City Council Minutes 02-18-1977REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL February IS, 1977 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Con Johnson,Arve Grimsmo, Dan Blonigen, Gene Walters. Member absent: Stanley Hall. 1. Consideration of Awarding Bids on City Hall. Bids were received at 2:00 P.M., Thursday, Feb. 17, 1977 on the general, electrical and mechanical construction of the new city hall. The low bidder on the general construction was Henry 0. Mikkelson at $226,600., Ileskins Electric at $35,380, and Rainbow Mechanical at $67,260. for total construction cost of $329,240. Gene .Walters made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo to accept the base low bids with no alternates and award the contracts to Henry 0. Mikkelson for general construction at $226,600, Ileskins Electric for electrical work at $35,380 and Rainbow Mechanical for mechanical construction at $67,260. In favor: Johnson, Grimsmo, Wallers. Opposed: Blonigen. 2. Consideration of Advertising for bids - Fire Dept. Paging System. The Monticello Fire Dept. requested the city and township to ad- vertise for bids for a paging system for the firemen. The paging system consists of individual receivers or pagers carried by firemen and (2) encoders (transmitters). This system would replace the existing fire phone system and all fire calls would be routed through the sheriff's office which subsequently notifies each individual fireman. The advertisement for bids and the approval of a contract will have to be approved by the Township Board and City Council. The estimated cost of the 28 individual pagers is between $8500.00 and $10,000.00. Arve Grimsmo made a motion, seconded by D. Blonigen and unanimously carried to approve advertising for bids for a paging system for the fire department per specifications. (See supplement 2-18-77 #1.) 3. Consideration of a Variance for a Mobile Home in an R-1 (Single Family Residential) Zone. Mr. Charles Biegert requested a variance to allow a mobile home in an R-1 zoning district for his mother. The present city ordinances only allow mobile homes in a R-4 zone. Mr. Biegert presented a petition signed by some of the surrounding neighbors indicating they would have no objections to a mobile home. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the permit request at their previous meeting. Dan Blonigen entered a motion to grant the variance request for a mobile home variance in the R-1 zone. In favor: Johnson, Grimsmo, Walters. Opposed: Blonigen. 4. Review of Facilities Planning Report. John Badalich, city engineer, reviewed the recently completed o Facilities Planning Report with the Council. The report recommended immediate construction of an interceptor sewer line from the existing sewer plant to the western portion of the city and upgrading the present wastewater treatment plant. The cost of the interceptor sewer construction was estimated at $996,000 with federal and state funding picking up $941,000. The entire cost of upgrading the existing wastewater treatment plant would be eligible for state and federal funding in the amount of $2,019,000.00. A public hearing was scheduled for March 2S, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the Monticello Junior High School. The Facilities Plan will be presented by John Badalich with opportunity given to all interested persons to give testimony. Arve Grimsmo entered a motion, seconded by G. Walters and unani- mously carried to accept the Facilities Planning Report as pre- sented to date. I 5• Consideration of Dog Patrol Contract. Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by D. Blonigen and unani- mously carried to approve a Dog Patrol Contract for 1977 and 1975 with Gwen Bateman. (See supplement 2-18-77 #2.) 6. Consideration of Purchase of a Sewer Rodder•. Motion by Dan Blonigen, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to purchase a new Rockwell Sewer Rodder from Flexible Pipe Co. rot• $6192.00. Minnesota State Statutes 471.36 states that purchases over $5,000 need not require competitive bids for non-competitive items. Since the Flexible Pipe Co. is the only dealer in this type of equipment in Minnesota or• the five state area and no other sewer rodder available fits the city's requirements, competitive bids would not be required. 7. Consideration of Service Contract with Minnesota Growth Exchange, Inc. Minnesota Growth Exchange, Inc., is a consulting agency that pro- vides technical and referral service assistance to employers relating to behavioral/medical problems of employees. Purpose of entering into a contract with Minnesota Growth Ex- change, Inc. to establish an employee Assistance Program, is to obtain a higher level of employee job performance in addition to prevention of accidents, insurance claims and grievances. This purpose is accomplished by offering the employee assistance with personal problems that ultimately affect his job performance. Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo to enter into a six month contract with Minnesota Growth Exchange, Inc, on a trial basis at a cost of $16.00 annually, which includes 90% state funding. In favor: G. Walters, C. Johnson, Ar. Grimsmo. Abstaining: D. Blonigen. (See supplement 2-15-77 #4.) S. Approval of Bills. Gene Walters made a motion, seconded by A. Grimsmo and unanimously carried to approve the bills for February 1977 as presented. (See supplement 2 -IS -77 #4•) 9. The minutes or January 24, 1977 council meeting were approved as presented. Motion was made by Arve Grimsmo, seconded by Gene Walters to adjourn. Rick Wolfste er, Administrative Assistant RW/mjq