City Council Minutes 03-14-1972VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 "arch 14, I.q72 Regular meeting of Villaye Council, Tuesday ob-i ink, Tenin, �. narc,11 11 �s 1072t 7*30 P. M, Meetirpp called to order by ',!avor '4i.l.l.iam. Cou-ncilren Dan 71(--,nig-.en, `falter Mlarkii-nea,, e Jeff Rowan. -Absnt: Richard Ma`artier.:. Other staff and cornittee people Dresmnt were: Robert Davis, Ronald Michaelis,, Bill, Elllictt$ Dick T-Irnoks, W. -It Mack,, Leo Baker, Dick TT0-,_,SleV _ Thore 'ever, Jim T.unp,,TATjtz, Gordon Link. Also nrosent -twe-re a n1 ber of persons from recreation clubs and business interests. "!inut!,-s -o.-f rlgijlar me -ting of F®'--)rliary P,, 1972 -,,,_nd special meeting of February 29 were read and an. -proved. Der)artmental rmports folloi,7ed TArith Dick Brooks registering con -plaint of "too many bosses." Dick understood to be hired as streetI supervisor. Council agreed that Dick should use his own judgment regarding street maintenance. No report from Liquor Stort rr.ana:g"r.. SeT --ration or fire dept. Ver.-irypter -plant op - Ron Michaelis verbally tendered resignation as Civil. Defense director over controversy of financial r�-sponsibility of flood sandbagging supplies. p Bids for ga-r-b.-age and refuse haulincT -vere Tab-,1-1,-7.tP�i as follo-us: Cecil's Sanitation Big Lall':e ')1200.00 twice w^eklv pickup Al"s Sanitation Monticello $ 900.00 It 1' Al Corrow Anoka $ 950-00 Wavne's Sanitation Buffalo $1015-00, Yonak Bros. Buffalo $ 855000 Motion by "alter lt,,!r Tgarklin;ro seconded by Dan Blonigen that all 'raids be held pending check with attorrev to detmrmine if low bid acceptance is a re- quirement. 'Motion carried. In favor: Blonieen, Rowan, Ylarklinp-,, Sandberg. Waltklinn, -made notion that Council anDrove issuance of club license -for Amer ilcan Le-cr-7 ion Cli.ib. Seconded b- Dan Blonig-en. Carried. ?71 T Mo N tinn by !,Jlalter MP-rklinta,9 seconded bar Jeff Rowan that on and off beer license be arnroved for Monticello Recreation, Ruth's Cafe and Schneider Recreation. 141illard Anderson and Ed Walm, renresertinF Business Mlen's Assurance Group, presented resort that insurance rate increase Por single cov-ra,r-r- I. --)y$2.94 per month and family covera7t%. by $7.83 monthly. 9 Motion by Dan Bloni,gren to renew for 3 Tears, seconded by Jeff Rowan. Carried. ,emMotion b,,r ';ter M a. - "a rklin:,-7,, that all nacka7e cr.)ntracts be referred to council -I,- l by clerk 60 dans before expirationfor s-1Eu4v Seconded by Dan Blonizen. Carried. Regi.ilar meetinp- of lrillacri- Council March 14, 1972 Page 2 Tom Schneider oueried council if he could yet licensf� for set_up licuor. 'Would aT.)proval eliminate youth enteri_nq, to -,')lav pool. Council, will re- search and advise. Jim LunF ,witz renorted for Park Comnission to ask what was exnected of them and -what irm plans for innrovement. Harry Tlebo stated more fencin� is requiiwed. at the ball park. I L4qtion by I ivaltf-r Mlarklin-7 that satm.-Ilit,-, latrines be -'rovided for ball Dark cn 'I'lay 1. Seconded by Dan :Dlonizen. Carried. T Gordon Link and Russell 11cartit r,--norted that Babe Ruth Ajeagun. and T -ball League are in jeopardy b-Icause villave has not -paid their share of summer program cxpense for 1970 and 1971. Motion by �'Jlalt second' -d by Dan 31oni7en, that council- meet with the school board. and iron out sunmotr_winter recreation program. Decision should be :jade by Mlay 1st. Carried. --r Stu gar raised. question of what organization rffceivt-.s Community Che_ --1[, allocation of recreation funds. Clerk to arrange for representative of Trid_anwnter Tolenhone to be at next meo-tin"- to discuss cable laving. There Yever ard Bill Elliott vr-"sented nlans for litility car-ier lines to go under 1-94. Prelininary Pstinates for three �,)-ater and one sovp,.r lire would be $2S,000 to $30,000. Yotion by Jf-,-rf RoTkran that-olactro-- of carrier linep bo- included on the agenda for thehe-arIng on zori.r,m ordinance. --econflerl, bir ''alt Carried. T,Toti -on by Jeff Rowan that hearl-nq to di-scuss nronosed zoning ordinance be a held 18th at 8 P. MM, at the Hi.�rli f3chool, Secorrlefi by ';alt. arkling. M I tirin by 'N'alto-.r rkling 0 _ that we call for bids for ir.stallinfr carrier lines in I_94 for bi-1 o-oenin, for April 11 at 2 P. Eni�ineers to ro. nort to council A-oril 11 and li-.arinq Anril 18t'i. Second by Teff Rowan. Carried -. all in favor. Ylotkon by Walter T-larkling, seconded by Dan Blonigen, that council aDprove application of Cominco h-nerican, Inc. to install 18,000 gallon chemical fertilizer tank on Block 12' adjacent to railroad. Carried. Regular meoting of Village Council March 14, 19?2 Pa, fres 3 Motion by Jeff Rowan, seconded by Dan Blonipent to issue permit to Lee Hatfield to present firei-xorks displav for Hosnital and R�-'st TUome patients on July 4th. Fire protl!�ction to be nrovided. Carried. Robert Davis Drespntpd cormlaint of delay of snow plowin-a and removal on commercial . alley and parking lot. Council consensus that sewer/water o crew may help with tractor and i coop to expedite snow noveyr.ent* Motion by Jeff Rowan, second by Dan to issue two building ner- mits for two houses to be built on Lot 2 and N-1, of Lot I Block 45- r and Sewi!r service to be assessed to tbo• owner, Carried. Motion by 1,,,,lalter Marklina, second by Dan Blonigen to issue buildin'a.. per- mit to 'Ron N)ijtA for house on Lot 6 BI.ock P. Carried. Council not de. sirous to consider vacatinT MaDle St. south from 6th St. at this time. Mgtion by ',^J'alts-r Markling,, seconded by Dan Blonigen t"hat Erlandson and White. 'petition the Minnesota Miunicioal Commission for annexation of their property -- Lots 11 & 12 - River Terrace. Council reviewed cash report for December 319 1971 and aonroved. Imotion by Walter 11,1arkling, seconded by Dan T31onigen that clerk invest $20,000 liquor funds cand 30,000 sewer operating funds in 5%'-90 day - Certificates of Deposit. Carried. Nation by 'falter 1+arkling,, second by Jeff Rowan that clerk cornmuricate with 'Ilonticello Public School that in view of breakup of 3rd St. to oven 4th Street UTest until further study indicates need that requires that it be closed. Carried. Motion by Walt Ilarkling to draft amendment to present Civil Defense ord- inance to provide for costs. Amendment to bm contingent on legalitv of applicable costs. Seconded by J. Rowan. Carried. Motion by T-11alt '1-Rarklingp to allow two men; from the Fire Deoartment to fro to Fire School April 24-27. Seconded by Blorigren. Carried. Dan B1oni7en and T";Plt Yarklin7 desImated to meet with Ton Michaelis to discuss rpconsiderinq_ resignation as Civii Defens• dir,!►ctor. Bills were arnroved: Mninistra-tive,: t1000*16: 'Police: t1600,00; Fire ire Dent: $5PO.17: Park: $t73.14• T-Tatow Dent:tiopp. Sewer: $417 0 Street: $21P2,141; Services: 308,25; Sal ** �31 arLes70.LO; Liquor:ijL.4Zt2'I* ,_e Motion !or adjournnent by Dan Rlonip-en, seconded by Jeff Rowan93 . 0 ordered a 12:30 A. M. Don'ranlund, Clerk e DG/1g VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 MTICS F(02 PUBLIC HEAVING —t The Village Council of the Village of 14onticello held its regular meeting on March 14,, 1172 with the following members present: 14jayor William Sandberg, TsTalter -'Klarkling,, A. Jeff Rowan and Dan B"onigen. Richard !,,Tlartie was absent. G-uncilman Rowan introduced the foll-oi-rin.r.-r re -solution ane moved its adoption! A Resolution to receive reports and call for public hearinq to revie-v the reports. 'MUERE-AS: The engineering tyinenring- firm of Birklandl, M*7,rer and Rohlin have prepared studies and prepared plans for placin7 of utilities carrier lines under Interstate Hisrhway 1-94 to facilitate the future -olac---nent of sewn -,r and mater mains to serve areas southerly of the Interstate 1-94 right -of.my, and** Y4',IERMA`13W: The estimated cost at this time to place said carrier lines is -'-,t289000.00 to $30t000.00. Engineering firm 'has been instructed to receive firm 'bids prior to time of hearing to be able to present actual costs, and: T 'jvTrEREEAS: Village of TIonticello, wo-,,'ild advance costs of installation of said carrier lines until such time as develop. meant requiring utility services and utility services are in. stalled south of 1-94 that would absorb tbrou&,h direct assess. ment the costs incurred in placing said carrier lines. BIE IT RESOLVED: That the Village of Monticello conduct a Public Hearing, to present the aforementioned reports and plans. The Public Hearing to be held on April 18th, 1972 at 8`00 P. M. in the I'lonticello High School Activity Room. The motion was duly seconded by Walter I'arkling., and upon call for vote, the following, voted. in favor: Rowanj, Markling, Blonigen, Sandberg. Against: None. 14iereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and ado-pted, VILLAGE OF MONTICELLO Monticello, Minnesota 55362 PL --n ,rch 14, 1972 State of '14innesota County of W-rip.ht Village of Monticello I, the undersigned be-inr-r the duly qualified and actim-, Cl.erk of the Village of Monticello., 'I"Jinnesota, do Hereby certify that I havo compared the fora!rpoin7 extract of the mimt-es of the remilar mem-tinz of th#-. Vi laza* Council held on March 14. 1972 with the oril.m,inal thoreof on film, in my office and the s-irne Is a full,, true and cor l.ete transcript ViA-refrom insofar as the same rmlates to nremaration and recommendation for village zoning- ordinance fm the Villap.-,,.- of Monticello. Witness my hand as such Clerk and cornoratt se -al of the village this 14th day of March, 1972. Don G. f-Tranlund, clerk Villat- of Monticello