City Council Agenda Packet 06-11-1979AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 11, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Mayor: Arve Grimsmo Council Members: Dan Blonigen, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Philip White. Meeting to be taped. 1 $:aj e.. 94.4on."vi 'ossa` (0051, 14%'3 .27i Y Citizens Comments. o� 1. Consideration of Approval of Subdivision - Lot 4, Block 1, Sandberg South (Larry Purcell). Consideration of a Variance from the Provisions of Requiring that QAssessments be Paid in Full at the Time of a Certificate of Occupancy - Larry Purcell. 3. Review of the Audit for the Year Ended December 31, 1978. w. 4. Consideration of Approval of Contract botwson the City of Monticello �e : and Gwen Bateman for Dog Patrol Service. ;r 5. Consideration of approval of Intoxicating Liquor, Non -Intoxicating Malt Liquor, and Set -Up Licensee. Pad�i/ Consideration of Approval of Purchase of Copier Machine. A� _►�y/ Consideration of Amending Ordinance Relative to Hardaurfaced Driveways in Now Subdivisions. t B. Consideration of Convoying an Offer an the Land Owned by Mol welters, i(1si Southwest of Minnesota Highway 25. Y v6. Approval of Minutes - Regular Meeting of May 29, 1979. Unfinished Business -Ito Civil Defense Sirens�' /'. Now Buoinaaa - MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL June 11, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigan, Fran Fair, Ken Maus, Phil White. Members Absent: None 1-A. Consideration of Awardinq Bids on Scalcoatinq Project. The following bids were received and opened at 2:00 P.M. on Monday, June 11, 1979, for the 79SC-1 Project consioting of ocaleoating approximately 41,980 square yards of bituminous streets in Monticello. NAME OF BIDDER BID "A" (w/swaepincl) ALTERNATE BID (w/o aweepinq) Allied Blaektopping Co. 0.38C�sq. yd. - 0.33C sq. yd. - $13,853.40 Minneapolis, Mn. $15,952.40 Batzer Construction Co. 0.37890 eq. yd. - 0.3289C eq. yd. - $13,807.22 St. Cloud, Mn. $15,906.22 G s L Sealcoating 0.370 eq. yd. 0.340 eq. yd. - $14,273.20 Anoka, MN. $15,532.60 Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Phil white and unanimously carried to accept alternate bid 02 from Batzer Construction Co. for oealcoating the atreeta in the amount of 0.32890 sq, yd, for a total of $13,807.22 This alternate bid would require the City to complete the aweepinq before and after the project is completed. 1. Consideration of Approval of Subdivision of Let 4, Block 1, Sandborq South (tarry Purcell). Mr. Larry Purcell, owner and operator of the Plumbery, requested to subdivide his lot in Sandberg South into two parcels of approximately 24,000 square feet each. This subdivision would meet all City ordinance requirements relative to minimum width and lot size, and the primary reason for the subdivision woo to enable Mr. Purcell to reduce his aaoaaamento on this parcel, which are duo and payable at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. This oubdlvision would allow Mr. Purcell to oproad half of the estimated assessments over five years, rather than paying them all at the time of occupancy. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Dan Dlonigan and unanimously carried to approve the subdivision contingont upon a certificate of survey hoing obtained and the recording of the same. - 1 - Council Minutes - 6/11/79 2. Consideration of a Variance from the Provisions of Requirinq that Assess- ments be Paid in Full at the Time of a Certificate of Occupancy - Larry Purcell. Mr. Larry Purcell requested a variance from the City's Ordinances which require assessments be paid in full at the time of occupancy for all areas served by improvements commencing after December 31, 1977. Mr. Purcell indicated that the primary reason for the request of this variance was that he had received an SBA loan for the purchase of this land and building and at the time he initially applied for the loan, he was not aware that the City had changed their assessment policy requiring the assessments to be paid in full at the time of certificate of occupancy. His request was that he be able to pay this assessment on his building lot over five years as other property will have five years under this improvement project to pay their assessments. In addition, Mr. Purcell indicated that at the time lie purchased the property, he was under the impression that the total assessments for his lot would be approximately $9 to $10,000, instead of the estimated assessments now placed at approximately $22,600. The primary reason the assessments are higher than Mr. Purcell originally thought they were going to be was that the 59 to $10,000 figure was based on an 80 foot lot where Mr. Purcell now owns 240 feet of frontage, or almost three times the amount the original estimate was based on. Motion was made by Ken Maus, seconded by Dan Blonigon and unanimously carried to grant Mr. Purcell a variance allowing him to pay the assess- ments against this building over a five year period similar to the assessment time period for other vacant lots under the 1978-1 Improvement Project. It was noted that this variance would apply only to Mr. Purcell's building and would not affect any other assessments due at the time of eortifieate of occupancy for other buildings within Sandberg South. 3. Review of Audit for the Year Ended December 31, 1978. Mr. Bob Carlson of Gruyo, Johnson s Associates, Certified Public Accountants, reviewed with the Council members the Audit report for the year 1978. After a brief review of the financial report, it was the consensus of the Council to delay any actual approval of the audit for two weeks to enable the Council Members further time to study the report. Mr. Carlson has indicated lie would be willing to meet with any of the Council members who have questions regarding the Audit report and its statements. 4. Consideration of Approval of Contract between the City of Monticello and Gwen Bateman for Doq Patrol Services. The Council reviewed with Gwen Bateman a now proposed contract for dog patrol services which would cover from a period of Juno 1, 1979 through Juno 1, 1981. - 2 - Council Minutes - 6/11/79 The proposed contract calls for a fee schedule of $6.00 per hour for the first year of the two-year contract and would increase to $6.75 per hour during the second year. In addition, the contract would propose a 250 per mile reimbursement, whereas the previous contract had a reimbursement fee of 150 per mile. Motion was made by Dan Blonigen, seconded by Ken Maus and unanimously carried to approve the new contract between the City of Monticello and Gwen Bateman for dog patrol services to run from June 1, 1979 through June 1, 1991. (See Supplement 6/11/79 01). 5. Consideration of Approval of Intoxicatinq Liquor, Non-Intoxicatinq Malt Liquor, and Set -Up Licenses. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the following license renewals which would expire on June 10, 19791 A. Non-Intoxicatinq On -Sale Malt Liquor License (Fee $100) O'Ryan's Restaurant Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club B. Intoxicatinq On -Sale Liquor License (Fee $2,500) Monticello Liquors, Inc. Silver Fox Inn Wayside Inn Joyner'n Lanes Dino'o Other World C. Non-Intoxicatinq Off -Sale Malt Liquor Liconno (Fee $15) Monticello I.iquoro, Inc. rrnio'o Bait Shop Wayne's Red Owl Mauo Foods River Terrace Trailer Park Store O'Ryan's Restaurant Tom Thumb Suporotto Wayside Inn John'o Discount Foods D. Sot -Up License (Fns $100) Monticello Country Club O'Ryan's Restaurant 6. Consideration of Approval of Purchase of Copier Machine. Currently, the City of Monticello has a 3-M Copier that wan purchased in 1975 and has about served its useful function for the City offices. The City Administrator recommended that a plain paper copier be purchased and that the oxiating machine be used within the Public Works Department whore the demand is not near as groat. The Council wan informed that Council Minutes - 6/11/79 four brands of plain paper copiers have been tested by the City staff and it was recommended that a Savin 770 plain paper copier be purchased in the amount of $4,990. The recommendations were based on the fact that this machine had a greater speed capacity - turning out twenty (20) copies per minute - and that the quality was better than the 3-M machine we now have. It was also noted that the cost per copy is about SC cheaper than what the current machine costs are. Motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to approve the purchase of a Savin 770 plain paper copier from Marco Business Products in the amount of $4,990. 7. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Relative to hard -surfaced Driveways in New Subdivisions. At the last City Council meeting, this proposed ordinance amendment was not adopted by the Council after discussion. Apparently, there was some misunderstanding that this provision already applied to new subdivisions, and that the ordinance amendment would only have pertained to the former old City Limits. Because of the apparent misunderstanding regarding the ordinance amendment, it was again discussed by the Council as to whether or not all driveways should be hardsurfaced with either concrete or bituminous surfacing for new construction. Afcer review by the Council members, it was decided that no action would be taken requiring hardnurfacing of driveways as they felt this is something that will be done by each individual homeowner whenever they can afford it. B. Consideration of Convoyinq Offer on the Land Owned by Mel Wolters Southwest of Minnesota Iliqhway 25. Consulting Engineer, John Badalich, has previously informed the City that an development oecuro south of Interstate 94 along highway 25, the future storm sewer facilities will have to be developed to take care of the increased water runoff. In light of the fact that future development will indicate more storm sewer facilities in the area, Mr. Badalich has recommended that two alternatives would be available for thin area. Mr. Badalich indicated that the more costly way of solving the problem would he to install storm sower, which would run north under the freeway all the way to the Miaaiooippi River. Ito estimated that a cheaper method of providing for storm sewer runoff would be to acquire the wetlands area located just went of Iliqhway 25. Ilia storm sewer in the area could then he diverted to the watlanda area and would be cheaper than running storm sewer all the way to the Missiaoippi River. Currently, in the wetlands area, Mr. Mel Wolters owns approximately 8 acres that he has offered to call to the City at approximately $4,000 per acre, or $32,000. The City has received an appraisal on thio 8 acro parcel placing the value at approximately $20,000. In addition, Mr. Badalich has indicated that to adequately carve the entire area in the 4 - Council Minutes - 6/11/79 future, approximately 40 acres would have to be acquired of this wetlands area. Since an immediate decision was not necessary, this item was tabled indefinitely by Council consensus to enable them to further study the alternatives available . 9. Approval of Minutes. Minutes of the last Council Meeting held May 29, 1979 were approved as presented. 10. Discussion on Civil Defense Sirens. Civil Defense Director , Loren Klein, informed the Council that a study has been completed in regards to the location of future sirens in Monticello. The study indicated that three additional sirens should be placed within the City Limits at an estimated cost of over $7,000 each. Mr. Klein indicated that apparently there are no state funds available now or in the foreseeable future to help defray the cost of these sirens and he is aloo not aware of any Federal funds to help the City in installing these Civil Defense sirens. After discussion by the Council, motion was made by Phil White, seconded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried to have Loren Klein check further on the cost for installing three sirens in Monticello, including both radio controlled sirens and also individually wired sirens. 11. Consideration of Resolution Authorizinq the Filing of Step III Federal and State Grant Appli= ation. Motion wan made by Phil White, occonded by Fran Fair and unanimously carried Lo adopt a ros olution authorizing tho riling of Step III Federal and State Grant Application for the building and erection of the treatment works and interceptor facilities. (See Resolution 1979 011). In addition, City Engi near John Dadalich informed the Council that along with the application £ or Step III Grant Funds, a letter of intent from major industrial contributor, Wrightco Products, will be needed before grant moncyo will be eavailablo. This letter of intent by Wrightco Pro- ducts would otato that they arc willing to pay their fair shore of the coot of the treatment plant based on their aawago contribution. licaring no other business, the meeting was adjourned. Rick wolfotgllor Aooiotant Administrator Rw/no - 5 - DISBURSEMEIM-t.;ENERAL FUND UU;,TE _ 1979 AMOUNT CHECK NO. Pierce Mfg. Go. - Attack pumper - Fire Dept.- Advance on chwisis 8,193.00 11596 MN. State Trees. - License Center - Dep. Reg. 98.00 11597 Ed Lange - Custodial services 236.25 11598 Yonak Sanitation - Contract 2,981.50 11599 James Preusse - Cleaning City Hall 180.00 11600 Ind. School District - Library rent 147.00 11641 Arve Grimsmo - Mayor salary 125.00 11602 Mrs. Fran Fair - Council salary 100.00 11603 Dan Blonigen - Council salary 100.00 11604 Ken Maus - Council salary 100.00 11605 P. White - Council salary 100.00 11606 Gwen BAteman - Animal Imp. expense 296.30 11607 Wright County State Bank - Investments 488,998.33 11608 Wright County State Bank - Investments 398,932.19 11609 Security Federal Savings & Loan - Investments 40,000.00 11610 Wright County State Bank - Investments 100,000.00 11611 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. 34.00 11612 Michael Dick - Salary - supplement to CEPA 259.20 11613 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Dep. Reg. 39.00 11614 Gary Wieber - Mileage - Tax meetings 20.00 11615 Monti. Firemen's Relief Assoc. - Annual payment 1,350.00 11616 OSM - Mise. engineering expenses 10,328.52 11617 Mun. Clerks & Fin. Officer's Assoc. - Annual dues 10.00 11618 Howard Dahlgren Assoc. - May billing 441.90 11619 M. State Treasurer - Pamphlet 1.50 11620 Gomm. of Revenue - Water excise tax 185.63 11621 Wright County State Bank - FWf 2,030.10 11622 Gomm. of Revenue - State W/H tax 1,015.20 11623 State Treasurer - PERA 1,482.92 11624 U. S. Postmaster - Stamps 185,00 11625 Dept. of Nat. Res. - Lie. Center - Dep. Reg. 31.00 11626 Fd Lange - Custodial services 225.75 11627 Share Corp. - Chemicals, glass cleaner, wood control 491.42 11628 Drew Chemical Corp. - Chemicals for new feed equip. 345.20 11629 National Bushing - Spark plug, screws, shop lub, mise. 13.29 11630 N. S. Power - Utilities 2,905.48 11631 3 M. Business Products - Copy machine repairs 48.00 11632 Continental Research - 30 gal. meter cleaner solution 291.85 11633 Quad State Industries - Paint striper repairs 31.44 11634 Wright County Auditor - tV police fines for May 1,232.50 11635 It. W. Mosford Co. - Copies for agenda - 56.54 11636 Feed Rite Controls - May testing 65.00 11637 Int. Conf. of Bldg. Officials - Bldg. code books 28.60 11638 Independent Lumber - Materials for office, truck, picnic ta. 171.43 11639 toren Klein - Mileage for May 70.40 11640 Carlson Welding - Mise. drilling, cutting, etc. 33.50 11641 Prousser Sand & Gravel - Class 5 24.03 11642 n exiblo Pipe Tool - 81, pipe for rodder 66.40 11643 Akins Fire Equip. - i nozzle repair 38.00 11644 Harry's Auto Supply - Pressure washer - dog pound; gresso, 830.39 116145 soap, point, filters, floor jack, clamps, fittings Bridgewater - 157.59 reimbursed by OSM 526.61 11646 City's old copier down for repairs GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CIIECK NO. Water Products - 36 meter valves 400.03 11647 Local #49 - Union dues 44.00 11648 Figs It Shop - Replace lever on mower 5.95 11649 Hoglund Bus Co. - Repair speedometer on Intl. truck 86.55 11650 Barton Contracting - Class 5 - shoulders in Hillcrest area 70.65 11651 Coast to Coast - 2 garbage cans, batteries, dog pound supplie;i 85.85 11652 Ruff Auto Parts - Brake pedal & wheel 12.00 11653 Maus Foods - Dog food, coffee,. bulbs, paper towels, etc. 95.75 11654 Monticello Truck Repair - Hoses for loader 5.60 11655 Goodyear Service Store - Tire repair for Hough loader 48.50 11656 Jean Brouillard - Oil for trucks 31.44 11657 Our Own Hardware - Tape, keys, hoses, weed sprayer, gloves, 253.45 11658 nuts, bolts, faucet, pipe, fittings, oil, oiler, wrench, etio. Vance's Service Center - Gas for Fire Dept. 18.49 11659 Olson's Electric - Replace motor on fan at Disp. Plant 69.44 11660 Buffalo Rendering Service - Contract 20.00 11661 Monti. Office Products - Misc. office supplies 85.26 11662 Wayne LaBree - Fire school reimbursement 81.80 11663 Scott Douglas - Fire school reimbursement 77.00 11664 Mark Wallen - ° " .. 82.97 11665 Stokes Marine - Chain saw file 1.25 11666 Monticello Times - Publishing and printing 331.85 11667 Central McGowan - (yl. rental 2.15 11668 Monticello Printing - Statements, letterheads, envelopes, et:. 212.60 11669 Lindberg & Sons - Paint for picnic tables 29.14 11670 Amoco Oil - Street- 84.681 water 18.20, sewer -27.30; tree -114 131.32 11671 Gross Industrial - Laundry 86.80 11672 Franklin Dmm - 0. A. A. meetings 90.00 11673 Mrs. Marjorie Goetzke - 0. A. A. meetings 114.00 11674 David Fricke - 0. A. A. meetings - $25/meeting 150.00 11675 LeRoy Engstrom - 0. A. A. meetings - & mileage 147.60 11676 Arve Grimamo - 0. A. A. meetings 90.00 11697 Dr. Joel Erickson - March & April euth. fees - 24 dogs 133.50 11678 Banker's Life Ins. _ Group Ins. 1,556.02 11679 No. Central Public Service - Utilities 118.91 11680 Pace laboratories - Digester sludge sample testing 188.00 11681 Northdale Const. Co. - Payment #6 59,759.47 11682 Public Service Materials Center - Pamphlet 13.50 11683 U. S. Postmaster - Box rent 10.00 11684 Johnson's Dept. Store - i shampoo machine for office 480.53 u685 Wright County State Bank - Investments 200,000.00 11686 Mike Dick - Salary to supplement CEPA check 102.40 11687 Jim Neuman - " 1. " " 86.40 11688 Brian Wieman - 1. " " " 86.40 11689 Nelson Nursery - 109 trees 6,240.00 11690 Mrs. Forn Hensen - Inf. Ctr. salary 4.60 11691 Mrs. Mao Ward - 0. ' " 79.35 11692 Kra. Lucy Andrews - " " " 85.10 11693 ' A shampoo machine for the carpet purchased through Johnson's to obtain discount. iy GENERAL FUND AMOUNT CHECK NO. Nott Company - Supplies for sewer dept. 65.12 11694 H & S Asphalt Co. - 2 tons bit. six 25.50 11695 Wayne LaBree - Sectional fire school 95.62 11696 Wright County Sheriff - April & May contracts 11,676.00 11697 Monticello Fire Dept. - Payroll 658.00 11698 John Simla - Mileage 17.00 11699 Phillips Petro. - Street -21.34; water -23.00; sewer -54.84 99.18 11700 Barton Contracting - Class 5 531.35 11701 Mobil Oil - Street -33.79; park -39.79; fire -25.03 98.61 11702 Safe -T -Flare of M. - Reflectorized vests & caps 86.80 11703 Wright County Journal Press - Help wanted ad 12.00 11704 Trueman - Welters - Gas cap -mower 1.52 11705 Bridgewater Telephone - Street & sewer depts. 40.88 11706 Payroll for May 11.494.12 TOTAL DISSURSII4 M FOR JUNE ;1,362,304.69 LIQUOR FUND AMOUNT C}IECK LIQUOR DISBURSEMENTS - JUNE - 1979 NO. Internal Revenue Service - License 54.00 8761 Old Peoria - Liquor 835.85 8762 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 2147.45 8763 Yonak Sanitation - Contract 30.00 8764 MN. Dept, of Agriculture - License 15.00 8765 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 3538.93 8766 Twin City Wino - Liquor 815.49 8767 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 3619.02 8768 Ed Phillips & Sons - Liquor 654.49 8769 Wright County State Bank - Investments 15000.00 8770 Conor. of Revenue - Sales tax 2286.00 8771 Wright County State Bank - Fed. W/H tax 353.20 8772 Comm. of Revenue - State W/H tax 160.30 8773 M. State Treasurer - PERA 219.22 8774 W Phillips & Sons - Liquor 3777.81 8775 Downtown Retailers Assoc. - Adv. 30.00 8776 Banker's Life Ins. - Group Ins. 153.18 8777 Grosslein Beverage - Beer, etc. 14784.85 8778 Thorpe Dist. Co. - Beer 2159.60 8779 Day Dist. Co. - Beer 230.50 8780 Viking Coca Cola - Misc. Mdse. 965.15 8781 Bernick's Pepsi - Misc. Mdso. 132.60 8782 Dick Beverage - Beer 5944.36 8783 A. J. Ogle - Beer 823.55 8784 7 Up Bottling Co. - Misc. Mdse. 383.20 8785 Our Own Hardware - Store Expense 57.32 8786 Maus Foods - Store Expense 17.55 8787 N. S. Power - Utilities 367.23 8788 Monti Office Products - Misc. Expense 38.00 8789 Monticello Times - Adv. 212.80 8790 Bridgewater - Telephone 42.12 8791 Carlson Wolcling - Misc. Expense 2.80 8792 H. Trushenskd Trucking - Freight 78.05 8793 Johnson's Dept. Store - * shampoo machine cost 480.50 8794 Griggs, Cooper - Liquor 1937.76 8795 Twin City Wino - Liquor 995.09 8796 Johnson Bros. - Liquor 3902.27 8797 Ed Phillips A Sons - Liquor 1436.21 8798 Petty Cash - Reimburse potty cash for freight 44.51 8799 Jude Candy - Misc. Mdso. 567.99 8800 Old Dutch Foods - Mac. Mdse. 137.89 8801 Dahlhoimer Diat. - Boor 8124.72 8802 Payroll for May 2379.49 TOTAL DISBURSEMENTS $79,936.05 + A carpet ahampooer purchased through Johnson's to obtain discount . SIV ERiFF'S OFFiCE C 1 Houte — Wrlaht County It BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55212 Telephone 642.1162 James F. Powers, Chief Deputy Lt. Myron A. Morris, Investigrtor Lt, El Heharling, Cwt OARRELL L. WOLFF County Shwirt June 18, 1979 Honorable Mayor City Council Monticello, Minn. 55362 Gentlemen: Enclosed is the Sheriff's Law Enforcement report for the month of May, 1979. 560 hours of patrol service were contracted for during the period in which the following activities were tallied: I - Vandalism - thereto pane window broken 2 - Burglaries - cash missing from residences - under investigation 1 - Runaway - located d returned - subject assisting was charged with contributing to the delinquency of a minor 1 - Burglary - cleared by arrest - nothing missing i - Theft of a tire d rim from vehicle at Monticello Ford 1 - Attempted burglary - no entry gained I - Burglary at the Day Care Center - flag missing I - Theft of money from locker at the high school - cleared by arrest I - Criminal damage to property - 3 bags of feed dumped out at Centre Sota 1 - Simple assault 6 theft - cleared by arrest 1 - Gas theft 6 property damage - gas siphoned out of truck d spilled on newly blacktopped driveway causing it to soften - under investigation 1 - Aggravated criminal damage to property - 5 used cars at Rolling Wheels, Inc. had windshields damaged - under investigation 1 - Vandalism - 4 tires on vehicle slashed - under investigation I - Civil matter 1 - Bench warrant arrest I - Arrest for a misdemeanor theft that occurred In April 1 - Disorderly conduct - cleared by arrest 10 - Arrests for issu&nLe of worthless checks 5 - Suspicious circumstances d vehicles 1 - Report of kids tampering with night depoalt envelopr% at the bank I - Criminal damage to property - vehicle drove on grass at the park - cleared by mediation 2 - Car fires reported 1 - Selling merchandise without permit in village limit% - cleared SHERIFF'S OFFICE Cour) Nouse — Wright County BUFFALO, MINNESOTA 55717 Telephone 612.1162 DARRELL L. WOLFF County SAavlll Sheriff's report for Monticello for May 1979 continued: 1 - Vandalism - eggs thrown at a house 1 - Threats 1 - Theft of Jacket 6 car keys from hospital employee 1 - Recovered property 3 - Public nuisance I - Littering - cleaned up I - Missing person - located 4 - Emergency messages delivered 4 - Domestics 3 - Animal complaints 4 - Traffic complaints 126 - Car 6 subject checks 44 - Citizen aids 35 - Motorists warned 10 - Accidents investigated 5 - Open doors 30 - Traffic tickets issued: 1 - Driving while intoxicated 11 - Speed 6 - Open bottle 3 - Erratic driving 2 - Improper lane usage 2 - Stop sign I - Driver license violations 3 - Unsafe equipment 1 - Illegal parking Yours truly, l � t - = i l ��/'• 'rte Darrell Wolff, Sheriff Billing: For the month of April, 1979 -- $ 5,838.00 May 1979 -- $ 5, 838.00 'total due $11,676.00 James F. Powers, Cbief Deputy Lt. Myron A. Monis, investigator Lt. EI Heberftng, Civil June 11, 1979 AGENDA SUPPLEMENT `- 1. Consideration of Approval of Subdivision - Lot 4, Block 1, Sandberq South (Larry Purcell). Larry Purcell, owner and operator of the Plumbery, would like to subdivide his lot, Lot 4, Block 1 Sandberg South, into two parcels of approximately 24,000 square feet each. This subdivision would meet all the criteria of the City of Monticello's ordinance relative to minimum width of a lot and lot size, etc. Mr. Purcell is requesting this sub4ivision to reduce the assessments on this parcel which are due and payable at the time of the issuance of a certificate of occupancy. In effect, this subdivision would allow Mr. Purcell to spread one half of the total estimated assessments of $22,613.33 over five years and the balance would be due and payable at the time of issuance of certificate of occupancy. (See agenda item N2 for a variance request on the portion that is due and payable at the time of issuance of certificate of occupancy). At a special meeting, the Monticello Planning Commission recommended approval of this subdivision. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval or denial of subdivision as indicated contingent upon receiving a certificate of survey and proof of recording. REFERENCES: See enclosed map depicting lot 4, Block 1 of Sandberg South. 2. Consideration of a Variance from the Provisions of Requirinq that Assess- ments be Paid in Full at the Time of a Certificate of Occupancy - Larry Purcell. In addition to his request in agenda item 1, Mr. Purcell would like the Council to consider a variance from the City of Monticello's ordinance which requires aos000ments to be paid in full at the time of occupancy for all areas served by improvements commencing after December 31, 1977. Sandberg South is part of an area nerved by the 1978-1 Improvement Project. Currently, there is oewor and water to the area and the project including pavement and curb and gutter along with somo storm sower improvements should be completed by July 1, 1979. Reason for the request of a variance from this provision is that Mr. Purcell received an SDA loan for the purchase of his land, building and commencement of his buoinoso. At the time of initiating his request for an SOA loan through the Wright County State Bank, neither Mr. Purcell nor tho Wright County State Bank was aware of the City'a change in assessment policy for this area requiring that the aaseonments be paid in full at the time of the iosuanco of a certificate of occupancy. At the time of the initiation of the loan, both Mr. Purcell and the Wright County State Dank were of the under- standing that the assessments would be spread over the full twenty years, and there was no requirement that nanosamenta be paid in full at the time of the issuanco of a certificate of occupancy. Assessments in thin area are proposed Council Agenda - 6/11/79 to be assessed over five years (as you recall, the City of Monticello now changed the assessments to be spread over ten years on any new projects, which is a change from the previous five year amendment) with the provision that assessments initially were due and payable at the time of a building permit request, but this has since been changed to a requirement that assessments be paid in full at the time of an occupancy certificate. Additionally, this area was exempt from the front-end money provisions that the City requires on new projects since this particular area was being platted at the time the City of Monticello adopted this ordinance and this area, along with that of Country Club Manor were exempted from this particular provision. The fact that this area was exempted from the front end money requirement also added to the confusion according to the Wright County State Bank because they indicate that if front end money requirement were imposed upon the developer, the developer would have probably charged this back to Mr. Purcell at the time of the purchase of the land and then they would have initially been informed of this requirement from the outset. Mr. Purcell and the Wright County State Bank both have indicated that it would be very hard to amend the loan request from SRA because this would be quite timely, and there is no guarantee that this SBA loan amendment would be approved. It should be pointed out that Mr. Purcell was informed of the City of Monticello's assessment policy upon application of a building permit; however, it was his understanding of the policy that the assessments did not have to be paid until 180 days after the application for the permit itself. In actuality, the ordinance is 180 days after the application for a building permit or the issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever comes first. Mr. Purcell also indicates to further complicate the matter that he was under the impression that the total assessments would be approximately $9,000 to $10,000, instead of the estimated amount of $22,613.33. Mr. Purcell received the original estimate from his real estate agent according to Mr. Purcell. Possibly what had happened le that the original estimate was based upon 80' parcels, and Mr. Purcell's property has about 240 fact of frontage which excludes one side because it is on a corner. For your information, the City uses a factor of 125% of the original estimate when assessments aro paid prior to the actual assessment hearing. In the case of Mr. Purcell, the $22,613.33 is multiplied by a factor of 125% to result in a figure duo and payable at the time of occupancy of $28,266.66. When the actual hearing and the amount is determined, an adjustment is made for any amount owing or due. POSSIBLE ACTION, Consideration of spreading assessments over the parcel occupied by the Plumbory over five years. The Council may want to consider some other time period between five years and assessments being paid in full at the time of a certificate of occupancy. This approval should be contingent upon approval of the subdivision as mentioned in item 1, and the variance would only be granted to the portion then occupied by the Plumbory. REFERENCESi Soo agenda item 1. - 2 - Council Agenda - 6/11/79 3. Review of the Audit for the Year Ended December 31, 1978. Bob Carlson, with the auditing firm of Gruys, Johnson from Buffalo, Minnesota, will be at our meeting to review the audit of the City of Monticello for the year ended December 31, 1978. A copy of this audit is enclosed for your reference. In addition to the enclosure of the audit, also enclosed please find a management letter from this CPA firm relative to their findings for the past year. While Mr. Carlson will be at Monday's meeting to review the audit with the Council and answer any questions they may have, please feel free to call me should you desire clarification of anything on the audit that I may be able to help you with. POSSIBLE ACTION: After presentation and review of audit report by the Council, consideration of a motion to accept the audit as presented. REFERENCES: Copy of audit and management letter. 4. Consideration of Approval of Contract between the City of Monticello and Gwen Bateman for Doq Patrol Service. Enclosed, please find a proposed contract with Gwen Bateman for dog patrol service which covers a period from June 1, 1979 through June 1, 1981. Gwen Bateman's current contract expired December 31, 1978, and this should have been renewed at the beginning of the year, but it was overlooked. Basically, the contract is similar to the past contract the City had with Gwen Bateman except for the following: A. Proposed fee schedule by MS. Gwen Bateman in $6.00 per hour the first year of the two-year contract, and $6.75 per hour for the second year. The past contract the City had with Gwen Bateman was for $5.00 per hour for the entire pact two years. B. A reimbursement on a per -mile basis is being requested at 250 per mile, whereas the past contract had a reimbursement fee of 150 per mile. Although the present proposal by Mo. Bateman is asking for a 20% increase in the first year and a 125% incroaoe from the first year to the second year, I think it is a reasonable request in light of the fact that MS. Bateman hag been paid $5.00 por hour since May of 1975. In effect, the not increase on a percentage basic in Mo. Gwen Sateman'o fee schedule from 1975 to the end of the present contract of Juno 1, 1981 would only bo 35%. Additionally, it is the typo of job except for the cleaning and feeding of the animals that you aro called out at all hours of the day and night. Overall, I boliovo that Ms. Bateman does a good job of providing dog patrol and dog catching cervices to the City of Monticello and has made herself about no available as an individual could in that position. For your information, Mo. Bateman carried about $3,162 from the City in 1978. She additionally has contracts with other communitioa within the area for Cproviding the same typo of cervices. - 3 - Council Agenda - 6/11/79 Ms. Bateman will be at Monday night's meeting to answer any questions that the Council may have. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of dog contract with Ms. Bateman. REFERENCES: Enclosed copy of proposed dog contract. 5. Consideration of approval of Intoxicatinq Liquor, Non-Intoxicatina Malt Liquor, and Set -Up Licenses. Following is a list of licenses that expire on June 30, 1979: s : A. Non-Intoxicatinq On -Sale Malt Liquor License (Fee $100) iy 7•��. N,. f O'Ryan's Restaurant Monticello Rod 6 Gun Club fir" B. Intoxicatinq On -Sale Liquor License (Fee $2,500) 'rte Monticello Liquors, Inc. Silver Fox Motel wayside Inn Joyner's Lancs Dino's Other World C. Non-Intoxicatinq Off -Sale Malt Liquor License (Fee $15) Monticello Liquors, Inc. Ernie's Bait Shop Wayne's Red Owl Maus Foods River Terrace Trailer Park Store O'Ryan's Restaurant Tom Thumb Suporette Wayside Inn John's Discount Foods D. Sot -Up License (Fee $100) Monticello Country Club O'Ryan's Restaurant For your information, all of the above have previously been issued a license and there has been no specific problem relative to law enforcement. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of approval of above licenses. 6. Consideration of Approval of Purchase of Conior Machine. Currently, the City of Monticello has a 3-M copier that was purchased in 1975 and has about served its useful function for the administrative offices for the City. It is recommended that the City of Monitcallo purchase a plain paper copier and utilize the existing machine within its Public Works Department whore the use and demand is not near as groat. It is not recommended that the present copier be traded in since vary little allowance will be given for it. - 4 - Council Agenda - 6/11/79 Advantages of a plain paper or bond paper copier over the City's present copier which produces an electrostatic type of copy are as follows; A. Better quality copy. B. Greater speed - 20 copies per minute vs. 7 copies per minute. C. Longer life - based on present usage, electrostatic copier will normally last four to five years; whereas, a bond paper copier should last ten years. D. Cost per copy is about 5C cheaper, or based on the City's annual usage of 25 - 30,000 copies, this amounts to approximately $125 to $150 annually. In 1978, the City budgeted $5,400 for a bond paper copier to be purchased in 1979. Following is a list of quotations the City of Monticello has received: COMPANY MODEL PRICE Persian's Royal Royfax Bond 115 $4,135.50 3-M Secretary II Beta $4,745.25 A B Dick A B Dick 990 Bond $4,895.00 Marco Savin 770 Copier $4,990.00 Following are specific comments on each copier: �— ROYFAX 115 PLAIN PAPER COPIER - This copier produces 15 copies per min.; however, it is not recommended that we purchase this copier since it would be at least two months before the copier was made available by Persian's, and additionally, Persian's would have to send somebody to school to learn how to maintain this particular piece of equipment because currently they do not service a customer who has thin type of copier. c SECRETARY II BETA COPIER - This copier makes 12 copies par min., which is quite a bit slower than the Savin 770 plain paper copier, and primarily for this reason, it was eliminated from consideration. A B DICK 990 BOND COPIER - While this copier produced a good quality copy, it is somewhat slower than the Savin - 15 copies per minute vs. 20 copies par minute - and additionally, although it could make legal sized copies, it was not near as easy to switch from an A x 11 typo of copy to an A x 14 copy as it was on the Savin Machine. SAVIN 770 PLAIN PAPER COPIER - This machine is rocommendod for purchase based primarily on speed - 20 copies par minute, and quality. This machine as opposed to the other machines mentioned has a liquid typo of process and as a result, the copies that are produced are more consistent in quality than the dry pro - coon, which has a tendency to heat up and cause blurrinoss on some copies. Additionally, Gavin copier is the largest selling copier in the world and it has a good reputation. - 5 - Council Agenda - 6/11/79 It should be noted that the City of Monticello has tried out all four of the above machines, and it was the unanimous opinion of the members of the .� staff using the four copiers to recommend the Savin copier. It should be noted that speed was one of the prime concerns in rating the copiers since many of the copies that are produced by the City are pro- duced in large quantities - for example, the agenda and agenda supplements. Quality was used as a major consideration also, but the significance wasn't placed on quality as it was on speed. Speed relates to time and time relates to money. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration of the approval of purchase of a plain bond paper copier. 7. Consideration of Amending Ordinance Relative to Hardsurfaced Driveways in New Subdivisions. As you recall, at our last meeting the City Council rejected a recommendation from the Planning Commission that it be a requirement of the Monticello City Ordinance that all driveways be hardsurfaced with either concrete or bituminous surfacing for new construction. Apparently, there was some misunderstanding that this provision already applied to new subdivisions; however, the current ordinance does not require driveways to be hardsurfaced in any areas, including now subdivi- sions. As a result, I have boon requested to place this item on the agenda for further conoidoration and possible action. It should be noted that if the City of Monticello would adopt this ordinance to apply only to now subdivisions, a determination would have to be made if all present sub- divisions were to be excluded. For example, there are subdivisions in various stages of development. Some are fully developed, some are in the process of being developed, and some have not had a building permit taken out in the particular plat. It would seem to me that if the Council were going to adopt an ordinance requiring driveways to be blacktopped or surfaced with concrete, it should apply to all now construction regardless of area. Obviously, a lot of investment has boon placed in surfacing the Monticello streets with pave- ment and additional dollars have been put into curb, guttor and storm sowers, oven in the older part of tho community. Additionally, the City of Monticello requires hardsurfacing for commoreial and industrial areas and it would seem to me almost as important or even more important that the residential areas be given the same consideration. POSSIBLE ACTION; No action is necessary if the Council dooiroo to leave the ordinance as is. Howover, if the Council wishoo to require hardsurfacing of drivoways, a motion would be in order and whether to apply thin to new subdivisions or all areas, and then, in addition, if now subdivisions worn only required to have hardaurfacing, what would bo the datormina- tion of a now subdivioion. - 6 - Council Agenda - 6/11/79 B. Consideration of Conveyinq an Offer on the Land Owned by Mel Wolters. Southwest of Minnesota Hiqhway 25. Enclosed, please find a letter from our engineer, John Badalich, relative to a wetlands area west of State Highway 25 in Monticello. Currently, this B -acre parcel is owned by Mel Wolters, and he has offered it to the City at approximately $4,000 per acre, or $32,000. The City has received an appraisal from Mr. Jack Maxwell appraising the property at $20,000 for the 6 acres. POSSIBLE ACTION: Consideration by the City Council to convey an offer to Mr. Wolters. - 7 - HIONWAY NO. 94 lk 't is -Los Iv CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO AND GWEN BATEMAN FOR DOG PATROL SERVICE This agreement made this 11th day of June, 1979, by and between Gwen Bateman, Monticello, MN., and the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation located in the County of Wright, and the State of Minnesota hereinafter referred to as City, witnesseth: In consideration of the covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, it is mutually agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows, 1. This agreement shall be effective as of the 1st of June, 1979, and shall continue in effect until the 31st of May, 1981. 2. Gwen Bateman agrees to patrol the public streets of Monticello in her own vehicle in accordance with a schedule agreed upon by both parties. 3. Ms. Bateman agrees that patrolling shall be done by her- self or competent personnel trained in the handling of animals, and that such employees shall be approved by the City. Such employees shall be deputized by the City with special powers as are necessary for the apprehension and retention of dogs, tato and other animals, in accordance with Monticello City Ordinances. 8owovor, Ms. Bateman will not invade the private property nor forcibly take an animal from any parson without the approval and assistance of a regular police officer of the City. d. Mo. Bateman agrees that all animals impounded shall be kept at the City of Monticello dog pound, and also agrees and warrants that all animals impounded shall be kept in a comfortable and humane manner for a period required by City Ordinance. y 5. At the time that any animal impounded under this contract is reclaimed, Ms. Bateman shall collect the license fee and boarding charges provided by City Ordinance. Ms. Bateman shall furnish monthly reports to the City as required as to the service or services rendered in connection with each animal impounded. 6. In the event an animal is impounded and boarded by order of the City Health Officer or placed under quarantine by ruling of the State Board of Health, said animal shall be boarded as required by said order of ruling. In the event that any dogs, cats or other impounded animals are unclaimed after seven (7) days, they may be delivered to a veterinarian or sold at her descretion. 7. The City shall furnish to Ms. Bateman all forms, license and pound fee receipts and license tags as specified in the Ordinance, and Ms. Bateman shall keep records of all animals impounded together with a description of the same. C B. Ms. Bateman shall assame liability for all harm to animals duo to her negligence or that of its agents in not properly caring for the same. Upon request, Ms. Bateman shall provide to the City with proof of public liability insurance in- cluding comprehensive general liability, and comprehensive automobile liability in an amount of at least $100,000.00 per each claimant and $300,000.00 for each occurrence. 9. Ms. Bateman agrees that during the period of this contract she will not, within the State of Minnesota, discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment because of race, color, crood, national origin or ancestry. Ms. Bateman will not sub -contract thio service. Thin paragraph is inserted in the contract to comply with the provisions of the Minnesota Statutes 161.59. -2- k/ 10. The City agrees to pay for the services of Ms. Bateman in the performance of this contract as follows: A. Feeding, cleaning animals and kennel and patrol service $6.00 per hour for period from June 1, 1979 to May 31, 1980, and $6.75 per hour for period from June 1, 1980 to May 31, 1981. B. Will be paid at 250 per mile for use of own vehicle while patrolling and for trips to feed animals. 11. All payments shall be made by the City monthly upon receipt of statement from Ms. Bateman. 12. Unclaimed dogs will be delivered to a veterinarian after the seven day holding period. 13. Either party hereto may cancel the within contract upon thirty (30) days written notice thereof to the other party. Dated this 11th day of June, 1979. Ma. Gwen Bateman Gary Wiobor, City Administrator City of Monticello MINUTES 'L REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION June 19, 1979 - 7:30 P.M. Members Present: Jim Ridgeway, Eel Schaffer, Dick Martie, Dave Bauer Members Absent: Fred Topel 1. Approval of Minutes. Motion was made by Dick Martie, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and unanimously carried to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held May 15, 1979. Motion was made by Dave Bauer, seconded by Ed Schaffer, and unanimously carried to approve the special meeting of June 16, 1979. 2. Consideration of Variance Request - James Refriqeration. James Refrigeration Co., developer of the Tom Thumb Superette, requested a variance to install a special type of pre -formed curbing around ' the parking area of the store at the Intersection of Oakwood Drive and Highway 25. A representative from the Concrete Curbing Company, along with a representative of James Refrigeration Company explained that the reason for the request was based upon price and also for speed of installation. The Curbstone representative also asked that the planning commission consider a blanket type variance for his products mince he has had additional requests from other firms to install the same typo of curb in Monticello. Motion was made by Ed Schaffer, seconded by Dave Bauer, and unanimously carried to recommend that approval be given to this preformed curbing for the Tom Thumb Store provided it is continuous around thu perimeter of the parking lot. Additionally the James Refrigeration Co. representative informed the planning commission that an estimate from Fran Fair for the landscaping for the Tom Thumb Stora was estimated at $896.00. Although the ordinances require a $1,500.00 landscaping minimum, a motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Schaffer, and unanimously carried to reeommond that the 5900.00 additional landscaping along with the existing cedar trooe on the lut would moot the $1,500.00 requirement per the ordinance. It was noted that the landscaping plat should be revised to show that the existing cedar tr000 are part of the plan. 3. Consideration of a Variance Request - Best -In -Web. The Best -In -Web Company located in the Oakwood Industrial Park, also requested a variance to install the same type of special pre -formed curbing around their parking lot that was referred to in item 2. Motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Bauer , and unanimously carried to approve of the pre -formed curbing for Best -In -Web. 4. Consideration of a variance Request - Mike Slagter. Mr. Mike Slagter requested a variance to build an attached garage to his home at 115 Marvin Elwood Road to within 6' of his sidoyard property line. Ordinances require a 10' setback but the garage as proposed would in one corner, be within 6' of the neighbor's property line. A letter was presented by Mr. Slagter indicating the abutting property owner had no objection to the garage being within 6' of his property line. Motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried to approve the variance of 4' for Mr. Slagter's garage. 5. Consideration of Variance Request - Vance Florell. Vances'a Service Center in the I-94 Tri -Plaza requested a variance to extend their pylon sign 10'0" higher than it in. Current ordinances allow the pylon sign to be 32' high plus the difference between the business property elevation and the height of the road abutting it. In this core, the Standard Station sign is approximately 42' high since the elevation of highway 25 is 10' higher than the present location of the sign. The reason for the additional 10' request was that cars traveling to the went on Interstate 94 are unable to see the sign because of the trees blocking it's view and aloo caro traveling oast from St. Cloud are unable to eco the sign because of obstructions by other pylon signs from neighboring busincoo. Motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Martin, and unanimously carried to table this request until the next meeting to allow the planning commission members the opportunity to view tho sign from the freeway. 6. Consideration of Variance Request from (lard Surface Parkinq Requirementa - Mol Woltoro. Mr. Mal Wolters, owner of the Dairy Queen Store requested a variance from the hard surface parking requirements for the neighboring Iota next to hie Dairy Queen Operation. Mr. Wolters indicated that he would like to build a now business on on Lots 9 6 10 in Block 5 in the near future, but until that time would like to use the lots for additional overflow parking for his Dairy Queen Store operation. It was indicated by Mr. Wolters that -2- the reason for not wanting to black top the parking would be that once a new building was built he would have to tear up the expensive hard surface to build the new building. Abutting property owner Holiday Stationstore sent a letter to the planning commission voicing the opposition to the parking lot being hard surfaced. Motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Schaffer, and unanimously carried to recommend approval of a variance from the hard surface requirements for Lots 9 6 10, Block 5, for up to one year at which time it would have to be renewed. The consensus of the planning commission members was that this area had just been recently developed and has been unpaved for years and felt that a one year variance would appear not to be a hardship on any other business. 7. Continuation of Public Hearinq on the James Maus Meadows Subdivision. Mr. Jim Maus re-subanitted his preliminary plat plan for his "Tho Meadows" subdivision, which was proposed for development in two stages over the next several years. Phase I of this subdivision development would propose to develop only the Iota abutting Prairie Road. As part of the Phase 1 development, the city engineer recommended that a cul-de-sac named Clover Circle be developed as a rural type street and that the ditches be continued from around Clover Circle in a ditch formed between Lots 5 6 6, Block 1, and continue to the culvert between Lots 15 6 16, Block 1, where the water would then drain under the railroad tracks and drain away. It was felt by the city engineer that if this drainage plan was implemented that the Phase I development of the lots along Prairie Road would not require additional atom ao wor facilities to handle the run-off. It woo noted that if the balance of the plat is ever developed, the storm sewer issue will have to be resolved at that time. Attorney Jim Metcalf representing Jim Maus requested that the planning commission approve the entire plat as presented with only the lots fronting on Prairie Road (wing allowed to build on in the first Phase. Motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Schaffer, and unanimously carried to approve tho r,rviood the preliminary plat indicating a two Phase developanent o! the plat contingent upon the drainage plan being implemon tod by the city engineer. B. Discussion on Outdoor Advertioino Signs - by Blocher Advertising Co. tar. Ray Golornonult, of Blocher Advertising Co., requested previously to be on the planning commission agenda to discussion with the planning commission the possibility of changing the present c!ty ordinances which prohibit billboard advertising in Monticello. -3- The primary reason for the discussion was that Blocher Advertising Co. would like to put a billboard on Mr. Maurice Hoglund's property along Interstate 94 and requested that the Planning Commission consider either allowing this type of sign as a variance or possibly rewritting the city ordinances to allow billboard signs. Although Mr. Galarneault did not attend the meeting to discuss his views for the request, the Planning Commission consensus with that the ordinance should remain as in, thereby,. not allowing any future billboard sign. Motion was made by Schaffer, seconded by Martie, and unanimously carried to deny any variance request to Blocher Advertising Co. or to consider amending the current ordinances to allow such a use. 9. Consideration of Proposed Ordinance Amendment to Allow a Combination of Residential and Commercial Uses in B-3 and B-4 Districts. At the previous Planning Commission meeting held May 15, John Uban of Howard Dahlgren Associates, consulting planner, was asked to review and draft a proposed ordinance amendment to allow for buildings in B-3 or B-4 zoning districts to contain residential uses along with commercial uses. A proposed ordinance amendment was written by Mr. Uban and presented to the Planning Commission for review. After discussion by the Planning Commission members, it was the consensus of the members that perhaps an ordinance amendment would not be appropriate as they would like to be able to review each request on a separate basis. Thorefora, a motion was made by Bauer, seconded by Martio and unanimously carried to not recommend approval of an ordinance amendment to allow a combination residential and commercial use as a conditional use in these zoning districts. Motion by Schaffer, seconded by Martio and unanimously carried to adjourn. Rick wolfatollor Adm. Anat. I/ Rw/ja -C'w a0ds NI .13 O 0 SD -?3-5 P•NAPTEN''23 it �_l ADMINISTNAIION . VARIANCES' AND APPEALS ,CL IION: ID -.T3-1: BOaND or AOJUS*MCMT'AND APPPALS 10-21-2: PLANN.NG COMrIls1ON AND Cliv Starr 140,02T5 10-2?- : FIMOIMG O• PL•WMIT.y CONPTISSION AND CIIT STAFF 10-23- : NOM -ECONOMIC 14AwOsI11P 10-23-5• APPIALL 10.2j -O: PROCLOUNtS IO -23 i LAPSE 0• V•RIANCL ON APPEAL IO -23.9: PL Y rO-WANG( BOND 10-23.1: BOARD Of ADJUSTMENT AND APPEALS: THE CIIT COUNCIL !MALL ACT AS A Bn••D or AOJYITMCNIAND API[AL S. 10-23-2: PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY STAFF REPORTS: ALL WNITTCM PCPORtS ANO A CL' MMLNDATIO MI TO IM( L.1T COUNCIL ![.VINO AS TML BOARD Or ADJUSTrr,Nr A•.D 4PPL LL3 •POM TM[ PLANMIN�i Eploll1110M AYO fM[ ELFT SIAII 1M •Ll BT LT.TEYIO .N ANO MLO( PARI Of CML P(PMAMLMi YRII TL" RECORD Or TMC BOAPOIS YLCTI N•.. 10.21-3: FINDING Of PLANNING COMMISSION AND CITY STAFF: 1" coN110LR.-G ALL R(oUt S•s fOw A VARIaNCC OP •PP[AL. •WD IM TAMING 1UOIC000Y1 NCT1OM• TML CIT' !T•fl. TMC PLANNING COMMISSION AND TML C/fv COUNCIL SLRTINS A! IN, BOa•O Or ADJUSTMENT •"D APP[ALO SMALL MAR[ • FINDING Or FACT IMA? THE PROPOSED "ll— LL NOF,: (A) IMPAIR •N •U(OVATC SUPPLT 09 LIGHT AND •1A t0 AO.IACCMT PMOP[RTI. �1. (13) UNACApOMA TILT IMCM[a!L INC COMGClf10M /M /M( PUBLIC DIRECT. `t IC'i IMCP[LS2 THE DANCER O•' rIMC OR [MOAMOCM-TMC PUBLIC 3a19TT. (D) UYA1.•+ONABL• OIYIN•!- 04 IMPAIR'CBTA81.16"'O I101�CMT YLI VIS WItM IM TN[ Nf. If.-�pA.1007+I ow 1M LNT OTNLY WA- BC COWMAN' TO EMIL IM".I Of f!.O 0ROIMAMCC. '1U -23-1I:" NON.ECONJMIC NANDSMIPI TTI& CIT, COUNCIL SCNTI.10 as THE BO•AO Or,AIJU]TMrkll LN0 APPCALS SHALL. AFTER. RCCtIvIMO INC VNIfT(M REOONTS AND A9COYWCMOAf1OM+'LO• ,IMI PLANNI"n COMMISSION •MD TNL CIT• !Tarr. MANE A FINDING Of FACT ANO O[CIOI UPON ACOYLS'li IDA AVAMIANCC BI •/IRpYIAb OR DENTING THE GAMIC., IM Pani ON IN WMOL[. W"[NC If, IS AL%tGCD •T�l APPLICANT THAI A moN•CCONOMIC—aMOS-IP IM INC ACLSOWAOLC ULC,OT' A SPfC1r.•L.PaN,:CL " PMnPL Rit 1.•'1117. A NAN05.P 1N•T OY,. +BML •[A+OM Or N•RNO .iVN[!11 SMaLLOYNP+f'ON !WAIT �r • l.•fC•r.0 Pa•rCL OI PRO"01T OR • LOT CAISIIN4 •NO Or ACCORD UPON TN[ [rrICf17[_ GAIL. 01 'NI lOAO1NaMCC OP INal 0. REASON Or [ICLPf10NAL IOPOGNAPNIC ON WATCR CONDIIIOM] O•' a 1PIC1•'IC P•ACLL. O1 L•"D ON LOT. INC STRICT APPLICATION OI THE TERMS Or t.15 OAO:MAMC[ r�V10 PClULI IM (.CCPI.ONLL n1./1(.ULTILS WMLM U11LIC111G INC PARCEL OP LOT IM • M•""ti C .Svnw&ai ANIT•Lr.. LLI PINMISSAOLC WITHIN TOC OISTSICI IN WNICN /610 LOT 00 PARCEL 11 LOC6•11 OW YIIULn [MI M EI"nu' "aa"'MlP UPON IM[ OWNER OF SVC" LOT ON PAMCCL 1-11 THE OW -1- O' A:1111•.L'r I. uN PAMLLL WITH.- iNt 11. DISTRICT WOULD NOT N•YL If Na WLat 10 OLVCLOP'H11 Lr.f ON PaMCIL IM A MaMwl'a 090POSCO OT IM[ APPLICANT. SHOULD THE CIT COUMC.L FIND IMAI IMF 1: 11 MOIT�OII7 O1L uIM[O ...".,041LN.NUFOAL •PPL• TO INC P1100!0590 LOT OR PA•CCLI INC COUNCIL - . • VLIII INLI IMO- IHl IIwICT •►►LIL11100 OF 1MIS 0001MAN11 SO •1 ID NEL-EVC SVC- . .I I'i I.uLT.I. OM MARUSM IPF 10 THE OCORCC COM11094LO aC•SOMAOLC. P.O.-O-13SUL. -CLIC, YA. ':A .Y•N11. 11 YIIHOVI IYP•I w1"•i TNI. IMI("1 Of THIS �DM1A10 OADIIIa MCI. IM[ PLA -MING (DMMI•.71LN A. ID UPON -IPOwI •MU M ICVABIINU•f ION ST IML CIT• 5J►•1I SMALL MAIL 1M( POW[' IO aOI I•.L ,i IT ALCOMYLNO 7uCw LDNDITIYMJ R(LA7L0 fp TMC YARI•rCC ACM1•ADINL TNL IOC Af IOM. LMA••:TIN •NO I,I-CA IL-1 u -CD 01 TNC PPOIDI[D SUI1.01 NOI BTRYC'UM[ OP USE •0 IT ■•. DEEP ADv1S•OLL 11. I- .w1:a(!1 DI INr INTr MI ANO IVNPOIL 01 T"IS OAOIMAMCC. 1U -d !•Si AMPLALSI I-[ ELFT CYUNcII SIAr111G tl tM[ BD•RD 0/ ADJW+IM[M1 •rU APvLN7 I—L . ♦r IPM RS CI .YI N1. THC VY111LN •[POMP •MO AICOIM1C r0A710N OI IM( PLANYINC L -NYS S'.. ,N A%a 1N[ C.T. /...r� NANL • PINUIMO 01 r•Li •AO NAS[ • O[CIBION OM A►/[•l! NMIN[ IT 1• ,I AL1. ••LD 0T 1nl •PP.,I.LYI \NAP (RROA "a! OCCUNRCO IN •N• GROG. REDYISCNLNI. Dtc.010- ON Ly tllla•-INAf ION MApL OT SNI OU'LDINr. INSP[CIOR Ir FMC CM'ORCCN[NT Of I"" OR O1rAMC(. NOWCILI. S•10 •P/IAL 1 -•Ll OP ASLO NOT LATCH 'MAN NIM(/T (9{I) OATS aril• TM[ •PPLIC a"1 "AS Nr CEI VCO • WM."L. NOTICE IRON f"C Bu1LOINO IMSPCCTOM OR SAID APPCA► SMALL BE COrSIOt NfO . 01 D. 77�,-vki) 3 -Fr4 CWFXE 456,- WCST KV- SInEr-1 t -AIL jin"K*3 PC)-'s')d 1--14.1% Jf-.A;IDLr., MIN" 55-C C.0"E -:z C"EDIT MFrCF 1 11 W OLDSHA,.PPK1#P 'JAILAOMcss 62b LT. I m'.4% -,�WO v.HO!I�rq 1.4 7 June 13, 1979' Mr. Gary Wicber City Administrator City Hall Monticello, tRl 55362 RE: Request for Variance - Mel Wolters Dear Gary: We will be unable to attend the public hearing regarding the above va r iance for Mel Wolters. We wish to cooperate with our neighbors and support them in eve ry possible way, but do not feel the variance would be in the best interests of the business people in the area. As you know, the land is very valuable and to hav parking lot at hard stirf e would 'tend in that vicinity without 6 paved, :ca. to distract from the general appearance of all surrounding business properties. and could cause a great deal of dust and the spraying of Loose gravel. fis/sny F U Very truly yours, HOLIDILY STATIONSTORES. INC. Bradley Stoinman Mannger, R.,al Estate Dept. -f/ .0 ORR•SCHELEN•MAYERON &ASSOCIATES, INC. ` Cu: lstdtinJ Engiiwe, s Land Sw veynr's June 11, 1979 Mr. Gary Wieber City Administrator City of Monticello 250 East Broadway Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Re: Revised Preliminary Plat of The Meadows Dear Gary: As a follow-up to my letter under date of April 4, 1979 to Loren Klein regarding The Meadows preliminary plat and subsequent to our meeting on April 30 with Jim Maus and his representatives, we have had the opportunity to review the revised preliminary plat proposed by Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. 1 First of all, a typographical error should be corrected on the revised preliminary plat. "Ander" should have an "s" at the end and should read "Anders". As you may recall during the April 30th meeting, it was gen- erally agreed that because of the indecision on installing storm sewer, as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan, we would pursue this plat on a stage basis, thereby not compelling the developer to a large amount of money. for any storm sewer in that the development would be carried out over a several year period. In the interim, temporary ponding for storm water would be provided and as development increased the ultimate storm sewer system would be installed. The revised prelimin- ary plat as submitted does not make any provision for carrying off the drainage from the lots, Phase No. 1, fronting on Prairie Road other than draining to the north ditch of Prairie Road. As you know, we have provided for temporary ponding on the south side of Prairie Road in the dedicated park land of Balboul Estates with an overflow culvert under Prairie Road to the north and into the Maus plat before he contemplated development. How- ever, with the lowland on the north side of. Prairie Road now achod- uled for development, i.e. Lots 8, 9, 10, Block 1, this drainage pattern will be obstructed and the drainage from Maus' plat S 10YI £,;s1 /larutepin Avenue - 5unc 238 - flinimaj)nlis, Alinnesofa 55413 • 612/337.8660 Mr. Gary Wieber June 11, 1979 Page Two during heavy rainstorms would drain to this culvert and back into Balboul Estates' park which could create nuisance flooding. I would, therefore, recommend that the Cl,)ver Circle cul-de-sac be graded and a ditch continued north such that the runoff is directed toward the railroad tracks and to the culvert between Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, under the railroad tracks. Also coupled with this, that portion of Clover Circle from Prairie Road to the rear of the lots in Phase I should remain a rural section with ditches on both sides to conform with the Prairie Road ditches up until the time Prairie Road is developed as an urban street and storm sewer is provided as recommended in the Comprehensive Plan. The Phase I preliminary plat seems to be in order with the pro- vision that the long-term drainage solution must be addressed at the time further platting is contemplated for this area. Very truly yours, ORR-SCHELEN-MAYERON YA. Dadalich, P.E. ngineer JPD/gg cc: Meyer-Rohlin, Inc. Mr. Loren Klein, Building Official MEYER=ROHLININC_ ,p,,p•; .. ENGINEERS-IAND SURVEYORS Y111 - 25'N,BulJalti•^Mirtn:5S313 •P►rone6i: �lG• ice.: = , JI " . 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AW - 9.t Oe r' _ .. - r��� :L_1u �1 MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Maus "Meadows" Subdivision File FROM: Gary Wieber !L J DATE: May 3, 1979 SUBJECT: Proposed Plat for The Meadows At a meeting held on April 30, 1979, the following were in attendance: Arve Grimsmo John Badalich Brad Larsen Bob Rohlin Loren Klein Jim Maus Jim Ridgeway Gary Wicber Purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed plat of Jim Maus entitled "The Meadows". Prime concern was for the grading plan and whether to include future provisions for storm sewer or ponding areas. According to John Badalich, the City's engineer, storm sewer is planned to alleviate this area along with Balboul Estates, Anders Wilhelm Estates and property owned by Bill Seefeldt, of drainage by a storm sewer system that would go in a northeasterly direction from The Moadowp Plat underneath the railroad tracks, underneath County Road 75, through the City's park area in Billcreat Second Addition, and through an easement that would go between the property lines of Mr. Tindolo and Mr. Gauthier. Mr. Maus indicated that he did not want to be the instigator of the storm sewer system and would rather have the City be the culprit, so to speak. It was explained to Mr. Maus that although the storm sewer would alleviate a larger area other than just his particular plat of storm water, that it is because of developments such as Mr. Maus's that it would be necessary to install the storm sower pipe. Mr. Maus'a comments were somewhat as a result of concern for the ultimate outlet of this storm sewer into the Croak behind Ilillerest First Addition. Thin concern is stated in a previous memo. Additionally, the need for a storm sower was discussed as opposed to whether drainage ponds could handle the storm sower water runoff by themselves. Following were decisions that seemed to be generally agreed upon: 1. When this area, including the above referenced plate, along with the land owned by Mr. Soefeldt, is fully developed, that drainage ponds could not handle the storm water runoff adequately and it would be necessary to alleviate the problem through storm sower pipes. 2. John Badalich estimated the coot. of storm cower in the area to be $150,000 for the entire amount of land south of the railroad tracks. lie further indicated that the storm sower would also benefit Billcroot Fi.rot and Second Additions and they would receive their proportionate share of the assessment also. V Memo To Maus Subdivision File May 3, 1979 Page 02 3. Prairie Road would be developed as a rural type street with tar but no curb and gutter and rural type ditches. 4. Mr. Maus would develop the Meadows Plat into two phases, the first phase being those lots adjacent to Prairie Road and the second phase being the remaining lots to the north. 5. Preliminary Plat would show both phases and would be subject to a public hearing before the Planning Commission on May 15, 1979, which would be a continuation of a Hearing on April 3, 1979. 6. Preliminary Plat would then be brought to the Council for acceptance and the final plat would just show the first phase with the understanding that the second phase would have to be approved before the final plat of this phase was recorded. 7. An agreement would have to be worked out with the City of Monticello and the developer to assure the following: A. waiver of hearing on future improvements to Phase I and Phase II of the proposed plat. B. When Phase II of the plat came in, arrangement would have to be made Whereby the City's frontend money requirement an assessments was satisfied befora an of the individual lots y 4as sold. Feasibly this could be done through a bond. 8. Mr. Badalich stated that Marvin Elwood should have storm sewer pipes put in before it in blacktopped. In this fashion, provisions for the storm sewer would already have been made prior to the blacktopping of the pro- perty, and as the area develops, it could be determined by the City at what time the actual storm sower was to be put in all the way to the Crook behind Hillcrest Addition. 9. Bob Rohlin would ravine the plat and possibly add a few Moro lots along Prairie Road and would gat this to the City of Monticello by May 10th in order to adequately allow enough time for review prior to the May 15th Planning Commission meeting. CW/na C MEMORANDUM TO: Jim Maus Subdivision File FROM: Gary Wieber DATE: April 20, 1971799 SUBJECT: Storm Water Outlet for the Meadows Plat On April 17, 1979, I received a phone call from Shelly Johnson and he had indicated that he had talked to Mr. Tindle and Mr. Mielke relative to concerns about a storm sewer outlet to the Creek behind Hillcrest Addition. I indicated to Shelly that this had come up as a result of a proposal by Jim Maus for a preliminary plat that was close to the Balboul Estates and Anders Wilhelm Estates. I explained to him that once these plats were fully developed it was the feeling of our engineer that we should, in compliance with the storm sewer comprehensive plan, complete the storm sewer outlet to the Creek behind Hillcreet. Mr. Johnson indicated ecncorn with the nutrients and othe}} chemicals that would go into the Creek. He had indicated a concerlOhlso from Mr. Tindle and Mr. Mielke relative to the same issue. I indicated to him that the DNR would have to be approached for ultimate approval of the storm sewer outlet and that our Engineer was well aware of the requirements. Additionally, I indicated that the City would try to attempt to see if it could be possible to resolve the drainage problems of Balboul Estates, the Meadows Plat and Anders Wilhelm through a drainage pond alone. Subsequently, I called John Badalich and made him aware of this fact and he indicated that ultimata approval would have to be forth- coming from the OUR but saw no problems. tie further indicated that the drainage pond still would be constructed in the Moadows and Balboul eatatea, and the actual atom sower outlet would be for an overflow from these two ponds that would ultimately go into the croak behind Hillcroat Addition. Ito indicated by this overflow method that a lot of the nutrients and pollutants would already be filtered out and there should be no problem. GW/na WILLIAM AND MERRLYN SEEFELDT "Living Springs RT. 2, BOX 36 E MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA 55362 0(612) 295.5698 June 16, 1979 To: Monticello Planning Commission From: William J. Seafeldt Subject: Maus Subdivision, June 19, 1979 meeting Id to absent from this meeting because of o buoineas trip to the Baudetto end Ro3sau area. I request to enter the following state- ment: I am not appasnd to the Mame development as such, However, I feel a mistake was made at the previous city council meeting changing the zoning of that entire area from light industry to residential. As I visit with psnpla of this community the following seem-; to be vary consistent: 1. The comprehensive plan indicated light industry. 2. Last falls recommendation by the Planning Commission was light industry. 3. The rnilroad property and County 75 fc,rm an adequate buffer. 4. The opnortunity for industry to locate along railroad siting is very limited in this community. This cite providc:J that possibility. 5. The future use of this railroad track or property is unknown. According to the energy situation the possibility of upgrading aeeme very likely, The Federal Energy Plan indicates coal to be a prime energy source. The Big Lake trucks are now saturated. The possibility of a coal train every thirty minutes exists. 6. The Chamber of Commerce is now actively promutinn nuw industrial development. A broader choice of sites would seem to Lu nn nscot to their committee. Thai* you. J1ncer, e- Wlllien���dt WJ9/mis s ` HOWARD DAHLOAEN ASSOCIATES • � •- IMCDIIIM�A�[D CONSULTING PLANNERS + ONC DROVCLAND TCRRACC MINNCA}DLf a. MINNCaQTA 05403 12 Juno 1979 •n.»r-stxa . MPllORANDUM TOs Gary Wieber, City Administrator City of Monticello RBI Proposed Ordinance Ganges to Allow Combination of Residential and Commercial Uses in the Same Building The following shall be added as Item (J) in the B-3. Highway Business Distzict and (F) in the B-8, Regional Business District. i } Buildinv combining residential and non-residential uses allowed in this District provided thats 1. Residential and non-residential uses shall not be contained on the same floor. 2. The residential and non-residential uses shall not conflict in any manner. 3. The applicant shall demonstrate that the residential units will be compatible with the noes -residential use and with the surrounding property. Critieris incloing, but not limited to, the following shall be considered in determining compatibility of the residential and now -residential uses. ' a. lighting . Y ` b, traffic patterns o. access to the different uses d. landscaping end open space s. odors r� !. noise levels g. hours of operation h. trash h i. parking j J. overall aesthetics l k. proxiaity to park areas 70 ME140PANDUM REj Proposed Ordinance Changes 12 June 1979 Page Two 4. There is adequate off-street parking in compliance with Section 10-3-5 of this Ordinance and that a specific portion of the parking area shall be set aside for the residential occupants. A-49 ee -a cfr�:�l.+rrra S. The residential use shall occupy a floor area greater �> than or equal to the floor area of the non-residential use. 79 I BID TABULATION Engr's. Est. for $952,700.00 SANITARY SEWER, WATER MAIN, STREET PAVING & APPURTENANT WORK FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Bide Opened, IMPROVEMENT NO. 79-1 Orr-Schelen-Mayeron 2:00 p.m. June 22, 1979 9 Associates, Inc. Contractor BID f fArcon Construction Co. Inc. Barbarossa & Sons Inc. Richard Knutson Inc. Lametti 6 Sons Inc. C.S. McCrossan Inc. Minn -Kota Excavating Mueller Pipeliners Minn. Inc. NOH Inc. Nodland Assoc. Northdale Construction Co. Inc. Northern Contracting Co. North Central Underground Inc. I Orfei s Sons PCI SECURITY TOTAL BID i 17 g4Z.16 37 S91 -o k6 f 7',.00 1.1 o e _Ql:s^ v' !) 5 t z 3'91.00 ✓ i �L� 03, -� }9o9'1s7.ea� f✓ i�9 3 Loi S.oi C I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the bids as received on By • Denotes Corrected flours Comm. No. 068-3028 REVENUE & EXPENDITURE BUILDING INSPECTION DEPARTMENT April 19 1978 - to - March 319 1979 Revenue Building permits 4/1/78 to 12 31 78 $ 10,273.22 Building permits 1/1/79 to 3 79 1.002.50 $ 11,275.72 Expenditures SalSalmi L. Klein L. Klein 1/31/78 to 1X3778 $ 4,740.00 1/1/79 to 3 331 Payroll taxes ll taxes l/1Y79 to 3/38 to 1 31/798 378.69 Group Ins. 3/378 to 1378 828.74 Group Ins. 1/l/79 79 to 3%31/79 283.02 Legal 3/3/178 to 12/31/78 753.50 Supplies 3/31 78 to 12/3i/78 149.55 Supplies 1/1/79 to 31 79 149.42 Conf. & Travel 3/3V78 to 12J31/78 429.35 Conf. & Travel 1/1 79 to 3/31/79 449.70 Sub. & Was 3/31 78 to 12 31 78 168.00 Sub. & Dues 1/1/79 to 31/79 10.00 Surcharge 3/31/78 to 12/31/78 1,192.80 $ 19.825.93 DEFICIT 8 8,550.21 Allocate 25% of expenditures to Civil Defenae, Planning & Zoning, Housing Inspection S 4.956.48 DEFICIT $ 3,593.73 3593.73 • 11275.72 - 32% Increase fees a 32%