City Council Agenda Packet 02-13-1978AGENDA L• REGULAR MEKING - M NTICEUdD CITY COUIICIL February 13, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. 1" 1 Mayor: C. O. Johnson -5 Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Philip White Meeting to be taped. Q Citizens Comments. .4Consideration of Building Permit Approval - Silver Fox Motel. �14Consideration of Resolution Continuing Pbaee II of Airport Feasibility Study on Site B. A Consideration of Installing Underground Electric Utility Linea and Telephone Cables as part of the 1977-9 Street Improvement Project. r�. Consideration of Adoption of Uniform Rouaiag Code. „�.• Appointment of Council Representative to Ommunity School Advisory Board's A::mral Meeting. 00.�.Consideration of Adopting Ordinance Establishing Four -Year Term for Mayor. 6. '/Consideration of Ordinance Revising Mayor and Councilmembers Salaries. 7. ✓Consideration of Special Meeting to Interview Building Inspector (� Candidates. 8. J Consideration of Approving Orr-Schelen-MWeron A Assoc. to Ravi 9. 4 Approval of Bills. 10. Approval of Minutes for 1/23/78 and 1/26/78. Unfinished Business: ��,�°' "1 tL1 ' 41nes for vandalima to city property. February 8, 1978 O.S.M. letter regarding Street Improvement Project 1977-3. Now Puoincoo: �Aaeesament Policy. ✓Joint Meeting with Planning Commission on comprehensive plan - February 20, 1978. C cFJ , G- 13 AGENDA 0 ,1i , REGULAR MEETING - M1N1'ICE7.W CITY COUNCIL M� February 13, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmen: Daniel Blonigen, Arve Grimamo, Gene Walters, Philip White , Meeting to be taped. Citizens Ommente. ✓1. Oonadderation of Building Perwit Approval,- Silver Fort Hotel. ✓lA Consideration of Resolution Ooatiann3ng fta" II of Airport Feasibility Study on Site B. ✓1. Consideration of Installing padarg mond Aeotric Utility Lina and Telephone Cables as part of the 197743 S#reet Uprovemant Project. /3. Consideration of Adoption of ad.farn NMWAS Code. .4. Appointment of Council Repr"wtative,to Ooaanmity School Advisory1- Board' a Anra al Meeting. e+ I�aKayozdaration of Adopting Cedlnana ; � Fm�r-Year Term for 6. '/Consideration of Ordinance Revising Mayor and Councilmembera Salaries. 7. /Consideration of Special Meeting to Interview Building Inspeotor Candidates. S. ✓ Consideration of Approving On-Schelan-Msyaron & Assoc. to ReviArt i) Floodway Map. !45�`� 9. dApproval of Bills. 10. /Approval of Minntea for V23/08 and 7./26/78. �(✓ �o � � " � � ` Unfinished Business: +e� W` �n`'Vl 41neo for vandalism to city property. February S, :978 O.S.M. letter regarding Street Improvement Proj ict 1977 - New Busine.9z: `Assej: nct.t Policy. ✓Jain; Me(ting with Planning Comslasion on comprehensive Plan - February 10, 11473. l AGffP.)A SUPPLEMENT I Agenda Item 1. Consideration of Buildine Permit Approval - Silver Fox Motel. Mr. Fd Larson, principal owner of the Silver Fox Motel, is requesting a building permit to add twelve units to the existing forty-two unit motel. Plans have been presented to our building inspector and brought before the Planning Commission for their recommendation at their last meeting. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the permit. It should be pointed out that the planned addition complies with all applicable state and city codes, and Mr. Larson has agreed to the landscaping requirements. Additionally, the existing parking spaces are sufficient to meet the city ordinances relative to a fifty-four unit motel. Mr. Larson does not have mechanical and electrical plans, but Mr. Miller 4 rr11 has indicated a partial permit can be issued on plans presented thus a� 6` far. Additionally, Mr. Larson will later present a landscaping plan �� ,�0 _,y to the building inspector that meets the dollar requirement of our t �g ordinances. F Mr. Lnrson hopes to be open by June 15, 1978 with the now addition o and was reminded of the certificate of occupancy requirements. Q V Reasoning for addition of twelve units has been the high occupancy ratio the motel has experienced during its time of operation, which is only Q about nine months. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of permit. V ° REFERENCES: Building plans available at City Hall. ends Item 2. Consideration of InstAllin6 Undersround Electric Utility Lines and Telephone Cables as part of the 1977-3 Street Improvement Protect. At a recent council meeting, the possibility of installing underground electric utility lines and telephone cables woe discussed as a part of the 1977-3 Street Improvement F_oject. Enclosed, please find a memo from NSP relative to the matter. As you can see by the memo, there aro many factors involved in going to an underground system, such as a charge to a customer for changing the service, the cost of excavation on private property, easements to be obtained, a $2.90 per month charge to residential customers, plus an estimated cost to the city of $745,497. Additionally, the city would have to float another bond to cover the added costs and depending on portion to be assessed - a reforendum might be required. NSP indica- ted the project could take them more than one year to complete. gJ71v Agenda Item 1A. Consideration of Resolution Continuing Phase II of Airport Feasibility Study on Site B. Representatives of the Monticello Airport Committee along with the mayor and myself have met vrith representatives from the Federal Aviation Administration and the Minnesota Department of Transportation, Aero- nautics Division, relative to the airport eiivation. From the discussions the following points evolved: 1. FAA and MN/DOT would continue to fund study even though Monticello might remain only sponsor. 2. No funding from the state and federal level would b:: available to Buffalo, Haplc Lane ui' KillLiceilu un existing sues unless additional land was purchased to accommodate a runway as indicated in item 3. 3. In order to receive state and federal funds, site would have to be selected that had expansion potential to accommodate a 5,000 - 5500 foot runway (northwest-southc_st alignment). 4. Three sites within the study area were closer to Monticello than the combined site, however only one site, Site B, has possible expan- sion potential as indicated in item 3. FAA and MN/DDT have given their approval to studying Site B if Monticello were to select that site. t,lp As a result of Monticello's meetings with above officials its alternatives are as follows: 1. Drop out of study 2. Pursue the combined site gFy'r �O ��►� t9� 3. Pursue Site B 4. Pursue Monticello -Big Lake site previously studied L/ 5. Pursue smaller site elsewhere with no Federal or State funds P 011 The consensus of Monticello officials present was to pursue site B 5�+: `� �o �• and enclosed please find a resolution to that effect and a map of the \' Jy er �y sr d t area. t' X46 `M e� It should be noted that selection of another site other than the combined site a,eti�od for thefirm, Ralph au a )o� Assoctesaandthswuladd $12OO to the study with teteprticipa- I i tion of 80%. Initially, the City of Monticello'a cost for Phase II was to be $425, ��o r with the other communities dropping out, and the in creom in the engin- V4 caring contract Monticello'a share would be $1090. pa Sr �; POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of resolution enclosed approving of d� SJd entering into Phase II of the study, etc. V 1,01" REFERENCES: Enclosed map. Resolution. y F Goy 00 +` A�fr Agenda Supplement - 2/13/78 I have also talked to the telephone company and have received negative response relative to replacement of existing cables, but they indicated a desire to install some new feeder lines underground. N 01' POSSIBLE ACTION: Decision whether to pursue underground utilities f,y' and telephone cable. Pa REFERENCES: Enclosed memo from NSP. Agenda Item 3. Consideration of Adoption of Uniform Housing Code. This item was on the council's agenda August 24, 1977, and council requested it be tabled for further consideration. Following are significant elements of the Uniform Housing Code: APPLICATION - Code would apply to all buildings either existing or designed or intc::dcd to be 'auilt. However, existing buil^"ngs do not have to comply with all the provisions of the code, only those found to be substandard as spelled out in section 1001. (copy sent out with 8-21--77 Agenda.) ENFORCEMIT - Building inspector has authority to enforce code. HOUSING ADVISORY AND APPEALS BOARD - City Council appoints board consisting of five members who are not employees of the City. The Building Inspector is an ex -officio member of the board. This board acts in an advisory capacity on the interpretation 1. of the 1Iniform Housing Code and also as an appeal board. Should a property owner disagree with a decision rendered by the Building inspector, he would have the right to appeal the case to the board. The board could be the City Council itself or a combination of council members and other appointed members. PROCEDURE - Whenever the Building Inspector has inspected or caused to be inspected any building and has found and determined that such building is a substandard building, he shall order the building repaired, vacated or demolished to abate the problem. The order of the Inspoctor must be carried out in a reasonable period of time normally not to exceed 60 days. AP?EAI. HEARING - If the property owner appeals the order of the Building Inspector, a hearing is held by thu Board of Appeals and a final decision is rendered. Property owner must appeal order of building inspector within 30 days after order is inaued, and if not appealed within 30 days, the building inspector's order is final. ENFORCEMENT OF ORDER - If the property owner fails to obey the order, the building inspector may prosecute or institute any appropriate action to abate such a nuisance. - 2 - Agenda Supplement 2/13/78 RECOVERY OF CAST OF REPAIR OR DEMOLITION - Any cost incurred by the city in carrying out the provisions of the Uniform Housing Code in repair or demolition of a building shall be assessed against the property. It should be pointed out that the Uniform Housing Code was previously adopted by the City of Monticello prior to the adoption of a new set of ordinances in 1975. At their August 1977 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended adoption of the code; however, they expressed concern over the degree of technicality to which the code would be applied. It was their feeling that the code should be utilized to concentrate on rental units and also single family residential units that are definitely in need of repair. Additionally, they recommended that rental units be inspected on a regular annual basis. A Q�• �" The City Council may want to consider an amendment to exclude 1, single family residences, unless they are rented out, from the b" provisions of the ordinance. This would make the code applicable to rental units only. �3 ;'OSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adopting code, with any revisions, and appointing Housing Advisory and Appeals Board. l REFERENCES: Uniform Housing Code (sent with B-24-77 agenda, please contact city hall if you want another copy.) Agenda Item 4. Aonointment of Council Reuresentative to Community School Advisory Board's Annual Meeting. Enclosed, please find a letter from Monticello Community Education Director, Duane Cates, relative to the community school's advisory council's annual meeting Thursday, March 16, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Monticello Senior High School Library. It is necessary that one council member attend this meeting in order \ that the community school. may meet the requirements of Mod. Statutes n Il 275.125 rolative to incroacing mutual cooperation between local units `�`yo` of government and the school district. POSSIBLE ACTION: Appointment of council member to attend March 16th meeting. REFERENCE: Enclosed letter. l - 3 - Agenda Supplement 2/13/78 Agenda Item 5. Consideration of Adopting Ordinance Establishing Four -Year Term for Mayor. Minnesota Statutes 412.022 provide that a city council may, by ordinance, establish a four year term for the office of mayor. The present term of a mayor is not affected by the ordinance if adopted. �PW Additionally, the ordinance must be adopted at least four weeks before the closing date for the filing of affidavits of candidacy to the be effective for the next election. For example, the ordinance would have to be adopted by September 12, 1978 for the mayor's term to be extended to four years for the November 7, 1978 election. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of Adopting Ordinance Establishing Four-year term for Mayor. REFERENCE: Enclosed proposed ordinance. Agenda Item 6. Consideration of Ordinance Revising Mayor and Councilmembers Salaries. With our last meeting's agenda, there was enclosed a salary schedule of mayor and council members for various cities and this is again enclosed for your reference. MUnticello's council members are paid $15 per meeting and the mayor is paid $20 per meeting. In 1977, council members were paid $480 each, and the mayor received $640 (Mayor's salary was donated back to the City). According to Minnesota Statutes, a change in salary does not become effeo- tive until after the next regular municipal election (November 7, 1978). Although most citi,.=s that nrn the size of Monticello pay their mayor and council members approximately the same as Monticello, other factors such as budget responsibility and activity should be taken into consideration. For example, Brainerd (Pop. 11,667) pays their mayor and council members $2,100 and $1,500 respectively based on 1977 figures, and the activity and budget responsibility in Monticello is probably just as great or greater. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of adopting ordinance revising mayor and council members salary. REFERENCE: Ehclosed salary achedula.� - 4 - Agenda Supplement 2/13/78 I .,genda Item 7. Consideration of Special Meeting to Interview Building Inspector Candidates. Thus far, thirty-seven (37) applications have been received for the posi- tion of building inspector for the City. An ad will appear this week in the Minnesota Cities magazine and the .number of applicants could quite easily reach fifty to sixty. L4 Of the applications received thus far, ten (10) have been certified building inspectors. Salhry requirements generally range from $12,000 - $16,000 per year. I would like to suggest the possibility of a special meeting to inte7e u possibly for to six of the top candidates for further consideration. / Since the League magazine will come out the week of February 13th, X155 would suggest the week of February 20th or 27th for the interview POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of special meeting. REFERENCES: Applications available at city hall. Agenda Item 8. Consideration of Approving Orr-Schelen-Maveron Assoc. to Review Floodway Map. The Federal Insurance Administration, U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is contracting with private engineering firms to review and update floodway maps. Purpose of updating the maps is to provide more detailed information for the National Flood Insurance Program under which individuals can purchase flood insurance for their homes and businesses. To become eligible for flood insurance, the community must meet guidelines set up by HUD. As part of updating the flood plain maps, HUD is also requiring to update its ordinances to meet new regulations. In the Monticello area, Barr Engineering is updating the present flood - way maps along the Mississippi River and Otter Creek. They have completed their review and have sent the City maps to review for approval. These maps have been looked at by Keith Nelson, of O.S.M., and he feels that there are some revisions the City should request specifically along Otter Creek. Although 1t is hard to estimate, Keith feels that it would take about four to six hours to adequately review the proposed flood plain map. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of authorizing O.S.M. to further review flood plain map for possible revisions. REFERENCES: Copy of map is available at City Hall. — 5 — Z �13 J?? RESOLUTION CITY OF MONTICELLO AIRPORT STUDY WHEREAS, the Cities of Buffalo, Maple Lake and Monticello, under mutual agreement, have initiated a joint use airport feasibility study; and WHEREAS, the Phase I portion of the study has been completed; and WHEREAS, the Cities of Buffalo and Maple Lake have decided not to continue into Phase II of the study; NOW, THDU7ORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Monticello City Council selects the potential Site referred to in Phase I as Site B for further study in Phase II. in order to have more information on which to base future decisions relative to the possible development of an airport. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council authorizes and directs its representatives on the Monticello Airport Committee to proceed with Phase II of the study. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves of an amend- ment to the contract with Ralph Burke Associates increasing the cost of the phase II feasibility study from $8,500 to $9,700 with Federal participation of $7,650, state participation of $960 and Monticello participation to be $1,090. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council of Monticello hereby autho- rizes and directs its Mayor and City Administrator to execute the Minnesota State Aid Agreement on behalf of the City of Monticello relative to the State of Minnesota's participation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that no efforts toward acquiring land or con- stricting an airport shall be made prior to the selection of an environ- mentally approved site. Start1 ss Ps a r! to BiB Lo Slo.ph u� 1, rh MOM TIC EL LO A Ids L. Flier bl __ Bert m Mod E.plo � I _!. I.*. Tr,n Nott `�j I • li Ure• 411 O «_ As O Ceder IF r oIF '-1 el.t1 O 1 tote t i t• A11Y• F. � i ' t �dir1 U Ssttiv:n taA♦ u 4Mn +r} O+ti Mitt i Q:7 .. .? Cantil nti AsksIt y yt +f'eot !Ne Wnhlnptor + ✓L I' Fatttkt I Asks I F I• t O 1•bt ' , i , we i Arhert i Sthtnldt J � loY• ry ) BUffAl0 uh I L#k a. !I Mud • dt '� tkt I+ i is L.Ys � I Ajt • lotst un 1 Q t Bnth t f • Me burn +Mkt . 1.11 l t Y♦ .�.ds �� L.Yi / � Aulatr :� rt a'_h ..� • �� M7nY AI Asko _ laYo M1trh1 1�t O1 �1 IIS i 61 11 t+ c -L',I131Zg 1977 SALARIES OF MAYOR & COUNCIL SELECTED CITIES 1970 Census *Mayor's *Council Size City Salary Salary 2,252 Elk River $1,000 $ 800 3,275 Buffalo 1,200 720 2,531 Princeton 1,500 900 8,142 Hutchinson 3,000 2,400 5,051 Sauk Rapids 1,800 1,200 9,916 Worthington 5,000 3,000 11,667 Brainerd 2,100 1,500 15,341 Owatonna 3,000 2,400 * Yearly Basis Note: Monticello's city councilmen are paid $15/meeting and mayor is paid $20/meeting. In 1977, 32 meetings would equal $480 for each councilman and $640 for mayor. 4 131 MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING January 23, 1978 - 7:30 P.M. Present: C. 0. Johnson, D. Blonigen, A. Grimsmo, G. Walters, P. White. Mayor Johnson opened the meeting by welcoming all citizens present to the new City hall facilities and invited them all to tour the building after the meeting. 1. Consideration of John Sandberg's "Riverside" preliminary plat. Mr. Jokut SanJberg presented a preliminary six acre plat consisting of (3) parcclo. The plat proposed single family residential lots varying in size from IL.20C sq. ft. to 109.000 square feet. In addition, the plat contains (2) small outlets located west of River Street. Consulting Ehgincer, John Badalich, reviewed the plat and recommended that it be approved provided the final plat status that outlets A d: B are "unbuildable" lots. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, second by P. White and unanimously carried to approve the 8 -lot Riverside preliminary plat as presented with the final plat to note that outlets A d: B are "unbuildable" lotu. 2. Consld,ration of Petition for Improvements to Riverside Plat. iphn Sandberg petitioned for sewer, water, curb and gutter to his new Riverside residential plat. As with previous petitions for improvements of this nature, a motion was madv by G. Walters, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to acknowledge receipt of the petition, but delay any action in regards to a feasibility report until after March 1, 1978. Ihio would alluw the council to consider all proposed imprnvemcnta at one timC, with (1) feasibility report prepared for all 1978 improve - mi nt z. 1 3. Consideration of Committee Appointments. All '!-)micelle committees need to be appointed annually except for the H.R.A. coma ttec which are 5 -year terms. Only one appointment was necessary in the H.R.A. as a result of Leo Nelson's term expiring -x/../77. `. A motion was made by C. Johnson, second by G. Walters and unanimously csrr!Li to appoint the following committee members for 1978 with the excrptlun of the streets and parka committee which is being Laminated: !b ( 1.1C1 OF MONTICEL.L0 COMWS.S,C(1NS lJanuary I, 11t,iC I'I:a\\ICG <1r?tDllc�lUN Il Cal'Okl(',11 511(")F11 Fr vd l'•,pcl Robert. Br•orn. (h,t1 rm:tn .Jim R_idect.:n .1im llcrb:b 1). , ( D. Hauer 11a.,0 Kart i I t -u,•6 I 1 -dol laif, Cary Pvir.gk- D.:nte,n liricksm John Mitt bel J. W. Hiller (ex-ol'Pivio) Tsala•1 Hul,kt•r 111'rINESS A 1NDI ilRTAI SENIOR CIIIZCN ( 1•NIIK BOARD DL\IIOP?ICNC (OMMISSlr)N Kcnnrth !Crus, Chairman let) Nelt;nn - PI.c-6it1et11 I owcl l schrupp Harry it.os e, - I t r,l.ur et I Ioyd Lund Marie John P„irt.•r Sholdon Johncnn 1 ni S S. hnepi C I .1yr1 Lund Harry St harr'er 1101 ,1%1; AND RLDF.\'EAMP1,11:141 Frank I'hntnp.nn ' \111`IIURT'IY Jai' MnrreIl Marie Drurtietu .Jean_ Pu1.r1 +, fha,irman- (1 -I -1o) cavoline 1 I I i:,m Nil l king Andr,rsttn 1.1 -1-'u) Hugh Mt 141,,1,1,1,1 \i1 lnkalq• (1 -I -.til) -.: - . Robcrr Witt \IM'r1R1 1,1%1%11-;S.1UN JMNT RIANI-411,41N Ill RD 1•en.- N,11 t era ('I T)- Kiat Ci•t.gr ., Ai+n ?taus Daw Il•luet• Si 11,1111 R11— 4.111 1,•, :(iurdon'1, . ."'011\111' I-1111%114IX IWARII .IuiVl -IARI (WARD R it L %m I It tel l el' life Rept , _ I �.. I t lllrn••1 1, 1 rtt Rill. lt„Ir.I.11••t Int.n.hrp - ..,d1.tJ 1 art 6• r I Ill r- MS'IkIt'I DIA VI(IPMI•N1 1 t . U\ I rm �Lnr-s Rud =t ht uph V.0 n FI it Ger I .0 r r 1 I,1A.• Z-/13 /7 P _. a, --:.ion, letLers of appreciation will be sent to al'L co -dl,'.cc members not reappointed for 1978. �. Presentation by Representative in DPPpsiti On to a Repiorlal /carport. +r. Phil Pesola, a prepresentative of a committee opposed to a regiornal airport, presented the council petitions signed by residents of both e city and townships of Buffalo, Maple Lake .u:d Mcaticcllo. (See supplement 1-23-78 111). In ad ition, Mr. Pesola folt that the following factors should be con- sidered by the council before proceeding with the airport study: 1. The committee feels that a need for a regional airport has not been established and that Maple Lake and Buffalo already have existing airports which serve their needs; and that family's will be displaced and forced to move to accommocate such an airport; and that a regional airport located in the vicinity proposed All cause haphazard commercial d;velopment along Hwy. 25 which is now predominantly .agricultural. 1•h'. Franklin Donn, Monticello Township Chairman, informed the council that Monticello, Maple Lake and Buffalo Townships have all passed inJividual resolutions opposing a regional airport. 'rhe council accepted the petitions and informed the opponents that P. decision on whether to go ahead with the study will be placed on the agunda for consideration after the city consults with state and federal. agencies in light of Buffalo and Maple Lake's withdrawal from Phase it participation. Con2i�eration of' Public Officials Liability Insurance. At. .he last council meeting, this Stem was reviewed and tha city council requested that Phil %bite review the insurance coverage proposals with Jim Fo::ter ;u -id report back to the council with a recommendation. [ar' •�:3LC' L'CCUI:Q:IL':aibL1U[: wu8 Lu purchb5c: LLe public officials =iabi- lity Laurance frost John H. Growther, Inc. in Lhr: amowit of $1,0001000 per person and $190009000 aggregate. ELiUmated prumlum would bo ?1,.:35.00 annually with a $1,000 deductible per person and $5,000 ,ied•dJLible per aggrcgnte. was made by D. Blonigen, second by P. White and unanimously carried Lo purchase the public officials liability Insurance covurage from John Ii. Crowther, Inc. in the anownt of $1,000,000 per person ana $1,C00,000 aggregate at an estimated premium of $1,236.00 annually. jr. a dation, a motion was made by P. Wlilte, second by G. Walters and i` unanimously carried to have the city pay the $1,000 deductible potion of all claims. lb s/p /7B 6. Consideration of Proposal for Cleaning Services for New City Hall. A proposal for daily cleaning services at the New City Hall was received from Patricia and James Pruesse in the amount of $180.00 per month. (gee nipplement 1-23-78 #2). The 1978 budget included $2,750.00 for cleaning of the new City Hall. Mo -,'on was made by P. White, second by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to accept the proposal for cleaning services at the flew City -all with Patricia and James Pruesse in the amount of $180.00 per month, ViLh a review after three months. 7. Consideration of ADDOintin4 Council ReoresentaLives to Union NecotiaLing Committee. A motion was made by C. Johnson, second by P. White Lu appui::L cou::cilmen G. Walters and A. Grimsmo as council representatives on the union salary negotiating committee for 1978. (in savor: C. Johnson, P. White, A. Grimsmo, U. Ulonigen) (Opposed: G. Walters). S. Aooroval of Mllnul.en. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, second by P. White and unanimously � curried to approve the minutes of 1-10-78 as presented. 9. Miscellaneous. Mayor C. Johnson suL;ested that the following items bn placed on Lhu next to=cil agenda for consideration: 1. Consideration of stricter punishment ordinancnu for persons caught destroying or vandalizing city property. 2. Consideration of lengthening the Mayor's term In office from present 2 years to 1. years. 3 Conside:ation of adopting the Uniform Housing Code. 3onsideration of increasing the Mayor's and councilmen's salaries in 1979. Rlcet i.:nz sn jou ned. Rlehar8 Wolfspeller Adm. Asst. RW/ns - - -- H-Mbers present: C. 0. jol-ison, D. Blonig,.n, A. Gri.msmo, G. 'Walters, P. W:hi •,e. Me.mb,ars absent: ,None Followi g are numbered items of discussion prepared by Orr-Schelen-1.11ayeron & Associates, the City's consulting engineering firm, relative to the Street Improvement Program, followed by the Council's action. See Agenda Sup- plement 1-26-78 for map. 1. Existing curb along north side of Rivur Street. Possible salvage - curb generally has grade and is located 18' off center line. Condition of gutter is unknown due to balcktop overlay in some areas. Have :here been past drainage problems? - CURB NOT TO BE SALVAGED. 2. Existing storm sewer in Locust Street is 10" clay pipe. (This was a former sanitary sewer). Due to past street washouts, this pipe should be replaced with 12" R.C.P. The existing pipe lacks design capacity for 5 year rainfall. - REPLACE. 3. The north half of Front Street right-of-way (40') is vacated. To keep the proposed 5' driveway aprons from encroaching on private property, a 28' wide street is recommended. This was not noted in our Januar•,? 19, 1974 report. - FRONT FROM LINN TO WALNUT - 28'; LINN, LOCUST, WALAJT FROM RIVER TO FRONT - 281. 4. River Street should be shifted 81 to.the south to avoid embankmcnL problems. - EIJGIIJEER TO GET COST ON MOVING STREET. 5. and 6. Limits of new street construction to be determined. Refer to January 19, 1973 report. - 5. - .UP TO WEST PROPFRTY LIME OF HOSPITAL; 6. - UP TO OAK STREET. 7. biterim storm sewer should be constructed as dietu ssud in January 19, lti'78 report. - APPROVED. S. Aron northeast of the intersection is lower than Lho proposed street. A catch basin Inlet can be constructed in the right-of-way behind the _urb. This arca has been noted for past problems. (Flooding at the E.i F:lucas residence.) - ASK EDGAR KLUCAS IF HE WAIITS THIS AT HIS COST. 9. Areas east and west of Mbuzcaota Street, are ulighLly lower than Lhe proposed street. No past problems are known. Provisions for storm sewer are not considered at this Lime. - NO ACTION 11ECESSARY. /V/10���j/� MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL / # SPECIAL MEETING Ja:tuay 26, 1978 - 10:00 A.M. - - -- H-Mbers present: C. 0. jol-ison, D. Blonig,.n, A. Gri.msmo, G. 'Walters, P. W:hi •,e. Me.mb,ars absent: ,None Followi g are numbered items of discussion prepared by Orr-Schelen-1.11ayeron & Associates, the City's consulting engineering firm, relative to the Street Improvement Program, followed by the Council's action. See Agenda Sup- plement 1-26-78 for map. 1. Existing curb along north side of Rivur Street. Possible salvage - curb generally has grade and is located 18' off center line. Condition of gutter is unknown due to balcktop overlay in some areas. Have :here been past drainage problems? - CURB NOT TO BE SALVAGED. 2. Existing storm sewer in Locust Street is 10" clay pipe. (This was a former sanitary sewer). Due to past street washouts, this pipe should be replaced with 12" R.C.P. The existing pipe lacks design capacity for 5 year rainfall. - REPLACE. 3. The north half of Front Street right-of-way (40') is vacated. To keep the proposed 5' driveway aprons from encroaching on private property, a 28' wide street is recommended. This was not noted in our Januar•,? 19, 1974 report. - FRONT FROM LINN TO WALNUT - 28'; LINN, LOCUST, WALAJT FROM RIVER TO FRONT - 281. 4. River Street should be shifted 81 to.the south to avoid embankmcnL problems. - EIJGIIJEER TO GET COST ON MOVING STREET. 5. and 6. Limits of new street construction to be determined. Refer to January 19, 1973 report. - 5. - .UP TO WEST PROPFRTY LIME OF HOSPITAL; 6. - UP TO OAK STREET. 7. biterim storm sewer should be constructed as dietu ssud in January 19, lti'78 report. - APPROVED. S. Aron northeast of the intersection is lower than Lho proposed street. A catch basin Inlet can be constructed in the right-of-way behind the _urb. This arca has been noted for past problems. (Flooding at the E.i F:lucas residence.) - ASK EDGAR KLUCAS IF HE WAIITS THIS AT HIS COST. 9. Areas east and west of Mbuzcaota Street, are ulighLly lower than Lhe proposed street. No past problems are known. Provisions for storm sewer are not considered at this Lime. - NO ACTION 11ECESSARY. 0 10. Sane as ltem 9, except at northeast corner. - NO ACTION NECESSARY. 11. Exi5ting curb on south side of street should be removed and replaced. Lack o: p:•oper grade for drainage and its elevation does match proconud grade. - APPROVED. Presently there is perpendicular parking against the Legion Club build- .nc. The exioti.ng side:ralk is '_ocated 33' off plat cen}er line. This is 12' behind the proposed back of curb. This parking should be eli- r..iraLed and driveway aprons should be placed to control traffic enter- ing and leaving the parking areas. The council may consider establishing a maximum driveway width wherever feasible. - NO PERPENDICULAR PARKIIIG, DUT ACCESSES WOULD DE ALLOWED. 13. Existing curb on north side of street should be removed and replaced. it is located 26' off center line and is higher thar. the proposed ._.___r 1_;c grade. - APPROVED. 1t,. There is perpendicular parking along the siae of building at Maus Shopping Center. There is 22' between the sidewalk and proposed back of curb. As discussed in Item 13, this should be avoided. - SEE ITFTI 25. 15. Area of partial street vacaLion. Should this be paved? - SHOULD BE PAVED - 9 TONI. 16. The railroad crossing should be widened and centerod on right, -of- .ay. The 'Lntersection of Co. Rd. 39 and Elm Street will be recon- structed such that, Co. Rd. 39 will intersect, at a right angle. This !ns been approved by the County Engineer. The intersection of 5Lh Street .rill be shifted 100' ± south to match plaLLed cenLor line. This street will also intersect -ram at a right angle. - TABLET) UNTIL Bi111 WJLD BE CONTACTED ON COST; HOWEVER, CONSENSUS WAS TO HAVE A RIGHT ANGLE AT ::!T°.ri" 59CTTON. ?. '.3. and 20. The end of pavement should be defined. - 17. A 18. -X-0 ACCESS - BLACKTOP - ALSO FROM 3RD TO R.R. TRACKS ON CEDAR - 2L' B!.r.0:TOP. 20. - CURB ACCESS, BLACKTOP, CIlRiI & GUTTFR. 19. The existing railroad crossing at Maple Strcet is 261. A 36' wide street is proposed. - KEITH NF.ISON TO CONTACT NNR. _. The_ extondeo storm sewer as proposed for Maple Street will not bu :e%: enough La serve fLturo development without some major flLling Ln 010 '.ow areas. The :u•ea east and west of this point in 2' - 3' below ox:stLng otrect grade. Due to the shallow depths of oxistinL sonitnry sewer, the proposed storm sewer cannot be lowered any further withouL being installed underneath Lhe sanitary sewer which will increase colts substantially. - NO ACTIODI. 22. The proposed curb and gutter is recommended to be continued through :he curve at Seventh Street. Again, there is a similar situation as '+ ecsesed in Item 21. - ALSO CONSIDFR RLACKTnP W fNTFFP TATF 914. THIS i0 BE SUBJECT OF HEARING. 23. A cul-de-sac should be constructed at this location. This will ease city maintenance problems such as snow removal. It will discourage transient traffic from commuting through the apartment complex. It should be noted that this was originally proposed on the building plant, but no easement was ever recorded dedicating right-of-way to the city for the cul-de-sac. An easement should be pursued from the property owner. - BLACKTOP ONLY UP TO RIDGEMONT APTS. 24. A retaining wall is recommended along the north side of the street. See d;scuesion in the January 19, 1978 report. - NOTHING TO BE DONE IN THIS AREA AT PRESENT TIME. Following are additional items of discussion at the meeting: 25. Motion by C. Johnson, seconded by G. Walters to specify the 8-618 curb as opposed to the drive over type. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, A. Grimsmo, P. White, C. Walters. Opposed: D. Blonigen. City Administrator to put notice in paper that perpendicular and angle parking would not be allowed to enter and exit directly onto city streets. 26. Consensus was to contact Wrightco Products relative to allowing one access point for scale on 4th Street. Vehicles using scale would be required to turn around on Wrightco property. 27. Consensus to curb, gutter and blacktop entrance into Ellison Park up to boat lending. 28. Censensus was to specify surfacing of 3" bituminous mixture plus 3" of M.D.O.T. class 5. This matter could be reconsidered if new informa- tion developed. 29. Consensus was not to close any streets. 30. Consensus was to install conduit at estimated cost of $4,000 for possible Suture lighting on Walnut Street. 31. Consensus to have public hearings on sewer and water extensions on Elm and Minnesota Streets as indicated in O.S.M.'s January 19, 1978 report. 32. Consensus was to construct 10" force main connecting lift station on Chestnut Street to intercepter Reach A-1100 at Em Street, south of R•aff's Auto. Estimated cost is $37,000. 3j. Consensus was to approve manhole replacomants as spelled out in O.S.M.Is report of 1-19-78. Estimated cost is $7,200• 34. Zonsensus was to have sewer linea televised as spelled out Jn O.S.M.'s :-19-•78 repart. Estimated cost is $3,000. -3- 35. Consensus was to replace all galvanized water service lines at estima- ted cost of $54,000 as spelled out in O.S.M.'s 1-19-78 report. c Meeting adjourned. GW Wicber City Adadnistrator GW/ns Q _y_ Id