City Council Agenda Packet 11-27-1978i AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL November 27, 1978 - 7:30 P. M. Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmembers: Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Waltere, Phil White. Meeting to be taped. Citizenal Comments. ✓1.p bb,,]/ Hearing - Consideration of Off -Street Parking Variances and Condi- tiWZ Use Permit Request for Addition to Trinity Iutheran Church. ✓ 2.� blit Hearing - Variance Request for an Addition to a Home in a B-4 Zone. b ✓3. Public Hearing - Consideration of a Variance Request to Exceed 1,000 Square Foot Maximum on an Accessory Building. r \ 00 4. Public Hearing - Variance Request for Off -Premise Sign for St. Peter's Luth Church. ✓�.Aei�ration of Sub -Division of Mel Worth's Stor.A-Way Property. _a.* po v/6.Agmaideration of Contract for Police Service for 1979 with Wright I'UquOry Sheriff's Department. Q7 deration of Ordinance Amendment - On -Street Parking. Conside tion of Final Payment to Arcon Construction on 1971-1 Improve- s mentct. 9JAC;onl deration of Assigning Name to Park in Country Club Manor and R5tong Street. M1 R5 10.0 Vacancy on H.R.A. .11.V Approval of Bill@ for Month of November, 1978. \^ 12. V(pproval of Minutes - November 8, 1978 Spacial Meeting and November 13, 1978 Regular Mseting. Unfinished Business - New Business - Reminder of Special Meeting - November 30, 1978 -#jtAO P.M. ;//,�17? AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Public Hearing - Consideration of Off -Street Parking, Variances and Condi- tional Use Permit Request for Addition to Trinity Lutheran Church. The Trinity Lutheran Church, 449 West Broadway, is asking for a conditional use permit in order to allow a 9,800 sq. ft. addition to their existing Church. Purpose of this addition would be to serve as a worship center accommodating approximately 313 people. The present Church would still be utilized, but as a multi-purpose facility for classrooms, religious in struo- tions, social gatherings, etc. Since the Church is in an R-2 zoning district, a conditional use permit is required. In reviewing the proposed site plan, a copy of which is available at the City Hall, the following variance requests are necessary in addition to the conditional use permit: A. Variance from effectively screening parking lots from abutting residences. In their proposed site plan, the Trinity Lutheran Church contemplates three separate parking areas. The major parking area would be immediately east of the proposed addition, and would be along Broadway Street. The other two parking areas would be immediately east of the parsonage on West River Street, and east of a residence on West River Street, the residence in question is immediately east of the aforementioned parking lot on West River Street. According to the proposed site plan, there are provisions for some landscaping to screen the parking lots from the view of abutting residential areas, but the screen does not meet the City ordinances requiring an effective screen since landscaping that is proposed is not continuous. PLANNER AND PLANNING COMMISSION OOMM NTS: In reviewing this request, the City's Planner, Howard Dahlgren & Associates, felt that the variance request was reasonable, but did feel that the proposed site plan could be improved upon with additional landscaping to form if not an entirely effective screen, a more effective screen. The largest concern of the Planning Commission was relative to the issue of a residence along West River Street that would be surrounded by two parking lots. Primary discussion at the Planning Commission's hearing was relative to an assurance from the Church that the property would be acquired by the Church. There was concern that the building of the parking lots on both sides of this residence would deplete the value of the property, and the proposed plan may in effect force the residence to be sold to the Church. Church officials have indicated that they have approached the property owner relative to the probable purchase of the land, but did not want to push the issue too far because of the sensitive nature of the problem. It should be pointed out that the property owner was not present at the Planning Commission meeting and has no objections on record to the proposal. Z Agenda Supplement - 11/27/78 B. Variance request from hardsurface requirements and curb barrier on perimeters of parking lots. In order to diminish any detrimental effects that the parking lots along West River Street would have on the surrounding residential property, the Church is proposing to sod or seed these parking lots instead of having them hardsurfaced with concrete or pavement. In reviewing this, there seems to be a great deal of benefit that would be forthcoming if this arrangement worked, and although it might be somewhat innovative, it might be more attractive to the surrounding areas. PLANNER AND PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS: Discussion at the Planning Commission level felt that this was a good idea to keep the residen- tial character of the neighborhood intact. However, there was some discussion on whether the City should review this after a stated period of time, for example one year after occupancy, to insure the parking lot does not become muddy and an eyesore to the area. However, the Planning Commission did approve of this variance request. It should be pointed out that the parking lot along Broadway Street will be hardsurfaced and have a curb barrier provided. C. Variance request from number of off-street parking spaces. According to the City ordinances, 98 parking spaces would be required based upon the seating capacity, along with the number of classrooms. The present site plan provides for 75 parking spaces. However, it should be pointed out that the Church currently only has about 30 parking spaces provided for its membership, and this would certainly improve that situation. Also, it should be remembered that since the Church would only be occupied to its capacity for probably four to five hours per week, that some leniency could be granted relative to the request. PLANNER AND PLANNING COMMISSION COMMENTS: Howard Dahlgren & Asso- ciates felt that the ordinance was written for an optimum situation, and felt that the request was a reasonable one. At their meeting, the Planning Commission did approve of the variance request. D. Variance request from front -yard setbacks. Present site plan shows a parking lot on West Broadway, and also on West River Street, intruding into the required 30' setback requirement in the front yard. This is not allowed for required off-street parking spaces, and according to City ordinances, a variance would be necessary. PLANNER AND PLANNING COMMISSION OOMMENTS: Again, the Planning Com- mission felt this was a reasonable request and approved of the variance. In summary, Howard Dahlgren & Associates felt that since the Church is not a new development and since it was an existing situation, the development as proposed would certainly be an improvement, and would be an asset to the neighborhood. The overall arrangement of the parking lots with the allowance to have parking lots that were not hardsurfaced would blend into the residential character of the neighborhood. The Planning Commission felt that all variances should be approved if the ` Conditional Use Permit is granted. - 2 - Agenda Supplement - 11/27/78 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of: A. Variance from effectively screening parking lots.* B. Hardsurface requirements for two parking lots along West River Street.* C. Variance request from the number of parking spaces.* D. Variance request from frontyard setbacks for parking areas.* E. Conditional Use Permit approval. REFERENCES: Site plan available at the Monticello City Hall. 2. Public Hearing - Variance Request for an Addition to a Home in a B-4 Zone. Mr. Roger Mack, who lives on West River Street, the north # of Lots 11 & 120 Block 50, is requesting a variance to allow for a room addition onto his present home. Since this home is in a B-4 zone, a variance would be neo- essary. Mr. Mack has submitted preliminary plans for his proposed addition, and is willing to make all aspects of the work conform to codes and ordinances if this variance is granted. At their last meeting} the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recom- mend approval of this request. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approving or denying this variance request.* REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area. 3. Public Hea" - Consideration of a Variance Request to Exceed 1.000 Square Foot Maximum on an Accessory Buildings. Mr. James Murray, of 524 West Fifth Street, is requesting a variance from the ordinance restricting a garage to 11000 square feet on his property, Lots 8, Q & 10, Block 10, which is zoned as R-3. Mr. Murray would like to build a garage which is 1,728 square feet in area and over 15' in height. The purpose of this garage would be to house his moving van, and in addition, to house his lawn and garden equipment and miscellaneous other items. In reference to the moving van, Mr. Murray has a semi -tractor and trailer which he does moving with under contract with North American Van Linea. Mr. Murray has stated there would be no repair work done within this building, but it would be strictly for covered off-street parking. The building would be of a polo type variety utilizing colored metal siding that would replace the presently too small garage on the property now, which is scheduled to be removed if the variance is granted. *OZ all variance requests and conditional use permits, 4j5's vote is neces- sary for approval. - 3 - Agenda Supplement -11127178 POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.* 5. Consideration of Sub -Division of Mel Worth's Stor-A-Way Property. Mr. Mel Worth has applied for a subdivision to divide the lot where the present Stor-A-Nay is along South Highway 25. Proposal is to divide the lot into two parcels, one of .924 acres which ould contain the present Stor-h-Way building, and the newly created lot would be 1.186 acres. Proposed subdivision has made adequate provisions so that the front and sideyard setbacks are sufficient. Additionally, a park dedication requirement would be necessary, which Mr. Worth has C� agreed to since this is a subdivision of land. \�� At their lost meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to \I� recommend approval of this request. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of subdivision. REFERENCES: Certificate of Survey is on filo at City Hall. *On oll variance requests and conditional use pormits, a 41518 vote is necessary for approval. -4- At this point, there hasn't been any objections from abutting property owners. At their last meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to recommend approval of the variance request. :l POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.* REFFRMCFS: depicting Enclosed map area. 4. Public Hearinpt- Variance Request for Off -Premise Sign for St. Peter's Lutheran Church. St. Peter's Lutheran Church is requesting a variance to allow a sign to be put at the intersection of Highway 25 and 3rd Street in Monticello. the request was to allow the sign within the right-of-way, but the Planning Commission felt no sign should be within: the public right - -wand furthermore, there was concern whether the State would approve ,)�Initially, Jof t..%uest, so approval was given to allow the variance provided that the St. Peter's Lutheran Church would get permission from one of the property owners abutting the intersection, those being Flay McCoy, Security Federal, Marn Flicker or the Independent School District. A variance would still be necessary since this would be an off -premise sign, and this type of sign is prohibited by City ordinances. Paul Klein, representative of St. Peter's Lutheran Church, was requested to get the approval from one of the four property owners to allow the sign to be put on private property. If this permission was approved, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the request. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of variance request.* 5. Consideration of Sub -Division of Mel Worth's Stor-A-Way Property. Mr. Mel Worth has applied for a subdivision to divide the lot where the present Stor-A-Nay is along South Highway 25. Proposal is to divide the lot into two parcels, one of .924 acres which ould contain the present Stor-h-Way building, and the newly created lot would be 1.186 acres. Proposed subdivision has made adequate provisions so that the front and sideyard setbacks are sufficient. Additionally, a park dedication requirement would be necessary, which Mr. Worth has C� agreed to since this is a subdivision of land. \�� At their lost meeting, the Planning Commission unanimously voted to \I� recommend approval of this request. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of subdivision. REFERENCES: Certificate of Survey is on filo at City Hall. *On oll variance requests and conditional use pormits, a 41518 vote is necessary for approval. -4- L Agenda Supplement - 11/27/78 6. Consideration of Contract for Police Service for 1979 with Wright County Sheriff's Department. Enclosed, please find a letter dated November 15, 1978 from Darrell Wolff, Wright County Sheriff's Department, detailing the proposed contract for police service at the rate of $10.50 per hour. Additionally, please find a sample law enforcement contract which is exactly like the City's current contract, except for filling in the final approved amounts and other details. It should be pointed out that the rate for 1976 was $9.00 per hour, and resulted in a total contract of $60,048 based on 16 hours of service for weekdays, and 24 hours of protection on Friday's and Saturdays. The proposed contract for 1979 using the same schedule would result in a total contract of $70,056, or an increase of 16.67%. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of contract with Wright County Sheriff's Department for 1979. REFERENCES: Enclosed letter from Darrell Wolff and proposed contract. 7. Consideration of Ordinance Amendment - On --Street Parking. Current Monticello City ordinances prohibit parking on any street bet- ween the hours of 2 A.M. and 6 A.M. This provision is in addition to another ordinance which prohibits parking on City streets which impedes snow removal operations at any time. Now that the City has, for the most part, completed its curb and gutter project and street improvement program, I have contacted the Wright County Sheriff's Department to insure that both of these ordinances are enforced. There is some concern from the Wright County Sheriff's Department repro- sentatives relative to the provision prohibiting parking from 2 A.M. to 6 A.M., and their concern was to be consistent, they would want to enforce this ordinance during the summertime and wintertime, so it would not leave any ambiguity within the provision. Additionally, they asked if the City would not want to consider a provision where no parking would be allowed that would impede snow removal operations, but additionally, no parking would be allowed from 2 A.M. to 6 A.M. only during a stated period of time. For example, from November let through May let. They indicated some concern for tagging people in the middle of summer for parking on a City street at 3 A.M., for example. Several cities do prohibit parking from a stated period of time, but this is only prohibited during a certain time of the year. The concern of the Wright County Sheriff's Department was that an individual. who had his car removed in the summertime might not be aware of the provision, and since there was not a need of snow removal operations, he would not understand why his car was being removed. However, the Wright County Sheriff's Department did indicate that they wanted to be consistent, and if the dty did not change the ordinance, they want to enforce the ordinance equally during the summertimo as during the wintertime, so there will be no question or ambiguity on the part of the car owner. - 5 - Agenda Supplement - 11/25/78 Somewhat of a related item to this issue is, I have had a request from l one of the existing apartment owners who currently does not have suf- ficient space for off-street parking. This individual asked if the City intended to enforce the ordinance relative to on -street parking during this winter season, and I indicated that we would and this was one of tre advantages of having a definitive outline of the street with a curb d gutter barrier. This individual indicated concern in that he would e putting in a parking provision next summer, but hasn't made adequate provision at this point other than to have the cars park on the lawn, etc., and felt it would be fairly hard for them to get over a curb barrier. (' I did mention to the individual that if he did plan to put in a parking lot next summer, it really wouldn't hurt the grass if the cars would park in the same proposed area, and additionally, it should be pointed out that property owners were contacted as to the location of any proposed curb cuts so that they could be put in now. This individual asked ` that the City could at least consider the possibility of not imposing moi\ the on -street parking ordinance during this winter for apartments that do not have adequate space right now for off-street parking. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of amending the ordinance and also granting variances to apartment houses which do not. currently have adequate space for off-street parking. 8. Consideration of Final Payment to Arcon Construction on 1977-1 Improve- ment Pro,lect. Our City Engineers are recommending final payment to Arcon Construction for the 1977-1 Improvement Project (completion of sewer and some water services to Oakwood Industrial Park). The Engineer recommends approval contingent upon receipt of an affidavit and various state forms for withholding along with waiver of lien rights from Arcon Construction Co. For your information, the total construction amount plus change orders was $434,361.40, and the final payment request is for $46,116.58 for total tZmente of $431,047.30. Please note that this is $3,314.10 less than the original contract amount, and the reason for this is that there was an underrvn on the quantity estimates. POSSIBLE AMON: Consideration of approval of final payment on 1977-1 Improvement Project. 9. Consideration of Assipnins Name to Park in Country Club Manor and Renaming Street. Howard Cillham is requesting the City of Monticello name the park within the Country Club Manor as Gillham Park, and additionally, is requesting that the road which rune between the commercial and residential property in a northwest - moutheast fashion be renamed from Country Club Road to Cillham Road. —6— A Agenda Supplement — 11/27/78 It is my understanding that this name change does meet with the approval of the present developer of the land, Marvin George, but I have been trying to contact Mr. George by phone to see if he would approve of the name change. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of request to designate park as Gillham Park and rename road from Country Club Road to Gillham Road. 10. Vacancv on H.R.A. Enclosed, please find a copy of a letter from Jean Powers in which she resigns from the H.R.A. Committee. Primary reason for resigning will be her duties as a Board Member of the Hospital District. This matter is brought to your attention not so much for a specific action, but to at least make you aware of the resignation and also the fact that at the January let meeting, the new Council will have to appoint two members to the H.A.A. Committee, one to fill Jean Powers vacancy, and the other to make an appointment for William Anderson whose term expires January 1st or 1979. Additionally, I would like to write a letter to Jean Powers on behalf of the Monticello City Council thanking her for her past efforts. POSSIBLE ACTION: None necessary. REFERENCES- Enclosed letter from Jean Powers. - 7 - #tRW5t MkCK V ' . /lam-�%l�nfiL.c��C C,f� ��G.���r�•• U 1� ¢it1/c:Yh -ACo h. /r to 6 .. f S/gL,?r.t o 4 0 0 �U NOVEMBER--GL.NFRAI FUND 197S AMOON'I' CIILCK No. Ralph Burke Assoc. - Airport Study (Reimbursable) 9146.80 1(1 56 American Legion Club - 3 flags 60.60 10857 N. State 'Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 12.00 IOS58 League of MN. Cities - B%di.ng Arbi.trat.ion Proceedings 100.00 IOS59 Wright County Sheriff - P& ice contract - 'L months I0056.0U IUSA) Wright County State Dank - Investments 70000.00 10561 I). S. Postmaster - Stamps 56.00 IOS62 Gd Lange - Custodial services 111.00 1OS63 Gary Wicber - Mileage 39 -SO 108164 Vol 1) -- 108165 Wright County State Bank - 75-1 G. O. Bonds - Inv. 900000.00 ioS66 VOID - _ IIJSti7 Wright County State Bank - 75-1 G. 0. Bonds - inv. 575000.00 1oS6S Doug Pitt - Civil Defense salary 75.00 1US69 Ind. School Dist. #SS2 - Library rent 147.00 IOS70 James Prcusse - Cleaning city hall ISO.00 IOS71 Yonak Sanitation - Contract 29:0.00 10872 M.N. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 7 -UO 10873 MN. State 'Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 26.00 IOS74 Wright County State_ Bank - Interest 739114.57 111575 Petty Cash - Reimbursement. 43.42 IOS76 VOID -- 1OS77 Govt. 'Training Service_ - Mayor's Conference fees 44.00 IU87S American Legion Post - 3 flags 60.60 IOS79 Election judges - Salaries 539,00 IOSSO-97 I 'right CounLy State Bank - Treasury bill purchase 13702.83 1118195 -CnrLev & Lacey Pohl icaLions - IIN. State Reps. bunk S.30 It1899 Bright County State Bank - FW'I' tax 1522.90 I(91)U Comm. of Revenue - SWT tax 831.70 10901 State Treasurer - PLRA withholding 1302.60 111902 Mel ingtnn Northern - 71-3 Const. - Walnut, St. exp. 11416.1111 10903 Orr-Schclen-Mayeron - Eng. fees 21074.70 109U4 Kipli.nger Washington Letter - Sub. 10.00 111905 Smith & Pringle - Legal 402.00 1119116 Ihmard Dahl Bron - tic Luber billing - report, 237.86 1(907 Acenlll:Lant fs Supply 1toamn - office sllppl ies 62.35 logos Nor•Lhdale Const. Co. - 75-1 Imp. Pimaject, payment. 155770.63 1U9o9 Arson Const•. Co. - 77-3 Imp. Project payment. 5963S3.3S 10910 I'd I,1111ge - Custodial Services 911.111) 111911 Gwen Bateman - Animal 1m11. UN ease y��yy(i1�lCnNIM.+J.I. 53.61 1992 Brentesnn Const.. 1715.19 10013 Hoskins 61 ceLric - City hall electrical payment. 4313.30 10914 Kitil inner Wnshingwn Mli Wes - Sub. 42.00 I091 S Banker's Life Ills. - Group Ins. 1335,113 ' 1(916 American National (lank - 60 G. 0. Bond Interest. 465.00 10917 Fidel ity Bank & 'frust. - 74 Parking I'aciI it.y interest, 3791.79 1ogIS Northwestern NaLiunal Iltutk - 64 Water New. Bund 5112.511 10919 University IixLension - BMU . Conf. seminar fees 55.00 10920 nmm. of Revene - Waeexcise Lax �IIII 19.96 111921 PL wa SLn LIu!s Pn or -tr U1AIIt! s 2661,69 I 10922 Ph III Ips Petn•n. - Gas and oil 217.09 10923 Q CENCRAI ruND AIM 01JN' CHECK No. Feed Rite Controls - Sewn' and water supplies 548.94 10924 Fidelity PPOCIUCLs Co. - Chalkboard 131.2o 10925 later Products Co. - hydrant cxL. S meter valves \ 573.S3 10926 onticello Agency, Inc. - Clerk-Treas. bond 50.00 10927 National Bushing - Gasket cement:, solder, hose, seal, "w. S1 .23 10925 Barsness Drugs - Film, flash cubes, dictionary 13.21 10929 Barton Contracting - Gravel 854.60 10930 Dr. Joel Erickson - Euthanize dogs 69.00 Ir1931 Buffalo Rendering - Animal Imp. expense 20.00 10932 Gross Industrial - Laundry 57.00 10933 Monticello Floral - Flowers for Axel Rasmussen 14.95 10935 North Central Public Service - Gas 107.90 10934 Buffalo Bituminous - Patching for st:reets 46.6o 10936 Carlson Welding - Repairs 6.40 10937 Monticello Printing - Ballots, S/W postals 1411.80 10938 Int. Conference of Bldg. Officials - Fire Code IO.SO 10939 Northwestern Bell - Fire phone 21.30 10940 Mike Rajala - Mileage 16.05 10941 Mr. Ansel Aydt - Stump removal 119.00 10942 Loren Klein - Mileage 43.05 10943 Ability Building Center - 111 Handicapped parking signs 55.00 10944 Brainerd Blacktop Co. - Overlay On 2 parking lots 5674.60 10945 Wright County Auditor - �; police fines 1613.25 10946 Local #49 - Union dues 44.00 10947 St. Cloud Fire Equip. - Recharge fire ext. 9.75 1094S lonticclln Office Products - Misc. office supplies 67.91 10949 Hart•yws Au Ln Supply - TracLur filler 4.76 10950 Central McGowan - Cylinder rental 2.15 10951 Olsnnrs Electric - Service call to Sen. Cit.. CenLer• IS -47 10952 H& S Asphalt Co. - Blacktop 165.30 10953 Our Own Hardware _ Chain, pntllnck, keys, ring, Lape, C.C. 57.74 10954 Rick WolfsLeller - Mileage 6.45 10955 Mobil Oil Corp. - Gas and oil - 25S.43 10956 Amoco Oil Co. - Gas and oil 29.03 10957 Const to Coast, - Nuts for• s IMM signs 5.74 10955 Cater 6. Odegar•d, Inc. - Street sweeper repairs 102.03 10959 Lung Lake Ford Trac Lor - Tractor repair parts 27.57 10960 Monticello Times - Pub. notices, pub. ballot, eLc. 169.45 10961 Moores Excavnting - Sewer lino repairs on 4 L SL. 269. u0 Iti962 Malls Foods - Dog Food, paper towels, glass cleaneq r:L:. 95.27 � 10963 Duro Test Corp. - Light, bulbs for Hen. Cit. 132.55 10964 3 M Business Products - Paper 6 mLce. for copy machine 196.77 10965 Moody's Investor Service - Mond rating expense 325.00 10966 MnnLicelln Fire Dept. - Payroll 6ol.00 10967 Gould Dpo. - Tow service for sludge truck 20.1111 I 1096S C GENERAL FUND Int. City Management Assoc. - Annual sub. `fork Communications - Service call to Fire Hall �_Undberg & Sons - Re -stain front door at City Hall Trueman Welters - Repair parts Badger Meter Co. - 36 water meter connections Earl F. Andersen - Misc. street signs Water Tower Paint & Repair - Mtce. contract Clutch & U -Joint - Parts for 172 Chev truck Suburban Cas - Gas for dog pound Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone Arcon Construction - 77-1 Imp. Project payment Payroll - Salaries L1. 0 AMOUNT CHECK Nei. 80.00 10969 20.00 10970 82.36 10971 15.84 10972 129.60 10973 975.97 10974 927.00 10975 25.83 10976 46.10 10977 376.13 10978 46116.58 10979 10489.40 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS - NOVEMBER $3,203,163.28 1 LIQUOR FUND - D.iSBUNSl3,%ll3\TS - \0vr.%IBEk 1970 b AMOUNT CF'VCK 1` N0. Wright County State Bank - Investments 15000.00 8460 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 1453.56 8461 Twin City Wine - Liquor 637.71 8462 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 254.95 8463 Ed Phillips - Liquor 1075.01 $464 Our Own hardware - Storc expense 3.2S 8465 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 1506.59 8466 Ed Phillips - Liquor 2107.04 8467 Twin City Wine - Liquor 1 SS2.37 S46S Johnson Bros. - Liquor 24.34 8469 Northern States Power - lltilit.i.es 400.30 5470 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 1405.32 5471 Yonak Sanitation - Store expense 30.00 8472 Midwest Wine - Liquor 269.25 5473 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 3149.92 8474 Twin City Wine - Liquor 932.16 8475 Wright County State Bank - Investments 9135.56 S476 Wright County State flank - Ped. W. It. tax 222.50 8477 Wright County State Bank - Investments 13715.00 S47S Comm. of Revenue - State W. H. tax 112.70 5479 Twin City Wine - Liquor 1475.13 8450 d Phi-11Lps - Liquor 1337.15 5451 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 1607.25 5482 State Treasurer - PENA 196.03 8483 Smith 6 Pringle - Legal For Dufluth case 12.00 5484 Comm. of Nevenuc - Sales tax 1791 .78 8485 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. Mdsc. 364.70 5456 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 35.47 8457 City of Mont.i.cello - Sewer and water - 3rd city. 37.36 8485 Liquor Control Dlvisiun - Iluyeres card 5.00 8459 Marrs Foody - Stere expense SO.01 S490 Monticello Times - Advertising 252.70 8491 Ind. Lumber Co. - Store expense. 10.50 8492 f,cifert; Trucking - Freight 435.50 5493 Jude Candy S 'Tobacco - Misc. Mtlso. 480.96 S494 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 2278:55 8495 Bernickxs Pepsi Culp - Misc. Mdse:. 75.75 8496 Bay Dist. Co. - Beer 335.90 8497 r;rosslcin Beverages - Beer 10985.90 S49S Dick Beverage - Beer 2541.65 5499 North Star ',Ice - Misc. Mdse. 151.(:)0 8500 A. J. Ogle - Beer 9116.57 8501 Old Dutch Foods - Misc. Mdse 151.43 8502 Up Bottling - Mi.se. Mdse. 251.S0 S503 C7 'a111heimer Dist. - Beer 5041.65 5504 Banker's Life - Group Ins. 153.18 5505 Griggs, Cooper - L.iqut.rr 3567.59 8506 Midwest Wine - I.Iquor 26S.0S 5507 Payroll for octobot• /! 2142.34 TOTAL DI Still KSI:MCNTS - NOV13M111714 $90,236.12 b MEMORANDUM TO: City Council Members FROM: Gary Wieber, City Administrator DATE: November 24, 1978 SUBJECT: Sign for Vance's Standard This memorandum is to inform you that I did receive a phone call from Sam Peraro relative to the proposed sign for the Vance's Standard Station at the intersection of I-94 and State Highway 25. As you may recall, Mr. Peraro has had preliminary approval on a Planned Unit Development, and one of the requirements of a Planned Unit Development is to have a detailed landscaping plan, lighting plan, etc., which would also incorporate a plan for signs. When Mr. Peraro initially got approval for the Planned Unit Development, a question on signs was brought up, but the Council felt that this should be more appropriately taken up at the time the detailed site plan was presented for the Vance's Standard Station. Mr. Peraro called after I had the agenda completed, and requested if he could talk to the Council on Monday evening relative to the signs. I indi- cated to him that it was his prerogative, but did not place him on the agenda, per as, pursuant to previous Council action, and felt any comments or questions he had could come up under citizens comments. It is my understanding that Mr. Peraro will essentially be asking the Council for the okay to allow a sign which does meet the City ordinances relative to square footage, but does exceed the height limitations at the Vance's Standard Station. Initially it was proposed to have more than one pylon sign, but Vance and Sam Peraro have agreed to put up only one sign. I have indicated to both of them that this normally would be subject to the further reviow as previously mentioned at tho time the Planned Unit Dovolopment was taken up. GW/ns c .1 f/ DARRELL L. WOLFF Cmy Sheriff C s ff E6?1FF'011 OFFICE r Court Houu — Wright County BUFFALO, MINNESOTA S5312 James F. nChic! Deputy Telephone 687-1162 LL A. Mo Myron A. Monis, Investigator Lr. fl Heberling, Civil - November 16, 1978 Honorable Mayor City Council. Monticello, Minn. 55362 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of October, 1978. 560 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: 1 - Criminal damage to property - semi tore up sod at Monticello Ford - under investigation 1 - Criminal damage to property - car sideswiped a school bus 1 - Vandalism - BB gun shot through window at National Bushing I - Vandalism - BB gun shot through window at resitence I - Criminal damage to property - basement window broken out at residence - cleared by arrest 1 - Theft of money from the MonLicello Dental Group office - under investigation 1 - Erratic driving - car driving over 2 lawns - cleared by mediation I - Simple assault - under Investigation 2 - Criminal damage to property - car drove over lawns 1 - Theft - 25 chickens and 6 tires stolen from garage - under investigation 3 - Criminal damage to property - 3 windows broken out of 3 vehicles 2 - Thefts of 3 guns from parked vehicles - under investigation i - Criminal damage Lo property - vehicles fender damaged while parked at Rollor Rink - cleared and restitution will be made 1 - Shoplifting from Johnson Dept. Store - cleared by arrest A properly recovered 1 - Theft at Ruff'a Auto Parts - cleared by mediation 6 property recovered i - Criminal damage to property - car tore up sod in County Park - cleared by arrest of a Juvenile. I - Juvenile arrested for possession of strong beer by a minor 1 - Juvenile arrested for consumption as a minor 2 - Prowlers reported 1 - Arrest for worthless checks 2 - Domestics i - Threats 2 - Medical aids 1 C James F. Powers, Chief Deputy Lf. Myron A. Morris, Investigator Lf. El Haberling, Civil - ' r Sheriff's report for Monticello for October, 1978, continued: 1 - Traffic control 6 evacuation during gas leak 3 - Animal complaints 1 - Shooting firearm within village limits 3 - Public nuisance I - Fire reported 2 - Suspicious circumstances 2 - Kids throwing rocks d eggs - cleared 3 - Traffic problems 1 - Child neglect - checked out 1 - Runaway 125 - Car d subject checks 63 - Citizen aids 42 - Motorists warned 21 - Accidents investigated 4 - Open doors 54 - Traffic tickets issued: 2 - Driving while intoxicated 1 - Reckless driving 2 - Careless driving 15 - Speed 5 - Erratic driving I - Lane usage 7 - Mufflers 9 - Driver license violations 2 - Open bottle 1 - Semaphore 5 - Improper registration 4 - Illegal parking Yours truly, Darrell Wolff, Sheriff Bt fling: For the month of October, 1978 -- $ 4,380.00 plus 64 extra hours at $9.00 576.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 4,956.00 SHERIFFS OFFICE --•- Courl Houu — Wright Counly BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55117 Telephone 662-1162 DARRELL L. WOLFF ' County SMrHf C James F. Powers, Chief Deputy Lf. Myron A. Morris, Investigator Lf. El Haberling, Civil - ' r Sheriff's report for Monticello for October, 1978, continued: 1 - Traffic control 6 evacuation during gas leak 3 - Animal complaints 1 - Shooting firearm within village limits 3 - Public nuisance I - Fire reported 2 - Suspicious circumstances 2 - Kids throwing rocks d eggs - cleared 3 - Traffic problems 1 - Child neglect - checked out 1 - Runaway 125 - Car d subject checks 63 - Citizen aids 42 - Motorists warned 21 - Accidents investigated 4 - Open doors 54 - Traffic tickets issued: 2 - Driving while intoxicated 1 - Reckless driving 2 - Careless driving 15 - Speed 5 - Erratic driving I - Lane usage 7 - Mufflers 9 - Driver license violations 2 - Open bottle 1 - Semaphore 5 - Improper registration 4 - Illegal parking Yours truly, Darrell Wolff, Sheriff Bt fling: For the month of October, 1978 -- $ 4,380.00 plus 64 extra hours at $9.00 576.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE $ 4,956.00 SANDBERG REALTY ° Homes John sn�erg. Bro4°r A�L-sLakeshoreFarms r Phone (612) 295.2317 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 • .4_ Metro 427.6880 • Business [13 November 13,1978 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello Monticello, MN. Dear Mr. Wiebert Please read this letter to the council as item number one on your agenda tonight. First I want to thank the council for granting me a sixty day extension in respect to my rezoining application. In these past sixty days I have talked with many people within our community to assess the need for the option of deluxe condominium living. Many of them would very much appreciate seeing this council act on zoning so other than single family homeowners may have the opportunity to enjoy home life on the beautiful Mississippi River. I have alsor.considered my friends and neighbors opinions who oppose this issue. I have alnays felt that there would be no logical opposition if people were shown full plans and specifications along with restrictive covenants. I have not located the exact building designs for this property and there- fore cannot produce at this time these necessary documents. � With all this in mind, I respectively request -/ withdrawal of my application for resoining Lot S. Sandberg Riverside. Thanks again for your consideration on this matter. Your truly, John � ndberg Js/ml SPECIAL MEETING MMTICELLD CITY COUNCIL November 8, 1978 - 7:15 P. M. Members Present: C. 0. Johnson, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Philip White. Members Absent: Daniel Blonigen. The purpose of this meeting was to have the City Council act as a canvassing board and declare the results of the City's election held November 7, 1978. The results are as follows: Mayor: Arve Grimsmo 590 Daniel Blonigen 405 Write -Ins 1 Blank or Defective 14 Council Members (two positions): Frances Fair 863 Philip White 805 Write -Ins 24 Blank or Defective. 315 A motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Gene Walters and unaninously carried to declare the results of the election as indicated above. Of 1,572 registered voters, 1,010 votes were cast at tho election, or 64.254. Meeting adjourned. JaryW�/ber tity Ar na C /Z i MINUTES REGULAR MI EPING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL November 13, 1978 - 7:30 P. M. Members Present: C. 0. Johnson, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Phil White. 1. Consideration of Rezoning Reauest from Rel to Rr3 on Lot 5. Block 1. Riverside Addition - John Sandberg. A letter was presented by John Sandberg to the City Council requesting the withdrawal of his application for his rezoning request for lot 5 of Block 1 of Sandberg Riverside Addition. The withdrawal request was based on the fact that he did not have full plans and specifications to present to the Council. (See supplement 11-13-78 i11). 2. Consideration of Variance Reouest from Parking Lot Curb Barrier Reauire_ menta - Silver Fox Motel. At a previous Council Meeting, a variance request from the parking lot curb barrier requirements at the Silver Fox Motel was denied by the Council, but there was discussion by the Council that they might be receptive to , a variance if a particular time limit was set. Mr. Larson requested the variance again to allow the elimination of the curb barriers around his truck parking lot to allow for more maneuver- ability of the semi -trailers to get in and out of the parking lot, especially during the busy season. W. Larson also stated that the curb barriers recently installed have been damaged by the heavy trucks running over them, and requested a variance for up to 24 months as future expar:_ cion may occur in tho area in which the curb barriers are required. chile some Council members felt a 12 month time limit would be appropriate, it was also noted that the. present curb barriers required are not perma- nent in nature, and therefore would not be a hardship to remove if expansion would occur. Motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. White to grant a variar.,e extension fur up to one year on the parking lot curb barrior installat1,r.. Voting in favor: D. Blonigen, P. White, A. Grimsmo. Oppu::iA: G. Walter:;, C. Johnson. Motion denied since a 4/5's vote is requirei fjr approval. ansideration of AoDrovinR Surety Arrangements for Oakwood Iniustriv: Park Partnership on the Immrovement of Dundas Road. :!.: Oakwood Industrial Park Partnership proposed a surety arrang-m-at t: cover the improvewnt of Dutdas Road by submitting a notft to th•• aright County State Bank in care of the City of Monticello. / .2— C Minutes - City Council - 11/13/78 This arrangement would allow the City of Monticello to utilize the note for 1� times the amount of improving Dundas Road if the project were not completed to the satisfaction of the City. Councilman Gene Walters indicated that he would be abstaining from any discussion and voting on the issue since he did have an interest in the Oakwood Partnership. The proposed arrangement was reviewed by City Attorney, Gary Pringle, and in his opinion, the arrangement would protect the City if the improve- ment was not completed to the satisfaction of the City. Motion was made by P. White, seconded by A. Grimsmo to approve the surety arrangement as presented with the comments made by City Attorney, Gary Pringle. Voting in favor: C. Johnson, P. White, A. Grimsmo. Abstaining: G. Walters, Dan Blonigen. 4. Consideration of Policy Relative to Four -Fifths (4/5's) Voting Require- ments. The current Monticello City Zoning Ordinances covering requests for rezonings, variances and conditional use permits require a 4/515 vote for approval of the City Council. Council di5co55ion centered on whether an applicant would have the prerogative of coming back to the Council at a later date to get approval if his request was voted and approved upon by the members, but the 4/5's vote was not possible because of one or more councilmen being absent at the meeting. Also discussed was the possibility that applicants for re_onings, variances and conditional use permits be asked if they only want the request heard before a full council. If the applicant so indi- cates, an item requiring 4/5'3 vote would not be brought up a Council Meeting unless all members were present. This would eliminate the Council's voting on a request with less than full membership and then having the item brought back at a later date in order to get the 4/5's vote. Hearing no motion, the policy requiring a 4/5's vote for approval on any variance, conditional use or rezoning request was left as i3 with the understanding that an applicant can request that the item be dropped from the Agenda if a full Council is not present. If an item is heard bwfore less than a full Council and it is voted upon, thi, deci5lon ro.-arh�;d woul.i be final. 5. .;onsiderstion of Variance for Off -Premise Sign - electro Industries. since the policy relative to 4/5's voting requiraewits was riot chwt;- i ;n Item .,. above, allowing for an applicant to come back to a N11 Zoun "l if a request was previously denied, this item was not heard. b. Renort from Civil Defense Director - Doug Pitt. Civil Defense Director, Doug Pitt, was not present at the awntine, uif this Item was dropped from the Agenda. -2- 11 Minutes - city Council - 11/13/72 7. Consideration of Adootion of 1976 Edition of Uniform BuildinR Code. On September 16, 1978, the newly adopted Minnesota State Building Code went into effect in the State of Minnesota, and the Building Official, Loren Klein, recommended that the new 1976 Edition of the Uniform Build - Ing Code be adopted by the Council. In the current ordinances relating to the adoption of the Building Code, a provision requires hardsurfacing of all driveways in single and two-family homes. In addition, in the zoning ord urance sections, hardsurfacing of driveways is exempted in the case of single and two- family dwellings. Motion was made by A. Grimsmo, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to adopt the latest 1976 Edition of the Uniform Building Code and to exclude the requirement of hardaurfaced driveways for single and two-family dwellings. In addition, motion was made by D. Blonigen, seconded by P. White and unanimously carried to adopt the 1976 Uniform Fire Code in lieu of the present 1973 Code. (See ordinance amendment p62 dated 11/13/78) 8. Consideration of Requiring Registration for Rental Units in the City of Monticello. Building Official, Loren Klein, recommended to the Council that a regio- tration system for all rental units in Monticello be adopted to insure that all rental properties would be inspected. This ordinance amendment, if adopted, would require all rental property -owners to register their property on an annual basis. The Building Official indicated that this would provide a basis for systematic inspections since possibly the numerical order of registration would be the order in which property would be inspected. It was the Council consensus that rental registration of all property in Monticello would not be require!, and that the Building, Official should use his own discretion in determining a systematic system for inspecting these properties. 9. Cansideratlon of Ektansion of Time for a Portion of the 1978-1 Imnruv.+.a r.*. Pro ect. 9orthdale Construction requeuted that the City grant them an additiwrg9 extension of time from November 1st until Spring 1979 for the com.,Ioti n of vn.rete curb and gutter in the Riverside Addition. TI& reason for this request was that concrete for the curie oral cutter ,n . nit available, and may not bre available until it is too late to compl t - this Fail. :Motion was male by P. White, seconded by D. Blonigen and w,animously carried to approve the extension of time until July 1, 1979. It was nated that if construction of homes and certificate of occupancy re- quests were to take place in this area before the streets were complt-t«d, a variance may be necessary to allow for the occupancy of the home. —3— Minces — City Council 10. Approval of Minutes. G The Minutes of the October 23, 1978 Council Meeting were approved as presented. 11. PLscellaneous. A special meeting to discuss salaries for 1979 was scheduled for November 30, 19789 at 2:00 P.M. It was also recommended that all Department Heads be asked to be in attendance at this meeting. It was also noted that only one Council Meeting will be held in December 1978. Meeting adjourned. Richard We ler Assistant nistrator r 1 RW/ns V C> /A P