HRA Minutes 02-21-1989MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, February 21, 1989 - 7:OOPM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Lovell Schrupp, Ben Smith, and Tom St. Hilaire. MEMBERS ABSENT: Everette Ellison. CITY STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and 011ie Koropchak, HRA Director CITY STAFF ABSENT: Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Al Larson called the special HRA meeting to order at 7:OOPM. 2. CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSAL BY WEST PRAIRIE PARTNERS FOR TAX INCREMENT FINANCING. Mr. Jim Metcalf of West Prairie Partnership informed the NRA of three possible options for redevelopment of the following properties: former Baptist Church, Reed, Gills C Auto, and Katzmarek. One option would require consideration of the use of tax increment financing by the HRA. Also, Mr. Metcalf advised the HRA if they were prepared to consider a recmmmendatlon for rezoning the area from R-2 to R-3 to the Planning Commission or the City Council regarding their proposal. Current statue of the properties as outlined by Mr. Metcalf. 1. Former Baptist Church acquired by West Prairie Partnership. 2. West Prairie Partnership has option of the Reed property and signed request by Reed to rezone from R-2 to R-3. 3. West Prairie Partnership has no option of the Gille Auto property but has signed request by Fred Gills to rezone from R-2 to R-3. 4. Katzmarek has no interest in selling. Three possible options as outlined by Mr. Metcalf. 1. Develop the former Baptist Church into 6 or 7 residential lots or townhouses Which are appropriate uses for R-2. 2. The HRA acquire, raze, and place the Reed and Gille properties on the market for redevelopment therebye eliminating a blighted area 3. Do nothing with the Reed and Gille properties and let time f resolve the issue. HRA Minutes 2/21/89 2. CONTINUED. Other comments made by Mr. Metcalf. 1. If the area was rezoned to R-3, West Prairie Partnership makes no guarantee to go through with development at this time. 2. Preliminary estimated figures to acquire and raze the Reed and Gille properties was $400,000 not feasible for single resident redevelopment. 3. Area residents are opposed to rezoning from R-2 to R-3. 4. Monticello townhouse and apartment market is presently saturated. 5. Acquisition and raze of properties by the HRA would eliminate blight. 6. Possible soil contamination from buried unused gasoline tanks. 7. Request for rezoning scheduled for Planning Commission on March 7 and City Council on March 13. 8. Elimination of blight is an asset to Par West, the Country Club, and the neighborhood. LMr. Metcalf thanked the HRA for listening to their proposal/concerns and departed the meeting. Chairperson Larson asked two neighborhood residents present at the meeting (Karen Doty and Tom Moore) As taxpayers what would they like to see develop in the area? They were not opposed to redevelopment and cleaning up of the area but want the zoning to remain as R-2 and preferred development of residential lots however aren't opposed to townhouses. The HRA's decided to refrain from any zoning recommendation or any use of ta„ ...crement financing because no definite plans or information was presented to the HRA by West Prairie Partnership. 3. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEWING AND AWARDING BIDS ON DEMOLITION OF STELTON'S LAUNDROMAT AND JONES MANUFACTURING BUILDINGS. Opening and reading aloud of the bids for demolition of the Stelton and Jones buildings was held on Friday, February 10, 1989 at the City Hall Council Chambers with low bid of $5,200 by Schluender Construction and high bid of $18,300 by Schrader Excavating of Sauk Rapids, Minnesota. A total of nine bids were received. As part of the bid requirements, the City had requested a bid security consisting of a bid bond, certified check, or cash equivalent in the amount of 5 percent of their bid. The low bidder. Schluender Construction submitted n personal check as their bid security, which does not meet specifications. HRA Minutes - 2121/89 3. CONTINUED. Second low bidder, Veit Construction of Rogers, submitted a 5 percent bid bond for their $6.969.13 bid. Chairperson Larson asked to see a copy of the specifications and bids for demolition to verify the clarity of the bid security request. The HRA agreed the specifications and bids clearly stated the request of a bid bond, certified check, or cash equivalent. Rick Holfsteller informed the HRA that the HRA could be open to a law suit by the second low bidder if awarding of the bid didn't follow specification and bid requirements. Ben Smith made a motion for the HRA to award the demolition bid to the second lowest bidder, Veit Construction of Rogers, Minnesota for $6.969.13 inclusive of a 5 percent bid bond. It is with deep regret that the HRA couldn't award the bid to a local firm, Schluender Construction, for the low bid of $5,200 and the HRA encourages Schluender Construction to submit future bids with the requested bid security. The motion was seconded by Tom St. Hilaire and with no further discussion the motion passed 4-0. Notify Schluender of HRA'a regrets. 4. ADJOURNMENT. The special HRA meeting adjourned at 8:15 PM. 011ie Xoropchak, HRA Executive Secretary