City Council Minutes 02-17-1975 SpecialSpecial Meeting of Monticello City Council February 17, 1975 - 7:30 P.M. City Hall Meeting called to order by Mayor Con Johnson. Present: Con Johnson, Denton Erickson, Dick Martie, Gene Walters, Stanley Hall. Mayor Johnson announced meeting would be taped. 1. Approval of Minutes, January 23, and January 27, 1975• Motion by Erickson, seconded by Martie. Carried unanimously. 2.. Approval of manuscript copy of topographic map. Motion by Martie, seconded by Walters, to approve contract with Orr-Schelen-Mayeron and Associates, Inc., to do topo mapping for City of Monticello, cost not to exceed $15,200.00, which would be further reduced by elimination of some areas. Carried unanimously. J. Split liquor iasue question discussed with liquor and beer ordinance adopted contingent upon approval of Split Liquor. Council consensus was to support split liquor. Upon motion by Martie, seconded by Erickson, ordinance adopted contingent upon approval of split liquor. (See supplement 2-17-75, #1.) 4. Set election date for split liquor election, April 8, 1975• Motion by Erickson, seconded by Hall. Carried unanimously. 5. Proposal on fire costs to Township. dc Proposal delivered to Township on their share of 1974 fire costs• (See supplement 2-17-75, #2) Township board will review at their next meeting. 6. _Approval of Contract for Comprehensive Planning for the City of Monticello Orderly Annexed Area and Township of Monticello with Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. Cost to the City of Monticello wouldAot exceed $23,500-00, and Township's share would be in the form of County Planner's base maps, supporting data and services in the Township area which would be in cooperation with Midwest Planning and Research, Inc. Work to be completed within 18 months. Motion to approve Special meeting of the council - Feb. 17, 1975 - continued. contract made by Walters, seconded by Erickson and carried unanimously. (See .supplement 2-17-75, #3.) Motion rescinds motion of January 13, 1975 approving $25,000.00 contract with Midwest Planning and Research, INc. 7. Discussion on equipment needs for Street Department and Dutch Elm Disease Program and Maintenance Building. Acting City Administrator to get cost estimate and review street department needs with Roads and Street Committee and get recommendations of committee. 8. Discussion on policy relating to snow removal on public sidewalks. Acting City Administrator to bring to attention of Roads and Streets committee and get its recommendation. 9. Discussion on Sanitation Disposal Contracts. Acting City Administrator to get proposals from present haulers. 10. Remodeling of City Hall. Approval of remodeling plan with council table being built and elimination of swinging doors. (see ,supplement 2-17-75, #4.) Motion by Hall, seconded by Martie, carried unanimously. 11. Discussion of appointment of Building Inspector. Discussion tabled until Stan Hall and acting city administrator met -with J. W. Miller. 12. Discussion on future contribution to Functional Industries, Inc. Approval of continuing contribution dropped for lack of motion. 13. Acting City Administrator to get complete inventory of all tools and equipment and list of all needs for equipment and tools. Motion to adjourn made by Martie, seconded by Hall, carried unaously. 7"6 Gtr Gary W eber, Acting City Administrator GW/mj q