City Council Minutes 01-03-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 January 3, 1972 Annual organization meeting of Village Council Monday evening January 3, 1972 — 7:00 P,M. Present: William Sandberg, Jeff Rowan, Dan Blonigen, Walter Markling, Richard Yjartie. Don Granlund, clerk, administered the oath of office to William Sandberg, mayorg and councilmen, Rowan and Blonigen. Mayor Sandberg called the meeting to order at 7:15 P. M. Minutes of December 28th meeting were read and approved, Motion by Walter Markling, seconded by Dan Blonigen to designate Wright ounty State Bank as official depository and to designate 'Monticello imes as official news media. Dan Blonigen was anpointed as acting mayor. Motion by Walter Markling, " seconded by Dick Martie to appoint oint Con Johnson to the Planning Commission, Tn favor: Y-arklp,inMartie. Against: Rowan, Blonigen, Sandberg. Lost. Motion by Richard Martie, second by Jeff Rowan to retain Gruys-Johnson to audit I971 villa7e records. Carried all in favor. otion b-7 Dan Bloni-Lren, seconded by Walt '4;-qrkling to revert to one regular meeting on the 2nd Tuesday of each month and designate sDecial meetings as needed. Carried -- all in favor. Employees asked to present wane requests to council on January 11. Wage review corrittee to be appointed tl?en, Walt Markling and Jeff Rowan to see Leo Baker re: village supervision. Jeff Rowan appointed as council representative to Planning Commission. Clerk to send Planning Commission minutes to councilmen. Clerk authorized to Purchase file cabinets for record storage. Clerk to set up meeting with Township commissioners to study fire pro- tection service. Motion to adjo n by Richard Martie, seconded by Jeff Rowan. So ordered, Don G*jundq Clerk DG %1g