HRA Minutes 03-22-1989MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, March 22, 1989 - 7:OOPM MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Al Larson, Lovell Schrupp, Ben Smith, Everette Ellison, and Tom St. Hilaire. CITY STAFF: Jeff O'Neill, Assist Administrator 011ie Koropchak, HRA Director GUEST: David Ficek, Scottwood Corporation 1. CALL TO ORDER. The HRA meeting was called to order at 7:03PM by Chairperson Al Larson. 2. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 1 AND FEBRUARY 21, 1989 HRA MINUTES. A motion was made by Lovell Schrupp to approve the February 1 and February 21, 1989 HRA minutes, seconded by Ben Smith, the minutes were approved unanimously as written. 3. CONSIDERATION OF A DISCUSSION WITH POTENTIAL DEVELOPERS ON THE QUALITY ELDERLY TOWNHOUSE CONCEPT. Chairperson Al Larson summarized the development process of the HRA goal for higher quality elderly housing close to downtown with a townhouse concept. The information Introduced David Ficek of Scottvood Corporation to the HRA's objectives. Mr. Ficek presented his concept and site plans of townhouse models based on projects in Roseville, Columbia Heights, and the proposed project in Princeton. The uniqueness of townhouses is individual ownership and maintenance free exterior. Mr. Ficek outlined that the general townhouse model is 1,198 square feet with double garage, full basements, quality carpet (E13), solid oak cabinets, 10 ft living room ceiling, excellent Insulation, first floor laundry, irrigation system, and formal or informal dining room. Options are deluxe bathroom, fireplace and three season porch on portion of 12 x 12 deck. Mr. Ficek informed the HRA that in the metro area this concept would market for approximately $90,000 and in Princeton for approximately $72,500. Mr. Ficek informed the HRA the assistance provided by the HRA is passed through to the consumer by the developer and is a benefit to the buyer and the rate of return is the same for the developer. Example: if the HRA assisted in demolition and some land cost writedown this could be a reduction of $8,000 per unit sold. The example was given by estimated land values in Princeton. The consensus of the HRA was the Mr. Ficek's concept coincides with that of the HRAs and encouraged Mr. Ficek to view the site options selected by Ben Smith, Al Larson, and Jeff O'Neill. Mr. 1C O'Neill or Koropchak will contact Mr. Ficek. Mr. O'Neill presented a map of the site options to the HRA along with a partial list of property owners and market values which HRA Minutes - 3/22/89 3. CONTINUED. will be completed for the next HRA meeting. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW TIF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. Mr. Pat Pelstring summarized the Tax Increment Policies and Procedures in three categories: 1) Public purpose which are subjective uses for the use of TIF or the inverse of why deny the use of TIF. 2) Policy Guidelines are standard issues on how to proceed or what are the recommended structure for TIF assistance, and 3) Internal Procedures which specifies the standard TIF aprocess. Mr. Pelatring elaborated Policy Guidelines stating theylstandards and are not locked in recommendations. Additions or corrections made: a) All shells shall be changed to mays, b) Rate to be set by the NRA and up for review, c) first offe='should include loan If available project increment, 4) office/commercial projects include accepted area market values and market rate interest. 5) housing project loan demostrate to the NRA that the benefits are passed through In reduced rents and/or purchase costs. The excess increment monies from the combination of the seven TIF Districts is for small projects unable to support themselves or to eliminate blight without a planned development. All TIF projects are strongly recommended to stand on their own. Policy Guidelines No. 2, maximum is changed to standard terms and amortized from 8 to 13 years with length of 25 years. No. 3, is a standard guideline, No. 4, site preparation and improvement, are hard surface of parking lots included in site improvements, this is case by case review by bond counsel and generally are considered if the parking lot Is used as an access for the general public. No. 5 and 6 are Statutory purposes. Mr. Pelstring informed the HRA that the first Internal Tax Increment Financing Procedures draft was modeled after the City of Woodbury who has no personnel with the knowledge of TIF. The second draft presented includes more responsibility by the Monticello city staff. Jeff O'Neill presented a written outline of pros and cons from his and the City Administrator's preception on why to contract withBDS for the internal procedures. The outline was presented to the HRA and the HRA Director at this late time. BUS has certified 15 TIF districts in Vadinas Heights, is used as a support group for company services and is a Small Business Development Grant writer. Mr. Pelstring indicated the proposed fee schedule would need to be revised, suggested a trial basis contract with a 30 day withdrawal notice. Everette Ellison made a motion to contract with BUS, Inc. for a one year trial basis for BUS to develop a strategy for finance plan development with City Staff support to be determined by Mr. Pelstring and City staff. :lotion was scccnded by Tom St. Hilaire and passed unanimously. Koropchak expressed her disappointment 4. CONSIDERATION OF REVIEW TIF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES. Corrections to the March 22, 1989 HRA minutes are to include the HRH's rationale for the approval of the Economic Development Program Contract between the HRA and Business Development Services, Inc. 1) Promote and enhance greater exposure of the City of Monticello, 2) enhance potential contacts or leads for the City of Monticello, 3) is financially economical if TIF plan not approved, no payment to BDS. Inc. if TIF plan is approved cost is passsed on through, 4) a vin -win situation for all parties involved. A motion was made by Lovell Schrupp and seconded by Everette Ellison, May 4, 1989, to approve the March 22, 1989 HRA minutes with the addition of the above named corrections, without further discussion the motion passed 4-0. ./ U HRA Minutes - 3/22/89 in theHRA members for the lack of consideration on her position to contract with BUS. She expressed that BUS is a fine company, however, felt the city was spending unnecessary monies to duplicate functions that had been performed by herself and to her knowledge without a complaint. She continued to express that the Administration had not once approached her to discuss this issue. Further, she had been given the administrative role of the HRA by the previous Administrator and has worked hard to learn the role which is apparently changing. 5. CONSIDERATION OF AN UPDATE ON THE RELINOUISHING OF THE PLEDGE AGREEMENT AND REFINANCING OF THE DISTRICT GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS. Koropchak updated the HRA on the status of refinancing the Tax Increment G.O. Bonds/loan funds as directed through a motion by the HRA. Rick Wolfateller contacted Springsted, Inc. for their opinion of the refinancing to advise the City Council of Springsted's opinion as he assumed would be their first question. A summary of Springsted's opinion is "it does not appear the City's outstanding tax increment debt can be advance refunded at this time and meet the statutory requirements of realizing a 32 present value level of savings. Since the individual districts have now been (( L combined, there does not appear to be a need to consolidate debt into one issue as increment should now be able to be shared. The City and HRA should review their pledge agreements to ascertain the necessity of continuing the 150% level of debt service coverage and/or reserves. Bond counsel should review the consolidation process to insure all necessary hearings and amendments have been met so that any new debt will continue to meet statutory requirements." 6. OTHER BUSINESS. Koropchak updated the HRA on the progress of the Modified TIF District ®2 stating 1) the HRA hes purchased the Jones building, 2) the party wall agreement between Steltons and Topels has not been resolved, 3) Steltons are holding off on relinquising the party wall agreement between O'Connor and Steltons, 4) the HRA has not signed the contract with Vaughn Veit for the demolition of the Jones and Stelton properties, and 5) Broadway Square Limited has not been notified of final approval for FmHA funding. Topels are agreeable to relinquishing the party wall agreement,- however, the cost to restore the exterior wall after demolition has not been determined nor to whom shall pay the restoration costs. Broadway Square Limited will grant a five foot easement to Topels for future wall repair. 7. ADJOURNMENT. By consensus of the HRA, the meeting adjourned. C7lz.\C61 o B t-�-1-0-1 011ie Koropchak, HRA Executive Secretary