EDA Agenda 01-29-1991ANNUAL MEETING AGENDA t"- MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 1 Tuesday, January 29, 1991 - 7:UU AM City Hall MEMBERS: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Vice Chairperson Barb Schvientek, Assistant Treasurer Bob Mosford, Harvey Kendall, Al Larson, Brad Fyle, and Clint Herbst. STAFF: EDA Treasurer Rick Wolfsteller. EDA Executive Director 011ie Koropchak, and Jeff O'Neill. 1. CALL TO ORDER. 2. WELCOME. TO NEW EDA MEMBERS. 3. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 30, 1990 EDA MINUTES. 4. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE 1990 EDA ANNUAL REPORT. 5• CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND ACCEPT THE 1990 EDA FINANCIAL REPORT. b. CONSIDERATION TO ELECT 1991 EDA OFFICERS. a) President, Vice President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Secretary. 7. Other Business. 8. Adjournment. MINUTES MONTICELLO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, October 30. 1990 - 7:On AM City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Ron Hoglund, Barb Schwfentek. Bob Mosford, Fran Fair. Warren Smith, Al Larson, and Harvey Kendall. STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller and 011ie Koropchak. 1. CALL TO ORDER. Chairperson Ron Hoglund called the EDA meeting to order at 7:00 AM. 2. APPROVAL OF THE SEPTEMBER aq, 1990 EDA MINUTES. Fran Fair made a motion to approve the September �%, 1990 EDA minutes, seconded by Al Larson, without further discussion the minutes were approved as written. 3. CONSIDERATION TO REVIEW AND DISCUSS THE GMEF PUBLIC PURPOSE CRITERIA AND GUIDELINES. Enclosed with the EDA agenda as supporting data were copies of the original purpose for the creation of the revolving loan fund, City Council agenda and minutes, and the approved GMEF Guidelines as written by the original committee, reviewed by Attorney Haves, reviewed and accepted by the IDC, and reviewed and adopted by the City Council. After adoption of the EDA organization the guidelines were reviewed by the EDA members in May. 1989. Invited but unable to attend this EDA maeting were the original members who wrote the guidelines; Dale Lungwitz, Linda Mielke, Don Smith, and Jeff O'Neill. With bnckgrnund information having been discussed, the EDA members proceeded to review, discuss, and adPist the GMEF Public Purpose Criteria and Guidelines. The EDA noted that the purpose of the CHEF is to encourage economic development by supplementing conventional financing sources available to existing nod new businesses. Additionally. all loan must comply with four nr more of the public purpose eriterins, of which, criteria 01 is mandatory. To comply with the Council's request to clarify the definition of what constitutes creation of a full-time versus part-time job, rhe EDA considered two options for adjuatmant. Ono, a total of 40 hours per week would constitute one full-time job, and second. r Bob Mosford suggested in consistency with today's norm, 37.5 t` hours would constitute one full-time job. Bob Moeford made a motion that one job be equivalent to a total of 37.5 hours per weak. The motion was seconded by Barb Schwfentek and without further discussion passed unanimously. EDA Minutes 10/30/90 Page 2 3. CONTINUED. The EDA members agreed no adjustment was necessary for Criteria h2. To provide loans for credit worthy businesses that would increase the community tax base. Criteria R3. To assist new or existing industrial or non- competitive commercial businesses to improve or expand their operations. Loans will not be provided for businesses in direct competition with existing businesses within the City of Monticello. Bob Mosford recalled to the EDA members that at the time the EDA members reviewed the GMEF guidelines in May of 1989, the EDA recognized the gray area of this criteria and recognized the potential of a future tough decision. The EDA agreed with the City Council that the main thrust of the loan program should be oriented toward Industrial development, however, on the other hand didn't see a benefit of restrictive guidelines which would allow no flexibility for funding. The EDA members interpret the GMEF Guidelines as guidelines to follow and not as hard -carved policy and based on common sense prefer to evaluate each GMEF application for approval on the basis of project merit and project benefit provided to the community and it's people. Therefore, the EDA made no recommendation to adjust criteria #3. The EDA felt the Muller Theatre loan approval was for n project which both benefits the community and it's people as the project increasedthe aesthetic value of downtown, retained a downtown business, and supports the Streetscape Project. (See EDA minutes of 9/28/90 for full approved loan criteria.) Criteria 14. To provide loans to be used as secondary source of financing that is intended to supplement conventional financing (bank financing). The EDA agreed no adjustment was necessary of this criteria. Criteria 115. To provide loans In situations in which a funding gap exists. The EDA recognized that in no way could the EDA verify a company's actual gap funding, however, also acknowledged the original intent of the revolving loan was to create an Incentive for industrial businesses to locate within Monticello. This tool was intended to maintain Monticello an a competitive city for industrial recruitment, to addition, as a retention and expansion tool for existing businesses. The Tapper's loan was part of n financial package developed by Business Development Services and in the case of the Muller Theatre loan,the developer did reduce the cost by going out for bids on three different occasions, n theatre doesn't meat the SBA or State program criterins and TIF wasn't applied because a district couldn't be established under current TIP criteria. Tho loan application requested no funds for demolition which would indicate funds to climititu blight. The EDA considered the blight ianuo no EDA Minutes 10/30/90 Page 3 3. CONTINUED. they approved the loan based on the total project development benefits to the community and it's people as the total project development increased the aesthetic value of dovncown. Therefore, the EDA agreed no recommendation was necesary to adjust criteria 1/5. Criteria 96. To provide funds for economic development that could be used to assist in obtaining other funds such as Small Business Administration loans, federal and state grants, etc. The EDA members agreed no recommendation was necessary to adjust critferia 116. The EDA continued to review the GMEF Guidelines and based upon the data presented the members on the attorney's fees for the Tapper's loan of approximately $1,300 and the banks service fee of $20.00 per month on the loan, the EDA agreed to recommend an adjustment. Bob Mosford made a motion to adjust the loan fee on page 3 to read: Minimum fee of $200 but not to exceed 1.5% (replaced 1%) of the total loan project. The motion was seconded by Warren Smith and without further discussion passed unanimously. The EDA discussed the bank's fee of $20.00 a month and what services were being provided for the charge. Administrator Wolfsteller expressed his viewpoint that for the services being rendered compared to the fee charged over the length of the loan, the city staff has the knowledge to nccompltah the same service. Warren Smith reminded EDA members that the approval to have the bank service the loan was made to eliminate additional duties to city staff. Bob Mosford made a motion recommending Administrator Wolfsteller negotinte an agreement between the city and the hank which would maintain the bank's service of the two loans at no cost as the GMEF policy enhances the banks policies and is a benefit to both parties and the community. The motion was seconded by Al Larson and without further discussion the motion passed unanimously. In reference to the recommended adjust to the loan fee of not to exceed 1!51 of the total loan project. Bob Mosford also made a motion to adjust item 7, on page. 6, to Include: the City Attorney shall review and/or prepare all contracts. This adjustment to clarify the attorney's role with the GMEF loan closing. The motion was seconded by Warren Smith and without further discussion passed unanimously. The EDA briefly discussed the need to establish n policy % which would allow a penalty if designed amount of jobs weren't satisfied. The EDA at this time doesn't see the need to create restrictive policies, however, suggested that periodical accountabllty of ,lob creation be made within a reasonable time of completed project and he reported EDA Minutes 10/30/90 �r Page 4 3. CONTINUED. to the EDA as well as the current loan payment statis. Consideration of any necessary action will be discussed if the need arises. The EDA agreed that the definition of new jobs included any new job created in Monticello due to an expansion or relocation. 4. OTHER BUSINESS. Harvey Kendall made a motion for the UDAG repayments to the City from Fulfillment Systems. Inc. be transferred into the EDA account to assure adequate future funds for the CMEF. Al Larson seconded the motion and without further discussion the motion.passed unanimously. The EDA expressed some potential resistance from the City Council to transfer additional Liquor Store monies to replenish the EDA funds. Current remaining balance of the EDA fund is $62,000 which allows a maximun of $31.000 available for loan approval. Fran Fair made a recommendation that new council members receive education in the area of the EDA functions and { policies by either Rick Wolfsteller or 011ie Koropchak. EDA members agreed with the recommendation. 5. ADJOURNMENT. By consensus of the EDA members, the EDA meeting adjourned at 8:20 AM. r�� c limo 011ie Koropchak EDA Executive Secretary EDA 1990 ANNUAL. REPORT MEETINGS: APRIL 3, 1990 APRIL 4, 1990 APRIL 24, 1990 JULY 24, 1990 SEPTEMBER 28, 1990 OCTOBER 30, 1990 EDA HOUSEKEEPING TAPPER'S INC LOAN PRESENTATION AND LOAN APPROVAL QUARTERLY MEETING AND ADJUSTED TAPPER'S LOAN AMOUNT QUARTERLY MEETING AND PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF JEFF EASTEY ENTERPRISES LOAN MULLER THEATRE PRESENTATION AND LOAN APPROVAL QUARTERLY MEETING AND RECOMMENDED ADJUSTMENTS TO THE EDA PUBLIC PURPOSE CRITERIA AND GUILDLINES *****fi#*#•ffk*#f*f*#ff#f•#f#i#*i*i#f#Ri#kf#f#f**#ii*#***i***#i*#k#*i##** LOANS: BONDHUS CORPORATION WITHDRAWAL OF PRELIMINARY LOAN APPLICATION TAPPER'S INC APPROVAL OF $88,000 GMEF LOAN JEFF EASTEY ENTERPRISE PRELIMARY APPLICATION APPROVED/ UNABLE TO SECURE BANK FINANCING MULLER THEATRE APPROVAL. OF $50,000 GMEF LOAN CIRCUIT TECHNOLOGIES PRELIMINARY LOAN APPLICATION RECEIVED, UNABLE TO SECURE BANK FINANCING/ENDORSEMENT DECEMBER 31, 1990 RICK WOLFSTELLER. EDA TREASURER r 1990 EDA YEAR END REPORT TAPPER'S INC. MUELLER THEATRE TOTAL CASH $ 2,271.25 $ 281.53 $ 2,552.78 LONG TERM RECEIVABLE $ 87,260.97 $ 49.919.63 $137,180.60 TOTAL ASSETS $ 89,532.2f $ 50.2U1.lb $139,/SJ. 36 REVENUE INTEREST EARNED $ 2,941.32 AUG '90 $ 756.07 NOV '90 $ 3,697.39 TRANSF.R FROM LIQUOR STORE. FUND $ 88,000.00 $ 50.000.00 $138,000.00 TOTAL REVENUE $ 90.941.32 $ 50.756.07 $141,697.39 EXPENSES LOAN SERVICE FEE $ 100.00 40.00 $ 140.00 LEGAL FEES (SMITH/HAYES) $ 1,309.10 514.91 $ 1,824.01 TOTAL EXPENSES $ 1,409.10 $ 554.91 $ 1.9b4.U1 TOTAI. FUND BALANCE $ 89.532.22 $ 50,7.U1.16 a1 J9, iJJ. JB DECEMBER 31, 1990 RICK WOLFSTELLER. EDA TREASURER 01[ (.$1.1. S:-• Oa,- •S r:CEL,4 07170_a:xltit:et - E[OMO•IC: DIV ecopmE9!"&UTN ip ........... ..........at'U1. 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