EDA Minutes 05-16-1989MINUTES - MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, May 16, 1989 - 7:OOAM City Hall - MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Mosford, Barb Schvientek, Harvey Kendall, - Al Larson, Warren Smith, and Fran Fair. _ MEMBERS ABSENT: Ron Hoglund. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and 011ie t;oropchak. 1. Call to Order. The EDA organizational meeting began at 7:05 A.M. 2. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW THE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT, THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, AND THE GREATER MONTICELLO ENTERPRISE FUND GUIDELINES. Jeff O'Neill briefly highlighted the contents of the _ Ordinance Amendment stating the document creates the Monticello Economic Development Authority and describes its organizational structure and functions. The Joint Powers Agreement defines the powers of the City of Monticello, the Housing and Redevelopment Authority, - and the Economic Development Authority. The EDA has powers the HRA does not, the EDA's prime purpose is the management of the revolving loan fund (Greater Monticello Enterprise Fund) and the HRA's prime purpose is the management of Tax Increment Financing. City Council has the ultimate power to approve or deny action taken by either the EDA or the HRA. Mr. O'Neill presented the GMEF Guidelines to the Commissioncrs Comments made at the meeting included: 1) non-competitive business is a gray area, not black and white; 2) mandatory public purpose no. 1 6 3 for approval; 3) 10% equity in CHEF Loan; and 4) Loan fee, if not incorporated with project cost, where is the source. $200,000 is available from the Liquor Store Fund for transfer upon approved loan request (maximum loan request of 50% RLF balance). The Council has the right to reverse EDA action within 21 days following. Detailed application process needs to be drafted. No formal action Was taken on either of the three documents. - 3. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT AN ORGANIZATIONAL RESOLUTION OF THE _ BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY C IN AND FOR THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNNSOTA AND APPOINTING OFFICERS. EDA offices were established with the following commissioners volunteering: Barb Schvientek, Vice President; Rick Wolfsteller, _ EDA Minutes 5/16/89 Page 2 3. CONTINUED. Treasurer; cad Bob Mosford, Assistant Treasurer. The ocher offices were not filled, therefore, no action was taken to adopt the organizational resolution. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ADOPT THE EDA BYLAWS. The EDA revived the Bylaws as presented, however, not completed. The EDA suggested quarterly meetings in January, April, July, and October on the 4th Tuesday of the month at 7:OOAM. Special meetings may be called upon needed loan approvals. The item was tabled. 5. CONSIDERATION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT AND AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY TO EXECUTE THE SAME. No action was taken as the EDA President and Secretary were not determined. 6. CONSIDERATION OF A NOTICE FOR THE CITY'S JOINT GOVERNMENTAL UNITS MEETING. The EDA members were invited and encouraged to attend the Joint Governmental Units meeting to be held June 5, 1989 at the Fire Hall. 7. OTHER BUSINESS. None. 8. ADJOURNMENT. �^nThe EDA ,meeting nadjourned by general consensus. 011ie Koropchak Recorder C