open bottle. 2 - Improper Ione usage 3 - Improper registration 3 - Parking Yours truly, Darrell Wolff. Sheriff Billing: For the months of September, 1977 -- $ 4,050.33 October, 1977 -- $ 4,050.33 November, 1977 -- $ 3,528.33 plus 64 hours extra @ $7.25 -- 464,00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $12,092.99 James F. Gowers, Chief Deputy Lt. Myron A. Morris, Investigator Lt. El Heberling, Civil Monticello School Aids - 1st year - 2.80 2nd year - 3.05 3rd year - 3.30 4th year - 3.55 (contract renewed each 2 years - to be renewed 7-1-78) Monticello School Secretaries - 1st year - 3.00 (2.75) - Previous 2nd year - 3.30 (3.00) PSc Schedule 3rd year - 3.65 (3.45) 4th year - 4.35 (4.00) (current pay schedule - renewed each two years) i to Monticello City council �! Regular Meeting December 12, 1977 — 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Philip h'hite, Gene Walters. Citizens Comments: Roy Lauring reminded the counci3,that a December 21, 1977 deadline had been established for the removal of the patio deck erected by Ron White in violation of the city's sideyard setback ordinances. In addition, Mr. Lauri -ng requested that the council deny any future requests by M'r. White for extensions of time for removal. Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. White instructing the city administrator to not grant any additional extensions of time for the removal of the deck on Mir. White's house. Voting in favor: A. Grimsmo, D. Blonigen, P. White; opposed: G. Walters, C. Johnson. I. Review of Montissinot Park Improvements. Tom Johnson, Wright County Park Administrator, reviewed with the council various improvements planted for Montissippi Park. Mr. Johnson indicated that total project costs for the lmprovcmcntc are estimated at $80,000.00 with the State of Minnesoto contributing fifty ' percent of the costs. Some of the improvements proposed include a picnic area with tables, grillo, toilet building and three picnic nheltars. Also a tent camping area was proposed with mvnning water, toilet buildings and picnic tables, etc. (See supplement 12-12-77 N1.) Mr. Johnson solicited recommendations from the council and a motion was mode by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. Whito and unanimously carried to approve the proposed improvement plan for Montissippi Park no presented. 2. considerntion of Final Plat Approval - Sandberg South. John Sandberg submitted a final plat plat on his 8.28 acre commercial plat located southwest of the 1-94 interchange on highway 25. 'rho plat consists of d commercially zoned lots. The final plot has been reviewed and npprovad by John Badnlich provided tho adjoining land owner to the south of the plat, Mel Worth, deeds the nocesoary land to Mfr. Sandberg in order that the state opprovcuiaceoas to highway 'S Fill lino up with the proposed road through the plat. A motion ❖as made by D. Blonigen, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve tho finnl plat of Sandberg South as proocnted provided the road access agreement is completed with Mel Worth. Regular City Council - December 12, 1977 Q 3. Consideration of Law J•hforcement Contract for 1978 with Wrirht County. Jim Powers, of the Wright County Sheriff's Department reviewed the proposed contract for Police Protection for 1978 with the council. Essentially, the contract is the same as the 1977 contract except for the hourly cost increase from $7.25 to .$9.00. Based on 365 days of 16 hour service and an additional 8 hours for Friday and Saturday nights, the contract would total 6672 hours for a cost of $60,048 or $5,004 per month. Mr. Powers explained that the 244 increase was due to increased costs of operating the sheriff's department along with costs involved with the county tour: system. The Council discussed possible reduction in patrol hours for Monticello due to the increased hourly rate but a motion was made by P. White, and seconded by A. Grinsmo to approve the 1978 contract for police protection with Wright County as presented. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters. Abstaining: D. Blonigen. (See supplement 12-12-77 f12.) L.. Consideration of Request of F+Ktension on Overhanging Sinn Variance. City ordinances require all overhanging signs to have been removed by June 30, 1977. MonLicello Ford, Imc. was granted an oxtenoion to December 31, 1977 to comply with this provision since the dealership woo to move to a q' new location south of I-91, near Highway 25. Die to construction delays mid other problems, Monticello Ford requested an additional 6 month extension to June 30, 1978 to allow for completion of his new building and avoid the expense of relocating the silt at his present location. (See supplement 12-12-77 0.) A motion was made by D. Blonigen to deny the second request for an extension of time to June 30, 1978. Died for lack of a second. G. Walters then made a motion, seconded by A. Grimamo, to grant the additional 6 ranth extension requested by Monticello Ford to 6-30-78. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, G. Walters. Opposed: D. Blonigcn. 5. Consideration of Approval of Job Description and Advertising for Rill Time Bid.l.di.ng Inspector. At the previous council mooting, approval. was given to hi,ro nfull Limo building inspector and the city administrator was directed to prepare a fob aoccription for council roview. in addition to the regular duties of inspection on buildings constructed within the city, the building inepector'o work would include i.ncpection of various city improvement projects, such no newer and water extensions, curb, nater, ouorm sewer and street improvements. Regular City Council - December 12, 1977 Discussion by the council included the number of hours of work that may be required during a year and a 1700 hour minimum was recommended at an hourly rate of approximately $6.50 per hour. This would result in a v salary ranee of approximately $10,000 $12,000 per year. G. Walters made a motion, seconded by P. White, and unanimously carried -' to approve the job description for the building inspector's position as oresented and to advertise for a full time building inspector in accordance with salary guidelines recommended by the administrator in the agenda supplement. 6. Approval of Minutas. A notion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of 11-28-77 as presented. 7. Walnut Street Cr0ssing Agreement - Burlington Northern. A letter was received from Burlington Northern, Inc. agreeing to the establish— ment of a crossing on Walnut Street provided that all costs associated with the crossin are borne by the City of Monticello. (See supple- ment 12-12-77 Burlington Northern estimated the cost of installing the crossing at $54,846.00. A motion was made by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to agree to the terms and conditions requiring the city to pay all costs involved subject to review of agreement by the city admini- strator, city attorney and consulting engineer with n project coat limit of $57,000.00. 8. Review on Chemical Treatment Equipment at Disooaal Plant. John Bodalich informed the council that he sent a latter to tho MPCA requesting an extension on the completion deadline for the installation of chemical treatment equipment at the wastewater treatment plant. The MPCA required that this equipment be installed in an effort to reduce the effluent discharge levels at the disposal plant. Wrightco Producta has been requested to obtain additional tests of their sewage strength in order to substmrtiato the reduced levols. Mr. Badalich presented bids received on the installation of the chemical treatment equipment but a motion was made by P. White, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to reject all bids and send a letter of thanks to all bidders as this item will be tabled until a later date. C1 Rco.ilar City Council - December 12, 1977 9. Final payment - Highway 25 Street Lighting Project. A letter was received from Electric Repair and Construction Co., conLrector :or the street lighting project, requesting a reduction in the liquidated damages from V. days to 54 days because of rain, etc. (See supplement 12-12-77 /l5.) A motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to penalize Electric Repair and Construction a total of 54 days or $2700.00 as liquidated damages on the Highway 25 street lighting project final payment, rather than 7L days as per original contract. 10. Discussion on Public Officials - &mloyers Liability Insurance. Tae council discussed whether or not individual councilmen can be held liable for their actions as members of the council. Council consensus was to have the city attorney prepare an opinion on the councilmen's liability and whether additional insurance protection is needed. In add! tion, a motion was made by C. Johnson, seconded by P. While and unon- imou5ly carried to submit an application for insurance coverage and have a quote presented at the next coruncil meeting. 11. R,M ew of 1978 Salary Schedules - Office Secretaries. A. the last council meeting, a motion was passed to increase the sa.]aries o; L. Gillham, M. J. Quick and N. Spivak by 150 per hour in 1978. Couicilman Blonigun requested that the council reconsider Lheir raise and male a motion to increase their salaries per recommendation made by Lhu CILy Adad nistrntor as follows: Cillham: 350 per hour; Quick: 300 per hour; Spivak: 10c per hour. Died for lack of o second. 12. tiiscellan ous. The next regtnlar council meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, Janunry 10, :978, rather than Monday, Janunry 9, 1978. ,:,,Lion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by G. Walters and unanimously carried to adjourn. wolfsteller, Aar.inlatraLive Assistant R'W/nl�q