City Council Agenda Packet 12-20-1978AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, December 20, 1978 - 7:00 P. M. PLEASE NOTE TIME Mayor: C. 0. Johnson Councilmembers: Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Phil White. Meeting to be taped. Citizens Comments. 1. Consideration of PUD Development Stage Approval and Variance Request on Certificate of occupancy - Vance's I-90 Amoco Station. 2. Consideration of Sideyard Setback Request - Independent Lumber Company. 3. Approval of Bills - December 1978. WARN-,+cs i�c[ef: ihac.:S1n 1.1i -1l ON ZAM- fo4M o•+Lf Unfinished business. Nov Buoineas. I MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL RFGULAR MEETING December 11, 1978 - 7:30 P„•t. :embers Present: C. O. Johnson, Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Gene Walters, Philip White. members Absent: None Citizens Comments: Mr. ?tike Beck asked the Council why he had received a ticket for parking on the street during the night recently. Mr. Beck was informed by the Cor:ncil that the City has an ordinance against parking on City streets between the hours of 2 A.M. and 5 A.?1. Mr. Beck felt that the ordinance was unfair and that he being a new resident of Monticello should have been told of this ordinance. Mr. Beck also indicated that he would take the matter up when it comes to court. 1. Public Hearing on Consideration of variance from Minimum Lot Size Standards and Consideration of Rezoning Request - Richard and Delores Guille. Richard and Dolores Guille requested to have their property at BOG East River Street rezoned from R-1 to R-2 so they could rent out their basement as an apartment. In addition to the rezoning request, a variance from minimum lot size for a duplex which requires 5,000 square feet per unit was also requested since they have only 9,7875 square feet of lot area. The Council noted that at the time the original building permit was taken out to add the second story to the basement house, the Guille's wore informed that this building could not be made into a duplex unless the property was rezoned. At that time, Mr, Guillo indicated that the building would be used only as a single family residence and would not be ronted out. In addition, it was noted that if the rezoning request was granted, the ordinance still requires two off-street parking spaces for each unit, or in this case, four off-street parking spaces would be required to be located off of the right- of-way and may not be any portion of the front yard except the driveway. Thu following citizens were heardr Mr, Yon Rolknr, speaking for himself and for Dick Topol, a neighboring resi- dont, was concerned about what future changes may result in the area if this property is zoned to R-2 to allow a duplex. Mr. Bolker felt that the area is now R-1 Single Family and that by allowing a duplex of this nature, other requests for similar duplexes may Le the result. Mr. Bill Sandberg was opposed to the rezoning and also indicated that he thought any rezoning to R-2 would affect the entire neighborhood. Mr. Sandberg Indicated that at the present time, the bascmont is rented out and at times there aro as many as five or six care parked on the stroot because of this. M '�•'' Council Mantes - 12/11/76 Au a result of the opposition voiced and of the varianceo required, a motigr, was made by Phil White, seconded by Gene Walters and unanimously carrici to deny the rezoning request and variances. 2. Public Hearinq for Consideration of a Variance Pequest to Exceod 1,00- Square Foot Maximum on Accessory Huildinq - James Murray. X,r. Jim Murray of 524 West Fifth Street requested a varimnco to allc: :.L to construct a garage of approximately 1,700 square feet on his irolcrty. City ordinana,s restrict a garage in residential areas to 1,(100 ;quay- fn-•. or les:i, and Mr. Murray Indicated the purpose of this garayo would Ix. to :,r,:e hit semi cab and trailer along with his other miscellaneous lawn and lard, r, equilnrnt. Mr. Murray has stated that there would be no repair work�i�r., within this building, but it would be strictly used for ccvcrcd Off-Itrcrz harking. Darwin Straw, an abutting neighbor, indicated opposition to the garaaP structure Ix -cause lie felt it would be of a commercial tyl•o structure ani also because of its large size in a residential area. It was alai noted by the Council that trucks exceeding 9,000 pounds art, not allowed on the City residential streets except in the case of deliveries. Although Mr. Murray could park his truck or van on his own prorcrty, ac, may be subject to a fine for driving on the city streets to get to his Irolcrt.y. Motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Phil dihite and unaninouil;; �. tarried to deny thu variance request for the 1,728 square foot garayo. 1. Public_iiearin on variance Ro ueat to Allow the Dlsrla on a Permanent — y - Y --- ------ --i �=—_ — — DaLis of Pennants by Monticello Ford, Inc.. The City Council had previously decided that all existing pennants or banners used by car dealerships should be brought down within 30 days as City vni inancts prohibit the use of pennants and banners except on a temporary basis of .^even days or loss. Mr. Larry Flake was informed of the Council's decision to renove his pennants and applied for a variance request from this provision to bo allowed the permanent use of the pennants at his now Ford dealership r'iio at the Intersection of I-94 and Highway 25. This request haw now been revised by Mr. Flake for the purpose of allowing the pennants to be displayed for up to two years at his present site to enable him to recover the cost of the now pennants. Mr. Flake indicated that ht, was not aware that this typo of flags and pennants ware not allowed when to pur- chased them for his now building. Motion was made by Arve Grimemo, seconded by Dan alonigen and unanimously carried to allow a two-year extension of time for the banners to be r+mov.d from Teslow Auto Sales and Monticello Ford, Inc. It was noted by the CQncil that no additional new pennants will be allowed by any business. 'i 2 - 6 i Council Minutes - 12/11/78 4. Consideration of Public Hearino on Variance Rawest for Off -Premise Sion - t St. Peter's Lutheran Church. The St. Peter's Lutheran Church's representative, Paul Klein, was not at the meeting and this item was tabled until a future meeting. S. Public Hearing on vacation of That Portion of Palm Street Lying South of Fourth Street. Mr. Thomas Havrilla requested that the City vacate a portion of Palm Street because his garage is situated within the 80' right-of-way of the platt,d street. Mr. Ilavrilla requested that 42' of the 80' wide street be vacate ari deeded to him to allow his garage and an area in front of his garage to be entirely on his own property. Additionally, he requested an additicnnl 20 feet as a lifutime easement so that he may get to his garage and also has an access for the abutting property owner, Mr. Bili Jamison. Mr. Havrilla indicated to the Council that he thought his lot was 100' wide when hr purchased his property years back, and also thought that the street aa:4 vacated already by the previous owner, Roy Carlson. Abutting property owner, William Jamison, informed the Council that hi, did not want to see the street vacated as this would eliminate any accesa to the back lots near the railroad tracks. Because the Council majority felt that the use of this street may be rceAcJ in the future, a motion was made by clan Blonigen, seconded by Arve Crim:�:^e to leave the street as is and not vacate any portion of it to Mr. IWvrilla. Voting in favor. Dan Blonigen, Arve Grimsmo, Con Johnson, Geno Walter:i. 0pposed: Phil white. It was noted by the Council that the garage that io now 16.8' onto the right-of-way can remain where it is unless the prolertJ isi needed by the City in the future. 6. Consideration of the Sala of the Former Senior Citizen Center Si!;' - At a previous Council Meeting, it was requested that a now appraisal be obtained on the old senior citizen center sits to determine whether or not this property should be offered for sale. Discussion by the Council centered on whether the property should be Lit up for sats or whether it should be kept for possible use as an access to a future alley or even could be used as a parking lot. After studying the alternatives, motion was made by Phil White, seconded 17 Dan Blonigan and unanimously carried to not consider the sale of the senior citizen center site at the present time. 7. Consideration of Approval of Authorising OSM to Urdate City of Monticello's Dane Map. Bane maps for the City of Monticello, including the newly annexed areas, were prop.ared in 1974. Since that time, approxiastely thirteen new Plato have come ,• into the City, and consulting engineering firm, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron i AssurtaGVs. has estimated that now updated base naps would cost approximately 81.6111 to lrelare. 8 9 C Council Minutes - 12/11/78 The new maps would include all the new subdivisions along with lot dinensiona. In addition, Orr-Schelen-Mayeron indicated that for approximately $800, all existing sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer maps would be updated. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Arve Grimamo and unanimously carried to authorize consulting engineer OSM to update the existing base maps witl-, lot lines shown, along with new utility base maps at an estimated cost of $2,400 with a provision for the cost not to exceed 10• of the extimate. Consideration of Reduction of Retainer and Extension of Time on 77-3_Fro1cc_ The City's engineering firm, Orr-Schelon-Mayeron 6 Associates, recommendcl that the City of Monticello make payment to Arcon Construction Company in the amount of approxiamtely $223,000. As part of this recommended payment, tl:e Citi Engineer is recommanding that the reduction in the retainage from 10% bo reduced to 3%, or approximately $78,500. According to the estimate of the engineer, there is approximately $50,000 of work left to be done on the street project, and he felt that this would be more than adequate to cover the final completion of the project. In addition, Arcon Construction requested that an extension of time for the project completion be granted from November 1, 1978 to May 15, 1979. After discussion by the Council, motion was made by Gene Walters, seconded , by Phil White and unanimously carried to keep the retainage portion of the contract at 10%, but movo the completion date to May 15, 1979 as reque:;tcl by Arcon. Consideration of Approval of Transfers. Mution was made by Gene Walters, seconded by Arve Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the following transfers of funder FROM TO AMOUNT COMMENTn- A. '64 water Revenue Water Fund $ 362.35 To transfer funds per Fund borid agreement from water B. Revenue Sharing City Hall Con- struction Fund C. Capital Outlay City Hall Con - Revolving Fund struction Fund sinking fund to water operating fund. 71,013.00 At our Sept. 26, 1977 meeting $127,513 was appropriated, and $56,500 of this was transferred in 1977. The balance should be transferred in 1978. 6,450.92 This is the amuunt needed to balance out ti:c City Hall Construction f urd. - 4 fO Council Minutes - 12/11/78 i 10. Consideration of Deeding Past Half of Oak Street. L In September of 1976, Oak Street was vacated and it was agreed upon at that time to vacate the entire street and deed the westerly half to the Hospital for $1.00 and deed the easterly half of the street to the abutting proEcrty owners, Mr. s Mrs. Pat Donahue. The agreement for the easterly half wao that a defeasible deed would be created whereby the Donahues would have uF to two years to pay an approved appraisal amount of $3,000 for the property. Since that time, Dr. Donahue has decided to locate a medical clinic in Big Lake, and Monticello Clinic Ltd, has bought the property from the Donahues. The Monticello Clinic now has requested that they be allowed to purchase the east half of Oak Street for $3,000. Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Dan Blonigen and unanimously carried to deed the east half of vacated Oak Street to the Monticello Clinic for $3,000 providing the City keeps all utility easement rights. It was also a recommendation of the Council that if in the future the Monticello - Big Lake Community Hospital would ever build a clinic on this property, consideration be given by future councils to return the $3,000 to the Hospital. 11. Approval of Minutes. The Minutes of the regular meeting held November 27, 1978 and the special meeting held November 30, 1978 were approved as presented. IL 12. Miscellaneous. The Council recommended that the City's representative on the orderly annexation area board bring to their attention the possibility of Monticnllu'D building official being allowed to do the inspections in the OAA area. The board's representative will bring this up to the OAA board at a future meeting. A suggestion was made that the possibility of additional lighting be installed at the Municipal Liquor Store to light the sign currently located on thu base of the building. Hearing no other business, the meeting was adjourned. Fick wolfstsllO y Awslstant Administrator kw/ns - 5 - G I "7% AGENDA SUPPLEMENT 1. Consideration of PUD Development Staqe Approval and Variance Request on Certificate of Occupancy - Vance's I-94 Amoco Station. Samuel Properties has submitted their Development Stage plans for the Vance's Amoco Station at the interchange of I-94 and State Highway 25 in Monticello. As you may recall, previously submitted and approved was the overall concept plan for the entire parcel known as the I-94 Tri -Plaza. This Development Stage plan does meet the essential criteria of the City of Monticello's PUD ordinance. Included are plans for landscaping, signs, parking, etc. As part of the Development Stage plan, Samuel Properties is proposing to put up a pylon sign that is 60' high. This sign does exceed the City's requirements which limit a sign to 32'• in height. Actual sign height is determined by the grade of the road from which this sign gains its principal exposure. This ordinance becomes a problem in interpretation in this particular case because there are actually three roads abutting the property, those being County Road 117, State Highway 25 and Inter- state 94. It would appear that Interstate 94 or Highway 25 would be the road from which the sign gains its principal exposure, and Highway 25 because of its elevation of going over the freeway is actually at a higher grade. Regardless of which road is used, however, a variance would still be necessary as it appears that the sign would still be over 32' above the highest point of State Highway 25. It should be mentioned that the height of the sign is approximately at the same elevation of Lho Silver Fox Motel sign which was previously granted a variance. Initially, Samuel Properties was going to request a variance on the number of signs in addition to the height, but this will be the only variance request on the aigno that it is asking. Additionally, Vance's Standard would like to open up as noon an possible, and is requesting a variance from the certificate of occupancy require- ments of the City of Monticello. Specific requirements that will not be mot at the time of proposed opening would be the landscaping because of the weather and the curb barrier which has become a problem because of the shortage of concrete, and also the completion of the last course of the bituminous driveway and parking lot area. It should be noted that the driveway and parking lot area is hardourfaced with one course, but a second course could not be put on at this time because of the weather. If this variance were granted, a bond would have to be posted. Since the Planning Commission mooto on this issue on December 19th, their recommendations are not available at this time but will be presented orally to the Council at the meeting of December 20, 1970. Agenda Supplement - 12/20/78 Council POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of Planned Unit Development stage plan, consideration of variance on sign and variance on certificate of occupancy require- ments. REFERENCE: Plan is available at Monticello City Hall, enclosed map depicting area. 2. Consideration of Sideyard Setback Request - Independent Lumber Company. Independent Lumber Company, in the Oakwood Industrial Park, would like to be granted a variance to allow a storage building up to the westerly property line of their lot, Lot 1, Block 2, Oakwood Industrial Park. In an I-1 zone, the setback minimum on a sideyard is 30' by ordinance. Following are some items you may want to consider in your decision: A. At the time the principal building was built, the landscaping require- ment was not met. At the time the building was built, the landscaping requirement was that the entire area of the lot either be hardsurfaced or in building area or in grass to control dust. B. Curb barrier has not been installed around the parking lot which was a requirement at the time of the building permit, but it does not necessarily have to be of the insurmountable type. C. All outside storage should be screened from the public right-of-way, and this has not been done from Chelsea Road nor from County Road 117. D. Employee parking is currently located cant of thu building which is grassed, and all parking areas should be hardsurfaced accordiTig to the ordinances. It should be mentioned that at the time of the building pormit and occupation of the building by Independent Lumber Company, the City of Monticello did not require a certificate of occupancy nor were these items mentioned by the building inspector at that time, and as a result, the owner of Independent Lumber is probably not aware of those provisions when he occupied the facility. However, you may want to consider come of or all of those requirements be adhered to prior to the issuance of a building permit regardless of the specific request for a variance. Prooently, there is plenty of room in the outdoor storage area for existing and anticipated future needs, oven if the proposed building setback wore to be built using the 30' eotbackj but, the owner's fooling in that if the building wore allowed to be built up to the weat pro - party lino, there would be a batter utilization of the space that in already thorn, and the traffic pattern created would be one which will allow bettor traffic flow for customers in that storage area. A variance roquest of this nature should be taken very seriously as this is in a newly platted area and the owner proviously did subdivide a portion of the lot with a subsequent Gala to Draperies Minnesota. - 2 - Agenda Supplement - 12/20/78 Council Additionally, it would be hard to justify that a real hardship exists in this case because there is sufficient room for the storage building without the necessity of a variance. POSSIBLE ACTION: Approval or denial of variance request along with any other provisions that may be required before the grant- ing of a building permit. REFERENCES: Enclosed map depicting area, a plan is available at City Hall. a&= "tom."`. ., j•. n IS, HIGHWAY 'd• r '..•.V "SCI i�..�.�• _"v' 't • "�'�� � • ' ?'•r '�• !��"��1r1 l C a..`� :`� rte" + _ .; • 4� tr �t .,,,,.,,�! off`{ . /, ' r : G"^: -••.._.. �,.,' ! , a . . 744, `.—. J � ,,,�T ,�,,,..,,�. ♦ r ;tee. 1 NO. 94 col C LIQUOR FUND AMOUNT CFf4CK DECEMBER DISBURSEMENTS - LIQUOR - 1978 NO. r Twin City Wine - Liquor 1286.112 85OS Ed Phillips & Sons - L:i.quor. 3120.23 8509 Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor 2823.61 8510 Old Peoria - Liquor 1475.41 8511 1'onak Sanitation - Store expense 30.00 5512 Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor 2051.11 5513 Twin City Wine - Liquor 3900.75 8514 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 2244.97 5515 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor I514.73 8516 Old Peoria - Liquor 200.20 8517 Poster's Tns. Agency - Workmen's Comp. Ins. 912.00 5518 MN. State Treasurer - PERA 197.40 5519 Wright County State Bank - FWT 224.10 8520 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 2097.71 5521 Comm. of Revenue - Sales tax for Nrnvember• ISS2.41 S52' - Comm. of Revenue - State Witlthol.ding Tax 112.40 8523 Griggs, Cooper & Co. - Liquor 1470.56 5524 Johnson Bros. - Liquor. 2068.S7 8525 Twin City Winc - Liquor 531.52 5526 Twin City Pricing - Store expense 65.25 S527 Monti -cello Times - Advertising 125.40 8528 j 9'horpe Distributing Co. - Bee" 1857.35 5529 l_ Northern States Power - Utilities 409.59 S530 Berti.lson's Vac Service - Repairs 71.00 5531 Lcifert Trucking - Freight 49S.33 5532 Jude Candy & Tobacco - Misc. Mdsc, 345.02 5533 Day Dist. Co. - litter & Misc. Mdse. 337.46 8534 Grosslein D:verap,e - Beer & Mise. Mdse. 5250.05 5535 Dahlhr_imer Dist. Co. - neer & M:i.sc. Mdse. 2601.13 S536 A. J. Ogle: - Beet, 571.45 5537 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. Mds'.. 31 n. 30 8535 Berni.ck's Pepsi - Misc. Mdsc. 119.55 5539 North Star, Ice - Mi-sc. Mdse- 144.110 5540 Old hutch Ponds - Misc. Mdsc. 85.96 8541 Dick Beverage - Beer 4224.50 5542 7 Up Bottling CO- - Misc. Mdse. 325.30 8543 Payroll for November 2200.54 I'OTAI. D7:SBilRSIiMENTS $51 ,022.81 C v 1975 GENERAL FUND - December AMOUNT CIIF.CK Nn. Arve Grimsmo - Mayor conference reimbursement 143.20 109511 Wright County Sheriff - Police contract, 4956.110 10951 League of MN. Cities - Dues 75.00 10952 State 'treasurer - Dept. Reg. fees 12.00 10953 State Treasurer - Dept. Reg. Pecs IOS.I10 10954 Vance Flovell - ReimburscmcnL on sign variance +r 15,00 10955 Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone at Piro Hall. 291.01 10956 (to be partially rci.mbursed by OSM) U. S. Postmaster - Stamps S6,00 10957 Ed Lange - Janitorial services 93.00 10988 Gary Wi.cbev - Mil.cage 9.75 10959 Wright County State Bank - lnvestment.s 301413.13 10990 Ind. School District #S52 - Library rent 147.00 10991 J. Preusse - Cleaning City Hall 1S0.0o 10992 Doug Pitt - Civil Defense salary 75.00 10993 Yonak Sanitation - Sanitation contract 2SS4.00 10994 MN. State Treasurer - Dep. Reg. fees 195.00 10995 U. S. Postmaster - Bul.k mailing permit, 40.00 10996 Petty Cash - Reimbursement 40.52 10997 Suburban Gas - Dog pound gas 24.15 10995 Prcusser Sand & Gravel - Street supplies (salt 6 Bandl S53.13 10999 U. of MN. - Bldg. OPfi_cial reg. Pec 45. C10 11000 National Bushing - Park supplies 5.54 1 100 1 N. W. National Bank - 64 Water Revenue Bund 5112,50 11002 Cargill Salt Division - Salt For streets 1623.52 1 100 3 ��. Ind. Lumber - Salt bin material 82.63 11004 Maus Foods - Misc. supplies (dog fund, cnrfee, Lowels) 106,01 11005 Layne Minnesota - Cartridge for water dept.. 5.82 11006 Monticello Printing - lin vel open 79.00 11007 Ben Franklin - Film & bulbs 9.17 11005 Moon Motor Sales - Replace glass in J. Deere cab, blain 74.47 11009 Pink Supply Corp. - Chair mats for office 256.110 11010 Barton CnntvncLkng - Class 5 gravel - Chelsea Road 33.28 11011 Central McGowan, Inc. - Cyl rental 2.15 1101'2 Loren Klein - Mi.leage 30.90 11013 Wr.i_ghL County Auditor - I Nnv. police fines 736.00 11014 Hap ry's Auto Supply - Tape, paint, sLnrLw g rluid, S107 11015 ti -re gauge, filtr_rs, points, plugs, WWI Ws Monticello Times - Printing & publishinn notices 32435 11016 Glass H"L - Warming house reps Us 1 .38. 38 1 101 7 Monticello Office Products - 3 minute bunks, env., mi,,c. 151,14 11015 Ilarvis Warehouse & Canvas Sales - Canons For salt: bin. 56.40 11019 Gould Bvns. - 4 Liven & Cohen, Lolling, mine. Sol -40 11020 K. Kjel lbcrg's Plumbing - Service_ call at, duµ pound 30.00 11t?21 Monticello Fire Dep L. - Payroll 468.00 11("22 Gordy's Repair - Repair to Hough loader 261.31 11023 Tri County Lumber - Salt, bin lumber 807.81 11024 l.hern Stakes Power - St. light on #117 6 Hwy. 25 76100 11025 CNa Mo,k C�rmmunicat.ions - Fire paµcr repnil• 67.811 111126 u Pru•L or I'1JD application fee N GENERAL FUND Q AMOUNT CHF,CR NO. Wright Scrvice 011 - 10// grease 5,70 Rings Nr Things - Cavel engraving 26.00 Franklin Denn - O.A.A. Board meetings 90.00 Mrs. Marjorie Coctzkc - O.A.A. Board meetings 114.00 Mr. Lc Roy Engstrom - O.A.A. meetings &• mileage 144,00 Mr. Arve Gr•.imsmo - O.A.A. meetings 75.00 Mr. Dan Blonigen - O.A.A. meeting 15.00 141.1-gltt Cty. Planning & Zoning Office - Prof. scrvi_,es196.50 April - Sept. for O.A.A. Board Cross Industrial - Laundry Clean Sweep - F,qui.p. rental to sweep streets Persi.anrs Office Products - Ribbons & repairs Mike Rajala - Mileage fidelity Products Co. - Plat file Gerald Schmidt - Mileage Amoco Oil - Strect-192.5S; tree -2.68; sewer -10.22 Our Own Hardware - Pai.l, mop, fittings, flood lite; bulbs, snow shovel, caulking, batteries, etc. Foster's Ins. Agency - Workmen's Comp. Ins. MN. State 'Treasurer - Dep. REg. fees linvivonmental Law Society - Document The Economics Press - Document Ilul•li.ngton Northern - Walnut, St. crossing exp. OSI - Eng. fees on mist. projects Smith & Pringle - Legal for Nov. Sandberg Realty - Apprai.sal- former Sen. CLt. Northdalc Const. - 78-1 Imp. Project payment, Comm. of Revenue - SWT Cllmm. of Revenue - Wager' excise tax State of MN. - Statutes 6 2 pamphlets Iloward Dahlgren - Nov. meeting MN. State Tl'casuror - PERA Wright County State Dank - 11VT Gwen Bateman - Animal Imp. expense Coast to Coast, - Muffler• repair 1.*it., 11111,s & bolts stove pipe, mall handle, bulbs, cotter pins f1ex.ibla Pipe Tool Co. - Sewer Toddel. repairs Carlson Welding - Weld-i.og repairs Earl F. Andersen - 12 street, sign posts Cord.ie Link - fuel 6 diesel oil .lean Ilvouil lard - Antifreeze & oil J. hyd, fluid Nor•t:h Central Chemical - 24 pails of deodorant %ah I Equipment. - I el ec tr i c gas pump Display Sales Co. - 6 sets mounting brackets for Christ.nras decoratIoils Cater & Odegard, 'Inc. - Parts for• street; sweeper a City's sweeper broken 'town at time 3 11027 11025 11020 11030 11031 1103'2 11033 11034 69.60 11035 434.00 11036 45.50 11037 11.70 11035 137.25 11039 16.05 11040 205.45 11041 175.90 11042 9736.90 SS.00 3.95 1 5.74 1 3701 .00 34633.67 431 .25 40.00 22S6S.S1 818.20 151.29 177.10 :52.50 1253.62 1507. So 261 .20 5n.S 11043 11044 1 104 5 11046 11047 1104S 11049 11(150 I 1 (I 51 111152 11053 I I()54 11(155 11056 11057 11(155 I1u59 169.40 1106o 36.35 1 106 1 127.(10 1 1o62 ..25.71 1 M63 241.76 11064 1341.26 I1o65 275.00 11066 01.61 IIO67 154.19 1106S O GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CIIECK Nn. Feed Rite Controls - Nov. testing 60.00 11069 Northern States Power - Utilities 2595.36 11070 Local #49 - Union dues 44.00 11071 Suburban Gas - Gas for dog pound 35.13 11072 Wright Service 011 - Oil for disposal plant 397.21 11073 North Central Public Service - Utilities 1 51. 7S 11074 Buffalo Rendering Service - Animal Imp. expense 20.00 11075 Phillips Petro. - Strect-22.59; water -25.90; fire - 221.56 11076 5.66; sewer - 161.71 At -con Const. - 77-3 Imp. Project payment # 39745.25 11077 Ed Lange - Janitorial 105.00 1107S Bridgewater Telephone - Telephone 362.19 11079 Northwestern Bell - Fire phone 21.30 IIOSO 0. K. Hardware - Nuts & bolts for salt shed 16.71 110S1 Banker's Life Ins. - Group l.ns. 133S.03 11052 Ziegler, Toe. - Snow plow blades & edges 433.59 11053 Payroll for Nov. 10101.06 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS 5570,063.35 10% sti.1.1 retained. A I 3