City Council Minutes 03-22-1976REGULAR MEETING OF THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL IMarch 22, 1976 - 7:30 P.M. Members present: Denton Erickson, Stanley Hall, Dick Martie, Gene Walters Member absent: Con Johnson. 1. Consideration of Resolution on a Regional Airport System. Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to adopt resolution supporting a regional airport facility if agreeable to the other communities involved. (See supplement 3-22-76 #1.) Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall, and unanimously carried to appoint Gene Walters and Dave Bauer, current Air- port Committee members, to the joint regional airport com- mittee as representatives for Monticello, if Buffalo and Maple Lake agree to study the regional airport concept. L2. Consideration of Transfer of Funds. A motion was made by Walters, seconded by Martie and unan- imously carried to approve a transfer of $5,000 from the Water Operating Fund to the 1964 Water Revenue Sinking Fund per 1964 bond agreement. 3. Preliminary review of proposed Sanitary Sewer & Watermain Improvement Hearing. John Badalich, ci ty engineer, presented a preliminary report and cost estimate for the sewer, water and street improvement projects projected for the following areas: 1) Doerr Estates 0 lots) 2) Ritze Manor (19 lots) 3) Hillcrest 2nd Addition (18 lots) 4) Hoglund Addition (39 lots) The estimated cost of improvements is $468,540. These current figures would indicate a per parcel assessment of approximately $4,000. This report will again be presented at a public hearing on March 23, 1976 at 7:00 F.M. in the city hall. Regular Meeting of the City Council March 22, 1976 - continued. 4. Consideration of increased police protection service A brief summary was presented by Jim Powers of the Wright County Sheriff's Department, recommending an increase in police protection for Monticello. (See supplement 3-22-76 #3. ) Martie made a motion, seconded by Hall to table for further study until the next meeting. Motion was unanimously carried. 5, Approval of bills. Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to approve the bills for March as presented. (See supplement 3-22-76#2.) 6. Approval of minutes. The minutes of the meeting of March 8, 1976 were approved as presented. 7. Discussion on off street parking ordinance. Discussion was held in regards to cars being parked on city streets 24 hours a day. Some complaints have been received and the discussion centered on the possibility of an ordi- nance being enacted to require land owners to provide off- street parking spaces if the land was available. Consensus was to have City Administrator check into the legality of such an ordinance, and draft such an ordinance for the next council meeting. S. Railroad Crossing - Walnut Street. City Administrator discussed response received from the Public, Service Commission in regards to the city's request to open the railroad crossing on Walnut Street. Present indications are that the railroad would be opposed to such a crossing and that the city would probably be responsible for any costs involved in relocating a switch in the area. A public hearing would probably have to be held by the Public Service Commission if the city wished to pursue this crossing. I I Concensus of the council was to get more information on costs involved and continue to pursue this project 9. Painting of Fire Hydrants - Monticello American Legion Auxiliary. Regular Meeting of the City Council March 22, 1976 - continued. I Monticello American Legion Auxiliary had requested approval to decorate the downtown business district fire hydrants by painting the hydrants to resemble historical figures. The auxiliary will be working with the High School art depart- ment on the project. Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to approve the painting of the hydrants in a Bicentennial theme. 10. Land purchase offer by Wilbur Eck. Mr. Wilbur Eck has previously indicated his desire to purchase four lots in block 15 that the city owns. As a matter of record, Mr. Eck has stated that he would be favorable to paying the appraised price of $15,000.00, should the city decide to sell these lots. No action was taken on this matter by the council. 11. Discussion on Liquor Store sign C Concensus of the council was to initiate a change order with Heskins Electric to install overhead florescent lighting for the free standing pylon sign instead of ground level lighting. Motion was made by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to amend the definition of a pylon sign to allow a freestanding sign to be erected upon one or two posts or pylons. (See supplement 3-22-76 #4•) Motion by Martie, seconded by Hall and unanimously carried to adjourn. Rick Wolfstel r, Assistant City Administrator RW/mjq